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Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Escuela Superior de Comercio y Administración

Unidad Tepepan

Relaciones Comerciales

Unidad de Aprendizaje:
Sesión 1. Actividad complementaria.
Basic Principles of Marketing

López Córdova Jareth
You must always remember When marketing, you must
that communication with first create a product or service
your consumer base is by far that is clear and easy to
the most important aspect in
comprehend so the potential
marketing a new product or
buyers will have no problems
service. If you can make your
in understanding what your
client feel safe and feel as
company is offering. This is by
though they are making the
right choice in choosing your far the most important role in
product, you are one step marketing.
ahead of your competition.

Basic principles of
When marketing your product or You should
service you must also choose a do some research on these
location that will best suit There are a few things you must companies and find out the
your company in reaching your know when planning your average prices of your type
prospective market. This is a task marketing campaign. These of product or service and
factors are the “Principles of
that few people will really in turn create a price that
Marketing". Learning how to
spend the time on but it plays a is lower than the average if
market correctly is the biggest
major role in how well your it is possible in your
task when starting a new
business does. business or selling a new budget and profit margin.
product. Without proper
marketing, your endeavors will
more than likely not succeed.

(S/f). Recuperado el 20 de abril de 2024, de


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