Villainess Maker 1-76

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Villainess M.


I possessed the villainess in the novel. It was even a romance fantasy that I
wrote myself 10 years ago.

The villainess, Ayla, is destined to be killed by the male lead while cursing
the female lead.

That means it’s okay if I don’t turn out to be villainess, right?

“I’m going to spend the rest of my life playing rich and unemployed!”


As I began to fool around, the day suddenly began to turn around.

The reason for that was because I didn’t act like a villainess?!

I don’t want to die!

“Please stop the loop…….”

“The method is simple. You just have to be a real villainess .”
“Real villainess?”
“Wealth, power, honor, man, take everything away.”

Then a dangerous-looking sorcerer came to me.

“If you want, I’ll take her crown and gladly put it over your head, and lead
you to the throne…”

He whispered the devilish sweet words into her ears with a gentle voice.

“So, what’s your answer?”

Will I be able to stop the loop and become a real villainess?

Villainess M.aker

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Ayla had one question that she always had in her mind.

‘……what make different between me and Charlotte?’

But She never said that word out loud. It is because it will make her
ridiculed by everyone.

Ayla Mertensia.

She is the villainess that everyone is pointing at, and Charlotte is an angel
who everyone loved. It is like a silly question to compare a villainess with a

But when things got to this point, Ayla had no choice but to recall the

What on earth made me so different from Charlotte, who is comforted by

everyone’s arms, but I must face such a painful end.

“Why did you do this?”

Werner forcibly lifted Ayla’s chin, which fell to the end of the sword.

Ayla blinked because of her perspective that kept blurring. Then the tears
around the eyes mixed with blood and flowed down her eyes.

” Would you believe me if I told you that…. I didn’t do it?”

Ayla’s voice is so badly cracked that none of her original cleanliness voice
could be found. It was because she kept screaming while being tortured.
But Werner didn’t blink an eye as if he couldn’t hear her excuse.

“I’ll ask you again. Why did you do this?”

Ayla met Werner’s blue eyes, which are flaming with fury toward her.

He wanted to tear her to death right now, but he is going to hold it in as hard
as He could until He heard the answer.

Ayla drew a faint smile around her mouth.

Oh my, He’s charming.

Werner Karl Mohamed Lete.

Shortly after his birth, he is crowned as Crown Prince and he is very

patient. It is because he grew up being educated like that all his life.

Werner is good at covering the mask over his cold, cool nature. He didn’t
hesitate to give a good performance if necessary.

The only time he showed his feelings or lost his reason is when it is all
about Charlotte.

Just like now.

Ayla slowly turned her head and looked in the direction of Charlotte.

Then the blade of the sword, which had touched her neck, penetrated the
skin. Werner said more snarlingly, thrusting in the sword.

“Don’t think about doing anything in vain.”

It is like a threat from a predator who I had invaded its territory.

No matter what the wicked villainess could do on this street. He is even

wary of Ayla giving Charlotte a look and took offense.

Ayla again glanced at Werner’s blue eyes and sweetened her lips.
“Your eyes are cold. That’s what I thought.”

“Ha, are you going to make fun of me using your tongue again? I don’t
want to hear it!”

“But I didn’t know until I saw your eyes on Charlotte. Oh, it is such a warm
color. It is light like a blazing fire. But now you’re looking at me with those
eyes. I am very pleased, Your Grace.”

Even if it is light to burns her alive, it is important for her to see emotions in

“That way, will you remember me even a little when I died like this?”

Ayla burst into laughter by saying so.

“……I can’t hear you. It’s your last chance, so just answer the question.”

Ayla had no way of holding back a burst of laughter. She was wondering if
he, no one else, really don’t know it.

Why do you want to confirm what everyone knows? Why did you do this?
Because I love you.

“Because I love you with all my life, with all my soul and with all my

“Only for that reason…….”

Werner expected, but muttered as if he were really shaking.

“That’s why Charlotte almost died! It’s just because of you!”

He wrestled and stuck a sword in Ayla’s shoulder. Blood gushed down as

the blade of the sword penetrated as easily as it penetrated a tofu.

It happened in an instant.
Ayla cramped her whole body, clenching her teeth as if to break them. Her
pain turned white in front of her eyes, and then she blinked repeatedly.

Where Charlotte is, a scream broke out. Even as Werner burned his eyes
blue with anger at Ayla, he sent Charlotte a worried look.

I’m afraid your wretched lover will stop being shocked at the sight of this
brutal slaughter.

His own love is so important, but why my love tramples so miserably?

Ayla scoffed, waited for the pain to fade, and said firmly.

“I didn’t.”

Then Werner twisted the blade of a sword embedded in her shoulder. Ayla
finally burst into a scream she had been holding back because of her vivid
sense of warping skin in the blood.

“Aaaaargh…! Aaaaaargh……!”

“I wanted to kill you worse than anyone else, but Charlotte wanted to hear
the reason why you’re doing that. She is worried about you even the
moment she found out you are the mastermind of this. But, you still talking
ridiculous with your open mouth.”

“Aaarhgh, Ugh. Haha…… hahaha…”

Ayla continued to smile when her dress turned red, soaked in blood.

Then she rolled her eyes, glued to the guard and turned to Charlotte, who

Charlotte Angelo.

Delicate and innocent like a drop of lily, she go to the back of the guard
with surprise face when she made eye contact with Ayla.

The Crown Prince’s Guard, Lenox.

Surrounding Charlotte as if protecting her, he is like a male in a terrible
unrequited love. Ayla noticed it at first sight. She couldn’t have known
when he had such affectionate eyes.

There are more than one man or two who fell in love with Charlotte.

No, it isn’t just the men.

All living things on this earth, both men and women, are fascinated by
Charlotte with a few words. Even wild animals quickly lifted their guard,
she caught the world attention.

Charlotte is also a part of the beauty, but she is not extraordinarily beautiful
as Ayla.

She doesn’t have a solid back belly. She isn’t wealthy, and much more, she
isn’t educated or wise.

Why the hell? What’s different?

And yet everyone love her.

It’s so easy for her to have affection that Ayla couldn’t get from anyone
even though she had been longing for it all her life.

Charlotte then hid behind the backs of those who love her, doing nothing,
and remain silent. If I could, I wanted to force her out and scratch my nails
in that face.

Her hands never get dirty and all she can do is pathetically squeeze out

Can’t you live without someone’s help? Can’t you protect yourself without
being protected?

Come on. Come here and spit in my face. This is a fight between you and
Ayla couldn’t love Charlotte. From the moment She first met her, She got
goosebumps and hair all over her body as if She had met a natural enemy.

Her fingernails were pulled out and her ugly hands clasped the blade of a
sword stuck in her shoulder. And with all her might, she gazed up at

“I put a curse on you.”

“Are you admitting you’re a witch?”

“What for me to hide in the midst of death.”


Werner dismissed Ayla’s words as the nonsense from a woman going back
and forth.

And she is actually right. This is just the last wish of a wicked villainess
who is dying.

If there is God.

No, I like it even if there’s a demon.

I’ll sell my soul, I don’t care how they would use it. Even if you rip off my
soul and swallow it whole. If you can hear me now, curse him who has
neither blood nor tears.

Werner capured all her emotions and gave the notice indifferently.

“Ayla Mertensia. The Mertensia family is completely destroyed. Because of

you. You won’t be comfortable dying to listen to their resentment.”

“I curse, curse…….”

When Werner pulled out the sword, blood soared like a fountain. Ayla’s
hand, which is holding on to the blade of the sword, is cut off. Her grip is
no use.
Without hesitation, the sword tore Ayla’s flesh and broke her ribs. And he
dug into her heart as slowly as a snake, apparently wanting to cause as
much pain as possible.

As Werner wished, Ayla struggled with pain and slowly broke down,
coughing up tears.

It’s all over.

The life she persisted in, and her love.

“……I curse you. You have no choice but to love me……that kind of

Ayla murmured in her bloody voice.

Werner looked down with wide open eyes at her unexpected words and
soon frowned.

“Silly talk.”

He shook off the blood soaked in the sword and turned his back to

Charlotte clung to Werner, who approached him with tears in her eyes. Her
fine hands gripping the hem of her clothes are trembling.

“Werner, you said you’d let her go without pain. I feel so sorry for her.”

“That was the greatest mercy I could offer.”


“Charlotte, it is none of your business. I told you I’d take care of it. Who do
you care about when you’re shaking like this?”

Werner took Charlotte by the shoulder, which kept glancing behind him,
and Lenox chased him.
The dungeon, where all the people gathered, is soon surrounded by silence,
signaling the final end to Ayla. The embers of life, which are at stake, were

However, Ayla hoped that this would be a new beginning.

“You’ll have no choice but to love me…….”

She muttered like that until the moment she lost her breath.



I dug further into the blanket, gripping my throbbing forehead. Today, the
my neighbor dog barking loudly like an alarm clock.

“……I think I had a dream of something new.”

I couldn’t remember very well. I dream of a dog because I hear the sound of
a dog from the morning breeze. The man in the next door shouted angrily,
‘Don’t make the dog bark!!’. I cheered for him timidly inside.

6 o’clock in the morning.

The dog’s barking sounded over, and I opened my eyes as always in a

cheesy semi-basement single room that announces Monday.

‘Ah, I want to leave the company.’

I checked the time on mu cell phone at my bedside, then groaned and

crawled to the bathroom.

When I brushed my teeth half-heartedly, it is only a little, but the contents

of my dream began to come back to my mind.

My hair is greasy, and there is a foreign woman who is incredibly pretty

even when I put 7 packs of blood on her face. Wow, she is so pretty that I
couldn’t even think of a celebrity who looked like her.

Her hair is so vivid red that it is hard to dye, and her pupils is bigger and
clearer than the lenses, like grassy green……. Oh, yeah. She is not a
person, but just a wonder and unrivaled beauty, as if “wouldn’t a rose be
like this if it became a person?”

I don’t know what’s going on, but I think the sad tears touched my heart.

God, it’s all the other guys’ fault. How can you think of bothering such a
pretty person? If I were there, I will wipe away the tears and say, ‘Oh,
Señora. Please don’t drop the beautiful jewels,’ I would have pretended to
be an Italian man.

I think I’ve seen other people in my dreams, but I don’t remember any more
than that.

Who else was there, what they talked about, why the pretty woman is

I must have been distracted by the pretty unnie. Haha, my dumb

temperament never disappears in my dreams.

She had a young face that she is about to become an adult so that call her
unnie don’t match with her age, but someone said that you just called pretty
girl as unnie.

I hoped that the pretty unnie in the dream would have fulfilled her lingering
desire for her world and died. I don’t know what it is, but do whatever you

After washing up and applying makeup roughly, I completely erased my

dreams from my head. My daily life was too tiring to keep such trivial

I don’t even know what kind of remorse it will come back to…..

Chapter 2

I, Yoon Haneul, is an ordinary small citizen living in the 21st century.

I mean…… just a day ago.

‘Oh my…’

I can’t help but wonder.

I looked around, with a pale face that couldn’t manage my expression at all.

Glowy chandeliers, flamboyant clothing, noble gestures, elegant tunes

flowing in the ears, people dancing to it.

A space that didn’t fit me at all made me feel suffocated just by breathing

‘What a bolt out of the blue in a day……’

I am an introvert person who is naturally hate crowded space and have no

social skill.

Why am I in such a heterogeneous space when I am forced to have a

company dinner to get along with people? I stepped back feeling
physiological repulsion and stuck at the wall.

People in colorful clothes gathered in groups and made a loud noise. Some
laughed loudly, and some gossiped about a single innocent person as a

For example, someone like me.

“What a coincidence.”
“Oh my, it’s because the comparison is like this.”

“I guess the feeling may be different even if they wear the same clothes.
Even though people say clothes are wings, I guess they cover people.”

“What a pity…….”

The people around me laughed at me with open sarcasm.

I looked down at my clothes insensitively, listening to the giggling laughter.

There is absolutely no reason to be laughed at when I looked at myself

A cream-colored dress with silk lace and pearls. Wearing dress styled robe à
la française, representative of the Rococo era, a cute inflated skirt, square
neck circumferences and ribbons of different sizes stood out.

I’m not sure, but dresses that would have been popular only in the 18th
century, which emphasized chest and waist, must have been popular here.
Everyone else is wearing it too.

‘But the reason these people are talking is probably……’


I looked up and see an angel-like pair of men and women coming down
from heaven. Just in time the light shone brilliantly over their heads,
looking holy like a masterpiece.

‘Prince Werner and…… Charlotte’

And now watching them, I’m Ayla Mertensia. The ‘Vilainess’ in this

No, to be more precise, ‘Yoon Haneul’ possessed in the body of villainess

in the novel <Lady Lily>. I’m the author of this novel.

‘Can a dream be so vivid?’

No, what more can I deny. It’s not a dream, so it’s reality.

As I lamented my situation, the nobles, who are eager to bite Ayla, chewed
on me as a side dish.

“It is famous that Miss Mertensia is obsessed with His Majesty the Crown
Prince that she doesn’t hesitate to choose any means or methods. I’m sure
everyone here knows.”

“Oh, I’m sure she got the information and dressed in similar colors.”

“But how did she know it would overlap with another lady like this?”

“Oh, my God, I’m embarrassed. If I became her, I’d be too embarrassed to

raise my head.”

Their reasoning is correct. In this scene, Ayla dressed up to look like a

couple with the crown prince.

It’s unfair, I just dressed as someone would dress me as soon as I opened

my eyes.

“So, who the hell is that lady?”

“I think it’s her first time in society, but she stands out. She’s like a lily.”

‘Crazy, lily…….’

And I grabbed my skirt, shuddering with shame when I heard the

nicknames for Charlotte.

No, there’s no one who actually says, ‘She’s like a lily flower’. But that was
the line I wrote.

Oh, please.

“I think she is Viscount Angelo daughter?”

“Oh, I see.”
Noble lady, who asked for Charlotte’s identity, seemed disappointed in her
class, but soon glanced at her again and blushed. She seemed completely
fascinated by Charlotte’s unique atmosphere that kept catching her eye.

At that time, someone whispered secretly.

“If it were the Viscount Angelo……that the estate was on the verge of
bankruptcy.…. Oh, I just saying rude things.”

“Then, is she looking for the groom? With that appearance and grace, she’ll
definitely get attention in the wedding market.”

“I don’t know if it’s because your highness and dress code overlap by
accident, but standing side by side make them perfect match. Unlike anyone

Werner’s cream-colored suit and Charlotte’s cream-colored dress are like

wedding suits for the wedding here today. That’s why they look great on the
outside as well.

Both of their hair shining like the sun, melted when touched, and their clear
blue eyes seemed to capture the sky.

On the other hand, I was like a sack of barley after being humiliated for
wearing a cream-colored dress like Charlotte.

To be honest, Ayla doesn’t match with cream color. Because she is a

remarkably glamorous beauty with flame-colored hair that bent down to her
waist and dark green eyes. Dark and alluring colors looked better on her
than these bright colors.

Of course, I don’t think She’d look good in anything like this, but if she is
in front of Charlotte, the story is different.

Charlotte is not a great beauty who caught the eye at once like Ayla, but as
the main character in the novel, she is a pure and simple beauty who
gradually became more glaring as they see her.
Her cream-colored dress, lovely flower embroidery and lace, her hair and
pure-looking pearl decorations match with her as if she were born with it in
the first place.

Well, even objective evaluation, but as I said, because she is the protagonist
of this novel. The whole universe will help her get attention because of
protagonist buff.

I glanced down again at the dress I wore. The design seemed to be similar
because the color is not enough to match in the same dressing room.

Since I’m wearing something that looks like this.

“It’s like a saintess and a witch.”

Maybe it is an accurate metaphor, but laughter broke out everywhere when

someone said it.


“My hands and feet are still cringe.”

I, who is praying eagerly for the banquet to end, immediately rode a wagon
and headed to the mansion as soon as there was a wave atmosphere.

And as soon as I got to my room, I shuddered, throwing the evening bag I

had in my hand on the bed.

“Uh…… I can’t believe the dark history is just moving in real time in front
of my eyes…”….”

Wow, that is an unbearable torture.

I’m glad I got out of there quickly, but if I heard any more lines I wrote, I
would have broken the window and jumped.

I sighed to the ground and looked around with a vague feeling.

I am thrilled to look at the antique room, second only to a five-star hotel. I
think the furniture is all golden because it seems to be attached to the
dozens of studio apartments I used to live in.

I looked up for a moment. Michelangelo’s <Creation of Heaven and Earth>

ceiling painting is in my view.

‘When I saw that as soon as I woke up in the morning, I thought I was

finally crazy.’

I looked around and screamed, I screamed when looked at the mirror, I

screamed at the maids who ran in surprise at my scream.

I, who is literally crazy, could only be identified when I heard my name

called by the maids.

Ten years ago, there was a romance fantasy novel that I wrote because of
my addiction to the days when online novels were in vogue.

The title is <Lady Lily>.

It was the first and last novel I wrote, and it is a novel that is cringe-worthy
in many ways, filled with the freshness of high school students. It is also
my past that I just wanted to change so that were not happend.

‘Since it is a novel written 10 years ago, I forgot it completely in the first


However, I possessed in there. In other words, in the body of lady, the

villainess of the novel, Ayla Mertensia daughter of Duke Mertensia.

But still, isn’t it too much to throw me into the dark history of 10 years ago?
I don’t know who make me possessed here, but do you have a conscience? I
let out a deep sigh.

‘By the way, what’s important now is…….’

[“You’ll have no choice but to love me…” She muttered like that until the
moment she lost her breath.]
In the novel Lady Lily, the villainess Ayla loved Prince Werner.

She always tormented Charlotte, who is like a thorn in her eye, and by the
end her ending, she was driven by jealousy to the point of secretly seeking
the forbidden book with the intention of curse her.

But of course, the fact is soon discovered, and the curse was never properly
met, and all the torture was pierced by Werner’s sword and she suffered a
lonely death in a cold prison.

Like most romance fantasy novels, Ayla also faces a very miserable and
painful end as a villainess.

‘Well, It’s either she can’t stand the shame, or she can die at the hands of
the male protagonist…….’

Without even thinking about removing my make-up, I sent out a bunch of

leery maids and fell on the bed.

‘Why the villainess Ayla?’

She doesn’t suit me at all.

I am timid, can’t think of hurting others even if I’m hurt, and can’t help but
listen to unreasonable requests.

That is me, Yoon Haneul.

Looking back on all my memories in my life, I have never wanted to do

something for myself.

Except once, ten years ago, when I first wrote “Lady Lily” despite the
criticism from my parents.

‘That’s right. I don’t know if it’s cringe-worthy now, but I used to write it
purely and enjoyable back then.’

I suddenly jumped out of bed feeling like I was struck by lightning.

Yes, this world is a meaningful place with precious memories that I created
with my will for the first time.

I can’t die here.

I couldn’t have died like this.

School expenses, rent, tuition for younger siblings, like a pouring water into
the bottomless pit that I’ve been living in my life and finally got out from
there. In a hellish life that goes around every day.

But regrettably why would I die?

Ayla faces a miserable end as a villainess in the novel because she bullied
and cursed Charlotte.

“Then, isn’t it as long as I don’t become villainess?”

If I don’t act like the villainess Ayla, I won’t die and the Mertensia family
will not be thoroughly trampled on by Werner’s hand.

“I can live my whole life enjoying what Ayla has been given……?”

Money, power, honor, beauty, everything.

She is a golden spoon, no, not a gold spoon, but a diamond spoon.

‘Oh, stupid villainess. You’re really stupid and you’ve done all your useless

It is a simple matter that only Charlotte and Werner that I have to avoid
desperately. Then at least I’ll save my life, and I won’t have to struggle with
pain while watching my dark history in real time.

‘I don’t meet anyone in the first place, do nothing, just play and eat, I just
have to be stuck in my room, right?’

A ray of light seemed to be shining from the sky. This must be a gift from
me 10 years ago.
Money is the best.

For 10 years, I became a rotten adult who believed in money rather than
love, and I could be happy even if I came into the body of a villainess.

I decided to live the life of a rich unemployed man that I dreamed of all my

I mean…… just a day ago.

‘Oh my…’

I can’t help but wonder.

I looked around, with a pale face that couldn’t manage my expression at all.

Glowy chandeliers, flamboyant clothing, noble gestures, elegant tunes

flowing in the ears, people dancing to it.

A space that didn’t fit me at all made me feel suffocated just by breathing

‘What a bolt out of the blue in a day……’

I am an introvert person who is naturally hate crowded space and have no

social skill.

Why am I in such a heterogeneous space when I am forced to have a

company dinner to get along with people? I stepped back feeling
physiological repulsion and stuck at the wall.

People in colorful clothes gathered in groups and made a loud noise. Some
laughed loudly, and some gossiped about a single innocent person as a

For example, someone like me.

“What a coincidence.”
“Oh my, it’s because the comparison is like this.”

“I guess the feeling may be different even if they wear the same clothes.
Even though people say clothes are wings, I guess they cover people.”

“What a pity…….”

The people around me laughed at me with open sarcasm.

I looked down at my clothes insensitively, listening to the giggling laughter.

There is absolutely no reason to be laughed at when I looked at myself

A cream-colored dress with silk lace and pearls. Wearing dress styled robe à
la française, representative of the Rococo era, a cute inflated skirt, square
neck circumferences and ribbons of different sizes stood out.

I’m not sure, but dresses that would have been popular only in the 18th
century, which emphasized chest and waist, must have been popular here.
Everyone else is wearing it too.

‘But the reason these people are talking is probably……’


I looked up and see an angel-like pair of men and women coming down
from heaven. Just in time the light shone brilliantly over their heads,
looking holy like a masterpiece.

‘Prince Werner and…… Charlotte’

And now watching them, I’m Ayla Mertensia. The ‘Vilainess’ in this

No, to be more precise, ‘Yoon Haneul’ possessed in the body of villainess

in the novel <Lady Lily>. I’m the author of this novel.

‘Can a dream be so vivid?’

No, what more can I deny. It’s not a dream, so it’s reality.

As I lamented my situation, the nobles, who are eager to bite Ayla, chewed
on me as a side dish.

“It is famous that Miss Mertensia is obsessed with His Majesty the Crown
Prince that she doesn’t hesitate to choose any means or methods. I’m sure
everyone here knows.”

“Oh, I’m sure she got the information and dressed in similar colors.”

“But how did she know it would overlap with another lady like this?”

“Oh, my God, I’m embarrassed. If I became her, I’d be too embarrassed to

raise my head.”

Their reasoning is correct. In this scene, Ayla dressed up to look like a

couple with the crown prince.

It’s unfair, I just dressed as someone would dress me as soon as I opened

my eyes.

“So, who the hell is that lady?”

“I think it’s her first time in society, but she stands out. She’s like a lily.”

‘Crazy, lily…….’

And I grabbed my skirt, shuddering with shame when I heard the

nicknames for Charlotte.

No, there’s no one who actually says, ‘She’s like a lily flower’. But that was
the line I wrote.

Oh, please.

“I think she is Viscount Angelo daughter?”

“Oh, I see.”
Noble lady, who asked for Charlotte’s identity, seemed disappointed in her
class, but soon glanced at her again and blushed. She seemed completely
fascinated by Charlotte’s unique atmosphere that kept catching her eye.

At that time, someone whispered secretly.

“If it were the Viscount Angelo……that the estate was on the verge of
bankruptcy.…. Oh, I just saying rude things.”

“Then, is she looking for the groom? With that appearance and grace, she’ll
definitely get attention in the wedding market.”

“I don’t know if it’s because your highness and dress code overlap by
accident, but standing side by side make them perfect match. Unlike anyone

Werner’s cream-colored suit and Charlotte’s cream-colored dress are like

wedding suits for the wedding here today. That’s why they look great on the
outside as well.

Both of their hair shining like the sun, melted when touched, and their clear
blue eyes seemed to capture the sky.

On the other hand, I was like a sack of barley after being humiliated for
wearing a cream-colored dress like Charlotte.

To be honest, Ayla doesn’t match with cream color. Because she is a

remarkably glamorous beauty with flame-colored hair that bent down to her
waist and dark green eyes. Dark and alluring colors looked better on her
than these bright colors.

Of course, I don’t think She’d look good in anything like this, but if she is
in front of Charlotte, the story is different.

Charlotte is not a great beauty who caught the eye at once like Ayla, but as
the main character in the novel, she is a pure and simple beauty who
gradually became more glaring as they see her.
Her cream-colored dress, lovely flower embroidery and lace, her hair and
pure-looking pearl decorations match with her as if she were born with it in
the first place.

Well, even objective evaluation, but as I said, because she is the protagonist
of this novel. The whole universe will help her get attention because of
protagonist buff.

I glanced down again at the dress I wore. The design seemed to be similar
because the color is not enough to match in the same dressing room.

Since I’m wearing something that looks like this.

“It’s like a saintess and a witch.”

Maybe it is an accurate metaphor, but laughter broke out everywhere when

someone said it.


“My hands and feet are still cringe.”

I, who is praying eagerly for the banquet to end, immediately rode a wagon
and headed to the mansion as soon as there was a wave atmosphere.

And as soon as I got to my room, I shuddered, throwing the evening bag I

had in my hand on the bed.

“Uh…… I can’t believe the dark history is just moving in real time in front
of my eyes…”….”

Wow, that is an unbearable torture.

I’m glad I got out of there quickly, but if I heard any more lines I wrote, I
would have broken the window and jumped.

I sighed to the ground and looked around with a vague feeling.

I am thrilled to look at the antique room, second only to a five-star hotel. I
think the furniture is all golden because it seems to be attached to the
dozens of studio apartments I used to live in.

I looked up for a moment. Michelangelo’s <Creation of Heaven and Earth>

ceiling painting is in my view.

‘When I saw that as soon as I woke up in the morning, I thought I was

finally crazy.’

I looked around and screamed, I screamed when looked at the mirror, I

screamed at the maids who ran in surprise at my scream.

I, who is literally crazy, could only be identified when I heard my name

called by the maids.

Ten years ago, there was a romance fantasy novel that I wrote because of
my addiction to the days when online novels were in vogue.

The title is <Lady Lily>.

It was the first and last novel I wrote, and it is a novel that is cringe-worthy
in many ways, filled with the freshness of high school students. It is also
my past that I just wanted to change so that were not happend.

‘Since it is a novel written 10 years ago, I forgot it completely in the first


However, I possessed in there. In other words, in the body of lady, the

villainess of the novel, Ayla Mertensia daughter of Duke Mertensia.

But still, isn’t it too much to throw me into the dark history of 10 years ago?
I don’t know who make me possessed here, but do you have a conscience? I
let out a deep sigh.

‘By the way, what’s important now is…….’

[“You’ll have no choice but to love me…” She muttered like that until the
moment she lost her breath.]
In the novel Lady Lily, the villainess Ayla loved Prince Werner.

She always tormented Charlotte, who is like a thorn in her eye, and by the
end her ending, she was driven by jealousy to the point of secretly seeking
the forbidden book with the intention of curse her.

But of course, the fact is soon discovered, and the curse was never properly
met, and all the torture was pierced by Werner’s sword and she suffered a
lonely death in a cold prison.

Like most romance fantasy novels, Ayla also faces a very miserable and
painful end as a villainess.

‘Well, It’s either she can’t stand the shame, or she can die at the hands of
the male protagonist…….’

Without even thinking about removing my make-up, I sent out a bunch of

leery maids and fell on the bed.

‘Why the villainess Ayla?’

She doesn’t suit me at all.

I am timid, can’t think of hurting others even if I’m hurt, and can’t help but
listen to unreasonable requests.

That is me, Yoon Haneul.

Looking back on all my memories in my life, I have never wanted to do

something for myself.

Except once, ten years ago, when I first wrote “Lady Lily” despite the
criticism from my parents.

‘That’s right. I don’t know if it’s cringe-worthy now, but I used to write it
purely and enjoyable back then.’

I suddenly jumped out of bed feeling like I was struck by lightning.

Yes, this world is a meaningful place with precious memories that I created
with my will for the first time.

I can’t die here.

I couldn’t have died like this.

School expenses, rent, tuition for younger siblings, like a pouring water into
the bottomless pit that I’ve been living in my life and finally got out from
there. In a hellish life that goes around every day.

But regrettably why would I die?

Ayla faces a miserable end as a villainess in the novel because she bullied
and cursed Charlotte.

“Then, isn’t it as long as I don’t become villainess?”

If I don’t act like the villainess Ayla, I won’t die and the Mertensia family
will not be thoroughly trampled on by Werner’s hand.

“I can live my whole life enjoying what Ayla has been given……?”

Money, power, honor, beauty, everything.

She is a golden spoon, no, not a gold spoon, but a diamond spoon.

‘Oh, stupid villainess. You’re really stupid and you’ve done all your useless

It is a simple matter that only Charlotte and Werner that I have to avoid
desperately. Then at least I’ll save my life, and I won’t have to struggle with
pain while watching my dark history in real time.

‘I don’t meet anyone in the first place, do nothing, just play and eat, I just
have to be stuck in my room, right?’

A ray of light seemed to be shining from the sky. This must be a gift from
me 10 years ago.
Money is the best.

For 10 years, I became a rotten adult who believed in money rather than
love, and I could be happy even if I came into the body of a villainess.

I decided to live the life of a rich unemployed man that I dreamed of all my


Chapter 3

The life of a rich unemployed man who started like that is happiness itself.

“Which one should I choose-“

I stood in front of the bookshelf and hummed. New and shiny books
awaited my choice.


Luxurious hardcover all made of genuine leather. They said that books are
the food for mind, but just looking at these pretty things made me feel

After a moment of contemplation, I picked up a book titled <I promised

money and a hundred years of life>. And I looked at the books that were
completely filled in the library.

It’s just a library, but when I see the amount that reminds me of this

‘There will be no problem in the next 50 years.’

Moreover, it is interesting just to read history books because as this is a

world in a novel.

It’s like reading a fantasy novel. Not to mention the magic books are very
interesting, and even religious books were unique because they are closely
related to mythology.

Who knew that a novel that was written without thinking because I just
liked it would have built such a solid world?
‘It’s like seeing a child who grows up and works well on their own’

I think it would be good to read books for the rest of my life.

No, I rather wanted to live my whole life reading books. In my previous

life, I had no time to relax and read books because I was overwhelmed by

I walked out of the library with book in my arms. As I strolled down the
hall, maids were busy bowing their head, frightened see me as if they had
encountered a plague.

“Mi, Miss!”

“Miss, did, did you get cold?”


Seeing maids rattling like aspen trees, I felt a sense of realism.

Should I say I’m glad They didn’t bother me, or should I say I’m feel bitter
because I feel like I’ve become a bully even though I haven’t done

And I’ve known from experience that the nicer I am to them, the more
frightening they are.

As I decided to live a life of a rich unemployed person, I smiled softly to

change the image of a villainess, but there was even a maid who fainted
with bubbles while causing hyperventilation symptoms.

‘What a murderous smile…….’

I was sullen for a moment and then opened my mouth to the thought that
came to my mind.

“Oh, right. Last time I…….”


As I spoke, the maid shrugged her body in vain, inhaling her breath as if she
were under great threat. My hand, which was wandering about in the air,
unable to find a place to go.

“Ugh! I, I’m sorry for being rude!”

“……that’s enough.”

I’m not some wild beast. I am hurt and muttered melacholy.

“I just wanted to ask when the limited-edition book of the Linte writer I
ordered before will come in….”

“I’m really, really sorry Miss! It will arrive tomorrow morning!”

I don’t know if this can be called a conversation, but…… the maid is

shaking her pupils all the way through the conversation with me and her
whole body is telling that she wanted to escape.

……Well, I will let you go if you want it.

I spoke stiffly, trying as hard as I could to stiffen my face as I feared she’d


“Okay. Thanks.”

The maid hardened as if her head is nailed, and only her nostrils fluttered
like a rabbit.

What’s that look like you’ve seen a sign of the end of the world? How the
hell is she being treated when Ayla acted as villainess?

In the past, I am a person who built a social wall, but I think Ayla has gone
too far.

She has been living with everyone in the world pretending to be human? I
don’t mean to say that I wrote this novel.
‘Is there anyone who can heal the wound?’

Being completely isolated, I headed to the kitchen, grieving over the

loneliness that came.

If you’re feeling depressed, you should eat dessert. Should I ask for a
chocolate today? As if when she was depressed, her nasal sound came out.

The chef of this mansion is the most skilled chef in the Lethe Empire. He’s
perfect for myself who have a picky taste of modern people.

Egg tart, millefeuille, puff cream…….’

As I headed to the kitchen, I had all sorts of menu desserts in my head that I
could shake off to him.

I’ll take a bunch of desserts today and go up to my room and roll around all
day. A day will fly by just one book. Just like a month of life as Ayla.


I grinned like a fool at the thought of playing and eating and then stopped

It is because there is an uncomfortable personnel no 2, walking from the

opposite side of the mansion.

‘Aslan Mertensia.’

He is the heir of the Mertensia family and the brother of Ayla.

The man who worked at the imperial palace came back quickly today, and
he is walking around the mansion in broad daylight for some reason.

‘Should I say hello?’

But my honest feelings are, I don’t want to pretend to not see him.
When I am holding a book in my arms and making a sharp expression, I
wondered if Aslan also found me, and our eyes interlocked in the air.



No, I can’t do it like this.

A completely different obsidian-like eye from Ayla stared at me still. It is so

black that I couldn’t see the pupils and glistened like a snake’s eye.

Perhaps that’s why I, as a Korean, he has a combination of black hair and

black eyes that I was familiar with, and even though he is a beautiful young
man with a rare appearance, he has a strong sense of rejection.

Unlike Ayla, who resembles their father and has sharp eyes, Aslan looked
like their mother, his eyes are red and droopy, making him look miserable.

Of course, the cool glances that didn’t show any feelings are taken from
their father.

I stuck to the wall, slightly turnig away from his gaze, which I felt
somehow tenacious. At the same time, Aslan passed me by.

“……low level of standard.”

And as he left, the word he muttered in my ear is enough to raise my blood

preassure. He certainly said it after reading the title book that I am holding
<I Promised Money and a Hundred Years>.

‘That scumbag.’

If you’re going to go, go quietly, why are you picking a fight with someone
who’s still? You don’t use money? You speaks innocently about the subject,
but our father is the minister of finance.

But I couldn’t even say anything about it, as I am playing with the money.
Just gently flicking my middle finger behind my back.
Well, some siblings ignore each other like cows, and in a way, is this real
relationship between brother and sister? Romance fantasy novels are full of
idiotic brother, but why am I the only one who stuck with him?

‘The home environment is also evil.’

Somehow, the lamentation grew even more.

The only conversation I’ve had over the past month was with maids. It is
because my family didn’t even see me and ignored me. Well, the only
family members are Aslan and my father.

This is because Ayla had been hated by her father, the Duke of Mertensia,
ever since she was born.

Eighteen years ago, Margaret, Duchess of the Mertensia family, died giving
birth to Ayla, The Duke thought that Ayla was a monster born by eating her

The Duke is also a rare romanticist who loved his wife dearly, although he
was called externally as iron-blooded. Even now, the fateful love story of
the Duke and Duchess was so famous that it was often talked about among

But his love is limited only to Margaret, and he is cold man who put the
standards of iron-blood on his children as well.

That’s why Ayla, who is an idiot and trouble maker, grew up being
thoroughly neglected despite being the daughter of her beloved wife,

The Duke of Mertensia did not give Ayla a wink of attention unless she had
an accident enough to defame her family wherever and whatever she did.

It’s understandable that you don’t even notice that I’m possessed by Ayla’s

He already have a smart and competent successor to succeed the family

anyway, so he probably didn’t have to.
‘It is a setting to give Ayla the probability of being born with everything
and behaving evil……. Well, now I feel like I’m going to die because I feel

However, thanks to the setting, I achieved my dream of being unemployed,

so it is a big gain.

‘Yeah, I’m glad you ignored me rather than they interfered with everything.
He’d be bothering me by calling a tutor right now and dragging me around.
Then I would rather inevitably become a villainess and make my family,
even society collapse…….’

I quickly finished self-justification and accepted. As a writer, I felt a little

sorry for Ayla, but thanks to her, I am satisfied that no one would say
anything to me even if I lived in this corner of the room.


‘Uhm… is this heaven?’

I ate a lot of desserts that melt in my mouth, rolled around in bed, and read
a book, and lied down in a happy mood.

I can’t get enough of this lazy surplus life for another 50 years.

“Yes! Finally, I’m going to receive the limited edition book of the author
Linte tomorrow!”


He is a genius to the extent that it is wonderful he exist in the novel I wrote.

When I first read his romance novel, it seemed like a new world had open

The elegant style is also fluid, but especially the male protagonist’s color
scheme is enough to make my frozen heart beat again. A great man who
reminded me of the truth that a great boyfriend is only a paper boyfriend.
“……should I kidnap him?””

I mumbled drearyly and lit my eyes. I’d like to lock him up and give him
three meals a day to prepare by the chef from the palace, and let him write
only for me.

It is absolutely impossible to realize in my previous life, but now it is


Who am I? I’m youngest daughter of the Duke Mertensia. Kidnapping is, of

course, a crime, but at least it wouldn’t matter to find out who the
mysterious gentleman is.


I have a secret ambition that I can’t say, and the sky outside the window is
starting to darken little by little.

At the moment, I thought so dangerously that I thought my inner world is

sticking out of the world.

I paused for a moment and looked up at the sky. The sun is slowly sinking
into the dark.

‘Ah, I heard there’s a total solar eclipse today.’

Somehow the Duke’s son said he would come home early today. It’s
forbidden by imperial law to go outside when a total solar eclipse occurs.

I looked at the scene foolishly for a moment and closed my eyes belatedly. I
heard total solar eclipses can cause blindness when you see it with the
naked eye!

I dropped my gaze as low as I could and recalled what I had read in the
Imperial newspaper this morning.

In the world of this <Lady Lily> novel, a total eclipse is called a

“Palingea.” I guess I gave it a plausible name because I thought it would not
look like a total solar eclipse when I was in high school.….
In any case, the total eclipse has historically been known as ominous in any
world and so has the world in this novel.

In particular, the Lethe Empire, the setting of the novel, boasted the most
powerful imperial power in the world over the past century, and has
expanded its territory endlessly in the war of aggression.

In addition, it became a great empire, also called the “Land of the Bright
Sun,” because the night does not come forever.

For this reason, the people of the Empire are very afraid of the total eclipse
Palingea, which covered the sun, the symbol of the emperor, and could not
be helped by human power.

Above all, the most decisive reason why the people became afraid of
Palingea is because of the “incident” that happened on the day of the total
solar eclipse five centuries ago.

Killian, the worst evil sorcerer ever, caused a whole kingdom to vanish


Chapter 5

Tok, tok, tok…….

A gentle finger tapped on the table. The man repeated the action again and
again in the dark. It is a habit seen when he is in a bad mood.

However, since his atmosphere is heinous on his usual stomach, every time
his fingernails hit the glass, the anguish of his close friend, Louis only

‘I’ve never seen he so angry before. What happened to you? Until

yesterday, he is the same as usual.’

It is not just Louis. Everyone just looked at the man’s face and held their
breath as if they were dead.

Each and every one of them gathered here are notorious, but they are
nothing more than loyal dogs waving their tails in front of their masters.



“Do you know sense of dexterity?”

Louis, who bowed deeply before him to a rather abrupt question, raised his
head again with a puzzled look.

“Of course, isn’t it the first time you’ve seen it somewhere or felt like
you’ve experienced it?”

Well, psychologists say it’s a form of memory error. Priests infirmaries are a
visionary ability, used to babble about God’s presence and nonsense.
Louis shrugged his shoulder, adding to the unasked profanity of the
retainers. Then the man who listened to it silently muttered with thoughts of

“Today, the sense of dexterity seems to be so obnoxiously blatant.”

“Huh! Isn’t that foresight?”

Louis sparkled his eyes, saying the same thing same as the dungeons he had
just cracked. And he admired with voice full of infinite trust.

“What a great monarch our Lord!”

“I don’t have the ability to foresight. I have insight.”

“If it’s insight, that’s what it is. It doesn’t make a big difference! Do you
think you know what’s going to happen today? Does something special

“I think I was trying to kill you.”


Louis shut up on his own and crushed himself. After talking to him, he
couldn’t even find his cool. Looking at his master’s eyes, he groaned his tail
like a dog.

The land of the dead, the King of Rotullo.

Their monarch are largely helpless and quietly living in boredom and

But everyone knew that his blood-crazed nature is more brutal than the

It is an imprint on the bones of everyone on the whole continent. His

people, not to mention, knew painfully.
He is suffocated to death by the atmosphere. The aides there began a fierce
war of wits with each other without saying a word.

The scapegoat is the first foolish Louis to make a rash mouth. Eventually,
he couldn’t withstand everyone’s acrimonious gaze and eventually rolled up
his arms and stepped forward.

Then quickly heated the pre-prepared pot with magic, poured tea water into
the teacup, and secretly put sleeping pills in the form of pills.

It is a powerful drug to put elephants to sleep in one shot, but it would only
have a sedative effect on the master. No, maybe it doesn’t work at all.

However, Louis stared at the king’s, as the medicine melted into the hot tea
in an instant, hoping that he would at least calm down.

“My lord, there is nothing like a tea to restore peace of mind!”

He tried to move with a steaming teacup. Then the man stared at the teacup,
exuding unprecedented ferocity.


Why do I want to break that cup right away?



“Why do I really want to kill you…”

“No, what did I do!”

After getting a sleeping pill in the tea he is going to drink, Louis quickly
complained of resentment, like a thief with a fast foot.

That’s when Louis takes a step.

“Oh eugh!”
He tripped like a lie on a smooth marble floor with no obstacles.

He is Louis, who had long been known for his consistent stupidity. The
teacup on the plate flew through the air as he staggered to balance.

Louis, astonished, quickly reached out and grabbed the teacup. However,
the tea water under the influence of gravity is still only raging at the master.






The man’s finger, which was tapping on the desk, tapped and stopped.

Everyone stared at the pouring tea water with a stunned face. Their eyes
naturally turned to the lord’s secret place.

Crazy, He’s spilling tea over there.

That’s hot and boiling tea water.

All feeling crossed in the minds of those who watched the tea water that fell
on the crotch.

“Uh, ice! Bring out the ice!”

“Bring underwear and pants to change!”

“No, a towel to wipe before that!”

“You can use magic to dry it, you idiot!”

The hardened ones quickly regained their minds and screamed. They moved
busily, and at the same time looked back at Lewi, looking as if they were
already in his grave.

Louis himself hardened, forgetting to breathe. He seemed to faint with his

eyes open.

At that time, the silent man slowly touched his lips

“……was it this?”

“Lord! Ca, calm down!”

“If you wanted to die, you should have told me earlier. I’d have let you go
at ease.”

A real nightmare, a living ghost story.

Louis, who recalled his lord’s tinnitus, who had been as well-behaved as a
hunched beast, stiffened himself.

Smiling little by little, he is like an arrogant ruler who believed that even
God is under his feet. Only the thought of touching the wrong thing
dominated Louis’s mind.

The master, who usually has little change in emotions, is always lethargic
and had a very high boiling point. He didn’t even feel the need to be angry
in the first place.

If he had made a mistake like today on another day, Master would have
frowned a little even if he spilled tea on the street and said, “Be careful.”

However, the atmosphere is as if he is going to take care of him. The

fearsome life is definitely the momentum to shake off his soul.

Louis, who could not understand why the Lord is so uncomfortable, cried

“I, I have sinned to die. Please spare me your generosity!”

“If you have sinned to die, you must die.”

“Lord, take a deep breath and think again! Shouldn’t everything be done
calmly with reason? You’ll get Izzie back!”

“I won’t. Even if I send you comfortably, you are so foolish that I have been
so pampered.”

The man said what he could to the grumpy little boy, then got up and
stepped on Louis’ back without hesitation.

However, he is unable to move because he felt something is getting stuck

inside. He narrowed the gap between his brows.

Why doesn’t this situation feel unfamiliar to me? Why is it that today feels
more vivid than ever before?

“It’s as if I’ve experienced it myself…….”

At that time, the man, who was hesitating at the end of his sentence,
narrowed his eyes and suddenly realized something. All the clues that are
messing with his head felt clear in a moment.

Ah, yes.

It’s not something He’ve been through once or twice.

“It’s not like a sense of deja vu.”


“It actually happened. Countless.”

“Oh, I see……pardon?”

“The day, does it repeat itself?”

“Yes? Yes?”
The man murmured like that and then chuckled and laughed. Louis, who
had been trampled by him, gave him a cold sweat and glanced around.

‘The day repeats? What does that mean?’

‘Do you guys understad?’

‘I guess Lord is crazy.’

‘What’s that? I’m scared! He’s scary! Give me back my Lord who is calm
and quiet!’

It’s boring, and He’s bored. He’d rather miss the time when he used to say
the same thing. They were telepathic to each other and returned to their
immovable positions when their lord stopped laughing.

“It would be entirely God’s responsibility to deal with time. It seems that
‘He’ broke the long silence and started moving directly, didn’t he?

He murmured, shining devilish eyes that had just woken from the seal.

“I’m sure there’s a reason.”

After the man said so, he removed his foot from trampling on Louis and

“I’ll let you live for now.”

Louis was sentenced to a limited time and slackened his body. Because the
Lord is annoying and doesn’t remember the little things, that word meant
saving his life.

“A human who is loved by God to the point of breaking causality…….”

The lips that drew a stiff line contained a clear interest.

“It’s fun.”
Of course, no one here understood what he meant. Everyone looked at him
with holding breath, as he began to wear a hood on his coat with a look of

“Are you going out of the woods?”

He swept up his disheveled bangs without saying a word.

Then, the eyes in between shone eeriely. The silver color eyes are like a
wolf for food.

“If There is a human loved by God, It would be polite for me to twist their
neck by myself.”

The corners of his mouth drew a line.


It is the tenth time of 13th.

I couldn’t stand it, so I contacted the publisher directly on the 13th.

It is a very uncivilized view of the world without a phone call, so the reply
arrived by the evening, but the publisher left it to the delivery man, so there
is nothing they can do about it.

I can’t go through the entire capital to find the delivery man. I’ve actually
sent someone, but you can’t find someone whose face or name isn’t
specified in one day.

This is why you have to trade things directly. If I knew this would happen, I
wouldn’t have left it to the publisher, but I would have gone by myself.
That’s why my limited edition novel of Lingte is wandering around. Did it

“Why didn’t I give you money, but You can’t bring it?”
As soon as I woke up in the morning, I couldn’t overcome the frustration
and went crazy again.

“My lady, I’m sorry! I was wrong!”

“My lady, I’m sorry! I have sinned to death!”

“That’s right, Lady, I have sinned to die! Please, please spare me!”

“Spare me! Please spare me, Lady! My brother only have me!”

I heard the same line for the tenth time.


I definitely isn’t a smoker, but strangely I’m craving cigarettes. I was lost in
thought again listening to the chorus of “Save Me,” written and composed
by the maids.

‘I’m trapped in time.’

What do you call this? I agonized with a groaning sound. I wrapped my

head and thought of the word belatedly.

‘Yes, Loop.’


A phenomenon in which the beginning and end are connected like a ring
and the limited time is repeated endlessly.

Simply put, it means that the same time is repeated endlessly.


Chapter 6

Loop is not a common phenomenon even in the creation. Of course, it never

appeared in the novel <Lady Lily>.

I even felt like I am the only one around who is conscious of the day
repeating again and again. None from Duke, his son, and maids expressed
doubts. Everyone is just living faithfully today like nothing happened.

‘And they’re doing the same thing over and over again at the same time in

I calmly grasped my situation for now.

So what kind of situation is this, I would said this is a situation where I am

alone isolated in repetitive time.

“Haha, I look like a beggar.”

I burst into an empty laugh.

I already have no friends and family, but now I am trapped in a loop and
isolated alone. I am the only person in this are who come from outside of
the novel.

‘I don’t know if I’m a loop at the same time, I’ve never heard of anything
like this!’

Even though I’m 28 years old in my past life, there is a limit to accepting it.

What does the world have against me? In my dark history of 10 years ago,
they put me into the most miserable villainess, or in the midst of being rich,
they would create a loop so I can’t enjoy a hobby that I have never enjoyed
in your life.
‘How hard I’ve been living so far, shouldn’t they have given me more time
to be rewarded, these damn things.’

I’m so sad that I can’t stop crying.

It has already been repeated ten times, so even a hundred days, even a
thousand days, will be repeated endlessly.

Yeah, let’s just say I put up with it somehow. In fact, what does it matter if
unemployed people repeat themselves 10 times a day or 100 times a day?

The biggest problem is that I couldn’t see the new novel from the author

‘I can’t have such a thing!’

What made me survive in this dark living history of living and breathing?
It’s all thanks to author Lingte. If I don’t see the next volume of the series,
I’m going to dry up and die.

‘I can’t die on the 13th day like this. I don’t know who it is, but I can’t die
of injustice until I punch the face of the person who made me do this.’

Somehow I have to move on to the next day. I’ll take the limited edition
novel from author Lingte no matter what!

But how?

I’m the only one who is aware of the loop, so if I don’t move, nothing will

In the end, it’s been this swirling vote.

I gripped the book on the table over and over again, repeating the anguish
that had been going on for the past ten days. It is a book I put on my
bedside to read the next day on the 12th.

‘It’s annoying to look at the cover now.’

Of course I wasn’t letting go of my hands for ten days. I wondered if it is a
problem that only happened in the corner of the house, so I went outside in
a carriage before the total solar eclipse happened and walked around the

But as you can see, it didn’t work at all. I think we need to know the cause
of this loop phenomenon first. Since it was a novel I made 10 years ago, I
don’t remember what are the content of this novel was about.

‘Don’t, don’t tell me about my dark history, or something I have to meet

with the main characters…….’

Oh, I remembered the least favorite hypothesis I think about. In many ways,
the main characters didn’t want to run into each other.

I squealed as I threw the book in my hand onto the bed.

“Ah, It’s really crazy!”

But it was then.



I was definitely going to throw the book over the bed. But maybe it is
because I was too excited, my aim was wrong and the book flew to the side.

I am confused by an unexpected scream, so I couldn’t help but looked

around. A maid sat down holding her forehead and shivering.


I can’t believe I hit people with books, not flowers. Even though it was a
mistake, I was so surprised at what I was going through for the first time
that I swallowed my breath and stiffened.

“La, Lady…….”
But what did I think of my hardened face, the face of the maid who hit on
the forehead turned white at instant. Her expression is like she has seen a
grim reaper.

Shaking and blinking her big eyes like chihuahua. It felt even more so
because her eyes are so black that I couldn’t see her pupils and her hair is
light brown. She’s like a slender, fragile little animal image.

So somehow I felt more guilty, and somehow I felt like I had seen that face

‘Oh, wait a minute. Isn’t she the one who fainted with bubbles in her mouth
because I talked with a friendly smile last time?’

That’s right!

Even if she got caught, I wondered if there was such a week child, so
everything in front of me became dark while thinking that. If I apologize,
She might die very suddenly.

A heavy silence fell at the moment.

For some reason, I am in a cold sweat because I felt like I am suffocating,

because it is hard for me to ask if she is okay or to apologize.

I felt like I had to do something.

“Get someone to cure her.”


The maids looked suspicious of at my words. Their face seemed to be

saying, ‘Did Lady also has a human feeling that she is treating the injured

In fact, It is a reaction that I already expect it, so I added firmly.

“Hurry up.”
Then everyone moved quickly as soon as my words fell.

Whether it’s because of the fear of dying if they don’t follow the orders of
villainess, or because of the desire to get out of here, or both. The maids
looked like the most pitiful maid in the world and left without any regret.

‘How could they all go out…….’

I sighed as I watched the lone deer-eyed young maid. And it is when I

sweetened my lips to say sorry.


Cramping to death, she suddenly fell flat on the floor and began banging
her head on the ground.

…..wait a minute. I didn’t expect this

“Please spare me! Lady I, I’m really sorry!”


“I, I’m Dobiella who did it wrong! It’s all my fault. Heuung!”

“Wa, wait a minute.”

What is it, self-injury blackmail?

Every time Dobiella slammed her head, her forehead was torn and blood
began to smear on the floor. It just happened in a flash.

There’s a degree of unexpected behavior, I didn’t expect you to hit your

forehead and hurt yourself. I am so shocked that I lost my words.

I felt it vaguely when She fainted with bubbles in her mouth, but shouldn’t
she go somewhere to relax her mind and body instead of being a maid here?
To be honest, I am scared because She isn’t embarrassed. I couldn’t say
anything because I am scared.
“Ah, child, calm down…….”

There is nothing to fear. I knelt on the floor and grabbed the maid’s
shoulder because I thought he is going to die while touching her lips,
hardened like a stone.


Then Dobiella screamed, horrified. My ears burst with a desperate scream

that seemed to have seen a ghost.

Alas, I have a good eardrum. I staggered for a moment, grasping my

terrorized ear.

“If you don’t shut up, I will eat you!”

I couldn’t think of a way to calm Dobiella down, so I screamed desperately

for anything to say. It is because even the word ‘killing’ and ‘hitting’
seemed too harsh.

Then she said, “Hab,” and shut her mouth. The snow is dripping like
chicken poop.

“Dobiella Don’t, don’t know that Dobiella had sinned against Lady! I, I! I
know it! Dobiella stood still and got hit by a book! Dull Dobiella is bad! B,
but Dobiella don’t want to die, Lady. Please don’t eat me!”

She gasped and spat out her words insanely. Seeing that her eyes are
relaxed, she didn’t even realize what she was saying.

‘……why on earth she calling her own name in the third person?’

I didn’t know there would be such a unique character in the villainess’s


I sighed and wiped the blood off her forehead with the sleeve of her clothes.

‘Uhhh, It’s going to leave a scar.’

Was it that scary?

Well, it looks like she is 13 or 14 at the most. For her, the youngest of the
maids, the current situation may have felt so extreme that she lost her

You’re having a hard time at a young age. It doesn’t seem like anything
else. I’ve been through all sorts of hardships since I was young.

I felt bad for some reason and wanted to pat her on the back saying it was
okay, but then she will be surprised that she will die from a heart attack. It’s
really possible…….

I once said something that would stop her self-inflicted.

“There’s blood on the floor.”

“Heuugh! Dobiella is so stupid! Dobiella dirty the floor of lady room!”

“Yes, the floor in my room has become messy. So don’t ever do it again.”

“Heuugh, Lady. I’m so sorry. I’ll clean it up quickly.”

Meanwhile, Dobiella just sweep the floor using her sleeve as it was a mop.

……Please don’t do that!

Dobiella really cried her eyes out. To the point where I’m worried that she
might fall down after exhausting herself. I didn’t know what to do with her,
so I was just looking at her stupidly.

If she’s an ordinary kid, I can stop and give her a candy, because she’s like a
bomb that doesn’t know where she’s going to jump. Who threw a bomb like
that as my maid?


I became depressed. The depression of being trapped in the loop has

reached the point of taking my life.
Why the hell am I doing this here? Why do I live? I’m trying to do it.

‘Well, I have to survive.’

After the stream of consciousness, I finally came to the conclusion that I

should stop the loop no matter what, and I came back to reality belatedly.

Still wiping the floor, Dobiella muttered frantically.

“Please don’t eat me. Please don’t eat me.”

I’m not going to eat….

I think it’s best to just leave her alone.

After a long time of contemplation, I concluded that I would not talk to her
and go anywhere near her as much as I could.


The next morning.

Opening my eyes early in the afternoon, I yawned and stretched.

“What, what time is it…….”

“It’s one o’clock in the afternoon, lady.”


The more I sleep, the more I feel, the more I sleep these days, the more I
seem to go beyond the human category.

Should I refrain from saying a word or two even if I’m scared of the maid
who left me alone? Looking out of the window, the sky is dark and the air is

It is a sign of rain.
Strange, it’s always sunny. Can the weather change during the loop?

“Can you bring me the newspaper?”

As soon as I woke up, I looked for the newspaper as a habit, and the maid
gave me a gift box instead of a newspaper.


“The book you ordered has arrived.”


Chapter 7


I looked down at the box that maid handed over me, repeating a only the
stupid questioning.

Then I opened the meticulously stacked wrapper. In fact, I’m still half
asleep, so It’s more of an unconscious act.

And in the box I finally opened There is a ‘Best Seller Novel Limited
Edition from author Lingte.’

‘What, what. Is this a dream?’

Am I so eager that I have this realistic dream? Why the book is here? I
couldn’t even find any traces of this book even if I used all my money to
search it like this book already gone in the Bermuda Triangle.

I opened the novel with trembling hands.

Then I saw a pink-colored hardcover leather cover, and a heart-throbbing

melody filled my bedroom.

‘……Wow, I really like the song.’

I heard that the writer wrote the novel by himself, but what the hell are you
Lingte? I came to my senses late as I became more eager to kidnap this
mysterious author.

Wait, this book is back in my arms.

“Today, the 14th day?”



