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Writing activities involve different stages; each stage requires careful attention to ethical and
legal considerations. Brainstorming and outlining should be original, and when using external
sources, proper citations should be employed. When writing different types of documents such as
essays, letters, or reports, it is important to be mindful of ethical guidelines and copyright laws.


Ethical considerations are important in all aspects of writing, including pre-writing, writing, and
post-writing activities. When conducting research for pre-writing, it's critical to properly cite
sources and avoid plagiarism. In the writing process, it's essential to respect copyright rules and
avoid infringing on others' intellectual property. This includes obtaining permission for the use
of copyrighted materials and ensuring that proper attribution is given when necessary.

Unethical considerations in writing can encompass various aspects. The following are some
examples of unethical considerations when writing:

1. Plagiarism: This involves using someone else's work, ideas, or expressions without
proper acknowledgment. It undermines the original author's credibility and violates
intellectual property rights. To avoid plagiarism, consider the following tips:
 Use Quotations: When directly quoting a source, use quotation marks and provide proper
citation to attribute the original author.
 Paraphrase and Summarize: Instead of copying verbatim, rephrase the information in
your own words while still attributing the original source.
 Cite Your Sources: Always acknowledge the contributions of others in your work.
Whenever you use someone else's work, ideas, or data, be sure to provide proper citations
within your text and in a bibliography or references section.
 Use Plagiarism Checkers: There are various online tools available that can help you
identify unintentional plagiarism by comparing your work to a vast database of published
 Understand Style Guides: Different disciplines and publications adhere to specific style
guides (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago), which dictate how sources should be cited.
Familiarize yourself with these guidelines as well as the one specific to your field of
 Keep Detailed Notes: When conducting research, keep thorough records of the sources
you consult, including the author's name, publication title, page numbers, and publication

By following these tips, writers can maintain academic and ethical standards, while crediting the
work of others appropriately.
2. False Reporting: This entails deliberately disseminating false information,
misrepresenting facts, or fabricating sources, which can mislead the audience and damage
trust in the media or the author.
3. Breach of Privacy: Revealing personal or confidential information without consent, or
invading someone's privacy for the sake of a story, can be considered unethical and
potentially harmful to the individuals involved.
4. Paraphrase: Paraphrasing is rewriting a source’s ideas or information into your own
words, without changing its meaning. But be careful—paraphrasing can slip into
plagiarism if done incorrectly.

Each of these unethical considerations undermines trust, accuracy, and responsibility in writing.
It's important for writers to be mindful of these issues and strive to uphold ethical standards in
their writings.


Editing means the activity of searching for mistakes in a written work and correcting them. In
editing, the writer reads the written work all over again and looks out for mistakes. After editing,
the writer or a professional needs to read the edited work in view of spotting uncorrected
mistakes. This is called proofreading. During editing and proofreading, a writer should be
diligent in checking for any potential copyright infringements, ensuring all sources are properly
credited, and reviewing for ethical considerations.


This is the activity of thinking of what to write. It also implies when a group of writers contribute
ideas for a writer-up. As a writing activity, brainstorming means the gathering of ideas and
information before the actual writing process.


After brainstorming, the next stage of the writing process is known as outlining. An outline is the
skeletal framework of what is to be written. An outline is the framework of the ideas that have
been generated from brainstorming. The outline contains the title, the introduction as the first
paragraph, the body with the main ideas arranged according to the number of paragraphs and the
conclusion as the last paragraph.


A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or

idea. It typically consists of a group of related sentences with a unified topic, and conveys one
main point or idea. Paragraphs are used to organize and structure written work, making it easier
to follow the flow of ideas and arguments. They help to break up the text into manageable
chunks, allowing for clearer communication and comprehension.
How long is a paragraph? That depends, in part, upon what kind of writing you ’re doing. In
journalism, paragraphs are often very short: 1-3 sentences. In academic writing, they ’re often
longer. For many college papers a good paragraph might be 1/3 to 1/2 page long (double spaced),
or around 80-150 words.

