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Human Physiology, 16th Edition Stuart

Ira Fox
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Pierce College
Krista Rompolski
Moravian College

Published by McGraw Hill LLC, 1325 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10121.
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ISBN 978-1-260-59766-0
MHID 1-260-59766-0
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Brief Contents

1 The Study of Body Function 1 13 Blood, Heart, and Circulation 403

2 Chemical Composition of the Body 24 14 Cardiac Output, Blood Flow, and Blood
Pressure 449
3 Cell Structure and Genetic Control 49
15 The Immune System 492
4 Enzymes and Energy 86
16 Respiratory Physiology 531
5 Cell Respiration and Metabolism 104
17 Physiology of the Kidneys 580
6 Interactions Between Cells and the Extracellular
Environment 128 18 The Digestive System 618

7 The Nervous System 160 19 Regulation of Metabolism 662

8 The Central Nervous System 204 20 Reproduction 702

9 The Autonomic Nervous System 242 Appendixes

Answers to Test Your Knowledge Questions A-1
10 Sensory Physiology 265
Medical and Pharmacological Abbreviations B-1

Glossary G-1
11 Endocrine Glands 315
Index I-1
12 Muscle 358


About the Authors

Stuart Ira Fox earned a Ph.D. in human physiology

from the Department of Physiology, School of Medicine,
at the University of Southern California, after earning
degrees at the University of California at Los Angeles
(UCLA); California State University, Los Angeles; and UC
Santa Barbara. He has spent most of his professional life
teaching at Los Angeles City College; California State
University, Northridge; and Pierce College, where he
has won numerous teaching awards, including several
Golden Apples. Stuart has authored forty-two editions
of seven textbooks, which are used worldwide and have
been translated into several languages, and two novels.
When not engaged in professional activities, he likes to
hike, fly fish, and cross-country ski in the Eastern Sierra
Nevada Mountains.
To my wife, Ellen; and to Laura, Jacob, and Kayleigh. For
all the important reasons.

Krista Lee Rompolski earned her Ph.D. in exer-

cise physiology from the University of Pittsburgh, Depart-
ment of Health and Physical Activity, after earning her
bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Bloomsburg Uni-
versity, near her birthplace of Mount Carmel, PA. Krista
is currently an associate professor of Physical Therapy at © Ellen Fox

Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA, where she teaches

Gross Anatomy and Pathophysiology to the Physical
Therapy students, as well as Anatomy and Physiology to
undergraduate Health Sciences students. Prior to join-
ing Moravian College, Krista taught Anatomy, Physiology,
Pathophysiology, and clinical research courses at Drexel
University for seven years.
To the bravest person I know, my husband, Dan, for
always reminding me of what matters most.
© Katherine Coccagna



The Story of the Sixteenth Edition This sixteenth edition marks a major addition to Human
Physiology: Krista Rompolski, Ph.D. (Moravian College) has
Stuart Fox, Ph.D., contributed significantly to the revision of chapters 8 and 18.
wrote the first edition As a very active physiology educator, Krista brings a new per-
(published 1983) to spective and her own expertise to make this edition an even
help students under- more exciting revision. This was achieved while maintaining
stand the concepts of the book’s tradition of remaining readable, accessible, and
human physiology, useful to students.
and this objective has To create this landmark sixteenth edition, Stuart had the
remained the guid- support of Krista Rompolski as coauthor and a superb team
ing principle through at McGraw-Hill. This team includes Matthew Garcia, Melisa
all of the subsequent Seegmiller, Sherry Kane, Brent Dela Cruz, Joan Weber, Angela
editions. All editions FitzPatrick, Valerie Kramer, Jim Connely, Kristine Rellihan,
have been lauded Beth Blech, and Lori Hancock. We are all incredibly grateful
for their readability, to the many reviewers who provided their time and expertise to
the currency of the critically examine individual chapters and be Board of Adviser
information, and the partners. These reviewers and advisers are listed on the pages
clarity of the presen- that follow.
tation. The sixteenth
edition continues this tradition by presenting human physi-
ology in the most current, readable, and student-oriented
way possible.

118 Chapter 5

Guided Tour
to 85% of the body’s energy is stored as fat, which amounts
Bile acids Steroids to about 140,000 kilocalories. Stored glycogen, by contrast,
accounts for less than 2,000 kilocalories, most of which
(about 350 g) is stored in skeletal muscles and is available
for use only by the muscles. The liver contains between 80
grams TEglycogen,
R O UTLI N E can be converted to glucose
and used by other organs. Protein accounts for 15% to 20% of
Ketone bodies Citric acid 4.1 Enzymes as Catalysts 87
cycle)to review 2these the stored calories in the body, but protein usually is not used
Acetyl CoA CO


Before you begin this chapter, you may
extensively Mechanism
as an energyof source
Action 87
that would involve
concepts from previous chapters:
the loss of muscle
Naming mass.
of Enzymes 89
• Proteins 41
Clinical Applications—No
Fatty acids Other Human Physiology 4.2 TextControl
Has More!
of Enzyme Activity 90
• Lysosomes 58 White AdiposeEffects of Temperature and pH 90
• Cell Nucleus
The framework of this
andtextbook is based on integrating clinically germane
Gene Expression
Triacylglycerol White adipose
physiological processes. Examples of this abound throughout the book.
62 with 91
and Coenzymes knowledge of the body’s
tissue, or white fat, is where most of the tri-
Enzyme Activation 91
glycerides in the body are stored. When fat stored in adipose
Substrate Concentration and Reversible Reactions 92
tissue is going to be used as an energy source, lipase enzymes
hydrolyzeCLINICAL triglycerides intoINVESTIGATIONS glycerol and free fatty acids in IN
FIGURE 5.13 Divergent metabolic pathways for acetyl Metabolic Pathways 92
coenzyme A. Acetyl CoA is a common substrate that can be 4.3 Bioenergetics 95 molecules (primarily the free
process called lipolysis. These
used to produce a number of chemically related products.
Sheryl, an active 78-year-old, suddenly became greatly fatty acids) ALL serve CHAPTERS!
Endergonic as blood-borneandCell Exergonic energy
Respiration Reactions
and Metabolism 96that can be 109
fatigued and disoriented 114 Chapter 5
while skiing. When she was used by the liver, ⊳
Coupled skeletal
Chapter-Opening muscles,
respiration. Coupled Reactions: Oxidation-Reduction 98
ATP and 96 other organs
Clinical for aerobic Clues, and
brought to the hospital, blood tests revealed elevated levels however, the
In the formation INVESTIGATION
of fatty
TABLE acids,
5.1 | aATP number
Yield of acetic
per Glucose acid When adipocytes
in Aerobic Respiration
presence of100isanarereleased
cells) in in
case enzymatically
studies found in each chapter.
can thus be detected by TABLE 4.1 | Example
of LDH, AST,
(two-carbon) ALT, and
subunits arethe MB together
joined isoform to of form
CK. the fatty acid controlled
the glycerol the Clues
leaves are
through given
reactions, throughout
certain and a portion
protein and the
(38% caseto is
40%) resolved at
job it does, and its concentration ATP channels
Made can by be in measured how Value of Some Enzym
Andrea Sixexperienced
Some acetyl
of theCoA
new molecules,
terms andfor
pain and example,
concepts willwill
during produce a of the membrane
plasma energy thereleased
rapidly endand of is
performs chapter.
theits 102
blood. in the
job. Thehigh-energy
Oxidative glycerol released
Phases of ATP Made Reduced
fatty acid
exercise, that
and is 12
later carbons
experienced long. When
chest pain three
that of these
required fatty of
into ATP.
the blood is mostly taken up by the liver, which Actual Yield**it
encounter include: Respiration Directly Coenzymes Theoretical Yield*
acids condense with 1 glycerol (derived from phosphoglyceral- The aerobic respiration of glucose begins withglycerol glycoly-
medical attention. 2 ATP (net gain) into 2glucose through gluconeogenesis.
If from FADH2: By this means,
Glucose to pyruvate NADH, but usually goes If from FADH2: Enzyme
a isoenzymes,
triglyceride (also (in coenzymes,
called triacylglycerol)
What caused muscle pain during exercise, and why did
and cofactorsmolecule is sis.
into from
mitochondria in both
as anaerobic
2 ATP (× metabolism
2) = 4 ATP or and
fasting aerobic
ATP be res-
(× 2)an = 3 ATP
the TheAST,
trainer formation wasofCK
ALT,it and
say fat, or lipogenesis, occurs primar-
normal? piration
2 FADH results
2 in
of theliverproduction
or if stays NADH:
glucose. of 2 molecules orofif pyruvate, stays NADH: Alkaline phosphatase
When diseases 3 ATP (× 2) = 6 tissues,
damage ATP some 2.5 cells
ATP (×die 2) = and
5 ATPrelease
2 ATP, and 2the NADH + H+ per glucose molecule. In aerobic
ily in adipose
blood been •
tissue and in
What might her chestPyruvate the
is elevated following
pain indicate, when
to acetyl CoA
a meal.
how concentration
(× might
2) it have
of However,
1 NADH (× 2) =
lipolysis are the
2 NADH enzymes
free fatty
the acids. into
(× 2)the
= 6blood.
in fatty
acids 2.5
2.5 ATP (×
= 5 ATP
not donated
consist of=a15 ATP
⊲ Fat
Clinical stored
produced, and why
in adiposeBoxes
did cycle
Citric acid Andrea
cells (adipocytes)
(× 2) need medical
are in-depth of boxed
1 ATP (× 2) = 2 ATP
essays thatlong
white adipose to pyruvate
1 hydrocarbon
FADH2 (× 2) and
= 6 NADH their
3 NADH (× 2) reflecting
= 2lactate
is 2not
2 with ATP
in a test
(× 6) = 18 ATP
3 ATPconcentrations
a formed,
(× 2) = 4 ATP
by adding
in the
(COOH) 1.5
ATP (× 6)plasma,
their specific
= 3 ATP
can be
Acid phosphatase

explore (or relevant serves as
white fat) topics of the
Total majorinterest
ATP form of energy and4are storage
ATP pathway.
placed atend. In a process Instead, the pyruvate
known as32β-oxidation will
(or 34) ATP move to a
(β is the 26different
Greek cellular
(or 28)letter
location and Becausea an
undergo increase
different in certain
reaction; the NADH enzymes in the blood can
produced Amylase
in the body. One gram of *fat Theprovides 9 iskilocalories of ATPof energy, oxidativebeta), enzymes remove two-carbon acetic
Detailed acid molecules from
key points in the chapter to support
theoretical yield the
the surrounding
number produced material.
by phosphorylation
by glycolysis
inside the
indicate damage
(explained in the
be to specific
but that
occurs testslater may aid the Aldolase
compared to 4 kilocalories for ayieldgram
**The actual ofaccount
takes into carbohydrates
the energy cost of or the
transporting ATPacid end
out of the of a fatty
mitochondria and intoacid chain. This results in the forma-
the cytoplasm.
protein. Incovered
a nonobese include pathologies,
70-kilogram currentman,
(155-pound) research,
80% in the
tion of story.
diagnosis of diseases. For example, an increase in a man’s
acetyl CoA, as the third carbon from the end becomes Creatine kinase (or
pharmacology, and a variety of clinical diseases. In aerobic blood levels of acid
respiration, pyruvate phosphatase may result from disease of
oxidized to produce a new carboxyl group.leaves The fatty theacid cellchain cyto- creatine phosphokinas
the 36 to 38 ATP produced per glucose in the mitochondrion, plasm and the
enters from prostate
the 2 (table
interior result (the 4.1).
in thematrix)
pumping of of only 6 protons (4 by the
mitochondria. (CK or CPK)
C H E C K P O I NT S only 30 to 32 ATP actually enter the cytoplasm of the cell.
is thus decreased in length by 2 carbons. The
second pump and 2 by the third pump). Because 1 ATP is pro-
process of oxida-
Roughly 3 protons must pass through the respiratory
tion pyruvateduced
assem- until
is theinside
for entire
a protons
every 4 fatty
pumped,molecule carbon
electrons is derived dioxide
converted from FADH2
Lactate dehydrogenase
1a. Define the termAPPLICATION
glycolysis in terms of its initial
substrates and products. blies andExplain
activate whyATP synthase
there is to a produce
to enzymatically
acetyl CoA
1 ATP. However, the Lifestyle ⊳ (fig. removed
result in the Application from
formation of 6 ÷Boxes each three-carbon-long
4 = 1.5 are ATP.readings
Each citric acid thatcycle

abnormal matrixpyruvate andAmust to form

16-carbon-long a fatty
acid, get organic
forweexample, yields acid—acetic
8 acetyl
newly formed ATP is in the Transaminases (AST
gain ofsyndrome
2 moleculesisof aATP combination
in this process. of mitochondrial be produces
principles INVESTIGATIONas
two citric
cycles from 1 glu-
CLUES sports and ALT)
measurements—including moved into the cytoplasm; this transport also uses
central obesity (excess abdominal acid.
the The
proton enzyme cose,
CoA molecules. Each of these can enter that
so there catalyzes
are 2 FADH this reaction
that give 2 × combines
2 a citric acid cycle and ATP = 3 the
1b. What are the initialgradient substrates and final
and costs 1 more products
proton. The of ATP and acetic H+ are trans-
produce acid
10 medicine,
per The
coenzyme 23exercise
turn ATP
of subtotal
the physiology,
cycle, from
from oxidative
producing the and aging.
8 × 10 pan-
= They we are also
fat), hypertension (high ported
blood into pressure),
the cytoplasm insulin resistance
in exchange for ADP and Pi, which Sheryl’s
have atatblood
this point tests revealonly
includes elevated
the NADH levels ofFADHCK, LDH, AST,
anaerobic metabolism?
(prediabetes), type 2 diabetes mellitus, high plasma triglyc- tothenic
80 ATP. Inacid) placed called
and ALT. relevant
each coenzymetime points anA.acetyl Thein theCoA text
combination toand
molecule highlight
thus 2 pro-
is which concepts just
are transported
1c. Describe the physiological functions of lactate into the mitochondrion. Thus, it effectively takes duced in the mitochondrion. Remember that glycolysis,
formed and isthe called
end inthe
carbon thecytoplasm,
the fattyalso A, abbreviated
acid chain isNADH. oxidized,acetyl TABLE 4.2 | Selecte
erides, and high LDL cholesterol—that
fermentation. In whichTo
4 protons to produce
1 ATPincrease
is anaerobic
that entersthe
The mellitus,
the cytoplasm.
andATP yield 1CoA
NADHis (fig.
36 andto5.5). •
1 plasmic
FADH What in enzymes
2NADH produced. do theseproduces
cannot directly Oxidativeletters 2indicate,
enter phosphoryla-
the mitochondrion, but
the Reactions They C

risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes diseases do elevated blood levels of these enzymes
metabolism normal? 38 InATP which
per tissue isThe
glucose. it abnormal?
actual ATP Glycolysis
tion produces
yield, allowing for the 2.5 converts
there Systems
ATP is aper 1 NADH
by which molecule
and 1.5 pages
their ATP into atper
electrons 2themolecules
can be of 2. chapters have
other conditions. The incidence of metabolic syndrome has Enzyme
costs of transport into the cytoplasm, is about For of to
30 pyruvate.
a32 ATP Because in. suggest?
The each pyruvate molecule is converted into
been a net effect
traditionfatty of
acid, thismost
these common
textbook4 ATP shuttle
since is that
the a mol-
earliest editions. Catalase
increased alarmingly in recent
in obesity. Eating excessive
years because of the increase
per glucose. The details of how these numberswould
are described particularly in the form
are obtained
1 moleculebe formed •
of acetyl
Now, seven
2 this
in the
1 CO
mitochondrion. edition,
is translated
7 =relate
42×molecules 28 ATP).
Thea2new NADH
to into
acetyl molecule
produced Interactions
CoA andthe
counting 2 molecules
single ATP of CO
used toare derived
start from
β-oxidation each
(fig. glucose.
of sugars (including high fructose corn syrup), stimulates
insulin secretion. Insulin then promotes the uptake of blood These
this fatty acetyl
acid icon
could has been
a grand
total as the become
of 28
1.5 ATP = 3 ATP by oxidative phosphorylation. (An alterna- + 80,
or to and yield major
108 ATP
2× sections
Carbonic anhydrase
glucose into adipose cells, Detailed
(through lipogenesis) it is molecules!
drial enzymes of inthethe
tive in-chapter
pathway, where text.
pathway, theThese while
cytoplasmicalert thereaders
NADH diox-those sections that
In the aerobic respiration Eachof glucose,
NADH pyruvic
converted into stored triglycerides (see figs. 5.12 and 5.13). in acid
the is formed donates
mitochondrion ide2 is carried
electrons Naming
into the blood
mitochondrial of
discuss toEnzymes
NADH howlungs the
and forchapter’s
2 × body
2.5 ATP Itsystem
=is5 ATP,interacts with Lactate dehydrogenase
86by glycolysis and then to the electron
converted intotransport
acetyl system
coenzyme at the first
A. proton pump (see
important toother is less
notesystems common;
that theinoxygen however, this
in CO is the dominant
is derived pathway
from in the Ribonuclease
Conversely, the lowering of insulin secretion, by diets that the are service of2 total bodyactive.)function. The new
This begins
prevent the aplasma
fig. 5.9).pathway
cyclic metabolic
glucose from
The electrons
rising called arethe
promotes acidto the secondBrown
pyruvic acid,In
and Adipose
third thefrom
and heart, enzymes
which gas.were icon
were somewhat
questions in the
proton pumps, activating each of them in turn until the 2 elec- arbitrary. We The now have modern a totalsystem
of 26 ATP for(or,naming enzymes,
less commonly, established
28 ATP)
lipolysis (the breakdown
(Krebs) cycle. ofoffat)
As a resulttrons theseand weight loss.
pathways, a large amount Brown adipose tissue, or brown fat, has a different primary func-
are ultimately passed to oxygen. The first and second by
tion transports
than white adiposeend-chapter
an internationalbyReview
it add Activities
is the major siteis that
more ask
forbythermogenesis students
orderly molecule
and about
of specific
pumps transport
and 4FADH protons each, and the third pump glucose. We can thesome2 ATPolder made direct (substrate-level)
of reduced NAD and FAD (NADH 2) is generated. Citric Acid
2 protons, for a total of 10. Dividing 10 protons by the 4 it takes interactions
With Cycle
the exception
phosphorylation of the of
in glycolysis andbody
the 2 ATP systems. names (such as pep-
made directly by
affect the active sites (ot
These reduced coenzymes
▲ provide electrons for a process sin, trypsin, and renin), all enzyme names end with the suffix the same reaction), but t
Learning Outcomes are numbered for easy referencing in Once acetyl-ase
to produce an ATP (in the cytoplasm) gives 2.5 ATP that are ▲ the
CoA(table two citric
has 4.2), acid
been and cycles
formed, to give a
theofacetic grand total
acidare of 30
subunit ATP (or,
that drives the formationproduced of ATP. for every pair of electrons donated by an NADH. Learning less commonly, Outcome 32 ATP) numbers
classes produced areby tied
enzymes directly
the aerobic named
respirationCheckpointat other locations so that
digital material! (There is no such thing as half an ATP; the decimal fraction to
(2 carbons long) their combines
of glucose activity,
(see table
or “job oxaloacetic acid (4 carbons
5.1). category.” Hydrolases, for example, separated by standard bi
long) to formpromote numbers!
a molecule of citric acid (6 carbons long). Coen-
simply indicates an average.) hydrolysis reactions. Other enzyme categories include are useful in the diagnos
zymeeach A acts onlyC H Eas C KaP O transporter of aceticthe acidremovalfrom one
LE A R N I N G O UTCO M EThree S molecules of NADH are formed with citric phosphatases, I which
NT S catalyze of phosphate
acid cycle, and 1 NADH is also produced whenenzyme pyruvatetois another (similar to the transport of hydrogen by
After studying this section, you should
converted into acetylbe ableCoA to: (see fig. 5.5). StartingNAD). from 1 The
groups; 2a.synthases
Compare the and fate
glu- formation of citric acid begins a cyclic metabolic
of pyruvate inwhich
synthetases, aerobiccatalyze
and dehydration
cose, two citric acid cycles (producing 6 NADH) and 2 pyru- synthesis reactions; dehydrogenases, which remove hydrogen
anaerobic cell respiration.
2. Describe the aerobic cell respiration of glucose through atoms 2b.from Draw their
a substrates;
simplified citric and
acid cycle and
kinases, which
indicate the add a phos-
vates converted to acetyl CoA (producing 2 NADH) yield Different diseased or
the citric acid cycle. 8 NADH. Multiplying by 2.5 ATP per NADH gives 20 ATP. phate group high-energy products.
to (phosphorylate) particular molecules. Enzymes
Electrons systemfrom FADH are donated later in the electron- called3a. Explain how NADH and FADH2 contribute to oxidative matic forms of an enz
3. Describe the electron transport and2 oxidative isomerases rearrange atoms within their substrate mol-
transport system than those donated by NADH; H
consequently, phosphorylation. H nosis of disease. Crea
phosphorylation, explaining the role of oxygen in this ecules to formNAD structural isomers, + H+ such as glucose and fructose
these electrons activate only the second and third proton pumps. 3b. Explain how NADH ATP is produced in oxidative example, is normally lo
process. H C H (chapter H 2; see fig. 2.13). H C H
Because the first proton pump is bypassed, the electrons passed phosphorylation. production of ATP (se
The aerobic respiration of glucose (C6H12O6) is given in the fol- C O + S
The names CoA
of many enzymes Cspecify O + CO
both the substrate isoenzymatic forms ar
vi of the enzyme and the job category of the enzyme. Lactic acid 2
lowing overall equation: ent chromosomes, and
C dehydrogenase, for example, removesS hydrogens CoA from lactic acid. bodies to distinguish b
C H O + 6 O → 6 CO + 6 H O
HO O Enzymes that do exactly the same job (that catalyze the same form (or CK-1) is relea
6 12 6 2 2 2
New to This Edition


