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The v5

A Supplement for Vampire:
the Masquerade, Fifth Edition
The v5 Gargoyles Portions of the materials are the copyrights and
A Supplement for Vampire: The trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB, and are
Masquerade, Fifth Edition used with permission. All rights reserved. For
more information please visit worldofdarkness.
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
CREDITS & THANKS 1 Attribution 4.0 International License.
DISCIPLINE POWERS 6 Any WoD supplement, narrative, and homebrew
LORESHEETS authors are welcome to use this bloodline adap-
FEROX 7 tation in their own work, including commercial
VIRSTANIA 8 products, so long as attribution is provided. For
questions, please contact @ClanGargoyle on
Twitter or leave a comment on the Storytellers
Vault page.
SAM 12
© 2021 ClanGargoyle
THANK YOU Tyler (they/them) is an occasional writer from
To my coterie - Carl, Laura, Tegan, and Anna. Philadelphia, PA who thinks that Gargoyles de-
Your companionship, humor, and willingness serve more love. Follow them on Twitter @Clan-
to go along with even the most harebrained of Gargoyle for WoD content and memes.
schemes makes every night together better than
All images used in this document are sourced via
To the Vamily. I’ve never met a more welcoming, Creative Commons unless otherwise noted and
enthusiastic community. Your creativity astounds are the property of their respective owners.
me. Thank you for welcoming me and making me
feel at home. May your nights always be long and Front Cover
your goals always in reach. Stone texture: “Concrete and Stone Texture 4” by
Huge thanks to my preview readers for their feed- Page 1
back, which vastly improved my work. They are: Background: “Angel Wings” by Suzanne
@HouseTremere, BerTheBear, PineapplePen, Schroeter
Kość w Eterze, @SetTemple, LordCrossbower, Page 3
and Fern. Gargoyle: “Ghastly gargoyle greeter” by Don
I do not have a Ko-fi or a Patreon, and have Concrete: “Concrete and Stone Texture 10” by
released this material to be freely downloaded,
used, and adapted by the community. If you want Notebook paper: “College-Ruled Grunge Paper”
to say thanks, please consider making a donation by Free Grunge Textures -
to the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN), Page 9
the Trevor Project, or your local library. Ferox: From “Gehenna”, p 230. Sourced via

Page 1
World of Darkness Art Pack 12 (Time of Judge- their domains and flocks safe.
Church: “Church at night [365 - day 73]” by jseft Who are the Gargoyles?
Page 10 Naturally communal creatures, Gargoyles take
Virstania and her Gargoyles: From “House of great enjoyment from being around others of
Tremere”, p 40. Sourced via Vampire: The Mas- their kind. They tend to sire large numbers of
querade Art Pack #20 childer and build family-like flocks which travel
Page 14 and work together. It’s not uncommon for them
Street view: “Tokyo street by night” by to share havens, herds, and resources among
Maarten1979 members of their extended family, including the
Back Cover occasional Thin Blood. While their closeness
Bat wing: “A bat wing. Image Credit: Ari Daniel may be regarded as a liability to more suspicious
Shapiro” by EOL Learning and Education Group kindred, they find being near one another key to
Lyrics from “The Ballad of Serenity” by Sonny their continued freedom and success.
It was their desire to create childer which ul-

timately drove the Rockheads from Camarilla
domains and into the Anarchs. When the Pyra-
mid broke and their remaining Gargoyle slaves
Rockheads were freed from the grasp of the blood bond, the
Tremere became increasingly paranoid that their
former servants would try to strike back at them.
Upstarts Elder Warlocks used their sway to convince their
Freemen Princes that Gargoyles posed an unacceptable
Experiments risk to the Masquerade, and that having more of
them would only bring the Second Inquisition
upon them faster. Princes quickly conceded, with
Winged Rats some going so far as to bar the bloodline from
their Domains all together.
Whether appearing as rocky monsters or living
statues, the Gargoyle is a creature quite unlike This final manipulation by their creators enraged
any other kindred. Created by the Tremere from the Gargoyles, many of whom found themselves
the dismembered parts of Gangrel, Nosferatu, turned out of their domains and threatened with
and Tzimisce, they served as shock troops in a final death if they returned. Word spread quickly,
war which the Usurpers were losing, and then and though their 2009 departure was nowhere
as slaves within their chantries. It didn’t take as spectacular as the Brujah’s at the Conclave of
long for the oft-maligned servants to tire of their Prague, it represented an almost complete aban-
master’s abuses and rise up in revolt, taking their donment of the Camarilla by the bloodline. Sens-
freedom by force. ing an opportunity, Anarch Barons welcomed the
Gargoyles and quickly snapped them up as per-
Once powerless, this diasporic bloodline grew sonal security and couriers. Under the Anarch’s
roots into Anarch territories and made them- looser restrictions, their numbers have swelled
selves indispensable couriers, scouts, bodyguards, and Gargoyles have appeared across the free cit-
and advisors. Driven by a need to create a home ies.
which is truly theirs, they are simultaneously con-
niving and guileless, building up political power Some might think that who a Gargoyle embraces
with any tools necessary, then using it to keep

