On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.DOI

On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and

MOE Key Lab for Intelligent Networks and Network Security, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
Faculty of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China
Palo Alto Networks, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Dependable and Secure Computing (CDSC) of Wuhan Digital Engineering Institute (WDEI), Wuhan, China.
Corresponding author: Xiaobo Ma (e-mail: xma.cs@xjtu.edu.cn).
This work was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation (61972313), Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2019M663725,
2021T140543), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and CCF-NSFOCUS KunPeng Research Fund, of China.
Xiaobo Ma is also an XJTU Tang Scholar supported by Cyrus Tang Foundation.

ABSTRACT The increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoTs) is making people universally connected
and thus bringing the ease of life. Because of their sheer volume, weak security, and continual operation,
IoT devices, along with many computer servers, are widely compromised to launch powerful distributed
denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. The emerging link flooding attacks (LFAs) are one type of such attacks
that attract significant attention in both academia and industry against the routing infrastructure. The attack
traffic flows originating from bots (e.g., compromised IoT devices) are deliberately aggregated at upstream
critical links and grow intensified, gradually making a network connected to the critical links disconnected.
Although LFAs are far more sophisticated than traditional DDoS attacks, whether such sophistication
comes without a downside has never been investigated. In this paper, by modeling link flooding attacks
and defenses, we tackle a series of questions concerning the practical issues of LFAs. Specifically, from the
perspective of attacks, we advance a novel notion of strike precision, and reveal that LFAs may exhibit attack
interference (i.e., unexpectedly interfere the connectivity of innocent networks) which might undermine the
stealthiness and persistence of LFAs. From the perspective of defenses, we make the first step to study
attack intention, i.e., inversely inferring the target network to disconnect based on the identified links under
attack. Furthermore, we consider a strong defender who employs traffic engineering to mitigate LFAs, and
formulate the game-theoretic interactions between attackers and defenders. Our formulation demonstrates
that LFAs can be effectively mitigated based on traffic engineering from a game-theoretic perspective. We
also study practical issues of non-cooperative defenses (e.g., light-weight probe deployment, multi-protocol-
based measurement).

INDEX TERMS DDoS Attack, Link Flooding Attack, Routing Security

I. INTRODUCTION links that constitute the Internet backbone [5]–[7]. LFAs have
The increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoTs) recently come into practice after attracting the academia for
is making people universally connected and thus bringing years, posing severe threats to large-scale regional networks.
the ease of life. Because of their sheer volume, weak secu- For example, a few links of major Internet exchange points
rity, and continual operation, IoT devices, along with many in Europe and Asia were flooded to disconnect the anti-spam
computer servers, are widely compromised to build botnets service Spamhaus, with up to 300Gb/s traffic of LFAs [8].
and launch powerful distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) LFAs are powerful, formidable and hard to defend against
attacks. The emerging link flooding attacks (LFAs) are one for three major reasons. First, stemming from coordinated
type of such attacks that attract significant attention in both flows between bots and public servers (e.g., web servers)
academia and industry against the routing infrastructure. or among bots, the attack traffic flows are aggregated at a
In contrast to traditional (DDoS attacks that target (end) critical link with a huge amount. As such, a network con-
computer servers [1]–[4], LFAs target (intermediate) critical nected to the critical link will be gradually disconnected, as

VOLUME 4, 2016 1

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

the aggregated attack traffic flows grow intensified. Second, • RQ4: Consider a defender who employs traffic engi-
the disconnected network, though having traditional DDoS neering to mitigate LFAs, how to formulate the inter-
countermeasures deployed at the network perimeter, might actions between attackers and defenders from a game-
be blind to the attack, since the critical link is not within its theoretic perspective?
administrative domain. Last, even for those ISPs who have • RQ5: When traffic engineering is used in defending
the privilege to access the traffic flows crossing the critical against LFAs, how would the attack effect and strike
link, it would be challenging for them to identify the attack precision would be? Can we effectively mitigate LFAs?
traffic flows that are indistinguishable from legitimate ones.
To answer RQ1, we first quantify strike precision, as well
Since the pioneering works of Studer and Perrig [9] and
as strike efficiency. Then, we propose the Strike-Efficiency-
Kang et al. [10], considerable progress has been made to
Oriented (i.e., SEO) flooding strategy for traditional LFAs.
thwart LFAs, with a focus on detecting and mitigating the
The strategy interrupts more routes by flooding fewer se-
attack [5], [9]–[16]. In all state-of-the-art studies, it is com-
lected links. Following the SEO flooding strategy, we per-
monly believed that LFAs are far more sophisticated than tra-
form traditional LFAs to gain insight into their strike pre-
ditional server-targeted DDoS attacks by design. Neverthe-
cision. To tackle RQ2, taking into account the attack in-
less, whether such sophistication comes without a downside
terference induced by attacking each link, we propose the
has never been investigated.
Strike-Precision-Aware Hybrid (i.e., SPAH) flooding strat-
In this paper, by modeling link flooding attacks and de-
egy, for impeding the attack toward links with more severe
fenses, we tackle a series of questions concerning the prac-
attack interference while achieving larger strike efficiency.
tical issues of LFAs. Specifically, we advance the notion of
To address RQ3, we construct a mapping from the target
strike precision of LFAs, and reveal that LFAs may exhibit
networks to the sets of target links to effectively infer the
attack interference which might restrict their applicability
target networks from the set of target links under attack.
from the adversary’s standpoint. More precisely, when the
Finally, we demystify RQ4 and RQ5 from a game-theoretic
adversary aims at disconnecting a specific network (e.g., N )
perspective. To answer these questions, all experiments are
via attacking a critical link l, the connectivity of the networks
conducted using real-world traceroute data.
surrounding N (e.g., N̄ ) might be interfered (i.e., attack in-
terference), in whole or in part, depending on the connectivity We have substantially extended our previous conference
importance of l for N̄ . Due to attack interference, strike paper [17], which only focuses on RQ1 and RQ2, to include
precision of LFAs would be lowered in the sense that LFAs, three more research questions, i.e., RQ3, RQ4, and RQ5. Ad-
while disconnecting a network, may unexpectedly interfere ditionally, we study practical issues of non-cooperative de-
the connectivity of some innocent networks nearby. fenses (e.g., lightweight probe deployment, multi-protocol-
At first glance, the adversary lacks interest in attack in- based measurement) and perform more experiments for RQ1
terference. For a terrorist adversary interested in mass de- and RQ2. To our best knowledge, we are the first to advance
struction, it is true. However, for a rational adversary in the notion of strike precision and attack intention, and study
consideration of attack stealthiness and persistence, it is not attack intention for LFAs. Moreover, we design a series of
true. The reason is that attack interference tends to incentivize models to systematically study the questions under investiga-
different victim networks to collaborate in defending against tion. Our contributions are summarized below.
LFAs. Such collaboration is an effective countermeasure • We quantify strike precision, as well as strike efficiency.
against LFAs, since it increases individual networks’ visi- Our quantification sheds light on a new angle of un-
bility of coordinated attack traffic flows. The severer attack derstanding LFAs, potentially fostering more research
interference is, the stronger the incentive is. Therefore, for concerning the practical aspects of LFAs.
a rational adversary, attack interference and strike precision • Combining the greedy algorithm and the genetic algo-
would be big concerns, especially in the long run. rithm, we propose the Strike-Efficiency-Oriented (SEO)
From the perspective of attacks, we attempt to answer the flooding strategy for LFAs, for interrupting more routes
following research questions: by flooding fewer selected links. Following the SEO
• RQ1: To what extent does attack interference exist, and flooding strategy, we perform LFAs to gain insight
how do they affect strike precision, in traditional LFAs into their strike precision. The experiments suggest that
that only seeks strike efficiency, i.e., interrupting more attack interference is pervasive and significantly lowers
routes (destined to N ) by flooding fewer selected links? strike precision of LFAs.
• RQ2: What are the main factors affecting attack in- • Taking into account attack interference induced by at-
terference and strike precision? Can adversaries reduce tacking each link, we propose the SPAH flooding strat-
attack interference and increase strike precision? egy, for impeding the attack toward links with more
From the perspective of defenses, we are interested in the attack interference while achieving larger strike effi-
following research questions: ciency. The experiments show that our strategy can
• RQ3: Given the identified target links that the adversary substantially increase strike precision.
attacks, how to infer the target network that the adver- • From the perspective of defenses, we make the first step
sary would like to disconnect (i.e., attack intention)? to study attack intention, i.e., inversely inferring the
2 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

parallel links
deployed by TE

parallel links
legitimate bot target link target area
deployed by TE
senders target link
public servers target area
bot target link

FIGURE 2: Rerouting by deploying parallel links.

