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elicit-izneti, izmamiti napolje, izvući informacije, izazvati odgovor..

Definitions of elicit


evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own actions or

they invariably elicit exclamations of approval from guests


obtain, bring out, draw out, extract, evoke, bring about, bring forth, induce, excite, give rise to, call
forth, prompt, generate, engender, spark off, trigger, kindle, extort, exact, wrest, derive, provoke, wring,
screw, squeeze, informal:worm out

Examples of elicit


they invariably elicit exclamations of approval from guests



Definitions of adherence


1.attachment or commitment to a person, cause, or belief.

a strict adherence to etiquette

2.the quality or process of sticking fast to an object or surface.

"observing the adherence of the seeds to clothing prompted the development of Velcro"

"he moved to Avignon and won the adherence of the French king"

"a strict adherence to etiquette"

awe - strahopoštovanje

a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.

"they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds"

inspire with awe.

they were both awed by the vastness of the forest

"the sight filled me with awe"

"they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds"

"is it any wonder that Christmas Eve has lost its awe?"

"his staff members are in awe of him"

elicit-izvući informaciju, naterati nekog da oda tajnu, izmamiti, izneti, postići, izvaditi nešto iz nekog,

evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own actions or

"they invariably elicit exclamations of approval from guests"


Definitions of honed


1.(of a blade) sharpened.

a honed knife is easier and safer to handle than a dulled, nicked blade
2.having been refined or perfected over a period of time.

a finely honed performance

"A honed knife is easier and safer to handle than a dulled, nicked blade."



a group of people attending or surrounding an important person.

an entourage of bodyguards


groupies, retinue, escort, company, cortège, train, suite, court staff, bodyguard, attendants,
companions, followers, retainers, members of court, camp followers, associates, hangers-on



escort, accompaniment, entourage, retinue, following, tendance


environment, environs, ambience, entourage

affluent-imućan, obilan, izobilan, bogat, pritoka, koji pritiče..

Definitions of affluent


1. (especially of a group or area) having a great deal of money; wealthy.

the affluent societies of the western world


wealthy, rich, prosperous, opulent, well off, moneyed, cash rich, with deep pockets, well-to-do,
comfortable, propertied, substantial, of means, of substance, in clover, plutocratic, silk-stocking, well
heeled, rolling in it/money, in the money, made of money, filthy rich, stinking rich, loaded, flush, on easy
street, quids in, worth a packet/bundle

2. (of water) flowing freely or in great quantity.


1. a tributary stream.


Definitions of concede


1. admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it.

I had to concede that I'd overreacted


admit, acknowledge, accept, allow, grant, recognize, own, confess, agree, take on board

2. surrender or yield (something that one possesses).

to concede all the territory he'd won


surrender, yield, give up, relinquish, cede, hand over, turn over, part with, deliver up, forfeit, sacrifice

concomitance-prateća okolnost, posledica, nešto što se dešava zajedno sa nečim i uzrokovano je tim

Definitions of concomitance


1. the fact of existing or occurring together with something else.


the doctrine that the body and blood of Christ are each present in both the bread and the wine of the

endorsed-odobriti, potvrditi, priznati, učiniti validnim, dati vlasti..

Definitions of endorse

1. declare one's public approval or support of.

the report was endorsed by the college

2. sign (a check or bill of exchange) on the back to make it payable to someone other than the stated
payee or to accept responsibility for paying it.


chirographate, underwrite, side-sign, countersign, sign on the back, initial, autograph, put one's mark
on, inscribe, superscribe, witness validate

latter-drugi, docniji, kasniji, pozniji, potonji

Definitions of latter


1. situated or occurring nearer to the end of something than to the beginning.

the latter half of 1989


later, hindmost, closing, end, concluding, final

2. denoting the second or second mentioned of two people or things.

the Russians could advance into either Germany or Austria—they chose the latter option


last-mentioned, second-mentioned, second of the two, second, last, later



Definitions of pretext


1. a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.

the rebels had the perfect pretext for making their move


excuse, false excuse, ostensible reason, alleged reason, plea, supposed, grounds, guise, ploy, pretense,
ruse, semblance, show, blind, pose, masquerade, mask, cloak, veil, veneer, smoke, screen, camouflage,
cover, travesty, parody, charade

invalidating-poništiti, poništavati, učiniti nevažećim, obesnažiti, obezvrediti

Definitions of invalidate


1. make (an argument, statement, or theory) unsound or erroneous.


confute, negative, disprove, show/prove to be false, refute, explode, contradict, rebut, negate, gainsay,
belie, give the lie to, discredit, expose, debunk, knock the bottom out of, drive a coach and horses
through, weaken, undermine, compromise, shoot full of holes, shoot down (in flames)

2. deprive (an official document or procedure) of legal efficacy because of contravention of a regulation
or law.

a technical flaw in her papers invalidated her nomination


render invalid, void, nullify, annul, negate, cancel, quash, veto, overturn, overrule, override, undo,
reverse, revoke, rescind, abolish, repeal, repudiate, terminate

Whence?-Odakle? Odkuda? Odkud?

Definitions of whence


1. from what place or source.

whence does Congress derive this power?

2. from which; from where.

the Ural mountains, whence the ore is procure

abrogated-ukinuti, poništiti, abrogirati

Definitions of abrogate


1. repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement).

a proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike


deracinate, repudiate, revoke, repeal, rescind, overturn, overrule, override, do away with, annul, cancel,
break off, invalidate, nullify, void, negate, dissolve, countermand, veto, declare null and void,
discontinue, renege on, go back on, backtrack on, reverse, retract, remove, withdraw, abolish, put an
end to, get rid of, suspendend, stop, quash, scrap, disaffirm, avoid, vacate, vitiate, axe, ditch, dump,
chop, give something the chop, knock something on the head

2. evade (a responsibility or duty).

we believe the board is abrogating its responsibilities to its shareholders

proffered-ponudio, ponuđen, ponuditi..

Definitions of proffer


1. hold out (something) to someone for acceptance; offer.

he proffered his resignation


offer, tender, present, extend, give, submit, volunteer, suggest, propose, put forward, hold out

regardless-bez obzira, uprkos

If the primus is a recipient of (his) primacy, then primacy exists without and regardless of him

render-dati, pružiti, učiniti, snabdeti, vratiti, naterati da bude, učiniti nekog nekakvim, malterisati,
izraziti, prevoditi, topiti, podneti, crtati, bojiti, slikati

Definitions of render

1. provide or give (a service, help, etc.).

money serves as a reward for services rendered


give, provide, supply, furnish, make available, contribute, offer, extend, proffer, show, display, exhibit,
evince, manifest

2. cause to be or become; make.

the rains rendered his escape impossible


make, cause to be/become, leave

3. represent or depict artistically.

the eyes and the cheeks are exceptionally well rendered


paint, draw, depict, portray, represent, reproduce, execute, limn, act, perform, play, depict, interpret

commensurate-srazmeran, proporcionalan

Definitions of commensurate


1. corresponding in size or degree; in proportion.

salary will be commensurate with experience


equivalent, equal, corresponding, correspondent, comparable, proportionate, proportional,

commensurable, appropriate to, in keeping within line with, consistent with, corresponding toin
accordance with, according torelative toin proportion with, proportionate to, dependent on, based on,
commensurable with/to

Examples of commensurate

salary will be commensurate with experience

such heavy responsibility must receive commensurate reward

severed-udaljena, odsečena, prekinuta, otkinuta, odvojena

Definitions of severed


having been cut or sliced off.

severed limbs

Examples of severed

severed limbs

the heartbreak of severed relationships

adverse-štetan, neprijateljski, suprotan

Definitions of adverse


preventing success or development; harmful; unfavorable.

taxes are having an adverse effect on production


unfavorable, disadvantageous, inauspicious, unpropitious, unfortunate, unlucky, untimely, untoward,

disagreeable, unpleasant, bad, poor, terrible, dreadful, dire, wretched, nasty, hostile, harmful,
dangerous, injurious, detrimental, hurtful, deleterious, destructive, pernicious, disadvantageous,
unfavorable, unfortunate, unhealthy, hostile, unfavorable, antagonistic, unfriendly, ill-disposed,
negative, opposing, opposed, contrary, dissenting, inimical, antipathetic, at odds

endeavors-poduhvata se nečega, ulaže napor da ostvari nešto, nastoji jako da ostvari nešto

Definitions of endeavor

try hard to do or achieve something.

he is endeavoring to help the Third World


slog away, give something a whirl, have a go at, have a shot at, have a stab at, give something one's best
shot, do one's damnedest, go all out, bend over backwards, break one's neck, bust a gut, move heaven
and earth, essay, try, attempt, venture, undertake, aspire, aim, seek, set out, strive, struggle, labor, toil,
work hard, try hard, exert oneself, apply oneself, do one's best, do one's utmost, give one's all, be at
pains, work at, try one's hand at


an attempt to achieve a goal.

an endeavor to reduce serious injury


go, crack, shot, stab, bash, whack, whirl, attempt, try, bid, effort, trial, venture

shrinked-smanjiti se, skupiti se

remuneration-naknada za rad, recimo doktoru kad neko plati što je došao da ga pregleda, nagrada,
plata, obeštećenje
Definitions of remuneration


1. money paid for work or a service.

they work in excess of their contracted hours for no additional remuneration


payment, pay, salary, wages, earnings, fee(s), stipend, emolumen(s), honorarium, remittance,
consideration, reward, recompense, reimbursement, repayment

Examples of remuneration

they work in excess of their contracted hours for no additional remuneration

enamel-gleđ, zubna gleđ

curfew-policijski čas

1. a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night.

"The lists of candidates, their names and manifestos, were all but invisible and a strict curfew was

Examples of curfew

You remember the feeling: You had a midnight curfew , but your friends were free to roam wild until

When Mom and Dad are home, our curfew is midnight.

to be out after curfew without permission was to risk punishment

My curfew was usually midnight, but not for dates.

We saw them lifting an overnight curfew that had been in place also since April when the old regime fell.

involuntary confinement-недобровољно затварање, хапшење

prodigal son-блудни син

despondency-омаловажавање, потиштеност, малодушност, очајање..

Definitions of despondency


1. a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage.

he hinted at his own deep despondency


hopelessness, despair, discouragement, low spirits, wretchedness, melancholy, gloom, misery,

desolation, disappointment, disheartenment, dejection, sadness, unhappiness, blues, heartache

Examples of despondency

an air of despondency

he hinted at his own deep despondency

relent-попустити, бити попустљив, одвратити се од гнева према некоме, опростити некоме..

Definitions of relent


1. abandon or mitigate a harsh intention or cruel treatment.

But despite the best efforts of his closest aides, it was not until two hours later that the Pope finally
relented , the report said.

change one's mind, backpedal, do a U-turn, back down, give way/incapitulate, become merciful, become
lenient, agree to something, allow something, concede something, accede

Examples of relent

Time often dilutes anger and passion and Hollywood began to relent in its attitude against Kazan.

The mists did not relent to the light, they only fell around Nakita and the Neraks, and stayed upon them.

The rain did not relent , and even seemed to be enhanced at times as its path became more horizontal.

Outside, the sky rumbled, and the falling rain did not relent.

lent-позајмљено, велики пост, четрдесетница

Definitions of Lent


1. (forming adjectives) full of; characterized by.



1. the period preceding Easter that in the Christian Church is devoted to fasting, abstinence, and
penitence in commemoration of Christ's fasting in the wilderness. In the Western Church it runs from
Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday and so includes forty weekdays.

Since one must reserve a room six months in advance, I made plans last fall to visit this Lent .

Definitions of chalice


1. a large cup or goblet, typically used for drinking wine.

Without hesitating, she strode to the pillar supporting the glass chalice and firmly grasped the goblet by
the stem.

Examples of chalice

I don't think you would get away with a ‘Jesus Bar’ advertised by a leering Christ holding a chalice of

The infiltration of Manichee notions could be detected when Christians at the Eucharist accepted the
host but not the chalice .

In the 19th century, the temperance and sanitation movements led many Protestants to replace wine
and chalice with individual communion cups and grape juice.

The very entrance of the priest, bearing the veiled chalice and paten and preceded by servers,
announces that an action of extraordinary importance is about to be re-enacted.

nuggets-грумен, грудва

Definitions of nugget

1. a small lump of gold or other precious metal found ready-formed in the earth.

This declaration resulted in gold nuggets and samples beginning to accumulate in private collections all
over Russia.

Synonyms of nugget


lump, nub, chunk, piece, hunk, wad, gobbet, gob

lecker (немачки)-укусно

sordid-pogan, prljav, odvratan (sve ovo u moralnom smislu)..

Definitions of sordid


1. involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.

The Dutroux case, which uncovered a sordid picture of judicial and political corruption, implicated the
highest levels of Belgian society.

sleazy dirty seedy seamy unsavory tawdry cheap debased degenerate dishonorable disreputable
discreditable contemptible ignominious shameful abhorrent

dormant-успорен, који има одложено дејство, нпр.лоши ефекти вакцина или куру болест, који
спава зимски сан, дремљив...

Definitions of dormant


1. (of an animal) having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or
as if in a deep sleep.

He goes where a largely dormant press has not

Examples of dormant

The ankle socks are also adding a colourful touch to the otherwise dormant school uniforms.

Anthrax spores have been known to persist dormant in the soil for up to 80 years.

The case had been long dormant for years.

At least there was an escape route, just in case I felt the dormant volcano erupting.

He goes where a largely dormant press has not.

plethora-обиље нечега, пунокрвност, презасићеност

Definitions of plethora


1. a large or excessive amount of (something).

He was also a multi-talented musician who could adapt himself to a plethora of instruments.


excessoverabundancesuperabundancesurplusglutsuperfluitysurfeitprofusiontoo manytoo muchenough

and to sparemore —— than one can shake a stick at

2. an excess of a bodily fluid, particularly blood.

With the development of plethora , the number of reticulated cells in the blood decreased.

Examples of plethora

This CD has nothing but unexciting songs that could get lost and forgotten in a plethora of much better

Allen won a plethora of medals during his illustrious career

Still, there's a plethora of self-help books offering tips and advice.

Yes, there is a plethora of things to do when you're a student, self-employed, or a little short on cash.

This was hardly a thriller, but there was plentiful excitement due to a plethora of mistakes from both
defences in the second half.

The British Isles boast a plethora of university art galleries.

disband-распустити, расформирати, разићи се

Definitions of disband


1. (of an organized group) break up or cause to break up and stop functioning.

St. Fintan's have since disbanded due to falling numbers.


break up, disperse, demobilize, dissolve, scatter, separate, go separate way, spart company

Examples of disband

Irish writer John Banville asks why the IRA in their most recent statement announced that they would
put an end to their armed campaign but not disband the organisation.

The IRA's war has ended and the organisation shall not disband .

Paramilitary organisations of all kinds should disarm and disband .

the unit was scheduled to disband

venerate-поштовати, указивати велику част, обожавати, клањати се (иконе)

Definitions of venerate


1. regard with great respect; revere.

They worship and venerate their own, but turn on players of the other side.


revere, regard highly, reverence, worship, hallow, hold sacred, exalt, vaunt, adore, honor, respect,

tangible-опипљив, додирљив

Definitions of tangible


1. perceptible by touch.

His characters cover a wide range of ages, but each has one thing in common: an almost tangible quality.


1. a thing that is perceptible by touch.

The capacity to outthink the competition, to convert knowledge to power and smarts to money, defines
the shift from an economy of tangibles to one of intangibles.

Examples of tangible.

Locke has since then been used to legitimise the creation of new property rights in tangibles and
The result will be a thorough, intelligent market research study that is likely to yield tangible results.

These priority projects are real, tangible evidence of the company's work.

The so-called problem of allocation, which has bewitched some commentators, does not arise as it does
with tangibles such as goods.

In my mind the success of a production depends largely on the tangibility created by the musical score.

coil-завојница, калем, котур, спирална цев, намотај, навити, намотати, навијати

Definitions of coil


1. arrange or wind (something long and flexible) in a joined sequence of concentric circles or rings.

he coiled a lock of her hair around his finger


wind, loop, twist, curl, curve, bend, twine, entwine, spiral, corkscrew


1. a length of something wound or arranged in a spiral or sequence of rings.

They were carrying a long coil of rope, and were saying something in sign language that was probably
equivalent to ‘Grab the rope and tie it to something,’

2. a confusion or turmoil.

All of us who shuffled off the coil of tertiary study and into the colder harder reality of working for the
system that educated us know the feeling
Examples of coil

The cup-shaped vessel specially made to keep the lighted mosquito repellent coil , candle stand and
small teacups are among the attractions.

Raven talking is a rare event, and so you have to play the game wondering things like, ‘Is that thing on
the floor a coil of rope or a snake?’

It works by moving a magnet through a coil of wire and produces a alternating current which must then
be rectified by the use of diodes.

The weighing scales took pride of place on the counter and I was keenly interested on the large coil of
twine and stack of brown paper which were used to keep everyone's messages together.

deciphered-дешифровати, одгонетнути..

Definitions of decipher


1. convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language.

I had to decipher the code so that I could make a counter formula.


decode, decrypt, break, work out, solve, interpret, unscramble, translate, make sense of, get to the
bottom of, unravel, crack, figure out

Definitions of forsake


1. abandon (someone or something).

But at some point in life, you must abandon books, forsake the forewarning words of others, and find
out for yourself.


abandon, desert, leave, leave high and dry, turn one's back on, cast aside, break (up) with, jilt, strand,
leave stranded, leave in the lurch, throw over, walk out on, run out on, dump, ditch, can

Examples of forsake

he would never forsake Tara

If you can forsake your fundamental principles for any reason then you are not the kind of person who
can take the country forward.

He definitely needs to cut back, but he doesn't have to forsake his principles to do that.

I won't forsake my vegetarian principles

But at some point in life, you must abandon books, forsake the forewarning words of others, and find
out for yourself.
propping-подупирати, бити подршка, помоћ

Definitions of prop


1. position something underneath (someone or something) for support.

Cal leaned forward and propped both elbows on the bed.


hold up, shore up, bolster up, buttress, support, brace, underpin

Examples of propping

Diane leaned over her desk, propping her chin on her fist.

In a ground floor flat in Belsize Park, I stowed my guitars in the cupboard and instead began propping
the door open with the Oxford Handbook of Criminology.

I helped using my left hand while propping myself with my right.

Katlyn opened her eyes and sat up, her arms propping her up from behind.

Needless to say, I made a hasty retreat, kicking aside the wedge propping my kitchen door open so it
slammed shut, keeping the rodent hopefully contained in one room.

He returned to his seat and sighed, propping his chin on his fist.
Силабус (syllabus) је каталог свих курсева доступних на једном факултету или списак свих области
које треба положити на једном курсу да би се добила прелазна оцена. Силабус је код нас онај
месечни или годишњи "план и програм рада" са списком лекција који имају професори и учитељи.

У прошлости, силабусом су се звали и спискови папских регула. Папа Пије IX издао је и тзв.
"Силабус", тј. "Списак најважнијих заблуда нашега времена", средином 19. века.

Šta je to silabus?

Silabus predstavlja kratak sadržaj o određenom predmetu.

Pojam silabus potiče iz latinskog jezika, tačnije od reči sittybas i bukvalano značenje bilo bi krivo čitanje.
Kod nas ovaj pojam koristi se za kratak sadržaj o određenom predmetu. Možemo reći da je silabus
ustvari sinonim za reč skripta.

Ako posmatramo ovaj pojam u širem smislu silabus predstavlja katalog svih kurseva dostupnih na
jednom fakultetu, odnosno spisak svih oblasti koje bi studen trebao da nauči i položi kako bi dobio
prelaznu ocenu. Silabus jeste plan i program rada koji sadrži spisak svih lekcija o određenom predmetu.

Mnogi silabusom nazivaju i skripte koje predstavljaju kratak sadržaj odnosno sažetak određenog
predmeta i ono najvažnije što bi se o njemu trebalo znati.

Ranije silabusom su se nazivali spiskovi koje je pravio papski regular. Tokom 19-og veka čak Papa Pije IX
izdao je popularni „Silabus“ čije je popularno ime bilo „Spisak najvažnijih zabluda našeg vremena“.

pestilences-куга, помор, болести, пошасти

Definitions of pestilence

1. a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.

The pestilence that destroyed so much of our agriculture industry has left a long shadow, and no one
would claim that everything today is back to normal.

Examples of pestilences

The physician's challenge is the curing of disease, educating the people in the laws of health, and
preventing the spread of plagues and pestilences .

neither prayers nor demonstrations halted the advance of the pestilence

He ordered the nearby swamps and marshes in the city of Salinus to be drained, in order to prevent an
unknown pestilence , probably malaria.

she died of pestilence

ooze-цурење, цурити, излучевина, излучити, испустити, жуч, муљ, глиб, сепија, цурење..

Definitions of ooze


1. (of a fluid) slowly trickle or seep out of something; flow in a very gradual way.

honey oozed out of the comb


seep, discharge,flow,exude,trickle,drip,dribble, issue,filter, percolate, escape, leak, drain, empty, bleed,

sweat, well, extravasate
2. give a powerful impression of (a quality).

The Irish players within that group oozed a quality you were always looking up to.


exude, gush, drip, pour forth, emanate, radiate


1. wet mud or slime, especially that found at the bottom of a river, lake, or sea.

The latter method ensures that your hands will be covered by sticky ooze guaranteed to attract clouds of
annoying flies.

2. the sluggish flow of a fluid.

The slime - a thick, mucus-like substance that smelled positively dreadful - was dribbling down the steps
in a slow and steady ooze .


seepage, seeping, discharge, flow, exudation, trickle, drip, dribble, percolation, escape, leak, leakage,
drainage, secretion, excretion, extravasation

3. an infusion of oak bark or other vegetable matter, used in tanning.


mud, slime, alluvium, silt, mire, sludge, muck, deposit

Examples of ooze

Gnaw's lard component proved far less stable than the chocolate one, displaying a tendency to ooze ,
crack and eventually collapse.

These encourage pores in the skin to ooze large amounts of sebum, the greasy goop that acne-
promoting bacteria love.

The monster that had once been our friend transformed himself into a huge scaly beast, covered in
dripping ooze .

The symptoms of eczema can include red, itchy skin, rash, blisters or bumps that itch and ooze , or scaly,
brownish, thick skin.
prodded-боцкати, убадати некога, подстицати, убости некога прстом, оштрим предметом или

Definitions of prod


1. poke (someone) with a finger, foot, or pointed object.

Dale prodded at a ticklish spot on Tiffany's stomach with his fingers, which made her giggle.


poke, jab, dig, elbow, butt, stab

friction-трење, трљање, вучење, рендање, захватање зупцима..

Definitions of friction

1. the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.

You need to apply a great pressure to finally break the static friction and start the grease moving.


abrasion, rubbing, chafing, grating, rasping, scraping, resistance, drag

Examples of friction

Some of the scenes of domestic friction between family members are obviously written from recent
experience, as they ring resoundingly true.

Minimizing the load carried by half the pistons and connecting rods trims friction and reduces energy
losses to the cooling system.

The Arcot House is different from most royal houses in the country as there is no friction between the
government and this former ruling family.

If it wasn't for friction between the tyres and the road, driving a car would be like trying to drive on an
ice rink.

reckless-несмотрено, непромишљено, лакомислено, неодговорно..

Definitions of reckless


1. (of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.

Their biggest problem was persuading the enthusiastic local spies not to be reckless .

rash, careless, thoughtless, heedless, unheeding, hasty, overhasty, precipitate, precipitous, impetuous,
impulsive, daredevil, devil-may-care, irresponsible, foolhardy, audacious, overadventurous, ill-advised,
injudicious, madcap, imprudent, unwise, ill-considered, kamikaze, temerarious


Definitions of carnage


1. the killing of a large number of people.

Trenches became mass graves in scenes of terrible carnage as 1,000 men fell dead or wounded.


slaughter, massacre, mass murder, butchery, bloodbath, bloodletting, gore, holocaust, pogrom, ethnic

Examples of carnage

the bombing was timed to cause as much carnage as possible

Hundreds of thousands of British servicemen died in the terrible carnage of the Second World War.

Trenches became mass graves in scenes of terrible carnage as 1,000 men fell dead or wounded.

For this day of carnage and tears there can be no justification or excuse.

The next morning, they wake to a scene of carnage , with no recollection of having fallen asleep.
privy-tajna, nužnik, klozet, mesto gde ljudi pišaju, učesnik, posvećenik u tajne, član tajnog društva,
privatni, državni, tajni..

Definitions of privy


1. sharing in the knowledge of (something secret or private).

The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents.


in the know aboutacquainted within oninformed ofadvised ofapprised ofwise tocognizant of


1. a toilet located in a small shed outside a house or other building; outhouse.

People drink in their offices, they drink on horseback, they drink on the privy , they drink pretty much
wherever and whenever they have a free hand.

2. a person having a part or interest in any action, matter, or thing.

As such the Defendants are privies in title of the covenantors and bound by the estoppel which bound

Examples of privy

Sundays were further elevated as the principal court day with new regulations governing behaviour at
chapel, and the privacy and dignity of Charles's privy lodgings were reinforced.
The team watches the success of its efforts from another room, not privy to reaping the benefits

As usual we were not privy to any information about the car's significance; we were just asked to find
and mark it.

There is already a precedent for this because local residents (including my family) all have concessionary
tickets to the privy gardens and have had them since they were replanted.

"Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi."-(lat.) "Ono što je dozvoljeno Jupiteru, nije dozvoljeno volu." To je pisalo
na slici Sergija Trifunovića na Twitteru.

denounce-raskrinkati nekog, javno razotkriti nekog da je zao, osuditi nekog javno..

Definitions of denounce


1. publicly declare to be wrong or evil.

Gambling on cricket is nothing new, and as early as 1823 a match between Hampshire and England was
denounced as a fix.


condemn, criticize, attack, censure, decry, revile, vilify, discredit, damn, reject, proscribe, malign, rail
against, run down, slur, knock, slam, hit out at, lay into, castigate

Examples of denounce

The writers say they were tortured and forced to publicly denounce their work.

He has publicly denounced all the wrongs that were levelled on him.

The culture of the establishment is denounced as oppressive.

He is brought to jail; she publicly denounces him; and the court sentences him to six months in prison.

elusive-neuhvatljiv, nedostižan..

Definitions of elusive


1. difficult to find, catch, or achieve.

Birdwatchers from all over the country have descended on a nature reserve in Cheshire in search of a
rare and elusive bird.


difficult to find, evasive, slippery, always on the move

Examples of elusive
With off-road vehicles and guns, this is a boy's day out, and all in pursuit of that elusive plump little bird.

He would then retreat, hoping to catch the elusive man in their new round.

Reedie had been praying for that first elusive gold to come from Simon Lessing in today's men's

But persuading the elusive birds to quit their historic lodgings has proved to be quite a headache.

strife-svađa, razdor, nesloga

Definitions of strife


1. angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict.

Many Iraqis hope that it will head off sectarian strife and even civil war.


conflict, friction, discord, disagreement, dissension, dispute, argument, quarreling, wrangling, bickering,
controversy, ill/bad feeling, falling-outbad blood, hostility, animosity

Examples of strife

You are triumphant in conflicts after a period of strife and opposition.

It is a sign of sudden change through conflict and strife .

In the popular press there are a lot of stereotypes that depict Africa as a place full of famine and civil
strife .

Many Iraqis hope that it will head off sectarian strife and even civil war.
Others said Allah was angry that Muslims were killing Muslims in ongoing civil strife.


Definitions of reiterate


1. say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.

she reiterated that the administration would remain steadfast in its support


repeat, say again, restate, retell, recapitulate, go over (and over), rehearse

Examples of reiterate

May I reiterate comments made four years ago, which I will repeat with monotonous regularity until
something is done about it.

The children signed cards reiterating that they would be around for their elders in their times of need.

Ms. White was again reiterating her opposition to an inter-urban motorway but stated she fully
supported the upgrading of roads and the urgent need for a Carlow bypass.

prowling-nemirno se šetati levo-desno, kao lisica u kavezu, tumarati, biti uznemiren, krstariti..
Definitions of prowl


1. (of a person or animal) move around restlessly and stealthily, especially in search of or as if in search
of prey.

Janet prowled around the cart, pouncing on anything that moved.


move stealthily, slink, skulk, steal, nose, pussyfoot, sneak, stalk, creep, snoop

hustler-energična, živahno-agresivna osoba, kao Goca Cvetković i Ksenija Ristić, koja koristi ljude, dok ih
ne iskoristi, a onda odbaci bez trunke griže savesti, psihopata i zlo! Amin! Traži usamljene i dobre ljude!
Ne glupe kako sam ranije mislila! Dakle ja nisam glupa, nego sam usamljena bila i zato me je Goca
iskoristila. Bože, Bože! Hvala ti što si mi dao da pronađem ovo, čujem i vidim! Slava tebi!

Definitions of hustler


1. an aggressively enterprising person; a go-getter.

I wandered the streets, being offered every illegal drug on the market by hustlers .
Examples of hustler

Frank acknowledged that he had had a relationship with the hustler but denied he knew about the
prostitution ring.

I've got money, I've got a good home, I've got friendship in all walks of life and I'm neither a pimp, nor a
hustler, nor a thief, nor a liar.

What a hustler or conman is looking for in a victim, we are very usefully told, is not stupidity but

‘I come from a street level, I was a hustler on the street, that was my thing,’ Kelly says.

hustled-užurbati nekoga, zbrzati nekoga da bi ga omeo sa pravog puta, užurbanost, guranje, životarenje,
prostitiuisanje, navođenje nekoga na prostituciju, navođenje nekoga na bilo kakv greh..

Definitions of hustle


1. force (someone) to move hurriedly or unceremoniously in a specified direction.

Mum is hustling us along, clearing the area, searching for forgotten items.

2. obtain by forceful action or persuasion.

He doesn't know that the bar owner has paid off the cops, and the bartender is a henchman who
hustled votes for the judge.

3. engage in prostitution.

It's clear that if they're not placed into boarding schools pronto, the girls will be whoring and the boys
will be hustling within the next couple of years.
Examples of hustled

They hustled past me, and, led by my father and the doctor, went straight upstairs.

He doesn't know that the bar owner has paid off the cops, and the bartender is a henchman who
hustled votes for the judge.

We hustled some grants out of a Methodist church.

I hustled him out of the theater to sit on a bench for a few minutes.

And briefly, before the orchestra builds to a crescendo and I am hustled from the awards podium.

stir up-uznemiriti, uzbuniti, raspirivati, dići, promešati, uzmutiti, zapodenuti, uzbuditi, oduševiti,

Synonyms of stir up


fire up, instigate, disturb, agitate, inflame, wake, heat, ignite, incite, set off, raise up, shake up,
commove, vex, foment

usury-zelenaštvo, davanje novca pod kamatu, lihvarstvo

Definitions of usury


1. the illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest.

The Roman Catholic church fathers took strong stands on the question of usury , which they saw as not
merely excessive interest, but any injustice in trade.

Examples of usury

But where do you draw the line between this kind of usury and legitimate lending?

The superpower of the ancient world was influenced both by God and by the demons of materialism,
violence, self-love, fraud, and usury .

the medieval prohibition on usury

Fighting against usury and the persecution of debtors has a long religious history as well as a social
justice lineage.

livestock-stoka, domaće životinje, živina

Definitions of livestock


1. farm animals regarded as an asset.

Fireworks must not be set off near livestock or horses in fields or close to barns and stables.

Examples of livestock

Farmers tell him that livestock graze the sward very tightly so there is no wastage.

The fire led to a few of the nearby farms and livestock being evacuated.

Some farms have security men checking to make sure that livestock in fields are safe.

No animals or livestock were involved in the process of these sonic experiments.

usher-poslužitelj, razvodnik, vratar, razvoditi

Definitions of usher


1. a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a theater or at a wedding.

The usher at the cinema introduced the movie, and gave away the plot.


guide, attendant, escort, sidesman

2. an assistant teacher.

It was modest in size, with perhaps 40 pupils taught by one master, assisted by an usher , in the room
above the guildhall, both of which survive and are still used by the school.


1. show or guide (someone) somewhere.

His assistant ushers me and the photographer past the two staff doing laundry and into a private


escort,accompany, take,show, see,lead, conduct,guide, steer,shepherd, marshal

2. cause or mark the start of something new.

The party's leader, Charles Kennedy, said voters had ushered in a new era of three-party politics.

Examples of usher

I couldn't believe our luck when we went to get our seats and the usher pointed them out.

The notice in the jury room does not prevent or discourage notes to the judge being submitted via the
court usher.

At the top of the climb an usher showed you where to park and pointed out seating in an area outlined
by lanterns.

An usher at the cinema said the attendance had been better when the film was first released some
weeks ago, but there were no sell-outs.

smite-jako udariti, rasturiti nekog udarcem, lupiti, obuzeti, spopasti

Definitions of smite


1. strike with a firm blow.

Back then He would have smitten the villain before he even had a chance to attack His servant.

2. be strongly attracted to someone or something.

According to Greek mythology, the God of Eros supposedly would strike a person in the eyes and make
them smitten with their beloved.


1. a heavy blow or stroke with a weapon or the hand.

Jordan prepared a smite from his Longsword, and then stabbed straight into the King's heart.

Examples of smite

Giles, aware that Warne was more musketeer in approach than monk, cleverly tossed one higher and
shorter as Warne advanced to smite another blow.

Jesus used his powers to smite Egyptians and to torment people who believed in Him and God.

he may smite our enemies

Love looks like weakness, and fundamentalists, he says, want a strong God who can smite their enemies.

countenance-izraz lica, podrška, priznavanje da je nešto prihvatljivo ili moguće, lice, lik, držanje,
pribranost, karakter, tolerisati..

Definitions of countenance


1. a person's face or facial expression.

Needless to say, I was completely confused, by the Shultz twins’ rapidly changed countenances and


face, features, physiognomy, profile, (facial) expression, look,appearance, aspect, mien, mug, puss,
visage, lineaments

2. support.

No judicial countenance can or ought to be given in matters of taxation to any system of extra-legal


1. admit as acceptable or possible.

Capital punishment has been outlawed most places, and even where it is allowed, brutality of that kind
would not be countenanced .


tolerate, permit, allow, agree to, consent to, give one's blessing to, go along with, hold with, put up with,
endure, stomach, swallow, stand for, brook

Examples of countenance

Moyes cannot help but countenance going the same way.

His impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away

No judicial countenance can or ought to be given in matters of taxation to any system of extra-legal

The man, appropriately, shone his countenance approvingly upon her.

She was giving her specific countenance to the occasion.

tithing-desetak, desetina, u Starom Zavetu deseti deo svih prihoda koji se davao Levitima..
Definitions of tithe


1. the practice of taking or paying a tithe.

Not until tithing was abolished in the wake of the French Revolution did Ruländer establish its rightful
place among German wines of distinction.

2. (in England) a group of ten householders who lived close together and were collectively responsible
for each other's behavior.

Even this was not the bottom of the ladder: for law enforcement the population was organized into
groups of ten mutually responsible households or ‘ tithings ’.


1. pay or give as a tithe.

My husband and I tithe , and we give most of our money to the Lutheran church.

Examples of tithing

One man in each tithing was senior to, and responsible for, the other nine, and he was called the

Mormon teaching is strongly adventist; the movement has no professional clergy, self-help is
emphasized, and tithing and missionary work are required of its members.

I mean I am good at being a Catholic: by turns devout and dubious, by turns proud and ashamed of our
church history and practice, by turns stingy and generous in my tithing .

All this growth, plus the tithing many evangelicals encourage, is generating gushers of cash.
take heed-pazite, slušajte, čujte, gledajte, obratite pažnju!!

snatch-ugrabiti, zgrabiti, ščepati, trznuti se, grabež, kidnapovanje, trzaj...

Definitions of snatch


1. quickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way.

Raelynn quickly snatched the phone out of my hand, trying to force herself not to smile.


grabseizetake hold ofget one's hands ontakepluckgrasp atclutch at


1. an act of snatching or quickly seizing something.

There was a distinct element of evil in his grin as he ripped the plaster off in one quick snatch , taking a
few small but exceedingly painful hairs with it.

2. the rapid raising of a weight from the floor to above the head in one movement.

As it approaches your shoulder, drive the weight straight overhead and catch it, as if performing a

Examples of snatch

Sometimes you hear a snatch of a song, and you just know you love it.

Heriot's produced the stronger finish and Syme was held up over the line before Monro had a chance to
snatch the narrow defeat bonus point from the visitors with a penalty from in front of the posts.
a mission to snatch Winston Churchill

Warriors had chances to snatch the glory, but couldn't find the penetration when it mattered most and
they had to be content with a consolation bonus point.


Definitions of endorse


1. declare one's public approval or support of.

I fully endorse calls for the public to rally behind the club for the sake of the province.

2. sign (a check or bill of exchange) on the back to make it payable to someone other than the stated
payee or to accept responsibility for paying it.

If he endorsed the cheques, what form did the endorsement take?


countersign, sign, autograph, authenticate, chirographate

Examples of endorse

Why do consumers care if celebrities endorse a product?

Most advertisers preferred using movie stars and entertainment celebrities to endorse their products.

I can only wholeheartedly endorse the comments made by Vicky Landell Mills and Laurie Wilson.

I thank everyone who is supporting this part of the bill, and I fully endorse our support of it.
commission-oficirski čin, provizija, komisija, poručiti, narediti, dodeliti čin u vojsci..

Definitions of commission


give an order for or authorize the production of (something such as a building, piece of equipment, or
work of art).

Central to the programme is a showcase of three captivating fluid dance pieces specially commissioned
for the event, performed by international artists at the forefront of the Contact Improvisation scene.


order, authorize, bespeak

bring (something newly produced, such as a factory or machine) into working condition.

The other approach, he says, is to determine what systems or equipment should be fully commissioned
based on the impact a failure can have on an organization and its reliability needs.

appoint (someone) to the rank of officer in the armed services.

He was commissioned as a pilot officer on October 1 in 1939.


1. an instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of people.

Izzet luxuriated in his roving midfield commission and City could have been two up in the first 10

task, employment, job, project, mission, assignment, undertaking, duty, charge, responsibility, marching

2. a group of people officially charged with a particular function.

The commission is the latest body to complain about access to administration documents.


committee, board, council, panel, directorate, delegation

3. an amount of money, typically a set percentage of the value involved, paid to an agent in a
commercial transaction.

After February 28, banks will charge a 0.25 per cent commission on each transaction.


percentage, brokerage, share, portion, dividend, premium, fee, consideration, bonus, cut, take, rake-off,

4. a warrant conferring the rank of officer in an army, navy, or air force.

Effective immediately, I have tendered the resignation of my commission to the Army of the United

5. the action of committing a crime or offense.

The penalty for these offences of omission is the same as the offences of commission of which the
motorist was suspected.


perpetration, committing, committal, execution

defiled-оскрнавио, упрљао, поружнио

Definitions of defile


1. sully, mar, or spoil.

The revelations have been received gleefully in French publishing and literary circles, where the author
is regarded as a jumped-up interloper who has defiled French literature.


spoil, sully, mar,impair, debase, degrade, poison, taint, tarnish, destroy, ruin

2. (of troops) march in single file.

we emerged after defiling through the mountainsides

Synonyms of defile




desecrate, profane, violate, contaminate, pollute, debase, degrade, dishonor, rape, violate, ravish,
deflower, spoil, sully, mar, impair, debase, degrade, poison, taint, tarnish, destroy, ruin, stain, tarnish,
maculate, sully, befoul, maculate, foul, corrupt, taint, cloud, sully

compelled-приморан, присиљен, натеран

Definitions of compel


1. force or oblige (someone) to do something.

For a split second, I thought about ignoring the call, but something compelled me to answer.


exact, extort, demand, insist on, force, necessitate, force, pressure, press, push, urge, dragoon,
browbeat, bully, intimidate, strong-arm, oblige, require, make, lean on, put the screws on

impediment-препрека, запрека, сметња

Definitions of impediment


1. a hindrance or obstruction in doing something.

The trip to Jupiter embodies our ability to overcome the technological impediment .


hindrance, obstruction, obstacle, barrier, bar, block, handicap, check, curb, restriction, limitation,
setback, difficulty, snag, hitch, hurdle, stumbling block, fly in the ointment, hiccup(monkey), wrench in
the works, glitch, cumber

intel-информације о некој особи коју прати тајна служба, скраћено од inteligence

Definitions of intel


1. information of military or political value.

Government intel people don't have a habit of billboarding themselves

Examples of intel

Did we really have good intel about those mobile bioweapons labs he talked about in his UN

During our scouting we placed bugs around walkways and in the buildings to gather intel .

As we noted on Friday, there's a pretty clear effort afoot to pin the whole intel debacle on the CIA.

I need some intel, and I need it fast

The troops were massed and poised; intel came in, off went the rockets.

jig-цуупкање, поскакивање, играње са поскакивањем, дрмање, уређај за бушење, црнац..

Definitions of jig


1. dance a jig.
The Nigerian danced and jigged and very nearly scored.


dancelively danceskiphopprance

2. equip (a factory or workshop) with a jig or jigs.

My personal preference time and time again on my jigging system remains to be Trilene XL.

3. fish with a jig.

Since squid is also a good bait fish we believe it is proper to include squid jigging in this booklet.


1. a lively dance with leaping movements.

He could barely contain his glee and seemed about to break into a jig at any moment.

2. a device that holds a piece of work and guides the tools operating on it.

The array of bits, jigs , edge guides, and other accessories is as varied and versatile as the basic router

3. a type of artificial bait that is jerked up and down through the water.

The top end of a jig is shaped like a pinkie finger and decorated like a small, flashy fish.

Examples of jig

Youngsters chose the occasion to present their abilities at a jig to the tunes of popular film numbers and
they did it with elan.

Mozart shook his head with impatience and started to jig and dance about in the road.

These sutures were then attached to a load cell mounted on a tensioning jig .

Lightly, he danced a little jig to the music while he brought the needle along his arm.
docile-послушна, покорна, подчињена, сарадљива, попустљива, поводљива, која се не

Definitions of docile


1. ready to accept control or instruction; submissive.

It's going to be tough finding a dog as placid and docile as Sue, in fact, I don't think we will ever see the
likes of her again.


compliant, obedient, pliant, dutiful, submissive, deferential, unassertive, cooperative, amenable,

accommodating, biddable, malleable

Examples of docile

The goats are tiny and docile , and suffer well the pats and pokes of oversugared junior Americans.

They are a very docile animal which in itself favours them to herd owners.

While the Greek press is far from docile , it has generally been extremely supportive of the Games.

One of the scientists said that when he fed the chemical to lab rats, they would become completely
meek and docile .

interim-привремена, међувреме, одређено кратко време..

Definitions of interim


1. in or for the intervening period; provisional or temporary.

The six-year interim period will come into effect once a comprehensive peace agreement is signed.


provisionaltemporarypro temstopgapshort-termfill-


1. the intervening time.

Since winning ‘You're a Star’ he has played over 100 live shows in Ireland, all of which were sellouts, also
recording an album in the interim .


meantime, meanwhile, intervening time, interlude, interval


Examples of interim

Whoever they get I suggest that they should get someone as soon as possible in order to ensure that
players don't leave in the interim .

Sanyo said it will pay an interim dividend of 4 yen and a year-end dividend of 6 yen, up from 3 yen and 5
yen, respectively.

I'd heard in the interim that Pam had left him and that he was on his uppers.

This allows for the formation of whatever transitional government or whatever interim arrangement
needs to be put in place.

So, much will depend on how much progress he has made in the interim period.

confers-даје, додељује, предаје, доноси, већа, саветује

Definitions of confer


1. grant or bestow (a title, degree, benefit, or right).

It is the only means of establishing, under law, that the university has a historic power to confer


bestow onpresent togrant toaward todecorate withhonor withgive toendow withextend to

2. have discussions; exchange opinions.

He had been talking with some of the other passengers and conferring with them as well.


consult, talk, speak, converse, have a chat, have a tête-à-tête, parley, have a confab, powwow

Examples of confers

Is it alcohol or wine in particular that confers these benefits?

As we have seen, it is only through the state that society confers rights on individuals; and each state is
necessarily a single, particular polity.

He in turn confers with Geronimo, the local stage tech and they work something out with sidelights.

Statehood, even if qualified as provisional or interim, confers a degree of sovereignty.

assessed-процењује, проценити, оценити, разрезати прорез

Definitions of assess


1. evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.

A child's development is evaluated by assessing the child's abilities on a range of tasks and behaviours.


evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate, appraise, consider, get the measure of, determine, analyze, size

infested-заражен, опустошен, нападнут од великог броја бактерија, црва, итд.

Definitions of infest


1. (of insects or animals) be present (in a place or site) in large numbers, typically so as to cause damage
or disease.

Fleas infest the animal (rats, but other rodents as well), and these fleas move freely over to human


overrun, swarming, teeming, crawling, alive, ridden, lousy, plagued, beset, overrun, spread through,
invade, infiltrate, pervade, permeate, inundate, overwhelm, beset, plague, swarm
maggots-црви, лутка, ларва

Definitions of maggot


1. a soft-bodied legless larva, especially that of a fly found in decaying matter.

This year flea beetles, white grubs, seed corn maggots and wireworms generated a lot of discussion.

2. a whimsical fancy.

"You know, Ruth," he said, "I don't wish to say anything against Isaac, and I don't want to make you
uneasy, but you know as well as I do that he has a strange maggot in his brain."

hamlet-заселак, насеобина, насеље..

Definitions of Hamlet

1. a small settlement, generally one smaller than a village.

Then there is of course the wholesale wiping out of some 300 hamlets and villages in the Central
Highlands of Vietnam.


1. a legendary prince of Denmark, hero of a tragedy by Shakespeare.

Examples of hamlet

The main town would be the central point of an area with the outriding hamlets and villages
contributing to the town's collection.

But in rural villages and hamlets of the Andean highlands, it remains partially intact.

The school, when finished, will be home to about 500 kids from Eniwari village and surrounding
hamlets .


Definitions of viscera


1. the internal organs in the main cavities of the body, especially those in the abdomen, e.g., the

In abdominal disease the symptom is particularly associated with rapid enlargement of an encapsulated
organ or distension of a hollow viscus

Examples of viscera

Chemical examination of the abdominal viscera and of the gastric and intestinal content failed to
disclose the presence of alcohol or any other poison.
As evidenced in this article, the wood pulp fibers' mode of transmission into the patients' viscera might
have occurred via the airborne route.

The viscera is essential in supporting tissue growth.

In fact what a lot of people don't realise is about 80% of that nerve actually goes from the viscera to the

dismantle-демонтирати, размонтирати, расклопити

Definitions of dismantle


1. take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap


take apartpull apartpull to piecesdisassemblebreak upbreak downstrip (down)knock downpull


Examples of dismantle

City officials originally requested that owners of these establishments voluntarily dismantle the
offending structures.

To dismantle the alarm box and break through these very solid security doors will have taken a lot of
time, effort and skill.

The regime has been dismantling land reforms brought in during the 1950s and 1960s.
Instead of stacking them in cupboards, we're supposed to wipe the memories and then phone the
computer dismantlers , who'll take them away and turn them into something useful.

emphasize-нагласити, акцентовати

Definitions of emphasize


1. give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing.

The findings emphasize the value of farming coffee in shaded environments

Examples of emphasize

We suffer as we struggle to define our individuality and hence simultaneously emphasize our

A shorter jacket will emphasize your height as well as your skinny waist, arms and legs.

I want to emphasize all the words in the title of this conference.

Michael stood up straight, making sure to emphasize his height and build… just in case.

reverence-дубоко поштовање за неког или нешто, страхопоштовање

Definitions of reverence


1. deep respect for someone or something.

rituals showed honor and reverence for the dead


high esteem, high regard, great respect, acclaim, admiration, appreciation, estimation, favor


1. regard or treat with deep respect.

the many divine beings reverenced by Hindu traditio

Examples of reverence

We faithfully attend churches and other religious services, giving reverence and love to the One who
called us into being.

His enthusiasm and commanding personality enabled him to influence greatly the work of many of his
juniors, so that they came to reverence him as the founder of their careers.

When I got there in my family's carriage, Jean-Luc, my family's driver, helped me put down my baggage
and I said my goodbyes to him, and he made a brief reverence and went back home.

volatile-испарљив, несталан, променљив

Definitions of volatile


1. (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures.

Other substances used in volatile substance abuse are solvents, which comprise one of the other areas
the Minister wants examined.


evaporative, vaporous, explosive, inflammable, unstablelabile

2. liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse.

the political situation was becoming more volatile


tense, strained, fraught, uneasy, uncomfortable, charged, explosive, inflammatory, turbulent, nail-biting,
ready to blow


1. a volatile substance.

Methyl acetate had the highest mean peak height of the selected volatiles , followed by acetic acid and
then acetaldehyde

Examples of volatile

With his low-key approach to the part, he manages to submerge his highly visible, volatile personality.

Anyone in a tracker fund now has their wealth concentrated in a much narrower range of shares, many
of which are likely to be highly volatile .

Inhalant abuse is defined as the intentional inhalation of a volatile substance in order to achieve
culprit-кривац, виновник

Definitions of culprit


1. a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed.

The culprits behaved like seasoned thugs but claimed that they were guardians of law and order.


guilty party, offender, wrongdoer, perpetrator, miscreant, criminal, malefactor, felon, lawbreaker,
delinquent, baddy, crook, perp

Examples of culprit

low-level ozone pollution is the real culprit

We have a cop who falls in love with a possible culprit in a murder mystery.

The person you see in that little mirror is the real culprit in the current crisis.

Despite numerous red herrings, there's no way to logically deduce the culprit 's identity.

yoked-združen, uparen, privezan, priključen

efinitions of yoke


1. put a yoke on (a pair of animals); couple or attach with or to a yoke.

a plow drawn by a camel and donkey yoked together


harness, hitch, couple, tether, fasten, attach, join

2. rob; mug.

two crackheads yoked this girl

Synonyms of yoke


harness, hitch, couple, tether, fasten, attach, join, unite, join, marry, link, connect, tie, bind, bond, link

pitted against someone-posvađati nekog, oktenuti nekog protiv nekog, zavaditi nekog

pitted against someone-

1. set someone or something in conflict or competition with.

"a chance to pit herself against him."

hinders-ометати (interfere with, impede, hinder, overslaugh), омести (hinder, disrupt, obstruct, foul
up), спречити (prevent, hinder, inhibit, preclude, avert, impede), сметати (bother, disturb, annoy,
interfere with, impede, hinder)

Definitions of hinder


1. create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or obstruction.

various family stalemates were hindering communication


hamperobstructimpedeinhibitretardbalkpreventthwartfoilcurbdelayarrestinterfere withset backslow

downhobblehold backhold
w a wrench in the works

inmates-затвореници у завору, укућани, станари

Definitions of inmate


1. a person confined to an institution such as a prison or hospital.

In recent times, actions against prison authorities by inmates have become increasingly common.


prisoner convict captive detainee internee jailbird con yardbird lifer patient in-patient convalescent
resident inhabitant occupant

proliferation-ширење, експанзија, рапидно повећање

Definitions of proliferation


1. rapid increase in numbers.

a continuing threat of nuclear proliferation

Examples of proliferation

Join with allies and lead the world to crack down on nuclear proliferation .

Our findings demonstrate increased tumor proliferation at the leading-edge and lepidic regions of

The failure of the conference makes nuclear proliferation more likely and nuclear disarmament a waning

stifle-угушити, гушити, давити

Definitions of stifle


1. make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate.

those in the streets were stifled by the fumes


suffocate choke asphyxiate smother gag

2. restrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion).

she stifled a giggle


suppress smother restrain fight back choke back gulp back check swallow curb silence


1. a joint in the legs of horses, dogs, and other animals, equivalent to the knee in humans.

At necropsy all stifle joints were stable to an anterior drawer force with no significant limitations in
passive range of motion.

Examples of stifle

Today's technology also can interfere with forming solid alliances, which can stifle excellent ideas.

This will simply stifle business activity and unjustifiably obstruct the free movement of people within the

Given the climate and the other equally ridiculous laws being proposed to stifle innovation, my hopes
aren't very high.

Definitions of reverence


1. deep respect for someone or something.

rituals showed honor and reverence for the dead


high esteem high regard great respect acclaim admiration appreciation estimation favor


1. regard or treat with deep respect.

the many divine beings reverenced by Hindu tradition

inoculation-калемљење, пелцовање, пелцовање, вакцинација

Definitions of inoculation


1. the action of inoculating or of being inoculated; vaccination.

inoculation against flu was readily available


immunization vaccination vaccine injection booster jab shot hypo needle

Examples of inoculation

inoculation against flu was readily available

she got an inoculation against swine flu

inoculation against flu was readily available

treadmill-ергометар, диринчење, покретна трака за трчање

Definitions of treadmill


1. a device formerly used for driving machinery, consisting of a large wheel with steps fitted into its inner
surface. It was turned by the weight of people or animals treading the steps.

Where humans worked against gravity, as they did inside cage wheels and upon treadmills , we can
calculate the power outputs.

Examples of treadmill

While debt relief has been extremely effective, it is not sufficient to allow poor countries escape the
treadmill of borrowing to repay old loans.

Day 3 of the fitness program involved half an hour at the gym - 10 minutes each on the treadmill ,
exercise bike and cross-trainer.

The work required of workhouse inmates, especially the treadmill , was so hard that most apprentices
were unable to work for several days upon their return to the plantation.
let alone-а камоли!!!! пронашла сам коначно како се каже!!! Слава Богу!!!


Definitions of slurp


1. eat or drink (something) with a loud sloppy sucking noise.

she slurped her coffee


1. a loud sucking sound made while eating or drinking.

she drank it down with a loud slurp

deflecting-скретање, скренути, уклањати, савијати, наводити неког на криви траг, криви пут,
погрешну одлуку
Definitions of deflect


1. cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.

the bullet was deflected harmlessly into the ceiling


turn aside/away divert avert sidetrack distract draw away block parry fend off stave off

evict-иселити, истерати из стана

Definitions of evict


1. expel (someone) from a property, especially with the support of the law.

he had court orders to evict the trespassers from three camps


expel eject oust remove dislodge turn out throw out drive out dispossess expropriate chuck out kick out
boot out bounce give someone the (old) heave-ho throw someone out on their ear give someone the
bum's rush give someone their walking papers
bashed-треснути, ударити

Definitions of bash


1. strike hard and violently.

bash a mosquito with a newspaper


strike hit beat thump slap smack bang knock batter pound pummel wallop clout belt whack thwack
clobber bop sock smite

nuance-нијанса, прелив, утанчаност

Definitions of nuance


1. a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound.

the nuances of facial expression and body language

fine distinction subtle difference shade shading gradation variation degree subtlety nicety overtone


1. give nuances to.

the effect of the music is nuanced by the social situation of listeners

Examples of nuance

Well, I don't think the objection captures the nuance of the Catholic position.

Rather, he is a musician's musician, one who harvests a composition for its intimacy and expressive
nuance .

There is no nuance to her character, no secret artistic passion or deep personal pain.

The new animation done specifically for this release captures every nuance of the series.

You can savor delicate musical nuances without disturbing others.

matrix-матрица (matrix, die, mold), калуп (mold, die, matrix, mould), средина (middle, medium, milieu,
midst, ambience, matrix)

Definitions of matrix


1. an environment or material in which something develops; a surrounding medium or structure.

free choices become the matrix of human life

2. a mold in which something, such as printing type or a phonograph record, is cast or shaped.
The matrix is inserted at its base, the mould is adjusted to the desired width, molten lead is poured in to
form a column, and the character is cast in the matrix at the bottom.

3. a rectangular array of quantities or expressions in rows and columns that is treated as a single entity
and manipulated according to particular rules.

Equivalently, physicists can represent a given quantum system by a matrix - a square array of whole

perilous-opasan, rizičan..

Definitions of perilous


1. full of danger or risk.

a perilous journey south


dangerous fraught with danger hazardous risky unsafe treacherous precarious vulnerable uncertain
insecure exposed at risk in jeopardy in danger touch-and-go dicey

Examples of perilous

He does just that and embarks on the most perilous journey of his life.