Page 2
doesn’t matter because they lose their memories shared history and sense of greater community
as part of the transformation, but it is a point of is taking hold of the Freemen in a way it never
careful consideration for many. Think of it as an could before. Inspired by how the remnants of
argument between nature and nurture - when Ravnos came to share new traditions and myths
all that a person has built themselves up to be in the wake of their clan’s near demise, Gargoyles
is removed, when their past trauma is erased, skilled in art have taken to painting murals and
their friendships and family eliminated, and spraying stylized graffiti in spots that only their
every mortal possession they ever owned made kind can easily see, on corners of rooftops or in
irrelevant, who they are deep down inside is all wide, dispersed patterns across multiple build-
that remains. What resemblance does that base ings. These markings are beautiful but also use-
person bear to the one who they were just a night ful, defining to new arrivals and fledgelings whose
ago? The answer varies, and at times even the territory is where and what events happened in
most meticulous, carefully scrutinizing sire will each area. Via shapes, faces, slang, and colors,
find themselves with a childe they hardly recog- flocks mark their presence and their history.
nize. The fledgeling Gargoyle is a soul stripped
bare of all but vestigial memories and their sire Creation is frequently a driving force among the
must hope that the base of this person is what Freemen. Just as they were made over many
they assumed it to be. years of trial and error, their own fingers itch to
leave a mark of their existence on the world. Few
However, this isn’t to say that nothing of their can imagine a fate worse than being little more
prior lives carries through. Strong religious be- than an unseen cog whirling away for someone
liefs, personal convictions, and repeated mantras else’s purpose. Sculpture is a popular method of
often survive the embrace and become a defining expression, of course, but not any more so than
characteristic of the newly made kindred. Others programming or carpentry. Many feel drawn to
retain tiny flashes of their past lives - a face which writing and photography, perhaps out of an ab-
appears when they smell car exhaust, or an affin- stract fear from having lost their memories once
ity for a particular building. Unlike their memo- before.
ries, their skills remain wholly intact, and that
fact is sometimes enough for a sire to not care at Grudges against the Tremere had been easing be-
all about the sort of person they choose. So long fore 2009, but the actions of the clan to toss them
as their new childe can fill a desired role, their from their homes and have them hunted reignited
personality hardly matters. old hatred to a degree not seen since the 1400s.
Tonight there is little love to be found between
Knowing the risk that they pose to the Masquer- them. Only the fellow Anarchs of House Ipsissi-
ade, Gargoyles limit their appearances in public, mus have attempted to ease tensions by reaching
often preferring to fly. When they must go out out to the Gargoyles in peace, but progress on any
among the kine, they do so under heavy makeup deal with them is slow and there is still suspicion
and layers of clothing, or while wearing another’s of their true motives.
face. It’s not uncommon for the Rockheads to
feed from sleeping mortals on the top few levels For now, through skillful negotiations, indispens-
of apartment buildings or hospitals, locations that able services, and cautiously open attitudes, the
they can reach with ease. Indeed, some Barons Gargoyles have found homes where their value is
grant flocks domain over the uppermost floors understood. And yet they know it would be fool-
of a specific skyscraper or high-rise, places that ish to feel too secure in their recent success. For
earthbound kindred may have difficulty hunting. every Camarilla stronghold to go up in flames
from the Second Inquisition, the Anarchs lose
With their population finally on the rise, a true one as well. Eventually the kine will turn their

Page 3
eyes skyward, and what then? No one wants to singular defining cause - a religious practice, a
lose all they’ve worked for, but when faced with a political party, a career, a favorite sports team.
choice between extermination and starting over, After the embrace wiped away everything else,
rare is the kindred who truly wishes to go out in a that cause was all which remained. With nothing
blaze of glory. else to grasp onto, it has become the focal point of
a fanatical devotion that drives their every move.
The Beast might be at the heart of every kindred,
Gargoyle Archetypes but their cause is a very close second.
This Gargoyle felt the loss of their personal SHEPHERD OF THE FLOCK
history upon being embraced as a deep blow. This kindred is dedicated to overseeing a group
Though they can’t ever know what they lost, they which is very close to their heart. Perhaps it’s a
can preserve their new life and help others do the flock of other Gargoyles, their coterie, their per-
same. Through detailed journals, curated collec- sonal herd, or the staff at their favorite hangout
tions, and endless interviews, the Historian keeps spot. They dote on this group, constantly check-
records of every important event in their own ing in on them, dealing with their troubles and
world and kindred society at large. acting somewhere between an overbearing moth-
er and an attentive shepherd. If they find a wolf
STEALTH COURIER threatening their charges, they stop at nothing to
In this new age of paranoia around electronic drive it away.
communications, moving information has be-
come more difficult and dangerous than ever
before. Yet where other couriers can be stopped Disciplines
with a well-executed car collision, the Gargoyle PROTEAN: When the first Gargoyles ran away
flies above it all, passing domain borders unde- from their chantries, they found that they could
tected and delivering packages directly to their bend their stone-like bodies to join with the rocks
client’s rooftops - or straight through their walls. which made up the landscape, and later, with the
Of course, the courier’s skillful evasion comes at a ones that made up the chantry walls. In the mod-
steep price and those who don’t pay up will need ern nights they utilize Protean in a more urban
to find creative solutions to keep them out. manner, stalking their prey from inside of con-
crete structures and using ubiquitous brick walls
FREEDOM FIGHTER for a quick getaway.
Thinking about the centuries of slavery endured
by their bloodline ignites a fire within this Gar- FORTITUDE: The stony exterior of a Gargoyle
goyle’s soul. No one should ever have to endure isn’t simply for show. Designed to charge head-
that kind of pain - not kindred, not kine, and for first into combat, Fortitude enables them to take
some, not even animals. Whether breaking the hit after hit and keep moving. Whether acting as
necks of human traffickers selling young girls to bodyguards for less sturdy kindred or withstand-
brothels, freeing cattle from a slaughterhouse ing the Second Inquisition’s onslaught, expect
holding pen, or undermining the Camarilla those who specialize in this discipline to be solid
Prince who sentences criminals to blood bonding, presences on the battlefield.
they want to ensure all creatures have a say in
their own fates. OBFUSCATE: Some suspect that the Gargoyle
line would be extinct tonight were it not for the
FANATIC Scouts who learned to hide in shadows long ago.
In life, they devoted everything they were to a It’s through this discipline that they keep the

