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hough the Emmy Award TURBO (Rea1-time)Animation For The First Time, True Auto-
winning VPR-3is a The VPR-3'sspeed and accuracy Assembly With Field Accuracy.
marvel of technical allows it to do animation in a play- The combination of a 20 milli-
achievement, the most significant speed, real-time relationship. Unlike secondlock-up time, 500 inches/sec2
achievement of the VPR-3is what it stationary mode recording, the acceleration, and speed transitions
can accomplish for you, especially in VPR-3 does not require the complex comparable to disk devices allows a
the areas of editing, animation and (andoften picture-degrading) pre- 30 second spot to be recued-to-play
program compression. processing of the video signal to in less than two seconds.
rearrange the video frequencies The VPR-3 brings to editing the
before recording. The VPR-3'splay- super-fastspeedsrequired for unin-
speedrecording is purely a video terrupted recording of source mate-
edit. With an 18 frame pre-roll, 3 rial. Youcan perform single-field
frame post-roll and a re-cue, the edits from the front panel or from
VPR-3 can accomplish a 6 frame the serial port. (The VPR-3 is the
animation sequencein only 1.6sec- only VTR capableof searching to a
onds (required for 1 cell) plus only a field). Edits will be dead-accurate
tenth of a secondlonger to complete becausea built -in SdH circuit gives
the remaining 5 frames! the VTR immediate comparison
between the input and the off-tape
signal phasing, therebyensuring
perfect frame edits. The time con-
suming process of test edits, adjust-
ments, and re-edits becomesa thing
of the past.
When there is a mismatch be-
tween input and off-tape signals, the
VPR-3'sSdH phasing control allows
the operator to apply an offset for
correction. (And to make editing
even easier, an indicator just above
the Sc/H meter shows the operator
that a wrong frame edit is being
The VPR-3'smachine-to-ma-
chine editing capability from a single
machine control panel eliminates the
requirement for an expensive exter -
nal edit controller in many facilities.
The combination of the full-time
synchronized transport and the
SMPTE communication bus is the
basis for this exclusivefeature. Even
the most complex split edits can be
previewed, trimmed, shifted, per-
formed and then reviewed using only
the simple, single-function controls
on the record VPR-3.

Key Features Of ZEUS
D No compromise4Fsc,9-bit
digital system
D Drift and adjustment-free
velocity compensation
dramaticallyimproves compensation
D Exclusiveframe averagingvelocity
compensatorfunction reduceshead
impact error visibility
D Superior spatial-averagingdropout
D ExclusiveMulti-Gen Setupmode
greatly improvesmulti-generation
video performance
D UniqueDecodemode allowsreplay
of non-colorframed edits with no sequencethat quickly duplicates 10
tape generations. This 10-generation
picture shift
sequenceis continuously repeated,
D Video time compressionand ex- so that errors are clearly displayed,
pansionwith no picture bounceor blur and can be quickly corrected by
D Full frame storageon command proper system adjustment.
Multi-Gen Setup supports an
D Comprehensiveinterface with
increase in both the number of tape
VPR-3menucontrol system
generations routinely used, and the
D Availablefull-function serial re- quality of the finished video product.
mote control panel

Multi-Gen Setup
The VPR-3/ZEUS Multi-Gen
Setup mode helps eliminate opera-
tional setup errors-a major contrib-
utor to multi-generation perfor-
mance degradation.
Multi-Gen Setup is accom-
plished through a series of play-
through the VPR-3 and Zeus proc-
essor. From pre-recorded lst genera-
tion reference material (i.e., color
bars) the VPR-3/Zeussystem gener-
ates and displays, in real-time, a

Vacuum Capstan With High accurate, tape timer assembly.
Resolution Tachometer This ultra-high resolution
Tape The precision-ground vacuum tachometer is accurate to within 12
position accuracy in TV lines , capstan is directly coupled to a low television lines, providing parking
instead of fields. Tape tension inertia, high torque DC motor accuracy superior to all other C-
differences reduced from the assembly. This system allows the format VTRs. Continuous capstan
typical 300-400%, to 4-5%: tape to be controlled from zero to control of tape motion also permits
Easy to say, difficult to do-so :!:SOx play speed in a single func- the use of a coupling servo to ad-
difficult that the VPR-3 stands tion without tape stretch or just capstan acceleration to take
alone in the industry at this damage. The optimum tape cou- advantage of the VPR-3's high
performance level. pling obtained with vacuum allows torque reel motors.
the use of a high resolution integral
. tach instead of a separate, and less .