We are appalled at the perilous state of the farming and fishing industries.

Yet while each took politically perilous lead roles on controversial issues, both managed to win new
four-year terms.
viable-sposoban za život, održiv, dete koje će preživeti kad se rodi..

Definitions of viable


1. capable of working successfully; feasible.

the proposed investment was economically viable


feasible workable practicable practical usable possible realistic achievable attainable realizable doable

Examples of viable

A rise in basal body temperature may signal either a passing virus or a viable fetus.

If the conservatory legally stands and you continue to feel that moving house isn't a viable option,
alternative tactics could be adopted.

Dashed segments of the line indicate where viable seeds do not germinate at low temperatures.

resuscitated-oživeti nekog (novorođenče kad se rodi), reanimirati, osvestiti nekog, vratiti nekog iz
Definitions of resuscitate


1. revive (someone) from unconsciousness or apparent death.

an ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him


bring around revive bring back to consciousness give CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) to give the
kiss of life to

snubbed-izgrditi nekoga, skresati nekome u lice, okresati, odbijati, ignorisati, prćast nos (snub)..

Definitions of snub


1. rebuff, ignore, or spurn disdainfully.

he snubbed faculty members and students alike


rebuff spurn repulse cold-shoulder brush off give the cold shoulder to keep at arm's length ignore insult
slight affront humiliate freeze out stiff give someone the brush-off

2. check the movement of (a horse or boat), especially by a rope wound around a post.

a horse snubbed to a tree

Examples of snubbed
It is an insult to the primary producers of this region to be snubbed by any Minister, let alone one who
supposedly represents their industry.

I am not suggesting that any information you provide to forces of that nature will be snubbed and
ignored, but if you are not happy with the response what would your action be to pursue it?

He insulted me, snubbed me… even broke the truce he offered!

The first time they won parliament seats, they snubbed traditional politics and rotated different
members of the party through those seats.

squirming-vrpoljiti se od neprijatnosti, meškoljiti se, izmaći se, prevrtati se od nemogućnosti spavanja,

biti neprijatno kad je neko uhvaćen u laži na primer..

Definitions of squirm


1. wriggle or twist the body from side to side, especially as a result of nervousness or discomfort.

all my efforts to squirm out of his grasp were useless


wriggle wiggle writhe twist slide slither turn shift fidget jiggle twitch thresh flounder flail toss and turn

extortion-iznuđivanje, ucena..
Definitions of extortion


1. the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

Brute force, extortion , and bribery are not a policy, they are the last refuge of a mafioso.


blackmail shakedown exaction

Examples of extortion.

It used to be that the gangs would never demand extortion money from the bars or restaurants in their
own neighbourhoods.

Many of these communities are unplanned, which make them generally inaccessible, but they are close
enough to the commercial centres to provide cover for kidnappers and extortionists .

The underworld is once again making extortion threats to Bollywood figures.

City insiders say that banks, online casinos and betting services based in Britain have paid out more than
£80m to extortionists rather than have their systems put out of commission.

entanglement-upletenost, isprepletanost, uključenost..

Definitions of entanglement


1. the action or fact of entangling or being entangled.

many dolphins die from entanglement in fishing nets

Examples of entanglement .

many dolphins die from entanglement in fishing nets

He was eight years older and wary of entanglement after a painful affair with Barbara Stanwyck.

The barbed wire entanglements were so strong that they were never penetrated though hundreds died

It takes into account the inherent entanglement of psychophysical systems and the fact that such
systems have their own history.

hunkering-čučati, klečati, šćućuriti se, saviti se oko nekoga, prionuti na rad, biti vredan, marljiv,
konzervativan, nazadnjački..

Definitions of hunker


1. squat or crouch down low.

he hunkered down beside her

2. apply oneself seriously to a task.

students hunkered down to prepare for the examinations

Examples of hunker

We had air raids in school where we had to hunker under our desks or squat down in the hallway with
our heads tucked between our legs.

the best way to deal with your father is to hunker down and let it blow over
I spent my summer vacation at computer camp, hunkered over a keyboard programming an adventure

I stay hunkered behind the teacher's desk, next to an open window.

We hunkered against the shore as a mini tornado flattened the water and whipped the trees into crazed
dance patterns.

The sight of them sitting next to one another, hunkered over the book as they finished the sentence,
struck a deep feeling in him, though exactly what he couldn't identify.

eerie-jeziv, strašan, čudan, nenormalan, zao, zastrašujući..

Translations of eerie


gruesome, horrible, creepy, bloodcurdling, eerie, lurid

Definitions of eerie


1. strange and frightening.

an eerie green glow in the sky


uncanny sinister ghostly unnatural unearthly supernatural otherworldly strange abnormal odd weird
freakish creepy scary spooky freaky frightening bone-chilling spine-chilling hair-raising blood-curdling
revenue-zarada, prihod, carina, profit

Definitions of revenue


1. income, especially when of a company or organization and of a substantial nature.

It would allow De Cairos to keep control of the company and at the same time would allow it to raise
substantial revenues


income takings receipts proceeds earnings sales profit(s)

crude-sirov, neobrađen, grub, banalan, neobrađen

Definitions of crude


1. in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined.

crude oil


unrefined unpurified unprocessed untreated unmilled unpolished coarse raw natural

2. constructed in a rudimentary or makeshift way.

a relatively crude nuclear weapon


primitive simple basic homespun rudimentary rough rough and ready rough-hewn make-do makeshift
improvised unfinished jury-rigged jerry-built slapdash rude

(of language, behavior, or a person) offensively coarse or rude, especially in relation to sexual matters.

a crude joke


vulgar rude naughty suggestive bawdy off-color indecent obscene offensive lewd salacious licentious
ribald coarse uncouth indelicate tasteless crass smutty dirty filthy scatological blue


1. natural petroleum.

the ship was carrying 80,000 tons of crude

Examples of crude

In London, the price of Brent North Sea crude for February delivery gained US $0.14 to finish at US
$56.69 a barrel.

Thus, even today, it has only enough plutonium for one or two crude nuclear devices.

But oil crossed into new territory in Singapore trade this afternoon, with TAPIS crude hitting $67.44 US a

reprobate-preoklet, bezočan, izopšačen, lažan, prokletnik, bezočnik, izopačenik

Definitions of reprobate


1. unprincipled (often used as a humorous or affectionate reproach).

a long-missed old reprobate drinking comrade


unprincipled bad roguish wicked rakish shameless immoral degenerate dissipated debauched depraved


1. an unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately).

They're all hypocrites, liars and reprobates .


rogue rascal scoundrel miscreant good-for-nothing villain wretch rake degenerate libertine debauchee
cad blackguard knave rapscallion


1. express or feel disapproval of.

his neighbors reprobated his method of proceeding

Examples of reprobate

From politicians to con artists, rapists to flesh peddling pornographers, we all have a certain visual
reference point for the redolent and the reprobate .

The lawless reprobate was condoned by the vices of the lawgivers: condoned, that is, for misdeeds short
of murder.

Sometimes, misguided by a thread or finger, a digital doll finds itself wandering over to the dark side of
show business and falling under the spell of the reprobate members of the manipulated.
prevalent-pretešan, preovlađujući

Definitions of prevalent


1. widespread in a particular area at a particular time.

the social ills prevalent in society today


widespread prevailing frequent usual common current popular general universal endemic rampant rife

Examples of prevalent

Scraps of food and paper were evident in in the lane and a strong fishy odour was prevalent in the area.

It has two corollaries that challenge conceptions prevalent in some societies and ideologies.

They have perhaps rejected the view of their parents or a prevalent view in society.

Although the above only refers to the blogosphere, the same issues are prevalent in other areas of our
lives too.

ceasing-prestati, prekinuti
Definitions of cease


1. bring or come to an end.

the hostilities had ceased and normal life was resumed


come to an end come to a halt end halt stop conclude terminate finish draw to a close be over bring to
an end bring to a halt end halt stop conclude terminate finish wind up discontinue suspend break off
leave off

Synonyms of cease


come to an end come to a halt end halt stop conclude terminate finish draw to a close be over

bring to an end bring to a halt end halt stop conclude terminate finish wind up discontinue suspend
break off leave off

lay off discontinue quit stop give up

finish stop end terminate

pouncing-kidisati na nekoga, ustremiti se na nekoga, jurišati na nekoga besno

Definitions of pounce


1. (of an animal or bird of prey) spring or swoop suddenly so as to catch prey.

the wolf pounced on the rat

2. smooth down by rubbing with pounce or pumice.

The example shown in Plate IX is unusual for its green ground, which was achieved by pouncing the
surface with copper oxide while the clay was damp.

3. transfer (a design) by the use of pounce.

Surviving examples of drawings that have been pounced are indeed disfigured by cloudy smears of
charcoal dust.

Synonyms of pounce


jump on spring on leap on dive on lunge at fall on set on attack suddenly jump mug


admission-ulaz, upis, pristup, dostup

Definitions of admission


1. a statement acknowledging the truth of something.

an admission of guilt


confession acknowledgment mea culpa acceptance concession disclosure divulgence

2. the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place, organization, or institution.

I had some difficulty securing admission to the embassy


admittance entry entrance right of entry access right of access ingress entrée

Examples of admission

By his own admission that's one of his best qualities: to bring out the best in players who are maybe not
as good as some in other teams.

This demonstration is open to the public, and admission is 5€ including tea and a raffle.

She arranged for another doctor to visit and organise admission to hospital.

Seven required hospital admission and there were no deaths.

fringe-resa, šiške, granica, ivica, krilo, ograda..

Definitions of fringe


1. not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme.

fringe theater


1. an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or

Much of the vigor of the textile traditions of Mahdia comes through the embellishment of woven cloth
with embroidery and the addition of fringes , tassels, and pompoms.


edging edge border trimming frill flounce ruffle tassels purfle

the outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.

his uncles were on the fringes of crooked activity

2. the outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.

his uncles were on the fringes of crooked activity


unconventional unorthodox alternative avant-garde experimental innovative left-field innovatory radical

extreme peripheral off-off Broadway offbeat way out perimeter periphery border borderline margin rim
outer edge edge extremity limit outer limits limits borders bounds outskirts marge


unconventional unorthodox alternative avant-garde experimental innovative left-field innovatory radical

extreme peripheral off-off Broadway offbeat way out perimeter periphery border borderline margin rim
outer edge edge extremity limit outer limits limits borders bounds outskirts marge

3. a band of contrasting brightness or darkness produced by diffraction or interference of light.

According to Young, diffraction fringes occur as a result of interference between the incident wave and a
wave arising from the edge of a diffracting aperture or body.


1. decorate (clothing or material) with a fringe.

a rich robe of gold, fringed with black velvet


trim edge hem border bind braid decorate adorn ornament embellish finish purfle

Examples of fringe

Chun Sue fashions herself as renegade, on the fringe of culture.

I suppose I was part of the burnout clique, but I was definitely on the fringe .

The ears are short and rounded, and in some species, their openings are protected by a fringe of hairs
around the inner margin of the ear.

This idea, pioneered on the Illinois frontier, is just as relevant today on Sydney's urban fringe .
slander-ogovarati, klevetati, lažno svedočiti, opanjkavati, ružiti, tužiti..

Definitions of slander


1. the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

he is suing the TV network for slander


1. make false and damaging statements about (someone).

they were accused of slandering the head of state


defame (someone's character) blacken someone's name tell lies about speak ill/evil of sully someone's
reputation libel smear cast aspersions on spread scandal about besmirch tarnish taint malign traduce
vilify disparage denigrate run down slur badmouth dis trash derogate

Examples of slander

No need to set him off on a slander suit.

he is suing the TV network for slander

Not long ago, however, the vice president filed a slander suit against some members of the Taiwan

A slander case with global connections has been simmering in Chinatown since November.
ensue-nastati, sledovati

Definitions of ensue


1. happen or occur afterward or as a result.

the difficulties that ensued from their commitment to Cuba


result follow develop proceed succeed emerge stem arise derive issue occur happen take place come
next/after transpire supervene eventuate come to pass befall

Examples of ensue

Arguments then ensue about physical presence and virtual absence.

Consequently, there can be a lot of competition during the negotiations that ensue afterwards.

Riots ensue and protesters issue a call for the government to step down.

A long argument will ensue between you and the cabbie and will result in you resolving never to take a
cab again

comprises-uključivati, sadržavati, sadržati, sastojati se od..

Definitions of comprise


1. consist of; be made up of.

the country comprises twenty states


consist of be made up of be composed of contain encompass incorporate include comprehend

coveted-žudeti, želeti

Definitions of covet


1. yearn to possess or have (something).

the president-elect covets time for exercise and fishing


desire yearn for crave have one's heart set on want wish for long for hanker after/for hunger after/for
thirst for
clandestine-tajno, potajno

Definitions of clandestine


1. kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.

she deserved better than these clandestine meetings


secret covert furtive surreptitious stealthy cloak-and-dagger hole-and-corner closet backstairs backroom

Examples of clandestine

We used to hear a lot of rumours about such clandestine transactions.

In certain details every clandestine struggle is very much the same.

Other clandestine links operate, smuggling arms and, according to the police, drugs into Northern

Gathering his cast and crew, he plots a clandestine departure.

arson-namerno podmetanje požara, podmetnuti požar, namerna paljevina, piromanija

Definitions of arson

1. the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.

police are treating the fire as arson


pyromania incendiarism torching

Examples of arson

She was arrested and charged with arson with intent to endanger life. She was found to be unfit to

During the last five years there has been a spate of muggings, violent attacks and arson at Moor Lane
bus station.

Police have released pictures of four members of a family who died in a fire following an arson attack on
their home.

arc welding-električno zavarivanje

Definitions of arc welding


1. a technique in which metals are welded using heat generated by an electric arc.

For shielded metal arc welding , there are two basic types of electrode coatings.

Examples of arc welding

This same caution applies to automatic flux-cored arc welding or gas metal arc welding .
The equipment required is identical to that required for shielded metal arc welding .

In some cases the gas tungsten arc welding or plasma hot wire process is used.

Submerged arc welding would not normally be used on free-machining steels.


efinitions of glitch


1. a sudden, usually temporary malfunction or irregularity of equipment.

a draft version was lost in a computer glitch


1. suffer a sudden malfunction or irregularity.

her job involves troubleshooting when systems glitch

Examples of glitch

this has been the first real glitch they've encountered in a three months' tour

her job involves troubleshooting when systems glitch

The one glitch of the play that I must note was the unexpected thunder at the start of the second half of
the performance after intermission.

The show is 100% sold out, and through a computer glitch in the box office, there were twenty double
despondent-utučen, potišten

Definitions of despondent


1. in low spirits from loss of hope or courage.

He was not too despondent after his defeat and believes he can launch a stronger bid when he has
gained more experience.


disheartened discouraged dispirited downhearted downcast crestfallen down low disconsolate

despairing wretched melancholy gloomy morose dismal woebegone miserable depressed dejected sad
blue down in/at the mouth down in the dumps

Examples of despondent

A visit from Canterbury certainly cheers up hard-pressed and often despondent clergy and

Of course, he may have been despondent for personal reasons having nothing to do with any of this.

The despondent manner in which Ray walked towards the dug-out said it all.

A man is sometimes despondent from disappointment, is gloomy, and has no courage to work.

Definitions of reverence


1. deep respect for someone or something.

rituals showed honor and reverence for the dead


high esteem high regard great respect acclaim admiration appreciation estimation favor


1. regard or treat with deep respect.

the many divine beings reverenced by Hindu tradition

HGH-human growth hormone

stature-stas (visok ili nizak), građa telesna, ugled..

Definitions of stature

1. a person's natural height.

a man of short stature


height tallness size build

bovine-volovski, goveđi, bikovski

Definitions of bovine


1. of, relating to, or affecting cattle.

bovine tuberculosis


cowlike calflike taurine


1. an animal of the cattle group, which also includes buffaloes and bisons.

The last aurochs, the wild bovines from which domesticated cattle are descended, died in Poland in the
seventeenth century, not long before the last dodos were killed on Mauritius.


cow heifer bull bullock calf ox bison

Examples of bovine

Some parts seem to be like bird or avian viruses, while other bits are similar to bovine or murine viruses.
Remarkably, sperm mitochondria persist in mammalian interspecies crosses as demonstrated for murine
and bovine hybrids.

As a result, those genetic segments record the genetic twists and turns of different cattle lineages and,
in the language of DNA, serve as scribes of bovine history.

churning-bućkanje, bućkati, uzmutiti, mutiti maslac, praviti maslac

Definitions of churn


1. agitate or turn (milk or cream) in a machine in order to produce butter.

the cream is ripened before it is churned


stir agitate beat whip whisk

2. (of liquid) move about vigorously.

the seas churned


heave boil swirl toss seethe roil disturb stir up agitate roil

3. (of a broker) encourage frequent turnover of (investments) in order to generate commission.

Managers may churn their accounts to generate more soft dollars in order to buy services such as stock
sordid-pogan, prljav, odvratan

Definitions of sordid


1. involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.

the story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams


sleazy dirty seedy seamy unsavory tawdry cheap debased degenerate dishonorable disreputable
discreditable contemptible ignominious shameful abhorrent

xamples of sordid

Although outsiders view the pairing as sordid and unsavoury, the couple cling together, finding solace in
this unlikely romance.

It is about the sordid deeds people's abject ambitions ultimately lead to.

The bodybuilding lifestyle as portrayed by these publications is sordid and distasteful.

This story is sordid and shameful, and everyone who was involved in producing it should be ashamed of

high-adept-visoko stručan
bidding-licitacija, ponuda cene, licitiranje, raspisati konkurs, učestvovati na licitaciji

Definitions of bid


1. the offering of particular prices for something, especially at an auction.

their first sale produced a wide range of lots and some energetic bidding

2. the ordering or requesting of someone to do something.

the clandestine associations that would act at their bidding


command order instruction decree injunction demand mandate direction summons call wish desire
request behest hest


1. offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction.

a consortium of dealers bid a world record price for a snuff box


offer make an offer of put in a bid of put up tender proffer propose

2. utter (a greeting or farewell) to.

a chance to bid farewell to their president


wish utter

3. command or order (someone) to do something.

I did as he bade me

order command tell instruct direct enjoin charge

Examples of bidding

The company won the competitive bidding thanks to its technical expertise and better financial offer.

Sometimes they have to work at my bidding whether they like it or not.

other companies in the bidding include General Electric

Words come at his bidding and they form into sentences and paragraphs as quickly as he can bring them

marrow-srž kostiju, kičmena moždina, suština

Definitions of marrow


1. a soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, in which blood cells are produced (often taken as
typifying strength and vitality).

Stem cells have been isolated from the central nervous system, bone marrow , and blood of adults.

2. a white-fleshed green-skinned gourd, which is eaten as a vegetable.

Other specialist bags have been developed especially for salads and vegetables including even marrows
and courgettes.

Examples of marrow

I didn't really eat the marrow because I was so full.

such men were the marrow of the organization

marrow donors
Two hours later and I was still tousle-haired and wearing an apron over my pajamas, but the pot was
bubbling away on the stove and I was clearing up tomato skins and marrow seeds from the worktop.

ledges-obod, ispupćena ivica, ležište, sloj

Definitions of ledge


1. a narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall, cliff, or other surface.

he heaved himself up over a ledge


shelf sill mantel mantelpiece shelving projection protrusion overhang ridge prominence

2. an underwater ridge, especially of rocks beneath the sea near the shore.

Cleaner wrasses set up cleaning stations near rocks or under ledges on the reef.

3. a stratum of metal- or ore-bearing rock; a vein of quartz or other mineral.

They were only cobbles and small, irregular outcrops, not large ledges of obviously layered strata.

Examples of ledges

Cleaner wrasses set up cleaning stations near rocks or under ledges on the reef.

We swim along a series of shallow ledges that run below the shore line, 3-7m deep.

They breed on narrow cliff ledges in the far north.

arson-palež, paljevina, namerna paljevina, piromanija

Definitions of arson


1. the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.

police are treating the fire as arson


pyromania incendiarism torching


Preliminarno predstavlja izraz (tj. gramatički tumačeno – pridev) koji je latinskog porekla, nastao od
latinske reči praeliminarius, što u prevodu znači – uvodni, prethodni. Generalno, ovaj izraz označava
nešto što je početno, što je “baš tako” u datom trenutku, ali nema za uslov da ostane tako, već može da
se desi, da pretrpi i određene promene. Etimologija same reči, detaljnije gledano, u svojoj osnovi ima –
“prag”, koji se metaforički koristi kao “početak”, kako u našem jeziku, tako i u većini drugih jezika.

Kada je u pitanju izraz – “preliminarni projekat”, on podrazumeva idejni projekat, koji tek treba da se
razvije, a usput i menja, s’ tim što će njegova osnova ostati nepromenjena. Na fakultetima se često mogu
sresti – “preliminarne rang liste”, i one se odnose na (još uvek) ne zaključene rang liste studenata, koji
su, na primer, položili ispit, upisali godinu, odnosno u žargonu rečeno – “da li ispod ili iznad crte”. Ove
rang liste prethodne konačnim rang listama, koje će ostati nepromenjive. Nailazi se i na termin –
“preliminarni dogovor”, koji u suštini označava – tzv. okvirni dogovor između osoba.
Često se u svakodnevnom životu, pre svega u politici, upotrebljava izraz – “preliminarni izbori”, koji
podrazumevaju izbore na kojima će se birati kandidati koji će se ispred određene političke stranke
takmičiti na redovnim izborima različitog ranga. Preliminarni izbori se nazivaju još i – predizbori i oni su
najkarakterističniji za Sjedinjene Američke Države, gde se prvi put pojavljuju početkom XX veka, kao deo
progresivnih nastojanja da se suzbije partitokracija, kao i korupcija u tadašnjem američkom političkom
sistemu. Čitava svrha pomenutog je bila da se omogući tzv. običnim, ne toliko poznatim i javnim
članovima stranke da spreče manipulacije stranačkih ličnosti sa samog vrha, već da se održava i poštuje
volja birača. Početkom XXI veka su se preliminarni izbori počeli koristiti i širiti i po evropskim zemljama,
od kojih se najkarakterističniji preliminarni izbori dešavaju na području Italije.


scavengers-lešinari, skupljači otpadaka, strvožderi, čistači ulice, skupljači trofeja

Definitions of scavenger


1. an animal that feeds on carrion, dead plant material, or refuse.

Experts on the red kite - a spectacular bird with a wingspan of up to 6ft - say it is essentially a scavenger
which feeds on carrion rather than attacking sheep or game birds.

Examples of scavengers
I was intrigued by the passage of time and the parade of scavengers, including bears, that reduced a
giant among animals to scattered bones and a grease slick.

Whenever the antioxidants are present, antioxidant enzyme activity and scavengers of the free radical
will be induced to prevent the oxidative damage.

Scrap firms sometimes employed peddlers and scavengers , but they more frequently relied solely on
the skills of the owner to sort and evaluate scrap from refuse.

looting-pljačkanje, naročito za vreme rata ili vanrednog stanja

Definitions of loot


1. steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot.

police confronted the rioters who were looting shops


plunder pillage despoil ransack sack raid rifle rob burgle burglarize

amenities-pogodnosti, poželjne stvari koje imaju bogati ljudi, sadržaji, običaji, način ponašanja,
Definitions of amenity


1. a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.

heating is regarded as a basic amenity


facility service convenience resource appliance aid comfort benefit feature advantage

plead-zastupati, moliti, navesti, tvrditi, zalagati se, moliti zastupništvo nečije, moliti nekoga da nas
zastupa i odbrani, na sudu npr,ili Hristos u svakodnevnom životu

Definitions of plead


1. make an emotional appeal.

they pleaded with Carol to come home again


beg implore entreat appeal to supplicate importune petition request ask call on beseech

2. present and argue for (a position), especially in court or in another public context.

using cheap melodrama to plead the case for three prisoners

Examples of plead
Plead the blood of Jesus.

A court should only grant a motion for particulars where they are necessary for the moving party to
plead and the particulars are not within the knowledge of the moving party.

I thought you had conceded earlier that as originally framed, it would not have been appropriate to
expect the accused to plead guilty to that charge.

The unhappy partner had to petition the legislature or court to plead his or her case.

I notice that the Commonwealth, by its defence, does not plead any statute of limitations.

surreal-čudno, uvrnuto, nestvarno, mešavina stvarnosti i fantazije

Definitions of surreal


1. having the qualities of surrealism; bizarre.

a surreal mix of fact and fantasy


unreal, bizarre, unusual, weird, strange, freakish, unearthly, uncanny, dreamlike, phantasmagorical

usher-vratar, razvodnik, prijavljivati, razvoditi

Definitions of usher


1. a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a theater or at a wedding.

An usher at the cinema said the attendance had been better when the film was first released some
weeks ago, but there were no sell-outs.


guide, attendant, escort, sidesman

2. an assistant teacher.

It was modest in size, with perhaps 40 pupils taught by one master, assisted by an usher , in the room
above the guildhall, both of which survive and are still used by the school.


1. show or guide (someone) somewhere.

a waiter ushered me to a table


escort, accompany, take, show, see, lead, conduct, guide, steer,shepherd, marshal

2. cause or mark the start of something new.

the railroads ushered in an era of cheap mass travel

Examples of usher

If anybody wants copies of the judgments in either case there are a few copies here which the usher will
be able to distribute.

Volunteers explain court procedure to those giving evidence, take them to the courtroom before trials,
and introduce them to the usher and clerk.
potluck supper-kad dođu nenajavljeni gosti, pa onda jedu šta god se zatekne u kući ili na stolu, od "pot"
lonac i "luck" sreća. Neplanirano, vanredno okupljanje, koje rezultira time da gosti jedu šta god se
zatekne u kući

1. Whatever food happens to be available for a meal, especially when offered to a guest: Having arrived
unannounced for supper, we had to take potluck.

2. A meal at which each guest brings food that is then shared by all. Also called potluck supper.

3. Whatever is available at a particular time: The scheduled flight was canceled and passengers had to
take potluck on the other airlines.

4. a meal that happens to be available without special preparation or purchase.

5. Also called pot′luck sup′per. a meal, esp. for a large group, to which participants bring food to be

6. whatever is available or comes one's way.

potluck - Comes from the practice of throwing leftovers in a pot—with luck determining how good the
stew would taste.

reconnaissance (riˈkänəsəns)-n.izviđanje, izviđački

Definitions of reconnaissance

1. military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features.

an excellent aircraft for low-level reconnaissance


preliminary survey, survey, exploration, observation, investigation, examination, inspection, patrol,

search, reconnoitering, recon

podcast-digitalni audio file za download-ovanje na iPod

Definitions of podcast


1. make (a digital audio file) available as a podcast.


1. a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media
player, typically available as a seriesmerchan*.

"I'm already downloading podcasts of radio news programmes and listening to them in the car on my
way to and from work."

"For those of you unaware of the concept, a podcast is a downloadable audio file suitable for adding to
your iPod or other MP3 player."

dominion-vlast, vladavina, dominacija, upravljanje, vlasništvo

Definitions of dominion


1. sovereignty; control.

man's attempt to establish dominion over nature


supremacy, ascendancy,dominance, domination, superiority, predominance, preeminence, hegemony,

authority, mastery, control, command, power, sway, rule,government, jurisdiction, sovereignty,

2. the territory of a sovereign or government.

the Angevin dominions


dependency, colony, protectorate, territory, province, possession, tributary

Examples of dominion

To further empower corporate dominion over nation-states, it gives private corporations and investors
‘legal standing’ to sue sovereign governments.

To consider work and the worker in the light of humanity's dominion over the earth goes to the very
heart of the ethical and social question.

exceedingly-izuzetno, prekomerno, ekstremno

Definitions of exceedingly


1. extremely.

the team played exceedingly well


extremely, exceptionally, especially, tremendously, very, really, truly, awfully, seriously, totally,
completely, most, mega, ultra, real, mighty, exceeding

2. to a great extent.

the supply multiplied exceedingly

Examples of exceedingly

It's just exceedingly difficult to beat good teams when you spot them eight runs.

That's because many lending products, especially credit cards, can charge exceedingly high rates of

Both teams looked exceedingly sharp even after the two and a half week Christmas break.

strife-sukob, razdor, nesloga

Definitions of strife


1. angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict.

strife within the community

conflict, friction, discord, disagreement, dissension, dispute, argument, quarreling, wrangling, bickering,
controversy, ill/bad feeling, falling-out, bad blood, hostility, animosity

Examples of strife

It is a sign of sudden change through conflict and strife .

It is best to go around them rather than encounter them directly or you end up in strife and conflict.

It is probably the only symbol of stability in a car torn by wars, civil strife and violence

perks-pogodnosti, privilegije koje neko dobija od firme, npr. motka, kočoperiti se, čtrčati, hvaliti se kako
ste uspešni, bogati, kako putujete itd.

Definitions of perk


1. money, goods, or other benefit to which one is entitled as an employee or as a shareholder of a


many agencies are helping to keep personnel at their jobs by providing perks


fringe benefit, additional benefit, benefit, advantage, bonus, extra, plus, freebie, perquisite


1. become more cheerful, lively, or interesting.

in the second half, the dance perked up

2. (of coffee) percolate.

while the coffee perks, head out for the morning paper
dabble, dabble in-baviti se površno nečim, umočiti noge u vodu, ali ne ući u vodu, samo brčkati noge

Definitions of dabble


1. immerse (one's hands or feet) partially in water and move them around gently.

they dabbled their feet in the rock pools


splash, dip, paddle, trail, immerse

2. take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way.

he dabbled in writing as a young man


toy with, dip into, flirt with, tinker with, trifle with, play with, dally with

Examples of dabble

teal dabble in the shallows

In fact, the next album looks set to dabble a lot more in politics.

Black Ducks dabble for food, tipping their bodies up and dunking their heads to forage under water.
debris-krhotine, delići nečega razorenog i raspršenog na sve strane, ruševine, delići nečega ostali posle

Definitions of debris


1. scattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed.

the bomb hits it, showering debris from all sides


detritus, refuse, rubbish, waste, litter, scrap, dross, chaff, flotsam and jetsam, rubble, wreckage,
remains, scraps, dregs, trash, garbage, dreck, junk

Examples of debris

Both men died instantly in the crash, which left debris scattered over a wide area.

The samples were dispersed in twice the amount of distilled water necessary to cover the organic debris
in the pots.

Some of the bodies remained under debris as rescue workers cleared rubble.

annihilate-verb (used with object) to reduce to utter ruin or nonexistence; destroy utterly:

The heavy bombing almost annihilated the city.

-to destroy the collective existence or main body of; wipe out:

-to annihilate an army.

-to annul; make void:

-to annihilate a law.

-to cancel the effect of; nullify.

-to defeat completely; vanquish:

Our basketball team annihilated the visiting team.

annihilator-(noun) a person or thing that annihilates.

Mathematics . the set of all linear functionals that map to zero all elements of a given subset of a vector

resolve-odlučnost, rešenost, rešiti, odlučiti, rastaviti, opredeliti se, pretvoriti se, razložiti

Definitions of resolve


1. firm determination to do something.

she received information that strengthened her resolve


decision, resolution, commitment


1. settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).

the firm aims to resolve problems within 30 days


settlesort outsolvefind a solution tofixstraighten outdeal withput rightput to rightsrectifyhammer

outthrash outfigure out

2. decide firmly on a course of action.

she resolved to call Dana as soon as she got home


determine, decide, make up one's mind, make a decision

separate or cause to be separated into components.

For example, in relaxed myofibrils, it was unclear whether each Tmod striation could be unambiguously
resolved into separate thin filament profiles.


break down/up, separate, reduce, divide

Examples of resolve

Generally speaking, notes resolve in the direction of their inflection: upward- inflected notes resolve up,
and downward-inflected notes resolve down.

For the first time, he was able to resolve individual stars in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Meanwhile the resolve of some 18,000 engineers and technical workers to continue walking the picket
lines remains strong.

instigate-подстаћи, подстрекнути, (započeti, pokrenuti nešto, iscenirati nešto, inicirati nešto)..

Definitions of instigate


1, bring about or initiate (an action or event).

they instigated a reign of terror


set in motion, get underway, get off the ground, start, commence, begin, initiate, launch, institute, set
up, inaugurate, establish, organize, actuate, generate, bring about, start the ball rolling on, kick off

Examples of instigate

Rather than ban the ‘sinners’ they attempt to work with them by investing in them and trying to
instigate change.

Share prices even might fall, but at least then investors could be confident that they really were using
their money to instigate change.

In fact, one of the biggest mandates I have for my managers is to instigate change.

impetus-energija kojom se tela kreću, početni pokret, zamajac..

Definitions of impetus


1. the force or energy with which a body moves.

hit the booster coil before the flywheel loses all its impetus

momentum, propulsion, impulsion, motive force, driving force, drive, thrust, energy, force, power, push,

wormwood-pelen, pelin (Otkrovenje), gorčina, čemer, očajanje, tuga

Definitions of wormwood


1. a woody shrub with a bitter aromatic taste, used, especially formerly, as an ingredient of vermouth
and absinthe and in medicine.

This is a powdered mixture of natural ingredients that contains garlic as well as alfalfa, wormwood ,
yellowdock and pennyroyal.

2. a state or source of bitterness or grief.

The survivors of the 1996 election were relegated to a kind of mute opposition, forced to sip wormwood
from the cup of their own brewing.


Definitions of skillet

1. a frying pan.

I trust my gut and remove the chicken from the skillet , placing each piece on a doubled up paper towel
to drain.

boar-divlja svinja, Evroazijska divlja svinja od koje su nastale domaće svinje, nekastrirani domaći vepar

Definitions of boar


1. a tusked Eurasian wild pig from which domestic pigs are descended.

Today's feral hog population is a hybrid of domestic pigs and Eurasian wild boars brought to North
America in the early 1900s for food and sport.

2. an uncastrated domestic male pig.

Improvements in daily gain, feed efficiency, loin-eye area, and lower backfats occur when boars are
provided the dietary protein concentration that meets their requirement.

Examples of boar

At the Ancient Olympics, contestants were obliged to swear an oath on a slice of boar 's meat that they
had not employed magic to enhance their performances.

The smell of roasting boar meat quickened my hunger.

Probably best known for smoked salmon, the two Mackenzies smoke houses also produce smoked
prawns, kippers and other sea food and meat including poultry, ostrich and boar .
slumber-dremež, dremanje, dremati

Definitions of slumber


1. a sleep.

scaring folk from their slumbers


1. sleep.

Sleeping Beauty slumbered in her forest castle

xamples of slumber

She drifted back down to sleep, the warmth felt like slumber .

I was there approximately two weeks ago before he went into what I call a sleep, slumber , and was able
to talk with him and hug him and kiss him and joke with him.

So to the ones who have passed on, rest there, sleep there, slumber on.

She relived her experience in her sleep every time she dared to slumber , and her nights were becoming
progressively worse.

edification-prosvećivanje, moralno popravljanje, usavršavanje

Definitions of edification

1. the instruction or improvement of a person morally or intellectually.

the idea that art's main purpose is to supply moral uplift and edification


education, instruction, tuition, teaching, training, tutelage, guidance, enlightenment, cultivation,

information, improvement, development

Examples of edification

After fully admitting its good qualities, we must point out that the Jerusalem Bible is not in fact suitable
for Christians who are in need of edification in the faith.

Furthermore, you are placing yourself in a position in which your own participation in worship will be
less than desirable for your personal edification and for the good of all.

Even during such moments, however, the general reader is pulled back and forth between edification
and enlightenment.

yield-prinos, rod, plod, prepuštanje, popuštanje, doneti plod, pokoriti se, popuštati, rađati

Definitions of yield


1. the full amount of an agricultural or industrial product.

the milk yield was poor


1. produce or provide (a natural, agricultural, or industrial product).

the land yields grapes and tobacco

2. give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.

the Western powers now yielded when they should have resisted


surrender, capitulate, submit, relent, admit defeat, back down, climb down, give in, give up the struggle,
lay down one's arms, raise/show the white flag, throw in the towel, cave in, give in to, give way to,
submit to, bow down to, comply with, agree to, consent to, go along with, grant, permit, allow, cave in
to, accede to

Examples of yield

Chapelcross is Britain's only producer of tritium, a radio-active gas which is essential for boosting the
explosive yield of nuclear bombs.

Scholars do not yield their ground readily unless the evidence against their position is overwhelming.

It's too bad that the return on your investment doesn't always yield the big gains you want.

manifold-mnogobrojna, višestruka, raznovrsna (iskušenja, prva Petrova poslanica 1:6-9),

cevovod, priključak cevi, umnožavati (nevolje npr, Prva Petrova 1:6)

Definitions of manifold


1. many and various.

the implications of this decision were manifold

1. a pipe or chamber branching into several openings.

the pipeline manifold

2. something with many different parts or forms, in particular.

Examples of manifold

Work in your communities, offering your manifold skills to groups that need them.

I caught the newsreader saying, ‘We acknowledge and bewail our manifold sins and wickedness’.

Such breakthroughs could lead to manifold benefits.

Sound is used inventively, in manifold relationships to image, to suggest an active interplay between the
conscious and unconscious.

Liquid is pumped to each atomizer on the boom via a separate manifold attached to the boom.

tackle-obračunati se s nekim problemom, latiti se rešavanja nekog problema, pribor, čekrk, oboriti na
zemlju, latiti se, oboriti na zamlju

Definitions of tackle


1. the equipment required for a task or sport.

fishing tackle


gear, equipment, apparatus, kit, hardware, implements, instruments, accoutrements, paraphernalia,

trappings, appurtenances, things, stuff, bits and pieces, equipage

2. a mechanism consisting of ropes, pulley blocks, hooks, or other things for lifting heavy objects.

They pumped out water and used ropes and tackle to lift and pull pieces of the aircraft apart to conduct
a search for hazardous components.

pulleys, gear, hoist, crane, winch, davit, windlass, sheave


1. make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task).

police have launched an initiative to tackle rising crime


come to grips with, address, get to work on, set one's hand to, approach, take on, attend to, see to, try
to sort out, deal with, take care of, handle, manage, have a crack at, have a go at

Examples of tackle

Then she began to make out dim shapes that in a few moments revealed themselves to be crates, tackle
, ropes, barrels, and hooks.

Since then, like a lot of anglers in recent years, he's been hooked by antique tackle as well.

If you choose to take your own tackle for boat fishing then you need fairly hefty gear.

She is backing the Safer Streets Coalition which is calling for more Government action to tackle

cave in-srušiti se kao pećina kad se odroni kamenje, udubiti se, ulubiti se

Definitions of cave-in


1. a collapse of a roof or similar structure, typically underground.

a mine cave-in

Synonyms of cave in

givefounderfall ingive waycollapsebreak



cleave-razdvajati nešto, cepati nešto (drva npr.), lepiti, probiti, rascepiti..

Definitions of cleave


1. split or sever (something), especially along a natural line or grain.

the large ax his father used to cleave wood for the fire


split (open)cut (up)hewhackchop uprive

2. stick fast to.

Rose's mouth was dry, her tongue cleaving to the roof of her mouth

Examples of cleave

All of these enzymes recognize specific four-residue sequences and cleave peptide bonds located strictly
after an Asp group.

part of why we cleave to sports is that excellence is so measurable

the large ax his father used to cleave wood for the fire

Everything from a Hammond to a horn section works through nine songs fit for a daydreamer waiting for
the sun to cleave the clouds.
they watched a coot cleave the smooth water

pristine-prastar, iskonski, drevni, čisti, neiskvareni, nepatvoreni

Definitions of pristine


1. in its original condition; unspoiled.

pristine copies of an early magazine

Examples of pristine

What started as a pristine white shirt on Thursday morning was now really grimy.

It has been kept in pristine condition in recent years thanks to the diligent work of the local graveyard

Mr Minningham said that the bottle was in pristine condition, having been removed only once from its
commemorative box.

The pitch is in pristine condition and it was a thrill for both teams to be able to play good hurling on such
a good surface.

curfew-policijski čas

Definitions of curfew

1. a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night.

a dusk-to-dawn curfew

xamples of curfew

When Mom and Dad are home, our curfew is midnight.

He had regained her trust the night before, after telling her of numerous time that she had let him back
into the boarding house when he had returned after curfew .

It was past my curfew and I could tell that I looked panicked because of the face Jake was making.

You remember the feeling: You had a midnight curfew , but your friends were free to roam wild until

wonky-nesiguran, klimav, kad je neko pijan pa se klima kad hoda

Definitions of wonky


1. crooked; off-center; askew.

you have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth

Examples of wonky

That means 46% have such fetid breath and wonky teeth that lonely nights, feverish thoughts and
painfully stubborn virginity seem an inevitability.

All the hits are here, of course, from the goons of Brixton, with their left-handed garage groove, punky
punch and bottomless grab-bag of weird, wonky noises.
Sure, the band gives off all the necessary signs - token pop act on an avant label, lo-fi production, wonky
keyboards - but that doesn't mean you should go for it.

Owned, Got Owned-

v.To be made a fool of; To make a fool of; To confound or prove wrong; embarrasing someone: Being
embarrased.(žargonska američka izreka)

1.I owned you in counter-strike. You were owned at the party yesterday.

2.owned-Total and undeniable dominance of a person, group of people or situation as to make them/it
akin to ones bitch.

Ha! I own you, bitch!

3.owned-Originated as a term used by hackers to describe gaining possession of a system, having

hacked a box and got root they basically control it as much as if it was theirs, thus it could be considered
owned by them. From this it was encorporated into the cultures vernacular including the limited(and
awkward to type) vocabulary of so called l33t speak(0wn3d) Would-be hackers would come to use the
phrase when taking someone out with a ping flood or other DoS attack, and although no access to the
victim's system (typically another newbie hanging around on the same irc channel speaking in numbers)
was gained yet they were still said to be owned. From there is came to simply mean bettering (or fucking
over) someone and was even used to describe non-computer based events as described in the many
other definitions. Though now its most common in CS games when someone kills you...

With the original use of the word it would seem most people I see using XP dont even own their own
system :p

sidekick-pomoćnik, šegrt, asistent, osoba koja ti pomože ali nije glavna, ti si

Definitions of sidekick


1. a person's assistant or close associate, especially one who has less authority than that person.

He uses Tingary, his half-witted sidekick , to assist him in his plots to bring down the jester.

Examples of sidekick

Sherlock Holmes' bumbling sidekick Watson.

He uses Tingary, his half-witted sidekick , to assist him in his plots to bring down the jester.

For purpose of plot, Don Lockwood has a humorous sidekick / friend, Cosmo Brown.

Let her know how important she is to you as a friend, not just as a social sidekick.

recurring-ponavljajući, koji se stalno vraća

Definitions of recur


1. occur again, periodically, or repeatedly.

when the symptoms recurred, the doctor diagnosed something different


happen again, reoccur, occur again, repeat (itself), come back (again), return, reappear, appear again
mulling-razmišljati o nečemu dugo i temeljno, kuvati i začiniti, pobrkati, zabrljati

definitions of mull


1. think about (a fact, proposal, or request) deeply and at length.

she began to mull over the various possibilities

2. warm (a beverage, especially wine, beer, or cider) and add spices and sweetening to it.

a tankard of mulled ale

Examples of mulling

But are the proposals he is mulling really enough?

I was mulling over the fact that Natalie needs braces and my dental insurance sucks.

It was as he was mulling over this fact that Julia appeared in the doorway.

Much like eggnog, mulled wine recipes are part of our winter vocabulary.

inception-početak, započinjanje
Definitions of inception


1. the establishment or starting point of an institution or activity.

she has been on the board since its inception two years ago


beginning, commencement, start, birth, dawn, genesis, origin, outset, establishment, institution,
foundation, founding, formation, initiation, setting up, origination, constitution, inauguration, opening,
debut, day one, kickoff

cavalier-neodgovoran čovek, grubijan, neobazriv, ne mari za druge, koji povređuje druge, konjanik,

Definitions of cavalier


1. showing a lack of proper concern; offhand.

Anne was irritated by his cavalier attitude




1. a supporter of King Charles I in the English Civil War.

Those loyal to Parliament were called Roundheads; those loyal to the king were Cavaliers .

2. a small spaniel of a breed with a moderately long, noncurly, silky coat.

They also added the word cavalier to the breed's name.

Examples of cavalier

Every part of the cavalier 's and dragoon's armor was made to work together.

The attack on professionalism so often found in the literature is cavalier and misguided.

I am tired of Mr.Beattie and his hollow apologies, his cavalier attitude to our problems and his habit of
making jokes and trivialising important issues.

The National Park Service had been a bit cavalier about bears eating rubbish; in Yellowstone, virtually all
grizzlies fed at open-pit dumps.

demure-stidljiva, stid, izveštačeno ozbiljna, povučena, skromna, suzdržana

Definitions of demure


1. (of a woman or her behavior) reserved, modest, and shy.

a demure little wife who sits at home minding the house


modest, unassuming, meek, mild, reserved, retiring, quiet, shy, bashful, diffident, reticent, timid,
shrinking, coy, decorous, decent, seemly, ladylike, respectable, proper, virtuous, pure, innocent, chaste,
sober, sedate, staid, prim, goody-goody, strait-laced

Examples of demure
Sure she was wiry, but her businesslike combination of grey slacks and white blouse suggested someone
quite demure .

I'd intended to be mature and sedate and demure and just wistfully watch the young guests from afar.

Dårlig is a small, white slip behind him, radiant, demure , almost embarrassed by the attention she and
her husband are receiving.

She's wearing a green plaid top, rather like the top half of a business suit, that manages to be both
demure and revealing.

Dench-another meaning for "sick" or nice.

if something is well dench u can say that is well judi dench

That was dench bruvaaaaa

look at her saaaaaaaan she is well judi dench


Dench-a word used by MistaDubstep to describe something that's sick, huge, amazing, big, awesome

Person 1: "Oi! Do you like Mt Eden - Sierra Leone?"



Dench-anything you want it to be, In any context you like.

"That backoff is denchhhhhh!!"

"Man, your breath is DENCHHHHH!!"

When man gets punched in the face: You say "Thass denchhhh!!"

HARBINGER-preteča, predznak, nagoveštaj, znak

Definitions of harbinger


1. a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.

witch hazels are the harbingers of spring


herald, sign, indication, signal, portent, omen, augury, forewarning, presage, forerunner, precursor,
messenger, foretoken

Examples of HARBINGER

Through sleet and rain, through 25 cm of April snow, through the buzz of locusts, we turn to these
weather prognosticators for harbingers of better times.

You see, when you look at the number in terms of consumer confidence, consumer spending, there are
good harbingers in terms of how people are feeling about the economy.

They all seemed to be omens to me, harbingers of misfortune, only multiplying the dread I was
beginning to feel already for Monday.

perplexity-zbunjenost, nedoumica
Definitions of perplexity


1. inability to deal with or understand something complicated or unaccountable.

she paused in perplexity


confusion, bewilderment, puzzlement, bafflement, incomprehension, mystification, bemusement,

bamboozlement, discombobulation

2. an entangled state.

the dense perplexity of dwarf palm, garlanded creepers, glossy undergrowth

comply-u skladu, pristati, pokoriti se, povinovati se

Definitions of comply


1. (of a person or group) act in accordance with a wish or command.

we are unable to comply with your request


abide by, observe, obey, adhere to, conform to, hew to, follow, respect, agree to, assent to, go along
with, yield to, submit to, defer to, satisfy, fulfill

Examples of comply

We are unable to comply with your request.

All secondhand furniture must comply with the new standards

The university has since claimed that it is unable to comply with the government request.

paramount-merodavan, najviši, vrhovni, glavni

Definitions of Paramount


1. more important than anything else; supreme.

the interests of the child are of paramount importance


most important, of greatest/prime importance, uppermost, supreme, chief, overriding, predominant,

foremost, prime, primary, principal, highest, main, key, central, leading, major, top, number-one


1. a city in southwestern California, southeast of Los Angeles; population 55,236 (est. 2008).

Examples of paramount

At peak times, when children are going to or coming from school, their safety is of paramount

The role of the United States as a paramount power is somewhat comparable to Great Britain in the
nineteenth century.

It is paramount that all the outstanding subscriptions are paid in order to keep the service in operation.
intrinsic-unutrašnji, esencijalni, koji je suština nečija, dok ono što je spolja može biti u suprotnosti sa
suštinom nečijom, kao što na primer mene teraju da kunem, a ja sve ljude volim i ne želim da ih kunem i
to nije u mojoj unutrašnjosti, u srcu i duši, ali oni su preuzeli upravljanje mnome svojim vradžbinama i
svojom tehnologijom.

Definitions of intrinsic


1. belonging naturally; essential.

access to the arts is intrinsic to a high quality of life


inherent, innate, inborn, inbred, congenital, connate, natural, deep-rooted, deep-seated, indelible,
ineradicable, ingrained, integral, basic, fundamental, essential, built-in

Examples of intrinsic

At its best, athletic competition can hold intrinsic value for our society.

Often the intrinsic value is the underlying price of a company's total assets.

But of course, tour guides have a definite advantage intrinsic to their position.

proffered-ponuđeno, ponuditi, prineti na žrtvu Bogu, podneti žrtvu, prineti prinos Bogu

Definitions of proffer

1. hold out (something) to someone for acceptance; offer.

he proffered his resignation


offer, tender, submit, extend, volunteer, suggest,propose, put forward, hold out

perk-povlastica, motka, štrčati, kočoperiti se, unaprediti nešto, učiniti nešto boljim nego što jeste

Definitions of perk


1. money, goods, or other benefit to which one is entitled as an employee or as a shareholder of a


many agencies are helping to keep personnel at their jobs by providing perks


fringe benefit, additional benefit, benefit, advantage, bonus, extra, plus, freebie, perquisite


1. become more cheerful, lively, or interesting.

in the second half, the dance perked up


1. perky; pert.

Examples of perk

There was nothing like a little betting to perk his spirits up.

It's amazing how a bit of garlic and copious olive oil can perk things up.
she showed us how to perk the coffee.

spree-велика активност, пијанка

Definitions of spree


1. a spell or sustained period of unrestrained activity of a particular kind.

he went on a six-month crime spree




1. take part in a spree.

Examples of spree

In 1957 Charlie, then 19, went on a killing spree .

Since then, the company has gone on a massive shopping spree , acquiring and building some 14
different packaging and processing plants and dairies.

treadmill-pokretna traka za trčanje, dirinčenje, ergometar

Definitions of treadmill


1. a device formerly used for driving machinery, consisting of a large wheel with steps fitted into its inner
surface. It was turned by the weight of people or animals treading the steps.

Where humans worked against gravity, as they did inside cage wheels and upon treadmills , we can
calculate the power outputs.

Examples of treadmill

For exercise, each subject walked on a treadmill at a rate sufficient to achieve a minute ventilation that
was approximately 3 times his or her resting rate.

Fitness levels were determined by how long participants could walk on a treadmill without becoming
fatigued and short of breath.

blunt-tup, zatupljen, istupljen, nenaoštren, otvoren, iskren, nabusit

Definitions of blunt


1. (of a knife, pencil, etc.) having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp.

a blunt knife




1. make or become less sharp.

wood can blunt your ax


dullmake less sharp


1. a hollowed-out cigar filled with marijuana.

Consequently, marijuana use in blunts may persist longer into adulthood for a larger proportion of the
general population than marijuana use in joints and pipes had in the past.

Examples of blunt

A thick skin is essential, as colleagues tend to be blunt in their discussion of strengths and weaknesses.


Synonyms of looter


pillager, freebooter, despoiler, plunderer, spoiler, raider

lard-mast, salo, začiniti slaninom, slanina

Definitions of lard


1. fat from the abdomen of a pig that is rendered and clarified for use in cooking.
The gravy was made from lard , chicken stock chili powder and cumin.


1. insert strips of fat or bacon in (meat) before cooking.

The meat is generally larded for this, and many consider it is best slightly underdone.

2. embellish (talk or writing) with a variety of expressions.

his conversation is larded with quotations from Coleridge

raked out-steći teškom mukom, izgrabuljati (od glagola "rake")

rake-izgrabuljati, zaraditi, zasuti vatrom, sakupiti

Definitions of rake


1. collect, gather, or move with a rake or similar implement.

they started raking up hay


scrape up, collect, gather

2. set (something, especially a stage or the floor of an auditorium) at a sloping angle.

The prologue opened with a stark black, steeply raked stage with just a chair for Swallow.

drought-suša, dug period bez padanja kiše

pike-štuka, brana, drumarina, koplje, saobraćajna petlja

Definitions of pike


1. a long-bodied predatory freshwater fish with a pointed snout and large teeth, of both North America
and Eurasia.

Being the main apex predator found in freshwaters, pike are not as common as other fish.

2. an infantry weapon with a pointed steel or iron head on a long wooden shaft.

Vast quantities of clothing, gunpowder, pikes , halberds, swords, and muskets poured out of the
workshops of the metropolis.


1. kill or thrust (someone) through with a pike.

surreal-mix of reality and fantasy

surreal-living in a mixed world between reality and fantasy, like now with all AI scary things that happen
(f.e.Alexa laughing in the middle of the night, government announcing microchiping the population, etc.)
jaywalkers-oni koji prelaze ulicu na nedozvoljenom mestu

jaywalk-prelaziti ulicu na nedozvoljenom mestu

pledge-zavet, zaloga, obećanje, zavetovati se, čvrsto obećati

Definitions of pledge


1. a solemn promise or undertaking.

the conference ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution

2. a thing that is given as security for the fulfillment of a contract or the payment of a debt and is liable
to forfeiture in the event of failure.

The sense of the pledge as debt implied by both translations suggests that the vow or promise is
predicated on a loss already inscribed in the speech act.

3. a person who has promised to join a fraternity or sorority.

But Barry himself looks instinctively like a new fraternity pledge who barely made it into the house.

4. the drinking to a person's health; a toast.

Stand, and let us hear your pledge for the health of our land and people!


1. commit (a person or organization) by a solemn promise.

the government pledged itself to deal with environmental problems

2. give as security on a loan.

the creditor to whom the land is pledged

3. promise to join (a fraternity or sorority).

Francie and I pledged the same sorority

4. drink to the health of.

deicide-bogoubistvo, ubica Boga

Definitions of deicide


the killer of a god.

Examples of deicide

Of course, priests have preached deicide from the pulpits, biblical commentaries have explained it, and
pogroms were based upon it.

In particular, I never heard any accusation of deicide directed against my people.

Their sin is not deicide any more, nor are they are accused of possessing sinister racial traits.

defoliate-uništiti lišće, to su Amerikanci uradili u Vijetnamu


Agent orange/operation Popaye

"Durin the Vietnam war the US military dumped 19 million gallons of herbicide in an attempt to
defoliate forest cover"

pruning-, obrezivati drvo, lozu, podkresati živu ogradu, obrezivanje

Definitions of prune


trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to
increase fruitfulness and growth.

Late February is an optimum time to prune trees and shrubs in your landscape.


cut back, trim, thin, pinch back, clip, shear, top, dock

revelry-terevenka, pijanka, slava, obilno jedenje i pijenje uz glasnu muziku

Definitions of revelry


lively and noisy festivities, especially when these involve drinking a large amount of alcohol.

sounds of revelry issued into the night

Examples of revelry
Saturday sees a day of music and revelry in Parliament Street, while an Indian festival will bring the
Royal Ascot experience to a close tomorrow.

Voting has slowed down as everyone strolls off to their debauchery and revelry .

Some twirled around while others puddled about forcing some of the pedestrians to stop and take note
of their revelry

haze-izmaglica, magla


a slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere, typically caused by fine suspended particles.

Through the slight early morning haze , I could make out taller buildings to the left.


mist, fog, cloud, smoke, vapor, steam

a state of mental obscurity or confusion.

through an alcoholic haze


blur, daze, confusion, muddle, befuddlement


force (a new or potential recruit to the military, a college fraternity, etc.) to perform strenuous,
humiliating, or dangerous tasks.

rookies were mercilessly hazed

drive (cattle) in a specified direction while on horseback.

He had little trouble hazing his quarry back.