Page 4
Masquerade, going about their business unno- to take advantage of the relationship. Gargoyles
ticed by kine society. More though, they use it themselves are known to become controlling, a
for the element of surprise, at times disguising habit they would do well to temper if they wish to
their clan with a human face before dropping it to keep their companions.
throw their opponent off their stride.
Bane Flight is, of course, a major advantage to bringing
a Run-Away into one’s coterie. Few understand
After centuries of being commanded and com-
the intricate map of a city so well as one who
pelled via magic, it is tremendously difficult for
soars above its streets. Their knowledge of each
Gargoyles to withstand the influential power of
alleyway, rooftop, traffic jam, and bridge is in-
Dominate. Suffer a dice penalty equal to your
valuable in helping earthbound kindred find their
bane severity when attempting to resist the ef-
way through an enemy’s domain or track down a
fects of any Dominate power.
target. Likewise, covertly observing a location is
Thanks to their stone-like skin, they must take made all the easier with rooftop access or a hover-
great pains through clothing, makeup, and dis- ing eye in the sky. Those who choose to join them
ciplines to pass as anything close to human. should be warned, however: Gargoyles are notori-
These vampires cannot use the Blush of Life, and ously possessive of others, and those who leave or
though high humanity may still give them some betray them will gain an enemy in doing so.
small measure of warmth and vital signs, kine
• BIRD’S-EYE VIEW (Clan Coterie Merit):
who see their true appearance will suspect their
Once per session, a member of the Gargoyle’s co-
inhuman nature.
terie may automatically succeed an Investigation,
Streetwise, or Drive check related to navigating
the area. This can be used to lose a tail, catch up
The Vampire feels with abrupt clarity that they
to someone, find a location meeting specific crite-
are alone in the world, without anyone on their
ria, arrive at a particular time, or similar. It would
side nor a soul to call friend. Crushing isola-
not enable the member to find a hidden or secret
tion haunts them, making it difficult to be sure
location, or a particular person, though the Story-
of themselves around others. They recieve a
teller may choose to give them a hint towards that
two-dice penalty to all Charisma, Manipulation,
effort instead.
Composure, and Resolve rolls until someone
demonstrates allegiance to them by performing
an uncoerced action for the direct benefit of the
Vampire. This allegiance cannot be supernatu-
rally enforced such as through a blood bond or
Hey Fledgeling,

Clan Coterie Merit Welcome to the flock. You’re probably all

Deeply afflicted by their need to be with trusted wrapped up in the big questions like ‘who am I’
allies, a coterie is more to a Gargoyle than a group and ‘what do I do with myself now’, but pretty
working towards a purpose. For the lone Rock- soon you’re gonna be meeting all types of licks.
head, coteries form a sort of makeshift flock, a Everyone falls into a clan and you know what
family unit they can lean on. Some kindred may they say about birds of a feather, right? Yeah, so
find their attention smothering, not having signed remember:
up for the level of closeness that their compatriot Banu Haqim: Their version of ‘the greater good’
expects from them, while others may be tempted isn’t necessarily your version.

Page 5
Brujah: Good for making shit happen, just watch their surroundings. This effect is maintained
for the explosion. under mechanical surveillance but the footage
Gangrel: Long memories, even longer grudges. and recording will show distortions around them.
Stay back or they’ll bite your arm off. While utilizing this ability, they may move slowly
Hecata: A family in all the wrong ways. You don’t and remain hidden. Moving with any real speed
want to stay for dinner. causes the effect to distort and become obvious.
Lasombra: Only in it for themselves, always. No Observers not utilizing Sense the Unseen may de-
exceptions. tect a camouflaged vampire by succeeding a con-
Malkavian: When they start making sense, re- tested Wits + Awareness vs Wits + Stealth roll.
member it and get the hell out. Duration: One scene
Ministry: If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.
Nosferatu: Leave you feeling dirty every time you
deal with them, and it’s not just the sewer. Protean
Ravnos: Great for a night, not so much for anoth-
er. Enjoy it while it lasts. Level 2
Salubri: Never met one but supposedly they’ve FLIGHT
got three eyes. Prerequisite: Weight of the Feather
Toreador: Stop staring at their petals and look for The vampire takes flight and soars through the air
their thorns. using a combination of wings and weightlessness.
Tremere: Stake first, ask questions later. No ex- Cost: Free
ceptions. System: Requires wings. Vampires without
Tzimisce: Yeah, it’s supposed to look like that. wings cannot take this ability.
Ventrue: They’re born with a stick up there, no In order to take flight, a vampire needs to gain
way to remove it momentum, either by running or falling. Run-
Caitiff: Keep watching, they’ll do a trick ning for a full turn or falling from a first story
Thin Bloods: Don’t underestimate them. It’s not roof is sufficient to take off. Once airbound, the
their fault daddy was impotent. character can accelerate up to the speed of a slow
car or hover in place. Rules for carrying others
and contested flight checks can be found in the
VtM Corebook under Essence of Air, p 278 - 279.

