LU1 - Practical Questions - VAT Solutions

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QUESTION 1.1 (46 marks)

Part A

Journal entries

Transaction 1 R - debit R - credit

Dr Bank 128 000
Cr Insurance income received (R128 000 x 100/115)) 111 304 (1)
Cr VAT Control Account: Output VAT 16 696 (1)
(R128 000 x 15/115)
Insurance payment received for partial compensation for eve-
ning wear stolen (deemed output VAT)

Dr Fax machine 6 000 (1)

Cr Fax machine (Profit or loss with stolen asset) 6 000
Replacement of stolen fax machine by insurance company – No (1)
VAT consequences.

Dr Insurance premium (R1 100 x 100/115) 957 (1)

Dr VAT control account: Input VAT (R1 100 x R15/115) 143 (1)
Cr Bank 1 100
Insurance premium paid for January and February

Dr Computer (R8 000 - R834) 7 166 (1)

Dr VAT control account: Input VAT 834 (2)
((R8 000 x 15/115 = R1 043) x 80%)
Cr Bank 8 000
Deemed input VAT for personal computer purchase from (1)
Mr Letaniel and 80% used for business purposes.

Dr Antique mirror (R5 000 x 100/115) 4 348 (1)

Dr VAT control account: Input VAT (R5 000 x 15/115) 652 (1)
Cr Bank 5 000
Second-hand mirror purchase from a non-vendor, deemed input (1)
VAT claimed (notional input VAT)

Transaction 2
Dr Delivery truck (R170 000 x 100/115) 147 826 (1)
Dr VAT control account: Input VAT (R170 000 x 15/115) 22 174 (1)
Cr Bank 170 000
Second-hand delivery truck purchased from a non-vendor, (1)
deemed input VAT claimed (notional input VAT)

Dr Salaries 116
Cr VAT control account: Output VAT 116 (3)
((R170 000 x 100/115) x 0.6% x 15/115 x 1 month)
QUESTION 1.1 (continued) R R

Fringe benefit, employee use of a delivery truck for 1 month.

Input VAT could be claimed on purchase of the delivery truck. (1)

Dr Fuel cost 2 550 (1)

Cr Bank 2 550
Fuel cost is a zero-rated supply, VAT is 0% (1)

Dr Bank 150 000

Cr Insurance income received (R150 000 x 100/115) 130 435 (1)
Cr VAT Control Account: Output VAT 19 565 (1)
(R150 000 x 15/115)
Insurance payment received for delivery truck stolen

Dr Double-cab bakkie 220 000 (1)

Cr Bank 220 000
Input tax denied – motor vehicle as defined (1)
Part B

Transaction 1
Output VAT
Insurance claim received (R128 000 x 15/115) 16 696 (1)
Fax machine replaced (not a payment in money) Nil (1)
Output tax 16 696

Input VAT
Insurance premium (R1 100 x 15/115) 143 (1)
Computer (deemed supply) ((R8 000 x 15/115 = R1 043) x 80%) 834 (2)
Mirror (deemed supply, notional input VAT) (R5 000 x 15/115) 652 (1)
Input tax 1 629

VAT payable (R16 696 - R1 629) 15 067 (1)

Transaction 2
Output VAT
Fringe benefit (truck) 116
((R170 000 x 100/115) x 0,6% x 15/115 x 1 month)) (4)
Indemnity award received (R150 000 x 15/115) 19 565 (1)
Output tax 19 681
Input VAT
Second-hand truck (R170 000 x 15/115) 22 174 (1)
Fuel (zero-rated supply) Nil (1)
New double-cab bakkie (input VAT denied, motor car) Nil (1)
Input tax 22 174
VAT refundable (R19 681 - R22 174) (2 493)

QUESTION 1.1 (continued)

Transaction 3 R

Output VAT
Sound system (private use) (R5 000 x 15/115) 652 (2)
Output tax 652
Input VAT
Old sound system
– change of use (R4 500 x 15/115 x 30%) 176 (2)
New sound system (R6 000 x 15/115) 783 (1)
Input tax 959
VAT refundable (R652 - R959) (307)

QUESTION 1.2 (31 marks)

Calculation of the net amount of VAT payable by/refundable to Many Rent (Pty) Ltd for the tax
period ending on 31 January 2023
Note R
Output tax

Commercial rentals (R279 300 x 15/115) 36 430 (1)