Examples of haze

It is not an extracurricular activity to have fun and haze new employees.

Darkness and haze can obscure the visual cues we need to maintain orientation.

hives-koprivnjača, osip, košnice

desolation-pustoš, razaranje, opustošenost, stanje potpune praznoće i uništenja

Definitions of desolation


a state of complete emptiness or destruction.

the stony desolation of the desert


bleakness, starkness, barrenness, sterility, wildness, isolation, loneliness, remoteness

Examples of desolation

the stony desolation of the desert

In a condition of utter desolation and heartbreak Butterfly bids farewell to her son and takes her life in a
dramatically charged climax.

They are grief stricken by the desolation of the land around them.

I passed through a scene impressive in its aspect of desolation , and almost a tribute to the destructive
power of the chestnut blight.

Crystal was suddenly filled with misery and desolation .

He could hardly believe his eyes at the trail of destruction and burning and the general desolation of the
defiance-uprkos nečemu, prkos, otpor, pobuna, neposlušnost, prezir, opozicija..

Definitions of defiance


open resistance; bold disobedience.

the demonstration was held in defiance of official warnings


resistance, opposition, noncompliance, disobedience, insubordination, dissent, recalcitrance,

subversion, rebellion, contempt, disregard, scorn, insolence, truculence

Examples of defiance

The numbers of settlements and settlers continue to increase in defiance of the law.

Any structures erected in defiance of this law would be demolished, he warned.

the demonstration was held in defiance of official warnings

The next day, a larger number of vendors swarmed the square in defiance of the authorities.

the demonstration was held in defiance of official warnings

an act of defiance

shackled-okovani, okovati, staviti u lance

Definitions of shackle

chain with shackles.

A believer in strict discipline, he preferred forms of punishment like putting a prisoner in stocks or
shackling him to a ball and chain.


chain, fetter, manacle, secure, tie (up), bind, tether, hobble, put in chains, clap in irons, handcuff

mesmerize-opčiniti, očarati, hipnotisati

Definitions of mesmerize


hold the attention of (someone) to the exclusion of all else or so as to transfix them.

she was mesmerized by the blue eyes that stared so intently into her own

Examples of mesmerize

It glowed an eerie blue, which could mesmerize anyone.

His image will always be that of leader to United's brilliant new generation, idol of the fans and
mesmeriser of defences up and down the country.

Joe isn't so much a dancer as he is a mesmerizer .

I was mesmerized by Camara's and the lead female dancer's awesome dance moves, as well as by their
colourful costumes.

And he was not alone in his skepticism - at least during the early stages of his career as the mesmerizer
's puppet: ‘Up to that time a dozen wise old heads, the intellectual aristocracy of the town, had held out
as implacable unbelievers…
fringe-osoba koja se ne uklapa u društvo jer je previše radikalna i samim tim opasna po društvo i društvo
je izopštava, izgnanik, resa, krilo, granica, ivica, šiške na čelu

Definitions of fringe


not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme.

fringe theater


an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or

Much of the vigor of the textile traditions of Mahdia comes through the embellishment of woven cloth
with embroidery and the addition of fringes , tassels, and pompoms.


edging, edge, border, trimming, frill, flounce, ruffle, tassels, purfle

the outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.

his uncles were on the fringes of crooked activity


unconventional, unorthodox, alternative, avant-garde, experimental, innovative, left-field, innovatory,

radical, extreme, peripheral, off-off Broadway, offbeat, way out, perimeter, periphery, border,
borderline, margin, rim, outer edge, edge, extremity, limit, outer limits, limits, borders, bounds,
outskirts, marge

a band of contrasting brightness or darkness produced by diffraction or interference of light.

According to Young, diffraction fringes occur as a result of interference between the incident wave and a
wave arising from the edge of a diffracting aperture or body.


decorate (clothing or material) with a fringe.

a rich robe of gold, fringed with black velvet


trim, edge, hem, border, bind, braid, decorate, adorn, ornament, embellish, finish, purfle


Galt is a shit hole, a town full of fake ass people, and wannabe gangsters. There is literally nothing to do
here except smoke weed. If you grew up in Galt I am sorry, not all California towns are this shitty so
don't lose hope in humanity just yet.


Tommy - Have you ever heard of a town called Galt? It's somewhere between Sacramento and Stockton.

Joey - Yeah, that's probably one of the shittiest towns in all of California don't ever move there.

#central valley#209#shit hole#fucked up town#boring



noun.imitation, take-off, emulation

assembly-skupština, montaža, zbor, veće, sklapanje

Definitions of assembly


a group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose.

an assembly of scholars and poets


gathering, meeting, congregation, convention, rally, convocation, assemblage, group, body, crowd,
throng, company, get-together

the action of gathering together as a group for a common purpose.

a decree guaranteeing freedom of assembly

the action of fitting together the component parts of a machine or other object.

a car assembly plant


construction, manufacture, building, fabrication, erection

Examples of assembly

It provides for a president with extensive executive powers and legislative veto authority who is elected
by the assembly for a seven-year term.

Some 50 people were injured, 10 of whom were admitted to the hospital, and 225 villagers were
arrested and charged with trespassing and illegal assembly .
In Grade 4, all children will participate in an assembly dedicated to creative conflict resolution and peer

curtailed-skraćana, skratiti, smanjiti

Definitions of curtail


reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on.

civil liberties were further curtailed


reduce, cut, cut down, decrease, lessen, pare down, trim, retrench, restrict, limit, curb, rein in, slash

subpoenaed-pozvati na sud

Definitions of subpoena


summon (someone) with a subpoena.

the Queen is above the law and cannot be subpoenaed

Examples of subpoenaed
In addition, in July several people were subpoenaed to testify about their protest activities before a
grand jury convened in Missouri.

Your office could do more, the witnesses were not subpoenaed and brought along, and the magistrate is
sure to have plenty to do.

The grand jury subpoenaed documents from Condit last year.

The defence could have subpoenaed him but they could not force him to talk to them.

renegade-otpadnik, odmetnik, odmetati se

Definitions of renegade


having treacherously changed allegiance.

a renegade bodyguard


treacherous, traitorous, disloyal, treasonous, rebel,mutinous


a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.

Let India reclaim itself from the criminals and outlaws, reprobates and renegades .


traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, rebel, mutineer


Definitions of herring


a silvery fish that is most abundant in coastal waters and is of great commercial importance as a food
fish in many parts of the world.

Like anchovies and herrings , they are small, primitive fish belonging to the group known as clupeoids.

dodged-izbeći, izvrdati

Definitions of dodge


avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement.

we ducked inside our doorway to dodge shrapnel that was raining down


dart, bolt, dive, lunge, leap,spring,elude, evade, avoid, escape, run away from, lose, shake (off), jink, give
someone the slip, ditch

expose (one area of a print) less than the rest during processing or enlarging.

Similarly, a print area might require dodging during the initial exposure to keep it from reversing when

bite the dust-

Literally, to fall face down in the dirt; to suffer a defeat: “Once again, the champion wins, and another
contender bites the dust.”

bites the dust-

1. To fall dead, especially in combat.

2. To become irrelevant.

3. To be defeated.

4.To come to an end.

My old backpack finally bit the dust the other day.

Another one bites the dust... one of my close friend got married today.


1. a male prison inmate fucking another male prison inmate in the ass

2. succesfully playing a practical joke on someone

Originally, the word "punk" was prison slang, meaning the first defintion. the second comes from the
idea that fucking someone in the ass is a sign of disrespect (such as male dogs humping one another to
show dominance, instead of sexual attraction, which could very well be the motive behind prison rape as

"here come' bubba, you 'bout to get f'd in the a' ok?"


Definitions of progeny


a descendant or the descendants of a person, animal, or plant; offspring.

the progeny of mixed marriages


offspring, young, babies, children, sons and daughters, family, brood, descendants, heirs, scions, issue,
seed, fruit of one's loins

Examples of progeny

How many fathers get thrown in jail for failing to ensure that their progeny attend school regularly?

They will know that the progeny of these dogs is absolutely genuine and that there is no falsifying of

Plants resistant to the selective antibiotic were propagated and the progeny was selected twice.

These heifers guarantee high quality progeny that will grade well and will be sought after by the
curtsy-kraljevski naklon prilikom pozdrava sa jednom nogom napred, a drugom pozadi

Definitions of curtsy


a woman's or girl's formal greeting made by bending the knees with one foot in front of the other.

she bobbed a curtsy to him




perform a curtsy.

she curtsied onto the stage


bend one's kneedrop a curtsygenuflect

Examples of curtsy

I could hear the rustle of the maid's woolen skirts as she bobbed a curtsy .

Kurono did a formal bow, while Kaia did a curtsy .

A little maid rushed to the door and bobbed a curtsy .

Turning around, she gave a formal curtsy to the Lord of Ghent.

Each girl gave a little curtsy and Joss wanted to laugh.

‘I apologize, my lord,’ the girl said with a curtsy .


the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle.

His last work was on the cycloid, the curve traced by a point on the circumference of a rolling circle.

Examples of circumference

In the normal geometry of flat space, the diameter of a circle is its circumference divided by pi.

Men should have a waist circumference less than 40 inches.

Calculating your body mass index and measuring your waist circumference are two ways to help tell if
you're overweight or obese.

The mathematical constant pi is the number you get when you divide a circle's circumference by its

A hailstone with a 7-inch diameter and a circumference of 18.75 inches was recently named the largest
hailstone ever recovered in the United States.

gophers-glodar, velika suvozemna kornjača

Definitions of gopher


1.a tortoise of dry sandy regions that excavates tunnels as shelter from the sun, native to the southern

However, the northernmost range of the gopher tortoise is limited to southern South Carolina.
2.a menu-based system for Internet searching and document retrieval, largely superseded by the World
Wide Web.

The Gopher system enabled documents to be listed in a readable, hierarchical method that was
relatively easy to navigate.

Examples of gophers

In some communities where gophers are abundant, they consume an amazing fraction of the
underground productivity of plants.

The clover enriches the soil with nitrogen, prevents moisture loss, and diverts gophers and rabbits from
the tomatoes and beans.

At a finer scale, species differences in rooting density influence the suitability of soils for burrowing by
gophers .

Rodenticides control rats, mice, gophers , and other rodent pests of human habitation and agriculture.

If gophers , squirrels or other animal pests are common in your area, planting tasty bulbs, such as lilies,
in open soil is a waste of time.

sui generis (lat.-ˌsuːaɪ ˈdʒɛnərɪs)-


unique, of it's own kind, without a counterpart or equal, unique


If you describe a person or thing as sui generis, you mean that there is no-one else or nothing else of the
same kind and so you cannot make judgments about them based on other things.
strapped in-vezani, okovani u lisice ili okove ili zamke, uhvaćeni

manacles-okovi, okovati


a metal band, chain, or shackle for fastening someone's hands or ankles.

the practice of keeping prisoners in manacles


handcuffs, shackles, chains, irons, fetters, restraints, bonds, cuffs, bracelets


fetter (a person or a part of the body) with manacles.

his hands were manacled behind his back


shackle, fetter, chain, put/clap in irons, handcuff, restrain, secure, cuff

compelled-prisiljeno, prisiliti

Definitions of compel

force or oblige (someone) to do something.

a sense of duty compelled Harry to answer her questions


force, pressure, press, push, urge, dragoon, browbeat, bully, intimidate, strong-arm, oblige, require,
make, lean on, put the screws on, exact, extort, demand, insist on, force, necessitate

bashed-tresnuti, udariti jako

Definitions of bash


strike hard and violently.

bash a mosquito with a newspaper


strike, hit, beat, thump, slap, smack, bang, knock, batter, pound, pummel, wallop, clout, belt, whack,
thwack, clobber, bop, sock, smite

laced-kontaminirano, toksično, zaraženo, drogirano, vezati, dodati, napasti, oplesti


contaminated with a substance (usually harmful or toxic) present in small amounts.

dioxin-laced sludge


fasten or tighten (a shoe or garment) by tying its laces.

he put the shoes on and laced them up


fasten, do up, tie up, secure, knot

entwine or tangle (things, especially fingers) together.

he laced his fingers together and sat back


entwine, intertwine, twine, entangle, interweave, link, braid, plait

add an ingredient, especially alcohol, to (a drink or dish) to enhance its flavor or strength.

he gave us coffee laced with brandy


flavor, mix (in), blend, fortify, strengthen, stiffen, season, spice (up), enrich, liven up, doctor, adulterate,

hit (something, especially a baseball) hard.

he laced a double down the first-base line

apprentice-šegrt, kalfa, učenik


a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low

an apprentice electrician


trainee, learner, probationer, novice, beginner, starter, cadet, tenderfoot, pupil, student, rookie,
newbie, greenhorn


employ (someone) as an apprentice.

Edward was apprenticed to a printer

compelling-neodoljiv, nesavladiv

Definitions of compel


evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.

his eyes were strangely compelling

enthralling, captivating, gripping, riveting, spellbinding, mesmerizing, absorbing, irresistible


force or oblige (someone) to do something.

a sense of duty compelled Harry to answer her questions


force, pressure, press, push,urge, dragoon, browbeat, bully, intimidate, strong-arm, oblige, require,
make, lean on, put the screws on, exact, extort, demand, insist on, force, necessitate

Examples of compelling

But try though she might, she could not succeed in drawing attention to this compelling side of her.

The absence of compulsory or generally accepted judicial settlement of international disputes is taken as
compelling evidence that the law is not taken seriously and hence that power politics prevails.

But there are compelling interests on the other side here.

No credible person could dispute that having impartial judges is a compelling state interest.

mincing-mlevenje, izveštačen, neprirodan

Definitions of mince


(of a man) affectedly dainty in manner or gait.

he followed her with quick, mincing steps

cut up or grind (food, especially meat) into very small pieces, typically in a machine with revolving

minced beef


grind, chop up, cut up, dice, hash, chop fine

walk with an affected delicacy or fastidiousness, typically with short quick steps.

there were plenty of secretaries mincing about


affected, dainty, effeminate, pretentious, dandified, foppish, camp, walk affectedly, sashay, flounce,

assessment-процена (rating, assessment, estimate, evaluation, evaluation, estimation), одређивање

(positioning, assessment, taxation), разрезивање пореза

Definitions of assessment


the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something.

the assessment of educational needs


evaluation, judgment, rating, estimation, appraisal, analysis, opinion, valuation, appraisal, calculation,
costing, pricing, estimate

Examples of assessment

At the time he went missing he was undergoing assessment and that had not been completed.
decoy-mamac, lazni objekat, varalica, prevariti, dovesti u zabludu, namamiti

Definitions of decoy


a bird or mammal, or an imitation of one, used by hunters to attract other birds or mammals.

a decoy duck

a pond from which narrow netted channels lead, into which wild ducks may be enticed for capture.

An ancient decoy pond, originally created to lure wildfowl and deer for the abbot to hunt is being
restored, as is the original wooden deer fence.


lure or entice (a person or animal) away from an intended course, typically into a trap.

they would try to decoy the enemy toward the hidden group


lure, entice, allure, tempt, entrap, snare, trap

braids-pletenice, vrpca, traka, dlaka, gajtan, oblagati, zaplesti, oplesti, plesti, opšiti gajtanom

Definitions of braid

threads of silk, cotton, or other material woven into a decorative band for edging or trimming garments.

a coat trimmed with gold braid

a length of hair made up of three or more interlaced strands.

women with long black braids


plait, pigtail, twist, cornrows, dreadlocks


interlace three or more strands of (hair or other flexible material) to form a length.

their long hair was tightly braided


plait, entwine, intertwine, interweave, weave, twist, twine

widget-sprava, naprava

Definitions of widget


a small gadget or mechanical device, especially one whose name is unknown or unspecified.

Gadgets and widgets and all that cool stuff that make life easier, or at least more fun, that's what I want
to write about.

Examples of widget

For example, if the feature could be turned on an off via a checkbox widget , that information was
included in the description along with whether the checkbox was selected or not selected by default.
conjuration-čini, magija, preklinjanje, prizivanje duhova

Definitions of conjuration


a magic incantation or spell.

This includes any sort of ‘wishing’ magic, be it through sigels, conjurations , prayer, direct energy work,
or anything that is meant to ‘make something happen’ or to cause a change in another.

revels-pir, pijančenje, trevenka, pirovati, pijančiti

Definitions of revel


lively and noisy enjoyment, especially with drinking and dancing.

Meet the party girls whose revels raised £70 for Keighley Disabled People's Centre.


celebration, festivity, jollification, merrymaking, carousing, spree, party, jamboree, hedonism,

rave,shindig, bash, wingding, blast

enjoy oneself in a lively and noisy way, especially with drinking and dancing.

a night of drunken reveling


celebrate, make merry, have a party, carouse, roister, go on a spree, party, live it up, whoop it up, make
whoopee, rave, paint the town red

Quenching-kaljenje čelika, gašenje kreča, gašenje požara, gašenje žeđi, utoljivanje gladi, utoljivanje
radoznalosti ili kakve druge strasti

Definitions of quench


satisfy (one's thirst) by drinking.

He no longer quenches his thirst by drinking sodas.

extinguish (a fire).

firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames

synonyms: extinguish, put out, snuff out, smother, douse



extinction, extinguishing


satisfy, slake, sate, satiate, gratify, relieve, assuage, take the edge off, indulge, lessen, reduce, diminish,
check, suppress, extinguish, overcome

extinguish, put out, snuff out, smother, douse

slake, assuage, allay

snuff out, extinguish, blow out

squelch, quell

frugal-štedljiv, skroman

Definitions of frugal


sparing or economical with regard to money or food.

he led a remarkably frugal existence

synonyms: thrifty, economical, careful, cautious, prudent, provident, unwasteful, sparing, scrimping,
abstemious, abstinent, austere, self-denying, ascetic, monkish, spartan, parsimonious, miserly,
niggardly, cheeseparing, penny-pinching, close-fisted, tightfisted, tight, stingy



thrifty, economical, careful, cautious, prudent, provident, unwasteful, sparing, scrimping, abstemious,
abstinent, austere, self-denying, ascetic, monkish, spartan, parsimonious, miserly, niggardly,
cheeseparing, penny-pinching, close-fisted, tightfisted, tight, stingy

meager, scanty, scant, paltry, skimpy, plain, simple, spartan, inexpensive, cheap, economical

economical, scotch, sparing

Fewer synonyms


They are less likely than horses to become ill or lame, and can live on frugal rations and in more extreme
temperatures than horses.

He was normally very frugal with the Corps' credits.

He took seriously his pledge made at the outset of the war that he would live a frugal and abstemious
existence as long as the war lasted.

Schmidt is potentially a cold character, spartan with words and frugal with money.

They believe this would encourage manufacturers to be more frugal with resources.

There is something simple, pure and frugal about a home-made loaf, and the feel-good factor is better
than a trip to the gym.

fiend-đavo, strastan ljubitelj nečega, demon, negativac, manijak, zver..

Definitions of fiend


an evil spirit or demon.

The evil that was spawned from Cain became spirits, monsters, fiends , goblins and giants, forging the
blood feud between mankind and monster.

synonyms: demon, devil, evil spirit, spook



demon, devil, evil spirit, spook

villain, beast, brute, barbarian, monster, ogre, sadist, evildoer, swine

addict, abuser, user, junkie, ——head, ——freak

enthusiast, maniac, devotee, fan, lover, fanatic, addict, buff, freak, nut

demon, daemon, devil, daimon

monster, demon, devil, ogre

Fewer synonyms


That foolish fiend Richard ‘Lowtax’ Kyanka requested we keep this confounded electronic journal
throughout the fortnight.

He made an exasperated noise and said, ‘You know I meant that she knows you better than I know you,
not she knows you better than she knows me, you grammar fiend .’

That explains why I like it so much, art nouveau fiend that I am.

The dopey dame that got Slaughter pink slipped by Uncle Sam turns up to ask for help in dealing with
her ex-fiancé, ex-partner, current dope fiend and woodoo wacko.

Is being a ‘moody crack fiend ,’ we wonder, anything like being an angry drunk?

Whoremonger and liquored-up weed fiend though he may be, I've always liked old Charlie.

you little fiend!


Definitions of condone


accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.

the college cannot condone any behavior that involves illicit drugs

synonyms: disregard, accept, allow, let pass, turn a blind eye to, overlook, forget, forgive, pardon,
excuse, let go



disregard, accept, allow, let pass, turn a blind eye to, overlook, forget, forgive, pardon, excuse, let go

Examples of condoning

Quickly becoming public enemy No1 for condoning Roy Keane's behaviour, Dunphy predicted Ireland
were not good enough and at half-time warned of more goals against.

Several Taiwanese businessmen who work there condemned the authorities yesterday for apparently
condoning crimes against them.

It is not desirable, but while not condoning the behaviour you try and counsel her and direct her to the

If we maintain abortion, then we lose the sanctity of life by condoning the death of an unborn human
being as a typical surgical operation.

resin-smola, nasmoliti

Definitions of resin


a sticky flammable organic substance, insoluble in water, exuded by some trees and other plants
(notably fir and pine).

Rich red and green glaze paints, more usually the former, in both early Netherlandish and German
School paintings were often found to contain a little resin, usually pine tree resin , in addition to heat-
bodied oil.


rub or treat with resin.

resined canvas




In the warm night air there was a ‘faint sweet smell of resin and burning trees'.

Other paints use sustainably-harvested tree resin as a binder.

Pine resin exudes from cuts in the needles or stem of the tree.

The specimens are quite attractive when cut in half and coated with an acrylic resin .

the chassis is constructed of synthetic resin

binge-neumerenost u jelu i piću, terevenka, bančenje, lumperajka

Definitions of binge


a short period devoted to indulging in an activity to excess, especially drinking alcohol or eating.

he went on a binge and was in no shape to drive

synonyms: drinking bout, debauch, bender, jag, toot, session, souse, bacchanal, bacchanalia, wassail;
spree, implulse buying, splurge, spendfest, orgy


indulge in an activity, especially eating, to excess.

some dieters say they cannot help binging on chocolate

synonyms: overindulge, overeat, gorge, binge-drink, pig out



drinking bout, debauch, bender, jag, toot, session, souse, bacchanal, bacchanalia, wassail
spree, implulse buying, splurge, spendfest, orgy

bout, tear, bust

splurge, orgy


overindulge, overeat, gorge, binge-drink, pig out

engorge, overeat, overgorge, overindulge, glut, satiate, pig out, englut, gourmandize, stuff, gorge,
gormandize, ingurgitate

Fewer synonyms


When I first became interested in Linux, I purchased Red Hat and went on a binge to explore everything.

That way he got paid pretty quickly, went on a binge , sobered up, wrote another one, and so on.

he went on a binge and was in no shape to drive

People with binge eating disorder are extremely distressed by their binge eating.

Although he promised to stay off alcohol, Best went on a binge last month in his local pub.

binge eating

on earth-in any conditions; of all possible things:

How on earth did this happen?

What on earth is that awful noise?


Used after the question words how, what, when, where, who, and why to emphasize that you are very
suprised or annoyed.

Definitions of velocity


the speed of something in a given direction.

the velocities of the emitted particles



speed, pace, rate, tempo, momentum, impetus, swiftness, rapidity, fleetness, celerity



However, if we can measure the distance to the Sun we can also calculate the velocity of the Earth
relative to the Sun.

Similarly, if two objects are moving with the same velocity , one with twice the mass of the other also
has twice the momentum.

The velocity of circulation was assumed to be unchanged.

Calculating the angular velocity of the Earth is a deceptively easy task.

The trouble is that all these measures of money cannot be relied on because the velocity of money

postponed-odložen, odložiti, odgoditi, prolongirati

Definitions of postpone


cause or arrange for (something) to take place at a time later than that first scheduled.

the visit had to be postponed for some time

synonyms: put off/back, delay, defer, reschedule, adjourn, shelve, put over, take a rain check on, put on
ice, put on the back burner, remit



put off/back, delay, defer, reschedule, adjourn, shelve, put over, take a rain check on, put on ice, put on
the back burner, remit

remit, table, prorogue, shelve, defer, set back, hold over, put off, put over

affidavit-založno pravo, pismeni iskaz, pismena izjava

Definitions of affidavit


a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court.

Would you read onto the record the affidavits that contain the evidentiary material that is before us?


a former employee swore an affidavit relating to his claim for unfair dismissal

The appellant's solicitor swore an affidavit as to why the witnesses were not called at the trial.

Put another way, it is the content of his affidavit or statement which determines the assertion.
Would you read onto the record the affidavits that contain the evidentiary material that is before us?

When carrying out the enquiry the Court acts upon affidavits rather than oral evidence.

Although late in delivering the affidavits of documents the affidavits have now been delivered.

tentacles-pipci meduze ili jobotnice, pipci generalno

Definitions of tentacle


a slender flexible limb or appendage in an animal, especially around the mouth of an invertebrate, used
for grasping, moving about, or bearing sense organs.

The feature shared by this group is the lophophore, an unusual feeding appendage bearing hollow
tentacles .


Definitions of permeability


the state or quality of a material or membrane that causes it to allow liquids or gases to pass through it.

Two of the five participants had abnormally high permeability; the intestinal permeability of all five

a quantity measuring the influence of a substance on the magnetic flux in the region it occupies.

The coefficient of permeability remains constant during consolidation.

Approximately 20 percent of AIDS patients also have abnormal intestinal permeability .

The coefficient of permeability remains constant during consolidation.

Two of the five participants had abnormally high permeability; the intestinal permeability of all five

The overall passive permeability barrier of the cells depended upon which side was the donor.

Compaction reduces the permeability of the soil and increases its shear strength and bearing capacity.

One potential consequence of increased intestinal permeability is microbial translocation.

Dagon-vavilonski bog riba, polu u ljdskom oblicju, polu u ribljem, ima rep kao riba.

intertwine/ɪntəˈtwʌɪn/-преплетена, preplitati se (cveće sa drugim cvećem, npr.)


past tense: intertwined; past participle: intertwined

twist or twine together.

"a net made of cotton intertwined with other natural fibres"


entwine, interweave, interlace, interthread, interwind, intertwist, twist, coil, twirl, ravel, lace, braid,
plait, knit; rareconvolute

"a wreath of laurel, intertwined with daffodils"

connect or link (two or more things) closely.

"as with most traditions, fact and fiction have become inextricably intertwined"
Jeeves-a man who is a personal servant for another man

Servants:amah, batman, butler...

Word story

From the name of Jeeves, the butler who appears in many stories by the British writer P.G. Wodehouse.

munch-grickati, mljackati

Definitions of munch


eat (something) with a continuous and often audible action of the jaws.

he munched a chicken wing

synonyms: chew, champ, chomp, masticate, crunch, eat, gnaw, nibble, snack, chow down on



chew, champ, chomp, masticate, crunch, eat, gnaw, nibble, snack, chow down on



Summer is the time when local fields are groaning with fresh strawberries and visitors can munch their
way around the strawberry patches.

popcorn to munch on while watching the movie

The best way to test a chilli for strength is to munch a bit before cooking.

It becomes an addiction - you can quite happily sit there and munch your way through a whole loaf.

Do any of us really feel in the mood for getting dolled up and munching our way through a three-course
meal at the moment?

frolic-razdragan, zaigran, lepo raspoložen

Definitions of frolic


a playful action or movement.

his injuries were inflicted by the frolics of a young filly

synonyms: antic, caper, game, romp, escapade, fun, fun and games, hijinks, merrymaking, amusement,


(of an animal or person) play and move about cheerfully, excitedly, or energetically.

Edward frolicked on the sand

synonyms: play, amuse oneself, romp, disport oneself, frisk, gambol, cavort, caper, cut capers, scamper,
skip, dance, prance, leap about, jump about, sport


cheerful, merry, or playful.

a thousand forms of frolic life



antic, caper, game, romp, escapade, fun, fun and games, hijinks, merrymaking, amusement, skylarking
caper, play, gambol, romp


play, amuse oneself, romp, disport oneself, frisk, gambol, cavort, caper, cut capers, scamper, skip,
dance, prance, leap about, jump about, sport

sport, lark, rollick, run around, cavort, skylark, gambol, disport, lark about, romp, frisk


Memories of the frolic era trailed behind for some time; some fizzled out, others are still etched on the

At last, lambs frolic in the fields as white fluffy clouds bob overhead.

You don't make the long trek here to frolic in the surf and sand.

He was true horse that loved to frolic in the fields with or without a rider.

In summer, dolphins frolic just past the breakers, and shorebirds play tag with the crystal waves.

sentient-razumni, koji su sposobni da osećaju i misle

Definitions of sentient


able to perceive or feel things.

she had been instructed from birth in the equality of all sentient life forms

synonyms: (capable of) feeling, living, live, conscious, aware, responsive, reactive



(capable of) feeling, living, live, conscious, aware, responsive, reactive



A strange computer called Hal is about to become sentient and then go insane.

If you have a being that is not sentient , that is not even aware, then the killing of that being is not
something that is wrong in and of itself.

No sentient beings lived on the planet, so it would not be terrible if they colonized it.

Animals (or at least sentient animals) clearly have an interest in not being made to suffer.

The entire series is built on speculation about alien life, sentient or otherwise.

It reminds me of what it'd be like if one of our probes ever landed on a planet with sentient life.

Based on Mars, The Mysterons are sentient computers constructed by an alien civilisation.

inquiry-ispitivanje, istraživanje, istraga zločina npr.

Definitions of inquiry


an act of asking for information.

the deluge of phone inquiries after a crash

synonyms: question, query



question, query

investigation, probe, examination, review, analysis, exploration, inquest, hearing

question, interrogation, query

Fewer synonyms


As with all forms of information or methods of inquiry , both good and bad examples exist.

This will generate yet more lines of inquiry for the press to explore.

There was an official inquiry into the killing, but it has not resulted in any prosecutions.

They may have seen something suspicious and have information vital to the inquiry .

This would be investigated by the independent inquiry set up to look at failings by police and care

ensnares-uloviti u zamku, uhvatiti u zamku

Definitions of ensnare


catch in or as in a trap.

they were ensnared in downtown traffic

synonyms: capture, catch, trap, entrap, snare, net, entangle, embroil, enmesh



capture, catch, trap, entrap, snare, net, entangle, embroil, enmesh

entrap, set up, frame

entrap, trap, trammel, snare

Examples of ensnares
This is a wonderful time of year to be driving on country roads and it's sometimes easy to forget, when
simmering along in the dense urban traffic that so often ensnares us, just how much glorious driving
terrain we have in Britain.

One way or another, sooner or later, consumers and producers will escape the sugar trap that ensnares
them both.

Justice is not served by ensnaring the innocent.

Freed from the trap represented by life with her family and the reservation community, she finds in San
Francisco an equally ensnaring trap of poverty and welfare regulations.

Local producers obviously haven't yet caught on to branding their wares to ensnare the wandering
green pound.

ward-odeljenje, razred, čuvati, štititi, prema, ka (od toward)

Definitions of -ward


a separate room in a hospital, typically one allocated to a particular type of patient.

a children's ward

synonyms: room, department, unit, area, wing

an administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a councilor or

Issues raised will be discussed by the relief road working group, made up of county councillors
representing local wards , and the county council will enforce the changes.

synonyms: district, constituency, division, quarter, zone, parish

a person, usually a minor, under the care and control of a guardian appointed by their parents or a
Open sea and clear skies was all very well when teaching a new crewmember the ropes and they never
lost their fascination with the captain's young ward .

synonyms: dependent, charge, protégé

any of the internal ridges or bars in a lock that prevent the turning of any key that does not have
grooves of corresponding form or size.

the action of keeping a lookout for danger.

I saw them keeping ward at one of those huge gates

an area of ground enclosed by the encircling walls of a fortress or castle.

Near to this original house, on a chalk hill, William I built a castle, with a ward either side of a low motte.

a defensive position or motion.

The first illustration show the two fencers in a low or terza ward with rapiers crossed.


guard; protect.

it was his duty to ward the king

admit (a patient) to a hospital ward.

Both are warded at Port-of-Spain General Hospital.


(forming adverbs) toward the specified place or direction.


(forming adjectives) turned or tending toward.


decoy-mamci, zamke, lažni ljudi, prevaranti, varalice

Definitions of decoy


a bird or mammal, or an imitation of one, used by hunters to attract other birds or mammals.

a decoy duck

a pond from which narrow netted channels lead, into which wild ducks may be enticed for capture.

An ancient decoy pond, originally created to lure wildfowl and deer for the abbot to hunt is being
restored, as is the original wooden deer fence.


lure or entice (a person or animal) away from an intended course, typically into a trap.

they would try to decoy the enemy toward the hidden group

synonyms: lure, entice, allure, tempt, entrap, snare, trap



lure, bait, red herring, enticement, inducement, temptation, attraction, carrot, snare, trap

bait, lure



lure, entice, allure, tempt, entrap, snare, trap


I was told last night that this storyboarded ending was only ever used to decoy the studio away from the
real ending, which is the one they shot.

The other major advance will include systems designed to decoy anti-tank missiles.

a decoy duck

The ship carries the Sea Siren towed torpedo decoy supplied by BAE Systems.

The ship's torpedo decoy is the Nixie AN / SLQ25.

So, unless the unlikely happened and they split up, the dot he was heading towards was a decoy and
possibly a trap.

Armistice-primirje, mir, obustava neprijateljstva i sukoba

Definitions of armistice


an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce.

Both sides agreed to an armistice to bury the dead and collect the wounded.

synonyms: truce, ceasefire, peace, suspension of hostilities



truce, ceasefire, peace, suspension of hostilities

truce, cease-fire

Examples of Armistice

An armistice was signed at Compiègne in November 1918; fighting at once stopped.

Such a development would end the 1953 armistice agreement and accelerate the withdrawal of U.S.
troops from the peninsula.

News of the armistice had reached the troops but the actual order to cease fire was still on the way to
the front.

Hard-liners on both sides have been stepping up calls to abandon the armistice .

Both sides agreed to an armistice to bury the dead and collect the wounded.

In September 1943, when the Italians signed an armistice , he escaped and reached safety in
altercation-prepirka, svađa

Definitions of altercation


a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.

I had an altercation with the conductor

synonyms: argument, quarrel, squabble, fight, shouting match, disagreement, contretemps, difference
of opinion, falling-out, dispute, disputation, clash, fracas, wrangle, blowup, skirmish, run-in, war of
words, donnybrook, tiff, scrap, spat, row, rhubarb, shitstorm



argument, quarrel, squabble, fight, shouting match, disagreement, contretemps, difference of opinion,
falling-out, dispute, disputation, clash, fracas, wrangle, blowup, skirmish, run-in, war of words,
donnybrook, tiff, scrap, spat, row, rhubarb, shitstorm

fracas, affray


The group became involved in a verbal altercation with another group of younger males and a fist fight

I had an altercation with the conductor

On Wednesday night two feuding families became involved in an altercation .

I had an altercation with the ticket collector

Clearly, there have been countless outright fights and less physical altercations among players on the
same team over the years, most lost in the dust of time and generally not even worth unearthing.
reprobate-proklet, bezočan, izopačen, lažan, prokletnik, bezočnik, izopačenik

Definitions of reprobate


unprincipled (often used as a humorous or affectionate reproach).

a long-missed old reprobate drinking comrade

synonyms: unprincipled, bad, roguish, wicked, rakish, shameless, immoral, degenerate, dissipated,
debauched, depraved, knavish

(in Calvinism) predestined to damnation.


an unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately).

They're all hypocrites, liars and reprobates .

synonyms: rogue, rascal, scoundrel, miscreant, good-for-nothing, villain, wretch, rake, degenerate,
libertine, debauchee, cad, blackguard, knave, rapscallion

(especially in Calvinism) a sinner who is not of the elect and is predestined to damnation.

Those who were chosen by God were no better than reprobates except that by his irresistible grace the
elect could be brought to hate their sin, as Sir Walter does.


express or feel disapproval of.

his neighbors reprobated his method of proceeding

disclosure-razotkrivanje, otkrivanje, obelodanjivanje

Definitions of disclosure


the action of making new or secret information known.

a judge ordered the disclosure of the government documents

synonyms: revelation, declaration, announcement, news, report, leak; publishing, broadcasting,

revelation, communication, release, uncovering, unveiling, exposure, exposé, leakage



revelation, declaration, announcement, news, report, leak

publishing, broadcasting, revelation, communication, release, uncovering, unveiling, exposure, exposé,


revealing, revelation

Fewer synonyms


The section provided for criminal sanctions against authorised disclosure .

Perhaps in ordinary parlance this is disclosure of confidential information in the interests of the bank.

There can, however, be no question of cross-examining or seeking disclosure from the judge.

When that application was made, again I did not order disclosure of any material.

There was no question at any time of going to a court for an order for disclosure .

If he is so satisfied, he still is left with the task of deciding whether as a matter of discretion he should
order disclosure .
curdle-zgrušati, usiriti

Definitions of curdle


separate or cause to separate into curds or lumps.

take care not to let the soup boil or it will curdle

synonyms: clot, coagulate, congeal, solidify, thicken, turn, sour, ferment



clot, coagulate, congeal, solidify, thicken, turn, sour, ferment

clabber, clot


One of my earliest memories is looking down through a bay of picture windows at the Tillamook factory
and watching milk curdle on the way to becoming cheese.

When does this journalistic milk begin to curdle ?

take care not to let the soup boil or it will curdle

His growl is impressively rabid, and his bark could curdle a bowl of milk at 20 paces.

She must curdle the milk, make Macbeth abjure his good qualities, if he is to act as she wishes.

She also had a temper that could strip paint and curdle milk, but her humour made up for that.



noun: triangulation
(in surveying) the tracing and measurement of a series or network of triangles in order to determine the
distances and relative positions of points spread over an area, especially by measuring the length of one
side of each triangle and deducing its angles and the length of the other two sides by observation from
this baseline.

"the triangulation of Great Britain"


formation of or division into triangles.


(in politics) the action or process of positioning oneself in such a way as to appeal to or appease both
left-wing and right-wing standpoints.

1. триангулација

hiatus-praznina, jaz, zev..

Definitions of hiatus


a pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process.

there was a brief hiatus in the war with France

synonyms: pause, break, gap, lacuna, interval, intermission, interlude, interruption, suspension, lull,
respite, time out, time off, recess, breather, letup


pause, break, gap, lacuna, interval, intermission, interlude, interruption, suspension, lull, respite, time
out, time off, recess, breather, letup

reprieve, abatement, respite, suspension


Apologies for the brief hiatus in commentary, as I watch Wayne Rooney score England's third.

Very little of the film is revealed other than that it is the return of Chaplin after a ten-year hiatus .

After a hiatus of a few years, a group of like-minded researchers came together with the aim of
reinvigorating the Network.

There was a one-week hiatus between closing in Edmonton and opening in Calgary.

there was a brief hiatus in the war with France

pantry-ostava, špajz

Definitions of pantry


a small room or closet in which food, dishes, and utensils are kept.

Beyond the kitchen is a spacious storeroom with fitted presses which could serve as a pantry or laundry

synonyms: larder, store, storeroom, spence



larder, store, storeroom, spence

buttery, larder


The daylit pantry contains a variety of upper and lower cabinets for food storage.

We raided my pantry and my refrigerator for food, but what we found were the ingredients for
He was trying to find room for the wine bottle in the crowded pantry when the doorbell rang.

A door off the kitchen leads into a pantry and on into a garage/utility room plumbed for a washing

revelers-mangup, bećar

Definitions of reveler


a person who is enjoying themselves in a lively and noisy way.

the city's traditional Labor Day bash usually attracts more than 100,000 revelers

synonyms: partygoer, merrymaker, carouser, roisterer, wassailer



partygoer, merrymaker, carouser, roisterer, wassailer


FRANCHISE-pravo glasa, licenca, imunitet, pravo

Definitions of franchise

an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry
out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a
company's products.

Finally, they found individuals interested in purchasing franchises .

synonyms: warrant, charter, license, permit, authorization, permission, sanction, privilege

the right to vote.

But, of course, the real test of that will only come in a little over two years time when we will all be off to
the polling stations to exercise the franchise in another general election.


grant a franchise to (an individual or group).

Another 24 petroleum dealers who are franchised by several of the other marketing companies are part
of the consortium, but others could join, Observer sources say.



suffrage, the vote, the right to vote, voting rights, enfranchisement

warrant, charter, license, permit, authorization, permission, sanction, privilege



Fewer synonyms

Examples of FRANCHISE

They were a minority in terms of voting, because if one put that issue to the vote, those who had
franchise to vote on it were men.

The restaurant name was franchised out, which is why you still occasionally stumble on a Pierre Victoire
tucked away on an English high street.

The company has also been using the internet to attract new franchisees and now recruits 50% of new
store owners online.

lagers brewed under franchise

Without capital to expand alone, Lovell could either franchise her bar or license the trademark.
A consortium was granted the eight-year franchise last year with subsidies totalling £637 million over its
full term.

Between 1991 and 1997 more than 400 high street post offices were franchised to retailers, including
supermarkets and department stores.

retaliation-odmazda, osveta

Definitions of retaliation


the action of returning a military attack; counterattack.

the bombings are believed to be in retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects

synonyms: revenge, vengeance, reprisal, retribution, requital, recrimination, repayment, response,

reaction, reply, counterattack



revenge, vengeance, reprisal, retribution, requital, recrimination, repayment, response, reaction, reply,


Examples of retiliation

The civilian minority ' empowered ' by you will require heavy US military protection to withstand
retaliation .

Lorien thought darkly, to be able to hold hands, to kiss, to say I love you out loud without fear of
retaliation .

Justice will not be rendered; only retaliation can be expected.

In the past, Israel has launched military offensives in retaliation for major Palestinian attacks.
The security personnel then resorted to aerial firing to scare away the rioters, which prompted the
Taliban militia to fire back in retaliation .

They were I guess in the process of going back a third time in order to get the WTO to authorise
retaliation .

Withered-uvenuo, usahnuo, usaho

Definitions of wither


(of a plant) become dry and shriveled.

the grass had withered to an unappealing brown

synonyms: shrivel (up), dry up, wilt, droop, go limp, fade, perish, shrink, waste away, atrophy

cause harm or damage to.

a business that can wither the hardiest ego



wizened, wizen, shriveled, shrunken

shriveled, sere, dried-up, sear


shrivel (up), dry up, wilt, droop, go limp, fade, perish, shrink, waste away, atrophy

diminish, dwindle, shrink, lessen, fade, ebb, wane, evaporate, disappear


shrivel, shrivel up, shrink

signage-obeležja, znaci pokraj puta

Definitions of signage


signs collectively, especially commercial or public display signs.

The blue-collar workers in the boroughs aren't allowed to touch stop signs or any street signage .


The Rosenallis approach should be improved with better signage and road re-surfacing.

they plan to improve signage for motorists and pedestrians

You can recognise both shops by the bright yellow signage out the front.

The blue-collar workers in the boroughs aren't allowed to touch stop signs or any street signage .

Changes in red lights and signage have helped accidents dip to about one per month.

A whole swathe of public signage also owes its existence to this giant transfer lettering.

freebooter-gusar, lopov

Definitions of freebooter

a pirate or lawless adventurer.

Powerful merchant companies drove the process forward, and on the outermost fringe or cutting edge
of empire, the aggressive initiative often came from a bizarre mixture of adventurers, freebooters , and

synonyms: pirate, marauder, raider, bandit, bandito, robber, adventurer, swashbuckler, privateer,
buccaneer, corsair



pirate, marauder, raider, bandit, bandito, robber, adventurer, swashbuckler, privateer, buccaneer,

pillager, looter, despoiler, plunderer, spoiler, raider


In 1891-92 Iran was roiled by protests against a tobacco monopoly granted to a British freebooter , a
Major Talbot.

This is a political freebooter and scoundrel who is fated to end up in the company of sinister and fascist-
minded elements.

Hence the term ‘filibuster,’ derived from the Spanish filibustero, or freebooter , meaning ‘pirate.’

Here he arranged for the capture of Bowles, and soon the freebooter was brought to New Orleans in
chains, and from thence sent to Madrid, in Spain, where we must leave him for the present.

The very epitome of the 16th-century military freebooter and vagabond, the landsknecht was rightly
feared wherever he went.

whirlybirds-helikopter, čoper

Definitions of whirlybird

a helicopter.

No wonder generals and presidents are so partial to whirlybirds .



eggbeater, helicopter, chopper

bulking, bulking up-puniti, punjenje, natrpati, svaliti na gomilu

efinitions of bulk


be or seem to be of great size or importance.

territorial questions bulked large in diplomatic relations

treat (a product) so that its quantity appears greater than it in fact is.

traders were bulking up their flour with chalk




beacon-svetlost, svetionik, far, bova, ritualno paljenje vatre za duhove da bi našli put do živih za
Helloween i druge paganske praznike, u Nišu "karaveštice"
Definitions of beacon


a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration.

a chain of beacons carried the news



lighthouse, signal light, signal fire, danger signal, bonfire, warning light, warning fire, spotlight,

beacon fire

radio beacon

lighthouse, pharos, beacon light

Fewer synonyms


But amid the feelings of frustration, one piece of positive news shone out like a beacon of hope.

Newcastle's helicopter saw a strobe light and beacon overnight and early Friday morning located the
yacht's life raft and crew near Duff Reef off of the Fijian Islands.

If a late afternoon or night arrival is likely, select an alternate with a rotating beacon and runway lights.

At least one of the airliners involved transmitted a hijacking beacon .

Lex Stewart sounds like a beacon of moderation compared to some.

valoptuous-pohotan, pohotljiv

Definitions of voluptuous

of, relating to, or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure.

long curtains in voluptuous crimson velvet

synonyms: hedonistic, sybaritic, epicurean, pleasure-loving, self-indulgent, decadent, intemperate,

immoderate, dissolute, sensual, licentious



curvaceous, shapely, ample, buxom, full-figured, seductive, alluring, comely, sultry, sensuous, sexy,
womanly, Junoesque, Rubenesque, bodacious, curvy, busty, stacked, built, slinky

hedonistic, sybaritic, epicurean, pleasure-loving, self-indulgent, decadent, intemperate, immoderate,

dissolute, sensual, licentious

epicurean, luxuriant, luxurious, voluptuary, sybaritic

juicy, luscious, toothsome, red-hot

well-endowed, curvy, sonsy, bosomy, curvaceous, full-bosomed, stacked, buxom, busty

Fewer synonyms

Examples of valoptuous

Her long legs and voluptuous body attracted all the guys in her school.

Embrace the velvety, voluptuous bouquet, infused with Rose, Jasmine, Lily and Ylang Ylang, warmed by
golden woods and Vanilla.

Plus, having hundreds of voluptuous women on their side would make it easy to recruit more men.

She wasn't very tall and looking at her voluptuous body and curvy figure I definitely would have guessed
her to be older then a high school student.

aptly-biti sposoban za nešto, biti na nivou zadatka

Synonyms of aptly


ably, capably, competently

affiliate-udružiti, primiti u članstvo, ustanoviti, pripojiti, pripojiti se

Definitions of affiliate


officially attach or connect (a subsidiary group or a person) to an organization.

the college is affiliated with the University of Wisconsin

synonyms: associate with, unite with, combine with, join (up) with, link up with, team up with, ally with,
align with, band together with, federate with, amalgamate with, merge with, attach to, annex to,
incorporate into, integrate into


a person or organization officially attached to a larger body.

the company established links with British affiliates

synonyms: partner, branch, offshoot, subsidiary



associate with, unite with, combine with, join (up) with, link up with, team up with, ally with, align with,
band together with, federate with, amalgamate with, merge with, attach to, annex to, incorporate into,
integrate into

consort, associate, assort


partner, branch, offshoot, subsidiary


almost all students affiliate to the Students' Union

For ten months I was a volunteer intern at the Irish Film Archive, an affiliate of the Film Institute of

the main party agreed to affiliate four Conservative associations

Similarly, a company may draw components and supplies from a subsidiary or from an affiliate or on the
open market.


Synonyms of substancial


físico, tangível


Definitions of daunt


seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating.

a daunting task

synonyms: intimidating, formidable, disconcerting, unnerving, unsettling, dismaying, discouraging,

disheartening, dispiriting, demoralizing, forbidding, ominous, awesome, frightening, fearsome,
challenging, taxing, exacting


make (someone) feel intimidated or apprehensive.

some people are daunted by technology

synonyms: discourage, deter, demoralize, put off, dishearten, dispirit, intimidate, abash, take aback,
throw, cow, overawe, awe, frighten, scare, unman, dismay, disconcert, discompose, perturb, unsettle,
unnerve, throw off balance, rattle, faze, shake up



intimidating, formidable, disconcerting, unnerving, unsettling, dismaying, discouraging, disheartening,

dispiriting, demoralizing, forbidding, ominous, awesome, frightening, fearsome, challenging, taxing,



discourage, deter, demoralize, put off, dishearten, dispirit, intimidate, abash, take aback, throw, cow,
overawe, awe, frighten, scare, unman, dismay, disconcert, discompose, perturb, unsettle, unnerve,
throw off balance, rattle, faze, shake up

frighten away, scare away, scare off, dash, scare, frighten off, pall

Examples of daunting

On top of this, a Shakespeare monologue or script had to be learnt - a daunting prospect indeed.

Handling the sheer volume of such server-generated virus detected messages can be a daunting task.

Making a fresh start once a divorce is finalised will be a daunting prospect.

Stepping on court against a four-year-old shouldn't be a daunting prospect.

For our police to be both effective and humane is a daunting task.

mesmerize-opčiniti, očarati, hipnotisati

definitions of mesmerize


hold the attention of (someone) to the exclusion of all else or so as to transfix them.

she was mesmerized by the blue eyes that stared so intently into her own



enthrall, hold spellbound, entrance, dazzle, bedazzle, bewitch, charm, captivate, enchant, fascinate,
transfix, grip, hypnotize

magnetise, mesmerise, spellbind, magnetize, bewitch

hypnotise, mesmerise, hypnotize

Fewer synonyms


It glowed an eerie blue, which could mesmerize anyone.

From the very onset, the readers of this book get the chilling mesmerization of poet's intricate balancing
of imagination and crude reality with which he weaves the thoughts in these poems.

Wearing a dazzling blue jacket and white silk shirt, he mesmerised the fans on Sunday night.

Not all of the mesmerizers act was without some peril for the subject.

They had deep sea blue eyes that mesmerized most men they came across.

lawnmower-kosolica za travu
Definitions of lawn mower


a machine for cutting the grass on a lawn.




Examples of lawnmower

Raise the height of cut on the lawnmower and cut lawns less frequently as the cooler weather slows
down growth.

Don't add fuel to your lawnmower while the engine is running or the mower is still hot.

I now really need a lawnmower , some round up, a spade and fertiliser.

After about half a hour, he came back out of the house and then he used the lawnmower to mow the

rod-štap, šipka, prut, batina, telesna kazna

Definitions of rod


a thin straight bar, especially of wood or metal.

These elegantly diminutive, finely wrought sculptures employ curved, flat and linear shapes that perch
upon thin metal rods .

synonyms: bar, stick, pole, baton, staff, shaft, strut, rail, spoke
a fishing rod.

He is shown with a huge carp and a rod for fishing.

a linear measure, especially for land, equal to 5 1 / 2 yards (approximately 5.029 m).

Nineteen gallons of water is required to fill the tank after traveling 40 rods .

a pistol or revolver.

a light-sensitive cell of one of the two types present in large numbers in the retina of the eye,
responsible mainly for monochrome vision in poor light.

Messing with our rods and cones, Downing's saturated dots stick around perceptually in afterimages.


The stair is elegantly made, a light filigree of steel rod and plates that contrasts with the heavy mass
concrete solidity of the vault.

the largest carp ever caught on rod and line in Britain

Third, the city's offer of twenty guilders per rod was only half what the land would be worth once the
tapestry pand brought more business to the area.

if you'd been my daughter, you'd have felt the rod

slingshot-mala praćka

Definitions of slingshot


a forked stick, to which an elastic strap (or a pair of elastic bands connected by a small sling) is fastened
to the two prongs, typically used for shooting small stones.

When Lamberton first moved to the desert at age ten, he says, he took pleasure in impaling whiptail
lizards, or stoning songbirds with his slingshot .

forcefully accelerate or cause to accelerate through use of gravity.

the car would hit the first dip, then slingshot off the second rise



sling, catapult


I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't broken Jesse's water bottle over me using Ash's slingshot !

Perhaps fresh calculations are in order, to consider possibilities other than those provided by a Mars /
Jupiter slingshot .

If we extend the path of travel by about five thousand kilometers and continue on double light, not
triple, the gravity will help slingshot us around.

fudge-budalaština, poslastica od čokolade, uraditi na brzu ruku, izmisliti, besmislica

Definitions of fudge


a soft candy made from sugar, butter, and milk or cream.

There is nothing remotely healthy about the crumbly fudge from the Burnt Sugar Sweet Company but it
is simply the best around and my secret vice.

an instance of faking or ambiguity.

the new settlement is a fudge rushed out to win cheers at the conference

a piece of late news inserted in a newspaper page.

present or deal with (something) in a vague, noncommittal, or inadequate way, especially so as to
conceal the truth or mislead.

a temptation to fudge the issue and nudge grades up

synonyms: evade, avoid, dodge, skirt, duck, gloss over, hedge on, prevaricate about, vacillate on, be
noncommittal on, stall on, beat around the bush about, equivocate on, hem and haw on, cop out on, sit
on the fence about, tergiversate about


nonsense (expressing disbelief or annoyance).

fiddling-beznačajan, trivijalan

Definitions of fiddle


annoyingly trivial or petty.

fiddling little details


play the fiddle.

he fiddled with the band from 1949 to 1951

touch or fidget with something in a restless or nervous way.

Laura fiddled with her cup

synonyms: fidget, play, toy, twiddle, fuss, fool about/around, finger, thumb, handle, mess around/about

falsify (figures, data, or records), typically in order to gain money.

everyone is fiddling their expenses

synonyms: falsify, manipulate, massage, rig, distort, misrepresent, doctor, alter, tamper with, interfere
with, fix, flimflam, cook (the books)





fidget, adjust, falsify, play, tamper, tinker, goldbrick

38 more synonyms

Examples of fiddling

It deliberately puts in a lot of fiddling little details that drag out the story.

A graph of relative drag is included for those interested in the fiddling details [see below].

blustered-hvalisati se, pretiti

Definitions of bluster


talk in a loud, aggressive, or indignant way with little effect.

you threaten and bluster, but won't carry it through

synonyms: rant, rave, thunder, bellow, sound off, be overbearing, throw one's weight around/about



rant, rave, thunder, bellow, sound off, be overbearing, throw one's weight around/about

blast, gust, storm, roar, rush

brag, tout, gas, gasconade, blow, swash, boast, vaunt, shoot a line

swash, swagger

Fewer synonyms

Examples of blustered

A hot wind blustered up the track, informing her that the train was arriving.

Howard blustered about mad officials meddling in people's lives and undermining plain common sense
and individual responsibility.

The government blustered , threatened, and finally publicly admitted that the students were right.

‘Very, very few,’ Clarke finally blustered , to a snort from his interviewer.

condiment-začin, dodatak jelu, završni ukras jelu

Definitions of condiment


a substance such as salt or ketchup that is used to add flavor to food.

Nearly all of the credits are written with condiments like mustard and mayonnaise on foods like
hamburgers and corn dogs.


It was used as a condiment and to flavour pickles and sauces.

Harissa is a condiment of dried red chilies, garlic, and oil.

It's an OK food when used as an occasional condiment .

‘Their idea of dip is that it's a condiment like ketchup or mustard or salt or pepper,’ he says.
regurgitated-podrigivati, ponovo se izlivati

efinitions of regurgitate


bring (swallowed food) up again to the mouth.

gulls regurgitate food for the chicks

synonyms: disgorge, bring up



disgorge, bring up

repeat, say again, restate, reiterate, recite, parrot

be sick, disgorge, spue, purge, spew, cast, barf, chuck, vomit, throw up, upchuck, cat, sick, puke,
regorge, honk, retch


Fewer synonyms

Examples of regurgitated

He's living off regurgitated food from his mother at the moment.