The following list includes relatively major changes in each Chapter 6

chapter and does not include changes involving a sentence or ⦁. Expanded explanation of carrier proteins and channel proteins,
two, word or phrase changes, or label changes in figures. with different listing order.
⦁. Addition of a description of the importance of Na+ in body
All Chapters
fluid osmolality.
⦁. Boxes on Exercise Applications changed to Lifestyle
⦁. Legend for figure 6.16 rewritten.
Applications throughout. ⦁. New discussion of sodium-coupled glucose transporters
⦁. Chapters 8 and 18 modified extensively by Krista Rompolski,
(SGLT 1 and 2).
Ph.D. ⦁. Added description of autocrine signaling.
⦁. Section subheadings that specifically deal with interactions
between different body systems are called out and identified Chapter 7
with a distinctive Systems Interactions icon. ⦁. Updated and expanded description of microglia.
⦁. Review Activities questions that relate to the Systems ⦁. Updated discussion of oligodendrocytes.
Interactions are identified with the Systems Interactions icons. ⦁. Updated discussion of central nervous system (CNS) axon
Chapter 1
⦁. Expanded and updated discussion of astrocytes.
⦁. Modifications in section on Scientific Method.
⦁. Expanded and updated discussion of CNS capillaries with
⦁. New citation in Table 1.1 for the 2019 Nobel Prize in
addition of pericytes.
Physiology or Medicine. ⦁. Updated and expanded discussion of the endogenous opioids.
⦁. Modifications in section on The Primary Tissues.
⦁. Modifications in the section on the skin. Chapter 8
⦁. Clinical Investigation updated throughout the chapter.
Chapter 2
⦁. Description of cerebrospinal fluid formation updated.
⦁. Additional information added to the section on buffers.
⦁. Figure 8.5 updated for most up-to-date terminology.
Chapter 3 ⦁. Updated description of autism spectrum disorder.
⦁. New description of glycocalyx added. ⦁. New research on the clinical applications of PET scans and fMRI.
⦁. Explanation of lysosomes and autophagy rewritten and ⦁. Addition of glymphatic system and its association with sleep
updated. and neurodegenerative disease.
⦁. Information on mitochondria updated and expanded. ⦁. Updated Clinical Application box on Huntington’s disease and
⦁. Expanded and updated information in the section describing the Parkinson’s disease.
genome, genes, and genetic expression. ⦁. Added information on the subthalamic nucleus.
⦁. Description of CRISPR-Cas9 updated. ⦁. Updated and expanded description on Wernicke’s aphasia and
⦁. Section on epigenetic inheritance expanded and updated. conduction aphasia.
⦁. Arcuate fasciculus added as a label on figure 8.14.
Chapter 4 ⦁. New discussion on the amygdaloid body and the famous patient
⦁. Updated and expanded information on gene therapy and genome “S.M.”
editing. ⦁. New evidence on metabolic activity of neurons as well as
⦁. New information added to on specific autosomal recessive activity in the hippocampus during memory consolidation.
diseases added to the Clinical Applications box on ⦁. Updated and additional research on the genetics, pathogenesis,
phenylketonuria. and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.
⦁. Chemical structure of NADH in figure 4.17 modified. ⦁. Expanded discussion on the role of limbic system structures in
Chapter 5 learning and memory formation.
⦁. Information about the uses of the lactic acid pathway expanded ⦁. Addition of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine,

and updated. which led to the discovery of circadian clock genes in humans.
⦁. Information about the respiratory complexes expanded. ⦁. Updated discussion in a Lifestyle Application box on

⦁. Respiratory complexes identified in figure 5.9. benzodiazepine prescription, use, and abuse.
⦁. Added information on essential amino acids. ⦁. Table 8.6 updated for accuracy on cranial nerve composition
and function.


New to This Edition

⦁. New figure of the cranial nerves added to Section 8.6. ⦁. Single-Unit and Multi-Unit Smooth Muscle heading given a
⦁. Additional information provided on the structure and function of Systems Interactions icon.
the anterior corticospinal tracts. ⦁. Autonomic Innervation of Smooth Muscles heading given a
Systems Interactions icon.
Chapter 9
⦁. New Systems Interactions question added to the Review
⦁. Figure 9.11 updated and modified for increased accuracy.
⦁. Legend for figure 9.11 updated and expanded.
Chapter 13
Chapter 10
⦁. Updated information on aplastic anemia in the Clinical
⦁. Updated and expanded description of neural pathways for
Applications box on anemias.
somesthetic sensation.
⦁. Updated information on the origin of platelets.
⦁. New Clinical Application box on the gate control theory of pain.
⦁. Updated information on thrombopoietin.
⦁. Descriptions of the “labeled line” concept of taste transmission
⦁. Updated information on hemophilia A and B.
updated and expanded.
⦁. Figure 13.23 labels and legend modified to emphasize
⦁. Updated and expanded discussion of the physiology of sour
mechanical correlates of electrical activity.
⦁. Cardioprotective effects of exercise added to a Lifestyle
⦁. Descriptions of the structure and functions of the cupula in the
Application box.
semicircular canals updated and expanded.
⦁. Updated information on potential repairs of myocardial infarction.
⦁. Addition of motion sickness explanation.
⦁. Updated information on ECG changes in myocardial infarction.
⦁. Description of sensorineural deafness updated and expanded.
⦁. New information added on paroxysmal supraventricular
⦁. Figure 10.37 modified to show the direction of light.
⦁. Description of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells
⦁. New information on pericytes added.
Chapter 14
Chapter 11
⦁. Expanded and updated discussion of the control of cardiac rate.
⦁. Updated discussion of the role of heat shock proteins in steroid
⦁. Heading Regulation of Blood Volume by the Kidneys given a
hormone action.
Systems Interactions icon.
⦁. Updated discussion in a Clinical Applications box of the Her2
⦁. Heading Extrinsic Regulation of Blood Flow given a Systems
receptor and the action of Herceptin in the treatment of breast
Interactions icon.
⦁. Updated discussion of changes in coronary blood flow with
⦁. Figure 11.11 labels modified, and legend expanded and updated.
⦁. Description of the osmoreceptor neurons and control of ADH
⦁. Updated and expanded explanation of how aerobic exercise
secretion updated and expanded.
improves cardiovascular health.
⦁. Heading Hypothalamic Control of the Anterior Pituitary given a
⦁. Heading Baroreceptor Reflex given a Systems Interactions icon.
Systems Interactions icon.
⦁. Updated discussion of hypertension.
⦁. Heading Functions of the Adrenal Cortex given a Systems
⦁. Table 14.8 updated to display latest classification system for
Interactions icon.
⦁. Stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome description
⦁. Updated discussion of septic shock.
expanded and updated.
⦁. Three new Systems Interactions questions added to the Review
⦁. Heading Pancreatic Islets given a Systems Interactions icon.
⦁. Three new questions regarding Systems Interactions added to
the Test Your Understanding section of the Review Activities. Chapter 15
⦁. Updated information on danger-associated molecular patterns
Chapter 12
⦁. Clinical Application box on muscular dystrophy updated.
⦁. Updated information on macrophages.
⦁. Updated and expanded discussion of titin in muscle contraction.
⦁. Expanded and updated explanation of the causes and functions
⦁. Updated and expanded discussion of muscle fatigue.
of a fever.
⦁. New discussion of the myokine irisin added.
⦁. Expanded and updated description of the sources and functions
⦁. New Lifestyle Application box added regarding the healthful
of gamma interferon.
consequences of a change from a sedentary to a more active
⦁. Updated and expanded description of neutrophil actions in an
⦁. Updated discussion of muscle satellite cells.
⦁. Expanded and updated information on regulatory
⦁. Updated information on muscle spindle.
T lymphocytes.
⦁. Heading Skeletal Muscle Reflexes given a Systems Interactions
⦁. Updated information on sepsis in a Clinical Applications box.


⦁. Updated and expanded explanation of the nature of B cell clones ⦁. Two new Systems Interactions questions added to the Review
in the development of secondary immune responses. Activities.
⦁. Updated information on immunological competence and
Chapter 18
immunological tolerance.
⦁. Clinical Investigation updated throughout the chapter.
⦁. Updated and expanded information on chimeric antigen
⦁. Updated descriptions of the mucosal and serosal layers of the
receptors and immune checkpoint blockade in the treatment of
alimentary tract.
⦁. New detail included on the nerve composition of the vagus nerve.
⦁. Updated information on the viral causes of cancer.
⦁. Clinical Application box on Barrett’s esophagus updated to
⦁. New information on anaphylaxis.
include the role of esophageal stem cells in the development of
Chapter 16 esophageal cancer.
⦁. Updated and expanded description of control of the vocal cords. ⦁. Clinical Application box on gastroesophageal reflux disease
⦁. New information about lower respiratory tract infections added. (GERD) updated to include additional risk factors.
⦁. Updated and expanded information about how allergens ⦁. Discussion on celiac disease added to the updated Clinical
stimulate asthma. Application box on lactose intolerance.
⦁. Description of the role of the pons in the control of breathing ⦁. New and expanded description of the function of the
updated. interconnected cells of Cajal in the stomach and intestines.
⦁. Updated description of the role of the central chemoreceptors in ⦁. Additional information on the structure of the large intestine.
the control of breathing. ⦁. Label for taenia coli added to figure 18.16.
⦁. New description of the hypoxic ventilatory response. ⦁. Section on Intestinal Microbiota revitalized with new headings
⦁. Updated and expanded description of obstructive sleep apnea. and up-to-date research on its development, role in immune
⦁. New discussion of cardiovascular changes during breath-holding function, metabolism and disease development.
and hyperventilation. ⦁. Clinical Application box on inflammatory bowel disease
⦁. New information added about treatments for sickle cell anemia (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) updated to include
and thalassemia. distinguishing features of ulcerative colitis and Chron’s disease.
⦁. Heading Principles of Acid–Base Balance gets Systems ⦁. Updated description of salt and water transport in the large intestine.
Interactions icon. ⦁. Description on the steps of defecation reflex updated.
⦁. Expanded and updated description of the role of the kidneys in ⦁. Clinical Application box on cirrhosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver
assisting the lungs in the control of acid–base balance. disease, and liver diseases caused by chronic alcohol use updated.
⦁. Updated and expanded discussion of the mechanisms of ⦁. Table 18.3 updated to include storage functions of the liver.
acclimatization to high altitude. ⦁. Legend for figure 18.22 on metabolism of heme and bilirubin
⦁. New Systems Interactions question added to the Review updated for more detail and accuracy.
Activities. ⦁. Urobilinogen changed to sterocobilin in text and figure 18.23 for
accuracy in terminology.
Chapter 17
⦁. Updated and expanded description of the metabolism and
⦁. Updated and expanded explanation of autoregulation of renal
circulation of bile acids and the role of bile acids in the
blood flow and tubuloglomerular feedback.
secretion of hormones by the small intestine.
⦁. Expanded and updated description of the secretion of ADH.
⦁. Lifestyle Application on exercise and the timing of meals
⦁. Figure 17.21 modified to show reabsorption from and secretion
updated to include the autonomic nervous system’s influence on
into blood vessels.
digestion during exercise.
⦁. Heading Role of Aldosterone in Na+/K+ Balance given a
⦁. New information added to the structure and function of the
Systems Interactions icon.
enteric nervous system.
⦁. Figure 17.25 modified to show reabsorption from and secretion
⦁. New information on the role of secretin in metabolism of brown
into blood vessels.
adipose tissue.
⦁. Heading Renal Acid–Base Regulation given a Systems
⦁. Updated explanation of the transport of chylomicrons by the
Interaction icon.
lacteals of the intestinal villi.
⦁. Figure 17.29 modified to show Na+ being cotransported with
bicarbonate out of the proximal tubule. Chapter 19
⦁. Added explanation of sodium-bicarbonate cotransport from ⦁. Updated and expanded discussion of the development of adipose
proximal tubule. tissue.
⦁. Updated and expanded explanation of the renal generation of ⦁. New discussion of subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral fat, and
bicarbonate and ammonia. ectopic fat.
⦁. Updated description of acute mountain sickness. ⦁. New heading, Hormonal Signals from the GI Tract.


New to This Edition

⦁. Updated and expanded discussion of enteroendocrine regulation Chapter 20

of hunger. ⦁. Updated information on anti-Müllerian hormone.
⦁. Information on leptin and obesity updated. ⦁. Updated information added on the mechanisms of the pubertal
⦁. New information on meal-induced thermogenesis added. growth spurt.
⦁. Description of thermoregulation updated and expanded. ⦁. Updated information added regarding the 5 α-reduced
⦁. Updated and expanded description regarding insulin and androgens.
glucagon during the postabsorptive state. ⦁. New and updated information regarding the role of estradiol in
⦁. Updated and expanded section on the role of autonomic nerves male physiology.
in pancreatic islet regulation. ⦁. New and expanded description of primary follicles and anti-
⦁. Updated and expanded description of insulin action during the Müllerian hormone in adult women.
absorptive state. ⦁. New and updated information regarding polycystic ovarian
⦁. Updated explanation of increased metabolism stimulated by syndrome.
thyroxine. ⦁. Updated information added regarding the sperm’s contribution
⦁. New information added regarding psychosocial effects on to the mitochondria of the zygote.
children’s levels of growth hormone and IGF-1. ⦁. New paragraph added distinguishing the embryonic and fetal
⦁. New and expanded description of the regulation of osteoclast stages of development.
development. ⦁. Current information added regarding the use of iPS cells in
⦁. Updated description of the effects of sex steroids on osteoblasts regenerative medicine.
and osteoclasts.
⦁. New and updated information added regarding the effects of



Gwen Bachman Erin M. Itza

University of Nebraska-Lincoln University of South Alabama
Maegen A. Borzok Kimberly Jeckel
Ohio State University, Wexner Medical Center Colorado State University
Lindsay Calderon Kimberly D. Kyker
Eastern Kentucky University Oklahoma City Community College
Patricia Clark Greg M. Landry
Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis Massachusetts College of Pharmacy &
Health Sciences University
Barbara E. Davis
Eastern Kentucky University John McDaniel
San Jose State University
Stephen Dodd
University of Florida Lisa Middleton
Eastern Kentucky University
Maria Elena de Bellard
California State University, Northridge Mattia M. Migliore
MCPHS University- Boston
Michael L. Garcia
University of Missouri Sandra Lehmann Vierra
Merced College
Karri Haen Whitmer
Iowa State University Kate Ireton Walker
University of Arkansas
Tray W. Hamil
University of South Alabama Kennedy S. Wekesa
Alabama State University
Lisa M. Harrison-Bernard
Louisiana State University School of Medicine Sania Zaidi-Merchant
College of the Canyons
Carolyn Huffman
University of Kansas

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Journal of Higher Education

Preface v 2.3 Proteins 40

Structure of Proteins 40

1 The Study of Body

Function 1
Functions of Proteins 43
Nucleic Acids 44
Deoxyribonucleic Acid 44

1.1 Introduction to Physiology 2

Ribonucleic Acid 45

Scientific Method 2 Summary 46

1.2 Homeostasis and Feedback Control 4
Review Activities 47

3 Cell
History of Physiology 4
Negative Feedback Loops 5 Structure and
Positive Feedback 8
Genetic Control 49
Neural and Endocrine Regulation 8
Feedback Control of Hormone Secretion 8 3.1 Plasma Membrane and Associated Structures 50

1.3 The Primary Tissues 10 Structure of the Plasma Membrane 51

Muscle Tissue 10 Phagocytosis 53
Nerve Tissue 11 Endocytosis 53
Epithelial Tissue 12 Exocytosis 54
Connective Tissue 15 Cilia and Flagella 54
1.4 Organs and Systems 17 Microvilli 55
An Example of an Organ: The Skin 18 3.2 Cytoplasm and its Organelles 55

Systems 19 Cytoplasm and Cytoskeleton 56

Body-Fluid Compartments 20 Lysosomes 57
Summary 21 Peroxisomes 57
Review Activities 22 Mitochondria 58
Ribosomes 59

Endoplasmic Reticulum 59
Chemical Composition Golgi Complex 60
of the Body 24 3.3 Cell Nucleus and Gene Expression 61
Genome and Proteome 62
2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Chemical Bonds 25
Chromatin 63
Atoms 25
RNA Synthesis 63
Chemical Bonds, Molecules, and Ionic
RNA Interference 66
Compounds 26
3.4 Protein Synthesis and Secretion 67
Acids, Bases, and the pH Scale 28
Transfer RNA 67
Organic Molecules 30
Formation of a Polypeptide 68
2.2 Carbohydrates and Lipids 32
Functions of the Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi
Carbohydrates 33
Complex 69
Lipids 36
Protein Degradation 69

xvi Contents

3.5 Dna Synthesis and Cell Division 71 5.4 Metabolism of Lipids and Proteins 117
DNA Replication 71 Lipid Metabolism 117
The Cell Cycle 72 Amino Acid Metabolism 120
Mitosis 75 Uses of Different Energy Sources 121
Meiosis 77 Interactions 124
Epigenetic Inheritance 78 Summary 125
Interactions 82 Review Activities 126
Summary 83

6 Interactions
Review Activities 84
Cells and the Extracellular
4 Enzymes and Energy
4.1 Enzymes as Catalysts 87

Extracellular Environment

Body Fluids 129
Mechanism of Enzyme Action 87
Extracellular Matrix 129
Naming of Enzymes 89
Categories of Transport Across the Plasma
4.2 Control of Enzyme Activity 90
Membrane 130
Effects of Temperature and pH 90
6.2 Diffusion and Osmosis 131
Cofactors and Coenzymes 91
Diffusion Through the Plasma Membrane 133
Enzyme Activation 91
Rate of Diffusion 134
Substrate Concentration and Reversible Reactions 92
Osmosis 134
Metabolic Pathways 92
Regulation of Blood Osmolality 139
4.3 Bioenergetics 95
6.3 Carrier-Mediated Transport 140
Endergonic and Exergonic Reactions 96
Facilitated Diffusion 141
Coupled Reactions: ATP 96
Active Transport 142
Coupled Reactions: Oxidation-Reduction 98
Bulk Transport 146
Summary 100
6.4 The Membrane Potential 147
Review Activities 102
Equilibrium Potentials 148

5 Metabolism
Resting Membrane Potential 150
Cell Respiration and 6.5 Cell Signaling 151
Second Messengers 152
G-Proteins 153
5.1 Glycolysis and the Lactic Acid Pathway 105 Interactions 155
Glycolysis 105 Summary 156
Lactic Acid Pathway 107 Review Activities 158

5.2 Aerobic Respiration

Citric Acid Cycle 109
Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation 110
The Nervous System 160

Coupling of Electron Transport to ATP Production 110 7.1 Neurons and Supporting Cells 161
ATP Balance Sheet 113 Neurons 161
5.3 Interconversion of Glucose, Lactic Acid, Classification of Neurons and Nerves 162
and Glycogen 115 Neuroglia 164
Glycogenesis and Glycogenolysis 115
Neurilemma and Myelin Sheath 165
Cori Cycle 115
Functions of Astrocytes 168