IoT devices

FIGURE 1: The basic idea of LFAs. parallel links

by nature

target link target area

attack intention (i.e., the target network to disconnect)
based on the identified attacked links. Furthermore, we
consider a strong defender who employs traffic en-
FIGURE 3: Rerouting by finding new routes consisting of
gineering to mitigate LFAs, and formulate the game-
existing parallel links.
theoretic interactions between attackers and defenders.
Our formulation demonstrates that LFAs can be effec-
tively mitigated based on traffic engineering from a Mirai since these devices have less protection. Traditional
game-theoretic perspective LFAs, initiated by PCs and servers, are limited by the up-
Roadmap. In Sec. II, we present the background. Then, we to-date patching, power-off time. In contrast, IoT devices are
describe the problem in Sec. III, model flooding attacks in always online, lacking update-to-date patching. Therefore,
Sec. IV and defenses in Sec. V, and conduct experiments IoT devices are rendering LFAs more powerful.
in Sec. VII. Finally, we discuss open questions in Sec. VIII,
survey the literature in Sec. IX, and conclude in Sec. X. B. LINK FLOODING ATTACK DEFENSE
Defenders, on the other hand, tackle LFAs to keep the
II. BACKGROUND network working with little or no Internet connectivity degra-
A. LINK FLOODING ATTACK dation. Traffic Engineering (TE) is a powerful tool for de-
As illustrated in FIGURE 1, the goal of LFAs is to congest fenders to react to LFAs [18]. The goal of TE is to find
the target link so to disconnect the intended victim network appropriate paths for minimizing the transmission delay and
from the rest of the network, wherein the intended victim maximizing the available bandwidth [19] between sources
network could be a university, a city or even a country. To and destinations.
accomplish such a goal, the adversary analyzes the routing Since LFAs’ traffic flows are indistinguishable from legiti-
topology and finds a target link (or a set of target links) mate ones, distributing and re-routing traffic flows (including
connecting the intended victim network and the rest of the legitimate ones and malicious ones) over available paths
network. By clogging the target link, the adversary can would be an effective method to tackle LFAs. As illustrated
disconnect the intended victim network, rendering legitimate in FIGURE 2, when the target link is flooded, defenders
users unable to communicate with the intended victim net- can deploy parallel links to re-route traffic flows [20]. In
work. A typical way that the adversary clogs the target link FIGURE 3, finding new routes consisting of existing parallel
is to coordinate a number of traffic flows originating from links is also practical. TE methods such as load balancing,
bots and destined to decoy servers (or bots) inside or near re-routing and finding new routes can be implemented in
the intended victim network. Decoy servers refer to public the IP networks based on OSPF-routing [21]. OSPF is a
servers with open services such as HTTP, FTP. The coordi- commonly used intra-domain link state routing protocol for
nated flows are required to be aggregated at the target link IP networks within a single autonomous system (AS). In
enormously. They are often indistinguishable from legitimate OSPF, the weight of links can be changed by the network
flows for evading detection. operator to determine the path route adopted by different
In recent years, with the weak security configuration of IoT packets [21]. By adjusting the weights of the flooded links,
devices, IoT devices have been easily infected by hackers to defenders can mitigate LFAs congestion.
launch massive LFAs. Mirai botnet, for example, takes ad-
vantage of the vulnerability and pervasiveness of IoT devices III. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION
to overwhelm targets with massive DDoS attacks and poten- By clogging the target link, the adversary can disconnect
tial LFAs. By scanning public IP addresses, using a brute- the intended victim network, while it is challenging for the
force way to find the default credentials of IoT devices and intended victim network to defend against LFAs using coun-
controlling the IoT devices to execute LFA malwares, Mirai termeasures deployed at its network perimeter. However, it
can launch massive LFAs to degrade the Internet connection can be argued that, though more sophisticated, powerful and
of the targets. Home routers, network-enabled cameras, and hard to defend against, LFAs were born to have limitations
digital video recorders are the most vulnerable devices to in comparison to traditional DDoS attacks. As depicted in
VOLUME 4, 2016 3

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

innocent victim intended victim IV. MODELING LINK FLOODING ATTACKS

network network In this section, from the perspective of attacks, we first
systematically model attack interference. Then, we propose
legitimate different link flooding strategies in consideration of their
users target link
attack interference.


Consider an adversary who performs LFAs. Let N denote
decoy servers public servers a network that the adversary would like to disconnect from
the rest of the network. Essentially disconnecting N is to
FIGURE 4: The basic idea of LFAs.
select a set of target (intermediate) links along the routes
between hosts within N and hosts outside of it, and then clog
them so that the routes can be interrupted. Note that a route
FIGURE 4, clogging the target link will also result in the
comprises a sequence of links.
disconnection of the innocent victim network from the rest
We denote the set of routes between hosts within N and
of the network, since the communication between legitimate
hosts outside of it by RN , the set of links (that constitute
users and hosts within the innocent victim network also
RN ) by LN , and the set of selected target links by L0N ⊆
crosses the target link.
LN . Normally, it is hard, if not impossible, to interrupt all
We term the disconnection of the innocent victim net-
routes in RN by clogging the links in L0N . Suppose, by
work as attack interference. Due to attack interference, strike
clogging the links in L0N , the set of routes that the adversary
precision of LFAs would be lowered. Specifically, while
interrupts is R0N ⊆ RN . Let | · | be the operator calculating
disconnecting a network, LFAs may unexpectedly interfere
the cardinality of a set. On a limited budget of |L0N |, the
the connectivity of innocent networks nearby. The root cause
adversary can strategically derive L0N for a larger value of
is that, when selecting the target links, the adversary does not
|R0N |/|RN |, i.e., interrupting the routes in RN as many as
consider the influence of clogging the selected target links to
possible. We also refer |R0N |/|RN | as Attack Effect in the
the networks surrounding the intended victim network. It is
following sections.
strike efficiency that the adversary only seeks in traditional
To quantify the adversary’s return on investment (ROI),
LFAs, meaning that the adversary wants to interrupt more
we define strike efficiency, denoted by SE, to represent the
routes (destined to the intended victim network) by flooding
number routes that the adversary can interrupt by clogging
fewer selected target links.
one link on average.
At first glance, the adversary lacks interest in attack in-
Definition 3.1 Strike Efficiency.
terference. For a terrorist adversary interested in mass de-
struction, it is true. However, for a rational adversary in |R0N |
consideration of attack stealthiness and persistence, it is not SE = . (1)
|L0N |
true. The reason is that attack interference tends to incentivize
different victim networks to collaborate with each other in When the adversary performs LFAs to disconnect N , the
defending against LFAs. Such collaboration is an effective connectivity of networks surrounding N may be interfered.
countermeasure against LFAs, since it increases individual Let N̄ denote the network(s) whose connectivity is inter-
networks’ visibility of coordinated attack traffic flows. The fered, RN̄ denote the set of routes between hosts within N̄
severer attack interference is, the stronger the incentive is. and hosts outside of it, and R0N̄ ⊆ RN̄ denote the set of
Moreover, disconnecting the innocent victim network cannot interrupted routes due to the adversary clogging the links in
make the adversary better off whereas it renders the adversary L0N . We define attack interference, denoted by AI, posed
face a more severe penalty. Therefore, for a rational adver- to N̄ due to disconnecting N , as |R0N̄ |/|RN̄ |. To minimize
sary, attack interference and strike precision would be big AI, |R0N̄ | should be minimized, since |RN̄ | is constant in a
concerns, especially in the long run. specific problem.
From the perspective of attacks, we will make the first On a limited budget of |L0N | and a certain value of SE,
effort to model attack interference and strike precision so to |R0N | is determined. Therefore, minimizing AI is equivalent
quantitatively understand such an inherent (yet never inves- to maximizing |R0N |/(|R0N̄ | + |R0N |), which we define as
tigated) nature of LFAs. From the perspective of defenses, strike precision and denote by SP .
given the identified target links that the adversary attacks, in- Definition 3.2 Strike Precision.
versely inferring the target network that the adversary would |R0N |
like to disconnect (i.e., attack intention) is also an important SP = . (2)
|R0N̄ | + |R0N |
problem. In addition, we are interested in mitigating LFAs
by formulating the game-theoretic interactions between at- It refers to the ratio of the number of interrupted routes
tackers and defenders, where the defender is the network associated with N to the total number of interrupted routes
administrator who can perform traffic engineering. by clogging the links in L0N .
4 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