The research service regurgitated a report early last week which said that ethics law required all
members of the commission to make public a list of any clients who'd paid them over $5,000 within the
last two years.

I hardly listen to radio in the morning, except to quickly digest the news, much of which is regurgitated
from the previous night anyway.

I felt so out of it that James had to stop the car for me to catch a breath of fresh air before I regurgitated
that morning's breakfast in the car.
wheezy-koji šišti, pišti, šuška, pluća mu zvižde jer je astmatičar

Definitions of wheezy


making the sound of a person wheezing.

a wheezy laugh



wheezing, asthmatic



My hyperventilating and Angela's hyperventilating could have combined and we'd have a beautiful
chorus of wheezy breaths and flared nostrils and rolling eyes.

In another, equally droll work, the drama of unrequited love has taken its participants into their dotage
as a wheezy , white-haired poet still woos his Muse six decades past her prime.

He thought of their merry singing, their coarse and wheezy whistle.

Among other questions, parents were asked whether their child had had ‘a wheezy or whistling noise
while breathing’ since the previous follow up.

He then laughed his annoying sort of wheezy chuckle.

acquiesce-dozvoliti nešto, ali nerado

Definitions of acquiesce


accept something reluctantly but without protest.

Sara acquiesced in his decision



accept, consent to, agree to, allow, concede, assent to, concur with, give the nod to, comply with,
cooperate with, give in to, bow to, yield to, submit to, go along with

accede, assent


No matter what side you're on, there are enough voters who either agree with you or acquiesce to you
to win the election.

War is necessary, as a last resort, for resolving disputes between states that cannot agree and will not
acquiesce .

To argue otherwise now is to acquiesce in a rhetoric which those of us who accept universal human
rights have no choice but to reject as racist.

However, to understand is not to acquiesce in or accept these developments.

HYSSOP-isop, biljka kojom je pravedni Jov čistio rane

Definitions of hyssop

a small bushy aromatic plant of the mint family, the bitter minty leaves of which are used in cooking and
herbal medicine.

Herbs you can use in the bath are bay leaf, chamomile, hyssop , lemon balm and lime flowers.

(in biblical use) a wild shrub of uncertain identity whose twigs were used for sprinkling in ancient Jewish
rites of purification.

The hyssop is a lowly shrub; and God must stoop low to smell the incense of Calvary.

Examples of HYSSOP

The cedar tree is the highest of all the trees, and the hyssop is the lowest.

The hyssop is a lowly shrub; and God must stoop low to smell the incense of Calvary.

Cleanse my hidden mind with the hyssop of your grace, for I draw near to the Holy of Holies of your

Herbs you can use in the bath are bay leaf, chamomile, hyssop , lemon balm and lime flowers.

Sweet Annie, anise hyssop , and feverfew make good fillers.

They come for the butterfly weed, lilacs, echinacea and anise hyssop , and especially for the white,
lavender and pink butterfly bushes.

palatable-ukusno, prijatnog ukusa, jestivo

Definitions of palatable


(of food or drink) pleasant to taste.

a very palatable local red wine

synonyms: edible, eatable, digestible, tasty, appetizing, flavorful, comestible


edible, eatable, digestible, tasty, appetizing, flavorful, comestible

pleasant, acceptable, pleasing, agreeable, to one's liking


Fewer synonyms


The end of the Cold War has also seen the end of acceptance of trade unions by big business as the
palatable alternative to Communism.

My cancer-busting tea is tasting slightly more palatable and I also tried a session of acupuncture.

You can relish the palatable dishes while enjoying the panoramic view by the beach side.

All these remedies have delightful aromas making them pleasurably palatable

fidgeting-vrckati se, vrpoljiti se, nervozno praviti male pokrete

Definitions of fidget


make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience.

the audience had begun to fidget on their chairs

synonyms: move restlessly, wriggle, squirm, twitch, jiggle, shuffle, be agitated, be jittery



move restlessly, wriggle, squirm, twitch, jiggle, shuffle, be agitated, be jittery

play, fuss, toy, twiddle, fool around, fiddle, mess around

proxy-zamenik, predstavnik, surogat

Definitions of proxy


the authority to represent someone else, especially in voting.

they may register to vote by proxy

synonyms: deputy, representative, substitute, delegate, agent, surrogate, stand-in, attorney, go-

a figure that can be used to represent the value of something in a calculation.

the use of a US wealth measure as a proxy for the true worldwide measure



deputy, representative, substitute, delegate, agent, surrogate, stand-in, attorney, go-between

procurator, placeholder


You may also vote by proxy , radio or satellite phone, special ballot or during the mobile poll.

Price measures of value provide a proxy for the particular form that the extraction of surplus value takes
in particular contexts.

the use of a US wealth measure as a proxy for the true worldwide measure
edify-usavršiti, popraviti

Definitions of edify


instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.

But there are some who desire to know that they may edify others, and that is praiseworthy; and there
are some who desire to know that they themselves may be edified, and that is wise.

synonyms: educate, instruct, teach, school, tutor, train, guide, enlighten, inform, cultivate, develop,
improve, better



educate, instruct, teach, school, tutor, train, guide, enlighten, inform, cultivate, develop, improve, better



He wants a mural that will edify , inspire, or entertain; the artist wants license to experiment and
thereby ‘extend human sensitiveness through paint’.

They are to edify the saints of God - to guard them from error, teach them right ways, encourage them
to seek love and unity among themselves, enable them to grow in faith and in the knowledge of Christ.

Modern Catholic theologians can find in Luther's writings an authentically Christian voice whose witness
to a common gospel can edify as well as irritate Catholic readers.

Definitions of plunge


an act of jumping or diving into water.

we went straight from the sauna to take a cold plunge

synonyms: dive, jump, nosedive, fall, pitch, drop, plummet, descent


jump or dive quickly and energetically.

our daughters whooped as they plunged into the sea

synonyms: dive, jump, throw oneself, launch oneself

push or thrust quickly.

he plunged his hands into his pockets

synonyms: thrust, jab, stab, sink, stick, ram, drive, push, shove, force



dive, fall, dip


dive, plummet, charge, fall sharply, thrust, immerse, throw, plunk, soak up, launch, dip, dump

57 more synonyms


Not that he is jumping at joy at the recent plunge in our growth rate from 11% to near zero.

29 more examples
bustier-sisata žena

Definitions of busty


a close-fitting strapless top worn by women.

Afterward she slipped on her blue flare pants, which looked like a long skirt and a strapless bustier ,
royal blue with sequins.


(of a woman) having large breasts.

Curvy or busty women look better in belted coats or coats with fairly full skirts than in straight-cut reefer

See also


cleavage-cepanje, rascep

Definitions of cleavage


a sharp division; a split.

a system dominated by the class cleavage




she wore a dress that exposed an inch or two of cleavage

The cells deriving from cleavage divisions are often called blastomeres.

Their associated cleavage can be traced directly across the unconformity.

A lab assistant comes up to us, the top of her labcoat open and generous cleavage and breasts are in
danger of falling out.

cheesy-jeftin, jadan, neprijatan, neautentičan

Definitions of cheesy


like cheese in taste, smell, or consistency.

a pungent, cheesy sauce

cheap, unpleasant, or blatantly inauthentic.

a big cheesy grin

synonyms: tacky, cheap, tawdry, trite, corny, cornball



tacky, cheap, tawdry, trite, corny, cornball

punk, bum, crummy, sleazy, cheap, chintzy, tinny

Creamy, cheesy sauces are code words for calorie-laden belly-bloaters.

And the other options are still likely to be fried, roasted, or fried and roasted, and smothered in cheesy
or creamy sauce.

In a bowl, mix together the eggs, milk, cream and some pepper and cheese (add one or two
tablespoonfuls, depending on whether you want a pronounced cheesy flavour or not).

The cheddar mash had no overtly cheesy taste but was rich and creamy and the dish was served with a
thick onion gravy, dotted with baby onions.

corny-otrcan, banalan

Definitions of corny


trite, banal, or mawkishly sentimental.

it sounds corny, but as soon as I saw her I knew she was the one

synonyms: banal, trite, hackneyed, commonplace, clichéd, predictable, hoary, stereotyped,

platitudinous, tired, stale, overworked, overused, well-worn, mawkish, sentimental, cloying, syrupy,
sugary, saccharine, cheesy, schmaltzy, mushy, sloppy, cutesy, soppy, cornball, hokey



banal, trite, hackneyed, commonplace, clichéd, predictable, hoary, stereotyped, platitudinous, tired,
stale, overworked, overused, well-worn, mawkish, sentimental, cloying, syrupy, sugary, saccharine,
cheesy, schmaltzy, mushy, sloppy, cutesy, soppy, cornball, hokey



The voiceovers for some of the lesser characters are also at times corny , even if the main cast are much
It is rare for a movie to bring such a feeling to the viewer without coming off as corny or overly

Yeah, they play well off of each other, but I can't help feeling like it's a corny chemistry at best.

It may sound trite, cliche, corny , even, but I would like to thank my parents.

inundated-preplaviti, poplaviti

Definitions of inundate


overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with.

we've been inundated with complaints from listeners

synonyms: overwhelm, overrun, overload, bog down, swamp, besiege, snow under, bombard, glut


the islands may be the first to be inundated as sea levels rise

synonyms: flood, deluge, overrun, swamp, drown, submerge, engulf



afloat, overflowing, awash, flooded


flood, deluge, overrun, swamp, drown, submerge, engulf

overwhelm, overrun, overload, bog down, swamp, besiege, snow under, bombard, glut

flood, deluge, swamp

deluge, submerge

Fewer synonyms

See also


budging-pomeriti se, micati se, napraviti najmanji pokret

Definitions of budge


make or cause to make the slightest movement.

the line in the bank hasn't budged

synonyms: move, shift, stir, go; dislodge, shift, move, reposition



move, shift, stir, go

dislodge, shift, move, reposition

give in, give way, yield, change one's mind, acquiesce, compromise, do a U-turn

stir, shift, agitate

Fewer synonyms

Examples of budging

‘Hell yes it's my chair,’ he answered, not budging an inch.

Nick actually sounded desperate but I could see a look of resolution on Mack's face which clearly said
she wasn't budging from her decision.

She would occasionally glance up and casually ask whether she could help, while having no intention of
budging an inch.

‘I'm kind of afraid to go in,’ Sarah admits, her hand on the car door handle but not budging .

Neither Japan nor Europe are budging on where the ITER reactor is to be built.

ward-štićenik, tutorstvo, gradski izborna jedinica, odeljenje, starateljstvo

Definitions of -ward


a separate room in a hospital, typically one allocated to a particular type of patient.

a children's ward

synonyms: room, department, unit, area, wing

an administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a councilor or

Issues raised will be discussed by the relief road working group, made up of county councillors
representing local wards , and the county council will enforce the changes.

synonyms: district, constituency, division, quarter, zone, parish

a person, usually a minor, under the care and control of a guardian appointed by their parents or a

Open sea and clear skies was all very well when teaching a new crewmember the ropes and they never
lost their fascination with the captain's young ward .
synonyms: dependent, charge, protégé

any of the internal ridges or bars in a lock that prevent the turning of any key that does not have
grooves of corresponding form or size.

the action of keeping a lookout for danger.

I saw them keeping ward at one of those huge gates

an area of ground enclosed by the encircling walls of a fortress or castle.

Near to this original house, on a chalk hill, William I built a castle, with a ward either side of a low motte.

a defensive position or motion.

The first illustration show the two fencers in a low or terza ward with rapiers crossed.


guard; protect.

it was his duty to ward the king

admit (a patient) to a hospital ward.

Both are warded at Port-of-Spain General Hospital.


(forming adverbs) toward the specified place or direction.


(forming adjectives) turned or tending toward.


eerie-jeziv, strašan

Definitions of eerie

strange and frightening.

an eerie green glow in the sky

synonyms: uncanny, sinister, ghostly, unnatural, unearthly, supernatural, otherworldly, strange,

abnormal, odd, weird, freakish, creepy, scary, spooky, freaky, frightening, bone-chilling, spine-chilling,
hair-raising, blood-curdling, terrifying



uncanny, sinister, ghostly, unnatural, unearthly, supernatural, otherworldly, strange, abnormal, odd,
weird, freakish, creepy, scary, spooky, freaky, frightening, bone-chilling, spine-chilling, hair-raising,
blood-curdling, terrifying



The sound was particularly successful in adding an eerie feel to the mysterious and compelling plot.

Amidst floating human and animals corpses, only the sea waves break the eerie silence.

We move swiftly past riotously colonised rock faces of the cliffs into the eerie green water below the

It's the later war scenes, in which there are no scenes of war, that are weird and eerie .

The sun was setting and it cast an eerie red glow upon the tan walls of my small room.

defiance-prkos, inat, neddostatak, manjak

Definitions of defiance

open resistance; bold disobedience.

the demonstration was held in defiance of official warnings

synonyms: resistance, opposition, noncompliance, disobedience, insubordination, dissent, recalcitrance,

subversion, rebellion, contempt, disregard, scorn, insolence, truculence



resistance, opposition, noncompliance, disobedience, insubordination, dissent, recalcitrance,

subversion, rebellion, contempt, disregard, scorn, insolence, truculence



This growing support for the protests has come in defiance of Germany's official trade unions.

The next day, a larger number of vendors swarmed the square in defiance of the authorities.

Some 5,000 caravans are thought to be on green field or protected land in defiance of planning laws.

harbingers-preteče, prethodnici, oni koji nagoveštavaju nešto, koji blagoveste nešto, predznak

Definitions of harbinger


a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.

witch hazels are the harbingers of spring

synonyms: herald, sign, indication, signal, portent, omen, augury, forewarning, presage, forerunner,
precursor, messenger, foretoken


herald, sign, indication, signal, portent, omen, augury, forewarning, presage, forerunner, precursor,
messenger, foretoken

precursor, predecessor, forerunner, herald


announce, foretell, annunciate, herald

Examples of harbingers

Insiders say that rumblings behind the scenes at ABC's ‘Nightline’ are harbingers of possible dramatic
news about the show's future.


Definitions of posh


elegant or stylishly luxurious.

a posh Munich hotel


in an upper-class way.

trying to talk posh


the quality or state of being elegant, stylish, or upper-class.

we finally bought a color TV, which seemed the height of posh


smart, stylish, fancy, high-class, fashionable, chic, luxurious, luxury, deluxe, exclusive, opulent, lavish,
grand, showy, upscale, upmarket, classy, swanky, snazzy, plush, ritzy, flash, la-di-da, fancy-dancy, fancy-
schmancy, swank, tony

swish, classy

eradicate-iskoreniti, potpuno uništiti

Definitions of eradicate


destroy completely; put an end to.

this disease has been eradicated from the world

synonyms: eliminate, get rid of, remove, obliterate, exterminate, destroy, annihilate, kill, wipe out,
abolish, stamp out, extinguish, quash, erase, efface, excise, expunge, expel, zap, nuke, wave goodbye to



eliminate, get rid of, remove, obliterate, exterminate, destroy, annihilate, kill, wipe out, abolish, stamp
out, extinguish, quash, erase, efface, excise, expunge, expel, zap, nuke, wave goodbye to, exterminate,
uproot, root out, extirpate, eliminate, carry off, wipe out, annihilate, extinguish, decimate


However, the main difference between the two countries lies in the resolve of the Scots to eradicate the

These two steps alone will eradicate a large number of diseases we face today.

The minister said she also wants to offer support for a program to eradicate illiteracy.

In the light of the recent issues in the game we have to stamp down on this type of activity and
eradicate it from our game.
waging-voditi, voditi rat, voditi kompanju..

Definitions of wage


carry on (a war or campaign).

it is necessary to destroy their capacity to wage war

synonyms: engage in, carry on, conduct, execute, pursue, prosecute, proceed with



engage in, carry on, conduct, execute, pursue, prosecute, proceed with, engage

dormant-skriven, koji spava, uspavan, nesvestan, neaktivirana mina

Definitions of dormant


(of an animal) having normal physical functions suspended or slowed down for a period of time; in or as
if in a deep sleep.

dormant butterflies

asleep, sleeping, resting, inactive, passive, inert, latent, quiescent, abeyant, sleeping, inactive, torpid,


Tubercle bacilli can remain dormant for years before producing active disease.

It can lie dormant for decades before any of its symptoms manifest themselves.

The virus may lie dormant for years before symptoms appear.

Avoid fertilizing during very hot weather, when many grass lawns are essentially dormant .

The plant sets fruit between July and September and it becomes dormant in early October.

Now, you may remember how Mount St. Helens became active last year after it was dormant for

bat-palica za bejzbol, slepi miš, udariti, lepršati, ošamariti nekog, udariti dlanom nekog, udariti loptu
bejzbol palicom

Definitions of bat


an implement with a handle and a solid surface, usually of wood, used for hitting the ball in games such
as baseball, cricket, and table tennis.

Well, it turns out nobody officially tests balls hit by aluminum bats under game conditions.

a mainly nocturnal mammal capable of sustained flight, with membranous wings that extend between
the fingers and connecting the forelimbs to the body and the hindlimbs to the tail.

Small and furry, bats are the only mammals to have achieved powered flight.

a woman regarded as unattractive or unpleasant.

some deranged old bat


(of a team or a player in sports such as baseball) take in turns the role of hitting rather than fielding.

Ruth came to bat in the fifth inning

hit at (someone or something) with the palm of one's hand.

he batted the flies away

flutter one's eyelashes, typically in a flirtatious manner.

she batted her long dark eyelashes at him

Slugger-razbijač, grubijan koji udara snažno

Definitions of slugger


person who throws hard punches.




batter, batsman, hitter

Examples of Slugger

Here he comes, The Donkey himself, baseball's best chance for a 50-home run slugger in 2005.

And then, two of baseball's biggest sluggers admit they cheated - one knowingly, one unknowingly.

Home run sluggers are certainly the gladiators of the baseball diamond.
As I'm sure he learned during his career as a baseball slugger , McGwire generates the power in his golf
swing smoothly, without any violent or lunging movement.

Next, members of Congress are calling on some of baseball's biggest sluggers over the use of steroids.

gauge-kalibar, kolosek, merilo, mera, pribor za merenje, meriti, izmeriti

Definitions of gauge


an instrument or device for measuring the magnitude, amount, or contents of something, typically with
a visual display of such information.

On some equipment, a visual sight glass or gauge shows fluid levels without opening the system, while
on others a dipstick or other manual measuring device is used.

synonyms: measuring device, measuring instrument, meter, measure, indicator, dial, scale, display

the thickness, size, or capacity of something, especially as a standard measure, in particular.

If you get a good tent, it's 60 gauges , about 130 pounds, it can take care of a family of five to seven
throughout the winter, and you can have some items inside the tent that will keep the family warm.

synonyms: size, diameter, thickness, width, breadth, measure, capacity, magnitude, bore, caliber

the position of a sailing vessel to windward ( weather gage ) or leeward ( lee gage ) of another.

A ship sought weather gage of its enemy, so that it had freedom of maneuver, and could close if it


estimate or determine the magnitude, amount, or volume of.

astronomers can gauge the star's intrinsic brightness

synonyms: measure, calculate, compute, work out, determine, ascertain, count, weigh, quantify, put a
figure on, pin down

measure the dimensions of (an object) with a gauge.

when dry, the assemblies can be gauged exactly and planed to width


Stomachs were pumped in the field with a 10 cc syringe fitted with 18 - gauge rubber tubing.

a fine 0.018-inch gauge wire

Its new electric utility vehicle features a fuel gauge that displays the current level of battery power.

Usually she could gauge his moods but this was an extreme situation.

They attempted to gauge sediment deposits over that period by measuring core-layer fluctuations in the
ratio of barium to calcium.

mark out the details of the angled surfaces with a knife and gauge

The gauge automatically holds and displays the exact weight and will provide you with an average of up
to 10 readings.

He was still travelling at a reckless speed, but he didn't dare slow down as the needle on the fuel gauge
had dropped to the lowest possible level.

While focus groups do not provide a representative sample, they do offer a gauge of general attitudes.

a fuel gauge

hassle-neprilika, svađa

Definitions of hassle

irritating inconvenience.

the hassle of losing a high security key

synonyms: inconvenience, bother, nuisance, problem, trouble, struggle, difficulty, annoyance, irritation,
thorn in one's side/flesh, fuss, aggravation, stress, headache, pain, pain in the neck


harass; pester.

squeegee men who hassle drivers for change at stoplights

synonyms: harass, pester, nag, keep on at, badger, hound, harry, bother, torment, plague, bug, give
someone a hard time, get on someone's case, breathe down someone's neck


inconvenience, bother, nuisance, problem, trouble, struggle, difficulty, annoyance, irritation, thorn in
one's side/flesh, fuss, aggravation, stress, headache, pain, pain in the neck

rough-and-tumble, tussle, scuffle, dogfight

fuss, bother, trouble


harass, pester, nag, keep on at, badger, hound, harry, bother, torment, plague, bug, give someone a
hard time, get on someone's case, breathe down someone's neck

harry, harass, chevy, plague, beset, molest, chivy, provoke, chivvy

Fewer synonyms


Whatever the reasons for being unhappy, the internet can become a tempting distraction from the
heartache and hassle of tackling relationship problems.

Couples can resolve the problems of divorcing without becoming involved in the stress, hassle and
financial cost of a court settlement.

reversal-preokret, ukidanje
Definitions of reversal


a change to an opposite direction, position, or course of action.

a dramatic reversal in population decline in the Alps

synonyms: turnaround, turnabout, about-face, volte-face, change of heart, U-turn, one-eighty, 180,
backtracking, tergiversation; swap, exchange, change, swapping, interchange; alteration, changing,
countermanding, undoing, overturning, overthrow, disallowing, overriding, overruling, veto, vetoing,
revocation, repeal, rescinding, annulment, nullification, voiding, invalidation, abrogation



turnaround, turnabout, about-face, volte-face, change of heart, U-turn, one-eighty, 180, backtracking,

swap, exchange, change, swapping, interchange

alteration, changing, countermanding, undoing, overturning, overthrow, disallowing, overriding,

overruling, veto, vetoing, revocation, repeal, rescinding, annulment, nullification, voiding, invalidation,

setback, reverse, upset, failure, misfortune, mishap, disaster, blow, disappointment, adversity, hardship,
affliction, vicissitude, defeat, bad luck


black eye, blow, setback, reverse

turnaround, reversion, turnabout, reverse

turnaround, flip-flop, turnabout, change of mind

picket surveillance-nadzor pod paljbom


Definitions of catfish


a freshwater or marine fish with whiskerlike barbels around the mouth, typically bottom-dwelling.

The presence of year-round rivers also provides Iraq with freshwater fish such as catfish and members of
the genus Barbus.



wolf fish, wolffish



Many of you will probably be thinking of going over to Spain to sample the carp fishing or to pursue
catfish or perhaps even the various barbel forms.

Use the spear for nabbing medium-size freshwater fish like bass and catfish , or ocean fish such as
grouper and flounder.

The presence of year-round rivers also provides Iraq with freshwater fish such as catfish and members of
the genus Barbus.

Especially well adapted to low or nonexistent light levels are several new species of electric fishes and
catfishes .

Other fishes, such as catfishes and burbots, probably eat the young shovelnose sturgeons.
clove-karanfilić, češanj

Definitions of clove


the dried flower bud of a tropical tree, used as a pungent aromatic spice.

a teaspoon of ground cloves

the Indonesian tree from which cloves are obtained.

In the centre's old minibus we drove through a shimmering tropical paradise of lush green forests of
banana palms, coconut palms and cloves , and a land so fertile you could thrust a stick in it and watch it

a clove-scented pink that is the original type from which the carnation and other double pinks have been

Perhaps you're attracted by sweetly scented herbs, in which case clove pink , scented geranium, hyssop,
lavender and pineapple sage are a must for you.

any of the small bulbs making up a compound bulb of garlic, shallot, etc..

To make it yourself, crush a garlic clove in a few tablespoons of olive oil and gently warm it over the
stove for 30 minutes.


Saplings of nutmeg, clove , rambutan, mangosteen, breadfruit and vanilla are also there.

29 more examples

See also

clove of garlic, clove oil, clove hitch

iteration-ponavljanje, repeticija..

Definitions of iteration


the repetition of a process or utterance.

The most dramatic iteration came on the floor of the Senate, when he made it the centerpiece of a
carefully prepared 20-minute oration.






"I wish a wider search criterion had been used in the first iteration !

This factor analysis was based on the combined normative samples using principal factoring with
iteration plus orthogonal rotation.

Write a program for policy iteration and re-solve Jack's car rental problem with the following changes.

maim-osakatiti, sakatiti, sakatost

Definitions of maim

wound or injure (someone) so that part of the body is permanently damaged.

100,000 soldiers were killed or maimed

synonyms: injure, wound, cripple, disable, incapacitate, impair, mar, mutilate, lacerate, disfigure,
deform, mangle



injure, wound, cripple, disable, incapacitate, impair, mar, mutilate, lacerate, disfigure, deform, mangle


They deliberately went out to kill and maim innocent people.

There are many more people who helped me, but they'll probably maim me for life if I were to mention
their names.

We know that a percentage of those with good intentions will take the risk and ignore the advice, even
though they know they are breaking the law and may well kill or maim someone.

He said it made sense to swap the deer for the geese, since the male deer at the zoo would fight among
themselves and kill or maim each other.

countenance-lice neke osobe, crte lica nečijeg, davati podršku nekome, držanje, stav, lik, ličnost, držanje
pribranosti i dostojanstva, tolerantnost, izdržati nešto, istrpeti nešto, boriti se za nešto, blagosloviti tj.
odobravati nešto

Definitions of countenance


a person's face or facial expression.

his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away

synonyms: face, features, physiognomy, profile, (facial) expression, look, appearance, aspect, mien,
mug, puss, visage, lineaments


she was giving her specific countenance to the occasion


admit as acceptable or possible.

he was reluctant to countenance the use of force

synonyms: tolerate, permit, allow, agree to, consent to, give one's blessing to, go along with, hold with,
put up with, endure, stomach, swallow, stand for, brook



face, features, physiognomy, profile, (facial) expression, look, appearance, aspect, mien, mug, puss,
visage, lineaments


visage, phiz, mug, physiognomy, kisser, smiler

imprimatur, indorsement, sanction, warrant, endorsement


tolerate, permit, allow, agree to, consent to, give one's blessing to, go along with, hold with, put up with,
endure, stomach, swallow, stand for, brook

allow, permit, let

Fewer synonyms


The man, appropriately, shone his countenance approvingly upon her.

she was giving her specific countenance to the occasion

We all know the ABC would never give countenance to the perverted influence of base and vulgar

This was an insult he could no longer countenance , and so he had decided that all high-risk surgeries
would be transferred to another hospital.
his impenetrable eyes and inscrutable countenance give little away

Quenching-kaljenje, gašenje žeđi ili gladi

Definitions of quench


satisfy (one's thirst) by drinking.

He no longer quenches his thirst by drinking sodas.

extinguish (a fire).

firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames

synonyms: extinguish, put out, snuff out, smother, douse


extinction, extinguishing


satisfy, slake, sate, satiate, gratify, relieve, assuage, take the edge off, indulge, lessen, reduce, diminish,
check, suppress, extinguish, overcome, extinguish, put out, snuff out, smother, douse, snuff out,
extinguish, blow out, squelch, quell, slake, assuage, allay

vacate-napustiti, isprazniti..
Definitions of vacate


leave (a place that one previously occupied).

rooms must be vacated by noon on the last day of your vacation

synonyms: leave, move out of, evacuate, quit, depart from, abandon, desert, cancel or annul (a
judgment, contract, or charge).

I confirm that upon payment of the required amount the Board will vacate its charge.



leave, move out of, evacuate, quit, depart from, abandon, desert, resign from, leave, stand down from,
give up, bow out of, relinquish, retire from, quit, repeal, overturn, countermand, revoke, annul, lift,
rescind, reverse, renounce, resign, give up, abandon, empty


They had a mutual understanding that Jackson would have a minimal role in the campaign and would
vacate this position shortly after the election.

recanted-poništeno, oporeći

Definitions of recant


say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief, especially one considered heretical.

heretics were burned if they would not recant

synonyms: renounce, disavow, deny, repudiate, renege on, forswear, abjure; change one's mind, be
apostate, tergiversate; retract, take back, withdraw, unsay


renounce, disavow, deny, repudiate, renege on, forswear, abjure, change one's mind, be apostate,
tergiversate, retract, take back, withdraw, unsay, abjure, forswear, retract, resile

Examples of recanted

But not one of Jesus's early disciples who believed that they had met Jesus after the resurrection ever
recanted .

Some of their key witnesses are dead, others are badly discredited and still others have recanted .

He initially backed them up but later recanted , telling prosecutors there was no agreement.

The fact that he recanted in time to not lie under oath should, in fact, have reflected well on him.

omitted-izostavljen, izostaviti, preskočiti, propustiti, ispustiti

Definitions of omit


leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully.

a significant detail was omitted from your story

synonyms: leave out, exclude, leave off, fail to mention, miss, pass over, take out, drop, cut, delete,
eliminate, erase, rub out, cross out, expunge, strike out


leave out, exclude, leave off, fail to mention, miss, pass over, take out, drop, cut, delete, eliminate,
erase, rub out, cross out, expunge, strike out
forget, neglect, fail, leave undone, overlook, ignore, skip

take out, except, leave out, exclude, leave off

drop, leave out, miss, neglect, overlook, pretermit, overleap

assailant-napadač, napasnik, siledžija

Definitions of assailant


a person who physically attacks another.

The assailants fled after the attack, for which no militant group has claimed responsibility.

synonyms: attacker, mugger, assaulter, attack dog


attacker, mugger, assaulter, attack dog

assaulter, aggressor, attacker


The family dog, an American pit bull, was shot and killed in the attack after it jumped up and bit the
assailant on the arm.

She was then grabbed from behind and assaulted by a mystery assailant .

As I physically wrenched her assailant away from her, my sign was also grabbed and ripped up.
reinstatement-ponovno postavljanje na položaj nekoga nakon što je nepravedno suspendovan,
raščinjen, dobio otkaz..

Examples of reinstatement

the student body gave its support to the two expelled students and demanded their reinstatement

others have demanded the reinstatement of the death penalty

denounced-osuditi, otkazati, prokazati, opanjkati, potkazati

Definitions of denounce


publicly declare to be wrong or evil.

the Assembly denounced the use of violence

synonyms: condemn, criticize, attack, censure, decry, revile, vilify, discredit, damn, reject, proscribe,
malign, rail against, run down, slur, knock, slam, hit out at, lay into, castigate


condemn, criticize, attack, censure, decry, revile, vilify, discredit, damn, reject, proscribe, malign, rail
against, run down, slur, knock, slam, hit out at, lay into, castigate

expose, betray, inform on, incriminate, implicate, cite, name, accuse

betray, stag, grass, give away, rat, tell on, snitch, shop, shit

stigmatize, brand, mark

bipartisan-dvopartijski, dvostranački

Definitions of bipartisan


of or involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's

educational reform received considerable bipartisan approval



two-way, two-party


Charter school legislation easily passed through both state houses with bipartisan support.

There was bipartisan agreement on the committee to hold an inquiry into hate speech.

I think it is a great pity that we have moved away from a bipartisan agreement that gave New Zealand
the best accounts in the world.

The comments underscore Labor's bipartisan support on foreign policy as on every other issue

connivance-prevara, pristajanje na nemoralan akt, gledanje kroz prste nekome, prećutno pristajanje

Definitions of connivance

willingness to secretly allow or be involved in wrongdoing, especially an immoral or illegal act.

this infringement of the law had taken place with the connivance of officials

synonyms: collusion, complicity, collaboration, involvement, assistance, tacit consent, conspiracy,



collusion, complicity, collaboration, involvement, assistance, tacit consent, conspiracy, intrigue, tacit,
consent, collusion


Although the officials don't admit but the sources reveal that artificial water scarcity is created by the
vested interests in connivance with those at the helm of affairs to promote the sale of mineral water.

All this could not be possible without the illegal influence of concerned officials and without active
connivance of higher-ups.

defendant-optuženi, optuženik, okrivljeni

Definitions of defendant


an individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law.

In fact the tenant was not treated less favourably than a defendant in the High Court.

synonyms: accused, prisoner (at the bar), appellant, litigant, respondent, suspect



accused, prisoner (at the bar), appellant, litigant, respondent, suspect

Examples of defendant,

It is odd that you can get an acquittal, without the defendant even having to appear in court.

The reality of the matter is that the object of these proceedings is to make the other defendants liable.

Each case will turn on its own facts but in my view the claimants are more likely to succeed than the
defendants .

unanimous-jednoglasno, istomišljenički, jednoumno

Definitions of unanimous


(of two or more people) fully in agreement.

the doctors were unanimous in their diagnoses

synonyms: united, in agreement, in accord, of one mind, of the same mind, in harmony, concordant,
undivided, as one


united, in agreement, in accord, of one mind, of the same mind, in harmony, concordant, undivided, as

uniform, consistent, united, concerted, congruent

solid, whole

consentaneous, consentient


For a start, they are virtually unanimous on the evidence that today's GM food is as safe to eat as
conventional foods.
The five speakers were virtually unanimous in their view that the State ownership should be kept to a

rifling-žljebovi, olučenje

Definitions of rifle


the arrangement of spiral grooves on the inside of a rifle barrel.

There's no rifling in the barrel, and you call it a rifle?


make spiral grooves in (a gun or its barrel or bore) to make a bullet spin and thereby have greater
accuracy over a long distance.

a line of replacement rifled barrels, hit, throw, or kick (a ball or puck) hard and straight.

he rifled a hard, rising shot from just inside the blue line

search through something in a hurried way in order to find or steal something.

she rifled through the cassette tapes

synonyms: rummage, search, hunt, forage

cartridge-čaura, kaseta za film, kutijica sa mastilom za štampač

Definitions of cartridge


a container holding a spool of photographic film, a quantity of ink, or other item or substance, designed
for insertion into a mechanism.

Super8 film cartridges are available from good photographic stores for about £12 which thankfully
includes processing.

synonyms: cassette, canister, container, magazine


cassette, canister, container, magazine

bullet, round, shell, charge, shot, pickup, magazine


This feature prevents damage to bullet noses as the cartridge is chambered.

holster-futrola za pištolj

Definitions of holster


a holder for carrying a handgun or other firearm, typically made of leather and worn on a belt or under
the arm.

the Luger slid easily from the holster

put (a gun) into its holster.

The officer nodded again and holstering his gun, walked off.


Ruby twirled the gun on her finger and slid it into the holster on her belt.

the Luger slid easily from the holster

Billy pulled his gun out of the holster on his belt and stepped precariously into the farmhouse.

Carried as a second or third gun it is a deep concealment piece often carried in an ankle holster or coat

altercation-svađa, prepirka

Definitions of altercation


a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.

I had an altercation with the conductor

synonyms: argument, quarrel, squabble, fight, shouting match, disagreement, contretemps, difference
of opinion, falling-out, dispute, disputation, clash, fracas, wrangle, blowup, skirmish, run-in, war of
words, donnybrook, tiff, scrap, spat, row, rhubarb, shitstorm



argument, quarrel, squabble, fight, shouting match, disagreement, contretemps, difference of opinion,
falling-out, dispute, disputation, clash, fracas, wrangle, blowup, skirmish, run-in, war of words,
donnybrook, tiff, scrap, spat, row, rhubarb, shitstorm

fracas, affray

I had an altercation with the ticket collector.

I had an altercation with the conductor.

On Wednesday night two feuding families became involved in an altercation.


Definitions of interject


say (something) abruptly, especially as an aside or interruption.

she interjected the odd question here and there

synonyms: interpose, introduce, throw in, interpolate, add, insert; interrupt, intervene, cut in, break in,
butt in, chime in, have one's say, put one's oar in, put one's two cents in



interpose, introduce, throw in, interpolate, add, insert

interrupt, intervene, cut in, break in, butt in, chime in, have one's say, put one's oar in, put one's two
cents in

put in, inject, interpose, come in, throw in

Fewer synonyms


Well, as a journalist in the media, you're not supposed to interject your opinion.
One can only regret that he will not be able actually to preside at the marriage ceremony and be given
the opportunity to interject a number of his jokes into the proceedings.

Christine felt bound to interject before there was open warfare

Christina felt bound to interject before there was open warfare

Mary spoke before Spam could get the chance to interject his own

fierce-besan, svirep, zao, okrutan, agresivan, psihopata

Definitions of fierce


having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness.

as women, we need to accept that we can be fierce, cunning, and predatory

synonyms: ferocious, savage, vicious, aggressive



ferocious, savage, vicious, aggressive, cutthroat, competitive, keen, intense, strong, relentless, ass-
kicking, intense, powerful, vehement, passionate, impassioned, fervent, fervid, ardent, strong, violent,
forceful, stormy, blustery, gusty, tempestuous, severe, extreme, intense, acute, awful, dreadful,
excruciating, agonizing, piercing, tearing, violent, trigger-happy, vehement, rough, boisterous, furious,
savage, ferocious

Synonyms of boaster


blowhard, bragger, braggart, vaunter

covetous-gramziv, pohlepan, željan, žudan

Definitions of covetous


having or showing a great desire to possess something, typically something belonging to someone else.

she fingered the linen with covetous hands

synonyms: grasping, greedy, acquisitive, desirous, possessive, envious, green with envy, green-eyed



grasping, greedy, acquisitive, desirous, possessive, envious, green with envy, green-eyed

jealous, envious

greedy, grabby, grasping, avaricious, prehensile

Fewer synonyms


Christensen thinks that this new approach to power won't go out of style, that the negative always
breeds covetous attention.
perilous-opasan, rizičan

Definitions of perilous


full of danger or risk.

a perilous journey south

synonyms: dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious,
vulnerable, uncertain, insecure, exposed, at risk, in jeopardy, in danger, touch-and-go, dicey



dangerous, fraught with danger, hazardous, risky, unsafe, treacherous, precarious, vulnerable,
uncertain, insecure, exposed, at risk, in jeopardy, in danger, touch-and-go, dicey

touch-and-go, parlous, precarious


I thus embark on a perilous undertaking, knowing full well that I risk the wrath of both women and men.




severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

"she shut her eyes in anguish"

синоними: agony, pain, torment, torture, suffering, distress, angst, misery, sorrow, grief, heartache,
heartbreak, wretchedness, unhappiness, woe, desolation, despair; Још



be extremely distressed about something.

"I spent the next two weeks anguishing about whether I'd made the right decision"

Преведите anguish на


1. мука

2. бол

blotted-umrljati mastilom, umrljati nešto ili nekoga u smislu časti nečije uništiti je, upiti prolivenu
tečnost upijačem, upijati, apsorbovati, naduti se od tečnosti, zadrćavati tečnost, prekriti napisano
razmazanim mastilom, precrtati

efinitions of blot


dry (a wet surface or substance) using an absorbent material.

Guy blotted his face with a dust rag

synonyms: soak up, absorb, sponge up, mop up, dry up/out, dab, pat

mark or stain (something).

the writing was messy and blotted

cover writing or pictures with ink or paint so that they cannot be seen.
Whenever the sight of her father's murder arose, she imagined a black paint brush going over the scene
to blot it out .



soak up, absorb, sponge up, mop up, dry up/out, dab, pat

tarnish, taint, stain, blacken, sully, mar, dishonor, disgrace, besmirch

spot, blob, fleck

shew-ustanoviti, prikazati, deonstrirati

Synonyms of shew


establish, prove, demonstrate, show


Even at Ranelagh… it was usual for ladies to hold up the volumes of Pamela to one another, to shew
they had got the book that everyone was talking of.

I carried the Countesse of Sunderland to see the rarities of one Mr Charleton in the Middle Temple, who
shew 'd us such a collection as I had never seene in all my travels abroad, either of private gentlemen or

I believe it will not be necessary to employ many words in shewing the weakness of this argument, after
what I have said of the foregoing.
SHTF-When the Shit Hits The Fan.

To survialists and preparedness people, this is the big disaster. Normally connotates the total break
down of civilization and social order. Chaos, out of control.

In a SHTF situation you will need reliable transportation to get to your retreat.

SHTF-"Shit hits the fan"

"SHTF" or "When shit hits the fan" is a popular phrase referring to the ultimate situation in which a man
would need to try and survive off the land. The collapse of civilization.

The phrase is commonly used among survivalists and generally most firearm collectors or outdoors man.

See: apocalypse, end of the world, FUBAR, Survive

Guy 1: "Hey, that's a nice machete.

Guy 2: "Thanks. I'll probably use this in a SHTF situation.

fan-ventilator, obožavalac, lepeza, hladiti mahanjem nekog ili nešto, navijač

Definitions of Fang


an apparatus with rotating blades that creates a current of air for cooling or ventilation.

Ceiling fans that keep you cool in summer also can save energy in winter.

synonyms: ventilator, blower, air conditioner

a device, typically folding and shaped like a segment of a circle when spread out, that is held in the hand
and waved so as to cool the person holding it by causing the air to move.
Well-prepared with umbrellas and caps, spectators waved fans or improvised from whatever was at
hand to fight the heat.

a device for winnowing grain.

The farmer puts the unsorted grain and chaff into the basket, and shakes it until the lighter chaff is
propelled over the fan 's lip, while the heavier grain remains inside.

a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular sport, art form, or famous person.

football fans

synonyms: enthusiast, devotee, admirer, lover, supporter, follower, disciple, adherent, zealot, expert,
connoisseur, aficionado, buff, bum, fiend, freak, nut, addict, junkie, fanatic, groupie


cool (especially a person or a part of the body) by waving something to create a current of air.

he fanned himself with his hat

synonyms: cool, aerate, ventilate, freshen, refresh

increase the strength of (a fire) by blowing on it or stirring up the air near it.

gusty wind fanned fires in Yellowstone Park

disperse or radiate from a central point to cover a wide area.

the arriving passengers began to fan out through the town in search of lodgings

synonyms: spread (out), branch (out), outspread


relating to the Fang or their language.

The harmonious, balanced contours of reliquary guardian figures convey a sense of tranquility highly
valued in both art and life in Fang culture.

Fewer definitions

See also

Fan, ceiling fan, table fan, electric fan, cooling fan, exhaust fan, fan club, fan belt, fan out, sports fan, be
a fan of
defiance-otvoren otpor, hrabro suprotstavljanje

Definitions of defiance


open resistance; bold disobedience.

the demonstration was held in defiance of official warnings

synonyms: resistance, opposition, noncompliance, disobedience, insubordination, dissent, recalcitrance,

subversion, rebellion, contempt, disregard, scorn, insolence, truculence



resistance, opposition, noncompliance, disobedience, insubordination, dissent, recalcitrance,

subversion, rebellion, contempt, disregard, scorn, insolence, truculence



This is in defiance of a government order that Tommy should be investigated for evading the law.

17 more examples

glee-razdraganost, užitak, radost

Definitions of glee


great delight.

his face lit up with impish glee

synonyms: delight, pleasure, happiness, joy, gladness, elation, euphoria, amusement, mirth, merriment,
excitement, gaiety, exuberance, relish, triumph, jubilation, satisfaction, gratification

a song for men's voices in three or more parts, usually unaccompanied, of a type popular especially circa

Later, boys were paid to sing treble parts at meetings of glee clubs, and glees for SATB became more



delight, gloating, mirthfulness

21 more synonyms


Every hotel in the area is booked for election night as the media anticipate, some with glee , what might
be the final act of his downfall.


Definitions of stuntman


a man employed to take an actor's place in performing dangerous stunts.

These amazing sequences appear to be a seamless combination of miniature sets, superimposed
floodwaters, and cutaways to stuntmen floundering on the backlot under a rushing wall of water at least
nine feet high.

Synonyms of stunt man


double, stunt woman


After national service he worked as a swimming pool salesman, and jobs as a TV stuntman , circus
performer and part-time inventor followed.

embark-ukrcati se na brod, u avion, u kamion..

Definitions of embark


go on board a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle.

he embarked for India in 1817

synonyms: board ship, go on board, go aboard, hop on, jump on



board ship, go on board, go aboard, hop on, jump on

begin, start, commence, undertake, set about, take up, turn one's hand to, get down to, enter into,
venture into, launch into, plunge into, engage in, settle down to, get cracking on, get going on, have a
go/crack/shot at ship, enter, venture

Fewer synonyms

As soon as the ship started to float again we re-embarked and with night starting to fall we moored
alongside a ship ready to embark lorries to be landed in the early hours of the next day.

29 more examples

bead-perla, zrnce, nišan, kapisla

Definitions of bead


a small piece of glass, stone, or similar material, typically rounded and perforated for threading with
others as a necklace or rosary or for sewing onto fabric.

So she rounded up glass beads , semi-precious stones, and sterling silver wire and created her collection
of one-of-a-kind rings.

synonyms: ball, pellet, pill, globule, sphere, spheroid, oval, ovoid, orb, round, necklace, rosary, chaplet

something resembling a bead or a string of beads, in particular.

These knobby swellings on a root look like beads on a string.


decorate or cover with beads.

a beaded evening bag

cover (a surface) with drops of moisture.

his face was beaded with perspiration

See also

glass bead
exasperated-uznemiren, ogorčen, razdražen

Definitions of exasperate


irritate intensely; infuriate.

this futile process exasperates prison officials

synonyms: infuriate, incense, anger, annoy, irritate, madden, enrage, antagonize, provoke, irk, vex, get
on someone's nerves, ruffle someone's feathers, rub the wrong way, aggravate, rile, bug, needle, get
someone's back up, get someone's goat, tee off, tick off



browned off, cheesed off


infuriate, incense, anger, annoy, irritate, madden, enrage, antagonize, provoke, irk, vex, get on
someone's nerves, ruffle someone's feathers, rub the wrong way, aggravate, rile, bug, needle, get
someone's back up, get someone's goat, tee off, tick off

exacerbate, worsen, aggravate

exacerbate, aggravate

incense, infuriate

opulence-bogatstvo, imućnost, izobilje

Definitions of opulence


great wealth or luxuriousness.

rooms of spectacular opulence

synonyms: luxuriousness, sumptuousness, lavishness, richness, luxury, luxuriance, splendor,

magnificence, grandeur, splendidness, plushness, classiness, ritziness, poshness, swankiness; wealth,
affluence, wealthiness, richness, riches, prosperity, money



luxuriousness, wealth

22 more synonyms


rooms of spectacular opulence

plausible-verovatno, mogućno, uverljivo, zamislivo, ostvarivo, racionalno, logično

Definitions of plausible


(of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.

a plausible explanation

synonyms: credible, reasonable, believable, likely, feasible, tenable, possible, conceivable, imaginable,
convincing, persuasive, cogent, sound, rational, logical, thinkable


credible, reasonable, believable, likely, feasible, tenable, possible, conceivable, imaginable, convincing,
persuasive, cogent, sound, rational, logical, thinkable


Only the public service side has a plausible argument for public money.

29 more examples

incremental-postepen, progresivan, sukcesivan, korak po korak, rastući

Synonyms of incremental


gradual, progressive, steady, step-by-step, increasing, growing

See also

incremental cost, incremental backup, incremental cash flow

Definitions of depersonalization


the action of divesting someone or something of human characteristics or individuality.

We oppose the depersonalization that reduces human beings to the status of things.





We oppose the depersonalization that reduces human beings to the status of things.
Such depersonalization heightens group members' perceived similarities and attenuates their perceived
differences, reducing the detrimental effects of categorical diversity.

Teachers may be at greater risk for depersonalization because their daily work life often includes large
doses of isolation from their professional peers.

dissociation-ograda, distanciranje, odvajanje

Definitions of dissociation


the disconnection or separation of something from something else or the state of being disconnected.

the dissociation between the executive and the judiciary is the legacy of the Act of Settlement

synonyms: separation, disconnection, detachment, severance, divorce, split, segregation, division,




separation, disconnection, detachment, severance, divorce, split, segregation, division, sundering


anchoring-usidravanje, usidriti se, učvrstiti se..

Definitions of anchor

moor (a ship) to the sea bottom with an anchor.

the ship was anchored in the lee of the island

act as an anchor for (a television program or sporting event).

she anchored a television documentary series in the early 1980s



moor, secure, ground, drop anchor

deployed-rasporediti, pozicionirati, instalirati, locirati, razviti..

Definitions of deploy


move (troops) into position for military action.

forces were deployed at strategic locations

synonyms: position, station, post, place, install, locate, situate, site, establish, base, distribute, dispose



position, station, post, place, install, locate, situate, site, establish, base, distribute, dispose

use, utilize, employ, take advantage of, exploit, bring into service, call on, turn to, resort to

See also

comprise-obuhvatati, sastojati se, uključivati

Definitions of comprise


consist of; be made up of.

the country comprises twenty states

synonyms: consist of, be made up of, be composed of, contain, encompass, incorporate, include,



consist of, make up, consist, contain

15 more synonyms

hyper-iznad, nad, više od, preko

Definitions of hyper-


hyperactive or unusually energetic.

eating sugar makes you hyper

synonyms: hyperactive, overactive, active, energetic, busy, fidgety, excited, frantic, frenetic, frenzied,
adrenalized, feverish, keyed-up, fired-up, amped-up, psyched, high-energy, caffeinated, pumped,
pumped up, turbocharged


over; beyond; above.


relating to hypertext.


Synonyms of hyper


hyperactive, overactive, active, energetic, busy, fidgety, excited, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, adrenalized,
feverish, keyed-up, fired-up, amped-up, psyched, high-energy, caffeinated, pumped, pumped up,

yarn-pređa, predivo, klupko vune, vunica

Definitions of yarn


spun thread used for knitting, weaving, or sewing.

There was a guy in there showing a girl how to spin yarn using a spindle.

synonyms: thread, cotton, wool, fiber, filament, ply

a long or rambling story, especially one that is implausible.

The open fire is a focal point around which many yarns are spun and stories told.
synonyms: story, tale, anecdote, saga, narrative, tall tale, tall story, fish story, cock-and-bull story,
shaggy-dog story, spiel


tell a long or implausible story.

they were yarning about local legends and superstitions



thread, story, recital

fanciful-maštovit, izmaštan, nerealan, nestvaran

Definitions of fanciful


(of a person or their thoughts and ideas) overimaginative and unrealistic.

a fanciful story about a pot of gold



fantastic, imaginative, ornate, notional

32 more synonyms

paltry-isuviše malo, beznačajno, tričavo, nebitno, nedovoljno..

Definitions of paltry


(of an amount) small or meager.

she would earn a paltry $33 more each month

synonyms: small, meager, trifling, insignificant, negligible, inadequate, insufficient, derisory, pitiful,
pathetic, miserable, niggardly, beggarly, measly, piddling, exiguous



small, worthless, measly, trifling

23 more synonyms

drowsiness-pospanost, mamurluk, dremljivost

Definitions of drowsiness


a feeling of being sleepy and lethargic; sleepiness.

this drug can cause drowsiness

looping-petlje, staviti omču, napraviti petlju

Definitions of loop


form (something) into a loop or loops; encircle.

she looped her arms around his neck

synonyms: coil, wind, twist, snake, wreathe, spiral, curve, bend, turn





coil, wind, twist, snake, wreathe, spiral, curve, bend, turn

fasten, tie, join, connect, knot, bind

curl, coil


Fewer synonyms

render-dati, pružiti, omogućiti, učiniti, malterisati, učiniti, vratiti, izraziti, podneti, prevoditi, topiti

Definitions of render

a first coat of plaster applied to a brick or stone surface.

Set stainless steel beads in position and apply scratch coat render at a thickness of 6/8mm.


provide or give (a service, help, etc.).

money serves as a reward for services rendered

synonyms: give, provide, supply, furnish, contribute, offer, proffer

cause to be or become; make.

the rains rendered his escape impossible

synonyms: make, cause to be/become, leave

represent or depict artistically.

the eyes and the cheeks are exceptionally well rendered

synonyms: paint, draw, depict, portray, represent, execute, limn; perform, sing; act, perform, play,
depict, interpret

covertly send (a foreign criminal or terrorist suspect) for interrogation abroad; subject to extraordinary

melt down (fat).

the fat was being cut up and rendered for lard

synonyms: melt down, clarify

cover (stone or brick) with a coat of plaster.

external walls will be rendered and tiled

Fewer definitions

See also

render thanks, render up, render down, render service

judicial-sudski, sudijski

Definitions of judicial


of, by, or appropriate to a court or judge.

a judicial inquiry into the allegations

synonyms: legal, juridical, judicatory, official

See also

judicial review, judicial branch, judicial system, judicial decision, judicial process, judicial power, judicial
authority, judicial proceeding, judicial officer, judicial district

lucrative-unosne, isplative

Definitions of lucrative


producing a great deal of profit.

a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

synonyms: profitable, profit-making, gainful, remunerative, moneymaking, paying, high-income, well-

paid, bankable, rewarding, worthwhile, thriving, flourishing, successful, booming

See also

lucrative business

tourniquet-stezač koji zaustavlja krvarenje, podveza, čvrst zavoj, deo prve pomoći

Definitions of tourniquet


a device for stopping the flow of blood through a vein or artery, typically by compressing a limb with a
cord or tight bandage.

The surgeon may encircle vessels with umbilical tapes and tourniquets to control blood flow later in the


This does not preclude the operating physician's applying the tourniquet as he or she wishes.

19 more examples

ETYM French, from tourner to turn.

Device to stop bleeding, as a bandage twisted tight by a stick, etc.

An instrument for arresting hemorrhage. It consists essentially of a pad or compress upon which
pressure is made by a band which is tightened by a screw or other means.
stealth-potajno, potajnost

Definitions of stealth


cautious and surreptitious action or movement.

the silence and stealth of a hungry cat

synonyms: furtiveness, secretiveness, secrecy, surreptitiousness, sneakiness, slyness


(chiefly of aircraft) designed in accordance with technology that makes detection by radar or sonar

a stealth bomber

See also

stealth bomber, stealth fighter, by stealth

hammock-viseća mreža za ležanje kao ona koju je Jagoda imala, ljuljaška od platna za ležanje

Definitions of hammock


a bed made of canvas or of rope mesh and suspended by cords at the ends, used as garden furniture or
on board a ship.

I love the rope hammocks but I think the mesh would be even nicer.

See also
banana hammock, hammock chair

intertwined-prepletena, preplitati, isprepletati

Definitions of intertwine


twist or twine together.

a net made of cotton intertwined with other natural fibers

synonyms: entwine, interweave, interlace, twist, braid, plait, splice, knit, weave, mesh



entwine, tat, interlace, loop


Definitions of raider


a person who attacks an enemy in the enemy's territory; a marauder.

Scandinavian raiders put down their roots in Cumbria

synonyms: robber, burglar, thief, housebreaker, plunderer, pillager, looter, marauder, attacker,
assailant, invader



robber, burglar, thief, housebreaker, plunderer, pillager, looter, marauder, attacker, assailant, invader

pillager, looter, freebooter, despoiler, plunderer, spoiler


Translations of сналажљив


resourceful-обилат средствима, сналажљив


adroit-спретан, вешт, сналажљив

clever-паметан, вешт, оштроуман, промућуран, виспрен, сналажљив

cagey-лукав, препреден, сналажљив

Дефетизам је прихватање и помирење са поразом без борбе. У свакодневној употреби дефетизам

најчешће има негативну конотацију и често се поистовећује са песимизмом и издајом.
Израз се најчешће користи у контексту рата: војник може бити дефетиста уколико одбије да се
бори јер верује да ће борба сигурно бити изгубљена. Може се користити и у осталим пољима као
што су економија, култура или спорт. Израз потиче из Француске.

crustaceans-rakovi, ljuskari

Definitions of crustacean


an arthropod of the large, mainly aquatic group Crustacea, such as a crab, lobster, shrimp, or barnacle.