“Pardon? Yes!”

“News, newspaper! Give me the newspaper!”

I asked the maid for a newspaper and rush them to give it to me because I
wanted a confirmation shot that I really on the next day.

For some reason, the maids were more seriously frightened than before and
breathing difficulties, but that’s not the point now anyway.

I pressed my pounding heart and opened the newspaper. The newspaper is

an imperial newspaper today as well.

And as soon as I looked at the date, I unconsciously shouted hurray and

cheered. Wow! Great! Awesome!

“Today is the 14th!”

“Pardon? Yes! It’s the 14th!”

“Today is the 14th!”

“It’s the 14th!”


I trembled with emotion and soon threw the newspaper into the air and got
on the bed and started jumping. I didn’t do it when I was a kid, but now no
one can stop me!

“Lady, ple, please calm down!”

Shut up! Go find the truth with Dobiella! I’ve just escaped the horrors of
the loop that I’ve almost been trapped for my whole life!
Wait, but why did I move on to the next day? The loop went over to the
next day as suddenly as when it first started.

I stopped doing what I was doing and tilted my head to wonder when I
found the novel turned over

Oh, my limited edition!

I quickly placed the novel in its original box and kept it in a corner of my


After struggling with the joy of meeting Lingte’s limited edition, I finally
noticed that the air around me is strange.

The maids’ condition is worse than usual.

They’re not scared, but they make horrible faces like they’re inhaling
poison in real time. What happened?

Oh, it’s would scary for them the fact that the lady they were serving
suddenly would run on the bed and say something that they don’t
understand. Come to think of it, it is quite a horror.

I thought it was quite a speculation, but even so, something was off. They
weren’t that scared when I was in the loop talking to myself, running amok,
or doing all sorts of weird things.

Then, Dobiella with a bandage on her forehead, she looked at the floor and
my eyes caught her.

‘No way, because of what happened yesterday?’

When I saw Dobiella hit by a book I accidentally threw, it makes my

reputation as villainess again, did it?

Unintentionally, Dobiella’s forehead was torn, but I treated her hard to

prevent it from getting damaged.
‘Or did Dobiella mistake me for making a trail of self-inflicted injuries?’

Well, no one saw her hit her head on the floor and hurt herself.

Then those maids might be thinking that I’ve cracked Dobiella’s forehead
by grabbing her by the hair and just hitting her on the floor.

‘Ho, Horrible.’

Suddenly I became a mysterious child abuser, and I felt very wronged. It

was when I was wondering where to appeal and explain this

‘Huh? Wait a minute. Don’t tell me… this…….’

I felt like I could get a sense of something.

Why did the loop start on a total solar eclipse after a month of me
possessing this body and nothing happened?

‘That day, what was there?’

I tried to get a cramp in my head to remember what happened that day.

Then there was a flash of memory that went through my head. At the
moment, my eyes opened wide.

‘It’s a day when Ayla keeps feeling jealous of Charlotte and eventually
wakes up as a villainess! She swears at Charlotte while behaving badly at
the owners of the mansion!’

The reason why the scene is a total eclipse is that the first villainess to
appear in the dark, doing evil things, and laughing is an old cliche used in
all kinds of creations.

Perhaps that was a kind of trailer of Ayla was cruel and vicious, and
Charlotte, who was hated by such a villainess, would face unbearable
hardships in the future.
Ten years ago, I would have been proud to write that and say, ‘This is what
villainess should do’. I think it’s the number one thing to find and kill as
soon as the time machine is invented.

I have considered all the clues that have been scattered by my minds so far.

First, I possessed the body of a villainess.

Second, I lived in a mansion quietly reading books in order not to get

involved with the main characters of the novel.

Third, a month after the fall, the loop suddenly began on the day of the total

Fourth, I accidentally ended up doing something wrong to Dobiella. Among

the maids, I became a villainess who broke a young child’s forehead.

Fifth, and then the loop is over?

All the clues were telling me only one conclusion.

When I did something evil like Ayla in the novel, the loop was over.

‘Damn… it can’t be.’

I wasn’t a detective and I wasn’t a courtesan. I can’t use the law of interest,
but that hypothesis can’t be right. Of course, this world is like shit, but it
couldn’t be so harsh to me.

‘But if there’s another loop in the scene where the villainess appears in the
novel, it’s impossible for me to act it out or beat it.’

A loop that happens once, how can it not happen twice?

I grabbed my head with a pale face and concluded that it was urgent to
figure out the story of ‘Lady Lily’.

The time has come to properly investigate my dark history of 10 years ago,
when I was trying to ignore it because fear that my hands and feet would

‘I can’t pretend I don’t know about it forever, so if I think about it…… but
when I become a villainess, I will end up dead. It’s not a bad ending. But
it’s a dead ending.’

It was a dark history, but if I became a villainess, I would give up because I

would die miserable. After a moment of silence, I calmly began to flee to

‘Whoa, I feel dizzy because I used my brain that I usually didn’t use. I think
I need to inject sugar into my body right away.’

I took Lingte’s limited edition novel n my arms and headed to the room
where I displayed my collection. I was going to read the novel that arrived
while eating parfait.


“I’ve been watching where I can find it, and it’s some kind of beast. There’s
a limit to turning a blind eye.”

Due to unexpected character, I am immediately arrested at the scene and

dragged out of the room.


Personnel No. 2 who is I uncomfortable to encounter at the mansion have

already been introduced. And that number one is right in front of me right
now, within reach.

‘What’s going on…….’

Suddenly dragged me and seated in the dining room, I looked at the Duke
of Mertensia sitting on the other side.

Vincent Mertensia.
If you change Ayla gender to a man, a middle-aged, red-haired man who
look like about 20 years later is drinking tea gracefully.

If you make the two letters of nobility into humans, you will have that kind
of appearance. The Duke of Mertensia is so dignified that it is hard to
believe that he is Ayla’s father.

And he is dressed neatly, with no gaps found. The stubbornness that cannot
be hidden can be seen from his hard-nosed mouth and firm expression.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Laying down a teacup on the table, he asked me, fixed his eyes.

‘No, I see you because you called me.’

Even though the sun rose in the middle of the sky, he looked up and down
at me who wearing chemise, and kicked his tongue.

I rolled my eyes in an uncomfortable atmosphere and twisted my body

around and opened my mouth because I couldn’t stand the silence.

“Do you have something to say to me……?”

“I’ve heard about your behavior recently. It’s like you had become someone
else. You refuse every social gathering that you like, pretending to be sick,
and buy a book that you usually couldn’t read even just a single line.”

The Duke, who I thought would not be as interested of his daughter, as the
hind legs of an ant, dug in sharper than I thought. I quietly avoided his gaze,
feeling a cold sweat running behind my back.

He sighed once, seemingly pathetic, and pulled out the subject.

“I’ve decided to have someone to teach you.”

In response to a one-side notification, such as bolt of the blue, I widened
my eyes and opened my mouth. However, he frowned his nose at my
foolish reaction.

“Why is your neck and waist bent all of a sudden? Did you get a terrible
disease while I wasn’t here?”

“Oh, no. It’s a matter of posture.”

I was sitting crookedly because of my habit, when I heard that I quickly

straightened up my back.

“I can’t believe it. You can’t make progress, but you’re deteriorating. I think
there’s a lot lower down there.”

That’s what you say to your daughter!

He seemed accustomed to insulting his opponent as if he is breathing. But

I’m not used to that acrimonious tone.

That’s very.

‘Sub-electronic warfare.’

I trembled at the thought of his son Aslan, whose behavior, eyes, and tone
are exactly same, even though his appearance and Duke appearance are
completely different. Those two humans must have blue blood flowing
under their skin.

“And I can’t stand the frivolous movement. Where the hell did the etiquette
you’ve learned so far go?”

I didn’t have that in the first place.

What’s with all the manners? As one of the dirt spoons living in Korea, I
had to run around to earn another penny before I learned about etiquette.
Just because I’m possessed as an aristocrat doesn’t mean it happens
In that sense, it seemed fortunate to be possessed in Ayla’s body. Because
she is uncultured and rude to play the role of villainess.

“Let him in.”

Then, the Duke lifted the teacup again and said gracefully. It is an attitude
that had already completely turned away from my side.

Then the tightly closed door opened and someone guided by Valet entered
the drawing room. He seemed to be a man by his height, but he is a
suspicious figure from where he looked because he is covered with a black
hood from head to toe.

‘Why wearing hood?’

In spite of being in the same space, he seemed to be completely detached

and in silence and darkness.

I looked at the man with an instinctive alienation. The only thing I could see
is a smooth jawline like a statue and red lips that are well positioned.

The man drew the darkness one step at a time with an unmotivated gesture
that seemed to drain the viewer’s energy. It is a languid movement

“Nice to meet you, young lady.”


Chapter 8

He gently touched his lips. It was a low a voice like scratching the floor.

“From today, I’m here to serve you…… Hmm, my name is Sebastian.”

What is the butler’s standard name?

I somehow put a subtle look on my face at the abrupt introduction of him.

Are you sure he’s okay when you’re telling him he’s not blind?

“I’m going to teach you a lot of basic skills, including manners, social
skills, art, and so on. You can think me as your tutor and private butler.”

Tutor and a private butler? Wearing a gloomy hood as if to summon even a

demon right now?

There was no corner not to point out. Besides, what makes me feel like I’m
going to be crushed by a strange sense of intimidation even though I’m
being treated with respect?

Is this how herbivores feel when they encounter top predators in the food
chain? As soon as I saw that man, a wild instinct that I didn’t even know
existed was waking up.

I turned to the man who smelled dangerous all over his body and looked
back at the Duke with an absurd face.

He looked satisfied when he saw that strange man, where all the strictness
that had been pushing me earlier had been removed.

‘Are you kidding?’

I looked around. I felt like I am the only one who took this situation

“I hear you’re the second son of the Agates’s family with a long tradition,
so I have a lot to look forward to you. I trust you won’t let me down.”

“Of course.”

I don’t know what you’re looking forward to and what you’re disappointed
about. I couldn’t help but intervene.

“Wait, why don’t you take off your hood?”

If you’re hired as a tutor and private butler, shouldn’t you be wearing a suit
with the family emblem on it? Why doesn’t anyone think it’s weird when he
is so wrapped up in a hood that you can’t even see his face?

Then the Duke looked up and down at the man and looked back at me as if I
am a child who is nitpicking.

“What are you talking about? He’s a perfect butler everywhere you look.
There’s nothing wrong with the straight posture, the way he dresses.”

He is messy from head to toe. Did everyone get hypnotized as a group or

am I crazy?

I only had a natural question, but only a crazy answer came back. Are they
saying that they are not confident of winning because they can’t talk over

But then.


As soon as my question is finished, the man’s eyes fixed on me. I felt like I
saw two pairs of gray eyes scattering through the hood.

“Do I look like that?”

The man said eeriely, like a ghost asking, ‘Can you see me?’

The tail of his mouth is slightly drawing a line. It is a stubborn smile that
like he had never smiled properly in his life.

“I must have come to the right place.”


The butler talks to himself suspiciously. Duke, please kick him out.

But no one cared about it either. I couldn’t understand it, so I observed the
Duke sitting opposite me.


However, I noticed that his dark green eyes had subtly loosened his pupils,
as if he had taken medicine. It’s too late to notice because he speaks clearly
as if he’s sane.

‘…did they really have been through hypnosis?’

Somehow it was weird from the start.

I can’t believe that the Duke, who didn’t care about me for a month, will
come in without prior notice and make me have a tutor and butler.

If he is a father who cared so much about his daughter, he would not have
sat on the sidelines until Ayla was completely destroyed in the novel.

‘Then, who the hell is that guy?’

I feel creepy and chilled for a moment, hugging my arms and shaking my

Suddenly there is a feeling of ominousness without end. As if I had spoken

out a taboo that I should never touch.
“Oh, no. Now that I look at you again, you’re a real example for others. As
expected, the reputation of the Agate family is not going anywhere. Ha,

If you can’t see what others can’t see, pretending not to know is the survival
method, silly Yoon Haneul!

But no way, how would I have known that a sudden change of genre would
occur in a romance fantasy novel? My mind went blank and I spit out

“But…… he’s so perfect that I don’t dare for him to handle….”

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

It’s a nonsense voice asking you to expel that unknown man quickly!

But the water that had already spilled, my remarks seemed to have
succeeded in drawing his attention. I felt like my face seemed to be pierced
by the gaze that is staring at me. Damn it.

‘He will never be the second son of the Agates. I’m sure he’s a fake.’

I tried to identify that black hood by squeezing my memory.

‘The Wizard?’

Certainly, there seems to have been a wizard among Charlotte’s fishing

grounds, but there is no way that such a person would suddenly act as a
butler at the Duke of Mertensia mansion.

Most of all, I read it in a book in the study, and it was said that hypnotic
magic was designated by law so that even arch wizards could not use it.
Even as an emperor, he had to consult with the leaders of each country
several times before use it.

That doesn’t mean no one can do it in the first place, but it is specially
managed because the risk is too great to hold and shake the world if abused.
‘And the Ministry of Magic said they’d come to arrest the user if you were
caught in a tracking spell after using hypnosis illegally.’

If you do such a bold thing at the Mertensia mansion in the capital city
centre, you’ll be caught right on the spot.

If so, isn’t it hypnotic magic? So, did you burn drugs that cloud judgment?
Why doesn’t it work for me at all? And why did that man say he was
“right” when he confirmed that I wasn’t hypnotized?

I was in agony, clutching my overloaded head. I don’t know, but one strong
desire for survival to get out of this position right now is certain.

“I want you to teach her manners no matter what, until the Imperial Palace
Ball at this coming harvest festival.”

“Please leave it to me.”

He also drew a strange line on the corners of his mouth. It’s a bit awkward
to smile about, but he certainly looked purely amused.

He, who seemed to have a bad personality from his mouth, inhaled and
moved his chest loudly, then muttered, spitting out a breath like cigarette
smoke between his lips.

“There’s plenty of time. Even if the day doesn’t repeat itself.”

I realized what it was like to have a heart drop at the next man’s words.
Looking back with a look as if I had seen a ghost holding onto a loose heart,
the man’s smile grew thicker.

‘I didn’t hear you wrong, did I?’

He must have brought it up so that I could hear it outright.

A person who is aware of the loop appeared.

I thought I would see a hopeful tomorrow if I met someone like that,

hugging each other in tears and going through this together. Unfortunately,
that man seems to have no tomorrow, let alone a hopeful one.

‘Why is he that kind of person…….’

With a man openly declaring that he is here to catch me, I am drawing the
escape route hard in my head. Of course, no matter how many millstones I
rolled, I didn’t think I could escape.

“Shall we go, then, lady?”

‘Haha, I’m screwed.’

The man approached me with a terrifying force like grabbing me by the

collar and gently wrapped his arms around my waist. Then he forced me up
and began dragging me along like an escort.

If you’re going to pretend to be a butler, do it right! Where in the world you

can find such a messy butler! He let out a low, eerie laugh on the day when
I am completely stiff.

“Oh, you don’t have to be so nervous. I’ll serve you comfortably.”

Uh, where? Into the underworld?

I am literally dragged away.

There is no point to twisting and struggling my body because of the man’s

tremendous power.


A devilish man crawled up from hell to kill me.

I am taken out of the parlor by the hand of a man under the pseudonym
Sebastian and immediately thrown into an empty room nearby.

“If, if you’re a ghost, please go away, even if you’re a human, please go

I murmured, sticking to the wall as much as I could. Whether he is a ghost
or human, that man is a scary.

“Our lady seems to know how to make funny jokes.”

Uh, when did I give you permission to said, our lady?

At a time when his identity is roughly revealed, he is still pretending to be a

butler, and it is abominable.

The man approached, slowly narrowing the distance, as if a beast were

closing in.

His height is also high that even I, who belonged to the tall side, felt

‘My golden unemployed life is like this…….’

I muttered inside. What do you mean golden unemployed? It just seemed

like the sound of bell of life is ringing together

‘Oh, what’s wrong with my life…….’

It’s just that my whole life is ruined. I was born under the star of
misfortune, blessed with misfortune, and living with misfortune forever.

I looked up at the man, gulping. He slowly pointed at the wall I am attached

to. The slow motion is like a snake slowly squeezing its breath away.

“Would you mind closing your eyes for a moment?”

Whispering like a full beast, he took his finger around his mouth and bit
without hesitation to let blood form. Blood dripped down his hands with an
eerie sound penetrating the flesh.

As I got pale because of him, he squeezed my neck so gently so that it

wouldn’t hurt. I closed my eyes tightly, wondering if he is going to twist my
neck like a chicken.
However, his touch naturally passed my neck and headed to my forehead,
riding on the jawline. Drawing an unknown pattern on my forehead with his
bleeding fingers, he suddenly began to mutter something. It is a completely
incomprehensible language.

‘What, what, what! What is this?’

Are you reciting a curse?!

That’s all I could think of. It’s a word that comes out of one person’s mouth,
but the voice of the man slowly started to overlap in two.

It is a strange sound. No matter how creepy it is, it sounded as if the dead

were calling from hell.

I got tired and getting blue. On my forehead, which was touched by man
hand, a group of sacred golden lights that did not match the situation at all
sparkled and burst and flashed.

Blood, tricks, witchcrafts, and……golden.

‘……the sorcerer!’

Oh my God. I am finally able to identify him now.

In this world, where it is taboo to care about magic as well as to use magic,
a sorcere is a criminal just by his existence.

‘Did the sorcerer still exist?’

Can anyone explain to me why a sorcerer who has been steadily decreasing
since five centuries ago and disappeared without a trace, is in front of me?

The criminal broke into the mansion and hypnotized my family, the
criminal found out that I am the cause of the Loop, and the criminal pushed
me against the wall and uses magic.

There is no more perfect death flag.

I guess my new life ends here, too. If I know I’m going to die like this, I’d
be more active in spending money and trying to overuse my power.

Suddenly, I read the limited edition novel of the newly ordered author
Lingte and heard a regret about wanting to die. However, I gave up soon
and foreshadowed the suffering and death that would come.

But contrary to my expectations, nothing has happened for a long time.

“As expected, You’re not dying.”

The man murmured languidly in a voice of disappointment and somewhat



Chapter 9

‘Ah, that’s right. The ability didn’t work.’

Come to think of it, when everyone was hypnotized, I saw the man’s
original form by myself. I gasped and opened my eyes carefully.

As the tension eased, a cold sweat flowed down my forehead belatedly. My

legs trembled and fell into place.

But in fact, even if his powers don’t work, there will be countless ways for
him to kill me. He can stab me with a sword, strangle me, or physically kill

“Are you here to kill me?”

“I was going to…….”

He gave up all the honorifics that didn’t even fit in and spoke slowly.

“It’s the first time my spell doesn’t work, so I’m thinking about what to do
with you. I didn’t expect this.”

He, who proudly said he intended to kill me, is a criminal determined by the
country. Like a person living without the law, he is very impudent to the
point his impudent piercing the sky.

By the way, thinking about it means I’m still haven’t gotten past the point
of death. I stuttered out words with a tongue that didn’t roll well.

“Why are you trying to kill me…. because of the loop?”

“That’s right, you’re here to kill me because of what’s been going on all

“Well, it is. It’s been a long time since I found someone so desperately.”

I didn’t know that line would sound so scary.

He bent one knee and lowered himself along with me who had fallen. Then
he whispered softly, his face close to my ear.

“Thanks to that, it’s a very unpleasant day repeat over and over. My lady
should comfort me, who is so heartbroken…..”

I shrugged my shoulders in a creepy and tickled mood, then again felt the
threat of life and desperately explained.

“Well, like you said, I’m the cause who brought the day back, but I didn’t
do it! I can’t possibly have that ability!”

“I know.”

“……so you know.”

I knew you are just trying to kill me with a question-and-answer. I have

nothing to say.

‘He must be the devil.’

The silver-gray eyes, slightly visible from the hood of the man in front of
his nose, were striking in the dark. At the moment, my shoulders trembled
as my spine cooled.

“Human beings seem to be right.”

He held me by the chin and turned it around. Contrary to outspoken

behavior, the touch is very careful as if he were dealing with fragile pottery.

I felt a little strange in the midst of fear at the attitude of dealing with a rare
creature I’ve never seen before.
“Hmmm, then will the magic work?”

In instant, a flame broke out from the man hand when he mumbling
something. I was bitten back in surprise, but the flame that touched me
didn’t harm me.

What, the fire touched me but it isn’t even hot. Even I am surprised to find
out for the first time.

“Do, doesn’t it work?”

“Why are you surprised?”

“It’s the first time….”

“That’s a weird thing to say. If you are noble, you would have had quite a
lot of contact with magic.”


I had nothing to say, so I exercised my right to remain silent.

‘This punk. If magic had worked, wouldn’t I become like a barbecue?’

I thought I couldn’t do anything because he is a man who is going to kill me

from the beginning, but I couldn’t help but get emotional. Now that I see
he’s not a rare specimen, he treated me like a laboratory mouse.

‘By the way, did you think I know how to use magic?’

Magic and witchcraft seemed similar, but they were completely opposite
attributes like light and darkness, so it was absolutely impossible to learn at
the same time.

Who the hell is this guy?

“Did you give your body to God?”

He slowly lowered his head, sniffing at the nape of my neck, making a
vague sound.

As his breath touched my skin, goosebumps ran out of my body.

But the man lifted his head off with an expression that he is more

“You seem to be loved very strongly. The energy of Rezerb permeates your
whole body and it’s awful. At this point, you would have summoned all
sorts of miscellaneous things, but how have you lived your life so far?”

Rezerb is the name of the only god serving in the Lethe Empire.

I couldn’t figure out what to say to a man who mentioned God all of a
sudden. There are gods, temples, and priests, but in my novels, God is a

“Does God really exist?”

“That’s an unexpected question.”

Then he replied, snorting as if I am ridiculous.

“Is that what you have to say? Aren’t you proving the existence of God with
your whole body?”

When did my body function like that? I faced him with an expression of
hearing everything absurd. But since magic and witchcrafts doesn’t work, I
don’t think it’s complete nonsense.

Ayla is said to be a diabolical villainess, but at the same time, she is just an
ordinary young woman with no ability or strength. There can be no sign of
God on Ayla, it means that is is created after I possessed her……

If God exists, and it is the god of the world in the novel that put my soul
who lived in Korea into Ayla’s body, and caused the loop, then the end of
the word is right.
Aside from how it is possible for the god of the novel I created to deplete
myself as a writer.

‘But if my hypothesis is correct, I have to live as a villainess like Ayla in

the novel story to stop the loop, and that’s a curse. Charlotte is loved even
by God.’

I thought I’d have to say this in the midst of a shiver of terror.

“No way, is Loop also because of that God?”

“He is God’s inherent authority to control time, and only God can do it.
Even God is careful to break the flow of time.”

“Then, what about repeating the day?”

“If he repeat the day countless times, it means he’s overdoing it.”

“Wow… do they want to screw me that bad? He’s a real bad guy.”


The man who responded with boredom is rarely surprised to see if I had an
unexpected reaction.

I was blinded by anger for a moment and forgot who my opponent was in
front of me and lamented wildly.

“I didn’t ask him to repeat the day, and it’s not my will. I just wanted to
enjoy what I would enjoy and live in peace, but doing such a nuisance they
must have cursed me if God exists. Or they simply want to bully.”

Of course, the fact that I came from a different dimension is enough to

swear because the king’s ears are donkey ears, but it is enough for me to
swear because this men also knew that caused the loop.

The complaints that I couldn’t tell anyone are came out like fish popped in
the water.
He kept silent to the point where I thought he was asleep, and suddenly shut
his mouth and began shaking his shoulders. He seemed to hold back
laughter that was about to burst out.

“Curse…… Pffft, curse….”

I don’t know where the heck of my words provoked his laugh code, but he
laughed for a long time as if he had heard a very funny sound and then
barely lifted his head.

“Well, listening to those words makes me feel sorry for Rezerb.”

The man, who muttered, “Is this unrequited love?” looked very happy,
contrary to his voice of regret.

In the Lethe Empire, faith is not a choice, but a force. Atheist, heresy, and
devil worship are crimes equal to treason. But fanatics are killed
immediately if they don’t believe in God and like to swear at God in a
world ruled by them.

‘Is there anything damn about God?’

Well, come to think of it, I thought it could be a shaman.

Humans have unconditionally ostracized the opposite of divine power,

which means God’s blessing. It is because the sacred and magical reactions
are enormous to each other’s rejection.

Since one side is perceived as ‘good’, the other side is bound to be ‘evil’.
So the spell of witchcrafts became evil and was pushed out of the world.

And the sorcery is the most aggressive repression in the temple. I was told
that if you were taken to a religious trial, you would be tortured very badly.

But it didn’t seem to be the only thing. Looking back on what the man said,
are you acquainted with God? I felt like he knew so much about God that I
thought it was absurd.

‘I also have bad feeling about him.….’

“It’s been strange since You were fine even after seeing magic, but I don’t
think You’re a normal human being.”

Should I have shown it?

“I’ve changed my mind.”

My outspoken swearing at God seemed to have earned him favor.

He raised his bent body again, perhaps thinking of keeping me alive. And
reached out to me, still sitting on the floor.

“I like you quite a lot.”

How can you be so quick to warm to me? I had no idea how much God had

“Have you heard the voice of God?”


“I mean, did you receive revelation in person?”

“I, I didn’t get it.”

“I can’t believe He didn’t even hear a voice from a human being who left a
trail so blatantly. That’s like Rezerb who has never answered a human call.”

He muttered sarcastically, as the unfamiliar word popped up. It is a strange

remark that was so certain of God’s existence but also seemed to be an

“Rezerb will try to do it again, so I pampered again to ask you to interpret

your meaning by my own.”

“……it’s really irresponsible, that’s it.”

“It always happens.”

He replied back as if he liked my answer.

“First of all, as far as I can guess, continuing to turn back time will mean
that he want to wield your destiny as his please. You keep going until you
make the choice God wants. I think you’re guessing that, right?”

He sounded similar to the hypothesis I had in mind. I had no choice but to

nod with a frown.

To put it simply, if my life is a game, it means that I am a game character

and God is a player who wants to see the ending they want.

I’m pissed to think that again.

“I really hate fate.”

It a narrow minded idea that ends with a word like ‘you were meant to be,’
or ‘everything was God’s will’.

Hearing that word made me feel miserable.

It feels like it’s just one component I’m going to use and throw away.

VM C10

Chapter 10

‘Besides, it’s not for some very great cause, and honestly, is there more
reason for Ayla to be a villain than to connect the characters?’

I’m even angrier that I have to go through this kind of hardships to act as a
cupid of love for a other relationship. I don’t even have a friend to talk
about dating with a man!

“As expected, I like you.”

The words didn’t feel particularly pretended or false. The man seemed to
have made up his mind in my reaction to dislike fatalism.

He asked again as if to confirm.

“So you don’t love God……and you think you’re cursed?”

“That’s the obvious…….”

“Then, tell me what you want.”


“I’ll listen to anything.”

I mean, is this how much He like me? No, it’s not like he like me, but he
seem up to something.

“What about you?”

In this situation, it could have been a trap to say what I wanted quickly and
catch my weakness. I, too, glanced back as I looked up and down at the
suspicious lump of black hood.
“Because you are loved by gods, and I detest God’s will. And I think we
can be a pretty good partner because Rezerb seems to hate you so much.”

” I’m not loved…….”

“Let’s leave it to be.”

He said with a seductive smile. The chin shows a solid and thick manly
line, but the exceptionally white skin and the contrasting red lips stand out

“Even if what you are receiving is not love, as you say, I can see for sure
that interrupting the destiny given to you is the way to hinder God’s will.”


“Let’s make a contract.”


“Let’s betray God together.”

Somehow I heard the secret whisper of a snake crawling on a tree of good

and evil to corrupt humans.

“You get the life you want back, and I’m a simple contract to settle an old
grudge. I can completely ruin God’s will.”

I thought he was the devil, but I don’t know how to say it. Now that the
Devil has offered me a contract, has my soul been held as collateral now?

If I say I don’t want to do that, he’ll kill me without hesitation. He came

here to kill me in the first place, but he gave me another option in particular.

So in the end it was either die or contract with the devil.

“Can you stop the loop?”

“That would be difficult. No mater I can’t steal God’s own authority.”

I thought you are equivalent with God because you are talking down to me

Oh, He’s human but he’s already acted like a God. Well, then he wouldn’t
have asked me to him to screw God in the first place.

“But it means that I can twist the roots. In an unexpected way.”

“It’s too abstract?”

“I think I’ll be able to give you a specific direction only if you explain the
specific circumstances.”

That’s true.

“So, are you going to do it?”

Even though I had no choice, and now I desperately need the help of the
devil, I did not readily say that I would.

“How can I sign a contract with someone who I don’t know their name or

In fact, I wanted to do it, but I thought my life is precious.

In case he is upset, I shouted curiously and looked at his face.

“My face, I’ve never shown it to a normal human being.”

“Why would you say that…… No way, will I turn into stone if I look at
your face?”

I asked him if he is a Medusa because he is not an ordinary human being.

“It’s similar.”

He, who smiled briefly, freaked me out by saying that, and added, ‘I think it
would be okay if it were you’. He seemed to have taken into account that no
abilities work to me.
“I, I am not really going to be a rock, right?”

“To be exact, you will be cursed of being unhappy. That’s what all sorcerers
do. They are monsters that suck human happiness.”

He slowly took off his hood, saying so. At the same time, my eyes met with
the gray eyes that I had seen at first glance in the hood.


The ebony hair, which seems to have been cut roughly by himself, shattered
white in the sunlight reflected by the window.

In contrast, the white face is colored with indescribable boredom, and his
drowsy eyes are unusually dark, causing decadence.

Like ink-and-wash paintings, the only thing that shines sharply on his face,
divided into black and white, is his wolf-like silver gray eyes. His eyes
resembled the color of an animal, as if only his pupils would flash at night.

If the king of beasts becomes a human, he will look like this. I’ve never
seen such a thick and colorful face like this man.

I asked the most stupid question in the world with a dumb face.

“Is, is this your real face?”

“Then, do you have a fake face?”

“It could be an illusion…….”

Then he smiled softly at the tip of his nose and reached out to me again.
Completely enchanted, I unwittingly reached out to the devil with the face
of God.

“Huph, your hand touched me.”

“It’s not a fantasy, is it?”

“Yes, it’s not…….”

His face is so fantastic.

Did I spit those words out of my mouth because I was so distracted?

Somehow the man’s laughter seemed to deepen.

‘Wow, the cavernous vocal cords are crazy.’

I didn’t know there would be such a face hidden under a dark black hood.


He said. Only then did I realize I was holding my breath.

Ugh, I almost died.

I touched my beating heart with my hand. The heart, which had been
stopped by declaring a strike for a while, belatedly came to its senses and
began to jump like crazy.

I never think that this evil person face is the face of my taste that hits my
strike zone properly. He came in without a notice and almost stopped my

Why isn’t he become the male protagonist character with that face? Why
are you an extra who I even don’t know you exist in this novel?

Certainly, 10 years ago I did like the prince type who would appear riding a
white horse with a flower background hanging from behind. I didn’t even
look at the colourful, decadent good-looking guy who would look good
with wine glass.

However, it is said that the strong mountains will also change in 10 years,
but my tastes have changed long ago. Also, if you have that kinds of faces,
you can break everyone’s ideal type and hit their hearts.

“What’s your name?”

I asked with the face of a virtuoso woman who had been hit properly rather
than shy girl face who fell in love.

I don’t think he’s a normal person from his face. In novels, the more
handsome someone, the more likely he is to be an influential person.
Especially if it’s my novel with a dimwitted temperament, it’s

Then he gently lifted me up and said it lightly.



Somehow I rolled a familiar name in my mouth. A late flash of

enlightenment forced me to bring up my unconscious memory.

‘The evil sorcerer?’

I’ve seen it in a book. Even today, he is a real person made into a ghost
story that known as a nightmare in the Empire that scares child by saying
“Killian is going to catch you.”

I thought that hi is the terrifying large-scale killer who had erased one of the
kingdoms from the map, and I almost fainted, but later regained my reason.

There’s no way this man is the same human from five centuries ago. He’s
already buried in the ground, so the white bones can’t turn into soil, so it’s
circulating as part of nature.

I don’t know much about witchcraft, but it certainly wasn’t an ability to live
forever. If there is such a thing, powerful people such as emperors and kings
who dream of immortality would not be able to stay still.

‘If so, is it the same name?’

It seemed that the name of famous person is inherited in the sorcererr

‘But Killian’s name, it’s like Hitler’s name on Earth.’

It is a name that seemed to be difficult to live in society. Since He’s a

sorcererr, I think He has given up on his social life.

All right, Killian. Let’s engrave those letters into my souls from now on.

I have never been a fan of idols or actors, but the world was over 10 years
ago when it was run over by a character in a novel, the epitome of dark

‘What a shame.’

Hurt by my pride, I looked at Killian. And it came to the conclusion that

there could be no such thing as pride in me. How can a person look like

“Are you human?”

“What do you think?”

“Incubus? Vampire?”

He laughed out loud at my words and laid his eyes languidly down.

Then, a subtle moonlight shone through the long eyelashes that were tightly
embedded and disappeared. It is the beauty of the world.

“You like this face, don’t you?”

Is there anyone who doesn’t like it? It’s just that its existence is fatal.

Killian fiddled with his lips as if he was looking at me vaguely as if I was

falling for it. I don’t know what other heart-threatening habit that is.

“Why the hell are you hiding this face?”

“Don’t you know? Hmm, well. It’s been a long time since I’ve ruled out
sorcery, so the kids of today’s generation haven’t learned anything.”
He speaks with that face like an old man. From his face, he look like he’s in
the mid to late 20s, but he said the kids of today generation. How old are

“Those born with magical powers inevitably come with misfortune. Just
going by my side brings misfortune like a curse”

“Oh, so no one can come by?”

“That’s usually the case unless you’re the same sorcerer. When you go out,
you have to cover your body with a hood that suppresses your magic

Such a sad story for such a handsome man. That beauty should be known to
the world as much as possible to benefit humans.

I sent a sympathetic look, forgetting that it was myself who set the
witchcrafts itself as the power of evil.

“So, what is the answer?”

Killian just got down to business when I haven’t half admired his looks yet.
I said belatedly that I had blown up the whole talk of the contract.

“I like it.”

“……It’s so easy to answer.”

No. He seems to think that I’m saying anything because I’m distracted by
his face, but I’m sure I thought about it properly. In the first place, I didn’t
have much choice.

VM C11

Chapter 11

“In fact, until Killian appeared, the reality was so overwhelming that I was
trying to escape. Obviously, if there is an absolute God who wields my life
as he please, I have no choice but to move according to his will.”

But he was the only one who recognized my situation at once and reached
out. Whether he is a sorcerer or a demon, I had no choice but to hold his
hand to survive.

“Let’s do it, contract. Let’s give the damn God a punch.”

“What a lovely thing to say.”

Whenever he heard me curse the God, I felt like I was going to be blinded
him who smiling more brightly.

He looks like an angel when he smiles.

My eyesight was severely damaged immediately, reflectively closing my

eyes tightly. I thought it would be better to put the hood back on,

There is a reason why he covered his face. I think he could hit everyone in
the world if he wanted to.

“Then, let’s hear the whole story.”

Isn’t that the usually first thing to do?

He tried to kill me without listening to the situation, but now He’s interested
in me because his ability doesn’t work, so I’m so impressed with his
Are you saying that your face is your value? I know you’re handsome, but
it’s only an ornamental for purifying my eyes and I didn’t want to be
personally involved with him.

“Oh, wait a minute. Before that, I have one more question.”

“Tell me.”

“I know you’re here to kill me, but why are you trying to become my tutor
and personal butler?”

Wouldn’t it be possible for a sorcerer to pop up in front of me and slit my

throat? I wondered why he had to use such a bothersome and cumbersome

“I didn’t mean to be a butler, I just walked right through the front door. The
rest of them were mistaken.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“It’s hard to explain in words…….”

Obviously, it is best to show it in person, but it was inevitable because the

ability did not work.

He agonized for a moment, then came up to me and stared at me blatantly.

“When I make eye contact and talk like this, I will be able to confide in
everything and they believe everything I want. I just kept up with it.”

“……are they fascinated your appearance?”

“No, they’re not.

He said, tapping my forehead lightly, as if it were a punishment.

“It’s my own ability.”

Somehow a song came to mind. Look me in the eye, you become

“Is that some kind of hypnosis magic?”

I remembered the people of the mansion who looked empty with their eyes
loosened somwhere even though they were talking properly as if they were

Then Killian replied.

“It’s more like illusion magic. Hypnosis can only be brainwashed and
manipulated, but my ability is to bring out and satisfy a deep hidden desire

“……it’s a devilish ability.”

Such a unique ability, I thought conquering the world wouldn’t be a dream

if he wanted to. As expected, he smelled so dangerous from the first time I
saw him that I was suffocating as if I was strangled.

‘No, wait a minute.’

If it is his ability to dig deep into their inner desires, did all the members of
this mansion want me to have a tutor and private butler?

Even the Duke, who is not interested in me at all, had such thoughts my
condition seemed quite serious.

As I am contemplated with an unpleasant face, Killian said.

“Well, let’s talk about you now. It’s not something suspicious.”


I can’t believe he’s suddenly turned into interrogation mode after the
Appearance Review Time and Question Time are over. I turned my head
over the mountain outside the window to avoid him narrowing his eyes
suspiciously, but it was useless.
“Let alone manage…….”

Killian lifted my tangled hair with his big, straight and smooth, with his big
joints. Now I noticed that his movements were infused with elegance like a

“Have you given up on human life, or have you given up on such a

forbidden lifestyle…….”

I woke up in the morning and he looking up and down at me still dressed in

Chemise without washing up.

“Apart from the manners that should be embedded in the body as you
breathing, your posture is the same as that of commoner…….”

He grabbed and straightened my bent shoulders.

He pushed my protruding head back slightly when I suddenly felt tight.

“As if You’ve been living alone, the reactions that were out of focus, and
your unusual speech and actions…….”

Killian curls his mouth enchantingly as he finally wedges in.

“I don’t think I’m going to teach one or two things, young lady?”


“Lady, you shouldn’t be wandering alone in this dangerous place. What if a

dangerous man catches you?”

I heard a low-pitched giggle.

It was also a voice and movement as if several bullies were harassing a girl
even though she is bleeding. It is something no ordinary person would ever
hear, but it is very clear in Werner’s ear.
He frowned furtively. Recently, he expressed his energy and became a
sword master, making his senses more sensitive than before.

And all five senses were under stress because they had not yet adapted to
the sudden superhuman awakening.

“What should I do?”

The escort officer Lenox, who noticed Werner’s condition, asked. It meant
that he would take care of it as soon as his name fell.

Werner responded with a cold voice to his loyal question.

“Done. Ignore it.”

No matter how much this place is in the middle of the capital, the deserted
alley is bound to have poor security. This has not happened only once or

Werner tried to push the hood deeper and get past the spot. As long as it’s
not the woman’s voice that suddenly penetrated sharply into his ears.

“Hey, let go of this!”

He stopped walking tall.

Is it her again?

It is Charlotte’s voice.

Golden hair flowing smoothly through the body and deep eyes like the sea
passed through my head like afterimage.

White skin and a pure smile that seemed to be ignorant of the dirt of the
world touched my eyes for a moment.

“Your Highness!”

His body moved first before recognizing what’s in the head.

Werner ran away from Lenox, who grabbed him in surprise. For a moment,
Charlotte’s face was white when she came to her senses, whether reason
flew away or not.

Suddenly, anger rose to the top of my head. Why on earth is this woman
threatened every time he sees her?

“That’s a bit suspicious. Did I interrupt your hobby of being subjected to

such menial things on this filthy street?”

Werner looked at her face and was reflexively sarcastic. It’s already the
third time I’ve saved her this way.

Once in the banquet hall, once in the palace garden, and now.

He recalled the words that once coincidentally, two times a relationship, and
three times fate. And laughed at myself for what a funny idea.

Werner turned to the sword in his hand. Blood was dripping. As I lowered
my eyes, there were bodies that were still bleeding through the vital point in
a single stroke.

Maybe they’re bullies who pick a fight with Charlotte. Werner, is this
something to be so angry about later? I questioned that, but I couldn’t keep
thinking long. It was because I heard a faint voice shaking next to me.

“Your, Your Highness? Why in this place…….”

Werner looked surprised that Charlotte recognized him at a glance, even

though he wore a deep hood.

But for a moment, too, he rebuked Charlotte with a lower-than-usual voice.

“You’re saying what I have to say. Why are you walking around this place
alone without an escort? Ha, did you ever think this wouldn’t happen?”


Charlotte, stabbed to the head, mumbled her lips, lowering her eyes.
“I’m just….”

Although she came from a peripheral aristocracy, she was loved only by her
loving family. Charlotte grew up like a princess, and she didn’t know much
about the world.

Since she had never experienced it, she is a pure person who could not
imagine malice towards her no matter how much her family told her to be

“I, I’m so sorry to bother you. It was my first time coming out of the
territory to the capital, so I was looking around and came into this alley. I’m
really scared…….”

For the first time, Charlotte saw a man die before her eyes because she had
just escaped the threat of King Jeongjo. She is fortunate not to faint.

She ended up crying with the rush of relief and fear.

“What are you crying about?”

Werner sighed, looked down at Charlotte for a moment, and eventually

patted her back lightly.

Then Charlotte came unhesitatingly into his arms. If he shake her off she
won’t know the reason. He didn’t know that she would dig into his own
arms without hesitation.

Surprised Werner stiffened himself, but Charlotte, who needed someone to

comfort anyone, shook her slender shoulders and kept crying.

“Are you…… conscious that I just committed murder?”

“But you saved my life.”

Werner was briefly speechless in response. Charlotte trembled piteously in

his arms like a tender beast.

“You’ve always helped me.”

“……I guess you’re not scared of me.”

“I couldn’t properly reward you for saving me or for making my dreams

come true. I can’t be scared.”

“I’ve never seen a woman like you before.”

Countless aristocrats dressed up in splendor, with terrible nostalgia, and

armed with quaint laughter and coquettishness.

In the midst of it, Charlotte is in endless danger. The vulnerability, which

seemed to be broken when the wind blew, caught Werner’s eyes at once.

That’s why I kept on the edge of my seat.

“……it’s fresh.”

Who else might have been involved in a dispute, whether they were
dragged away, or if they were forced to laugh at anyone without knowing
how cool they were.

Everyone said Charlotte is a lily, but she was closer to white snow.

She has a pure and noble color, so if you touch her, it feel like she would
melt and disappear. When I stood in front of her, I was always cautious
about what to say and how to treat her.

“Did you say it was your first time in the capital city?”


“It’s not good enough for a vulnerable woman like you to walk around

Charlotte, who was sniffling, looked up.

Werner slowly toucher her lips ahead of Charlotte’s expression of ignorance

of situation.

“Please give me your command.”

“Stand by Miss Angelo.”

“……I can’t do that.”

“Who do you think can touch a single tip of my hair, who has reach the
Sword Master’s level? I’ll go back to the palace, so stay by her side.”

“But I can never leave your side. Take orders…….”

“Lenox, it’s an order.”


Lenox looked the least incomprehensible, but was his only master’s
command. Of course he could not be able to disobey it.

He stared at Charlotte, who stood beside him for a moment, and then bowed

“I’ll take your orders.”

Werner sent Lenox away with Charlotte and returned to the palace. It was
because my schedule was tight that day he can’t wander that street with

But if he had known the consequences of that choice in the future, Werner
would never have left Charlotte alone with his loyal knight.

VM C12

Chapter 12



Left alone, they stood for a moment as if they were nailed to the spot.

How long have you been doing that?

Charlotte couldn’t stand the awkward silence and eventually smiled brightly
and talked to him first.

“Hmm, Sir Knight? I’ve seen you before. This is the first time we’ve seen
each other separately. I’m Charlotte Angelo!”

“……Lenox McCart.”

“May I call you Sir Lenox?”

“As you please.”

Charlotte began to chatter like a little lark to the knight, which seemed only
cool-headed, answered her words gently.

“Oh, I’ve never seen such street food before! What is it? The color is

Glittering in her sky-like eyes, she led Lennox, flapping her sun-lit, radiant

She hugged Lennox’s arm without hesitation and pointed from place to
“Sir Lenox, look over there!”


He stopped his lofty step, pulled Charlotte’s arm off and fiddled with her
little hand. It wasn’t that obvious, but there were signs of calluses appearing
and disappearing.

“Your hand…”


“It’s a hand that learned swordsmanship.”

“Ah, it’s not like I’ve just learned…… I was kidnapped a few times when I
was a younger. My brothers taught me a little self-defense.”

And yet it didn’t improve well……. Charlotte wiggled her fingers and
lower her gaze, perhaps ashamed of herself.

She is so bad at using her body that her older brother eventually gave up on
her and increased her protection. How upset he was when she said she is
going alone to the capital.

“Self-defense? Why did you just let it go when you learned it?”

Lenox creased his brows as if he didn’t understand well.

I wondered if you were scared and terrified, but if this is something she’s
been doing often since childhood, why are you not prepared at all and
walking around defenselessly?

Of course, even with a sword, I didn’t expect a woman to fight and win
against the warriors. But shouldn’t she try desperately to resist being

“……well, I don’t really like to fight. I don’t want anyone to get hurt.”

“You hate hurting them even though the other person tried to hurt you?”
“Yes, but.”

How good she is when she can you worry about someone who approaches
her with malice?

Lenox never thought such an answer would come. She is such a good lady
that she seemed stupid.

‘There’s a rumor going around that she’s a saint, and she won’t do this. It
makes sense that your Majesty is worried.’

It didn’t take long to fill Lenox’s indifferent gaze, which was full of signs of

As if destined to be so from the beginning, he fell rapidly in love with the

little, fragile, and adorable Charlotte.

It is a forbidden trigger that would develop into a more mournful and greasy
emotion in the near future.


There was one thing I overlooked.

Accepting Killian’s offer meant that I should stick around as much as I can
to share information with him, and above all.

That he had already won the title of my tutor and private butler.

“This, this devil…….”

“I’m flattered.”

Killian took my mumbling mixed with sorrow and resentment as a

compliment and forced me to pull my chin back.

“Again, You’ve got a bad posture.”

I never thought I’d be corrected with a horse whip in my life.

Every time a black stick touched my shoulder, back, chin, etc., I trembled,
erecting my wais even more.

‘I, I feel like I’m going to die.’

But he could not force me to straighten out my posture by his teachings.

I’m doing this, because I have a limited edition novel from author Lingte on
my head! It even dropped a few times and the seams were already loose.

It’s been a while since I bought it! If I hadn’t bought three sets of these for
reading, keeping, and missionary work, I wouldn’t have left his collar

“Uh, How long do I have to stay like this?”

“Until you’re fixed in that position.”

Are you thinking of turning me into a human statue? No matter how much I
have to learn manners by attribution, Sparta also didn’t have such a Spartan.

“No matter how I think about it, I think you’re a better person than that

I muttered, shaking my eyebrows. Then Killian opened his eyes wide for a
moment, perhaps at my unexpected words, and soon smiled full.

“You only say such pretty things.”

I mean, it’s not a compliment!

I’ve never felt so sad that I’m a pushover who can’t say anything I hate.

“Let me take out my corset.”

I can’t breathe, I have to get into position, and I’m dying. Everything I ate
in the morning looks like it’s coming up.
“I’ll let you read that book on your head if you hold on for 10 more

He took a pocket watch out of his arms and said, checking the time.

As soon as Killian joined hands with me, he immediately became my tutor

and private butler, and confessed that he intended to uproot my lazy life.

He has a great ability in many ways to cloud my decision as soon as I

decided to get his help.

Most of all, whenever I felt like quitting everything because I was having a
hard time, I was most upset with him giving me carrots and sticks in time.
Before I knew it, I would listen to him.

Killian is an experienced trainer and for him, I’m probably going to be

tamed and nurtured.

‘Isn’t it too much handling…….’

From the way he treated me, there is no doubt. He wouldn’t have been able
to behave like this if he is respecting me, at least as a noble.

Most of all, the creepiest thing is that he found out at a glance what I
cherished and valued the most.

“What the hell you are…… no, how did you know that I like something like

“You’ve got a whole room full of showcases. If you keep it so dear, who
wouldn’t be able to know?”

“You didn’t use that weird power to pry the me, right?”

“I won’t deny it. So if you’re not confident of keeping it, you’d better not
put it in where everyone can see it. Unless you want to lose everything at

Wow, what he said is like a line from villain.

Killian grinned and took my entire limited edition collection as a weakness.
It was a smile that suited more than I and the villainess Ayla in the novel.

“But why have you been using honorifics words as if it were natural to

Suddenly he burst with unexpected remark.

Why do I use honorifics? That’s it……

“Because you look older than me.”

“That’s an noble lady like answer.”


After 28 years of living in Confucianism, I gave him a reflexively answer.

Yeah, I admit everything that makes me is not noble at all. So please don’t
be sarcastic.

I made a quick excuse.

“Usually, if you try to kill someone, you’ll come out with a low profile,

“That’s pretty plausible.”

After all, I was hoping that this word would have worked, but at his words
that followed, my expression collapsed.

“No matter how much the world change, it is normal for a human being
born on this earth to tremble and cry for God’s mercy at the mere mention
of the ‘Lord’ of magic. But you seem to be afraid of only one fact that I
tried to kill you.”

When I heard it, I guess I was proving that I wasn’t a person from this
I’ve been trying hard to build up knowledge that is the background of the
novel while reading books, but I guess it wasn’t even possible until after a

To be honest, I understand that sorcerers in the Lethe Empire are treated

like criminals who deserve to die just by their very existence, but it didn’t
really hit me. Wizards, sorcerers, and fantasy being are all the same.

Rather, the sorcerer, who was hunted by fanatics who were crazy about
chosen people, ideas such as wizards and priests, was more sad and pitiful,
so my affection went on that side.

“First of all, it’s most suspicious that you passed my name without any

“Well, it’s very unfair to say that there wasn’t a little sway!”

At that time, I was quite amazed to hear the name of unexpected, large-
scale killer.

“I know Killian is the name of the evil sorcerer who blew up a kingdom 500
years ago. Do I have to be nervous to hear that name? It’s just the same
name as you anyway.”


But he looked down at me with his mouth closed for a moment, seemingly
intending to push me.

He seemed to be thinking about something, and for a moment, he gently

touched his lips again.

“Normally, they can’t even put said my name from their mouth.”

Damn it, so he is like Voldemort!

I thought he is like a tiger or a maniac grandfather because they were

known as a nightmare or a ghost story. But I found out that he wasn’t
supposed to be called by his first name.
“I like the pretty way you are taking words that criticize God from your
mouth, but you know you’re also strange.”


Doubt it or praise it, just do one thing. If I’m so pretty at cursing at God, I
can swear at you once a day, so please stop looking at me with doubts.

As I struggled to avoid his gaze in a cold sweat, he fixed his gaze on the

“It’s been 10 minutes.”


I spit out a zombie-like sound, held a novel above my head in my arms, and
then collapsed in an instant.

“So, who the hell are you?”

Oh, I knew it would lead to this question, too. I pretended as much as I

could, but I couldn’t ignore it when he dug this deep, so I sighed.

In fact, how can I say that I’m a writer from a another dimension and I’ve
been possessed Ayla’s body?

Plus, the moment I get caught being the author of this novel, I’m sure I’ll
die. There is 100 percent chance that I will be killed.’

He seems has a lot of regret for God, but if I’m a writer, in a sense, I am the
God who created this world.

I remembered what fate I had unintentionally created for the sorcerers. I’d
rather just stay silent on it forever.


“Are you exercising your right to remain silent?”

Then what are you going to do? I rolled up my fist a little challenging, but
apparently frightened.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t tell me. I will figure it out myself, so the
result will be the same. But I can’t say my way is mild in empty words, but
I don’t know if you can handle it.”


“Do you want to check?”

Killian seemed to have a habit of speaking softly, as if I am a child, refusing

to use harsh language. But it’s more frightening than a threat to kill!

“Isn’t it more important how we can strike God than my identity? Do you
know that it is the only thing that signed the contract?”

“You’re right. But I think I can find a way to do that only by knowing who
you are.”

“Well, how do you know that?”


I tried desperately to blur the issue, but it didn’t work either. It seems that
he is like a ghost, not an ordinary person.

‘As expected, we’re not involved for nothing.’

Yeah, to be honest, it was because I was half possessed by my taste.

Why did I do that? Knowing that it would be like this, I was a creations that
wielded by appearance. Damn because of that God’s appearance far beyond
the human category…….

It was then. Suddenly Killian stopped moving and stared at the door of the
I looked at the figure wondering, and he put the hoodie back on, which he
was taking off. It occurred to me that when he didn’t use that, when humans
come near him, misfortune spreads.

“Lady, are you here?”

Then, in good timing, someone knocked on the door of the study. I was glad
that I could get out of the difficult situation, but I heard the voice and
squeezed my expression.

‘Ah, here we go again.’

There were two types of maids on the Mertensia family.

First of all, when Ayla breathes still, they say, “Heook! she’s villainess! I’m

Secondly, the one who approached me and flattered, though very few,
expecting me to fall on them.

Ayla is stupid.

She stayed away from studying, so I could tell that her head is empty when
she opened her mouth because She was not well-educated. She was rude
because she doesn’t learn manners, and she was faithful to emotions, so her
body and mouth moved before her head.

And when she heard compliments because she couldn’t think high-
dimensional thoughts, she took them straight away. Perhaps if it weren’t for
her powerful family and her beautiful appearance, she would have been
pushed out of society earlier.

Around Ayla, who was simple, ignorant, honest, and bad-tempered, there
were naturally people who expected and flattered her, and my maid, Sophia
is such person.

VM C13

Chapter 13

“Lady! I heard there is a new guest, but you are here. You have such a
beautiful face, but now that you have the intellectual side, you must be in
trouble because you’ve become so popular, Hoho!”

Sophia entered the study, spitting out compliments as if she had loaded it in
advance. In fact, I didn’t say a word, but there was a baptism of
compliments that made me lose my mind.

“Somehow, lady scattered hair is very pretty. Your skin is white and silky,
and your eyes are like fresh grass with dew of dawn. I’ve never seen such
fantastic eyes as Lady.”


At that word, I looked down at myself.

Once I hadn’t washed up since morning, I’d still been in a chemise with my
corset off, and now I’m all sweaty because Killian.

‘What kind of soulless compliment is there.’

Above all, it was that Sophia who contributed the most to the death of Ayla
and the destruction of the Duke family.

As soon as Werner questioned her, she gave conclusive evidence that Ayla
was searching for material on the spell to curse Charlotte. By making up all
the empty words.

She was the only Ayla’s maid, so she had been watching her closer than
anyone else, and her trumped-up remarks had great influence. Now you’re
acting as if you’re loyal to everything.
“Ho-ho, look at me. I’ve been talking a lot lately because I haven’t had a
chance to talk to Lady like before. Lady don’t look into your precious dress
or jewelry at all, so there’s no time for me to take care of you.”

“Ah, sorry.”

I apologized reflexively because of Sophia, who stretched her mouth as if

she were sad.. It was because of my past habit of desperately looking at
other people’s feelings and feeding them like a pushover.

“Or maybe you don’t need me anymore? Oh, that’s sad.….”

“No, why are you crying…”….”

I panicked as I looked down at her, who suddenly began to whimper and

cry. I gave Killian a look to save me, but he just stared at me like he was
watching me.

She’s better not to come near me in fear like other maids, how could it be
hard to push a person who stuck together while pretending to be so close?

When I was a pushover, most of the people I’ve been through all my life
were that type. The type of person who uses the fact that I’m easily swept
away, weak-minded and indecisive personality to eat.

-Haneul, please. Huh? You know you’re the only one I have. If you don’t
help me, I might die…….

-What? Didn’t you just give me that money? You’re so mean. Are you
telling me to pay you back when your friend is in debt?

I frowned because I remembered the memories of Yoon Haneul, who I had


Those people generally changed their attitudes from time to time, as if they
were different when they entered the bathroom and when they left the
bathroom, and shamelessness and facial confiscation were fundamental.
Whenever I saw Sophia, who kept reminding me of my past trauma, I was
very disgusted and avoided her, and she was very persistent in following me
around to see if there was anything she wanted.

“It’s because of that creamy dress before, right? I heard from a friend
working at the Imperial Palace that the Crown Prince fitted a suit with
cream and gold thread to please you.….”

You two will get along really well like the lovers chosen by heaven. As she
muttered softly, she trembled her shoulder pitifully and said her words.

“I can’t believe that Charlotte or something Angelo made you humiliated by

the humble love of her own family that I’ve never heard of! It’s all because
of Charlotte. If she’s gone, you’ll be in the spotlight again.”

Wow, look at the extreme flow of thought that you said you play with each
other. How could you think that I wase embarrassed by the overlapping
dress colors? Ayla was just cursing her for getting caught in her ankles for
her usual behavior.