Residential rentals (exempt supply) - (1)
Interest (financial service – exempt supply) - (1)
Insurance award (R180 400 x 15/115 x 60%) 1 14 118 (1)
Taxable benefit for the managing director’s motor car
(R97 750 x 100/115) x 0,3% x 15/115 x 2 months x 60%) 2 40 (4)
Leasehold improvement adjustment (R550 000 x 15/115 x 0%)
(% non-taxable use) 3 71 739 (3)
Total output tax 122 327

Input tax

New commercial building (R1 240 000 x 15/115) 4 161 739 (1)
New residential flats (exempt supply) - (1)
Bank charges (R1 254 x 15/115 x 60%) 98 (1)
Audit fees (R14 250 x 15/115 x 60%) 1 115 (1)
Salaries and wages (not an enterprise carried on by the employee) - (1)
Purchase of truck (R102 600 x 15/115 x 60%) 5 8 030 (1)
Depreciation (not a supply) - (1)
Maintenance (R16 416 x 15/115 x 60%) 1 285 (1)
Insurance premiums (R15 048 x 15/115 x 60%) 1 178 (1)
Interest on mortgage bonds (financial services – exempt supply) - (1)
- Fax machine (R2 736 x 15/115 x 60%) 214 (1)
- Photocopying machine (R1 482 x 15/115 x 60%) 116 (1)
- Coffee machine (input denied, entertainment asset) 6 - (1)

QUESTION 1.2 (continued)
Note R
Employees’ subsistence (supply of "entertainment") - (1)
Fuel (zero-rated supply) - (1)
Bad debts ((R16 188 - R6 384 (relates to exempt supply) x 15/115) 7 1 279 (2)
Hotel accommodation and meals (R2 508 x 15/115 x 60%) 8 196 (1)
Overseas air tickets (zero-rated supply) 9 - (1)
Total input tax 175 250

VAT refund (R72 110 - R175 250) (103 140) (1)

Lecturers' notes
Question 1.2

1. The insurance award is a deemed supply, as Many Rent (Pty) Ltd was entitled to an input
tax credit for the truck (which is not a "motor car" as defined). As only 60% of the input tax
credit was claimed for the insurance premiums, the output tax is also apportioned to the
extent of 60%. Remember that this applies when an asset is disposed of via an insurance
claim or when given as a fringe benefit. When an asset is disposed of in any other way,
and the full input VAT could not be claimed on acquisition, then output is charged at 100%
and the remaining input is claimed (2.14 in the prescribed textbook).

1. A new section was introduced into the VAT Act (section 18C), which relates to the VAT
treatment of leasehold improvements (effective from 1 April 2018). Where the leasehold
improvements are not utilised by the lessor solely for the making of taxable supplies as in
this case (the lessee will only be using the leasehold improvements 70% for the making of
taxable supplies), the lessor needs to account for additional output VAT liability
(Tax fraction x leasehold improvement per agreement x % non-taxable purpose of the
lessor). (Refer to section 2.31 in the textbook for the formula.)

3. The use of the motor car by the managing director is a Seventh Schedule taxable benefit,
giving rise to a deemed supply for VAT purposes.

4. No apportionment is necessary because the factory building is used wholly to make taxable

5. The truck is not a "motor car" as defined and therefore an input tax credit is available.

6. The coffee machine is the supply of "entertainment" and no input tax credit is therefore
available (section 17(2)(a)).

7. The input tax credit is not apportioned, as the output tax charged on the commercial rentals
was subject to output tax in full.

8. An input tax credit is available, as the entertainment expenditure has been incurred for the
personal subsistence of an employee of Many Rent (Pty) Ltd (he is obliged to be away from
his usual place of residence and from his workplace due to the duties of his office).

9. No deemed supply arises from this fringe benefit because it is a zero-rated supply.

QUESTION 1.3 (20 marks)

(a) VAT registration is compulsory in the following cases:

- existing businesses whose taxable supplies have already exceeded the R1 million thres-
hold within the preceding 12 months
- existing or future businesses that have written contractual commitments to make taxable
supplies exceeding R1 million within the next 12 months
Glorious Gardens (Pty) Ltd (Glorious Gardens) has annual garden maintenance contracts
valued at R1 020 000 (10 x R8 500 x 12 months) on 1 June 2022.
Glorious Gardens is therefore required to register as a vendor for VAT purposes. (2)
(b) In terms of section 27 of the Act, Glorious Gardens will be classified as a category A or
category B vendor for the following reasons:
• Glorious Gardens' taxable supplies for the twelve-month period, commencing
1 June 2022, is unlikely to exceed R30 million (category C).
• Glorious Gardens' enterprise does not consist solely of agricultural, pastoral or other
farming activities (category D).
• Glorious Gardens is not a company, or a trust fund whose enterprise consists solely of
letting fixed property or movable goods to, or the administration or management of,
companies that are connected persons in relation to the vendor (category E). (2)

