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Death penalty

1. Arguments in favor

for example, rapists deserve the death penalty or serial killers, confirmed corrupt politicians, crimes
against humanity, because they have done the worst crimes and actually have hurt people in very
severe damages.
(Juan Carlos Carmona, 2022)

2. arguments against it.

I think that this persons with severe crimes can be object of investigation by psychologists for future
events that can be avoided by having in mind the patterns that where already investigated.
(Marcela Garcia, 2022)

3. Countries where they apply it and why.

China, Japan, south Korea, united states. Most of descriptions says that the have death
penalty because is like the emergency penalty of those that have made the worst crimes.


4. Religious point of view

God has given us the life, and God is the only one with the right of taking it back every
attribution that the human takes is against our faith.

5. Moral point of view

I think that the judging from one person to another is not supposed to be so drastic to the
point of killing he because we are humans and we make mistakes and should be better to
isolate them for a long time where they can not be a danger for society, but giving the
opportunity to reconsider and can find a light in their life.

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