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‫دانلود شده از وبسایت لینگو لرن | ‪Lingo Learn‬‬

‫برای تهیه و تولید این فایل یک گروه ‪ 15‬نفره به صورت شبانه روزی تالش کردهاند‬

‫تا با باالترین کیفیت ممکن به دست شما برسد‪ .‬از اینکه فایل را در اختیار شخص‬

‫دیگری قرار نمیدهید بسیار سپاسگزاریم‬

‫‪Student Book Answer‬‬

‫سطح‪High2 :‬‬
Unit 1

1. –

2. If you're traveling with your children, take them to Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park



3. If you need a moderate-priced hotel, I suggest Harbour View International


4. If you like seafood, there are wonderful seafood restaurants on Lamma Island.

5. If you're fascinated by Chinese opera, you might like the street opera in the


Street Night Market.

6. If you’d like to get a good view of Hong Kong, you should take the funicular to

the Peak.

7. If you're interested in buying some traditional Chinese crafts, then you ought to

visit the

Western District on Hong Kong Island.

8. If you're looking for a good dim sum restaurant, try Luk Yu Teahouse on Stanley



1. –

2. –

3. If I stay with friends, I spend time with them.

2 ‫صفحه‬
4. It's not so nice if I get a Dracula.

5. If you have three roommates, you don't have trouble finding dogwalkers.

6. It's very rewarding if you don't mind hard work.

7. If a flight has an empty seat, I ride for free.

8. If a flight is completely booked, you can't get on it.


1. –

2. –

3. win

4. 'll take

5. become

6. 'll try

7. will - do

8. lose

9. don’t win

10. am going to continue

11. cooperate

12. won't be

13. accepts

14. 'll work

15. don't elect

16. 'll be

17. want

3 ‫صفحه‬
18. ‘ll be


1. –

2. If it doesn’t stop, I’ll take medicine.

Unless it stops, I’ll take medicine.

If my headache continues, I’ll visit a doctor.

3. If he doesn't call me back, I’ll go to his home.

Unless he calls me back, I’ll go to his home.

If he answer the phone, I won’t be worried anymore.

4. If they don’t raise my salary, I’ll quit the job.

unless they raise my salary, I’ll quit the job.

If they raise my salary, I’ll stay in the company.

5. If the heating system doesn’t get fixed, I’ll change my apartment.

unless the heating system gets fixed, I’ll change my apartment.

If the heating system gets fixed, I’ll be relaxed.

6. If I don’t lose some weight, I'll visit a doctor.

Unless I lose some weight, I'll visit a doctor.

If I fail lose some weight, I'll visit a doctor.

7. If they don’t take it back, I'll try to fix it.

Unless they take it back, I will never buy anything from them.

If they refuse taking it back, , I will never buy anything from them.

8. If they don’t clean the kitchen, I’ll change my room.

unless they clean up, I'll treat them the same way.

4 ‫صفحه‬
If they continue not cleaning the kitchen, I’ll change my room.

9. If the car doesn’t stop taking my place, I’ll report it.

Unless it stop taking my place, I’ll report it.

If the car takes my space again, I’ll report it.


Line 2: I’ll be busy… I’m busy…

Line 3: if I get good grades unless I get good grades

Line 4: is getting done will get done (OR: will be done)

Line 5: if I’ll get the job if I get the job

Line 6: … that problem, if I win. … that problem if I win. (No comma)

Unit 2

1. –

2. wouldn't be

3. were

4. would mean

5. were

6. could wish

7. had

8. wouldn't have to

9. were

10. thought

5 ‫صفحه‬
11. could find

12. realized

13. would understand

14. insisted

15. might have to

16. were

17. could ride


1. –

2. If he were ambitious, he would ask for a raise.

3. If I were in shape, I would play sports.

4. If I had enough time, I would plan to study for the exam.

5. If I weren’t too old, I would go back to school.

6. If he explained things properly, I could do my job.

7. If I were good at math, I would balance my checkbook.

8. If I didn't feel nervous all the time, I could stop smoking.


1. –

2. I wish I were a handsome prince.

3. I wish I didn't live in a sea.

4. I wish I lived in a castle.

5. I wish I didn't have to swim all day long.

6 ‫صفحه‬
6. I wish I were married to a princess.

