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Greyat Buckelson

Property of fort Nelsons
Greyat library

property of the fort Nelson
Greyat library

Who was Greyat?
Brigadier general Greyat Buckelson was a 1704 born in Warms
springs Virginia to a poor family in the year of 1704, as a young lad
he frequented the local springs and played with the local
rapscallions just like any Virginian . he was a gifted lad at sports
and excelled in his schoolwork, and at the age of 24 he had
attempted to join a local westward expedition to find a new life.
This sadly ended in tragedy as he and his wagon were ravaged by
the local colony of native vampires and their spawn. While
thankfully surviving, many of his childhood pals did not. Over the
coming years he established a special paranormal militia called
“The coalition of common man”, and while their actions are…
regrettable, it eventually led to what we know as the profession of
vampire hunters, and the science we know as blood magik. A
science all hunters now utilise. All hunters remember Greyat by
naming our information centres after the hero, he died in 1759 after
awakening a native vampiric cyst hive.
Chapter 1: Who do we hunt?
While we hunters tend to act as the standard investigators while not actively
hunting, our job is to track, document, and eventually eliminate the
paranormal from whichever area we have chosen.

If you are an independent hunter, congratulations! You have taken the first
step in wiping out the unnatural. But that one question is still yet to be
answered, what do we actually hunt? Well dear reader I have listed the
official creatures we are legally allowed to slay under the “Flinn act of 1633”,
a dandy law passed under English common law for us to deal with the special
brand of critters we face.

The following list is (in alphabetical order)

• Liches
• Miscellaneous undead
• Vampires
• Werewolves and other such were beasts
• Ghosts*
Under each of these creatures I will describe where to find them, how to
identify which type they are, and finally some of the biological and
magical weaknesses Sir Greyatt found during his 15 yearlong study. Of
course some of these categories will be longer than others due to their
complexity or variation.

*it is unfortunate to update, but by law we can no longer hunt ghosts

due to that right being given to specialist ghost hunters. So if there is a
ghost in your city do not call us, call some sort of ghost busting agency.
Essentially a human who has attempted to reach godhood, or a person who
has purposefully botched the conversion to become a lich specifically, is
more in the field of archaeology than any true form of hunting, but this is an
interdisciplinary field I guess, so I digress.

Liches are distinguishable from their near dead appearance and to the
inexperienced hunter can be mistaken as a vampire, and this is reasonable
considering they often cooperate with them as well as seem to “drink blood”
while in fact they are extracting the life essence from a victim. Liches all
require a semi frequent supply of human magik in order to fuel both their
immortality and their powerful magic ability, and tend to neglect their bodies
due to a limited amount of said supply of magik, though a well fed (or new)
lich is near indistinguishable from a human .

Liches are highly dangerous due to their great intellect and their brains have
been modified during transformation to have up to 3X the neuron density of
humans, allowing a primitive form of precognition. This is very dangerous to
most, but this does come with a side effect, if a hunter were to throw a bag of
rice on the ground or a bag of coins, the lich would be unable to read the
future due to the multiple things setting off its senses and are usually
encouraged to pick up the rice/coins to regain that sense. Creating the
common myth of their compulsion to pick up rice.

Since they are rejected holy creatures, they will actually seem in pain from
holy symbology and holy artifacts/buildings, though for reasons unknown the
lich must be aware of the religions existence to be affected.

Liches tend to live in areas were they can easily find prey, 67% of lich
“burrows” as its said in the industry are located in places of low education,
though some have moved into universities, such as the William and Mary
college lich, now a part of the Cooley collection. Burrows can be identified by
a cellar like pit that usually contains the phylactery of the lich, usually these
are the items that the lich wore on the day of the conversion. The
destruction/purification of all these items are required for the lich to be
effected by any physical damage. Do note that some liches have been known
to be able to replace their phylactery with a “rune of chain” which is placed on
the item that will replace the phylactery, beware since the clothes may be a
distraction, if the clothes are not effecting the lich, immediately search
The Omaha lich, hunted in 1854 by Chris Jones. The lich was likely created
in the 6th century and was a Saxon that had moved to the colonies, judging
the items that were a part of the phylactery. Both the body and artifacts are
currently a part of the west coast collection in Texas.

