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About This Course 18.10.

21, 17:22

About This Course

This section provides a brief description of the course, audience, suggested prerequisites, and course objectives.

Course description
This 3-day instructor led course gives students the ability to add BI techniques to Excel data analysis. The course
Th T
goes beyond theis capabilities of tables and charts and uses Pivot Charts,hthe is Excel Data Model, and Power BI.
do do
cu cu
me me
nt nt
No b e N b
Audience una causev longs o u cau elon
na se gs
uth r to uth v r to
ori @gm Ris ori @gm Ris
This course is intendedzefor d c anyone
ail tresponsible
e for analyzing data with Excel. ze
d a i te
o p co m
. Ch
au co Cha
ies sh pie us
all ev. sa he
ow llo v.
Student prerequisites ed
w ed
In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this training should already have the following
technical knowledge:

• Basic knowledge of the Microsoft Windows operating system and its core functionality.

• Good knowledge
Th of Excel spreadsheets, functions and charts Th
is is
do do
cu cu
• Working knowledge me of relational databases me
nt nt
No c be No c be
u n a u se l o n g s un ause longs
au v au
tho r@g to R tho vr@g to R
riz ma ist riz i
e e ed mail. ste C
Course objectivesd copi Chau co
m ha
es sh sa he
all ev. llo v.
o w
After completing this course, studentsewill be able to: we
d! d!

• Explore and extend a classic Excel dashboard

• Explore and extend an Excel data model

• Pre-format and import a .CSV file

Th Th
• Import datais from
do a SQL server database is
cu cu
me me
nt nt
• Import data
No fromca be
report No ca belo
u n a u se l o n g s un us
e ng
au au
t o vr@g to R tho vr@g to R
• Create measures husing riz advanced i DAX functions riz i st
ed mail. ste C ed m a e
co co
m ha co Cha
p us pie us
• Create data visualizations inieExcelsa he
v. sa he
llo llo
we we
d! d!
• Create a Power BI dashboard with Excel

Course outline
The course outline is as follows:
Th Th
is is
do do
c u
• Module 1: ‘Data Analysis in Excel’ explains how to explore and expand a classic cu
me me Excel dashboard.
nt nt
No ca b elo No ca belo
u u n
s Data gModel’ explains how to explore and extend an nExcel u u ng
• Module 2: ‘The naExcel
uth evr@ s to au sdata ev model.
r@ s to
ori gm R th ori gm Ris
ze ist
ail files’ ze ail te
• Module 3: ‘Importing data d c from .co e Cdescribes how to pre-format and import a .CSV d cfile. . Ch
op ha op com au
ies m us
h i e s sh
all ev. a ev.
• Module 4: ‘Importing data from databases’ ow
ed describes how to import data from a SQL Serverllodatabase. we
! d !
• Module 5: ‘Importing data from Excel reports’ describes how to import data from a report.

• Module 6: ‘Creating and formatting measures’ describes how to create and format measures.…b-8da5-4f38c75c4c53@2020-12-11T16:42:28Z/OPS/html/20779B00.html Page 1 of 3
About This Course 18.10.21, 17:22

• Module 7: ‘Visualizing data in Excel’ describes how to create and format measures.

• Module 8: ‘Using Excel with Power BI’ describes how to use Excel with Power BI.

Course Materials

The following
Th materials are included with your kit: Th
is is
do do
cu cu
me me
Course Handbook: ntsuccinct classroom learning guide that provides the critical
a nttechnical information in a crisp,
No b e N b
un auswhich lon o u cau elon
tightly-focused format, ev is
g s essential for an effective in-class learning experience.
na se g
tho r@g to R uth v r@ s to
riz i o riz g Ri
ed mail. ste C ed mail. ste C
co co h au c op c o ha
pie m sh ies m us
sa e a he
llo v. ow critical tov. the
o Lessons: guide you through we the learning objectives and provide the key points thatllare e
d! d!
success of the in-class learning experience.

o Labs: provide a real-world, hands-on platform for you to apply the knowledge and skills learned in the

o Module Reviews and Takeaways: provide on-the-job reference material to boost knowledge and skills
Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
o Lab Answer m en Keys: provide step-by-step lab solution guidance. me
tb nt
No c e No c be
u n a u se l o n g s un ause longs
au v a uth vr@
tho r@g to R ori gm Ris
riz ma ist ze a te
Course Companion e i
d c Contentl. e dc i
on l. Ch
o p co m au op com a
Site : searchable, easy-to-browsee sa s
he content with integrated premium online resourcesi e s thatusupplement
l low v. a l low
the Course Handbook. ed ed
! !