We have three remarks on strike efficiency and strike pre- repeats until |R0N |/|RN | approaches a pre-specified goal ∇,
cision. First, to evaluate LFAs comprehensively, both strike or |L0N | reaches the budget of the number of selected links Φ.
efficiency and strike precision should be measured, whereas
existing studies neglect the latter. Second, for attack stealthi- 2) Advanced Strike-Efficiency-Oriented (A-SEO) Strategy
ness and persistence, a rational adversary tends to seek larger To further improve strike efficiency achievable by the N-
strike efficiency while ensuring higher strike precision. Third, SEO strategy, we devise the A-SEO strategy in Algorithm 2
strategically deriving L0N is the core to achieve larger strike to drive L0N using the genetic algorithm. Specifically, the A-
efficiency and higher strike precision. SEO strategy initializes n different genes of the first genera-
Next, we propose different link flooding strategies in con- tion. A gene is a binary vector indicating and corresponding
sideration of strike efficiency and strike precision. Determin- to a set of selected target links. We denote the function that
ing link flooding strategies are essentially to strategically transforms the former to the latter by gene2set(), while the
derive L0N by setting different priorities for strike efficiency latter to the former by set2gene(). All genes are constructed
and strike precision. based on LN , differing from each other in the subset of
selected target links (i.e., L0N ). Particularly, among all the
B. LINK FLOODING ATTACK STRATEGIES initialized genes, one gene is obtained according to the L0N
When strategically deriving L0N , traditional adversaries in derived by the N-SEO strategy, while each of the remaining
LFAs seek high strike efficiency. We, accordingly, present genes is generated according to randomly generated L0N .
two strike-efficiency-oriented (SEO) strategies, namely, the Constituting the first generation, the set of initialized n
naive SEO strategy and the advanced SEO strategy that different genes, denoted by G1 , evolve from generation to
further improves strike efficiency of the naive one. Also, generation, forming a sequence of generations G1 , G2 , G3 , . . ..
for rational adversaries concerning strike precision, we pro- The evolution consists of selection, crossover, and muta-
pose the strike-precision-aware hybrid strategy. The proposed tion. Selection is for retaining better genes in each generation
strategy impedes the attack toward links with more severe via roulette-wheel selection [22]. That is, probabilistically
attack interferences while achieving larger strike efficiency. selecting a gene, say g, among n different genes in each
generation, and a gene with a larger value of strike efficiency,
1) Naive Strike-Efficiency-Oriented (N-SEO) Strategy say SE(g), should be assigned a larger selection probability.
Traditional adversaries heuristically derive L0N (i.e., the set In the early generations, SE(g) varies to a wide extent.
of selected target links to clog) greedily [10]. They calculate Hence, assigning g with a larger value of SE(g) a larger
|R0N |/|RN | to quantify the degradation severity of the attack selection probability is easy. However, as generations evolve,
against N . The N-SEO strategy is detailed in Algorithm 1. the value of SE(g) tends to become closer to each other,
resulting in similar selection probabilities between genes.
Algorithm 1: Naive strike-efficiency-oriented strategy. To signify the discrepancy of selection probabilities between
Input: RN , LN , ∇, Φ genes, we assign g in Gj a selection probability of Stoffa-
Output: L0N SE j (g) (SSE j (g)) using the Stoffa method [23]. SSE j (g)
L0N = ∅, R0N = ∅;
for l ∈ LN do is calculated as follows:
calculate R0N (l);
end for SSE j (g) = Pn SE(g)/T , (3)
i=1 e
while |R0N |/|RN | < ∇ do
l = arg maxl∈LN \L0 δl (L0N );
N Tj = 0.99j−1 T1 , (4)
if |L0N | = Φ then
break; where j = 1, 2, 3, . . . represents the sequence number of
end if generations, and Tj is the temperature of the jth generation.
L0N = L0N ∪ {l}; Crossover and mutation are leveraged to achieve cross-
R0N = R0N ∪ R0N (l); generation gene improvement. The self-adaptive genetic
for l ∈ LN do
calculate R0N (l); (SAG) algorithm is employed to adaptively adjust Pc (gk , gq )
(i.e., the probability of crossover between gk and gq acquired
end for via roulette-wheel selection), Pm (g) (i.e., the probability of
end while mutation of g). Specifically, when the value of SSE(g)1
becomes homogeneous, Pc (gk , gq ) and Pm (g) defined below
In the N-SEO strategy, adversaries iteratively select a new should be increased and otherwise decreased [24] [25].
link l ∈ LN \ L0N maximizing the reward gain, δl (L0N ) = ( 0 avg

|R0N (L0N ∪ {l})|/|RN | − |R0N (L0N )|/|RN |, and insert l P −(Pc1 −P c2 )(SSE −SSE )
, SSE 0≥SSE avg ,
Pc (gk , gq )= c1 SSE max −SSE avg
into L0N . Here, R0N (·) is a function calculating the set of Pc1 , SSE 0 < SSE avg ,
interrupted routes to N due to clogging a set of links. Note (5)
that we recalculate R0N (l) for each l after removing the link 1 Unless otherwise stated, we remove the subscript j representing the
with maximum reward gain at each iteration. This process number of generations for the simplicity of representation.

VOLUME 4, 2016 5

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

cally, we maximize |R0N |/|RN | and meanwhile minimize

P −(Pm1−PSSE m2 )(SSE
, SSE(g)≥SSE avg , |R0N̄ |/|RN̄ | (i.e., AI). Adversaries iteratively select a link
Pm (g)= m1 max −SSE avg
l ∈ LN \ L0N maximizing the reward gain, θl (L0N ) =
Pm1 , SSE(g) < SSE avg ,
(6) (|R0N (L0N ∪ {l})| − |R0N̄ (L0N ∪ {l})|) − (|R0N (L0N )| −
where Pc1 ,Pc2 ,Pm1 ,Pm2 are empirically specified constants, |R0N̄ (L0N )|). R0N̄ (·) calculates the number of interrupted
and the remaining notations are given in (7). Intuitively, the routes to N̄ due to clogging a set of links. This process
above equations render g with a value of SSE(g) smaller repeats until |R0N |/|RN | approaches a pre-specified goal ∇,
(resp. larger) than the average have larger (resp. smaller) or |L0N | reaches the budget of the number of selected links Φ.
Pc (gk , gq ), Pm (g). In this way, low-quality genes are likely
to be improved.
SSE 0 = max{SSE(g Algorithm 3: Strike-precision-aware hybrid strategy.
k ), SSE(gq )},
Input: RN , LN , ∇, Φ
SSE avg = n1 g∈G SSE(g),
(7) Output: L0N
SSE max = max{SSE(g)|g ∈ G}. L0N =∅,R0N = ∅ ;
for l ∈ LN do
To prevent a generation Gj from degrading to genes of calculate R0N (l) ;
lower quality, we introduce the evolution-with-restart mech-
anism. Specifically, when SEjmax = max{SE(g)|g ∈ Gj } end for
while |R0N |/|RN | < ∇ do
is smaller than 0.99SE1max , we assign all the elements in G1 l = arg maxl∈LN \L0 θl (L0N );
to Gj . The evolution runs until we reach the j ∗ th genera- if |L0N | = Φ then

tion satisfying SE max max 0

j ∗ exceeds SE 1 . We derive LN from
arg maxg {SE(g) = SE j ∗ |g ∈ Gj }. ∗
end if
We summarize the A-SEO strategy in Algorithm 2. L0N = L0N ∪ {l};
R0N = R0N ∪ R0N (l);
Algorithm 2: Advanced strike-efficiency-oriented strat- for l ∈ LN do
calculate R0N (l);
Input: RN , LN , n, L0N from the N-SEO strategy end for
Output: L0N end while
G1 = ∪i=1,2,...,n−1 {set2gene(Xi )|Xi =
random target links} ∪ {set2gene(L0N )};
SE1max = max{SE(g)|g ∈ G1 };
j = 1;
while SE max
j ≤ SE max
j++; In this section, from the perspective of defenses, we first
Gj = ∅;
while |Gj | < n do study attack intention, i.e., inversely inferring the target net-
select gk and gq over probability distribution work that the adversary would like to disconnect by LFAs.
{SSE j−1 (g)|g ∈ Gj−1 };
Gj = Gj ∪ {gk , gq };
Then, we formulate the game-theoretic interactions between
generate a random float r, 0 < r < 1; attackers and defenders so to effectively mitigate LFAs.
if r < Pc (gk , gq ) then
gk0 , gq0 = crossover(gk , gq );
Gj = Gj ∪ {gk0 , gq0 }; A. ATTACK INTENTION
end if Since the pioneering work of Xue [6], substantial progress
end while has been made to detect LFAs and infer the target links
for g ∈ Gj do under attack. Normally, sophisticated adversaries choose the
if r < Pm (g) then
gm = mutation(g); target links that are over three hops away from the target
Gj = (Gj \ {g}) ∪ {gm }; area [10]. In this case, even though the target links under
end if attack are successfully detected, the target network area that
end for the adversary would like to disconnect, i.e., attack intention,
SEjmax = max{SE(g)|g ∈ Gj }; remains unclear.
if SEjmax < 0.99SE max 1 then
Gj = G1 ; To effectively infer the target networks from the set of
target links under attack, we construct a map from the target
end if networks to the sets of target links. We take the set of target
end while links when adversaries are trying to interrupt 50% of routes
L0N = gene2set(arg maxg {SE(g) = SE max
j |g ∈ Gj });
as the anchor target links. Let N1 and N2 denote the intended
and innocent network respectively. We define the percentage
of overlapped anchor links, denoted by O(N1 , N2 ), below:
3) Strike-Precision-Aware Hybrid (SPAH) Strategy
To seek strike precision along with strike efficiency, |L0N1 ∩ L0N2 |
we propose the SPAH strategy in Algorithm 3. Specifi- O(N1 , N2 ) = . (8)
|L0N2 |
6 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

TABLE 1: The values of O(N1 , N2 ) for each combination of reward rp . Then, the attacker will flood a subset of parallel
N1 and N2 . links L00P ⊆ L0P with a reward r(L00P ) and a cost c(L00P ).
Therefore, the overall gain of the attacker becomes
CH 1 0 0 42.86% 0
G1 =r(L0N ) + c(L0N ) + r(L0N ) + r(L0X )
SG 0 1 4.76% 14.29% 14.29% +c(L0X ) + i(L0X ) + cp + r(L00P ) + c(L00P ).
TW 0 7.69% 1 7.69% 7.69%
JP 15.00% 15.00% 5.00% 1 10.00%
HK 0 16.00% 4.00% 8.00% 1 Apparently, attempting to flood all the parallel links is the
optimal strategy for the adversary. If the adversary tries to
flood a new set of links, defenders will be able to detect
In TABLE 1, we measure O(N1 , N2 ) for each combi- the adversary’s attack intention and use traffic engineering
nation of target networks when attackers use the N-SEO to protect the new set of flooded links. In such a case, the
strategy. The overlap for any combination of different target adversary will never degrade the Internet connection.
networks is small. Only a small number of anchor target links Given L0P , the adversary chooses L00P ⊆ L0P that maximize
for the innocent networks will be flooded when adversaries Equation (11). Formally, L00P will be
are attacking the intended network. Therefore, we can easily
infer the target network accordingly by monitoring the anchor L00P = arg max{r(L0N ) + c(L0N ) + r(L0N )+
L00 (12)
target links. According to the mapping, the set of target links P

are unique for a specific target network. Assume the attacker r(L0X ) + c(L0X ) + i(L0X ) + cp + r(L00P ) + c(L00P )}.
only attacks a target network at a time. If most of the links in a
set of the target links are flooded, we can figure out the target The defender should choose a set of links L0P ⊇ L00P to
network. We also measure O(N1 , N2 ) for the SPAH strategy, deploy traffic engineering. Therefore, L0P should be
and find that for each combination of N1 and N2 , O(N1 , N2 )
equals 0. Therefore, there is no overlap of the target links for L0P = arg max{rd (L0N ∪L0X )+cd (L0N ∪L0X )+rt (L0P )
L0P (13)
the SPAH strategy. As a consequence, one can easily figure
out the target network for the SPAH strategy. + ct (L0P ) + it (L0P )}.