It was also very good to curry favour. I’m sure if I were Ayla herself, I’d
want to hear that the most in this situation.

Bad girl and villainess are fantastic partners. Somehow I slipped away from
Sophia, who seemed to hit it off very well with Ayla.

Eventually, I hid behind Killian’s back. He looked back at me with a hint of

surprise and pulled up the corners of his mouth without saying a word.
Yeah, I know my attitude is more suspicious now.

“It seems that Baron Angelo daughter has committed a great disrespect to

When he opened his mouth quietly, Sophia looked up at Killian, crumpled

her forehead slightly, and answered in a lively voice as if it were an illusion.

“Of course! As you know, butler, my lady has a thing in mind for His
Ayla loves Werner.

In fact, this was a fact that anyone in the Empire knew. Who knows when
she blushes every time she encounters Werner in the vicinity.

However, Killian, who has probably lived far away from the human world
as a sorcerer, seems to have never heard of it before.

He glanced at me and muttered in an interesting voice.

“Is that so.”

That’s not me. Far from loving Werner, I fear him,

“In fact, there’s no one more suitable for His Majesty than my lady. But she
stepped in and it was all messed up. My lady has a broken heart and she’s
done this.….”

Sophia blurted the end of her speech with a biting voice as she continued to

What? A broken heart? I was sitting on the sidelines and opened my eyes
wide at the unexpected words.

Again, It seemed that Killian and my eyes were properly meet. He twisted
his red lips and laughed. It was a reaction that he heard something very

“Ah, I see. That’s why you’ve been spending your time in tears in the
corner of your room, reading like a scoundrel.”

If the injustice is this much, my clothes will explode and I will die.

What’s a broken heart for someone who hasn’t talked to me because I’m
desperately avoiding him? I’m not broken heart, it’s just that I’ve always
dreamed of becoming unemployment in a rich family!

Wait, does everyone else think I’ve broken? No wonder that no one doubts
that I’ve become strange!
“You should cheering up her too. It’s just a temporary interest anyway. He
was just curious for a moment when He saw a woman like a weed blooming
on the side of the road while looking at a perfect and colorful rose like my
lady. He’ll be back to the lady soon.”

All of them were Ayla’s unrequited love in the first place, but we didn’t
have any relationship, so why should he come back to me? Charlotte and
Werner are just meant to be.

While I was mesmerized by the frustration, Sophia followed me very

persistently and gave me a pathetic look, grabbing my hand.

“And there’s nothing to worry about. I’ve picked a dress that’s trendy
enough to attract attention wherever Lady go this season.”

Sophia, who stole her watery eyes with the back of her hand, rummaged
through her arms as if she had cried, took out a bundle of paper and stuck it
out. And spoke with confidence.

“Sol, if Lady look at the catalog from the Luciana’s dressing room, I
marked it like this…….”

She held out a picture of a dress to me. All of them were bright, cute and
lovely dresses full of ribbons, flowers, feathers, and ruffles. It was more
suitable for Sophia herself than me.

‘Are you a merchant, not a maid?’

I couldn’t figure out why the broken heart led to the dress. Of course,
spending money relieves stress, but I wasn’t particularly greedy about

Of course, I was quite interested in the past. I especially like Rococo-era

dresses, so I did a lot of research. I didn’t know when I looked at it, but
when I tried it on, all the fantasies and dreams were shattered.

How can you wear something so stuffy and heavy every day? The corset
alone is killing me, but if I wear more clothes her, I’ll get bone crush and

“Do I really need a dress?”

I said, recalling the dressing room I saw inside the bedroom. Endless
dresses were glistening under the light.

“There’s still a lot…….”

“Oh, my. Lady is doing this again. You’ve been acting strange lately. It’s
already out of fashion. Of course we have to dispose of it.”

I don’t think it’s any different from the dresses in the catalog to say that it’s
out of fashion. Maybe it’s because I don’t have eyes. When I was silent with
an uncomfortable look on my face, Sophia clapped her hands as if she
suddenly remembered.

“Oh, my God. I haven’t shown you this yet. Tis is what’s important in this
season’s fashion.”

She was flipping over the paper and unfolded the paper with the back of the
dress on it. A puff with a convex three-dimensional feel on the back of the
skirt swelled at the back and sides.

“Now, look. The Wato gown is gone, right? Who wears curtains on their
backs these days?”

It was as she said. Like the dress I saw at the ball a month ago, there were
two wrinkles in the middle of back, and the fabric of the line that had fallen
off like water was gone.

“This season, dresses with extra wrinkles on the back of the skirt will be in
fashion. Isn’t it really sophisticated to be like a rose cluster?”

I listened with one ear to the chirping words and thought for a moment.

I think I’ll think of something now.

‘Do you mean Robe à la polonaise? I think there was something like that in
the novel…….’

Oh, I remembered.

That skirt pleats are a new trend in society, with the help of Werner.

Born into a poor, small family on the periphery, Charlotte grew up in rural
areas, helping with farming occasionally.

She rolled her skirt up so that her clothes wouldn’t get dirty at work, and
she found the raised skirt wrinkles very lovely.

Charlotte takes the idea from there and paints a new design dress on paper,
which Werner sees and orders to call in the capital’s most famous designer
and spread to society.

The nobles wear themselves to the ball held at the harvest festival in fashion
without knowing who designed it.

So Charlotte reveals in front of them that it is a dress of her own design

when everyone is enthusiastic about the new trend.

And then, in a flash, she got a nickname “Lily flower” of the social world,
and she begins to stand tall at the center of the nobles.

‘Is this exactly the time…….’

VM C14

Chapter 14

Then I could say I’m still in the beginning of the novel.

To be exact, it was a time when Charlotte began to receive attention and

love from people around her. I recalled in the novel what would happen on
harvest day.

Ayla, like any other young girl, knows nothing, heads to the ball in her
newly fashionable dress.

But she finds the dress she’s wearing is actually a design designed by
Charlotte, who she hates. With the help of Werner too.

Unable to overcome her humiliation and jealousy, Ayla spills the wine she
is holding onto the dress Charlotte was wearing.

A dark red liquid resembling blood badly stained Charlotte’s skirt width.
Charlotte’s dream of introducing her own-designed dress to society was
also soaked.

For a moment, the ballroom was surrounded by silence and quickly became

“Lady, are you all right?”

“Oh, my God, where are you hurt?”

Charlotte looked down at the dress with a shaking gaze.

It was ruined with stains that could not be erased no matter how much she
washed it. Before she knew it, pearls of water formed around her eyes.
“I, I’m fine. Lady Mertensia. It’s just a mistake, so don’t worry too much. I
can make it again.”

Despite trying to sound casual, Charlotte’s slender voice was trembling


The nobles gathered there at the mercy of the benevolent saintess looked
back on Ayla. She was smiling satisfactorily, her eyes peremptorily raised.

“I guess who’s not a witch…….”

No matter how hurt her pride was, it was not at all aristocratic to solve it in
this ugly way. In the eyes of everyone staring at Ayla, there was an
indescribable contempt.

Someone shouted as if it was a pity.

“Lady, isn’t this the only dress in the world made with the best designer of
the time, Poulan? Besides, I’ve never seen this soft, feathery fabric

“I don’t care.”

It was then.

With Ayla’s defeat, Werner appeared, splitting the crow around them.

He shook her words, gently embracing Charlotte’s shoulder, trembling like

a wounded bird.

“It’s enough to remake any number of dress. I’m the one who supported
you the most. What are you worried about?”

“Your Highness…”

Werner patted Charlotte, who shed tears silently, and turned to Ayla.

It was a cold-bladed look beyond contempt.

Was it roughly like this?

After that, all the nobles who had a slight affinity for Ayla fell apart and
turned away from her.

This was the scene where Ayla would appear after Palingea. If the loop
happens again, wouldn’t it happen at the harvest festival on the same day?

To stop the loop, I’ll have to wear a dress designed by Charlotte and spill
wine on her clothes. That way everyone will turn their backs on me, Werner
will be wary of me, and Ayla will be reborn as a true villainess.

But if it goes like this, it’s clear.

‘I don’t want to die….’

Yeah, I’ll die.

I will die alone after being subjected to terrible torture in a cold prison.

“You must have a lot on your mind, young lady. Don’t you like this trendy

Then, suddenly, someone clung close to my ear and whispered. I looked

back at Killian’s profile, still seeing only his chin and lips, in amazement.

“You have a dark look on your face.”

“It’s just… it’s a little complicated.”

“Lower your voice. A lady who speaks up to a butler, will be laughed at if

anyone hears that.”

I belatedly realised my mistake and kept my mouth shut and looked at


She still talking about the latest trends, still keeping my mouth shut, even
though she was talking openly in front of her.
‘If she drowns in water, only your mouth will float.’

As I breathed a sigh of relief inside, Killian whispered again.

“You must have forgotten that you’re in a boat with me. Tell me your
worries when you say good things. There’s no one else to talk to you than
me anyway.”


I just felt like I was beaten to the bone by a single word. I glanced at a man
who made me speechless by saying the right thing.

But it was actually true that there was a stab. He asked me to sign a
contract, but he kept it to himself and didn’t explain anything. We agreed to
hold hands together because our interests are same, but it was also

I can’t reveal all of my identity, but I’ll have to talk about it to some extent.

“Sophia, can you get out of here for a second?”

I asked her carefully, who was still constantly moving her mouth without

“Yes? Ah…… I’ve made lady uncomfortable again.”

Then Sophia suddenly began to moisten her eyes again with a painful and
dim expression that seemed to bear all the trials of the world.

“Why are you crying again….”

Sophia put the catalog back in my hands today as if she would never
withdraw no matter what happened today. Originally, she wasn’t this
persistent, but since I ran away and pushed her away, she seemed very
determined today.

“I’m saying this all for your sake. Whatever you wear, you’ll get everyone’s
attention, but my heart breaks down when I think about you being
humiliated because you don’t follow the latest trend.”

You’re even good at acting. She can become a theater actor so, why are you
giving me such a hard time by being a maid? I looked down at her, as she
shook her lips and shed her tears.

“……how much do I need to order?”

At my end, Sophia hurriedly raised her head, which was bowed. Her dark
brown eyes caught sight of blatant greed and then disappeared.

“You can order everything I mark, right? As always.”

That’s how you always ordered it?

I was astonished and counted the number of dresses shown in the catalog. It
seemed to be over thirty dresses at most.

“This, all…?”

Dresses usually have to be renewed by type according to the season because

the trend changes over the years.

It was a luxury close to madness, considering that a dress set an

astronomical amount close to the cost of living for the common people a

Even considering Ayla’s wealthy family, it’s a lot worse. If this is the case, I
won’t even look at the clothes I wore once again.

Why is Sophia encouraging such luxury? When I was silent, she began to
persuade me hard, perhaps nervous.

“Lady, who am I? I’m Sophia, who’s been in charge of all the dress and
accessories for Lady in five years. Of course, I can guess the dress that suits
you like a ghost.”

Do you really think these embroidered frills look good on me? With such a
keen eye, it would be better to quit the maid and become a theater actor.
No matter how much I decided to splurge on money since I became a gold
spoon, my soul couldn’t allow me to spend it on such useless things.

I was very annoyed, and again order her.

“I’ll talk to you later, Sophia.”

“Lady……you don’t like me anymore, do you?”

Also, as Sophia, who was preparing to shed tears, her sigh fills to the end of
her throat, Killian, who was staring at us silently, slowly sweetened his lips.

“Without my knowledge, it seems like villainess and pushovers have

become synonyms.”


“No matter how incredible the rumor is, this is embarrassing.”

I was silent, and Sophia touched her lips for a long time, and belatedly
shouted, ‘What’s adoration is that to Lady!’ But Killian didn’t stop there.

“Is this like the one that seems to be swung back and forth if you hold it and
shake it?”

He stared at me, likening me like some soft pudding. Sophia is listening,

but why would you say that?

‘Although I understood it correctly…….’

By the time I was sweating because it was burdensome to stare at me, he

pointed toward Sophia, who was preparing to cry for a while, and said.

“Leave those things alone.”

That’s not it.

When she heard that, she forgot to pretend to cry and stared bitterly at
“Sebastian, no matter how much you come here as Lady personal butler,
this is my job, not yours. It’s my job as a maid to dress you Lady. The butler
can’t even infringe on my rights!”

Then Killian laughed lightly and responded softly to a sharp shout.

“Is that so? It seems to me that the maid is claiming her rights by disturbing
her Lady feelings. Don’t you hate it.”

“Oh, my God, that can’t be true! I’m Sophia, my lady’s favorite. Isn’t that
right, lady?”

Sophia looked back at me panting as if she had heard that the world had

‘Stop it, please.’

Still, she desperately wants me to order a dress, so wouldn’t it be better to

listen to her just this time? Even if I fell into another world, my pushover
temperament did not disappear, making it difficult to refuse anymore.

Just as my thought leaned toward listening to what she wanted, Killian took
a leisurely step toward Sophia.

“You make me say the same thing over and over again. When I’m right
here, what are you trying to solve by yourself and giving up without


“You don’t have faith so much…….”

What? What the hell are you going to do?

By the time I watched with doubts, he lifted the tip of the hood slightly
toward Sophia and fixed his gaze exactly.

“What’s your name?”

Sophia’s brown eyes, which were full of irritation and annoyance, widened
and she quickly became hazy.

She opened her mouth without any hesitation.

“……Sophia Beryl.”

“Sophia. It means wisdom.”

“That’s right.”

“That’s a meaningful name, isn’t it?”

“My father always gave me this name in the sense of wisdom.”

“That’s a good name. But somehow you seem dissatisfied with the name.”

Killian whispered softly and folded his moonlight eyes like a half moon.

Then Sophia, who was half mesmerized and looking at him, suddenly burst
into anger as if she going to vomit blood.

“Wisdom? You’re gonna have to pay me to say that shit! My father was
busy spreading all his wealth to beggars, regardless of the duties of the
nobility. I’ve never really enjoyed the rights of noble!”

Surprised by Sophia’s sudden cry, I shut my ears and opened my eyes wide.
Killian twisted his lips and laughed.

“That’s a shame.”

Don’t tell me this is what Killian said before, his own ability?

Sophia is unwillingly showing off the ugly side she would have kept hiding.

VM C15

Chapter 15

I stared nervously at Sophia. His face when she actually brought it up

looked very relieved.

“Then what do you want?”

“Of course money! Dress! Jewelry! Whatever!”

“It’s fun to spend money.”

“That’s right, that’s why I’m here, leaving the crappy little house.”

“It must be good for you.”

Then Sophia, who was triumphantly resting her hand on her waist, suddenly
frowned. It seemed that an unpleasant thought suddenly came to her mind.

She gritted her teeth and slowly looked back at me.

“That damn bitch.”

And I just got cursed at.

“It’s been so hard for me to please that stupid bitch.”

Sophia continued in a state of insanity.

“How many times in a day her mood touch the sky and plummet to the
ground? When the Crown Prince say something to you that he doesn’t want
you, so what am I supposed to do when he don’t like you because only your
face is pretty?”

What, you’ve been so busy praising me, you know the truth, don’t you?

“But I’m grateful that five years you have been fooled, so I have fulfilled
my wishes. What a fool.”

She wagged her tail like a dog that only followed her owner, and she was
thinking like that inside. Maybe that’s why she was able to stick with
Werner and betray her so easily.

At that time, Killian asked.

“How did you fool her?”

“I asked her how she could wear her dress once again. I said she has to wear
a new dress every time because she’s different from other young lady.”


Instead of talking back, he turned to me with a nasal voice. His stare

seemed to be asking if I was really fooled by such nonsense.

No way. I feel bitter as I was falsely accused of being a scoundrel in my

room because I liked the Crown Prince.

“She fell for this ridiculous sugarcoating, and She didn’t even notice
because she only wearing it once. That’s why I have everything. I sold the
ones that didn’t suit me and exchanged them for money, and the ones that
fit me were repaired and I wore them.”

She spoke with great pride.

“Then you must have made a lot of money.”

“Not even close yet. Idiot Ayla doesn’t care, but it’s hard to avoid
everyone’s eyes. I only touched jewelry once a year at most. But these days,
wouldn’t I be angry because she hasn’t been looking at that dress she liked

Her huffering brown eyes glistened with vanity and greed.

Sophia was murmuring drearily that I should order a dress this season as if
reciting a curse. Then, Killian loosened his eyes to see if it was getting

“It’s trivial.”

With such a murmur, he looked back at me with a drowsy look and slowly
patted his lips as I met his eyes.

“If you tell her now, she says she’ll give you all the jewelry you want.”

What? What are you talking about?

Then Sophia opened her eyes wide at the word. After turning her head with
a look of salvation, she approached me with ecstasy eyes.

There wasn’t any zombie. Blinded by lust, she began to approach me like a
zombie rushing to eat my blood and flesh.

And with a clear voice, she fluttered.

“I love the sapphire necklace lady wore last time. The lady under the
chandelier with it around her neck is like a princess.”

Sophia wiped her mouth with saliva and put her hands together, making a
dreamy, hazy expression. It is a very simple example of what would happen
if humans were eaten by greed.

“How about those elegant black pearl earrings that were elegant like that
lady. The diamond head decoration you wear at the last banquet was the
climax. I didn’t see it in person, but I’m sure there was no one as beautiful
as Lady. And the silver ring decorated lace gloves…….”

Sophia’s chatter continued endlessly. Pretending to praise me, appealing the

jewelry She wanted to have, was obvious to anyone.

I can’t believe she’s a troublemaker who doesn’t lose flattery even when
she’s so busy being swayed by Killian’s abilities. Even now, I had respect
for that tenacity.
“So what are you going to do?”

With a gentle smile around his mouth, he asked, tilting his head slowly.

Before I knew it, his tone of speech had come back high again. Looking at
the look on his face, the situation itself was boring, but he seemed curious
about what choice I would make.

“What should I do…….”

“Because it’s all up to you.”

He sounded determined as if I should not even think about avoiding the



In fact, I never want to go with Sophia, but what she cheated on is Ayla in
the novel, not me. There was no personal grudge against her, so I couldn’t
pretend to discuss her disposition.

But now I am that Ayla.

I could no longer turn away from the courtyard where I had to act like a
villainess and can’t fool around in my room. If I do, I will die from Sophia’s
testimony like in novel.

But nevertheless, I am still Yoon Haneul. I couldn’t get out of the limit of

I couldn’t get out of my life, following what I was told and desperately
fitting myself into a set frame.

No wonder I had a bad appetite.

‘I have to get another look of contempt gazes again? No, I’m scared.’

I heard a voice that had been hidden deep inside. That’s the reason I become
pushover all my life.
I am coward.

I was more afraid of being hated by others than being used. I couldn’t
refuse because I was afraid to be alone, and I’ve been suffering all my life
even though I knew it.

Even if they ignore me and despise me on the inside, I hope they will laugh
at least outwardly. I was afraid to be hated that much.

In fact, it still hasn’t improved at all.

That’s why I couldn’t do anything to a maid who was sure to betray me, so I
thought about running away from reality until Killian appeared.

I wriggled my fingers and pulled my skirt for no reason. Even now, my

head was full of thoughts that I just wanted to run away as if I didn’t know

Killian looked at me restless as a lost child and asked.

“Oh, are you scared?”

Don’t read my mind.

He looked at my expression and read my thoughts easily, and I couldn’t

help but shake my head in shame.

I knew that I was like a sweet potato and stuffy. But I can’t change at all. I
looked like this in the first place.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

He said this as if he had already figured out what I was scared of.

“You don’t have anything. No family attention, no love, no friends and


Why all of a sudden you have to say so much bad things? He continued
when I grabbed my heart that was beaten with facts and cried.

“This means that there is nothing to lose from the beginning, so there is no
need to be bound by nutritional rules. You can just ac without hesitation.”

It was advice directly from a sorcerer who turned the world around as an
enemy to the world’s most frightening villainess, Ayla.

‘That’s true. Come to think of it, I’m already a loner. There’s nothing to be
afraid of being alone. I’m still alone.’

I remembered the words that lingered in my head, like the whispers of the

“Hey, do you like it or not?”

Then Killian asked.

When I heard that, I looked puzzled for a moment. Divide people into likes
and dislikes is a dichotomous thinking that a child would do.

But when asked that, the answer came out rather easily.

“Of course I hate it.”

“Why you hate it?”

“That’s because she’s trying to use me…….”

“Then there are only two answers to that. First, she can’t tame you again
because you will give her punishment for what she did. Second, if there is
no room for improvement, she will leave this world forever.”

“……are you sure about that?”

“Yes, it’s multiple choice. Pick one.”

Crazy, there’s no way I can choose.

I should’ve just said I’d kick her out. Somehow more distressed than
before, I grabbed my forehead, and Killian shook his head and crossed his
arms as if to answer quickly.

“Fi, first.”

I stretched out my index finger and stuttered, showing it. Sophia’s us a

danger to me, but I couldn’t encourage murder.

“All right, we’ll decide what punishment she’ll pay for later, and before

He gently grasped both sides of my face and turned his head towards
Sophia. The gaze was intertwined from the front with the maid who
glistened her eyes with the intention of getting the jewelry.

Killian said.

“I’ll never raise a dog that bites its owner again.”


“You have to repeat after me.”


What’s that? When I panicked and didn’t think to follow his words, he
pinched my cheek over my back.

Hesitating, I muttered and imitated Killian.

“I, I will never raise a dog that bites its owner again.”

“Understand? Don’t raise her. You’ll get in trouble.”

He talked to me like I am wrong child and let my cheek go. I rubbed my

tingling cheeks and glanced at Sophia, whose eyes were still wide open.

‘The dog that bites its owner…….’

Well, as the only handmaid, she must have used the trust from her lady who
knows nothing as much as an idiot and has been wielding her modest power
at will.

When I saw her talking confidently as if it was her right to steal by

deceiving others, it is really the same as the people I knew. How shameless.

‘It’s the wrong side to be deceived, right?’

The subordinates who rush like a pack of dogs just for appearance, power,
and wealth.

Those who do everything to get what they want will run like hyenas to bite
Ayla before anyone else as soon as she falls to the floor. Like my family
who wanted be the first to quit when the crisis hit me…….

I felt like I knew why I am possessed Ayla’s body among many other

Although she and I walked in really different directions, her environment

was very similar to mine. In that there is not a single decent person around.

“You seem to have something to say.”


It’s a surprise.

Killian suddenly burst into my face and talked to me.

He smiled softly at me with his eyes wide open, and said, “What the hell are
you hesitating about?”

“Do it.”

VM C16

Chapter 16


Sophia turned pale as she remembered what she had said. It was pathetic to
see her shaking because and turned blue.

She gulped down her breath and shut her mouth, and as soon as she met me,
she shook her head and approached me.

“Oh, no, my lady. I never said that……no, I must have something on my

mind! There’s no way this Sophia would really say that. Isn’t that right,
lady? That can’t be true!”

Mumbling desperately as if she had lost her mind, she eventually clung to
my skirt.


My body moved without my knowledge.

Reflectively frowning at her, I shook her hand off without hesitation. Then
Sophia hardened with an expression that seemed like the world had

I thought it would weaken my mind again. But a colder voice came out
between my lips than I thought.

“You were prepared to do it.”

“La, lady!”

“I don’t have a dog that bites its owner.”

I just followed exactly what Killian taught me.

However, the thrilling pleasure that I had never felt before passed from head
to toe. To be honest, I think I wanted to do this from the beginning.

“No! It’s a misunderstanding, lady!”

I somehow laughed when I saw Sophia still struggling at a time when

everything from one to ten was already revealed.

I was unfamiliar with myself, so I hesitated a little and looked up at Killian.

He pulled up the corner of his mouth, bent down, put his lips around my ear
and whispered. When I heard that, I copied exactly what he said like a
obedient child.

“……if you understand, listen carefully and wait until I find you.”

Killian burst into a low laugh when he heard me.

I don’t know what’s funny, but they say laughter is contagious.

I had no choice but to smirk with a face that had been praised countless
times for my beauty.


I kicked Sophia out of the library, who still couldn’t figure out the situation.
And ordered her be locked in a dungeon. Of course, it was Killian’s idea.

Sophia then knelt down to her knee and cried and begged, apparently
feeling the situation was really unusual, and was dragged away by the
knights of the family.

“How could you do this? You can’t do this to me, to me! I’ve dedicated my
whole life for young lady……!”
Sophia somehow spat out lines that I had heard in historical dramas and
groped to the end.

Hey, if anyone hears, they’ll think I told you to punch yourself in the neck.
And you have to say it right away. It wasn’t for me, it was for my dress and
jewelry. I watched her face dourly and waved lightly.

Suddenly, that thought came up.

‘Isn’t it my first time like this? Whatever happens to others, I always

thought first about it.’

Is it this happy to act only for myself? Somehow, it became really fun and a
twitch of laughter kept squeezing out of my lips.

Then I could see blood wriggling around Sophia’s forehead as she grew
farther away. You look like you’re pissed off. The knights alternately
looked at me and Sofia, and said, “I think the lady is playing evil.”

As Killian said, Ayla had nothing to lose in the first place. So even if I acted
as crazily as I wanted, everyone just going to talk about what they want.

I felt relieved and proud and breathed out loud with the sorrow of my
previous life.

Why was I so afraid that I couldn’t do this for a long time? I had no idea
why I’d put up with leech-like people who didn’t help me in my life.

When you try it, it’s so easy.

I grabbed the corners of my mouth and casually turned to the side, and
started to flinch. Killian, who was watching all this, stared at me.

He came straight to the point as soon as people left.

“Don’t we still have something to say?””

Unfortunately, my crisis seemed to have just begun.

“So, where’s the spirit that used to swear at God? It’s natural that you’re
scared of me, but it’s very serious that you’re being embarrassed by your


There was nothing to say about it.

“From what you say, your common sense is a bit off the mark and
surprisingly uneducated, but you don’t seem as stupid as it sounds. You’re
not like noble from the first place.”

He was the only one who saw through my essence without being swayed by
rumors. Not the novel Ayla, but Yoon Haneul. It slowly grew to the point
where I feared his insight.

“I can see your cringe in fear, and I don’t think other humans’ eyes are a
hole in their eyes. Then why do you suffer from such ridiculous rumors?”

I couldn’t put off answering any longer.

I bite my lips and thought how far I could tell him. First of all, I can never
say that this is a novel and that I am the writer.

I gently sweetened my lips.

“I’m from another world.”

“As expected.”

Killian immediately accepted whether he had already suspected that far.

On the other hand, I hurriedly raised my head, opening my eyes wide in

surprise. I’ve known for a long time that he’s not normal, but I didn’t expect
it to be this bad.

“What the hell, how……?”

“How can you possibly think I don’t know?”

He smirked back to see if my puzzled reaction was funny.

“There’s nothing noble about you from head to toe. No matter how
uneducated the aristocrat is, they will learn in a given environment and get
used to it by their self. And there’s a lot of reactions that can’t be seen
without a strange world.”

“Is it so suspicious….”


Seeing Killian agreeing at once, I scratched the back of my head thinking

that my acting as Ayla was so awkward.

Well, I never tried to imitate her properly in the first place. Even though it’s
my job, I been caught because of my attitude across the river.

“I’m from another world, but it wasn’t my intention to come here. One day,
when I opened my eyes, I suddenly became an Ayla.”

“Is it a form of disguise?”

“Yes, it feels like that.”

“Surely, That’s why the energy of Rezerb was all over your body. So
where’s the original owner of the body?”

“Uh…… I know, right?”

Come to think of it, where’s Ayla’s soul? How can a man named God drive
out a soul that’s in good health and push in my soul?

Now it is a fundamental question that arise.

Why did God put me in Ayla’s body when he would find it annoying?

When I was seriously thinking about something about this was a pretty
important clue, Killian said.
“No way, you wouldn’t know. The theory that something happened to the
original soul is most likely, but let’s hear from you first.”

He shook his head as if he would listen to anything I said.

The word “from another world,” which I thought was the most difficult,
worked easier than I thought, so I was able to bring it up more comfortably
than before.

“Ayla, who was originally the owner of this body, has the same personality
as the rumor, and my personality is a pushover as you say……. Given that
you see me as pushover, as Killian said, there must be a problem with
Ayla’s original soul.”

For some reason, I was sad to admit it to myself, but I continued to speak
firmly. However, I couldn’t help but feel depressed when I tried to say this.

“I guess I have to follow Ayla’s fate. Killian said that. The loop will
continue to rise until God makes the choice he wants. God’s choice wants is
the destiny that the original Ayla should have gone through”


I think it’s better not to lie as much as possible in front of him who seems

I spoke as quickly as I could, hiding the truth as I could.

“You asked me earlier that my expression is not good. At that time, I

actually saw foresight.”

“Foresight? I remember you saying you’ve never seen anything like it


“……I didn’t know it was foresight at the time.”

“Hmmm. I didn’t know that Rezerb was such kind of God who knew how
to show such kindness.”
“But he’s also a God who wants to wield human destiny.”

Of course, I made Rezerb by myself, but I didn’t know anything about

Rezern. So I just said to Killian, flatteringly, what he might want to hear.

If I’m lying, it would better mix it with something nice to hear. I don’t
know if there is a real God, but if there is a real God, I will fall to hell
because of blasphemy.

“I’ve been hiding it, but in fact, something similar happened on Palingea’s
Day. Now that I think about it, it’s a message from God to me. As if to do
exactly as what he shown…….”

I recited the whole story of what was going to happen on the day of the
harvest, as if I had seen the foreshadowing from God. Well, thanks to
Sophia, I remembered a while ago, so I wasn’t lying.

I’ve told you all about what’s going to happen at the ball and Charlotte is
being admired in society, while Ayla is completely neglected.

Killian waited silently for me to finish, and he seldom laughed revealing


“If you say so, the loop will begin again…….”

Perhaps because it was a voice full of joy, so it seemed as if I could hear

“the time has finally come to destroy God.”

Every time he opened his mouth, exceptionally sharp white fangs sparkled.

“So, God wants you to be trampled so thoroughly? That’s the fate of

original Ayla.”

It was a way of speaking that I couldn’t know if he believing me or thinking

about me.

He pated my head that had been covered with cold sweat and said.
“But if he had originally wanted you to act like the original body, why
would he has put the souls of the other world even the opposite in

Putting a soul of similar character into the same world would achieve what
he wants more smoothly. Killian has been very keenly caught me off guard.


Anyway, if I get the hang of it.

That’s probably because I’m the author of this novel. There is no other
reason to put my soul, who is a pushover of another world, into the body of
a villainess, even though God is not a fool.

I shrugged, swallowing the words that I could never say. With an innocent
look on my face, as if everyone knows.

“I’ve only been in the world for a month, and I know very little. That’s why
I’ve been reading books ever since I moved into this world. But how am I
supposed to know the deep meaning of Rezerb?”

“Well, I’ll take it for now.”

He replied in a magnanimous manner, as if he had already seen through my


That ghostly man seemed to already know that not everything I said was

VM C17

Chapter 17

‘……like a monster.’

For now, I might say it’s a good thing that he not to ask more questions.

“So, are you saying that you’re like a sacrifice to woman named Charlotte?”

A sacrifice.

“If you’re a king, you can call me a villainess.”

“Villainess? What’s that?”

Rather, he has been asking back what it is as it the first time he heard that

Are you asking such a fundamental question?

I was thinking about what the villainess was short for and couldn’t figure it
out, so I just said anything.

“I mean an evil woman, maybe?”

“You’re an evil woman? Where?”

He asked in an absurd voice, as if all the villainess had died.

Seeing that I was ridiculous, I realized that it was nonsense in common

sense that I should play the role of a villainess.

“No, it’s not me, so the original Ayla is the villainess.”

“It doesn’t make sense either. Don’t you just feel sorry for her.”
Originally, the villainess is generally like that.

It’s a role where you’re constantly plotting and sabotaging, but you’re just
being beaten all the whole time.

Of course, in the crisis and climax of the novel, it comes out as if it would
cause great harm to the female protagonist to raise tension, but eventually
dies miserably.

Well, if I say it’s like Ayla’s evil side at this harvest festival.

“She pours wine on Charlotte’s clothes in front of everyone, right?”

“That was pathetic. It’s like a little threatened beast is scared and
desperately defending itself. Is that what humans call that kind of evil?”


If you say so, I have nothing to say.

Come to think of it, even when I wrote, I couldn’t stand Charlotte being
subjected to anything bad.

In fact, Ayla was more of a love cupid than a villainess. She has no
intention of doing that, and She just wanted to get in the way.

However, as a result, Werner has more time to protect Charlotte, and

Charlotte, who has more opportunities to warm to each other, even the dull
Charlotte quickly becomes aware of her feelings.

Then she eventually made the relationship between two of them tighter, so
what else would it be if she wasn’t a benefactor who firmly connected the
threads of their relationship?

Idiot Ayla.

If she had just left Charlotte quietly, their chances of becoming lovers
would have been drastically reduced. That’s why there’s proverb that if you
stay still, you’ll go even half way. ……well, not that I’d say.
I was trying to convince him that Ayla is villainess, but I just gave up and

“Anyway, I think Ayla is a evil woman enough to be called a villainess even

if she keeps getting hit. God probably wants me to be treated like that.”

“Then the sacrifice is right.”

Killian concluded that again. Now there is nothing more to deny.

Ayla is called a villainess because she’s ignorant, uneducated, talkative, and

tries to mess with the main character. In particular, the last reason is the
most decisive factor.

“I thought that God had been repeating the day for you, but when I heard
that, the person loved by God might rather be the woman named Charlotte.”

He had only finally reached the truth that the main character of this world is

Yeah, now you know how ridiculous I must have been when you first told
me I was loved by God.

“Then are you the one being used?”

“Well, I guess so, too. So are you disappointed? Then you can go to
Charlotte side…….”

In order to properly anger God, it would be better to touch the person who
is loved by the real God rather than me. That would be more suited to his

As I grumbled with my cheeks, Killian replied with a small smile.

“Well, this’s not bad either.”

He said so, then put his hand over my head and continued.
“As expected, it’s boring to be loved by the world. I like the side of being
used. Because it looks more fun.”

“You have a bad taste…….”

Even though I complained, I felt relieved. The thought of going through this
situation alone made my eyes dark.

Killian said, stroking my sweaty hair as if it were uncomfortable and


“If God wants you to be treated like a scapegoat and being treated as a
‘Villainess’, and he want to give all the glory to that woman named

His smile gradually deepened. I don’t know what it is, but seeing that
handsome face made my spine creepy, I felt like he was thinking very scary

“What if you become a real villainess?”


“If he doesn’t like you for no reason, you just have to make a reason for


Killian seemed to have used me to decide how to twist God’s will.

He looked down at me, flashed a fine figure over the hood, held my hands
tightly together and whispered softly in a most friendly voice.

“What do you want?”

“It’s just that… to stop loop?”

“Tsk, come to think of it, the ability doesn’t work for you. If you’re a soul
from another world, it makes sense that abilities doesn’t work.”
“……did you just use your powers on me?”

He openly kicked his tongue and looked troubled, but pulled up the corners
of his mouth to smile evilly as he belatedly thought of a way to appease me.

Then, without hesitation, he takes off his hood and reveals his brilliant
beauty to the world again. Oh, damn it, he’s already figured out my

“I respect your choice.”

“Let’s get rid of the beauty and talk about it.”

“Just listen to me for now.”

Don’t threaten to pretend to give me a choice.

I shook my eyebrows because he was unnecessarily handsome, smiling


“You didn’t do exactly the same thing as the prophecy on Palingea Day, but
you were misunderstood for bullying your maid, you said you went on the
next day after that?”

“That’s true, but…….”

“I mean, it’s means once people recognize you as a villainess, the loop is
over. Then there’s only one way you can choose from here. You can just
become a real villainess.”

“What’s the real villainess?”

“You must be strong so that no one dares to view you as a sacrifice or


“……no one?”

“Even God.”
“Em, wouldn’t that probably mean that my worth of existence would


When I replied hesitatingly, he laughed at me and leaned over as if it was


He said with a grinning voice, bending his eyes.

“Ah, does God set the value of your existence? Then you can take
everything away from that Charlotte.”

“What? Everything?”

I asked back, doubting my ears.

“Wealth, power, honor, man, everything. Then the value of a woman named
Charlotte will disappear instead of you. Isn’t it?”

I was at a loss for words at the most villainous remarks. Wow, that’s a
change of ideas, I probably wouldn’t have thought of that when I woke up.

Usually, the villainess in the novel isn’t like that.

In old stories, the ending was always the basis of good deeds, and the
wicked stepmothers and stepsisters who bully the main character are
punished and repent of their sins. That is the ending of villainess.

However, being brainwashed by such stereotypes, it was hard to think that

the villainess would overcome the protagonist.

“I like a venomous human crawling from the bottom.”

“Is, is that so…….”

“It’s very interesting to see human who take all the misery in the world, roll
dirty mud, and eventually get what they want, even after all the hard work,
even if they use all their wickedness. I prefer someone who flash bloody
rather than sparkle brightly with peace.”

That’s usually called stinky taste.

‘In the first place, this is a novel, but it’s possible for a villainess to have

Of course, there are novels like that.

However, that was the case where the villainess is the main character of the
world. So in terms of Killian’s expression, wealth, power, honor, men, are
the rights that only those who are loved by God can have it.


I could see why he suddenly tried to persuade me so aggressively.

I thought the best way to screw God is to take the place of a woman who is
loved by God, who is just a sacrifice that being used.


That’s a good way.

The problem is that it’s a way that I, a pushover, would never dare.

Nevertheless, I was embarrassed because to feel the excitement as if my

heart is still stuffy for some reason. I thought maybe I wanted to hear this
all the time.

‘Maybe I can really do it.’

In fact, I plucked up the courage to kick out the maid just by the fact that
Killian was next to me. It may not be a big deal in the eyes of others, but it
was a big challenge for me.

‘Even if the absence of Sophia doesn’t have much effect, it’s definitely
different from the novel. Even a very subtle difference. Then, if these things
pile up, It might be able to completely turn on the huge flow of the novel.’

I didn’t even know it could change.

I might be able to stop the loop, survive and live a different life than I have
ever lived.

Being more honest than now, doing what I want to do with confidence. I
might be able to live my own life without caring what others say.

“Hoh, did your eyes change?”

He leaned his head, staring into my eyes, and spoke.

“What do you think, you like it, too?”

I was surprised and looked down when I saw the silver-gray eyes with a
clear glow in front of me.

“Of course, I like it, but……. As you say, there’s no way I can do that, I am
the most pushover among the pushover.”

As i hesitated and answer timidly, he came to where I am.

“Let me help you. So that you can stand alone with everyone under your

He began to entice me with sweet words in my ears.

Then he stood behind my back and pulled the ribbon straps of the corset
that had been tightened to the limit and loosened them one by one.

“For example, something like this.”

He talked, completely peeling off the corset made of whale beard.

“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.”

No, he told me to do it. What are you talking about? He continued when I
looked at him like he is ridiculous.

“Noble woman must wear corsets in their daily lives and get used to them.
Because that’s the custom and culture of the nobility. But if you don’t like
it, there’s no reason to fit your clothes.”


“Make it unnecessary in your world. You don’t have to do it if you don’t

need it.”

That’s right. By the way, it’s easy, but what right do I have to make a corset
that’s already become a noble woman’s custom unnecessary?

“How am I supposed to do that? I’m not that influential in society. On the

contrary, I’m in such a notorious state…….”

I wasn’t even a fashion leader like Madame de Pompadour or Marie

Antoinette. Moreover, I am not loved by the world like Charlotte.

On the contrary, everyone is preparing to catch my flaws somehow and bite

me, even do something that stands out. Everyone almost bit me like a hyena
with one mind. I didn’t want to do what would be their prey if possible.

“In a sense, notoriety is an interest. It’s all up to you how to use it. Hide
under the wing of the world, or you can swing it.”

VM C18

Chapter 18

Killian added playfully, tilting his head languidly.

“Of course, running away is not an option.”


“If so, what would you do?”

That’s right.

As long as I was played in the loop, I could no longer live in the corner of
my room without seeing anyone. It’s time to leave the room.

There is only one option in the first place.

To bump into them directly.

If I have to be a villainess, I would rather be the main character and have

everything in my hands. And fix it to my liking.

It was advice like a criminal who lives the world without any laws or

This has been the case since I proudly declared that I could destroy God
with my own ability. I can say that because I’ve always lived like that.

“Just a corset? No, every single word you say is going to make everyone
scream. Because I’m going to make it happen.”

He seemed to have no spirit in everything, but his eyes were overflowing

with confidence that he couldn’t hide. He also showed arrogance of
thinking that he can turn the world upside down or shake it whenever he

“If there is a slave who dreams of becoming an emperor, I am willing to

take the emperor’s crown and put it over his head. And lead the way to the

He poured devilishly sweet words into my ears in a soft voice.

“So, what’s your answer?”

Perhaps because his voice was especially low and deep, his voice seemed to
ring to my heart.


Of course I wanted to be like that.

I wanted to act confidently as my heart goes without looking at others. I

think anyone would want to.

Can I do it? No, more than that.

‘…..I want to do it’

For some reason, I felt like a kid planning a practical joke. I slightly pressed
my palms against the pounding heart and raised my head with a flushed

From the start, the answer is set.

Who can resist the temptation of the devil? Besides, I wouldn’t have
thought of it alone, but with Killian……I think I can do it.

I wanted to bet everything on me even if it is like a gamble.

I swallowed my saliva with an expression of fear, anticipation, and

excitement, then barely spoke out a word.
“……please make me become the villainess.”

His smile grew thicker.



Day 14th.

There was so much going on that day.

I only got out of the loop on the day 13th, the sorcerer Killian came to see
me and threatened my life before becoming a life-threatening partnership.
And to kick out Sophia, who might return in the future.….

All I had was an incident that affected the novel, so I kept worrying until I
went to sleep. It was because I was worried that the day would go by again
when I woke up.

“Lady, it’s time to wake up.”

“Mmm, Siri, wake me up in five minutes.”

“……who is Siri? That’s what you said five minutes ago.”

“Then five to five more minutes…….”

I couldn’t even open my eyes and mumbled and fell asleep fainting agian.

But as soon as it did, the sunlight penetrating the window is so bright that I
had no choice but to dig into the blanket with a frown on my face.

“Ugh, I hate sunlight.”

I heard someone sighing. As soon as that happened, I could feel the sound
of breathing closer and closer to me.
“If you’re not a vampire, stop talking about the sun and get up.”

I heard a voice near my ear, perhaps whispering in my ear. It is a deep, low-

pitched voice as if hearing it from a cave.

‘Man? Why man voice….’

I lifted myself up, hugging the quilt, wary. Then I saw a man standing
neatly beyond my hazy vision. What is it, a pictorial poster?

‘…..It’s not. It’s a real person.’

Why is a handsome man in my bedroom that looks like his eyes will pop
out? With question marks above my head, I remembered what happened
yesterday and relaxed my body.

“Ah, Killian.”

“Shh, you should call me Sebastian. That’s not a name you can call

“Right, like Voldemort.”

I murmured half asleep.

“I guess you’re still half awake. I’ve made a lot of tea, so drink it.”

He put the teacup down on my lap with a painted smile on his face.

Darjeeling tea in the Early morning tea is really fragrant, so I doubted the
man in front of me.

I stared down at the steaming tea water and slowly raised my head.

“Is today the 15th?”

“Right. You’re worried, aren’t you?”

“Sigh, of course. I couldn’t sleep well yesterday because I was worried that
another day would go by. That’s a true relief.”

I said with a sigh of relief, and Killian gave the answer.

“No matter how much God controls time, there is a limit. They’ll only have
a limited time.”

As soon as I heard that, I could see why God now created a loop, limiting
only the part where I appeared as a villainess.

In order to keep up with novels as much as possible within my abilities, the

author of God made her own efforts.

“So this is your chance while the loop doesn’t happen. What can God do
even if the day goes by if the game is reversed in the meantime?”

So you want me to move before the loop happens so that the novel doesn’t
happen. I nodded with a slightly nervous look.

It is exactly a month before the harvest ball began.

Until then, I had to do a good job by creating an opportunity for the

contents of novel to be distorted. In a way that men who claim to be
Charlotte’s knights are not wary of me.

‘I’d like to have them on my side if possible.’

I don’t even want them to fall in love with me. Just a little bit of likeability
was enough not to burn down hostility.

As I was so seriously contemplating, Killian put a sugar cube in my teacup

and said, stirring with a teaspoon.

“There’s nothing to be so nervous about. Rather, I think you need to relax a

little. That way, I think I’ll put my thoughts into action at least once every
ten times.”

I wanted to refute that I was not that indecisive, but I answered with a sigh
because it was actually a straightforward remark.

Killian was often made uncomfortable because he saw through a person so

accurately, but contradictorily, it made me feel more at ease.

“Enjoy it. It’s just the perfect day to start a new job.”

He smiled, pointing to the high, clear sky where I could not see a cloud
outside the window. I felt like I was getting used to the big hand that gently
ruffled through my red hair.

I blinked slowly, looking at him slowly up and down.

“But, wasn’t it possible to take off the hood?””

When he took off the hood, all the humans around him said as if the curse
had spread and became unhappy, and instead of the dull black hood, he is
dressed in a tailcoat with the crest of my family inscribed on it.

“Because there are plenty of things to take care of.”

He replied back and pointed to his straight white neck. It was not until he
opened a couple of buttons that he had neatly fastened to the end of his neck
that the tip of the black pattern was reflected.


“It’s magic, instead of hood.”

Looking at the back of his neck, I don’t know if it’s just my feeling, but the
black pattern was moving little by little. As if it were alive.

‘It’s not only my feeling!’

I was frightened got bitten.

Then Killian casually buttoned again and straightened his clothes.

“What, what kind of magic is that?”


“……snake? It’s not alive, is it?”

I asked suspiciously when I saw the pattern move earlier.

Of course I thought the answer would come back no, but Killian seemed
quite troubled.

“It’s not a living thing, but in some ways, it might be considered alive. It
has a similar side to a parasitic creature.”

He took off his white silk gloves, saying so.

When I saw the pattern covering the back of his hand after hearing that it is
a snake, the body of a large snake seemed to wriggle.

He put on his gloves again and said.

“Until the caster with the spell is erased, the spell absorbs to its caster limit
and neutralizes the opponent. When the magic power disappears from the
body, it suck up the vitality.”

What? I doubted my ears for a moment.

“Wait, is it okay something like vitality is sucked? Aren’t you going to


“if I am normal, I would die. It’s a spell made with that intention in the first

Killian calmly replied that the technique engraved directly on his body is
for attack, which eventually led to death.

It’s like having a time bomb on your body after all, isn’t it? I had a slightly
sickened look on my face, wondering if he wanted to screw God that way.
Then Killian touched my forehead as if he knew what I’m thinking.

“If you don’t want to make all the humans around you ruined because of my
magic, this is the best.”

“Rather, is Killian all right?”

He paused and stared down at me as if asking what question is that. He

looked like he had no idea why I brought it up.



I don’t know what it is, but I know one thing for sure that I said something

I turned away from his gaze with embarrassment, and murmured that it was

“Did you worried about me?”

Then Killian asked back with a laugh as if it was ridiculously belatedly.

‘Someone might be worried, someone you know has a time bomb hanging
from your body, and you’ll smile and welcome it?’

I wish I had the courage to grumble out of my mouth, but I couldn’t, so I

whispered timidly inside.

Then Killian woke up and stroked my disheveled hair and said.

“You’re good girl.”


“I don’t know who’s worried about who, but this doesn’t hurt me a bit. No,
it doesn’t even affect me, so don’t worry about useless things.”
“Who, who cares?”

I see, he’ll have to pretend to be a butler from now on, so he can’t keep
wearing a hoodie. Unlike the limited number of people who come in and
out of the mansion, he will encounter an unspecified number of people

However, it was out of my common sense to let a strange snake pattern

crawl all over my body, but I decided not to say anything because that face
would suit me even if I wore a sack.

I blinked for a moment at the languid touch and belatedly regained

consciousness and avoided his hand.


Killian raised her eyebrows discontentedly, looked down expressionlessly at

the palm of his hand, and quickly held my hand back.

I sipped with a teacup, looking at him for no reason. The thick scent and
subtle sweetness were gently wrapped around my tongue.

‘Do I just enjoy it?’

I don’t know if the day will come when I enjoy this life-threatening job. But
I could definitely think with a more relaxed mind than before.

VM C19

Chapter 19

The most important part of the feast is Charlotte’s newly designed dress.

In a way, it was just a dress, a new trend among young people. However, it
is better to change direction from now on since it is the beginning of all
future events.

In order to eliminate the possibility of loops happening here.….

“Shouldn’t we create something that would distraction for Charlotte to

somewhere else?”

I don’t know if it’s possible to create an event that would turn the attention
that the female protagonist should receive.

“Speak exactly. I’m going to turn everyone attention to you, not anyone

Killian replied back like that and put a shawl on my shoulder, which was
shaking little by little because of the chilly weather. I opened my collar
awkwardly, being served by him acting as a butler since yesterday.

“That’s right,” I replied, but was not sure at all. No matter how determined I
was, I couldn’t get a sense of that method.

“As I’ve said before, notoriety is also an interest in the end. It means
everyone is paying attention to your behavior sensitively. Just knowing that
you have changed will be quite interesting.”

Of course, attention will be paid wherever I go.

However, the interest was to attach meaning to my behavior and somehow

catch a grudge. No matter what I do, isn’t there anything different from
novel until I get cursed?

“You won’t behave much differently because of the loop in the first place.
No matter how much you work beforehand, you won’t be able to escape the
frame of being a villainess.”

“Who wants to escape the villainess?”

I said You’d let make me become a real villainess. Killian smirked and
laughed, then opened his mouth in a sloppy tone, as if explaining to a child.

“Suppose that she is a saintess, and you, who obviously is a villainess by all

“Well, yes.”

You’re aware that I look like a villainess. He continued when I agreed in a


“If You do something wrong, everyone will understand it. But if the saintess
did something wrong in public. How do people take it?”

“They’re going to be disappointed, aren’t they?”

“Yes, on the other hand, people will take it for granted even if the saintess
does good deeds. But what if You do something unexpectedly good? No,
you don’t have to go do good things. What if You showed you mercy?

“Oh, I know what.”

It was one of the typical patterns in pure manga.

The pattern of a bully who usually avoids by people because she is scary,
accidentally finds a cat with an umbrella on a rainy day and smiles sweetly.
The female protagonist who finds the unexpected side sees the bully again.

“All you have to do is imitate Ayla. Even if you pretend to be a villainess,

you will be a pushover that you can’t hide in the end, and no matter how
many other people’s eyes are holes, they will look different enough.”
“You speak so beautifully…….”

It was sarcastic and grumpy, but after listening to Killian’s words, I was
surprised that something that was so complicated sounded simpler than I

Of course, I knew it wasn’t going to be that easy. However, it has only one
effect that makes me feel at ease. His words came to me most comfortably,
who is stuffy like a sweet potato until I could act on it myself.

I realized again how much he was adjusting to me.

‘It must be annoying.’

I looked up at Killian and thought.

No matter how neatly dressed he was, and how neat his hair was, he still
had an air of menace that was unapproachable. It was a horror that even I
can believe if he is a demon king.

A fatally handsome man, originally a criminal, is serving me in a tailcoat

and holding my waitress. He didn’t get angry at all, but he was kind enough
to comfort me.

A little? No, It’s crazy. Isn’t this the fantasy of all virtues?

‘Wait a minute.’

Then, suddenly, there was an idea that crossed my mind. Isn’t he using the
effect of a gangster and a cat on a rainy day with me right now?

Of course, Killian’s delicate consideration and tenderness didn’t last long.

Suddenly he handed me a parchment with something full of fine writing.

“What is this?”

“Today’s schedule.”

I glanced through today’s schedule in bewilderment.


And I doubted my eyes.

What is the schedule that makes me feel this nostalgic feeling? The study
schedule, which Killian seemed to have planned according to his taste, was
filled up until dawn.

‘Are you a test taker?’

Somehow, the life of the abandoned person in the corner of the room that I
enjoyed for a month felt like a dream, so I felt like crying.

“Do you know why the original owner of your body is not a villainess, but a


“Because she’s innocent here.”

Killian tapped my head with his index finger and said arrogantly.

“If you don’t have enough power to handle everything, you should hide
your claws and be smart. Otherwise, you will only be food for the mean

That’s true. I recalled villains generally associated with fantasy novels.

Most of them are intelligent, competent, commanding, charismatic enough

to call their minions numerous times, and have high titles like the Grand
Duke or the Duke.

Although it eventually applies to the main character, it was often better than
the main character in terms of conditions.

Even with such conditions, it was impossible for Ayla, who had only family,
face, and money, to beat the main character.
“The biggest problem now is etiquette, so keep it all in your head first. And
from now on, I’ll wake you up and put you to sleep same time, so You live

He said so and pulled a pocket watch out of his arms.

Since he decided to act like a butler, the pocket watch is engraved with the
Mertensia family’s sentence.

“It’s five o’clock. It’s 11 minutes now.”

“Is it all that is still there.”

It’s dawn. I said it discontentedly, but he replied sternly.

“It’s time for most of the nobles to rise and get active. You’ll have to move
tightly to keep the plans. Time waits for no one, so if you want to resent it,
you’d better blame your laziness and drink tea.”

My eyelids trembled at the sudden stormy stress.

“You said I should enjoy it!”

“Soon you’ll enjoy the pain too.”


The Sweet carrot is over, so it’s time to whip.

“Are you training me?”

I pointed out an area that I kept being suspicious of.

Killian then smiled beautifully, raising his mouth without denying or

affirming it.

“When you’re done, I’ll bring you the newspaper with breakfast. There are
maids waiting outside to help you dressing on behalf of the maid in prison.
So, by all means, it would be better not be respectful as a lady.”
“Uh, I washed up yesterday ……No, I take a bath yesterday, why do I have
to take a bath again?”

“I couldn’t help it yesterday because I wasn’t human being. If you want to

protect human dignity, you’d better take a bath now, lady.”

He grinned and stroked my head as if pressing it down.

No, you’re already embarrassing me and now you are talking about some
kind of human dignity. Besides, there’s no butler in the world who pets me
like a dog that doesn’t listen!

“I don’t want to wash up, but I don’t need to…….”

“You’d better go to the bathroom with your maids before I serve you. I’m
afraid I’ll hurting you.”


I drank black tea at once and got out of bed calmly because his hand stroked
my head was getting stronger.

Then the maids, who were waiting behind Killian’s call, wriggled around
their mouths with the expression of clapping their hands.

They pushed me into the bathtub as if they had waited for this moment and
started rubbing me like a dog bath. They freaked out and avoided me as if
they had seen a ghost when they saw me, but they seemed to have been
encouraged by Killian.

“I’ll pour in perfume.”

“Oh my God, look at your skin getting rough.”

“You haven’t taken care of it at all, so it can’t be helped but it’s serious. I’m
to know it before it was to late. I’m so fortunate that Sebastian is here.”

I was convinced to hear that. The maids seemed to regard Killian as the
only horseman who could handle the crazy horse.
How did you cook it so that you can look so trustworthy in just one day? I
trembled, reminding me of his danger.

“You thought it well, young lady.”

At that time, a maid, who was constantly hesitant to rub my arm with a soft
sponge, opened her mouth.

Then, as if waiting for the words, you and I began to comfort me by adding

“Of course, it’s nothing to be heartbroken about. Everyone has a

relationship. You just haven’t met the man of your fate yet.”

“That’s right, lady. No matter how hard it is, you have to move forward.
Cheer up, man isn’t everything in the world!”

I mean, I didn’t get dumped!

I wouldn’t feel wronged if you’d confessed! I opened my mouth in tears

and said with a loud exhale.

“I’ve never had a broken heart.”

“But rumors are already circulating throughout the Empire. Otherwise,

there is no reason to stay in the room.….”


Who the hell is this guy talking about delusions like they’re real? I huffed
with excitement and took a deep breath when the maids were frightened.

Yes, let’s think as positive as possible. Thanks to that, I don’t have to force
myself to follow a guy who doesn’t like me.

“I’m not broken heart. And I’m not interested at all to His Majesty the
Crown Prince.”

“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, you can spread the word.”

“That’s great! There are so many wonderful men in the Empire. You have
the Duke of Trandia, one of the best groomsmen of all time, and how
wonderful is the Archmage? Of course, he’s quite old on the outside. Sir
Lenox, the guardian of the war…….”

The maid called all the men who made their name in the empire as if to
cheer me up. Of course, I didn’t listen to that.

But I was a little surprised.

They were all fish in Charlotte’s fishing grounds that had appeared in the
novel. Well, is it natural that the best men in the world naturally belong to
the female protagonist?

I asked, cutting off the maid’s words.

“More than that.”


“You’re going to talk to me normally.”

“I, I’m sorry, lady. I went a little too far, didn’t I? I committed a sin….”

“I’m not blaming you, I’m just asking. Until yesterday, you were scared and
couldn’t even talk properly.”