Sometimes dear hunter, you may come across a far more lethal variant of the
lich, called a demi lich, which has consumed enough people to partially return
to their previous human state. While they have a far grater magical presence
and holy items seem to work less on them, they seem to be under great strain
since their supernatural brain is being run by a human metabolism. And while
this is slightly effective with standard liches, putting salt in the mouth and
sewing it shut seems to embalm the brain and cease all function, and while it
is still alive, this provides unlimited time to find its phylactery. Most (over
73%) of the demi liches in hunter collections are actually preserved this way.

Other than that method, other sources of overstimulation seems to make the
demi lich at least distracted, though it must be said that their precognition has
developed to the point that they can see up to several minutes (the exact
amount is still not known).
Miscellaneous undead
Even though many hunters want to brag about the liches and vampires they
outwitted with their charm and battle prowess, few ever discuss the swathes
of lesser undead that they have to kill in order to get to said creatures, but
whether the hunters wish not to brag about the zombie and the skeleton, they
all need to be hunted anyways.

The most common place to find a lesser undead is within areas of “stagnant
death” as the church used to put it. This vague term often relates to
graveyards, catacombs, native burial mounds (different than vampiric cyst
hives), and even areas that undead frequent such as rooms the undead have
been trapped in or roads they tread often.

The most misunderstood aspect of the lesser undead is that they multiply
similarly to eels, as in they manifest from the earth itself if left alone for too
long, this leads to most undead to look like a mix of mud, animal bits, and of
course, human remains. This has led to the notion that undead such as
zombies can “turn” humans, while in reality the slaughtered human has just
been left with the undead and has been repurposed, giving the impression
that they have been transformed.

Lesser undead technically do not have any weakness, hunter Dr Brown, who
majored in botany before a sudden career change, states that they use a
variety skeletal and insect like striated muscle to move. While giving them
twitchy yet impressively strong movement, it was discovered that the material
used during their creation is highly susceptible to various anti-fungal
remedies. Remedies include apple cider, coconut, garlic, and lemongrass.
While Dr Brown certainly believes there is a yet to be discovered fungus that
“repurposes the rotting food in its environment to drive as a sort of
mechanical horse to find more food” is yet to be proven, but I appreciate the
willingness to innovate if anything.

An area of stagnant

Death found by

antiquarians in 1760
The primary reason for scepticism for the fungal theory is the existence of
revenants, a type of lesser undead that were without a shadow of a doubt a
fully functional human that has returned to enact a form of revenge they have
set out upon death. Dr Brown when met with this contradiction attempted to
prove that the fungus could be “powered by indomitable will that tricks the
fungus into switching priorities from food collection to whatever the brain was
wishing upon death”. Sadly in the attempt to prove this he was killed by a
group of lesser skeletons when looking for an area of stagnant death before
he was able to find a revenant. The pack of undead and the body remade
from Dr Brown was sent to my collection here in Richmond.

The late Dr Brown, hunted in

1740 by Henry Cleveland

If you lot completely ignore my entire book, one thing to definitely read is this
section on vampires, because easily vampires are the most common type of
supernatural due to their ease of spreading, which will be mentioned further
down. The librarians of Yorktown have positively identified 146,000 cysts in
the east coast alone, with 340 native cyst hives. And most of the pessimistic
librarians state that we may only have documented as low as 60% of all cysts
and 25% of all cyst hives. This is due to a few factors such as the revolution
conscripting proper librarians, the constant influx of old world vampires
immigrating , and the lack of knowledge of the west*

*please note that though this is true today, we have only found 16,000 cysts
in the western states, though native cyst hives have risen to around 1,200
due to finding more native American tribes.

The large population and success of individuals has led to the vampires
adapting to the point of being classed as a separate form of parasitic
humanoid, Homo Vampyrus, although I would disagree. This is why they
have so many weaknesses, though these are paired with an equal amount of
daunting strengths. To first begin I will describe immediately the weaknesses
they have along with their advantages, before going into the boring stuff
(don’t worry librarians there will be plenty of boring details).