(c) Transaction 1
Notional input tax on purchase of second-hand truck
R79 800 x 15/115 = R10 409
Output tax on supervisor's use of the second-hand truck
Deemed supply of
R69 391 (R79 800 less notional input tax of R10 409) x 0,6% x 15/115 x 1 month = R54
Fuel cost of truck
No input tax because fuel is a zero-rated supply
Input tax on insurance premium on truck
R684 x 15/115 = R89
Output tax on indemnity award received
Deemed supply of R74 100 x 15/115 = R9 665 (8)
Transaction 2
Purchase of second-hand double-cab light delivery vehicle
Input tax deduction is denied because a double-cab light delivery vehicle is a motor car, as

QUESTION 1.3 (continued)

Deemed output tax on Gloria Kirstenbosch's private use of the second-hand double-cab light
delivery vehicle
((R105 000 x 0,3%) - R85) x 15/115 x 2 months = R60 (4)

Transaction 3

Input tax on the purchase of second-hand gardening equipment from a non-vendor, to the
extent of payment
Input tax of (R32 604 ÷ 4) x 2 x 15/115 = R2 126 (2)

Transaction 4

Bus coupons fringe benefit

No deemed supply because transport by bus is an exempt supply

Bus coupons purchased

Input tax deduction denied – exempt supply (2)

Lecturers' notes
Question 1.3

1. The first two parts of this question are the type of theory questions that can be asked
when testing the topic of VAT.

2. In this question, you are working with June and July. You must ensure that the trans-
action you include in your VAT calculation takes place during this period. Certain VAT
calculations, for example, fringe benefits, depend on the number of months. If there is
a fringe benefit, you must determine if you should work with one or two months in your

QUESTION 1.4 (19 marks)

Calculation of VAT payable/refundable for the period ended 31 March 2023

Output tax R
Sales – fuel (zero-rated) - (1)
– shop (R364 800 x 15/115) 47 583 (1)
Fringe benefits – single-cab "bakkie" (not a motor vehicle as defined)
(R402 500 x 100/115) x 0,6% x 15/115 x 2) 548 (3)

48 131
Input tax
Purchases – fuel (zero-rated) - (1)
– shop (R262 200 x 15/115) 34 200 (1)
Bank charges R((250 + 18) x 15/115) 35 (1)
Interest paid (financial service – exempt supply) - (1)
Computer (deemed input VAT – (R1 600 x 15/115) 209 (1)
Depreciation (not a supply) - (1)
Single-cab bakkie (No VAT effect, purchased in previous VAT period - (1)
Financial lease (R25 536 x 15/115) 3 331 (1)
Office equipment rentals R1 482 x 15/115 193 (1)
Coffee machine rental (entertainment) - (1)
Tea and coffee for employees (entertainment) - (1)
Travel expenses (R821 x 15/115) 107 (1)
Overseas air ticket (zero-rated) - (1)
Wages (not an enterprise carried on by the employee) - (1)

38 075

VAT payable (R48 131 - R38 075) 10 056 (1)

QUESTION 1.5 (21 marks)

a) Ann Smith must ensure that the following information appears on a tax invoice to qualify
as a valid tax invoice for supplies over R5 000.

Information that must appear on a tax invoice:

- The name, address and VAT registration number of the supplier;
- The words “tax invoice”, VAT invoice or “Invoice”;
- The name, address and VAT registration number of the recipient;
- An individual serial number and the date on which the invoice is issued;
- A full and proper description of the goods or services supplied;
- The quantity or volume of the goods or services supplied; and
- Either:
1) The value of supply, amount of VAT charged and the consideration for the supply;
2) The consideration for the supply and either the VAT charged or a statement that it
includes a charge for VAT. (6)

If the information is left out, no input VAT may be claimed on the expenses made by Ann
Smith. (1)

QUESTION 1.5 (continued)


1. Garden Solutions (Pty) Ltd (Garden Solutions) can claim the full input tax credit of R8 030
(R61 560 x 15/115) on 1 April 2022, as it purchased a delivery vehicle ("bakkie"), which is
not a "motor car" as defined. (2)

2. An input tax credit can be claimed on the monthly lease of R1 174 ((R4 500 x 2) x 15/115).

On the leasehold improvements a deemed supply will arise on the date the improvements
were completed of Rnil (sections 8(29), 9(12) and 10(28)).
Garden Solutions can claim the full input tax credit of R14 348 (R110 000 x 15/115) as the
improvements will be used 100% for the making of taxable supplies. (2)

3. No input tax credit may be claimed for this purchase, as the purchase of Easter eggs con-
stitutes the supply of "entertainment" as defined (section 17(2)(a)). (2)

4. Garden Solutions can claim an input tax credit of R59 (R456 x 15/115). (1)

5. Garden Solutions can claim a deemed input tax (notional input tax) deduction on the lower
of purchase price (consideration in money) or open market value of R978 (R7 500 x 15/115).

