Trazabilidad Metrologica y 15189

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Clin Chem Lab Med 2019; 57(4): 459–464

EFLM Paper

Marc Thelen*, Florent Vanstapel, Pika Meško Brguljan, Bernard Gouget, Guilaine Boursier,
Edward Barrett, Christos Kroupis, Maria Lohmander, Luděk Šprongl, Tatjana Vodnik, Francisco
Bernabeu-Andreu, Ines Vukasović, Çiğdem Sönmez, Solveig Linko, Duilio Brugnoni, Michel
Vaubourdolle, Willem Huisman and Mauro Panteghini, on behalf of the European Federation
of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group Accreditation and
ISO/CEN standards (WG-A/ISO)
Documenting metrological traceability as intended by ISO
15189:2012: A consensus statement about the practice of the
implementation and auditing of this norm element Some immunoassays, although they intend to measure
Received November 11, 2018; accepted November 12, 2018; ­previously the same quantity and may even refer to the same ref-
published online December 4, 2018
erence material, unfortunately produce different results
because of differences in analytical selectivity as manu-
Abstract: ISO15189:2012 requires medical laboratories facturers select different epitopes and antibodies for the
to document metrological traceability of their results. same analyte. In other cases, the cause is the use of ref-
While the ISO17511:2003 standard on metrological erence materials, which are not commutable. The uncer-
traceability in laboratory medicine requires the use of tainty associated with the result is another important
the highest available level in the traceability chain, it aspect in metrological traceability implementation. As
recognizes that for many measurands there is no refer- the measurement uncertainty on the clinical samples is
ence above the manufacturer’s selected measurement influenced by the uncertainty of all steps higher in the
procedure and the manufacturer’s working calibrator. traceability chain, laboratories should be provided with

*Corresponding author: Marc Thelen, Laboratory for Clinical Tatjana Vodnik: Center of Medical Biochemistry, Clinical Center of
Chemistry and Haematology, Amphia, PO Box 90158, 4800 RK Serbia, Center of Medical Biochemistry, Clinical Center of Serbia,
Breda, The Netherlands; and SKML, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Belgrade, Serbia.
The Netherlands, E-mail: Francisco Bernabeu-Andreu: Servicio de Análisis Clinicos – H.U. Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, Majadahonda, Madrid, Spain.
Florent Vanstapel: Laboratory Medicine, Department of Public
Health, Biomedical Sciences Group, University Hospital Leuven, Ines Vukasović: Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Center,
Leuven, Belgium. Department of Clinical Chemistry, Zagreb, Croatia.
Pika Meško Brguljan: University Clinic for Respiratory and Allergic
Diseases, Golnik, Slovenia. Çiğdem Sönmez: Central Laboratory – Oncology Education and
Bernard Gouget: Fédération Hospitalière de France, Paris, France. Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.
Guilaine Boursier: CHU Montpellier, University Montpellier, Solveig Linko: Faculty of Medicine – Helsinki University, Helsinki,
Department of Genetics, Rare Diseases and Personalized Medicine, Finland.
Montpellier, France. Duilio Brugnoni: Clinical Chemistry Laboratory – Spedali Civili,
Edward Barrett: Consultant Clinical Biochemist, Limerick, Ireland. Brescia, Italy. Michel Vaubourdolle: Hôpital Saint-Antoine – AH-HP – Département
Christos Kroupis: Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Attikon de Biochimie, Paris, France.
University General Hospital, Medical School, National and Willem Huisman: Consultant European Specialist in Clinical
Kapodistrian University of Athens, Haidari, Greece. Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Maria Lohmander: Laboratoriemedicin NU-Sjukvården, Trollhättan, Mauro Panteghini: Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences
Sweden. “Luigi Sacco”, University of Milano Medical School, Research Centre
Luděk Šprongl: Clinical Laboratory, Hospital Kladno, Kladno, Czech for Metrological Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (CIRME), Milan,
Republic. Italy.

