Check in

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Check in: to show your ticket at an airport so that you can be told where you will be sitting

Come on: encourage someone to do something, especially to hurry or try harder

Go away: to leave your home in order to spend time somewhere else, usually for a holiday
Go out: to leave your house to meet with your friends
Call back: to phone someone again, or to phone someone who called you earlier
Drop off: to take someone or something to a particular place, usually by car, as you travel to
a different place:
Pick up: to lift someone or something using your hands. / to go and get, someone or
Put away: to put something in the place or container where it is usually kept:
Send back: to return something to the person who sent it to you, especially because it
is damaged or not suitable:
Take back: to return something you have bought to a shop:
Take out: to remove something from somewhere:
Try on: to put on a piece of clothing to discover if it fits you or if you like it:
Turn on: make something start working
Turn off: make something stop working
Go on: to continue.
Get on/ off: to go onto a bus, train, aircraft, or boat: / to go out of a bus, train, aircraft,
or boat:
Get on with: have a friendly relationship with someone
Look for: search for something
Look round: to visit a place and look at the things in it:
Run out of: to finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left:

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