• Modules: include companion content, such as questions and answers, detailed demo steps and additional
reading links, for each lesson. Additionally, they include Lab Review questions and answers and Module Reviews
and Takeaways sections, which contain the review questions and answers, best practices, common issues and
troubleshooting tips with answers, and real-world issues and scenarios with answers.
Th Th
is i
• Resources: do
include well-categorized additional resources that give yousimmediate
do access to the most current
cu cu
me me
premium content onntTechNet, MSDN®, or Microsoft® Press®. nt
No c be No c be
u n a u se l o n g s un ause longs
au a
tho vr@g to R uth vr@
ori gm Ris
riz i
ed mail. ste C ze
dc a il. te
Student Course files co on the
ha op com Site:
pie om us i es for the labs
sh and
includes the Allfiles.exe, saaself-extracting he executable file that contains all required files all ev.
llo v. ow
demonstrations. we ed
d! !

• Course evaluation: at the end of the course, you will have the opportunity to complete an online evaluation to
provide feedback on the course, training facility, and instructor.

• To provide additional comments or feedback on the course, send email to To inquire
about theT Microsoft Certification Program, send an email to
his is
do do
cu cu
me me
nt nt
No ca b elo No ca belo
Virtual machine environment e
tho vr@g to R
n gs u na u s
uth evr@ s to
riz i ori gm Ris
ed mail. ste C ze a te
co c ha d co Cha
pie om us pie us
This section provides the information s a for setting he up the classroom environment to support the s abusiness scenario
he of
llo v. l l o v.
the course. we we
d! d!

Virtual machine configuration…b-8da5-4f38c75c4c53@2020-12-11T16:42:28Z/OPS/html/20779B00.html Page 2 of 3
About This Course 18.10.21, 17:22

In this course, you will use Microsoft® Hyper-V™ to perform the labs.

Note: At the end of each lab, you must revert the virtual machines to a snapshot. You can find the
instructions for this procedure at the end of each lab

The following table shows the role of each virtual machine that is used in this course:

Th Th
is is
Virtual machine do Role do
cu cu
me me
nt nt
N c b e N ca belo
u n a u se l o n g s
20779B-MIA-BI o MIA-BI has Windows 10 and Office 2016
o u installed.
na u s ng
tho vr@g to R uth evr@ s to
riz i o riz g Ri
Software configuration ed mail. ste C ed mail. ste C
co co h au c op c o ha
pie m sh ies m us
sa e all he
The following software is installed on llo the virtualvmachines:
. ow v.
we e
d! d!

• Windows 10

• Microsoft Office 2016

Th Th
Course Files
d do
oc cu
um me
The files associated with nt the labs in this course are located in the D:\Labfiles folder non
b t b the 20779A-MIA-BI machine.
No c e No c e
u n a u se l o n g s un ause longs
au au
tho vr@g to R tho v r@ to
Classroom setup riz
ed mail. ste C
i riz g
ed mail. ste C
co co ha co c om ha
pe m us p us
Each classroom computer will ihave s a the same hvirtual
ev. machine configured in the same way. ies a he
llo l low
we e
d! d!
Course hardware level
To ensure a satisfactory student experience, Microsoft Learning requires a minimum equipment configuration for
trainer and student computers in all Microsoft Learning Partner classrooms in which Official Microsoft Learning
Product courseware is taught.

Th Th
• Intel Virtualization is
do Technology (Intel VT) or AMD Virtualization (AMD-V) processor do
cu cu
me me
nt nt
• Dual 120-gigabyte
No ca (GB) b hard
elo disks 7200 RM Serial ATA (SATA) or better
No ca belo
un us n g u na u s ng
ev uth evr@ s to
th r@ s to
• 16 GB of random access o riz R
gmemoryi (RAM) ori gm Ris
ed mail. ste C ze a te
co c ha d co Cha
pie om u s pie us
• DVD drive sa he sa he
llo v. l l o v.
we we
d! d!
• Network adapter

• Super VGA (SVGA) 17-inch monitor

• Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device

• Sound card with amplified speakers

Th Th
is is
do do
cu cu
me me
nt nt
Additionally, N
the instructor’s b computer must be connected to a projection display be that supports SVGA
ou c au e l o n
N ou c adevice
u lon
s g s
n au
1024×768 pixels, 16-bit e vr@
tho colors.
s to
n au
e vr@ gs to
g R h ori gm Ris
riz i
ed mail. ste C ze a te
co c ha d co Cha
pie om us pie us
sa he sa he
llo v. l l o v.
we we
d! d!…b-8da5-4f38c75c4c53@2020-12-11T16:42:28Z/OPS/html/20779B00.html Page 3 of 3

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