:.-L~- I
. , I. I

I. Vacuum Capstan
2. Flutter Idler
.Air Guides
.Roller Guides
.Fixed Roller Guides

Low Friction Tape Path And Active Field Rate Color-Framer
Guide System An integral part of the video
A configuration of gas-film signal system is a field rate color-
guides at critical locations, plus framer which determines the precise
precision rotary guides, reduces the parking position when the tape
effects of friction permitting very transport is stopped. This color-
rapid changesin tape direction, framer is designed to separate one
regardless of temperature and hu- field out of four in the NTSC system
midity conditions, or tape formula- or one field out of eight in the PAL
tions. This low friction, active tape system. This permits the machine,
guiding system provides constant even with its "instant" start capabil-
tension and allows almost limitless ity to operate in a fully synchronous
high speed shuttling. It also dramati- mode at all times.
cally reduces head and scanner wear,
and allows reel sizes from spot to 3
hours to be used while maintaining
gentle and precise tape handling. Microprocessor-Based Control
The VPR-3 control system is
basedon dual Z80 microprocessors.
One of these processors is respon-
sible for system control and the
Servoed, Fail-Safe second controls the various input/
Dynamic Braking ouput functions. The dual RS-422A
The VPR-3'sadvanceddesign used in VTR transport design. In the serial communications ports allow
completely eliminates the marginally event of power failure, even at full control interface of the VPR-3 to a
effective mechanicalbrakes often shuttle speeds, the VPR-3's servo variety of serial machine controllers,
system brings the tape to a smoothly including the Ampex ACE series
controlled stop, eliminating the editors and the VRC-2.
possibility of tape damage.

A Unique, Field-Accurate
Automatic Scan Tracking (AST TM

Taking a precision reference
from the direct -coupled capstan
tachometer, the VPR-3'sAST system
knows exact tape position under all
conditions and applies the necessary
correction factors to produce a
stable, disturbance-free picture. In
the time compressionand expansion
modes, this system allows speed
variations as small as one secondper
hour (upto:!: 15%)to be entered.

Menu-Based Operational System With the userset up menu, you
The VPR-3'smenu-based con- can store all the functions required
trol system eliminates the tens of for any one operation, and then
less of the application, an extremely dedicated keys that would normally recall them with a single keystroke.
powerful control system with be required to accomplishVTR A complete operational environment
equally powerful software is neces- set-ups, editing function, cueing, can be created in this way; minimiz-
sary to make it easy to use. The animation, etc. This soft key ap- ing the time consumedin major VTR
control system described on these proach maintains the VPR-3'sincom- application changes.
pagesaccomplishesjust that. parableoperational flexibility; while
providing aneasy-to-learn, fast-to-
use control panel that is optimized to
your specializedneeds.

Status-At-A-Glance TMDisplays
rameters. A secondpage displays all
As a further enhancement of major ZEUS operational parameters.
the VPR-3's operational interface, its Either page may be easily selected
Status-At-A-Glance system provides for display on the VTR video monitor.
a summar}; one page, English lan-
guage video character display of all
critical VTR operational status pa-

he VPR-3is as sophis- The homemenu (andthe video
ticated as it is versatile monitor) displays fault conditions as
and powerful. High well as non-standardconditions,
perfonnanceediting, superb allowing the operator to quickly
animation and smoothprogram identify abnormal operational
compression/expansionare sup- conditions.
ported by the hundredsof circuits, Power-updiagnostics check
componentsand assembliesthat computer buses, power supplies and
are required to do the job-with microprocessors to confirm opera-
no compromise.Soalongwith tional status. Then, continuous
this high perfonnanceand versa- diagnostics take over to check tape
tility, Ampex givesyou the tools path conditions and all operational
you needfor quick, easy environments. The operator is in-
servicing. formed if faults are found, and then
board and chip level diagnostics are
used to isolate the fault.

Optional Accessories
A number of accessoriesand
options are availablefrom Ampex to
expand the operational capabilities
of the VPR-3. These may be pur -
chasedwith the machine, or added
later as operational needs change.
They include:
D Sync Channel
An option to permit all vertical sync
information to be recorded according
to the SMPTE/EBU Type C formats.
D Four Channel Audio
This EBU option provides a fourth
high quality audio channelin the
track spacenormally allotted to the
sync channel.

