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on November 01, 2016


(A review based on weld joints in process piping. )
PART - 1

Those who are familiar with process piping will also be familiar with the topic of percentage NDT of weld
joints, NDT lot concept and NDT penalty for weld joint repairs.

We will discuss the concept based on radiography testing of weld joints in process piping . (Which is
applicable to other NDT methods as well.)

All weld joints are to be defect free. For some piping class (piping class defined in client specifications
based on process, severity of damage in case of leaks etc) the percentage of NDT can be 0%, 10%, 20%,
50% and 100 %.

(Please note that visual examination of the weld joints is not considered in this discussion, which will be
100% in the case of welded joints)

The two extreme cases can be ignored that is 0% and 100% NDT.

Take the case of 10% NDT. It means that out of 100 joints welded, 10 joints to be tested by NDT; or in
simple terms, out of 10 joints welded one joint to be tested by NDT.

Take the case of 20% NDT. It means that out of 100 joints welded, 20 joints to be tested by NDT; or in
simple, out of 20 joints welded one joint to be tested by NDT.


We will discuss in detail with the concept of 10%NDT.

In 10% NDT, We have to make a lot of 10 joints and radiographic testing of one joint out of these 10
joints will be done. If that one joint is accepted the entire lot is accepted. If that one joint is rejected
more joints to be radiographed from the lot .

Below is the excerpt from ASME 31.3 regarding the lot sampling for NDT.

How the lot is to be made?

The concept of lot is a statistical concept and well introduced by quality experts for the mass
manufacturing process and used widely in industry in production process using mass producing
The concept when used in mass producing manufacturing has the advantage that there is a limited
number of fluctuating parameters and that can be easily identified and can be controlled. Thus the
concept of lot reduced the cost and time for quality and gives good results.

One of the premier EPC organisation of India , M/s.ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED (EIL) , specification says
that the lot should cover WPS and welder or both.

Most of the other EPC and PMC organisations are following the same concept for the lot system.

So based on WPS, weld joints made by a welder in a day will be grouped as a lot and a lot number will
be given. If sufficient number of joints are not welded by a welder, in a day, in a particular wps (to
make a lot) , welded joints from consecutive days done by the same welder using the same WPS will
be grouped and the lot will be filled.


Welding is a "Special process" as defined by ISO standards.

What is a special process ?

"Special processes are those which cannot be verified after the process without destructive testing."

There are a lot of uncertain parameters included in the production of a welded joint. Some of them are,

1. Bevel angle- bevel angles may be different to different joints. Though all joints will be within limit,
there will be variations.

2. Root gaps may be different.

3. Components used for fit-up may be different and for the same components also heat number/batch
number will be different.
4. Cleanliness of the joint will be different.
5. Location of the joints will be at different elevations and different locations.
6. Electrode used for welding may be from different batch, different manufacturer, from different
storage conditions including different baking batches.
7. Welder psychological and ergonomic issues.
8. Current, voltage, fitness of machinery during welding.

From the chances of the above uncertainties, will the concept selecting a lot based on WPS and
welder will make a sense ?
From the concept of lot, the lot should contain items that are almost identical in all respects. Then the
concept of lot will be successful.

If we found that the first piece from the lot is accepted, then the entire lot is accepted and we can say
that the lot is covered or lot is closed.
If in that lot a defect is found, further iteration to be done. The guidelines for further iteration as per
ASME B31.3 is as follows.

We will analyse a situation of welded joints.

Welder A welded with WPS1 on two lines Line1 and Line2.

Line1 is a 10% NDT line and Line2 is a 20% NDT line.

Welder A welded 5 joints on 10% line (Line1) and 3 joints on 20% line (Line2) using WPS1 in one day

The next day he welded another 5 joints on 10% line (Line1) and 2 joints on 20% line (Line2).

The joints of two different days made as a lot for welder A, one of 10% lot covering the joints of 10% line
spec (10 joints) and 20% lot covering the lines of 20% lot (5 joints).

The 20% got accepted with a weld joint randomly selected and it was welded on the second day.

Now a defect is found in the 10% lot and the defect was porosity. Further sampling was done with two
randomly selected joints and it was from the second day and the entire 10% lot also got accepted.
Discontinuity and Defect.

There will be discontinuities in the weld joints. A defect is an unacceptable discontinuity.

In the example which we have discussed, if the 10% lot sample contained only a discontinuity and not a
defect, the situation is further alarming. The discontinuity may be a defect on the 20% line, which the
welder welded, with the damped electrode.

So each discontinuity observed should be properly analysed and reason for the discontinuity to be

Discontinuity investigation and further NDT.

In view of the questions raised, it is clear that some acceptable action plans are needed in the
percentage NDT of weld joints.

The suggestive method is Discontinuity Investigation and Further NDT.

Each discontinuity observed in the percentage NDT of weld joints are to be analysed and suggestive
steps of action to be taken.
This analysis to be done at the time of radiography film interpretation (along with other site analysis/
physical analysis of the situation, if needed) and recorded on the radiography film interpretation report.
The further required NDT to be mentioned on the report along with the joint/ the welder/the wps/the
area/the line /or other combination , of which further NDT to be done.

This discontinuity analysis will give a confidence that the discontinuity issues are addressed properly.

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