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Tolerance and Equivalence relations

• (reflexivity)

• (symmetry)

• (transitivity)
Crisp Eqivalence Relation

• (reflexivity)
χR ( xi, xi ) = 1

• Symmetry
χR ( xi, xj ) = χR ( xj , xi )

χR( xi, xj )andχR( xj, xk ) = 1 → χR( xi, xk ) = 1
Crisp Tolerance Relation
• Also called proximity relation
• Only the reflexivity and symmetry
• Can be reformed into an equivalence relation
• By at most (n-1) compositions with itself
R1n −1 = R1 o R1 o .... o R1 = R
Crisp Tolerance Relation
• Example
• X={x1,x2,x3,x4,x5}={Omaha, Chicago, Rome, London, Detroit}

• R1 does not properties of transitivity

• e.g. (x1,x2) R1 (x2,x5) R1 but (x1,x5) R1

∈ ∈ ∉
Crisp Tolerance Relation
• Example
• R1 can become an equivalence relation through two compositions
Fuzzy tolerance and equivalence relations

• (reflexivity)

• (symmetry)

• (transitivity)
Fuzzy tolerance and equivalence relations

• Equivalence relations
• Fuzzy tolerance relation Can be reformed into an equivalence relation
• By at most (n-1) compositions with itself
• Suppose, in a biotechnology experiment, five potentially new strains
of bacteria have been detected in the area around an anaerobic
corrosion pit on a new aluminum–lithium alloy used in the fuel tanks
of a new experimental aircraft. In order to propose methods to
eliminate the bio corrosion caused by these bacteria, the five strains
must first be categorized. One way to categorize them is to compare
them to one another. In a pairwise comparison, the following
“similarity” relation, R 1, is developed. For example, the first strain
(column 1) has a strength of similarity to the second strain of 0.8, to
the third strain a strength of 0 (i.e., no relation), to the fourth strain a
strength of 0.1, and so on. Because the relation is for pairwise
similarity it will be reflexive and symmetric. Hence,
is reflexive and symmetric. However, it is not transitive, for
Fuzzy Classification
• First convert fuzzy equivalence relation to the Crisp Relation using
α-cut . Now perform α-cut (0.6) on the fuzzy relation.

• Classified as : {1,2,5},{3},{4}

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