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Halaman 2 :

Indonesia Education is a problem that has occurred until now, according the Global
Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI), Indonesia is in 6th position. Singapore on the first
position with a score of 77.27. The next position is followed by Malaysia (58.62), Brunei
Darussalam (49.91), and the Philippines (40.94). The low level of education in Indonesia causing
weak competitiveness.

Halaman 3 :
Several systems that have been implemented in our country:
1. An open education system,
this education system encourages students to increase creativity, innovation, and the ability to
work there with friends
2. The education system is diverse,
which includes formal, non-formal, and informal education.
3. An education system with a value orientation,
where students are given character education, such as discipline, responsibility, tolerance, and
4. The education system is efficient in managing time,
this is because time management has been carefully considered so that students do not feel
burdened with the subject matter presented.
5. Education system according to changing times.
each curriculum has been adapted to existing conditions.

Halaman 4 :
solution :
1. The role of parents.
parents provide education to their children about the importance of an education and always
provide support for their children.
2. The role of the teacher
Teachers can help increase parents' awareness of the importance of education. The way teachers
teach may also be changed for solutions to improve the education system.
3. The role of government
The role of the government is very large in changing the education system. The government has
access to disseminate education to all regions, and improve infrastructure in remote areas
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Halaman 2:
Pendidikan di indonesia menjadi permasalahan yang terjadi sampai sekarang, menurut
data dari Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI), indosesia berada pada posisi ke 6.
Singapura menempati posisi pertama dengan skor 77,27. Posisi berikutnya disusul oleh Malaysia
(58,62), Brunei Darussalam (49,91), dan Filipina (40,94). rendahnya tingkat pendidikan di
indonesia menjdai faktor penyebab lemahnya daya saing.

Halaman 3 :
1. Sistem pendidikan terbuka, yaitu Sistem pendidikan ini mendorong peserta didik untuk
meningkatkan kreativitas, inovasi, serta kemampuan kerja sana dengan teman
2. Sistem edukasi beragam, yaitu meliputi formal, nonformal, dan informal.
3. Sistem pendidikan dengan orientasi nilai, yaitu Para murid diberikan pendidikan karakter,
seperti disiplin, tanggung jawab, tenggang rasa, dan jujur.
4. Sistem edukasi efisien dalam pengaturan waktu, hal ini di karenakan pengelolaan waktu sudah
diperhatikan dengan cermat sehingga murid tak merasa terbebani dengan materi pelajaran yang
5. Sistem pendidikan sesuai perubahan zaman. setiap kurikulum sudah disesuaikan dengan
kondisi yang ada.

Halaman 4 :
solusi :
1. peran orang tua. orang tua memberikan edukasi kepada anaknya tentang pentingnya sebuah
pendidikan dan selalu memberikan support untuk anaknya.
2. peran guru
Guru bisa membantu meningkatkan kesadaran orang tua akan pentingnya pendidikan. Cara guru
mengajar juga mungkin bisa diubah untuk solusi memperbaiki sistem pendidikan.
3. peran pemerintah
Peran pemerintah sangat besar dalam mengubah sistem pendidikan. Pemerintah punya akses
untuk menyosialisasikan pendidikan ke semua daerah, dan memperbaiki infrastruktur pada
daerah terpencil.
5. maybe 2 or 3 because as we know the government has a family planning program to prevent
population explosion.

6. The parenting style of young parents is different from that of adult parents. because according
to research the development and growth of children from young parents is slower. maybe
because they lack attention from their parents because of their selfishness.

step parents for teens:

1. build good communication with children, so that parents can provide solutions to their
children if children have problems.
2. Collaborate with teachers to educate children at school
3. Provide religious values and education.

perhaps when the children marry, some of them will live apart from the children, because of their
work or following their new family place of residence.

I know that single parents are very busy, because they have to take care of their children, work,
do housework, so that they have less time to play and communicate with their children.

