Introduction 1

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Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, typically
computer systems. These processes include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, natural
language processing, and more. AI enables machines to carry out tasks that normally require human
intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.
There are several key components of artificial intelligence that contribute to its capabilities: (Machine
Learning, Neural Networks, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision, Robotics, Expert
Systems. AI is being used in various fields, impacting many aspects of our lives including (Healthcare,
Finance, Marketing and Advertising, Transportation, Retail, Education, Manufacturing, Human The
concept of artificial intelligence (AI) arrived in 1956, but significant development took place during the
last twelve years. It is helpful to review thousands of the medical record to provide faster treatments
with superior outcomes. (1)

AI helps healthcare teams to reduce documentation time by storing patient's data digitally and forming
a digital database, which can further be used for diagnosis, treatment and regular Medicare. AI increases
the creativity of doctors and surgeons by capturing of medical data, text, images, bioinformatics and
financial transaction and uses them to make errorless decision which can further be used to predict,
reduce risk during joint replacement and improve recovery chances. AI plays a significant role in
scanning technologies such as X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and three-
dimensional scanners. These are helpful to make a better decision regarding the patient. In our daily life,
there are requirements for new innovative technologies which positively affect human lives. In the
medical field, AI provides various positive points to create innovation. A doctor with the help of this
technology can check patients without visiting any clinics/hospitals. Thus, this technology is now
available for providing online service to the patient. Any query of the patient for a variety of health
issues can quickly be taken up. So we can conclude that AI can help to monitor and give proper
treatment for patients. It makes an assessment using images/results. without the requirement of
doctors, surgeons and clinicians. AI-based technologies provide decisions which can help to predict
medical emergencies. It is helpful to provide medical consultation through a digital app. The practical
implication of this technology is to increase accuracy in diagnosis and treatment. It can be used in the
prevention of disease and reduce medical cost. Resources. (2)

Artificial intelligence (AI) applications in dentistry, particularly in dentomaxillofacial radiology, are

promising, focusing on image classification, detection, segmentation, and enhancement. AI aids in
diagnosing various dental conditions such as caries, periodontal diseases, fractures, and pathologies. In
dentomaxillofacial surgery, AI assists in predicting postoperative complications and detecting fractures.
Additionally, AI enhances prosthetic dentistry through CAD/CAM techniques. AI facilitates diagnostic
assistance by analyzing dental images for abnormalities, improving accuracy, and speeding up diagnoses,
thereby transforming the field of dentistry. Although AI models sound quite impressive and promising,
there are still some limitations, such as the need to validate their reliability with appropriate data from
new patients or other dental services. It still requires constant human supervision as errors can occur.
Being a machine- and software-oriented model, it does not care about relationships, such as feelings
and compassion for patients. It can also cause security risks because all the information is in the system.
It could also even lead to unemployment if AI takes over dentistry as promised. There are some
concerns regarding the quality of AI-generated questions, unpredictability, lack of creativity, and ethical
considerations. There is also a risk of students becoming overly reliant on AI and neglecting to develop
critical thinking and problem-solving skills. (3, 4)

One of the most concerning issues is the potential loss of jobs for dental professionals. As AI continues
to evolve and become more sophisticated, there is a real risk that many dental jobs will become
obsolete. With AI taking over radiology and diagnosis, dentists and dental assistants may find their roles
significantly diminished, or even eliminated entirely. This could lead to a significant loss of income and
career opportunities for dental professionals. Furthermore, the use of AI in dentistry raises questions
about privacy and data security. AI algorithms require access to large amounts of patient data in order
to function effectively. However, this data could be vulnerable to hacking and data breaches, potentially
exposing sensitive patient information to cybercriminals. Another potential risk of AI in dentistry is the
possibility of misdiagnosis or errors. While AI algorithms can be highly accurate, they are not infallible. In
cases where the algorithm fails to identify a condition or offers an incorrect diagnosis, patients could be
put at risk. Moreover, the widespread use of AI in dentistry could exacerbate existing disparities in
healthcare. Patients from marginalized communities may not have equal access to the technology or
may not be able to afford it, leading to a widening gap in the quality of dental care provided. (5)


To assess Artificial intelligence among dental students at the university of Science and technology ,2024


•To assess spread of artificial intelligence in dentistry

•To assess acceptance applications of artificial intelligence in dentistry

•To evaluate extent to which dental students accept the application of artificial intelligence in dentistry

• To evaluate knowledge,attitude and practice of artificial intelligence



(2): Haleem, A., Javaid, M., & Khan, I. H. (2019). Current status and applications of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) in the medical field: An overview. Current Medicine Research and Practice, 9(6), 231–237.
(3, 4):

(5): Academy of Medical Sciences. 2018. Our data-driven future in healthcare [accessed 2020 Mar 9].

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