B. A GAME-THEORETIC FORMULATION OF LINK Initially, the adversary should choose a set of target links
FLOODING ATTACKS AND DEFENSES L0N and a set of links beyond the intended ones L0X to
We formally design the link flooding attack and defense congest. Considering the traffic engineering that a defender
game. As for attackers, they will select a set of target links will use, the adversary would choose links with fewer parallel
L0N to congest. By congesting these links, attackers will links to attack. To seek such links along with strike efficiency,
obtain a reward r(L0N ) at the cost of c(L0N ) due to renting we propose the LPSE strategy in Algorithm 4. Specifically,
bots. Attackers will also endure a loss i(L0N ) brought by we maximize SE and minimize L0P . Adversaries iteratively
attack interference. Attackers will attack a set of links L0X select a link l ∈ LN \ L0N maximizing the reward gain,
besides the intended ones, which brings their corresponding θl0 (L0N ) = (|R0N (L0N ∪ {l})| − |ε ∗ LP (L0N ∪ {l})|) −
r(L0X ), c(L0X ), i(L0X ). The overall gain of the attacker will (|R0N (L0N )| − |ε ∗ LP (L0N )|), where LP (·) calculates the
be formulated as number of parallel links and ε denotes a parameter defenders
choose to maximize his gain. This process repeats until
G1 =r(L0N ) + c(L0N ) + r(L0N )+ |R0N |/|RN | approaches a pre-specified goal ∇, or |L0N |
(9) reaches the budget of the number of selected links Φ.
r(L0X ) + c(L0X ) + i(L0X ).
For attackers who are concerned about both attack in-
Defenders, on the other hand, will use a cost cd (L0N ∪ L0X ) terference and traffic engineering deployed by defenders.
to detect the flooded links. Successfully detecting the flooded They will design an attack strategy to maximize SE, and
links will assign the defender a reward rd (L0N ∪ L0X ). To minimize L0P and AI. To seek such goals, we propose the
tackle the LFAs, the defender will perform traffic engineering LP-SPAH strategy in Algorithm 5. Adversaries iteratively
to reroute attack traffic to a set of links L0P . The defender select a link l ∈ LN \ L0N maximizing the reward gain,
can obtain a reward rt (L0P ) and a cost ct (L0P ). Traffic engi- θl00 (L0N ) = (|R0N (L0N ∪ {l})| − |ε ∗ LP (L0N ∪ {l})| −
neering may also introduce attack interference it (L0P ) to the |R0N̄ (L0N ∪ {l} ∪ LP (L0N ∪ {l}))|) − (|R0N (L0N )| − |ε ∗
innocent areas. The overall gain of the defender equals LP (L0N )| − |R0N̄ (L0N ∪ LP (L0N ))|). Replacing θl0 (L0N ) with
G2 =rd (L0N ∪ L0X ) + cd (L0N ∪ L0X ) + rt (L0P ) θl00 (L0N ) will generate the LP-SPAH strategy.
+ ct (L0P ) + it (L0P ).
Note that the defender will use traffic engineering to miti-
The attacker needs to pay a cost cp on probing the network gate the congestion. For the defender, the best response is to
to figure out the traffic engineering method that the defender choose a set of links L0P that satisfy Equation (13) to perform
deployed. The probing results will provide the attack with a traffic engineering. For the adversary, the best action is to
VOLUME 4, 2016 7

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

Algorithm 4: Least Parallel Links and Maximize Strike A feasible defense strategy against LFAs is to carry out
Efficiency. long-term monitoring of the status of target links. However,
Input: RN , LN , ∇, Φ it is difficult to observe the status of a target link separately.
Output: L0N As a consequence, we need to indirectly infer whether a link
L0N =∅,R0N = ∅ ;
for l ∈ LN do is under attack by measure the network path consisting of
calculate R0N (l) ; that link. Since a path normally contains many routers that
cannot be directly controlled, we monitor a path through non-
end for
while |R0N |/|RN | < ∇ do cooperative measurement methods. Moreover, because there
l = arg maxl∈LN \L0 θl0 (L0N ); are many paths around the target network and the links of
if |L0N | = Φ then different paths are redundant, the efficiency of monitoring all
break; paths is extremely low and will cause a large measurement
end if overhead. Therefore, we design a lightweight and effective
L0N = L0N ∪ {l}; scheme that enables defenders to quickly select the most
R0N = R0N ∪ R0N (l); valuable paths for monitoring.
for l ∈ LN do
calculate R0N (l);
end for A conventional approach for performing non-cooperative
end while network measurement is to deploy many distributed probes
that may be highly dispersed in various locations. These
Algorithm 5: Least Parallel Links and Maximize Strike distributed probes have IP addresses of different networks,
thereby offering plenty of measurement vantage points. How-
ever, deploying distributed probes is rather cost-intensive
Input: RN , LN , ∇, Φ
Output: L0N due to the high cost of renting and maintaining servers. To
L0N =∅,R0N = ∅ ; address such a limitation, we propose a lightweight probe
for l ∈ LN do deployment approach based on the dynamic virtual private
calculate R0N (l) ;
server (VPS). The dynamic VPS can continuously switch
end for IP addresses in different regions through keeping dialing-up
while |R0N |/|RN | < ∇ do repeatedly using just a single physical machine flexibly and
l = arg maxl∈LN \L0 θl00 (L0N );
if |L0N | = Φ then
N randomly.
break; Our experimental results show that a dynamic VPS in
China can randomly switch IP addresses in 26 provinces,
end if
L0N = L0N ∪ {l};
including 181 cities. We deploy shell scripts on the dynamic
R0N = R0N ∪ R0N (l); VPS to periodically obtain new IP addresses and save the
for l ∈ LN do results to the database. The experiment lasted 335 days and
calculate R0N (l);
obtained a total of 715,612 unique IP addresses. Based on the
end for above finding, we propose s a method of topology discovery
end while based on dynamic VPS. Using dynamic VPS, we can obtain
a large number of highly dispersed IP addresses easily and
quickly. These IP addresses will be used as the probe host
for topology discovery, and their distribution will affect the
maximize his reward considering the traffic engineering that
coverage and redundancy of network topology discovery
will be used on the links. That is,
(L0N , L0X ) = arg max{r(L0N ) + c(L0N ) + r(L0N )+ In practice, since the IP address pool of a dynamic VPS
(L0N ,L0X ) (14) is generally composed of IP addresses in different cities, it
r(L0X ) + c(L0X ) + i(L0X )}. is necessary to sample the approximate distribution of IP
addresses for a period of time in advance. Then, we need
VI. PRACTICAL ISSUES OF NON-COOPERATIVE to assign corresponding measurement targets to the dynamic
DEFENSES VPS based on the distribution of the IP addresses. When
The attack target of LFAs is the key links around the target performing topology discovery using the dynamic VPS, we
network area. Attackers control a large number of zombies to adaptively adjust the corresponding target IP address (where
access public servers around the target network area, congest the measurement packets are destined) according to the IP
the critical links along the access paths, and ultimately cut address of the dynamic VPS (where the measurement packets
off the connection between legitimate users and the target originate) and the historical measurement results. In this way,
network area. In order to achieve such a goal, attackers first the efficiency of topology discovery could be improved and
need to get the topology around the target network and figure link redundancy could be reduced.
out the critical links. To be more specific, every time when the IP address of the
8 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

dynamic VPS is switched randomly via automatic dial-up, consisting of linki .

we query the location of the current IP address, and compare At the beginning of the algorithm, the selected path set is
it with historical IP address records. If the current IP address empty. To calculate the profit of each path, all links along the
is close to historical IP address records, the redundancy of path need to be included. We then compare different paths. In
topology discovery result is expected to be high. In such each round of the greedy algorithm, the path with the largest
a case, we dial up again to switch to a new IP address. profit will be selected and added to the selected path set.
Otherwise, we will assign the current IP address as the next Accordingly, the links of the selected path are added into the
scheduled measurement target. The above process repeats selected link set.
until we collect sufficient topology information of the target When calculating the profit of each path, only the links
network using IP addresses of the dynamic VPS. Next, we that do not appear in the selected link set are considered.
integrate the information collected by different IP addresses Similarly, when calculating the total number of paths includ-
to comprehensively analyze the topology around the target ing a link, only the paths that have not been selected are
network. considered, and paths in the selected path set would not be
considered. This means that the profit of each path is not only
B. EFFECTIVE TOPOLOGY PROBING determined by links that it contains, but also related to the
After completing topology collection of the target net- previously selected path set. The path selection based on the
work, we analyze the data and find out paths suitable for greedy algorithm is shown in Algorithm 6.
long-term monitoring. To ensure the comprehensiveness of
the monitoring, one needs to monitor all links around the
target network to cover the set of target links that an attacker Algorithm 6: Greedy Path Selection Algorithm.
may attack. However, there are a large number of redundant Input: Dict
Output: Path num
links between different paths, and we need to select paths that initialize linkDictNum = ∅,linkSet = ∅
can cover as many links as possible to reduce the number of function GetMinPathNum(Dict)
paths to monitor. for srcDst in Dict do
for link in Dict[srcDst] do
Therefore, how to select an optimal set of paths from the if link not in linkDictNum then
collected topology data is an important issue. In addition, linkDictNum[link] = 0
when measuring the optimal set of paths, the following
end if
requirements should also be satisfied to achieve good per- linkDictNum[link] += 1
formance: (1) the paths should cover at least one target link; end for
(2) the measurement traffic towards an individual target link end for
is minimized (since measurement brings additional traffic linkSet = set(linkDictNum.keys())
resutl = greedySelect(linkSet, linkDictNum)
load); (3) the tasks assigned to probe should not be parallized return len(result)
so to avoid mutual-interfere between measurement packets; function GreedySelect(linkSet, linkDictNum)
(4) high-frequency measurement on the same public server while len(linkset) > 0 do
sendDictScore = dict()
should be prohibited so as not to be filtered by the firewall. for srcDst in Dict do
In order to find the optimal set of paths, we propose two score = 0
path selection algorithms in consideration of the above re- for link in Dict[srcDst] do
if link in linkSet then
quirements. We next detail the two path selection algorithms. score += linkDictNum[link]

