3 HR Frame Worksheet

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation is a quality issue with a Boeing aircraft, specifically the 737 MAX. This
currents issue involves the fuselage. The fuselage has misaligned drillholes. Initially, this
error was not caught by the quality measures in place at Boeing. Since the error seems to
be from outsourcing the fuselage. My role is to find out how, why, and who is
responsible for this happening. Hopefully, my findings will help in preventing this from
happening with other outsourcing operations.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

Human resources played a crucial role in influencing the organizational strategy by

actively shaping and promoting key aspects that drive success within the organization.
Here are some strategies that are in place that influenced the almost catastrophic incident
into a case of simple rework. Boeing has in place a strategic planning and development
process. This process aligns the organization’s goals and objectives by promoting
strategy development at all levels. The employees involved in the incident were the result
of a recruitment and selection process. This process is responsible for selecting
candidates who are aligned with the company’s culture and values (Bolman and Deal,
2021, pp 115-137). This process crosses into the boundary of integration. Meaning
Boeing articulated the company’s vision, introduced critical values, and established
connections between individual contributions and organizational success. This ensures
that employees understand and embrace the culture effectively.

The human resource framework plays a significant role in developing policies that reflect
the company’s culture, by defining expected behavior, supporting leaders in coaching
against negative behaviors, and driving consistency across functions. This contributes to

maintaining a cohesive culture throughout the organization. Boeings employees have
become a cohesive unit. So, when the issue was brought to their attention. The
relationship between them and the outside process has already been established
(Kaminski-Morrow, n.d. p1). It is a relationship of mutual respect and trust, established
because they both need each other to be successful. Boeing’s human resource frame
influenced established a long-standing trust relationship with Spirit. Spirit trusted that
Boeing would help them resolve the issue with as little collateral damage as possible.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

The human resources framework is already robust and in place. I do not think of Boeing’s
reaction as a negative one. I first thought I would find something out of place. After
reviewing the framework and seeing how they handled the situation. I would recommend
that the current framework be given some additional support. Such as continue to identify
employees that possess expertise in aircraft manufacturing, engineering, or quality
control. These individuals can provide valuable insights into the technical aspects of
resolving misaligned holes in the fuselage. In addition, I would strengthen the training
and development area by creating cross functional teams. Human resources can facilitate
training across different departments to identify skills needed and provide the training
necessary to establish these teams. I would like to see a continued effort in supporting the
performance management strategy. Specifically, enhance the measures in place to
identify quality issues. If the goals and expectations are clear. Progress can be monitored
by providing feedback to the employees and ensuring that corrective measures are
implemented effectively.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Boeing faced a significant issue when it was discovered that some of its 737 aircraft had
misaligned drill holes in the fuselage. This problem raised concerns about the structural
integrity and safety of the planes, leading to a series of investigations and corrective
actions by the company.

Initially, I became concerned that the quality measures in place had failed, and the
communication channels had deteriorated between Boeing and Spirit. At the time, I had
no knowledge of the current relationship. My biggest challenge, I thought, would be to
find out the real truth behind the error. Often times the truth is glossed over out of fear of

My action would be to observe the production process. I would need to follow along with
the standard operating procedure. My purpose would be to examine and methodically
detail the structure for the purpose of explanation and interpretation.
Out of this situation comes a reinforced importance, to me, of having meticulous detailed
procedures with documentation. Spirit has a solid quality measure in place. The standard
operating procedures are followed, and every phase is signed off and verified through
quality. Another lesson to take away from this is that both sides have deep admiration and
respect for one another. This type of relationship is not formed overnight. It took time
and a lot of adjustments from each side.

Overall, the human resource framework is working for Boeing. They have very well
thought out strategies to retain good employees, support a healthy work life balance, and
have established training protocols in place. If I had to make any suggestions for
improvement. There is one area that I would like to enhance. It would be to implement
more stringent quality control measures during the manufacturing process to prevent such
issues from occurring in the first place.


Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). REFRAMING ORGANIZATIONS: artistry, choice, and

leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

Kaminski-Morrow2023-04-26T17:30:00+01:00, D. (n.d.). Boeing confident of overcoming 737

fuselage issue within months. Flight Global. Retrieved March 31, 2024, from



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