Celerity abilities cannot be used while flying.
When there are adverse flight conditions like
rain, high winds, sandstorms, or snow, the story-
POWERS teller may require the vampire to make additional
rolls to maintain their course. If their wings are
damaged, they cannot fly until the damage is
Obfuscate Duration: Until ended, voluntarily or involun-
Level 1
Amalgam: Protean 1
Level 4
The vampire and their belongings take on the
texture, color, and general pattern of whatever is
Prerequisite: Earth Meld
behind them, camouflaging them.
The vampire sinks into stone, concrete, brick,
Cost: Free
asphalt or other rocky surfaces, and may slowly
System: The user spends one turn matching

Page 6
move through the material Gargoyles have wings by default but may choose
Cost: 1 rouse check to permanently forego them at character creation
System: No test is required. This power func- as a one-dot flaw. In this event, they will not have
tions almost identically to Earth Meld but only access to Flight or the Clan Coterie Merit unless
on natural or artificial rock surfaces. One turn is they obtain wings through other means. Wingless
required to enter a surface, after which a vampire Gargoyles are often viewed as defective and may
may move horizontally or vertically at a walking lose one die from relevant social pools.
speed. While moving they create a visible ripple
in the material.
They may exit the surface at any point but test
Strength + Brawl if the stone is covered by an-
other material such as wood or drywall, difficulty
depending on the material. On a successful exit,
the covering material will be visibly and audibly FEROX
broken. While inside of the rock, the vampire (UNAVAILABLE TO NOSFERATU)
is aware of sounds in their surroundings. Dur-
ing day-sleep, disturbances (e.g. drilling or loud Once a ghoul of the Ventrue assigned to report on
noises) awaken them or not as with all vampires. the early Christian church, Ferox found truth in
Duration: As long as desired, or until disturbed the teachings he studied and warned his masters
that the kine would eventually rise up against
them. Rather than heeding this portent of the
OBTAINING WINGS coming Inquisition, he was discarded and sent to
At first glance, flight might seem a bit prohibitive. the Tremere. Soon he would organize the Gar-
After all, what group of kindred but Gargoyles goyle revolt, freeing them from slavery and earn-
have access to wings? The ultimate answer is up ing the embrace for himself. Yet instead of eras-
to the storyteller but there are a few options they ing his faith along with the rest of his memories,
can consider for players looking to hit the skies. the embrace awakened a new fervor in him.

• The Caitiff’s appearance is not defined by Acting as a scourge of God upon wings of white,
their clan and they may grow surprising, possibly the Rock Lord leads a cult of righteous Gargoyle
unsightly or cumbersome additions during their Grigori seeking to ascend to Heaven when Gehen-
embrace. Nosferatu-like deformities, horns, or na comes. Though he preaches redemption from
even wings aren’t out of the question for the Clan- sins, he and his followers are quick to dispatch
less. any kindred they see as beyond forgiveness - in-
• A Tzimisce’s ability to shape flesh is not cluding every member of clan Nosferatu, whom
restricted to functions which the human body be- he considers irredeemable demons. His violent
gan with. A dragon wishing to take to the air may fanaticism has earned him a place on the Red List
craft their arms into bat-like appendages or ex- and a legendary reputation among the religious,
tend their shoulder bones out to become a parody both living and dead.
of an angel. Of course, a sufficiently skilled mem-
ber of the clan can also grant these additions to Whether you actually believe that the blazing
others, for a price. white light from his eyes can truly burn any vam-
• Wings may be grown as a variation on the pire it touches or you simply find his conviction
Protean 3 ability Shapechange, or the Protean 4 inspiring, you seek to study or emulate Ferox in
ability Metamorphosis. your unlife.

