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To: Professor Katie Powell

From: Cole Francis

Date: 2/4/24
Subject: Gatorade Ad Rhetorical Analysis

The purpose of this rhetorical analysis project
will be to evaluate this Gatorade ad on the
various rhetorical strategies which it employs.
These strategies include ethos, logos, and
pathos. From here, we will determine the
overall effectiveness of the ad.

In the ad, pulled from Gatorade’s website, we
see a determined and focused Usain Bolt as
the primary figure. For those unaware, Bolt is
widely considered the greatest sprinter of all
time. The background is dark, with lighting
suggesting performance and competition. The
Gatorade is in the foreground, indicating its
importance to the scene, and the words
prominently in an all-caps, bold font. The ad
ran over a decade ago in Bolt’s prime, and
promotes athlete credibility, facts about the
drink, and a better mentality in its effort to
sell the audience on the effectiveness of
Gatorade. This ad would be seen in athletic
spaces nationwide, and would primarily
feature on media outlets, channels, websites,
etc.. that are sport related.

There are a number of things done in this ad to build the credibility of Gatorade. The most
prominent one being Usain Bolt’s endorsement of it. As the most well known runner of all time,
Gatorade plays to that label by indicating that their drink is what helps Bolt “stay ahead of the
game”. In promoting it this way, we look at Gatorade as a catalyst for Bolt’s already significant
credibility as an athlete. Further, the formalities such as Bolt’s signature and the tag “World’s
fastest man” drive this idea that he supports the drink in its effort to fuel his body and help him
perform better. On a final note, Bolt’s status as a black athlete helps build credibility in the
Gatorade name too. Having the endorsement of Bolt helps Gatorade appear as a diverse and
inclusive company too, which is important in the modern consumer climate.

The main appeal to logic and reasoning with this ad lies in the little checklist in the bottom
corner next to the Gatorade bottle. It reads, “No artificial colors, sweeteners, flavours”. It’s only
five words, but it works to appeal to our logic and thought in buying Gatorade. These words
indicate there is an element of health to the drink, that it is backed by science and designed
without any of the “crap” that would slow our bodies down. This crap being fake color, flavor,
etc… In mentioning this, Gatorade connects us with their ethos appeal by indicating that Bolt
doesn’t put these fake things in his body either. This furthers the appeal with Gatorade, as we see
them as a drink we can trust to give us the best fuel for performance.

The emotional appeal of this ad is the most subtle of the main strategies. Rather than using
words, the ad focuses on Bolt’s resoluteness in his demeanor to trigger a determined emotion in
the audience. Additionally, the spotlights in the background point to an important competition or
event that is taking place. This partially appeals to the idea of having goals, or working towards
things, and all comes back to Gatorade as a means to help achieve these things. It is important to
consider here, in relation to both pathos (and logos) that the target audience for this ad is
athletes/people who lead an active lifestyle. In mentioning this, it becomes more clear that
Gatorade is trying to appeal to those athletes looking to grind it out, get better, and perform at
their peak.

Overall, this ad is effective in its intent to sell the consumer on Gatorade. The credible appeal of
Bolt’s name paired with Gatorade’s already high reputation convinces us of who we’re buying
from. The checklist and science fueled drink build a trust in what we're buying, and the focused
imagery of the ad works to create a determination in why we’re buying it. The ethos, logos, and
pathos are intertwined in a way to create maximum effectiveness in a minimal way. As this is the
case, suggestions for improvement do not seem necessary.

This ad works well to establish its longevity too, as the Gatorade name has been the prominent
name in the sports drink world since its founding. By laying claim to an athlete like Bolt, the ad
is as effective in any time period because we can look back on it now and think of course they
worked with Bolt, as they do with Serena Williams, Lionel Messi, and countless other world
class athletes whom we still watch today.

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