Contents xvii

7.2 Electrical Activity in Axons 170 Hindbrain 228

Ion Gating in Axons 171 Reticular Activating System in Sleep and Arousal 230
Action Potentials 172 8.5 Spinal Cord Tracts 231
Conduction of Nerve Impulses 175 Ascending Tracts 231
7.3 The Synapse 178 Descending Tracts 232
Electrical Synapses: Gap Junctions 179 8.6 Cranial and Spinal Nerves 234
Chemical Synapses 179 Cranial Nerves 234
7.4 Acetylcholine as a Neurotransmitter 182 Spinal Nerves 235
Chemically Regulated Channels 183 Summary 238
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) 186 Review Activities 239

9 The
Acetylcholine in the PNS 187
Acetylcholine in the CNS 188 Autonomic Nervous
7.5 Monoamines as Neurotransmitters
Serotonin as a Neurotransmitter 190
Dopamine as a Neurotransmitter 191 9.1 Neural Control of Involuntary Effectors 243
Norepinephrine as a Neurotransmitter 191 Autonomic Neurons 243
7.6 Other Neurotransmitters 192 Visceral Effector Organs 244
Amino Acids as Neurotransmitters 192 9.2 Divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System 245
Polypeptides as Neurotransmitters 194 Sympathetic Division 245
Endocannabinoids as Neurotransmitters 195 Parasympathetic Division 246
Gases as Neurotransmitters 196 9.3 Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System 250
ATP and Adenosine as Neurotransmitters 196 Adrenergic and Cholinergic Synaptic
7.7 Synaptic Integration 197 Transmission 250
Synaptic Plasticity 197 Responses to Adrenergic Stimulation 251
Synaptic Inhibition 198 Responses to Cholinergic Stimulation 255
Summary 199 Other Autonomic Neurotransmitters 256
Review Activities 201 Organs With Dual Innervation 257
Organs Without Dual Innervation 258

Control of the Autonomic Nervous System by Higher
The Central Nervous Brain Centers 259

System 204 Interactions 261

Summary 262
8.1 Structural Organization of the Brain 205 Review Activities 263
8.2 Cerebrum 207

10 Sensory Physiology
Cerebral Cortex 207
Basal Nuclei 213 265

Cerebral Lateralization 214

10.1 Characteristics of Sensory Receptors 266
Language 216
Categories of Sensory Receptors 266
Limbic System and Emotion 217
Law of Specific Nerve Energies 267
Memory 218
Generator (Receptor) Potential 267
Emotion and Memory 223
10.2 Cutaneous Sensations 268
8.3 Diencephalon 224
Neural Pathways for Somatesthetic Sensations 270
Thalamus and Epithalamus 224
Receptive Fields and Sensory Acuity 271
Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland 224
Lateral Inhibition 272
8.4 Midbrain and Hindbrain 227
Midbrain 227

xviii Contents

10.3 Taste and Smell 273 Hypothalamic Control of the Posterior Pituitary 332
Taste 273 Hypothalamic Control of the Anterior Pituitary 332
Smell 275 Feedback Control of the Anterior Pituitary 334
10.4 Vestibular Apparatus and Equilibrium 277 Higher Brain Function and Pituitary Secretion 335
Sensory Hair Cells of the Vestibular Apparatus 278 11.4 Adrenal Glands 336
Utricle and Saccule 279 Functions of the Adrenal Cortex 337
Semicircular Canals 279 Functions of the Adrenal Medulla 338
10.5 The Ears and Hearing 281 Stress and the Adrenal Gland 339
Outer Ear 282 11.5 Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands 340
Middle Ear 282 Production and Action of Thyroid Hormones 341
Cochlea 283 Parathyroid Glands 343
Spiral Organ (Organ of Corti) 285 11.6 Pancreas and Other Endocrine Glands 344
10.6 The Eyes and Vision 289 Pancreatic Islets 344
Refraction 293 Pineal Gland 346
Accommodation 294 Gastrointestinal Tract 348
Visual Acuity 295 Gonads and Placenta 348
10.7 Retina 296 11.7 Paracrine and Autocrine Regulation 348
Effect of Light on the Rods 298 Examples of Paracrine and Autocrine
Electrical Activity of Retinal Cells 299 Regulation 349
Cones and Color Vision 300 Prostaglandins 350
Visual Acuity and Sensitivity 302 Interactions 353
Neural Pathways from the Retina 303 Summary 354
10.8 Neural Processing of Visual Information 306 Review Activities 355

Ganglion Cell Receptive Fields 306

Lateral Geniculate Nuclei 307
Cerebral Cortex 307
Interactions 309
12 Muscle
12.1 Skeletal Muscles

Summary 310 Structure of Skeletal Muscles 359
Review Activities 313 Motor End Plates and Motor Units 360
12.2 Mechanisms of Contraction 363

Sliding Filament Theory of Contraction 366
Endocrine Glands 315 Regulation of Contraction 368
11.1 Endocrine Glands and Hormones 316 12.3 Contractions of Skeletal Muscles 373

Common Aspects of Neural and Endocrine Twitch, Summation, and Tetanus 373
Regulation 316 Types of Muscle Contractions 374
Chemical Classification of Hormones 318 Series-Elastic Component 375
Prohormones and Prehormones 319 Length-Tension Relationship 375
Hormone Interactions 320 12.4 Energy Requirements of Skeletal Muscles 376
Effects of Hormone Concentrations on Tissue Metabolism of Skeletal Muscles 377
Response 320 Slow- and Fast-Twitch Fibers 379
11.2 Mechanisms of Hormone Action 322 Muscle Fatigue 381
Hormones That Bind to Nuclear Receptor Adaptations of Muscles to Exercise Training 381
Proteins 322
Muscle Damage and Repair 383
Hormones That Use Second Messengers 325
12.5 Neural Control of Skeletal Muscles 383
11.3 Pituitary Gland 330
Muscle Spindle 384
Pituitary Hormones 330

Contents xix

14 Cardiac
Alpha and Gamma Motor Neurons 386
Coactivation of Alpha and Gamma Motor Neurons 386 Output, Blood Flow,
Skeletal Muscle Reflexes 386 and Blood Pressure 449
Upper Motor Neuron Control of Skeletal Muscles 389
14.1 Cardiac Output 450
12.6 Cardiac and Smooth Muscles 390
Regulation of Cardiac Rate 450
Cardiac Muscle 391
Regulation of Stroke Volume 451
Smooth Muscle 392
Venous Return 454
Interactions 397
14.2 Blood Volume 455
Summary 398
Exchange of Fluid Between Capillaries and Tissues 456
Review Activities 400
Regulation of Blood Volume by the Kidneys 458

13 Blood,
14.3 Vascular Resistance to Blood Flow 462

Heart, and Physical Laws Describing Blood Flow 463

Circulation 403
Extrinsic Regulation of Blood Flow 464
Paracrine Regulation of Blood Flow 465
13.1 Functions and Components of the Intrinsic Regulation of Blood Flow 466
Circulatory System 404 14.4 Blood Flow to the Heart and Skeletal Muscles 467
Functions of the Circulatory System 404 Aerobic Requirements of the Heart 467
Major Components of the Circulatory System 404 Regulation of Coronary Blood Flow 468
13.2 Composition of the Blood 405 Regulation of Blood Flow Through Skeletal Muscles 469
Blood Plasma 405 Circulatory Changes During Exercise 469
The Formed Elements of Blood 406 14.5 Blood Flow to the Brain and Skin 472
Hematopoiesis 408 Cerebral Circulation 472
Red Blood Cell Antigens and Blood Typing 411 Cutaneous Blood Flow 473
Blood Clotting 413 14.6 Blood Pressure 474
Dissolution of Clots 416 Baroreceptor Reflex 476
13.3 Structure of the Heart 417 Atrial Stretch Reflexes 478
Pulmonary and Systemic Circulations 417 Measurement of Blood Pressure 478
Atrioventricular and Semilunar Valves 418 Pulse Pressure and Mean Arterial Pressure 480
Heart Sounds 419 14.7 Hypertension, Shock, and Congestive
13.4 Cardiac Cycle 421 Heart Failure 481
Pressure Changes During the Cardiac Cycle 422 Hypertension 481
13.5 Electrical Activity of the Heart and Circulatory Shock 483
the Electrocardiogram 424 Congestive Heart Failure 485
Electrical Activity of the Heart 424 Interactions 487
The Electrocardiogram 427 Summary 488
13.6 Blood Vessels 430 Review Activities 489
Arteries 430

15 The Immune System

Capillaries 432
Veins 434 492
13.7 Atherosclerosis and Cardiac Arrhythmias 435
15.1 Defense Mechanisms 493
Atherosclerosis 435
Innate (Nonspecific) Immunity 493
Arrhythmias Detected by the Electrocardiograph 439
Adaptive (Specific) Immunity 496
13.8 Lymphatic System 441
Lymphocytes and Lymphoid Organs 498
Summary 444
Local Inflammation 499
Review Activities 446

xx Contents

15.2 Functions of B Lymphocytes 502 Effects of Blood PO2 on Ventilation 556

Antibodies 503 Effects of Pulmonary Receptors on Ventilation 557
The Complement System 505 16.6 Hemoglobin and Oxygen Transport 558
15.3 Functions of T Lymphocytes 506 Hemoglobin 558
Cytotoxic, Helper, and Regulatory T Lymphocytes 506 The Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve 560
Interactions Between Antigen-Presenting Cells and T Effect of pH and Temperature on Oxygen Transport 561
Lymphocytes 510 Effect of 2,3-DPG on Oxygen Transport 562
15.4 Active and Passive Immunity 513 Inherited Defects in Hemoglobin Structure and
Active Immunity and the Clonal Selection Theory 514 Function 562
Immunological Tolerance 516 Muscle Myoglobin 563
Passive Immunity 517 16.7 Carbon Dioxide Transport 564

15.5 Tumor Immunology 518 The Chloride Shift 564

Innate Lymphoid Cells 519 The Reverse Chloride Shift 565
Effects of Aging and Stress 520 16.8 Acid-Base Balance of the Blood 566

15.6 Diseases Caused by the Immune System 520 Principles of Acid-Base Balance 567
Autoimmunity 520 Ventilation and Acid-Base Balance 568
Immune Complex Diseases 522 16.9 Effect of Exercise and High Altitude on
Respiratory Function 569
Allergy 522
Ventilation During Exercise 569
Interactions 526
Acclimatization to High Altitude 570
Summary 527
Interactions 574
Review Activities 528
Summary 575

16 Respiratory Physiology
Review Activities 577

17 Physiology of the Kidneys


16.1 The Respiratory System 532 580

Structure of the Respiratory System 532 17.1 Structure and Function of the Kidneys 581
Thoracic Cavity 535 Gross Structure of the Urinary System 581
16.2 Physical Aspects of Ventilation 535 Control of Micturition 583
Intrapulmonary and Intrapleural Pressures 536 Microscopic Structure of the Kidney 583
Physical Properties of the Lungs 537 17.2 Glomerular Filtration 586
Surfactant and Respiratory Distress Syndrome 539 Glomerular Ultrafiltrate 587
16.3 Mechanics of Breathing 539 Regulation of Glomerular Filtration Rate 588
Inspiration and Expiration 540 17.3 Reabsorption of Salt and Water 589
Pulmonary Function Tests 541 Reabsorption in the Proximal Tubule 590
Pulmonary Disorders 543 The Countercurrent Multiplier System 591
16.4 Gas Exchange in the Lungs 546 Collecting Duct: Effect of Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH) 594
Calculation of PO2 546 17.4 Renal Plasma Clearance 597
Partial Pressures of Gases in Blood 547 Transport Process Affecting Renal Clearance 598
Significance of Blood PO2 and PCO2 Measurements 549 Renal Clearance of Inulin: Measurement of GFR 599
Pulmonary Circulation and Ventilation/Perfusion Renal Clearance Measurements 600
Ratios 549
Reabsorption of Glucose 601
Disorders Caused by High Partial Pressures of Gases 551
17.5 Renal Control of Electrolyte and Acid–Base
16.5 Regulation of Breathing 552 Balance 603
Brain Stem Respiratory Centers 552 Role of Aldosterone in Na+/K+ Balance 603
Effects of Blood PCO2 and pH on Ventilation 554 Control of Aldosterone Secretion 605

Contents xxi

19 Regulation of Metabolism
Natriuretic Peptides 606
Relationship Between Na+, K+, and H+ 607 662

Renal Acid-Base Regulation 607 19.1 Nutritional Requirements 663

17.6 Diuretics and Renal Function Tests 610 Metabolic Rate and Caloric Requirements 663
Use of Diuretics 610 Anabolic Requirements 665
Renal Function Tests and Kidney Disease 612 Vitamins and Minerals 665
Interactions 613 Free Radicals and Antioxidants 668
Summary 614 19.2 Regulation of Energy Metabolism 670
Review Activities 615 Regulatory Functions of Adipose Tissue 671
Regulation of Hunger and Metabolic Rate 673

The Digestive System
Introduction to the Digestive System

619 19.3
Caloric Expenditures 675
Hormonal Regulation of Metabolism 676
Energy Regulation by the Pancreatic Islets 678
Layers of the Alimentary Tract 620 Regulation of Insulin and Glucagon Secretion 678
Regulation of the Alimentary Tract 622 Insulin and Glucagon: Absorptive State 680
18.2 From Mouth to Stomach 622 Insulin and Glucagon: Postabsorptive State 680
Esophagus 623 19.4 Diabetes Mellitus and Hypoglycemia 682
Stomach 624 Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 683
Pepsin and Hydrochloric Acid Secretion 624 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 683
18.3 Small Intestine 628 Hypoglycemia 686
Villi and Microvilli 628 19.5 Metabolic Regulation by Adrenal Hormones,
Intestinal Enzymes 629 Thyroxine, and Growth Hormone 687
Intestinal Contractions and Motility 630 Adrenal Hormones 687
18.4 Large Intestine 632 Thyroxine 688
Intestinal Microbiota 633 Growth Hormone 689
Fluid and Electrolyte Absorption in the Intestine 635 19.6 Regulation of Calcium and Phosphate
Balance 691
Defecation 636
Bone Deposition and Resorption 691
18.5 Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas 636
Hormonal Regulation of Bone 693
Structure of the Liver 636
1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 695
Functions of the Liver 639
Negative Feedback Control of Calcium and
Gallbladder 642
Phosphate Balance 696
Pancreas 643
Summary 698
18.6 Regulation of the Digestive System 645
Review Activities 699
Regulation of Gastric Function 646

20 Reproduction
Regulation of Intestinal Function 648
Regulation of Pancreatic Juice and Bile Secretion 650 702
Trophic Effects of Gastrointestinal Hormones 650
20.1 Sexual Reproduction 703
18.7 Digestion and Absorption of Food 651
Sex Determination 703
Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates 651
Development of Accessory Sex Organs and
Digestion and Absorption of Proteins 652
External Genitalia 706
Digestion and Absorption of Lipids 653
Disorders of Embryonic Sexual Development 707
Interactions 657
20.2 Endocrine Regulation of Reproduction 709
Summary 658
Interactions Among the Hypothalamus,
Review Activities 659 Pituitary Gland, and Gonads 710

xxii Contents

Onset of Puberty 711 20.6 Fertilization, Pregnancy, and Parturition 735

Pineal Gland 713 Fertilization 736
Human Sexual Response 713 Cleavage and Blastocyst Formation 738
20.3 Male Reproductive System 713 Implantation of the Blastocyst and Formation of the
Control of Gonadotropin Secretion 714 Placenta 741
Endocrine Functions of the Testes 715 Exchange of Molecules Across the Placenta 744
Spermatogenesis 716 Endocrine Functions of the Placenta 744
Male Accessory Sex Organs 719 Labor and Parturition 746
Erection, Emission, and Ejaculation 720 Lactation 747
Male Fertility 722 Concluding Remarks 750

20.4 Female Reproductive System 723 Interactions 751

Ovarian Cycle 725 Summary 752
Ovulation 727 Review Activities 753
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis 728
20.5 Menstrual Cycle 729 Appendixes
Phases of the Menstrual Cycle: Cyclic Changes in the Answers to Test Your Knowledge Questions A-1
Ovaries 729 Medical and Pharmacological Abbreviations B-1
Cyclic Changes in the Endometrium 732
Glossary G-1
Effects of Pheromones, Stress, and Body Fat 733
Contraceptive Methods 734 Index I-1

Menopause 735

1 The Study of Body

1.1 Introduction to Physiology 2
As you study the sections of this chapter, you can see
Scientific Method 2
how your new knowledge can be applied to interesting
1.2 Homeostasis and Feedback Control 4
health issues that may be important to know in your future
History of Physiology 4
career as a health professional. This can add zest to your Negative Feedback Loops 5
studies and increase your motivation to truly understand Positive Feedback 8
physiological concepts, rather than to simply memorize Neural and Endocrine Regulation 8
facts for examinations. Each chapter begins with a medical Feedback Control of Hormone Secretion 8

mystery for you to solve, using information in the text of that 1.3 The Primary Tissues 10
Muscle Tissue 10
chapter and “Clinical Investigation Clues” within the chapter.
Nerve Tissue 11
For example, suppose Linda goes for a medical Epithelial Tissue 12
examination where her body temperature is measured, and Connective Tissue 15
she gives a fasting blood sample to test for glucose. Your 1.4 Organs and Systems 17
first Clinical Investigation challenge is to determine the An Example of an Organ: The Skin 18
medical significance of these physiological tests. Systems 19
Body-Fluid Compartments 20
Summary 21
Review Activities 22

2 Chapter 1

This is especially true when comparing humans with other mam-

1.1 INTRODUCTION TO mals. The small differences in physiology between humans and
PHYSIOLOGY other mammals can be of crucial importance in the development
of pharmaceutical drugs (discussed later in this section), but these
Human physiology is the study of how the human body differences are relatively slight in the overall study of physiology.
functions, with emphasis on specific cause-and-effect
mechanisms. Knowledge of these mechanisms has been
Scientific Method
obtained experimentally through applications of the scien- All of the information in this text has been gained by people
tific method. applying the scientific method. Although many different tech-
niques are involved when people apply the scientific method,
all share three attributes: (1) confidence that the natural world,
LE A R N I N G O UTCO M E S including ourselves, is ultimately explainable in terms we can
After studying this section, you should be able to: understand; (2) descriptions and explanations of the natural
1. Describe the scientific study of human physiology. world that are honestly based on observations and that could
2. Describe the characteristics of the scientific method.
be modified or refuted by other observations; and (3) humility,
or the willingness to accept the fact that we could be wrong. If
Physiology (from the Greek physis = nature; logos = study) further study should yield conclusions that refuted all or part
is the study of biological function—of how the body works, of an idea, the idea would have to be modified accordingly. In
from molecular mechanisms within cells to the actions of tis- order for the scientific enterprise to function, its practitioners
sues, organs, and systems, and how the organism as a whole must honestly report their data and observations and be will-
accomplishes particular tasks essential for life. In the study of ing to modify their ideas, sometimes long-held and cherished,
physiology, the emphasis is on mechanisms—with questions in response to new scientific information. Practicing scien-
that begin with the word how and answers that involve cause- tists may not always display these attributes, but the validity
and-effect sequences. These sequences can be woven into of the large body of scientific knowledge that has been accu-
larger and larger stories that include descriptions of the struc- mulated—as shown by the technological applications and the
tures involved (anatomy) and that overlap with the sciences of predictive value of scientific hypotheses—is ample testimony
chemistry and physics. to the fact that the scientific method works.
The separate facts and relationships of these cause-and- The scientific method involves specific steps. After cer-
effect sequences are derived empirically from experimental tain observations regarding the natural world are made, a
evidence. Explanations that seem logical are not necessar- hypothesis is formulated. In order for this hypothesis to be
ily true; they are only as valid as the data on which they are scientific, it must be capable of being refuted by experiments
based, and they can change as new techniques are developed or other observations of the natural world. For example, one
and further experiments are performed. The ultimate objec- might hypothesize that people who exercise regularly have a
tive of physiological research is to understand the normal lower resting pulse rate than other people. Experiments are
functioning of cells, organs, and systems. A related science— conducted, or other observations are made, and the results are
pathophysiology—is concerned with how physiological pro- analyzed. Conclusions are then drawn as to whether the new
cesses are altered in disease or injury. data either refute or support the hypothesis. If the hypoth-
Pathophysiology and the study of normal physiology esis survives such testing, it might be incorporated into a
complement one another. For example, a standard technique more general theory. Scientific theories are thus not simply
for investigating the functioning of an organ is to observe what conjectures; they are statements about the natural world that
happens when the organ is surgically removed from an experi- incorporate a number of hypotheses that have been supported
mental animal or when its function is altered in a specific by scientific evidence. They serve as a logical framework by
way. This study is often aided by “experiments of nature”— which these hypotheses can be interrelated and provide the
diseases—that involve specific damage to the functioning of basis for predictions that may as yet be untested.
an organ. The study of disease processes has thus aided our The hypothesis in the preceding example is scientific
understanding of normal functioning, and the study of nor- because it is testable; the pulse rates of 100 athletes and 100
mal physiology has provided much of the scientific basis of sedentary people could be measured, for example, to see if
modern medicine. This relationship is recognized by the Nobel there were statistically significant differences. If there were,
Prize committee, whose members award prizes in the category the statement that athletes, on the average, have lower resting
“Physiology or Medicine.” pulse rates than other people would be justified based on these
The physiology of invertebrates and of different vertebrate data. One must still be open to the fact that this conclusion
groups is studied in the science of comparative physiology. could be wrong. Before the discovery could become generally
Much of the knowledge gained from comparative physiology has accepted as fact, other scientists would have to consistently
benefited the study of human physiology. This is because ani- replicate the results. Scientific theories are based on reproduc-
mals, including humans, are more alike than they are different. ible data.

