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Hello everyone!

Today I’m going to introduce you to how we can achieve public

awareness about the environment and what courses of action can
be taken.

First: being environmentally awareness means knowing that our

actions have impact in the environment and deciding to change
them to help. In other words, looking after our planet. It is essential
that we are environmentally awareness because it helps us have a
healthier planet.

I can assure you that human actions are responsible of at least

50% of the environmental damage, including: diversity loss, air and
water contamination and climate change.

As an example of contamination, we have plastic. Throughout our

history we have produced 8.300 trillion kilograms. In addition, 9%
was recycled, 12% was burned and 79% is in rubbish dumps and in
the environment. Have you ever reused or recycled plastic?

Some actions that affect our planet the most are: deforestation,
excessive use of water and electricity, excess of waste and use of
contaminating energies. To stop this, it is vitally important that we:
use ecological products; use less water and electricity; use separate
bins for waste and use renewable energies. What do YOU do to
help our planet?

In conclusion, it is important that we act fast because our future is

in danger. Do you think our planet can be saved?

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