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460 Thelen et al.: Documenting metrological traceability as intended by ISO 15189:2012

adequate and appropriate information on the uncer- parties involved as they are essential for harmonization of
tainty of the value assignment to the commercial calibra- ISO15189 accreditation [12].
tors that they use. Although the between-lot variation in Ideally, measurement procedures are traceable to the
value assignment will manifest itself as part of the long- International System of Units (SI), but for many measur-
term imprecision as estimated by the end-user, informa- ands in medical laboratories, this is not achievable. To
tion on worst-case to be expected lot-lot variation has to cope with these specific challenges, specific ISO stand-
be communicated to the end-user by the IVD provider. ards have been developed, i.e. ISO17511:2003 “In vitro
When laboratories use ancillary equipment that poten- diagnostic medical devices – Measurement of quanti-
tially could have a critical contribution to the reported ties in biological samples – Metrological traceability of
results, such equipment needs verification of its proper values assigned to calibrators and control materials” [13]
calibration and criticality to the result uncertainty could and ISO 18153:2003 “In vitro diagnostic medical devices
be assessed by an approach based on risk analysis, – Measurement of quantities in biological samples – Met-
which is a key element of ISO15189:2012 anyway. This rological traceability of values for catalytic concentration
paper discusses how the requirement for metrological of enzymes assigned calibrators and control materials”
traceability as stated in ISO15189 should be met by the [14]. The ISO 17511 standard states that “in many cases,
medical laboratory and how this should be assessed by at present, there is no metrological traceability above the
accreditation bodies. manufacturer’s selected measurement procedure or the
manufacturer’s working calibrator. In such cases, trueness
Keywords: metrological traceability; risk management.
is referred to that level of the calibration hierarchy until an
internationally agreed reference measurement procedure
and/or calibrator becomes available” [13]. Furthermore,
Background ISO 17511 cautions that “… it is important to recognize
that different procedures purporting to measure the same
Results provided by medical laboratories have an impor- quantity may in fact give different results when applied to a
tant role in medical decisions [1]. Because results are com- particular sample or reference material. This may arise, for
pared to reference intervals, decision limits or with earlier example, when two or more immunoprocedures purporting
results that may have been established elsewhere in the to measure the concentration of a hormone such as thyro-
care process, it is important that results are equivalent tropin (thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH) are applied to
(within stated specifications). Metrological traceability to a reference material of the hormone, because the respec-
a certified reference material and/or reference procedure tive reagents recognize and react to different extents with
should assure equivalence of patient results across time, various epitopes in the material, thus leading to results for
space and measuring systems [2–8]. different although related quantities” [13].
The ISO/IEC guide on International Vocabulary of The immunoassay example mentioned illustrates that
Basic and General Terms in Metrology (VIM- 2012) [9] many variables can contribute to differences among labo-
defines metrological traceability as: “property of a meas- ratories’ results. These may arise, e.g. from the following:
urement result whereby the result can be related to a refer- 1. The manufacturer’s product calibrator, which is trace-
ence through a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, able to a given higher order reference material (or
each contributing to the measurement uncertainty”. higher order reference measurement procedure);
ISO 15189:2012, which specifies requirements for 2. The laboratory routine measurement procedure
quality and competence in medical laboratories, requires (method);
laboratories to verify and document the metrological 3. The source of reagents (same manufacturer or third
traceability of calibration of their measurement pro- party);
cedures [10]. Hence, accreditation to this standard by 4. The analytical instrumentation used.
the national accreditation bodies requires verification
whether this is done properly. The International Labora- The current ILAC policy on the assessment of metrologi-
tory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) has issued a policy cal traceability, although released in 2013, lacks any refer-
on the assessment of metrological traceability of labora- ence to ISO 17511 or to relevant challenges encountered in
tory results [11]. As national accreditation bodies that the documentation of metrological traceability for typical
have signed the multilateral agreement between interna- measurands in laboratory medicine [11]. Therefore, its use
tional accreditation bodies have to comply with ILAC poli- as a guideline for the assessment of metrological trace-
cies, the requirements of these policies are relevant to all ability in medical laboratories may give rise to discussions