6. The purchase of the first and the second lawnmowers gives rise to the claiming of an input
tax credit:

First lawnmower R268 (R2 052 x 15/115)

Second lawnmower R364 (R2 793 x 15/115)

The trade-in of the first lawnmower gives rise to the levying of output tax of R223
(R1 710 x 15/115). (3)

7. Garden Solutions cannot claim an input tax credit, as it purchased a "motor car" as defined.
The fringe benefit gives rise to a deemed supply. The output tax on the deemed supply is
calculated as follows:

[((R71 250 x 100/115) x 0,3%) - R85] x 15/115 x 1 month = R13. (3)

QUESTION 1.6 (20 marks)

Calculation of VAT payable or refundable for Sebapali (Pty) Ltd

Details Calculations R Marks

Output tax 61 695

Sales local R376 800 x 15/100 [or: x 15%] 56 520 (1)
Direct export sales Zero-rated supply (1) Nil
Interest on overdue Exempt supply/ Financial service (1)
accounts Nil
Discounts received R4 265 x 15/115 556 (1)
Bad debts recovered Amohelang – R850 x 15/115 111 (1)
Export debtor – zero-rated supply (1) Nil
Indemnity receipt R34 560 x 15/115 4 508 (1)

Less: Input tax (25 737)

Purchases of raw R126 500 x 15/115 (16 500) (1)
Salaries and wages Not an enterprise carried on by the Nil (1)
Fuel Zero-rated supply (1) Nil
Motor vehicle repairs and R3 420 x 15/115 (1)
maintenance (446)
Insurance of motor R2 500 x 15/115 (326) (1)
Purchase of single cab Notional input deduction on second-hand
‘bakkie’ goods and single cab ‘bakkie’ is not a
motor car as defined – R60 000 x 15/115 (7 826) (1)
Volkswagen polo Input tax denied (1) / Motor car as defined Nil
Motor vehicle This is an accounting entry and not a
depreciation supply for VAT (1) Nil
Discount allowed on local R3 462 x 15/115
sales of toys (452) (1)
Bad debts written off Not allowed as export sale is zero-rated Nil
Rental of computer R1 430 x 15/115 (187) (1)

VAT payable by Sepabali

to SARS (R61 695 - R25 737 (2)) 35 958

Total marks [20]

QUESTION 1.7 (25 marks)

a) Journal entries of Monate Ltd

Transaction 1 R - debit R – credit

Dr Heavenly sweets 22 632

Cr Sales (160 boxes x R123) 19 680 (1)
Cr VAT Control Account: Output VAT (R19 680 x 15/100) 2 952 (1)
Transaction 2
43 050 (1)
Dr Swedish House of Fun
Cr Sales (350 boxes x R123) 43 050 (1)
Export sales are zero-rated (1)

Transaction 3

Dr Rentals 102 000 (1)

Dr VAT control account: Input VAT (R102 000 x 15/100) 15 300 (1)
Cr Bank 117 300

Transaction 4
285 000 (1)
Dr Motor car
Cr Bank 285 000
An input tax deduction is denied on a motor vehicle (1)

Dr Salaries 97
Cr VAT control account: Output VAT 97
((R285 000 x 100/115) (1) x 0.3% (1) x 15/115 (1) x 1 months (1))

Transaction 5

Dr Purchases 35 000
Dr VAT Control Account: Input VAT (R35 000 x 15/100) 5 250 (1)
Cr Bank 40 250 (1)

Transaction 6

Dr Fuel (Zero-rated) (1) 3 050

Dr Bank charges 4 500 (1)
Dr Stationary 360 (1)
Dr Salaries (Not an enterprise/supply) (1) 25 000
Dr VAT control account: Input VAT ((R4 500 x 15/100) = R675 + 729 (1)
(R360 x 15/100) = R54)
Cr Bank 33 639

Total marks [20]


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