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Education continues to be a major concern of every Filipino family. It is

through education that we learn to read and write; we know how to use basic
fundamentals in Math without the use of calculators. We understand and

believe in facts and opinions. It is one of the best weapons we have against

the evil of the modern world. It prepare us and keep us from being ignorant in

an unstable generation. It is the best investment any family could spend for.

The Philippine Journal of Education, 2006).

However, unfortunately we have places , where not everyone has an opportunity to

receive this formal type of education. The opportunities that are offered are greatly

limited. Sometimes there are not enough resources to provide schooling. Furthermore,

because parents need their children to help them work in factories, have odd jobs, or

just do farm work. Many students drop out due to poverty before completing basic

education, even at the elementary level. Though schooling is free, there are other

expenses which poor families have difficulty meeting, such as school supplies,

uniforms, and transportation.

A public or private school that offers an unconventional learning experience, usually

characterised by innovative teaching methods and traditional curricula, is an alternative

school. (Compton's Encyclopedia V. 1, 1996 ) Out-of-school children, youth and adults

can get a second chance of educating themselves through the Alternative Learning

System (ALS) program of the Department of Education (DepEd). The ALS program is a

non-traditional learning delivery to out-of-school children, youth and adults who may

either be indigenous people or rebel-returnees, those living in highly inaccessible areas,

persons with disability, jobless adults, senior citizen, drop-outs and others not served by

formal education .

Education Secretary Mona Valisno said that the ALS is a more relaxed learning

system where lessons are taught outside the classroom. “These learning sites can be a
barangay hall, a church courtyard, a cockpit, under the shade of a tree or any other

areas where learning can take place,” she explained.

In fact, recent studies have found out that there were many challenges in ALS

implementation such as absenteeism of the learners, provision of more learning

facilitators, Community Learning Centers, insufficient and irrelevant learning materials,

lack of facilities and equipment, lack of integration of livelihood and employment

opportunities, and lack of interest (on the part of the out-of-school youth) (Carag, 2013).

Overcoming these challenges requires adequate programmatic resources combined

with sound technical design. Thus, the researcher investigates the problems

encountered by ALS teachers in the implementation of ALS programs in Cotabato

Division in view of designing an action plan on how to address them.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine the challenges encountered by

PPNHS ALS SHS learner on their learning journey. Specifically, it aims to answer the

following questions:

• What is the profile of the students;

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Parents Educational attainment of parents;

1.4 Family income

1.5 Environment

1.6 Special Skills

• What is the extent of the distance learning program offered in terms of ;

• Livelihood program

• Literacy

3. What is the level of learning development of the ALS students?


The following hypotheses were formulated in relation to the research problems.

• There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents

and the extent of the ALS learning program.

• There is no significant relationship between the profile of the respondents

and the level of the learning development of the ALS students.

• There is no significant relationship between the distance learning program

and the level of learning development of ALS students.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to determine the PPNHS ALS SHS learner on their learning


The findings provided information that will benefit the students ,parents and the future

To the students. Because they will be given a chance to acquire the knowledge and

skills even if they did not attend formal schooling and find a job for a short period of


To the Parents. To support and guide their children in encouraging them to continue

their studies even in non-formal education.

To the ALS teachers. Who will continue reaching the out school youth and bring them
back to school through this distance learning program.

To the principals. Who will guide and support the ALS teachers in giving more

programs and projects for the out of school youth.

To the supervisors. For them for the continued support and assistance to ALS

teachers in giving more programs and projects intended for the ALS students.

To the administrators. Who will find ways and means to look for more distance

learning programs in reaching the out of school youth.

To the policy makers. In order for them to give an emphasis and importance to the

different distance learning program for the out of school youth in realising the EFA goal

in 2015.

To the future researchers. That will give helpful data that will be useful in the future

research information.

Objective of the Study

The 1987 Philippine Constitution provides for the recognition and promotion of

other forms of education other than formal education. Article XIV, Section 2, Paragraph

(1) declares that the State shall establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate

and integrated system of education relevant to the needs of the people and society; and

paragraph (4) concisely encourages non-formal, informal and indigenous learning

system as well as self-learning, independent and out-of-school study programs

particularly those respond to community needs.

The Governance Act for Basic Education otherwise known as the Republic Act
9155 stipulates the establishment of the Alternative Learning System ( ALS) to provide

out-of-school children , youth and adults population with basic education.

There are two major programs on ALS that are being implemented by the

Department of Education , through the Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS).

One is the Basic Literacy Program and the other is the Continuing Education Program -

Accreditation and Equivalency ( A&E) . Both programs are modular and flexible. This

means that learning can take place anytime and any place, depending on the

convenience and availability of the learners.

Formal Education system is classroom-based, managed by trained formal school

teachers. While ALS Non-formal Education happens outside the classroom, community-

based, usually conducted at community learning centers , barangay multi-purpose hall,

libraries or at home, managed by ALS learning facilitators, such as mobile teachers,

district ALS Coordinators, instructional managers at an agree schedule and venue

between the learners and facilitators.

ALS is intended for out-of-school children , youth and adults who need basic and

functional literacy skills, knowledge and values. These people are usually located in far-

flung communities with no or limited access to formal schools.

In 2008,it was estimated that 40.95 million or 45% of the total Philippine

population did not complete basic education. This population is considered the target

groups of the alternative learning system.

ALS programs are delivered in various modes such as face-to-face, radio based,

eskwela/computer-based or independent learning. Learning sessions take place at the

Community Learning Center or at any place convenient to the learners. Teaching and

learning may also take place at the homes of the learners, under the shades of trees,

inside a church or mosque, playground and any other available space and venue.

Republic Act 9155 defines Non-formal Education as “ any organized, systematic

educational activity carried outside the framework of the formal school system to

provide selected types of learning to a segment of the population .”

BALS has developed Informal Education courses that include self-interest and

life experiences programs. With this construct , greater learning needs will be

addressed and funnelled to promote lifelong learning in all streams of education.

It is in this point why the researcher chose this study in order to know the

effectiveness of the ALS program and if it has already gained a lot of learners who were

already achieve success in their learning needs and development.

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