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Thelen et al.: Documenting metrological traceability as intended by ISO 15189:2012 461

or even disputes between laboratories and assessors when “b) Recording the metrological traceability of the cali-
no other documented instructions are provided to the bration standard and the traceable calibration of the item
assessors that cope with these specific challenges. of equipment”. The emphasis in this item is on the word
To deal with the specific issues concerning measur- “recording”. It does not require “determination”. What is
ands of importance in laboratory medicine, the Ameri- asked is that laboratories record the traceability by docu-
can Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) has menting which higher-order reference in the traceability
published in 2014 a policy on metrological traceability chain is used.
especially for medical laboratories, seeking ISO 15189 “c) Verifying the required measurement accuracy and
accreditation [15], as an additional document to their the functioning of the measuring system at defined inter-
“Policy on Metrological Traceability” [16]. vals”. The “required measurement accuracy” is a term
from ISO 15189:2012 paragraph 5.5.1 requiring laborato-
ries to select, verify or validate examination procedures

ISO 15189:2012 requirements about that meet the criteria selected for the intended use of
the test. This includes criteria for measurement trueness
metrological traceability and precision, which together define accuracy. When the
measuring system fulfil these predefined criteria, it may
With the challenges mentioned in ISO 17511 and the be used in clinical settings. To ensure that the criteria
specific requirements of the A2LA for the assessment of are also met in the future, the ISO standard requires veri-
medical laboratories in mind, we will comment on the fication at defined time intervals. This may be achieved
intent of paragraph of ISO 15189:2012 concerning by using data from quality control as required by para-
“Equipment calibration and metrological traceability” graph 5.6.2. If quality control results show that accuracy
[10] in a point by point approach. or one of its components has worsened since validation
“The laboratory shall have a documented procedure of examination procedure, but still meets the predefined
for the calibration of equipment that directly or indirectly acceptance criteria, the measuring system may be used.
affects examination results. This procedure includes: a) If the criteria are no longer met, the laboratory have to
taking into account conditions of use and the manufactur- find the cause, implement the corrective action or dis-
er’s instructions… ”. This is not the first point by accident. continue the method for clinical use if no improvement is
In medical laboratories, measurements for most tests are recorded. This also relates to measurement uncertainty in
performed with CE-marked in vitro diagnostics medical paragraph, which is closely linked to traceability.
devices (IVD-MD) (or FDA approved in USA) according Paragraph does not intend calculation and docu-
to manufacturer’s instructions. The new IVD-MD regula- mentation of measurement uncertainty to be a one-time
tion recently released by the European Union Parliament exercise, but to provide data that enables the laboratory
states that manufacturers are responsible for establish- staff to judge continuously whether a measuring system
ing and documenting traceability of the commercially meets the acceptance criteria [20].
available assays [17]. Those requirements are now more “d) Recording the calibration status and date of recali-
explicitly formulated, as the requirements in the previ- bration”. Like the element b), this point concerns the
ous version gave too much room for (unintended) non- recording of information. Calibration is an event that can
compliance [18]. If clinical laboratories are compliant significantly affect results. The purpose of recording all
with the manufacturer’s instructions, they only have to calibrations is to be able to reconstruct and audit whether
verify whether the manufacturer properly established the laboratory adequately manages these events. This
and specified the traceability data for the used calibra- facilitates troubleshooting by the laboratory whenever
tors [19]. Documented procedures should be available individual or multiple results give rise to doubts about
on how to comply with the manufacturer’s instructions. their plausibility, for instance because of unexpected dif-
Procedures on how to verify whether the manufactur- ferences between earlier or later results.
er’s calibration is according to the claimed metrologi- “e) Ensuring that, where calibration gives rise to a set
cal traceability and how to verify that this calibration of correction factors, the previous calibration factors are cor-
is stable over time are covered by ISO 15189 items rectly updated”. Laboratory medicine specialists may con-
and 5.6.2 on verification of measurement procedures and sider this point trivial, but laboratory staff should always
quality control, respectively. Assessment of such pro- be aware of the calibration mechanism used. Before a new
cedures should be performed with regards to those ele- calibration, laboratorians should make sure that the para-
ments of the standard. meters of the equation include the factors of the previous