Page 7
ABILITIES brought back into God’s grace. You have a mini-
mum of two dice on all Remorse rolls. In addi-
• Strength of Conviction: Ferox’s life and tion, any non-Nosferatu member of your coterie
unlife are guided by his personal convictions and may reach out to you for counseling after incur-
moral code, lending him absolute certainty in ring stains, erasing up to two per session.
his actions. You are likewise convinced that your
path is the right one. When a command given
to you by another vampire would cause you to VIRSTANIA
violate a conviction or chronicle tennant, add one
die to your dice pool to resist their influence. A prodigy from her youth, Virstania’s work has
become both a lasting source of triumph and pain
•• Refuge of the Faithful: The Church has al- for the Tremere. She single handedly crafted the
ways offered safe refuge to those in need. Though Gargoyle line, bringing them forth from casks of
you are undead, you’ve become familiar with alchemical solutions and bathing them in unwav-
what to say to sleep soundly within their walls. ering love. They were her creations, her childer,
Once per story, you may take shelter within a and the single most important defense the clan
Catholic church for up to one full day and night. had against their enemies.
You and any others you choose will be provided
with a secure, windowless space to rest and are It isn’t surprising, then, that her fervent devo-
undisturbed so long as you do not attack any tion led to her freeing them and caring for a great
mortals. While inside, anyone attempting to harm flock in the mountains of Transylvania, a domain
you must test Willpower at Difficulty 7 to enter she still maintains. Even in these nights, Gar-
the church. goyles of all sects hold a deep reverence for the
woman who made them. Without her efforts, they
••• Monster Hunter: When Ferox first laid would be nothing but spare parts.
eyes upon the Nosferatu, he knew that they were
the spawn of Satan himself and that they must be ABILITIES
destroyed. You have studied his techniques for
hunting them and gained insight on where they • Independent Study: Whether you are natu-
tend to hide. You add three dice to any Wits and rally a loner or have been forced onto a path set
Resolve rolls aimed at locating Nosferatu, their apart from others, you have devoted an incredible
havens, or their ghouls. amount of time to studying on your own. Through
deep reading of occult and thaumaturgical texts,
•••• Friends in Holy Places: In his efforts to you’ve taught yourself techniques which might
cleanse the world of demons, Ferox has worked ordinarily be difficult for someone like yourself
with the Church, becoming a reliable asset and to learn. Regardless of whether you have dots in
information source to them. Once per story you Blood Sorcery, you gain one Level 1 Ritual. If you
may reach out to the Catholic church and invoke have no Blood Sorcery dots, you may substitute
Ferox’s deeds to secure assistance from a Faith Occult for Blood Sorcery when rolling to use the
Hunter with two dots in True Faith. This mortal ritual.
will help with any one task so long as it does not
violate their convictions. If the mortal dies while •• Stone Does Not Forget: Craving knowledge
helping you, this ability may never be used again. of how to create life, you’ve found a text written
by the Great Mother on the making and nurturing
••••• Penitence: Ferox views all kindred as of her unnatural childer, the Gargoyles. Though
inherently evil but not beyond saving. He teaches she imparts little about their actual creation pro-
that those who are sufficiently remorseful may be

Page 8
cess, her work provides insight into the history of tinue functioning, else it will decay and die. If it
the clan as a whole and their relationship with the is killed, you may make a new one at the cost of
Tremere. In social conflicts between Gargoyles three Aggravated damage, incurred in sourcing
and Tremere, you gain an additional three dice to your own flesh to build it. Over time, a homun-
your pool on Persuasion and Politics checks when culus may develop a personality, habits, and
you use their historical relationship as the basis goals. Additionally, your mastery of homunculus
of your argument. creation has made you something of a talking
point among the Tremere, conferring upon you
••• Essence of Life: Before she made the Gar- Status (o) with any Warlock who has seen your
goyles, Virstania crafted tiny, fleshy creatures to creations.
hone her skills. Using information provided to
you by her or her allies, you have unlocked sev-
eral of her secrets to creating homunculi - small
servant creatures made of your flesh and blood
which do as you command. Your study is incom-
plete but you can keep your creation going for
long enough to be an asset. Once per story you
may craft a homunculus which functions for a
Using This Section: These premade characters
single night and counts as Retainers (oo).
are created with the intention that any player
The homunculus is mechanically built as a ghoul
or storyteller may incorporate them into their
but has minimal speech abilities. It will do what
chronicle with minimal fuss. They are examples
you command to the best of its abilities. It may fly
of the sorts of characters which Gargoyles can be
instead of walking, and you can share its senses,
and the kinds of roles they may occupy within
though you lose the ability to sense or react to
your world. You are encouraged to tweak, adapt,
your own surroundings while doing so. Their
riff on, and utilize them in whatever way you find
appearance is up to you but they are obviously su-
pernatural. If a mortal were to see your creation,
it would constitute a masquerade breach.
•••• Ally of the Flock: You have formed a close
Epitaph: Desperate seeker of ever-greater
bond with Virstania through conversations or
correspondence. She trusts you to act in her and
Quote: “Family can be everything, if you pick the
her creation’s best interests and has asked an right ones”
Elder Gargoyle from her extended flock to watch Clan: Gargoyle
over you. Gain Mawla: Gargoyle (ooo). Once per
story, you may invoke your relationship with EARLY NIGHTS: CHAFING AGAINST
Virstania to automatically succeed at a social REINS
check with a Gargoyle. Whatever Lukas was before the moment he died
hardly mattered after. Once his heart stopped
••••• Thaumaturge’s Assistant: Whether
beating and his veins began to run with vitae, his
from a personal consultation with Virstania
past was gone. When he entered consciousness
herself or deep reading of material she sent you,
again, he was a new man, the shining star hand-
you now understand how she made long-lasting
selected by his sire, Gemma, as her long-desired
servants and have crafted your own. Your ho-
childe. It had taken years of earning boons and
munculus counts as a Retainer (oo) and works
calling in favors for the Prince of Philadelphia to
as laid out in “Essence of Life”. It must be fed
give her the right to sire another.
its creator’s blood once every seven days to con-