See also


attractant-mamac za ribe ili druge životinje

Definitions of attractant


a substance that attracts something (especially animals).

a sex attractant given off by female moths to attract a mate


intimidation-zastrašivanje, zaplašenost

Definitions of intimidation


the action of intimidating someone, or the state of being intimidated.

the intimidation of witnesses and jurors

dismantle-demontirati, rasklopiti

Definitions of dismantle


take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap

synonyms: take apart, pull apart, pull to pieces, disassemble, break up, break down, strip (dow

pouch-torbica, kesica, torbica za metkove, torbica za ključeve

depot-depo, skladište, stovarište

Definitions of depot


a place for the storage of large quantities of equipment, food, or some other commodity.

an arms depot

synonyms: storehouse, warehouse, store, repository, depository, cache, arsenal, magazine, armory,
ammunition dump, drop-off

See also

bus depot, supply depot, fuel depot

sap-sok it drveta

Definitions of s.ap.


the fluid, chiefly water with dissolved sugars and mineral salts, that circulates in the vascular system of a

Create a living smorgasbord that includes plants with berries, foliage, fruit, nectar, nuts, pollen, sap , and
seeds, so critters can dine on what they like.

synonyms: juice, secretion, fluid, liquid

a tunnel or trench to conceal an assailant's approach to a fortified place.

In the British army, a standard cry was ‘follow the sapper’, the term for those who, under engineer
officers, dug the saps or shelter trenches used in the attack on fortresses.

a foolish and gullible person.

He fell for it! What a sap!

a bludgeon or club.

Too many of them jumped me, pinning me with claws and weight so they could use their saps and
truncheons until I was in no condition to struggle.


gradually weaken or destroy (a person's strength or power).

our energy is being sapped by bureaucrats and politicians

synonyms: erode, wear away/down, deplete, reduce, lessen, attenuate, undermine, exhaust, drain,

dig a sap or saps.

They complained that they were not allowed to use bombs or to sap and mine the streets held by the
insurgents, and they did not want to give quarter to anyone any more.

hit with a bludgeon or club.

She sapped him again, this time in his solar plexus, and h

Gedenkveranstaltungen?-komemorativni događaj (nemački)

retaliation-osveta, osmazda

Definitions of retaliation

the action of returning a military attack; counterattack.

the bombings are believed to be in retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects

synonyms: revenge, vengeance, reprisal, retribution, requital, recrimination, repayment, response,

reaction, reply, counterattack



revenge, vengeance, reprisal, retribution, requital, recrimination, repayment, response, reaction, reply,



Hakimullah Mehsud, an aide of Pakistan's Taliban chief, Baitullah Mehsud, said the attack was retaliation
for the operations in Swat.

absolved-razrešiti nekoga od greha, oprostiti nekome, osloboditi nekoga težine greha i kazne koja sledi

Definitions of absolve


set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility.

the pardon absolved them of any crimes

synonyms: exonerate, discharge, acquit, vindicate, release, relieve, liberate, free, deliver, clear
repellent-odvratan, odbojan, sredstvo za zaštitu od insekata

Definitions of repellent


able to repel a particular thing; impervious to a particular substance.

water-repellent nylon

synonyms: impermeable, impervious, resistant, -proof

causing disgust or distaste.

the idea was slightly repellent to her

synonyms: revolting, repulsive, disgusting, repugnant, sickening, nauseating, stomach-turning,

nauseous, vile, nasty, foul, horrible, awful, dreadful, terrible, obnoxious, loathsome, offensive,
objectionable, abhorrent, despicable, reprehensible, contemptible, odious, hateful, execrable, vomitous,
ghastly, horrid, gross, yucky, icky, funky, noisome


a substance that dissuades particular insects or other pests from approaching or settling.

a flea repellent

a substance used to treat something, especially fabric or stone, so as to make it impervious to water.

treat brick with a silicone water repellent

envision-predvideti, predviđati

Definitions of envision

imagine as a future possibility; visualize.

she envisioned the admiring glances of guests seeing her home

synonyms: visualize, imagine, envisage, picture, conceive of, dream of, think of, see



plan, visualize, foresee, figure

21 more synonyms

bushcraft-snalaženj u divljini, pravljenje skloniša, pravljenje hrane i drugih stvari u divljini, daleko od

Definitions of bushcraft


skill at living in the bush.

The other half of the school week is run by the adult Aboriginal students themselves, teaching the white
teachers - and others - Aboriginal skills like language, bushcraft , anthropology, traditional practices.


The proficient practitioner of bushcraft anticipates his or her needs before it gets dark.

The competition tested a range of abilities, including navigation, bushcraft , fitness, observation courses
and general military knowledge.

The other half of the school week is run by the adult Aboriginal students themselves, teaching the white
teachers - and others - Aboriginal skills like language, bushcraft , anthropology, traditional practices.

They'll be taught how to make fire and other types of bushcraft .

This weekend I'm going tramping in the Tararuas, learning some bushcraft off-track.

Bushrangers survived by being skilled in bushcraft , but the bush generally did not afford them a living.

He's the BBC's bushcraft specialist and keeps winding up his programmes by explaining that we have
much to learn from whatever ancient tribe he's been with that week.

During the week, the 24 contestants will be divided into teams of six and will learn about basic survival
techniques and bushcraft .

It was back when we were in cadets and she was learning some of the bushcraft and hiking skills.

Mears is currently taking a break from TV work to help teach at his own school of wilderness bushcraft ,
but promised that he has more books and TV series planned.

The walls were covered with posters and diagrams of bushcraft items, like maps, compasses and radios
Casey had never seen before.

Generations of bushcraft knowledge is passed onto children

This is bushcraft - using ancient knowledge to work as one with nature.

carbon footprint-емисија угљен-диоксида и осталих компоненти базираних на угљенику

Definitions of carbon footprint


the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted due to the consumption of fossil
fuels by a particular person, group, etc..

Reducing our carbon footprint would mean giving up, not merely our SUVs, but many of the little things
Americans enjoy.
barter-trampa, razmena dobara, trampiti, razmeniti

definitions of barter


the action or system of exchanging goods or services without using money.

it will be paid for by a mixture of barter and cash


exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.

he often bartered a meal for drawings

synonyms: trade, swap, exchange, sell

See also

barter system, barter trade, barter deal, barter economy, barter agreement

deemed-smatraju se, smatrati, misliti

Definitions of deem


regard or consider in a specified way.

the event was deemed a great success

synonyms: consider, regard as, judge, adjudge, hold to be, view as, see as, take for, class as, count, find,
suppose, reckon, think, believe to be, feel to be, esteem


consider, regard as, judge, adjudge, hold to be, view as, see as, take for, class as, count, find, suppose,
reckon, think, believe to be, feel to be, esteem

take for, hold, view as

chainsaws-motorne testere

Definitions of chainsaw


a mechanical power-driven cutting tool with teeth set on a chain that moves around the edge of a blade.

Ice-divers in Canada use chainsaws , but a chainsaw would not be much use on a wreck.

slivers-cepka, mala grančica za potpalu, otkinuti grančicu, napraviti cepke od većeg drveta

Definitions of sliver


a small, thin, narrow piece of something cut or split off a larger piece.

a sliver of cheese

synonyms: splinter, shard, shiver, chip, flake, shred, scrap, shaving, paring, piece, fragment


cut or break (something) into small, thin, narrow pieces.

slivered almonds
"Nisi Dominus cum dederit"-latinski-"Unless the owner gives"

arrays-niz, red, mnoštvo, poredak, svečana odeća, stroj, ukrasiti, postrojiti

Definitions of array


an impressive display or range of a particular type of thing.

there is a vast array of literature on the topic

an ordered arrangement, in particular.

The amyloid aggregates found in these disorders contain fibers in a variety of arrangements, including
partially ordered, birefringent arrays .

synonyms: range, collection, selection, assortment, diversity, variety, arrangement, assemblage, lineup,
formation, display, exhibition, exposition

elaborate or beautiful clothing.

he was clothed in fine array

synonyms: dress, attire, clothing, garb, garments, finery, apparel


display or arrange (things) in a particular way.

arrayed across the table was a buffet

synonyms: arrange, assemble, group, order, place, position, set out, exhibit, lay out, dispose, display

dress someone in (the clothes specified).

they were arrayed in Hungarian national dress

synonyms: dress, attire, clothe, garb, deck (out), outfit, get up, turn out, apparel

empanel (a jury).

Despite this admission, the triers found that the sheriff had impartially arrayed the panel. After the third
jury found O'Doherty guilty, the government transported him Australia.

prolific-plodan, koji donosi mnogobrojan, obilan plod

Definitions of prolific


(of a plant, animal, or person) producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring.

in captivity, tigers are prolific breeders

synonyms: productive, creative, inventive, fertile

present in large numbers or quantities; plentiful.

mahogany was once prolific in the tropical forests

synonyms: plentiful, abundant, bountiful, profuse, copious, luxuriant, rich, lush, fruitful, fecund,
plenteous, bounteous



plentiful, productive, fertile

maimed-osakatiti, sakatiti, povrediti, raniti

Definitions of maim


wound or injure (someone) so that part of the body is permanently damaged.

100,000 soldiers were killed or maimed

synonyms: injure, wound, cripple, disable, incapacitate, impair, mar, mutilate, lacerate, disfigure,
deform, mangle





injure, wound, cripple, disable, incapacitate, impair, mar, mutilate, lacerate, disfigure, deform, mangle

nefarious-podmukao, zao, opak, izopačen, bezočan

Definitions of nefarious


(typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal.

the nefarious activities of the organized-crime syndicates

synonyms: wicked, evil, sinful, iniquitous, egregious, heinous, atrocious, vile, foul, abominable, odious,
depraved, monstrous, fiendish, diabolical, unspeakable, despicable, villainous, criminal, corrupt, illegal,
unlawful, dastardly



wicked, evil, sinful, iniquitous, egregious, heinous, atrocious, vile, foul, abominable, odious, depraved,
monstrous, fiendish, diabolical, unspeakable, despicable, villainous, criminal, corrupt, illegal, unlawful,


stirring-mešanje, podstrekivanje, podsticanje, uzbuđivanje, uzbudljiv, pomicanje..

Definitions of stir


causing great excitement or strong emotion; rousing.

stirring songs

synonyms: exciting, thrilling, rousing, stimulating, moving, inspiring, inspirational, passionate,

impassioned, emotional, heady

moving briskly; active.

I am now living in north-eastern Tasmania, a place called Deviot and our home overlooks a stirring river
called the Tamar.


an initial sign of activity, movement, or emotion.

the first stirrings of anger

move a spoon or other implement around in (a liquid or other substance) in order to mix it thoroughly.

stir the batter until it is just combined

synonyms: mix, blend, agitate, beat, whip, whisk, fold in

move or cause to move slightly.

nothing stirred except the wind

synonyms: move slightly, change one's position, shift; disturb, rustle, shake, move, flutter, agitate

arouse strong feelings in (someone); move or excite.

they will be stirred to action by what is written

synonyms: arouse, rouse, fire, kindle, inspire, stimulate, excite, awaken, quicken, waken


SiS ili punim imenom Silicon Integrated Systems je kompanija koja je proizvodila kompjuterske chipseta
od 1987. do 2008 godine, a kratkotrajnu slavu je dobila kao prozvođač chipseta za Xbox 360 igraću
konzulu. Nakon 2008 godine kompanija odustaje od proizvodnje chipseta i neuspešno se prebacuje na
proizvodnju čipova i procesora za televizijske i internetske uređaje. Rezultat toga postaju godišnji padovi
prodaje od 30 - 40 posto.

stringent-strog, oskudan, skučen

Definitions of stringent


(of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting.

California's air pollution guidelines are stringent

synonyms: strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight, exacting, demanding, inflexible, hard
and fast



strict, firm, rigid, rigorous, severe, harsh, tough, tight, exacting, demanding, inflexible, hard and fast

rigorous, tight

pretense-pretvaranje, izgovor, varka, zavaravanje

Definitions of pretense


an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.

his anger is masked by a pretense that all is well

synonyms: make-believe, putting on an act, acting, dissembling, shamming, faking, feigning, simulation,
dissimulation, play-acting, posturing, deception, deceit, deceitfulness, fraud, fraudulence, duplicity,
subterfuge, trickery, dishonesty, hypocrisy, falsity, lying, mendacity; (false) show, semblance,
affectation, (false) appearance, outward appearance, impression, (false) front, guise, facade, display

a claim, especially a false or ambitious one.

he was quick to disclaim any pretense to superiority

synonyms: claim, profession

vernacular-žargon, profesionalan, stručan govor, narečje, narodni jezik, kolokvijalni govor, svakidašnji

Definitions of vernacular


(of language) spoken as one's mother tongue; not learned or imposed as a second language.

Instead it will become regarded historically as a document that knowingly accelerated the demise of
vernacular language usage in the Northern Territory.

(of architecture) concerned with domestic and functional rather than monumental buildings.

This activity can remind us that vernacular architecture is one cornerstone of our identity.


the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.

he wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience

synonyms: language, dialect, regional language, regionalisms, patois, parlance, idiom, slang, jargon,
lingo, -speak, -ese

architecture concerned with domestic and functional rather than monumental buildings.

buildings in which Gothic merged into farmhouse vernacular



common, vulgar


everyday language, colloquial language, conversational language, common parlance, demotic, lay terms

language, dialect, regional language, regionalisms, patois, parlance, idiom, slang, jargon, lingo, -speak, -

lingo, patois, jargon, argot, slang, cant

proxy-zastupnik, punomoćstvo, zastupanje

Definitions of proxy


the authority to represent someone else, especially in voting.

they may register to vote by proxy

synonyms: deputy, representative, substitute, delegate, agent, surrogate, stand-in, attorney, go-

a figure that can be used to represent the value of something in a calculation.

the use of a US wealth measure as a proxy for the true worldwide measure

See also

proxy server, by proxy, proxy war, proxy holder, proxy vote, proxy form

admission-prijem, ulaz, upis, pristup

Definitions of admission


a statement acknowledging the truth of something.

an admission of guilt

synonyms: confession, acknowledgment, mea culpa, acceptance, concession, disclosure, divulgence

the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place, organization, or institution.

I had some difficulty securing admission to the embassy

synonyms: admittance, entry, entrance, right of entry, access, right of access, ingress, entrée

See also

admission fee, free admission, admission free, admission ticket, Free admission, application for
admission, admission charge, admission form

mercenary-plaćenik, najamnik, najamnički vojnik, podmitljiv

Definitions of mercenary


(of a person or their behavior) primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.

she's nothing but a mercenary little gold digger

synonyms: money-oriented, grasping, greedy, acquisitive, avaricious, covetous, bribable, venal,

materialistic, money-grubbing


a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army.

It is hard to believe that the country would hire foreign mercenaries for military and daily operations.

synonyms: soldier of fortune, professional soldier, hired soldier, gunman, hired gun, condottiere

incentives-podsticaji, pobude..
Definitions of incentive


a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.

there is no incentive for customers to conserve water

synonyms: inducement, motivation, motive, reason, stimulus, stimulant, spur, impetus, encouragement,
impulse, incitement, goad, provocation, attraction, lure, bait, carrot, sweetener, come-on



inducement, motivation, motive, reason, stimulus, stimulant, spur, impetus, encouragement, impulse,
incitement, goad, provocation, attraction, lure, bait, carrot, sweetener, come-on

motivator, inducement, bonus

peer pressure-pritisak grupe ljudi koja ima uticaj na individuu

Definitions of peer pressure


influence from members of one's peer group.

his behavior was affected by drink and peer pressure


But there is no peer pressure that you should read, play an instrument or that you should go to
But isn't a little bit of exposure to peer pressure and bullying a part of preparation for adulthood?

Yet she agrees they are highly susceptible to peer pressure .

At the age of twelve I was influenced by peer pressure and started to drink cider which is a popular drink
among young people as it is cheap and strong.

At the impressionable ages between 13 and 16 peer pressure is the biggest influence.

his behavior was affected by drink and peer pressure

They also require voters to tell the truth - despite intimidation and strong peer pressure on both sides.

Perhaps peer pressure is the biggest influence in this respect but where do they get their attitudes

It has become common to find even girls in pubs because of peer pressure and the influence of TV and

Otherwise he argues, more will continue to start drinking at an early age and will become victims of peer
pressure .

At this age they are less likely to feel influenced by peer pressure , said researchers.

thug-nasilnik, huligan, kriminalac..

Definitions of thug


a violent person, especially a criminal.

The Tories are anxious not to upset anybody these days, even thugs and criminals.

synonyms: ruffian, hooligan, vandal, hoodlum, gangster, villain, criminal, tough, bruiser, hardman, goon,
heavy, enforcer, hired gun, hood

a member of a religious organization of robbers and assassins in India. Devotees of the goddess Kali, the
Thugs waylaid and strangled their victims, usually travelers, in a ritually prescribed manner. They were
suppressed by the British in the 1830s.
In 7th century India members of the Thug cult would ritually strangle passers-by as sacrifices to the
Hindu deity, Kali.



ruffian, hooligan, vandal, hoodlum, gangster, villain, criminal, tough, bruiser, hardman, goon, heavy,
enforcer, hired gun, hood

punk, hoodlum, toughie, hood, goon, tough

intimidating-zastrašujući, preteći, uznemirujući..

Definitions of intimidate


frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.

he tries to intimidate his rivals

synonyms: frighten, menace, terrify, scare, terrorize, cow, dragoon, subdue, threaten, browbeat, bully,
pressure, harass, harry, hassle, hound, torment, tyrannize, persecute, lean on, push around, bulldoze,
railroad, twist someone's arm, strong-arm



frightening, threatening, menacing, sinister, brooding, daunting, tormenting, formidable, fearsome,

terrifying, chilling, disturbing, disquieting, unfriendly, unwelcoming


frighten, menace, terrify, scare, terrorize, cow, dragoon, subdue, threaten, browbeat, bully, pressure,
harass, harry, hassle, hound, torment, tyrannize, persecute, lean on, push around, bulldoze, railroad,
twist someone's arm, strong-arm


buff-polirati , glancati, ublažiti, golka koža, meka bivolja koža, nabildovani, oni koji treniraju, bave se
sportom da bi se tukli, tj.bili spremni za fajt u slučaju da do njega dođe, telohranitelji, ljudi zastrašujućeg
izgleda u smislu fizičke snage i spremnosti i opasnosti koja nam od njih preti..

Definitions of buff


a yellowish-beige color.

a buff envelope

a stout, dull yellow leather with a velvety surface.

The buff coat was a standard piece of clothing for both the foot soldier and and the cavalryman. It
offered moderate protection against blows from swords, but was ineffective against musket fire.

a person who is enthusiastically interested in and very knowledgeable about a particular subject.

a computer buff

synonyms: enthusiast, fan, devotee, lover, admirer, expert, aficionado, authority, pundit, freak, nut,
fanatic, fiend, addict, junkie, bum


polish (something).

he buffed the glass until it gleamed

synonyms: polish, burnish, shine, clean, rub

being in good physical shape with fine muscle tone.

Core strength is key to developing a beautiful, buff body from head to toe, says this month's featured
trainer, Lisa Wheeler.

adjacent-susedni, okolni, uporedni

Definitions of adjacent


next to or adjoining something else.

adjacent rooms

synonyms: adjoining, neighboring, next-door, abutting, contiguous, proximate, close to, near, next to,
by, by the side of, bordering on, beside, alongside, attached to, touching, cheek by jowl with

(of angles) having a common vertex and a common side.

At each vertex we consider the angles formed on the adjacent faces at that corner.

hub-središte, čvor, glavna tačka susreta

Definitions of hub


the central part of a wheel, rotating on or with the axle, and from which the spokes radiate.
Remove your wheels, and wipe them down, since the dirt gets lodged in the little nooks and crannies of
the wheel hubs and spokes.

synonyms: pivot, axis, fulcrum, center, middle

the effective center of an activity, region, or network.

the city has always been the financial hub of the country

synonyms: center, core, heart, middle, focus, focal point, central point, nucleus, kernel, nerve center,

tend-tendencija, čuvati, negovati, postarati se, služiti, naginjati..

Definitions of tend


regularly or frequently behave in a particular way or have a certain characteristic.

written language tends to be formal

synonyms: be inclined, be apt, be disposed, be prone, be liable, have a tendency, have a propensity

care for or look after; give one's attention to.

Viola tended plants on the roof

synonyms: look after, take care of, care for, minister to, attend to, see to, wait on, watch over, keep an
eye on, mind, protect, watch, guard, supervise, nurse, nurture, cherish



be inclined, incline, look after

boggled-trgnuti se, zaprepastiti se, zapanjiti se

Definitions of boggle


(of a person or a person's mind) be astonished or overwhelmed when trying to imagine something.

the mind boggles at the spectacle

synonyms: marvel, wonder



marvel, baffle, bowl over

7 more synonyms

podcast-Definitions of podcast


make (a digital audio file) available as a podcast.


a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media
player, typically available as a seriesmerchan*.

I'm already downloading podcasts of radio news programmes and listening to them in the car on my
way to and from work.


You'll be able to subscribe to the podcast for free or listen to a streaming audio version.
They are as likely to read something online instead of watch the news, or listen to a podcast instead of
read a magazine.

Creating a podcast is relatively easy and a lot of people are getting into it by either creating content or
listening to it.

The weekly podcast was an initiative of the newspaper's editorial page editor.

For those of you unaware of the concept, a podcast is a downloadable audio file suitable for adding to
your iPod or other MP3 player.

One of the most exciting things about podcasting is its ability to turn anyone into a broadcaster at
minimal cost.


The "escape" key. It, like, closes windows, or programs, or something like that. Often used in vain by
computer illiterate school teachers to somehow fix a frozen computer.

- "Mrs. So-and-so!"

- "Yes?"

- "I think my computer froze."

*teacher walks over*

- "Hmmm...."

*teacher repeatedly taps the "Esc" key*

- "Well, I'm not sure what's wrong. Just go to another computer."

- "But I'm in the middle of an assignment!"

- "Well, tough shit!"


To escape something. Most commonly, a relationship.

Guy says: This bitch is off my nuts.

Friend says: Really?

Guy says: ESC

Friend says: lol


1. The abbreviation found on a key on a keyboard that stands for "Escape."

2. Abbreviation for "Electronic Stability Control" which is a computer that has all the features found in
TCS and ABS, but prevents things like understeer and oversteer to prevent roll overs, skids, and spins.
Currently Congress is trying to pass a bill that requires ESC on all SUVs.

3. Abbreviation for "Electronic Speed Control" which are found in high end RC cars that limit the amount
of current that goes to the motor so it doesn't fry.

1. I was playing the game, but it stopped becaused I hit the ESC key

2. Luckily that SUV didn't flip when it made that turn at 100 mph. It must have ESC.

3. Dude, you hooked twelve cells up to that ESC, no wonder you fryed it.

Abbreviation for "Emergency Shit Condition," when one has extreme and (often sudden) onset of need
for bowel movement.

"I hope we can make it to that rest area, I've got an ESC going on here."

funneled-uliveno nešto kroz nešto, kao kroz levak, npr.gengstokeri ulivaju informacije direktno u mozak
žrtve kroz tehnologiju "voice to brain"!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vrlo važno!!!!!!!!! Klip na youtube "Ex Gang Stalking
Operative Explains Tactics and Motives"!!!

funnel-levak, dimnjak, uputiti se, uliti nekom informecije u glavu i promeniti mu ponašanje tehnologijom
"voice to skull freqvency"..

Definitions of funnel


a tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, used for guiding liquid or powder into a
small opening.

He referred to the fact that he also knows at the present time that the cavity opening was like a funnel ,
narrow at the bottom and wide at the top.

synonyms: tube, pipe, channel, conduit


guide or channel (something) through or as if through a funnel.

some $12.8 billion was funneled through the Marshall Plan

synonyms: channel, feed, direct, pump, convey, move, pass, pour, filter, trickle down
See also

funnel cloud, funnel cake, dropping funnel, separating funnel, filter funnel, funnel-shaped

purview-nadgledanje, delokrug, opseg

Definitions of purview


the scope of the influence or concerns of something.

such a case might be within the purview of the legislation



horizon, view


Tours are typically arranged between the boards of the countries involved and do not really come under
its purview , except perhaps as a facilitator.

grain-zrno, žitarica, žito, trun, trunka, karakter neke osobe, njene osobne tendencije, svojstva ličnosti,
esencija ličnosti, suština nečija

Definitions of grain

wheat or any other cultivated cereal crop used as food.

He now had two patches of grain and maize while apricots, cherries, plums and quince hung heavily
from boughs covered in thick, grey lichen.

synonyms: cereal, cereal crops

a single fruit or seed of a cereal.

a few grains of corn

synonyms: kernel, seed, grist

the smallest unit of weight in the troy and avoirdupois systems, equal to 1 / 5760 of a pound troy and 1 /
7000 of a pound avoirdupois (approximately 0.0648 grams).

The ounce was approximately 450 grains , i.e. slightly heavier than the modern one.

the longitudinal arrangement or pattern of fibers in wood, paper, etc..

he scored along the grain of the table with the knife

synonyms: texture, surface, finish, weave, pattern

a person's character or natural tendency.

And it doesn't go with the grain of human nature.

kermes or cochineal, or dye made from either of these.


give a rough surface or texture to.

her fingers were grained with chalk dust

paint (especially furniture or interior surfaces) in imitation of the grain of wood or marble.

the art of graining and marbling

remove hair from (a hide).

the boots were of best grained leather

feed (a horse) on grain.

The boy who took the mare in and grained it knew one thing about the owner instantly.
Fewer definitions

maim-osakatiti, sakatiti, sakaćenje, sakatost

Definitions of maim


wound or injure (someone) so that part of the body is permanently damaged.

100,000 soldiers were killed or maimed

synonyms: injure, wound, cripple, disable, incapacitate, impair, mar, mutilate, lacerate, disfigure, d


Definitions of reverence


deep respect for someone or something.

rituals showed honor and reverence for the dead

synonyms: high esteem, high regard, great respect, acclaim, admiration, appreciation, estimation, favor


regard or treat with deep respect.

the many divine beings reverenced by Hindu tradition


Definitions of prostrate


lay oneself flat on the ground face downward, especially in reverence or submission.

she prostrated herself on the bare floor of the church

(of distress, exhaustion, or illness) reduce (someone) to extreme physical weakness.

she was prostrated by a migraine that she could scarcely get up the stairs

synonyms: overwhelm, overcome, overpower, bring to one's knees, devastate, debilitate, weaken,
enfeeble, enervate, lay low, wear out, exhaust, tire out, drain, sap, wash out, take it out of, frazzle, do in,

smear-bris, premaz, kleveta, mrlja, zamazati, mazati se, oklevetati, potući do nogu

definitions of smear

a mark or streak of a greasy or sticky substance.

there was an oil smear on his jacket

synonyms: streak, smudge, daub, dab, spot, patch, blotch, mark, splotch
a sample of material spread thinly on a microscope slide for examination, typically for medical diagnosis.

the smears were stained for cryptosporidium

coat or mark (something) messily or carelessly with a greasy or sticky substance.

his face was smeared with dirt

synonyms: streak, smudge, mark, soil, dirty, splotch, besmear

a false accusation intended to damage someone's reputation.

the media were indulging in unwarranted smears

synonyms: false accusation, lie, untruth, slur, slander, libel, defamation, calumny

damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander.

someone was trying to smear her by faking letters

synonyms: sully, tarnish, blacken, drag through the mud, taint, damage, defame, discredit, mali


Definitions of succumb


fail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some other negative force).

he has become the latest to succumb to the strain

synonyms: yield, give in/way, submit, surrender, capitulate, cave in

pulpit-govornica, propovedaonica u crkvi

Definitions of pulpit


a raised platform or lectern in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon.

The gay rights movement is uncomfortable with that tack, a skepticism bred from years of anti-gay
sermons being delivered from pulpits across the country.

synonyms: stand, lectern, platform, podium, stage, dais, rostrum

crouched-skriven, čučnuti, šćućuriti se

Definitions of crouch


adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, sometimes
to avoid detection or to defend oneself.

we crouched down in the trench

synonyms: squat, bend (down), hunker down, scrunch down, hunch over, stoop, kneel (down), duck,

Definitions of rumbling


a continuous deep, resonant sound.

the rumbling of wheels in the distance

resplendent-sjajan, blistav

Definitions of resplendent


attractive and impressive through being richly colorful or sumptuous.

she was resplendent in a sea-green dress

synonyms: splendid, magnificent, brilliant, dazzling, glittering, gorgeous, impressive, imposing,

abode-prebivalište, boravište

Definitions of abide


a place of residence; a house or home.

her current abode

synonyms: home, house, place of residence, accommodations, quarters, lodgings, domicile, rooms,
address, pad, digs, dwelling, dwelling place, residence, habitation


accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).

I said I would abide by their decision

synonyms: comply with, obey, observe, follow, keep to, hold to, conform to, adhere to, stick to, stand
by, act in accordance with, uphold, heed, accept, go along with, acknowledge, respect, defer to

be unable to tolerate (someone or something).

if there is one thing I cannot abide it is a lack of discipline

synonyms: tolerate, bear, stand, put up with, endure, take, countenance, stomach, brook, suffer

(of a feeling or a memory) continue without fading or being lost.

One memory abides of when, at a very tender age and against the tide, he took up Irish dancing.

synonyms: continue, remain, survive, last, persist, stay, live on

taunts-podsmeh, poruga, zajedljiva primedba, narogati se, oštro prekorevati

Definitions of taunt


a remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone.

The fact that there was perhaps some justification to the taunts of the veterans angered him.

synonyms: jeer, jibe, sneer, insult, barb, catcall, dig, put-down, teasing, provocation, goading, derision,


provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks.

students began taunting her about her weight

synonyms: jeer at, sneer at, scoff at, poke fun at, make fun of, get at, insult, tease, chaff, torme

venting-iskaliti, snabdeti otvorom

Definitions of vent


give free expression to (a strong emotion).

he had come to vent his rage and despair

synonyms: release, air, give vent to, give free rein to, let out, pour out, express, give expression to,
voice, give voice to, verbalize, ventilate, discuss, talk over, communicate

provide with an outlet for air, gas, or liquid.

clothes dryers must be vented to the outside

fidgeting-vrpoljiti se, vrckati

Definitions of fidget


make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience.

the audience had begun to fidget on their chairs

synonyms: move restlessly, wriggle, squirm, twitch, jiggle, shuffle, be agitated, be jittery


move restlessly, wriggle, squirm, twitch, jiggle, shuffle, be agitated, be jittery

play, fuss, toy, twiddle, fool around, fiddle, mess around

impaired-poremećen, nepodesan, oštećen, rasparen, smanjen

Definitions of impair


having a disability of a specified kind.

hearing-impaired children

synonyms: disabled, handicapped, incapacitated, challenged, differently abled


weaken or damage something (especially a human faculty or function).

drug use that impairs job performance

synonyms: have a negative effect on, damage, harm, diminish, reduce, weaken, lessen, decrease,
impede, hinder, hobble, undermine, compromise, vitiate

slain-ubijen, zaklati, ubiti, nadvladati

Definitions of slay

kill (a person or animal) in a violent way.

St. George slew the dragon

synonyms: kill, murder, put to death, butcher, cut down, cut to pieces, slaughter, massacre, sho

noose-omča, zamka, klopka, petlja, uhvatiti u zamku, zapetljati

Definitions of noose


a loop with a running knot, tightening as the rope or wire is pulled and typically used to hang people or
trap animals.

Its gnarled branches twisted and turned into the air, and a hangman's noose hung from one of its
thickest and strongest branches.


put a noose on (someone).

she was noosed and hooded, then strangled by the executioner

dainty-nežan, delikatan, osetljic, poslastica, slatkiš

Definitions of dainty


delicately small and pretty.

a dainty lace handkerchief

fastidious or difficult to please, typically concerning food.

a dainty appetite

synonyms: fastidious, fussy, finicky, particular, discriminating, choosy, persnickety, picky


something good to eat; a delicacy.

Still lifes usually show beautiful vessels filled with wine and appetizing fruit or other dainties invitingly
arranged on lovely china.

synonyms: delicacy, tidbit, fancy, luxury, treat, nibble, appetizer, confection, bonbon, goody


efinitions of frenzy


a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior.

Doreen worked herself into a frenzy of rage

synonyms: hysteria, madness, mania, delirium, feverishness, fever, wildness, agitation, turmoil, tumult,
wild excitement, euphoria, elation, ecstasy; fit, paroxysm, spasm, bout
dredge-bager, iskopati, iskopavati, počistiti bagerom

Definitions of dredge


an apparatus for bringing up objects or mud from a river or seabed by scooping or dragging.

She could spend a morning describing how the Army Corps of Engineers, with massive dredges , keeps
the rivers flowing along the paths shown on maps.


clean out the bed of (a harbor, river, or other area of water) by scooping out mud, weeds, and rubbish
with a dredge.

If more effort were put into ensuring rivers and watercourses were properly dredged and cleared of
weed and vegetation, it may have helped to contain the water, he said.

sprinkle (food) with a powdered substance, typically flour or sugar.

dredge the bananas with sugar and cinnamon


Definitions of posh


elegant or stylishly luxurious.

a posh Munich hotel


in an upper-class way.

trying to talk posh


the quality or state of being elegant, stylish, or upper-class.

we finally bought a color TV, which seemed the height of posh

pantry-ostava, špajz

Definitions of pantry


a small room or closet in which food, dishes, and utensils are kept.

Beyond the kitchen is a spacious storeroom with fitted presses which could serve as a pantry or laundry

synonyms: larder, store, storeroom, spence

laminated-plastificirati, laminirati, uraditi završni sloj nečega kako bi se to zaštitilo od vode, vetra itd.,
uraditi završni premaz stakla, drvata itd.; na listiće, od tankih pločica, štrkljast
Definitions of laminate


overlay (a flat surface, especially paper) with a layer of plastic or some other protective material.

The prints can also be laminated for protection and/or mounted onto Kappa board for extra sturdiness.

synonyms: cover, overlay, coat, surface, face, veneer, glaze, plasticize

See also

laminate, laminated glass, laminated wood

amuck-besno kao demoni

"children are running amuck"

Synonyms of amuck



murderously, amok


demoniac, possessed, amok, berserk, demoniacal

seize-zapleniti, uhvatiti, zarobiti, zgrabiti, oteti, dočepati, spopasti, osvojiti, uklještiti

efinitions of seize


take hold of suddenly and forcibly.

she jumped up and seized his arm

synonyms: grab, grasp, snatch, take hold of, get one's hands on, grip, clutch, nab

(of a machine with moving parts or a moving part in a machine) become stuck or jammed.

the engine seized up after only three weeks

be in legal possession of.

the court is currently seized of custody applications

fasten or attach (someone or something) to something by binding with turns of rope.

lye-ceđ, jak alkalni rastvor kalijum-hidroksida koji se koristi za pranje i čišćenje

Definitions of lye


a strongly alkaline solution, especially of potassium hydroxide, used for washing or cleansing.

Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, also known as lye and caustic soda, is one of the most important of all
industrial chemicals.

tripping-brz, okretan, laka igra, laki ples, cupkanje, pocupkivanje

Definitions of trip


catch one's foot on something and stumble or fall.

he tripped over his cat

synonyms: stumble, lose one's footing, catch one's foot, slip, lose one's balance, fall, fall down, tumble,
topple, take a spill, wipe out

walk, run, or dance with quick light steps.

they tripped up the terrace steps

synonyms: skip, run, dance, prance, bound, spring, scamper

activate (a mechanism), especially by contact with a switch, catch, or other electrical device.

an intruder trips the alarm

synonyms: set off, activate, trigger, turn on

exhort-podtaći, ohrabriti nekog na nešto

Definitions of exhort


strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.

the media have been exhorting people to turn out for the demonstration

synonyms: urge, encourage, call on, enjoin, charge, press, bid, appeal to, entreat, implore, beg, adj
budge-pomeriti se, micati se, kretati se, pomeriti se makar malo, mic jedan, napraviti najmanji pokret

Definitions of budge


make or cause to make the slightest movement.

the line in the bank hasn't budged

synonyms: move, shift, stir, go; dislodge, shift, move, reposition

perpetrators-izvršioci krivičih dela

cherry-pick-gledati jednostrano, selektivno odabirati samo ono što se nekome sviđa da veruje, bez
obzira na istinu

Definitions of cherry-pick


selectively choose (the most beneficial items) from what is available.

the company should buy the whole airline and not just cherry-pick its best assets

in a game such as basketball, wait near the goal for a pass, which can be converted to an easy score.

He hangs back while his linemates cherry-pick , creating long passes and exciting rushes.
clutching-stezati, hvatati se, dočepati, ščepati

Definitions of clutch


grasp or seize (something) tightly or eagerly.

he stood clutching a microphone

synonyms: grip, grasp, clasp, cling to, hang on to, clench, hold

maroon-kesten, odbegli rob crnac, kestenjaste boje, crnci robovi, ostaviti nekog na izolovanom mestu,
naročito nenaseljenom ostrvu, lunjati, odseći nekog od kopna, Jamaićanski crnaci koji su se borili protiv

Definitions of Maroon


of a brownish-crimson color.

Besides the regular reddish maroon colour, there are cream pastes to leave pink, blue, violet, magenta
designs on the skin.


a brownish-crimson color.

The schools new colours are maroon , royal blue and yellow.

leave (someone) trapped and isolated in an inaccessible place, especially an island.

a novel about schoolboys marooned on a desert island

synonyms: strand, cast away, cast ashore, shipwreck, abandon, leave behind, leave, leave in the lurch,
desert, forsake, leave high and dry


a member of any of various communities in parts of the Caribbean who were originally descended from
escaped slaves. In the 18th century Jamaican Maroons fought two wars against the British settlers, both
of which ended with treaties affirming the independence of the Maroons.

Nanny was the greatest of the generals of the Maroons , runaway slaves who forged a society and an
identity in the weedy-thick hill country of the Jamaican hinterland.

mannequins-manekeni, krojačke lutke, lutke u izlogu

Definitions of mannequin


a dummy used to display clothes in a store window.

Once I was able to sift through, I found I was surrounded by mannequins displaying the newest Berliner

synonyms: dummy, model, figure

ramble-lutati, udaljavati se, skitati, šetati, istraživati šetajući, udaljavati se od teme, vrdati, ne davati
pravi odgovor nego zavlačiti sagovornika, skretati temu, praviti digresije
Definitions of ramble


a walk taken for pleasure, especially in the countryside.

Based at 18 excellent country houses, they have a wide choice of walks from gentle rambles to
adventure treks.

synonyms: walk, hike, trek, wander, stroll, saunter, amble, roam, traipse, jaunt, promenade, mosey,
tootle, perambulation


walk for pleasure, typically without a definite route.

Surely we should be able to walk our dogs or simply ramble along in safety and in peace to enjoy the
views and healthy exercise?

synonyms: walk, hike, tramp, trek, backpack, wander, stroll, saunter, amble, roam, range, rove, traipse,
mosey, tootle, perambulate

talk or write at length in a confused or inconsequential way.

he rambled on about his acting career

synonyms: chatter, babble, prattle, prate, blather, jabber, twitter, maunder, jaw, gas, gab, yak, yabber,

See also

hone-brusiti, oštriti, brus, oštrač, izbrusiti

Definitions of hone

a whetstone, especially one used to sharpen razors.

By the way, a diamond hone is the ideal tool for sharpening in camp.


sharpen (a blade).

he was carefully honing the curved blade

synonyms: sharpen, whet, strop, grind, file, polish, refine, improve, enhance, fine-tune

refine or perfect (something) over a period of time.

she has taken numerous workshops to hone her skills over the years

lavish-raskopan, izdašan, preobilan

Definitions of lavish


sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious.

a lavish banquet

synonyms: sumptuous, luxurious, costly, expensive, opulent, grand, splendid, rich, fancy, posh, fancy-


bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities upon.

the media couldn't lavish enough praise on the film

synonyms: give freely to, spend generously on, bestow on, heap on, shower with
whistleblower-onaj koji informiše javnost o skrivenim stvarima od javnog značaja, zviždač

Definitions of whistle-blower


a person who informs on a person or organization engaged in an illicit activity.

Nurses also may not report other nurses for fear of being perceived as snitches or labeled as whistle-
blowers .

etalon-pramera, osnovna mera, osnovna težina; voj. kalibar, kalibarska mera.

Zlatna podloga ka merilo za vrednost neke valute (novca);

Precizno napravljen uzorak neke mere kojom se proverava tačnost i preciznost iste takve mere (npr.
etalon mere za dužinu je metar)(fr.)

eskapada-pogrešan skok u stranu školskog konja; fig. nepromišljen i nestašan podvig, nestašluk. (fr.)

hem-rub, porub, oivičiti, porubiti, opšiti, kašljucati

Definitions of hem


the edge of a piece of cloth or clothing that has been turned under and sewn.

Top-stitched hems on denim garments tend to curl up to the outside.

synonyms: edge, edging, border, trim, trimming


turn under and sew the edge of (a piece of cloth or clothing).

Moreover, overlocking seams and hemming garments are not necessary because the fabric doesn't fray.


used in writing to indicate a sound made when coughing or clearing the throat to attract someone's
attention or express hesitation.

In truth I had slept about 3 hours and breakfast had been a pint of Stella - ah hem .

2 more definitions


Definitions of folly


lack of good sense; foolishness.

an act of sheer folly

a costly ornamental building with no practical purpose, especially a tower or mock-Gothic ruin built in a
large garden or park.

The monument to the seventh Earl continued the tradition of follies and garden buildings begun in the
18th century.

a theatrical revue, typically with glamorous female performers.

the Ziegfeld Follies

threshold-prag, početak

Definitions of threshold


a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or

George enters the house, crossing its threshold with one broad step.

synonyms: doorstep, doorway, entrance, entry, door, gate, gateway, portal, doorsill

the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or
condition to occur or be manifested.

nothing happens until the signal passes the threshold

See also

threshold value, pain threshold, threshold limit, absolute threshold, threshold voltage
cervid-sisar iz porodice jelena

Definitions of cervid


a mammal of the deer family ( Cervidae ).

Although no reindeer have ever been affected by chronic wasting disease, many states have closed their
borders to all members of the cervid family - including deer, elk, moose, and reindeer.

shoo-oterati životinju uzvikom "Šu"!

Definitions of shoo


make (a person or animal) go away by waving one's arms at them, saying “shoo,” or otherwise acting in
a discouraging manner.

I went to comfort her but she shooed me away

See also

shoo away

antlers-jelenji rogovi
Definitions of antler


one of the branched horns on the head of an adult (usually male) deer, which are made of bone and are
grown and cast off annually.

Except for female caribou, only male deer grow antlers , which they shed each year.

wreak havoc-opustošiti

wreak-olupina, iskaliti se, osvetiti se

Definitions of wreak


cause (a large amount of damage or harm).

torrential rainstorms wreaked havoc yesterday

synonyms: inflict, bestow, mete out, administer, deliver, impose, exact, create, cause, result in, effect,
engender, bring about, perpetrate, unleash, let loose, vent, effectuate

See also

wreak havoc, wreak one's anger

docile-onaj koji izvršava naređenja bespogovorno, koji nema svoju volju, poslušan, podređen, pitom

Definitions of docile


ready to accept control or instruction; submissive.

a cheap and docile workforce

synonyms: compliant, obedient, pliant, dutiful, submissive, deferential, unassertive, cooperative,

lever-poluga, ručica, dići polugom

Definitions of lever


a rigid bar resting on a pivot, used to help move a heavy or firmly fixed load with one end when pressure
is applied to the other.

In Book II Heron discusses lifting heavy objects with a lever , a pulley, a wedge, or a screw.

synonyms: crowbar, bar, jimmy


lift or move with a lever.

she levered the lid off the pot with a screwdriver

synonyms: pry, prize, force, wrench, pull, wrest, heave, jimmy

leverage-moć, snaga, snaga poluge

Definitions of leverage


the exertion of force by means of a lever or an object used in the manner of a lever.

my spade hit something solid that wouldn't respond to leverage

synonyms: grip, purchase, hold, support, anchorage, force, strength

the ratio of a company's loan capital (debt) to the value of its common stock (equity).


use borrowed capital for (an investment), expecting the profits made to be greater than the interest

a leveraged takeover bid

use (something) to maximum advantage.

the organization needs to leverage its key resources

strive-težiti, stremiti, zapinjati, nastojati, truditi se mnogo, naprezati se od teškog posla

Definitions of strive

make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.

national movements were striving for independence

See also

strive for, to strive, strive to, strive as much as possible, strive after, strive hard

evict-iseliti, isterati

Definitions of evict


expel (someone) from a property, especially with the support of the law.

he had court orders to evict the trespassers from three camps

synonyms: expel, eject, oust, remove, dislodge, turn out, throw out, drive out, dispossess, expropriate,
chuck out, kick out, boot out, bounce, give someone the (old) heave-ho, throw someone out on their
ear, give someone the bum's rush, give someone their walking papers

deffered-odloženo, odgođeno
Definitions of defer


put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.

they deferred the decision until February

synonyms: postpone, put off, delay, hold over, hold off (on), put back, shelve, suspend, stay, put over,
table, put on ice, put on the back burner, back-burner, put in cold storage, mothball

submit humbly to (a person or a person's wishes or qualities).

he deferred to Tim's superior knowledge

synonyms: yield to, submit to, give way to, give in to, surrender to, capitulate to, acquiesce to, respect,

See also

defer, deferred payment, deferred income, deferred charges, deferred expenses, deferred
compensation, deferred assets, standard of deferred payment, deferred maintenance, deferred

wayward-svojeglav, samovoljan, svojevoljan, tvrdoglav, uporan, neposlušan, nepredvidiv i težak za

kontrolisanje zato što samo sebe sluša ili je mračan i nepoznat

Definitions of wayward


difficult to control or predict because of unusual or perverse behavior.

her wayward, difficult sister

synonyms: willful, headstrong, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, perverse, contrary, disobedient, insubo

incentives-podsticaji, pobude

Definitions of incentive


a thing that motivates or encourages one to do something.

there is no incentive for customers to conserve water

synonyms: inducement, motivation, motive, reason, stimulus, stimulant, spur, impetus, encouragement,
impulse, incitement, goad, provocation, attraction, lure, bait, carrot, sweetener, come-on

See also

incentive, financial incentives, economic incentives, monetary incentives

ruthless-nemilosrdno, nemilostivo, bez milosti

Definitions of ruthless


having or showing no pity or compassion for others.

a ruthless manipulator

synonyms: merciless, pitiless, cruel, heartless, hard-hearted, cold-hearted, cold-blooded, harsh,

excitation-uzbuđenje, uzbuđenost

Definitions of excitation


the application of energy to a particle, object, or physical system, in particular.

Pyrethroids attack the nervous system of insects, provoking excitation , paralysis and death.

the action or state of exciting or being excited; excitement.

a state of sexual excitation


Definitions of berate


scold or criticize (someone) angrily.

his mother came out and berated me for raising my voice

synonyms: scold, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, admonish, chide, criticize, upbraid, tak
belittle-omalovažavati, ponižavati

Definitions of belittle


make (someone or something) seem unimportant.

this is not to belittle his role

synonyms: disparage, denigrate, run down, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade, play down, trivialize,
minimize, make light of, pooh-pooh, treat lightly, scoff at, sneer at, derogate, misprize

adage-izreka, poslovica

Definitions of adage


a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth.

the old adage “out of sight out of mind.”

synonyms: saying, maxim, axiom, proverb, aphorism, saw, dictum, byword, precept, motto, truis

spew-bljuvanje, povraćanje
Definitions of spew


expel large quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly.

buses were spewing out black clouds of exhaust

synonyms: emit, discharge, eject, expel, belch out, pour out, spout, gush, spurt, disgorge

whiff-zvužduk, dah vetrića na trenutak, prijatan miris kratkog trajanja

Definitions of whiff


a smell that is only smelled briefly or faintly.

I caught a whiff of peachy perfume

synonyms: faint smell, trace, sniff, scent, odor, aroma

a puff or breath of air or smoke.

It puffed a whiff of smoke and crouched down to their level.

synonyms: puff, gust, flurry, breath, draft, waft


get a brief or faint smell of.

he screwed up his nose as if he'd whiffed Limburger

regimen-režim, uprava, upravljanje

Definitions of regimen


a prescribed course of medical treatment, way of life, or diet for the promotion or restoration of health.

a regimen of one or two injections per day

a system of government.

diligence-marljivost, vrednoća, radinost

Definitions of diligence


careful and persistent work or effort.

It's all just going to take diligence and persistence and we've got plenty of that.

synonyms: conscientiousness, assiduousness, assiduity, hard work, application, concentration, effort,

care, industriousness, rigor, meticulousness, thoroughness, perseverance, persistence, tenacity,
dedication, commitment, tirelessness, indefatigability, doggedness

a public stagecoach.
stammering tongue-peckanje jezika, mucanje, zamuckivanje

Definitions of stammer


speak with sudden involuntary pauses and a tendency to repeat the initial letters of words.

Michael O'Shea, who is over the McGuire Programme's Waterford support group, said the programme
provided help and support to people with this speech problem by teaching them a technique that
enables them to speak without stammering .

synonyms: stutter, stumble over one's words, hesitate, falter, pause, halt, splutter

disposition-, karakter nečiji, crte ličnosti, nastrojenje, način na koji je nešto uređeno, raspored, narav,
raspolaganje, upravljanje..

Definitions of disposition


a person's inherent qualities of mind and character.

a sweet-natured girl of a placid disposition

synonyms: temperament, nature, character, constitution, makeup, mentality

the way in which something is placed or arranged, especially in relation to other things.

the plan need not be accurate so long as it shows the disposition of the rooms

synonyms: arrangement, positioning, placement, configuration, setup, lineup, layout, array, marshaling,
mustering, grouping, dressing

the action of distributing or transferring property or money to someone, in particular by bequest.

this is a tax that affects the disposition of assets on death

synonyms: distribution, disposal, allocation, transfer, sale, auction

the power to deal with something as one pleases.

if Napoleon had had railroads at his disposition , he would have been invincible

loathing-omalovažavanje, gađenje, gnušanje

Definitions of loathe


a feeling of intense dislike or disgust; hatred.

the thought filled him with loathing


feel intense dislike or disgust for.

she loathed him on sight

synonyms: hatred, hate, detestation, abhorrence, abomination, execration, odium, antipathy, dislike,
hostility, animosity, ill feeling, bad feeling, malice, animus, enmity, aversion, repugnance; hate, detest,
abhor, execrate, have a strong aversion to, feel repugnance toward, not be able to bear/stand, be
repelled by

tares-korov, grahorica, dara (vrste korova), korov u biblijskom smislu..

Definitions of tare


a vetch, especially the common vetch.

Good soil is made by plenty of bulky waste organic material or growing winter tares or clover during a
resting year.

(in biblical use) an injurious weed resembling wheat when young (Matt. 13:24–30).

Some recover and go on to ‘produce a good crop,’ while others become weeds, or tares in God's field, of
whom Jesus Christ made a dire warning in another of His parables.

an allowance made for the weight of the packaging in order to determine the net weight of goods.

The tare weight of a 463L pallet is about 300 pounds.

erudicija-načitanost, učenost, obrazovanost, naučnost.

Duboka učenost, opsežno znanje, obrazovanje, načitanost (lat.)

konsternacija-poraženost, preneraženje, preneraženost, zaprepašćenje, zaprepašćenost, utučenost,

zabuna. (lat.)

shenanigans-smicalice, nasamarivanja..

Definitions of shenanigans

secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering.

widespread financial shenanigans had ruined the fortunes of many

hijinks-šale, vicevi, štosovi, fazoni, smicalice, nasamarivanja, manipulacije..

Synonyms of hijinks


antics, pranks, escapades, stunts, practical jokes, tricks, fun, fun and games, skylarking, mischief,
silliness, horseplay, tomfoolery, clowning, shenanigans, capers, monkey business

high jinks, jinks

jabbing-zadati kratak direkt udarac, probosti, udariti šiljatim predmetom

Definitions of jab


poke (someone or something) roughly or quickly, especially with something sharp or pointed.

she jabbed him in his ribs

synonyms: poke, prod, dig, nudge, butt, ram, thrust, stab, push
plunged-uroniti, zariti, skočiti, strmoglaviti, sručiti, uvaliti, gnjurati, sjuriti se, uskočiti, gurnuti, ugurati
nešto na silu

Definitions of plunge


jump or dive quickly and energetically.

our daughters whooped as they plunged into the sea

synonyms: dive, jump, throw oneself, launch oneself

push or thrust quickly.

he plunged his hands into his pockets

synonyms: thrust, jab, stab, sink, stick, ram, drive, push, shove, force

infamous-zloglasni, ozloglašen, sramotan

Definitions of infamous


well known for some bad quality or deed.

an infamous war criminal

synonyms: notorious, disreputable, legendary, fabled, famed

baffled-zbunjen, zbuniti, pregraditi

Definitions of baffle


totally bewilder or perplex.

an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone

restrain or regulate (a fluid, sound, etc.).

to baffle the noise further, I pad the gunwales

synonyms: perplex, puzzle, bewilder, mystify, bemuse, confuse, confound, disconcert, flummox, faze,

bleep-piskav zvuk, pištati, škripati..

Definitions of bleep


a short high-pitched sound made by an electronic device as a signal or to attract attention.

the autopilot sent back an acknowledgment bleep


(of an electronic device) make a short high-pitched sound or repeated sequence of sounds.
the screen flickered for a few moments and bleeped

guzzling-tamaniti, proždirati, njupati, šljemati i krkati

Definitions of guzzle


eat or drink (something) greedily.

we guzzle our beer and devour our pizza

synonyms: gulp down, swallow, quaff, down, swill, knock back, swig, slug

halide-smesa koja se prska iz aparata za gašenje požara

Definitions of halide


a binary compound of a halogen with another element or group.

In elimination reactions, larger molecules expel smaller molecules like water, hydrogen halides , carbon
dioxide and other diatomic gases to form new substances.

In elimination reactions, larger molecules expel smaller molecules like water, hydrogen halides , carbon
dioxide and other diatomic gases to form new substances.

4 more examples

See also

metal halide lamp

commissary-restoran kantina u nekoj velikoj prodavnici npr.IKEA, u filmskom studiu, u vojnoj bazi, u
zatvoru, itd., bife..takođe znači delegat, izaslanik, poslanik neke zemlje na nekoj konferenciji, samitu,

Definitions of commissary


a restaurant in a movie studio, military base, prison, or other institution.

The restaurants paid the commissary a price for supplies that left their food costs at 28% to 29% of

a deputy or delegate.

For instance, we are trying to teach French to the new European commissaries

incandescent-žare i pale, usijan, užaren

Definitions of incandescent


emitting light as a result of being heated.

plumes of incandescent liquid rock

synonyms: white-hot, red-hot, burning, fiery, blazing, ablaze, aflame, glowing, aglow, radiant, bright,
brilliant, luminous, sparkling, fervid, lucent, igneous

passionate or brilliant.

Mravinsky's incandescent performance of Siegfried's Funeral March

synonyms: passionate, ardent, fervent, fervid, intense, impassioned, spirited, fiery

repellent-.sredstvo za zaštitu od insekata, odvratan, odbojan

Definitions of repellent


able to repel a particular thing; impervious to a particular substance.

water-repellent nylon

synonyms: impermeable, impervious, resistant, -proof

causing disgust or distaste.

the idea was slightly repellent to her

synonyms: revolting, repulsive, disgusting, repugnant, sickening, nauseating, stomach-turning,

nauseous, vile, nasty, foul, horrible, awful, dreadful, terrible, obnoxious, loathsome, offensive,
objectionable, abhorrent, despicable, reprehensible, contemptible, odious, hateful, execrable, vomitous,
ghastly, horrid, gross, yucky, icky, funky, noisome

a substance that dissuades particular insects or other pests from approaching or settling.

a flea repellent

a substance used to treat something, especially fabric or stone, so as to make it impervious to water.

treat brick with a silicone water repellent

hype-stimulisati i uzbuditi nekoga, intenzivno i ekstravagandno promovisati nešto..

Definitions of hype


extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion.

she relied on hype and headlines to stoke up interest in her music

synonyms: publicity, advertising, promotion, marketing, exposure, self-promotion, ballyhoo, promo

a hypodermic needle or injection.


promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its importance or benefits.

an industry quick to hype its products

synonyms: publicize, advertise, promote, push, boost, merchandise, build up, plug

stimulate or excite (someone).

