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Binh Dinh

Coach Shazad Nazir


November 6, 2021

Nutrition Project

In recent years back, my daily eating habits were undisciplined. I have a bad habit that I

can't get rid of, that is, I often don't eat breakfast. I can tell that my body is used to this. Every

morning I just need a glass of Americano is enough for me to be awake to study or work without

feeling hungry. You may not believe it, but I can eat nothing all morning and it can even last

until mid-afternoon. After returning home in the afternoon, I ate carefree. I really didn't care how

many calories I took in in one go. I ate everything until I felt full, and I ate nothing for the rest of

the day. Things went on and on like that every day for almost 3 years. As a result, I became

overweight even though I didn't really feel like eating much. But things are improving in the

recent time since I took this class. I have stopped eating indiscriminately as before, although I

still can't get rid of the habit of not eating breakfast. Combined with exercise, now I feel that my

body health has improved more than before. I also lost a few pounds, which is a positive sign

that I have changed my eating habits. Based on my analysis, I currently only consume about

1000 kcal/day, which is a good thing for me while I'm on my own diet. Basically, I'm lacking the

nutrients my body needs. What I'm getting too much of is sodium, in contract are difference

types of vitamins. B1, B2, B5, Folate, C, D, E are vitamins that I am not getting enough. The

minerals are Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Zinc.

The lowest amount of vitamin I am getting is vitamin D. Vitamin D is one of the most

important vitamins for the body. When the body is deficient in vitamin D can lead to many
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health consequences, increase the risk of certain diseases such as diabetes, muscle, and bone

pain. Vitamin D is essential for building and maintaining strong bones, because calcium is a

major component of bones and can only be absorbed by the body in the presence of vitamin D.

Three items that provide a large amount of vitamin D are Halibut, Canned Light Tuna, Fortified

Orange Juice (*).

Sodium is a mineral that plays an important role in everyone's health. Adding salt, which

contains sodium to the body through food is the way to make up for the lost salt. However, when

compensating for this deficiency, using a lot of salt in daily dishes causes many unpredictable

consequences for health such as leading to stroke, kidney disease, high blood pressure, stomach

cancer, etc (**). High amount of sodium in my diet properly comes from traditional Vietnamese

dishes, which is usually quite salty. I can only control the amount of salt in my food only when I

cook at home, but that is nearly impossible when eating out. I will limit eating out and try to

cook my own meals at home to control sodium consuming.

After completing this assignment, it is quite difficult to be able to meet all kinds of

nutrients if we do not pay attention to the diet carefully. Eating out often will make you load up

on unhealthy sugars and fats. Another disadvantage of eating out is that you can't keep track of

what you put into your body. During the cooking process, the chef can add unhealthy additives to

the dish without your knowledge. I am no longer consuming fast food, but still eating out quite a

lot. However, this will certainly improve in the future. This assignment helped me realize the

importance of controlling the types of nutrients that the body consumes. Controlling the amount

of nutrients also means controlling your weight as well as your own health.
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