Page 9
rial things. Having to steal made him feel dirty.
For all of that careful planning, however, it be- He wanted, and knew he deserved, the trappings
came readily apparent that the two had nothing of true wealth. The answer came nearly a year
in common. Lukas’ forceful, materialistic nature later when he set eyes on a professor at Villanova
chafed under his sire’s admonitions to be patient, University. A news article had extolled the man’s
and he couldn’t stand dealing with the Elders of virtues - a genius at computer science with mul-
the Camarilla, whom he saw as out-of-touch farts tiple successful business ventures under his belt.
coasting on their past successes. He was hungry Only a few days passed before he managed to lure
for something more, and with every year that the professor to his haven and embraced him.
wore on, he grew even more impatient. Even after
they exited the Ivory Tower with the rest of their Nils, unfortunately, was not even slightly like
clan, he desperately wanted to be his own man Henry. He began his unlife with a panic attack
without someone looking over his shoulder. and rapidly devolved from there. Stripped bare of
the security which had kept his mental illnesses
When word came through in 2014 that the An- in check, the gargoyle could hardly function, a
archs had recently won a major push against the fact not helped by an enraged Lukas screaming at
Philadelphia Camarilla and expelled them from him. The next night he fled their haven and they
the Main Line, Lukas jumped at the opportunity could only assume him dead from there.
to claim territory of his own. He wanted out from
under his own sire and a slice of the pie they’d After some weeks, however, Nils returned, ac-
taken, and moving in on former Cam territory companied by an unexpected development:
presented the ideal opportunity. Harriet Ramos, a childe he’d sired in a moment
of fear. The Thin Blood was intelligent, put-to-
LATER NIGHTS: A GROWING FLOCK gether, and completely unaffected by the typical
Unfortunately, the expulsion of the Camarilla ravages of the Gargoyle line. Initially skeptical,
from the area was incomplete at best and he he took them both in and began researching what
was quickly booted from his first haven by a lick could be done with - or about - the new complica-
enraged at his moving in. Though he escaped and tion he’d acquired
found a new home in the basement of a closed
salon, the encounter shook Lukas up. He realized Word on the street about Thin Bloods was equal
that he needed protection if he was going to be parts exciting and dangerous. Untapped poten-
out on his own, so he set out to find someone he tial, weird alchemy, quasi-diablerie - there was
could use. no end to the rumors. Adding to that the fact that
Harriet seemed to keep his more fragile childe
It didn’t take long to lay eyes on an MMA instruc- calm, keeping them around was a no-brainer.
tor at a local club. Nothing mattered other than Seeing dollar signs once more, Lukas now pushes
his abilities. In a fit of selfish desire, he embraced them to work together and come up with a busi-
the man, taking his car to haul him home and be- ness plan under his careful eye. Maybe a drug
ginning to spin a web of lies from the moment the empire, maybe some kind of new SchrekNET, he
newly minted Henry opened his eyes. Fortunately has few qualms about urging his golden geese to
for him, this new childe was easily cowed. Henry lay an egg which will make him rich.
clung to every word from his sire’s lips and read-
ily took to acting as his protector, a role encour-
aged by a tight blood bond. PLOTS AND SCHEMES
Expel the Tower: To keep his place in the
With his security taken care of, he began to world secure, the Main Line needs to belong
search for someone who could help with mate- wholly to the Anarchs. Any Camarilla still hang-

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ing around must be rooted out before they get aren’t particularly close, he still respects her
their claws deeper into the neighborhood. knowledge of inter-sect politics and how the
Camarilla operates. When there’s a problem that
An Angle on Alchemy: There has to be some- could be solved better by working the parties
thing in Thin Blood Alchemy which can be made involved than violence, he’s likely to make a call
profitable, whether it’s drugs or turning lead into and get her input.
gold. Lukas is desperate to turn up mentors for
Harriet and leads on how she can improve. The Henry (Dependable) If there’s something that
sooner that happens, the sooner he starts making needs to get done, it’s likely Henry will be the one
proper money. to do it. Most errands and mundane messages are
run through him, giving him quite a long leash
Maintain Loyalty: The little flock which Lukas to come and go at will. Lukas assumes that his
has constructed for himself is everything, and he childe is incapable of even a thought against him.
must maintain the integrity of it by keeping all of
his childer and grandchilder in line. For them to Nils (Bitter Disappointment) An embrace
break the Masquerade or go against his wishes which was nothing short of an utter failure, Lukas
could crack everything he’s built in half. Whatev- resents his second childe for his weakness and for
er he can do to keep them under his thumb, he’ll destroying his plans. Though Harriet’s influence
take it. seems to be helping him stabilize, he sees Nils as
a likely liability and is no longer counting on him.
Close Cutz (Haven 1) Though he’s managed Harriet Ramos (Lucrative Asset) For all the
to make the basement of the disused salon habit- ire that Lukas bears towards Nils, none of that
able, it’s still not at the level of repair he’d like. reflects on his childe. He views Thin Blood al-
Lukas plans to invoke squatter’s rights on the chemy as an exciting and untapped resource, and
property soon and make himself official, he just encourages Harriet to explore her craft. All of his
needs the cash for all the filings. money making plans have pivoted towards her
abilities and what she’ll eventually produce.
Harcum College music students (Herd 3) A
reasonably talented violinist before his embrace, WHISPERS
Lukas plays near the college and has become Hidden Agent: Lukas is still in bed with the
friendly with a number of the students. While Camarilla. He’s hell-bent on getting some of their
he prefers to feed from his own childer, he often old-world Elder money and willing to betray the
brings them along to provide them with hunting Anarchs for it.
opportunities. He’s taken a particular shine to As-
pen Griggs, a girl whose face echoes with a vague The Abused Childe: Henry wants to get out
familiarity. from under his sire’s sway. He knows he’s be-
ing manipulated and he’d kill Lukas if given the
Neighborhood teens (Allies 3) In exchange
for cigarettes or a few bottles of alcohol, some of Masquerade Violators: Harriet isn’t even a
the teenagers who live around Close Cutz keep an Thin Blood, just a mortal that Nils fell in love
eye on what’s happening in the neighborhood and with. Lukas is so desperate to recoup his losses
report anything suspicious back to Lukas. that he’s going along with it.