The Study of Body Function 3

It is quite possible that when others attempt to replicate the or is it due to chance variations in the measurements? Scien-
experiment, their results will be slightly different. They may tists attempt to test the null hypothesis (the hypothesis that the
then construct scientific hypotheses that the differences in rest- difference is due to chance) by employing the mathematical
ing pulse rate also depend on other factors, such as the nature tools of statistics. If the statistical results so warrant, the null
of the exercise performed. When scientists attempt to test these hypothesis can be rejected and the experimental hypothesis
hypotheses, they will likely encounter new problems requir- can be deemed to be supported by this study.
ing new explanatory hypotheses, which then must be tested by The statistical test chosen will depend on the design of the
additional experiments. experiment, and it can also be a source of contention among
In this way, a large body of highly specialized information scientists in evaluating the validity of the results. Because of
is gradually accumulated, and a more generalized explanation the nature of the scientific method, “proof” in science is always
(a scientific theory) can be formulated. This explanation will provisional. Some other researchers, employing the scientific
almost always be different from preconceived notions. People method in a different way (with different measuring tech-
who follow the scientific method will then appropriately mod- niques, experimental procedures, choice of control groups, sta-
ify their concepts, realizing that their new ideas will probably tistical tests, and so on), may later obtain different results. The
have to be changed again in the future as additional experi- scientific method is thus an ongoing enterprise.
ments are performed. The results of the scientific enterprise are written up as
research articles, and these must be reviewed by other scien-
Use of Measurements, Controls, tists who work in the same field before they can be published
and Statistics in peer-reviewed journals. More often than not, the reviewers
will suggest that certain changes be made in the articles before
Suppose you wanted to test the hypothesis that a regular exer- they can be accepted for publication.
cise program causes people to have a lower resting heart rate. Examples of such peer-reviewed journals that pub-
First, you would have to decide on the nature of the exercise lish articles in many scientific fields include Science
program. Then, you would have to decide how the heart rate (, Nature (,
(or pulse rate) would be measured. This is a typical problem in and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
physiology research because the testing of most physiological ( Review articles on physiology can be found
hypotheses requires quantitative measurements. in Annual Review of Physiology (,
The group that is subject to the testing condition—in this Physiological Reviews (, and Physi-
case, exercise—is called the experimental group. A measure- ology ( Medical research
ment of the heart rate for this group would be meaningful only journals, such as the New England Journal of Medicine
if it is compared to that of another group, known as the control ( and Nature Medicine (,
group. How shall this control group be chosen? Perhaps the also publish articles of physiological interest. There are also
subjects could serve as their own controls—that is, a person’s many specialty journals in areas of physiology such as neuro-
resting heart rate could be measured before and after the exer- physiology, endocrinology, and cardiovascular physiology.
cise regimen. If this isn’t possible, a control group could be Students who wish to look online for scientific articles
other people who do not follow the exercise program. The published in peer-reviewed journals that relate to a particular
choice of control groups is often a controversial aspect of phys- subject can do so at the National Library of Medicine website,
iology studies. In this example, did the people in the control PubMed (
group really refrain from any exercise? Were they comparable
to the people in the experimental group with regard to age, sex,
ethnicity, body weight, health status, and so on? You can see Development of Pharmaceutical Drugs
how difficult it could be in practice to get a control group that The development of new pharmaceutical drugs can serve as
could satisfy any potential criticism. an example of how the scientific method is used in physiology
Another possible criticism could be bias in the way that and its health applications. The process usually starts with
the scientists perform the measurements. This bias could be basic physiological research, often at cellular and molecular
completely unintentional; scientists are human, after all, and levels. Perhaps a new family of drugs is developed using cells
they may have invested months or years in this project. To pre- in tissue culture (in vitro, or outside the body). For example,
vent such bias, the person doing the measurements often does cell physiologists studying membrane transport may discover
not know if a subject is part of the experimental or the control that a particular family of compounds blocks membrane chan-
group. This is known as a blind measurement. nels for calcium ions (Ca2+). Because of their knowledge
Now suppose the data are in and it looks like the experi- of physiology, other scientists may predict that a drug of
mental group indeed has a lower average resting heart rate than this nature might be useful in the treatment of hypertension
the control group. But there is overlap—some people in the con- (high blood pressure). This drug may then be tried in animal
trol group have measurements that are lower than some people experiments.
in the experimental group. Is the difference in the average mea- If a drug is effective at extremely low concentrations in
surements of the groups due to a real physiological difference, vitro (in cells cultured outside of the body), there is a chance

4 Chapter 1

that it may work in vivo (in the body) at concentrations low

enough not to be toxic (poisonous). This possibility must be 1.2 HOMEOSTASIS AND
thoroughly tested utilizing experimental animals, primarily
rats and mice. More than 90% of drugs tested in experimental
animals are too toxic for further development. Only in those The regulatory mechanisms of the body can be understood
rare cases when the toxicity is low enough may development
in terms of a single shared function: that of maintaining
progress to human/clinical trials.
Biomedical research is often aided by animal models of constancy of the internal environment. A state of relative
particular diseases. These are strains of laboratory rats and constancy of the internal environment is known as homeo-
mice that are genetically susceptible to particular diseases that stasis, maintained by negative feedback loops.
resemble human diseases. Research utilizing laboratory ani-
mals typically takes several years and always precedes human
(clinical) trials of promising drugs. It should be noted that this
length of time does not include all of the years of “basic” phys- After studying this section, you should be able to:
iological research (involving laboratory animals) that provided 3. Define homeostasis, and identify the components of
the scientific foundation for the specific medical application. negative feedback loops.
In phase I clinical trials, the drug is tested on healthy 4. Explain the role of antagonistic effectors in maintaining
human volunteers. This is done to test its toxicity in humans homeostasis, and the nature of positive feedback loops.
and to study how the drug is “handled” by the body: how it is 5. Give examples of how negative feedback loops
metabolized, how rapidly it is removed from the blood by the involving the nervous and endocrine systems help to
liver and kidneys, how it can be most effectively administered, maintain homeostasis.
and so on. If significant toxic effects are not observed, the drug
can proceed to the next stage. In phase II clinical trials, the
drug is tested on the target human population (for example,
those with hypertension). Only in those exceptional cases
History of Physiology
where the drug seems to be effective but has minimal toxicity The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 b.c.) speculated on
does testing move to the next phase. Phase III trials occur in the function of the human body, but another ancient Greek,
many research centers across the country to maximize the num- Erasistratus (304–250 b.c.), is considered to be the first to
ber of test participants. At this point, the test population must study physiology because he attempted to apply physical laws
include a sufficient number of subjects of both sexes, as well as to understand human function. Galen (a.d. 130–210) wrote
people of different ethnic groups. In addition, people are tested widely on the subject and was considered the supreme author-
who have other health problems besides the one that the drug ity until the Renaissance. Physiology became a fully experi-
is intended to benefit. For example, those who have diabetes mental science with the revolutionary work of the English
in addition to hypertension would be included in this phase. If physician William Harvey (1578–1657), who demonstrated
the drug passes phase III trials, it goes to the Food and Drug that the heart pumps blood through a closed system of vessels.
Administration (FDA) for approval. Phase IV trials test other However, the originator of modern physiology is the French
potential uses of the drug. These “post-marketing studies” often physiologist Claude Bernard (1813–1878), who observed that
reveal problems with the drug that were not previously evident. the milieu intérieur (internal environment) remains remark-
Less than 10% of the tested drugs make it all the way ably constant despite changing conditions in the external envi-
through clinical trials to eventually become approved and mar- ronment. In a book titled The Wisdom of the Body, published in
keted. This low success rate does not count those that fail after 1932, the American physiologist Walter Cannon (1871–1945)
approval because of unexpected toxicity, nor does it take into coined the term homeostasis to describe this internal con-
account the great amount of drugs that fail earlier in research stancy. Cannon further suggested that the many mechanisms
before clinical trials begin. Notice the crucial role of basic of physiological regulation have but one purpose—the main-
research, using experimental animals, in this process. Virtu- tenance of internal constancy. In the early 1950s, James Har-
ally every prescription drug on the market owes its existence din extended Cannon’s concept by proposing that homeostatic
to such research. mechanisms maintain each physiological variable within a
normal range by comparing its value to a desired, or set point,
C H E C K P O I NT S value (as will be described shortly).
Most of our present knowledge of human physiology has
1. How has the study of physiology aided, and been been gained in the twentieth century. However, new knowl-
aided by, the study of diseases? edge in the twenty-first century is being added at an ever more
2a. Describe the steps involved in the scientific method. rapid pace, fueled in more recent decades by the revolution-
What would qualify a statement as unscientific? ary growth of molecular genetics and its associated biotech-
2b. Describe the different types of trials a new drug must nologies, and by the availability of more powerful computers
undergo before it is “ready for market.” and other equipment. A very brief history of twentieth- and

The Study of Body Function 5

twenty-first-century physiology, limited by space to only two

citations per decade, is provided in table 1.1.
Negative Feedback Loops
Most of the citations in table 1.1 indicate the winners of The concept of homeostasis has been of immense value in the
Nobel Prizes. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine study of physiology because it allows diverse regulatory mech-
(a single prize category) was first awarded in 1901 to Emil anisms to be understood in terms of their “why” as well as
Adolf von Behring, a pioneer in immunology who coined the their “how.” The concept of homeostasis also provides a major
term antibody and whose many other discoveries included the foundation for medical diagnostic procedures. When a par-
use of serum (containing antibodies) to treat diphtheria. Many ticular measurement of the internal environment, such as a
scientists who might deserve a Nobel Prize never receive one, blood measurement (table 1.2), deviates significantly from the
and the prizes are given for particular achievements and not normal range of values, it can be concluded that homeostasis is
others (Einstein didn’t win his Nobel Prize in Physics for rela- not being maintained and that the person is sick. A number of
tivity, for example) and are often awarded many years after such measurements, combined with clinical observations, may
the discoveries were made. Nevertheless, the awarding of the allow the particular defective mechanism to be identified.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine each year is a cele- In order for internal constancy to be maintained, changes
brated event in the biomedical community, and the awards can in the body must stimulate receptors, which function as sen-
be a useful yardstick for tracking the course of physiological sors that can send information to an integrating center. This
research over time. allows the integrating center to detect changes from a set point.

TABLE 1.1 | History of Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Physiology (two citations per decade)
1900 Karl Landsteiner discovers the A, B, and O blood groups.
1904 Ivan Pavlov wins the Nobel Prize for his work on the physiology of digestion.
1910 Sir Henry Dale describes properties of histamine.
1918 Earnest Starling describes how the force of the heart’s contraction relates to the amount of blood in it.
1921 John Langley describes the functions of the autonomic nervous system.
1923 Sir Frederick Banting, Charles Best, and John Macleod win the Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
1932 Sir Charles Sherrington and Lord Edgar Adrian win the Nobel Prize for their discoveries related to the functions of neurons.
1936 Sir Henry Dale and Otto Loewi win the Nobel Prize for the discovery of acetylcholine in synaptic transmission.
1939–47 Albert von Szent-Györgyi explains the role of ATP and contributes to the understanding of actin and myosin in muscle contraction.
1949 Hans Selye discovers the common physiological responses to stress.
1953 Sir Hans Krebs wins the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the citric acid cycle.
1954 Hugh Huxley, Jean Hanson, R. Niedergerde, and Andrew Huxley propose the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction.
1962 Francis Crick, James Watson, and Maurice Wilkins win the Nobel Prize for determining the structure of DNA.
1963 Sir John Eccles, Sir Alan Hodgkin, and Sir Andrew Huxley win the Nobel Prize for their discoveries relating to the nerve impulse.
1971 Earl Sutherland wins the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the mechanism of hormone action.
1977 Roger Guillemin and Andrew Schally win the Nobel Prize for their discoveries of the brain’s production of peptide hormone.
1981 Roger Sperry wins the Nobel Prize for his discoveries regarding the specializations of the right and left cerebral hemispheres.
1986 Stanley Cohen and Rita Levi-Montalcini win the Nobel Prize for their discoveries of growth factors regulating the nervous system.
1994 Alfred Gilman and Martin Rodbell win the Nobel Prize for their discovery of the functions of G-proteins in signal transduction in cells.
1998 Robert Furchgott, Louis Ignarro, and Ferid Murad win the Nobel Prize for discovering the role of nitric oxide as a signaling molecule
in the cardiovascular system.
2004 Linda B. Buck and Richard Axel win the Nobel Prize for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory
2012 Sir John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka win the Nobel Prize for their discoveries that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become
pluripotent (like embryonic cells).

2019 William G. Kaelin, Gregg L. Semenza, and Peter J. Ratcliffe win the Nobel Prize for their discoveries of how cells sense the oxygen
levels in their environment and initiate physiological responses.

6 Chapter 1

TABLE 1.2 | Approximate Normal Ranges for 1

Measurements of Some Fasting Blood Values Sensor Integrating center
Measurement Normal Range

Arterial pH 7.35–7.45
Bicarbonate 24–28 mEq/L X Effector

Sodium 135–145 mEq/L 2

Calcium 4.5–5.5 mEq/L
Sensor activated Effector activated
Oxygen content 17.2–22.0 ml/100 ml
Urea 12–35 mg/100 ml Normal 1 2
Amino acids 3.3–5.1 mg/100 ml
X Time
Protein 6.5–8.0 g/100 ml
Total lipids 400–800 mg/100 ml
FIGURE 1.1 A rise in some factor of the internal
environment (↑X) is detected by a sensor. This information is
Glucose 70–99 mg/100 ml relayed to an integrating center, which causes an effector
to produce a change (1) in the opposite direction (↓X). The initial
deviation is thus reversed (2), completing a negative feedback
loop (shown by the dashed arrow and negative sign). The numbers
The set point is analogous to the temperature set on a house indicate the sequence of changes.
thermostat. In a similar manner, there is a set point for body
temperature, blood glucose concentration, the tension on a
tendon, and so on. The integrating center is often a particular
region of the brain or spinal cord, but it can also be a group figures, negative feedback is indicated by a dashed line and a
of cells in an endocrine gland. A number of different sensors negative sign.)
may send information to a particular integrating center, which The nature of the negative feedback loop can be under-
can then integrate this information and direct the responses of stood by again referring to the analogy of the thermostat and
effectors—generally muscles or glands. The integrating center air conditioner. After the air conditioner has been on for some
may cause increases or decreases in effector action to counter time, the room temperature may fall significantly below the set
the deviations from the set point and defend homeostasis. point of the thermostat. When this occurs, the air conditioner
The thermostat of a house can serve as a simple example. will be turned off. The effector (air conditioner) is turned on
Suppose you set the thermostat at a set point of 70° F. If the by a high temperature and, when activated, produces a nega-
temperature in the house rises sufficiently above the set point, tive change (lowering of the temperature) that ultimately
a sensor connected to an integrating center within the thermo- causes the effector to be turned off. In this way, constancy is
stat will detect that deviation and turn on the air conditioner maintained.
(the effector in this example). The air conditioner will turn off It is important to realize that these negative feedback loops
when the room temperature falls and the thermostat no longer are continuous, ongoing processes. Thus, a particular nerve
detects a deviation from the set-point temperature. However, fiber that is part of an effector mechanism may always display
this simple example gives a wrong impression: the effectors in some activity, and a particular hormone that is part of another
the body are generally increased or decreased in activity, not effector mechanism may always be present in the blood. The
just turned on or off. Because of this, negative feedback con- nerve activity and hormone concentration may decrease in
trol in the body works far more efficiently than does a house response to deviations of the internal environment in one direc-
thermostat. tion (fig. 1.1), or they may increase in response to deviations
If the body temperature exceeds the set point of 37° C, in the opposite direction (fig. 1.2). Changes from the normal
sensors in a part of the brain detect this deviation and, act- range in either direction are thus compensated for by reverse
ing via an integrating center (also in the brain), stimulate changes in effector activity.
activities of effectors (including sweat glands) that lower the Because negative feedback loops respond after deviations
temperature. For another example, if the blood glucose con- from the set point have stimulated sensors, the internal envi-
centration falls below normal, the effectors act to increase ronment is never absolutely constant. Homeostasis is best con-
the blood glucose. One can think of the effectors as “defend- ceived as a state of dynamic constancy in which conditions are
ing” the set points against deviations. Because the activity of stabilized above and below the set point. These conditions can
the effectors is influenced by the effects they produce, and be measured quantitatively, in degrees Celsius for body temper-
because this regulation is in a negative, or reverse, direction, ature, for example, or in milligrams per deciliter (one-tenth of a
this type of control system is known as a negative feedback liter) for blood glucose. The set point can be taken as the aver-
loop (fig. 1.1). (Notice that in figure 1.1 and in all subsequent age value within the normal range of measurements (fig. 1.3).

The Study of Body Function 7

Sweat Sweat
X Sensor Integrating center

37° C Normal
– range

X Effector Shiver Shiver

FIGURE 1.4 How body temperature is maintained within
X Time the normal range. The body temperature normally has a set
point of 37° C. This is maintained, in part, by two antagonistic
Normal mechanisms—shivering and sweating. Shivering is induced when
range 1 2
the body temperature falls too low, and it gradually subsides
as the temperature rises. Sweating occurs when the body
Sensor activated Effector activated temperature is too high, and it diminishes as the body temperature
falls. Most aspects of the internal environment are regulated by the
FIGURE 1.2 A fall in some factor of the internal antagonistic actions of different effector mechanisms.
environment (↓X) is detected by a sensor. (Compare this See the Test Your Quantitative Ability section of the Review Activities
negative feedback loop with that shown in fig. 1.1.) at the end of this chapter.

Quantitative Measurements
– – – To study physiological mechanisms, scientists must measure
Set point Normal
– – –
range specific values and mathematically determine such statistics as
their normal range, their averages, and their deviations from
the average (which can represent the set point). For these and
FIGURE 1.3 Negative feedback loops maintain a state of other reasons, quantitative measurements are basic to the sci-
dynamic constancy within the internal environment. The
completion of the negative feedback loop is indicated by negative ence of physiology. One example of this, and of the actions of
signs. antagonistic mechanisms in maintaining homeostasis, is shown
in figure 1.5. Blood glucose concentrations were measured in
five healthy people before and after an injection of insulin, a
Antagonistic Effectors hormone that acts to lower the blood glucose concentration. A
graph of the data reveals that the blood glucose concentration
Most factors in the internal environment are controlled by sev- decreased rapidly but was brought back up to normal levels
eral effectors, which often have antagonistic actions. Control within 80 minutes after the injection. This demonstrates that
by antagonistic effectors is sometimes described as “push-
pull,” where the increasing activity of one effector is accom-
panied by decreasing activity of an antagonistic effector. This
affords a finer degree of control than could be achieved by sim- Insulin injected
ply switching one effector on and off. 100
Room temperature can be maintained, for example, by

simply turning an air conditioner on and off, or by just turning



a heater on and off. A much more stable temperature, how- 50

ever, can be achieved if the air conditioner and heater are both
controlled by a thermostat. Then the heater is turned on when
the air conditioner is turned off, and vice versa. Normal body 0
temperature is maintained about a set point of 37° C by the –80 –40 0 40 80 120
Time (min)
antagonistic effects of sweating, shivering, and other mecha-
nisms (fig. 1.4).
FIGURE 1.5 Homeostasis of the blood glucose
The blood concentrations of glucose, calcium, and other concentration. Average blood glucose concentrations of
substances are regulated by negative feedback loops involving five healthy individuals are graphed before and after a rapid
hormones that promote opposite effects. Insulin, for example, intravenous injection of insulin. The “0” indicates the time of the
lowers blood glucose, and other hormones raise the blood injection. The blood glucose concentration is first lowered by
glucose concentration. The heart rate, similarly, is controlled the insulin injection, but is then raised back to the normal range
(by hormones antagonistic to insulin that stimulate the liver to
by nerve fibers that produce opposite effects: stimulation of secrete glucose into the blood). Homeostasis of blood glucose is
one group of nerve fibers increases heart rate; stimulation of maintained by the antagonistic actions of insulin and several other
another group slows the heart rate. hormones.