The influence of jobless parents to their children will affect the family economy or financial.
when the family economy is low, it can reduce the motivation of parents to send their children to
school, causing their children to have low education.

if parents have a work, they will have limited time to educate their children, accompany their
children, communicate and play with their children, because we know that if the parents are
work, the children will be cared in day care. For this reason, parents must be able to divide their
time between working and educating their children so that parents will not lose the golden period
of their child's growth.. like my experience because my parents work, after they work, they will
invite to play, communicate or tell something about fairy tales or legends

6. causes of conflict:
overprotective parents to their children, and there are differences of opinion between children
and parents so it make bad communication between paretns and their children.

7. In my opinion, every parent should have a close relationship with their children when they
were young, teenagers and adults. The close period with children is from birth until they are
teenagers because the role of parents is very important to provide direction and education for
their children and the fisrt education that parents give with their children. and when children are
in high school they will begin to learn to determine their future

8. what they are afraid when I get married is when I'm not ready to be a good wife an also they
have to be separated by distance with us as their children because we must start new live and
maybe in new place too.

10. for future plans maybe having 2 or 3 kids is enough for me and i will watch them 1 by 1 and i
will stay ini one place which i have discussed with my husband later. And maybe I still work
when I get married later.

5. mungkin 2 atau 3 karena seperti yang kita ketahui pemerintah memiliki program KB untuk
mencegah ledakan penduduk.

6. Pola asuh orang tua muda berbeda dengan orang tua dewasa. karena menurut penelitian
perkembangan dan pertumbuhan anak dari orang tua muda lebih lambat. mungkin karena mereka
kurang perhatian dari orang tua mereka karena keegoisan mereka.

langkah orang tua untuk remaja:

1. membangun komunikasi yang baik dengan anak, sehingga orang tua dapat memberikan solusi
kepada anaknya jika anak mengalami masalah.
2. Berkolaborasi dengan guru untuk mendidik anak di sekolah
3. Memberikan nilai dan pendidikan agama.
mungkin ketika anak-anak menikah, beberapa dari mereka akan hidup terpisah dari anak-anak,
karena pekerjaan mereka atau mengikuti tempat tinggal keluarga baru mereka.

Saya tahu orang tua tunggal sangat sibuk, karena harus mengurus anak, bekerja, mengerjakan
pekerjaan rumah, sehingga waktu bermain dan berkomunikasi dengan anak menjadi lebih

pengaruh dari orangtua pengangguran kepada anaknya maka akan mempengaruhi ekonomi
keluarga. ketika ekonomi keluarga rendah maka dapat menurunkan motivasi orangtua untuk
menyekolahkan anak, sehingga menyebabkan anaknya memiliki pendidikan yang rendah.

jika orang tua bekerja, maka mereka akan memiliki waktu yang terbatas untuk mendidik,
berkomunikasi maupun bermain dengan anaknya. untuk itu orang tua harus bisa membagi waktu
antara bekerja dan mendidik anaknya sehingga orangtua tidak akan kehilangan kesempatan masa
emas pertumbuhan anaknya.

6. penyebab konflik :
anak yang terabaikan, terlalu protektif kepada anak, dan ada perbedaan pandangan antara anak
dan orang tua.

7. menurut saya setiap orang tua harus memiliki kedekatan dengan anak sesiat saat, baik itu masa
kecil , remaja maupun dewasa. masa paling dekat dengan anak adalah dari anak lahir sampai
mereka remaja karena peran orang tua sangat penting untuk memberikan arahan ddan edukasi
untuk anak mereka.

8. mungkin yang ditakutkan adalah ketika harus terpisah oleh jarak dengan anak mereka
Pertemuan ke 8:
When I get married later, maybe I will be a career woman. I know that there will be lose time
for my family later. but maybe after marriage, I will take the morning shift, same as my husband
work time and i only take a few afternoon shifts a week, and I don’t want take weekend shift, so
I still have family time such as taking care of children, doing homework. dividing time is very
important when we are got married, for family and for work, because if i don't work, I affraid
that my skills will decrease, so I will management my time. but if there is some certain of reason
that requires me to stay at home to take care of the family, I will take a break from my job.