I was hyped up because I wanted to do well

humpty dumpty-debeljuškast čovek, debeljuca, ćuftast čovek, ćufta, toplo pivo s rakijom

Definitions of Humpty Dumpty


a fat, rotund person.

he was a Humpty Dumpty figure of a man

a person or thing that once overthrown cannot be restored.

hindered-ometen, omatati, omesti, sprečiti, smetati

Definitions of hinder


create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or obstruction.

various family stalemates were hindering communication

synonyms: hamper, obstruct, impede, inhibit, retard, balk, prevent, thwart, foil, curb, delay, arrest,
interfere with, set back, slow down, hobble, hold back, hold up, stop, halt, restrict, restrain, constrain,
block, check, curtail, frustrate, cramp, handicap, cripple, hamstring, stymie, throw a wrench in the works

redux-oživljavanje, povratak u život

Definitions of redux


brought back; revived.

the 1980s were far more than just the '50s redux


expressing greeting or acclaim.

hail, Caesar!

downtrodden-ugnjetavati siromašnije stanovništvo, zlostavljati ih, poražen, podjarmljen, ugnjeten

Definitions of downtrodden


oppressed or treated badly by people in power.

a downtrodden proletarian struggling for social justice

synonyms: oppressed, subjugated, persecuted, repressed, tyrannized, crushed, enslaved, exploited,

victimized, bullied, disadvantaged, underprivileged, powerless, helpless, abused, maltreated

showcase-izložba, vitrina
Definitions of showcase


a glass case used for displaying articles in a store or museum.

The first one I saw displayed in a gun shop showcase drew customers like bears to honey.


exhibit; display.

the albums showcase his production skills

excessive-preteran, suvišan, prekomeran

Definitions of excessive


more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate.

he was drinking excessive amounts of brandy

synonyms: immoderate, intemperate, imprudent, overindulgent, unrestrained, uncontrolled, lavish,

extravagant, superfluous; exorbitant, extortionate, unreasonable, outrageous, undue, uncalled for,
extreme, inordinate, unwarranted, disproportionate, too much, de trop, over the top

See also

excessive living, excessive bleeding, excessive drinking, excessive amount, excessive pressure, not
bash-tresnuti, udariti

Definitions of bash


a heavy blow.

a bash on the head

synonyms: blow, rap, hit, knock, bang, slap, crack, thump, tap, wallop, clout, belt, whack, bonk, thwack,
bop, sock

a party or social event.

a birthday bash


strike hard and violently.

bash a mosquito with a newspaper

synonyms: strike, hit, beat, thump, slap, smack, bang, knock, batter, pound, pummel, wallop, clout, bel

jesters-dvorska budala, dvorska luda, lakrdijaš, pajac

Definitions of jester


a professional joker or “fool” at a medieval court, typically wearing a cap with bells on it and carrying a
mock scepter.
The gray-furred Child laughed, cavorting around the confused guards like a court jester in a medieval

synonyms: fool, court fool, court jester, clown, harlequin, pantaloon, buffoon, merry andrew

emphasis-davati veliki značaj nečemu, da vam nešto bude ispred svega ostalog, na prvom mesti, isticati
nešto, nešto što je od najvećeg značaja



leakage, expiration, efflux, outgo, emphasis

Definitions of emphasis


special importance, value, or prominence given to something.

they placed great emphasis on the individual's freedom

synonyms: prominence, importance, significance, value, stress, weight, accent, attention, priority,
preeminence, urgency, force

cease-prekid, prestati, prekinuti

Definitions of cease


bring or come to an end.

the hostilities had ceased and normal life was resumed

synonyms: come to an end, come to a halt, end, halt, stop, conclude, terminate, finish, draw to a close,
be over; bring to an end, bring to a halt, end, halt, stop, conclude, terminate, finish, wind up,
discontinue, suspend, break off, leave off

See also

to cease, cease-fire, cease fire, cease to exist, cease and desist, cease to be, cease to be faithful

perish-propasti, poginuti, stradati, skapavati

Definitions of perish


suffer death, typically in a violent, sudden, or untimely way.

a great part of his army perished of hunger and disease

synonyms: die, lose one's life, be killed, fall, expire, meet one's death, be lost, lay down one's life,

attire-odeća, ruho, svečana odora

Definitions of attire


clothes, especially fine or formal ones.

holiday attire

synonyms: clothing, clothes, garments, dress, wear, outfits, garb, costume, gear, duds, getup, threads,
apparel, raiment, habiliments


be dressed in clothes of a specified kind.

Donna was attired in an elaborate evening gown

synonyms: dress, dress up, clothe, garb, robe, array, costume, swathe, deck, deck out, turn out

cleavage-cepanje, razdeljak na sisama ili na dupetu, rascep

Definitions of cleavage


a sharp division; a split.

a system dominated by the class cleavage




Where possible, flawed sections are removed and larger crystals cut into smaller pieces with minimal
wastage by splitting the crystal along natural cleavage planes.

edify-prosvetiti nekog, popraviti nekog moralno i duhovno

Definitions of edify


instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.

But there are some who desire to know that they may edify others, and that is praiseworthy; and there
are some who desire to know that they themselves may be edified, and that is wise.

synonyms: educate, instruct, teach, school, tutor, train, guide, enlighten, inform, cultivate, develop, im

covetous-ljubomorna, zavidna, žudna, željna, gramziva

Definitions of covetous


having or showing a great desire to possess something, typically something belonging to someone else.

she fingered the linen with covetous hands

synonyms: grasping, greedy, acquisitive, desirous, possessive, envious, green with envy, green-eye
discern-razlikovati, raspoznavati, prepoznati

Definitions of discern


perceive or recognize (something).

I can discern no difference between the two policies

slither-gmizati, puziti, vijugavo ici po podlozi kao zmija, kliziti, prikradati se, migoljiti se

Definitions of slither


move smoothly over a surface with a twisting or oscillating motion.

I spied a baby adder slithering away


a slithering movement.

a snakelike slither across the grass



slide, slip, glide, wriggle, crawl, skid

slideprikradati se

thunderbird-ptica koja donosi grmljavinu kod severnih Indijanaca

Definitions of thunderbird


a mythical bird thought by some North American Indians to bring thunder.

The patch - painted to depict a North American Indian mythical half-eagle, half-hawk thunderbird - is
hallowed ground.

oblivious-nesvestan težine situacije; nemoćan, i zato neaktivan, po pitanju rešavanja teške situacije u
kojoj se nalazi, potiskuje realno tešku situaciju u podsvest i ponaša se kao da je sve u najboljem redu

Definitions of oblivious


not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.

she became absorbed, oblivious to the passage of time

synonyms: unaware of, unconscious of, heedless of, unmindful of, insensible of/to, unheeding of,
ignorant of, incognizant of, blind to, deaf to, unsuspecting of, unobservant of, insensitive to,
unconcerned with, impervious to, unaffected by, indifferent to, clueless
See also

oblivious to

sauerkraut-kiseli kupus

watercress-pečurka potočarka koja raste u potocima u vodi

mortgage.hipoteka, ugovor o hipoteci, kredit koji se otplacuje, zaloziti, zaduziti, staviti pod hipoteku

Definitions of mortgage


the charging of real (or personal) property by a debtor to a creditor as security for a debt (especially one
incurred by the purchase of the property), on the condition that it shall be returned on payment of the
debt within a certain period.

If you have personal debt, such as a line of credit used for investment purchases, consider converting
this debt into a personal mortgage on real estate.


convey (a property) to a creditor as security on a loan.

the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt

See also

mortgage loan, mortgage company, mortgage lender, mortgage loans, mortgage-backed security,
reverse mortgage, mortgage rate, second mortgage, mortgage bond, mortgage debt

annuity-godišnja renta

Definitions of annuity


a fixed sum of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life.

he left her an annuity of $1,000 in his will


Definitions of debris


scattered fragments, typically of something wrecked or destroyed.

the bomb hits it, showering debris from all sides

synonyms: detritus, refuse, rubbish, waste, litter, scrap, dross, chaff, flotsam and jetsam, rubble,
wreckage, remains, scraps, dregs, trash, garbage, dreck, junk
See also

space debris, debris field

post festum (lat. post festum)

"posle svečanosti" ,tj. dockan, prekasno, posle boja kopljem u trnje.

"me ne frego" (italian)-to je rekao Musolini i znači "I don't care", ako je google translate tačan.

Evo tačnog prevoda dobijenog na forumu kao odgovor na pitanje:

What is the meaning of this phrase?

It's connected to the fans (Juve :cool: ).

In the site it says that FREGO is the 1st person indicative of "fregare",

and that it means "cheat" or "rub", but I don't find it apropriate.


Penso che la frase "Me ne frego" abbia il significato di "I don't give a care" o più forte "I don't give a

Hello and welcome! :)

Fregarsene, which is the infinitive form, means "not to give a damn", "not to care". I am not sure what
the Juve fans precisely mean (there is a fascist connotation of the expression! :eek: ), but I suggest that
you also visit these two threads: 1, 2.

Hope this helps.


Actually, if you say "me ne frega" it could also mean "I do care". But if you say "non me ne frega" or "me
ne frego" then it means "I don't care".

A couple of examples:

Di questa partita me ne frega eccome!

I do care about this match!

Non me ne frega niente se te ne vai.

I don't care at all if you leave.

Non ti piace? Me ne frego!

Don't you like it? I don't care!


Wikipedia page about Fascist_Italy says: Me ne frego, literally "I rub myself about it," closer, in meaning,
to "I don't give a damn": the Italian Fascist motto.

I found myself a reference about this expression in the book of Ignazio Silone, The School for Dictators,
1938, p. 8. I quote: "I learnt this expression in the chapel dedicated to the fascist martyrs in Milan. It was
sewn into the pennants of the 1919 squadristi".

Ciao, Dan
readily-spremno, lako, bez oklevanja, voljno, saglasno

Definitions of readily


without hesitation or reluctance; willingly.

he readily admits that the new car surpasses its predecessors

synonyms: willingly, without hesitation, unhesitatingly, ungrudgingly, gladly, happily, eagerly, promptly



willingly, easily, promptly

10 more synonyms

quenched-ugasiti, utoliti

Definitions of quench


satisfy (one's thirst) by drinking.

He no longer quenches his thirst by drinking sodas.

extinguish (a fire).

firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames

synonyms: extinguish, put out, snuff out, smother, douse

willies-penisi, muški polni organi, tukiji veštački

Definitions of willy


a strong feeling of nervous apprehension and discomfort.

that room gave him the willies


a penis.

See also

willy, willie, get the willies

lurks-vreba, leži, skriva se i čeka da napadne

Definitions of lurk


(of a person or animal) be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something.

a ruthless killer still lurked in the darkness

synonyms: skulk, loiter, lie in wait, lie low, hide, conceal oneself, take cover, keep out of sight
veneer-furnir, glazura, sa furnirom, sa glazurom, ironično-spolja gladac, a unutra jadac

Definitions of veneer


a thin decorative covering of fine wood applied to a coarser wood or other material.

Much of today's furniture is made with a thin wood veneer over a core of particleboard, and this
material also will rapidly absorb water.


cover (something) with a decorative layer of fine wood.

Hardwood veneered plywood, however, takes laser engraving very well.

forge-falsifikovati, patvoriti, kovati, kovanica..

Definitions of forge


a blacksmith's workshop; a smithy.

Culm was the material most widely used in the forges by blacksmiths and large quantities of the sub-
stance were imported from England and Wales for that purpose.


make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and beating or hammering it.
For a dark blade such as this, the metal is forged in a magical fire of burning ice.

synonyms: hammer out, beat into shape, fashion

produce a copy or imitation of (a document, signature, banknote, or work or art) for the purpose of

The plaintiff could easily have forged her partner's signature to it.

synonyms: fake, falsify, counterfeit, copy, imitate, reproduce, replicate, simulate

move forward gradually or steadily.

he forged through the crowded side streets

synonyms: advance steadily, advance gradually, press on, push on, soldier on, march on, push forward,
make progress, make headway

dissent-neslaganje, razmimoilaženje..

Definitions of dissent


the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held.

there was no dissent from this view

synonyms: disagreement, difference of opinion, argument, dispute, disapproval, objection, protest,

opposition, defiance, conflict, friction, strife, infighting


hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed.

two members dissented from the majority

resounding-glasno, koji odjekuje, odlično, preveliko (pobeda)

Definitions of resound


(of a sound) loud enough to reverberate.

a resounding smack across the face

synonyms: reverberant, reverberating, resonant, resonating, echoing, ringing, sonorous, deep, full-
throated, rich, clear, loud, booming

unmistakable; emphatic.

the evening was a resounding success

synonyms: enormous, huge, very great, tremendous, terrific, colossal, emphatic, decisive, conclusive,
outstanding, remarkable, phenomenal


(of a sound, voice, etc.) fill a place with sound; be loud enough to echo.

another scream resounded through the school

synonyms: echo, re-echo, reverberate, ring out, boom, thunder, rumble

sing (the praises) of.

Horace resounds the praises of Italy

insurmountable-nepremostive (prepreke), nesavladive (prepreke)..

Definitions of insurmountable


too great to be overcome.

an insurmountable problem

synonyms: insuperable, unconquerable, invincible, unassailable, overwhelming, hopeless, impossible


Definitions of tentacle


a slender flexible limb or appendage in an animal, especially around the mouth of an invertebrate, used
for grasping, moving about, or bearing sense organs.

The feature shared by this group is the lophophore, an unusual feeding appendage bearing hollow
tentacles .

nauseating-koji izaziva mučninu, gađenje, odvratan

Definitions of nauseate


causing or liable to cause a feeling of nausea or disgust; disgusting.

the stench became nauseating

synonyms: sickening, nauseous, stomach-churning, emetic, sickly, disgusting, revolting, offensive,

loathsome, obnoxious, foul, vomitous, gross, gut-churning, gut-wrenching


make (someone) feel sick; affect with nausea.

the thought of food nauseated her

scrutiny-nadzor, pregled, ispitivanje

Definitions of scrutiny


critical observation or examination.

every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny

synonyms: examination, inspection, survey, study, perusal, investigation, exploration, probe, inquiry,

shard-oštro, polomljeno staklo ili plastika ili metal, ali polomljeno i oštro, krhotina

Definitions of shard

a piece of broken ceramic, metal, glass, or rock, typically having sharp edges.

shards of glass flew in all directions

synonyms: fragment, sliver, splinter, shiver, chip, piece, bit, particle

unscathed-nepovređen, neozleđen

Definitions of unscathed


without suffering any injury, damage, or harm.

I came through all those perils unscathed

synonyms: unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, undamaged, in one piece, intact, safe (and sound), unma


Definitions of premonition


a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant.

he had a premonition of imminent disaster

synonyms: foreboding, presentiment, intuition, (funny) feeling, hunch, suspicion, feeling in one's b
conjuring-prizivati, preklinjati, dozivati u obredima nekog demona

Definitions of conjure


the performance of tricks that are seemingly magical, typically involving sleight of hand.

a conjuring trick

synonyms: magic, illusion, sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation


make (something) appear unexpectedly or seemingly from nowhere as if by magic.

Anne conjured up a most delicious homemade stew

synonyms: produce, make appear, materialize, summon

implore (someone) to do something.

By the ministry of a faithful eunuch she transmitted to him a ring, the pledge of her affection, and
earnestly conjured him to claim her as a lawful spouse to whom he had been secretly betrothed.

ranting-pričati koješta, buncati, žaliti se na neku nepravdu ali tako da iritirate druge, besno govoriti,
Definitions of rant


speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.

she was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all



rant, harangue


fulminate, go on, hold forth, vociferate, sound off, spout, pontificate, bluster, declaim, shout, yell,
bellow, mouth off

spout, jabber, rabbit on, mouth off, rave

fugly-very ugly or unattractive

gaunt-mršav, koščat, neuhranjen, kost i koža, oklembešena koža kod mnogo mršavih ljudi, vitak, grom

Definitions of gaunt


(of a person) lean and haggard, especially because of suffering, hunger, or age.

She was gaunt , painfully thin, expressionless, wearing a sleeveless top, dark pants, and sandals.
synonyms: haggard, drawn, thin, lean, skinny, spindly, spare, bony, angular, rawboned, pinched, hollow-
cheeked, scrawny, scraggy, as thin as a rail, cadaverous, skeletal, emaciated, skin-and-bones, wasted,
withered, etiolated, anorexic, (looking) like a bag of bones, spindle-shanked



haggard, bleak

42 more synonyms

intel-information of military or political vaulue

"prewar intel"

nauseating-odvratan, koji izaziva gadjenje, mucnina

Definitions of nauseate


causing or liable to cause a feeling of nausea or disgust; disgusting.

the stench became nauseating

synonyms: sickening, nauseous, stomach-churning, emetic, sickly, disgusting, revolting, offensive,

loathsome, obnoxious, foul, vomitous, gross, gut-churning, gut-wrenching


make (someone) feel sick; affect with nausea.

the thought of food nauseated her

blast-eksplozija, dizati u vazduh, štetiti, proklinjati, zvuk duvačkog instrumenta, eksplozija, jak nalet vetra

Definitions of -blast


a destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outward from an explosion.

they were thrown backward by the blast

synonyms: shock wave, pressure wave


blow up or break apart (something solid) with explosives.

quantities of solid rock had to be blasted away

synonyms: blow up, bomb, blow to pieces, dynamite, shell, explode


expressing annoyance.

“Blast! The car won't start!”


denoting an embryonic cell.


7 more definitions
flaunt-paradirati, razmetati se

Definitions of flaunt


display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show


newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity

synonyms: show off, display ostentatiously, make a (great) show of, put on show/display, parade, brag
about, crow about, vaunt, flash

usher-razvodnik, vratar, razvoditi

Definitions of usher


a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a theater or at a wedding.

An usher at the cinema said the attendance had been better when the film was first released some
weeks ago, but there were no sell-outs.

synonyms: guide, attendant, escort, sidesman

an assistant teacher.
It was modest in size, with perhaps 40 pupils taught by one master, assisted by an usher , in the room
above the guildhall, both of which survive and are still used by the school.


show or guide (someone) somewhere.

a waiter ushered me to a table

synonyms: escort, accompany, take, show, see, lead, conduct, guide, steer, shepherd, marshal

cause or mark the start of something new.

the railroads ushered in an era of cheap mass travel

perils-opasnosti, rizici

Definitions of peril


serious and immediate danger.

his family was in peril

synonyms: danger, jeopardy, risk, hazard, insecurity, uncertainty, menace, threat, perilousness, pitfall,


expose to danger; threaten.

Jonathon periled his life for love of David

flaunting-paradirati, razmetati se

Definitions of flaunt


display (something) ostentatiously, especially in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show


newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity

synonyms: show off, display ostentatiously, make a (great) show of, put on show/display, parade, brag
about, crow about, vaunt, flash

mingle-mešati se na njima, umešati se u neku gužvu i stopiti se s njom, umešati se među bogataše ne bi
li tako profitirali, nadaju se neki..

Definitions of mingle


mix or cause to mix together.

the sound of voices mingled with a scraping of chairs

synonyms: mix, blend, intermingle, intermix, interweave, interlace, combine, merge, fuse, unite, join,
amalgamate, meld, mesh, commingle

slander-kleveta, ogovaranje, ogovarati, opanjkavati, oblagati

Definitions of slander


the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

he is suing the TV network for slander


make false and damaging statements about (someone).

they were accused of slandering the head of state

synonyms: defame (someone's character), blacken someone's name, tell lies about, speak ill/evil of, sully
someone's reputation, libel, smear, cast aspersions on, spread scandal about, besmirch, tarnish, taint,
malign, traduce, vilify, disparage, denigrate, run down, slur, badmouth, dis, trash, derogate

effeminate-feminiziran, ženstven

Definitions of effeminate

(of a man) having or showing characteristics regarded as typical of a woman; unmanly.

While I was at High School, there was a guy in the year above me who was picked on and teased
mercilessly because he was effeminate .

synonyms: womanish, effete, foppish, unmanly, feminine, camp, campy, flaming

peddles-ici od vrata do vrata i prodavati nešto, torbariti, prčkati

Definitions of peddle


try to sell (something, especially small goods) by going from house to house or place to place.

he peddled art and printing materials around the country

synonyms: sell, sell from door to door, hawk, tout, vend, trade (in), deal in, traffic in

endorsing-podržavati, odobravati

Definitions of endorse


declare one's public approval or support of.

the report was endorsed by the college

sign (a check or bill of exchange) on the back to make it payable to someone other than the stated
payee or to accept responsibility for paying it.

But in many cases the payee indorses the cheque even if it is collected for his own account.

synonyms: countersign, sign, autograph, authenticate, chirographate

disrobe-skinuti se, svući se

Definitions of disrobe


take off one's clothes.

the girl disrobed slowly and climbed into the high bed

synonyms: undress, strip, take off one's clothes, remove one's clothes


Definitions of fern


a flowerless plant that has feathery or leafy fronds and reproduces by spores released from the
undersides of the fronds. Ferns have a vascular system for the transport of water and nutrients.

Found in the shade throughout the growing season are numerous ferns and fern allies.
hinder-ometati, sprečiti, omesti, sprečavati, zadnji

Definitions of hinder


(especially of a bodily part) rear; hind.

the hinder end of its body


create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or obstruction.

various family stalemates were hindering communication

synonyms: hamper, obstruct, impede, inhibit, retard, balk, prevent, thwart, foil, curb, delay, arrest,
interfere with, set back, slow down, hobble, hold back, hold up, stop, halt, restrict, restrain, constrain,
block, check, curtail, frustrate, cramp, handicap, cripple, hamstring, stymie, throw a wrench in the works

See also

hamper-sprečiti, sputati, smetati, korpa

Definitions of hamper


a large basket with a lid used for laundry.

a laundry hamper

necessary but cumbersome equipment on a ship.

The mass of the top hamper must be consciously balanced against the tremendous beam.


hinder or impede the movement or progress of.

their work is hampered by lack of funds

synonyms: hinder, obstruct, impede, inhibit, retard, balk, thwart, foil, curb, delay, set back, slow d

den-jazbina, jama, mala soba

Definitions of den


a wild animal's lair or habitation.

He had a dank odor about him like the smell of a wild animal's den .

synonyms: lair, set, earth, burrow, hole, dugout, covert, shelter, hiding place, hideout


(of a wild animal) live in or retreat to a den.

the cubs denned in the late autumn

thieving-krađa, lopovluk, lopovski

efinitions of thieve


be a thief; steal something.

they began thieving again

synonyms: steal, take, purloin, help oneself to, snatch, pilfer, embezzle, misappropriate, have one's
fingers/hand in the till, rob, swipe, make off with, finagle, lift, “liberate”, “borrow”, filch, snaffle, pinch,
heist, peculate

leverage-moć, snaga, dejstvo poluge, rad poluge, snaga poluge

Definitions of leverage


the exertion of force by means of a lever or an object used in the manner of a lever.

my spade hit something solid that wouldn't respond to leverage

synonyms: grip, purchase, hold, support, anchorage, force, strength

the ratio of a company's loan capital (debt) to the value of its common stock (equity).


use borrowed capital for (an investment), expecting the profits made to be greater than the interest

a leveraged takeover bid

use (something) to maximum advantage.

the organization needs to leverage its key resour

hampered-otežati nekom nešto, smetati, sprečiti, sputati

Definitions of hamper


hinder or impede the movement or progress of.

their work is hampered by lack of funds

synonyms: hinder, obstruct, impede, inhibit, retard, balk, thwart, foil, curb, delay, set back, slow down,
hobble, hold up, interfere with, restrict, constrain, trammel, block, check, curtail, frustrate, cramp,
bridle, handicap, cripple, hamstring, shackle, fetter, stymie, hog-tie, throw a (monkey) wrench in the
works of

rugged-hrapav, ispresecan, neravan, smežuran, besan, krepak, buran

efinitions of rugged


(of ground or terrain) having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface.

a rugged coastline

synonyms: rough, uneven, bumpy, rocky, stony, pitted, jagged, craggy



rough, durable, well-built, strong, tough, uncompromising, broken, furrowed

denominator-imenilac, imenitelj

Definitions of denominator


the number below the line in a common fraction; a divisor.

If you calculate the divergence for different species of plants, you find that both the numerator and the
denominator are usually Fibonacci numbers.

pristine-prastar, iskonski, drevan, davni

Definitions of pristine


in its original condition; unspoiled.

pristine copies of an early magazine


A Spanish insult ; Meaning lazy, slut, whore. Used to insult people.

That stupid penka has to get off my man.


Whore, mistress, woman on the side

Don't lie to me, I saw you with your penka!


Definitions of inundate


overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with.

we've been inundated with complaints from listeners

synonyms: overwhelm, overrun, overload, bog down, swamp, besiege, snow under, bombard, glut


the islands may be the first to be inundated as sea levels rise

synonyms: flood, deluge, overrun, swamp, drown, submerge, engulf

vast-ogroman (ogromno prostranstvo ili ogroman broj ljudi biva nađen kad se izgubi..)

Definitions of vast


of very great extent or quantity; immense.

a vast plain of buffalo grass

synonyms: huge, extensive, expansive, broad, wide, sweeping, boundless, immeasurable, limitless,
infinite, enormous, immense, great, massive, colossal, tremendous, mighty, prodigious, gigantic,
gargantuan, mammoth, monumental, giant, towering, mountainous, titanic, Brobdingnagian, jumbo,
mega, monster, whopping, humongous, astronomical, ginormous


an immense space.

And up from the vast a murmuring passed As from a wood of pines.


Definitions of subset

a part of a larger group of related things.

A common response of roots to anoxia is the synthesis of a subset of anaerobic proteins related to the
glycolytic and fermentation pathways.

synonyms: subcategory, branch, subdivision, subsection, subsidiary

beacon-far, svetionik, baterijska lampa, lokator kad si u divljini da mogu da te nađu

Definitions of beacon


a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration.

a chain of beacons carried the news

FLIR-definition of flir-

an electronic heat sensor able to detect and display on a TV-like screen a distant scene despite darkness,
smoke, etc.: used esp. in military aircraft

Definitions of perplex


completely baffling; very puzzling.

a perplexing problem


(of something complicated or unaccountable) cause (someone) to feel completely baffled.

she was perplexed by her husband's moodiness

synonyms: puzzling, baffling, mystifying, mysterious, bewildering, confusing, disconcerting, worrying,

unaccountable, difficult to understand, beyond one, paradoxical, peculiar, funny, strange, weird, odd;
puzzle, baffle, mystify, bemuse, bewilder, confound, confuse, disconcert, dumbfound, throw,
throw/catch off balance, exercise, worry, flummox, be all Greek to, stump, bamboozle, floor, beat, faze,
fox, discombobulate

boulders-gromada, stena, oblutak, veliki kamen

efinitions of boulder


a city in north central Colorado, northwest of Denver, home to the University of Colorado; population
94,171 (est. 2008).

a large rock, typically one that has been worn smooth by erosion.

The organisation said the most numerous relics were rock carvings found on boulders and outcrops.

synonyms: rock, stone

gleaned out-izvučeno, saklupljeno, napabirčeno

Definitions of glean


extract (information) from various sources.

the information is gleaned from press clippings

synonyms: obtain, get, take, draw, derive, extract, cull, garner, gather, learn, find out

applicable-primenljivo, relevantno, primereno

Definitions of applicable


relevant or appropriate.

the same considerations are equally applicable to accident claims

synonyms: relevant, appropriate, pertinent, appurtenant, apposite, germane, material, significant,

related, connected, fitting, suitable, apt, befitting, useful, helpful
See also


Definitions of baffle


impossible to understand; perplexing.

the crime is a baffling mystery for the police


totally bewilder or perplex.

an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone

synonyms: puzzling, bewildering, perplexing, mystifying, bemusing, confusing, unclear, inexplicable,

incomprehensible, impenetrable, cryptic, opaque

restrain or regulate (a fluid, sound, etc.).

to baffle the noise further, I pad the gunwales

blueprints-nacrti, kopije, duplikati, replike...

Definitions of blueprint


a design plan or other technical drawing.

None of the plans were real blueprints or technical drawings.

synonyms: plan, design, diagram, drawing, sketch, map, layout, representation


draw up (a plan or model).

a neatly blueprinted scheme

cookie-cutter-urban meaning

Marked by sameness and a lack of originality; mass-produced. Often used to describe suburban housing
developments where all of the houses are based on the same blueprints and are differentiated only by
their color.

I wouldn't live in one of those ugly cookie-cutter houses for a million dollars.

blizzard-mećava, vejavica, snežna oluja

Definitions of blizzard

a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.

And then there are the weather warnings for hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards , floods, winds, and tides.

synonyms: snowstorm, whiteout, snow squall, snowfall, nor'easter, northeaster

huckleberries-severnoamerička borovnica

Definitions of huckleberry


a small, round, edible blue-black berry related to the blueberry.

These include berries, especially huckleberries , fruits, nuts, bulbs, and tubers.

the low-growing North American shrub of the heath family that bears this fruit.

Drought-tolerant shrubs range from manzanita, cotoneaster and rockrose to toyon, huckleberry and
other varieties of ceanothus.

clustering-grupisanje, skupljanje, raspoređivanje

Definitions of cluster

be or come into a cluster or close group; congregate.

the children clustered around her skirts

synonyms: congregate, gather, collect, group, assemble, huddle, crowd, flock

canines-očnjaci, pas, očnjak, pasji zub

Definitions of canine


a pointed tooth between the incisors and premolars of a mammal, often greatly enlarged in carnivores.

Each jaw has four incisors, two canines , and four molars.


Definitions of locust

a large and mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. It is usually solitary, but from time
to time there is a population explosion, and it migrates in vast swarms that cause extensive damage to

Vast swarms of locusts have swept over South Sulawesi in the past few days, destroying rice and
secondary crops.

the large edible pod of some plants of the pea family, in particular the carob bean, which is said to
resemble a locust.

Others, like gum guar (obtained from the cluster bean), or locust bean gum (from the locust bean ),
come from seedpods.

any of a number of pod-bearing trees of the pea family, in particular the carob tree and the black locust.

We look up at the sky through a fringe of leaves belonging to a locust tree or a mimosa, the rows of lacy
leaves forming a mantilla overhead.

remnant-ostatak, preostatak, zaostatak

Definitions of remnant


a small remaining quantity of something.

It happened in front of the Western Wall, the last remnant of the Second Temple.

synonyms: remains, remainder, leftovers, residue, rest, residuum



remnant strands of hair

forsake-napustiti, ostaviti

Definitions of forsake


abandon (someone or something).

he would never forsake Tara

synonyms: abandon, desert, leave, leave high and dry, turn one's back on, cast aside, break (up) with,
jilt, strand, leave stranded, leave in the lurch, throw over, walk out on, run out on, dump, ditch, can

reskless-nesmotren, nemaran, slučajan, smeo, drzak, bezobrazan

Definitions of reckless


(of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action.

reckless driving

synonyms: rash, careless, thoughtless, heedless, unheeding, hasty, overhasty, precipitate, precipitous,
impetuous, impulsive, daredevil, devil-may-care, irresponsible, foolhardy, audacious, overadventurous,
ill-advised, injudicious, madcap, imprudent, unwise, ill-considered, kamikaze, temerarious
relinquish-odreći se, ostaviti

Definitions of relinquish


voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up.

he relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive

synonyms: renounce, give up/away, hand over, let go of; leave, resign from, stand down from, bow out

admitted -primljen (na fakultet), priznati, primiti, dopustiti, upisati, propuštati

Definitions of admit


confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance.

the office finally admitted that several prisoners had been injured

synonyms: confess, acknowledge, own, concede, grant, accept, allow, reveal, disclose, divulge, plead

allow (someone) to enter a place.

senior citizens are admitted free to the museum

synonyms: let in, allow entry, permit entry, take in, usher in, show in, receive, welcome

allow the possibility of.

the need to inform him was too urgent to admit of further delay

dispensation-izuzeće od pravila, odobrenje, davanje dozvole, božanski zakoni, deljenje

Definitions of dispensation


exemption from a rule or usual requirement.

although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play two matches

synonyms: exemption, immunity, exception, exoneration, reprieve, remission

a system of order, government, or organization of a nation, community, etc., especially as existing at a

particular time.

scholarship is conveyed to a wider audience than under the old dispensation

synonyms: system, order, arrangement, organization

the action of distributing or supplying something.

regulations controlling dispensation of medications

synonyms: distribution, supply, supplying, issue, issuing, handing out, doling out, dishing out, sh


Definitions of envoy

a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission.

In Ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh's messengers and diplomatic envoys carried with them the seal of the
Pharaoh, production of which guaranteed the carrier free and unhindered passage throughout the

scope-delokrug, područje, prostor, obujam, polje, kompetencija

Definitions of -scope


the extent of the area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is relevant.

we widened the scope of our investigation

synonyms: extent, range, breadth, width, reach, sweep, purview, span, horizon, area, sphere, field,
realm, compass, orbit, ambit, terms/field of reference, jurisdiction, confine, limit, gamut


assess or investigate (something).

they'd scoped out their market


denoting an instrument for observing, viewing, or examining.


con man-prevarant
Definitions of con man


a man who cheats or tricks someone by means of a confidence game.

He told the Democrat his life has been made a misery ever since a con man tricked his way into his
home and made away with a substantial cash sum last October.

impostor-varalica, samozvanac, prevarant

Definitions of impostor


a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain.

The budding scientists of today will need to prepare themselves to do battle with silliness, impostors ,
tricksters and fraudsters.

synonyms: impersonator, masquerader, pretender, imitator, deceiver, hoaxer, trickster, fraudster,

swindler, fake, fraud, sham, phony, scammer

pitfall-zamka, klopka


trap, snare, pitfall, catch, noose, gin


trap, pitfall, noose, mousetrap, deadfall

Definitions of pitfall


a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty.

He bought some books on self-publishing and brushed up on the perils and pitfalls involved.

synonyms: hazard, danger, risk, peril, difficulty, catch, snag, stumbling block, drawback



hazard, danger, risk, peril, difficulty, catch, snag, stumbling block, drawback, booby trap, pit

leap-skok, skočiti, preskočiti

Definitions of leap


a forceful jump or quick movement.

she came downstairs in a series of flying leaps

synonyms: jump, vault, spring, bound, hop, skip


jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.

I leaped across the threshold

synonyms: jump over, jump, vault over, vault, spring over, bound over, hop (over), hurdle, leapfrog,

See also

leap year, leap of faith, quantum leap, leap up, leap out, to leap, leap over, leap forward, leap ahead,
take a leap

ominous-zlokobno, sudbonosno, preteće, zlobno

Definitions of ominous


giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious.

there were ominous dark clouds gathering overhead

synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful, forbidding, sinister, inauspicious, unpropitious

dismantle-demontirati, razmontirati, rasklopiti

Definitions of dismantle


take (a machine or structure) to pieces.

the engines were dismantled and the bits piled into a heap

synonyms: take apart, pull apart, pull to pieces, disassemble, break up, break down, strip

sidekick-prisan drug

Definitions of sidekick


a person's assistant or close associate, especially one who has less authority than that person.

He uses Tingary, his half-witted sidekick , to assist him in his plots to bring down the jester.



chum, crony, buddy, pal, brother

leniency-blagost, popustljivost, pitomost

Definitions of leniency


the fact or quality of being more merciful or tolerant than expected; clemency.

the court could show leniency



lenity, indulgence, lenience

staple-građa, stega, stovarište, spajalica, razvrstati, heftati

Definitions of staple


a piece of bent metal or wire pushed through something or clipped over it as a fastening, in particular.

a main or important element of something, especially of a diet.

bread, milk, and other staples

the fiber of cotton or wool considered with regard to its length and degree of fineness.

jackets made from long-staple Egyptian cotton

a center of trade, especially in a specified commodity.

proposals were made for a wool staple at Pisa


attach or secure with a staple or staples.

Mark stapled a batch of papers together

sort or classify (wool, etc.) according to fiber.

Environmentally friendly sheep's wool is stapled into the lateral groove for insulation.


main or important, especially in terms of consumption.

the staple foods of the poor

indignation-revolt, indignacija, ogorčenje

Definitions of indignation


anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment.

the letter filled Lucy with indignation

synonyms: resentment, umbrage, affront, disgruntlement, displeasure, anger, outrage, annoyance,

irritation, exasperation, vexation, offense, pique, aggravation

retaliation-odmazda, osveta

Definitions of retaliation


the action of returning a military attack; counterattack.

the bombings are believed to be in retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects

synonyms: revenge, vengeance, reprisal, retribution, requital, recrimination, repayment, respons

amenable-odgovoran, pokoran, nadležan, popustljiv

Definitions of amenable


(of a person) open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.

parents who have had easy babies and amenable children

synonyms: cooperative, acquiescent, compliant, accommodating, obliging, biddable, manageable,

controllable, governable, persuadable, tractable, responsive, pliant, malleable, complaisant, easily
handled, persuasible

See also

grid-mreža, rešetka, kordinatni sistem

turf-busen, treset, trkalište, konjske trke, teritorija maloletničke bande

Definitions of turf


grass and the surface layer of earth held together by its roots.
they walked across the springy turf

synonyms: grass, lawn, sod

horse racing or racecourses generally.

he spent his money gambling on the turf


force (someone) to leave somewhere.

they were turfed off the bus

2 more definitions

put up-trpeti, podići, postaviti, otvoriti

Definitions of put-up


arranged beforehand in order to deceive someone.

the whole thing could be a put-up job

"Your incense is detestable to me. New moons, sabbaths, the calling of conventions-I can not put up
with the use of magical power along with your solemn assembly!" saint prophet Isaiah

solemn-svečan, dostojanstven, formalan, doteran, gala skup, prijem, okupljanje bogatih ljudi..
Definitions of solemn


formal and dignified.

a solemn procession

synonyms: dignified, ceremonious, ceremonial, stately, formal, courtly, majestic, imposing, awe-
inspiring, splendid, magnificent, grand



dignified, serious, sincere, earnest, grave

assembly-skup, zbor, veće, montaža, sklapanje

Definitions of assembly


a group of people gathered together in one place for a common purpose.

an assembly of scholars and poets

synonyms: gathering, meeting, congregation, convention, rally, convocation, assemblage, group, body,
crowd, throng, company, get-together

the action of gathering together as a group for a common purpose.

a decree guaranteeing freedom of assembly

the action of fitting together the component parts of a machine or other object.
a car assembly plant

synonyms: construction, manufacture, building, fabrication, erection

ceding-ustupiti, priznati, popustiti

Definitions of cede


give up (power or territory).

they have had to cede control of the schools to the government

synonyms: surrender, concede, relinquish, yield, part with, give up, hand over, deliver up, give o

crevices-pukotine, napukline

Definitions of crevice


a narrow opening or fissure, especially in a rock or wall.

A lack of legs helps them fit into tight gaps and crevices and down narrow holes.

synonyms: crack, fissure, cleft, chink, interstice, cranny, nook, slit, split, rift, fracture, breach,
it lurks-vreba, skriva se, ubica koji sedi u zasedi i ceka zrtvu

Definitions of lurk


(of a person or animal) be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something.

a ruthless killer still lurked in the darkness

synonyms: skulk, loiter, lie in wait, lie low, hide, conceal oneself, take cover, keep out of sight

miasmic-odvratan smrad

Definitions of miasmic


producing an unpleasant smell; noxious.

that peculiarly miasmic atmosphere generated by small boys and adolescent teenagers

synonyms: foul-smelling, fetid, smelly, stinking (to high heaven), reeking, rank, putrid, noxious,
bestowed-darovati, dodeliti, pokloniti

Definitions of bestow


confer or present (an honor, right, or gift).

the office was bestowed on him by the chief of state

synonyms: confer on, grant, accord, afford, endow someone with, vest in, present, award, give

raids-racije, prepad, pretres, racija

Definitions of raid


a sudden attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces in warfare.

a bombing raid

synonyms: attack, assault, descent, blitz, incursion, sortie, onslaught, storming, charge, offensive,
invasion, blitzkrieg


conduct a raid on.

officers raided thirty homes yesterday

synonyms: attack, assault, set upon, descend on, swoop on, blitz, assail, storm, rush; rob, hold up, break
into, plunder, steal from, pillage, loot, ransack, sack, stick up, heist

See also
RAID, air raid, dawn raid, police raid, air raid siren, air-raid, bombing raid, bank raid

in tow-pod vučom

scoping-skenirati, istražiti pažljivo

Definitions of scope


assess or investigate (something).

they'd scoped out their market

look at carefully; scan.

they watched him scoping the room, looking for Michael

greenhouse gases-gasovi iz staklene bašte

Definitions of greenhouse gas

a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation, e.g., carbon dioxide and

It is virtually certain that increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases will cause global surface climate to be warmer.

SANBAG skraćenica-means San Bernardino Association of Governments (ima veze sa Novim Svetskim

San Bernardino Association of Governments can be abbreviated as SANBAG

toll lanes-putarine

toll-putarina, dadžbina, naplaćivati taksu

Definitions of toll


a charge payable for permission to use a particular bridge or road.

turnpike tolls

synonyms: charge, fee, payment, levy, tariff, tax

the number of deaths, casualties, or injuries arising from particular circumstances, such as a natural
disaster, conflict, or accident.

the toll of dead and injured mounted

synonyms: number, count, tally, total, sum total, grand total, sum, record, list

charge a toll for the use of (a bridge or road).

the report advocates expressway tolling

lane-traka, staza

Definitions of lane


a narrow road, especially in a rural area.

she drove along the winding lane

synonyms: road, street, byroad, byway, alley, alleyway, back alley, back lane, track, hutong

a division of a road marked off with painted lines and intended to separate single lines of traffic
according to speed or direction.

the car accelerated and moved into the outside lane

synonyms: track, way, course, road division, express lane

outcry-neprijatelj, povika, protest, negodovanje, nadvikati

Definitions of outcry

an exclamation or shout.

an outcry of spontaneous passion

synonyms: shout, exclamation, cry, yell, howl, roar, scream, holler

badgering-ugnjaviti, navaliti na nekoga

Definitions of badger


ask (someone) repeatedly and annoyingly for something; pester.

journalists badgered him about the deals

synonyms: pester, harass, bother, plague, torment, hound, nag, harry, tease, go on at, hassle, bug,

divulge-otkriće, otkriti

Definitions of divulge


make known (private or sensitive information).

I am too much of a gentleman to divulge her age

synonyms: disclose, reveal, tell, communicate, pass on, publish, broadcast, proclaim, expose
buds-pupoljci, napupiti, pupiti

Definitions of bud


a compact knoblike growth on a plant that develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot.

Flower meristem, flower buds , and leaves from green and 2 d-etiolated plants were analysed for ATP
and ADP contents.

synonyms: sprout, shoot, blossom, plumule

a form of address, usually to a boy or man, used especially when the name of the one being addressed is
not known.

listen, bud, I saw you there with my own eyes


(of a plant or animal) form a bud.

new blood vessels bud out from the vascular bed

synonyms: sprout, shoot, germinate

circuit-strujno kolo, kružni put

Definitions of circuit

a roughly circular line, route, or movement that starts and finishes at the same place.

I ran a circuit of the village

synonyms: lap, turn, round, circle

an established itinerary of events or venues used for a particular activity, typically involving public

the alternative cabaret circuit


move all the way around (a place or thing).

the trains will follow the northern line, circuiting the capital

emphasis-značaj, velika važnost, isticanje

Definitions of emphasis


special importance, value, or prominence given to something.

they placed great emphasis on the individual's freedom

synonyms: prominence, importance, significance, value, stress, weight, accent, attention, priority,
preeminence, urgency, force

deflecting-odbijanje, skrenuti, savijati, uklanjati, učiniti da nešto promeni pravac kretanja, da skrene
Definitions of deflect


cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.

the bullet was deflected harmlessly into the ceiling

synonyms: turn aside/away, divert, avert, sidetrack, distract, draw away, block, parry, fend off, stav

divination-vračanje, gatanje, proricanje, predviđanje

Definitions of divination


the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means.

It was her involvement in astronomy and astrology that purportedly aligned her with black magic and
divination .

synonyms: fortune telling, divining, prophecy, prediction, soothsaying, augury, clairvoyance, second

smart meter-A smart meter is an electronic device that records consumption of electric energy and
communicates the information to the electricity supplier for monitoring and billing. ... Smart meters
enable two-way communication between the meter and the central system.
coils-navoj, kalem, spiralna cev, namotaj, naviti, namotati, navijati

Definitions of coil


a length of something wound or arranged in a spiral or sequence of rings.

a coil of rope

a confusion or turmoil.

But the biggest loser from our decision to cling gamely to the mortal coil is the National Health Service.


arrange or wind (something long and flexible) in a joined sequence of concentric circles or rings.

he began to coil up the heavy ropes

synonyms: wind, loop, twist, curl, curve, bend, twine, entwine, spiral, corkscrew


Bulging or hanging loosely: baggy trousers.

bag′gi·ly adv.

bag′gi·ness n.
(Clothing & Fashion) (of clothes) hanging loosely; puffed out

ˈbaggily adv

ˈbagginess n

baggy (ˈbæɡɪ)


(Plants) a variant spelling of bagie


baglike; hanging loosely.


adjective loose, hanging, slack, loosened, bulging, not fitting, sagging, sloppy, floppy, billowing, roomy,
slackened, ill-fitting, droopy, oversize, not tight a baggy jumper

close, tight, narrow, cramped, taut, snug, constricted, tight-fitting, close-fitting

unattainable-nedostižno, nedostupno

Definitions of unattainable


not able to be reached or achieved.

an unattainable goal

synonyms: unreachable, unachievable, unobtainable, impossible, unwinnable, unrealistic, implau

franchise-pravo glasa, licenca, pravo, imunitet

Definitions of franchise


an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry

out specified commercial activities, e.g., providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a
company's products.

Finally, they found individuals interested in purchasing franchises .

synonyms: warrant, charter, license, permit, authorization, permission, sanction, privilege

the right to vote.

But, of course, the real test of that will only come in a little over two years time when we will all be off to
the polling stations to exercise the franchise in another general election.


grant a franchise to (an individual or group).

Another 24 petroleum dealers who are franchised by several of the other marketing companies are part
of the consortium, but others could join, Observer sources say.

disenfranchise-lišiti nekog prava glasa ili državljanstva

Definitions of disenfranchise


deprive (someone) of the right to vote.

the law disenfranchised some 3,000 voters on the basis of a residence qualification

fearmongering-veštački izazivati strah i paniku u narodu oko nečega što uopšte ne postoji, postoji
razlog za paniku, lažirati vesti npr.ili namerno nekog ocrnjivati bez krivice njegove.

Definitions of fearmongering


the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue.

his campaign for re-election was based on fearmongering and deception

Examples of fear-mongering

I was offended, rather than rattled, by the rampant fear-mongering .

Stay tuned to your local, fear-mongering newscast to learn absolutely no information of value.

Only in America have I heard Christian leaders engaging in this kind of fear-mongering .

I deeply resent being lied to by our government to win support for its dangerous, fear-mongering

Alas, I cannot say how much is due to media fear-mongering .

Of course, what they don't tell you is the corporate motive behind this fear-mongering .

The organization generated over $200 million in contributions in 2000, mostly through fear-mongering .

With enough fearmongering , that attitude may win him the election.
Everything I found was either eerie Scientologist propaganda or anti-cult fear mongering .

his campaign for re-election was based on fearmongering and deception

his campaign for re-election was based on fearmongering and deception

Strange, then, that Moore himself indulges in misleading fearmongering .

encamped-ulogoriti se, utočište, prenoćište, postaviti kamp

Definitions of encamp


settle in or establish a camp, especially a military one.

we encamped for the night by the side of a river

smoked-dimljen,nadimljen, upucan, ismejan

Definitions of smoke


emit smoke or visible vapor.

heat the oil until it just smokes

synonyms: smolder, emit smoke, reek

cure or preserve (meat or fish) by exposure to smoke.

smoked salmon

synonyms: cure, preserve, dry

kill (someone) by shooting.

And he tells us to smoke him. [Intel] would tell the Lieutenant that he had to smoke the prisoners and
that is what we were told to do.

make fun of (someone).

we baited her and smoked her


Definitions of detrimental


tending to cause harm.

releasing the documents would be detrimental to national security

synonyms: harmful, damaging, injurious, hurtful, inimical, deleterious, destructive, ruinous, disas

unison-potpuna saglasnost, jednoglasje, sazvučje

Definitions of unison


simultaneous performance of action or utterance of speech.

“Yes, sir,” said the girls in unison

coincidence in pitch of sounds or notes.

the flutes play in unison with the violas


performed in unison.

As a child, the only music I experienced was unison hymn singing with no formal leader, accompanied by
an enthusiastic piano.

fussing-dizati galamu, probirati, zamajavati se, mnogo se i nepotrebno brinuti oko nečega

Definitions of fuss


show unnecessary or excessive concern about something.

she's always fussing about her food

synonyms: worry about, fret about, be anxious about, be agitated about, make a big thing out of, flap
about, be in a tizzy over/about, be in a stew over/about
charts-karte, mape, grafikoni, tabele, slike, dijagrami, uneti u pomorsku kartu

Definitions of chart


a sheet of information in the form of a table, graph, or diagram.

a chart showing how much do-it-yourself costs compared with retail

synonyms: graph, table, diagram, histogram, bar chart, pie chart, flow chart, graphic


make a map of (an area).

It wasn't until these areas were charted , the dangers known, and markets for goods discovered that
private ships sailed the ocean to move goods around the planet.

(of a record) enter the weekly music charts at a particular position.

the record will probably chart at about No. 74

cerise-u boji višnje

Definitions of cerise


a bright or deep red color.

a shade of vivid cerise

distort-iskriviti, izobličiti, izobrnuti, izopačiti, izokrenuti

Definitions of distort


pull or twist out of shape.

a grimace distorted her fine mouth

give a misleading or false account or impression of.

many factors can distort the results

change the form of (an electrical signal or sound wave) during transmission, amplification, or other

you're distorting the sound by overdriving the amp


incantations-čarobna reč, bajanje

Definitions of incantation


a series of words said as a magic spell or charm.

an incantation to raise the dead

listless-trom, umoran, mlitav, ravnodušan

Definitions of listless


(of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm.

bouts of listless depression

synonyms: lethargic, enervated, spiritless, lifeless, languid, languorous, inactive, underactive, inert,
sluggish, torpid



lethargic, enervated, spiritless, lifeless, languid, languorous, inactive, underactive, inert, sluggish, torpid



put together, compile, compose, assemble, compound, piece

Definitions of compile


produce (something, especially a list, report, or book) by assembling information collected from other

the local authority must compile a list of taxpayers

synonyms: assemble, put together, make up, collate, compose, organize, arrange, gather, collect

(of a computer) convert (a program) into a machine-code or lower-level form in which the program can
be executed.

Processing power, therefore, is increasingly determined by software that compiles computer programs
into machine code.


Definitions of conductive


having the property of conducting something (especially heat or electricity).

to induce currents in conductive coils


A displacement material is deposited over the recessed conductive material.

29 more examples
stems-poticati, drška, osnova, repić, cev, loza, struk, stabljika, zadržavati, zadržati, zaustaviti, poticati

Definitions of stem


the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, typically rising above ground but occasionally subterranean.

Both the blue and the yellow have the classic, satiny translucent petals of the poppy tribe, both,
characteristically, are held on wiry stems above the parent plant.

synonyms: stalk, shoot, trunk, stock, cane, bine

a long and thin supportive or main section of something.

the main stem of the wing feathers

the root or main part of a noun, adjective, or other word, to which inflections or formative elements are

This is a scientific term derived by making an English plural from octopod, which is the bare stem of the
Greek word, not its singular.

the main upright timber or metal piece at the bow of a ship, to which the ship's sides are joined.

Experts who have been diving to the wreck off Portsmouth for the last month have excavated a five-
metre-long piece of wood which they believe is the front stem of the ship's keel.

a pipe used for smoking crack or opium.

originate in or be caused by.

many of the universities' problems stem from rapid expansion

remove the stems from (fruit or tobacco leaves).

They will love making thumbprints in the cookies but might have trouble sitting still for less glamorous
tasks like stemming cherry tomatoes.

(of a boat) make headway against (the tide or current).

But he, like Canute, will not stem the spring tide

stop or restrict (the flow of something).

a nurse did her best to stem the bleeding

synonyms: staunch, stop, halt, check, hold back, restrict, control, contain, curb, block, dam, slow, lessen,
reduce, diminish, stanch, stay

slide the tail of one ski or both skis outward in order to turn or slow down.

pertaining-koji se odnosi na, odnositi se na, ticati se nekoga/nečega

Definitions of pertain


be appropriate, related, or applicable.

matters pertaining to the organization of government

synonyms: concern, relate to, be related to, be connected with, be relevant to, regard, apply to, be
pertinent to, refer to, have a bearing on, appertain to, bear on, affect, involve, touch on
clandestine-tajan, potajan, skriven od očiju javnosti

Definitions of clandestine


kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit.

she deserved better than these clandestine meetings

synonyms: secret, covert, furtive, surreptitious, stealthy, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, closet,

backstairs, backroom, hush-hush



secret, covert, furtive, surreptitious, stealthy, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, closet, backstairs,

backroom, hush-hush

underground, hush-hush, hugger-mugger, cloak-and-dagger, secret, hole-and-corner, undercover,



But the other side of the story is of course, perhaps it is possible they were on some clandestine mission.

peeps-špijuni, žbiri, uhode, plaćeni da motre na vaš život i da ga uništavaju, pijukanje pilića, viriti,
provirivati, zavirivati
Definitions of peep


people (often used to refer to a person's friends or associates).

thanks for the feedback, peeps!


a quick or furtive look.

Jonathan took a peep at his watch

synonyms: quick look, brief look, (sneak) peek, glance, gander, squint

a high-pitched feeble sound made by a young bird or mammal-pijukanje pilića na srpskom

It starts off with three or four high-pitched peeps in rather quick succession; then the bird launches into
a raspy, guttural shriek; and then the bird whistles a few warbling notes as a coda.

synonyms: cheep, chirp, chirrup, tweet, twitter, chirr, warble


look quickly and furtively at something, especially through a narrow opening.

the door was ajar and she couldn't resist peeping in

synonyms: look quickly, cast a brief look, take a secret look, sneak a look, (have a) peek, glance, take a

make a cheeping or beeping sound.

He jumped all over her shoulders and her head and sailed around her in circles, squawking and peeping
his joy.
homage-odavanje počasti nekome zbog nečega, vazalska dužnost

Definitions of homage


special honor or respect shown publicly.

they paid homage to the local boy who became president

synonyms: respect, honor, reverence, worship, obeisance, admiration, esteem, adulation, acclaim,
tribute, acknowledgment, recognition, accolade, panegyric, paean, encomium, salute, eulogy

latch-reza, zatvaranje

Definitions of latch


a metal bar with a catch and lever used for fastening a door or gate.