8 Chapter 1

negative feedback mechanisms acted to restore homeostasis in organ by the nervous and endocrine systems. The endocrine
this experiment. These mechanisms involve the action of hor- system functions closely with the nervous system in regulating
mones whose effects are antagonistic to that of insulin—that and integrating body processes and maintaining homeostasis.
is, they promote the secretion of glucose from the liver (see The nervous system controls the secretion of many endocrine
chapter 19). glands, and some hormones in turn affect the function of the
nervous system. Together, the nervous and endocrine systems
Positive Feedback regulate the activities of most of the other systems of the body.
Regulation by the endocrine system is achieved by the
Constancy of the internal environment is maintained by effec- secretion of chemical regulators called hormones into the
tors that act to compensate for the change that served as the blood, which carries the hormones to all organs in the body.
stimulus for their activation; in short, by negative feedback Only specific organs can respond to a particular hormone, how-
loops. A thermostat, for example, maintains a constant tem- ever; these are known as the target organs of that hormone.
perature by increasing heat production when it is cold and Nerve fibers are said to innervate the organs that they
decreasing heat production when it is warm. The opposite regulate. When stimulated, these fibers produce electrochemi-
occurs during positive feedback—in this case, the action of cal nerve impulses that are conducted from the origin of the
effectors amplifies those changes that stimulated the effec- fiber to its terminals in the target organ innervated by the fiber.
tors. A thermostat that works by positive feedback, for exam- These target organs can be muscles or glands that may function
ple, would increase heat production in response to a rise in as effectors in the maintenance of homeostasis.
temperature. For example, we have negative feedback loops that help
It is clear that homeostasis must ultimately be maintained maintain homeostasis of arterial blood pressure, in part by
by negative rather than by positive feedback mechanisms. The adjusting the heart rate. If everything else is equal, blood
effectiveness of some negative feedback loops, however, is pressure is lowered by a decreased heart rate and raised by an
increased by positive feedback mechanisms that amplify the increased heart rate. This is accomplished by regulating the
actions of a negative feedback response. Blood clotting, for activity of the autonomic nervous system, as will be discussed
example, occurs as a result of a sequential activation of clotting in later chapters. Thus, a fall in blood pressure—produced
factors; the activation of one clotting factor results in activation daily as we go from a lying to a standing position—is compen-
of many in a positive feedback cascade. In this way, a single sated by a faster heart rate (fig. 1.6). As a consequence of this
change is amplified to produce a blood clot. Formation of the negative feedback loop, our heart rate varies as we go through
clot, however, can prevent further loss of blood, and thus rep- our day, speeding up and slowing down, so that we can main-
resents the completion of a negative feedback loop that restores tain homeostasis of blood pressure and keep it within limits.
Two other examples of positive feedback in the body are Feedback Control of
both related to the female reproductive system. One of these
examples occurs when estrogen, secreted by the ovaries, stim-
Hormone Secretion
ulates the woman’s pituitary gland to secrete LH (luteinizing The nature of the endocrine glands, the interaction of the ner-
hormone). This stimulatory, positive feedback effect creates an vous and endocrine systems, and the actions of hormones will
“LH surge” (very rapid rise in blood LH concentrations) that be discussed in detail in later chapters. For now, it is sufficient
triggers ovulation. Interestingly, estrogen secretion after ovula- to describe the regulation of hormone secretion very broadly,
tion has an inhibitory, negative feedback, effect on LH secre- because it so superbly illustrates the principles of homeostasis
tion (this is the physiological basis for the birth control pill, and negative feedback regulation.
discussed in chapter 20). Another example of positive feedback Hormones are secreted in response to specific chemi-
is contraction of the uterus during childbirth (parturition). Con- cal stimuli. A rise in the plasma glucose concentration, for
traction of the uterus is stimulated by the pituitary hormone example, stimulates insulin secretion from structures in the
oxytocin, and the secretion of oxytocin is increased by sensory pancreas known as the pancreatic islets. Hormones are also
feedback from contractions of the uterus during labor. The secreted in response to nerve stimulation and stimulation by
strength of uterine contractions during labor is thus increased other hormones.
through positive feedback. The mechanisms involved in labor The secretion of a hormone can be inhibited by its own
are discussed in more detail in chapter 20 (see fig. 20.50). effects in a negative feedback manner. Insulin, as previously
described, produces a lowering of blood glucose. Because a
Neural and Endocrine Regulation rise in blood glucose stimulates insulin secretion, a lowering of
blood glucose caused by insulin’s action inhibits further insu-
Homeostasis is maintained by two general categories of regu- lin secretion. This closed-loop control system is called nega-
latory mechanisms: (1) those that are intrinsic, or “built into” tive feedback inhibition (fig. 1.7a).
the organs being regulated (such as molecules produced in the Homeostasis of blood glucose is too important—the brain
walls of blood vessels that cause vessel dilation or constric- uses blood glucose as its primary source of energy—to entrust
tion); and (2) those that are extrinsic, as in regulation of an to the regulation of only one hormone, insulin. So, when blood

The Study of Body Function 9

Integrating center
Effector Lying down
Standing up

Negative –
feedback 4. Rise in blood pressure 1. Blood pressure falls Stimulus

3. Heart rate
2. Blood pressure
receptors respond Sensor

Medulla Sensory
Motor oblongata nerve fibers
nerve fibers of brain
Integrating center

FIGURE 1.6 Negative feedback control of blood pressure. Blood pressure influences the activity of sensory neurons from the
blood pressure receptors (sensors); a rise in pressure increases the firing rate, and a fall in pressure decreases the firing rate of nerve
impulses. When a person stands up from a lying-down position, the blood pressure momentarily falls. The resulting decreased firing rate
of nerve impulses in sensory neurons affects the medulla oblongata of the brain (the integrating center). This causes the motor nerves to
the heart (effector) to increase the heart rate, helping to raise the blood pressure.

Integrating center Fasting

Eating Blood glucose

Pancreatic islets
Blood glucose (of Langerhans)

Pancreatic islets
(of Langerhans)

– Insulin
Cellular uptake of glucose
Glucose secretion into
Cellular uptake of glucose blood by liver

Blood glucose Blood glucose

(a) (b)

FIGURE 1.7 Negative feedback control of blood glucose. (a) The rise in blood glucose that occurs after eating carbohydrates is
corrected by the action of insulin, which is secreted in increasing amounts at that time. (b) During fasting, when blood glucose falls, insulin
secretion is inhibited and the secretion of an antagonistic hormone, glucagon, is increased. This stimulates the liver to secrete glucose
into the blood, helping to prevent blood glucose from continuing to fall. In this way, blood glucose concentrations are maintained within a
homeostatic range following eating and during fasting.

10 Chapter 1

glucose falls during fasting, several mechanisms prevent it from microscopic anatomy of tissues constitutes a field of study known
falling too far (fig. 1.7b). First, insulin secretion decreases, pre- as histology. The anatomy and histology of specific organs will
venting muscle, liver, and adipose cells from taking too much be discussed together with their functions in later chapters. In this
glucose from the blood. Second, the secretion of a hormone section, the common “fabric” of all organs is described.
antagonistic to insulin, called glucagon, increases. Glucagon Cells are the basic units of structure and function in the
stimulates processes in the liver (breakdown of a stored, starch- body. Cells that have similar functions are grouped into catego-
like molecule called glycogen; chapter 2, section 2.2) that cause ries called tissues. The entire body is composed of only four
it to secrete glucose into the blood. Through these and other major types of tissues. These primary tissues are (1) muscle,
antagonistic negative feedback mechanisms, the blood glucose (2) nerve, (3) epithelial, and (4) connective tissues. Groupings of
is maintained within a homeostatic range. these four primary tissues into anatomical and functional units
are called organs. Organs, in turn, may be grouped together by
common functions into systems. The systems of the body act in
CLINICAL INVESTIGATION CLUES a coordinated fashion to maintain the entire organism.
Clinical Investigation Clues are placed immediately
following the text information that pertains to the Clinical Muscle Tissue
Investigation for the chapter. Use these to solve the medical
mystery—if you need to, reread the information preceding Muscle tissue is specialized for contraction. There are three types
the “Clues.” You can check your answers against the Clinical of muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. Skeletal muscle
Investigation Summaries at the end of the chapters. In this is often called voluntary muscle because its contraction is con-
case, Linda had a normal resting body temperature and sciously controlled. Both skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues are
a normal fasting glucose concentration, suggesting that striated muscle tissue; they have striations, or stripes, that extend
homeostasis of these values was being maintained. across the width of the muscle cell (figs. 1.8 and 1.9). These stria-
tions are produced by a characteristic arrangement of contractile

3a. Define homeostasis and describe how this concept can
be used to explain physiological control mechanisms. Muscle
3b. Define negative feedback and explain how it
contributes to homeostasis. Illustrate this concept by
drawing and labeling a negative feedback loop.
4. Describe positive feedback and explain how this
process functions in the body.
5. Explain how the secretion of a hormone is controlled
by negative feedback inhibition. Use the control of
insulin secretion as an example.

FIGURE 1.8 Skeletal muscle fibers showing the

characteristic light and dark cross striations. Because of this
feature, skeletal muscle is also called striated muscle tissue.
Al Telser/McGraw-Hill Education

The organs of the body are composed of four different pri-

mary tissues, each of which has its own characteristic struc-
ture and function. The activities and interactions of these
tissues determine the physiology of the organs.

After studying this section, you should be able to: Intercalated
6. Distinguish the primary tissues and their subtypes. discs

7. Relate the structure of the primary tissues to their

Although physiology is the study of function, it is difficult to FIGURE 1.9 Human cardiac muscle. Notice the striated
properly understand the function of the body without some appearance and dark-staining intercalated discs.
knowledge of its anatomy, particularly at a microscopic level. The Al Telser/McGraw-Hill Education

The Study of Body Function 11

therefore, the heart cannot produce a graded contraction by

varying the number of cells stimulated to contract. Because of
the way the heart is constructed, the stimulation of one cardiac
muscle cell results in the stimulation of all other cells in the
mass and a “wholehearted” contraction.
Smooth Muscle
As implied by the name, smooth muscle cells (fig. 1.10) do not
have the striations characteristic of skeletal and cardiac muscle.
Smooth muscle is found in the digestive tract, blood vessels,
bronchioles (small air passages in the lungs), and the ducts of
FIGURE 1.10 A photomicrograph of smooth muscle the urinary and reproductive systems. Circular arrangements
cells. Notice that these cells contain single, centrally located of smooth muscle in these organs produce constriction of the
nuclei and lack striations. McGraw-Hill Education/Dennis Strete, lumen (cavity) when the muscle cells contract. The digestive
photographer tract also contains longitudinally arranged layers of smooth
muscle. Peristalsis is the coordinated wavelike contractions of
proteins, and for this reason skeletal and cardiac muscle have sim- the circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers that push
ilar mechanisms of contraction. Smooth muscle (fig. 1.10) lacks food from the oral to the anal end of the digestive tract.
these striations and has a different mechanism of contraction. The three types of muscle tissue are discussed further in
chapter 12.
Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscles are generally attached to bones at both ends Nerve Tissue
by means of tendons; hence, contraction produces movements Nerve tissue consists of nerve cells, or neurons, which are
of the skeleton. There are exceptions to this pattern, however. specialized for the generation and conduction of electrical
The tongue, superior portion of the esophagus, anal sphincter, events, and neuroglial (or glial) cells, which compose the neu-
and diaphragm are also composed of skeletal muscle, but they roglia. Neuroglia provide the neurons with structural support
do not cause movements of the skeleton. and perform a variety of functions that are needed for the nor-
Beginning at about the fourth week of embryonic devel- mal physiology of the nervous system.
opment, separate cells called myoblasts fuse together to form Each neuron consists of three parts: (1) a cell body,
skeletal muscle fibers, or myofiber (from the Greek myos = (2) dendrites, and (3) an axon (fig. 1.11). The cell body contains
muscle). Although myofibers are often referred to as skeletal
muscle cells, each is actually a syncytium, or multinucleate mass
formed from the union of separate cells. Despite their unique
origin and structure, each myofiber contains mitochondria and
other organelles (described in chapter 3) common to all cells.
The muscle fibers within a skeletal muscle are arranged
in bundles, and within these bundles the fibers extend in par-
allel from one end of the bundle to the other. The parallel
arrangement of muscle fibers (fig. 1.8) allows each fiber to be
controlled individually: one can thus contract fewer or more
muscle fibers and, in this way, vary the strength of contrac-
tion of the whole muscle. The ability to vary, or “grade,” the
strength of skeletal muscle contraction is needed for precise Cell body
control of skeletal movements.
Neuroglial cells
Cardiac Muscle
Although cardiac muscle is striated muscle tissue, it differs
markedly from skeletal muscle in appearance. Cardiac muscle is Axon
found only in the heart, where the heart muscle cells, or cardiac
muscle (myocardial) cells, are short, branched, and intimately
interconnected to form a continuous fabric. Special areas of
contact between adjacent cells stain darkly to show intercalated
discs (fig. 1.9), which are characteristic of heart muscle. FIGURE 1.11 A photomicrograph of nerve tissue. A single
The intercalated discs couple cardiac muscle cells to­­ neuron and numerous smaller neuroglial cells can be seen.
gether mechanically and electrically. Unlike skeletal muscles, ©Ed Reschke

12 Chapter 1

the nucleus and serves as the metabolic center of the cell. The secrete chemicals through a duct that leads to the outside of
dendrites (literally, “branches”) are highly branched cytoplasmic a membrane, and thus to the outside of a body surface. Endo-
extensions of the cell body that receive input from other neurons crine glands (from the Greek endon = within) secrete chemi-
or from receptor cells. The axon is a single cytoplasmic extension cals called hormones into the blood. Endocrine glands are
of the cell body that can be quite long (up to a few feet in length). discussed in chapter 11.
It is specialized for conducting nerve impulses from the cell body
to another neuron or to an effector (muscle or gland) cell.
Neuroglia do not conduct impulses but instead serve to Epithelial Membranes
bind neurons together, modify the extracellular environment of The general term membrane refers to a thin sheet of some kind
the nervous system, and influence the nourishment and electri- that acts as a barrier and separation. When we talk about a
cal activity of neurons. In recent years, neuroglia have been plasma membrane around cells, we are referring to a molecular
shown to cooperate with neurons in chemical neurotransmis- structure so thin that it cannot be seen with a microscope. Epi-
sion (chapter 7), and to have many other roles in the normal thelial membranes, by contrast, are composed of cells that are in
physiology (as well as disease processes) of the brain and spi- close contact with each other in a sheet-like arrangement visible
nal cord. Neuroglia are now known to be about as numerous in a microscope. Epithelial membranes are classified accord-
as neurons and can divide by mitosis throughout life, whereas ing to the number of their layers and the shape of the cells in
mature neurons do not divide. the upper layer (table 1.3). Epithelial cells that are flattened in
Neurons and neuroglia are discussed in detail in chapter 7. shape are squamous; those that are as wide as they are tall are
cuboidal; and those that are taller than they are wide are colum-
Epithelial Tissue nar (fig. 1.12a–c). Those epithelial membranes that are only one
cell layer thick are known as simple epithelia; those that are
Epithelial tissue consists of cells that form membranes, composed of a number of layers are stratified epithelia.
which cover and line the body surfaces, and of glands, which Epithelial membranes cover all body surfaces and line the
are derived from these membranes. There are two categories cavity (lumen) of every hollow organ. Thus, epithelial mem-
of glands. Exocrine glands (from the Greek exo = outside) branes provide a barrier between the external environment

TABLE 1.3 | Summary of Epithelial Membranes

Type Structure and Function Location
Simple Epithelia Single layer of cells; function varies with type Covering visceral organs; linings of body
cavities, tubes, and ducts
Simple squamous epithelium Single layer of flattened, tightly bound cells; diffusion Capillary walls; pulmonary alveoli of lungs;
and filtration covering visceral organs; linings of body
Simple cuboidal epithelium Single layer of cube-shaped cells; excretion, secretion, Surface of ovaries; linings of kidney tubules,
or absorption salivary ducts, and pancreatic ducts
Simple columnar epithelium Single layer of nonciliated, tall, column-shaped cells; Lining of most of digestive tract
protection, secretion, and absorption
Simple ciliated columnar Single layer of ciliated, column-shaped cells; Lining of uterine tubes
epithelium transportive role through ciliary motion
Pseudostratified ciliated Single layer of ciliated, irregularly shaped cells; many Lining of respiratory passageways
columnar epithelium goblet cells; protection, secretion, ciliary movement
Stratified Epithelia Two or more layers of cells; function varies with type Epidermis of skin; linings of body openings,
ducts, and urinary bladder
Stratified squamous epithelium Numerous layers containing keratin, with outer layers Epidermis of skin
(keratinized) flattened and dead; protection
Stratified squamous epithelium Numerous layers lacking keratin, with outer layers Linings of oral and nasal cavities, vagina, and
(nonkeratinized) moistened and alive; protection and pliability anal canal
Stratified cuboidal epithelium Usually two layers of cube-shaped cells; strengthening Large ducts of sweat glands, salivary glands,
of luminal walls and pancreas
Transitional epithelium Numerous layers of rounded, nonkeratinized cells; Walls of ureters, part of urethra, and urinary
distension bladder

The Study of Body Function 13

environments. In order for a substance to get into the body,

it must pass through an epithelial membrane, and simple epi-
thelia are specialized for this function. For example, a simple
squamous epithelium in the lungs allows the rapid passage of
oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air (external environ-
ment) and blood (internal environment). A simple columnar
epithelium in the small intestine, as another example, allows
digestion products to pass from the intestinal lumen (external
environment) to the blood (internal environment).
Dispersed among the columnar epithelial cells are special-
ized unicellular glands called goblet cells that secrete mucus.
The columnar epithelial cells in the uterine tubes of females
Nucleus Connective
tissue and in the respiratory passages contain numerous cilia (hair-
Basement like structures, described in chapter 3) that can move in a coor-
(a) membrane
dinated fashion and aid the functions of these organs.
The epithelial lining of the esophagus and vagina that pro-
vides protection for these organs is a stratified squamous epi-
thelium (fig. 1.13). This is a nonkeratinized membrane, and all
layers consist of living cells. The epidermis of the skin, by con-
Nucleus membrane trast, is keratinized, or cornified (fig. 1.14). Because the epi-
dermis is dry and exposed to the potentially desiccating effects
of the air, the surface is covered with dead cells that are filled


Goblet Connective
cell Nucleus tissue



(c) surface cells

FIGURE 1.12 Different types of simple epithelia.