ketika telah menikah nanti, mungkin saya akan menjadi wanita karir. saya tahu bahwa akan ada
waktu yang terpotong untuk keluarga saya nanti. tapi mungkin nanti setelah menikah, saya akan
mengambil shift pagi dan beberapa shift sore saja dalam seminggu, sehingga saya masih
memiliki waktu untuk keluarga seperti mengurus anak, mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah di sore
hari. membagi waktu sangat penting ketika nanti sudah menikah, untuk keluarga maupun untuk
pekerjaan, karena jika tidak bekerja dikhawatirkan skill saya akan menurun. tetapi jika ada
alasan tertentu yang mengharuskan saya stay di rumah untuk mengurus keluarga maka saya akan
rehat dari pekerjaan saya.

If you are career woman, where are you take care your children ? in a day care or you will give
your children to tha nanny?
If your wife want to be career women, should you admite her?

this is the choice of every person, and we not only think about ourselves, but also for the future
when we are old, we will be alone at home with only husband. because when we are old, we will
need someone to take care of us, maybe it will be different if it is cared for by children and cared
for by other people. and who will continue our generation and we know that children are a gift
from God so I will not reject it.
Pertemuan 9 :

1. When they have problem, eastern people more calm than western people, and they face it
with a smile face and also they don’t show their sadness
2. The western people maybe to be usual when thay make friendship relation, they don’t
like to know many people and they will meet and hangout will their best friend. Eastern
people , they prefer to have many friends and sometimes our friends are also our distant
family too.
3. When in old age, western people prefer to take care of and walk with their pets, while
eastern people prefer to play and take care of their grandchildren.
4. The western people more calmer and not noisy when they are eating in a restaurant.the
loud voice will disturb the other people. In the east culture we can see that when they eat,
they will talk with their friends about something.
5. Western people has ego more bigger than eastern people. This is because they have a
strong self-confidence.
6. the queue of western people more neater than eastern people, forming straight a queue to
the back, and while the queue of easter people is more irregular
7. on the weekends, western people chose me time, while easterners prefer to vacation
together with their family.
8. Westrern people don’t take care their grandchildren, because it is the obligation of their
children to educate their grandchildren. in contrast to eastern people who take care of
grandchildren, their grandparents also take care of them.
9. The Leaders of Western people put themselves as ordinary workers as well, for the
example look at the leaders of Facebook and Microsoft leaders who still want to work in
their companies with ordinary clothes. Eastern people leaders have behavior like great
people and they want to be recognized by other people or their worker.
10. when traveling, westerners prefer to enjoy the scenery or enjoy a vacation, while the
eastern people will take the photos when they vacation.
11. Western people prefer to be alone, successful alone, traveling alone and more private. In
contrast to eastern people who prefer to do something together, for example eating
together, hang out together, take vacation together and etc
Ujian :
The family, the problem, pshycological the children when they left by their people, how to creat
the good family, etc.

Penjelasan ujian
A good relationship between children and parents is the important thing in the family.
Basically, harmony is the main key to build a relationship and keep the family from the break.
Parenting is interactions that occur between parents and children with the aim to supporting
physical, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual development.
Not only a good relationship in the family, But also sometimes happens the relationship
between parents and children does not run harmoniously. It caused by a misunderstanding
between the parents and their children.

There are some tips to maintain a harmonious relationship between parents and children :
1. Don’t scold your children.
If the children make a mistake, we should not immediately scold them, but we must
talked to them so they can understand about the truth.
2. Supporting the Children
When children are having big problems, we must support the children, by showing a
concern / care.
3. Giving affection.
affection from their parents will give a safe sense and comfort
4. Become a role model for children
Because their children will imitate the words and the action of their parents
There are some parenting styles that should be avoided
1. Giving Everything
giving everything to the children without considering good or bad for the children, need or not,
should be avoided.
2. Loud and Authoritarian
This attitude must be avoided because it will have a psychological impact that is not good for
3. Giving Material Without Attention.
The Parents must know that their children not only need material but also they need attention
from their parents to.

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