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Why randomized Why randomizing in
group work works: front of students matters:

Group work is shown to be one of the most Teenaged students know the role teachers typically
effective classroom strategies for assign them in groups and look to fulfill it.
positive social interaction Consistent randomization confirms that each
meaningful participation student has value and a voice in the conversation!
competence and achievement Mobilizes knowledge throughout the room.
Randomizing this ensures all students reap the Keeps the power in the social aspect and the
full benefits and start to see you as a facilitator community you work to foster.
of learning rather than the knowledge holder. It can be fun!

Why strategic grouping is failing in your classroom:

WHO is it hurting: HOW it is the “silent killer”:

gifted/high achieving students promotes inequity as members of the
ELL and Special Education students classroom community
students who struggle with behaviors unintentionally shares your notion of
all kids who fall somewhere in the middle certain students with the whole class
of all of these categories disintegrates the “group” in group work

What methods for randomizing work best:

playing cards (suit, rank, combo of the two)

ge it u p !
online spinning wheel Chan
as students come in the door
en tly !
popsicle sticks Frequ
physical attribute of students’ clothing (color, etc.)

How to best manage your new role :)

You are no longer just a classroom teacher but a facilitator of learning!

1) Embrace it! 5) Explicitly teach group work skills
2) Actively assist but not solve 6) Stay consistent in randomizing
3)See if groups can help each other 7) Be okay not being in power!
4)Be adaptable in new landscapes 8) Facilitate :)))

Sources: An example of
7 Needs of Adolescents randomized
YouTube Link
Visibly Random Grouping grouping for a
Thinking Classroom

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