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NAME: Anthony Smith DATE: 2/26/24 TIME: 8 - 2:30

SCHOOL: Baird Middle School LESSON#: 1 FACILITIES: Gymnasium CLASS SIZE: 28 GRADE:
8 UNIT/THEME: Cooperative Games GENERIC LEVEL: Intermediate
EQUIPMENT: Hula Hoops, Cones
FOCUS OF LESSON: Teamwork, Communication, Problem Solving


By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Psychomotor: SWBAT demonstrates giving / accepting feedback that is appropriate to the problem

solving activities throughout the entirety of the lesson. (National: S4.E3.8) (MA CF 2.1, 2.2)

Cognitive: SWBAT identifies and fulfills various roles while participating in all activities while taking

personal responsibility for their roles (National S4.E2.8) (MA CF 2.1, 2.2).

Affective: SWBAT work together and communicate to problem solve while keeping a safe and fun

learning environment throughout the entire lesson. (National: S4.E4.8) (National: S4.E6.8) (MA CF 2.1,


TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES - During the lesson the teacher will:

1. Provide feedback (positive and corrective) throughout the lesson to students

2. Make the activities at a level that all the students are comfortable to engage in and get to practice

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS - What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
- The gym will be smaller, which will make a smaller teaching space. The students will need space
to work together and get through the course successfully, while also making adjustments in my
teaching to make it successful for all the students in the class.


0:00 - 10:00 Instant Activity and Introduction

1. The gym will be set up for the

students before they get to the
gym. The students have a few
minutes of free time, then the
students will sit at their squad
spots. We will go through a quick
static and dynamic warmup before
we start class.

“Good morning everyone, today we are

going to start our Cooperative Games unit.
First, I’m going to take attendance and
then well get into the lesson”

2. I will explain the concepts behind

cooperative games, and then talk
about the focuses we have for the
lesson (feedback, communication,
problem solving)

2 Minutes Transition

The students are going to line up in front

of the activity, and I will begin explaining
the cooperative game when everyone is
paying attention.
10:01 - 30:00 Activity 1 This activity went
really well. At first, it
There will be 12 hula hoops set out on the was difficult enough for
floor, and I will have a pattern drawn on a the kids that they didn’t
piece of paper that the kids will have to figure it out right away.
get through. The first student will choose a Once they saw their
hula hoop to step in to start the pattern. classmates starting to
- If the hula hoop is on the drawn figure it out, they
pattern, I won’t say anything and understood more of
let the student continue. what to do, and started
- If the hula hoop is not on the remembering the
drawn pattern, I will say stop and patterns more until they
the student will go to the back of collectively figured it
the line out and got through.
The other students in line will have to be
watching where their classmates have I also had a bunch of
gone, and communicating with each other different patterns for
to figure out the correct pattern to get the kids, so we took up
through the hula hoops. the entire period trying
to solve them.
- I will have 2 - 3 different patterns
Easier: I can give the students
for the kids to figure out, and we
a hint about where they should
will try to get to as many of them
consider moving for their next
as possible (Time Depending)
turn if they’re having trouble,
or lead a conversation with the
other students to help them
figure it out
2 Minutes Transition
Harder: I will not give any
The students will help clean up the
hints or talk to the students to
equipment, and will come back together in
help them if they are having an
the middle of the gym for the closure of
easy time figuring out the
the lesson.
31:00 - 37:00 Lesson Closure

I will ask some purposeful questions to the

students like “what worked well while
working together with your classmates?”
or “What were some strategies you
thought of while trying to complete the

I will then talk to the students about what I

saw they did well, and what they may
want to consider working on the next

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