First thing vampires are known for are their tendency to drink blood, and
while they are able to eat food to blend in, they gain no nutrition from it and
from the vampires I’ve staked, most hate the taste of non-human blood, what
makes us so tasty I’ve no clue. This excess of blood is stored in a very large
fleshy pouch next to their heart. This free access to blood means they
essentially have indefinite stamina, which gives the illusion of great strength
since they’ll never let go from strain. This also allows them to be essentially
immune to most toxins (not neurotoxins duh) and drink copious amounts of
alcohol (once a friend of mine had spoken to a vampire without realising and
eventually copped on once she accidentally drank his 100% alcohol rifle
cleaner without y’know, dying). Now this access of blood is not just for the
cardiovascular system, it is also used for when a vampire wishes to rest in his
cyst, which I shall mention later, this hibernation can last from 2 months to the
record of 6 years.

All of this sounds quite scary, but this has led to the greatest weakness they
have, if you pierce this sack with a sharp item, they will quickly starve on the
spot, because oddly if they have no blood in their pouch they’ll start to starve.
Another great power they have over us is their highly developed brain,
specifically the parts that enhance hearing and smell. Specifically because
their brains no longer ignore background noise and smells, making it
impossible to sneak up on them, this has made the illusion of precognition
which only liches have been seen to have. This once again comes with a
fantastic exploit for us to use. Multiple sounds and intense smells like running
water or garlic/incense tend to overwhelm vampires and distract them
similarly to liches, but for different reasons, hunters in the old world used to
use this trick thinking it was the same process only to be disintegrated by the
lich who very much didn’t care about garlic. Also similar to liches, vampires
don’t go into churches, but for the incense not the holiness (I had a rival of
mine die because he consecrated his carriage hoping to be able to kill a cyst
hive from his coach, his body is still in my collection). This confusion of
whether vampires are holy are not mainly comes from the old world churches,
such an example is the foolish idea that crosses drive away vampires, no….

Vampires are a predator, a wild animal at heart (heh). When you see a lion go
for the attack in the rocky mountains and suddenly stop, it was probably
because you held your ground, it wants the meal but knows the danger, this
is the exact reason why crosses work, it’s the will you show that scares the
vampire (also the priests who do this are usually screaming hymns in its face,
which with irritate it). I must thank Jared Frankincense for this information
and his invaluable work on vampire anatomy.*

*do note we no longer endorse Mr Frankincense, his information was found

by infecting ladies of the night with vampirism and then dissecting them. We
keep this information in memory of the victims and their families and to
protect future hunters.(above)
Now while most vampires do possess some magik ability and can turn to
bats, mist, wolves, and the such, I plead with viewer not to believe this
fucking myth.


Most if not all vampires live in a commune of cysts, and the arch vampire is
usually from aristocracy, the reason they don’t enter without an invite is
because they’re polite and would upset the arch vampire if they were so rude,
if they have to, they will enter your house. And no, the following are not

• Outhouses
• Greenhouses
• Wardrobes (seriously)
• Tents
• Gazebos
• Sleeping bags (lost a student to that)
• Any form of thin fabric across 2 upright structures (pillow fort esque)

I apologise for that outburst, but I’m fed up with this layman’s myth.

The greatest thing any vampire hunting specialist needs now is good old
silver, its currently unknown why, but any group 11 element (copper, gold,
silver, and roentgenium) creates a sever allergic reaction to vampires who
come into contact. Due to the work of a polish lass in the old world we have
discovered that when the radioactive element roentgenium is put into so
called “tesla weapons”, the electricity produced creates the same allergic
reaction with vampires akin to a sever peanut allergy. It was also not
mentioned earlier but general damage to the vampire will eventually kill it due
to blood loss draining the pouch.
Now that we’ve described the cool vampire fighting tactics, we can talk about
the settlement pattern of vampires for the boring librarians who want to know.

The standard type of vampire settlement is known as a commune, which in its

most basic form a collection of vampiric cysts. These are stone lined holes in
which the vampire goes to rest once its done eating, usually it may be
covered in a comfy fabric and a few things from the vampires personal life,
the vast majority of what we know come from cysts that have collapsed in on
the vampire who subsequently died from starvation (just so you know). The
standard layout of these cysts go in the following order.