(a) Simple squamous, (b) simple cuboidal, and (c) simple columnar
Mitotically active
epithelia. The basement membrane, composed of proteins and germinal area
cabohydrates, binds the epithelial membrane to the underlying
connective tissue. (a) Ray Simons/Science Source; (b) Ray Simons/Science Basement membrane
Source; (c) ©Ed Reschke
Connective tissue

and the internal environment of the body. Stratified epithe-
lia are specialized to provide protection. Simple epithelia, in FIGURE 1.13 A stratified squamous nonkeratinized
epithelial membrane. This is a photomicrograph (a) and
contrast, provide little protection; instead, they are specialized illustration (b) of the epithelial lining of the vagina.
for transport of substances between the internal and external (a) ©Victor P. Eroschenko

14 Chapter 1

portion of epithelial cells has different structural and functional

components than the bottom (basal) portion. This is important
in many physiological processes. For example, substances are
transported in specific directions across simple epithelia (dis-
cussed in chapter 6; see fig. 6.21). In stratified epithelia, only
layer the basal (bottom) layer of cells is on the basement membrane,
and it is these cells that undergo mitosis to form new epithelial
cells to replace those lost from the top. Scientists recently dem-
onstrated that when these basal cells divide, one of the daugh-
ter cells is attached to the basement membrane (renewing the
basal cell population), while the other is not. The daughter cell
Extracellular that is “unstuck” from the basement membrane differentiates
material: (becomes specialized) and migrates upward in the stratified
collagen fibers, epithelium.
Dermis scattered cells,
tissue fluid


Basement membranes consist primarily of the structural pro-
tein known as collagen (see fig. 1.17). The type of collagen in
basement membranes is a large protein assembled from six
A lymph capillary, different subunits. Alport syndrome is a genetic disorder of
which helps drain the collagen subunits that, among other problems, results in
off tissue fluid damage to the glomeruli (the filtering units) of the kidneys.
FIGURE 1.14 The epidermis is a stratified, squamous, This is one of the most common causes of kidney failure.
keratinized epithelium. The upper cell layers are dead and In Goodpasture’s syndrome, the collagen in the basement
impregnated with the protein keratin, producing a cornified
membranes of the glomeruli and the lungs is attacked by the
epithelial membrane, which is supported by layers of living cells.
The epidermis is nourished by blood vessels located in the loose person’s own antibodies, leading to both kidney and lung
connective tissue of the dermis. disease.
Exfoliative cytology is the collection and examination
of epithelial cells that are shed and collected by mechani-
with a water-resistant protein known as keratin. This protective
cal scraping of the membranes, washing of the membranes,
layer is constantly flaked off from the surface of the skin and
or aspiration of body fluids containing the shed cells. Micro-
therefore must be constantly replaced by the division of cells in
scopic examination of these desquamated (shed) cells, for
the deeper layers of the epidermis.
example in a Pap smear, may reveal a malignancy.
The constant loss and renewal of cells is characteristic
of epithelial membranes. The entire epidermis is completely
replaced every two weeks; the stomach lining is renewed
every two to three days. Examination of the cells that are lost, Exocrine Glands
or “exfoliated,” from the outer layer of epithelium lining the Exocrine glands are derived from cells of epithelial mem-
female reproductive tract is a common procedure in gynecol- branes. The secretions of these cells are passed to the outside
ogy (as in the Pap smear). of the epithelial membranes (and hence to the surface of the
To form a strong membrane that is effective as a barrier body) through ducts. This is in contrast to endocrine glands,
at the body surfaces, epithelial cells are very closely packed which lack ducts and which therefore secrete into capillaries
and are joined together by intercellular junctions collectively within the body (fig. 1.15). The structure of endocrine glands
called junctional complexes (chapter 6; see fig. 6.22). There will be described in chapter 11.
is no room for blood vessels between adjacent epithelial cells. The secretory units of exocrine glands may be simple
The epithelium must therefore receive nourishment from the tubes, or they may be modified to form clusters of units around
tissue beneath, which has large intercellular spaces that can branched ducts (fig. 1.16). These clusters, or acini, are often
accommodate blood vessels and nerves. This underlying tissue surrounded by tentacle-like extensions of myoepithelial cells
is called connective tissue. Epithelial membranes are attached that contract and squeeze the secretions through the ducts. The
to the underlying connective tissue by a layer of proteins and rate of secretion and the action of myoepithelial cells are sub-
polysaccharides known as the basement membrane. This ject to neural and endocrine regulation.
layer can be observed only under the microscope using special- Examples of exocrine glands in the skin include the lacri-
ized staining techniques. mal (tear) glands, sebaceous glands (which secrete oily sebum
Basement membranes are believed to induce a polarity into hair follicles), and sweat glands. There are two types of
to the cells of epithelial membranes; that is, the top (apical) sweat glands. The more numerous, the eccrine (or merocrine)

The Study of Body Function 15



Cells from
Connecting epithelium Connecting
cells grow down cells
Epithelial into
persist to cord or disappear
form duct underlying
tubule tissue
Deepest If exocrine If endocrine
cells become gland forms gland forms
Capillary Deepest cells
remain to secrete
into capillaries
FIGURE 1.15 The formation of exocrine and endocrine glands from epithelial membranes. Note that exocrine glands retain
a duct that can carry their secretion to the surface of the epithelial membrane, whereas endocrine glands are ductless.

Exocrine glands are also prominent in the reproductive sys-

tem. The female reproductive tract contains numerous mucus-
Duct secreting exocrine glands. The male accessory sex organs—the
prostate and seminal vesicles—are exocrine glands that con-
tribute to semen. The testes and ovaries (the gonads) are both
portion endocrine and exocrine glands. They are endocrine because
they secrete sex steroid hormones into the blood; they are exo-
Simple Simple crine because they release gametes (ova and sperm) into the
tubular acinar Simple branched acinar reproductive tracts.
FIGURE 1.16 The structure of exocrine glands. Exocrine
glands may be simple invaginations of epithelial membranes, or Connective Tissue
they may be more complex derivatives.
Connective tissue is characterized by large amounts of extra-
cellular material between the different types of connective
sweat glands, secrete a dilute salt solution that serves in ther- tissue cells. The extracellular material, called the extracel-
moregulation (evaporation cools the skin). The apocrine sweat lular matrix, varies in the four primary types of connective
glands, located in the axillae (underarms) and pubic region, tissues: (1) connective tissue proper; (2) cartilage; (3) bone;
secrete a protein-rich fluid and become more active during and (4) blood. Blood is classified as a type of connective tis-
puberty. This provides nourishment for bacteria that produce sue because about half its volume is an extracellular fluid, the
the characteristic odor of this type of sweat. blood plasma (chapter 13, section 13.1).
All of the glands that secrete into the digestive tract are also Connective tissue proper, in which the extracellular
exocrine. This is because the lumen of the digestive tract is a matrix consists of protein fibers and a proteinaceous, gel-like
part of the external environment, and secretions of these glands ground substance, is divided into subtypes. In loose connec-
go to the outside of the membrane that lines this tract. Mucous tive tissue, protein fibers composed of collagen are scattered
glands are located throughout the length of the digestive tract. loosely in the ground substance (fig. 1.17), which provides
Other relatively simple glands of the tract include salivary space for the presence of blood vessels, nerve fibers, and other
glands, gastric glands, and simple tubular glands in the intestine. structures (see the dermis of the skin, shown in fig. 1.14, as
The liver and pancreas are exocrine (as well as endocrine) an example). Dense regular connective tissues are those in
glands, derived embryologically from the digestive tract. The which collagen fibers are oriented parallel to each other and
exocrine secretion of the pancreas—pancreatic juice—contains densely packed in the extracellular matrix, leaving little room
digestive enzymes and bicarbonate and is secreted into the for cells and ground substance (fig. 1.18). Examples of dense
small intestine via the pancreatic duct. The liver produces and regular connective tissues include tendons (connecting bone
secretes bile (an emulsifier of fat) into the small intestine via to bone) and ligaments (connecting bones together at joints).
the gallbladder and bile duct. Dense irregular connective tissues, forming tough capsules

16 Chapter 1

Extracellular matrix

Protein Ground
fibers (collagen) substance


Elastic fibers (a)

Fibroblast Nucleus of

Collagen Fat
fibers globule

Reticular Cytoplasm
Macrophage (b)

FIGURE 1.19 Adipose tissue. Each adipocyte contains a

large, central globule of fat surrounded by the cytoplasm of the
adipocyte. (a) Photomicrograph and (b) illustration of adipose
tissue. (a) Al Telser/McGraw-Hill Education

Adipocyte (fat cell) Blood vessel

FIGURE 1.17 Loose connective tissue. This illustration and sheaths around organs, contain densely packed collagen
shows the cells and protein fibers characteristic of connective bundles arranged in various orientations that resist forces
tissue proper. The ground substance is the extracellular applied from different directions.
background material, against which the different protein fibers Adipose tissue is a specialized type of loose connective
can be seen. The macrophage is a phagocytic connective tissue
cell, which can be derived from monocytes (a type of white
tissue. In each adipose cell, or adipocyte, the cytoplasm is
blood cell). stretched around a central globule of fat (fig. 1.19). The syn-
thesis and breakdown of fat are accomplished by enzymes
within the cytoplasm of the adipocytes.
Cartilage consists of cells, called chondrocytes, surrounded
by a semisolid ground substance that imparts elastic properties
to the tissue. Cartilage is a type of supportive and protective tis-
sue commonly called “gristle.” It forms the precursor to many
bones that develop in the fetus and persists at the articular (joint)
surfaces on the bones at all movable joints in adults.
Bone is produced as concentric layers, or lamellae, of cal-
cified material laid around blood vessels. The bone-forming
cells, or osteoblasts, surrounded by their calcified products,
Collagen fibers become trapped within cavities called lacunae. The trapped
cells, which are now called osteocytes, remain alive because
they are nourished by “lifelines” of cytoplasm that extend from
the cells to the blood vessels in canaliculi (little canals). The
Fibroblast nucleus blood vessels lie within central canals, surrounded by concen-
tric rings of bone lamellae with their trapped osteocytes. These
units of bone structure are called osteons (fig. 1.20).
The dentin of a tooth (fig. 1.21) is similar in composition
to bone, but the cells that form this calcified tissue are located
FIGURE 1.18 Dense regular connective tissue. In this in the pulp (composed of loose connective tissue). These cells
photomicrograph, the collagen fibers in a tendon are packaged send cytoplasmic extensions, called dentinal tubules, into the
densely into parallel groups. The ground substance is in the tiny
spaces between the collagen fibers. McGraw-Hill Education/Al
dentin. Dentin, like bone, is thus a living tissue that can be
Telser, photographer remodeled in response to stresses. The cells that form the outer

The Study of Body Function 17





FIGURE 1.21 A cross section of a tooth showing pulp,

dentin, and enamel. The root of the tooth is covered by
cementum, a calcified connective tissue that helps anchor the
tooth in its bony socket. ©Southern Illinois University/Science Source

enamel of a tooth, by contrast, are lost as the tooth erupts.

Enamel is a highly calcified material, harder than bone or den-
tin, that cannot be regenerated; artificial “fillings” are therefore
required to patch holes in the enamel.

6a. List the four primary tissues and describe the
distinguishing features of each type.
6b. Compare and contrast the three types of muscle tissue.
6c. Describe the different types of epithelial membranes
and state their locations in the body.
7a. Explain why exocrine and endocrine glands are
considered epithelial tissues and distinguish between
these two types of glands.
7b. Describe the different types of connective tissues
and explain how they differ from one another in their
content of extracellular material.



Central canal
Organs are composed of two or more primary tissues that serve
within a the different functions of the organ. The skin is an organ that
lacuna has numerous functions provided by its constituent tissues.
After studying this section, you should be able to:
FIGURE 1.20 The structure of bone. (a) A diagram of a long 8. Use the skin as an example to describe how the
bone, (b) a photomicrograph showing osteons, and (c) a diagram
of osteons. Within each central canal, an artery (red), a vein (blue), different primary tissues compose organs.
and a nerve (yellow) is illustrated. (b) ©Ed Reschke 9. Identify the body fluid compartments.

18 Chapter 1

Hair Sebaceous

Stratum corneum
Epidermis Stratum granulosum
Stratum spinosum
Stratum basale

Dermis pili muscle
(Connective (Muscle tissue)

Sweat gland


Adipose tissue Arteriole

Hair bulb Venule
Motor nerve
(Nerve tissue)
FIGURE 1.22 A diagram of the skin. The skin is an organ that contains all four types of primary tissues.

An organ is a structure composed of at least two, and usually cornified surface of the skin, helping to prevent it from dry-
all four, primary tissues. The largest organ in the body, in terms ing and cracking.
of surface area, is the skin (fig. 1.22). In this section, the numer- The skin is nourished by blood vessels within the dermis.
ous functions of the skin serve to illustrate how primary tissues In addition to blood vessels, the dermis contains wandering
cooperate in the service of organ physiology. white blood cells and other types of cells that protect against
invading disease-causing organisms. It also contains nerve
An Example of an Organ: The Skin fibers and adipose (fat) cells; however, most of the adipose
cells are grouped together to form the hypodermis (a layer
The cornified epidermis protects the skin against water loss beneath the dermis). Although adipose cells are a type of con-
and against invasion by disease-causing organisms. These nective tissue, masses of fat deposits throughout the body are
functions, as well as the function of body temperature regula- referred to as adipose tissue.
tion (thermoregulation) through sweating and flushing, are Sensory nerve endings within the dermis mediate the cuta-
ways that the skin participates in maintaining homeostasis. neous sensations of touch, pressure, heat, cold, and pain. Motor
Invaginations of the epithelium into the underlying connec- nerve fibers in the skin stimulate effector organs, resulting in, for
tive tissue dermis create the exocrine glands of the skin. example, the secretions of exocrine glands and contractions of the
These include hair follicles (which produce the hair), sweat arrector pili muscles, which attach to hair follicles and surround-
glands, and sebaceous glands. The secretion of sweat glands ing connective tissue (producing goose bumps). The degree of
cools the body by evaporation and produces odors that, at constriction or dilation of cutaneous blood vessels—and therefore
least in lower animals, serve as sexual attractants. Sebaceous the rate of blood flow—is also regulated by motor nerve fibers.
glands secrete oily sebum into hair follicles, which transport The epidermis itself is a dynamic structure that can respond
the sebum to the surface of the skin. Sebum lubricates the to environmental stimuli. The rate of its cell division—and

The Study of Body Function 19

consequently the thickness of the cornified layer—increases

under the stimulus of constant abrasion. This produces cal-
luses. The skin also protects itself against the dangers of ultra-
violet light by increasing its production of melanin pigment,
which absorbs ultraviolet light while producing a tan. In addi- Epidermis
Basal layer
tion, the skin is an endocrine gland; it synthesizes and secretes
vitamin D (derived from cholesterol under the influence of
ultraviolet light), which functions as a hormone. External root sheath
The architecture of most organs is similar to that of the Sebaceous gland
skin. Most are covered by an epithelium that lies immediately Inner root sheath
over a connective tissue layer. The connective tissue con-
tains blood vessels, nerve endings, scattered cells for fighting
infection, and possibly glandular tissue as well. If the organ Bulge region
is hollow—as with the digestive tract or blood vessels—the with stem cells
lumen is also lined with an epithelium overlying a connective
tissue layer. The presence, type, and distribution of muscle tis-
sue and nerve tissue vary in different organs.
Lower germinal matrix
Dermal papilla
Stem Cells
The different tissues of an organ are composed of cells that
are highly specialized, or differentiated. The process of dif-
ferentiation begins during embryonic development, when the
FIGURE 1.23 The bulge region of the hair follicle
fertilized ovum, or zygote, divides to produce three embry- with stem cells. Stem cells in this region migrate to form the
onic tissue layers, or germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and differentiated cells of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and
endoderm (chapter 20; see fig. 20.45a). During the course of epidermis.
embryonic and fetal development, the three germ layers give
rise to the four primary tissues and their subtypes. Scientists have recently discovered that there are also stem
The zygote is totipotent—it can produce all of the differ- cells in the bulge region of the hair follicle (fig. 1.23). These
ent specialized cells of the body. After a number of cell divi- stem cells form keratinocytes, which migrate down to the lower
sions, when the embryo is at the stage where it implants into germinal matrix of the hair follicle and divide to form the hair
the mother’s uterus, its cells are pluripotent—they can pro- shaft and root sheath. Other stem cells in the region of the hair
duce all of the body cells except those that contribute to the follicle just above the bulge form new sebaceous gland cells,
placenta, and so have been called embryonic stem cells. As which have a high turnover. Skin wounds stimulate the migra-
development proceeds through successive cell divisions, the tion of stem cells from the hair follicles into the skin between
cells become increasingly differentiated and lose the ability to follicles to promote healing of the wounded skin.
form unrelated cell types. However, genes are not lost during The bulge region also contains melanocyte stem cells,
differentiation. This was first demonstrated in the 1960s by which migrate to the lower germinal matrix of the follicle and
a British scientist, who found that he could produce a fully give the hair its color. Scientists have now shown that gray-
formed frog by transplanting the nucleus from a differenti- ing of the hair with age is caused by loss of the melanocyte
ated frog intestinal cell into the cytoplasm of an enucleated stem cells in the bulge of the hair follicles. The melanocyte
ovum. In 2006 and later, Japanese scientists found that they stem cells appeared to be present in most of the hair follicles
could transform differentiated fibroblasts into a pluripotent of people aged 20 to 30 and absent from most hair follicles of
state, similar to embryonic stem cells, by treating the fibro- people aged 70 and older.
blasts with a few specific regulatory molecules. The 2012 As demonstrated by the stem cells in the bulge of the hair fol-
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded for these licle, adult stem cells can form a variety of related cell types; the
discoveries. adult stem cells are therefore described as multipotent. The topics
Because the specialized cells have a limited life span, of embryonic and adult stem cells are discussed in more detail in
many organs retain small populations of cells that are less dif- the context of embryonic development (chapter 20, section 20.6).
ferentiated and more able to divide to become the specialized
cell types within the organ. These less-differentiated cells are
known as adult stem cells. In the red bone marrow, for exam-
ple, the stem cell population gives rise to all of the different Organs that are located in different regions of the body and
blood cells—red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets that perform related functions are grouped into systems. These
(chapter 13). Similarly, there are stem cells in the brain (chap- include the integumentary system, nervous system, endocrine
ter 8), skeletal muscles (chapter 12), and intestine (chapter 18). system, skeletal system, muscular system, circulatory system,

20 Chapter 1

TABLE 1.4 | Organ Systems of the Body The extracellular compartment is subdivided into two
parts. One part is the blood plasma, the fluid portion of the
System Major Organs Primary Functions
blood. The other is the fluid that bathes the cells within the
Integumentary Skin, hair, nails Protection, organs of the body. This is called interstitial fluid. In most parts
thermoregulation of the body, blood plasma and interstitial fluid communicate
Nervous Brain, spinal cord, Regulation of other freely through blood capillaries. The kidneys regulate the vol-
nerves body systems ume and composition of the blood plasma, and thus, indirectly,
Endocrine Hormone-secreting Secretion of the fluid volume and composition of the entire extracellular
glands, such as the regulatory compartment. The interactions between these fluid compart-
pituitary, thyroid, and molecules called ments and total body fluid regulation is explained in chapter 14
adrenal glands hormones and illustrated in figure 14.8.
Skeletal Bones, cartilages Movement and There is also selective communication between the intra-
support cellular and extracellular compartments through the movement
Muscular Skeletal muscles Movements of the of molecules and ions through the cell membrane, as described
skeleton in chapter 6. This is how cells obtain the molecules they need
for life and how they eliminate waste products.
Circulatory Heart, blood vessels, Movement of blood
lymphatic vessels and lymph
Immune Red bone marrow, Defense of the body C H E C K P O I NT S
lymphoid organs against invading 8a. State the location of each type of primary tissue in
the skin.
Respiratory Lungs, airways Gas exchange 8b. Describe the functions of nervous, muscle, and
Urinary Kidneys, ureters, Regulation of blood connective tissue in the skin.
urethra volume and 8c. Describe the functions of the epidermis and explain
why this tissue is called “dynamic.”
Alimentary Mouth, stomach, Breakdown of food 9. Distinguish between the intracellular and extracellular
intestine, liver, into molecules that
gallbladder, enter the body
compartments and explain their significance.
Reproductive Gonads, external Continuation of the
genitalia, associated human species

Homeostasis of body temperature and blood glucose is

immune system, respiratory system, urinary system, alimen- maintained by physiological mechanisms that operate in
tary (digestive) system, and reproductive system (table 1.4). negative feedback loops. Health requires that the body
By means of numerous regulatory mechanisms, these systems maintain homeostasis, and this can be assessed clinically
work together to maintain the life and health of the entire by specific measurements. If Linda’s fasting blood glucose
organism. were above the normal range, it could indicate a disease
called diabetes mellitus. In this disease, the hormone insulin
Body-Fluid Compartments does not lower the blood glucose concentration adequately
in response to a rise in blood glucose.
Tissues, organs, and systems can all be divided into two major You can solve another medical mystery now by going
parts, or compartments. The intracellular compartment is to the Connect site for this text. Look for Feedback Control
that part inside the cells; the extracellular compartment is of Blood Glucose, which is based on this chapter’s material.
that part outside the cells. Both compartments consist primar- The more you play with physiological concepts, the better
ily of water—they are said to be aqueous. About 65% of the you will understand them. The Clinical Investigation boxes
total body water is in the intracellular compartment, while at the end of subsequent chapters will provide additional
about 35% is in the extracellular compartment. The two com- Clinical Investigations on the Connect site that relate to
partments are separated by the plasma membrane surrounding those chapters.
each cell (chapter 3, section 3.1).