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462 Thelen et al.: Documenting metrological traceability as intended by ISO 15189:2012

calibration, as the applied calibration curve must reflect all confidence in the relationship between results and
the applicable factors to trace the result up to the original their intended metrological traceability.
“f) Safeguards to prevent adjustments or tampering
that might invalidate examination results”. This point is
repeated in several places in the ISO standard as part of A role for risk management
management responsibilities for regulating responsibili-
ties and authorization of staff and access control in instru- The focus on “providing confidence in the results” in
ment (analytical platform) software-systems or laboratory the last clause is also visible in the first clause where the
information systems. documentation of metrological traceability is limited to
“Metrological traceability shall be to a reference those calibrations and equipment “that directly or indi-
material or reference procedure of the higher metrologi- rectly affect the examination result”. As indicated in
cal order available”. The most important word here is NOTE 1 of paragraph 5.3 of ISO 15189:2012, “the laboratory
“available”. Other than in physical testing or analytical equipment includes hardware and software of instruments,
chemistry, in medical laboratory testing the higher met- measuring systems, and laboratory information systems”.
rological order available may be the method itself. ISO Ancillary equipment, such as pipettes, thermometers,
17511 states: “In many cases, at present, there is no met- CO2 pressure sensors, etc. should be considered as hard-
rological traceability above the manufacturer’s selected ware and therefore as part of the laboratory equipment.
measurement procedure or the manufacturer’s working Whether this means that all (or at least some) ancillary
calibrator. In such cases, trueness is referred to that equipment should have documented metrological trace-
level of the calibration hierarchy until an internationally ability is often subject of dispute between medical labora-
agreed reference measurement procedure and/or calibra- tories and assessors. The A2LA offers a practical solution
tor becomes available”. by stating that “if a piece of ancillary equipment is not criti-
“NOTE Documentation of calibration traceability to cal to the result, such as using a pipette to aliquot a sample
a higher order reference material or reference procedure for storage, that ancillary equipment is exempt from this
may be provided by an examination system manufac- policy” [15].
turer. Such documentation is acceptable as long as the To determine whether a piece of equipment is criti-
manufacturer’s examination system and calibration pro- cal, ISO 15189:2012 has its own solution in the form of risk
cedures are used without modificatio.”. This note is very management as indicated in the 4.14.6 paragraph. There-
clear about the intentions of the standard. Apart from fore, the question whether equipment does affect or not
requirements mentioned in element on method results should be evaluated on the basis of the severity
verification, there is no need to confirm by experiment and ease of error detection. A good system of risk man-
the information that is provided by the manufacturer as agement will differentiate between ancillary equipment
long as the measurement system is used according to that needs documented metrological traceability or not.
the manufacturer’s instruction. This is in line with the Depending on the circumstances of use an identical piece
A2LA policy for metrological traceability in ISO15189, but of equipment may or may not be prone to such documen-
unfortunately it is totally neglected by the ILAC policy tation. More in general, risk management can be applied
P10:2013. all over the standard to resolve questions on choices made
“Where this is not possible or relevant, other means for in required procedures. This ranges from the frequency of
providing confidence in the results shall be applied, includ- internal audits to the retention time of documents. The
ing but not limited to the following: standard requires laboratory management to establish
–– use of certified reference materials; policies that meet the appropriate need. The only tool to
–– examination or calibration by another procedure; establish the appropriate need is risk management.
–– mutual consent standards or methods which are clearly When we apply risk management to metrological
established, specified, characterized and mutually traceability in a medical laboratory we start with the
agreed upon by all parties concerned”. These sentences intention of underpinning the requirement for documen-
make clear what should be managed, i.e. the “confi- tation of metrological traceability, namely transferabil-
dence in the results”. By stating that other means can ity over time and space. That requires: (1) documentation
be used, and not limiting the other means to the pro- of the traceability to the highest possible reference
vided list, the authors of the standard emphasize that level for a given measurand and (2) periodic verifica-
the main requirement of the paragraph is to establish tion that the documented traceability is still in place.