Arch vampire

The strongest and most influential vampire in the commune, their cysts are
usually elaborate and akin to the mausoleums of Rome. They usually have
lesser undead that have manifested in the death ridden conditions, curious
that they don’t attack. These are normally on the ridge of a hill or cliff
overlooking a land, though some have been known to be hidden due to
ploughing covering the entrance with earth.

Vampire spawn

The direct victims of the arch vampire who have turned into its braindead
spawn, they are scattered around the arch vampires cyst. These cysts are
very bare and are most prone to collapse.

Independent vampires

The medium power vampires that live under the arch vampire and put they’re
cysts in line formation on lower land near the arch vampire, the independent
vampire cyst is usually quite deep due to them having to hold their own


Of the

Pattern of

Native Americans have been seen to have their own type of cyst complex,
they will create a mound of earth and all pile into it in close proximity to one
another, this makes these cyst hives highly volatile since awakening a single
spawn can make the whole hive wake up. This is especially bad because
while vampires feed whenever the wish independently from their arch
vampire, a native chief decides when they ALL feed, creating a hoard of
vampires looking for something to eat, and whether by accident or by the
chieftain, if that happens its akin to a cicada swarm. Evacuate. Pray.

Finally I shall speak on the transformation from human to vampire, we all

know that if a vampire feeds on a normal human, it will turn them into a
spawn. But for a human to become a full vampire, they must feed from blood
specifically brewed in an organ that grows next to the right lung, the “devils
kidney”, feeding from blood here, usually by injecting it through the fangs on
command, a person will turn to a full vampire within 2-6 days. The only known
cure is intense radiation that seems to turn the blood innate, the easiest way
is to get it from the UV light from the sun but tesla weapons seem to also
work as long as you don’t kill the person since the weapon is naturally
radioactive. This is the reason vampires seem to dislike the sun, as it seems
to damage something inside them. *

*it must be paramount to note that the processes of radiation treatment for
vampirism and the vampires allergy to group 11 elements are vastly different,
we do not endorse hunters to attempt curing vampirism by injecting gold into
their veins.

A vampire I spoke with who

Claimed That one of his spawn

had coated His neck in copper

wire thinking It’d make him

immune. The vampire asked to

be spared for the information.

Hunted in 1864 by Mr Bam (?)

I’m sure you’re real tired of me rambling about vampires, well good news!

Let us speak about one of the most heavily disputed and controversial
creatures in the colonies …the werewolf and its variants that roam the lands to
the west. The problem with werewolves is that nobody can decide what they
are and whether or not we should hunt them. Most librarians (of course)
caused this mess when they claimed that they were not in fact they’re own
category, but a branch of vampires (fuck not vampires again) since they both
share an aversion to silver. Now this is agued by folks such as myself and
fellow lich experts like Prof. Richard McGrath that just like the similar reaction
to crosses and churches between liches and vampires, doesn’t meant that
their processes are the same (common sense) and although we do not know
why werewolves are vulnerable to silver, it can be reasoned that it is a
different reaction. Werewolves reaction to silver causes their fur (dude,
weresharks aren’t furry) to ignite, causing major damage to their ability to turn

Too be honest little is known of the werewolf, the hunters focus on vampires
so much that the discussion of the rarer creatures is usually left to the
librarians. What we do know is that werebeasts prefer to hunt alone or in
pairs, usually pairing with a similar type of werebeast e.g. birds,reptiles,
wolves. They are usually found in areas of wilderness but can frequent
trackways. Normally they hunt any any animals that will prove to be a good
fight and seem to enjoy what could be colloquially known as “the hunt”,
animals that do not will be killed far quicker than normal. A big reason for a
lack of research is due to most test conditions for werewolves being the same
where one gets turned, so a lot of werewolf experts eventually turn to
werewolves themselves. A good pal of mine was shot before he could turn,
this was before we knew you had to decapitate them to kill, Id rather not
mention him out of respect. (editor here, I’ve been looking for this guys work
for months, what do you mean you wont say the name? HOW AM I

The work of a hunter is never over, the gaps in our knowledge can be your
next paper that puts you on the map, thank you for reading and good luck.
(oh fuck you)*

-Greyat Buckelson

*the second editor was severely reprimanded for his editions to the guide

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