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MATH-404 4(4-0) Linear Algebra

Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
 Understand the concepts of matrices and determinants.
 Solve system of linear equations.
 Know about linear transformation and Eigen values.
 Apply linear system to everyday life.

 Matrices
 Determinants and System of Linear Equations
 Definition of Matrix
 Various Types of Matrices
 Algebra of Matrices
 Determinant of Square Matrix
 Cofactors and Minors
 Laplace Expansion of Determinants
 Elementary Matrices
 Adjoint and Inverses of Matrices
 Rank of A Matrix
 Introduction to Systems of Linear Equations
 Cramer's Rule
 Gaussian Elimination Method
 Gauss Jordan Method
 Solution of Homogenous/Non-Homogenous System of Linear Equations and Network Problems
 Vector Spaces: Real Vector Spaces
 Subspaces
 Linear Combination and Spanning Set
 Linear Independence and Linear Dependence
 Basis and Dimension
 Row Space
 Column Space and Null Space
 Linear Transformations
 Introduction to Linear Transformation
 Matrices of Linear Transformations Rank and Nullity
 Eigen Values
 Eigen Vectors
 Diagonalization
 Orthogonal Diagonalization
 Orthogonal Matrices and Similar Matrices.
Suggested Readings
1. Anton, H. 2010. Elementary Linear Algebra. John Wiley & Sons, NI, USA.
2. Greub, W.H. 2012. Linear Algebra. Springer, New York, USA.
3. Hogben, 1. 2006. Handbook of Linear Algebra. CRC Press, New York, UK
4. Hubbard, J.H. and B.B. Hubbard. 2015. Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms. Prentice-
Hall, NJ, USA.
5. Wilkinson, J.H., F.L. Bauer and C. Reinsch. 2013. Linear Algebra. Springer, New York, USA.

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