And she was about to tell me about the sin of death, so I quickly asked her
as if I was really curious.

Looking closely, the maids who attended my bathing were the

representative coward trio who turned blue when I saw them.

“Actually, I heard from Dobiella. The wound was her own, and the lady
treated her by yourself.”

VM C20

Chapter 20

A maid brought up the name of the self-inflicted maid. My eyebrows

trembled as I recalled the first evasion target in the mansion. It wasn’t an
illusion that the number of people to be avoided gradually increased.

“Nobody believed…….”

The maid had just brought it up in a lively voice, but in the past, she
became gloomy and extended her words. Well, honestly, considering Ayla’s
usual behavior and reputation, isn’t it rather natural to not believe it?

“Do this mean that you guys here believe in that lie?”

Rather, when I asked in surprise, the coward trio nodded wildly.

“Actually, it’s because of the recent breakup…… Upsss! That was a slip of
the tongue!”

She closed her mouth in contemplation and then hesitated to continue.

“Ah, anyway, I thought lady become very sweet. But whenever I saw lady,
my head turned white and my body trembled, so I just cowardly avoided
lady. If Sebastian isn’t here, we wouldn’t have had the courage. I’m sorry,

When one maid finished saying that, the other two bowed their head an

There’s nothing much to apologize for. The reason they avoided me was a
cute act compared to what Sophia did, so there was nothing to be angry

“Oh, um, that’s right. I will forgive you.”

I said, scratching my cheeks in embarrassment for no reason, and the maid’s
faces were brightened up. They were eager to decorate me more actively
and that’s made me tired. Oh, damn it. I shouldn’t have forgiven them.

Finally, as I was swept by the joy and tiredness of having someone who
looked after me honestly and without prejudice, the coward trio gave me
this advice.

“I think Dobiella would be better than us. She kept working in the dressing
room until Sophia came here.”

It was helpful advice in many ways for me, who was struggling with who to
fill Sofia’s vacancy. I’m not yet ready to see Dobiella.

I was taken back to my room in a tight corset and a slouchy dress. Killian
was waiting for me calmly and alone.

“You look happy.”

“Who, who is happy.”

“Your mouth is stretch to your ear.”


“Have you made peace with your maids?”

He approached me asking me gently, as if He already knew everything.

“From all maids of this mansion, they are the most favorable to you, so get
along well.”

“What the hell did you do?”

“What do I do?”

“My family’s maids are completely under my wing. They will lick my feet
if I told them to do it”
I looked at him with a sickened face boasting the perfect specimen of a
villainess and muttered, turning slightly sideways.

“Although, thank you.”

Thanks to this, the loner, who was completely isolated alone, was able to

Although I am the owner of the mansion, I felt like I was chatting with my
peers after a long time. If I think beyond the status, we may be like a friend.
Hmm, don’t you call that friend because we mixing up a conversation?

“Well, it is.”

In fact, I haven’t shown much, but I’ve never been more engaged in
fanaticism because I’m lonely. Of course, the biggest reason was simply
because I liked novels.

When I scratched my cheek and thanked him, he smiled, tilted his head and
asked back.

“What? I didn’t hear you right.”

“……you heard it.”

“My ears are getting worse as I get older.”

No, if you’re old, how old are you? Seeing the reaction to make fun of me, I
must have heard it right, so I shut my mouth with a sullen face.

“How old are you?”

“Hmm, over 500.”

“If you don’t want to talk about it, just say no.”

What a bullshit. No matter how many times I think about it, he is around
30. I grumbled and pouted my lips that it wasn’t funny at all.
“Well, thank you very much.”

Then he smiled cutely and pinched my cheek lightly.

After being treated like a dog, is now I’m being treated like a child?
However, I decided to rejoice quietly because my status has risen from
embarrassment to humanity. I guess my face looked cute in the eyes of
someone who claimed his age is 500 years old.

“No wonder they’re loyal to you. Because I have fulfilled their longing.”

“What the hell their longing for?”

“Someone to hold you.”


The criminal acting as that butler was no other tyrant pretending to be

polite, but It seemed that I am the only one who is dissatisfied with it.
Everyone except me is happy that the lady is finally coming out of the
corner of her room.

I can’t believe They cheered for the lady who was openly persecuted, and
I’m crying over my thick popularity. Sobbing

“My life was perfect because I was lazy.”

“It’s just a summer night’s dream. Wake up before winter comes.”

Killian dismissed my paradise as a dream in a heartbeat, pulled the chair

back and sat me down. Breakfast was already served on the table.

Seeing that, I was a little ashamed of myself for complaining that I didn’t
want to be diligent. Well, this is heaven without thinking compared to my
past life. They take care of my bath and prepare meals for me too. There’s
nothing to worry about.

‘I’ve had enough fun.’

As if reading my thoughts, Killian said playfully.

“You can keep dreaming if you want. I don’t force you like a God.”

The word sounded absurd at first, but it turned out to be true.

Killian has given me a choice so far. Whisper and seduce as sweet as a

devil, but would act as if he would easily kill me if I refused. Of course, I
know I can’t say no.

“I’m not here to do anything stupid to swing you my way. I’ve met the only
human being who doesn’t affected by my abilities, magic, or witchcraft, and
I’m not stupid enough to mess it up.”

I fixed my eyes on the delicious-smelling meal and paused and looked up at


Honestly, it was surprising.

Just as God branded my destiny as a villainess, I thought he meant that he

would simply change the stigma of villainess into a protagonist.

“I just show you the way.”

He slowly overlapped his hand with white gloves on the back of my hand.
The simple yet bizarre touch gently wrapped my hands and squeezed them.

The fork has a convex head on the left hand, and the knife is the right hand
with the sharp side down.

After correcting the tableware to hold it correctly, he continued, laying a

white cloth on my knee.

“You make all the decisions.”

“……can I do that?”

I grumbled, but in fact, in order to survive, I had to follow his instructions

desperately. This is not a game or a novel, this is a reality.
But I didn’t know what the result would be and I couldn’t say that. No way,
indirect expression that you trust me that much…….

“As long as I’m in, whatever choice you make, the results will be similar.”

………It can’t be.

That’s how much confidence you have in yourself.

“Whatever you want, give me orders. I’d be more than happy to hear your
orders, who always running, avoiding, and hiding.”

I didn’t know if he was teasing me or serious about it.

He said so, poking the grain of grapes with my hand holding a fork and
putting it in my mouth.

“When all the conditions are met, I’m very curious about what color you’re
going to be, who close to white paper.”

The light moonlight glittered between the slightly drowsy closed eyelids
and the tightly filled black eyelashes.

Killian whispered, as he sweeping his red lips with his tongue.

“Would you please entertain me?”


There is a saying that life is C (Choice) between B (Birth) and D (Death).

Life, as it was said, was an endless series of choices, and no matter what
you chose, you had some regrets. No matter how best you said it was.

The grand and absurd choice of ‘I will beat Charlotte to become the
protagonist of this novel.’ If it was a regret, I had to be as sincere as I was
in Yoon Haneul again.
Though I was twisted and distressed because I was completely indolent in
my life, I was slowly adjusting at the cost of my choice.

“The very basic quality of being a noble is good manners.”

In Killian’s hand, there is a book called <Education to Children with Ease

of Teaching>. Completely liberated from dealing with that son of bitch, I
nodded with the tip of my pen’s feather in my mouth.

“You’re not even three years old, you should break your habit of putting
anything in your mouth.”

Of course, I was soon restrained.

He pressed my cheeks with his fingers and forced me to spit out my

feathers, then continued.

“It’s bad manners to be timid and shy. Being rude and insensitive is also
wrong etiquette. These two things only need to be followed by one rule.
They don’t demean themselves or despise others.”

I didn’t know nobles had this etiquette education since childhood.

But why are there so many rude people? I listened to him in a fresh feeling.
In my case, is it entirely the former?

“Don’t look down on yourself, I want you to quickly grasp your opponent’s
values with good faith and respect. No matter how insignificant a human
being looks, they need to be looked at carefully. Because dog poop can be
used for medicine, and it can be a contagion for your life.”

Well, that’s right.

I put ink on the tip of the pen and wrote it on the parchment like this.

[Insignificant human beings = Dog poop medicine or recovery]

However, what should I do to quickly grasp the value of the other person
with good will and respect? Doesn’t that mean I’m supposed to be polite
and deceitful?

“Especially self-depreciation should not be understood as humility.

Humility is knowing your worth and humbly accepting your worthy part.
What’s certain is that Miss Mertensia should never be treated the way she is

“……I am not humble.”

“Right. Try to be more humble.”

I think something wrong is constantly being injected, so is it okay as it is?

Somehow it was very uncomfortable, but when I took notes as I heard,
Killian put candy in my mouth saying that I did a good job well.

‘Strawberry flavor.’

As my tongue is rolling a tinglingly sweet candy in my mouth, I had a

carefree thought about what was going on.

“Because I’m a trivial human being.”

I habitually almost bit a feather in my mouth, but managed to control

myself and take my chance.

I had an idea that suddenly came to my mind as I was getting some severely
distorted etiquette education from him.

“Why don’t we send Sophia to Charlotte? I think there’ll be some

consequences if I just let her go, so why don’t I let her go after being
possessed by Killian’s ability.”

VM C21

Chapter 21

Talking about it, it sounded like a pretty good idea. Like he said, no matter
how much Sophia like dog poop, she could be used as a medicine to throw
her away.

‘Well, if it doesn’t work, I can just throw her away on schedule.’

Then Killian closed the book and looked at me unexpectedly. It was as if he

had witnessed a cat barking stupidly.

“I didn’t expect that come out from your mouth first, not anyone else.”

He seemed to be surprised a lot. It was a reaction I had already expected

enough, so I responded with anxiety.

“I’ve realized that I’m going to grow older faster because care about others.
And thanks to someone’s brainwashing training, my moral is destroyed
together with it.”

I guess it wasn’t a myth that you were going to make me a real villainess.

Ever since I met him, I’ve been slowly changing from ‘Oh, my God, no
way!’ to ‘Can I do this?’ and now I’m like, ‘Whatever. It will be okay.’

“Oh, come to think of it, I don’t have to use Killian’s powers.”

“Why is that?”

When I suddenly changed my words, he asked back in an interesting voice.

“Sophia is a person who doesn’t care about other people as long she can
enjoy luxury, right? Then Charlotte, who is favored by the Crown Prince,
will be the most delicious prey.”
“That’s right.”

“And since She has already been caught, I’m sure she has a lot of antipathy.
Maybe she’s burning her revenge.”


“Sophia’s going to betray me and get stuck with her anyway, so if I pretend
to offer her as double agent, She’ll take the bait. Then I’ll spill the false
information in advance. So whether she betray me or not, I’m not going to
lose anything, right?”

I tilted my head and thought there was no better way to do it, but I could
hear a puffing sound from somewhere.


I broke my mind and slowly looked back towards Killian.

Then I could see him with his head down and his palm covering his face.
His broad, firm shoulders were trembling.

Don’t tell me you’re crying. Are you bragging that your face is small
enough to fit in one hand?

It was when I was blankly thinking about it. His hand, which was covering
his face, slowly came down.

The usual pale skin was reddish enough to look lively, and the corners of
his mouth were wriggling and twitching.

“Kehum, ha, this is driving me crazy.”

He shook his shoulders and eventually burst into laughter. So far, he has
been spitting out suppressed laughter.

I opened my eyes wide with amazement at his cheerful, boyish laughter.

‘I really don’t know his laugh code.’

I thought Killian would laugh like a devil, but it was surprising. I didn’t
expect him to laugh so fresh. It was the sound of laughter that made the
listeners’ ears feel cool.

No, not to mention the unnecessary beauty of a smile, what kind of butler is
laughing out loud when hear his co-worker kicked from the mansion!

I opened raise index finger quickly and whispered on my lips in case

anyone heard me while passing by.

“Shh! Let’s laugh a quietly!”

However, no matter how flapping he was, he just laughed as if he were

cheating on his lungs.

“Hahaha…so pretty, You’re so pretty that I don’t expect you to say that.”

Killian laughed so hard that he looked down at me with watery eyes. I was
frozen and stiff with his hissing motion at what he said.

He laughed and then murmured, and with is nostril he drew his horsetail,
and soon folded his eyes and laughed.

Silver eyes bent like a crescent moon sparkled as if they were sprinkled
with star powder. Just looking at it, it was a smile that would melt as sweet
as whipped cream.

“That’s right.”

And he followed me with his elegant fingers on my red lips.


– he said it playfully.

‘Crazy, my heart please doesn’t go crazy.’

It was so loud that I felt like my head was pounding.

I lashed out at the heart that was campaigning alone. Of course, my heart
never heard me.

‘There’s nothing to give meaning from his words. It just means I’m pretty
because I listen to him well.’

I who tried hard to regain my composure, thought he was more ferocious

than a beast, was shining sweetly like a cake sprinkled with starlight. That
was a lovely smile no matter how hard I look at it.

Who? I.

No, if you look at that expression, anyone can feel strange emotions. Even
if it’s a look at a well-trained pet dog.

‘Fast away, anguish.’

I bit myself back as if on guard against Killian, fluttering like the spring

He praised me with his fingers down on his lips.

“I thought You’d be more frustrated, but You’ve learned so fast. That’s nice
of you.”

I said that I would use people and throw them away, but it felt strange to
hear that I am nice. Should I say that the common sense that I have believed
in so far feels like it has collapsed?

But I was happy to hear that compliment. I turned my head, coughing


“Please call it survival instinct.”

“Do you want me to walk you to the underground prison?”

“Already? You’re quick at action.”

“If you’ve made up your mind, you’d better act immediately. Longer
thoughts make you hesitate, and if you start hesitating, there is no end. It’s
just a waste of time.”

This man knows me so well that it’s a mask. He was right. My indecision
eventually started there.

I used to think and think, even considering the ten thousand of variables
that could happen in case of failure, it eventually led to abandonment in

“What, what should I say? Should I at least write down my lines?”

“Nothing particular to say. Just go and say a few words of sugarcoating.”

Killian got up from his seat and came up to me and reached out.

I hesitated for a moment and then overlapped my hand on his hand, and he
bent his mouth and escort me.


The dungeon inside the mansion was better managed than expected. There
was moss between the stones, but I didn’t see any bugs or rats.

“Watch your step.”

The surrounding suddenly darkened as we passed by knights guarding the

entrance to the prison. I slowly stepped down the stairs, enjoying the movie
set-like prison in a fresh mood.


Sophia, sitting helplessly against the prison wall, ran over as soon as she
saw the hem of my skirt and hung it on to the bars.

Her cheeks were slimmer than before, perhaps because She had suffered a
lot from all kinds of hardships. And she is in a state of being intoxicated by
being beaten. She didn’t seem to have the energy to stare at me anymore. Or
is she pretending to be?

“Please forgive me, lady. I, I’m sorry about everything. Please….”

I looked down silently at Sophia, who is on her knees.

Somehow I laughed in vain because I thought that if I hadn’t kicked Sophia

out, it would be me who would have been put in that prison in the future.

You didn’t even think this would happen after you touched the noble’s
private property? Or did you think stupid Ayla wouldn’t notice until the

I was so nervous that my saliva dried up, but when the situation came
before me, my mind calmed down.

It was now clear to me that the woman in prison, who would betray me and
dedicate herself to the crown prince, would no longer do me any harm.


I called her name for the last time.

Then Sophia raised her brown hair, which was bowing down, and shed
tears. She still seemed to have enough time to squeeze tears out of the

‘Yes, that’s how you are.’

I hope she will behave exactly the same in front of Charlotte.

I continued with a smirk.

“I’m going to get you out of the house.”

“La, lady!”
“However, for the love of the past, I would ask my father for a letter of


Sophia, who was squeezing tears to ask not to kick her out, raised her head
blankly with a relaxed face. She had a face that was completely unexpected.

‘I guess, that’s right.’

In common sense, no one can kindly write a recommendation letter while

kicking out a maid who confessed to stealing dresses and jewelry by
deceiving her owner.

What a tempting suggestion, Sophia looked suspicious at a single stroke.

But, well, I was going to have mercy because I’m a pushover in name and

“I’ll recommend you as a maid of the imperial palace sooner or later. It will
be uncomfortable until then, but stay there. I’ll make sure you eat as well as
you do now.”

“Okay, wait a minute. Why the hell would you……?”

Even when She heard that I recommended her as an imperial maid, Sophia
made an expression as if I would sell her organs.

“There’s something you need to do there.”

No matter how later Charlotte became Crown Princess, she is now just a
poor self-cultivated lady in the countryside.

Charlotte must be staying at her friend’s house for a while by now, and the
Crown Prince will probably set up Charlotte’s residence in the imperial
palace soon. It would be nice to recommend Sophia as the court lady and
make her stand out at Charlotte.

“Because it looks like Charlotte, that bitch will go to the imperial palace
“Did you mean Miss Angelo?”

“She is so poor that She didn’t have a mansion in the capital that she is so
proud to be in someone else’s house that I thought His Majesty would take
her to the palace.”

I came up with words that would put her doubts to rest. It is as clear as
reading a Korean book. Then Killian smiled quietly next to my awkward
Ayla performance.

“Do, don’t laugh!’

I glanced back with a red face and muzzled. I’m trying to act like a
villainess for the first time, but I can’t support it!

I put on a nasty look by adjusting the angle so Sophia wouldn’t see. And as
I pretended to slit neck with my thumb, he gently folded his eyes and raised
his eyebrows.

Like a bum looking at a single dog, what do you do? He looked like he was

‘……Well, let’s not get off our high horse.’

In a heartbeat, I looked back at Sophia. She is deep in thought in her own


“Is there anything you want me to do for you? Leave everything to me!”

Soon, Sophia quickly changed her position and laughed as if she had made
up her mind. She seemed to have regained her energy to some extent.

Maybe She laughed because I am consistent. That’s true, when a person

changes, it’s time to die.

“Sometimes you can do me a favor and tell me how that bitch is doing.”

And there was also a saying that it wasn’t about rewriting people.
I didn’t really want anything from Sophia. You can act as a double agent, or
you can just stick to Charlotte and turn your back on her.

“Go and wait for Charlotte.”

“Yes, young lady! I’ll do that! Thank you so much for your mercy!”

Sophia bowed to me with a blooming face that seemed to have suffered her

Since there was nothing more to do, I turned my back without hesitation.

VM C22

Chapter 22

‘What should I do with the money she’ve taken from Ayla? Should I ask her
to pay me back?’

After a moment of contemplation, I soon decided to drop the idea. Even

without having to get it back, the family was overflowing with money, and
Sophia was destined to die if she did something wrong in the future.

If you dare to trick Charlotte like Ayla, the men next to her won’t let you
go, even if they discovered she is a spy. Since she’s got a lot of interests, so
she’ll survive on her own.

‘Well, it’s like giving her labor money.’

Thinking so, I walked all the way down the garden after getting out of

I wonder if it’s the season of summer, but the days have been good these
days when it’s autumn. I appreciated the flowers swaying in the cool


For some reason, emotionally intoxicated, I slowly touched my lips with a

proud face.

“I think I’ve grown up.”

I tried to use honorifics reflexively, but there was a gardener nearby, so I let

“You’re right.”
Then Killian, who was following me from behind, approached me and
handed my fluttering hair behind my ears. As he bent down to look at me, a
beautiful face was seen right in front of me.

“You didn’t want to wake up in the morning, wash up every day, walk
around, even breathe.”

“……not to that extent.”

“I still have to hug you and carry you to the bathtub to get up.”

“……just once.”

I’ve been living a different life day and night, but I had to wake up at dawn,
so it was natural that I wasn’t used to it yet.

“Well, still.”

The soft silk rubbed my cheeks and ears. My eyes naturally turned to the
white gloves he wore.

Ayla’s flaming red hair hung on his finger.

“Now your head smells like roses. It’s worth washing up for.”

He said, putting it under his nose. His lips are pretty as red as my hair.

Red, red.

I was reddened by that absurd color that made me feel strange.

“My lady all grown up, too.”

As I slowly raised my gaze from the rising lips, his gray eyes, thickened by
the backlight, stared down at me.

He followed the wind and sent a soft voice down my ear.

“I am feeling the reward of serving you these days, so keep your head up,
and I hope you will continue to work more.”


I grabbed my ear and quickly bit myself. He smiled, facing my irritating

look and my bursting red face with a playful face.

You fool around like a grown-up kid saying, ‘Yes, you’re a grown-up.’ I
huffed and shook my whole body to shake off the ticklish sensation, and
even shook his hand.

As I acted like I was making a game, he gently spread his mouth with a
gentle smile. And no matter how proud I was, I vowed not to brag about it
in front of him again.

“Now that you’ve kicked out the original maid, You’ll have to hire a new
maid. Do you have anyone in mind?”

Killian naturally talked to me, keeping a distance, like a cat on the alert. He
is also have high-level to speak skillfully.

Still, I was worried about that part, so I stopped doing what he intended and
thought about it.

“I don’t care about the maid, but I have to get dress before go to the ball.”

I lamented felt like Cinderella who had no clothes to wear.

I need to order a new dress, but if I’m wearing a dress with Charlotte’s
trendy design, it will increases the chances my fate flowing into the novel.

But It doesn’t mean I can wear a dress that’s already out of style. That
would be the perfect choice to be bitten off here and there. If so…

Well, actually, I have something in mind. I hesitated to bring it up because it

was a bit absurd.
I repeatedly opened and closed my lips. I was full of confidence, but
suddenly I was speechless at the thought of “what’s on my subject.”

“You said you grew up?.”

Killian looked down at me hesitant and asked me crookedly. The slanted

corners of the mouth seemed to say, ‘Is that the growth you’re talking
about?’ and I was suddenly moved.

I said it gruntly.

“It’s an obvious delusion that I’m going to fail.”

“If you’re so afraid of failure, you can’t grow forever. If you settle down in
the present, you’ll only become more isolated. Even if you’re reckless,
you’re better to come at it, so tell me anything.”


Now that I’ve heard that, I have no choice but to say it.

I forgot all the manners I’ve learned so far, scratched the back of my head
and sighed. I was just going to gloss over it.

“…you won’t laugh at me?”


He gave a definite answer without hesitation. I stared at him in a fresh

mood at the cool answer.

When I first saw him, I lamented that there was such a devil, but the more I
saw him, the better he seemed. Except for a serious lack of morality.

“Killan…… No, Sebastian said that. I should go to the ball and get
everyone attention, not anyone else.”

“I did.”
“So I don’t know anything else, but I’ve come up with a way to make it
stand out…….”

I was embarrassed by rubbing my back neck, and then I avoided his gaze
back and forth. Why is this frustrating? I just raised my voice once, but
Killian waited silently for me to open my mouth again.

‘As much as possible, avoid the strange phrase ‘fear’ that you’ve never
scared of.’

Of course, I didn’t want to say anything.

I could barely bring it up with a loud inhale and exhale.

“I want to wear a Chemise dress.”

I spoke with tension and some anticipation. I don’t see it, but maybe my
cheeks are flushed.


Killian looked down at me like that and smiled unresponsively. Perhaps he

recalled his promise never to laugh, he nodded and replied earnestly.

“I’m sure I’ll catch everyone’s eye if you go to prom in your pajamas.”

“That’s not it!”

The Chemise dress is a dress, not a pajama! However, in this world,

chemises are worn only as pajamas, which makes it sound absurd.

‘That’s why I’m reluctant to say it. It’s a garment that’s not in the
worldview at all.’

‘Chemise a la Reine’ was originally a garment made by French Queen,

Marie Antoinette in the late 18th century using an exclusive designer for the
imperial family. When everyone was enthusiastic about the play, it was also
known as the clothes the queen wore in the play herself, which was very
popular at the time.
Of course, I am not a queen.

‘As expected, let’s just pretend it didn’t happen.’

I sighed and rubbed my forehead wildly.

It is a huge gamble to go in a design that didn’t exist in this world. In all

likelihood, I’ll be treated like a seed of interest.

“As expected, it’s just….”


I opened my mouth to ask for something I didn’t hear. But Killian beat me
to the curb first.

“So, are you saying you want to come up with a new design?”

“That’s true, but it’s just…….”

“Would you like to contact the dressing room now? Please let me know if
you have a particular favorite designer. I can bring anyone in immediately.”

He snapped at me again and asked me. It sounds like he’s not going to bring
in it, but he’s going to bring in it. Don’t tell me, you’re not going to
kidnapping them.

Looking at his grinning face, I felt like I’d be scared if I hesitated more. Not
me, but the designer I will point to in the future.

I didn’t think I should be doing this in the garden where people kept passing
by, so I took him inside the building. And it was not until we reached a
room where there was no sign of human presence that I brought it up again.

“Chemise dress is a dress that doesn’t have to be tightened with a hard

corset or a stomaker, and it doesn’t have to unnaturally inflate like skirt
with a pannier.”

“Like chemise?”
“Yes, like chemise.”

As Killian responded, I nodded and continued to explain.

“If you hold the waistline very high, you don’t have to tighten your waist
with a corset. Originally, the Chemise dress is white, but it’ll look like a real
pajama only because it’s white, so you can combine it with an Empire-style
Chemise gown to create a line that naturally flow down with a thin

I was excited and just chattering and realized in the middle and stopped

This was because he couldn’t understand. In fact, Killian didn’t seem to

understand at all.

“It looks fun.”

Instead of understanding what I’m saying, he stared at my mouth and said

that. I belatedly realized that my facial muscles were blooming like flowers.

“Ke, keheum….”

I turned my head with a small cough in embarrassment.

Then Killian squeezed one of my cheeks and made me look back on him
naturally. As the eyes interlocked, he bent like a crescent around his eyes.
The eyes sparkled like the moonlight hanging over the lake.

“It’s nice to see.”

What, your smile?

I looked at him with a stupid look on my face, and then I coughed like

Killian waited until I, timid and feeble, calmed down and asked.

“Do you like dresses?”

I answered back with a locked voice.

“Well…… I wanted to be a designer for a while when I was a kid. It’s been
a long time since I’ve forgotten my dreams because I’ve been busy making
ends meet.”

I was a person who was very interested in dresses. Although the Rococo
dress, which is now completely common in the empire, it was very
uncomfortable, so I was bored.

That’s why Charlotte included in an episode of designing a new dress in the


In the first place, the character Charlotte itself was the one I wanted to be
when I was 10 years ago. Our personality is perfectly the same, but the
environment is completely different.

I envied the life of being loved for no reason without trying.

Even in a country with no corner to be loved at all, I wanted to live a life

where people liked, protected, and supported my dreams.

Ironically, I ended up becoming a villainess, despised, and was about to die.

Life didn’t always go its way.

I said as if nothing had happened to shake off my gloomy mood.

“How many people in the world can live doing what they want to do. It’s a
dream because dream can’t be achieved.”

“Is that so?”

“Did Killian also have a dream?”

“I forgot if it even existed.”

“Haha, what is that.”

Are you still pushing for a 500 year old concept? I just laughed because he
said something inspirational. Come to think of it, I was completely
forgetting my dreams a little while ago.

Well, I’m all inspired.

“Before, Killian told me not to do it if I don’t want to wear corset. As soon

as I heard that, I immediately thought of it.”

As I laughed, clapping my hands saying it wasn’t much, he immediately


“And remember what I said next?”

“Um, there’s no reason to fit it in if you don’t like it?”


“Make it unnecessary? You said I didn’t need to do it if I don’t need it.”

“Yes, You got the concept.”

He said so and patted my head as if I had done well.

VM C23

Chapter 23

My vision shook up and down as he stroked.

In the midst of my hesitation, I made a stupid look. No, really, you think
this is okay? Isn’t that too much to plan?

Design and make a dress that doesn’t exist in this world and wear it to an
imperial ball where fashion-conscious social nobles gather!

“I’m sure I’ll be damned…….”

“You’ll be damned for whatever you do. If that’s the case, let’s just make a
reason for being insulted.”

Wow, it was so logical that I had nothing to say. I almost nodded

unknowingly at the persuasive words.

I know. If I’m going to get cursed at no matter what I wear, so I can wear
whatever I want.

Killian smiled pleasantly at me, who was persuaded and greatly agitated me
an instant, saying that I still speak better than before.

“You’ve got the wrong priorities.”


“Hold it here. You are first.”

He pointed his index finger at my forehead, asking me back in

“You have to think first of what you want to do, what you want to own,
what you have to do, what you will benefit from, what makes you happy.
Think about everything else because I don’t have anything to decide, and
I’m bored after I solve everything else.”

Back as a tutor, he corrected my disorganized posture.


I have to take him as my tutor, because He has chosen to serve me as a tutor

for the great villainess among the villains.

I trembled and retorted at his teaching, which sounded quite selfish.

“Yes, I understand.”

“If anyone says this is selfish, then tell them to live while looking at others
for the rest of their lives.”

“No, don’t read my mind.”

“It’s insight.”

“Insight? What’s that?”

“If you see a lot and go through a lot while living through the years of
regret, you will just find out..”

He doesn’t say 20 or 30 years is a tough time. I fiddled with my face,

thinking, ‘He’s just a good reader of facial expressions.’ But I was quite
used to hiding my expression, so he’s amazing.

“So, who designer you want me to bring?”

“Are you really bringing anyone?”

When I asked again, he raised his eyebrows as if I had to ask the obvious.

“Just name it.”

If someone else had said that, I would have given them a cold look and
asked what kind of bluff it was. I was a little afraid that Killian would be
the one who would bring the other person because he is scary.

“If so…”

I thought for a moment about who to call and soon smirked. There was only
one person I could think of if he could bring anyone.

“Exclusive designer of the Imperial Court. The greatest designer of the

time, Poulan.”


“For your information, he’s something I want to do, I want to own, and
something I’ll benefit from, right? Wow, I have to do it.”

Maybe he didn’t know that I would come out like this right away, but he
laughed as if he was amazed. A bright smile popped out at the thought of
always catching this man off guard.

“Since we’ve decided to do it, we have to make it clear. I brought up the

grand phrase dream, but it’s embarrassing to do it roughly.”

He laughed in vain after me, who was dumbfounded but laughed like a

“Do you have any idea why the imperial exclusive designer is called the
imperial exclusive?

“But you can still do it, right?”


Killian lifted the corners of his mouth as if my slight provocation is cute.

And bent slowly, pretending to be polite to me.

“If it’s a lady’s order, I’m willing.”

And when he looked up again, there was a hideous grin hanging around his
mouth, recalling my memory of this devil for the first time in a while.


“I have a place for you to stay. I’ll send someone to move your luggage
soon, so stay at the Imperial Palace from today.”

Werner has talked about a topic that has been quite troubling for some time.

It was because he didn’t like the fact that Charlotte is staying at her friend
house, who not related to her by blood ties.


Charlotte then looked innocent, as if she had no idea why the Crown Prince
is doing such a favor.

“I’ve already caused you a lot of trouble. What you’ve done for me is
already enough.”

Charlotte’s design, which had the folds of the back of the skirt, was gaining
sensational popularity in numerous salons in the capital.

In addition, she designed and made a dress with Poulan, the exclusive
designer of the imperial family. It is a dress Charlotte would wear herself at
the ball.

Where is such glory in the world?

He secretly take his hand to check his heart pounding, when she only
looked at the dress and rejoicing alone.

Where is that all?

No matter how loved she may have been in her family, she also received all
the jewels from Werner that her poor status would not be able to conceive.
“Stop. I just did it because I liked it, so don’t say I gave it to you. I don’t
want you to turn down my favor.”

Werner said clearly whether Charlotte was burdened or not. How do you
know what else you’re going to do there?

Werner knew what kind of eyes every man, even his faithful knight, Lenox,
is looking at Charlotte, and he has been on edge lately.

How the hell she behaved that make man often gets twisted? Even a
character who never thought he would be like someone was instantly
fascinated by Charlotte. That’s what Lenox did right now.

‘Is that the same for me?’

I didn’t expect a woman to bother me this much.

Werner had to repress the urge to lock Charlotte in a place where no one
would see her. Because if I do that, she would be ruined.

“Um, then I’ll do that.”

On the other hand, Charlotte, who had no way of knowing what Werner was
thinking, nodded gently without a second refusal.

Charlotte, by the way, was used to taking things for nothing. Her
unconsciousness was taking the consideration for granted, although she
once refused to do so out of courtesy.

‘There’s never been a single person who doesn’t seem to like me. My
mother said I was so lovely that I was blessed by God and loved by
everyone in the world, but I guess it was true.’

She had no choice but to live and learn for herself.

Not only her family but also strangers passing by the side of the road are in
favour for her. Just talking, she can quickly become a friend with anyone.
Of course, there have been a few times when I was almost in a bad
situation, but even if she’s in a crisis, someone always comes to rescue her
at a dramatic moment. That’s why she wandered the streets without fear/

‘Everyone loves me.’

She never thought it would work for the Crown Prince, who would one day
become the owner of this empire.

Charlotte smiled pure as a child happy to be loved. She had nothing to fear
because she had never rejected anyone or got rejected by anyone.

“It’s good because I feel reassured if I can stay close to Your Majesty.”

Werner then spoke with a much softer look on his face.

“If it’s a good thing to be alone, we’d better invite Angelo and all your
family to the capital. Let’s find a place to stay together.”


Charlotte smiled broadly and rejoiced when she was told she could meet her
family members who had fallen.

‘When I meet my father, mother, and brother, I have to tell them that the
capital is much fun as our estate. Rather, If I say that it is good to meet more
new and cool people, my brothers would be jealous.’

Charlotte giggled mischievously, recalling her family, who had scared her
by telling her the horrible urban ghost story.

“Is there anything else you need?”

Werner asked Charlotte that he wanted to do more thing for her.

After thinking about what was there for a moment, she remembered that she
wanted to add another ornament to the dress she made with Poulan. But she
was a little hesitant because She couldn’t ask a world-class imperial
designer to come for such a trivial thing.
“Tell me anything.”

But who can ignore the orders of those who will soon be masters of this

Charlotte’s hesitation was short, and she was sure she would meet Poulan

After that.

“Your, Your Majesty, that’s…….”

“What? Tell me.”

“Poulan has applied for a vacation.”

“……What? Vacation?”

Werner asked back in bewilderment.

It was publicly known in the Empire that Poulan is a huge workaholic who
never let go of his work. By the way, vacation all of a sudden?

“You didn’t tell me about it and you gave him permission on your own?”

“……I’m sorry. It’s my fault.”

As soon as Poulan went on vacation, he didn’t know the Crown Prince

would find him right away, but his aide bowed deeply and was

Originally, artists and musicians residing in the imperial palace were

allowed to change their moods to some extent. Because of the nature of the
job, there were differences in the ability to exercise depending on the
situation and condition, they were considerate of them.

In particular, because Poulan is a famous designer who was considered only

to visit once from other empires, Werner was able to fully understand why
his aide made such a choice.
“That’s enough. I’m not going to mad at it anymore, so just bring him back.
Charlotte needs him so as soon as possible.”

“Yes, I understand.”

But the aide was also unable to carry out the order.

Whether Poulan rose to the sky or went off to the ground, he disappeared
without a trace as if he had vanished as soon as the vacation was granted.

There’s no way there’s no trace left of a living person, but even a search
party was sent to find his trace, but they can’t find his trace. It is a
ridiculous situation.

“I think we need to expand our search outside the Empire. However, there is
no record of buying a train ticket or using a teleport center. Since no one
even witnessed him…….”

“That can’t be possible.”

“Yes, that’s it. That can’t be true, but the ghost is mischievous.”

Werner became ill at ease at the aide’s words.

With one word of command, anything could be done as desired as it should

have been. It was the first time in his life that things didn’t go my way.

And it’s the same for Charlotte, so she tilted her head, thinking it was a
really weird situation.


Exclusive to the imperial family is literally meant to belong exclusively to

the imperial family, it meant that it is the property of the imperial family.

It was as absurd as saying that I would use the Imperial Knights as a

personal escort to bring in an exclusive designer of the imperial family as
my personal designer.
Something that may or may not happen.

Therefore, from the point of view of Poulan, who was kidnapped in

question, it would be unfair because he is on the verge of being decapitated
for blasphemy.

“Why, why am I here….”

Drunk with Killian’s abilities, Poulan obediently came to the Mertensia

Duchy on his own feet and rattled his pupils up and down.

In his hand, a tea cup lifted by butler continued to rattle.

VM C24

Chapter 24

As if confused, various emotions swept through Poulan’s eyes.

I looked at him and sighed inside. I can’t use insight because I’m not
Killian, but I can see very well that he wants to run away from here right
away without having that ability.

“Don’t the tea suit your taste?”

“……yes, yes?”

When Killian, who was standing upright like a butler’s, asked, Poulan
turned his head with a vague answer.

“N, no. It smells really good.”

He looked up at Killian with a frustrated look and finally spoke.

“……I, I know it’s very rude to follow you all the way here, but I have no
idea what the hell happened.”

His face, distorted as if he were about to cry, was pitiful to watch.

From Poulan’s point of view, he came to his senses and asks, ‘I should
design a dress for that notorious witch? Even that, less than a month left?
Even if I get caught, I’ll be executed?’, so his feeling must be like the world
is collapsing.

But Killian, abominably, had a look on his face that he didn’t understand
why Poulan was saying that. Then he said quietly, as if he were a real pity.

“Well, I’m sorry you don’t remember just a moment ago. I’m sure I asked
your permission politely.”
“……no. I remember, I remember, but my memory is not perfect. No,
should I say it’s not intact, I know what I’m saying sounds weird…… the
situation seemed to be intoxicated and dreamy.”

He was gibberish and suddenly started tearing his hair out.

“Is that not a dream, but a reality? I approved this job? Why did I do that?
Am I crazy?”

How shocked Polan was, it seemed he hadn’t even noticed that the voice of
his heart was coming out of his mouth.

I was getting more and more guilty for some reason, so I decided to get to
the point to stop bothering him.


As I learned from Killian, I put a gentle smile around my mouth,

straightening my waist. Then Poulan looked back at me, startled as if he had
just noticed my existence.

“Mi, Miss Mertensia!”

“Yes, Paulan. Is this our first time meeting?”

In fact, I, who had no idea whether Ayla and Paulan had met for the first
time or not, asked deftly and smiled.

Then he trembled and looking at me. He seemed to be worried that the

rumor is about to start as I had been quite rude.

But the loop hasn’t happened yet, and there was no reason for me to step up
and be mean to him.

“First of all, would you please take a look at this?”

When I glanced, Killian held out a neatly organized bundle of paper to him.
Paulan shook his head as he felt instinctively that he couldn’t take it out.
“I’m terribly sorry, but I can’t accept this request as a person who has
vowed to devote his life to the imperial family.”

Paulan face is gradually turning muddy, recalling all of Ayla’s scandals, but
I continued to pretend I hadn’t noticed anything.

“Please take a look for now.”

“Can I refuse?”

“I don’t know. If you don’t like it, I can’t help it. I won’t force you.”

But it would be a shame if you really refused. I’m very sorry, so he doesn’t
know what I’m going to do. I put on a smile that had that meaning blatantly.

“Of course, I’ll give you a generous price, and I’ll guarantee you
anonymity. I will send you to the palace without telling anyone who made
the dress. Would you be relieved?”

I repeated threatening and soothing without raising my voice or using harsh


Of course, this was, needless to say, a threatening technique learned from

Killian. I know from my own experience that this is more scary than just
plainly saying that I would kill him.

‘If I threaten, like Killian.’

For some reason, I couldn’t get rid of the unpleasant feeling that I had taken
the first step as a real villainess. They said that we learn bad things quickly.

“……I can’t help it.”

Paulan, who had been suffering as if he would die soon, now seemed to
have given up halfway.

With a sigh, he took a bundle of paper and untied it. And he started to look
at the picture of the dress I drew myself.

I was smiling nonchalantly on the outside, but I couldn’t help but feel
nervous inside. How many opportunities have I had in my life to be
evaluated by a designer for one of the most pathetic paintings I drew with
my ow design?

But Paulan, who I thought he would be asked what this is by crumpling his
face like a sheet of paper, is unexpectedly serious.


Is he also an expert in that field?

His eyes changed so quickly that I couldn’t imagine him being a pathetic
rattling person, then he asked.

“I’ve never seen such a design in my life. Did you come up with it

“……um, that’s right.”

It was actually designed by the ancestors of the earth, but I couldn’t tell the
truth, so I replied shamelessly. I referred to the overall shape of the Chemise
dress, but the details were invented by me.

“What about the fabric?”

“Thin and light silk or muslin.”

“If you do that, the curves of your body will appear naturally. It’s both
classic and sophisticated. If you grab it with a high waist and tie a fancy
ribbon around your waist, and if you use a flounce on the skirt hem, you
won’t need a correction tool. It’s a dress entirely for women.”

“As expected, you recognize.”

I don’t want to change the internal structure of the corset tightening or lose
ribs. So, I’m glad you found out that it’s a design for me to live.
As I grinned, Paulan repeatedly looked at me in a cold sweat, at the paper,
at me, at the paper.

“Oh, my God.”

He seemed to find it hard to believe that Ayla, the witch who was ignorant
and uncultured, designed these clothes.

I don’t think lions will be this surprised if they graze.

“Why on earth have you rotted this talent? It’s unbelievable.”

“I’m only going to design what I want to wear when I need to.”


I glanced at Killian, looking for praise. He smiled silently like a drowsy cat
when he met me.

“Of course.”

Paulan listened to me and Killian’s conversation and gave me a blank look

for a moment as if he was Alice in Wonderland.

But for a moment, too, he said anxiously, shaking his head from side to

“It’s definitely innovative, but if we keep it that way, it’s going to be out of
fashion right now. I don’t think it’s appropriate for a ball.”

“Why do you decide that?”


When I asked reflexively, he looked embarrassed. As if why question such

a natural thing.

“It’s not me who decided it, everyone will think it’s weird. Since I’m a
designer, I recognized the value of this dress at once, but the social circle is
opposed to unfamiliar things…….”

In fact, what Paulan was saying was something I was worried about all

I recalled the day when I first fell into this world and was immediately
taken to ball.

The nobles, glancing like zoo monkeys at me. There were contempt,
curiosity, and gazes with explicit sexual intentions on my glamorous and
bewitching appearance.

I was sick and tired of it.

But at the same time it felt futile.

Even if I’m Charlotte, not Ayla, to be praised by everyone, what’s the point
of doing it if I had to act according to people’s standards and smack them
one by one?

‘Where am I in there?’

That’s enough for indecision.

Having lived for others all my life, I’ve done enough. It was time to be
confident without caring about others.

It is time to live for me.

“If I want to wear it, I will wear it.”

I replied firmly. This is also a word to myself.

“As long as you want. But what do you think of it with your eyes? No
matter what the trend is, they won’t suit me as much as this one.”

When did I feel most attractive to others? Looking back at the memory,
confident person is attractive. Especially when their confidence is due to
their skills.
“Please make a dress just for me. The dress that suits me best. Of course, a
world-class designer named Paulan can do it, right?”

I raised my head arrogantly, commanding.

Paulan frowned at what might seem rude. He made an expression that he

didn’t want to do business.

“……I will do it.”

He gritted his teeth as if he had hurt his pride.

Faintly blushing towards me.



It was not until I moved to the room where Paulan was assigned that I
relaxed and plopped down on the sofa.

Then the words that I had just spat out at Paulan came to mind and it was
hard to bear.

I made my own lines in advance and even muttered by myself, but I subtly
missed what I expected.

Thanks to this, I ended up quoting Killian or just spitting out anything in the
way of a rich lady in the drama, which was so embarrassing.

‘Human with high self-esteem is amazing…….’

For example, I could pick Killian right next to me. How can I say that
without blinking eyes?

From time to time, my conscience and the soul of the small citizen pop out
and say, ‘Huh, that’s not it. I just got the design from the past, but I’m not a
genius… I had a hard time holding back the words like soaring to the chin.’
I guess that’s why Bapbird torn their crotch while chasing after the storks.

I pounded the sofa with my fist for a while, then managed to calm down
and raise my head.

And asked Killian, who stared amusedly at me floundering with shame.

“Uh, how was it?”

“It wasn’t bad.”

He patted me on the head saying that. It was a comforting touch.

……well, yeah. I decided to put a significance on him that he didn’t laugh

at me as openly as he did like at that time with Sophia.

For a pleasant life in captivity, a separate room was set up for the Paulan to
be canned.

There is also a bathroom and toilet inside, and there were maids who had
been silenced by Killian’s ability, so I was going to provide whatever
Paulan wanted.

VM C25

Chapter 25

If you ask me what useless kindness it is when I kidnapped him…I had

nothing to say.

But this side was desperate in its own way. If one day I kidnapped the
author Lingte, I would have given him a room I had decorated for

Of course, I didn’t really mean to kidnap him. I just made a room for
boredom whenever I stayed up all night because of the author’s novel. ……

Anyway, I’ll be ready.

I quit playing around on the sofa and woke up robbing my dress.

Besides the draft I drew to show Paulan, I eagerly drew other designs in my

Well, then we have to airlift the fabric, lace, and the crafted jewelry and ask
for the top…….

In fact, there was no problem on this side because it would be solved in no

time with the name and money of the Mertensia family.

I believe I will use all the knowledge of modern people to help my design
reach their strength, patterns, and foundations will take care by Paulan! Stay
strong, Paulan! Still, the maids will help you sew!

So I decided to put a world-class imperial exclusive designer directly into

my personal designer.
This time, the pain of conscience bothered me because I thought I did
something like a real villainess, but I still couldn’t overcome my desire to


By the time the dress was finished, the ball was really close.

The whole empire was in uproar because it was the biggest festival of the
year, the harvest festival.

I sighed over the imperial newspaper, all about festivals and proms. Finally,
the time has come.

“……tell him to come in.”

The day of the showdown is just around the corner, so we can’t postpone it
any longer.

I gave Killian an order with a grim face, and he opened the door and
beckoned for someone to come in. Then a little girl came running like a
squirrel and stood in front of me.

It was Dobiella.


As a result of dealing with all sorts of facts throughout the service

profession, I have believed that I am good at dealing with people.

But even I find Dobiella agonizing over what kind of expression she should
face. I couldn’t know what kind of extraordinary things she would do if she
said something wrong.

“Uh, um…… Hello.”

“To help the most beautiful lady in the world to dress up! I never thought
such a glorious day would come. Dobiella thought her heart is going to
explode while she was waiting!”

The strange habit of calling her own name as the third person is still there. I
said ‘So….’.

When I first saw her, she was scared of me, and she seemed quite impressed
by the treatment I directly treated her.

It could be what Killian said previously ‘The effect of a cat with umbrella
on a rainy day.’ I can’t believe young lady with hard-temper head treated
me by herself! Maybe she was thinking like this.

“Can Dobiella dare to touch the body of lady that looks like a piece of art?”

“Don’t exaggerate.”

“Dobiella never exaggerated. Your beauty is the greatest masterpiece by

God of this era!”

Apparently, there are no match for Ayla in appearance. The setting was that
her face was prettier than the main character Charlotte.

The reason why I put such a setting in was that I could show Werner’s
single-mindedness that “Even if the best beauty woman seduces him, he
never fall for it.”

However, it was embarrassing to hear compliments because she was a

creature that I eventually described in writing. I blushed and fed up as if I
had heard anything I couldn’t hear.

Did he feel this way every time I looked at Killian’s face and admired him?
I should never do that again. I felt the reverse side very well and got back to
the point.

“That’s enough, can you do my hair and choose accessories to match the
new dress? I heard you worked in the dressing room, so if You do well, I
might consider you as my maid…….”

“Heu, heeuk! No way!”

But before I could finish, Dobiella grabbed her heart and fell to the floor.
And I’m begging on my stomach, and I’m already tired, even though I
haven’t done anything yet.

“I’m a maid! I’m a commoner, and I’m still very young and not good
enough, so I don’t deserve it, My Lady!”

She is similar to Sophia’s in pouring overwhelming praise, but it didn’t

seem to be flattering or lip service. I said would let her be my personal
maid, but she didn’t like it.

If you become my personal maid, your salary will go up significantly and

your treatment will be much better than when you were a maid. She was
seriously acting like she was going to die of a heart attack if she was
promoted to a maid.

“Is that so.”

I said quickly, fearing she’d hit her head on the floor again and start hurting

“If you want to continue, be my personal maid. Help me dress up as a maid.

Anyway, if You’re not good enough, I’ll hire another person, whether it’s
maid or not.”


As soon as I said that, Dobiella jumped up from her seat, and shouted
energetically. She looked up at me with her twinkling eyes, as if to
command her for anything.

‘She’s really a weir kid.’

However, as I heard it, Dobiella’s sense is excellent. She decorated me

overall harmony so that it is not too much or less.

‘I have to raise her salary.’

That’s how I got a cute and scary maid who is in charge of the overall
appearance of my clothing.


“Oh my God, as excpected. I knew you’d look good in this lovely diamond
tiara. Wow, how can you get suit well with pastel color? It’s hard if your
skin isn’t as clear and transparent as it can be.”

Charlotte smiled innocently at Sophia’s constant praise. After moving to the

imperial palace, all the newly assigned maids were good, but the flaw was
that they were talkative.

“Isn’t it a little flashy?”

“Not at all! Rather, the jewels are not shining on the lady’s appearance.
How about trying a bigger one for your earrings?”

“Well, shall I.”

Still, since the praise is compliment, it couldn’t be bad.

Charlotte hummed and turned around in the mirror. Of course, She didn’t
see Sophia quickly put a piece of diamond that fell off the trinket in her
pocket with gambler-like hand movements.

“Finally, tomorrow is the ball.”

Charlotte murmured softly, covering her palms over her pounding heart.
She tried to calm down, but her voice trembled slightly with feeble

“Of course it’s not the first imperial ball, but I think it’s going to be a very
special day. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Oh, of course! How surprised were you to hear that you designed the new
trendy dress? Lady must be a genius to think of fluffing out the back of
your skirt like that.”
As Sophia continued to pour praise, Charlotte waved her hands shamefully.

“Ah, it’s nothing.”

“Oh, my God, Lady, you’re so humble. You even wear Paulan’s dress! I
don’t think there’s anyone who’s gonna get as much attention as you.”

“Is that so?”

Charlotte had a rosy look on her cheeks like a girl. Well, according to
rumors, most of the socialites will come in a dress designed by her.

Charlotte thought inwardly.

‘In fact, it’s like I’m the main character.’

It must have been a day when tomorrow she would be more noticeable than
at her debutante.

“I’ll think more about earrings. I think you can decorate me like this on the
prom day. Thank you for your help.”

“Oh, it’s nothing. That’s what I’m supposed to do. That’s kind of you.”

Sophia smiled softly and changed Charlotte’s clothes into Chemise, then
turned up the room temperature and stepped back so that she could fall
asleep quickly.

“It’s so easy.”

And as soon as she left the room, Sophia secretly twisted her mouth.

Watching from the sidelines, deceiving Charlotte seemed easier than

breathing. Even a three-year-old child would be more suspicious than
Charlotte. She doesn’t think anyone can hurt her.

‘But, there were more than one or two men walking around with her. If I
mess with her, I’ll end up in bad shape. There is a high chance of dying.’
I couldn’t have looked good when I met a man and opened my mouth well,
as a woman of the same family who was a former noble and was about to
go bankrupt.

But now is the time to exclude all those personal feelings.

‘A saintess and a witch…….’

Which way should I hang to?

Of course, I would have to look objectively or subjectively to the former,

but there is a concern that it would get bad If I am impatient.

Sophia felt intuitively that this one choice could change her life in an

She walked down the hall constantly weighing between the two women.


Meanwhile, Charlotte, left alone in the room, yawned small in the warm air
that warmed the room.

Come to think of it, tomorrow is the ball and why isn’t Paulan returning
yet? In the meantime, she would be more noticeable if Paulan, who is well-
known around the world, is around her.

‘No matter how long you take a vacation, people can’t disappear without a
trace. This could be a kidnapping case. They’re still searching for him even
within the Imperial Palace.’

Charlotte vaguely imitated a detective and recalled the ferocious story of

her brothers’ hard-talking.

-Charlotte, if you wandering the streets of the capital at night you will be
kidnapped. If you’re lucky, you’ll be sold as a slave.

-Is that lucky?

-Yes, if you’re unlucky, you’ll be dismembered before dawn and your
organs will be stolen and sold throughout the Empire. You’re scared, right?
If you walk around alone at late night, you’ll get in trouble.

He may have said it in the hope that Charlotte would please stay calm
without shooting around out of curiosity, but he didn’t actually make up
words. Kidnapping and trafficking civilians used to happen in the dark.

‘I can’t do that.’

Charlotte was in a state of uneasiness, even though she thought it was a

ridiculous delusion. And it occurred to me that she was not far from her
palace to Paulan’s residence.

‘Let’s go for a while.’

Of course, she won’t have a big solution, but if it were a kidnapping, maybe
Paulan had a clue in his room. It wasn’t a day or two that Charlotte was so

She tucked her head out of the room, hooded over her pajamas. Then, two
knights guarding her quarters talked to her as if they were in trouble.

“Lady, you can’t come out.”

VM C26

Chapter 26

“I’d like to go to Paulan’s residence for a moment, could I? The palace

where artists stay right in front of us. It shouldn’t take long. I can do it right
away. Please?”

“No. This is the order from His Majesty that you should stay here because
of danger.”

“Well…… then sir knight can take me there. Right?”

Charlotte grinned as she folded her eyes beautifully.

The innocent Charlotte smile, who seemed to know nothing at all, and the
knights, who at first refused firmly, gradually weakened their heart.

They eventually raised the white flag and headed with Charlotte to the next

“Then, just do your business and come right back. I’ll be waiting outside.”

The knight, who had not spoken a few words, said anxiously that he had
become fond of Charlotte.

“Yes, I’ll be right back.”

Charlotte stepped into the palace, smiling back like an angel.

As expected, many people were still awake even though it was late at night
because it was where artists stayed. Charlotte grabbed a man with paint all
over his body and found Paulan’s room.

And it was time when she get close to Paulan’s room. Suddenly, the door
knob turned and a tall man came out from inside.

Charlotte quickly hid herself behind a pillar of the building, breathing in


Now that Paulan has gone on a superficial vacation, no one has left in his
room. It could be Paulan himself, but he is bigger and slenderer.

‘……What? Kidnapper?’

Whatever it is, he’s suspicious. She rubbed her hands roughly against the
hem of her skirt, feeling her hands sweaty.

Charlotte, who breathed in and out for a moment, drew her head out of the
post. If the other person’s face was hard, I was going to check his

But then, suddenly, there was a big shadow over my head. She slowly
raised her head with an anxious face.

“It’s time to sleep.”


Charlotte screamed and grabbed her fluttering heart.

No, when did he move from there to here? I didn’t feel presence, let alone
footsteps, so I really thought my heart was sticking out of my mouth.

“W, w, who are you?”

“Someone you need to forget.”

Killian responded languidly and made eye contact with Charlotte.


Charlotte couldn’t say anything after making eye contact with him.
The silent silver-gray eyes that seemed to contain the moonlight were
beautiful enough for her to burst into admiration.

However, as soon as the mysterious colors and eyes were interlocked, I

suddenly felt my mind dimmed and my vision fluctuated as if I was drunk.
Charlotte suddenly began to feel this whole thing as far away as a dream.

At a time when she was dazed into wonder what the hell this was, he said.

“I thought you were a maid, but you’re not a normal person.”

I got into trouble. Should I kill her? Killian muttered so, tilting his head at
an angle.

She was overly careless. She is annoying, but he is thinking about whether
to step on an ant on the side of the road to kill it.

Charlotte began to grow gray in the midst of a flurry of words that popped
out without hesitation. I was out of breath and my fingertips trembled.

I’ve been through several major and minor crises in my life. Suddenly some
food was poisoned, being caught by a bully, or almost kidnapped.

But this is the first time I’ve ever had anything like this.

The extreme fear of not being able to move and not even breathe properly
like this. He didn’t have a weapon in his hand, he just said he was going to
kill him.

‘He sincerely intend to kill me.’

When Charlotte was in crisis, someone always came running. They always
come like a prince on a white horse, appearing in a moment of


Why isn’t anyone coming?

‘Sa, save me.’

Charlotte slumped down because her legs were weak.

Killian was so sick and tired of seeing her showing this reaction. He
crouched along with her, unperturbed, his frightened eyes and gaze.

“What’s your name?”

Killian pushed her thumb through her lips and bit it to bleed. Charlotte
replied desperately, wondering what else this was about.

“Cha, Charlotte, Charlotte Angelo.”

“Ah, you.”

Then, there was a slight dent in Killian’s eyes, which had been carelessly
loosened. It was only for a short time, too.

“Almost in trouble. I almost killed you easily.”

When the numbness of her body quickly receded, Charlotte finally coughed
up and breathed. She shed tears and soon began to tremble pathetically.

“I didn’t know because I couldn’t feel the energy at all for being loved by

Killian blinked slowly and licked the blood flowing through her thumb.
Charlotte had a stupid look on her face as if she were picking her fur.