1) Path selection based on greedy algorithm end if

end for
To find the smallest set of measurement paths to cover all endDictScore[srcDst] = score
links, an intuitive method is to choose a path that maximizes end for
the intersection with the links of the remaining paths each sortedScore = sorted(endDictScore.iteritems(), key = lambdax
time. We propose a fast path selection method based on : x[1], reverse = T rue)
end while
the greedy algorithm. The greedy algorithm continuously rSrcDst = sortedScore[0][0]
expands the selection set. Therefore, it is necessary to choose pathSet.add(rSrcDst)
the path that brings the highest profit under the current for link in Dict[srcDst] do
situation. In our experiment, how much profit a path can
bring depends on its intersection with the remaining paths. end for
The profit of a path, say a, is calculated as follows. linkDictNum.pop(rSrcDst)
return pathSet
Pa = path(linki ) (15)
2) Path selection based on improved genetic algorithm
where #link(a) represents the number of links of a, linki The greedy algorithm chooses the path with the largest
denotes the ith link of a, and path(linki ) is the set of paths profit in each round. Although computationally effective,
VOLUME 4, 2016 9

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

rithms include selection, crossover and mutation oper-

Input path set
ations. It is worth noting that the crossover operator
we use adopts a single-point crossover method. At the
Output minimum Meet iteration same time, due to the characteristics of network path,
number of paths conditions we choose to cross at the common link of two paths
to avoid path discontinuity after crossover. If there are
multiple common links, we randomly select one link
Calculate fitness of each for crossover; if there is no common link, no crossover
path operation will be performed. In addition, since the mu-
tation operation will select a path to replace the original
Select paths based on the path, it may cause breakpoints in the path. Therefore,
betting algorithm after the mutation operation, it is necessary to determine
whether the newly generated individual meets the actual
Crossover and mutation of requirements. If the requirements are not met, the muta-
path genes tion operation repeats again.
• Fitness function
Generate a new generation The fitness function is a performance index to judge
of path set the pros and cons of individuals. It is crucial for the
genetic algorithm to find the optimal solution. In our
FIGURE 5: Overall flow chart of improved genetic algorithm context, the optimal solution is to cover as many links
as possible with a limited number of paths. Therefore,
from the perspective of reducing link redundancy, we
it may reach local optimum with no guarantee on global design the fitness function as follows:
optimum. In order to further optimize the path selection
algorithm, we propose a path selection method based on the f = Pn . (16)
genetic algorithm. i=1 LRi
Borrowing from the theory of biological evolution, the where n represents the number of links contained in the
core idea of the genetic algorithm is survival of the fittest. current path, and LRi represents the redundancy of the
The path selection problem could be simulated as the process ith link in the current population.
of biological evolution. The next generation of individuals is The above algorithm uses the roulette-based random sam-
generated through selection, crossover, mutation. The elimi- pling method to select genes. The sampling probability of
nation of individuals with low fitness means that individuals each gene equals the proportion of its fitness value to the total
with high fitness survive. Therefore, after the N-generation fitness of all genes, thereby genes with larger fitness values
selection of the survival of the fittest, the individuals who having higher probabilities of being selected.
remain are highly adaptable individuals. The crossover probability and mutation probability of
The detailed algorithm is shown in FIGURE 5. The major genes are two key parameters affecting the convergence of
steps are presented below. the genetic algorithm. Increasing the crossover probability
• Chromosome Coding can speed up the generation of new genes at the risk of
Each path is represented as a chromosome, and the destroying high fitness genes. As the mutation probability
genes on the chromosome represent the links that con- grows large, the genetic algorithm will evolve into a ran-
stitute the path. Let P = [p1 , p2 , . . . , pn ] represent a dom search algorithm. We employ adaptive cross mutation
path, and pi (i = 1, 2, . . . , n) is an individual link. probability [26]. When the fitness of individuals in the gene
• Population Initialization population tends to be consistent or local optimal, the cross
To meet the requirements of the diversity and random- mutation probability is increased; Otherwise, the cross muta-
ness of the initial population, we randomly pick up tion probability is reduced [25]. The crossover probability Pc
candidate paths. At the same time, there are certain and the mutation probability Pm are calculated in equations
restrictions when using the genetic algorithm for path (17) and (18), respectively.
selection. Specifically, when initializing the population, (
k1 (fmax −f )
it is not enough to randomly select links to form a , f > favg
chromosome. Since the final requirement of covering Pc = fmax −favg (17)
k2 , else,
all links with the least number of paths is required when (
constructing chromosomes, it must be satisfied that their k3 (fmax −f0 )
, f0 > favg ,
descendants as many links as possible. Pm = fmax −favg (18)
k4 , else,
• Genetic Operator
Genetic operations mainly use a series of genetic op- where fmax denotes the maximum fitness value of the gene
erators to perform operations. Traditional genetic algo- in the population, favg represents the average fitness value, f
10 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

represents the larger fitness value of the two genes to cross, ment method based on Linkscope [5] so to enhance the
and f represents the fitness value of the gene to mutate. k1 , measurement robustness.
k2 , k3 , and k4 are constants satisfying k1 < k2 , k3 < k4 . The The measurement method we use is based on the packet
adaptive cross-mutation probability setting allows genes with train, i.e., a sequence of back-to-back packets. By sending a
low fitness to have a higher probability of evolution. The path packet train, we can estimate the status of the links along
selection based on the improved genetic algorithm is detailed a path based on the characteristics of response times. In
in Algorithm 7. addition, since the size of the packet train in our experiment
is less than 50Kb, the amount of the measurement traffic is
small. As a consequence, the measurement introduces limited
Algorithm 7: The Improved Genetic Algorithm for Path overhead, hence suitable for long-term deployment.
Selection As shown in FIGURE 6, our packet train is composed
Input: Dict
Output: Path num
of measurement packets and load packets, which are rep-
function GetMinPathNum(Dict) resented by colored and shaded boxes, respectively. The
for srcDst in Dict do measurement packet supports multiple protocol types, in-
for link in Dict[srcDst] do
if link not in linkDictNum then
cluding TCP, UDP, and ICMP. The Time-to-Live (TTL) of
linkDictNum[link] = 0 the measurement packet increases symmetrically from both
linkDictNum[link] += 1 sides to the center of the train. Every time the packet train
end if
passes through a router, a pair of response packets will be
end for
triggered. Using these response packets, we can estimate
end for
linkSet = set(linkDictNum.keys())
the available bandwidth of each link along the path. In
initPopulation = calFixedInitPopulation(cnt = 40) addition, because different networks may differ in packet
curPopulation = list(initPopulation) filtering rules, packet train designed based on multiple pro-
while gIndex <= 100 do
selectPopulation, persistList = genSelect(curPopulation, tocols can adapt to sophisticated network environments. By
allNum, persistNum, gIndex) default, we use the SYN connection request packet as TCP-
cMaxFitness = 0 based measurement packet, DNS request packet as UDP-
cSumFitness = 0
for i in xrange(len(selectPopulation)) do based measurement packet, and ICMP echo request packet
cl, cp, cProfit = calProfit(selectPopulation[i]) as ICMP-based measurement packet.
if cProfit > cMaxFitnes then
cMaxFitness = cProfit Using the multi-protocol-based link measurement method,
we measure the selected path so to be aware of critical links
end if of target network. Once an attacker launches an attack against
cSumFitness += cProfit
end for a critical link, the defender could perceive the location of
cAvgFitness = cSumFitness/len(selectPopulation) attacked link and in turn take defensive strategies based on
crossover(selectPopulation, cMaxFitness, cAvgFitness) the defense model in Sec. V.
mutation(selectPopulation, cMaxFitness, cAvgFitness)
for top in persistList do
selectPopulation.append(top) VII. EXPERIMENTS
curPopulation = copy.deepcopy(selectPopulation) We perform traceroute from source (Planetlab) servers
gIndex += 1
distributed all over the world to target (public) servers in five
end while
for gene in curPopulation do regional networks. FIGURE 7 shows the locations of these
finalProfitList.append((calProfit(gene))); servers. There are totally 81 source servers (40 in US, 7 in
China, 5 in Canada, 4 in Australia, 4 in Brazil, 3 in Germany,
end for
finalProfitList.sort(key = lambdax : x[-1], reverse = True) and 18 in others), and 4,843 target servers (1048 in E, 962 in
return len(finalProfitList) C, 957 in B, 942 in A, 934 in D). The entire dataset consists
of more than 1.2 × 106 routes and 1.2 × 106 links.
We consider part of the networks in five different regions
C. MULTI-PROTOCOL-BASED LINK MEASUREMENT as intended victim networks, namely, SubA in A, SubB in B,
Through path selection, we obtain a set of paths to monitor. SubC in C, SubD in D, subE in E, and the remaining part
Then, the real-time status of each path and link could be ob- as innocent victim networks (e.g., the network in A except
served via non-cooperative measurement. Non-cooperative SubA). In each attack, the adversary aims to disconnect
measurement means that the deployment of measurement one intended victim network by selecting target links to
tools are required to be only single-ended, hence drastically clog through the N-SEO strategy, the A-SEO strategy and
reducing the deployment overhead. However, when perform- the SPAH strategy. In the N-SEO strategy and the SPAH
ing non-cooperative measurement, protocols like ICMP may strategy, we assume Φ = |LN |. In the A-SEO strategy, we
be dropped by some intermediate routers or end servers. set Pc1 = 0.9, Pc2 = 0.6, Pm1 = 0.1, Pm2 = 0.001.
Therefore, we propose a multi-protocol-based link measure-
VOLUME 4, 2016 11