Gemma (Mawla 2) While Lukas and his sire Lukas is a lean man of average height and indis-

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cernible age. He has dark grey skin rife with crack themself
lines, curving horns jutting from his forehead, Quote: “I’ve just gotta get out there and get
orange eyes, and a shock of chestnut brown hair. heard”
Bat-like grey wings rise from his back. When he Clan: Gargoyle
needs to pass as mortal, he typically appears as a
blonde man in his early 20s. EARLY NIGHTS: A FRIENDLY FACE
Waking up with some knowledge of who your sire
Lukas usually wears cargo shorts with zippered is may be a common experience for most kindred,
pockets and sneakers, going shirtless to avoid the but it’s an exceptionally rare sensation among
hassle of fitting his wings into something. When Gargoyles. When Sam blinked back to life and
he has to dress up, he’ll throw a grey overcoat on. met Phoebe’s eyes, they knew that the grey stone
Lukas’ mask is only barely passable, a status in being was a friend. That was where memories
part drawn from his laziness and overconfidence ended, though. Phoebe filled in the details - she’d
that his childer will do his bidding. So long as been watching them since they were young, half-
he can keep them under his thumb and live off dream and half imaginary friend who Sam had
of their support, why does he need documents? never been certain was real. When their parents
(Mask 1) had kicked them after they’d confessed to not
being straight or cisgender, she’d felt moved to
embrace them so they would have a new family.
Sire: Gemma That family, it turned out, was a small coterie
Embraced: 1998 (Born 1973) sharing domain over Bryn Mawr College. Phoebe,
Ambition: Live an easy life off the work of oth- a Gargoyle; Celeste Wu, a Ventrue; Jordan Khan,
ers a Minister; and now Sam. After the Anarchs
Convictions: Take what you need or else you had pushed the Camarilla from the Main Line
won’t get it in 2014, they’d taken over the historic campus
Touchstones: Aspen Griggs - a violin student at and a home nearby, nicknamed Blackbriar. With
Harcum College its almost gothic architecture and tall towers, it
Humanity: 5 wasn’t hard for a stoney creature to feel at home
Generation: 12th there. Though Sam struggled to create a new,
Blood Potency: 2 human face for themselves, they found it easy to
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 2, slip unseen down the winding roads and through
Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Composure 2, Intel- propped doors.
ligence 2, Wits 3, Resolve 3
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5 Living invisibly among the college students
Skills: Athletics 1, Larceny 2, Stealth (Against proved to be a rush and a boon. Sam was drawn
Kindred) 1, Intimidation 4, Performance (Violin) to the computer labs and campus TV studio,
2, Persuasion 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge (Impec- where they had an instant familiarity with the
cable Lies) 3, Awareness 2, Technology 1 equipment. After stealing a laptop, they started
Disciplines: Dominate 2, Protean 3, Fortitude 1, experimenting with mixing music and publishing
Obfuscate 3 tracks online under the name Gigathonk. They’d
been warned off trying to talk about kindred
business online but publishing music didn’t feel
particularly risky, even when their tracks started
SAM blowing up. The bit of fame made their life feel
just a little more normal and mortal than it had
Epitaph: Messenger trying to make a name for before, especially after they overheard a pair of