On large canvas slabs, he uses a thick rust-colored paint and applies objects such as antler-shaped
branches, a door latch or a metal chain.

synonyms: fastening, catch, fastener, clasp, lock


fasten (a door or gate) with a latch.

she latched the door carefully

synonyms: fasten, secure, make fast, lock

inquiry-istraga, traganje, ispitivanje

Definitions of inquiry


an act of asking for information.

the deluge of phone inquiries after a crash

synonyms: question, query

rearing-uzgoj, nega, briga, staranje za nekoga, rad na nekome

Definitions of rear


bring up and care for (a child) until they are fully grown, especially in a particular manner or place.

he was born and reared in New York City

synonyms: bring up, raise, care for, look after, nurture, parent, hand-rear, educate

(of a horse or other animal) raise itself upright on its hind legs.

the horse reared in terror

nipped-otkinuti, uštinuti, stisnuti, ugristi jako, srknuti piće

Definitions of nip


pinch, squeeze, or bite sharply.

the dog nipped him on the leg

synonyms: bite, nibble, peck, pinch, tweak, squeeze, grip

defeat by a narrow margin.

steal or snatch (something).

if I nipped a five-dollar bill I could slip it back the next day

take a sip or sips of liquor.

the men nipped from the bottle

versatile-svestran, mnogostran, nestalan, prilagodljiv

Definitions of versatile


able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.

a versatile sewing machine

synonyms: adaptable, flexible, all-around, multifaceted, multitalented, resourceful, adjustable,

multipurpose, all-purpose, handy, polytropic

changeable; inconstant.

bogus-lažno, prividno, veštački

Definitions of bogus


not genuine or true; fake.

a bogus insurance claim

synonyms: fake, spurious, false, fraudulent, sham, deceptive, counterfeit, forged, feigned, mak

betrothal-zaruke, veridba

Synonyms of betrothal


engagement, marriage contract, espousal

engagement, troth

steer away-udaljiti od, povesti pogrešnim putem, uputiti pogrešnim putem

cluster-jato, gomila, hrpa

cluster of demons-gomila demona

Definitions of cluster


a group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together.

clusters of creamy-white flowers

synonyms: bunch, clump, mass, knot, group, clutch, bundle, truss; crowd, group, knot, huddle, bunch,
throng, flock, pack, band, gang, gaggle


be or come into a cluster or close group; congregate.

the children clustered around her skirts

synonyms: congregate, gather, collect, group, assemble, huddle, crowd, flock

coercive-prisilno, nasilno, prinudno

Definitions of coercive


relating to or using force or threats.

coercive measures

very important!!!

Siri is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface for iOS devices that enables users to speak
natural language voice commands and receive audible confirmation from Siri. Apple define Siri as an
intelligent personal assistant that helps you get things done just by asking.

very important!!!

splicing-spajanje, vezati brakom, uplesti, spojiti

Definitions of splice


join or connect (a rope or ropes) by interweaving the strands.

we learned how to weave and splice ropes

synonyms: interweave, braid, plait, entwine, intertwine, interlace, knit, mesh, marry

assessing-ocenjivanje, proceniti, oceniti, rezrezati porez

Definitions of assess


evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.

the committee must assess the relative importance of the issues

synonyms: evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate, appraise, consider, get the measure of, dete

dabble-baviti se nečim površno, zaviriti u nešto, početi se baviti nečim, uzeti učešća u nečemu

Definitions of dabble

immerse (one's hands or feet) partially in water and move them around gently.

they dabbled their feet in the rock pools

synonyms: splash, dip, paddle, trail, immerse

take part in an activity in a casual or superficial way.

he dabbled in writing as a young man

synonyms: toy with, dip into, flirt with, tinker with, trifle with, play with, dally with

wreak havoc-olupina

wreak-povreda, iskaliti, osvetiti se

Definitions of wreak


cause (a large amount of damage or harm).

torrential rainstorms wreaked havoc yesterday

synonyms: inflict, bestow, mete out, administer, deliver, impose, exact, create, cause, result in, ef
stunt-štos, podvig, akrobacija, majstorija, učiniti kržljavim

Definitions of stunt


an action displaying spectacular skill and daring.

The spectacular stunts of a top military motorcycle display team took centre stage at the annual Army
Open Day in York.

synonyms: feat, exploit, trick


prevent from growing or developing properly.

some weeds produce chemicals that stunt the plant's growth

synonyms: inhibit, impede, hamper, hinder, restrict, retard, slow, curb, check

perform stunts, especially aerobatics.

agile terns are stunting over the water

revering-poštovanje,duboko poštovanje

Definitions of revere


feel deep respect or admiration for (something).

Cézanne's still lifes were revered by his contemporaries

synonyms: respect, admire, honor, think highly of, esteem, hold in high esteem, hold in high regard, look
up to, put on a pedestal, lionize, reverence

See also

slanderous-kleveta, klevetnički

Definitions of slanderous


(of a spoken statement) false and malicious.

slanderous allegations

synonyms: defamatory, denigratory, disparaging, libelous, pejorative, false, misrepresentative

vowed-obećao je, zavetovao se, zakleo se

scrapped-izbaciti iz upotrebe, baciti u staro gvožđe, raskomadati, tući se

Definitions of scrap

discard or remove from service (a retired, old, or inoperative vehicle, vessel, or machine), especially so
as to convert it to scrap metal.

the decision was made to scrap the entire fleet

synonyms: throw away, throw out, dispose of, get rid of, toss out, throw on the scrapheap, discard,
remove, dispense with, lose, decommission, recycle, break up, demolish, chuck, ditch, dump, junk, trash,

engage in a minor fight or quarrel.

At 6-foot-7 and 250 pounds, the giant enjoys giving his team momentum boosts by scrapping with

synonyms: quarrel, argue, row, fight, squabble, brawl, bicker, spar, wrangle, lock horns

spewing-izbacivati velike količine nečega brzo i silno

Definitions of spew


expel large quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly.

buses were spewing out black clouds of exhaust

synonyms: emit, discharge, eject, expel, belch out, pour out, spout, gush, spurt, disgorge

orifice-otvor, grlić, grlo, usta

Definitions of orifice


an opening, as of a pipe or tube, or one in the body, such as a nostril or the anus.

On the left there was an obstructing lesion noted at the orifice of the left upper lobe bronchus.

synonyms: opening, hole, aperture, slot, slit, cleft

munching-žvakati, mljackati, jesti, preživati..

Definitions of munch


eat (something) with a continuous and often audible action of the jaws.

he munched a chicken wing

synonyms: chew, champ, chomp, masticate, crunch, eat, gnaw, nibble, snack, chow down on

procrastinate-odlagati, ostavljati posao za kasnije

Definitions of procrastinate

delay or postpone action; put off doing something.

it won't be this price for long, so don't procrastinate

synonyms: delay, put off doing something, postpone action, defer action, be dilatory, use delaying t

consort-pratnja, društvo, ansambl, nečije društvo

Definitions of consort


a wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch.

Apart from the reign of William III, consorts of monarchs have had no constitutional significance

synonyms: partner, life partner, companion, mate, spouse, husband, wife, helpmate

a small group of musicians performing together, typically playing instrumental music of the Renaissance

a consort of viols


habitually associate with (someone), typically with the disapproval of others.

you chose to consort with the enemy

synonyms: associate, keep company, mix, go around, spend time, socialize, fraternize, have dealings, run
around, hang around/out, be thick

wenches-devojke, mlade žene

Definitions of wench


a girl or young woman.

Before the night is out they will no doubt have all found the attentions of a pretty young serving wench .


(of a man) consort with prostitutes.



dame, skirt, chick, bird, doll

self-deprecating-skroman, samokritičan

Definitions of self-deprecating


modest about or critical of oneself, especially humorously so.

self-deprecating jokes

skeeved out-an immoral or repulsive person. 2. to cause disgust in (often followed by out): This place is
so full of
mold that it really skeeves me out.

tainted-pokvaren, truo, loš, iskvaren, zao

Definitions of taint


contaminate or pollute (something).

the air was tainted by fumes from the cars

synonyms: contaminate, pollute, adulterate, infect, blight, spoil, soil, ruin, destroy, befoul

creek-potok, pritoka

Definitions of Creek


a stream, brook, or minor tributary of a river.

They rested by a small creek running through the woods that had started to become more profuse.


a member of a confederacy of American Indian peoples of the southeastern US in the 16th to 19th
centuries whose descendants now live mainly in Oklahoma.
Joan Hill is a Creek / Cherokee painter who has received numerous recognition awards, grants, and
fellowships in the art world.


of, relating to, or denoting the Creek.

In 1814, a Creek faction, the Red Sticks, rose against settlers in the South but was crushed by General
Andrew Jackson at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, Alabama.

sciatic nerve-bedreni živac

Definitions of sciatic nerve


a major nerve extending from the lower end of the spinal cord down the back of the thigh, and dividing
above the knee joint. It is the nerve with the largest diameter in the human body.

The lumbosacral trunk and the second and third sacral nerves are major components of the sciatic nerve

assess-proceniti, oceniti

Definitions of assess

evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of.

the committee must assess the relative importance of the issues

synonyms: evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate, appraise, consider, get the measure of, determine,
analyze, size up


Definitions of smolder


burn slowly with smoke but no flame.

the bonfire still smoldered, the smoke drifting over the paddock

synonyms: smoke, glow, burn

stalker-lovac koji se prikrada, osoba koja vreba i lovi životinje ili ljude, uhoda, špijun, agent

Definitions of stalker


a person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person.


prowler, sneak

There was no way I was letting some obsessive stalker stay within one hundred feet of me.


Definitions of forsake


abandoned or deserted.

a journey into forgotten and forsaken places


abandon (someone or something).

he would never forsake Tara

synonyms: abandon, desert, leave, leave high and dry, turn one's back on, cast aside, break (up) wit

heap-gomila, hrpa, masa, nagomilati, sipati, krntija, mnoštvo


Definitions of stretcher


a framework of two poles with a long piece of canvas slung between them, used for carrying sick,
injured, or dead people.

At any time of the day or night, a tall RAF corporal would be seen helping to carry a stretcher containing
an injured soldier into the tent.

a thing that stretches something, in particular.

The stand, with its baluster legs and serpentine stretcher , is also japanned and similar to other
European designs of this period.

a rod or bar joining and supporting chair legs.

Chairs imported from New England, particularly Boston, influenced the design of this chair, especially in
its stretchers , relatively light seat rails, and yoked crest.

a brick or stone laid with its long side along the face of a wall.

To understand the following patterns, you'll want to know that stretchers are brick laid lengthwise along
the wall.

butch-nalik na muškarca, lezbejka, maskulinirana žena, FTM or MTF, pola koza-pola jarac, transvestit

Definitions of butch


a mannish lesbian, often contrasted with a more feminine partner.

Also masculine females and feminine males - including butches and gay males considered to be


manlike or masculine in appearance or behavior, typically aggressively or ostentatiously so.

The good news, what there is of it, is that the few remaining teeth that I do have are apparently good
teeth, strong teeth, firm, manly, positively butch teeth.

synonyms: masculine, manly, mannish, manlike, macho

exuding-odisati nekim mirisom, izlučiti neku emociju, neko osećanje, zračiti nekom energijom, emitovati
neku energiju..

Definitions of exude

discharge (moisture or a smell) slowly and steadily.

the beetle exudes a caustic liquid

synonyms: give off/out, discharge, release, emit, issue, ooze, weep, secrete, excrete; ooze, seep, issue,
escape, discharge, flow, leak

(of a person) display (an emotion or quality) strongly and openly.

Mr. Thomas exuded friendship and goodwill

synonyms: emanate, radiate, ooze, emit, display, show, evince, exhibit, manifest, embody

depraved-moralno korumpiran, zao, loš, zlikovac, nečastivi bolesnik, pokvaren, lišen nečega

Definitions of deprave


morally corrupt; wicked.

a depraved indifference to human life

synonyms: corrupt, perverted, deviant, degenerate, debased, immoral, unprincipled, debauched,

dissolute, licentious, lecherous, prurient, indecent, sordid, wicked, sinful, vile, iniquitous, nefarious,
warped, twisted, sick

make (someone) immoral or wicked.

this book would deprave and corrupt young children

synonyms: corrupt, lead astray, warp, subvert, pervert, debauch, debase, degrade, defile, sully, pollute

gig-harpun, dvokolice, lak veslački čamac..

Definitions of gig


a light two-wheeled carriage pulled by one horse.

During the war we had a gig with a cart horse and used to bowl along around the north-west end of
town - great transport when petrol was rationed.

a light, fast, narrow boat adapted for rowing or sailing.

The new gig should be out of the builders by April next year, giving plenty of time to think of a name.

a live performance by or engagement for a musician or group playing popular or jazz music.

Imagine being a successful Jazz musician playing gigs on the road, performing in the Big Apple's coolest
clubs and even under the stage lights of Broadway.

a harpoonlike device used for catching fish or frogs.


travel in a gig.

perform a gig or gigs.

That, my friends, could be the album's only fatal flaw - they've been gigging solidly with these songs, and
when the album's released they'll be gigging with them again.

catch fish or frogs using a gig.

elk-los (životinja), član organizacije (npr.masonske lože, isl.)

Definitions of elk


a member of a charitable fraternal organization, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

She collected exactly 1000$ through a rapid succession of phone calls to fellow Elks members.

reeling-namotati, brzo izgovarati, zateturati se

Definitions of reel

wind a line onto a reel by turning the reel.

That's his hand holding my spent target, after I emptied a round in it and reeled it in .

lose one's balance and stagger or lurch violently.

he punched Connolly in the ear, sending him reeling

synonyms: stagger, lurch, sway, rock, stumble, totter, wobble, falter

dance a reel.

Anyone who wanted to dance could reel to the sound of the ceilidh band playing at the Butter Cross.

garment-odevni predmet, deo odeće

Definitions of garment


an item of clothing.

Junior clothing offers a wallop of trendy style but the garments are cut small for a junior figure.

synonyms: item of clothing, article of clothing, getup, clothes, clothing, dress, garb, outfit, costume

lapel-rever, posuvratak
Definitions of lapel


the part on each side of a coat or jacket immediately below the collar that is folded back on either side
of the front opening.

For men, the geometry of jacket lapels , shoulder pads and waist tapering emphasize the strong upper
body of a male.

misdemeanor-prekršaj, prestup

Definitions of misdemeanor


a minor wrongdoing.

the player can expect a lengthy suspension for his latest misdemeanor

synonyms: wrongdoing, evil deed, crime, felony, misdeed, misconduct, offense, error, peccadillo, t

bogus-lažno, prividno, veštacki

Definitions of bogus


not genuine or true; fake.

a bogus insurance claim

synonyms: fake, spurious, false, fraudulent, sham, deceptive, counterfeit, forged, feigned, make-believe,
dummy, pseudo, phony, pretend, fictitious


Definitions of dazzle


extremely bright, especially so as to blind the eyes temporarily.

the sunlight was dazzling

synonyms: bright, blinding, glaring, brilliant


(of a bright light) blind (a person) temporarily.

she was dazzled by the headlights

synonyms: blind temporarily, deprive of sight

slander-klevetanje, ogovaranje, oblagati, lagati

tampered-izmenjeno, pokvariti, čačkati, podmititi

Definitions of tamper


interfere with (something) in order to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations.

someone tampered with the brakes on my car

synonyms: interfere with, monkey around with, meddle with, tinker with, fiddle with, fool around with,
play around with, doctor, alter, change, adjust, damage, deface, vandalize, mess around with

exert a secret or corrupt influence upon (someone).

Increased power has been placed at the hands of customs officers whose judgment and daily conduct
can be and are tampered with by outside influences, such as a bad day or an argument before work.

synonyms: influence, get at, rig, manipulate, bribe, corrupt, bias, fix

deflection-izvijanje, skretanje

sliver-odcepak, grančica, otkinuti grančicu

Definitions of sliver


a small, thin, narrow piece of something cut or split off a larger piece.

a sliver of cheese

synonyms: splinter, shard, shiver, chip, flake, shred, scrap, shaving, paring, piece, fragment


cut or break (something) into small, thin, narrow pieces.

slivered almonds

scurried-protrčati, projuriti

Definitions of scurry


(of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps.

pedestrians scurried for cover

synonyms: hurry, hasten, run, rush, dash, scamper, scuttle, scramble, scutter, scoot, beetle

reel-brzo izgovoriti, zateturati se, namotati

reeling from-odavde

reeling in-oporavak

reeling off-opuštanje

Definitions of reel


wind a line onto a reel by turning the reel.

That's his hand holding my spent target, after I emptied a round in it and reeled it in .

lose one's balance and stagger or lurch violently.

he punched Connolly in the ear, sending him reeling

synonyms: stagger, lurch, sway, rock, stumble, totter, wobble, falter

dance a reel.

Anyone who wanted to dance could reel to the sound of the ceilidh band playing at the Butter Cross.

succinct-suštinski, sažeto, koncizno, jezgrovito

Definitions of succinct


(especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed.

use short, succinct sentences

synonyms: concise, short (and sweet), brief, compact, condensed, crisp, laconic, terse, to the point,
pithy, epigrammatic, synoptic, gnomic, compendious

intrusion-upad, nametanje, provala, obijanje

Definitions of intrusion


the action of intruding.

he was furious about this intrusion into his private life

synonyms: encroachment, invasion, incursion, intervention, infringement, impingement, disturbance,

disruption, interruption

the action or process of forcing a body of igneous rock between or through existing formations, without
reaching the surface.

The associated magmatism resulted in intrusion of volcanic rocks into the sedimentary basins, magmatic
underplating at the base of the crust, and large amounts of extrusive material.
brass-mesing, pleh, metalni delovi odeće

definitions of brass


a yellow alloy of copper and zinc.

a brass plate on the door

brazen-hrabro, drsko, bez srama, u hrišćanskoj terminologiji-derznoveno, neustrašivo

Definitions of brazen


bold and without shame.

he went about his illegal business with a brazen assurance

synonyms: bold, shameless, unashamed, unabashed, unembarrassed, defiant, impudent, impertinent,

cheeky, insolent, in-your-face, barefaced, blatant, flagrant, saucy

made of brass.

Among the Barcaeans there was a skilled worker in brass who took a brazen shield and, carrying it round
within the wall, applied it here and there at places where he thought the workings might be.

endure an embarrassing or difficult situation by behaving with apparent confidence and lack of shame.

Of course, if we had brazened it out a bit more people might hardly have noticed.

varacity-istinitost, tačnost, istinoljublje

Definitions of veracity


conformity to facts; accuracy.

officials expressed doubts concerning the veracity of the story

synonyms: truthfulness, truth, accuracy, correctness, faithfulness, fidelity, reputability, honesty,

sincerity, trustworthiness, reliability, dependability, scrupulousness, ethics, morality, righteousness,
virtuousness, decency, straightforwardness, goodness, probity



noun: meme; plural noun: memes


an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or
other non-genetic means.

an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by
Internet users, often with slight variations.


1970s: from Greek mimēma ‘that which is imitated’, on the pattern of gene .

tricorder-u Zvezdanim Stazama multifunkcionalna naprava koja se koristi za skeniranje, analiziranje i

beleženje podataka dobijenih analizom i to korista vanzemaljci

tricorder-In the science-fictional Star Trek universe, a tricorder is a multifunction hand-held device used
for sensor scanning, data analysis, and recording data. Three primary variants of the tricorder appear in
Star Trek, issued by the fictional organization Starfleet.

blunt-tup, otvoren, iskren, nabusit, zatupiti

Definitions of blunt


(of a knife, pencil, etc.) having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp.

a blunt knife

synonyms: unsharpened, dull, worn, edgeless


make or become less sharp.

wood can blunt your ax

synonyms: dull, make less sharp


a hollowed-out cigar filled with marijuana.

Consequently, marijuana use in blunts may persist longer into adulthood for a larger proportion of the
general population than marijuana use in joints and pipes had in the past.

splatter-brčkati se, bućkati, prštati (tečnost: krv, blato..), film sa puno ubijanja, gde pršti krv

Definitions of splatter


a spot or trail of a sticky or viscous liquid splashed over a surface or object.

each puddle we crossed threw a splatter of mud on the windshield

denoting or referring to films featuring many violent and gruesome deaths.

a splatter movie


splash with a sticky or viscous liquid.

a passing cart rolled by, splattering him with mud

dampers-amortizeri, prigušivači

Definitions of damper


a person or thing that has a depressing, subduing, or inhibiting effect.

another damper on reactor development was the problem of safeguards

synonyms: curb, check, restraint, restriction, limit, limitation, constraint, rein, brake, control, impedimen

inertial-inercijalno, od inercije

Definitions of inertial


of, relating to, or arising from inertia.

Another way of understanding the situation is to remember the equivalence Einstein explained between
gravitational and inertial forces.
warp-iskriviti, izvitoperiti, izbaciti, širom otvoriti, osnova, izvitoperenost, predrasuda, krivljenje

Definitions of warp


a twist or distortion in the shape or form of something.

the head of the racket had a curious warp

(in weaving) the threads on a loom over and under which other threads (the weft) are passed to make

the warp and weft are the basic constituents of all textiles


become or cause to become bent or twisted out of shape, typically as a result of the effects of heat or

wood has a tendency to warp

synonyms: buckle, twist, bend, distort, deform, misshape, skew, curve, bow, contort

unbeknownst-nepoznat, bez ničijeg znanja, nepoznato nikome

Definitions of unbeknown

without the knowledge of (someone).

unbeknown to me, she made some inquiries

pivotal-ključno, od najvećeg značaja

Definitions of pivotal


of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.

the alliance that played a pivotal role in the revolution

synonyms: central, crucial, vital, critical, focal, essential, key, decisive

pertinent-relevantno, značajno, važno

Definitions of pertinent

relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite.

she asked me a lot of very pertinent questions

synonyms: relevant, to the point, apposite, appropriate, suitable, fitting, fit, apt, applicable, material,
germane, to the purpose, apropos, on-topic, ad rem

speck-mrljica, parčence, salo, prošarano mrljicama, tačkice..

Definitions of speck


a tiny spot.

the figure in the distance had become a mere speck

synonyms: dot, pinprick, spot, fleck, speckle


mark with small spots.

their skin was specked with goose pimples

scouring-čišćenje, ribanje, snažno trljanje abrazivom i deterdžentom

Definitions of scour


clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an abrasive or detergent.

he scoured the bathtub

synonyms: scrub, rub, clean, wash, cleanse, wipe, polish, buff (up), shine, burnish, abrade

administer a strong purgative to.

subject (a place, text, etc.) to a thorough search in order to locate something.

David scoured each newspaper for an article on the murder

synonyms: search, comb, hunt through, rummage through, go through with a fine-tooth comb, root
through, rake through, leave no stone unturned in, look high and low in, ransack, turn upside-down

loathe-gaditi se, gnušati se, mrzeti

Definitions of loathe

feel intense dislike or disgust for.

she loathed him on sight

synonyms: hate, detest, abhor, execrate, have a strong aversion to, feel repugnance toward, not be able
to bear/stand, be repelled by

niche-niša, udubljenje u zidu gde se stavi ikona, statua ili neki sličan, važan objekat ili ukras

Definitions of niche


a shallow recess, especially one in a wall to display a statue or other ornament.

Zeno built a tall wall with about 20 niches for statues of gods and goddesses behind the stage.

synonyms: recess, alcove, nook, cranny, hollow, bay, cavity, cubbyhole, pigeonhole


place or position (something) in a niche.

Honey is not as big as Essence, Heart & Soul is not as big as Essence, but a combined circulation of
500,000 is big enough where it has to be looked at, and it's also niched enough where advertisers can
make more efficient buys for their targets.
segue-neprekinut prelaz sa jedne pesme u drugu, upliv, tranzicija..

Definitions of segue


an uninterrupted transition from one piece of music or film scene to another.

Riffs on Hoagy Carmichael's ‘Georgia on My Mind’ are obvious musical cues and are used as segues
throughout the film.


(in music and film) move without interruption from one song, melody, or scene to another.

allowing one song to segue into the next


Definitions of disgruntled


angry or dissatisfied.

judges receive letters from disgruntled members of the public

synonyms: dissatisfied, discontented, aggrieved, resentful, fed up, displeased, unhappy, disappointed,
disaffected, angry, irate, annoyed, cross, exasperated, indignant, vexed, irritated, piqued, irked, put out,
peeved, miffed, bummed, aggravated, hacked off, riled, peed off, PO'd, hot under the collar, in a huff,
cheesed off, shirty, sore, teed off, ticked off

fess up-priznati istinu, ispovediti se-confess

jabs-udarac šiljatim predmetom, kratak direkt, ubod, zadati kratak direkt, ubosti, udariti šiljatim

Definitions of jab


a quick, sharp blow, especially with the fist.

fast jabs to the face

synonyms: poke, prod, dig, nudge, butt, thrust, stab, push


poke (someone or something) roughly or quickly, especially with something sharp or pointed.

she jabbed him in his ribs

synonyms: poke, prod, dig, nudge, butt, ram, thrust, stab, push

plaque-plaketa, ukrasna plača kao nagrada, plak

Definitions of plaque


an ornamental tablet, typically of metal, porcelain, or wood, that is fixed to a wall or other surface in
commemoration of a person or event.

The kick off is at 2pm where a plaque to commemorate the event will be unveiled.

synonyms: plate, tablet, panel, sign, cartouche, brass

a sticky deposit on teeth in which bacteria proliferate.

Pericoronitis - an infection of the soft tissue surrounding the tooth, caused by a build of plaque (a sticky
white substance that contains bacteria).

a small, distinct, typically raised patch or region resulting from local damage or deposition of material,
such as a fatty deposit on an artery wall in atherosclerosis or a site of localized damage of brain tissue in
Alzheimer's disease.

Atherosclerosis, which develops as fatty plaques within arterial walls, underlies both heart attack and

shred-trunka, komad, parče, iseckati, narendati..

Definitions of shred

a strip of some material, such as paper, cloth, or food, that has been torn, cut, or scraped from
something larger.

her beautiful dress was torn to shreds

synonyms: tatter, scrap, strip, ribbon, rag, fragment, sliver, (tiny) bit/piece


tear or cut into shreds.

shredded cabbage

ranting-strasveno govoriti, ostrašćeno govoriti, zapenušiti, divljati, grditi nekog..

Definitions of rant


speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.

she was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all

scurrying-jurenje, skupljanje..

Definitions of scurry

(of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps.

pedestrians scurried for cover

synonyms: hurry, hasten, run, rush, dash, scamper, scuttle, scramble, scutter, scoot, beetle, make haste


hurry, hasten, run, rush, dash, scamper, scuttle, scramble, scutter, scoot, beetle, make haste

scuttle, scamper, skitter

survey-anketa, pregled, primer, pregledati, ispitati..

Definitions of survey


a general view, examination, or description of someone or something.

the author provides a survey of the relevant literature

synonyms: study, review, consideration, overview, scrutiny, examination, inspection, appraisal

an act of surveying an area of land.

the flight involved a detailed aerial survey of military bases


(of a person or their eyes) look carefully and thoroughly at (someone or something), especially so as to
appraise them.
her green eyes surveyed him coolly

synonyms: look at, look over, observe, view, contemplate, regard, gaze at, stare at, eye, scrutinize,
examine, inspect, scan, study, consider, review, take stock of, size up, behold

examine and record the area and features of (an area of land) so as to construct a map, plan, or

he surveyed the coasts of New Zealand

substantiate-potkrepiti tvrdnje dokazima, potvrditi

Definitions of substantiate


provide evidence to support or prove the truth of.

they had found nothing to substantiate the allegations

synonyms: prove, show to be true, give substance to, support, uphold, bear out, justify, vindicate,

Whirlpool-vrtlog, vir, kovitlac

frowned-namrštio se, mrštiti se, gladati sa neodobravanjem

Definitions of frown


furrow one's brow in an expression of disapproval, displeasure, or concentration.

he frowned as he reread the letter

synonyms: scowl, glower, glare, lower, make a face, look daggers, give someone a black look,


Definitions of converge


(of several people or things) come together from different directions so as eventually to meet.

convoys from America and the UK traversed thousands of miles to converge in the Atlantic

synonyms: close in on, bear down on, approach, move toward

saturation-zasićenje, nanošenje poražavajućeg udara, saturacija

Definitions of saturation

the state or process that occurs when no more of something can be absorbed, combined with, or added.

Over time, the rate of adoption of the innovation increases, until the process gets closer to saturation ,
when the rate again slows down.


noun. a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall; a shortage of water resulting from this.

Chinese officials say cloud seeding has helped to relieve severe droughts and water shortages in cities.

synonyms: dry spell, lack of rain, shortage of water

hindered, to hinder-ometen, ometati, smetati

Quenching-kaljenje, gašenje žeđi, gašenje vatre


satisfy (one's thirst) by drinking.

He no longer quenches his thirst by drinking sodas.

extinguish (a fire).

firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames

synonyms: extinguish, put out, snuff out, smother, douse

subversive-субверзиван, подривачки, антидржавни


seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.

subversive literature

synonyms: disruptive, troublemaking, inflammatory, insurrectionary, seditious, revolutionary, rebellious,

rebel, renegade, dissident


a subversive person.

By now known as a subversive and revolutionary, Marx was expelled from Paris, at the request of the
Prussian authorities.
synonyms: troublemaker, dissident, agitator, revolutionary, renegade, rebel

adept-vešt, vičan nečemu


very skilled or proficient at something.

he is adept at cutting through red tape

synonyms: expert, proficient, accomplished, skillful, talented, masterly, masterful, consummate,

virtuoso, adroit, dexterous, deft, artful, brilliant, splendid, marvelous, formidable, outstanding, first-rate,
first-class, excellent, fine, great, top-notch, tip-top, A1, ace, mean, hotshot, crack, nifty, deadly,


a person who is skilled or proficient at something.

they are adepts at kung fu and karate

synonyms: expert, past master, master, genius, maestro, doyen, virtuoso, wizard, demon, ace, hotshot


a piece of bent wire or plastic used for holding several sheets of paper together.

My producer reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a few pieces of paper held together with a
paper clip .



incessant trivial talk.

a stream of idle chatter

synonyms: chat, talk, gossip, chitchat, jabbering, jabber, prattling, prattle, babbling, babble, tittle-tattle,
blathering, blather, yammering, yattering, yapping, jawing, chewing the fat, confabulation, colloquy

a series of quick high-pitched sounds.

the chatter of a typewriter

talk rapidly or incessantly about trivial matters.

the kids chattered and splashed at the edge of the lagoon



bounce, bound


fly out, rush out, bounce


bounce, hop, skip


fly in, fly into, barge into, bounce, cannon into



rebound, bounce, ricochet

jump, leap, rise, hop, bounce, skip

дрска лаж



Definitions of bounce


a rebound of a ball or other object.

a bad bounce caused the ball to get away from the second baseman

an act of jumping or an instance of being moved up and down.

every bounce of the truck brought them into fresh contact

synonyms: rebound, reflection, ricochet


(of an object, especially a ball) move quickly up, back, or away from a surface after hitting it; rebound
(once or repeatedly).

the ball bounced off the rim

synonyms: rebound, spring back, ricochet, jounce, carom, reflect

3 more definitions


slope, inclination, tilt, incline, gradient, slant


view, aspect, viewpoint, slant, observation point, facet


bevel, slope, slant, skew, descent


prejudice, preconception, slant, prepossession, warp



invert, slant


tilt, lean, slant, slope, incline, tip


slant, bend

нагињати се

verge, slant



slant, slanting, oblique, sloping, skew, bevel


slanting, sidelong, slant, crosscut

Definitions of slant


a sloping position.

the hedge grew at a slant

synonyms: slope, incline, tilt, gradient, pitch, angle, cant, camber, inclination


slope or lean in a particular direction; diverge or cause to diverge from the vertical or horizontal.

a plowed field slanted up to the skyline

synonyms: slope, tilt, incline, be at an angle, tip, cant, lean, dip, pitch, shelve, list, bank



slant pockets

1 more definitions

frantic-adjective, помаман, frantic, frenetic, raving, rabid

махнит, frantic, mad, insane, furious


Definitions of frantic

wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion.

she was frantic with worry

synonyms: panic-stricken, panicky, beside oneself, at one's wits' end, distraught, overwrought, worked
up, agitated, distressed, frenzied, wild, frenetic, fraught, feverish, hysterical, desperate, in a state, in a
tizzy, wound up, het up, in a flap, tearing one's hair out



showing defiance.

she was in a defiant mood

synonyms: intransigent, resistant, obstinate, uncooperative, noncompliant, recalcitrant, obstreperous,

truculent, dissenting, disobedient, insubordinate, subversive, rebellious, mutinous, feisty, unruly


Translations of defiant

defiant, spiteful, truculent


Translations of rally

verb, довести у ред

arrange things, put in order, trim, brush up, rally, marshal

опоравити се

recover, recuperate, rally, get over, convalesce


collect, summon, reach, rally, whip up, marshal


jump, leap, go up, dive, spring, vault

unite, consolidate, pool, unify, rally, unionize

Definitions of rally


the action or process of coming together to support a person or cause or take concerted action.

a rallying cry

the sport or action of participating in a motor rally.

established names in international rallying


(of troops) come together again in order to continue fighting after a defeat or dispersion.

De Montfort's troops rallied and drove back the king's infantry

synonyms: regroup, reassemble, re-form, reunite

3 more definitions


Definitions of enhance

intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.

his refusal does nothing to enhance his reputation

synonyms: increase, add to, intensify, heighten, magnify, amplify, inflate, strengthen, build up,
supplement, augment, boost, raise, lift, elevate, exalt, improve, enrich, complement


increase, enhance, up, augment, magnify, blow up


Definitions of confound


cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by acting against their expectations.

the inflation figure confounded economic analysts

synonyms: amaze, astonish, dumbfound, stagger, surprise, startle, stun, throw, shake, discompose,
bewilder, bedazzle, baffle, mystify, bemuse, perplex, puzzle, confuse, take aback, shake up, catch off
balance, flabbergast, blow someone's mind, blow away, flummox, faze, stump, beat, fox,
mix up (something) with something else so that the individual elements become difficult to distinguish.

'nuke' is now a cooking technique, as microwave radiation is confounded with nuclear radiation


used to express anger or annoyance.

oh, confound it, where is the thing?



completely exhausted.

I'm not staying long—I'm whacked

Examples of wacked

Plus I am kinda wacked out on pain meds so excuse me if this only makes sense to the pink elephant
who is helping me write it.

And now both of us are completely wacked so we're off to bed!

But tell that to four guys wacked out on mushrooms. 7/10 (Lorraine Carpenter)

As far as I am concerned, their Indian support staff is wacked and on-drugs.

Well, a full day's boarding the loft left me too whacked to blog last night.


confuse, distract, confound, bewilder, puzzle, baffle

pungent-jak miris, tipican za nesto-pungent smell


tamper-pokvariti nešto mešajući se u nešto



interfere with (something) in order to cause damage or make unauthorized alterations.

someone tampered with the brakes on my car

synonyms: interfere with, monkey around with, meddle with, tinker with, fiddle with, fool around with,
play around with, doctor, alter, change, adjust, damage, deface, vandalize, mess around with exert a
secret or corrupt influence upon (someone).
Increased power has been placed at the hands of customs officers whose judgment and daily conduct
can be and are tampered with by outside influences, such as a bad day or an argument before work.

synonyms: influence, get at, rig, manipulate, bribe, corrupt, bias, fix


a person or thing that tamps something down, especially a machine or tool for tamping down earth or

Its hydraulic PTO can manage breakers, tampers , drills, and saws.

See also

tamper with

Translations of tamper



spoil, corrupt, deteriorate, mar, damage, tamper


pick, tamper, monkey


bribe, suborn, pay off, tamper, get to


Definitions of contrive


create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.

his opponents contrived a crisis

synonyms: bring about, engineer, manufacture, orchestrate, stage-manage, create, devise, concoct,
construct, plan, fabricate, plot, hatch, wangle, set up

Translations of contrive



invent, devise, contrive


contrive, conceive, decide

довијати се




pews-crkvena klupa


hype-uzbuditi se, uzbudljiva drustvena desavanjam, biti povisenog raspolozenja


Definitions of dazzle

extremely bright, especially so as to blind the eyes temporarily.

the sunlight was dazzling

synonyms: bright, blinding, glaring, brilliant


(of a bright light) blind (a person) temporarily.

she was dazzled by the headlights

synonyms: blind temporarily, deprive of sight

Translations of dazzling



blinding, dazzling, flaming


deployment-noun. поновна дислокација, развијање, развој, разврставање

development, consecution, growth, uprising, evolvent, deployment

amplify-појачати, proširiti

Definitions of amplify


increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier.

the accompanying chords have been amplified in our arrangement

synonyms: make louder, louden, turn up, magnify, intensify, increase, boost, step up, raise
Translations of amplify



expand, extend, broaden, widen, amplify, dilate


amplify, reinforce, intensify, heighten, redouble, soup


Definitions of sheeple


people compared to sheep in being docile, foolish, or easily led.

by the time the sheeple wake up and try to change things, it will be too late

boast-hvaliti se
Definitions of boast


an act of talking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction.

I said I would score, and it wasn't an idle boast

synonyms: brag, self-praise, exaggeration, overstatement, grandiloquence, fanfaronade

(in squash) a stroke in which the ball is made to hit one of the sidewalls before hitting the front wall.

His favourite ploy was a backhand boast pulling Beachill to the front right corner and whatever Beachill
did with that tight ball, Parke was ready.


talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.

Ted used to boast, “I manage ten people”

synonyms: brag, crow, swagger, swank, gloat, show off, exaggerate, overstate, talk big, bloviate, blow
one's own horn, lay it on thick

(of a person, place, or thing) possess (a feature that is a source of pride).

the hotel boasts high standards of comfort

synonyms: possess, have, own, enjoy, pride oneself/itself on


hvalisati se

brag, bluster, talk big, boast, gasconade, huff



boasting, strut, vaunt, ostentation, splurge, boast

sate-zasititi se

Definitions of sate

satisfy (a desire or an appetite) to the full.

sate your appetite at the resort's restaurant



a large accumulated stock of goods or materials, especially one held in reserve for use at a time of
shortage or other emergency.

America would provide a safer form of atomic energy to prevent the production of a growing stockpile
of nuclear weapons material.

synonyms: stock, store, supply, accumulation, collection, reserve, hoard, cache, stash


accumulate a large stock of (goods or materials).

he claimed that the weapons were being stockpiled

synonyms: store up, amass, accumulate, store (up), stock up on, hoard, cache, collect, lay in, put aw


stock, supply, stockpile, store, reserve, provision



pile up, pile, accumulate, garner, stock up, stockpile

правити залихе


Definitions of bulk


the mass or magnitude of something large.

the sheer bulk of the bags

synonyms: size, volume, dimensions, proportions, mass, scale, magnitude, immensity, vastness


be or seem to be of great size or importance.

territorial questions bulked large in diplomatic relations

treat (a product) so that its quantity appears greater than it in fact is.

traders were bulking up their flour with chalk



volume, scope, extent, perimeter, circumference, bulk


volume, bulk

главни део
main, main body, bulk


load, cargo, lading, pack, bulk, carload



bulk, scattered, dissipated, straggling



cram, stuff, heap up, jam, lumber, bulk

свалити на гомилу

Definitions of stash


a secret store of something.

the man grudgingly handed over a stash of notes

synonyms: cache, hoard, stock, stockpile, store, supply, accumulation, collection, reserve

a hiding place or hideout.

Susan Sontag went to see Philip Johnson, the New York architect, or rather she ‘moseyed along to his
stash on Park’.


store (something) safely and secretly in a specified place.

their wealth had been stashed away in Swiss banks

synonyms: store, stow, pack, load, cache, hide, conceal, secrete, hoard, save, stockpile, salt away,
squirrel away


hide, conceal, stash


hide, stash


тајно складиште

cache, stash


Definitions of germ


a microorganism, especially one that causes disease.

But since pasteurisation kills not only germs but also useful bacteria, a culture is added to the milk in
order to reintroduce all essential bacteria.

synonyms: microbe, microorganism, bacillus, bacterium, virus, bug

a portion of an organism capable of developing into a new one or part of one.

Many multicellular organisms have a germ that is segregated early in the development.

See also

wheat germ, germ cell, germ cells, germ layer, germ warfare, germ-free





microbe, germ

embryo, germ


уродити плодом



Definitions of twig


a slender woody shoot growing from a branch or stem of a tree or shrub.

Sound wave vibrations are absorbed by leaves, branches and twigs of trees and shrubs.


understand or realize something.

it was amazing that Graham hadn't twigged before

synonyms: stick, sprig, shoot, stem, branchlet

Translations of twig



twig, sprig, larkspur, twiglet



understand, realize, figure out, grasp, comprehend, get

Definitions of charcoal


a porous black solid, consisting of an amorphous form of carbon, obtained as a residue when wood,
bone, or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air.

When burnt, charcoal gives off carbon monoxide which can kill in a confined space.


cook over charcoal.

charcoaled lobster

Translations of charcoal



charcoal, xylanthrax

coal, charcoal

дрвени угаљ

charcoal, xylanthrax, lignite

cache-tajno skladište

Definitions of cache


a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place.

an arms cache


store away in hiding or for future use.

Agoutis feed on some of the seeds immediately and cache others for future consumption; uneaten
seeds germinate

about a year later.


Definitions of porous


(of a rock or other material) having minute spaces or holes through which liquid or air may pass.

The result is the formation of solid structures of a porous calcium carbonate rock also known as

synonyms: permeable, penetrable, pervious, cellular, holey, absorbent, absorptive, spongy


Definitions of sestina


a poem with six stanzas of six lines and a final triplet, all stanzas having the same six words at the line-
ends in six different sequences that follow a fixed pattern, and with all six words appearing in the closing
three-line envoi.
We don't get much form poetry, and we haven't had a sestina in at least four years.

brush up-očetkati se, dovesti se u red

brush up on your defensive driving.

Synonyms of brushup


refresh, review

round off, polish up, polish, round



inoculated-pelcovani, vakcinisani
Definitions of inoculate


treat (a person or animal) with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.

he inoculated his tenants against smallpox

rigged-lažirani, montirani (izbori, utakmice..)


scattered-расути, раштркани (нпр.расута племена Израиљева)

commissioned-наручен, наручити

Definitions of commission


give an order for or authorize the production of (something such as a building, piece of equipment, or
work of art).

In the USA, a new US $5million production line was commissioned at the New Century Kansas facility.

synonyms: order, authorize, bespeak

bring (something newly produced, such as a factory or machine) into working condition.

we had a few hiccups getting the heating equipment commissioned

appoint (someone) to the rank of officer in the armed services.

seven vials-sedam bočica punih sa sedam kuga (otkrovenje)

kindreds-rod, rodbina (otkrovenje)

ascend-penjati se

discern-razlikovati (dobro od zla, dobre ljude od zlih ljudi)

Definitions of discern


perceive or recognize (something).

I can discern no difference between the two policies

uptick-Definitions of uptick

a small increase.

The company's prosperity isn't coming from an uptick in demand for information technology.


Definitions of locust


a large and mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. It is usually solitary, but from time
to time there is a population explosion, and it migrates in vast swarms that cause extensive damage to

Vast swarms of locusts have swept over South Sulawesi in the past few days, destroying rice and
secondary crops.

the large edible pod of some plants of the pea family, in particular the carob bean, which is said to
resemble a locust.
Others, like gum guar (obtained from the cluster bean), or locust bean gum (from the locust bean ),
come from seedpods.

any of a number of pod-bearing trees of the pea family, in particular the carob tree and the black locust.

We look up at the sky through a fringe of leaves belonging to a locust tree or a mimosa, the rows of lacy
leaves forming a mantilla overhead.



grasshopper, locust, flying adder

рогачево дрво

locust tree, locust


pest, vermin, blighter, canker, locust

лажна акација

pledge, pledge allegiance-свечано се заклети некоме на нешто

Definitions of pledge


a solemn promise or undertaking.

the conference ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution

synonyms: promise, undertaking, vow, word, word of honor, commitment, assurance, oath, guarantee

a thing that is given as security for the fulfillment of a contract or the payment of a debt and is liable to

forfeiture in the event of failure.

The sense of the pledge as debt implied by both translations suggests that the vow or promise is
predicated on a

loss already inscribed in the speech act.

synonyms: surety, bond, security, collateral, guarantee, deposit

a person who has promised to join a fraternity or sorority.

But Barry himself looks instinctively like a new fraternity pledge who barely made it into the house.

the drinking to a person's health; a toast.

Stand, and let us hear your pledge for the health of our land and people!


commit (a person or organization) by a solemn promise.

the government pledged itself to deal with environmental problems


Definitions of grid


a framework of spaced bars that are parallel to or cross each other; a grating.

the metal grids had been pulled across the foyer

synonyms: grating, mesh, grille, gauze, lattice

a network of lines that cross each other to form a series of squares or rectangles.

a grid of tree-lined streets

synonyms: network, matrix, reticulation


put into or set out as a grid.

a well-planned core of gridded streets

grooming-dresiranje, priprema, timarenje konja


Definitions of canine

of, relating to, or resembling a dog or dogs.

canine distemper virus


a pointed tooth between the incisors and premolars of a mammal, often greatly enlarged in carnivores.

Each jaw has four incisors, two canines , and four molars.



doglike, doggish, wolfish, wolflike, lupine, foxlike, vulpine


dog, wolf, fox

dogtooth, canine tooth, eyetooth, eye tooth, cuspid

blizzard-snezna mecava

Definitions of blizzard


a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility.

And then there are the weather warnings for hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards , floods, winds, and tides.

synonyms: snowstorm, whiteout, snow squall, snowfall, nor'easter, northeaster

boast-хвалити се, разметати се

disassociate-раздвојити нешто што је нераздвојиво нпр.душу и тело, психу фрагментирати,

створити шизофренију, итд.што раде илуминати у МК ултра контроли ума

Definitions of allot


give or apportion (something) to someone as a share or task.

equal time was allotted to each

synonyms: allocate to, assign to, apportion to, distribute to, issue to, grant to, earmark for, designate
for, set

aside for, hand out to/for, deal out to/for, dish out to/for, dole out to/for, give out to/for, divvy up for



allocate to, assign, accord, parcel out

Translations of allot


assign, award, grant, allocate, give, allot


determine, set, define, designate, appoint, order

renown-углед, реноме, добро име, слава

fowls-птице, живина-poultry, дивљач (библијски израз, птице небеске)


Definitions of aggregate


formed or calculated by the combination of many separate units or items; total.

the aggregate amount of grants made

synonyms: total, combined, gross, overall, composite


a whole formed by combining several (typically disparate) elements.

the council was an aggregate of three regional assemblies

a material or structure formed from a loosely compacted mass of fragments or particles.

Soil particles are bound together into aggregates and these influence the precise pore structure of the

synonyms: collection, mass, agglomeration, conglomerate, assemblage, mixture, mix, combination,


accumulation, compound, alloy, amalgam

form or group into a class or cluster.

the butterflies aggregate in dense groups

Translations of aggregate



meeting, gathering, conference, congress, convention, aggregate


group, aggregate, agglomerate


crowd, pile, heap, mob, stack, aggregate



piled, unfunded, aggregate, accrete



shrunken, aggregate



pile up, pile, accumulate, garner, stock up, aggregate


gather, collect, raise, shrink, assemble, aggregate


connect, join, combine, merge, bring together, aggregate

perp-злочинац, зликовац, кршилац закона

Definitions of perp.


the perpetrator of a crime.

For example, battery under the common law was a general intent crime requiring the perp 's awareness
that he is acting in a proscribed manner.



Examples of perp

For example, battery under the common law was a general intent crime requiring the perp 's awareness
that he is acting in a proscribed manner.

If a perp fails to give way, a patrol car down the road makes the arrest.

What's worse is that the perp will walk and go on to commit more crimes.

he steps into a pothole chasing a perp down a dark street

The investigators go to Albany and Atlanta to find their perp , run into endless roadblocks, combat
fatigue, and must reconcile with the angry community.

She stole a police squad car with the perp who shot the chief of police.

A crime is committed early on, the perp is unknown, and the story ends approximately when the
investigating officer, always a major character, discovers who did it.
You know, they could be just playing it close to the vest and not tipping out - tipping off the person out
there, the real perp , as to what the police really know.

With pinpoint accuracy, the two teed off and pegged the perp in the knee, downing him until police
caught up.

affliction-несрећа, туга, бол, ожалошћеност

Definitions of affliction


something that causes pain or suffering.

a crippling affliction of the nervous system

synonyms: disorder, disease, malady, complaint, ailment, illness, indisposition, handicap, scourge,
plague, trouble



disorder, disease, malady, complaint, ailment, illness, indisposition, handicap, scourge, plague, trouble
suffering, distress, pain, trouble, misery, wretchedness, hardship, misfortune, adversity, sorrow,
torment, tribulation, woe

sheepfold-тор овчији

covert-тајно, сакривено, заташкано



a small remaining quantity of something.

It happened in front of the Western Wall, the last remnant of the Second Temple.

synonyms: remains, remainder, leftovers, residue, rest, residuum


fellow Christians or members of a male religious order.

But then we got here and I saw how your own brethren in the Order have failed to appreciate your
towering nobility.


a man or boy in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents.

To Tara's parents, brothers and sisters, relations and friends we offer our deepest sympathies and wish
upon her the light of Heaven.

synonyms: sibling, bro, sib

a (male) fellow Christian.

My desire is that Protestants would see me as a friend and a brother in Christ.

enclosure-ograda, obor, tor za ovce

an area that is sealed off with an artificial or natural barrier.

The Park itself has many other attractions, such as woodland walks, deer enclosures and wild boar areas.

synonyms: paddock, fold, pen, compound, stockade, ring, yard, sty, coop, corral

the state of being enclosed, especially in a religious community.

the nuns kept strict enclosure

a document or object placed in an envelope together with a letter.

The letter's enclosures included documents in support of that charge.



land covered with grass and other low plants suitable for grazing animals, especially cattle or sheep.

Three quarters of grassland seed mixtures sown in Britain include white clover, yet studies have shown
that it only thrives in 20 per cent of fields used as pasture for cattle and sheep.

synonyms: grazing land, grassland, grass, pastureland, pasturage, ley, meadow, field, lea, mead,
used to refer to a person's situation in life.

he has departed for the greener pastures of a corner office


put (animals) in a pasture to graze.

they pastured their cows in the water meadow

breach-кршење, продор, пролаз, размак, прекршај, продор

глагол breach-продрети (penetrate, breach, break through)

imminent-неизбежно, оно што ће се десити у најскорије време и неизбежно је, и опасно је


about to happen.

they were in imminent danger of being swept away

synonyms: impending, close (at hand), near, (fast) approaching, coming, forthcoming, on the way, in the
offing, in the pipeline, on the horizon, in the air, just around the corner, coming down the pike,
expected, anticipated,

brewing, looming, threatening, menacing, in the cards





he refused to hearken to Thomas's words of wisdom



listen, obey, hearken, harken, hark

hoar-иње, покривен ињем


grayish white; gray or gray-haired with age.

These depth hoar complexes, as they are called, can usually be counted as annual layers in the top
portion of the GISP2 core.



There is still some depth hoar on the ground, but fairly consistent, and more importantly, frozen layers

susceptible-осетљив, пријемчив за нешто, подложан нечему


likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.

patients with liver disease may be susceptible to infection

synonyms: open to, receptive to, vulnerable to, an easy target for; liable to, prone to, subject to, inclined
to, predisposed to, disposed to, given to, at risk of

capable or admitting of.

the problem is not susceptible of a simple solution

litter-ђубре, направити ђубре, бацати ђубре, отпад, легло (кучића или мачића или којег год
сисара), окот, носила, смеће, простирка, разбацати ђубре...

the perpetrator of a crime-извршилац злочина


Definitions of leap


a forceful jump or quick movement.

she came downstairs in a series of flying leaps

synonyms: jump, vault, spring, bound, hop, skip


jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.

I leaped across the threshold

synonyms: jump over, jump, vault over, vault, spring over, bound over, hop (over), hurdle, leapfrog, cl

boot camp-центар за обуку

Definitions of boot camp


a military training camp for new recruits, with strict discipline.

He just enlisted this past year, finished his boot camp and his training at Parris Island in South Carolina.

daub-мазати, премазати

Definitions of daub


plaster, clay, or another substance used for coating a surface, especially when mixed with straw and
applied to laths or wattles to form a wall.
square huts, mostly daub and wattle

a painting executed without much skill.

It's a natural assumption that his daubs and the words he writes in them and alongside them somehow
inform one another, but that's to ignore the more telling effect writing has in his early work.


coat or smear (a surface) with a thick or sticky substance in a carelessly rough or liberal way.

she daubed her face with night cream

synonyms: smear, bedaub, plaster, splash, spatter, splatter, cake, cover, smother, coat


Definitions of enshrine


place (a revered or precious object) in an appropriate receptacle.

relics are enshrined under altars


preserve, entrench, set down, lay down, set in stone, embody, incorporate, contain, include, treasure,
immortalize, cherish



zatvoriti u svetilište


charter-изнајмити, закупити, чартер лет

Definitions of charter


a written grant by a country's legislative or sovereign power, by which an institution such as a company,
college, or city is created and its rights and privileges defined.

In 1794 the legislature granted the charter , creating one of the four earliest academies in New

synonyms: authority, authorization, sanction, dispensation, consent, permission, permit, license,

warrant, franchise

the reservation of an aircraft, boat, or bus for private use.

a plane on charter to a multinational company

synonyms: hire, hiring, lease, leasing, rent, rental, renting, booking, reservation, reserving

grant a charter to (a city, college, or other institution).

the company was chartered in 1553

reserve (an aircraft, boat, or bus) for private use.

he chartered a plane to take him to Paris

synonyms: hire, lease, rent, book, reserve

See also

charter school, charter flight, charter party, charter member, time charter






charter, muniment, letter

lease, rent, charter, hire, tenancy, holding


rental, lease, leasing, charter, let


right, law, justice, franchise, charter, jus



rent, lease, charter, take a lease


rent, lease, charter, take a lease

henceforth-од сада

Definitions of henceforth


from this time on or from that time on.

the company announced that it would henceforth charge royalties

synonyms: from now on, as of now, in (the) future, hence, subsequently, from this day on, from this day
forth, hereafter



from now on, as of now, in (the) future, hence, subsequently, from this day on, from this day forth,



Also I am having a party with my flatmate, who henceforth shall be referred to as Blondie.

21 more examples


Definitions of vindicate


clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.

hospital staff were vindicated by the inquest verdict

synonyms: acquit, clear, absolve, exonerate, discharge, liberate, free, let off, let off the hook, exculpate


clear, exonerated, absolved, cleared


acquit, clear, absolve, exonerate, discharge, liberate, free, let off, let off the hook, exculpate

justify, warrant, substantiate, ratify, authenticate, verify, confirm, corroborate, prove, defend, support,
back up, bear out, evidence, endorse




justify, excuse, vindicate, account, warrant, acquit


prove, demonstrate, attest, vindicate, authenticate, ram


defend, vindicate

slurred-неразговетан, замагљен
Definitions of slur


speak (words or speech) indistinctly so that the sounds run into one another.

he was slurring his words like a drunk

synonyms: mumble, speak unclearly, garble

perform (a group of two or more notes) legato.

a group of slurred notes

make damaging or insulting insinuations or allegations about.

try and slur the integrity of the police to secure an acquittal





mumble, speak unclearly, garble

blur, dim

See also
slur, slurred speech

osloboditi optužbe

exonerate, vindicate


Definitions of desolate


make (a place) bleakly and depressingly empty or bare.

the droughts that desolated the dry plains

synonyms: devastate, ravage, ruin, lay waste to, level, raze, demolish, wipe out, obliterate


devastate, dishearten, depopulate, abandon

23 more synonyms

Translations of desolate


leave, abandon, vacate, quit, forsake, desert


raven, infest, desolate, maraud


demolish, tear down, dilapidate, raze, desolate


Showing translation for plausible

Translate instead plausable


Definitions of plausible


(of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.

a plausible explanation

synonyms: credible, reasonable, believable, likely, feasible, tenable, possible, conceivable, imaginable,
convincing, persuasive, cogent, sound, rational, logical, thinkable


credible, reasonable, believable, likely, feasible, tenable, possible, conceivable, imaginable, convincing,
persuasive, cogent, sound, rational, logical, thinkable

Examples of plausable

Each version of the letters gives plausible reasons as to why the sender wants the money holding in a
British account.

Translations of plausible



likely, probable, plausible, possible, presumptive, reputed


credible, trustworthy, believable, reliable, plausible, veracious



embroiled-upleteni, upetljani

Definitions of embroil


involve (someone) deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation.

she became embroiled in a dispute between two women she hardly knew
synonyms: involve, entangle, ensnare, enmesh, catch up, mix up, bog down, mire


Definitions of embezzlement


theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust or belonging to one's employer.

charges of fraud and embezzlement

synonyms: misappropriation, theft, stealing, robbery, thieving, pilfering, purloining, pilferage, ap

helter-skelter-navrat-nanos, zbrka, metež

Definitions of helter-skelter


in disorderly haste or confusion.

she had blamed her grogginess on a helter-skelter lifestyle

synonyms: headlong, pell-mell, hotfoot, posthaste, hastily, hurriedly, at full tilt, hell-bent for leather,
recklessly, precipitately, heedlessly, wildly, like a bat out of hell, like the wind, like greased lightning,


disorder; confusion.

the helter-skelter of a school day

a tall spiral slide winding around a tower at a fair.

