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All about Volcanoes

Test 1. Identify the type of eruption exhibited by the illustrations below.

Write your answer in the corresponding box.

1. 2.

3. 4.

All about Volcanoes
Test 2. Read the questions below about volcanoes. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

5. What is a shield volcano?

1. What is magma?
a) A type of volcano that is tall
a) A type of drink
and steep
b) A type of rock that comes out
b) A type of volcano that is
of a volcano
short and wide
c) Molten rock that is found
c) A type of volcano that is
beneath the Earth's surface

2. What is the difference

6. What is a volcano?
between magma and lava?
a) A type of tree
a) Magma is hotter than lava
b) A type of mountain that
b) Lava is thicker than magma
spews out hot rocks and ash
c) Magma is found beneath the
c) A type of animal
Earth's surface, while lava is found
above ground
7. What is a cinder cone
3. What is a composite volcano?
a) A type of volcano that is tall
a) A type of volcano that is tall
and steep
and steep
b) A type of volcano that is
b) A type of volcano that is short
short and wide
and wide
c) A type of volcano that is
c) A type of volcano that is cone-

8. What is the most important

4. What is an eruption?
thing to do if you live near a
a) When a volcano becomes
a) Take a picture
b) When a volcano releases lava,
b) Ignore it
ash, and gases
c) Listen to emergency officials
c) When a volcano collapses in on
and follow their instructions for
evacuation or sheltering in place.

Parts of the Volcano

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