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

length:3h+m length:3(h-1)+m length:3+m

T1 U1 I1 … … I1 U1 T1 T2 U2 I2 … … I2 U2 T2 Th Uh Ih … … Ih Uh Th
Initial packet train After passing 1st router Reach the target host


Probe host Router 1 Target host


Response packet Response packet

FIGURE 6: Principle of non-cooperative measurement based on multiple protocols.

are disconnected. This observation coincides with the lower

attack interference when SubD is disconnected.
To exemplify the selected links intuitively, we plot the
geographical locations of selected target links via the N-SEO
strategy and the SPAH strategy, when N =“SubA” (i.e.,
SubA in A) and |R0N |/|RN | = 0.8 in FIGURE 10. We label
the links commonly selected by two strategies (20 links in
FIGURE 7: The locations of source and target servers. red), and the links exclusively selected by each strategy (22
links by N-SEO, and 39 links by SPAH, both in black). This
example demonstrates that the set of selected links by the
B. MEASURING STRIKE PRECISION UNDER SPAH strategy are different from and larger than those by the
DIFFERENT STRATEGIES N-SEO strategy, suggesting that, when interrupting the same
FIGURE 8 shows attack interference (AI) when number of routes, the SPAH strategy comes at the cost of
|R0N |/|RN | (i.e., the percentage of interrupted routes) varies more selected links to clog.
from 50% to 100%, with a step of 10%. Each line corre- For terrorist adversaries who are interested in mass de-
sponds to a specific intended victim network. struction, they may disconnect the Internet connection of
We observe that, among the three strategies, the N-SEO more than one target regions. We consider the network of A
strategy introduce the most attack interference, the SPAH and the network of one of the other four regions as intended
strategy the least, while the A-SEO in the moderate, for a spe- victim networks, namely, A & B, A & C, A & D, A & E.
cific intended victim network. Apparently, the SPAH strat- The network of the left three regions are the innocent victim
egy substantially lowers attack interference by considering networks (e.g., the networks of C, D and E when attacking
attack interference to innocent victim networks. In addition, A and B simultaneously). We also measure the percentage of
for both the N-SEO strategy and the A-SEO strategy, AI interrupt routes for the intended victim networks to show the
grows roughly linearly as the percentage of interrupted routes attack impact for an individual network (e.g., the percentage
increases. However, such a tendency is not significant for the of interrupted routes for A and the percentage of interrupted
SPAH strategy, indicating that no obvious attack interference routes for B when attacking A and B simultaneously). In each
would be introduced as more routes are interrupted. attack, the adversary selects target links to clog through the
Under a specific strategy, attack interference to networks N-SEO strategy. In both strategies, we assume Φ = |LN |.
such as SubD in D is relatively lower, whereas that to We measure the number of target links when attacking the
networks like SubA in A is relatively higher. The reason is target regions simultaneously and separately. As shown in
that SubD is a small area for D, and SubA accounts for a FIGURE 11, |R0N |/|RN | (i.e., the percentage of interrupted
large area for A. Therefore, the larger the ratio of the intended routes) varies from 50% to 100%, with a step of 10%.
victim network size in the entire regional network is, the As for attackers, simultaneously attacking multiple regions
more interference to the entire network would be posed. is more threatening since larger areas of networks are discon-
FIGURE 9 reports strike precision (SP ) over |R0N |/|RN | nected. Also, the defense can be harder to deploy because
under different strategies, as further cross-validate the results it is difficult for two separate regions to collaborate. We
about attack interference. Specifically, the SPAH strategy simulate LFAs when attackers want to interrupt the Internet
achieves the largest SP , the N-SEO strategy the least, while connection of multiple regions. FIGURE 12 shows attack
the A-SEO strategy in the moderate, for a specific intended interference (AI) attacking two regions simultaneously. To
victim network. Under the N-SEO strategy and the A-SEO make a comparison, we also simulate LFAs when attackers
strategy, the value of SP when SubD is disconnected is larger interrupt the Internet connection of one region in FIGURE
than those when the remaining intended victim networks 13. In this case, the other 4 regions are innocent networks.
12 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7 0.7 SubB
0.6 0.6 0.6 SubC

0.5 0.5 0.5 SubD



0.4 0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0 0.0

50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) N-SEO strategy (b) A-SEO strategy (c) SPAH strategy

FIGURE 8: Attack interference (AI) as the percentage of interrupted routes varies under different strategies.

1.00 1.00 1.00

0.95 0.95
0.90 0.90
0.85 0.85 0.90
0.80 0.80
0.75 0.75


0.70 0.70 0.80
0.65 0.65
0.60 0.60
0.55 0.55 0.70 SubA SubB SubC
0.50 0.50
0.65 SubD SubE
0.45 0.45
0.40 0.40 0.60
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) N-SEO strategy (b) A-SEO strategy (c) SPAH strategy

FIGURE 9: Strike precision (SP ) as the percentage of interrupted routes varies under different strategies.

0.7 0.6

0.6 0.5

0.5 0.4

0.4 0.3

0.3 0.2

0.2 0.1

0.1 0.0
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) N-SEO strategy (42 links) (b) SPAH strategy (59 links) (a) attack A&C (b) attack A&B
0.6 0.6

FIGURE 10: The locations of selected target links via dif- 0.5



ferent strategies, when N =“KLN” (i.e., SubA in A) and



0.3 0.3

|R0N |/|RN | = 0.8. 0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0.0 0.0
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

1600 1000
Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes
# of target links

# of target links

1200 (c) attack A&E (d) attack A&D

1000 600
800 FIGURE 12: Attack interference for all the other areas when
600 400
attacking two regions simultaneously as the percentage of
0 0
interrupted routes varies under the N-SEO strategy.
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) attack A&B (b) attack A&C

1600 1600 We observe that, AI is relatively higher for all the four
# of target links

# of target links


1200 1200
attacks than the AI in FIGURE 13. This is because at-
1000 attack sim 1000 tacking multiple targets simultaneously requires more target
800 attack seq 800
600 600 links than attacking only one target. The extra target links
400 400 result in more severe attack interference for the innocent
200 200
50 60 70 80 90 100
50 60 70 80 90 100
networks. When adversaries launch LFAs to multiple targets,
Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes the attack also leads to more severe attack interference for
(c) attack A&D (d) attack A&E the innocent networks. More severe attack interference tends
to incentivize the victim networks to collaborate with the
FIGURE 11: The number of target links when attacking two innocent networks in defending against LFAs. As shown in
regions simultaneously and sequentially as the percentage of FIGURE 14, the SPAH strategy can effectively reduce the
interrupted routes varies under the N-SEO strategy. (attack attack interference if attackers target one area.
sim: attack simultaneously, attack seq: attack sequentially) We also measure the attack interference when attacking
VOLUME 4, 2016 13

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

0.06 0.45 0.40

0.14 0.14
0.40 0.35 A B
0.35 0.12 0.12
0.30 C D
0.04 0.30 0.10 0.10 E
0.25 0.08 0.08




0.03 0.20
0.06 0.06
0.02 0.15 0.15
0.04 0.04 0.10
0.05 0.02 0.02 0.05
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) attack C (b) attack B (c) attack E (d) attack D (e) attack A
FIGURE 13: Attack interference (attacking one region) as the percentage of interrupted routes varies under the N-SEO strategy.

0.06 0.5 0.40

0.14 0.12 A B
0.05 0.4 0.12 C D
0.10 0.30
0.10 E
0.3 0.08 0.25




0.03 0.06 0.20
0.2 0.06
0.02 0.04
0.04 0.10
0.01 0.02 0.02
0.0 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00

50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) attack C (b) attack B (c) attack E (d) attack D (e) attack A
FIGURE 14: Attack interference for other (innocent) regions when attacking one region under the SPAH strategy.

