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I indeed' baptized you
with water unto repentance: but he
that cometh after me is mightier
than I. whose shoes I am not wor
thy to bear: he shall baptize you
with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:
Whose fan is in his hand. and he
will throughly purge his floor, and
gather his wheat into the garner; but
he will burn up the chaff with un
quenchable fire.
Brethren, John the Sap
tist was informed about the identity
of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the
spirit; that was why He was able to
make that statement recorded in
St. Matthew 3: 11 - 12 above. Even
Our Lord Jesus Christ never
baptised anybody with water be..
cause that 'Was not what He was to
do, He was to baptise with the Holy
Ghost. But were you aware of this
fact before this time? Whosoever
wants to know the truth, then such
must abide by Hi. instructions.
. Christ was accused of
gOing on foot to places during His
.This was so because. it
was written that it vvould be so, but
on His second coming, He is to re
main stationary operating in the four
corners of the universe.. If you there
fore, find anyone professing to be
God. yet he physically moves from
place to place, such is a liar because
God is stationary in His throne jut as
the Sun but exerts His power
futoughout the whole universe.
Brotherhood of the Cross
and Star is the Word of GOd, Voice of
God al'u'i you witness here
Is done by the leadership of the Holy
Spirit or better said, the Will of God.
It is God Himself manifesting Him
self in all the ramifications and
magnititude in Brotherhood of the
Cross and Star. This year puts an
end to carnal activities. It could be
recall.ed that magnitude in even
1997, there was a situation where
people used to be brought here for
healing or blessing but I have now
put an end to that assignment. Ev
erything is done according to ar
rangements. Even the issue of or
daining brethren, I had long ended
such activity. Therefore, as we are
here, are not to do things anyhow
but strictly according to His orders.
Whether one is a presi
dent, judge, governor or anything, if
. the voice of God gets to one, de
manding one to do His vvork, just
?bey without any hesitation. Equally
If you were a farmer and God tells
you to become a trader, you are to
obey Him immediately. Let us no
longer do things out of our own voli
tion or through the carnal
All the varied knowfedge
of this vvortd ranging from sciences
to other fields of educational endeav
our are vvorthless in the eyes of God.
Moreso, the world does not know
God. The scientists do not know what
is going to happen because God
has not revealed His wisdom to
anybody. Henceforth, once you hear
His voice, abide by it and you will see
the glory of God revealed in you.
Here, what God uses to
baptise or wash away our sins is Holy
Ghost and fire,not water; therefore,
let us not go by anybody's sugges
tion or formulate your own plan but
whatever He reveals or tells you to
do, you should do that. Once you
forth all those who have been hear
abide by His pieces of advice you
kening to the voice of man should
shall not stumble or fall. Let us hear
repent and hearken unto the Voice of
ken unto His voice over whatever He
God. Moreso. let us do onlythatlNhich
tells us to do. Let us not heed the
He tells us to do rather than dOing
voice of anybody, government or
things out of our own volition.
church so that it will be well with us.
Recall that John the Bap
The ope18fIonal force In tist vvore no clothes but camel's hair.
this Kingdom Is the HolyGhost and and a leathern girdle about his loins,
fire, and this fire consumes all the and his meat was tocust and wild
evil things Inourbodies, givingway honey. (St. Matthew 3: 4). It is not a.
if there 'Was no food but it is how God
to the HolySpirlttoindwell us. There
wanted him to exist. This was also
Is no otherplace In the whole world
applicable to Christ.
where the Holy Spirit Is used for
Never look unto any
baptism, it is God alone that 0p
church, bishop, your parents or any
erates and baptises with the Holy
individual for pieces of advice or in
structions except God's. Equally do
Do not beg anybody to nothing out of your own volition b\.lt
come into Brotherhood of the Cross only as you hear from the Holy Spirit.
and Star or cause anybody to leave David in the scriptures
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, had desired to erect a house unto
whatever the spirit directs you to d?, God, but God told him that his hands
do that. If it tells you it inform a certain were not clean and that his son
.fellow to forsake sin, tell that fellow would build a house to God. David
that; and whether or not he. forsakes obeyed God's instruction and can
sin, it is none of your bUSiness, do celled his plans. Therefore, in what
just what the directs you to ever you do in this life. once God in
Equally if the SPIrits tells .you to In- structs you to stop dOing this or that,
form an individual to come mto such as the consumption of
erhood, do that irrespective whether and fish, you are to abide strictly by
he or she comes in or not. Let us not that order so that you may have that
move about as we: like. professing to: peace obtainable from this Kingdom
be sons of the SOil, or the children of because obedience, they say. is bet
Olumba Obu or anything; for this prof- ter than sacrifice, in the Name of Our
its us nothing and constitutes not our i Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
assignment here on earth. Brethren, a stroke of cane
FULFIL YOURDESllNY:. is sufficient for the wise: He hath
Before anyone comes an ear, let him hear. May God bless
into this earth plane, information from His Holy Words. Amen.
th Hoi.}' Spirit.'NOuid reveal what he Ths"k You FBther.
to do on earth. Therefor.,
if you grow and end up dOing 80."..
thing else. you will be we.ting your
time. It is proper to hearken to the
Voice of God than that of man: hence
!\:f \'
,S8tur,dayf8bn.lIHYZl -- Mday11 MarCh ,.