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Thelen et al.: Documenting metrological traceability as intended by ISO 15189:2012 463

The documentation of traceability should not give rise that their measurement uncertainty does not exceed the
to much ambiguity. The most obvious place to docu- acceptance criteria of the validation/verification [24, 25].
ment metrological traceability is as a part of the process
of method verification or method validation. In para-
graph on validation, trueness is listed as a typical
performance characteristic. As definition of trueness Measurement uncertainty
requires an anchor to which trueness should be verified,
it is obvious that only documentation of the metrologi- The concepts of measurement uncertainty and metrologi-
cal traceability would provide such an anchor. Medical cal traceability are interrelated. Although the debate on
laboratories should document to which higher order how to calculate and express measurement uncertainty
references the measuring system that they use is trace- is – like the fundamentals of metrological traceabil-
able and the IVD provider will or should provide such ity – outside of the scope of this paper, and depends on
information. For example, the calibration of a creati- harmonization by itself [20, 24, 26] we do have to discuss
nine assay can be traceable to the isotope dilution mass its impact on ISO 15189 accreditation assessment. In ISO
spectrometry reference method. This implies that IVD 17511:2003, it is clearly stated and graphically depicted
manufacturers should provide such information in the that each single step of the traceability chain comes with
package insert or at least make available upon request. its own uncertainty [6, 7]. For the results by the end-user
In cases where the highest level of the traceability chain procedure at the bottom of the chain, the total measure-
is the calibration provided by the IVD manufacturer, ment uncertainty comprises accumulation of all the
this should be clearly documented. Laboratory directors uncertainties of the chain. This means that the measure-
should have in mind the existence of different quality ment uncertainty of the end user procedure is a combined
among assays for each test due to difference in calibra- figure that, at least partially, cannot be influenced by the
tor measurement uncertainty value and select only those end user itself. Braga and Panteghini [24] turn around that
products with acceptable measurement uncertainty [21]. concept by introducing a budget model where the intended
Assessors have no authority for changing the laboratory use defines acceptable analytical performance criteria for
policy about the chosen measurement procedure. They measurement uncertainty [21]. This budget of uncertainty
are allowed only to check if laboratory staff reviewed all should be distributed between the individual steps of the
critical data, has selected a method that is suitable for traceability chain involved. In such an approach the uncer-
the intended use in terms of its performance character- tainty of end user procedure is not a result that has to be
istics, and informed customers in a proper way about accepted, but a predefined goal that should be achieved
all relevant data which might have influenced the test in dialogue with the higher steps of the chain [20]. Braga
results. et al. has proposed that no more than one third of the total
Whether the IVD product has a bias compared, e.g. uncertainty budget, established by appropriate analytical
to the reference measurement procedure and whether performance specifications, is consumed by the uncer-
this bias is small enough to make the test suitable for tainty of reference materials and no more than 50% of the
the intended use is the concern of method verification total budget is consumed by the manufacturer’s calibra-
as documented in paragraphs and, which tion and all higher steps in the chain [21, 24]. The remain-
also check whether the uncertainty including the medi- ing part of the total uncertainty budget should be available
cally not relevant bias is acceptable. Tolerance limits for for the measuring system imprecision (including the lot
allowable bias and imprecision are judged by the spe- to lot variation of the reagents) and individual laboratory
cialist in laboratory medicine in the light of the intended performance to fulfill the uncertainty goal. The new Euro-
use, supported by guidelines of the scientific societies on pean IVD regulation requires manufacturers to document
laboratory medicine [22, 23]. Quality control procedures the complete metrological traceability chain as well as the
as documented in paragraph 5.6.2 should use these per- between-lot variation in terms of measurement uncertainty
formance specifications and check that performance is [21]. Professional IVD users represented by their scientific
for the intended use as during verification/validation. associations, the IVD industry and the national standardi-
The acceptable bias and imprecision define accept- zation bodies collaborate in the appropriate ISO technical
able inaccuracy in a single measurement and can be committee (ISO TC212) to formulate definitions on how to
expressed as measurement uncertainty [20, 21]. Labora- express the uncertainty of the individual steps of the trace-
tories have procedures for internal quality control (5.6.2) ability chain and how to distribute the budget as defined
and external quality assessment (5.6.3) to make sure by the intended use of the individual tests.