The most important thing about any paragraph in the body of your paper is that it should do one
particular job. A reader should be able to scan over it and say “this paragraph is about what
happened in the first five minutes after the car crash, ” or “this paragraph presents the first
problem with parking at ISU,” or “this paragraph explains how the experiment was set up. ” That
information should appear nowhere else in the body of your paper, because every paragraph in
your paper has a separate job to do. Everything about that topic should be in this paragraph, and
everything in this paragraph should be about that topic.

Topic Sentence is a statement that tells what your paragraph will be about. The first sentence of
a paragraph tells the reader what to expect, and it makes a point that the rest of the paragraph will
back up. For example, if a topic sentence talks about the expenses of car ownership, then
everything in that paragraph should be about costs—not about time spent waxing the car or
vacuuming its floors.


Summary is a brief and concise account of a longer passage. In summarising, you identify the
keys ideas located in the topic sentence and then write the ideas in your own words. Omit
examples, illustrations, numbers, images, and any unnecessary details but do not fail to include
all important ideas or main points. Your opinion does not count and it is not needed rather, be
thorough and restate the original ideas using your own words.


An essay is a short piece of analytical writing on a given subject. It is written to either convince
someone of something or to simply inform the reader about a particular topic. In order for the
reader to be convinced or adequately informed, the essay must include several important
components to make it flow in a logical way. Basically, an essay consists of three main parts: the
introduction, the body and the conclusion. This can be writen within five paragraphs. Although,
for a research paper or dissertation, however, it is essential that more than five paragraphs are
present in order not to overwhelm the reader with too much information in one paragraph.


 Must contain an attention grabber for the reader or at least make the essay sound
interesting, may begin with a quote about the particular topic
 Ensure that the intro moves from the general to the specific in regards to the topic
 Provides the reader with a “road map” of the essay in a logical order
 At the end there should be what is called a thesis statement, arguably the most important
component of the intro
 The thesis statement states the aim of the paper and may give insight into the author ’s
examples and evidence


 Includes the evidence and support of the paper in addition to the author’s ideas
 Paragraphs must include a topic sentence which relates the discussion back to the thesis
 Logical ordering of ideas: 3 types of order
1. Chronological order---order of time, good for narratives
2. Spatial order-good for descriptions of locations; top to bottom, e.g.
3. Emphatic order-least important to most important; most common for college writing
 Ensure that transition sentences are present to create a good flow to the essay
 Include substantial examples and evidence to support your argument and remember to
cite, cite, cite!
 Make sure each example is relevant to your particular topic


 This section should wrap all of your arguments and points

 Should restate the main arguments in a simplified manner
 Ensure that the reader is left with something to think about, particularly if it is an
argumentative essay
 Always remember to create time to rewrite the first draft of your essay and, then, to
proofread it before turning it in.

Types of Essay writing

1. Narrative Essay: This type of essay tells a story, often from the writer's personal point of
view. It typically includes characters, a setting, a plot, and a conclusion. Narrative essays are
often written in the first person and are meant to engage the reader on an emotional level. E.g.
how I Spent my Last Birthday

2. Descriptive Essay: Descriptive essays aim to provide a detailed and vivid description of a
person, place, object, or event. The writer uses sensory details to create a clear picture for the
reader. Descriptive essays often engage the reader's senses and evoke emotions through vivid
language. E.g. My Town as I Remember it.

3. Expository Essay: Expository essays present and explain a specific topic or idea. The purpose
is to provide information, analyze, or explain, without expressing the writer's personal opinions
or beliefs. These essays are meant to be objective and informative, providing a balanced and
evidence-based exploration of the topic. E.g. How to prepare my Favourite Food

4. Argumentative Essay: In an argumentative essay, the writer presents a claim or argument on a

given topic and uses evidence to support their position. The goal is to persuade the reader to
agree with the writer's viewpoint. It involves presenting evidence, counterarguments, and a
conclusion that supports the writer's stance. E.g. Our Forefathers were happier than we are.

Each type of essay serves a different purpose and has a distinct style of writing tailored to its
specific goals.