,Her8IdjOft.... 13
The Pro,misedCom.forte,ri:sn,ow on earth; \
. " " .. -. .,' . ' ,
1 ;v;",h to state categmicaJly.
based on thp. conClusion of our CStl
teric research and on the revelatino
of tbe holy' :Spjrit, that. the Godhead
" Hersonality who manifests . profuse,
'lnd the infinite space,.
free from a:1I the limitations of rna:.
terial nature, js dwelling physically
n()w on the earth ,planet. This God
head Personality is the Gr(,':at leader

Brother:lOod of the Cross and Star,
. whom I worship.
To 'proclaim. the truth' leader
Olumba Olumba' Obu is. the incarna
tion of the Supreme will bo,
L'Onsideredofensive and repugnant
by the earth man lYhoderidethe very
bona' fide new name of the Lord.
'The rascal earth under the sway. ,
of illusion can 'never comDre.hendthe
Deity of Leader Olumba Olumbcl'
OLu.He ".an otenttre

the, Leader could control
tl1t' gIgantic manifestation of the
entire Universal can
he;: know how eader resides within
aU the living things the'
atoms. . . ,
It .was reveaieq that.only through
one of his Supreme plenary expan
sion, the.: Lord, of lords who is minis
al1 ordInary DIan, a'ffatrs
of the entire crl;)ationahd pervades
alttlle, of the
festatlon, . Therefore allthtngS. in
whetherl,1iysical or other
including, the ' seven, .
()f.. the ,$terlal.wodd as
well as powertUlarQb-ange. . -41 th.e td.ett.PliySlql, 'Mod.
gJ:eat are subordinate of Brotherboodof the
. -. ,cross add Star, .,ut hnust sayt:hltt
As a fact. for a per$OJfto'every eyes:Sbatl behOld Leader
_be saved from the. evil' days0luDiba.Olmba. ()tni as.tbe. "oBlY
Qf.frjb"latiOn wbicbsbB1I.visit
eartllB:nY tin1e he- batS,t1l
wderstand thefrue 'pt')sition "<:if
Le;\der Olumba-OlUUlba" Obu -;afici'
-wOrshiP Him on the . of'
scriptutes. . . .
Such worship ofthis:gteat incama-'
tion of the lord isprQfitabfe ,lot. the
fUItil1ingthe tom's asian of:bUD'.i.8n'
liberation predictJio;
. .: .
:the.lloUJ' l1as (OIJle fQr :tbfi:
and behold it. J;l.,
in this,. age, evetyt:bing wbicJ'J,agatri';
.shan be
.of tliinSS .. ,outi,<
.fortb:e Qf_wotld which.!
was predicted Jona ago. and whiclt is,}
discovered in all esOtetlclayers;
fulfill. " '.
I shaD.D9f be able to beft; ,Ill
Wht to. us.
.. deity. : .1e4Cler QIUDlbti QI..,.
W"Orthy: ruler,oftbeUIij
v.erse. :A.D1eo.U AmentH . ,.
Box228, ,
.&enin City,
Arrival of God's Kingdom
In ihe Name of Ow
to try ald experiment
pound was happy at seeing
LGI'tl Je81Jjj Christ, In the
......nat I actually read from
this happen.
Blood of our Lord Jel!!U8
After this incident, I,
and foe ever en . astral projectioo and
turned my head towards
know how it work. It was
the side of the
Brethren before I go
during the process that I
sky and en looking up,
m to narrate what the was overwhelmed and star
I saw three objects (like
Holy Father revealed to
seeing thing> in the
the moen) emlllating and
me, I am begging the Her
dream. Read m:
dazzling so bright very
ly Father of infinite mercY'
Barely few weeks after
far off, with scme inscrip
to pie ase forgive me for
the Holy Father called
nomr so tiny that I could
1lO't writing and informing
and baptised me through
not read them. Then the
the world of this wender
Pa$tor James I. Emefiele
three torch-like round
ful revelauoo en time, in
of Psychiatric Spiritual
moens started deocending
the n arne an d blood of our
Hospital at Agbor, Bendel
down towards my direc
lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
State, m 19th August
I had been an interes
1979, in the dreamland
.As they eli d that, they
ted reader of the series
the' following were revea
became and
of publica1ims by Tues
led tome:
and the rays of light in
day Lobs::ng Rampa. Lob-
A lot of people and
them were very powerful
S[flg Rampa a renowned
myself were plavinll in
and straight. '
writer of fu'ld my Father's
At a I was made
and all of a
to underst::nd that the
res, as well as occultism.
whole sky was darke
three light objects like
interest in his books
ned and nothing could
the mom is the name
increased after I read the
be seen Of iden1ified.
of the Holy Father 0. 0. 0.
book called "BEYOND
Everyooe was terified.