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students on campus talking about them. Though going to need to be extra careful investigating this
they couldn’t reveal themselves, they took to fol- enemy.
lowing the girls and forming a deep affection for
LATER NIGHTS: SPECIAL DELIVERIES Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity: Sam’s been
They first met Michael Holland, Baron of the offered the chance to perform as Gigathonk live
Main Line, through a weekly card game held in at an upcoming festival in Philadelphia. Without
the back room of his pawn shop. Holland made a a human face to wear, going feels like an incred-
point of inviting younger kindred to the relaxed, ible risk, especially since it would be right under
low-stakes game so he could gauge them directly the nose of the Camarilla, but they’re desperate to
and sus out potential problems. Sam might not find some way to attend.
have been much good at poker, but when he
mentioned trouble getting physical information Wrong Target: Baron Holland is becoming
moved around, they volunteered to help out. increasingly paranoid about his safety and con-
vinced that Prince Miriam is trying to kill him so
It didn’t take long for the Gargoyle to establish she can retake her territory. Sam is certain that
themselves as the Baron’s go-to courier, taking the Second Inquisition is actually after him but
packages and sensitive documents across the needs to find proof in order to convince him.
Main Line for him and even occasionally dip-
ping into surrounding Camarilla territory. Even Inquisition Encroachment: Several kindred
though most Anarchs have no problem with using have gone missing around the area under suspi-
the internet to communicate, Holland didn’t trust cious circumstances and reports have cropped up
most technology. After several successful deliver- about kine with military-style equipment stalk-
ies, he disclosed that his paranoia was fueled by ing establishments that the missing were known
the connections between Miriam Elvers, Prince of to frequent. Without a way to hide in plain sight,
Philadelphia, and Comcast, the main communica- Sam is concerned about themselves or their cote-
tions provider for the area. There was no way that rie becoming targets.
she wasn’t spying on him, though he couldn’t say
Bryn Mawr College (Haven 1, Chasse 3,
A few nights later, Sam was leaving the Baron’s Portillon 1, Herd 3) The sprawling, historic
office near Bryn Mawr Hospital when an explo- college campus is an extremely well-appointed,
sion blew out the building’s doors and set fire to with plenty of dark spaces and spare dorms for
the lobby. As they circled over the rooftop, they the enterprising kindred to make use of. Through
caught sight of a pair heading away from the their own wits, they can feed on sleeping residen-
scene. While they eventually lost the suspects, tial students, or take advantage of the ones whom
Sam could swear that the gear they carried looked other members of the coterie are close to.
to be military grade. The Baron survived un-
scathed but went into hiding as menacing graf- Blackbriar (Haven 3) Just across the street
fiti began to appear on walls around his usual from Bryn Mawr and set back into a bramble
haunts. of woods, Blackbriar is an orderly, secluded old
house with high iron gates and plenty of room for
With the Baron having to rule from a distance, the four kindred who call it home. It has the dubi-
other kindred began to vanish as well and specu- ous distinction of featuring a former wine cel-
lation is rife about who is behind the disappear- lar which has been repurposed into a set of cells
ances. Sam has a strong suspicion, but they’re capable of holding mortals or kindred.

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Known Target: Baron Holland knows that the
THRALLS AND TOOLS Second Inquisition is tailing Sam and he went
As they presently lack the ability to appear as a into hiding so they wouldn’t lead agents to him.
mortal under close scrutiny, Sam has not taken He’s hoping they get tired of waiting for Sam to
on any ghouls and only maintains a social life bring them to his location and just take the Gar-
with non-kindred through the internet. They feel goyle instead.
affectionate towards anyone who praises their
music and has taken to tailing two students who MASK AND MIEN
are big fans of theirs at the school, Maia Gonzalez Sam’s smooth stone skin is light grey with darker
and Jen Psaltery. Once they can attain a more veins shot through it like marble, and their head
convincing appearance, they would like to ghoul is crowned in both short horns and curly blonde
them. hair. They have light grey bird-like wings which
fold compactly on their back. Most of the time
KINDRED RELATIONSHIP they wear baggy hoodies and other ungendered
Phoebe (Mawla 2) Sam’s sire is protective of clothing, giving them a distinctly androgynous
them, a fact which stems both from their histori- appearance.
cal relationship and their relative youth. She of-
ten concerns herself with their feeding habits and Unable to fully hide their monstrous aspects, Sam
making certain they don’t accidentally breach the has not significantly invested in a mask for them-
Masquerade. While she gives Sam room to live self. When they go out without Obfuscate hiding
their own life, Phoebe is concerned about them them from sight, they wear heavy clothing, hats,
biting off more than they can drink when they run wigs, and makeup, and tuck their wings into a
errands for the Baron. backpack with holes cut in it. Keeping distance
from people is their best bet for avoiding detec-
Michael Holland (Difficult Customer) The tion. (No Mask)
Baron’s paranoia about his old enemies in the
Camarilla have blinded him to the threats which Online, Gigathonk uses the avatar of a green and
are right in front of him. Sam needs to convince yellow neon-hued cartoon dog with bird wings.
him that the Second Inquisition is a more immi- They have something of a following in the furry
nent problem than Prince Elvers is before more community and are considering commissioning
kindred vanish. a fursuit so they can make public appearances
while fully concealed.
Reverend Richard Mcaulty (Forthright
Advisor) Leader of the Main Line Episcopal STATS
Church, this daywalking Thin Blood acts as a Sire: Phoebe
moral guide to the kindred who choose to seek Embraced: 2018 (Born 1999)
him out, including Sam. Despite their mixed feel- Ambition: Perform in front of a crowd without
ings around religious institutions, they often at- breaching the Masquerade
tend Wednesday evening services and speak with Convictions: Protect the ones who have helped
him after. you
Touchstones: Maia Gonzalez, Jen Psaltery -
WHISPERS Gigathonk fans at Bryn Mawr College
Thrill Seeker: They get a kick out of nearly Humanity: 8
overstepping the Masquerade and are intention- Generation: 13th
ally riding the line for kicks, not because they Blood Potency: 1
actually can’t alter their appearance. Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2,
Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Composure 3, Intel-

Page 14
ligence 3, Wits 2, Resolve 2
Secondary Attributes: Health 5, Willpower 5
Skills: Athletics 2, Awareness (Sight) 3, Brawl
1, Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Intimidation 2, Investiga-
tion 2, Occult 1, Melee 1, Performance 2, Science
(Mathematics) 1, Stealth (Break-in) 3, Streetwise
2, Subterfuge 1, Technology (Electronic Music
Composition) 3
Disciplines: Auspex 1, Fortitude 2, Obfuscate 2,
Protean 3

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