Easy Accessibility D Mounting Configurations

Straightforward accessto cir- nostics so indicate. All major servo The VPR-3 is availablein a variety of
cuit boards is obtained while main- drive and power supply components physical configurations to suit indi-
taining full control panel operation. inside the VPR-3 are located on vidual facility requirements.
Most of the VPR-3'scircuit boards plug-in assembliesfor quick replace-
are located behind a swing-down ment or repair. The servo and power
control panel that quickly moves out supply card bay can be hinged down
of the way for extender board for easy accessto the rear of the
mounting of circuit boards. tape transport and the internal air/
Circuit boards plug-in to two vacuum system.
mother boards, permitting "instant"
board replacementwhen the diag-

Moire -40 dB color bars 75% amplitude -36 dB color bars 75% amplitude
ass MHz subcarrier 443 MHz subcarrier

AUDIO (Channels 1, 2, & 3)

Frequency Response
(400 Hz Ref) :I: 1 dB 200 Hz to 12 KHz
100 nWblm reference 18\'81 :I: 2dB 50 Hz to 18 KHz
SIN (with respect to 8 dB above ' --56 dB Audio 1 and 2 -56 dB Audio 1 and 2
reference level) 20 Hz to 20 KHz -54 DB Audio 3 Note 1 -54 dB Audio 3 Note 1 + Audio 4

Distonion (measured at 1 KHz) (3HD)

@ 100 nWblm reference level ( +8 dBm) 1% maximum
@ 251 nWblm peak level ( + 16 dBm) 3% maximum
With predistonion at 200 nWblm (+14 dBm) 1% maximum
Depth of erasure on its own recording -70 dB

Wow & Flutter ~ .07% DIN we

Playback Crosstalk (Audio 1 & 2) 1 l<Hz -maximum

referenced to +8 dBm or 1QQ nWblm
Video Input (75 ohm) BNC 05 to 2 volts peak-to-peak
Ref Video (75 ohm) BNC
Comp sync 0.7 to 4 volts
Comp VIdeo ~~~ Q5-t!>l:!!Q[~
Audio line inputs -24 to +24 dBm. +8 dBm no!)1j!)&
Impedance. Translormerless. ltue Differential balanced; 65 K ohm resistive

Video Output (75 ohm) BNC 1.0 Volt peak-to-peak
Audio Line Outputs, Translormerless, True Differential +8 dBm nominal; balanced
+24 dBm maximum (Note 3)
less than 20 ohms
Headphone Audio Monitor 0 dBm to drive 600 ohms

Audio Meter Circuits Switchable


Record Time 190 minutes nominal; 9200 feet of tape on 14"
reel-- --
Shuttle Time less than 72 seconds for 60 minute tape, 3.6
minutes for a 3 hour tape
Ta :t 0.1 Field with continuous control track
Tape pe 244 :t 0.5 mmlsec 239.8 :t 0.5 mm/sec
9.606 :t O.~!~ec- 9.44 :t 0.02 in/sec

VideoWritinaSpeed ~ 1~in!~~~ 842 in/sec nominal

FM Carrier Frequencies 7.9MHz blanking 7.68 MHz blanking

~ 10.0MHz peak white 8.9 MHz peak whita
Audio Equalization 15 microseconds
3180--microseconds c 15 mk:roseconds
lDCk-up time from Ready Mode 20 milliseconds lDCk-up time from Scanner 011 3 seconds

Note l' Audio 3 channel has wide-band capability for Time Code (SIN WB-30 dB) Ampex reserves the right to make product and
Note 2. All specifications ar!, based on Ampex 196 Tape or equivalent. specification changes at any time without notice.
Note 3. Can be readjusted downward by 12 dBm


;ght 270 Ib 275 Ib. 650 Ib.

TEM~uRE & HU~ 122.47118 124.74118.
-- 284.84118

Humidity 10%-90% AH (non-condensing)
Power Line Frequency 50 & 60 Hz single phase
Input voltages 95/105/115/125/135 Volts AC :t 5%
190/210/2301250/270 Volts AC :t 5%
Input Current (Table Top) 115 vac Nominal 3.5 Amps .
230 vac Nominal 18 Amps t
(lDWboy console TBC and 115 vac Nominal 14 Amps .

~~olo.r~it~r~~~~)~""~~.~-""- -2~ya!3~
Note 4. +2" Front Mounting Trim & Control Panel. AdditK>na112 Amp. 1 sec shuttle start surge
Note 5 Removable Control Panel reduces depth to 27. t Additional 6 Amp 1 sec shuttle start surge

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