0.8 0.24
0.7 0.35
0.6 0.30
0.6 0.15

0.5 0.12


0.5 0.09
0.4 0.20 0.06
0.3 0.00
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) attack A&C (b) attack A&B (a) attack A&C (b) attack A&B
0.8 0.7 0.24
SubA SubB
0.7 0.6 SubC SubD 0.20 0.16
0.5 0.16
0.6 0.12



0.4 0.12 0.10 SubA SubB SubC

0.5 SubD SubE
0.4 0.06
0.2 0.04
0.3 0.02
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(c) attack A&E (d) attack A&D (c) attack A&E (d) attack A&D

FIGURE 15: Attack interference for surrounding regions FIGURE 16: Attack interference for surrounding regions
when attacking two regions simultaneously as the percentage when attacking two regions simultaneously as the percentage
of interrupted routes varies under the NSEO strategy. of interrupted routes varies under the SPAH strategy.

two regions simultaneously under the SPAH strategy. In FIG- increases, SE drastically decreases. Compared with the N-
URE 16, the innocent networks are the networks surrounding SEO strategy, the A-SEO strategy has a higher value of SE.
the target network. For example, if attackers intend to attack However, the strike efficiency of the SPAH strategy is just
SubA and SubC, the complement part in A and C are the slightly lower than that of the SEO strategy. Since the SPAH
victim networks. According to our results in FIGURE 15, the strategy takes both strike precision and strike efficiency into
SPAH strategy has less attack interference than the N-SEO account, it achieves high strike precision without signifi-
strategy. In FIGURE 17, the innocent networks are all the cantly lowering strike efficiency.
available networks except the target networks. For example, We also measure strike efficiency (SE) over |R0N |/|RN |
if attackers intend to attack A and C, the networks in SubE, under different strategies for flooding multiple targets. As
B and D are the victim networks. shown in FIGURE 19, the N-SEO strategy performs better
than the SPAH strategies when attacking multiple targets.
C. MEASURING STRIKE EFFICIENCY UNDER However, when the attacker intends to interrupt over 80% of
DIFFERENT STRATEGIES routes to the target areas. The SPAH strategy performs as well
We measure strike efficiency (SE) over |R0N |/|RN | under as the N-SEO strategy.
different strategies. The result is shown in Figure 18. Combining the results above, we have the following con-
For all strategies, as the percentage of interrupted routes clusions. First, according to FIGURE 8 and FIGURE 9, on
14 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

0.05 0.04
LFAs may also congest the succeeding links of the target

link. To figure out the scale of the congested links in the next

0.02 hop and their corresponding attack effect, we calculate the

percentage of interrupted routes if the succeeding links are

50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100
congested. In FIGURE 22, we assume if 60%, 70%, 80%,
Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes 90% of routes of the target link traverses the succeeding
(a) attack A&C (b) attack A&B link, the succeeding link is congested. In such a scenario, the
A&B A&C corresponding attack effect is shown in FIGURE 22.
0.06 A&D A&E
0.05 We measure the percentage of interrupted routes when
flooding parallel links, and the corresponding attack interfer-

0.01 0.01
ence is shown in FIGURE 23. We find that re-routing flows to

50 60 70 80 90 100

50 60 70 80 90 100
parallel links can effectively relieve the congestion and lead
Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes to no significant attack interference to the target networks.
(c) attack A&E (d) attack A&D
For terrorist adversaries, they may be interested in flood-
ing all parallel links. However, as the attack effect, attack
FIGURE 17: Attack interference for all the other areas when interference and strike efficiency illustrated in FIGURE 24,
attacking two regions simultaneously as the percentage of attackers cannot interrupt more routes but have to endure
interrupted routes varies under the SPAH strategy. more severe attack interference and less strike efficiency
compared with the results in Sec. VII-B and Sec. VII-C.
Therefore, re-routing flows to parallel links can effectively
average, when adversaries interrupt 80% of routes to the in- relieve the congestion.
tended victim network by strategies that only consider strike Considering the traffic engineering that defenders use,
efficiency, attack interference is severe and strike precision is adversaries will choose target links following the LPSE
low. More precisely, by the N-SEO strategy, we have AI = strategy. In FIGURE 25, we measure the attack effect, attack
46.82%, SP = 69.16%, and AI = 40.36%, SP = 72.18% interference and strike efficiency of the LPSE strategy when ε
for the A-SEO strategy. equals 5. Using the LPSE strategy, adversaries can select the
Second, the main factors affecting attack interference and links that have fewer parallel links. Therefore, there are fewer
strike precision include the percentage of routes adversaries parallel links for the defender to choose so to deploy traffic
would like to interrupt (i.e., a larger percentage results in engineering. Meanwhile, adversaries can effectively improve
more attack interference and lower strike precision), the ratio their strike efficiency using the LPSE strategy.
of the size of the intended victim network to that of the For adversaries who are concerned about both attack inter-
innocent victim network (i.e., a larger ratio generally leads ference, the traffic engineering defense and strike efficiency,
to less attack interference and higher strike precision). To they may use the LP-SPAH strategy to launch LFAs. In
lower attack interference and improve strike precision, the FIGURE 26, we measure the attack effect, attack interference
SPAH strategy can be used. On average, when adversaries and strike efficiency of the LP-SPAH strategy. Adversaries
interrupt 80% of routes to the intended victim network by the can lower their attack interference while keeping good attack
SPAH strategy, AI = 13.34%, SP = 91.79%, at the cost of effect and high strike efficiency. We therefore conclude that
slightly more selected links to clog but without significantly the LP-SPAH strategy can effectively help the attacker to
decreasing strike efficiency. launch LFAs in a sophisticated way.


We evaluate the effects of traffic engineering against LFAs. 1) Path Selection Algorithm Evaluation
Defenders, as illustrated in Sec. II-B, can deploy parallel In order to evaluate the performance of the two path selec-
links to defend against LFAs. Therefore, by distributing the tion algorithms in Sec. VI-B, we rented several dynamic VPS
flows to parallel links, the congestion of the target link can servers and used them to collect real network topology data.
be relieved. However, as illustrated in FIGURE 20, it is To ensure the validity and diversity of the network topology
possible to flood the succeeding link (i.e., the next link) of the data, we used 588 geographically dispersed IP addresses
target link. To measure the effect of LFAs when flooding the across China to detect 100 public servers in Xi’an, China. All
succeeding links of the target links, we measure the percent these IP addresses originate from the dynamic VPS servers.
of interrupted routes when flooding the succeeding links Finally, we collected a dataset containing 58,800 paths and
and the corresponding attack interference in FIGURE 21. 27,279 unique links. We used the two algorithms to calculate
According to the results, it is effective to use parallel links to the number of paths required to cover all links. The minimum
distribute routes because the percentage of interrupted routes path required when using the greedy algorithm is 13366,
and attack interference decreases significantly. and the number is 12796 when using genetic algorithm. To
For the target link that has more than one succeeding link, compare the effects of the two algorithms, we randomly
VOLUME 4, 2016 15

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

1400 1400 1400

1200 1200 1200

1000 1000 1000 SubC

800 SubD
800 800


600 600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) N-SEO strategy parallel links

(b) A-SEO strategy (c) SPAH strategy
FIGURE 18: Strike efficiency (SE)
deployed as the percentage of interrupted routes varies under
by TE different strategies.
600 400

target link
target area

Interrupted Routes

Interrupted Routes
bot 400
target link 0.24 0.24

Percent of Actual

Percent of Actual
SubA SubB


0.21 0.21
300 200
SubC SubD
0.18 0.18
150 SubE
200 0.15 0.15
0.12 0.12
0.09 0.09
0 0 0.06 0.06
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100
0.03 0.03
0.00 0.00
Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

(a) SPAH strategy (victims: (b) SPAH strategy (victims: Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes

surrounding areas) all the other areas)

800 800
(a) 90% routes congested at the (b) 80% routes congested at the
700 700 A&B
succeeding link succeeding link
parallel links 600 A&C

Interrupted Routes

Interrupted Routes
Percent of Actual

Percent of Actual
500 500 0.28 0.32
by nature


400 400 0.24 0.28
public servers
300 300 0.20
200 200 0.16

target link
target area 0.12
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100
0.04 0.04
bots 0.00
Percent of Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

(c) N-SEO strategy (vic- (d) N-SEO strategy (vic- Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes

tims: all the other areas) tims: surrounding areas) target link
(c) 70% routes congested at the (d) 60% routes congested at the
FIGURE 19: Strike efficiency (SE) as the percentage of succeeding link succeeding link
interrupted routes varies under different strategies. FIGURE 22: Attack effect when congesting a succeeding
link as the percentage of interrupted routes varies.
parallel links
Interrupted Routes

SubA SubB
deployed by TE 0.24
Percent of Actual

0.32 SubC SubD

0.20 0.15
target link next link target area 0.16
strike precision
0.08 0.06 improvement
0.04 0.03
FIGURE 20: Distributing flows to parallel links could relieve 0.00 0.00

50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100
the congestion of the target link, but may flood the next link. Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes
(a) Attack effect (b) Attack interferencegreedy method im

selected 1,847 paths, including 1,200 unique links. Then, FIGURE 23: Attack effect & interference using existing
we compare the number of paths required to cover different parallel links as the percentage of interrupted routes varies.
numbers of links when the two algorithms are employed or no
algorithms are used (i.e., unprocessed). The specific results
are shown in FIGURE 27. As the figure shows, as the link also increases.It can be found that both the greedy-based and
coverage increases, the number of paths required to measure improved genetic-based path selection algorithms can cover
the specified links with fewer paths, and the improved genetic
algorithm slightly outperforms the greedy algorithm.
Interrupted Routes
Percent of Actual

0.18 SubA SubB

0.15 0.06 SubC

2) Multi-protocol Measurement Evaluation
Linkscope is capable of performing packet pair-based non-


0.06 0.02
0.03 cooperative measurement to perceive abnormal link perfor-
0.00 0.00

50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100
mance changes [5], and the multi-protocol measurement
Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes method proposed in this paper mainly focuses on further
(a) Attack effect (b) Attack interference enhancing its robustness. In our experiment, we use one
host to probe 300 DNS servers, and compare measurement
FIGURE 21: Attack effect & interference using deployed success rates of different protocols by changing the protocol
parallel links as the percentage of interrupted routes varies. type used by the packet train. TABLE 2 shows the results.
16 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

Actual Interrupted Routes

0.8 600

0.95 0.7
0.90 0.6 SubA SubB
Percent of

0.85 400
0.5 SubC SubD


0.75 300

0.70 0.3

0.65 200
0.1 100

0.50 0.0
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) Attack effect (b) Attack interference (c) Strike efficiency

FIGURE 24: Attack effect & interference & strike efficiency when flooding all existing parallel links as the percentage of
interrupted routes varies.
Actual Interrupted Routes

0.8 600

0.95 0.7
SubA SubB
0.90 0.6
SubC SubD
Percent of

0.85 400
0.80 SubE

0.75 300

0.70 0.3

0.65 200
0.1 100

0.50 0.0
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) Attack effect (b) Attack interference (c) Strike efficiency

FIGURE 25: Attack effect & interference & strike efficiency when flooding all existing parallel links under the LPSE strategy
as the percentage of interrupted routes varies.
Actual Interrupted Routes

0.95 400
SubA SubB
0.90 0.5 350
SubC SubD
Percent of

0.85 300
0.4 SubE


0.75 0.3
0.65 150

0.60 0.1 100

0.55 50
50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes Percent of Intended Interrupted Routes Percent of Interrupted Routes

(a) Attack effect (b) Attack interference (c) Strike efficiency

FIGURE 26: Attack effect & interference & strike efficiency when flooding all existing parallel links under the LP-SPAH
strategy as the percentage of interrupted routes varies.