- .As the rays of the three
THE TENTH", Tn this
I was still gazing up in
,0; were still descending
book it is emphasised that the dark, when a very bri
from the sky, I Wlll te d to
'majority of human being; ght star from a ,di
run but picked up
'make lise of OOe tenth of
recti m in the sky and
because r Wlll ted to see
their sub-consciotlsness
went straight to the oppo
everything by myself.
While the remaining nine site side, An d an other
After a while, the 0; tou
tenth is not developed.
from me directioo took
ched the ground some few
.And that, the more me
off again an d went throu
metres ,away from me.
increased me's sub-con
gh the opposite side, un til
When I asked the meaning
sdousness me attains
the whole sky was covered
of all these, I was told in
higher and self reali
with so many stars and as
spirit that I was being sh.
It was the
were all travelling in
own that the kingdom ot
different di recti oos,
God has descended 00
that Ule ntJlY ra' whole sky was being clea
earth to live amonglt men
Iher called me into Bis red of the darkness
and that the three 0; is
,K! the sky wa:; liberated tot:lI
the retum of our
like any ly and became so bright
Lord ksus Christ who al$o
m,m could put to 'Without any stain again.
has descended from above.
test I (i:ciood ooe evenh1" Everyone in '!be com
(1 0 "Brethren, is this not
"......,............. ',:>' '
on Earth
the m[flifestatioo of the
prophesy recorred in Ma of dirt The structures and
thew chapter 24 VelSe 27" buildingl that I saw in the
The paths through COlUltry have never been
which these rays stood 00 built aMi the whole area
the earth were so straight,
bright, peaceful and with
out anything in them but
absolute quietness. At a
point the three 0;
and became a very big
hining, geiden gate which
was securely locked. The
lig gate is the main gate
to the new kingdcm of
When I a<iked in spirit
the meaning of this golden
.gate I was told that the
gate is three 0; [fld un
less me comes through
the three 0; me can not
enter into God's new king
"Brethren, is this not
the manifestatioo of the
big maWlificient gate with
000 at the main entrance
to 34, Ambo Street, Cala
bar, where the Holy
Father rules"?
Again, I Wa<i told in
spi'ri t that I was going to
be shown what exist in
the new kingdom of God
and after the speech, the
geiden gate turned and
became a screen for view
ing movies [fld simulta
neously I started watching
the film.
The first thing I beheld
was ,a cmmtry of planted
nice flowers all over. Then
I saw paths swept very
cle 00: wi thout any trace
was very peaceful and
quiet. The sky surrounding
the area was mild and nei
ther the scourges of the
heat of the sun nor cold
ness Wa<i perceived. At this
stage, I w::nted to enter
into this new kingdcm but
a medium prevented me
from dcingthat saying,
time is not yet ripe for the
gate to be The
medium added that oruy
those who do the will
of God will gain entry:
Also, I saw in the sc
reen people of all races
and creeds, both young
and old rejcicing, dancing,
and singing, praising God
with guitar, s[flbal etc.
and when I asked in spirit
why no me Wa<i lamen
ting, I was told that the
kingdem of God is full
of joy and praise.
Iil the next view I Wa<i
tdd that I woold see food
for the children of God
and fusmtJy I started
seeing bunche s of ban 1Il as,
pears, apples etc.
:'It is to be made clear
that during sequences of
views in the when I
W8Il ted to enter into the
new kingdem of God (be
cause as I put it that I was
tired of the world) a me
dum would prevent me
Elder Victor Isiiekoelu
fre -:. entering and 1would
,be told that it is not yet
time for the golden gate
to be opened.
I wa:; categorically told
that it is oo1y those who
do the. will of the Father
that wOVld enter into this
new kingdom."
Then I opened my eyes,
and felt very c.old in my
body. I got up from bed
and knocked my head 00
the ground and, 00 look
ing at the clock it was
about 12.00 O'clock in
1he michlight,
Peoce in the name of
Qjr Lord Jesus Christ, in
the blood of our Lord
Jesus now and for
evermore, Amen.'
Thank You Father.
Elder Victor IsijekOtllu
CentralSethel KarJJna.

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