“……loved by God?”

“But now that I see it. How loved and comfortable You’ve been. It’s melted
into your face, expression, and action.”

It was a word that penetrated the heart.

It was such a true words that I knew very well for myself, and I actually
used that favor.
“The plants in the greenhouse will soon die in the harsh wind. But, the
ardent love of God is also a stench.”

Killian muttered to himself.

Charlotte didn’t know the exact meaning of the words, but she blushed with
shame when she understood that he was insulting her by comparing hers to
a plant.

“Wha, what are you saying……!”

Charlotte retorted, groping her tear-stained face. She was threatened with
her life a little while ago, but she could have done it because he seemed to
have no intention of harming her now.

Of course, it was also a bold move that would not have been taken by
anyone who was not favored by God.

Killian replied, pulling up his lips at an angle.

“No, because you’re as expected.”

“Suddenly showing up and…….”

“As expected, you’re stupid and uninteresting at all.”

“What, what?”

Charlotte stammered at a loss for words.

In my life, I have never heard insulting remarks that I am stupid or boring.

I’ve been told by most people, especially men, that they want to protect me
because I’m small and adorable. Sometimes there are people who are
jealous, but in this way she is not thoroughly belittled and ignored.

But standing in front of this man, Charlotte felt as if she were a creature
wandering in the air.
“Because I prefer weeds rather than soft flowers.”

Weeds, flowers, and why he suddenly appeared and talked about his tastes.
More than that, who the hell are you? I couldn’t understand why he is so

“……so, do you want to say that I’m inferior to weeds?”

“Yes. It’s cute, weed.”


Is this person sane?

While Charlotte opened her eyes and looked up and down at him, Killian
rose without hesitation. Of course there was no kindness in reaching out to
her and standing her up.

“It’s past your bedtime, sweetheart.”

Then he passed right past her and slid out of the palace.

He’s breathtaking and her nose stuffed.

Charlotte grabbed the back of goal in her absurdity, and she felt the man’s
disappeared face continually twitching in front of her eyes.

‘……he is handsome.’

Even Charlotte, who had seen all kinds of handsome men, was shocked for
a moment.

He is perfect enough to compare him to a god and a statue, but the

personality exactly inversely proportional to he is unique. There was no
separate class for him.

‘I don’t want to see you again.’

Charlotte whimpered and recalled what Killian was wearing.

He was dressed neatly in a black tailcoat with the crest of a noble family. It
was obviously a butler’s suit.

‘It was a sentence with a blue flower that looks like a silver bell flower,
which family is it from?’

I think he came to the palace on someone’s errand, but I couldn’t believe he

is so rude to myself, who was favored by the Crown Prince.

Charlotte tried to shake off this unpleasant memory quickly, but it wasn’t

She forgot the purpose of her journey here and followed Killian, who had
disappeared, out of the palace. But only the knight waiting for her
welcomed him, and he was invisible.

Charlotte asked urgently.

“Have you ever seen a man in a tailcoat? I’m sure he came out here.”

“No? No one came in and out except Lady.”

“What? I’m sure it can’t be…….”

Charlotte muttered like that to refute and then shut up.

There was something to do with him, as he suddenly took a vacation and

came out of Paulan’s room, and he disappeared in a flash like Paulan.

Maybe he’s a wizard? No, he is not. If you use magic without permission at
the palace, you’ll be under the spell of tracking.

‘Something…… someone else.’

There must have been something unusual about him. Charlotte felt the
unpleasantness of the moment slowly beginning to fade with curiosity.

She was the only one who witnessed and noticed the man’s existence.
Charlotte somehow felt like she had a special secret that she couldn’t tell

‘If he is a butler of a family, can I meet you at the ball tomorrow?’

Tomorrow, Charlotte said she is confident that she would shine most than
anyone else. It is supposed to be.

If I run into him again tomorrow like fate, I’ll be able to flatten his nose for
ignoring me like this. He will never say that I’m stupid and uninteresting

‘Of course, I don’t know if I can meet him or not.’

She raised her head and thought, staring at the full moon in the sky.

The soft moonlight is shining as if holding the darkened world in my arms.


I don’t know how Kilian’s preparations will work, but I think I did my best.

I sat on a rattling wagon and prayed hand in hand, hoping that the loop
would not happen.

“Who are you praying to?”

And i was immediately pointed out by Killian, a God hater, who was sitting
opposite me.

In fact, I am an atheist, so I didn’t have a god to pray for. I’m just hoping I
will be okay today. I shrugged with that meaning.

“Well, if you beg me, I’ll bless you.”

Blessings of the sorcerer somehow terrifying and I fear to receive them.

But Killian is my benefactor, so I gently put my hands in front of him.

“Killian, when all this is over, can I go back to my room and doing my
happy trash life?”

Then he revealed.

“In your next life?”

VM C27

Chapter 27

“Ah, you’re so mean.”

It’s not a blessing, it’s a curse.

I glanced at him for a moment with a playful smile, and this time I begged
him seriously. Please let things work out as planned and survive today.

“Please be safe.”

Having twisted the novel, no one knew what would happen today. Even me
as the author.

Killian heard my prayer and reached out, and began to draw a symbol or
something with his thumb on my forehead.

‘It looks like a priest is making a sign.’

A group of subtle golden lights rose like fireflies and disappeared. It was
proof that he had just used magic.

I watched the scene curiously for a moment and waved my hands in the air
to catch the light still floating. Of course, it disappeared like a mirage soon.

“What did you do?”

I rubbed my forehead and asked, still feeling warm.

“A spell that calls for good luck.”

“Magic has no effect on me.”

“That’s what luck is all about.”

So you wish me luck, or you don’t wish me luck?

‘Because he seems like someone who I know but actually I don’t know.’

I squinted at him as he replied, and smirked. It was like exchanging useless

questions and answers, but thanks to this, my stiff body was relaxed.

I shook off my skirt, pulled back the wagon curtain and looked out of the
window. The imperial palace, which seemed far away, was approaching
right before me.

I muttered with a dark expression for a moment.

“It’s kind of frustrating.”

Originally, life is something you can’t see even one step ahead, but as a
villainess in a novel, I can’t predict what will happen in the future. It was
dark in front of my eyes.

But this was the best I could take in my situation. No matter how hard it is,
I have no choice but to do it.

Killian said, trimming my slightly disorganized dress.

“Go and ruin the prophecy as if you wanted to see it. You have to show God
clearly who your life is going to do.

“I knew you’d say that.”

I took a big breath, exhaled, lifted and lowered my shoulders as if to shake

off the tension on my body.

“Of course I would.”

A brazen remark popped out of the lips. Thanks to Killian’s brainwashing

education, his confident speech was completely stuck to my mouth.

“Of course you will?”

Then Killian asked back, folding his eyes finely in the shape of a half
moon. Like saying, ‘Oh, did you do that?’ and being cute.

I shook my head as if I couldn’t stop him because I was so outspoken. As

much as I was influenced by Killian, I felt like my push had passed on to


It was then.

Killian slowly wiped the smile off his face and tilted his head languidly.
Suddenly, a serious-looking gaze tenaciously glanced at me.

“Why, why.”

The soft atmosphere suddenly changed and I was nervous. I gulped and
stuttered, and he muttered deafly.


I blinked with a stupid look on my face. I don’t know what you’re suddenly
greedy about.

I waited calmly for the words to follow, but Killian naturally looked at me
as if when I had said them.

The possessiveness that was blatantly in his eyes quickly became entangled.
I was just wandering in confusion, which I couldn’t understand.

‘What was it just now? Did I hear something wrong?’

It went by so quickly that I wondered if it was just my illusion.

“We’ve arrived.”

Around that time, the wagon, which had been slowing down a little bit since
earlier, stopped completely.
Before I knew it, Killian, who had returned as a perfect butler, opened the
carriage door and reached out to me politely. I see him every time, but his
quick change of pace and acting skills have always been admirable.

“Watch your step.”

“Oh, yeah. No, yes”

I was thinking about the meaning of what he had just said, but I belatedly
came to my senses and straightened up.

It’s going to be a full-fledged fight from now on, so I can’t just be

mesmerized by it.

I took the self-proclaimed butler’s escort as naturally as I could and folded

my arms around his hard forearms.

Harvest festival.

If it is a small ball, I would have passed by invitation and name, but a

partner is essential for an official ball to commemorate such an anniversary.

I didn’t know who Ayla took as a partner in the novel. I didn’t plan the
details there.

However, unlike the novel, I have not been involved with anyone so far, so
I have no choice but to have a partner.

So the partner naturally became Killian, my butler. Regardless of the

identity, he is the second son of the House of Agates on the surface, and
even without an invitation, he is fully qualified to attend the ball with me.

“Miss Mertensia. Your identity has been verified. It’s been a while since
I’ve seen you.”

He pretended to know me when I presented an invitation to the chief of

staff, who was checking the list in front of the main palace.
Of course, it was never a sign of joy. The chin and twitching eyes seemed to
ask, ‘Why are you here again when you’ve been quiet and deserved that

He’s obviously reluctant to do it.

Well, Ayla, who has a crush on the Crown Prince, must have made a scene
in and out of the palace, so just looking at her face must make him sick and
tired of it.

“What’s the name of your companion?”

He asked, his eyes fixed as if he wanted to put his nose in the list, as if he
wanted to get me out of my sight.

“Sebastian Agate, the second son of Agate family.”

“Sebastian Agate…….”

He muttered like that and raised his head with a ‘huh?’ look.

“I’ve never heard that name before in the Agates. And second son……as
far as I know, Viscount Agate has only one child.”

The sharp eyes of the servant narrowed with full of doubts.

He raised his hand as if he were going to call the Guard. But before his
hand went up halfway, Killian had to wrap his hand around him and make
eye contact with him.

“Shh, there’s no need to rush.”

The eyes of the chief of staff, who had a keen light, quickly unraveled. At
the same time, Killian lowered his voice and whispered softly.

“Originally, I was a distant relative, but I recently became his adopted

……that’s a bit of plain nonsense. It’s not even a family without children,
but why are you suddenly taking such adopted?

“……Oh, I see.”

I was bewildered by the improvised setting, which did not contain any
sincerity, but the chief of staff accepted whatever bullshit Killian said.

I can’t get used to that ability no matter how many times I look at it.

“Is that enough?”

“Yes, your identity is confirmed… No, wait. If you are adopted son, I would
have heard the rumors.….”

Come to think of it, he felt something strange, and the eyes of the chief of
staff repeatedly returned to focus and scattered.

But Killian, indifferent, spoke again leisurely.

“What’s your name?”

“……Hubert Kingston.”

“It means a clean heart.”

“That’s right.”

“Well, it’s too much to force a man to be clean in his heart who is bound to
be ugly in nature.”

Killian whispers more secretly, kicking his tongue with great regret.

“What does that even mean? It’s stupid to give endless desires, try hard, and
restrain yourself.”

“Because I have lived that way in my entire life.”

“Poor thing.”
“Darn it. I can’t help it……I can’t help it. No matter how hard a half-pun
like me tried, this was the limit…….”

Hubert recited abusive language as he gritted his teeth as if suppressing his

sudden surge of anger. I don’t know what the change of mind was, but it
seemed to me to recall the past when he was forced to be clean.

“But you’re still looking pretty thirsty. If you want now, I can show you the
way to the oasis.”

Killian whispered devilishly, then hung a beguiling smile around his mouth.
In terms of the atmosphere, it seemed to lure him into an infernal hell
named Oasis, not an oasis from the atmosphere.

“What are you craving?”


“Let’s speak to the bottom.”

Hubert’s pointless resistance went so far.

We passed through the entrance of the main palace without any doubt or


‘With that ability, ordinary people would look more insignificant and

Killian’s ability is amazing and sometimes I thought it would be

comfortable, but I didn’t envy him. If I did, I would fall into hatred or

But the important thing is.

“The ability is quite…… looks useful.”

“Why, now you’re greedy?”

As I whispered as I passed through the hall, Killian grinned back. He said,

“It’s too late to say it now.”

“Well, I’m reluctant to see the greed of a human being that I didn’t really
want to know, but I’m greedy.”

“If you order it, it will be useful anytime. If you want, I can use it now.”

“Suddenly, it sounds like a trap card…….”

At Killian’s reply, I hesitated and blurred.

It seems useful, but will it be great help?

Killian didn’t always recommend what’s in my favor. Sometimes it was a

big social and ethical contradiction, and even if it looked good right now, it
would become toxic in the future.

I asked suspiciously.

“Are you testing me now?”

Then he whispered, ‘You’re quick to notice,’ grinning like a picture.

“To build a sense to stand alone. It’s better to be able to quickly figure out
whether it’s worth using or not, where and how to use it.”

Um, if you say so. I thought seriously as I walked down the hall.

As a result of steadily observing Killian’s ability from the side, It is possible

to understand roughly what principle it works.

They make eye contact and force them to speak what they want. And as
long as they speak of their desires, whether paid or not, they are helplessly
swayed by his words.
Because their ugly desire to hide desperately has become a kind of

Even if they regain their sanity belatedly, they will not be able to
completely get away from it. Deadly weaknesses remain trapped and
desires remain deep inside, so if he shakes again, they will be swayed

VM C28

Chapter 28

“But I don’t think that ability going to work for everyone. It may be rare,
but there may be people who don’t have a desire, and there may be people
who have already fulfilled that desire. Besides that, it’s not completely
brainwashing, it’s just seducing and shaking, so I can’t guess the variables.”

It’ll be useful to avoid situations for a while or to dig up weaknesses, but in

the long run, I don’t know…….

“It looks a little dangerous.”

When I pointed out the loophole in his ability, Killian opened his eyes wide
for a moment and nodded.

“Just like you said. Even if I use my abilities, if there is a slight

contradiction with the reality that they believe in, they think something is
strange, and when doubts start to build up, they wake up one day.”

Was it like that too?

I remembered Sophia, who came to her senses just by flicking Killian’s

fingers, and Paulan, who was turning white as soon as he stepped into the

But they don’t even realize what they’ve been through. Then he, who read
my expression again with insight, answered.

“Even if They wake up, They usually don’t realize that They’ve been
attacked by my abilities.”

“Meanwhile, it means that some people will aware.”

“It’s rare, if they have a body or spirit that goes beyond human limits, They
can see right away that something happened when they woke up from my

Well, then not only Werner, but also the humans in Charlotte’s fishing
grounds can’t be used for them. The basic conditions for entering the
fishing grounds are good appearance and the best abilities of different class.

I agreed, leaving the regret behind. I thought it would be better not to rely
on his abilities as much as possible.

“So, will it work for Charlotte?”

“I know it works, but I quit in the middle because she didn’t seem worth it
for me using my abilities.”

“Pardon? Have you met Charlotte before?”

I asked back in surprise.

“By chance yesterday.”

“What happened…….”

I wanted to ask in detail why Killian talks about Charlotte in that way, but
that’s it. The entrance to the banquet hall and the gatekeepers in front of it
began to be seen at the end of sight.

The gatekeepers blew their horns to announce my position. And as soon as I

and Killian entered the banquet hall, all eyes were on me.

In particular, those who were sensitive to clothing and fashion hardened as

if they couldn’t believe it until I passed by, rubbing their eyes several times,
and only when I moved away, did they put their heads together. There was
even someone who came up and observed me, pretending to look elsewhere
to see me closely.

The reason is obvious.

Since Ayla, the “Social Community Villainess” that stands out even if she
stays still, is wearing clothes that stand out, so it is creating a synergy

One of the biggest features of the Chemise dress is its natural silhouette,
which had no fancy decorations.

In particular, the body is revealed without tightening the waist, gathering

the chest, or excessively inflating the skirt.

However, one of the biggest features is that it could cover the belly fat
without having to tighten it by placing a wide cloth on the waist and tying it
with a ribbon from the back.

“Oh, my God, look away.”

“What is that shabby dress?”

“Is she come wearing in her pajamas?”

“I thought She would come to her senses because She hasn’t been seen for a
while, but she hasn’t changed that she is anxious for attention.”

I listened to gossip with one ear as if to hear, and shed it with another ear. It
didn’t matter what the nobles said about me.

This dress I was wearing is designed and made by Paulan with his soul.
Objectively, it couldn’t have been more beautiful.

The dark green dress accentuated the relatively red, voluminous hair, and
harmonized with the greenish eye color. It is a color that could seem dull,
but the luxurious elegance is emphasized thanks to feather-shaped
embroidery embroidered with gold thread.

‘If It’s pretty in my eyes, I don’t care about others.’

I snorted with my braided hair, a gold headdress reminiscent of laurel

wreath, and black pearl earrings dangling from my ears.
All of the other young lady were all wearing robe à la polonaise fashioned
by Charlotte, as in the novel. Of course, it is beautiful, but like a Rococo-
era dress, it is too flashy and decorative.

There’s a saying that’s too much to pay. Compared to that, which only
emphasized luxury, my dress looked noble and elegant rather than shabby.

And most important of all, it is several times more comfortable to be active

than the usual dress. I felt like I could do anything because the restriction on
my actions disappeared because I didn’t have anything to tighten my body.

I completely ignored those who deliberately talked to me and just wanted

me to play.

In fact, there is something that bothered me to the point that it didn’t matter.

‘Why are you staring at me?’

Killian is walking proudly next to me.

No matter how famous Ayla is, there is no way that not a single person
wouldn’t look at him when such a handsome man was around.

They can’t surround him from all directions and ask him where he’s from.

‘What other magic tricks were you using?’

I looked up at Killian with questions.

Then he looked down at me to see if he felt my gaze and answered the

question with a picturesque smile.

“I’ve erased my presence, and unless they observe me carefully, they’ll feel
me like a rock rolling along the road.”

Oh, that’s what it is.

Otherwise, they can’t ignore a man who stands out like that. I nodded in
But for a while, I suddenly became anxious and whispered in his ear.

“That means, if they observe carefully, they’ll know, is that okay? If you get
caught, it won’t end up with an execution.”

Come to think of it, the imperial palace is the middle of the enemy’s camp
for the sorcerer. Where they reject and detest sorcerers so much, how can
they not notice him who is skillful at using witchcraft?

“I’m sure there’s not a single person who notices. It won’t make any
difference, though.”

Then Killian returned the whisper to me and stared at one place.


I turned my head along where he looked. Then a bright young man with
pale sky blue hair and darker sapphire-like eyes looked at us and was

Sky blue hair, deep blue eyes. A handsome guy in a fancy wizard robe who
looks very high in rank.

There was no doubt that he is meeting all the conditions to get into
Charlotte’s fishing grounds.

‘……Ugh, he’s a supporting role.’

I hated him reflexively and crumpled my brow like a sheet of paper.

No matter how much I wrote the novel, I was relieved that all the characters
I had met were extras or people who hadn’t even appeared in the novel, but
now I felt terrible that I had to get involved with them.

‘His name is probably Septimus…Wait. Didn’t you get caught?’

Septimus, who described himself as soft and slick, is staring at us with his
eyes wide open as if his eyes were popping out. It was like a face that saw
something that shouldn’t exist.
‘Unless he recognize that Killian is a sorcerer, he can’t make a face.’

I haven’t done anything yet. Was it ruined before I started, or was it about to
die before it started, well it is frustrating. Septimus covered his mouth and
muttered in disbelief.


Huh? Ka… What?

“What’s he saying?”

Of course, the sorcerer broke in! Get him over there! I, who knew how to
do it, whispered with a serious look.

Septimus looked at us with a wobbly look, precisely at Killian next to me,

then closed his eyes and muttered.

“King of Rotullo.. ….”

I was bewildered by the blatant despair of Septimus, who seemed to have

witnessed the destruction of the world.

“He is saying you’re the king, is he?””

I asked again, poking Killian in the side. Of course, there is no way for the
sorcerer to rise to the throne, so I asked with confidence that Septimus must
have mistaken Killian for someone else.

Unlike me, who doesn’t know what’s going on, Killian seems to know
exactly what’s going on now.

But instead of answering my question, he tilted his head in a drowsy

gesture. And he raised the corners of his mouth, making an exact eye
contact with Septimus.

“Hmmm, it looks like we need a conversation.”

Conversation? What conversation do the sorcerer and the wizard have? A
body conversation with blood and flesh splatter?

“I’ll be right back, my lady.”

“Wait, are you sure it’s okay? You’re not in danger, are you?”

I grabbed him by the sleeve and asked urgently. Then Killian stared at his
sleeve, one after the other at my face, and replied.

“I won’t kill him.”


No, that’s not it. I asked if he is in the dangerous situation. Even so, he’s an
archmage, and there’s no way he can calmly exchange conversations with
the sorcerer.

Strangely, Septimus is quiet and hardened like a stone. Given that there is
no sign of shouting magic spells or running wild and calling colleagues or
knights, is there any room for a conversation?

“……well, yes. Go ahead.”

Somehow I didn’t seem to be in the mood to intervene, so I slipped back

and nodded. The situation seems urgent now, so he’ll explain it properly

“Don’t cry because I’m not here.”

“……I’m not crying.”

What the hell do you think of me?

Of course, I can understand he is saying that because he has been fed up

with my timid and unreliable appearance.….

I nodded with a sour look on my face. Then he raised his hand to pat me on
the head, and then pulled his hand back discontentedly, wondering if he
remembered that this is outside.

“Have fun. Don’t leave the banquet hall because it’s dangerous.”


“You don’t have to respond one by one just because someone you don’t
know talks to you. And if you have anyone you can use, let me know before
you get acquainted.”

“Okay, go ahead.”

Killian spat out a few more words, like parent leaving their child on the
playground for a while, and then left.

But every time Killian moves, Septimus flinched and seems to be walking
backwards. Is it an illusion?

‘He’s like running away…….’

It wouldn’t be an easy opponent if he is an archmage, but why do I feel the

situation like a running deer and a beast that gently narrows the siege after
its prey?

I wondered, staring at the empty spot where they disappeared.

VM C29

Chapter 29


Left alone, I stood there blankly and slowly looked around.

‘Werner’s not here yet. Werner and Charlotte will come together, so I can’t
help but wait here.’

However, the nobles, who were constantly gossiping, were surprised and
avoided my eyes as if they were burned when I looked at them. I had no
choice but to be embarrased at their reaction.

‘If you’re going to freak out like that, why would you curse me in the first
place. Why bother picking on something you can avoid if it’s dirty?’

I don’t understand it in common sense, but it is understandable to think that

I am a villainess in a novel.

It was a kind of fiction device, intended to provoke Ayla to become more

wild and despised. In fact, they may not be aware of it and just being
swayed by the deterrent of the novel.

‘It’s the writer’s fault.’

I had a slightly bitter look on my face and smiled around my mouth as if I

had ever done so.

Because I’m here to twist the laws of the world I’ve created.


I took a glass of cherry-flavored champagne from a wandering servant and

walked toward them without hesitation.
When I suddenly got close, they were startled and asked. It was a move that
They were convinced that I am going to sprinkle liquor or hit their cheek.

But I just past them as they were openly alert. As if they weren’t even in my

“Th, that’s amazing.”

“Thanks to the family, she’s barely attached to the social world…….”

“There’s nothing to see except for her family.”

So, do you guys have anything other than that? It’s probably normal for
each other to become rich and meet rich family.

I just ignored them, but they started to look even more pathetic and funny
from the way they were shaking. The criticism that I was so scared and
afraid of until I came to the ball was clumsy because there was no logic as I
kept listening.

‘What the hell were you afraid of? It’s not a big deal when you face it.’

I remembered their faces as I passed by.

Everywhere I looked at their age, They look like same age with me. Their
makeup is stacked in layers, but the young face could not be hidden.

‘There is also Miss Coten.’

If it is the name of an empire’s powerful family, it had been memorized to

some extent.

In particular, my biological father, the Duke of Mertensia, is a

representative aristocrat figure, so if I am in the same noble family, I must
memorized their children’s faces, names, works, tastes, and hobbies as if
memorizing them.

“Miss Coten.”
I turned to them and said. It was an act that was conscious of the manners I
learned diligently while being threatened with my novel collections by
Killian for month.

“Did, Did you, call me?”

At my call, the youngest daughter of the Count Coten said, stiffly raising
her head while stuttering in fear.

‘Did they say you’re the same age as Ayla? Then you’ll still 18 years old.’

That in terms of age here, she would be 20 years old just passed from
underage to adult in Korea. It was a novel I wrote when I was a minor, so
relatively, most of the characters were young and immature.

‘But if I consider her to be young, I’ll keep climbing endlessly.’

If they were infinitely strong in front of the weak, and infinitely weak in
front of the strong, I had to be strong.

“Miss Mertensia? I don’t know why you called me up. If you have anything
to say, please don’t hesitate to say it.”

I was so confident that if I slapped her, she would burst into tears and
pretend to be a victim.

But I didn’t mean to harm her physically. People who like to overuse their
power have to react with their power trip to eat.

“I just wanted to say something to Miss Mertensia, that’s great.”

I approached Miss Coten with a businesslike smile that was neither serious
nor harsh. And said hello casually.

“I haven’t been feeling well for a while, so I had to take a break. It’s been a
while since I saw you. How have you been?”

Then Miss Coten fluttered with an expression asking if I eat something

wrong, and said ‘Ah, yes, what…..’ and I replied.
“How is the Count?”

“Ah, yes, My father is well too.”

According to Killian’s learning of the history of the Lethe Empire, the

position of the Count early is a subordinate vassal to the Duke.

In the present day, the Counts ruled over the territory and became stronger
than before, but some weak Counts still remained as vassals to serve the
Dukes and pledged their allegiance.

Count Coten may have to be moderate in terms of either, but still the
position of Count is absolutely inferior to the Duke.

“This time my father showed me a new spice from the East, and the unique
scent is very good to eat with all the food. I heard you got exclusive rights
from the Coten family.”

“Well, that’s because I don’t know what my father is doing. But I heard that
he recently expanded his spice business.”

It seemed that she didn’t expect to talk about business from the mouth of
Ayla, the epitome of ingenuous beauty.

Miss Coten scurried back to know if I knew anything. Well, maybe that’s
why you’ve been so lax with me.

I smiled softly.

But no matter how ignorant and stupid you are, you must have heard a word
from the Count that you can see me well as I’m the meal of the Duke of

Ah, Did she think she didn’t even need to talk about it with Ayla because
Ayla is the one who gave it up anyway? Well, it wasn’t wrong. My position
in the family hasn’t changed much yet.

But at least not externally.

Even though it is because of Killian’s abilities, the Duke dragged me to this
ball, stuck in the corner of the room, with a tutor attached.

It meant that his daughter, Ayla, is not without trace among the desires that
Vincent had hidden deep inside. On the surface, he didn’t seem to care, but
I guess he cared.

‘Even if it’s a speck of interest.’

It would never have been revealed without Killian.

So, in the end, it’s just an inevitable amount of affection……. The more I
dig, the more I get sad. As expected, Ayla was right to live her life alone.

Forget it, I’ll sell him whether the Duke sees me as the dust of the universe
or not.

At that time, Miss Coten, who hesitated because she didn’t understand, said
in a good timing.

“……I’m glad you liked the spices from my family. I’ll pass on the
message to my father directly.”

“Oh, thank you.”

I folded my eyes and twirled the glass of champagne with a smile. It’s not
really meaningful, but I just tried to imitate the daughter of a rich family
who is overusing her power.

“As expected, the Coten family’s eye can be trusted. I look forward to it.
I’m sure you’ll bring in more quality products.”

After saying that, I tilted my head slightly and continued in a soft tone.

“My father has high expectations for the possibility of the East Continent.
I’m sure it’s because we have the highest investment stake. All distribution
rights are also owned by our family.”

They insult me so openly that I’ve threatened them outright. Of course, I
still didn’t raise my voice and lose my smile.

‘It’s a little childish.’

Thanks to you, it became quiet as if your opponent had put on their lips. I
laughed even deeper because I was satisfied with this cold silence.

Originally, the one who lost their composure first lost in this kind of fight.
Especially humans who risk their lives on noble things and enjoy fresh play.

That’s why Ayla had so many things and suffered from all kinds of

However, now that evil has disappeared, even the same villainess has many
things and she will become a villainess who knows the value.

No one can ignore me.

“If you have any difficulties, please feel free to tell me know. I won’t be
much help, but I can listen.”

Of course, even if you ask for help, I’ll hear it and spill it. I finished my
speech with such a warm manner.

There is a whispering noise around me. At that moment, I remembered

Killian’s words. It is said that the notoriety surrounding Ayla is also

As he said, everyone is paying attention to me pretending not to be Ayla,

and They were busy talking about me that changed significantly.

“Well, isn’t that something has not to do with us women? We will get
married anyway, and our dominance will passed to our husband.”

But it seems that Miss Coten didn’t want to lose to me. Changing her face
color every minute, she refuted me, blushing with shame.

In fact, that’s what women’s rights are like in this era when patriarchy is
rampant. When a noble woman officially married and becomes someone’s
wife, the protection and control of her father is transferred to her husband.

Simply put, freedom and rights are legally deprived.

There is an idea that has been passed down steadily since this time, which is
that ‘Obedience is a virtue for a wife.’ Yoon Haneul, an ordinary modern
woman who lived in the 21st century, also heard the sound boringly.

She looks really good. She’s a good bride to be obedient without answering
back. Even now, it made me laugh that my popularity, which was on the
verge of extinction when I was in a relationship, worked quite good in the
marriage market.

“My fiancé is the heir to Count Ilya in the near future……Oh, my God, I’m
sorry that I’m being rude.”

Miss Coten apologised with exaggerated silence. She must have been
abominable, aware of rumors that Ayla was dumped constantly by the
Crown Prince.

I didn’t do it, but it’s true that Ayla was persistent anyway. Werner had no
interest in women other than Charlotte as much as ant hind legs, and most
of the nobles here probably knew.

Miss Coten put on a smug face again. She seemed to think she had won.

Instead of spraying champagne on her face in defeat, I murmured

thoughtfully and earnestly for a moment.

“I see. I didn’t think I’d be embarrassed to mention my marriage at a

meeting like this. If you’re really curious…….”


To be honest, I didn’t think that far. I’m in a hurry to survive now, so I can’t
even care about it.
As a nobleman, I thought that there was nothing I could do about political
marriage, but I didn’t want to lose to being so unlucky.

What do I need now?


I raised my head, bending my eyes beautifully up like a cat.

Whatever I say here, they’ll swear at me and pay attention. If so, even the
dog poop philosophy will be shouted proudly by me.

“I’m not going to get married.”

VM C30

Chapter 30

“Oh, my God.”

Miss Coten said with a look of regret, ‘I guess you have no one to handle
your temper!’ As if what I’m saying is the last step.

I smiled generously at her and added, ‘Formal marriage’.

“What are you talking about…… do you mean to be become concubine?”

Then Miss Coten, who had a winning face, asked back embarrassingly. The
chairman, who was concentrating on our conversation, also quickly became
a scene of uproar.

There are two types of marriages in the Empire: ‘Comin Marriage’ and
‘Tribu Marriage’.

Comin’s marriage is a formal marriage in which the husband took control of

the wife, and a Tribu marriage is simply to be someone’s mistress.

Instead, being someone’s concubine did not hand over control to her
husband, so she could enjoy freedom and rights unlike being formal

Tribu marriage is not a family relationship, but a marriage that meets with
love, and when you want to break up, you don’t have to get divorced, you
just leave.

It can be said that concept is relatively similar to ‘love’.

Even so, the concubine is the concubine after all, so in the social awareness
it is not good. And most of the time, the concubine is unable to obtain
inheritance rights even by having children.
Therefore, it is highly controversial to say that the lady of the great noble
Mertensia family would become a concubine. From the perspective of the
family, she can be the empress.

Of course, I didn’t mean it that way. I would rather live alone than be
someone’s concubine.

“Did, did you love the Crown Prince to that extent?”

Miss Coten looked slightly impressed with the look on her face ‘I’ve seen
true love now.’

What other bullshit is she talking about? Why do you think I would of
course wish to become the Crown Prince’s concubine.

“There’s a misunderstanding.”

I waited until the surrounding is quiet and shook my head and said.

“I didn’t mean to be a concubine, but I was saying that I would have


They are rare.

Even in this breathtaking patriarchal system, there are cases where a high-
ranking and capable woman has a man as the concubine.

I happened to read it in a book. Although the author’s tone is sarcastic like

‘How dare a woman’.

But the anecdotes of some of the women in the book were so wonderful that
they quickly smashed my heart and became role models.

‘But it was wishful thinking, and I didn’t expect to say this.’

So why did you provoke me?

I shrugged troubledly at my bomb remarks, looking back at a completely

ice-tight audience.
“Of course, there are still a steady stream of proposals for me, but I’m sorry
to them, I don’t like being arrested. I always want to live freely.”

Miss Coten listened with a look of groundbreaking bullshit, and eventually

shook her head.

“Haha, you’re making a funny joke.”

No. Once It spit out from my mouth, it can’t be a joke anymore.

It’s better.

Since this happened, I should cover up the controversy that I was dumped
by the Crown Prince and became a scoundrel by declaring that I would have
a male concubine.

I hit the nail on her head because she was just trying to laugh it off like a

“Now that I’ve said it, I’m not going to have a political marriage. I’m
willing to be free in a relationship, so if you have the courage, you can
officially sign up for a relationship.”


“Of course, I make the choice.”

I grinned as if I had anything more to say as I continued.

Miss Coten must have had enough of my words, so she fumbled, ‘Oh, then
I’m good,’ and ran off with a group of people she’s swarming with.

‘Nothing special.’

I didn’t avoid her not because I was scared, but I avoided her because I
couldn’t communicate with her.

Whatever the case, I am very proud to have combated the lingering in the
‘Now I’m not going to pick a fight for nothing!’

I thought …… but I was mistaken.

“She’s going to let a man be her concubine, and now she’s going to hear all
sorts of things!”

“This is the end of her world.”

“It’s been peaceful since I haven’t seen her for a while, but now that the
water is so cloudy, I don’t know how long to leave her alone.”

And now instead of being cursed with dresses by the young nobles, I’ve just
begun to be cursed by older nobles with their comments. Now even laughter
came out.

‘Hoho, those tight-knit old men.’

All right, all right, they’re gonna swear at me no matter what I do. I go my
own way because they are people who will curse me even if I suddenly
change my mind and become an example of a noble.

I also admired that nothing Killian said was wrong and decided to ignore
them completely.

“There’s no shame in a woman standing out like that. This is why home

“Do you have any complaints about my home education?”


It was then.

A familiar voice intervened among those who were eager to cut me down.

As I was standing and sipping champagne, I turned around and become

‘Oh my…’

Duke of Mertensia, Vincent Mertensia.

Mixed among the floundering nobles, he was still straight as if a needle

wouldn’t fit in.

Vincent spoke with a face that was indifferent without a distinctive


“Hmm, that’s right. You think my family education seems to be poor,


“I, I thought my heart was about to drop. You’re gonna have to keep your
chin up! And you know that’s not what I mean.”

“If not?”

He asked back in a frosty tone. For some reason, I feel like I’m going to be
crushed by the enormous charisma that I have to apologize for some reason.

Even if I’m here alone, how about those who hear those cold words and
voice close by.

The old man, or old aristocrat, who used to talk about family education,
tried desperately to escape this atmosphere.

“I mean, you raised her to be such a free-spirited lady. The tomboy doesn’t
have a temperament, isn’t it?”


“Well, that’s why, now that She’s getting older, I think it’s time to learn how
to obey. I understand that she has grown out of men without her mother.
Shouldn’t you send her a book of marriage? She said she would have male

“That’s a good quibble.”

“Oh, my God, you’re so cold! I said it out of concern, but you don’t care
about it. I said that because I cared about her.”

They seemed to be quite close to each other in public occasions. However,

considering that one side is low-profile, the relationship between them
seemed clear even if they are close.

When the old man, who had been whispering, stared at the duke as if he had
asked him to bark more, he closed his mouth with a cold sweat.

As expected of the Duke title ‘Bloody Iron’.….

I don’t know anything else, but I understand they’re embarrassed by the

sudden situation. The Duke is a person who would not pay attention even if
Ayla danced traditional dance in hanbok in front of his eyes.

I never thought he’d be directly involved in my controversy. Maybe

tomorrow the sun will rise in the west.

The Duke looked around as if he had anything more to say. And it was not
until they were quiet that he and I shied away that coldly at the old man.

“I’m worried. I’ve heard rumors that your second son had a prostitute
pregnant before he even got married, but it seems that you can afford to
worry about others. That’s great.”

“It, It’s because He’s still young. A guy could do that. Still, he’s the chief
and chairman of the academy, and he’s very smart.”

The old man refuted with a double standard I had heard somewhere, but it
was no use. This was because the Duke completely overpowered him with a
look of thoroughly laying down his unique opponent.

“I wouldn’t want my mouth to say that he’s on the tip of the iceberg.”

“……What are you doing this to me.”

“Even if he’s the second son, if he’s taken to court, it will leave big stain on
your family, but if you really want me to tell the case that you were
desperately trying to cover up…….”

“That, stop! Stop it!”

What the hell did his second son commit?

For some reason, I felt like I had to chew popcorn because it was
interesting, but I couldn’t hear it because the old man was contemplating in
the middle and dissuaded the Duke.

“Yes, I was wrong. I said something that I shouldn’t have said. Don’t let
your daughter marry formal marriage, but tell her to live with several male
concubines for thousands of years.”

No, I didn’t say there were many people.

Anyway, after saying it like that, the old man retorted like that and trudged
away without finding his original place.

It seemed the same is true of his child commit crime. At least Ayla didn’t
touch the crime. I mean not yet.

Well, how kind would a nobleman who grew up with servants as slaves and
grew up without raising hand commit crime? Everyone must lost their

‘But why am I the only witch?’

Come to think of it, it was unfair. The second son of that old man is also
committing crime.

I was watching the scene with a feeling of distraction and bewilderment.

But soon after, the Duke’s gaze turned to me.

‘I’m surprised.’

Of course I knew you’d come and say something. Because he didn’t like
Ayla, the main culprit that killed his wife. He had no choice but to side with
me externally, but I thought I would be slapped by him when he called me

But he stared at me with an unknown gaze, turned his back and headed
somewhere else.

What is this?

I don’t know what he’s thinking because he has no expression and emotion.

“The concubine…”

It was when I was organizing a confusing and complicated situation.

Kilian’s voice, which was now unfamiliar and empty, was heard right next
to me.

“What are the conditions for being your concubine?”

That was what he suddenly said.

I was able to answer without being alarmed, as I also accustomed by him

appearing and then disappearing without hesitation.

“Don’t make fun of me.”

“I’m serious.”

Well, even if you ask me that, I said it impulsively, so there’s no condition

yet. My ideal type can communicate well, support me, have black hair and a
decadent atmosphere…….

For some reason, only one person seemed to come to mind clearly, so I
stopped to think.

VM C31

Chapter 31

“Rather, what happened to Septimus?”

I turned around and looked closely at Killian.

He remained the same without any distractions when he disappeared with

the archimage. I feel relieved that at least They didn’t fight blood.

“I warned him well.”

……He can’t be trusted.

Killian smiled innocently, but somehow I thought his standard of

admonition is different. And the moment he put the white gloves back on, I
felt certain.

It was time when I was about to ask what the hell did he do even to take off
his gloves. Suddenly, a loud horn rang at the entrance of the hall, and the
gatekeeper shouted loudly with a the vocal singer.

“Your Highness Werner Karl Mohammed Lete and Lady Charlotte Angelo,
the glorious glory of the Empire, are entering!”

Is the main character finally here?

I stared at the men and women who entering the hall with fear.

Oh, the scents of dark history that even breathing in the same space is

The blonde, gorgeous handsome man came to calm the ball with a shiny
appearance that seemed to say, ‘I’m the main male character’ even from
As I watched it, I began to recall how I described his appearance and
movements in the novel.

‘Is this a torture…’

If I am in novel about four or five years ago, I would say ‘Oh, it’s a
memory. It’s amazing that my writing is alive’. But it was made in 10 years
ago, and I’m like like, ‘Oh, please.’ All I can hear is a lament saying, ‘Just
get out of my sight.’

I crumpled my face reflexively when I saw his face the second time. This is
really a reality.

As I was frowning like that, My eyes and Werner’s eyes met in the air. It
was a strange situation in which a creature that I had created ten years ago
is looking at me.

‘Ah, I hate it.’

As soon as Werner saw me, he was terrified, as if he had seen anything he

couldn’t see.

Seeing him look away from me in disgust, I felt a little better because it
seemed that both sides didn’t want to go along with each other.

I turned to Charlotte.

She was smiling brightly with a more lovely face than I had ever seen

The coral cheeks that stood out every time she laughed were like soft
peaches. It was still an innocent smile that didn’t ask for a single grime in
the world.

She was wearing a rose-colored dress that went through Paulan’s touch as
described in the novel. Adding the puff of a soaring skirt, she really looked
like a pile of roses.
Under the pleated skirt, a light pastel patty coat is revealed, and every time
she walk, her thin ankles are visible, and the glass shoes sparkle and shine.

‘Glass shoes…… It’s Cinderella?’

Oh, it reminds me of that. Come to think of it, that her dress motif same as
Cinderella’s dress.

To be honest, I don’t know.

I lost my objectivity a long time ago. Her character and dress made by me.
That was 10 years ago.

It didn’t matter if it wasn’t pretty. No matter how beautiful it may be, I can’t
help but be ashamed that my romance fantasy is exposed on a very young

That side was also an unexpected ambush.


I wanted to get out of here right now, but I couldn’t. Next time, I should
bring a fan to block my view. I sneaked behind Killian’s back as soon as I

Then I could feel Charlotte’s gaze as soon as I moved. She stared

alternately at me and Killian and opened her eyes in surprise.

‘Oh, come to think of it, did Killian say she ran into Charlotte yesterday.’

Killian is simply the only variable.

An extra who didn’t appear in a novel, or passed by to the point where I

couldn’t remember. However, since I possessed in Ayla’s body, his
character stood at the center of the novel and intervened greatly.

What impact he’s going to have.

“No matter how self-centered Killian is, he will inevitably be attracted to
the female protagonist.’

It wasn’t that I didn’t trust him.

It’s just that this world is made of. No matter how talented or brilliant a
sorcerer is, he can’t go against the laws of the world.

“You know, I don’t like anyone controlling my destiny.”

But as soon as I thought so, sensing my uneasiness, he soothed me with a

graceful tone with his distinctive aristocratic pronunciation. His insight.

“But I don’t hate people who are weak, clumsy, and ugly, but eventually
win their own fate.”

Killian continued, naturally taking a glass of champagne that was showing

the bottom in my hand and changing it into a new one.

“If Lady wants to wield me freely, I’ll gladly take it.”

As he said, I was weak, swayed from time to time, and asked for certainty
time again.

But whenever I did, Killian didn’t get tired of me and gently whispered
similar words to me.

As he said, I could no longer hide under the pretext of the world’s laws. In
order to survive, I have to be a villainess and being that goes beyond the
main character of this novel.

‘I should not be afraid that Killian will leave me, I should try to make sure
that he stays with me.’

I turned to the protagonists of this world surrounded by people.

Looking at it like this, the contrast was even more dramatic.

Two angelic blond lovers who are praised and praised by everyone under a
brilliant chandelier.

And a villainess and her minion watching them from a step away with
everyone’s criticism and contempt.

I didn’t hate this position, which seemed to be darkened and plotted. Rather,
it was more interesting and fun.

Depending on how I move here, the logic set may be reversed like a palm
flip. Because this story was already changing because of me.

The board is laid out.

I sipped the champagne while holding a card that could shake the way of
being firmly rooted in this world.


Charlotte was a little agitated as soon as she entered the banquet hall, but
she was puzzled.

As soon as she appeared with the crown prince, everyone paid attention to
her as usual, but she was in a mess.

It was a fine distinction you wouldn’t know unless you looked closely.

But Charlotte, who has always been breathtaking and lovely, was able to
easily notice the fine atmosphere. The air was subtly different today.

‘What’s happening?’

Maybe the timing of her admission is a bit bad.

It’s never happened before, but it could happen once in a lifetime. Charlotte
smiled brightly as she turned it over in insignificance.
It was obvious that the public’s attention would soon be focused on her

“Oh, my.”

“Oh, how lovely…….”

As if to think so, Charlotte’s prediction was right.

Charlotte, who gets everyone’s attention even if she is alone, was even
more interested as she was wearing Paulan’s dress and next to Werner, the
Crown Prince.

One by one, in the eyes of those who naturally began to gather at her,
Charlotte smiled, blushing her cheeks slightly.

The raucous chairman quickly fell into silence, and the nobles looked at her
and looked dumbfounded.

They came to their senses late and spat out admiration. She had her familiar
gazes and deserved interest in her as much as her breathing and her eyes

Charlotte smiled as she folded her eyes round and showed her white teeth to
respond to the praise people had sent.

Then, I saw a vivid red glow that fluttered like a flame at the end of my

‘Wow…… so pretty.’

Charlotte admired purely inside.

I’ve never seen such a beautiful person in my life. It is a Lady with strong
impression of glory that matched the word burning brightly.

Red hair, green eyes. It is a common combination, when said to be

common, but thanks to her unusual appearance, I quickly recognized her.
‘Ayla Mertensia.’

Indeed, the rumor that she us the most beautiful woman in the empire
remained true.

Her brightly raised eyes are large, and her pupils, which had different light
from different angles are clear, her nose is her lips is large and thick.

Even though each feature is clear, it is not easy to harmonize them as a


Truly, a beauty blessed by God.

If Charlotte looked like a pretty wild flower when they looked closely, Ayla
looked like a poison plant that would not let go of their eyes even if they
looked at her.

Of course, when They only saw her face.

‘Flowers without scent…Was it?’

Charlotte recalled the nickname that Ayla was secretly called in society.
Although beautiful, but it’s meant to be sarcastic that her beauty only in her

But, really?

Charlotte recalled other aristocrats gossiping about Ayla in society.

Since there is no other pony that can’t discern her, her standing upright is
rather graceful and closer to the lofty side.

She didn’t seem light or frivolous without thinking. She had an understated
dignity in every move, so she had an atmosphere that was difficult to

She is so different form what I heard.

‘She doesn’t have a scent? No way.’

A dangerous scent resembling a poppy wafts out so far from here. Charlotte
muttered like that inside.


Just by looking at Ayla’s outfit, I felt her own stubbornness.

She doesn’t care about the trend of copying me, She’s wearing a unique
dress like that, that means she’s very self-consciousness. It may also mean
that she doesn’t care about other people’s eyes.

‘It’s a very unusual dress, but it looks good on her. It looks more luxurious
with minimal decoration…You’re not wearing a corset, are you? She’s tall
and has a good body, so she looks pretty.’

Quite the opposite of Charlotte, Ayla had her own charm.

In particular, nobles tend to feel boredom in all the world and find a greater
stimulus, and then easily fall into a bad path because they live with all they
will enjoy for a lifetime.

And Ayla is the kind that stimulated the psychology of some of those young

In fact, there are people rarely who pretended not to be and looked envy at
Ayla. Everyone was gossiping and swearing at her, so maybe it was because
of the crowd’s psychology that I couldn’t come forward.

Charlotte knew it shrewdly and felt it at the same time.

It was Ayla who received attention before she is entering the banquet hall.

‘……who did she bring as her partner?’

Charlotte, somehow nervous, glued a little closer to Werner and looked

around Ayla.

VM C32

Chapter 32

And she recognized Killian, who had been erasing his presence with magic.

I knew him, and I could notice him because I was hoping to see him again.

‘Wait… was that guy the man before? I thought it was someone else…….’

Though unknown, Charlotte covered her heart with her palms, beating fast,
at an unexpected encounter with him.

And only then did she recall the name of the blue flower in his tailcoat

Mertensia Varginica.

He is a butler of the Mertensia family.

Should I call the owner of the butler?

I wondered what kind of family could afford such a unique butler, but Ayla
understood her quickly.

Charlotte erased her surprised look and smiled slightly.

That’s a good thing, that arrogant man should pay the price he used to call
me as a flower.

I thought so, but I didn’t really expect such a grand price. It was just enough
to see him again without ignoring me.

I’m not a person to be ignored like that. You’ll be different soon.

Charlotte smiled confidently, glued more tightly to Werner’s side.

‘Come on, look at me. Look at who’s next to me clearly. Take a good look
at what I’m wearing and who people are cheering and enthusiastic for.’

And Killian, as she expected, stared toward Charlotte. She felt his gray eyes
pointing towards her, her cheeks felt redder in a flash.

But Killian gives a soulless gaze, just because Charlotte was there. If there
was a monkey, not Charlotte, he would have looked at it the same way.

Even the gaze was brief.

He whispered to Ayla with a friendly smile without paying attention to


I didn’t know what they were talking about.

However, just looking at the slow-moving mouth as if caring for Ayla, he

seemed to be saying something sweet.

‘You were so rude to me.’

He seems likes Ayla’s employee. There was also a sensitivity to change her
glass to a new one without Ayla ordering him. He seemed to be good at

‘That’s weird….’

That’s really weird.

Charlotte tilted her head.

It was a likely reaction when a young child, who knew very well that she
was lovely, was first rejected by an adult.

So Charlotte’s spirit was in somewhere else, but the nobles were still talking
eagerly about Charlotte’s dress.

“I can’t even compare that dress to that one in Luciana’s dressing room.”
“Everyone in this seat would have matched the garment in a fancy dressing
room, but you can’t beat that beautiful dress.”

“What kind of feathery fabric looks softer than that velvet? I’ve never seen
it before, but did it airlift it from abroad?”

“More than that, which dressing room did she get it from? From which

Of course, some gave a sour and jealous look, but no one denied Charlotte’s
dress is the most conspicuously beautiful one at the ball.

At that time, a young girl who was looking at the dress opened her eyes
round and shouted confidently.

“It can’t fool my eyes with that sensuous design and the sophistication of
the curve. I assure you, that dress must have been touched by Paulan.”

The impact of her words is enormous.

The world’s leading designer, Paulan, has been producing clothes for the
imperial family ever since he dedicated his allegiance to the Lethe Empire.

His costume is more valuable because only the royal family can wear it, and
he didn’t dare to make for another person except royal family.

Everyone was enthusiastic about Paulan and my value goes up endlessly

because they knew I would never wear the clothes he designed.

By the way, such a dress was worn by a humble poor lady? No matter how
recently she was favored by the Crown Prince, it was a luxury beyond its

If Charlotte, loved by all, had the only flaw, it is her status and poverty.

No matter how lovely her appearance and actions were and how attractive
she is, it only stopped there. It’s like the crown prince’s whim, or a night’s
fling, or a love affair.
The nobles looked at each other with a note of displeasure and thought

‘No matter how, that’s not it.’

‘That Paulan isn’t big deal either. He sold his pride without knowing her

‘No way, it wouldn’t be that the daughter of fallen noble would become the
Crown Princess. No matter how much loved she is, she will be a concubine
at best.’

It was then.

“You all have a lot of interest in my partner.”

Werner’s words fell, and the crowd become silent.

He hugged Charlotte’s shoulder with a pretentious smile. Her body is

slender and small, and it looked like she was held tightly in his arm.

“Your predictions are correct. This dress is designed by Paulan. But what do
you mean?”

“Bu, but isn’t Paulan highly reputable for designing clothing exclusively for
the royal family?”

In short, it meant that the value of the national treasure was undermined by
his greed. Werner snorted at the aristocrats who openly complained that it
was a disgrace to the country.

“Lady Angelo deserves it. She is the one who contributed greatly to the
design in the first place.”

When Werner said so, Charlotte, who had been distracted elsewhere,
blushed and didn’t know what to do.

“Your Grace, what you say here is……!”

“I’m just telling you the truth, what do you mean? Did she mean to come all
the way here and hide that she is the one who led this trend?”

“I’m not leading the trend. I just came up with the idea of getting more
wrinkles on my skirt and inflating it. The rest of the work was done by
talented designers.….”

“Hoo, she’s also humble.”

Werner laughed out loud and beckoned toward the person who would prove

Until yesterday, he had disappeared and they could not find his trace, but
this morning Paulan suddenly appeared.

But Paulan, who had a good timing and had to give all the credit to
Charlotte, was mesmerized somewhere.


Werner called but there was no response. Paulan’s gaze is directed at Ayla.
To be exact, he is staring at Ayla’s dress with his fiery eyes.

In fact, Paulan has been disillusioned with the over-proportioned clothing

that has recently become fashionable in society.

The nobles preferred a beauty that is so extravagant and artificial that it

even evoked a sense of incompatibility, whether male or female. It seemed
to melt their characteristics, which they knew nothing about moderation.

Their demands on the designer were the same.

More, more colorful.

They hoped that the decorations would stand out more than anyone else
even though They hung them so much that I didn’t know if people were
wearing clothes or clothes were wearing people.
It was Ayla who miraculously appeared in front of Paulan, who was
exhausted day by day.

She said, catching Paulan off guard with a stereotype that had been
brainwashed by the royal family and nobles over the years.

-You tell me to rebel at will. But how does it look in your eyes? Any of the
latest trends won’t suit me as well as this one.

At first, he strongly object it, but he soon had to admit it. That he is
perfectly enchanted by her and the dress she wear.

‘If you’ve seen the design, someone can reject it.’

The trend of women’s dresses varied slightly from country to country

depending on the season, but the basic form eventually became common
everywhere. Tightening the waist as much as possible, highlighting the
chest, and inflating the skirt.


‘Look at that, she’s so beautiful just by keeping the lines that her human
body has. Like an ancient goddess.’

Paulan was convinced that, with Ayla’s dress, she could open a new chapter
in society. I mean, if you add more simplicity to that classic freedom…….



It was until Werner made such a loud shout that Paulan was stunned and
escape from his thoughts.

“Ah…… excuse for being rude.”

“Be careful. I thought you were deaf.”

“……I’m so sorry, Your Highness.”

It was in instant that Paulan’s eyes, which had been burning with
motivation, died in instant. As if wearing a mask, he firmed his face again
and belatedly opened his mouth to the audience.

“Your Highness is right. Lady Angelo was involved and advised me a lot.”

Of course, Charlotte was right to lead the trend, but as usual, it was just an
application of traditional dresses.

When Paulan first saw Charlotte’s design, he thought it was quite fresh.

But when I looked at the draft of Ayla’s designed dress, it was minimal
compared to the shock of being beaten hard on the back of the head.

In addition, this dress, which was made as colorful as possible according to

the trend, and Charlotte fell into Sophia’s mouth while he was away and
hung more decorations on the dress.

She is on her own.

‘It’s too much. It’s like sprinkling ashes.’

Paulan swallowed his discomfort and glanced at Ayla again.

If he hadn’t been completely tied to the imperial family, he would have

rushed to offer her a new business. He also wanted to ask her to take
responsibility for his passion.

As such, Ayla is the person who reminded Paulan of the word passion
again, who had sold his pride and mastered his honor.

“Oh my God, then, are you saying that the beginning of this new fashion
that we all wear now is Miss Angelo?”

“I didn’t realize she had such a great sense!”

“I’ve never seen such a case before, but considering Miss Angelo’s talent,
she definitely deserve to wear Paulan’s dress.”
The nobles gathered around Charlotte with the expected response. Her ears
ached from the compliments.

Except for one thing, which is different from what was expected.

Charlotte smiled shyly at the crowd and gave Paulan a glance.

He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off Ayla for some reason.

It made a corner of my chest feel uncomfortable.

‘Why the hell are you looking at Mertensia? Don’t tell me, what is your
relationship with her?’

Something has been subtly off to the point where it bothers me.

As a result, I gained a reputation for leading the trend, and as a result,

everyone’s praise and attention were poured out to me.

Nevertheless, it was strangely uncomfortable and disturbing. And the cause

continued to be with Ayla.

At that time, one of lady, who was pouring out praise from Charlotte’s side,
whispered, giving Ayla a sharp gaze.

“On the other hand, there’s someone who come in a weird dress with
unknown roots.”

VM C33

Chapter 33

“You’re really great person.”

“It would be comparable to dress up according to the trend, but she know
what the social world is, so why is she so lazy?”

“Isn’t that just a piece of cloth?”

“I don’t think she even wear a corset. What’s the difference from a naked
body? She is not a commoner but why I am the one who feel ashamed.….”

Praise for Charlotte naturally led to criticism of Ayla.

Only then Charlotte felt that her breathing is easier, which was clogged up
as if there is something bother her breathing.

‘Yes, this is natural.’

Why is the situation turning weird today and making me doubt what is

Charlotte thought today was a really strange day and took a step back from
the controversy as always and hid behind Werner’s back.


“……I think it’s beautiful enough for my eyes.”

The peace was only for a moment.

The audience was praising Charlotte, I was disparaging, it was all a
foregone development.

“……I think it’s beautiful enough for my eyes.”

And, the unbearable Paulan intervening was also within my expectations.

‘As expected, he must come out and give.’

Because Paulan had the pride that came from his ability to be the best.

No matter how intimidating the dress was, the clothes he designed were
criticized, and his pride could not have kept his mouth shut.