TABLE 2: Measurement success rate based on different


Protocol Type Success-Num Success Rate

TCP 108 36%

UDP 97 132.33%
ICMP 165 55%
Multi-protocol 209 69.67%

FIGURE 27: Comparison of the number of paths required to cess rate of multiple-protocol measurement is significantly
cover different links. higher than that of single-protocol measurement.

Adversaries can effectively increase the precision when
The success-num in the table refers to the number of performing LFAs via the SPAH strategy. However, such
IPs that can successfully receive the packet train and return precision comes at the cost of lowered strike efficiency. That
response packets. When using Multi-protocol, as long as any is, compared with the SEO strategy, the SPAH strategy has
one of the three protocols can get response packets, it will be to clog more target links in order to interrupt the same
considered as a successful measurement. We see that the suc- number of routes. Fortunately, the number of target links
VOLUME 4, 2016 17

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

is not increased substantially, whereas the precision is im- challenging for rational adversaries in consideration of strike
proved significantly. Furthermore, according to our data, the precision to determine which network to disconnect, since
number of average (traceroute) hops from the target links clogging one link may interfere many other networks.
selected by the SPAH strategy to the intended victim network
equals 6.76, indicating that the attacked links are beyond IX. RELATED WORK
the administrative domain of the intended victim network The layered architecture of the Internet enables various
and thus defending these links against the attack remains types of connectivity structures [27]. CAIDA’s Archipelago
difficult. We, therefore, envision that there is a tendency that project [28] and DIMES [29] measured the router-level
adversaries take into account strike precision when perform- Internet topology via traceroute. Kang et al. analyzed the
ing LFAs for attack stealthiness and persistence. Terrorist pervasiveness of routing bottlenecks in 15 countries and 15
attackers may deploy LFAs by Mirai or other IoT botnets to cities around the world. Albert et al. [30] showed that if
launch LFAs in a more powerful and sly way. By combining an adversary disables 4% of the highly connected routers,
the pervasiveness of IoT devices and the slyness of LFAs the entire Internet will be broken up into small isolated
concerning attack interference, defenders can design LFAs pieces. However, later work by Magoni [31] and Wang et
that is more challenging to defend against. By analyzing the al. [32] concluded that breaking the entire Internet may not be
behaviors of the TCP traffic, the attackers may use to launch infeasible because of the vast number of routers or links that
congestion, we model the attack stages of the attacker and need to be disconnected. The IoT-originated DDoS attacks
give suggestions for the defenders. have attracted much academic attention. The large volume,
Besides the cost of lowered strike efficiency, seeking strike pervasiveness, and high vulnerability of IoT devices make
precision may lead to the increase of the ratio of the routes IoT devices great threats to Internet security. [33], [34]
crossing the set of selected target links and destined to the Recently, LFAs have gained attention in the literature.
intended victim network to all the routes crossing the set Kang et al. proposed LFAs that can effectively cut off the
of selected target links. Consequently, when coordinating Internet connections of a target area without being detected
attack traffic flows, adversaries have more choices to send [10], [13]. The Coremelt attack could be considered a spe-
attack traffic flows to decoy servers inside the intended victim cial case of LFAs [9]. Since LFAs result in abnormal link
network. In this case, for attack stealthiness and persistence, performance, traditional active link (and path) measurement
rational adversaries would construct attack traffic flows meet- techniques, such as packet pair and packet train, could
ing two requirements. First, each attack traffic flow, when be- naturally facilitate the detection of LFAs. To apply these
ing inspected separately, is indistinguishable from legitimate techniques in detecting LFAs, LinkScope employs both end-
flows. Second, these attack flows should exhibit diversity to-end and hop-by-hop measurement to detect the links under
without similar behavioral patterns (e.g., visit different web- such attacks [5], [6].
sites at different times) to evade correlation-based detection. To defend against LFAs, Gkounis et al. showed that both
To defend against rational adversaries in consideration of existing and novel traffic engineering modules can efficiently
strike precision, one solution is to monitor the performance expose the attack. They implemented a defense prototype
(e.g., available bandwidth) of the set of links selected by using simulation mechanisms and evaluated it extensively
the SPAH strategy in real time and trigger warnings upon on multiple real typologies [16]. Attacks by cost-sensitive
anomaly occurs [6]. Defenders can also employ traffic en- attackers try to fully utilize the bots’ upstream bandwidth.
gineering methods to defend against LFAs. According to our Kang et al. tackled this root cause that it is sufficient to
results, traffic engineering can effectively help to relieve the perform a rate change test, where they temporarily increased
congestion of target links and help to figure out the intended the effective bandwidth of the bottleneck core link and ob-
attacking target network by only observing the congestion of served the response. Attackers will be detected since they
target links. Due to the strong power of LFAs, we argue that are unable to demonstrably increase throughput after band-
it is still challenging to tackle LFAs using traffic engineer- width expansion. Kang et al. designed a software-defined
ing. Therefore, we model and formulate the game-theoretic network (SDN) based system called SPIFFY that addresses
interactions between the attacker and defenders. key practical challenges in turning this high-level idea into
The experimental results demonstrate traffic engineering a concrete defense mechanism, and provided a practical
can effectively relieve the congestion brought by LFAs and solution to force a trade-off between cost and detectability
help to figure out the intended attacking targets by observing for LFAs [14]. Traffic Engineering methods have also been
the target links. According to our results, defenders should proposed to tackle LFAs, Gkounis et al. propose that Traffic
follow the strategies we propose to deploy their defense. In Engineering can efficiently expose the attack [16]. Liaskos et
addition, from the perspective of routing topology design, al. proposed that by using Traffic Engineering, attackers have
one can also increase the overlapping of the (intermediate) to adopt a suspicious behavior to keep their attack, which
links of different networks, as well as the entropy of the makes themselves reveal their presence [20].
distribution of link importance to different networks. Con- Game theory has also provided a lot of inspiration for
sider the extreme case where all links are equally important defending against LFAs. Ma et al. proposed a randomized
to different networks in terms of connectivity. It would be approach based on Stackelberg security game to optimize
18 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

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VOLUME 4, 2016 19

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3131503, IEEE Access

Wang et al.: On Modeling Link Flooding Attacks and Defenses

XIAOBO MA is an associate professor with MOE LI FENG received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in
Key Lab for Intelligent Networks and Network electrical engineering from Xi’an University of
Security, Faculty of Electronic and Information Science and Technology, Xi’an, China, in 1997
Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, where he and 2001, respectively and his Ph.D degree in
received a Ph.D. in Control Science and Engineer- Electrical Engineering from the Xi’an Jiaotong
ing in 2014. He was a Post-Doctoral Research University in 2005. He was a visitor at Mi-
Fellow with The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univer- crosoft Research Asia (MSRA) joining the Mi-
sity. He is an XJTU Tang Scholar and a member crosoft Communication Protocols Project (MCPP)
of IEEE. His research interests include Internet from June to August 2004. He is now a senior
measurement and cyber security. research scientist at Center for Dependable and
Secure Computing (CDSC) of Wuhan Digital Engineering Institute (WDEI),
Wuhan, China. He is also a postdoctoral research fellow from September
2007 in Department of Computer Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an,
China. His research interests currently focus on mobile Ad hoc network
and information security. Li Feng is also a member of the IEEE Computer
JIAHAO PENG was a master student (when fin-
ishing this work) with MOE Key Lab for Intel-
ligent Networks and Network Security, Faculty
of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an
Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. He received his
master’s degree in Cyber Science and Engineering
in 2021 at Xi’an Jiaotong University. His research
focuses on Internet measurement and security.

JIANFENG LI received a Ph.D. in Control Sci-

ence and Engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong Univer-
sity in 2018, and he was with MOE Key Lab for In-
telligent Networks and Network Security, Faculty
of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an
Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China. He is currently
a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with The Hong
Kong Polytechnic University. His research inter-
ests include network security and privacy.

LEI XUE is a research assistant professor in

Department of Computing at The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, where he also received
the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science. He also
interned in Qihoo360 during his Ph.D. study. Cur-
rently, his research topics mainly focus on mobile
and IoT system security, program analysis, and
automotive security.

WENJUN HU is a research manager with Palo

Alto Networks where he leads a data driven secu-
rity team. He received his master’s and bachelor’s
degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
from Xi’an Jiaotong University. His research in-
terests include system security, data security and
machine learning.
20 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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