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School: Lazreg Larbi

Teacher: ASSAL Madjid
Level : MS2

Sequence 01 Lesson: Lesson focus: Language learning.

Me, my friends and my family. I read and do (Two sessions) Target structures: The Present continuous
+The Present Simple.

VAKT: visual text, the white board

Learning objectives: Learners will be able to describe and locate places using prepositions.
Target competencies: Domain(s): Oral / written / both Material: Flashcards , the white board,
Interpret / interact / produce
Cross curricular competencies: Core values:

Intellectual: Ls understand and interpret verbal/non verbal message. Ls demonstrate a civic behaviour
Methodological: Ls develop effective study methods
Communicative: Ls use a role play to communicate.
Personal and social: LS behave consistently

Time Framework & Procedure Focus Aims

5m welcoming Ls T/LS Pre-listening.

Showing them some pictures of a house and asking Ls about what it is.
T showing Ls a picture of a house ( from inside) L/L Preparing Ls to
Asking Ls : What is there in a house ? ROOMS receive the text, and
T making a schematic of a house: build their
Asking Ls to open their books on page: 17 and looking at the rooms.
vocabulary related
to the topic.


Writing on the white board:
Task 01: I look at the pictures and match them to their names.
T writing words look & match in colours and explaining them.
Correction & assessment.

10m Asking Ls about the objects in each room and writing few notes on the L/T To integrate
white board (prepositions in colour + drawing if possible) prepositions in, on,
under, next to
Showing Ls an internal schematic of a house ( as on page 19)
Asking Ls:
Describe the house. L/T pushing Ls to find
What is there in the house ? the structure:
(Motivating Ls to interact) There is / there are.
Distributing the text and inviting LS to read it silently.
Sticking a similar picture on the white board. During listening.
L (text exploring)
Suggested text:

15m Hello, I am visiting our new house. My family and I , are living in
Tlemcen now. We have a big beautiful house. L/T
At the entrance, your find a bathroom on your right, a living room and a
dining room on your left. At the front, you find the kitchen.
Upstairs, there are three bedrooms; one the left and two on the right. Skimming the text

15m Asking Ls few simple questions ( Oral Task: I listen and answer ) :
1 - Is the house big?
Scanning the text.
2 - Where is it? (using gesture and showing the house)
3 - Are there 5 rooms in the house?
4 -How many bedrooms are there in the house? L/T

Sess2 Task(written): I read the text and complete the plan (Drawing a simple
house on the white board and asking LS to complete with the rooms
10m names according to the description in the text)

(left) (right)
…………... …………...


…………... …………... Assessment.

Assessment and correction. Grammar PIASP

Presentation &
10m T/L Isolation of the
Asking Ls to spot/underling all the verbs in the text.
Asking Ls in which tense the are used. L/L Grammar structure.
Spotting two verbs ( The Present Simple & The Present continuous) L/T

I live in Tlemcen / I am living in Tlemcen Analysis & stating

Asking Ls to spot the differences between the two tenses. the rule.
The first one happens every day (Present Simple = repeated action).
The second one happens with the conjunction: Now (happening now).
10m PS. It is better to rely on time conjunction because learners are too
young to understand the concepts of use.
Asking Ls about the rule ( to be + verb + ing )
Task: I circle the right tense. Practice &
10m 1-I (write / am writing) now. assessment.
2-We (have / are having) lunch at 12:00.
3-Mr ASSAL (speaks / is speaking) English everyday.
Correction and assessment.
15m Task 02: I put the verbs in the correct tense.
- I (to visit) my friends everyday. L/L
- I (to write) Task 02 now.
- Nabil (to wake) up at 07:00 everyday.
- Nassima (to call) her sister now.
Teacher’s comment:
What worked What hindered Action points

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