7. I wish the fisherman didn't come here every day.

8. I wish his wife didn't always want more.

9. I wish she were satisfied.

10. I wish they left (or would leave) me alone.


1. –

2. What would you do if you were the mayor of your city?

3. How would you feel if you never needed to sleep?

4. What would you do if you had more free time?

5. What would you do if you could swim like a fish?

6. What would you do if you didn't have to work?

7. Where would you travel if you had a ticket for anywhere in the world?

8. If you could build anything, what would it be?

9. If you could meet a famous person, who would you want to meet?


Line 2: when if

line6: live lived

line 9: will would

line 11: aren't weren't

line 18: will would

7 ‫صفحه‬

1. –

2. would have gone , hadn’t lost

3. could have gone , hadn’t gotten

4. wouldn’t have felt , had found

5. had , been

6. wouldn’t have known , hadn't shown

7. hadn't rescued , wouldn’t have saved

8. hadn't helped , would have gone

9. wouldn’t have been , hadn't met

10. wouldn’t have been able to , hadn't saved

11. would have been , hadn't lived


1. -

2. I wish I hadn't hit George when he was trying to help me.

I wish I had been nice to him.

3. I wish my father hadn't had a heart attack.

I wish I hadn't had to stay and run the business.

4. I wish we had been able to go on a honeymoon.

I wish we hadn't needed the money to run the business.

5. I wish I had been able to trick George out of his business.

I wish he had accepted my offer to buy his business.

8 ‫صفحه‬
6. I wish I hadn't lost $8,000.

I wish George hadn't gotten into trouble with the law because of me.

7. I wish he hadn't been upset about the business.

I wish he hadn't yelled at us on Christmas Eve.

8. We wish we had known about George’s troubles earlier.

We wish we had helped him immediately.


1. -

2. would have called

3. wouldn't have taken

4. had found

5. would - have done

6. had found

7. would have tried

8. would - have put

9. wouldn't have

10. could have answered

11. would have been

12. had been

13. would have looked


9 ‫صفحه‬
1. -

2. Had been

3. had found

4. would have been

5. would have - seen

6. owned

7. hadn't earned

8. hadn't paid

9. hadn't given

10. wouldn't have survived

11. had gotten

12. would have paid

13. hadn't met

14. would have been

15. would have disapproved

16. had known

17. hadn't agreed

18. would have taken


line 3: had have

line 5: can't hadn't been able to

line 6: gave had given

line 7: knew known , of have

10 ‫صفحه‬
Unit 4

1. -

2. They said (that) that was going to pass north of here.

3. They said (that) the Texaco station had run out of gas that afternoon.

4. They said (that) that wasn’t really a hurricane, just a tropical storm.

5. They said (that) they had closed the bridge because of high tides.

6. They said (that) they wouldn't restore the electricity until the following day.

7. They said (that) they couldn't reopen the schools for at least a weak.

8. They said (that) we ought to use bottled water for a few days.


1. -

2. That's right. He said hurricane winds often exceeded 150 miles per hour near

the center,

or eye, of the storm.

3. That's right. He said until recently, hurricanes like Andrew had been rare.

4. That's wrong. He said they had had three major hurricanes since 1988.

5. That's right. He said meteorologist were (OR: are) predicting an increase in big


6. That's right. He said warmer temperature could cause more severe storms.

7. That's right. He said force four and five storms would probably become more


8. That's wrong. He said we couldn't do anything about the weather.

11 ‫صفحه‬
9. That's right. He said we had to have a better emergency relief program.

10. That's right. He said if they didn't have (hadn't had) weather satellite, they

wouldn't be

able to warn people.