The Study of Body Function 21

1.1 Introduction to Physiology 2 1.3 The Primary Tissues 10
A. Physiology is the study of how cells, tissues, and organs A. The body is composed of four types of primary tissues: mus-
function. cle, nerve, epithelial, and connective tissues.
1. In the study of physiology, cause-and-effect sequences 1. There are three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac,
are emphasized. and smooth muscle.
2. Knowledge of physiological mechanisms is deduced from a. Skeletal and cardiac muscle are striated muscle tissue.
data obtained experimentally. b. Smooth muscle is found in the walls of the internal
B. The science of physiology shares knowledge with the related organs.
sciences of pathophysiology and comparative physiology. 2. Nerve tissue is composed of neurons and neuroglia.
1. Pathophysiology is concerned with the functions of a. Neurons are specialized for the generation and
diseased or injured body systems and is based on conduction of electrical impulses.
knowledge of how normal systems function, which is the b. Neuroglia provide the neurons with anatomical and
focus of physiology. functional support.
2. Comparative physiology is concerned with the 3. Epithelial tissue includes membranes and glands.
physiology of animals other than humans and shares a. Epithelial membranes cover and line the body
much information with human physiology. surfaces, and their cells are tightly joined by
C. All of the information in this book has been gained by intercellular junctions.
applications of the scientific method. This method has three b. Epithelial membranes may be simple or stratified, and
essential characteristics: their cells may be squamous, cuboidal, or columnar.
1. It is assumed that the subject under study can ultimately c. Exocrine glands, which secrete into ducts, and
be explained in terms we can understand. endocrine glands, which lack ducts and secrete
2. Descriptions and explanations are honestly based on hormones into the blood, are derived from epithelial
observations of the natural world and can be changed as
warranted by new observations. 4. Connective tissue is characterized by large intercellular
spaces that contain extracellular material.
3. Humility is an important characteristic of the scientific
method; the scientist must be willing to change his or her a. Connective tissue proper is categorized into subtypes,
theories when warranted by the weight of the evidence. including loose, dense fibrous, adipose, and others.
b. Cartilage, bone, and blood are classified as connective
1.2 Homeostasis and Feedback Control 4
tissues because their cells are widely spaced with
abundant extracellular material between them.
A. Homeostasis refers to the dynamic constancy of the internal
1.4 Organs and Systems 17
1. Homeostasis is maintained by mechanisms that act
through negative feedback loops. A. Organs are units of structure and function that are composed
of at least two, and usually all four, of the primary types of
a. A negative feedback loop requires (1) a sensor
that can detect a change in the internal environment
and (2) an effector that can be activated by the sensor. 1. The skin is a good example of an organ.
b. In a negative feedback loop, the effector acts to cause a. The epidermis is a stratified squamous keratinized
changes in the internal environment that compensate epithelium that protects underlying structures and
for the initial deviations that were detected by the produces vitamin D.
sensor. b. The dermis is an example of loose connective tissue.
2. Positive feedback loops serve to amplify changes and c. Hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands
may be part of the action of an overall negative feedback are exocrine glands located within the dermis.
mechanism. d. Sensory and motor nerve fibers enter the spaces
3. The nervous and endocrine systems provide extrinsic within the dermis to innervate sensory organs and
regulation of other body systems and act to maintain smooth muscles.
homeostasis. e. The arrector pili muscles that attach to the hair
4. The secretion of hormones is stimulated by specific follicles are composed of smooth muscle.
chemicals and is inhibited by negative feedback 2. Organs that are located in different regions of the body
mechanisms. and that perform related functions are grouped into
B. Effectors act antagonistically to defend the set point against systems. These include, among others, the circulatory
deviations in any direction. system, alimentary system, and endocrine system.

22 Chapter 1

3. Many organs contain adult stem cells, which are able to B. The fluids of the body are divided into two major
differentiate into a number of related cell types. compartments.
a. Because of their limited flexibility, adult stem cells 1. The intracellular compartment refers to the fluid within
are described as multipotent, rather than as totipotent cells.
or pluripotent. 2. The extracellular compartment refers to the fluid outside
b. For example, the bulge region of a hair follicle of cells; extracellular fluid is subdivided into plasma (the
contains stem cells that can become keratinocytes, fluid portion of the blood) and interstitial fluid.
epithelial cells, and melanocytes; the loss of the
melanocyte stem cells causes graying of the hair.

Test your knowledge 9. A hormone called parathyroid hormone acts to help raise the
1. Glands are derived from blood calcium concentration. According to the principles
of negative feedback, an effective stimulus for parathyroid
a. nerve tissue. c. muscle tissue. hormone secretion would be
b. connective tissue. d. epithelial tissue. a. a fall in blood calcium.
2. Cells joined tightly together are characteristic of b. a rise in blood calcium.
a. nerve tissue. c. muscle tissue. c. either a fall or a rise in blood Ca2+ at different times.
b. connective tissue. d. epithelial tissue. d. unrelated to the blood Ca2+ levels.
3. Cells are separated by large extracellular spaces in 10. Which of these consists of dense parallel arrangements of
a. nerve tissue. c. muscle tissue. collagen fibers?
b. connective tissue. d. epithelial tissue. a. skeletal muscle tissue c. tendons
4. Blood vessels and nerves are usually located within b. nerve tissue d. dermis of the skin
a. nerve tissue. c. connective tissue. 11. The act of breathing raises the blood oxygen level,
b. muscle tissue. d. epithelial tissue. lowers the blood carbon dioxide concentration, and
5. Most organs are composed of raises the blood pH. According to the principles of
negative feedback, sensors that regulate breathing should
a. epithelial tissue. c. connective tissue. respond to
b. muscle tissue. d. all of these. a. a rise in blood oxygen.
6. Sweat is secreted by exocrine glands. This means that b. a rise in blood pH.
a. it is produced by endocrine cells. c. a rise in blood carbon dioxide concentration.
b. it is a hormone. d. all of these.
c. it is secreted into a duct. 12. Adult stem cells, such as those in the bone marrow, brain,
d. it is produced outside the body. or hair follicles, can best be described as       ,
7. Which of these statements about homeostasis is true? whereas embryonic stem cells are described as
a. The internal environment is maintained absolutely constant.
a. totipotent; pluripotent
b. Negative feedback mechanisms act to correct deviations
from a normal range within the internal environment. b. pluripotent; multipotent
c. Homeostasis is maintained by turning effectors on c. multipotent; pluripotent
and off. d. totipotent; multipotent
d. All of these are true.
8. In a negative feedback loop, the effector produces changes Test Your Understanding
that are
13. Describe the structure of the various epithelial
a. in the same direction as the change produced by the initial membranes and explain how their structures relate to
stimulus. their functions.
b. opposite in direction to the change produced by the initial 14. Compare bone, blood, and the dermis of the skin in terms of
stimulus. their similarities. What are the major structural differences
c. in the same and opposite direction as the initial stimulus between these tissues?
at different times. 15. Describe the role of antagonistic negative feedback
d. unrelated to the initial stimulus. processes in the maintenance of homeostasis.

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
stead, the comic supplement of the Sunday newspaper furnishes pictures
that well-nigh stifle the true domain once occupied by “Mother Goose.”
What would a parent do, asked suddenly to deal with a promiscuous
collection of juvenile books? Would she unerringly reach forth for the
volume most likely to please her son’s or her daughter’s taste? If she were
to claim little difference between the one college story she had read, and the
several hundred she had not read, she would not be far from wrong. But we
cannot tell how deep an impression the present activity among writers for
children will have on the future. Our temptation is to make the general
statement that the energy is a surface one, that no great writing is being
done for children because it has become an accessory rather than an end in
itself. Education saved us from the moral pose; it must not deny us the
realm of imagination and fancy.

[41] In education, the influence of Froebel, in direct descent from
Rousseau, is to be considered.
[42] D. N. B.—Dictionary of National Biography.
[43] The student who desires to investigate the history of American
school-books will find much valuable material in the Watkinson Library
of Hartford, Conn., to which institution Dr. Henry Barnard’s entire
collection of school-books was left. Vide Bibliotheca Americana,
Catalogue of American Publications, including reprints and original
works, from 1820 to 1852, inclusive, together with a list of periodicals
published in the United States, compiled and arranged by Orville A.
Roorbach, N. Y., Oct., 1852. Includes Supplement to 1849 ed., published
in 1850.
Vide also Early English School-books. Educational Library, South
Kensington Museum.
[44] Vide Recollections of a Life-time; or, Men and Things I have Seen:
in a series of familiar Letters to a Friend. Historical, Biographical,
Anecdotal, and Descriptive. S. G. Goodrich. (2 vols.) New York, 1857.
[Contains a valuable list of the real Parley books; also the names of the
spurious Parleys. The volumes describe many small characteristics of
American life during the early years of the nineteenth century.]
[45] Cyclopædia.
[46] Mr. Welsh states that between 1706–1718, 550 books were
published in America, of which 84 were not religious, and of these 84,
49 were almanacs!
At evening when the lamp is lit,
Around the fire my parents sit;
They sit at home and talk and sing,
And do not play at anything.
Now, with my little gun, I crawl
All in the dark along the wall,
And follow round the forest track
Away behind the sofa back.
There, in the night, where none can spy,
All in my hunter’s camp I lie,
And play at books that I have read
Till it is time to go to bed.
These are the hills, these are the woods,
These are my starry solitudes;
And there the river by whose brink
The roaring lions come to drink.
I see the others far away
As if in firelit camp they lay,
And I, like to an Indian scout,
Around their party prowled about.
So, when my nurse comes in for me,
Home I return across the sea,
And go to bed with backward looks
At my dear land of Story-books.
—Robert Louis Stevenson, in
“A Child’s Garden of Verses.”
I. Children’s Books: Their Classification; Their
There is nothing more variegated in its colour than a large assemblage of
children’s books; the cover-designers revel in their rainbow conceits,
sprinkling gold across the cloth as generously as fairies scatter star-dust; the
artists fill their brushes with delicate tints of red and blue and orange, and
sketch the progress of a story in spiral traceries of imagination. The
mechanical perfection of book-making is genuinely pleasing; the form, like
that of the glass-blown vase with its slender outlines, is fitted for the
worthiest content. The excellence of binding, the distinctness of type, the
spirit of the drawing—these points strike our senses, these are the
subterfuges of the publishing trade, these the artistic features that hide the
shallowness beneath. You may arrange your blue books together, and your
red, your brown, your white or green in rows; you may mix them all up
again, and marshal them in regiments of equal sizes; the persistent query
stares you in the face,—the stinging fact of ignorance—what of the story
you are about to buy?
In the public library, the shelves are empty; you are told, as the librarian,
to fill them. Not for yourself alone is the choice to be made, or even for
your own children, whom you are supposed to know; but for every one who
wishes to read. You have little right to assume much homogeneity of taste
or desire among young folks; you must balance your dreams with facts,
your ideals with human accomplishment. We are all as grains of sand in the
general scheme of the universe; we are all supposed to have equal chances
before the law; but what we are is the measure of what we read. You are the
custodian of a public trust, not of your private book-case. A row of children
—the poor by the side of the rich, the newsboy by the side of the patrician
—you are to supply them every one. Have you then the privilege of
assuming an autocratic policy of exclusion? Can you say to yourself, The
newsboy must read Homer!—and refrain from buying him his penny-
Each man’s standard of excellence differs from his neighbour’s. Matthew
Arnold’s idea of the best ignored your opinion and mine. The world has put
a face value on certain books; they live because the universal in them and
the universal in us is constant and persistent. And though we each stand
upon a different pivot of existence, though the wind blows with less fury
around you than around me, on calm nights we may each see the same star,
however different the angle of vision.
So, are you not here furnished a starting-point in your purchases? Where
you are concerned with children, your opportunity is richer by far than you
first imagined. They have no preconceived notions; they stand in a general
mystery of dawning experience; they know not how or why; all truth is a
fable before them. Common things are apparelled in celestial light; nature is
governed by omnipotence; creation is the first meeting with Aladdin’s lamp.
The common law of growth tells us this; our knowledge of men is carved
from such general mystery; our method of gaining this experience is higher
than we wot of; the father is judged in terms of King Arthur before he is
reckoned with as a man.
Therefore, it is your bounden duty to satisfy these several stages. You
must have pictures for the little ones that will cater to a familiarity with
common things, and will satisfy a tendency in them to make all nature
animate.[47] You must find an artist capable of seeing the significance, the
humour of the dish running after the spoon. There must be picture-books
that will treat of these things with all the purity they deserve; high-
mindedness is an essential part of elemental fun. The nursery claims a part
in your plan. Place, then, first upon your list, the best picture-books and
jingles. Let true art supplant the comic supplement sheet.
We will banish the use of baffling terms in speaking of the classes of
juvenile books. Our Fiction will become Stories; our Myths and Folk-lore
and Fables simply Fairy Tales and Legends. Our arrangement now assumes
a definite perspective, from the limitless past to ourselves as the fixed point.
Our standard is one of interest; we will apply the test of excellence, not to
books generally, but to each channel in which individual interest has a right
to seek its own development. By a psychological consideration, we are able
to hitch our wagon to a star, to span the distance separating the Present and
the Past, the Real and the Ideal. Myth flows imperceptibly into legend; and,
with all the massive proportions of the heroic, legend enters and becomes
part of history. And history is vitalised only when we present it to children
in the form of biography. Is it not Carlyle who defines history as the
biography of great men?
Thus, we add still more to the positive factors in our book selecting. We
will not disguise for the child the true character of a volume by a
nomenclature which is indefinite. Better the terms “How We Are
Governed” than “Civics”; and “How to Make Things” than “Manual
Training.” We will satisfy all tastes by the best to be had, and that rule shall
be proverbial. The boy, deprived of his dime novel,[48] must be given
something just as daring, just as redolent with sensationalism; but we will
transfer his den of thieves from the areaway to the broad green forest, and
his profession of robbery shall grow into outlawry; his Jesse James become
Robin Hood. Some of the best literature contains the quality of
sensationalism; it is the form that the dime novel has taken, and the cheap
exploitation of filthy detail, that have obscured many of the most beneficial
elements in melodrama. The Adventures of Ulysses, the Twelve Labours of
Hercules, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, Jonathan and David—the green lights
are not far away.
Have you ever watched the breathlessness of a messenger boy with his
“Ragged Dick Series”; the intent, eager faces in the gallery of the theatre
during a melodrama? Nine times out of ten, morals are not being perverted;
crime is not being glorified, but severely punished; chivalry is acting in
shirt-sleeves; the good is winning its just deserts in a large way, and the boy
glows. Not that I would have our libraries circulate “Ragged Dick,” but
there is more to remember in such stimulation, there is more effect than will
ever be drawn from the conventional tale with its customary noble and
ignoble heroes. The amount of inane fiction concocted for children is
Literature has been made cold to the child, yet there is nothing warmer
than a classic, when properly handled. Each man lives in his own age; we
are creatures of timeliness, but we see the clearer for being at times on the
mountain peak. The traveller from an antique land is part of our experience
quite as much as the man around the corner. What I contend is that the
attraction, the appeal of a story depends largely on the telling. With a broad
sweep of right emotion, we must be taught to soar, and there must be no
penalty of arrest for wishing to o’erleap the false horizon of a city skyline.
The tenement boy is a dreamer, even though he perforce must lay his cheek
against the rough brick of an air-shaft and squint up at the stars. The
democracy of a public library system affords him equal opportunities with
Keats—even though he may not have the same capacity for enjoyment—to
look into Chapman’s Homer; he is entitled to all that vast experience, that
same “hoard of goodly states and kingdoms.” But if his author is not deep-
browed, if he, too, is not given the same pure serenity of view, if his
Chapman does not speak out loud and bold, he will feel himself defrauded
of the vitalising meaning of literature, he will have missed being
... like some watcher of the skies
When a new planet swims into his ken.
This, therefore, should make you determine to cry against mediocrity; to
purchase for those empty shelves the best of a class, the best of an edition,
and the most authentic of texts.
Lady Eastlake once wrote: “The real secret of a child’s book consists not
merely in its being less dry and less difficult, but more rich in interest, more
true to nature, more exquisite in art, more abundant in every quality that
replies to childhood’s keener and fresher perceptions. Such being the case,
the best of juvenile reading will be found in libraries belonging to their
elders, while the best juvenile writing will not fail to delight those who are
no longer children. ‘Robinson Crusoe,’ the standing favourite of above a
century, was not originally written for children; and Sir Walter Scott’s
‘Tales of a Grandfather,’ addressed solely to them, are the pleasure and
profit of every age, from childhood upward. Our little friends tear Pope’s
‘Odyssey’ from mamma’s hands, while she takes up their ‘Agathos’[49] with
an admiration which no child’s can exceed.”
The opinion here quoted somewhat overstates the real case. The
experienced librarian of to-day could tell a different tale from the loan desk;
it is the average young person she must have in mind, and the average
understanding. But this understanding is not commensurate with the reading
ability of the child; it is much above it, and this fact also should be
considered an asset for the librarian to work with. Despite the theories
regarding how a story should be told to a seven-year-old reader, and to one
twelve years old, the volumes do not very consistently adapt themselves to
such a classification. The buyer must say: Is it to be read by the child?
Consider his schooling. Is it to be read to the child? Consider his
Let us not subject ourselves to the criticism that our ideals will not work.
If they are unpractical, they are useless and must be amended. It is
recognised that something more is wanted than the “masterpiece,” so
guardedly extolled by Mr. Everett T. Tomlinson,[50] a popular author of
boys’ books. He separates the boy and the classic by a wide gulf of
adolescent requirements; he pleads for something in addition to bone and
tendon; he believes the boy demands material to fit his mental estate, which
is not equipped for “ready response” to adult literature. In other words, the
juvenile book of to-day, which is well typified by his own stories, is to
supplement and not to supplant the “masterpiece.”
The situation is a rather delicate and uncertain one; it would be well, as
Mr. Tomlinson suggests, if the results, as he thinks, were actually the case.
But does the girl, who reads her “series” trilogy, slip from Dinsmore into
Dickens; or does the boy, with his Henty books filling shelf after shelf,
graduate therefrom into Scott? The theory does not work, and, even if it did,
an immense amount of energy is going to waste somewhere. Miss Hewins,
from her extensive experience as a worker in the Hartford Public Library,
has outlined what you can get from a Henty book [Wisconsin Library
Bulletin. Madison, Sept.-Oct., 1906. Vol. 2, No. 5.]; her plan is most
interesting, and, were there readers possessing the zeal necessary to make
such literature permanently serviceable, we could actually view knowledge
growing from more to more. The summary is as follows:
“If a boy reads nothing but Henty for a year or so, he is not likely to care
for the great historical novels of the world later, but if he uses him under
guidance, reading after each one of his books a better story of the same
period, if he look up places on a map, unfamiliar words and references in a
dictionary or cyclopædia, and if he reads a life of one of the real characters
in every book, he is well on his way to an intelligent interest in general
But would it not be just as well to centre this concentration directly on
Scott? The librarian will doubtless claim that the boy turns more readily to
the one than to the other, and I believe that this is largely due to the over-
emphasis of Scott as a standard author, and of Henty as a popular writer for
boys. Scott has never been issued in form to catch the young reader’s eye.
Given as many illustrations as Henty, relegating the preface to the appendix,
or omitting it altogether, and the author of “Waverley” would be found to
have lost none of his grip. You will receive from any librarian the unfailing
statement that one of the most constant ambitions is to reduce the
proportion of fiction in circulation, and, in that proportion, to preserve what
is of true worth in place of the mediocre average of the modern story-books.
Mr. Tomlinson’s analysis of the qualities in a child’s book may be
indicated by seven divisions:
a. There must be a story.
b. There must be vigorous action with little contemplation. “Analysis
and introspection are words outside of his [the child’s] vocabulary,”
says Mr. Tomlinson.
c. Fancy is more to be sought for than pure imagination.
d. The writer must regard the moral character of boys: a lack of mercy,
a strict sense of justice; he must regard their faith which is credulity;
their sentiment of reverence; their power of being convinced.
e. The writer must likewise consider the differences between the sexes
in the point of moral faculties, even though in many respects they
are the same. For girls have tender consciences, though not so
tenacious; they are quick to promise, and as quick to forget; they are
easily stirred to pity, their sympathy easily appealed to. Bringing it
down to an animalistic basis, Mr. Tomlinson believes that though
the ancestral cruelty in girls is not so evident as in boys, when it
does flash forth it is sharper in every way. “To both, right and wrong
are absolute, not relative terms, and a youthful misanthrope is as
much of an anomaly as a youthful grandfather.”
f. The sentiments must be directed in channels of usefulness and
power, hence the story of patriotism, the situation of courage, the
incident of tenderness.
g. Since the faculties in action are receptive, rather than perceptive,
since the memory is keen to hold, the writer must bear this
psychological status in mind.
In fine, recognising that even in his play the boy takes things seriously,
and believing that the juvenile intellect “seeks the reasonable more than the
process of reasoning,” Mr. Tomlinson shapes a dicta of criticism, a standard
by which the child’s book may be recognised in terms of vital
characteristics. Apply them to recent juvenile books, if you will, and you
will find the majority wanting. But will not the classics meet these
requirements? Are we to relegate the best we have to the back shelves, and
buy nothing that smacks of good style? Instead of putting tight bands of
expectancy about our minds, and of making us bow down before a throne of
iced classics, let the librarian treat the “Iliad” genially, let her represent
“Siegfried” with the broad heavens above him. The classics have yielding
It is characteristic of every age that a discontent is always manifest with
the conditions as they exist at the time. As early as 1844, the child’s book,
per se, was brought under rigourous scrutiny by an unnamed critic in the
Quarterly Review, and what was said then applies equally as well to the
state of affairs to-day. But this very entertaining writer, talking in terms of
judgment founded upon a keen understanding of what such a book should
be, attempts a list of juvenile books which bears all the ear-marks of his
age; he finds it necessary to select from the immediate supply; he knows
that there is the author of his own era whom he cannot discard. We have a
lurking suspicion that, with his canons of criticism, he would have altered
his list, could he have looked in perspective. But there was very little range
in children’s books of that day; the species was just becoming accentuated,
and his element of timeliness had to be regarded. Therefore, while we are
pleading with the librarian for a high choice in the selection of books, we
know that were the timely volume omitted, simply on the basis that it did
not conform with one’s idea of the best, the library would become fixed,
like a dead language. The Quarterly article was written at a time when the
secularisation of juvenile literature was just beginning to take place; the
moral and the educational factors were looking askance, the one at the
other, both claiming the boy and girl for instruction, but each from a
different basis. Our author pleads for the healthy, normal reader, in whom
“still-born” knowledge—mere lifeless acquisition—were a curse indeed!
He cries out against the educational catechism, as he does against the moral
one. His discriminating thesis advances in threefold manner, for he writes:
“Those who insist on keeping the sense of enjoyment rigidly back, till
that of comprehension has been forcibly urged forward—who stipulate that
the one shall not be indulged till the other be appeased—are in reality but
retarding what they most affect to promote.”
And again:
“Children have no sooner begun to enjoy than they are called upon to
reflect; they have no sooner begun to forget that there exists in the world
such a little being as themselves than they are pulled back to remember, not
only what they are, but what they will one day infallibly become.”
And still again:
“Children seem to possess an inherent conviction that when the hole is
big enough for the cat, no smaller one at the side is needed for the kitten.
They do not really care for ‘Glimpses’ of this, or ‘Gleanings’ of that, or
‘Footsteps’ to the other—they would rather stretch and pull....”
From a desert of dust-covered magazines, this comes to us like a hidden
spring bubbling with energy which no outer crust of years can quell.[51]
Then as now, they had the pernicious school-book—instance Peter Parley;
[52] then as now, they had the flippant tale. Our unknown author
recommended “Puss in Boots,” with designs by Otto Specker, as the beau
ideal of nursery books, and the Grimm Tales with Cruikshank’s
illustrations; he recognised the admirable qualities in the verses by the
Taylor sisters. Miss Edgeworth, Miss Tytler, Mrs. Barbauld, Mrs. Hofland,
Mary Howitt (although some of her books are questioned), Catherine
Sinclair, Mrs. Marcet, and a host of others, now dead to the circulating
shelves, received their quota of commendation. The list is a curious
example of existing circumstances; it illustrates the futility of crystallising
the library system; it demonstrates that the library, as an institution, must
reflect the aspirations of its age, not overreaching its full capacity of
usefulness and of average excellence.

