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Extract from Notes and Orders of the Finance Departnent prepage

may kindly be scen.
Extract from Notes and orders of the Finance Department at p-4 ante
alongwith the orders of the Principal Secretary to the Honble Chief Minister
at p-5-6-ante may kindly be recalled.
The Finance Department carlier agreed to the proposal for creation of
2 (two) posts of Law Ofcer in the scale of pay of Rs. 4800-10925/- and 2
(two) posts of Law Assistant in the scale of pay of Rs. 3350-6325/- for
manning the Appellate Cell of the Departmcnt after surrendering 7 (seven)
vacant posts of Assistant Hydrologist. Accordingly, the file was placed
before the Honble Chief Minister for approval of the proposcd creation of
the posts of Law Officer and Law Assistant. But as desired by the Principal
Secretary to the Hon ble Chief Minister the file was sent to the Law
Departnent for their views regarding filling up of the posts of Law Oficer
under this Department. The Law Department has agrecd to fill up the posts
of Law Officer in the scale of pay of Rs 8000-13500/-, if created
sanctioned by Finance Department.
Now, the Finance Department has reconsidered their ecarlier views
and agreed to create twO posts of Law Officer in scale No. l6, i.c., Rs.8000
275-13500/- subjcct to approval of the Cabinct. It has been stated that the
posts should be flled up from the cadre of West Bengal Legal Services
under the administrative control of Law Department.
The matter may be placed before the Cabinet for approval.
A draft Cabinet Memo (both English and its Bengali version) has

been prepared and placed below for approval.

The file may be placed before the Hon ble Chief Minister for his

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