11. That's right. He believed things could have been worse in Florida.

12. That's wrong. He said before Andrew hit, people had had several days to get

ready or to leave the area.


1. -

2. I'm worried about you and Rita.

3. If you weren't so stubborn, you would pack up and leave right now.

4. I have had a lot of experience with hurricanes.

5. You and Rita have to put tape on all your windows.

6. You ought to fill the sinks and bathtubs with water.

7. You should buy a lot of batteries.

8. We can’t stay here.

9. We want to stay with you and Rita.

10. We are leaving tonight.

11. We should have called you and Rita sooner.

12. The storm will hit the coast tonight.

13. The eye of the hurricane is going to pass over this area.

14. The storm may last for several hours.

12 ‫صفحه‬

1. -

2. -

3. That's right. She said most quakes take (OR: took) place beneath the ocean


4. That's right. She said they had (OR: have) destroyed large cities, started fires,

and even

caused tidal waves.

5. That's right. She said flames had destroyed large sections of the city.

6. That's wrong. She said quakes occur as a result of sudden movement in the


below the earth’s surface.

7. That's wrong. She said it had been a hidden fault that caused the January 1994


Angeles quake.

8. That's right. She said it had had seven strong quakes since 1988.

9. That's wrong. She said they could tell you where one would occur but not when.

10. That's wrong. She said There are things we can do.

11. That's right. She said engineers had developed houses and other structures

that were

able to withstand earthquakes shocks.

12. That's right. She said governments had to enforce buildings requirement in



13 ‫صفحه‬
Unit 5

1. -

2. -

3. She told him to read Dr. Thorpe’s new book, Night Shift , for more tips.

4. She said to sip some hot herbal tea with honey.

5. She told her not to drink black tea.

6. She said to pinch the place between her upper lip and her nose.

7. She told him to make a toothpaste of one tablespoon of baking soda and a

little water.

8. She told him to spread cool, cooked oatmeal over the rush.

9. She said to try soaking the rash in a cool bath with one-fourth baking soda.

10. She told him not to scratch the rash.

11. She said to eat onions or garlic every day.

12. She told him to ask his doctor about a vitamin B supplement.

13. She told him not to rub his skin with the towel when drying off and not to use


containing alcohol on his skin.


1. Line 2: no to not to

2. Line 3: told me that not to worry… told me not to worry…

3. Line 4: I asked him tell… I asked him to tell…

4. Line 5: he said me he told me

14 ‫صفحه‬
5. Line 6: “to read some of his journal” to read some of his journal (No quotation


6. Line 7: He said getting a good… He said to get a good…

7. Line 8: He also tell me… He also told me…

8. Line 9: He said to not move He said not to move , didn't tell me to told me

not to

9. Line 11: tells himself that to remember tells himself to remember


1. Get up

2. Follow me

3. Please show me the ship

4. Come aboard

5. Pilot the ship

6. Don't leave the controls

7. Slow down

8. Point the ship towards the earth

9. Don't panic

10. Wake up

15 ‫صفحه‬
Unit 6

1. -

2. He asked when the interview was.

3. He asked where the company was.

4. He asked if she needed directions.

5. He asked how long it takes to get there.

6. He asked if she was going to drive.

7. He asked who was going to interview her.

8. He asked when they would let her know.


1. -

2. -

3. Clair asked if there was opportunity for promotion.

4. Pete asked if she was interviewing with other companies.

5. Clair asked what her responsibilities would be.

6. Clair asked how job performance was rewarded.

7. Pete asked what her starting salary at her last job had been.

8. Pete asked if she had gotten along well with her last employer.

9. Clair asked if they hired many women.

10. Pete asked if she had been fired from her last job.

11. Pete asked why she had applied for that position.

12. Clair asked if she they had had any major layoffs in the past few years.

16 ‫صفحه‬

Line 6: …company? …company.