II. The Library, The School, The Home: A Plea for

“Criticism,” says Matthew Arnold, “must maintain its independence of
the practical spirit and its aims. Even with well-meant efforts of the
practical spirit it must express dissatisfaction, if in the sphere of the ideal
they seem impoverishing and limiting.” Still, not for a moment are we able
to lose sight of the active working conditions of the library. Speculation as
to the functions of such an institution in a community may lead to the
formulation of certain ideals which are to guide the practical machinery in
the future. But, on the instant, there is the urgent necessity of supply and
demand; the theorist must cope with the actual reader calling for a book.
It is, however, only proper to expect that human activity be directed, not
along the lines of least resistance, but along the lines of best results. This
infers that the library, as an institution, fully recognises that it has a function
to perform in society, and that it will strive, in its several capacities, so to
unify its activities that it will become a force as well as a convenience.
Through pleasure, we would train the child to future usefulness;
physically we would let him find expression for all his surplus energy; but
as a reader, we would so far guide him that none of his mental energy will
go to waste. Intellectually, a boy or a girl should not be given what one
library called “leisure hour reading”; a book should not mean, for either, a
vehicle for frittering the time away, but their training should lead to the
finding of “tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones,
and good in everything.”
An essential purpose is a most important element in the future history of
children’s rooms, and at the present initial stage it were unwise to criticise
the methods by which the library is trying to state this purpose in definite
terms. But whether we regard its activity in the direction of the home, the
school, the settlement, or the city at large, we may safely claim that its main
duty in all directions is to supply the best books to be had on any stated line.
And herein we discover the connection that ought to exist between our
schools as educational, and our libraries as cultural centres. In Buffalo, Mr.
Melvil Dewey, during an address given to teachers, said:
“By law, the children are put under your influence in their earlier years,
when, if ever, they can be taught to love good books so well that in all their
lives thereafter they will seize on every opportunity to read them. If the
librarians, with their wing of the educational army, can select and catalogue
and provide free of cost the best on every subject, the schoolmen, with their
wing and with their immensely larger resources both of money and men—
and still better, of devoted women—must send out from the schools, year
by year, boys and girls who will be lifelong patrons of the public library,
and will, in due time, help to send their own children along the paths which
have proved for them so profitable and pleasant; ... but its great work
should be the partial recognition that education is no longer for youth and
for a limited course, in a school to which they give most of their time, but
that it is really a matter for adults as well as youth, for life and not for the
course, to be carried on at home as well as in the schools, and to be taken up
in the hours or minutes of leisure, as the proper accompaniment of their
regular business or labour. This means that education must be carried on by
means of reading, and that, if the librarians are to furnish the books and
give all necessary help in their proper field, the schools must furnish the
It is, therefore, the supreme function of a supervisor of school libraries to
reconcile culture with knowledge-getting—taste and desire with mental
training—quite as much as it is his official duty to furnish supplementary
books for the class-rooms. In fact, the former should become his chief
business, for in the other capacity he slightly encroaches upon, rather than
aids—duplicates in expense, rather than enforces by supplying a need—the
work being done by the neighbourhood library.
Between the school and the library there should thus be a reciprocal
interchange of courtesies, the sum total of which tends toward culture.[53]
For the child is the potential man, and in our reading, despite the
opportunities for education, we are not made to understand, at the early age
when habits are most readily formed, the real import of the sustaining
power of art.
The reading of novels is a delightful recreation; it is not the reading
which should be questioned; it is the power to stop. Periods of rest are a
psychological necessity, but it is the power of returning from the side issue
to the life issue, which, in so many cases, is the missing element. The
literature that does nothing more than amuse is not the literature which, in
future days, one is to fall back on as a maintaining force. Browning cries
I count life just a stuff
To try the soul’s strength on, educe the man.
The man of culture is something more than an upstart; his is a slow but a
steady growth; the smallest star that burns into the night is one whose rays
have taken years to reach the earth. Out of the varied but unified elements,
the personality evolves its view of life; it may not necessarily be a life
among books; Shakespeare the man and Shakespeare the poet are
contradictions. The sustaining force in literature is no protector in the sense
that it shields us from some impending danger. It settles behind us, pushes
us, heart and soul, with a burning resolution, through the darkest night. The
cultured man finds himself clinging to the sunnier side of doubt, not
because Tennyson advises it, but because it has become part of his
philosophy; he falls back upon a part of himself developed by literature.
Our neighbour is but a composite picture of numberless developments,
all working toward a definite goal. We call him the cultured man. Our
neighbour is one who tries to show us as many pictures of himself, working
in different directions, as he thinks will clothe him in a mist of thought. We
call him the dilettante. Dilettanteism does not sustain; we either have to be
perfectly honest with ourselves, or else be discovered by others in the end.
The habit of association with good books is, therefore, one which our
school systems need to inculcate. The supervisor of class-room libraries
should strive to supplement the text-book with something that is not a text-
book; the outlines of history should be strengthened by bona fide biography
instead of by the hybrid type of fiction. A committee in Germany, after
working some years over the recommendations of books for children,
finally printed a list of 637 volumes—calling attention to a weakness in
travel, popular science, and biography. This condition is as true in England
and America; and one of the causes for the deficiency may be accounted for
by the substitution of the text-book style for the dignified narrative. The
writer of juvenile books, other than fiction, has not realised, up to the
present time, that the direct treatment is capable of being understood by
young people.
Conscious of this weakness, the librarian in time will banish from the
circulating shelves the text-book, per se; and the school child should be
prepared to meet the change. If he is given instruction in the uses of a
dictionary,[54] and of a card catalogue; if he is trained by degrees to hunt up
references—he should as well be familiarized with the transition from text-
book to authority, from selection to source, from part to whole. From the
mere usefulness of books he should be taught the attractive power of books.
This, it would seem, is one of the fundamental relations existing between
the library and the school.
With the increase of facilities, with the specialised consideration paid to
children’s reading by librarian and by teacher, there arises the factor of the
parent in connection with the two. What part, in the general plan, does the
home occupy? It furnishes the scholar; it furnishes the reader. In private
instruction, it may dictate what shall be taught to the boy or girl; in public
instruction, the individual becomes part of the system. The home may
purchase books for the particular taste of this child or of that, but the public
library must attend to all demands. Because of its democratic mission, it
partially discourages the private ownership of books by the average person.
Therefore, in most essentials, the State furnishes the means of instruction
and indicates what that instruction shall be in its elementary stages; the
State likewise supports the library, a repository where the regulation and
censorship are minimised as far as the reader is concerned.
Let us acknowledge the peculiar social and economic conditions that
conduce to deprive the home of the means or of the time to give to the
proper training of children: the crowded tenement, the isolated mountain
cabin are alike in this denial. But the school and the library are
counteracting the deficiency. The mental condition in the tenement is more
in a state of ferment than in the mountains; the second generation of the
ignorant emigrant in New York or Chicago or Cleveland or Pittsburg is far
more fortunate than the new generation peopling our Blue Ridge Mountains
in Virginia. Yet the school and the library are penetrating the dense maze—
they are defying isolation, and we will doubtless discover, before long, that
the stagnation throughout the Tennessee ranges, and bordering the northern
line of the Shenandoah Valley, has beneath it a great potential future of
intellectual development. Until the social settlement passes through its
experimental stage,—perhaps its very existence is dependent upon its
experimental character—it were not safe to speculate on how largely it will
aid in making the home so far independent of consuming necessity that it
will respect the refinements of life, and will recognise that, in so doing,
each individual raises his own self-respect. Should the settlement
accomplish this, however little, it will justify its existence.
The home, none the less, remains a factor, and its responsibility is none
the less urgent. The story hour is one of its legacies from the past, and
through it, the parent should cater wisely to a child’s desire for a tale. If the
library is also adopting the same means, this in no way should relieve the
parent of the prerogative; it should only afford her an opportunity of
improving upon her own idea as to how a story should be told. Home
influence should direct this juvenile desire, this individual taste; for no one
has the close knowledge of a boy or girl possessed by the father or mother.
The habit of good reading, mentioned before, should be the joint product
of the library, the school, and the home. Yet, in many instances, the library
card of the child is of small consideration to the parent. This is more likely
due to indifference than to an absolute confidence in the library’s effort to
bring juvenile readers in contact with the best books. The woman’s club that
will study the problem of children’s reading, as sedulously as it analyses the
pathologic significance of Ibsen’s heroines, will be rendering a service to
the library, as well as fitting its members to pass some judgment on the
publisher’s yearly output of juvenile books.

III. Book-lists and Book-selecting.

“Shall we permit our children,” wrote Plato in the “Republic,” “without
scruple to hear any fables composed by any authors indifferently, and so to
receive into their minds opinions generally the reverse of those which,
when they are grown to manhood, we shall think they ought to entertain?”
To a negative reply from Adeimantus, Glaucon’s brother, Plato continued:
“Then apparently our first duty will be to exercise a superintendence over
the authors of fables, selecting their good productions, and rejecting the
bad. And the selected fables we shall advise our nurses and mothers to
repeat to their children, that they may thus mould their minds with the
fables, even more than they shape their bodies with the hand.”
Upon the broad principles here formulated the value of the children’s
rooms depends. For it will be conceded that the two requisites of a library
are to place good books upon the shelves and to see that they are read.
In the first section of this chapter, the individual promptings of a
conscientious person were suggested; but a more systematic method of
book-selection should be adopted, whereby a book is chosen because it has
passed scrutiny of a committee elected for the special purpose. In order to
protect the average demand, such a board should, of necessity, be a body
catholic in taste, and not wholly academic in tone. It should bear in mind
that a consulting library is different in function and in appeal from the
general circulating branches; that the specialised critic must pass, not
always upon whether there is sufficient fact in the book, but upon whether
what fact there is has been dealt with truly, rather than fully.
As early as 1893, Paul Ziegler established a German monthly, the
Jugendschriftenwarte, in which he purposed to teach the German people
how to examine children’s books, classical and modern. He believed firmly
that he would be able to reach some scientific basis, some consistent
standard, which would be founded upon psychological, pedagogical, and
æsthetic experience. This ambitious beginning by Ziegler led to the
organisation of committees for the same purpose. In 1900, there were
twenty-six centres throughout the Empire engaged in the study, and they
were soon gathered together by Heinrich Wolgast,[55] a specialist on the
subject of children’s reading, into a “union” called “Die vereinigten
deutschen Prüfungsausschüsse für Jugendschriften.”
By 1906, the movement had so grown that seventy-eight local
committees, with a common interest and a strong organisation, were
working in twenty-six German States, their energy being felt and their
example being followed in Austria, Switzerland, and France.
These committees have been weeding out, according to their æsthetic,
educational, and national ideals, all undesirable literature for children,
leaving nothing but the best. It would appear that in the course of their
examination they called into account the opinions of parent, teacher,
librarian, author, illustrator, and publisher. The local committees, working
in hearty sympathy with the local libraries, had but one watchword,
excellent; the book was read three times by a number of committees—
sometimes as many as six, when the book would pass through eighteen
hands. If a committee’s decision was unanimous, the result was sent to the
central office of the confederation; if there was a difference of opinion, an
arbitrator was called in.
Miss Isabel Chadburn, in a suggestive article,[56] quotes fully some of the
final reports which are always sent to the Jugendschriftenwarte for
publication. Here is one dealing summarily with a book:
“‘The Lifeboat,’ Ballantyne (From the English of). Four pictures in
colour, black-and-white illustrations in the text; second edition; 8vo, 122
pages. Leipzig: Otto Spamer, 1892. Price 1 m.
“Tested by: Berlin (no); Breslau (no); Halle (no); Königsberg (yes);
Posen (no); Stettin (yes).
“A story of adventure in which the interest of the reader is directly
excited through the keeping up of a succession of extraordinary events. The
characterisation is utterly superficial and contradictory. The style, hard to
understand on account of the numerous technical nautical terms, is full of
indistinct and distorted metaphors and expressions. The pictures are crude
and badly drawn. Upon these grounds the book is rejected.”
By the German method, a poor book would find small chances of
surviving. Already this test has met with opposition from the German
“Union of Booksellers, Selling on a Commission.” But the crusade is
steadily gaining ground and the influence having effect.
The academic tone detected in this plan is its one objection. Were the
same policy adopted in America, it would only add to an already over-
conscious education-getting process. As we seem to be obsessed by the
idea, far better it would be simply to trust to a general impression of a book,
than to have it squeezed and analysed out of existence. A teacher who
served on such a board would be obliged to cut herself completely adrift
from the school-room atmosphere, and to criticise from a cultural
standpoint, tempered by her educational experience.
We have our own children to consider; European States are sending us
theirs. It is no small matter to decide what they should read. In the library,
the juvenile member is to find a full and free development. Russian and
Polish, French, German and Italian, Yiddish and English—all these must be
satisfied. But there is one thing positive; however conglomerate the
membership, a library for children must assume as a fundamental maxim
that the best books alone will create the best taste.
We shall be obliged to come to it sooner or later,—a guillotine method—
the wholesale eviction of all literature which is an outgrowth of this attempt
to drag our classics down, in order to appeal condescendingly to youthful
intellects, and to foreshorten our fiction so as to satisfy a trivial mood.
Wisely, the librarian is moving by degrees; a sudden adoption of a rigorous
standard would find an army of readers wholly unprepared; the ideal must
be made to suit the needs of different environments. Whatever rules are
formulated to hasten the improvement, they must be pliable and not fixed;
for, though all localities may be improving, this betterment will be found to
vary in degree with each section.
Having stacked the shelves, the next step is to appeal to the child through
suggestion; to find out, as well as opportunity will permit, wherein his
tastes lie, and what class of book dominates his card, as seen by the
catalogue notation stamped upon it. The librarian must seek to divert any
miscarriage of energy; to lead away from undesirable tendencies by gradual
substitution of something a little higher in motive and much stronger in
style. She must resort to exciting subterfuges: the bulletin accessory, the
book-lists, the story hour—in fact, whatever her inventive mind can shape
to awaken interest, to foster a desire for something above the average taste.
There are some who approve of closing the shelves to children, and in
this way of directing the distribution of books to the individual. Not only is
this impracticable, but it deprives a child of that personal contact with all
kinds of books by means of which he is to learn his own inclination. We
must infer that all books upon the juvenile shelves are placed there because
they are thought suitable for children. The librarian may reserve that
prerogative of concealing a book and regarding it out, should a demand for
it come from one who should not, for any apparent reason, have it. But the
jurisdiction of the librarian over the child-taste, just as the jurisdiction of the
teacher over the child-mind, ends where the home is expected to proclaim
its effectiveness and its right.

IV. The Experimental Temptation.

Many attempts have been made to treat statistically the reading tastes of
children, but the results are significant only in a few details, and even these
vary from locality to locality, as they differ from child to child. The
psychology of sex becomes apparent by the manner in which boys and girls
respond to the same stimulus. But we ought not to place much value upon a
canvass of this kind, for the answers that are sent to any class of questions
are more or less artificial, in many cases reflecting some grown person’s
estimate of a book. It is important for the librarian to know the proportions
in which fiction and non-fiction are circulated, and what books are in
greatest demand. The temperature changes of taste need thus to be
followed. But history deals with crucial moments.
Every one interested in the subject of juvenile reading has tried to
experiment and has received quaint answers to stereotyped questions—
answers filled with humour, now and then with a spontaneous exclamation
of appreciation. In my own case, some four hundred letters were sent to me
from children, North and South. They showed me local variations in
reading tastes; they showed me educational weaknesses, such as a general
mechanical study of a few hackneyed poems; they showed me an
indiscriminate reading, by the fourteen- or fifteen-year-old girl, of fiction
such as Besant’s “Children of Gideon” and Mrs. Humphry Ward’s
“Fenwick’s Career.” Furthermore, they pointed in some instances to
individual tastes; and most of them indicated a dire confusion as to the
meaning of the terms fiction and non-fiction.
By such an experiment, however, one begins to realise how rich the field
of juvenile energy is—a stream of voluntary desire seeking some course to

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