There's a vast market, with traders clad in frock coats, a fairground with hurdy-gurdies and helter-
skelters , an artificial ice rink and three outdoor stages full of choirs and bands.

nemesis-osvetnik, osvetnicka pravda, nepobediv protivnik

Definitions of Nemesis


the inescapable agent of someone's or something's downfall.

the balance beam was the team's nemesis, as two gymnasts fell from the apparatus
synonyms: archrival, adversary, foe, opponent, arch enemy


a goddess usually portrayed as the agent of divine punishment for wrongdoing or presumption (hubris).

promissory-koji obećava

Definitions of promissory


conveying or implying a promise.

statements that are promissory in nature

conveying-preneti, saopštiti, isporučiti, sprovesti

Definitions of convey

transport or carry to a place.

pipes were laid to convey water to the house

synonyms: transport, carry, bring, take, fetch, bear, move, ferry, shuttle, shift, tran

retaliation-odmazda, osveta

Definitions of retaliation


the action of returning a military attack; counterattack.

the bombings are believed to be in retaliation for the trial of 15 suspects

synonyms: revenge, vengeance, reprisal, retribution, requital, recrimination, repayment, response,

reaction, reply, counterattack


revenge, vengeance, reprisal, retribution, requital, recrimination, repayment, response, reaction, reply
havoc-pustoš, rasulo, opustošiti, upropastiti

Definitions of havoc


widespread destruction.

the hurricane ripped through Florida, causing havoc

synonyms: devastation, destruction, damage, desolation, ruination, ruin, disaster, catastrophe


lay waste to; devastate.

The lack of participants is associated to a large storm that havocked Latvia in January 2005 and uprooted
and destroyed large forest areas.


Definitions of ploy


a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one's own advantage.

the president has dismissed the referendum as a ploy to buy time

synonyms: ruse, tactic, move, device, stratagem, scheme, trick, gambit, plan, maneuver, dodge

rife-pun, ispunjen, obilan, mnogobrojan

Definitions of rife


(especially of something undesirable or harmful) of common occurrence; widespread.

male chauvinism was rife in medicine in those days

synonyms: widespread, general, common, universal, extensive, ubiquitous, omnipresent, endemic,

inescapable, insidious, prevalent


in an unchecked or widespread manner.

speculation ran rife that he was an arms dealer

defiance-prkos, otpor..

Definitions of defiance


open resistance; bold disobedience.

the demonstration was held in defiance of official warnings

synonyms: resistance, opposition, noncompliance, disobedience, insubordination, dissent, recalcitrance,

subversion, rebellion, contempt, disregard, scorn, insolence, truculence

See also

Translations of defiance



defiance, spite, purslane, truculence

lack, deficiency, imperfection, shortage, defect, defiance


deficit, deficiency, defiance, shortage, wantage, shortfall




responsibility, liability, accountability, charge


obligation, duty, liability, undertaking, must, bond


setback, obstacle, barrier, hurdle, impediment, liability


possibility, opportunity, potential, eventuality, potentiality, liability

Definitions of liability


the state of being responsible for something, especially by law.

the partners accept unlimited liability for any risks they undertake

synonyms: accountability, responsibility, legal responsibility, answerability, blame, culpability, guilt, fault

a person or thing whose presence or behavior is likely to cause embarrassment or put one at a

he has become a political liability

synonyms: hindrance, encumbrance, burden, handicap, nuisance, inconvenience, obstacle, impediment,
disadvantage, weakness, weak link, shortcoming, millstone around one's neck, albatross, Achilles heel


prone to..-sklon da..

Definitions of prone


likely to or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something, typically something regrettable or

years of logging had left the mountains prone to mudslides

synonyms: susceptible, vulnerable, subject, open, liable, given, predisposed, likely, disposed, inclined,
apt, at risk of

lying flat, especially face downward.

I was lying prone on a foam mattress

synonyms: (lying) face down, face downward, on one's stomach/front, lying flat/down, horizontal,

with a downward slope or direction.

Translations of prone



prone, inclined, fond, minded, disposed, bent


lying, prone, idle




pace-korak, tempo, brzina, hod, koračati, hodati, podesiti brzinu, hodati tamo-vamo, ukorak

perilous pestilence-opasni pomor

Definitions of pestilence

a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.

He argues that there is clear evidence for the pestilence having been plague, rather than other diseases
that have been suggested such as anthrax.

Translations of pestilence



plague, pestilence, murrain



Buckler-štitnik, štit

Definitions of buckler


a small, round shield held by a handle or worn on the forearm.

Some archers wore virtually no defensive equipment and were even barefoot, carrying perhaps a small
buckler as well as a sword, dagger, or lead maul.
Deciphered-dešifrovano, dešifrovati, odgonetati

Definitions of decipher


convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language.

enable the government to decipher coded computer transmissions

synonyms: decode, decrypt, break, work out, solve, interpret, unscramble, translate, make sense of, get
to the bottom of, unravel, crack, figure out

tame-ukrotiti, pripitomiti, pitom, krotak, otrcan

Definitions of tame


(of an animal) not dangerous or frightened of people; domesticated.

the fish are so tame you have to push them away from your face mask

synonyms: domesticated, domestic, docile, tamed, broken, trained, gentle, mild, pet, housebroken,

(of a plant) produced by cultivation.

My family moved to this location about 3 years ago when there wasn't a single tame plant on the place.

domesticate (an animal).

wild rabbits can be kept in captivity and eventually tamed

synonyms: domesticate, break, train, master, subdue


dismal-mračno, sumorno, tužno

Definitions of dismal


depressing; dreary.

the dismal weather made the late afternoon seem like evening

synonyms: dingy, dim, dark, gloomy, dreary, drab, dull, bleak, cheerless, depressing, uninviting

sheer-čisto, prozračan, pravi, okomit, potpuno, sasvim

Definitions of sheer


nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis).

sheer number of people-veliki broj ljudi

she giggled with sheer delight

synonyms: utter, complete, absolute, total, pure, downright, out-and-out, arrant, thorough,
thoroughgoing, patent, veritable, unmitigated, plain



the ridge fell sheer, in steep crags


(typically of a boat or ship) swerve or change course quickly.

the boat sheered off to beach further up the coast

synonyms: swerve, veer, slew, skew, swing, change course


a very fine or diaphanous fabric or article.

Quick to sew in less than two hours, you can sew this shrug in a variety of fabrics: sheers - such as
georgette and chiffon - shantungs, linen, crepe, even velvet.
5 more definitions

Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control Paperback – December 8, 2014

by John Hall (Author)-knjiga o mind control and survelance! Pronađi i pričitaj!

2: Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed Paperback – September 27,

by Robert Duncan (Author)-najbolja knjiga iz mind control, gang stalking, and survelance koju je nam
preporucio divni crnac advokat koga su mučili, Myron May, pre nego sto se ubio!

metal alloys-metalne legure

mylar-Definitions of Mylar


a form of polyester resin used to make heat-resistant plastic films and sheets.

If they are sleeved in plastic, be sure it is not PVC plastic (look for Mylar or polypropylene)

to enforce-sprovesti, primeniti, nagnati, podstaći

to enforce the law-sprovesti zakon

Definitions of enforce


compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).

Damages were being sought for compensation as a result of the council's negligent advice and not
primarily to enforce a public law right.

synonyms: impose, apply, administer, implement, bring to bear, discharge, execute, prosecute; force

..with the so called continental ballistic missile surveillance defense grids-..са тзв. одбрамбеним
мрежама за надгледање континенталних балистичких ракета


Definitions of DARPA


Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the central research and development organization for the
US Department of Defense.

towed arrays-vučeni nizovi (whatever that means)


Definitions of audit


an official inspection of an individual's or organization's accounts, typically by an independent body.

We have an independent audit and accountants say the Duchy is being run according to all modern
accounting practices.


conduct an official financial examination of (an individual's or organization's accounts).

companies must have their accounts audited

synonyms: inspect, examine, survey, go through, scrutinize, check, probe, vet, investigate, inquire into,
assess, verify, appraise, evaluate, review, analyze, study, give something a/the once-over, give
something a going-over

attend (a class) informally, not for academic credit.

You may be able to audit classes, attend without receiving any academic credit.

Translations of audit



check, audit, checkout, checkup, vidimus, crosscheck


review, examination, overview, inspection, survey, exam

пореска контрола



checkup, revision, revise, audit



attend, take, audit


view, inspect, examine, check, peruse, survey


check, verify, check out, test, check on, audit

Definitions of defiant


showing defiance.

she was in a defiant mood

synonyms: intransigent, resistant, obstinate, uncooperative, noncompliant, recalcitrant, obstreperous, tr


Definitions of accountability


the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.

their lack of accountability has corroded public respect


asserting-tvrditi, isticati, izjaviti

Definitions of assert

state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.

the company asserts that the cuts will not affect development

synonyms: declare, maintain, contend, argue, state, claim, propound, proclaim, announce, pronounce,
swear, insist, avow, aver, opine, asseverate





declare, insist on, aver, insist, put forward, asseverate

30 more synonyms

synonyms: responsibility, liability, answerability

inoculate-pelcovati, vakcinisati, kalemiti, učiniti da neko postane otporan na nešto, izazvati imunitet

Definitions of inoculate


treat (a person or animal) with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.

he inoculated his tenants against smallpox



vaccinate, immunize

The threat of terrorists waging biological warfare on Britain was starkly underlined last night when the
Government announced that it was acquiring enough smallpox vaccine to inoculate the entire

raucous-jaka, konstantna buka

raucous parties-bučne zabave

Definitions of raucous


making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise.

raucous youths

synonyms: harsh, strident, screeching, piercing, shrill, grating, discordant, dissonant, noisy, loud,
cacophonous; rowdy, noisy, boisterous, roisterous, wild



harsh, rowdy, strident

14 more synonyms



hoarse, raucous, harsh


rough, rugged, coarse, rasping, husky, raucous


Definitions of nightgown


a light, loose garment worn by a woman or child in bed.

She was in a light blue nightgown with little clouds on it.

a dressing gown.


Definitions of disruption


disturbance or problems that interrupt an event, activity, or process.

the schedule was planned to minimize disruption



interruption, dislocation, hoo-hah, perturbation

8 more synonyms
batted-lepršati, udarati, oterati

batted away-odlepršati

Definitions of bat


(of a team or a player in sports such as baseball) take in turns the role of hitting rather than fielding.

Ruth came to bat in the fifth inning

hit at (someone or something) with the palm of one's hand.

he batted the flies away

flutter one's eyelashes, typically in a flirtatious manner.

she batted her long dark eyelashes at him


Definitions of adoration


deep love and respect.

he gave her a look of adoration

synonyms: love, devotion, care, fondness, admiration, high regard, awe, idolization, worship, hero
worship, adulation; worship, glory, glorification, praise, thanksgiving, homage, exaltation, veneration,

worship; veneration.

the Adoration of the Magi

contempt-prezir, nepoštovanje

Definitions of contempt


the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn.

he showed his contempt for his job by doing it very badly

synonyms: scorn, disdain, disrespect, scornfulness, contemptuousness, derision, disgust, loathing,

hatred, abhorrence



scorn, disrespect, disdain


But surely my discourse is not of such repulse that I am deserving of their contempt .
What standard of measuring respect or contempt for human life should we use in making these

Well, I think his father had a certain contempt for the public relations factor in the presidency.

Watch out for scorn, sarcasm, ridicule and contempt and inappropriate humour.

tumult-vreva, metež, vika, graja, uzburkanost

Definitions of tumult


a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people.

a tumult of shouting and screaming broke out

synonyms: clamor, din, noise, racket, uproar, hue and cry, commotion, ruckus, maelstrom, rumpus,
hubbub, pandemonium, babel, bedlam, brouhaha, furor, fracas, melee, frenzy, hullabaloo



clamor, turmoil, commotion, garboil

38 more synonyms


There is actually nothing the Queen can do except carry on being who she is and doing what she does,
however great the tumult that surrounds her.
detachment-odvajanje, otuđenost, odred, bataljon

Definitions of detachment


the state of being objective or aloof.

he felt a sense of detachment from what was going on

synonyms: objectivity, dispassion, disinterest, open-mindedness, neutrality, impartiality, indifference,


a group of troops, aircraft, or ships sent away on a separate mission.

a detachment of Marines

synonyms: unit, detail, squad, troop, contingent, outfit, task force, crew, patrol, border patrol, platoon,
company, corps, regiment, brigade, battalion

the action or process of detaching; separation.

structural problems resulted in cracking and detachment of the wall

synonyms: loosening, disconnection, disengagement, separation, removal

disavow-poreći, odreći, dezavuisati, oporeći

Definitions of disavow


deny any responsibility or support for.

he appears to be in denial of his own past, which he continually disavows

synonyms: deny, disclaim, disown, wash one's hands of, repudiate, reject, renounce



deny, disclaim, disown, wash one's hands of, repudiate, reject, renounce


the union leaders resisted pressure to disavow picket-line violence

rumination-preterano razmišljanje

Synonyms of rumination


reflection, musing, thoughtfulness, reflexion, contemplation

reek-smrad, snažan miris

Definitions of reek


a foul smell.

the reek of cattle dung

synonyms: stink, bad smell, stench, fetor, whiff, miasma



smell strongly and unpleasantly; stink.

the yard reeked of wet straw and stale horse manure

synonyms: stink, smell, smell bad, stink to high heaven

Definitions of PTSD-post-traumatski stresni poremećaj


post-traumatic stress disorder.

wreak-povreda, iskaliti se, osvetiti se

Definitions of wreak


cause (a large amount of damage or harm).

torrential rainstorms wreaked havoc yesterday

synonyms: inflict, bestow, mete out, administer, deliver, impose, exact, create, cause, result in, effect,
engender, bring about, perpetrate, unleash, let loose, vent, effectuate



inflict, bestow, mete out, administer, deliver, impose, exact, create, cause, result in, effect, engender,
bring about, perpetrate, unleash, let loose, vent, effectuate

bring, make for, play, work


I'm not trying to say that these semi-musical melodies bother me, just that they will provide me with the
ultimate way to wreak my vengeance upon all of you who disrupt my lectures.

He's car wreaked of weed-Kola su mu bila uništana ( u smislu da su mnogo smrdela) od vutre!

A nitpicker is a person who finds faults, however small or unimportant, everywhere they look. After
seeing a movie, a nitpicker lists every tiny thing he or she didn't like about it. Use the informal nitpicker
when you're talking about someone who is extremely critical, even when those criticisms seem
whims-kretanja, kapric, ćef

Definitions of whim


a sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained.

she bought it on a whim

synonyms: impulse, urge, notion, fancy, foible, caprice, conceit, vagary, inclination, megrim;
capriciousness, whimsy, caprice, volatility, fickleness, idiosyncrasy

a windlass for raising ore or water from a mine.

Work was soon hampered by an inflow of large volumes of underground water in several shafts, keeping
the whims occupied day and night.


impulse, capriciousness, whimsy

plausible deniability-prihvatljivo poricanje

(ono što psihopate rade kad ubeđuju ljude da je laž istina i da istina nije istina, kao mene Milica ili moja
majka ili Saša npr.)

plausible-verodostojno, verovaatno, moguće

Definitions of plausible


(of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.

a plausible explanation

synonyms: credible, reasonable, believable, likely, feasible, tenable, possible, conceivable, imaginable,
convincing, persuasive, cogent, sound, rational, logical, thinkable

thrive-uspevati, napredovati, bogatiti se, prosperirati, bujati

Definitions of thrive


(of a child, animal, or plant) grow or develop well or vigorously.

the new baby thrived



flourish, expand, fly high

13 more synonyms

thriving-uspevati, napredovati u životu

bogus-lažna, veštačka, prividna

bogus story-lažna priča

Definitions of bogus


not genuine or true; fake.

a bogus insurance claim

synonyms: fake, spurious, false, fraudulent, sham, deceptive, counterfeit, forged, feigned, make-believe,
dummy, pseudo, phony, pretend, fictitious


fake, spurious, false, fraudulent, sham, deceptive, counterfeit, forged, feigned, make-believe, dummy,
pseudo, phony, pretend, fictitious

fake, phony, phoney, bastard


Elderly people are being warned to beware of bogus callers following an attempted burglary in Sutton.

heed!-pažnja, oprez, paziti, obazirati se

Definitions of heed


careful attention.

if he heard, he paid no heed

synonyms: attention, notice, note, regard, consideration, thought, care


pay attention to; take notice of.

he should have heeded the warnings

synonyms: pay attention to, take notice of, take note of, pay heed to, attend to, listen to, bear in mind,
be mindful of, mind, mark, consider, take into account, follow, obey, adhere to, abide by, observe, take
to heart, be alert to


Definitions of demeanor

outward behavior or bearing.

a quiet, somber demeanor

synonyms: manner, air, attitude, appearance, look, bearing, carriage, behavior, conduct, comportment

ugh-zvuk koji se koristi da izrazi gađenje od nečega



used to express disgust or horror.

"ugh—what's this disgusting object?"

patsy-žrtva, prostak

Definitions of patsy


a person who is easily taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or blamed for something.

Mapes thereby revealed herself to be a patsy , a mark, a victim of the Big Con.


fall guy, mug, chump, sucker, mark, soft touch, gull, fool


I don't know whether you are misguided, clueless, a patsy , or a fool.

deranged-poremećen, rastrojen

Definitions of derange


mad; insane.

a deranged gunman

synonyms: insane, mad, disturbed, unbalanced, unhinged, unstable, irrational, crazed, demented,
berserk, frenzied, lunatic, certifiable, non compos mentis, touched, crazy, wacko, mental, psycho, batshit


cause (someone) to become insane.

that business last month must have deranged him a bit

bogged down-zaglibiti se, ne uspeti izvesti ono što se planiralo

Synonyms of bog down


mire, grind to a halt, get stuck



gushing-vatren, koji šiklja

Definitions of gush


(of speech or writing) effusive or exaggeratedly enthusiastic.

gushing praise

synonyms: effusive, enthusiastic, overenthusiastic, unrestrained, extravagant, lavish, fulsome, rhapsodic,

lyrical, over the top


(of a liquid) flow out in a rapid and plentiful stream, often suddenly.

William watched the murky liquid gushing out

synonyms: surge, burst, spout, spurt, jet, stream, rush, pour, spill, well out, cascade, flood, flow, run,
speak or write with effusiveness or exaggerated enthusiasm.

a nice old lady reporter who covers the art openings and gushes about everything

synonyms: enthuse, rave, be enthusiastic, be effusive, rhapsodize, go into raptures, wax lyrical, praise to
the skies, overpraise, go mad, go wild, go crazy

smoldering-tinjajući, tinjanje

Definitions of smolder


burn slowly with smoke but no flame.

the bonfire still smoldered, the smoke drifting over the paddock

synonyms: smoke, glow, burn

hallmark-znak, oznaka, žig, označiti

Definitions of hallmark


a mark stamped on articles of gold, silver, or platinum in Britain, certifying their standard of purity.
This is to be an appeal against the proposal by Italy for the abandonment of hallmarks on gold and silver
throughout the EU.

synonyms: assay mark, official mark, stamp of authenticity


stamp with a hallmark.

For 700 years - let me repeat that for 700 years we have had a system for hallmarking precious metals.

SMH-shaking my head

Blast. Looks like I've still got a lot to learn. Moving on. SMH typically stands for “shaking my head,”
although it can also be used to mean “stupid minded humans” or “so much hate.”Feb 26, 2015

What Does “SMH” Mean? The Definition Of The Ubiquitous Acronym ...

indignation-ogorčenje, pravedni gnev zbog nanete nepravde, revolt zbog nepravednog postupanja

asunder-nadvoje, preseći nadvoje, prepoloviti

Definitions of asunder


apart; divided.

those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder
synonyms: apart, up, in two, to pieces, to shreds, to bits


verb: forbear; 3rd person present: forbears; past tense: forbore; gerund or present participle:
forbearing; past participle: forborne

politely or patiently restrain an impulse to do something; refrain.

"he modestly forbears to include his own work"

synonyms: refrain, abstain, desist, keep, restrain oneself, stop oneself, hold back, withhold; More

antonyms: persist in

refrain from doing or using (something).

"Rebecca could not forbear a smile"

Old English forberan (see for-, bear1). The original senses were ‘endure, bear with’, hence ‘endure the
absence of, do without’, also ‘control oneself’, hence ‘refrain from’ (Middle English).


noun: forbear

an ancestor.
"generations of his forebears had lived in London"

synonyms: ancestor, forefather, predecessor, progenitor, father, grandfather, parent, grandparent;


antonyms: descendant

looters-pljačkaši, lopovi



electromagnetic pulse.

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is an intense burst of electromagnetic (EM) energy caused by an abrupt,
rapid acceleration of charged particles, usually electron s. An EMP can contain energy components over
a large part of the EM spectrum , from very-low-frequency ( VLF ) radio to ultraviolet ( UV ) wavelength

What is electromagnetic pulse (EMP)? - Definition from › Topics › Networking › Smart grid

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is an intense burst of electromagnetic (EM) energy caused by an abrupt,
rapid acceleration of charged particles, usually electron s. An EMP can contain energy components over
a large part of the EM spectrum , from very-low-frequency ( VLF ) radio to ultraviolet ( UV ) wavelength

scavenging-skupljanje otpadaka radi ishrane, preturanje po kontejnerima, pabirčenje

Definitions of scavenge


search for and collect (anything usable) from discarded waste.

people sell junk scavenged from the garbage

synonyms: forage, rummage, search, hunt, look, root around/about, grub around/about

looted-opljačkano, zaplenjeno

Definitions of loot


steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot.

police confronted the rioters who were looting shops

synonyms: plunder, pillage, despoil, ransack, sack, raid, rifle, rob, burgle, burglarize

assertive-samopouzdan, pun samopouzdanja

Definitions of assertive


having or showing a confident and forceful personality.

patients should be more assertive with their doctors

synonyms: confident, self-confident, bold, decisive, assured, self-assured, self-possessed, forthright,

firm, emphatic, authoritative, strong-willed, forceful, insistent, determined, commanding, feisty, pushy

blueprint-plan, šematski plan, kopija, kopirati

Definitions of blueprint


a design plan or other technical drawing.

None of the plans were real blueprints or technical drawings.

synonyms: plan, design, diagram, drawing, sketch, map, layout, representation


draw up (a plan or model).

a neatly blueprinted scheme

cometh-dolazi, onaj koji dolazi, biblijska reč za "doći, dolaziti"


"onaj koji dolazi u ime Gospodnje", "doći će čas i već je nastao da se razbegneti svaki na svoju stranu, a
mene sama ostavite, ali nisam sam nego je Otac sa mnom"

hinders-ometa, ometati, smesti nekoga, sprečiti

Definitions of hinder


create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or obstruction.

various family stalemates were hindering communication

synonyms: hamper, obstruct, impede, inhibit, retard, balk, prevent, thwart, foil, curb, delay, arrest,
ogre-svirepo čudovište, džin ljudožder

Definitions of ogre


(in folklore) a man-eating giant.

Ella's journey to find a way to break the spell has its own dangers as she meets up with elves, ogres ,
giants, fairies, and of course a very charming prince.

synonyms: monster, giant, troll

buffoon-klovn, pajac, lakrdijaš, glupirati se

Definitions of buffoon


a ridiculous but amusing person; a clown.

I am usually quite controlled, but I was irritated that I was forced to spend my time with these
sycophantic buffoons , and it occurred to me that I should for once try to extract a fee for my weekly

synonyms: clown, jester, fool, comic, comedian, wag, wit, merry andrew, harlequin, Punchinello, Pier

pet peeve-

plural noun: pet peeves

something that a particular person finds especially annoying.

"one of my biggest pet peeves is poor customer service"

elicit-izmamiti odgovor ili emociju, probuditi, izvesti napolje iz nekoga neko osećanje kojega pre nije bilo,
prvo ga proizvesti, neki odgovor koji oni žele da čuju, a ti ne želiš da kažeš, a možda i lažni odgovor da bi
tebe napravili lažovom iako nisi, ali oni to rade, to je magija, to rade manipulatori, veštice i psihopate, to
je meni uradila Milanka Petković i moja majka Vera to radi i Saša i Gica Prasica, Sanja Stanojev Đuričić,
Dimitar Stanojev njen otac, Jadranka, Dragana i drugi! Takože odgovor može da bude pravi, istinit, a ti da
ne želiš da im ga kažeš, a oni će to izmamiti iz tebe, zato što su magijaši, pa nauči kako da se odbraniš od
njihovog zla! Amin! Na taj način kontrolišu tvoje ponašanje i emocije i život!!! Seti se šta ti je Milanka
napravila!!! To su vradžbine, manipulacija i to pomešano!! Idu u pakao veštice!! Amin!!!

Definitions of elicit


evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own actions or

they invariably elicit exclamations of approval from guests

synonyms: obtain, draw out, extract, bring out, evoke, call forth, bring forth, induce, prompt, generate, e
covert-tajan, prikriven, sklonište, pritajen, PODMUKAO, sinister plan...

Definitions of covert


not openly acknowledged or displayed.

covert operations against the dictatorship

synonyms: secret, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious, stealthy, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner,

backstairs, backroom, hidden, under-the-table, concealed, private, undercover, underground, hush-hush

(of a woman) married and under the authority and protection of her husband.


a thicket in which game can hide.

I couldn't help but admire the beautifully laid out game crops and newly-planted coverts .

any of the feathers covering the bases of the main flight or tail feathers of a bird.

The flight feathers are black, and the upper tail coverts and rump area are cobalt blue.

deflect-skretati, savijati, uklanjati,

Definitions of deflect


cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.

the bullet was deflected harmlessly into the ceiling

synonyms: turn aside/away, divert, avert, sidetrack, distract, draw away, block, parry, fend off, stave off

scuff-trag, vući noge, izbubetati, ogovarati nekoga


gerund or present participle: scuffing

scrape or brush the surface of (a shoe or other object) against something.

"I accidentally scuffed the heel of one shoe on a paving stone"

synonyms: scrape, rub, drag, brush, scratch, graze, abrade, rasp, lacerate, chafe, roughen

"the girl scuffed the toe of her shoe in the gravel"

mark (a surface) by scraping or brushing it, especially with one's shoes.

"the lino on the floor was scuffed"

(of an object or surface) become marked by scraping or brushing.

"for kids who play rough, shoes that won't scuff"

soliciting-tražiti, zahtevati, preklinjati za odgovor ili nešto drugo, saletati mušterije..

definitions of solicit


ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

he called a meeting to solicit their views

synonyms: ask for, request, seek, apply for, put in for, call for, press for, beg, plead for; ask, petition,
importune, implore, plead with, entreat, appeal to, lobby, beg, supplicate, call on, press, beseech



ask for, ask, woo, hook, tap

diffuse-rapršiti, raširiti, razliti, raširiti se..

Definitions of diffuse


spread out over a large area; not concentrated.

the diffuse community centered on the church

synonyms: spread out, scattered, dispersed, diasporic


spread or cause to spread over a wide area or among a large number of people.

technologies diffuse rapidly

synonyms: spread, spread around, send out, disseminate, scatter, disperse, distribute, put about,
circulate, communicate, purvey, propagate, transmit, broadcast, promulgate

Ghosting-od ghost kad se prema nekome ponašaš kao da je duh, izbegavaš ga u potpunosti kao da ne
postoji, prolaziš pored njega kao da je duh, da je nevidljiv, to je rešenje protiv psihopata i zlikovaca kao
što je Mitina tetka, koja mi čini zlo a onda mi se javlja ljubazno i opet me čini podložnom da me povredi
sledećom prilikom!!! Pravi se da je ne poznaješ! Hitno! i Ne odustaj od toga! Amin!
dilapidated-razoran, trošan, ruina, zapušten, napušten...

Definitions of dilapidate


(of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect.

If it goes ahead, it will allow the council to dispose of several dilapidated office buildings around the city.

synonyms: run-down, tumbledown, ramshackle, broken-down, in disrepair, shabby, battered, beat-up,

rickety, shaky, unsound, crumbling, in ruins, ruined, decayed, decaying, decrepit, neglected, uncared-for,
untended, the worse for wear, falling to pieces, falling apart, gone to rack and ruin, gone to seed


cause (something) to fall into disrepair or ruin.

Deprived of others, free solitude, like the astronauts' weightless state, dilapidates muscles, bones, and

scraping by-strugati, životariti, živeti bedno na ivici egzistencije, vući se, škripati

Definitions of scrape


the action or sound of something scraping or being scraped.

the scraping of the spoon in the bowl


push or pull a hard or sharp implement across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or other matter.

rinse off the carrots and scrape them

synonyms: rake, drag, pull, tug, draw

rub or cause to rub by accident against a rough or hard surface, causing damage or injury.

he smashed into the wall and felt his knee scrape against the plaster

synonyms: graze, scratch, abrade, scuff, rasp, skin, rub raw, cut, lacerate, bark, chafe, excoriate

2 more definitions

scarce-oskudno, bedno, deficitarno, retko, sa teškom mukom...

Definitions of scarce


(especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand.

as raw materials became scarce, synthetics were developed

synonyms: in short supply, scant, scanty, meager, sparse, short, hard to find, hard to come by, too little,
insufficient, deficient, inadequate, lacking, wanting, at a premium, paltry, negligible, rare/scarce as hen's
teeth, rarer/scarcer than hen's teeth, not to be had for love or money, exiguous



a babe scarce two years old

rations-obroci, životne namirnice

Definitions of ration


a fixed amount of a commodity officially allowed to each person during a time of shortage, as in

1918 saw the bread ration reduced on two occasions

synonyms: allowance, allocation, quota, quantum, share, portion, helping, amount, quantity, measure,
proportion, percentage


allow each person to have only a fixed amount of (a particular commodity).

shoes were rationed from 1943

synonyms: control, limit, restrict, conserve

wafer-oblanda, podmetač

Definitions of wafer


a very thin, light, crisp, sweet cookie or cracker, especially one of a kind eaten with ice cream.

Remove the ice cream from the mould and serve with wafer biscuits or ice cream topping.


fasten or seal (a letter, document, etc.) with a wafer.

The document was originally tied with narrow red and blue ribbons, which were attached to the
signature page by a wafered impression of the seal of the United States.


Definitions of palatable

(of food or drink) pleasant to taste.

a very palatable local red wine

synonyms: edible, eatable, digestible, tasty, appetizing, flavorful, comestible

predecessor-prethodnik, predak

Definitions of predecessor


a person who held a job or office before the current holder.

the new president's foreign policy is very similar to that of his predecessor

synonyms: forerunner, precursor, antecedent

proceeds-prihodiprinosi, zarade, početi sa nešim, nastaviti nešto posle pauze, pokrenuti nešto..

Definitions of proceed


money obtained from an event or activity.

proceeds will help purchase new equipment

synonyms: profits, earnings, receipts, returns, takings, take, income, revenue, royalty, gate


begin or continue a course of action.

we can proceed with our investigation

synonyms: begin, make a start, get going, move, set something in motion, take action, act, go on, go

deterioration-pogoršanje, kvarenje

Definitions of deterioration


the process of becoming progressively worse.

a deterioration in the condition of the patient

synonyms: decline, collapse, failure, drop, downturn, slump, slip, retrogression; decay, degradation,
degeneration, breakdown, decomposition, rot, atrophy, weakening, breakup, disintegration,
dilapidation, photodegradation, entropy

decline, decay, worsening, impairment

growls-režati, krčati, mumlati

Definitions of growl


a low guttural sound made in the throat, especially by a dog.

It barred its teeth and a deep growl came from its throat.


(of an animal, especially a dog) make a low guttural sound of hostility in the throat.

the dogs yapped and growled about his heels

synonyms: snarl, bark, yap, bay


Definitions of demeanor


outward behavior or bearing.

a quiet, somber demeanor

synonyms: manner, air, attitude, appearance, look, bearing, carriage, behavior, conduct, comportment

dabbler-amater, diletant, šeprtlja

synonyms of dabbler


amateur, dilettante, layman, layperson, trifler, nonprofessional, nonspecialist

dabbling duck

dilettante, sciolist

penumbra-tamna strana Meseca

Definitions of penumbra


the partially shaded outer region of the shadow cast by an opaque object.
In other cases the Moon does not pass through the umbra at all, just going through the penumbra (a
region of partial shadow).


The Moon on April 24th will glide through Earth's penumbra , producing what astronomers call a
‘penumbral lunar eclipse.’

snuffed out-ugušen (protest, otpor prema režimu, itd.)

snuffed-ugasiti (sveću), ušmrkati (kakain), onjušiti (pseće dupe)..

Definitions of snuff


extinguish (a candle).

a breeze snuffed out the candle

synonyms: extinguish, put out, douse, smother, choke, blow out, quench, stub out

inhale or sniff at (something).

they stood snuffing up the keen cold air


extinguish, put out, douse, smother, choke, blow out, quench, stub out, snuffle
Examples of snuffed

Even when fire has been snuffed out, he reminds us, its presence lingers.

heinous-gnusno (gnusan zločin), mrzak..

Definitions of heinous


(of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked.

a battery of heinous crimes

synonyms: odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, abominable, detestable, contemptible,

reprehensible, despicable, egregious, horrific, terrible, awful, abhorrent, loathsome, hideous,
unspeakable, execrable, iniquitous, villainous, beyond the pale


odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, abominable, detestable, contemptible, reprehensible,

despicable, egregious, horrific, terrible, awful, abhorrent, loathsome, hideous, unspeakable, execrable,
iniquitous, villainous, beyond the pale


vying, vying for-borba, onaj koji se nadmeće, koji se takmiči..

Definitions of vie


compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.

rival mobs vying for control of the liquor business

synonyms: compete, contend, contest, struggle, fight, battle, cross swords, lock horns, buck, jockey, war,


compete, contend, contest, struggle, fight, battle, cross swords, lock horns, buck, jockey, war, feud

contend, compete

hereby-ovim, zbog ovoga

Definitions of hereby


as a result of this document or utterance.

the Port Authority hereby solicits proposals from developers

temperance-uzdržljivost, umerenost, trezvenost

Definitions of temperance


abstinence from alcoholic drink.

the temperance movement

synonyms: teetotalism, abstinence, abstention, sobriety, self-restraint, prohibition, moderation


The temperance advocates got strong support from the Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Anglican


The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is an agency of the United States Department
of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.
knave-podlac, momče, žandar

Synonyms of knave


scallywag, rascal, varlet, rapscallion, scalawag, rogue, jack

Examples of KNAVE

The ever undisguised craftiness and knavishness of the imperialists is characteristic of their aggressive
foreign policy after the end of the cold war.

Other cities may let such things go, but we don't stand for any such knavery here.

I'm glad he's going since IMO, the man is a fool and a knave .

Some very recent examples will suffice to persuade us that piety and knavery are incompatible.

Gentleman, you see, do not play cricket with knaves .

The Bennu Bird-masonska sveta ptica, Feniks, Egipatska sveta ptica prvobitno, pa su je kasnije prisvojili
Masoni, Bendžamin Frenklin je lobirao da ona bude na grbu USA umesto orla, ali su pobedili druh+gi
masoni koji su bili za orla sa 13 pera, 13 strelica, 13 ovoga i onoga, svega na tom grbu, jer je 13 masonski
magični broj.
Meaning: The Bennu was the sacred bird of Heliopolis. Bennu probably derives frm the word weben,
meaning "rise" or "shine." The Bennu was associated with the sun and represented the ba or soul of the
sun god, Re. In the Late Period, the hieroglyph of the bird was used to represent this deity directly.

the Bennu bird

frustrum-latinski. imate

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum-signali preduzeća novi svetski poredak

The Limitless Light Of Nothingness-the title of Lucifer in Free Masonry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Palladium-jedan od poslednjih stepena u masoneriji, visoki mason 30 i nekog stepena, izgleda da
znači čuvar!!!


noun: palladium; symbol: Pd

the chemical element of atomic number 46, a rare silvery-white metal resembling platinum.


early 19th century: modern Latin, from Pallas, the name given to an asteroid discovered just before the
element (see Pallas).
The Palladium



noun: palladium; plural noun: palladia

a safeguard or source of protection.

"he regarded himself as the palladium of the American cause"

Order of the Trapezoid-Jedan od stepena masonske jerarhije, jedan od najviših na piramidi.

The Order of the Trapezoid is a chivalric Order of Knighthood dedicated to the Prince of Darkness and
protection of the Black Flame. The Order was first formally introduced by Anton LaVey in the December
1970 issue of the Church of Satan's newsletter, The Cloven Hoof, where it was described as the “Board
of Directors ...

T.G.A.O.T.U.-The Great Architect Of Thy Universe

to je na vrhu piramide, to je Nečastivog titula

The Seven-pretposlednji stepen masonerije, jedan pre Lucifera, znači najopakiji Masoni

Definitions of inerrant


incapable of being wrong.

And the more we can debate, the more we can debate in good faith, and understand that maybe there's
not just one answer, there is not just one inerrant answer, I think the better off we are going to be.



unerring, inerrable


We believe that the Scripture is from beginning to conclusion the very word of God, inerrant and
inspired by the Holy Spirit.

yoke-jaram, breme, upregnuti, podjarmiti

Definitions of yoke

a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart
that they are to pull.

The god told him that he would meet a cow that had never borne the weight of a yoke or plough.

synonyms: harness, collar, coupling

something resembling or likened to a yoke, in particular.


put a yoke on (a pair of animals); couple or attach with or to a yoke.

a plow drawn by a camel and donkey yoked together

synonyms: harness, hitch, couple, tether, fasten, attach, join

rob; mug.

two crackheads yoked this girl

tow-vući, remorkirati, šleper, vuča, tegliti, kučina

Definitions of TOW


an act of towing a vehicle or boat.

We stopped to give a tow to that stranded boat, the one with the two families on it.
the coarse and broken part of flax or hemp prepared for spinning.

In this process, which is much faster than that using guillotine cutters, tow is dyed, finished, cut, dried,
screened, and bagged in one continuous operation.


(of a motor vehicle or boat) pull (another vehicle or boat) along with a rope, chain, or tow bar.

They particularly want to hear from the occupants of two vehicles, a white caravanette and a car towing
a caravan, who may have seen the accident.

synonyms: pull, haul, drag, draw, tug, lug


tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided (missile).

Hiram, the widow's son-Sin udovice u Solomonovo vreme, koji je došao i sazidao hram Solomonov i to je
Bog Masonski, On je najveći mason u istoriji i po masonima najznačajniji lik u Bibliji, a On je totalno
sporedna ličnost u knjizi o Carevima, ali za masone to nije smetnja, važno je da je on završio hram, pa
reprezentuje Lucifera Nečastivog. U njegovo ima se radi obred kad neki presretnu kandidata i kažu mu
"Otkrij nam tajne majstora masona", a on kaže "Neću", pa ga oni ubiju i odnesu i sahrane na brdu i onda
posle sat vremena dođu po njega i ožive ga i kažu "Šta? Udovičin sin!" Simboločno ga ubiju i ožive
naravno, ali on stvarno mora da leži kao mrtav tamo gde ga ostave, dok ne dođu po njega. Tako kaže
ovaj deda Bill Schnoebelen

ruffian-siledžija, grubijan, nasilnik, razbojnik, delikvent..

Definitions of ruffian


a violent person, especially one involved in crime.

Well, so long as he could hide his emotions when they crossed paths with the thieves - bullies and
ruffians were always drawn to the fearful.

synonyms: thug, lout, hooligan, hoodlum, vandal, delinquent, rowdy, scoundrel, villain, rogue, bully,
brute, tough, roughneck, bruiser, hardman, heavy, yahoo, knuckle-dragger, goon


thug, lout, hooligan, hoodlum, vandal, delinquent, rowdy, scoundrel, villain, rogue, bully, brute, tough,
roughneck, bruiser, hardman, heavy, yahoo, knuckle-dragger, goon

rowdy, hooligan, yob, roughneck, yobbo, yobo, bully, tough


A few days earlier a ruffian had snatched a woman's chain.

adept-vešt, vičan, to je neki stepen u masoneriji..možda šegrt..don't know..

Definitions of adept


very skilled or proficient at something.

he is adept at cutting through red tape

synonyms: expert, proficient, accomplished, skillful, talented, masterly, masterful, consummate,

virtuoso, adroit, dexterous, deft, artful, brilliant, splendid, marvelous, formidable, outstanding, first-rate,
first-class, excellent, fine, great, top-notch, tip-top, A1, ace, mean, hotshot, crack, nifty, deadly,


a person who is skilled or proficient at something.

they are adepts at kung fu and karate

synonyms: expert, past master, master, genius, maestro, doyen, virtuoso, wizard, demon, ace, hotshot,
whiz, maven, crackerjack


expert, proficient, accomplished, skillful, talented, masterly, masterful, consummate, virtuoso, adroit,
dexterous, deft, artful, brilliant, splendid, marvelous, formidable, outstanding, first-rate, first-class,
excellent, fine, great, top-notch, tip-top, A1, ace, mean, hotshot, crack, nifty, deadly, crackerjack

proficient, skillful, good, skilful, practiced, expert

tabernacle-Skinija, pokretni hram Jevreja u Starom Zavetu

Definitions of tabernacle


(in biblical use) a fixed or movable habitation, typically of light construction.

During this festival, the Hebrews dwelled in booths or tabernacles made of branches, which symbolized
God's protection during their wilderness travels.
a meeting place for worship used by some Protestants or Mormons.

When I want consciousness expansion, I go to my local tabernacle and I sing!

an ornamented receptacle or cabinet in which a pyx or ciborium containing the reserved sacrament may
be placed in Catholic churches, usually on or above an altar.

The enormous crucifix fixed on the wall behind the altar and above the golden tabernacle portrayed the
death of Jesus Christ, the son of the Lord God, in a solemn and very sacred manner.

a partly open socket or double post on a sailboat's deck into which a mast is fixed, with a pivot near the
top so that the mast can be lowered.

tomfoolery-budalaština, glupost, ludiranje

Definitions of tomfoolery


foolish or silly behavior.

he was no longer amused by Ozzie's youthful tomfoolery

synonyms: silliness, fooling around, clowning, shenanigans, capers, antics, pranks, tricks, buffoonery,
skylarking, nonsense, horseplay, monkey business, mischief, foolishness, foolery, fandango


silliness, fooling around, clowning, shenanigans, capers, antics, pranks, tricks, buffoonery, skylarking,
nonsense, horseplay, monkey business, mischief, foolishness, foolery, fandango

indulgence, lunacy, folly, foolery, craziness


A group of teenage girls whose tomfoolery led to one falling into a fast-flowing river must shoulder
some blame for a man's drowning in a rescue attempt, a coroner said yesterday.

the Mystic Shrine-Islamska verzija masonerije, oni se kunu nad Kuranom umesto nad Biblijom, itd..

Sirius je ustvari satanistička Istočna Zvezda, koja se poštovala u Egiptu, a sada u Masoneriji ženskoj, a i
muškoj i Vladalac te zvezda je Set, Saturn, tj.Nečastivi himself!!!

auxiliary-pomoćni, sporedni, drugorazredni

Definitions of auxiliary


providing supplementary or additional help and support.

an auxiliary nurse

synonyms: additional, supplementary, supplemental, extra, spare, reserve, backup, emergency, fallback,
other; ancillary, assistant, support

a person or thing providing supplementary or additional help and support.

a nursing auxiliary

synonyms: assistant, helper, ancillary


additional, ancillary, adjuvant, supplemental


assistant, aide

Ask Jesus Christ to cut any ungodly soul ties (the cabletow) between you and the Lodge with the Sword
of the Holy Spirit.

In Jesus name renounce the strongmen of Masonry and command them to leave you and your family
never to return.

Strongmen of Masonry are:

(those are the demonic forces of free masonry!!!)



3.Jah Bal On

4.Hiram Abiff

demit-ostavka, podnošenje ostavke ne neku funkciju

Definitions of demit


resign from (an office or position).

arguments within his congregation led to his demitting his post


Responding to criticism about his performance and calls for him to demit office, Joseph told his
audience, which included the Deputy Commissioner of Police, ‘People may say all kinds of things.’

Smidt was told that his departure was because his name was on a list of rotating directors-general who
had to demit office at a certain point.

Mary's demission or abdication was the effective confirmation of the 1560 settlement.

trinket-nakit, bagatela, tričarija, ukras..

Definitions of trinket

a small ornament or item of jewelry that is of little value.

She missed the little trinkets and jewellery that were on display from tabletops.

synonyms: knickknack, bauble, ornament, bibelot, curio, trifle, gimcrack, gewgaw, toy, novelty, whatnot,
doohickey, tchotchke, kickshaw


knickknack, bauble, ornament, bibelot, curio, trifle, gimcrack, gewgaw, toy, novelty, whatnot, doohickey,
tchotchke, kickshaw, bangle, gewgaw, bauble, novelty, gaud, fallal

invigorate-okrepiti, ojačati

Definitions of invigorate


give strength or energy to.

the shower had invigorated her

synonyms: revitalize, energize, refresh, revive, vivify, brace, rejuvenate, re-energize, enliven, liven up,
perk up, wake up, animate, galvanize, fortify, stimulate, rouse, exhilarate, buck up, pep up, breathe new
life into

revitalize, quicken, animate, reinvigorate


efinitions of prompt


the action of saying something to persuade, encourage, or remind someone to do or say something.

after some prompting, the defendant gave the police his name


(of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an action or feeling).

his death has prompted an industry-wide investigation of safety violations

synonyms: give rise to, bring about, cause, occasion, result in, lead to, elicit, produce, bring on,
engender, induce, precipitate, trigger, spark off, provoke, assist or encourage (a hesitating speaker) to
say something.

“And the picture?” he prompted

synonyms: remind, cue, feed, help out, jog someone's memory

cabletow-to je konopac oko vrata koji se stavlja kondidatu koji pristupa masonskoj loži, to je outh-
zakletva, to znači da će ga ubiti ako oda njihove tajne ili ako proba da istupi iz lože

pinnacle-vrhumac, vrh, šiljata kula, dovesti do vrhunca

Definitions of pinnacle


a high, pointed piece of rock.

As we chugged along the vivid green Wuyang River towards Dragon King Gorge, thickly forested crags
and pinnacles of rock rose high above.

synonyms: peak, needle, crag, tor, aiguille, hoodoo, summit, crest, apex, tip


set on or as if on a pinnacle.

a rustic cross was pinnacled upon the makeshift altar

the Masonic Oaths Examples:

throat cut, tongue buried in the sands of the sea, heart plucked out, placed on highest pinnacle of
temple, top of scull smote off, brain exposed to the noon day sun, disemboweled, bowels burned to

distress-опасност, туга, жалост, немаштина, невоља, забринути, нанети бол, ожалостити,

онерасположити, ојадити

Definitions of distress


extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.

to his distress he saw that she was trembling

synonyms: anguish, suffering, pain, agony, torment, heartache, heartbreak, misery, wretchedness,
sorrow, grief, woe, sadness, unhappiness, desolation, despair


cause (someone) anxiety, sorrow, or pain.

I didn't mean to distress you

synonyms: cause anguish to, cause suffering to, pain, upset, make miserable, trouble, worry, bother,
perturb, disturb, disquiet, agitate, harrow, torment, give (furniture, leather, or clothing) simulated marks
of age and wear.

the manner in which leather jackets are industrially distressed

Tokens-the Secret handshake of the Masons:

*the pass grips

*the strong grip of the lion's paw (lion of Judah)-taking the glory from Jesus Christ

"Mason's letter G in the square and compass actually stands for GENERATIVITY!!! What does
generativity mean? Something sexual for sure, because square and compass means sexual intercourse."

medical definition of generativity. plural generativities. :

a concern for people besides self and family that usually develops during middle age; especially : a need
to nurture and guide younger people and contribute to the next generation —used in the psychology of
Erik Erikson.

To je moć muškog i ženskog da se razmnožavaju, na osnovu toga oni izvlače nešto, ali šta ne znam..

"In hoc signo vinces"-Ovim znakom ćeš pobediti (rečeno caru Konstantinu, bla, bla...ali i masoni koriste
te reči, na prstenu ih imaju..zašto?)

"Spes mea in deq est"-ovo takođe piše na masonskom prstenju a znači: "My hope is in God"

Allah is actually the Moon God, he is not the God of all, he is the God of the Moon, and the islamic star is
the Godess, the female principle. That's it! Plain and simple!
Scimitar-islamic sword for killing infidels!!!!

The curved sword or "scimitar" was widespread throughout the Middle East from at least the Ottoman
period, with early examples dating to Abbasid era (9th century) Khurasan. The type harks back to the
makhaira type of antiquity, but the Arabic term saif is probably from the same source as Greek xiphos
(the straight, double-edged sword of Greek antiquity). The Persian sword now called "shamshir" appears
by the 12th century and was popularized in Persia by the early 16th century.

carnality-klizavost, masnost, lascivnost, pohotljivost,

Synonyms of carnality


lubricity, lasciviousness, pruriency, prurience

depravity-omalovažavanje, izopačenost, pokvarenost, koruptiranost, perverzija, zloća, bludničenje..

Definitions of depravity


moral corruption; wickedness.

a tale of wickedness and depravity

synonyms: corruption, vice, perversion, deviance, degeneracy, immorality, debauchery, dissipation,

profligacy, licentiousness, lechery, prurience, obscenity, indecency, wickedness, sin, iniquity, turpitude


corruption, turpitude, putrefaction

The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue

passwords for the first three degrees of Masonry are:

1.for the first degree Boaz,


3.Tubal Cain

Kako Masoni pričaju da bi se prepoznali i učinili ustupke jedan drugome:

-"I see you're a travelling man"

-"Yes. I travel from west to east and from east to west again."

-"In search of what?"

-"In search of that which was lost"


"I've heard that I can get a square deal here"


"Do you know the widow's son"

guild-udruženje, esnaf

Definitions of guild


a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants, often having considerable power.

The right model for the teacher unions is the medieval craftsman guilds , the hallmarks of which were
professional ability and demonstrated accomplishment.


association, society, union, league, organization, company, cooperative, fellowship, club, order, lodge,
brotherhood, fraternity, sisterhood, sorority

club, lodge, social club, order, society, gild

Filmmakers in the Directors Guild of Canada, for example, have never been able to decide in the 30
years of its existence whether they are in a guild or a union.

Jack the Ripper-Džek Trbosek, ubio je 8 prostitutki u Londonu 1888., takođe je bio Mason, njegova
ubistva su masonska ritualna ubistva )od uveta do uveta presečan vrat, izvađena utroba napolje i bačena
preko njenog levog ramena, itd. i ne samo to nego ima i motiv. Vojvoda koji je bio drugi po redu da
nasledi troon se zaljubio u prostitutku Eni Kruks i oženio ju je i dobio je dete od nje, malu devojčicu. Ta
žena je bila rimokatolikinja. Postoji zakon da ni jedan član kraljevske familije ne sme da oženi katolikinju.
Tako da je doktor Goal koji je bio mason, poslao ovu ženu ni krivu ni dužnu u mentalnu bolnicu u kojoj se
ona ubila nekoliko meseci kasnije, jer su je mučili. Mala devojčica koju je rodila, bila je smeštena u
katoličko sirotište, a svaka žena od ovih prostitutki je brutalno ubijena da zapečati tajne braće masona.
Ne razumem to najbolje, ali tako je rekao ovaj gad masonski. Bilo je napisano na zidu gde god bi se
dogodilo ubistvo "The Juwes will not be blamed for nothing". Šta to znači? Pojam "Juwes" nema veze sa
Jevrejima, kako se tada mislilo u narodu, nego je to termin za nasilnike koji su ubili Hiram Abiff, to je
demon, zaštitnik masona. So these actualy says "The masons would not be blamed for nothing". I don't
understand it, but he said it! The first name Jack the Ripper gave himself was "Jack the Leather Apron",
so he was a master mason.

honing-oštriti nož, brusiti, usavršiti nešto tokom vremena

Definitions of hone


sharpen (a blade).

he was carefully honing the curved blade

synonyms: sharpen, whet, strop, grind, file, polish, refine, improve, enhance, fine-tune

refine or perfect (something) over a period of time.

she has taken numerous workshops to hone her skills over the years

stoop-pognuti, presalomiti, poviti, sagnuti, saviti se pred nekim, spustiti se na nečiji nivo, pognuzost,
stepenice, saginjanje..

Definitions of stoop


a posture in which the head and shoulders are habitually bent forward.

a tall, thin man with a stoop

synonyms: hunch, round shoulders, curvature of the spine, kyphosis

the downward swoop of a bird of prey.

We were watching Annie, another centre falconer, luring a young lanner through a pattern of stoops and
dives after a pair of meat-garnished, dried wings swung on a long cord.


bend one's head or body forward and downward.

he stooped down and reached toward the coin

synonyms: lower, bend, incline, bow, duck

Masonic teaching:
"He who wears the LAMBSKIN (white apron) (JAGNJEĆU KOŽU!!!!!! VUK U JAGNJEĆOJ KOŽI!!!!) is
continually reminded of that purity of life and conduct which is essentially necessary to his gaining
admission into that celestial Lodge above"

ashlar-kamena kocka koja se daje masonima

Definitions of ashlar


masonry made of large square-cut stones, typically used as a facing on walls of brick or stone.

The ground or basement story of the Alabama capitol was constructed of traditional masonry consisting
of ashlar walls made of locally quarried sandstone.

endeavor-napor, trud, potruditi se, nastojati, nastojanje..

Definitions of endeavor


an attempt to achieve a goal.

an endeavor to reduce serious injury

synonyms: attempt, try, bid, effort, venture, go, crack, shot, stab, essay


try hard to do or achieve something.

he is endeavoring to help the Third World

synonyms: try, attempt, seek, undertake, aspire, aim, set out, strive, struggle, labor, toil, work, exert
oneself, apply oneself, do one's best, do one's utmost, give one's all, be at pains, have a go, have a shot,
have a stab, give something one's best shot, do one's damnedest, go all out, bend over backwards, essay

Masonic rule from Moral and Dogma:

"The blur degrees are but the outer court or portico of the temple. Part of the symbols are displayed
there to the initiate but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall
understand them but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them!!!!"

ordnance-teroristički napad, teška artiljerija, borbena tehnika...

Definitions of ordnance


mounted guns; artillery.

The term is, however, also correctly applied to heavy rifled ordnance of the howitzer class used for
coastal defence by some nations, though few ever saw use in 1939-45.

synonyms: guns, cannon, artillery, weapons, arms, ammunition, munitions, materiel

a branch of the armed forces dealing with the supply and storage of weapons, ammunition, and related

From 1766 to 1770 he was master-general of the ordnance , vice-treasurer of Ireland 1781-9, and given
a British peerage in 1786 as Baron Carleton.

enlistment-regrutacija, upis, regrutovanje

Synonyms of enlistment

hitch, tour, tour of duty

syringe-špric, ubrizgati

Definitions of syringe


a tube with a nozzle and piston or bulb for sucking in and ejecting liquid in a thin stream, used for
cleaning wounds or body cavities, or fitted with a hollow needle for injecting or withdrawing fluids.

Injections were given using glass syringes with reusable steel needles.


spray liquid into (the ear or a wound) with a syringe.

I had my ears syringed

fidget-nervozno lupkati nogom, uznemirenost, vrpoljenje, vrckanje..

Definitions of fidget


a quick, small movement, typically a repeated one, caused by nervousness or impatience.

he disturbed other people with convulsive fidgets

synonyms: twitch, wriggle, squirm, jiggle, shuffle, tic, spasm


make small movements, especially of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience.

the audience had begun to fidget on their chairs

synonyms: move restlessly, wriggle, squirm, twitch, jiggle, shuffle, be agitated, be jittery

All of this above is my research. ↑

sister Sandra †

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