Letter writing is an important means of communication in both our workspace or personal lives.
It is divided into:

1. Formal letter
2. Informal letter
3. Semi-formal letters

Formal Letter: These letters follow a certain pattern and formality. They are strictly kept
professional in nature, and directly address the issues concerned. Any type of business letter or
letter to authorities falls within this given category.

Informal Letter: These are personal letters. They need not follow any set pattern or adhere to any
formalities. They contain personal information or are a written conversation. Informal letters are
generally written to friends, acquaintances, relatives etc.

Semi- formal letter is one that falls in between formal and informal letters in terms of tone. There
is no precise definition of semi-formal except that which is neither formal nor informal.
Examples of such letters could be letter to a school teacher or a letter to your lecturer. It shares
same format with informal letter in arrangement but quite different in tone.

Formats of formal letter

 Two addresses: Writer's and recipient's addresses

 Salutation: Dear Sir/ Ma,
 Heading/Title
 Body
 Subscription

Formats of Informal letter

 One address (Writer's address only)

 Salutation
 Introduction
 Body and
 Conclusion
 Subscription


Report writing involves the process of gathering information, organizing it and presenting it in a
clear, concise and formal manner. Reports are often used to document findings, analyses, or
recommendations based on research, investigations, or observations.

The following are steps involved in report:

a. Planning your work

b. Collecting your information
c. Organizing and structuring your information
d. Writing the first draft
e. Checking and re-drafting


A curriculum vitae, often abbreviated as CV is a document that summarises a person ’s career,

qualifications and education. It is used to apply for positions that suits a persons ’ specific
knowledge or where a person’s expertise is required.

A standard curriculum vitae format should include the following sections:

a) Contact Information.
b) Personal Statement.
c) Professional Experience.
d) Academic History.
e) Key Skills and Qualifications.
f) Industry Awards.
g) Professional Certifications.
h) Publications.
i) Professional Affiliations.
j) Conferences Attended.
k) Additional Training.

Your CV defines you even before meeting with you. It tells whether you are employable or not.

Mechanics refers to the rules of the written language, such as capitalization, punctuation, italics,
quotations, and spelling et.c. An understanding of both grammar and mechanics is required to
clearly communicate your ideas in a paper.

Writing conclusion: A conclusion works to remind your reader of the main points of your paper
and summarizes what you want your reader to “take away” from your discussion. Consider these
tips when writing your conclusion.

Begin with your rephrased topic statement to remind your reader of the point of your paper.
Then, summarise the points you made in your paper and show how they support your arguments.

In all, maintaining ethical standards in writing involves respecting copyright rules, avoiding
plagiarism, and being mindful of ethical considerations throughout the entire writing process.


Note making, also called note taking, is the writing activity of getting information from different
sources and writing them down to document a complete account about a topic. It also comprises
of writing oral information down as a note to be read later. Note-making isn’t only recording all
that you peruse or hear, but additionally, a course of orchestrating and looking into thoughts
from reading or from one’s talks.

Different formats for notes

There is no right format to use when taking notes. Rather, there are many different structures and
styles that can be used. What’s important is that you find a method that works for you and
encourages the use of good note-taking qualities and stick with it. Here are a few types of
formats that you may want to experiment with:

1. Cornell Notes: This style includes sections for the date, essential question, topic, notes,
questions, and a summary. Check out this link for more explanation.

2. Outline: An outline organizes the lecture by main points, allowing room for examples and

3. Flowchart/concept map: A visual representation of notes is good for content that has an order
or steps involved. See more about concept mapping here.

4. Charting Method: A way to organize notes from lectures with a substantial amount of facts
through dividing key topics into columns and recording facts underneath.
5. Sentence Method: One of the simplest forms of note taking, helpful for disseminating which
information from a lecture is important by quickly covering details and information.

Note-Taking Tips
i. Leave a space between entries so that you can fill in any missing information.
ii. Use a laptop and download information to add to your notes either during or after the

iii. Understand that there is a difference between taking notes on what you read and what
you hear (in a lecture). If you're unsure what that might be, visit a teacher or professor
during office hours and ask them to elaborate.

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