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464 Thelen et al.: Documenting metrological traceability as intended by ISO 15189:2012

Conclusions Traceability in laboratory medicine: a global driver for accurate

results for patient care. Clin Chem Lab Med 2017;55:1100–8.
9. The ISO/IEC guide on International Vocabulary of Basic and
The main scope of this paper is to encourage ILAC to revise General Terms in Metrology (VIM-2012).
its recommended policy for the assessment of metrologi- 10. ISO15189: 2012 Medical laboratories – Requirements for quality
cal traceability in medical laboratories seeking ISO 15189 and competence.
11. ILAC p10-2013 ILAC Policy on Traceability of Measurement
accreditation. The P10:01/2013 document claims appli-
Results. Available at:
cability to medical laboratories with ISO 15189 accredi- Accessed: 22 Nov 2018.
tation, but lacks reference to ISO 17511 standard, which 12. Thelen M, Huisman W. Harmonization of accreditation to
mentions relevant challenges when documenting metro- ISO15189. Clin Chem Lab Med 2018;56:1637–43.
logical traceability in medical laboratories. In particular, 13. ISO17511:2003 In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Measure-
the accreditation policy should allow for risk mitigation ment of quantities in biological samples – Metrological trace-
ability of values assigned to calibrators and control materials.
by other means that are already obligatory in the accredi-
14. ISO 18153:2003 In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Measure-
tation process such as internal quality control, external ment of quantities in biological samples – Metrological trace-
quality assessment and risk management. Meanwhile lab- ability of values for catalytic concentration of enzymes assigned
oratories and assessors are encouraged to think and act in calibrators and control materials.
anticipation of the suggested improvements. 15. P905 – A2LA Metrological Traceability Policy for ISO 15189 Labora-
tory Testing. Available at
P905.pdf, revision 27/03/2014. Accessed: 23 May 2018.
Author contributions: All the authors have accepted 16. P102-A2LA Policy on Metrological traceability, revision
responsibility for the entire content of this submitted 03/05/2018. Available at
manuscript and approved submission. A2LA_P102.pdf. Accessed: 23 May 2018.
Research funding: None declared. 17. Regulation EU 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the
Employment or leadership: None declared. Council on in vitro diagnostic medical devices. Off J European
Union 5.5.2017.
Honorarium: None declared.
18. Delanghe J, De Buyzere M. Twenty years of European IVD regula-
Competing interests: The funding organization(s) played tions and its aimed traceability – where are we? Clin Chim Acta
no role in the study design; in the collection, analysis, and 2018;483:263–4.
interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the 19. Braga F, Panteghini M. Verification of in vitro medical diagnos-
decision to submit the report for publication. tics (IVD) metrological traceability: responsibilities and strate-
gies. Clin Chim Acta 2014;432:55–61.
20. Infusino I, Panteghini M. Measurement uncertainty: friend or
foe? Clin Biochem 2018;57:3–6.

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