Line 9: “if we expected changes in the job.” if we expected changes in the job.


quotation marks)

Line 10: …how often do we… …how often we…

Line 11: …why did I decide… …why I had decided…

Line 15: …our decision? …our decision.

Line 16: … asked him if whether… … asked him if… OR …asked him



1. –

2. Are you married?

3. What nationality you are?

4. What does your husband do?

5. Do you owe anyone any money?

6. Have you ever been arrested?

7. How tall are you?

17 ‫صفحه‬
Unit 7

1. -

2. have never been cracked

3. was never sighted

4. was found

5. was determined

6. had been abandoned

7. had been apparently set

8. was threatened

9. was caused

10. has never been proved

11. was considered

12. was accompanied

13. were received

14. were located

15. Were she and Noonan simply killed

16. is still being investigated

17. have been reported

18. has been only spotted

19. is named

20. is described

21. was combed

22. wasn't seen

18 ‫صفحه‬
23. will be undertaken


1. -

2. gotten rousted

3. getting harassed

4. gets bothered

5. get robbed

6. get the locks changed

7. get disturbed


1. -

2. He was hit by a blue Toyota Corolla.

3. The boy sustained massive injuries.

4. He was taken to the Harborview Medical Center by paramedics.

5. He is being cared for in the intensive care ward.

6. Anyone with information about the accident is asked to contact the sheriff’s

office at


7. A reward is being offered.

19 ‫صفحه‬
Unit 8

1. -

2. collapsing

3. to vegetate

4. worrying / to worry

5. never having

6. punching

7. working

8. to concentrate

9. making

10. to socialize / socializing

11. meeting

12. working

13. to play / playing

14. to find

15. collecting

16. joining

17. to sing / singing

18. orienting

19. to be

20. to do

20 ‫صفحه‬

1. –

2. our joining

3. Everybody’s having

4. a family’s getting together

5. our trying

6. your insisting on

7. the family’s having

8. your assigning

9. families eating

10. you saying

11. Everybody having

12. a family eating

13. us trying

14. you and Joe insisting on

15. everybody being


Line 2: let letting

Line 4: hear hearing

Line 5: get getting

Line 6: rush rushing , write writing

Line 7: Get Getting

Line 8: ride riding , raft rafting

21 ‫صفحه‬
Line 9: hike hiking

Line 10: be chauffeured being chauffeured

Line 15: weave weaving , dance dancing

Line 16: learn learning

Line 17: see seeing

Unit 9

1. -

2. Would you expect someone to stop to help you?

3. Would you expect him or him/her to have called by now?

4. Would you expect you parents to be/get worried?

5. Would you expect the phone service to be disconnected?


1. –

2. to be

3. to procrastinate

4. to put off

5. to fail

6. to make

7. to be rejected

8. told

9. to invite
22 ‫صفحه‬
10. to be turned down

11. to turn out

12. to change

13. to do

14. to stick

15. to put off

16. to be done

17. to resist

18. to avoid

19. to do

20. to take

21. not to put off


1. -

2. avoiding avoid

3. do to do

4. receiving to receive

5. creating create , making make , getting get


7. have changed change

8. planning plan , starting start , finishing finish , waiting wait

, planning plan

9. do to do

23 ‫صفحه‬

1. –

2. to avoid

3. to start

4. to avoid

5. to deal

6. to make

7. procrastinating

8. starting

9. completing

10. to do

11. to be

Unit 10

1. g , made

2. d , made

3. a , got

4. f , let

5. b , had

6. h , had

7. c , let

8. e , made

24 ‫صفحه‬

1. -

2. made her work

3. didn't let them use

4. had him clean

5. let her leave

6. got him to pronounce

7. had him ask

8. let them record

9. didn't let her speak

10. helped them (to) find

11. got her to choose


line 2: to play play

line 3: helping help

line 8: let me to let me

line 13: learns learn

line 14: he or she him or her

line 18: to become become

25 ‫صفحه‬

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