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Completa con past simple:

1. The school _____________________(begin) three weeks ago.

2. When she was younger she _____________________(hate) cheese.

3. My father never _____________________(not play) football when he was a child.

4. _____________________ at the party last night?(you/dance)

5. It _____________________(take) us five minutes to get to the office last Friday.

6. I _____________________ (lose) my passport in Barcelona last summer.

7. _____________________ her homework?(she/do)

8. The new jeans _____________________ (not fit) her perfectly.

9. When _____________________ that?(I/say)

10. My new car _____________________ (start) making a terrible noise last Sunday.

11. She _____________________(have) five children.

12. _____________________ at the post office?(Robert/work)

13. They__________________________ (not arrive) on time.

Completa con present simple o present continuous:

1. I _____ (work) for the Government.

2. The sun _____ (set) in the west.

3. The milk _____ (boil) already. Can you turn off the stove?

4. Please, stay quiet. I_____ (try) to work here!

5. I _____ to the radio in my way to work every morning.

6. I have a chronic condition, so I _____(take) a pill daily.

7. Who is that girl? Why _____ she _____ (dance) alone?

8. Ssshhh! The baby _____(sleep).

9. Where _____ you _____(work)?

10. Listen! They are _____(play) that song you really like.

In 1999, Andrew Harper walked 4,637 kilometres across Australia. The walk took 229 days and
some of the journey was through hot, dry desert. He had three camels and a dog with him. While
Harper was trekking through the desert, the animals walked behind him and they carried the heavy

It isn’t possible to cross the desert in ordinary transport such as a car, jeep or van. Two hundred
years ago, people tried taking horses across the Australian desert. The horses needed to drink and
many of them died while they were trying to find water. Camels survive well in the desert because
they don’t need water every day. They drink before their journey and they carry the water inside
their bodies. They also get some water from the plants in the desert. The trek wasn’t easy, but he
loved it.

Harper wants other people to experience the Australian desert. Today, he takes tourists there with
his camels. The participants sleep outside, cook their meals and help with the camels. It’s not the
perfect holiday for everybody, but it is an amazing experience.

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. Then tick the
sentences T (true) or (false).

1. In 1999, Harper …………………… (spend) 229 days in the desert.

2. He …………………… (take) three animals on his trek.

3. Horses …………………… (drink) water from plants in the desert 200 years ago.

2. Answer the questions.

1. What animals did Harper take with him?


2. Why does Harper take tourists into the desert?


3. What do the tourists do in the desert? Give two answers.

3. Imagine you are interviewing Andrew Harper. Write three questions to ask him.

1) .....................................................................................................................................................

2) .....................................................................................................................................................

3) .....................................................................................................................................................

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