The young ladies, who had hesitated for a moment at Paulan’s sudden
refutation, stuttered one by one.

“But she’s not wearing corset…….”

“Isn’t it important to be able to keep that line alive without a corset? And
people are beautiful just the way they are.”

“It looks poor and shabby…….”

“It’s called restrained beauty. Getting the best results with the least is the
starting line for any design.”

Paulan, who had been speaking more seriously than he thought, closed his
mouth for a moment and laughed, then added.

“Of course, even I’ve forgotten it for a while. Lady Mertensia’s dress
reminds me of my forgotten beginnings. What was once my philosophy.”

“……is that so?”

“Yes, I think so. It looks like a dress only for Lady Mertensia, who has free

Is there anyone who can argue that it is with not anyone else, but the world-
class designer and best expert? The nobles, who had spoken ill of me,
blushed with embarrassment and shut up.

If they nitpick more here, you’ll only be saying something that ignores
Paulan’s eye.

Paulan, who has at least the biggest say in clothing, will find it hard to
remain unwavering in his incitement. As fashion sensitive, spineless
aristocrats will see my dress again.

“Hmm, well… It does look comfortable.”

“Freedom…Well, who else would that word be used for besides Lady
Mertensia? She don’t hesitate to say that she would not getting married
she’s going to have concubines.”

“But it was kind of great. Actually, unless you have high self-esteem, you
can’t do it, right? Such actions.”

“After being silent for a while, her atmosphere has changed a lot from

As Paulan set fuse on the fire, the figures who had a crush on me began to
speak with courage. Very few, but I looked carefully at their faces.

Of course, the majority of the responses were ‘freedom would be some sort
of unwinding foal’, but this is a big change.

So far, everything is as planned.

I smiled secretly and felt proud. It was worth the risk of bringing Paulan
from the palace.

“So, in which dressing room did Lady Mertensia fit your dress?”

It was then.
I turned my head thoughtlessly at someone’s question, checked the
opponent’s face and opened my eyes wide.

A woman with blonde hair, bright close enough to silver hair, slowly
approached me in front of me, making a crackling heel of her shoes.

I quickly recognized who she is.

She is Cordelia, a princess famous for being wise and beautiful. As

rumored, the intelligent atmosphere drew attention.

But why are you talking to me? I looked at Charlotte and the Empress
alternately in bewilderment. According to the novel, She should have talked
to Charlotte, not myself.

‘No, I’m sure she’ll show up much later than she is now.’

Cordelia is a character I put on impulsively, and she is the first princess who
is impatient from her heart to have someone who will cherished her brother,
and become her younger sister.

Therefore, at this point, it is time that the princess itself has not appeared in
the novel.

“Hmm, did I ask you a difficult question?”

When I was stiff and not answering, Cordelia asked with a slight frown on
her eyebrows. And at the same time, Paulan had a tremendous look on his
face as if he had been given poison.

My dress, which had been touched by Paulan own hand, was insulted, so he
would not think about his future affairs at all and regret what he had
committed to death. He made me my dress because it wasn’t like Charlotte,
who is favored by the Crown Prince.

‘It’s at least the death penalty.’

Paulan signaled me to please save him.

Of course, I didn’t intend to send a designer with good skills and eyes to the
world like that.

“I designed it.”


“Yes, from beginning to end.”

I bent my knees slightly towards Cordelia, formally courteous, and then

nonchalantly lied.

It wasn’t completely lie as I designed it almost by myself, Paulan just

smoothing the whole thing. And this is the only way to save Paulan. It was
also what I agreed to when we first signed the contract.

Although Polan glared at me with his trembled eyelids, I struck him with a
blatant gaze. What, then do you want to be executed?

No, it’s nothing…Polang avoided my gaze as if to say that.

“So, what’s the name?”

“The name?”

“The name of this dress.”

“Ah, this is Chemise dress.”

“Chemise? You mean pajamas?”

Cordelia asked back as if it were funny. It seemed interesting to name the

pajamas you wear when you sleep in front of the dress you wear to dress up
and show off.

“Surely, the dress that Lady wears looks comfortable like a pajamas. Like if
you’re tired, you can wear it and fall asleep.”

Oh, how did you know?

I didn’t show up on the outside, but I was very pleased at heart. It was
because she knew for the first time that I designed this dress hard.

Of course, Paulan responded in his own way, but it didn’t really touch me
because it was all about classic, sophisticated beauty. This is the reaction I

“That’s right. This is such a practical dress that you can wear pretty
anytime, anywhere, in any situation.”

Just untie the cloth tied with a ribbon around the waist and it will transform
into pajamas, and if you tie it again, you can make your clothes look good.
You can cope with the surprise visit of your boyfriend who asks you to
come out suddenly in front of your hous!

I said with a little excitement, affirming in my heart.

“As You said, it is comfortable as it is the clothes like Chemise wears when
we sleeps. To be honest, when I wearing a corset, it makes me hard to eat
properly and even breathe, so I was worried that I would be short-lived like
this way.”

I made it even more desperate to hear that if I wear a corset for a long time,
my intestines would move up and down.

I pretended to be cool, but I couldn’t hide my fears of corsets.

I spoke seriously, but somehow Cordelia burst into a short laugh.

‘What’s funny? This is a very scary story…….’

I was thinking blankly, Cordelia, still smiling softly around her mouth,
asked me.

“Then, can Lady make a chemise dress for me?”


I received an unexpected request.

Don’t tell me that Chemise dress will win the favor not anyone else, but the

Cordelia, the First Princess, is not as powerful as Prince Werner, but she is
still quite influential in the imperial family. I could tell just by looking at
Charlotte’s older sister position in the novel.

Paulan, who had been restless throughout my conversation with Cordelia,

was now looking at us with a stunned look, ‘Why is the situation getting

‘……sorry. I didn’t mean it.’

I sent a deep consolation to the distressed Paulan.

However, if you think about it, Cordelia deserved to be interested in the


Born and educated as the emperor’s first daughter, she was sick and tired of
whatever it was that bound her.

In the novel, Cordelia used to admire Charlotte’s life while caring for her
and not interfering with anyone. She watched Charlotte from the side,
listened to everything she wanted, and felt vicarious satisfaction.

Somehow, I felt sorry for Cordelia’s situation as if I were seeing myself in

my previous life.

A gentle baby, a good child, a sincere student, a nice lady, a kind employee.

I obeyed like a machine without rebelling against anything my parents or

society told me to do.

It was a matter of no concern in the first place. There is no reason to refuse,

both personally and publicly, because it will be of great and small help to
me if I have a relationship with Cordelia.

“Of course.”
So when I answered readily, Paulan opened his eyes as if he wanted to say,
‘Are you out of your mind?’ He also seemed anxious about he being
kidnapped unexpectedly.

However, I did not intend to bother him any more.

Because the role I want him to play is over. The attention that had been
directed to Charlotte’s dress using his position was also shared here, so that
was enough of the Paulan role.

“Then, I’ll meet and talk to your Majesty later. Please feel free to contact
me whenever your Majesty feel comfortable.”


Cordelia, upon completion of her business, handed me a golden crest to

enter and exit the palace at any time and left in style.

This golden crest, engraved with the words of the Lethe Empire, meant that
no matter how much I caused an accident at the palace, the princess is
responsible and guaranteed. She knew my rumor, but she is willing to give
me a golden crest, so I could see how bold she is.

I felt high as I looked down at the golden crest in my hand.

The relationship with Cordelia, the First Princess.

I was given a chance that I really didn’t think of. If I could make good use
of this situation, I might be able to make her my ally before she falls for

Because she longs for her freedom that she won’t get.

‘Honestly, no matter how uninterrupted Charlotte grew up, would she be as

free as Ayla, who had been neglected?’

VM C34

Chapter 34

It is the difference between a canary singing in a cage and a pigeon running

through the harsh winds of the world for sprinkling food.

I’ll seduce and capture the princess with my wild charm like a wild horse.

It was a time when I was thinking that solemnly.

“Ca-can I place an order with Lady too? Of course, you’ll be busy with
many things, so it doesn’t matter if it takes a long time.”

“Oh, then I also……. I don’t care how much it costs, so I’d like to ask Lady

It seemed that the unexpected situation did not end with the sudden
appearance of the Princess.

Three or four lady, who had been secretly interested in the Chemise dress,
flocked to me and started asking if they could ask for order.

I felt happy, embarrased, and complicated. I’m not even an expert in this
field, so I haven’t thought what I want to say.

In fact, I wanted young ladies to wear chemise dress. Even when they are at
a light tea party or indoors.

Otherwise, their body may be restrained by the corset, but their organs will
be freed from their bondage and will be free-spirited. Up and down…

For some reason, the more I continued to think, the more I felt I had to save
them because they organ were in the danger situation.
Yes, even if only one lady knows the beauty and practicality of the chemise
dress, I feel grateful. There’s no reason to refuse even if it’s overwhelming.

That is why I nodded.

“Of course. I’ve designed a few designs besides what I’m wearing, so I’ll
make them the way lady want to.”

“Would it suit me too?”

“Yes, of course.”

“But I don’t even have a pretty figure like Lady Mertensia. I’m too

“What does it matter? If you want to wear it, you can wear it. If you care
about that, you can’t wear what you want for the rest of your life.”

What I like suits me.

I spit it out without thinking and regretted whether I said it too carelessly
later. It is because the lady, who heard my answer, bowed her head and
didn’t answer.

‘……oh, are you hurt?’

Wasn’t she too caring about my way of speaking?

The lady raised her head again when I was timidly restless in my heart, who
had not completely abandoned my old habit.

“Lady, you’re so cool…….”

And muttered like that with a slightly hazy look and voice.

‘Where the hell are you going……?’

I looked bewildered, and Killian turned his head sideways and shook his
shoulders. I’m sure he’s holding back his laughter.
“……please contact me later.”

I kept a smug smile on the outside, cleverly covering Killian’s paw.

After exchanging greetings lightly with the young ladies, I made an

appointment one by one.

I tried to maintain a cool attitude that was neither too kind to look like a
pushover nor too harsh to look like a villainess.

Nevertheless, however, it seems that my habit could not be completely


Basically, because of the consideration for the other person, there were
times when my body bounced off even before thinking about it with my

“It’s a similar design to the one I’m wearing, and the color is different,
right? All right, I’ll send a man to your mansion when it’s fully

“Yes, please take good care of me!”

She seemed nervous when I went smiling without looking forward, and the
lady, who left after finishing the conversation, stepped on her skirt and
staggered greatly before taking a few steps.


The lady had a glass in her hand, and if she fell and broke the glass, she
might be seriously hurt.

For a moment, all I could think of was to hold her, and when I came to my
senses, I was holding her arm tightly around her waist.

‘What posture is this?’

I didn’t expect my reflexes to be this great.

I’m glad you’re okay, but I can’t believe I’m in the position like dancing a
mysterious waltz with a stranger.…. Can’t you have caught her in a normal
way, my unconsciousness.

“Be careful, you almost got hurt.”

I helped her to stand upright, slightly frowning at embarrassment. I was so

embarrassed that I just mixed honorifics with informal language.

“Th-thank you.”

But the lady murmured in a mosquito-like voice, and suddenly she shook
me off strongly and rushed away.

‘What the…’

I got a little disappointed.

I helped you, but you don’t have to freak out like that and run away. Until a
moment ago, she seemed to warm to me and somehow I felt betrayed.

However, it was also a familiar reaction.

‘What, I’m still a villainess.’

It’s kind of bitter, but it is a good sign on a larger scale.

My goal today is to show my presence without forgetting my aspect as a

villainess. First of all, I am satisfied that the blatant malice towards me had

To be a dangerous person who could threaten Charlotte position without

intimidating her directly.

That is the only way to survive without being swayed by the loop.

‘Good, I think I’ve brought some of the attention that’s been paid to
I was satisfied with what I achieved today.

By the way, if I keep this up, I might be able to sell dress as my side job. If I
make a name for myself, I think I’ll make a pretty good allowance.

Well, I have a lot of money even if I stay still, but I have to work it out
myself to claim my rights. I can avoid being treated like a rice worm.

‘And if I build up that power, maybe I will really able to have concubines?

I spit it out in anger, but I thought it wasn’t just a dream. I might be able to
do it if I earn a lot of money myself, right?

‘My dream is to make money and marry my husband.’

A person who takes care of everything, considerate even before talking, and
listens to everything I ask.

It’s not just about come and go, but about supporting and encouraging me to
grow up and make a progress.

By the way, I already knew someone like that. That’s also very good.

‘The King of husband candidate…….’

I spontaneously turned my gaze toward Killian.

No, stop it. No matter how perfect he is with my ideal type, I can’t give him
any more hearts!


Killian was the first person in my entire life to pat my head tenderly and
smile at me as if I was lovely.

However, it was only a temporary contract with him anyway.

Sometimes it would have been okay to purify my eyes with his appearance,
but it wasn’t good to add more meaning to it. If I get addicted to excessive
warmth, I’ll want to rely on your heart.

There’s no way such a handsome, talented man would stay with me. Now
Killian is attached to me just for the purpose of fooling God.

‘I wonder if he got too stuck…..’

It’s all because he’s around from my eyes open until my eyes close. I shook
my head lightly to shake off my thoughts.

Only then I had time to look around, and…… I could notice Charlotte
staring straight at me.


And I was a little surprised.

It was because Charlotte was looking at me with an unimaginable


A terrible expressionless face.

‘Did you even know how to make that face?’

She bit her nails.

And then.

But as our eyes met, Charlotte smiled shyly as if she had ever done so. The
sudden change in atmosphere is so cold that I thought what I just saw was
an illusion.

Charlotte greeted me with a gesture of courtesy. It was cute and lovely to

see her say hello because she was far away. To the point where I wanted to
run and hug her if we are close.

‘Yeah, well, no matter how bright and sweet a character is, how can a
person laugh all the time. When you’re absent-minded for a while, your
face might get stiff.’
While thinking.

Charlotte’s eyes, which had been as clumsy as a grain of sand than her
expression, somehow stuck in my mind.


Of course, the time the day looped is midnight.

I remembered Palingea Day, imprinted in my head as a chilling nightmare.

Just at 12 o’clock, everything went back to the beginning, as if Cinderella’s

magic had been unraveled. The things I’ve laid out in disorder, even the
position I’ve been standing in.

The fear of being trapped alone in a day without knowing the cause was
still vivid. If Killian hadn’t shown up I wouldn’t even dare to face the awful
loop again.

‘But now I think I can hold on even if I go back dozens of times.’

I’m relieved to have even one dependent person around me. I was waiting
for midnight, enjoying my leisure unlike then.

And as midnight approached, I got out of the banquet hall, tired of standing
still, and came out to the terrace. It was meaningless, but I was going to
count down looking at the clock tower.

By the way, the first terrace I chose, which was slightly disorienting, was
where I could see the imperial garden at a glance.

‘The clock tower is not this way, it’s the other way around…..Uh? It’s

When I turned my back and tried to get out of the terrace, I saw it. Charlotte
and Werner dancing in the moonlit night against the backdrop of the
imperial garden.
Of course, the beautiful dance of men and women against the backdrop of
the subtle moonlight became a painting, but why would they have to leave
the banquet hall……?

I was watching bitterly, wondering if my romance fantasy was like that 10

years ago, and Charlotte burst into laughter just in time.

‘Keheum, the jade beads are rolling.’

In Kilian’s case, the characters in the novel were all clear and transparent in
their laughter.

Smiling, laughing, huhu, haha, hoho. Should I say it’s an honest sound, or
should I say that I feel like I know the reason for laughter just by hearing it?

I got goosebumps when Werner smiled with his voice. I think he’s going to
make a smirk with his mouth.

“What are you doing?”

Then Killian asked, who followed me to the terrace.

I realized only then that I had a very suspicious look. I was crouching on
the floor, observing under the garden through the terrace railing. Oh, no,
without even knowing…….

“Because I don’t think I should be caught?”

“Shall I bring some snacks?”

“I wasn’t watching. There’s not much to see. Let’s just go. I can’t even hear
what they’re saying anyway…….”

What are you doing watching two men and women who are destined to
continue someday enjoy a secret meeting alone? It was just salting and
useless. And when I think about the story of the novel, it wasn’t even a
scene where something happened.

But it was then.

VM C35

Chapter 35

Septimus appeared.


I stiffened into a sloppy posture, then squatted back on the floor and raised
my head through the railings. What? What?!

‘There’s no such thing un the novel!’

This is a time of Werner strengthening his relationship with Charlotte.

There is an important rule in reverse harem romance novels, which is that

only one person should appear at a time during the character reinforcement

If several people come out at once in the beginning, there will be only
dogfight before they can get their feeling of love for Charlotte.

Of course, when we got into the second half, the story is different. Since he
already has a crush on Charlotte, when several fish appeared in the fishing
grounds, he could expect to have a greater desire for her monopoly.

But in this time of year, Werner, Septimus, or Charlotte would be the one
who keeps anxious about something. There’s no merit in having a three-
way meeting now.….

“What the hell is he saying?”

I muttered unknowingly and listened closely. Naturally, I couldn’t hear what

he was saying, but I could only see Septimus’ condition, which seemed
very bad.
I naturally turned to Killian without saying a word.

“I heard you sent him a good warning.”

“His limbs are fine.”

He’s fine, but his mind and body look tired and worn out.

But I sighed deeply, wondering what the hell Killian mean that he sent him
a good message. This only confirms that Killian is the strongest character to
beat the archmage.

‘What’s the hell is…….’

Is it really true about what Septimus said that Killian is King of Rotullo?
No, but how can a sorcerer be the king? Is he a royalty? Where is Rotullo in
the first place? It was when I was thinking the same thing.

As soon as the conversation had reached its peak, Werner is growling in

front of Charlotte. And Septimus shrugged his shoulders and seemed to
give a gentle slap, and then left……?

“Oh, he’s gone.”

When I couldn’t understand the situation at all, Killian, who watched them
from my side, briefly interpreted it.

“He say he’s going to find a new fiancée before the world goes down.”

“Who? Septimus?”


This kind of crazy development. More than that, Killian did you hear that
conversation over there?

In the novel, Septimus is a fish that persisted in the corner of Charlotte’s

fishing grounds until Werner, the male protagonist, finally took over
He later said, ‘You don’t have to choose me. Instead, if you have a next life,
I will be the first one to visit you…’ It even leaves a heart-throbbing
confession, signaling a lifetime of unrequited love.

But the fish popped out of the fishing ground before it got too emotional? I
haven’t changed the novel that far?! I never talked to Septimus in the first

What the hell is going on here…As I turned my head, Killian’s masterpiece-

like face caught my eyes. Come to think of it, Septimus is suddenly like
that. There’s only one reason for that.

“Are you threatened him with the destruction of the world? And can you
really destroy it?”

“No way. If I could, I would have destroyed it earlier.”

You would destroyed it earlier….

Killian claims he didn’t say much to Septimus, just said hello. But where
should I be able to believe those words?

But there was no way for me to know what happend earlier. I can’t hold on
to Septimus, who is a stranger, and ask him what happened.

“Do you mind if I stay here the whole time?”

Killian showed me the pocket watch that he took out of his arms.

There is really very little left time until midnight.

Inevitably, I had no choice but to drop my doubts and move back to the
opposite terrace.


I said, while facing the clock tower.

“There are 8 minutes left.”

It’s still autumn, but whenever I talked, white breath leaked through my
lips. As I shuddered at the cold air, Killian took off his coat without

“Ah, that’s enough.”

Thanks to a little bit of alcohol, I got a little fever, so it was a little chilly,
but it wasn’t that cold.

I refused with a wave of hands, but he wondered with one eyebrow flick.


“Killian will feel cold too.”


He blinked and rather asked me back.

Oh, I’ve seen that face.

Whenever I worried about Killian because of my habit of caring about

others first, he looked like that. It was so strange and unfamiliar that I didn’t
know how to react.

Does it mean that he is unpopular or that he is so strong that I don’t need to

worry about him? I guess it’s the latter.

“I don’t think I’ll feel cold even if I’m buried in glaciers. I don’t know
because I’ve never experienced that before.”


Isn’t that the level of numbness?

“I’ve done my duty as a butler to the young lady, what’s so strange? It’s so
nice of you to take care of me like that and still not get used to it. Just leave
your body to yourself.”

And he put his coat around my shoulder at will.

Really, in this situation who’s the owner and who’s the butler.

I sighed at the sight of a bad butler who completely ignored his master’s
will. And tucked my arm into his big flowing coat.

“Come to think of it, do you get paid?”

Given the time, sincerity and effort he gives me, he should be paid the
highest salary among our family servants.

But when I asked the old man because his identity was fake, Kilian said
with a mysterious look, ‘Why do accept such a thing?’

“I don’t need to receive much.”

“No, you’re working for free of charge?”

“Money is not worth it to me.”

“……where the hell did Killian come from? Is it possible to make money
from magic?”

“I don’t make it, but it’s easy to earn, so there’s plenty of rot in the forest.”

He spoke informally, adding that children play with gold instead of stone.

No, what?

I doubted my ears. Where the hell is that utopia?

“Did you live in the forest?”

Well, it wouldn’t be that he suddenly fell from the sky. There must have
been a place he lived before met me. But I really didn’t know it was a
forest, not a place like Demon King’s Castle.


Somehow he seemed like a man who is not bound by anything, and flowed
like the wind.

I recalled a forest scene like paradise where children were running around
with gold. And I also set up a scene of Killian, a sorcerer, near the
children’s play.

I just imagined it, but I couldn’t help but to match it like this. It is so creepy.
No, it’s the Garden of Eden for Killian.

‘It’s a novel I’ve written, but I don’t really know about this guy.’

Everything that made up Killian is a mystery.

I held back the urge to ask where the hell did he come from? Come to think
of it, I didn’t know anything about him compared to the time we spent

‘What are you going to do with the details? He’s going to leave soon

I looked up at the clock tower again, swallowing my regret. There was

already 1 minute left by the hour.

“How can you not get paid. Killian is not in a position to call me a
pushover, are you?”

“Your job is good for me, too, so I’m willing to do it. Interests are mutual,
so there is no need to be paid.”

Killian replied like he didn’t care, but somehow I felt uncomfortable. It was
all the more so because I felt the need to distance myself from him.
We needed a relationship that drew a line like an employer and an
employee. Not a vague relationship to define each other as it is now, but a
neatly separated relationship.

When everything is over, I wanted to be a perfectly calculating relationship

so that we could turn our backs on each other without owing anything. No
matter how much you curse me as a coward, I can’t give way to this part.

I deceived him from the first meeting.

There was no way that I could say that I am the author of this world to
Killian, who made remarks that he hate God at the end of every word. No
matter how far our relationship goes in the future, the relationship between
us will become uncomfortable.

How long will a relationship built on lies last? And it was obvious how
easily it would collapse.

‘And I don’t want to keep that close contract for a long time…….’

I created this world, and you’re an extra who I don’t even remember your
name. It was obvious Killian’s reaction to say so.

He was the one who helped me this much with the will to ruin God’s
intentions. He will destroy me thoroughly with the kind hand that raised me

I didn’t want to face such a miserable future.

“Because I have no intention of making Killian a Passion Pay.”

“Passion Pay?”

“It’s about giving passion without a price.”

Come to think of it, it was a contract with him in the first place, but why
wouldn’t he be paid? At first, I was ashamed of myself, who was scared,
saying, ‘I think He’s going to ask for my soul because He’s a devil.’
“No matter how much we have interest in each other, there are more things
on my side. Killian is at loss.”

“You don’t want me to lose?”

Killian looked down at me, summarizing my words.

Standing under such a dark night sky, his eyes shone especially brightly.

I stared persistently at the ticking second hand of the clock, wondering if I

could see through his silver eyes shining through the darkness.


Ten seconds left util midnight.

After ten seconds, everything will be decided.

As midnight approached, the anxiety that had been buried under the
affirmation suddenly came to me.

If the loop happens again, I may have to abandon all my plans so far. After
trying, trying, trying, and trying many times, I may have reached the
hopeless conclusion that I could never escape from the novel.

Even if I struggle to the end, if tragedy is my destiny in the end, all that
remains to me is to give up and accept humbly. Just by making that
assumption, I felt miserable.

“If you really want it.”

I think Killian said something.

The sound was too small, and I was nervous for a moment and rolled my
eyes along with the second hand, forgetting to talk with him.

“Wait. Can I have that watch…….”

5, 4, 3…….
Tick-tock Tick-tock.

The sound of the clock’s cogwheels interlocked scratched my nerves. I

stopped breathing and followed the second hand to the number.

2, 1…….

But even before midnight was even met in my own eyes, my head was
turned by Killian.

VM C36

Chapter 36

The hand that gently wrapped around my cheek was familiar. So I let my
guard down for a moment, and I was never used to his breath directly
against my face. The smell of pungent grass…….

His face is too close…As I was having a stupid idea that… soon my mind
was filled with things filled my vision.

Even in the dark, white glowing skin and drowsy loose eyelids. Long, dense
black eyelashes and big eyes like a beast that fills the inside.

The heat touch touched me like a feather and fell off. He seemed to brush
lightly from forehead to nose, and slowly overlapped his lip on my lip at the


The accident stopped as it was.

I was in a state that I couldn’t think of anything.

In moment, Killian’s breathing became harsh.

I thought I was being devoured.

Because I clearly saw the intense emotion that passed at the end of his gaze,
almost as deep as the sea. Like a beast that waits for a moment when its
prey is off guard and snatches it.

I gulped down my breath and closed my eyes tightly. At the same time,
Kilian stepped down as easily as he approached.

“I took it.”
With a sensational face, he plainly said that, narrow down the distance
between us. With a smile so sweet that I couldn’t even get angry, all I could
do was pat my lips like an idiot.

“To- took it……? No, why my lips….?”

“My payment.”

Killian simply defined it by sweeping his tongue over my red lips.

If this is the payment, isn’t all the efforts I’ve made before are useless? It’s
more like I’m getting stuck when I tried to get out from him.

The ticking second hand sound has already become indistinguishable

whether it is the sound of the watch or the sound of my heart.

I’m so screwed.

The idea of a ruined life and a total failure floated in my head.

“……let’s pretend that never happened.”

I decided to regain my cool and play it cool. But he laughed as if my

desperate paw was cute.

“The day didn’t go back.”


“Well, if the loop had happened, we wouldn’t talking here.”


As he said, midnight had already passed long before.

How can I deny it when the rustling texture that touched my lips is still too
unfamiliar? It also meant that the kiss would be never happen if the loop
He is a real devil.….

He didn’t steal my soul, but is he telling me to give up my heart? I just felt

like my heart was pulled out by a devilish sorcerer.

I wanted to cry for some reason.


There is a saying that a careless mouth can be more dangerous than a


Killian misunderstand in what I said to draw a line with him. He started

asking me for a ‘payment’ whenever he could.

However, he asked me for things that were bland compared to what I was
scared of for no reason.

For example, contacts such as sitting on his lap, hugging me lightly and
kissing my forehead or cheek were the price he had been asking for.

In fact, I’m rather lacking in affection, so there’s no objection to anyone

touching me. Shame to say, I am rather hungry for the warmth of others,
and I used to pretend to be calm and crave affection.

Besides, I couldn’t resist a perfect person like Killian. I even had a crush on
him enough to feel a little dangerous for myself.

When I was held Killian’s arms, I often left my whole body in charge and
leaned into his arms, felt pleasantly, and then belatedly regaining my mind.

Is this mean Killian likes me? It’s not that I haven’t thought about it.….

‘……how do you think you’re taming me?’

I can’t help but feel like being tamed over and over again until I get used to
contact him.
He seems to like fiddling for no reason before, but isn’t this like he’s
stroking a pet and wanting that pet stick to him?

I couldn’t read Killian’s intentions exactly by any stretch of my

imagination, and I gradually began to like his temperature. Now out of his
arms, it felt cold and lame.

‘My life is ruined…….’

I’m dumbfounded that I once mistook Killian for a pushover like me.

For him, material things were only worthless, he is never a person to live
for a loss. It was like that when he had a chance, he never missed it.

‘Well, honestly, I’m digging my own grave. I’m the one who provoked the
person who stayed still first, so who can blame me?’

So I secretly ignored it.

I can’t openly avoid Killian, who has already completely become part into
my life so quietly.

I answered in a short answer and cut off the conversation quickly, kept my
distance except when he asked for a price, or stuck to my expressionless

I have nothing to say when he asked what the hell it means, but I was
desperate in my own way. I don’t want to be the only pet dog that’s been
completely tamed by Killian!

When I was desperately alone, suddenly people I couldn’t even think of

were looking for me at the same time.

The first was through a letter.

I looked down at two letters that arrived in the name of Ayla Mertensia.
One came from Sophia and the other from Paulan.

After hesitating for a moment, I first opened Sophia’s letter.

[I will follow lady wishes. I’ll do whatever lady tell me to do, so just trust
Sophia and leave it to me.

P.S. This letter is delivered through the underworld to prevent tracking, so

lady don’t have to worry about it.]

……You’re more thorough than I thought, aren’t you?

It was not a big deal to think of using the underworld. Well, I guess that’s
why people thought about being sneaky and turning their backs on Ayla,
who was afraid of her and couldn’t even talk to her.

I’ve revised my assessment of Sophia, who I thought was a bitter pill to

swallow, and I’ve decided to reconsider this for now. That’s because I can’t
trust her easily yet to trust her.

But my judgment was a bit surprising if she really meant it. I’m the master
of life, the master of tightrope walking, and I’m the one who finally chose.

‘In the first place, you supposed to betray me.’

I opened up the letter from Paulan, feeling bewildered and proud that I had
been chosen by Sophia.

[Please kidnap me. The last banquet of the harvest festival tomorrow is your

Did he get a terrible disease in two days?…. I think he was sane until I ran
into him at the ball on the fourth day. I flicked my tongue and pushed his
letter aside.

But Killian put Paulan’s letter back in my hands and said.

“It’s a bad habit not to read to the end. You have to think about the sincerity
from the writer.”

“But no matter how much I think about it, I don’t think it’s written in sane
I read the next part, suffering like a person who forcibly swallows food they
don’t want to eat.

Gibberish. It was a really crazy sentence, but in short, it was like this.

[There is no way that Lady Mertensia could make a dress that dedicated
directly to Her Majesty. I’m sure you’re in dire need of my help. So please
kidnap me and let me make that dress. It doesn’t matter if you give all the
credit to yourself again. Just let me help you.]

I read it to the end, but I couldn’t understand it.

No, if you know you’ve been used, you should be angry or cross-reacting,
what is it that you’re begging me to use yourself again? Is it a new kind of

Without saying a word, I threw Paulan’s letter into the fireplace and use it
as fire ignition. Killian patted my head saying, “I think it didn’t matter if
You read it until the end even if You burned other people’s sincerity.”

And I, quietly, avoided that touch.


The second was the Duke of Mertensia.

Even after he accidentally helped me at the banquet on the first day, he kept
looking after me, ignoring me, and suddenly called me out.

I went to him, I wondered if He was calling me to nagging about what

happened that time, when he couldn’t do it. Even so, I complained to myself
that the time difference to nagging me was too much.

The Duke of Mertensia gracefully tilted the teacup in an undisturbed

posture that was not much different from the previous one. No matter how
hard I got posture corrected by Killian, I couldn’t keep up with the Duke’s
“Do you have something to say to me……?”

I couldn’t stand the uncomfortable atmosphere and asked carefully. Well, I

feel like I’ve said the same thing before.

“Do you have any intention of receiving a title?”


He is really out of the context! In terms of out of the blue, there’s no one to
win except him!

What kind of thinking that he go through to make such a conclusion? He

become as absurd as Killian realize God’s great will and say that he will
fulfill faith, love and desire.

‘Can you please explain the intermediate process that led you to say that.’

I swallowed the words that almost popped out of my mouth. Perhaps I’m
having the craziest expression I can make right now.

“What are you talking about all of a sudden….?”

“Because you are also the successor to the Count of Kintyre, I was asking if
you are interested in it.”


I remember at first glance when Killian gave a very brief description of the
Mertensia family.

In the Lethe Empire, large families could hold several titles at the same

In addition to the Duke of Mertensia, the Mertensia family also had

Marquis of Belois, Count of Kintyre, and Count of Polynac.

But the Count of ‘Kintyre’, once inherited by Ayla’s uncle, was vacant until
a few years ago. This was because the entire family of Count Kintyre was
caught in an unfortunate accident and died.

There was a lot of talk in it because it was unprecendented, but it was

Vincent, the current Duke of Mertensia, who eventually took over the title.

There is no content in the novel that Ayla was awarded a title, so if it had
been the original way, my brother Aslan would have inherited both the
Duke and the Count. Because he is the first successor.

………In the novel, however, the family collapsed before he had inherited
it, so the title would have been useless.

Anyway, what Vincent is saying is that Ayla is the second successor.

I asked carefully.

“I’m a little embarrassed. I don’t know why my father suddenly suggests

that to me. I didn’t even take any succession lessons…….”

And if you pretend to be interested in me after not looking at me like a cow

until now, I’ll doubt it or not. All I can think of is what a new trap this is.

“I thought you said you would have concubines.”

VM C37

Chapter 37


“You can’t have concubines without any title. Especially if you’re a woman,
you will be condemned by society even more. That’s why we need to build
up our strength so that no one can talk.”

But the Duke casually brought up words beyond common sense.

………Hey, at that time, when I saw him defending me, I thought he

wouldn’t be like a bitch, but I didn’t know he’d be this open?

You’re just a new generation for supporting me, rather than forcing me to
get married and support the family right now. I put my tongue out and
looked even more suspicious.

He’ll do the same.

‘But this man, didn’t he see his kids as a mere tool? Aren’t you the one who
not values everyone except your beloved wife?’

The character collapse is about to happen.

But Killian, standing next to me, didn’t seem surprised. Rather, he seemed
calm as if he knew this would happen.

What the hell? Don’t just leave me alone, try to make me understand.

Or maybe you found something worth taking advantage of me who

changed? Well, otherwise, this sudden shift in treatment is ridiculous.

I asked with a slight grim look.

“Don’t you need me?”



There is nothing to say and he answer it like cutting it using a knife. I

thought I was going to get a cut because he didn’t hesitate at all.

“Then why?”

“You don’t need to know.”


That’s a very cold way to talk.

I beckoned to Killian without saying a word. I looked at him silently as he

approached me. He has an insight or something that is almost mind-reading,
so he must have read my mind well.

Sure enough, Killian, who understood my intentions, made eye contact with
the Duke.


In an instant, the Duke’s eyes were disheveled.

It seemed that Killian’s ability would be the cleanest and most comfortable
to use like this. When people throw up their hidden hearts.

“I’ve heard your humble wish before, but is it any different now?”


I mean, what’s that? Don’t share your own world only between you two,
you should tell me so I can understand.
As I kept looking at Killian with my eyes wide open, he smirked and
stroked my head again.

“My payment.”

‘……it’s fatal.’

This time it was inevitable.

When he brought up the word ‘payment’ it was because I had to do

whatever he wanted to hear what I wanted.

I couldn’t help but entrust myself.

He started to brushing my hair.

‘Did you apply honey on my body?’

Killian, who is making a very good use of the price, stroked my head to his
satisfaction before opening a heavy mouth.

“Why are you suggesting this?”

Then the duke answered slowly.

“Because it seemed necessary.”

“To whom?”

“To that child…….”

“I don’t know why you’re suddenly bother her when you’ve been left her

“……I didn’t leave her alone. I let her do whatever she wanted.”

“It’s usually called neglect.”

Perhaps he didn’t like the word neglect, but the Duke’s brow was slightly

“I’ve done everything she wanted, and I’ve tried my best to avoid her being
bound by the family. To live her life however she wants.”

“Hmm. But she didn’t seem to think so at all. Have you ever had a proper
conversation with each other?”


“A normal human being doesn’t know what’s inside unless they speak.
When parents treat them that way, usually they would think they’re

“……is that so?”

“Yes. I didn’t say it myself, but how do you know what she want?”

“Are there any parents who don’t know their child’s heart?”

“There is. Right in front of me.”

“You’re wrong.”

“That’s right.”

But what is the flow of this conversation?

Don’t tell me…….

‘He didn’t hate Ayla, He is just a blunt father who couldn’t express
affection for his children, or that he is just a fool…?’

I stared absurdly at the Duke, with a cold, expressionless face, who was
having a less distant conversation with Killian.

No, that’s not how you let me live as much as I want. I’ve been dealt with
myself, and it was a complete disregard.
However, the conversation proceeded on the premise that the Duke had
affection for Ayla in his own way. I suddenly pulled my back bone when I
listened to it quietly.

In retrospect, the novel only described that the Duke did not even pay
attention to Ayla, but did not specifically mention the Duke’s position.

The fact that her mother died while giving birth to Ayla and was hated by
the Duke was not directly heard from the Duke, but only Ayla’s idea…….

‘……by the way, it’s understandable.’

It wasn’t just Ayla’s thoughts.

That’s what everybody thought. So did the owners of the mansion, and the
old man I first met at the ball said, “When do you care about your daughter
because you were interested?”

I couldn’t help but ask.

“What the hell do I want you to do for me? I’ve never heard of it before.”

Then, the Duke looked back at me and answered readily with a nonchalant

“Engagement to the Crown Prince.”

“What, what!”

“It is your first and last request.”


Suddenly, I touched my head, stuttering my memory.

Ah, that’s right. Come to think of it, there was such a scene in the novel. No
matter what amount Ayla used to do, Ayla was trying to establish an
engagement with the Crown Prince, and at that time I was leading the life of
a ruined person in my room. So it seemed like nothing had happen.
It probably didn’t happen in the novel because of Charlotte, right? That’s
why Ayla ran wild at the banquet hall.

“Even though I offered some pretty good conditions, your Majesty hesitated
to see what the Crown Prince had done beforehand. In the meantime, you
suddenly shut yourself in the room and fizzled out.”

Still, the Duke said affectionately, “It’s a relief that you don’t care about the
Crown Prince anymore.”

You may wonder what kind of dissonance it is, but there is no way but to
explain that the voice and contents are playing separately.

‘But I guess he still care about his child. Far from being a fool of her
daughter, he seems to be the least interest in her love.”

Ayla, who thought she was unloved wherever she went, was steadily
crooked from an early age and eventually runaway and ruined the whole

Would Ayla’s fate have changed if the Duke had said anything warm to her?
There was no way to know. It was a novel anyway.

In any case, the Duke seemed to have thought that he had fulfilled his
parents’ duties by simply releasing his daughter so that she could do
whatever she wanted.

At this point when there was no engagement with the Crown Prince, I no
longer love the Crown Prince, so he seemed to be thinking of achieving my
new dream by handing over the title.

‘He doesn’t care what I said about having concubines……?’

Come to think of it, when he pulled me out of the room, who had become a
ruin, He didn’t really care about it, even though I was honed to have dignity
as a noble.

Maybe his only purpose was to get out of my life as a scoundrel?

Then. Killian clasping his fingers together. The duke, who was released
from his ability, frowned as if it was difficult to grasp the situation for a
while and soon stiffened his expression as if he had recalled what he had

“……let me know if you have any thoughts. Then we’ll talk about it in

And left in a hurry as if to run away.

He stepped out of the office with a graceful step, but I stared at the back of
The Duke who seemed to be running away.

Where are you going? This is your office.

The Duke’s aide, who was waiting outside the office, followed him,
shouting embarrassingly, “Duke!”

‘A title…’

Listening to their footsteps gradually receding, I was lost in thought for a


It doesn’t matter if I inherit the title as he said, but it’ll be easier to build
strength, right?

An opportunity that I had never thought of seemed to come.


After the second meeting with the Duke, who seemed to have been
possessed by a goblin, it is Aslan who came to me the third time.

A man who became a father’s son, who I had completely forgotten his
existence, was wandering in front of me.

What is it?
Without realizing it, that thought popped out in my mind. That’s because
Aslan is standing in front of the carriage I had to ride for a while.

Why are you blocking the road?

I thought he was mistaken for a carriage to take, so I tried to step aside to

his right.

But he followed me to the right. I turned left. Then he blocked me again.

“I’ll escort you.”

And then that’s what he said out of the blue.

What are you saying?

I was so dumbfounded that I couldn’t think of anything to say back to.

We’ve been ignoring each other like real siblings. But did he think I would
say, ‘Yes, brother!’ if you suddenly come in without a notice.

“I already have a partner.”

I pointed to Kilian in his usual tailcoat. He wasn’t particularly dressed, but

his neat outfit shone splendidly.

Aslan’s eyes briefly turned to Killian and came back to me.

“I’ll escort you.”


Did I just talk to a wall, not a person? I was silent for a moment before the
incarnation of the stubborn person. No, he is escorts and…….

‘Why would you come to me and say this?’

I looked up and down at Aslan.

He is the eldest son who inherited the genes of the Mertensia family, and he
is the one who of a beauty that I would never fall for.

He has a pure look that would suit the word “beautiful” more than
“handsome”, perhaps because he gets the Duchess genes more than the

Aslan, who is more of pen than a sword, and a flower more than a pen, still
did not look vulnerable thanks to his tall height and physique. In addition,
he is the heir to the most powerful Duke of Mertensia in the Empire and
currently serves as a state official.

Although his personality was a bit seriously flawed, he would be welcomed

any family’s who have daughter if they able to bear it.

So, the bottom line is that he is not unpopular with women enough to come
and ask his sister for a partner. Rather, his popularity is exploded.

VM C38

Chapter 38

In fact, every time I ran into him at a harvest banquet, he was surrounded by
countless young ladies. Young ladies didn’t fight each other for Aslan, but
they were fighting fiercely.

“All we have to do is go to the entrance together.”

Aslan is still pretty and expressionless like a bisque doll.

However, I could not help but ask what was going on because I could see
clearly that he was in trouble even if he pretended not to be today.

“Is something wrong?”

You’re going to a ball with your own sister as a partner. If you’re willing to
do something your sister would never do, there’s something unavoidable
about him…….

“There’s nothing you need to know.”

“But I still need to know what’s going on…….”

“I’ll take care of it.”


Feeling a tendon on my forehead, I pushed Aslan aside and climbed into the
carriage alone.

I knew he was like that from the start. I almost worried about him without
realizing it, but you don’t let me be disappointed. Thank you, for your
personality breaker.
However, I was dragged back out by Killian before I could lower my butt
on the seat.

I tried to hold on to the carriage door, but in the end I couldn’t beat the
inexorable Killian power and had to drag myself out.

“Ah, why!”

Killian patted me on the shoulder as if to calm me down, and answered,

rearranging my clothes.

“Let’s go with him today. Lady knows that you must attend the first and last
days of the ball no matter what. It’s impossible for the Mertensia heir to be


I was more annoyed because it is right.

Anyway, the fact that Aslan is doing this here means he couldn’t find a
partner, so he won’t be able to enter the venue alone.

“……hu, all right.”

It was inevitable.

I couldn’t help but get on the wagon with Aslan. Killian whispered in my
ear something like ‘I want you two to be close,’ but I didn’t even hear it in
my ear.

Killian had said something like that before.

-Now you need to find someone who will love you for who you are.

Killian seems to be thinking about other person in my family, Ayla’s father

Vincent and Aslan, but I think they’re both screwed up.

Still, Vincent has recently begun to look different, but the problem is that
Aslan, who doesn’t even want to be called brother.
When I asked what’s going on, how do you get close to a guy who only
gives you a boyish answer like a stormy, hard-nosed adolescent who says,
‘You don’t need to know,’ or ‘I’ll take care of it.’

“I won’t go with you today, so you two should go together. I’ll trust young
master to escort my lady well for the day.”


“Ugh, I…!”

The carriage door closed gently before I could finish saying ‘hate it’.

Almost at the same time the carriage departed. So I had to spend a

breathtaking time in the carriage with the uncomfortable Personnel No.2
two in the mansion.



All right, let’s read a book.

I couldn’t stand this awkward atmosphere, so I took out Lingte’s novel from
under the seat, which I always kept in the carriage.



Then Aslan, who was watching me do nothing, seemed flinch his body for a
moment. When I looked up at him again, I thought he’d be mistaken for a
doll-like expressionless face.

But I kept feeling the stinging gaze. Even if I tried to ignore it, I couldn’t
because I was worried.

When I asked, he didn’t answer for a while, and then he bit his lips.

“……is that fun?”

“I read it because it’s fun.”


That cut off the conversation again.

I was absorbed in reading, contented that his eyes had been drawn from me.

I felt like I would vomit because I am in the shaking carriage, but if I read
Lingte novel I could endure it. I read hard, overcoming motion sickness by
staring out of the window from time to time.

Hu…… I can’t read the book without tears because the book I chose this
time is a pitiful male character.…. As I was crying at the male protagonist
for a long time, I could feel his gaze again.

‘Is it so fascinating to read?’

Come to think of it, he’s a guy who used to accuse every book I read of
being low standard. Especially when I happened to bump into him in the
hallway with a limited edition of Lingte, he looked as if he had chewed on
his face.

So, it’s not the book that’s the problem, but the novel by author Lingte that
I’m reading that bothers you, right?

I almost growled like a dog attacked in my territory and tried to speak


“Please respect it. Because I like this.”


“It’s my cup of tea, so I want you to respect it.”

He, who did not answer me for a moment, frowned and said quietly.

“……that kind of garbage.”

I was holding it in, just in case, and he spit it out. Even if I endure it all, I
can’t stand it as much as insulting my grandmother!

I sprang up from the carriage with tremendous momentum, hit my head

once on the ceiling of the low wagon and sank back down.


I groaned softly, rubbing the throbbing top of my head. The more I get
excited, the more I have to be cool-headed, but I’m so angry that I do that
without realizing it.

Aslan might burst into ridicule at my unseemly appearance, but he still

glanced at me with a doll-like expressionless face. But why does the
wandering gaze seem to be strangely embarrassed?

“What part of it is garbage?”

I retorted coldly.

“Have you ever read it?”


“You may think it’s just a romance novel, but it’s a novel that doesn’t miss
out on the frightening directing power, delicate emotional lines, smooth and
fluttering lines, and the charm of characters.”

“It’s not to that extent…….”

…… not to that extent?

Seeing him say that he seems to have read it. But if it’s not your cup of tea,
you don’t have to said it trash in front of fans. Just ignore it as usual.
“He’s genius! Genius of all geniuses! Not only do he write, he write songs,
sometimes illustrate, how versatile he is? He’s even good at everything!
He’s not a human being, He’s a gift from the devil! I want to keep him
locked up and feed him three meals a day to make him work……!”

Hmmm, that’s enough.

In the meantime, I was aware that I was talking like a criminal, so I

coughed and turned around.

“Anyway, I’m telling you because I don’t think you’ll ever hear me say
anything more about what how genius the writer Lingte is, I’m just saying
that no one can criticize me for what I like.


“Just keep doing what you want. Don’t care what others say or do. At least
I’m……No, I don’t care what my brother likes.”

He’s not a bad-headed person, so I’m sure you understand. And He’s not the
one who interferes with my business that much.

But if you’re trying to fix my hobby by making a fuss, I’ll really bite you.
Aslan looked up at me again, thinking so, his head turned and his face
covered with his palms.

I thought you were laughing at me, but you weren’t either. Because I could
see the back of his neck slightly red.

‘……Are you ashamed?’

Where in the world are you blushing for some reason?

Even the glances that were revealed between his fingers were shaking. He is
so out of context that make him match with his father. It’s like father and

If I ask Killian later, I’ll know what’s inside him, but I don’t really want to
know what’s wrong with him.
I decided to focus on the novel again, looking at Aslan like a weirdo.


The feast is held for six days, and nobles must attend at least three times,
including the first and last days. Today is the last day of the ball and all the
nobles would gather like the first day.

And it wasn’t until I got to the ball that I knew the reason Aslan had forced
me into his partner.

As soon as we entered the venue, the young ladies gathered with great
momentum. They clumps together as if ants are tangled in candy, and I was
rather startled when I was standing next to him.

“You’re so beautiful today, Sir Aslan. Can’t you look at me just once.”

But Aslan didn’t even look at her.

He is like huge iron wall. Then young ladies make a crazy noise saying,
‘Even his cold profile is cool!’.

“Isn’t it my turn today after you brought another lady as a partner yesterday
and the day before? It’s the last ball, and you’re too much, Sir Aslan~.”

“Oh, you’re Lady Mertensia, aren’t you? You’re such a sweet brother to
escort your sister who doesn’t have a partner to the bball. I envy you~”

It’s the opposite. I’m the sweet little sister who escorts a partnerless brother
to the ball. Why do you think I don’t have a partner?

However, it is bothersome to refute for some reason.

No matter what I say, they interpret it as they please. I just stood crooked
and stared without saying a word.

But as soon as the lady, who brought it up, was surprised when made eye
contact with me. I didn’t know why she was shaking so much when I didn’t
do anything.

The quarrels of the young ladies who flocked did not end there. There is
also a young lady who is clinging to him with a subtle flirtation, but Aslan
skillfully avoided the touch.

“Now you have to choose a real partner.”

“Of course you’ll pick me, won’t you?””

“What are you talking about? Of course it’s me, right?”

“I heard you got that necklace from Sir Kenbell. Didn’t you decide your
partner already? There Sir Kenbell is staring at this side…….”

“Oh, my God, we’re not engaged, what does that have to do with anything?
I’m going to dance once, is that such a big deal?”

“It’s a problem, you’re betraying his faith!”

“It’s only a necklace, now you’re getting all the fuss. No matter how hard
you try to bring me down, I’ll dance the first waltz with Aslan!”


At first, I thought he’s like king who love being contact with other ladies,
but I didn’t think so.

The victim looked cold whenever he came into contact with the young

However, he couldn’t resist it, but he avoided it only with gestures, but he
was at full level of avoidance.

‘That’s why you brought me as your partner?’

VM C39

Chapter 39

If he had told me earlier, I would have gladly helped you, but I had no idea
why he was sulking while making remarks like an adolescent son. You still
seem to be in trouble, but does it run in the family that you’re not honest

I’ve been thinking about why Aslan’s popularity has come to this point.

Of course, it’s a condition that he’ll be popular, but is it enough for young
ladies to seduce and cling to him while throwing away their pride? I could
even feel the madness from the way they were flirting and clinging.

‘Maybe this…’

Charlotte brought all the high-ranking men with great looks, skills, and
power, including the Crown Prince to her fishing ground, so maybe the only
remaining, Aslan got all the popularity? He isn’t in Charlotte’s fishing

Certainly, the best condition is Aslan, except for all the men in Charlotte’s
fishing grounds. If they missed him, there is no decent man by their

‘That’s plausible.’

I sighed and looked around as I watched him shiver like in a cold Siberian

It is because I had no idea whether to get out or intervene as it is. We don’t

have any relationship to interfere, it might be useless…….

And I saw it.

A young lady dropping something in a small crystal bottle into a wine glass.
And she hid the bottle behind her back and approached Aslan without

‘Are you crazy? That’s too far!’

I couldn’t see the details of her face even though she bowed. No, what’s
that? I’m not like Detective Conan who know about the details!

I didn’t know who the young lady is, but somehow her smile is gloomy. I
felt like she was going to do something hard. Is my novel Extra this scary?

Come to think of it, there is. There is an extra who put drugs or something
under her dress and put it in the Crown Prince’s glass. Is that you…?

I thought I could feel the madness in my eyes, and it really doesn’t matter.

‘Ayla even didn’t act like that.’

In the end, I stepped in. I couldn’t help but intervene.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve decided to monopolize my brother for today.”

I crossed Aslan’s arms, saying it is real bummer. You’re lucky to have a

good sister. I’ll take full advantage of my reputation as the villainess.

I felt him flinching when I suddenly came into physical contact, but
fortunately, he seemed quick to notice, so he stayed quiet as I did.

I was a little worried that he would say something rude with a straight face
as usual. I drove the momentum and smiled, covering my mouth with a fan
I brought to cover my sight.

“But brother, you are so mean. Why didn’t you introduce me to these
beautiful young ladies first?”
Every time my eyes touched, I slowly scanned each and every young ladies
who was startled as if they had been caught doing something wrong.

And smiled sarcastically and sweetened my red lips.

“I told you, didn’t I? Whatever ladies you meet, please introduce her to me
first. I’ve told you so many times that I have to make sure with my two eyes
to see if the lady is worthy of the reputation our Mertensia family, but
you’ve forgotten again, haven’t you?”

But this is…….

I kept my mouth shut like that and looked down at the young ladies who
were smaller than me. How dare you make a fool of my brother without
knowing the subject? With that gaze.

Then I looked up and down at the pausing ladies, pulled up the corners of
my mouth, smirking and laughing.

‘Wow, I can’t even think of it.’

The young ladies expressions wriggled for a moment at my ridicule.

However, no matter how I behaved, fear came first, and they were all

‘When you marry Aslan, there’s a terrifying lady waiting for you. So just
give up early.’

However, at this point, the young ladies who I thought they were going to
back away, only trembled as if they were stronger than I expected, but no
one thought about backing down.

You don’t think so?

No, do I have to dig through a place that hurts like this? Why can’t they
give up when all they can do is hurt each other…….

……can’t be helped.
Since I’m helping, I’ve decided to play the villainess very thoroughly.

I asked Aslan, who gave me his forearm and looked at him, who was
standing skeptically.

“So, who will you introduce to me? I’m looking forward to it.”

“No one….”

“Oh, because you’re afraid I’ll do something to her? That can’t be true. I’m
just trying to have a light cup of tea, so please feel free to tell me.”

I asked a very deliberate question that the answer is fixed and he only need
to answer it.

Fortunately, Aslan is quick to see as expected for the Duke sucessor. He

understood me perfectly and hit a wedge.

“I decided there is no need, because I’m not in a relationship.”

“Then you’re not in a relationship, are you dealing with them like this?
You’re still so weak, so I have to take care of each one.”

Whatever I do, I get better.

The villainess acting, which was like reading Korean book at first, is now
quite skillful. It was a pity that Killian didn’t see me now.

Enthusiastic about the villainess performance, I burst into laughter and cast
a silent glance at the young ladies.

They’ve even hear this, do they intend to stay here? As if to say ‘sadly’, my
eyes are filled with compassion. This will be too much to handle, no matter
how brazen I am.

And in fact, there is no way they don’t know. That Aslan is not interested in
anyone. They’re like stabbing food that they can’t eat for nothing.

“It can sometimes be a crime to cling to someone who don’t like it.”
In my words, the young ladies had stupid faces saying ‘Is that what you’re
going to say?’ but I could be impudent. It was Ayla who ran after the Crown
Prince anyway, not me.

When I responded confidently, most of them looked at each other’s eyes

and tried to stop.

However, my words are actually only for one lady, who is holding a glass
filled with drugs, and her expression is not very good. The wine in the glass
is shaking at the trembling touch.

‘She’s a little dangerous…….’

Is her feet tingling at the word crime and burning with anger?

It was absurd, but sometimes the development of accidents far exceeds

common sense. I’m afraid she’s going to do something sooner or later.

I put Aslan’s arms and walk closer to her for a moment.

“What, what is it?”

The lady flinched and backed away, as if she didn’t expect me to come
unannounced. And desperately tried to hide what she had hidden behind her
back, but it didn’t work. Because I was faster.


I stretched out my arms behind Lady’s back and gently wrapped my hands
over hers. Then she was horrified and quivering.

“Ah, no, it’s not. Th-th-this……!”

“Shh, it’s all right, calm down. There’s nothing to make a fuss about,

Taking this posture, there is no choice but to stick closely to each other as if
to hug each other. Lady began to tremble like an aspen tree as I whispered
softly in her ear.
“Lady hasn’t done anything yet, and you won’t. Right?”

No matter how much she flies and crawls, she will fall short of Ayla’s
notoriety. Now that she has been caught trying to trick the villainess’s
brother, she would think she’s going to die now.

I removed my face from her frightened, pathetic, trembling ears and slowly
lowered my gaze. Then, a face that had not been seen due to shadow before
is revealed.

She has an ordinary impression that would not leave an impression if

passed by, but the moment I faced eyes resembling a golden sunset, it was
so beautiful that I could admire them.

What? I guess you couldn’t see your face because your bangs covered your

For a moment, my sincerity popped out without realizing it.

“I was wondering what kind of person you are, and you are hiding these
pretty eyes.”


And as soon as I did, I regretted it.

Oh, damn it, it’s a piece of shit. It’s not a toast to your eyes, it’s a double-
edged work comment.

The atmosphere became strange because my unconsciousness made a mess

of things. But once spoken out, it could have been a stranger atmosphere
than ever if you suddenly changed the subject here.

‘……should I just pretending to be crazy?’

There is nothing I can do. Now that it’s like this, I even responded

“It’s pretty enough. Don’t cover it.”

In fact, it wasn’t difficult. Praise was easier than acting as a villainess
because it like eating when I was Yoon Haneul to win people’s favor.

“Isn’t it waste to rot in prison like this? You have a good eye, so take pride
in yourself and cherish yourself more. Lady deserves to be loved.”

Ugh, that’s what I said, but it’s so cheesy. But I couldn’t wriggle at what I
said here.

I raised my head slightly and grinned insolently, stealing the glass in her
opposite hand.

“I will keep this a secret between us.”

I thought she would rebel more, but the lady relaxed her hands more gently
than I thought.

Maybe she’s shocked by what I said. Well, I was a little bit distorted in time
and space.

‘Uh, wait a minute.’

The cringe was more aggressive than I thought. Is this why all the
characters in the novel say their lines at the end of the century? To make the
other helpless?

……what is it, it’s convincing.

With a new realization, I even winked, lifting up a glass of easy-pulled

wine. Then the lady forgot to breathe and stopped breathing.

‘Destructive power beyond imagination…….’

As she gasped for her breath, and her face flushed with shame, she turned
her back in fear that she might get hit with my shrunken fist.

“Then my brother and I should get going, young ladies. I enjoyed it.”
And they said ‘I can’t help it, but please don’t forget me next time! No,
please don’t forget me! No, me…!’ With a mournful grip, he shook off the
ladies who were holding on him sadly and moved to a quiet place.

As soon as we came out of the public eye, I put Aslan’s arms around me
and spread the distance as far as I could.

“Sir Aslan?”

As I pulled up my tongue sarcastically, a rare look appeared on Aslan’s


He gently frowned, avoided my gaze and muttered his excuse.

“……you call it whatever you want.”

“Well, I thought so.”

That impregnable man couldn’t have asked me to call him that.

I replied with a shrug, and then tried to back off. If Aslan hadn’t suddenly
grabbed me by the shoulder.

VM C40

Chapter 40

“What is it?”

He grabbed me and hugged my hand in surprise. Opening his eyes round

like a rabbit, he briefly returned expressionless and chewed his scarlet lips.

No matter how broken my personality is, I couldn’t turn away from him
because he looked like a doll. You fucking idiot.

“Go ahead.”

I decided to wait calmly, appreciating his fine face.


“What? I didn’t hear you.”

I tilted my head and asked back. He like a baby who babbling and his lips
were still fluttering. Chewing. Chewing.

‘He’s pretty, but pretty as hell.’

But I was even angrier at myself for not getting annoyed at all even though
Aslan was doing it in a human rage. I really wanted to punch him when he
spits out rude words, but since he looked down a little and behaved, I could
only see the face like a porcelain doll.

Some people say, ‘If you hate someone, don’t hate their face.’ I forgive
your sins…….

After a long time, Aslan held my sleeve timidly as if determined.

What a cute thing to do and when I was thinking inside, he took a deep



“Your Highness Werner Karl Mohammed Lete and Lady Charlotte Angelo,
the glorious glory of the Empire, are entering!”

And at the same time, there was the sound of a horn and the loud sound of
the gatekeeper. It meant that the main characters are here.

Whoa, it’s too loud. I looked reflexively back at the sound and looked up at
Aslan’s face again.

“What? I’m sorry. I didn’t hear it again.”


Aslan put down the hem of my dress and was silent. I guess he didn’t want
to say any more. I just haven’t heard it twice, why are you giving up so

‘Well, I don’t want to pry.’

In a way, he seems to be very quiet. But since he’s the Duke’s successor, he
doesn’t seem to have any social skills, and he doesn’t seem to like hanging
out with people.

Like the Duke of Mertensia, are you good at saying things that you don’t
want to say, but you can’t say what you really need?

I glanced at Aslan, and soon turned away and looked back at the main

Werner was raving about something as soon as he entered the venue. Seeing
that it wasn’t a mask-like smile, he seemed quite happy.
‘At first, it was really hard to hold out, but seeing that over and over again, I
think I’m getting used to it.’

As I was thinking so, at the same time, Werner eyes met my eyes.

You’ve been looking down on me like a bug all last banquet, and somehow
you’ve been smiling today. Of course, it was an arrogant, twisted mockery.

“……I’m glad you’ve lit up. I want to take this opportunity to announce
something to everyone.”


I think I’ve heard that line somewhere. I blinked my eyes and thought
blankly. I almost remembered, but something ominous came in.

The surrounding became quiet in an instant. Of course, everyone will pay

attention to what the Crown Prince wants to say.

Werner stood at the center of the hall, looked all the way around the nobles,
and suddenly pulled out his watch.

Hmm? Watch?

“Ten seconds to go until nine o’clock.”

Then he looked at me again and smiled.

‘What are you so proud of?’

I muttered, “Is he crazy?” And he fixed his eyes on me and hugged

Charlotte’s shoulder…

“Now here, there is someone who took my heart away. On the 20th day of
the month of Lunos in the year 642, at 9 p.m., I decided to dedicate my
heart to her.”

– He started confessing at the end of the century.

“Charlotte Angelo, From here today I declare her as my eternal heart.”


I managed to put up with the scream that almost burst, but there’s no way to
endure my face being distorted. I desperately tried to cover my face by
opening the fan with my trembling hands.

However, that the spout of terror never thought of stopping.

“I have only one heart. No matter what you say, I have no intention of
letting her out of my arms until the moment my heart stops, or even in my
next life.”

St-stop it.

“With all my soul.”

Hey, you crazy bastard! Don’t go anywhere and tell them you’re the male
lead in my novel! I’m ashamed of the neighborhood because of you! Why
don’t you just hang a banner?!

Wow, my present cringe was no match for the Crown Prince. What on earth
did I think about 10 years ago? What kind of thinking circuit did I go
through to come up with such a public confession at the end of the century?
Why did I thought that look so cool?

Why does Charlotte not swear at him, slap him in the face, but rejoice?
Why is everyone showing signs of envy while being noisy? Things were
going crazy.

‘It’s because I wrote it, uh…….’

It’s painful for me.

Somehow it was cheap, and today this confession was part of the novel.
Ayla even came out, but she was shaking and running away, so I completely
No, I guess my unconscious was just desperately trying to erase it from my

“If anyone dares to interrupt or touch my heart…….”

Werner’s blue eyes gave me a frosty look.

“I can make your. Feet. And. Nail. Stuck. In. This. Floor.”

There is a dote in his line, but he said it without dote. So I don’t know what
he mean, but anyway.

‘I want to assassinate the Crown Prince…….’

The sin is a living shame.

I couldn’t be more sorry that I’m not a writer now. If I am my original

world, I would make him into a person who doesn’t exist in a pen and

If I didn’t kill him now, I felt like I was going to die of shame.

But he didn’t threaten my life except for trying to kill me with shame, so I
could have caused a great deal of anger if I stepped forward.

‘I don’t know if I can kill a male lead just because I wanted to. If a
villainess doesn’t act like a villainess, it’s going to cause a loop, and if I kill
the male lead, will the world stay still?’

But I didn’t know if I could kill him or not.

Isn’t killing Werner eliminating the greatest culprit of the future? If I ask
Killian, he’ll probably get rid of him without a trace.

‘No, he’s the main male character, and he can’t die that easily.’

I repeated the same agony as if to cause self-splitting. The confession at the

end of the century seems to have been a shock. Seeing the violent impulses
that I never did normally pop up…….
But what’s more important now is that if a loop occurs, I have to hear
another confession at the end of the century.

‘Listen to that again……?’

I can’t do it. I don’t want to.

Tired with paleness, I desperately thought that a loop should never happen
this time.

Uh, so what exactly did Ayla do in this scene? Did she hear Werner’s
declaration of war and turn her back and run out of the banquet hall? And
she told the readers, ‘I won’t let you go!’ and warned them of the crime.

Charlotte, who was left at the venue, was celebrated amid cheers and
attention from all.

Some aristocrats don’t like it, but they say, ‘Yes, she’s like a lily so she
could be…’ I started to think that.

By the way,

‘I have to…think…?

I looked around wondering.

As the original writer, this was my intention to appear in the novel <Lady

‘Although she is the daughter of fallen noble, lovely lady, Charlotte. Who
dares to reject her! A toast to the glorious future of the two lovers and the
prosperity of the empire!’

It must have been described as this feeling, but the responses of the nobles
were more lukewarm than I thought. They didn’t seem very inclined. And
there are some aristocrats glancing at me…….

‘……Are they sympathetic to me? Huh? No, everyone has to laugh at me

because I am the villainess.’
Is it because some of the attention that had to be paid to Charlotte at the last
banquet was paid to me?

Come to think of it, since then, Charlotte has been called as lily, and has
had to stand at the center of the social circles, but she hasn’t. It was because
Princess Cordelia showed interest in my dress.

It wasn’t just some aristocrats who sympathized with me. Suddenly when
Charlotte met eyes, she was looking at me pitifully with drooping

Even the tears are in her eyes. It was a completely different attitude from
the last time you greeted me brightly. It seemed that she had only now heard
that Ayla had been clinging to Werner.

‘This is the first time Charlotte good personality make me


After hearing the confession that even a thousand years of love is going to
cool off, tell me why you’re sure I’m hurt.

Werner and Charlotte, if they like each other, they can make an oath of
eternal love, and I don’t know why they’re so conscious of me that they’re
having a hard time.

One declares war, one sympathizes. If you’re going to pity me, give me the

‘I mean, I can just run away from here, right?’

To be able to get out of this awful place straight away was the best
condition I’ve ever had.

Hesitation was a luxury. It would be good for my mental health to get out of
here right away.

But my pride is very hurtful to step down like this.

Why should I be dumped by a man who confesses to the last century? Why
should I run away from someone who emphasizes with dots between

‘Doesn’t it matter what happens as long as I get away? All I have to do is

maintain the villainess, right?’

It was already different from what I had built in the last loop and Ayla in the
novel. In addition, the flow changed to the point where there are nobles who
sympathized with me, and it was strange to act the same way.

Now, think about it.

What is Ayla’s role in the novel?

First, villainess.

Second, she connects Charlotte and Werner.

My guess is, if I stick to these two roles, I probably won’t through loop

Loving Werner and fretting about getting along with him somehow is all
incidental after all. She is just a device to connect the two main characters

‘Shall I do it? Do it or not?’

The villainess role that I couldn’t do on the first day of the banquet?! And
unlike the novel, now I had the invincible golden cress from the Princess.

I jerked and turned to Cordelia. She must have been staring at me for a long
time already, and her gaze snapped into the air.

Cordelia opened her eyes in surprise at the sight of my ferocious spirit, and
soon laughed silently.

As if she wants me to try it.

VM C41

Chapter 41

All right, I’m allowed, so I don’t need to hesitate.

I strode to Charlotte and Werner in the spirit of the boss. In my courageous

steps, the nobles split as if they had even performed Moses’ miracles.

I still haven’t completely eliminated my timidness in front of others, but at

least I thought I could act like a villainess in front of Werner. Because this is
no longer an acting.

The glorious glory of the empire…I omitted the greeting that… They
wouldn’t want that kind of greeting anyway. Well, I guess he don’t want me
to exist in the first place.

“Your Majesty, I wasn’t able to greet you properly last time, so I came out
of the way.”

I said with a smile on my eyes at Werner, who was obviously wary of me.
Werner then snorted, as if not funny. I can’t believe you snorted at the smile
with your eyes.

“You’re rude, I’ve never seen you use funny expressions. Have you ever not
been rude?”

Werner then said, hiding Charlotte behind his back. He thought a laser beam
was coming out of my eyes.

“Actually, you tell me. After practicing social skills, I learned how to make
appropriate jokes that fit the situation. I’m so glad you recognized my little
Werner’s expression became absurd as I smiled shyly, covering my mouth
with a fan.

Either way, he lamented exaggeratedly why I even had to bring out a joke
and stir up the mood.

“No, I’m afraid you’ve been too up in the air with all this good news.”


“Is that right? You’re not even letting me put my foot on the floor. That’s so
cruel. What did I do…….”

I spoke gruntly, opening my eyes.

And glancing toward Charlotte, she cringed slightly with a hint of fright.

Werner then said, revealing his teeth.

“Don’t think about doing anything in vain.”

“Huh? Me? What have I done?”

I opened my eyes round, imitating the innocent Charlotte.

And he drooped his shoulders abominably, shaking his eyelashes. From

Werner’s point of view, I’m suddenly coming out like a victim, so he’s
going crazy.

“Get lost.”

What? Get lost? This guy is just leaving.

I just stared a little at him, and he was walking away and hiding Charlotte
from my sight.

I’m sure your lovely lover has a doctor too, but overprotection is just that,
isn’t it? Of course, I came out of nowhere and scared her a little, but that’s
too much. It’s the same reaction as I expected, so I’ll make people proud.
“Don’t think about making a move. Everyone in this room knows your
viciousness, and where are you going to walk away from it?”

“I used to have a crush on you, so I didn’t care. I admit it, but it was an
effort to catch your eye, didn’t it do any harm to anyone?”

The worst thing Ayla has ever done is to fail to get engaged.

Of course, in <Lady Lily>, Ayla herself was actually a great person who
would run amok to hurt Charlotte. In the novel, I’m not going through this
trouble because I was caught and removed by Werner.

That son of a bitch wouldn’t let Ayla get her feet on the ground. He’s been
sent her away to the underworld. Including all her family members so that
he doesn’t get bored.

But he didn’t have anything to stab because they were evil things that
would never happen as long as I was there.

“Well, that’s great.”

I said with a shrug.

“If you wish, this witch would disappear. But I can’t just go, Your Grace.

I blurted the end of the sentence as if I was in real trouble and then slowly

“……someone said this to me. If you hate me for no reason, I should just
make a good reason.”

“……for no reason? Ha, do you think I’m doing this for no reason? Lady
Mertensia, there is a degree of impudence.”

“Oh, my God, that’s ridiculous to me. I didn’t do anything, how could it be

so unfair for me? I can’t stand still because I’m upset. Wouldn’t you like to
make it an established fact?”
I hummed and imitated Killian’s gentle way of speaking and tapped the
glass I held with a fan.

Feathers hanging from the end of the fan gently followed my hand gesture
flexibly. Werner’s gaze also naturally turned to the glass I held.

“And most of all, your Highness seems to be mistaken…… why do you

think I would do anything to Lady Angelo?”

You’re the one who dumped me.

I pulled up the corners of my mouth crookedly and had a poisonous smile.

And without hesitation, I aimed at Werner’s face. He was defenseless,

focusing on Charlotte and protecting all her nerves.






I heard a sound of breathing in vain. In an instant, the banquet was filled

with silence and the performers who were playing musical instruments were
shocked and stopped moving.

Lenox, the guard knight who stood by Werner, clasped the sword handle
strongly with a vein on his forehead, and Charlotte was as rigid as a stone.

Drip. Drip.

Only the sound of wine falling down the Crown Prince’s hair and chin
echoed faintly in the banquet hall.

‘Kyaa, I splashed alcohol on his face.’

‘This is the essence of villainess.’

I was smiling proudly to myself, and come to think of it, it is the drink with
drug on it. Oh, my. I didn’t think much about it. Even if he’s not the same,
I’ll be in trouble if he eats it since he’s the Crown Prince.

“Don’t eat it. Give it way to your skin.”

When I broke the silence and added anxiously, Werner looked at me with
the expression of seeing all the crazy women and spat out the liquor that
touched his mouth.

Hey, dude, it’s dirty…….

Well, why would he drink something he doesn’t know what in it when the
villainess sprinkled it on his face? Fortunately, it was a useless worry.

“You…… what are you doing?”

He grated his teeth and chewed words one by one.

If I had sprayed alcohol on Charlotte in this situation, his eyes would have
turned upside down, but the response was calm, perhaps because I was the
one being beaten him.

He is originally like that. A man who lose his temper only at Charlotte. So
that’s why I punished you. Smack.

The way he is wiping his face with the sleeve of his robe looked so
miserable. Maybe I was the only one who thought so, Charlotte was trying
to wipe Werner’s face with a handkerchief, flustered beside him.

But Werner, ungrateful, took the little hand off and hid Charlotte behind his
back again and said.

“All right, I’m fine, so Lenox, protect Charlotte.”

You want me to get through the knight to harm her?

Some people think I’m a great person who can hurt Charlotte without
touching her. Unlike monsters like Werner and Lennox, my physical
abilities were ordinary people.

I couldn’t help laughing openly at Werner, who was struggling to protect

Charlotte, who was never threatened by me.

“I can’t believe you don’t know after all this….”

I felt sorry that my creature seemed to be less understanding than I thought,

so I decided to explain it in words.

“The person I’m angry with”

I said, pointing to Werner standing right in front of me with a fan.

“It’s a war.”


Werner didn’t seem to understand me at once.

……no, you still don’t know?

In the novel, he must have been set as a genius among genius who know ten
thing if he only learn one thing, but why the hell can’t you understand?

I spoke again emphatically, explaining to this man.

“I’m disappointed, it’s looks like I have to tell you.”

You, you, you. You bastard.

“I have nothing against Lady Angelo. She only has a fault of loving you and
being loved, so why are you telling me that I’m going to play tricks on
Lady Angelo?”

Yes, protect Charlotte from your imaginary threats to your heart’s content.
I’m going to beat your defenseless ass when you cover Charlotte.
Of course, since the opponent is the Crown Prince, I will have to do it with
the limit, but I could have solved this limit, saying that there would be a
family supporting me, and that there would be strong support from the
Princess unnie.

“I’m sure you’ll understand this little grumpy lady. I can’t believe you even
falsely accused me of hurting such a slender soul when I can’t see anything
from a broken heart. When I saw Lady Angelo, I only thought that she is
adorable, but you make me like an enemy of this lady.”

I shook off all the bitterness I’d had earlier and stiffened my face coldly.

And while speaking in a blunt tone without hesitation, I bit my lip as if I

had been hurt and could no longer continue.

“I feel like everything I have left of you is disappearing into thin air.”

I wish I could burst into tears here, but I turned my back on myself because
I didn’t have that acting ability.

“I will no longer disturb you, nor touch your heart. That’s it.”

And after a beat of words as if he had choked up, I added calmly.

“……so be happy with your two hearts, forever, and in your next life.”

At the end of the day, I left the banquet hall in a leisurely manner, with only
the Crown Prince making a complete villainess.

No one ever thought of holding me.


‘Whoo…… I’m relieved!’

Of course, I couldn’t pour everything into it because it was a public

occasion, but I decided to be satisfied with it today because he had a terrible
life that I wanted to put in an assassination request right away.
I’ve done this, but if the loop rises, I’ll just slap Werner. I’ve never done it
before, so I don’t know if I can do it well.

But if I ask Killian, he’ll teach me how to slap him hard. He’s a very
capable butler who knows how to do anything.

‘I declared in front of everyone that I would not touch Charlotte, but I never
said I would not touch you Werner.’

It was Werner who killed Ayla in the novel in the first place. Why would I
touch Charlotte, who has nothing to do with it, when my opponent is so

Well, of course, I have no choice but to touch Charlotte indirectly in order

to take her position, but it’s a matter of my survival.

But Charlotte didn’t do anything directly to me, and I didn’t mean to harm
her directly.

It would be a different story if she had a grudge against me, but a well
manner angel-like heroine wouldn’t do that, right?

VM C42

Chapter 42

Even if I go back to the banquet hall now, I will only look ugly, so it would
better just go back. First, I’ll have to go back to the mansion and send the
carriage again to get on Aslan. I took a leisurely step thinking so.

If only someone hadn’t caught me.

“Gasp…Gasp…… La-lady, why are you walking so fast…….”

Maybe he ran, but Paulan gasped and held onto my skirt. He seemed too
desperate to yell at me for what rudeness this was.

“……What is it?”

Because of embarrassment, a colder voice popped out than I thought.

Then he grabbed my skirt tighter. It was a move to block in advance

because he was afraid I might leave while he catching his breath.

“Gasp, gasp….Please kidnap me.”

Are you still saying that?

It sounded even dirtier mixed with the harsh breathing.

I tapped his hand off with the fan I was holding. It’s a relief that there’s no
one in the hallway, but I almost got misunderstood.

“First, come here.”

I dragged him out to a nearby terrace for now. I couldn’t let my guard down
just because there was no one around. There was a case of being one of the
only ones.
I quickly pulled out the curtains on the terrace and let out a sigh.

“Paulan, don’t you often hear that you don’t understand the atmosphere?”

It’s not like he didn’t see what I was up to at the banquet. I thought such
words came out well in the current situation.

But he shook his head and replied with a determined look.

“No, now is the time to show everyone, the value of Lady! You’re going to
make a name for yourself around the world and change his Majesty’s heart!
Kidnap me!”

“I’m not interested.”


When I gave an unexpected sour response, Paulan lost his momentum and
paused for a moment. He seemed to have thought I would gladly respond if
he held the Crown Prince and shook it, but it was a huge mistake.

It’s rather a landmine. It’s the will that drives me to the bottom.

“If I get dumped, that’s it. I don’t have a grain of regret. There are so many
men in the world, and I’m so perfect, why would I go after someone I

I said it confidently, but I didn’t really say it because I thought I thought it

was perfect.

In fact, there was a behind story that I couldn’t bear to say until I could say
this confidently.

This is because, unintentionally, I received self-esteem training from Killian

every time.

It was already a habit for me to undermine myself and steal down my self-
esteem. In the past, I was busy comparing myself to others, not to be
It was just a habit.

I don’t have anything special. Everyone can do this. What am I better at

than others? Garbage.

Words that pop up easily at myself without being conscious.

I didn’t mean to ask for an answer, but whenever I did, Killian would
ghostly find out what I wanted to hear hidden in the words and comfort me.

Having continued to receive his unconditional support and encouragement,

it is now increasingly difficult to demean myself.

It’s not that I was deeply impressed by his support and encouragement, it
wasn’t that I thought I was going to die of embarrassment.

And that’s right, Killian said ‘Are you doing this because you want to hear
that you’re amazing?’ He look at me like a child demand to be praise and
said ‘You’re cute’.

After that I stopped being self-deprecating in front of Killian and just

became brazen.

I haven’t changed much, but my snout has become full of self-love. What a
contagious man he is.

‘It’s really the Killian effect….’

Anyway, I decided to look on the bright side by side. If you keep

brainwashing yourself, you might become a perfect person someday.

Paulan muttered quietly, perhaps originally reminded him of Ayla in the


“……you’ve changed a lot.”

“It’s normal.”

So we’re done talking?

I tried to get out of the terrace with my back to Paulan.

However, another mournful voice caught me.

“Lady Mertensia, please. My life has been ruined by Lady, so please take
responsibility for it!”

“Paulan, I’m very sorry if I opened your eyes to new tastes, but I can’t take

“You know I didn’t mean that, right?”

Ah. I don’t know, man.

I’m the one who used you once and threw you away. What’s wrong with
you? You can continue to design with the love of the empire as you have
done so far.

“La-lady, don’t you need me……?”

Then he suddenly fumbled in a shocked voice. I thought you wanted me to

tell you it wasn’t. I frowned because his desperateness becoming so salty
that it was hard to see.

But I had to say what I had to say.


“How useful am I?”

“Of course you’re a lot of use, but there are a lot of restrictions, right? I
have no intention of taking those risks.”

Paulan was blinded by the idea of holding me right away, so he couldn’t

think that far. He opened his eyes in surprise, then nodded and muttered.

“Risks…… I see.”
I don’t know how extreme the idea is this time, but somehow it was just

In the end, however, Paulan had the words in his mouth.

“Do I have to give up everything? Then will you accept me?”

Are you out of your mind? You’re going to give up your wealth, honor, and
fame and come to me?

At this point, I wondered how much he liked my dress and completely lost
his reason.

I stopped pushing him away without mercy because of the pressure and
asked seriously once.

“Do you really think my dress is worth it?”

“Of course, not that much.”


As I turned my back without regretting it, Paulan held on to the hem of my

clothes with the spirit of rolling around the floor.

“My dress is stretched. Let it go.”

“Please hear me out! I mean, it’s unlikely that Lady’s limit would be just


I stopped walking and turned my head slightly. Paulan said desperately,

nodding his had as if he had grabbed a lifeline.

“I don’t believe in just one thing that I’ve been able to do. I’m here because
I’ve never missed an opportunity that passes by in a flash.”

“I’m the opportunity?”

“Yes, you are.”

“Where are you looking at?”

To be honest, I asked because I was really curious. Where did I look so


Then Paulan said without hesitation.

“No matter where you look. There has never been such a person as Lady,
and I felt a strong conviction that there will never be.”

It was a meaningful word for some reason.

As if to see through that I’m from another world. I tried to maintain an

ostensibly arrogant attitude, but I was surprised at heart.

Paualan’s gut feeling was accurate.

In addition to the Chemise dress that I had improved before, I had many
types of dresses in my head that I was interested in in in the past.

Of course, it wasn’t just the dress.

In addition, the knowledge of the past world that I had was only known by
the writer, and it was definitely valuable no matter how it was used.

“I’m sure that’s not the end of it. I don’t care what it is, so open it as much
as you want. Whatever you imagine, I’ll make it happen.”

A world-renowned designer spoke confidently with his name on it.

I don’t know what they’re going to do if they’re disappointed in me. I still

don’t trust myself perfectly, how you’re going to believe me?

“Is there anything you can gain?”

If you work for me, you won’t have the money, the honor, or the fame of an
imperial designer.
I couldn’t understand it, so when I asked, Paulan laughed hahaha with a
silly smile. And after a moment of hesitation, he said something even more

“What…… dream and passion?”


I don’t know why this guy is forcing me to get paid for his passion.

“I want to open a new horizon for this era. I want to leave my name in the
future……isn’t that everyone’s dream?”

Did you think that far?

I didn’t know before because he was obedient, but he was worse than me.
His self-esteem and self-love are skyrocketing.

When I stared at him because I had nothing to say about his grand future
plan, Paulan laughed with a look like a dreaming boy.

“……Okay, for now.”

When I reluctantly allowed him and pushed him away with a fan, he leapt
to his feet and glistened.

“But don’t give up on everything. Let’s just work on the dress that was
commissioned this time. Well, it’s true that we were short-handed, so it’s
not a bad offer for me either.”

“You will work with me in the future? How do you feel like a partner? Shall
we write a contract?”

What are you trying to do with your business? I decided to calm him down
for now, who was so motivated that he even planned for the future.

“Don’t be hasty.”
I said, tucking his mouth in with a fan. If you ask me why I keep using a
fan, I’ll answer that I’m doing this because I don’t want to touch him by
myself. This is very useful. I should carry it around me from now on.

I listened to what he had been wanting to hear for a long time.

“I’ll do it for you, the kidnapping.”


“My butler will visit you in the middle of the night, so please wait quietly in
the tower, my princess?”

I thought he would jump for joy, but the reaction was not good enough. I
even used the notoriety of being a witch to tell a joke, but he was still
stiffening myself.

‘What is it, people are embarrased.’

Anyway, it was nice to know that the guy who was sticking more
tenaciously than the octopus sucker gently withdraws.

I shrugged and this time I turned my back and walked out of the terrace.


I headed towards the carriage while enjoying the night air alone.

However, in front of the dark blue wagon with the Mertensia inscription on
it, I saw a man wandering around frantically.


I called him in a mysterious voice because he looked at me from afar.

Then Aslan quickly turn to me and came to me with an urgent step. In the
meantime, it was funny that he had a characteristic expressionless face.
I don’t know why, but he sweetened his lips with a look of much to say.

VM C43

Chapter 43



And he kept his mouth shut.

Hey, finish what you’re saying. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but if he hang
up in the middle, I get curious.

“……I’ve roughly taken care of it.”

What? Say the object correctly!

I thought he was doing this on purpose, but if I think about it, Aslan’s
language expressions were usually like this.

Sometimes he said something out of the blue, and sometimes he said

something out of a subject, object, predicate, and so on, so I had to interpret
it on my own.

But I could understand roughly what Aslan said even if he talked like crap.
He meant the mess I create that I left behind at the banquet hall.

Even Duke daughter would not have been able to escape responsibility in
normal cases because she sprayed alcohol on the Crown Prince’s face.

‘But I did it by trusting the Princess unnie.’

Since the Princess’s permission had been granted, there was no reason for
Aslan to have to deal with it. But I didn’t explain it to him separately, so he
must have taken the natural course of action.
‘Because it’s a matter for the family’s honor.’

I caused trouble unintentionally.

I opened my mouth to apologize because I was sorry. But Aslan was

quicker to ask a sudden question.

“Where have you been?”

What, did you wait for me?

“I had a little chat with someone.”


“It’s personal.”

“……I see.”

I couldn’t reveal Paulan’s work, so I drew the line like a knife. Aslan, who
knew he is not in a relationship to interfere with my private life, simply
backed down.



And silence come.

“What have you been doing here?”

I couldn’t overcome the awkwardness and talked to him first. In fact, I was
curious inside. Just because I’m out of the banquet didn’t mean He had to
come out.

Besides, he seems to have waited here for quite a while, didn’t he have to
run pretty fast to get over my trouble and come all the way here and wait?

“……Are you okay?”

Aslan didn’t answer my question and spoke with his language.

With his very cautious look, I recognized him with a keen eye. It’ll only
look like I ran away after being hurt in my heart in public.

I sprayed alcohol on Crown Prince face and said a few words, but it didn’t
change the fact that I was dumped by a man who confessed at the end of the
century. Living in this world is so hard.

I wondered what the hell to answer Aslan. Honestly, I’d like to say that I
don’t want to breathe because I don’t have the power to endure the Crown
Prince, but wouldn’t that affect the loop?

Aslan opened his mouth first as I hesitated to answer. For some reason, the
voice was lower than usual and seemed to hold back anger.

“There is no such confession in romance novels. If they were me, I

wouldn’t write it even if I died.”


“If the world has such a novel, it would be a waste to use it as a kindling.”


I wrote a novel like that.

I don’t know why he’s speaking that Aslan language all of a sudden, but his
every word was hitting my ribs heavily. St-stop. Please stop the factual

It was okay to curse at myself for what I wrote, but it hurt a lot to hear other
people swear at my novel, even though they sound right.

I asked back, feeling my body and mind were even more tattered than

“What kind of novel are you talking about all of a sudden? What’s else do
you mean by Aslan writing novels?”
Aslan, to my question, erased a strange look of displeasure and replied,
avoiding my gaze obliquely.

“……it was just in case because it seem to like romance novels.”

Even so, it’s a bit suspicious to say that there’s no such confession in
romance novels. You can’t say that unless you’ve read a lot, can you?

“Do you like romance novels?”

“That can’t be true.”

Aslan said, frowning.

Originally, it was more suspicious because a person who had little change in
facial expression even if he was offended suddenly. He can’t lie. It’s
obvious on the outside.

‘He wasn’t supposed to be like this, but why do he look so stupid today. Or
did I touch a sensitive spot?’

Aslan seemed to be aware that he had said something out of the blue.

I also looked up at him, his mouth shut, and asked just in case.

“Are you comforting me?”


There’s no answer, he looks like a corpse.

“Is that right?”


I looked at him with my eyes at him pretending to be a dead man, and

eventually I burst into laughter.
What, why are you acting so cute today? I don’t know, but I can see that
Aslan likes romance novels. Whenever I read such books, I thought I mixed
our personality up like rice soup because we were arguing for nothing.

‘Are you just not being honest?’

Indeed, if the heir to the duke’s title had such a hobby, he might have
damaged his external image and being laughed from behind his back.

It may have become a habit to hide because others people gossip freely. It’s
a much healthier hobby than going to a brothel and playing with girls like
some nobles.

“Are there more things to do in the banquet hall?”

I grabbed Aslan by the sleeve and asked. For some reason, he felt reluctant
to get touch by people.

Then he looked down at my hand that grabbed me by the hem of my dress,

shook his head and replied back.

“No, because I have already attended.”


So, would you like to go back together?

I pointed my finger where the wagons were waiting and said.

“Well, I need someone to comfort me after my broken heart. Let’s have a

little chat.”

“……would you like to have drink together?”

“Haha, no.”

I whispered to the puzzled Aslan as if I were telling a secret story.

“I’ll show you my collections.”


There was a hidden fan next to me.

I can’t believe he also very close! That’s my blood brother!

That is true, we have no choice but to share our hobbies. I shook my head,
saying it was inevitable, but I couldn’t control the corners of my mouth.

The Crown Prince’s end of century confessions and declarations of war had
long disappeared from my mind. I felt like the eardrums and mind that had
been polluted by him were freshly cleansed.

I returned to the mansion and led Aslan, whose eyes widened in

embarrassment. It was the opposite of how I had been escorted by him to
the banquet hall.

Killian looked unexpected when he saw the two of us returning to the

mansion together in the early hours.

And I didn’t even explain what was going on, but he figured it out and

“Would you like some drinks and snacks?”

“Wow, take a look.”

Are you a ghost?

I sighed in admiration and licked my tongue.

Killian even sent me a smile with the meaning of praise as if he were saying
‘good’. He seemed to have noticed that I am closer to Aslan than before I
headed to the ballroom.

‘Alcohol and snacks……’

I suddenly felt hungry at the word snack. Come to think of it, he was
adjusting my diet for a while to prepare for the ball…….

It was the last ball I went to today, so is it okay for me to eat snacks at
night? For a moment, I refreshed my taste buds thinking about the food
floating in the air for a moment.

“Eat whatever you want today. I’m giving you this award because you’ve
been doing well.”

It was the best to be able to eat late-night snacks as a reward. As expected,

my butler knows something.

“Then I won’t say no.”

As I nodded, Killian raised the corner of his mouth slightly, smiled, and
headed straight to the kitchen. He already knows my taste buds through, so
I’m sure any food would be the best.

I headed straight to the room where my collections were displayed. Aslan

seemed timidly rebellious a few times at first, but when he saw my room
filled with romance novels, he quickly fell.

“Although it is mostly novels by author Lingte, there are many limited

editions by other authors. I can lend you anything you want.”

The reason is because I ordered 3 sets for reading, collection, and

missionary work. I thought I wouldn’t be able to use it forever because I
didn’t have any friends, but I’m glad it’s useful now, hoho.

Breaking Aslan’s normal cosplay was easier than I thought.

Even fans who desperately hide their identity, if they are next to the same
fan, their defense will be loosened.

He was looking around at several books with curious eyes. As he was doing
that, his face, which looked like a doll, seemed to be lively. I enjoyed the
look and ate the food Killian brought.
But it seems like he is still on high alert, so it’ll be hard to openly discuss
each other’s tastes, right?

‘By the way, he don’t really care about Lingte’s novels.’

Aslan was completely turning a blind eye to the cover of novel written by
Lingte without even examining the cover properly.


If you don’t like romance novels at all, he wouldn’t know, but Lingte is a
very talented writer, even from an objective point of view. I’m not saying it
because he’s my favorite writer, but honestly, even if I don’t like it, the
writing ability that seems to grab me by the neck the moment I read it was
the strength of the author Lingte.

It’s his preference, so I’ll respect it, but when I think about it, his taste is
really unique.

‘Uh? Wait a minute.’

I noticed something strange in his behavior and paused. And I couldn’t help
but ask about the contradiction.

“How do you know that is a novel by Lingte without really looking at it?”


The title is engraved on the back of the book, but the writer’s pen name is
not engraved, so how did he know?

It’s not even a title, it’s just the color and material of the book’s cover, so
how can you tell it’s Lingte’s book? It’s all different romance novels, but
the design of the book is similar, you won’t even know unless you’re a fans.

‘It’s strange to complain in such a manner that he hate only Lingte’s novels
when I’ve been caught liking romance novels. ….’

“By any chance…”

As I muttered seriously, stroking my chin with my fingers, Aslan stiffened
his body and choked his throat.

I slowly sweetened my lips at him nervously.

“……are you acquainted with the author Lingte?”

I asked with confidence in my reasoning.

However, he breathed in, breathed out as if he were sighing, hesitating for a

moment, and nodded reluctantly, showing an ambiguous response.

“Aren’t you?”

“No, you’re right. Friend…… it similar.”

OMG, crazy, Are you really his friend?!

VM C44

Chapter 44

I thought they are just acquaintances, but they are friends! I squealed and
almost got carried away and took a deep breath, clutching the hem of my
robe above my heart.

With my fingertips trembling, I reached out toward Aslan. Because he is a

friend of the author Lingte, I am already able to forgive all his past sins and
embrace them all.

“I-i-is he okay?”

“Yes, what…”

He answered back, dodging my touch. I’m tired of the way he looks away
from me.

Oh, brother. Please tell me a little bit about his current situation. It’s been
three years since his last work came out. If I don’t hear from him in three
months, I’ve been seriously thinking about kidnapping…….

“Is he healthy? He is not sick, isn’t he?”


“But why did he disappear? Why? Did he have any unavoidable


“I-it’s probably not his main job.”

“Huh, that’s not his main job? So does it mean that his hobby? With that
Lingte, your hobby is more professional than a professional, so how perfect
are you to surprise me?

“Oh, come to think of it, my brother’s friend must be an aristocrat. After all,
it couldn’t come out without knowing the whole life of the aristocrat…….”

I got a new realization and amazed by him.

Wait, but wouldn’t it be a big deal if I kidnapped a noble? What a

shame…..It seemed that the path of a criminal had no choice but to close.

As I was trying to appease my disappointment with a sullen face, Aslan

mingled his lips and managed to bring up the words about author Lingte.

“He said he likes to write, but he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to continue.
I’m afraid He’ll have to inherit the title soon.”

Really? Isn’t it possible to write and publish in your spare time even if you
inherit the title? After all, if you inherit the title, you will be too busy
controlling the land…….It’s not easy to say that it’s someone else’s

“I want to feed him and save him, I don’t want him to inherit to title, and I
want him to make a living by just writing novel…… I don’t even know his
situation, so I can’t do that.”

I didn’t want to embarrass the writer for my greed. He must have thought
about it a lot and made the decision. I was disappointed for some reason,
but I had no choice but to accept it. Just hearing what he has been up to.

I approached Aslan, grabbed his hand, and spoke in a faint voice, as if

sending my lover away.

I decided not to just ask who the writer Lingte is. He say he might quit
writing, but if I look at him, I’ll only have lingering feelings.

I didn’t want to be miserable as my ex-boyfriend at 2 a.m. I mean, I want to

remain a wonderful reader to the writer.
“Thank the writer for writing so many wonderful works, and please tell him
that I’m always rooting for him. Whatever path he take, I hope it will be a
flowery road.”

He wriggled his fingers, wondering if he wanted to pull out the hand I

grabbed, or if my eyes were burdensome.

“Still, you said he liked it, so I don’t want him to give it up completely. I’ll
be waiting for him whenever he come back.”

Aslan stopped moving completely at my subsequent words.

Then he looked at me with a startled rabbit-like expression and dropped his

head with his lips pressed down. The back of his ears, which were slightly
exposed through the disorganized black hair, were red.

“……thank you.”

“No, you have to tell it to the writer.”

I didn’t know why he was grateful.


Werner had the same dream in recent years.

It was a sad dream that I couldn’t remember anything when I opened my

eyes. Only the blood-boiling scream of a woman in a dream was a vivid

However, the woman’s face, which at first was blurry and unrecognizable,
became more and more vivid as the days went by.

Her hair was redder than blood, her green eyes that were ugly due to
ruptured veins, and her facial features that could not be found in her
original form with scabs and bruises.
The dream of constantly killing and killing a terrible woman who is cursed
him after being devastated…….

– That way, won’t you remember me even a little bit after I died like this?

The dream only became clearer day by day.

The woman’s mouth continued to flutter as she died.

With a frown-like mess and cracked voice, she said, “I love you, you’ll
have no choice but to love me,” smirking and pouring curses.

“Ha, damn it!”

Werner recited abusive language and swept up sweaty bangs.

The maid in charge made a fuss asking if he had another nightmare, but he
shook his hand half-heartedly and kicked her out.

“How long have I been dreaming of this dream…….”

She look like she had been subjected to terrible torture, but there is no way
he could not recognize the woman in his dream.

A poor woman who persistently pursues a duke family that boasts a long
history, enormous wealth, and momentum.

Because he need her, he treated her a little pretentiously for the sole reason,
than she fell in love with him and pursued him selflessly.

‘……Ayla Mertensia.’

Why the hell is that woman, he has to ask himself. But with her level of
persistence, she needed serious consideration at least once.

Werner is destined to become the master of the Lete Empire from the
moment he was born.
I don’t know what it’s like in reality, but Werner’s externally made
personality was kind and benevolent. Also, his appearance is like a
sculpture, as if it were taken against the standard of handsomeness used in
the empire.

Naturally, Werner has received everyone’s attention and courtship from an

early age.

The nobles were blinded to preoccupy him in the marriage market. It was
basic to push with your body. Whether seducing him or taking drugs, there
were various methods and forms, but it was something Werner had
experienced every day since he was only ten years old.

The continued actions of the nobles were enough to make him tired even
before the time when he is interested in the opposite sex.

Werner’s perception of the opposite sex naturally turned to contempt, and

he became very arrogant, shivering at women who approached him.

To him, Ayla was only remembered as ‘a troublesome because he couldn’t

deal with her because of the power of her family, let alone the Crown
Prince’s lumber to the point where the family’s name was a waste.’

Ah, another one. Aslan’s younger sister, who is a close friend and a good-
natured rival.

Her unusual personality, which was nicknamed “witch,” and her evaluation
of hitting the bottom to the point where he thought she was trying to get
attention, and her eye-catching appearance were impressive. However, he
wasn’t curious enough.

Werner around that time was not interested at the opposite sex, so he didn’t
even try to keep Ayla in his memory. It was fortunate that she was
remembered for her family’s presence on her back.

He was so utter indifference that he didn’t even feel the need to consume
his negative emotions that he hated or terrified of her.
But from one day onwards, he began to dream ‘that’.

I don’t remember the exact time, but if I look back on my memory, I think
it’s probably after I slowly looked at Charlotte and became curious.

At first, I felt uncomfortable because I couldn’t even remember what my

dream was, but as the harvest day approached, it came to me vividly as if it
were a past experience.

‘Foresight dream…’

Is it…?

About 15 days ago, when I attended the dawn ceremony held at the temple
every weekend, I had an audience with High Priest.

When Werner spoke to the High Priest about his dream that lasted for
months, he gave an extremely divine answer, “Oh, everything will be the
will of Rezerb.”

Werner is perfect from birth.

No, it might be more right to say that the whole universe will come forward
and help him for his perfection. That’s how much he is in God’s absolute

Born as the emperor’s first son, his mother is Empress. His maternal
grandfather was at the center of power, and he even received the absolute
support from Princess Cordelia, who was called the spiritual pillar by

The Duke of Mertensia, who is considered a finance minister and a

representative figure of the aristocracy, is also empowering him. And Aslan,
who would soon inherit the duchy, is also his best friend.

There were no ups and downs in his life.

He had no failures.
Once I see it, I have never forgotten it, and I have never missed what I have.
I’ve never gotten what I wanted. When anything started, it rolled as he
intended. If I live like this, I will one day become the owner of the empire
according to his laws.

For Werner, if this dream is truly God’s will, it should not be overlooked.
Maybe it is a real foresight dream.

It was from then on.

Werner began to consider the danger of the existence of ‘Ayla’.

Although the details of the dream alone not reveal in details, Ayla will do
great harm to Charlotte.

Even he considered taking the risk of get rid Ayla with his own hands
because his eyes were overturned. Even it’s meant to destroying her family,
one of his biggest supporters, before he even became emperor.

And Ayla, who was constantly courting Werner, suddenly cut off her
footsteps, which also fueled his suspicion. Isn’t she a woman with a
temperament who runs to the Crown Prince whenever she hears that there is
a woman he is interested in?

I’m sure she is up to something.

‘How dare you try to touch the heart that I swore to forever love her. ….’

I was nervous about the witch reaching out to Charlotte. I was wary.

However, there was no particular movement on Ayla’s side, even though he

waited with a firm determination.

‘It’s not like that.’

He knew just how stupid and thoughtless Ayla was after a few words.

She was like that, frivolous words and actions that could not be found as
manners, and she was like sending a look that she didn’t understand at all
when someone talked long or complicated stories were brought up.

Words don’t care about thoughts, and her actions even more so. She is one
dimensional beast like woman who is governed by her impulses and desires
from time to time. A flower without fragrance.

Although it was a publicly known evaluation, Werner entirely agreed.

Rumors are inherently inflated and distorted, but it couldn’t be more

VM C45

Chapter 45

But when Ayla disappeared for nearly two months and didn’t show up,
Werner said, ‘Is she really sick? … Is he dead? I even though to that
extreme. She didn’t even have the brains to pull off such a long trick.

Rumor has it that she is stuck inside the mansion, in her room, and she is
just reading books.


Ayla, book. Book, Ayla.

How could this not be related.

‘I’m starting to doubt whether or not she have ever read a single line of a
book properly.…That’s probably a false rumor.’

Werner affirmed with a serious look.

And soon after, speculation began to spread like a fait accompli that Werner
had become a scoundrel because he coldly rejected her.

Werner, of course, only snorted at the news. They said that she was shocked
because I had rejected her. If it about my refusal, It had already been done
countless time, both directly and not.

The fact that I feel as if I am talking to a wall while having conversation

seems to have been part of her family history.

‘I don’t know what the hell she is up to. I’ll have to take her out of the
duchy first, but can’t I just summon her directly to the Imperial Palace?
……No, I’m sure She will have another useless misunderstanding if I call
her out separately.’
Boring woman.

She has talent to gnaw at people’s nerves like this. Werner could have
identified Ayla as the only stumbling block in his own life.

So Werner gritted his teeth and looked forward to the reunion with Ayla
because of the same dream he had when he could forget it. When we meet
again, I intend to brush down her to the bottom, no matter what she is

And finally, the harvest ball came. Regardless of status, it was an implicit
rule of the harvest ball that one must attend if one receives an invitation.

‘I’m sure she will come out today.’

And Werner could finally see the expensive face of Ayla, who was gnashing
her teeth.

“I designed it.”

However, Ayla had changed as if she had been turned upside down.

There was a faint sense of grace that he had never seen before, and she
didn’t talk carelessly, and no matter who criticized her, she just looked at
them with a gentle smile on her mouth as if she were observing.

She didn’t make fuss, She didn’t even raise her voice. When she opened her
mouth with a gorgeous and elaborate doll-like face, I could not find her
previous appearance, which was disaster.

That was all, and the case began to revolve around Ayla.

With a crude dress that she claimed to have designed, she quickly accepted
by the world-famous designer Paulan and won the favor of Princess

“What does that have to do with anything? If you want to wear it, you can
wear it. If you care about that, you can’t wear what you want for the rest of
your life.”
No, looking at her this way, she’s completely different.

The habit of spitting out words without consideration still seems to be, but
she was rather liked by the other person. It must be because she is generous
to others as much as she is generous to herself.

Werner, while dealing with the nobles, pretended not pay attention to her.

After my shock had subsided, I was able to find some previous aspect of
Ayla, who looked like a completely different person.

‘When I heard it, it seems that she even made a nonsensical sound about
bringing men as her concubines…are you capable of that? You still talk
without thinking.’

A terribly selfish, self-indulgent, proud of nonsense, unconstrained


‘Yes, no matter how hard you try, you can’t completely change.’

But Werner suddenly thought that her changed appearance was not so bad,
and cognitive dissonance arose.

‘Ha, she is such a strong woman who doesn’t know how to obey and

No matter how much she has changed, such an uncontrollable personality

cannot be the subject of the Crown Prince.

Werner wanted woman, who was obedient to him and never had a back-up
enough to consider himself a benefactor for life. He wanted a wife, not a
remission that would grow into a force and become his political opponent in
the future.

‘……but why aren’t you even paying attention to me?’

Aside from making eye contact with her as I entered, Ayla didn’t even care
about Werner.
He had no choice but to wonder.

It wasn’t enough that she was persistently chasing me until just two months
ago, every night I dreamed of a bullshit woman who said she loved me and
tried to kill Charlotte.

I was confused and bewildered at first, but as I thought about it, conclusion
came quickly.

‘She seems to want attention.’

Sometimes there were such young ladies like that.

After using all sorts of means to flirt with me, she suddenly turns away
from me and shows up wearing different spirit. It was a common trick to
induce jealousy.

Of course, it is also a trick that didn’t work at all for Werner. Whenever that
happened, Werner even offered kindness to push for the marriage of the
young lady and the young man, saying that it was rather easy rather than

After repeating it a few times, the young ladies who used jealousy tactics in
front of Werner disappeared.

‘Tsk, you think I can give you an eye? You’re late because You don’t have
any friends to hang out with.’

Next to Ayla stood a man whose impression was blurry like a servant. He
was as insignificant as a roadside stone.

The intentions were so transparent that they were clearly read. Werner made
a face that said yes.

Judging by the clothes, he seems to be the butler of the family, and it was
sad that there was no man to mobilize to cause jealousy. Well, with that

Then Charlotte, who was leaning against Werner’s forearm, asked
anxiously. She seemed anxious that he unable to concentrate and distracted

“Ah…… I’m sorry.”

Werner politely apologized.

It was because I was actually sorry. I couldn’t care less about Charlotte
because I was preoccupied with useless things.

“Sorry, if you’re tired, why don’t we move to the lounge for a while?”

“Thank you, but I’m fine. It was just something that bothered me for a

Charlotte could be said to be the ideal type he dreamed of perfectly.

She is a woman who is kind and gentle like an angel, slender enough to
protect, lovely enough to revitalize his life, obedient to whatever his will is,
and absolute trust in himself.

Above all, she is pure.

I wanted to make it clear and clean so that she could enjoy a comfortable
life in my arms without showing anything dirty.

Of course, there were a lot of men around who were looking for Werner’s
eyes to steal her.

However, it is true that no matter how competitive they were, considering

all the conditions, they fell short of his toes.

His status, appearance, and strength.

Who can beat perfection?

Charlotte made a connection just by passing everyone’s lapels, but they

were almost small-minded and there were only a limited number of men
Werner considered to be rivals.

Among the three great Dukes of the Empire, the only neutral, Duke of
Transia, the youngest Grand Sword Master and his escort, Lenox, and
finally, the general manager of the Ministry of Magic and The Archmage,

However, Septimus, who seemed quite fond of Charlotte, knew what the
wind was blowing and let her go. Then there was nothing more to see.
There were times when I was proud of my battles, but I was convinced that
eventually Charlotte would fall into my own hands.

He even planning for the future when Charlotte would later become Crown

And in preparation for that, I was going to put my eye on the social world in
advance and put her at the center. Charlotte didn’t say much, but she
seemed to want her to do so.

By the way, Ayla became an unexpected ambush and took an interest in

Charlotte entirely. Werner narrowed his eyes and was lost in thought.

‘Did she start using her brain to steal Charlotte’s place?’

Is that Ayla? To become mine?

I couldn’t believe it, but seeing with my own two eyes, I couldn’t help but
to believe it.

Ayla is different from before.

If I have to explain it, She is positive on the surface, but she is a threat to
Charlotte an Werner.

Perhaps the dream I suffered every night was indeed a foresight dream.
Then maybe one day Ayla will be blinded by love and will really kill
To know that I am one step ahead before things got bigger, God also by my

Werner confessed directly to Charlotte at the last banquet, where all the
nobles gathered, and decided to pose a slight threat to Ayla.

And then.

“And most of all, your Highness seems to be mistaken…… why do you

think I would do anything to Lady Angelo?”

It was expected that Ayla eventually failed to overcome her temper and
commit violence. On the contrary, it was to the extent that I felt that she
have now returned to her form.

It was Until Werner himself was covered at his face with Ayla’s drink.

‘Did you….. spray me with alcohol? Not Charlotte, but me……? You’ve
been telling me you love me so much.….’

Werner has been courted countless times. And I reject them all, but I’ve
never seen anyone vent their anger directly on me.

Who dares to be angry at being rejected by the Crown Prince? Even if they
insulted their opponents beyond being cold, they would only shed tears.
And if I leave them alone, they hit each other like were desperate and

Werner couldn’t move despite the burning skin and the stinging smell of
alcohol. It said that if you are too shocked, you will harden and you will be

How dare you spray alcohol on the Crown Prince’s face, it was beyond
refreshing and astonishing. I thought she is crazy a long time ago, but I
didn’t know she is this crazy. There’s a degree to it to get attention, but she
has gone beyond this.

Werner, who had been humiliated in front of everyone, ignited a rage he had
never felt before.
Right now I couldn’t stand it without putting that runaway foal under my

This time, I though I would take Ayla out and explain what she would be
like if she didn’t obey me.

“Who am I angry with?”

I was going to do that.

“It’s you.”

……Obviously, that’s what I was trying to do.

“I want to tell you that I am disappointed.”

Werner couldn’t bring up anything as if he had forgotten how to speak.

Ayla said something he never imagined, let alone expected.

VM C46

Chapter 46

‘Is she mad at me? Disappointed?’

Never heard of it from anyone except my biological father, my biological

mother, the emperor, and the empress. Even the tutor who was in charge of
my education did not dare to mention such words. Everyone is following
my will if I said it.

‘What kind of safety she got to the point that she is doing this to me? Don’t
tell me, she is acting this way and asking for my attention?’

If you’re doing this kind of trick to remain in my memory, I could have said
you were half successful. I’ll never forget this disgrace for the rest of my
life. I didn’t know she would be such an annoying obstacle when my habit
called her like a stumbling block.

However, even if she acts like this on the subject of longing for my love,
she will only be able to grab my ankle, far from love.

Who is so obstinate to someone who wants to look good? Werner clicked

his tongue, wondering if Ayla’s stupidity still lingered.

But for the second time, she brought up exactly what I had expected.

“I will no longer disturb you, nor touch your heart. That’s it. …… so be
happy with your two hearts, forever, and in your next life.”

She slipped out of the banquet hall after the dry words, which contained no
emotionless comment.

……what, that’s it?

She said that she certainly loved me with all her life, soul and whole heart.
She appeared every night and whispered to me until it is imprinted in my

But how can you say such a thing casually with the same face and the same
voice? You’re not gonna touch Charlotte? The screams that came out of my
dreams still vivid in my ears.

Werner chased Ayla’s backside away as if he had suddenly become a

moron. That is because it was so absurd.

Everything was under Werner’s intentions. The world is a large chessboard

carefully crafted for him.

However, one horse runs wildly.

“……It is the first time in my life that a woman dares to treat me like this.”

A perfect world, a perfect life.

The things that had been perfectly interlocked began to crack little by little.


[The Villainess, Ayla, was greatly hurt because of broken heart and
declaration of war in the public, and after a wild dash, she foretells blood
revenge on the female protagonist Charlotte.]

This scene.

It’s like-

[Ayla, the villainess shocked by Werner’s confession at the end of the

century, can’t control her anger and ends up baptizing his face with wine]]

– Changed to this scene.

But the loop didn’t happen.

I opened my eyes the next morning safely, and I had no choice but to doubt
for a moment that I was happy.

The truth is, I have been skeptical since the first day of the harvest ball, and
I passed safely on to the next day.

You know. Maybe, by any chance.

“The loop, maybe…… it’s long gone?”

I muttered into the air, causing an earthquake in my pupils. Am I just

making a fool of myself?

Not a single loop has occurred since Palingea Day.

Of course, it may be because I played the role of the villainess that well, but
come to think of it, the loop itself might have disappeared, right?

It was purely my guess that the loop would stop only if I played the role of
villainess in the first place, and that the loop would only occur in the part
where the villainess appeared.

As soon as I woke up in the morning, I muttered to myself, trembling with

anxiety. If the loop is gone, it’s right to be excited, but it feels like
something has been dismantled in the air. It feel not nice and

At that moment, as he did every morning, Killian put the early morning tea
in the tray and put it on my lap and spoke.

“As soon as you coughed, you make that kind of suffocating sound.
Coincidentally, the loop hasn’t disappeared yet, lady.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I still feel the energy of Rezerb explicitly. As I said before, God is
the only one that can handle time.”
It meant that there was a high possibility that the loop would be alive
because such a divine energy had not yet been lifted. Somehow I was
relieved to hear that.

‘……No, why I am relieved?’

I can’t help but lament that the loop is still blocking my golden spoonful of

I was still half asleep, slapping my cheeks lightly. And sipped Earl Grey.

As the harvest ball came to an end and I regained my composure, I thought

of the next loop. But it is next spring.

As autumn is getting deeper and winter is approaching, we have to skip one

season in the future.

In this way, the proportion of Ayla is not as high as expected. Well, the
frequent appearance of the villainess, who plays the role of bad girl in the
novel, will also reduce tension.

‘What are we going to do now?’

Suddenly, when I was free, recalling the hardships I had suffered, I wanted
to be fiercely on the edge of the net.

I naturally went to the library and opened the novel book that had been
pushed back. Of course, if I have time, I should live a life of a rich
unemployed man!

…..That’s what I thought, but the text didn’t quite catch my eyes. This is
very strange.

Just a few days ago, I would have spent each day rolling around and reading
novel by Lingte without hesitation.

– I’ll follow your will. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do, so just trust
Sophia and leave it to me.

-I’m sure that’s not the end. I don’t care what it is, so open it as much as
you want. Whatever you imagine, I’ll make it happen by myself.


-Are you thinking of getting a title?


The useless thoughts kept interrupting, and I ended up closing the novel.

“That’s weird, really.”

It’s been my lifelong dream to fool around like a bedbug. Even the first
golden spoon life I enjoyed is only a month shorter than vacation due to
unwanted loops.

So now that the opportunity has come to compensate for the sorrows of that
time, of course I should be lazy. But I didn’t know why my heart is beating
fast for another reason.

“Is my arrhythmia… really bad?”

I still haven’t given up the lingering attachment of a rich unemployed man,

and I’ve made a fuss.

However, Killian, who was watching me without saying much, looked at

my slightly recalled face and asked.

“Did you think it was exciting?”


“Doesn’t it look like the book is not interesting?”

“……st-stop it.”
The spirit of my lazy life rebelled against it int its own way, but the
excitement at that time did not easily subside.

I remembered when Killian asked me about a dream I had forgotten. Then I

replied that I once dreamed of becoming a designer.

In fact, even that is undeserved dream for me, and I came to achieve
something like a dream here.

Not many people, but some people like my dress. Even the best designer
appeared who put in the false hope that I would open a new horizon.

It was different from the past life, when no matter how many times I went
around and shoveled constantly, I couldn’t get any better.

Everything in this world has been done as my desired. Opportunities came

very easily and if you tried, you were paid a fair, maybe more.

When the factors that made me endlessly helpless disappeared, what is

revealed is the motivation that was buried to the floor.

‘It’s a waste of time to hang around.’

That’s what I suddenly thought.

After much consideration, I visited the Duke of Mertensia and said.

“Father, I’d like to inherit Count Kintyre.”

In fact, no matter where I looked, I had no reason to refuse.

From the light thoughts of ‘I’ve come to the fantasy world, I should at least
try to be a count,’ to the serious determination to lay the foundation for my

I got greedy.

I wanted to see how far I could do it. I thought I would never have done it
The Duke seemed a little surprised, but he gladly allowed it as he
suggested, and I was quickly upgraded from the Duke’s daughter to the
Count’s successor.

From then on, I was really busy. Originally, the successor class was
supposed to take steps step by step from an early age, but it was very
difficult to learn all at once when I grew up.

Let’s take Aslan as an example.

He was sent to the Imperial Palace after taking off his steps and spent his
childhood as a playmate and attendant of the Crown Prince.

After returning to the family, he learned swordsmanship, horseback riding,

history, literature, social studies, dance, and art under his tutor, and
naturally took successor classes such as politics, diplomacy, and welfare.

He was the elite of the elite who completed all courses at the Academy for
three years and graduated second place.

The reason for second place is because the first place is a regular seat for
the male protagonist, Werner. Aslan, who was at that age, was unfortunately
forced to take over the designated second place.

‘It could be said that it is the sorrow of an extra.’

In short, I had to learn at once that process that Aslan had been stepping
step by step.

Thanks to this, I was faced with an enormous amount of assignments that

couldn’t be compared with cramming liberal arts to prepare for the ball.

The most shocking thing is that Killian decided to take charge of all the
education of successors. I don’t even know if he has skill that inferior, they
were all outstanding like 30 years of experience.

I couldn’t help but ask at this point.

“Who the hell are you?”

“The sorcerer.”

You know I’m not asking that. But kindly I changed the question and asked

“Are you aristocrats?”

In fact, even if he is a royal family or a royalty, I would have accepted that

it was well deserved. Even if he is the devil, I’d believe it.

Killian swept his chin for a moment, groping for a distant past, and casually
spitting out a great deal of words.

“If you’re asking me where I’m from, I was a slave.”


Who, You?

Aside from the aristocratic accent and gestures that could not come out
except for a noble status, the words and actions that seemed to rule over
everyone and thoroughly look down were something that a slave could
never have.

He’s a natural born as ruler, what…….

“It would be more convincing to say that I was from slavery.”

And that was the case. Hello, I’m Yoon Haneul, the first slave of the Npo
generation from South Korea.

(Translator note: N-po generation is a new term for the generation of people
who have given up on numerous things in South Korea.)

Killian gazed down at me, hurt by a self-inflicted gag, and asked.

“Now that you’re asking me that, have you given up avoiding me?”

VM C47

Chapter 47

Come to think of it, I belatedly remembered that I didn’t ask anything about
his personal circumstances in order to draw a line with Killian.

Where he came from and what he was doing.

The more I learn his secrets one by one, the harder I will be to escape.

‘Do you like to be a self-driving personally?’

I shut my mouth and shook my head lightly, swearing at my complacency.

It was now pain in the ass to ask how he knew I was sneaking away.
Killian’s wits are a ghost, and he even acted so conspicuously, so why
wouldn’t he know?

“Are you going to keep avoiding me?”

I knew you had a hobby of buying and suffering, but Kilian muttered
quietly. But he didn’t try to dig into me any more.

That was at that time.

There was a moment when I tried to avoid contact with Killian as much as

There are many classes that require physical education, such as

swordsmanship and horseback riding, but the time I learned to dance was
the most difficult moment for me to bear.

“Come here.”

Killian flicked his hand at me as I raised my fur like a vigilant cat.

“How are you going to dance when you’re so far away?”

“Just tell me.”

“How do you learn to dance with words? You’re dancing the waltz as stiff
as a group dance.”

When I made a pointless rebellion, he gently half closed his eyes and lifted
his finger again. I meant that you should not lose your strength in vain.

“You have such a high standard. I think that’s an average.”

“You seem to like dance quadrille. I thought you danced well compared to
the period you learned. Until the song moves on to the waltz.”

Having stomped on Killian’s foot several times while waltzing at the ball, I
had no choice but to grumble and go to him. It was fortunate that my
partner was Killian, but if it were ordinary nobleman, he would be limping
by now.

‘If it had been an ordinary nobleman in the first place, I wouldn’t have
stepped on his feet.’

Because there is no need to be very conscious of my partner.

But when I waltz with Killian, I become conscious of where to look, how to
make a face, and even the sound of breathing.

I’d rather hug him at all, or stay away from him. It is too burdensome to
have to stay close to each other at such an ambiguous distance.

I shuddered up and grabbed his hand. Then he led me towards the main hall
under the chandelier.

The calm music has been playing for a long time. I put my hands on his
shoulders, holding them together as I had learned from him, and his hands
touched my waist. I managed to hold back what I almost flinched for a
moment and took steps to the flowing music.
Even our breaths were within reach.

I was facing him, holding my breath in case I could hear him breathing, and
repeatly exhaling from my lips.

A white shirt, pressed with a straight angle, came into view. A button filled
to the top of his neck is right at my eye level, so it looked stuffy.

And when I looked up, there were glistening ornaments on the wheels of his
ears that were completely contrary to ascetic attire.

“Did you pierce your ears again?”

One piercing seemed to be increasing from yesterday. It was also also

pierced at an angle with no sincerity.

Killian led me skillfully and responded indifferently.

“I thought I needed more.”

He recently has been increasing his mana-control accessories one by one.

This was because the ‘magic eating snake’, which was engraved on the
body before, had a slight effect.

The snake originally suck up mana to its limit and even kill people, but
snake carved into Killian’s body is rather unable to withstand his mana and
gradually losing power little by little.

Therefore, he converted the restraints, which were used for ancient objects,
into artifacts. He is a monster-like man after all, even though he wore the
monstruous thing like ornaments, he still doing well.

At first, he wore rings and bracelets, and since he found out that the closer I
got to his head, the more obvious the effect was, he pierced his ears.

Even his eyebrows had silver piercings up and down. He’s going to put this
on his tongue and lips too. I thought I was all sick for no reason, so I
frowned without realizing it.
“Why is it increasing?”

“You saw what happened to the young girl who touched me the last time.”


To be honest, it was hard to even say that she ‘touched him’. She just
passed by and bumped into him lightly.

But before she could escape from Palace, she got hit by her carriage. How
unlucky she was, she was hit by her own carriage from her own family who
had met her.

I was so freaked out when I saw that scene by chance. Fortunately, I heard it
ended up with a bruise.

“I suppressed my magic as much as possible, so it stopped there. If she had

touched my bare body without any restraint, she would have been dead.”

“……is that because of Killian?”

“I told you, every sorcerer is a monster who sucks human happiness.”

The mere presence of a shaman next to you makes people around you

I’ve heard him say it many times, but it doesn’t feel very real. It didn’t work
for me at all anyway.

But after witnessing it, the problem seemed more serious than I thought. I
can’t believe that the other person could die just by touching him, that’s
why he never been able to hang out with anyone in his life.

‘If it wasn’t for the same sorcerer, I wouldn’t have been able to approach
anyone. Even wearing a hood, engraving snakes, or wearing restraints
doesn’t seem to completely prevent it.’

No matter what he do, if he expose himself for a long time, people nearby
people will be in danger.
I remembered he said that he lived in the forest. Is it because of his magic
powers that he could not stay in one place and kept wandering around?

After thinking about it, I felt like I knew why Killian hugged me, touched
me, and kissed me. I am the only one who not affected by his magic in the
first place.

‘And he really did everything for me until I said about payment…….’

I never thought there would be such a wound because he looked so good at

dealing with people.

No, I knew it in my head, but I thought it would be insignificant because he

looked confident, arrogant, and capable in everything.

I stopped moving with a snap. Then I hesitated for a moment and reached
for his piercing, which had been pierced and crooked.

As I stepped up, Killian naturally lowered his head.

“Didn’t it hurt?”

“Should I be sick? I’ve thought about it before, but you’re curious about
something strange.”

“It’s because I’m upset.”

“You are upset?”

He blinked as if to ask why. He is asking because he doesn’t know.

“If you’re going to pierce, pierce it well. I’m sure the marks were crooked,

This beauty should be left without scars like a World Heritage Site, so I
can’t say anything because it’s not my face, but I like his face, so his face
not meant to be decorative.

Killian asked back and pulled out a piercing from the wheel of his ear.

Then gradually new flesh began to rise and the traces of the piercing
disappeared. That was absolutely no human resilience.

“……are all sorcerer like that?”

“No, just me.”

He said so, and then again ignorantly tried to pierce his ear again. It hurts! It
hurts more because I see it!

“Wa-wait a minute! Stop!”

Then Killian stopped, acting like a obedient child and looked down at me.

I sighed and swept down my face and called the maid to fetch the needle.

“I’ll do it for you.”

I’ve never done it before, but at least I thought I could pierce it more safely
than Killian himself.

I gently put him in a chair who moved as I led him. Then the maid took out
the thinnest needle that she had already sanitized.

“He-here I go.”

Killian sat quietly and blinked, looking at my trembling hands.

“Calm down for now.”

“I feel it would hurt…….”

“It’s not like you piercing me with a sword. It doesn’t even stab in my heart,
so it doesn’t hurt.”

I think he’s trying to soothe me who’s nervous, but when I heard that, I
started to get more scared and hesitant. I’ve never damaged a person’s body
except for an upset stomach.

“If it’s hard, I’ll do it.”

But if I don’t, Killian will pierce his ears like he’s poking through those
blunt earrings. Why he is so insensitive to pain, is he lost his sense of pain?

I took a deep breath for a moment, took a precise position, and stabbed it
quickly with a needle. And I quickly put in the piercing before the hole was


Fortunately, the shape is prettier than before when he recklessly pierced it. I
sighed with relief and smiled contentedly.

“Did you disinfect it?”


“No matter what……I don’t think I’ll lose.”

Only then did I realize that Killian’s face was too close and pulled my head

I was so focused on getting a scratch on my ear that I completely forgot that

I had been avoiding him recently. I let my guard down. Don’t tell me, even
his ears are handsome.

But Killian was faster to embrace me with his arms around my waist. In the
meantime, I lost my balance and slumped on his lap.

“Ah, let go!”

I struggled, but it was useless because he is holding me tightly.

And my meaningless rebellion did not last long. Because his arms were so
warm and cozy…….
‘……I’m so spineless.’

But what can I do about the warmth?

Rather than not knowing, I couldn’t resist when I know that his embrace
was this good.

Suddenly, the male protagonist’s last-century lines came to mind. Even if

you refuse it with your mouth, your body is this honest.

But I didn’t know my body would be so faithful to my desires. Are romance

novels based on reality? ……No, it couldn’t have been. It’s just that a man
named Killian is irresistible.

As I gave up resistance in an instant, Killian let out an tickling laugh in my


He used to have this much fun whenever I gave up quickly for being a
fierce rebel.

“You’re weak to temptation.”

“Look in the mirror.”

In fact, it wasn’t just his face that I fell in love, but I am afraid that he
would catch my confused heart.

Then he replied.

“They usually freak out and avoid me.”

That’s probably because you’re a sorcerer. As long as they don’t know who
you are, they will run like a swarm of bees saying that a male god has
descended to the earth.

At the time, Killian added.

“Or I avoid them.”


“I don’t want to commit any kind of murder, so there were many times
when I didn’t even come close.”

…so that this sorcerer can make a real person feel weak.

VM C48

Chapter 48

My intention to get out of his arms had long cooled down, but my sympathy
has risen, and it has become difficult to stand still.

I dilly-dallied and dug deeper into his arms. Then Killian moved his body
so that I could lean more comfortably as if he had waited. ……I think I’ve
been tricked for some reason.

“Are you giving up now?”

It was omitted what I was giving up now, but I couldn’t have known in this

I sighed and nodded properly this time. As a result, everything went as he


‘Yes, do whatever you want.’

It doesn’t wear off just by touching, so let’s work together with the people
who are hungry for the warmth of each other. For some reason, my future
seemed as dark as the back of my eyelid, but it was my fault that I couldn’t
push him away.

“By the way.”

He said, tidying up my red hair, which had been messed up from dancing.

“The next revelation is spring?”

Revelation. He was talking about loop.

“Yes, that’s right.”

I replied subtly with a firm look on my face. For now, it is, but I couldn’t
tell if there would be a loop on that day entirely because I come to the

In addition, the biggest problem was that unlike the last loop, which showed
the exact timing of the “harvest ball,” the exact date could not be known
except for next spring.

It isn’t because Ayla met someone and the incident didn’t happen, but
because Ayla is acting arbitrarily and secretly.

“The foresight, I got it before was clear, as if it was unfolding in front of

me, but this time it was blurry as if it were used in fog. Nothing except that
it’s spring when the surrounding scenery blooms.….”

For Killian, it’s roughly a wrap. He easily let it slide because I had already
been told directly that Rezerb is an unkind god and that the presence of God
was unprecedented.

In fact, the simplest way to know when that day was was to wait until the
loop began. That was the only way in the first place.

However, Killian’s idea is different. He braided my hair to one side and


“What if we beat them before spring comes, before the loop rises?”


“Then what will happen?”


……like that?

Killian’s words quickly broke my stereotype that ‘I should follow exactly

when the incident occurred in the <Lilies Lady>.’

Next spring.
I was thinking that I would have to move at that time because the loop
would happen, but when I thought about it, it was a scene of Ayla moving
on her own. There is no need to wait until that time.

‘What if we fix what needs to happen in the future first from the past?’

Don’t you think loop itself doesn’t have to happen? Then wouldn’t the loop

This seems to be a shortcut to twisting the story properly, but it may be an

opportunity to get out of the loop.

Come to think of it, I was so obsessed with loops that I didn’t have any
episodes in mind other than the scene where Ayla appeared. Come to think
of it, if it’s to take Charlotte’s place, I should find a place like that and

Well, it’s not the time to be like this.

“You can interfere with the original work!”


Oh, my God, that’s a nice mouth.

I am so stupid that I didn’t know this natural fact that words that I shouldn’t
say popped up without realizing it.

I, who almost admitted to myself that this is the world in the book, turned
back desperately in a cold sweat.

“The original work is original. When Charlotte, who is loved by God, said
it was God’s work, why don’t we intervene in Charlotte’s work? So,
Charlotte’s job in the absence of divine revelation.”

I was able to put a very awkward tone around it.

Killian squinted and looked suspicious for a moment, but no matter how
much insight he had, he didn’t seem to have read that this world is the
world in the book.

“Then…… shall we go now?”

I quickly changed the subject, while Killian tilted his head languidly with a

Then he tied a ribbon to the end of my hair and replied.


No, my hair is…….

I pulled it all the way and checked it and it was much cleaner and tighter
braided than I did myself.

Oh my gosh, you’re even better at touching my hair than me. Don’t you
think there’s nothing you can’t do?

When I was fiddling with my hair for no reason, I suddenly remembered.

That I prefer to braid my cumbersome hair to one side when I go out lightly.

…..Oh? Come to think of it, since when has Killian been braiding my hair?

“Let’s go, then.”

He lifted me up and put me down next to him, then got up and stretched out
his hand to me.

I reflexively grabbed his hand without hesitation, the flinched and pulled
my hand away, then sighed and wiggled my fingers to grab it again.

In that moment, countless thoughts ran through my mind.

Somehow I could tell by intuition. This moment is the last option to throw
him out.

Once the fire was extinguished, my life entered a certain level of stability.
Soon I’ll make a dress for the Princess with Paulan, and it’ll be quite
famous if it works out. That’s not a big problem because he said he could
give up everything even if I didn’t have to kidnap him.

Also, without Killian’s help at the last banquet, the loop was safely crossed,
and I never intended to harm Charlotte directly. If it stays this way, we’ll
avoid the death flag.

I am even going to inherit the title. I’m still a rookie who has just inherited
the throne of the Count, but unless there is a great ordeal, my way forward
will be solid. For the tutor, I just need to find someone else capable.

It is as smooth as a sail in the wind. Even without Killian, I will be able to

get through it well by myself.

‘Yoon Haneul, think carefully. The reaction that will come to this man when
he find out I’m the writer of this novel.’

As a result of our time together, Killian is a generous man, with a severe

lack of morality. He is the type of person who didn’t care about personal
things even though I might not know because he is quick-witted.

But when it comes to God-related things, he seems to be more than naive.

What kind of hell would I face for the sin of deceiving him because I were
not used by God, but in fact I’m the God of this world?

‘C-can I just hide it?’

Hide? How long do you think I can hide it? Can a year be hidden from him,
who has a miraculous sense that he knows everything without me telling


Killian called me with a mysterious face. It seemed amazing that I looked

down at his hand and groaned as if I had borne all the anguish of life alone.
He called me a few more times, but when Iwas still mesmerized and didn’t
answer, he said ‘hmmm’, and he opened his mouth again.


And the moment he put my name in his mouth, all the thoughts quickly
went blank.

Come to think of it, isn’t it the first time he called my name? He used to call
me ‘you’ and ‘lady’, so why all of a sudden now?

Ayla isn’t even my original name anyway. It’s just a meaningless Western
name even if you don’t have to quote a poem that says you’ve become a

His hand was already tightly wrapped around my hand when I came to my
senses after looking at his mouth shape and his red tongue, which was
fluttering ‘Ayla.’

I looked down at my hands, unable to budge, and slowly lifted my eyes.

Then, Killian had a decadent smile that was hardly as sweet as it was.
Somewhere erotic, a little shady, deep and dark like a swamp.

It’s like I made the choice, so don’t ever think about leaving now.


Palingea. The day the moon swallows the sun.

The day the catastrophe started wasn’t just a nightmare for Ayla.

The side effects of twisting causality at will sometimes appeared in a

direction that even the absolute could not have expected. A case in point
was the presence on the outskirts of the world that intervened in the center
of the world.

A new cause, and a new effect.

The moment the butterfly flapped its wings, it was already bringing a storm
to everywhere.


“I’m sick and tired of it…….”

A faint human voice could be heard in the air. The workers who were busily
wandering around the garden looked up.

And they soon doubted their eyes. It was because of a boy who sat cross-
legged on a tall building.

The boy sat on the edge of the roof as if he were about to fall, writing in the
air toward the building opposite him. As his fingers played in the air, a
brilliant golden color followed his touch and painted a golden formula.

There’s a bum on the roof.

An outsider who can’t be identified.

There was no way to know how he went up there. The workers were
startled and shouted at the boy.

“Who are you!”

It was just then.

The boy suddenly bit his finger and bled. And after only one gesture from
the building on the other side, the head of the owner of the mansion,
Viscount Leo, who was in the office, flew away.


At the same time, even the window.

Of course, the Viscount went berserk. At the head of his own son, who flew
away with a sudden explosion, the workers screamed in disarray. The maid,
who was waiting for the tea next to his son, couldn’t even breathe.

The sound of the pounding, loud heart made the surrounding sound distant
for a moment.

The maid slowly swept her cheeks with trembling hands like a quiver. The
hot blood of a man who was alive only a few seconds ago smeared on her

This… dream?

It was terribly unrealistic.

The maid raised her head slowly. I could see the boy who landed softly on
the terrace railing without a sound.

It was a skillful and flexible move. Even in the midst of the chaos, the boy
calmly blinked his big eyes.

The boy tilted his head and said.

“It’s really weird.”

White silver hair without impurities and golden eyes with high purity. If I
had met him outside, I would have burst into admiration because he had an
angelic face.

But the maid dragged her feet back, intuitively realizing that the beautiful
boy was the cause of all this fuss. Her breathing sped up as if she was about
to pass out, and the sound of teeth snapping into each other was loud in the
slightly open mouth.

“I’m sure he’s dead.”

VM C49

Chapter 49

The boy went on to say something mysterious. ……Hmmm, no.

“It’s definitely no ‘the same’. I killed the day before, and two day before.
And killed again the three day before the four day before. I’ve checked
several times that he lost his breath, and there’s no way I’m mistaken. I’m
always praised for being sure about getting works done.”

Work done?

If you look all over the world, the only person who makes killing a living
would be an assassin.

The maid alternated between the Viscount and the boy, the boy and the
Viscount in a stiff motion. Through the boy’s self-talk, splendid appearance,
and bizarre ability, she opened her eyes to the limit after grasping the
identity of the opponent.

I’ve heard of it.

On the streets of the night, “Vasili of the Kobos Assassination Guild” is the

It was because of his beautiful face and fearful ability that he would never
be forgotten. He could kill people from afar with one hand gesture.

‘Dumb Vasily….’

There is a famous assassin who always had the nickname ‘Dumb’ in front
of his name. Rumor has it that his actions are always unpredictable, so he’s
like a ball that doesn’t know where it will bounce.
The assassination request he has been assigned is always complete no
matter what, but other than that, he acts as he pleases.

I’m going to die.

I’m going to die right here today.

The maid trembled and her legs relaxed and fell down on the spot. Only
then did Vasily’s eyes reach her, which had been muttering to himself.

“Hello, we meet again.”


“Do you know that the same day repeats over and over again?”

He tilted his white head and soon frowned. He looked like a child who was
upset because things didn’t go his way.

“Did you know that I’ve been waiting for three months for the client’s
demanding request to kill him in Palingea no matter what? I’ve been
through a lot. But why does the day have to repeat itself today?”

Over and over and over again.

“Now you know how upset I was, right?” Vasily repeated his unexpected
rant, drooping eyebrows.

“I guess you’re unhappy, too.”

Asking for consent, the maid nodded frantically, not knowing what he
meant. Cold sweat, which began to form on the forehead, fell down on the

“Are you sure it’s not a dream today?”


“There’s no answer…….”
In a dreary murmur, the maid replied desperately.

“Yes! Yes, yes! I-it’s not a dream!”

“Right? Good girl. You answered today, so I won’t kill you like I did

He clasped his hand to the rattling maid and looked down at the body with
curiosity and irritation.

Perhaps the Viscount died without even realizing he was dead. His body is
as if he is sitting on an office chair, blood gushing out of his neck.

“That’s the way I see it.”

It’s not a dream, he’s definitely dead.

But what if the day goes by tomorrow and he comes back to life again?
What if it something never happened?

“I don’t want to do this anymore.”

It’s boring, it’s not funny…… Vasily, feeling somewhat anxious, took the
memorization out of his arms. Then he stabbed and stabbed Viscount body,
whose head had already flee off and became a corpse. The sun-like eyes
glistened with pure madness. It likes a child’s eyes tearing off the wings of
a dragonfly.

Won’t I die like that? Even like that way?

That was the limit. The maid, who witnessed the cruel sight before her eyes,

Vasily stopped the action until he was soaked as if he had bathed in blood.
And he smiled refreshingly, wiping the blood dripping down his chin with
the back of his hand.

“You’re going to die now, aren’t you?”

He murmured grimly on the backs of the fleeing workers, clenching his face
as if he had suddenly switched off after being proud.

“In another day, I will kill them all and destroy the entire mansion.”

Then we can move on to tomorrow.

“You’re letting me, too, aren’t you?”

Vasily looked at the head of the Viscount, who couldn’t even close his eyes.


When the man came to his senses, the first thing he felt was the sound of
digging into his ears.

The sound of water dripping on the floor, and the low, calm voice, the
squeaky, sharp sound of something being cut…….

Before he knew it, the flickering vision became clear. He could see a ceiling
that looked like a stone wall.

The man blinked his eyes.

It was because he couldn’t understand the situation at all. He belatedly

realized that his limbs were perfectly bound.

“What the….”

The white, murky smoke scattered through the air. As the smoke cleared
with a deep breathing sound, my eyes met with a man with a cigarette in his

“Are you awake, dongsaeng?”

(*Translator note: dongsaeng= younger brother/sister)

The man looked down at him with a dreary, dry look and let out a terrible
smoke. His red eyes stuttered as if his blood had dried and hardened


The man’s face, which quickly identified the opponent’s identity, was
stained with disappointment and despair. He ran away so desperately, and
he ended up getting caught!

“You’ve become very bad at speaking.”

The man called Linda smirked as if he were the same. And he continued to
work with rough, rugged hands with thick veins.

Pain came slowly and bluntly. At first, all the man felt was warmth and heat
around his stomach, but soon It became unbearably painful.

The man struggled and screamed at the terrible pain he suffered for the first
time in his life.

“Don’t act like a worm that’s breaking open. We’ve done this kind of
business once or twice, haven’t we?”

“Ugh, uaaaaghhhh!”

“My dongsaeng is more impatient than I thought.”

Linda chuckled his tongue and said.

“It’s the first time you ever been tortured, so is it any different? I mean, I
wish you did what I was told you to do. I thought you were smart, but you
are just stupid. Or, well……were you kidding me?”

The knife that was cutting the man stomach this time stuck to his ear.
Despite struggling with pain, the main raised his fur all over his body with
extreme fear.

“I really care about my dongsaeng as if we were real family. But I can’t

remain a good person because of a jerk like you. Do you know what I hate
the most?”

“Oh, yeah, you wouldn’t have done that if you knew. Then I’ll tell you from
now on, so dig into your ears and listen carefully.”

Linda said this, thrusting the knife close to the man ears.

“First, you don’t listen to me. Second, selling my name. Third, touching my
money. Fourth, repeating the same thing. But you did everything I hated.
I’ve never known someone so brave. Oh? That’s great.”

“Cough, Cough, uh, when did I make repeat the same thing……Argh!”

“If I were, I would…….”

Linda gently pressed the cigarette flame in his mouth onto the man body.
When the sound of burning flesh sizzled, he recited quietly.

“Who asked you to vomit?”

Linda’s bright red eyes glistened with life.

At the same time as blood stood on the man thick neck, the sound of
breathing, which was leisurely walking along the smoke, became rough.
Linda thick chest roared loudly.

“Damn it, it’s not once or twice.”

Linda face, who never lost his relaxed, was also irritated today.

“Oh? My dongsaeng, do you have any memory problems? Why do you

always pretend it’s your first time? Do you want me to tell you exactly how
many times you’ve been doing this? Tenth, it’s tenth time.”

Linda, who was in the dark, asked as if he were asking for consent, but the
man did not answer. It was because he had already flipped his eyes and
“You passed out when your older brother talked, where did you lose your

After sighing, Linda put cold water in a bowl, sprayed it on the man’s face,
woke him up, and began torture again. He woke him up if he fainted and
woke him up again if he fainted again.

The man struggled his arms and legs like a worm in constant terrible pain,
then pulled in the final force and cried desperately.

“Information…! Ugh, boss, please, I’ll tell you all the information I


“Ev-everything I know, uggh, everything without missing a single……


It is top-secret information that even Linda, the boss of dark is called ‘The
street at night,’ would not know. He gambled with his life, believing this
one thing, stealing his money and running away, so the wight of that
information is never light.

It was his last stronghold left to that man.

But Linda spoke heartily as if to trample on his hopes.

“A fragment of God? Did you finally figured out where it was buried?”

“T- that’s, uh, how……!”

“I told you, it’s the tenth time.”

If you still don’t know, look into the underworld.

Linda added that and put a knife in the man’s neck. The man, whose vital
point was torn at once, made a gurgling sound and soon lost his breath.

“There are ten bodies like this…….”

Linda nervously swept his bangs up with his blood-soaked hands.

“And tomorrow, nothing else will happen…….”

Originally, Linda preferred to breathe a little, play with his opponent, and
kill him, but now he is tired of it and gave the man a relatively comfortable

“Eleven corpses~ Twelve corpses~.”

He hummed like a madman and flicked his fingers at the members who
were waiting behind him. Then they brought chairs, newspapers and
handkerchiefs very skillfully.

Linda wiped his bloody hands with a wet handkerchief and opened the
newspaper. The headline in the newspaper clearly said ‘Palingea’.


I’m sure.

The day goes by.

He scraped the back of his head, threw the newspaper back, sat deep in his
chair, and leaned back.

I felt like I was going crazy in my countless days. One thing is certain that
God or devil is being played into the hands of others, and it was very
unpleasant that I couldn’t do anything with my hand.

‘That’s the most fucking thing.’

Linda wanted to burst the simmering filling somehow.

But there was no place for anger. Apparently no one around noticed this,
and I’m the only one who’s been treated like a madman, and even if I tried
my best, it didn’t happen.
If I just grab anyone and tighten them, they’ll be fine again the next day.
Yesterday, I went out to the streets of the night and killed all the people I
saw. Of course, it was meaningless.

There’s no point……Oh, right.

‘I never try to die.’

The knife in Linda’s hands was full of blood from a man who was once a
member of his gang.

He twirled the knife between his fingers and grabbed it properly and
scratched it on his skin.

Jaw, neck, and carotid artery.

Just stab it like this?

‘Yes…..if the day repeat again, I will be back again.’

When he tried to give his hands strength without hesitation, one of his
members gasped in from the upside-down world.

VM C50

Chapter 50

Among the new members of the organization, the youngest and most
foolish was one of those who thought he would die soon.



A member of the organization sighed at the sight of Linda holding a knife to

his neck.

Linda answered back sourly and then paused and raised his head back. A
member of the outside gang came into my studio?

It has never happened in ten Palingea days.

“What’s going on?”

Is something new about to happen? Linda stretched his hand holding his
knife, straightened his posture, and asked urgently.

However, even before a youngest member of the organization answered,

there is a person who squeezed through the open door.


“Wait, don’t come in……!”

Vasily approached Linda obstinately, flapping his white hair like cotton

In the process, it was a minor mistake to push a member who was standing
at the door. However, the accident in the process was not trivial at all.
The youngest gang member was pushed roughly by Vasily’s inexorable
power and his legs were twisted at the moment. He was pushed far away,
stumbled for a while and tripped over his own feet.


Having fallen on the floor, he groaned and tried to raise himself. But
something hard was stuck in his elbow. It was the handle of a pulley that
operated something.

Where is this place?

Linda, the owner of the underworld, called this place his studio.

However, this place is surrounded by unheard-of torture instruments

wherever they look, this is a interrogation studio, and the reality is no
different from a slaughterhouse.

Somewhere he heard an ominous sound of a thumping and popping.

Suddenly, he felt cold and goosebumps and ran through his body. The
youngest gang member slowly lifted his eyes with a clearly frightened face.

The sharply scuffed iron skewers flashed fixed to the ceiling just above his
head. And the rope that had been connected long to secure the instrument
was about to break.


It was too late, before he felt hopeless.

As the rope snapped, the iron rods made a rattling sound and crashed over
his body.

There was a terrible scream with a heavy rupture that seemed to tear apart
the eardrum. The debris, originally human, splashed everywhere.

“Oh, I killed him.”

Vasily looked back and gave a dazed impression. It was a bitter reaction to
the extent like ‘I accidentally stepped on the insect.’ Linda sighed briefly
and held onto his throbbing forehead.

What is it about the walking disaster that comes to visit me and destroys the
surroundings? He just entered the same space, but one of the device already
intact was destroyed and a person died.

“What will you do? I’m in a shortage of manpowere these days.”


Vasily grinned brightly, revealing his white teeth.

The sparkling eyes folded into a half moon shape, and the thick acting cute
stood out. Perhaps he would have looked like an angel who descended to
the earth if red blood hadn’t fallen down on his holy shiny hair.

“Shall I get something similar?”

“Arthur, I don’t need a corpse.”

It was obvious that even the most capable human being would become a
corpse and couldn’t be used, if Vasily touched them. He was doing the
assassination quests as he was told, and with him being quiet would be help.

“Vasily, I told you to at least wipe your blood, because I want you to act
like a normal person.”

“That’s not what Linda’s going to say.”

“Because this is my studio. It’s rude of you to walk in on your way.”

Linda threw a handkerchief , which he had just wiped, at Vasily.

Vasily skillfully grabbed it and shook off his head with a clunky touch that
didn’t go with his curly face. Then the blood that had not been wiped was
dripping and splashed everywhere.
“Ah, filthy……!”

Linda frowned at Vasily bluntness and pushed his body back. He did not
seem to be aware that his own body was stained with blood.

“This son of a bitch.”

Linda gestured to Vasily. Of course, it’s not a gesture to come closer, it’s a
gesture to get away.

Vasily came after a long time, and instead of welcoming him, he looked
mournfully at him, who was bruised as soon as he arrived. Linda was just
looking at him, and he was like a dog wagging its tail hard in the hope of
getting attention from their owner.

“But, though, Linda…….”

“I told you to wear restraints when you sleep, but you didn’t. You don’t
understand me because you work for another owner, do you?”

“Huh? Oh, no……. That can’t be true. I just forgot for a moment because
I’m on my way right after completing the request.”

Vasily murmured excuseously and took out the black blindfold he had kept
in his arms. Then the mana, which had been ferocious and devouring the
surroundings, gradually subsided and calmed down.

“Ta-da, did I cover my eyes like this?”

Vasily laughed with his mouth wide open, covering his eyes.

Raising his hands up to his palms seems to contain the intention of

reassurance, but well. No matter how blindfolded and unarmed he was, it
didn’t mean he was enough to kill everyone here.

“Cover your mouth, not your eyes.”

The medium of his sorcery is blood.

In many cases, the sorcerer’s own blood is used to produce destructive
power for killing. When Linda ordered firmly, Vasily shook his head.

“I’m here to talk to Linda, but how can I talk to you if I covers my mouth?”

“Write it down in the air.”

“Linda, don’t you trust me?”

“Do you want to be like old times again?”

Then Vasily, who was smiling as if he had a hole in his lungs, hardened his
face and shook his shoulders. And he crept back and shrank, protecting
himself from ruthless violence.

“……I don’t want to.”

“Then you have to listen to me. I still have your old solitary cell left.”

“Don’t do that. I don’t want to hurt Linda.”

How come he is threatening me? He got a big head and he is cheeky. Linda
had no choice but to laugh in vain as if he was amazed by Vasily’s actions.

“……and the guild leader of Kobos is just my employer. Why don’t you
know I only have Linda as my owner?”

Vasily whined whether he didn’t like being scolded, but he was even more
reluctant to shut his mout.

‘That son of a bitch……it’s getting harder to handle him as he grows…….’

Linda recalled when he first picked up Vasily from the slums.

One day 15 years ago, Linda heard rumors that there was a baby born with
sorcery in a rural village.

A baby born with sorcery. In other words, it was easier than I thought to
distinguish the sprouts with talent for sorcery. It was largely because they
brought unimaginable misfortunes around.

Since ancient times, creatures with the potential to use sorcery have been
killed randomly, whether human or animal, so the sorcerer’s seeds were dry.

Linda has long been skeptical about the suppression of sorcerers in temples.
It was because they seemed to be scared of the power of sorcery and the
possibility of it, and to remove it with all kinds of reasons.

In the first place, divine power and magical power were incompatible
because they were opposite forces, and when the sorcerers increased their
power, the temple was bound to feel threatened.

So the high-ranking people who have tasted absolute power have decided to
step on the sorcerers for the sake of survival.

Linda understood their physiology, but he couldn’t help but regret it. This is
because the value of sorcery had already been proven by ‘Rotullo’, a
kingdom established behind the land of the dead by sorcerer.

In the kingdom of Rotullo, a citizen who was run over on the street was
equivalent to an ace who was recognized on the streets of the night.

Not only that, but by using their abilities really enabled them to commit all
sorts of offences. It was because the whole continent had suppressed
sorcerers since ancient times, so there was a lack of knowledge of sorcerers
and no tolerance.

Therefore, it was widely believed that no matter how much they fly and
crawl in the temple or the Ministry of Magic, they could not even identify
sorcerers identity, let alone stop them. The Kingdom of Rotullo is also
using their stupid judgment loopholes very well.

Truly, the outlaws of this era.

But in which rural village was a child born with a talent for magic?

Of course it was inevitable to be tempted. There was no reason for the

owner of the underworld to be reluctant to do all kinds of illegal activities.
When Linda heard the news, he quickly snatched the baby before leaving
the temple or hitting the Rotullo first, and that was Vasily.

“Linda, Linda, are you listening to me?”

Vasili jumped up and down, calling Linda, who was unanswered no matter
how much he talked to him. Like a dog that met its owner, it seemed like he
couldn’t control his excitement.

Yeah, dog.

I was going to tame him like a dog that only listens to me. It was common
on the streets of the night to raise a man with a murder weapon from a
baby’s time.

‘But how come that…….’

He was a bit like a dog. Just by the smell of Linda, he seems to be following
him back like a dog chasing their owner.

But what Linda didn’t expect was that Vasily’s abilities were beyond his

To be more precise, Vasily only knows how to binge and lose control. It
meant that he was nothing short of a powder that had lost his direction.

Linda was confident of taming and dealing with him, but he was not
confident of controlling the damage around him. As businessman to the
bone, he could not afford the huge compensation and shed tears of blood
every time.

Even now, when he is not an adult, I can’t imagine what would happen if he
grew up here.

For Linda, Vasiy is a failure.

A failure among the failures.

Waste that cannot even be disposed of.

There was a time when I couldn’t feel safe even though he was loyal to
never betraying myself, so I tried to send someone to kill him one day. Of
course, they failed, and then I abandoned him to the Kobos Guild.

“Keep your distance and keep your conclusions brief. If I talk to you for a
long time, I’ll get dirty. If it’s urgent, say what you have to say or get out of

Wounded by the acrimonious spouting of abuse, but Vasily took it

familiarly. It was because he was treated as a pathogen around him since he
was young.

Even now, not only Linda, but even Linda’s members were hiding as far
away as possible from Vasily.

Just a concise conclusion?

Vasily listened to Linda appropriately and tilted his head.

A moment’s thought, he skipped the front and back and just threw the

“The day repeating again and again.”

VM C52

Chapter 52

What Ayla is doing on her own in the loop next spring: kidnapping

That’s right. She even walked into the underworld and bought Charlotte’s

And Ayla even gives instructions to leave Charlotte in alley after insulting
Charlotte right on the spot. It was because of the old-fashioned evil
judgment of 10 years ago that the Crown Prince would abandon Charlotte,
who had already been defiled.

But the results will be predictable without saying it. Werner, who appears
dramatically like a justice warrior in a time of crisis, wipes out all the

After that day, the underworld ‘Street of the Night,’ which had been
growing little by little, suffered a major liquidation under the direction of
the Crown Prince for touching Charlotte, causing them to falter for a while
and hold their breath.

And with that event as an opportunity, Charlotte begins to slowly fall in

love with the only one Werner. Of course, she also manages her fishing
grounds from time to time.

Before that, Charlotte gives room but never gives a heart to anyone.

After listening to Werner’s public confession at the end of the century,

Charlotte’s reaction shows. After Ayla runs out of the hall, Charlotte says.

[“I was so happy to know how Werner felt. But I heard that Lady Mertensia
has had a crush on you for a long time……Isn’t you hurt the young lady
who adored you?”]

Charlotte repeats that she feels sorry for Ayla and eventually postpones her
answer by asking him for time to think.

Werner smiles bitterly against the backdrop of fluttering fallen leaves and
gladly steps back and distances himself from Charlotte for a moment,
saying, ‘I never thought you’d reject me, you surprise me every time.’

There was a reason why whenever he stalked her so aggressively, he

willingly retreated with the scent of cool water.

Because…… Werner reinforcement period is over. At that time, I had to

brag to the readers about the other well-developed fish that I worked hard

Anyway, after the Duke of Trandia, Septimus, and Lenox came out in turn –
there were other men who put whatever came to mind – and finally, the
kidnapping case breaks out and the Werner route begins in earnest.

Now is the time to strengthen with the Duke of Trandia. And the next one,
Septimus, suddenly slipped out of the original. So there was a high
possibility that she would going straight to Lenox.

That means that the time of my death could be sooner.

Wow, I could have been in big trouble I had just relaxing until the loop
happened, right? It’s just a guess, but I’m glad I moved ahead as Killian

Killian wanted me to take over Charlotte’s lead role. That way, he will be
able to deplete God.

But that’s his goal, and my ultimate goal is ‘not to die’, no matter what.

To do so, I was planning to hit the player first from my side so that there
would be no chance to die before the time of the loop came back.
And honestly, as woman, insinuating Charlotte’s kidnapping is worse than
dying. About 10 years ago, I wrote it without thinking because there were
so many villainess in the novel, but now that I think about it with my
senses, um…….

Under the current circumstances, the best way was to complete the novel as
soon as possible is to throw it away.

What is the end of a romance novel?

It’s about having a male and female protagonist after all sorts of twists and
turns. However, this is not a novel, but a reality that my life depended on,
and I needed to skip all the twists and turns.

I was going to become a bridge of malfunction that connects Charlotte and

Werner right now. If so, Charlotte’s involvement with the Duke of Trandia,
Septimus, Lenox, and others should be blocked in the first place.

And since the novel has already been completed, Ayla doesn’t have to be a
villainess. The loop will be completely gone! This was my best scenario
and my happiest ending.

‘It should be dealt quickly!’

The period of strengthening with the Duke of Trandia will begin sooner or

I clenched my fists like a man about to go to war and made a solemn


In the meantime, I have steadily taken successor classes and jumped around
at the same time to find out when that day was.

It is the ‘day’ when the Duke of Trandia and Charlotte officially face each
other. I set that day as the day of the decisive battle.

But it is not a place anyone could go to. Because the water management is
so thorough, Ayla, the troublemaker, has been filtering it all by herself.
It’s not a place anyone can go to as a noble, but a secret party where only
celebrities who are noticed in the social world are invited. How can Ayla,
who is not a secret bully but an outright bully, get an invitation there? That
is my biggest concern for a while.

But things went too easily than I thought.

Rumors began to circulate that my dress caught the attention of the

Princess, received a commission, and that I would even inherit the Count of

Then they first sent me an invitation to look good to me. The world is in the

Anyway, so where I’m headed is…….

“It’s a casino hotel.”

I was now facing a casino with Killian for the first time in my life.

The glow-in-the-dark sign glows brilliantly even at night. Built on yolk land
in the capital, the building belonged to Linda, the owner of the Night’s

This is a legitimate place ostensibly sanctioned by the empire. However,

illegal slave auctions took place regularly under the basement of this hotel.

Even though everyone knew it, they were all related to the high-ranking
people, so even the knights of the Imperial Security Corps were resting on
their own without cracking down it.

Instead, the casino hotel is very picky about the guests invited to the

It wasn’t all about being of high status. What’s important is that they have
built up a lot of things so far, and they value their honor as their life. In
other words, a person who acts well on their own and manages their self
‘Come to think of it, it seems like a miracle that Ayla was invited

Ayla in the novel had a crazy life that she didn’t seem to know the word
self-management itself, but these days, her career and image management
seem to have worked. Do you think that my efforts have been recognized?

“D-did you bring your invitation?”

I couldn’t get near the entrance where several big men were standing,
spinning around and talking.

Killian grabbed me by the shoulder, which was frantic, and said as he

opened the cloak tightly.

“The invitation is brought by the lady herself. Are you nervous?”

“Oh. I did.”

Of course I’m nervous. I’ve never stepped into a world of darkness that was
so openly illegal.

A slave auction house should not be considered a place where only a slave
auction can be held.

First of all, the owner of the casino is the owner of the underworld. Buying
and selling slaves was rather on the healthy side here. As we went down to
the basement, something more shady appeared. I heard Necrophilia is also
in and out of this casino.

I could experience all sorts of other things that weren’t legal if I wanted to.
But I won’t go into the details because it’s dirty to say it with my mouth.

I took a big breath in and out, shaking my shoulders lightly.

I then rummaged through my arms and pulled out a silver plaque with
casino sentences on it. If I stick this out, I’ll be able to enter the slave
auction house right away.
“Wear this.”

The gatekeeper held out a luxurious mask.

It was a welcome mask that could cover my eyes to the tip of my nose. Did
you even pay attention to such a thing that nobles were coming?

I put on a mask as the gatekeeper told me to, and handed it to Killian as


“Does this make any sense?”

He gently lifted my red hair while wearing a mask. Such clear and lustrous
red hair could not be found except for the Duke of Mertensia and Ayla.

I followed the gatekeeper’s guidance and whispered softly, eagerly.

“It doesn’t matter, does it? The aristocrats here have a huge flaw in
recognizing the face of a person…….”

“……Are you saying this from the bottom of your heart?”

“Yes, you won’t be recognized. Later, married woman might drown in the
sea, and she may come back to life and not be recognized even if she shows
up with a mole under her eyes.”

I murmured, recalling a rare drama that exuded an era in which woman

seduce man.

Of course, Killian didn’t seem to believe such person existed in the world.
It’s real.

The deeper we step on the stairs and go inside the basement, the more
stealthy the interior lighting became. I’m even wearing a mask, so wouldn’t
it be even more dark to recognize me?

But, it wasn’t.

“Whoa, Lady Mertensia?”

“How are you here?”

“Oh, haven’t you heard the rumor yet? This time she inherits the

It wasn’t enough that my identity was discovered right away, they even
started talking about me.


I believed in my mask as much as I believed in facial recognition disorder,

so I wore my mask without any burden…….

I was very confused. How can Charlotte who disguised herself not get
recognized by anyone, but I tried to disguise myself got caught right away?

But when I listened to it, it was strangely different from the experience I
had before. They said that was not just ignoring, disparaging, and cursing. I
was still listening to the backbiting, but it seemed that the aristocracy was
beginning to accept me.

‘Maybe sooner or later rumors will spread that I have stopped by here.’

It doesn’t matter.

For some reason, I remembered the lyrics of the song, ‘Even if I’m veiled, I
can see Twinkle.’

This may be why her notoriety spreads faster than others. Ayla stands out so
much that she gets attention wherever she goes.

‘Is this the destiny of the most beautiful woman in the world. As expected,
the old saying of beauty blindness is not wrong.’

I shook my head in admiration as if I were talking about others.

“Your mouth is about to tear.”

Then, immediately, Kilian pointed it out.

As I lowered my hand because it was hard to control the corners of my

mouth, he smirked and laughed at me.

I’m not used to getting attention because I’m pretty, so I might be happy
inside! Killian, who must have been a handsome from birth, doesn’t know
how I feel.

VM C67

Chapter 67

Somehow, I felt a little intimidated when I came to this. Was I too elated to
believe Killian’s words?

‘A little reflection….’

I thought that if a person who has never fought in his or her life gets
involved in it, he or she could lose his or her life in an instant.

But from their point of view, Lady, who can’t even handle swords properly,
wen out to catch monster, so they must have been shocked. They’re risking
their lives day by day fighting the monsters. Is this a kid’s joke? Is this a
playground? I might have cried.

And if there’s a scar on the body of Duke daughter, it’s usually them who’ll
be the ones who will be scolded, so it must have been very troublesome.

Yeah, it’s not that I don’t understand, but if I’m this confident, would it be
too much to ask? I’m angry at excluding the possibility that I might have
something talented or hidden.

I chased the Rotten Trees with my eyes, that showed no sign of shrinking
no matter how much I killed.

Perhaps it’s because they were spread around the forest, but Rotten Tree, a
tree-type monsters, flocked endlessly from all directions.

And then.

“Go ahead.”

Killian told me, who was only staring at their backs.


I looked back at him with a slightly dazed response to that.

I really thought I could do anything until I arrived here, but when a monster
came right in front of me, I stopped. Everyone got so serious that they
fought desperately, so I got discouraged.

Will I be able to stand in the midst of that fierce battle?

“It’s tough.”

Then Killian read the twitch of my pale face and smirked and said.

“If you had died of from something like that, you would have already died
when you first met me.”

And above all, those words gave me courage.

From what I heard, I’ve been fighting with a man like the final boss ever
day, but I’ve survived well so far, right?

Besides, on our first encounter, he recited a spell to kill me, and it didn’t
work at all. There are misfortunes such as being hit by a wagon just by
touching others, and I’m fine in his arms.

Rotten Tree looks like a watchman from hell to destroy the human world,
but that was not as threatening as Killian’s claws.

Okay, think of it as a log for swordsmanship training. Actually, there is no

difference in terms of being a tree, right?

I pulled out the sword with an awkward motion. Then I hesitated for a
moment, and took a step without hesitation.

However, I took a small step behind the malicious statement as if I were

determined for a while.

These days, Visuil is hit by bird poop on his head when he walks on the
street, has nothing to wipe when he goes to see a big thing, is on the jam
side when he drops bread, almost gets hit by a passing carriage, steps on
horse poop when he barely avoids a carriage, and is the first to be attacked
by a monsters.

‘Did I have a bad luck?’

In retrospect, my misfortune began that day when I was attacked by an

eagle who suddenly broke through a window.

The eagle, which suddenly came in, suddenly attacked me, and rushed at
the vital point. It still chills me what would have happened if I hadn’t
sacrificed my hair.

It was then, more precisely, after facing the Lady Mertensia. Since then,
Visuil has felt countless eerie threats to his life from something he doesn’t
even know.

‘As expected, the young lady must be a witch.’

Suffering from endless misfortunes, I felt as I grew old day by day and
looked back on my life.


Born and raised all his life on the lands of Kazen, it was about 30 years ago
that he became a knight of the lord.

He has been supporting Baron Kazen and his family for half his life, or a
little longer. And until the sudden increase in the number of monsters, his
daily life had largely been repeated. It was because special things were rare
enough in rural villages like Kazen.

To that extent, Visuil was looking ahead to what was happening in the
Kazen estate.
Those who sought Baron Kazen’s castle from outside were, in general,
seasoned swindlers who came to devour hom.

It was because the Baron was so gullible that if they encouraged him
slightly from the side, he would quickly fall asleep. It was a problem
because the Baron is pretty mean and naive for a drugged man.

For that reason, Kazen, who is not rich but not poor, fell into ruin in instant.
Even if the monsters did not appear, it would have been only a matter of
time before it soon fell into the hands of nearby lords.

Baron Kazen is also a problem, but other lords in the neighbourhood were
simply the worst.

They were like mercenaries who squeezed the blood of the commoners
because they were full of greed. How vulgar they are to the point where I
feel Baron Kazen feels like a nobleman.

However, as a lord, he is a Baron who was far from reliable, but strangely,
his children were well- Since their father is immature, so his children all
grew up as intelligent and thoughtful people.

That the only hope kept Visuil feet tied up. I kept waiting silently on the
spot, hoping and hoping that the first master would inherit the ruined Kazen
family as soon as possible.

If the number of monsters hadn’t increased beyond our control, such a

dreamy future might have come true.

But now there is nothing left but a foregone future for them.

A few days ago, the baron’s first son called in the knights and held their
hands tight and said ‘Thank you for protecting my family till the end. For
your service, I and my brothers will never forget.’

“It took me a long time to say this myself, but I came to the conclusion after
much consideration.”
He kept his composure and was trying to speak casually. But he couldn’t
hide his sadness completely.

“There’s no more hope. We’re still holding on somehow, but we’ll run out
of food in a year.”

Then a knight gritted his teeth and shouted as if he were angry.

“But the pride of our Kazen is that the land is fertile! If we manage to be

“As you say, if we are self-sufficient, we may have to live on. However,
there are mountain ranges everywhere, so the exit road is completely
blocked. The powerless permanent residents are trapped here. The problem
is that even the monsters know we’re like rats in poison. We have to think
about the possibility that they will attack the village.”

“It’s speculative. Because monsters never get out of the mountain range.”

“What’s the evidence?”

“……there’s no evidence.”

But I just knew. Because no monsters have ever been found out of a forest.
I’ve never heard of the monsters coming down to the village where people
live in

“Just because it has never happened, doesn’t mean they won’t. Don’t ignore
the slightest possibility. The lives of the commoners are at stake.”

Visuil’s first master was hoping he’d find a safe ground and evacuate the
settlers. The shelter was good, in fact, a large-scale migration.

And that meant to give up the title of lord, which one day he would inherit,
for the sake of the safety of the commoners.

Visuil once again admires his character, but is that not going to happen?
And I had a skeptical thought. Anyway, it was no different from being on
the verge of financial ruin, whether monsters hit the village or not.
Lady Mertensia, who came amid such turmoil, was nothing short of a
complete disaster. I was really freaking out.

Will there be a chance for a country knight to meet the great noble of the
capital at least once in their life? The Duke’s daughter, whom I met for the
first time in my life is unique, unlike any aristocrat I had ever seen.

At first, I admired her beauty as if she had popped out of a famous painting.

Her appearance is beautiful.

Only the appearance is beautiful.

If he had known that a beautiful lady like a fairy who happened to find her
in the woods is a witch in the rumor, Visuil would never have thought of
wanting to introduce her to the young masters.

‘How can this witch be with our young master?’

When Ayla revealed her identity on her own, Visuil thoughts turned upside
down. Why did she come to Kazen’s estate where there’s nothing left and
take a heavy step to do something?

‘Why is she here to serve such an unanswered lord? I’d rather die than she
take away my only hope.’

But the master is not the goal.

Ayla boasted the butler’s beauty in front of everyone, as if to mock my


It was like, ‘My butler is like this, but who do you put in front of me now?’
As such, her butler has the fantastic looks as much as her.

‘Are the nobles of the capital selected based on their looks?’

Even though it would not be possible, the halo of the men and women made
me think such nonsense at the moment.
And the most surprising thing was, more than rumors…….

‘Are you Okay?’

According to rumors, Ayla, the world’s leading incarnation of evil, seemed

more normal than I expected.

Of course, she wasn’t as nice as an angel at all, but she was relatively fine
because I was prepared for a devilish woman. On the contrary, neighboring
lords who seek to covet Kazen’s territory feel more like evil than her.

Even Ayla scorned Baron Kazen, who was blinded by money and tried to
sell his son, and gave him a look as if he were the most garbage in the
world. And she didn’t even touch the cheeky bis.

Above all, she asked us that we were troubled by the monsters and said she
would accompany us to the subjugation as if she cared.

Of course, she didn’t seem to help them at all, let alone the power, but it’s
surprising to bring it up in the first place.

However, Visuil soon denied that fact.

‘No, that witch can’t have a very human feeling of compassion. She was
bored, but I’m sure she’s following me because it looks fun. She’s trying to
get in the way and hurt herself if she gets a scratch on her body.’

She’s probably just hiding his toenails now. When the time comes, she’ll try
to trample them casually.

I have heard that she’s a very vicious young lady who plays with people
like toys for fun.

VM C51

Chapter 51

Linda’s gaze, which were full of annoyance, were filled with suprise.

He murmured in disbelief at Vasily, who was smiling brightly with his eyes

“……did you know that too?”

Ah, that’s why Vasily suddenly came without permission from the Kobos
guild leader. Linda had a grim look on his face, then he wiped his face for a

“As expected…! I knew you’d know. There’s nothing Linda doesn’t know!”

Vasily exclaimed excitedly, but Linda, was hopeless as to why it has be

Vasily among many other person.

‘What, is it like the sense of a beast?’

It meant that there is something common between Vasily and Linda when
he already realized that the day repeating again and again, but Linda had no
intention of admitting it.

“You know, Linda. No one knew how the day repeating again and again
except us. Why?”

Linda rummaged in his arms and bit a new cigarette into his mouth. Then
the member standing next to him quickly lit the fire.

He let out smoke with a deep sigh, disrupting his head. What…….

“Isn’t it because the world is full of idiots who don’t have that kind of
ability except for us? You can’t revive your head, but you can still use your

I don’t know what it is, but it means great, right? Vasily thought it over and
asked excitedly.

“Then, are we chosen?”

“Don’t tie I and you together because it’s unpleasant. You and I have
nothing in common except primates.”

Linda replied bitterly, gazing vaguely at Vasily, who was unable to speak at
all. Vasily is the only one who realizes the reality of repeating the day, and I
wonder if he can be of any help.

‘It’s better than nothing.’

…..Is it really better? Linda, who was distressed as if he were drinking

poison, beckoned to the member standing behind him.

“Have you heard anything from his guild leader? That’s what I told him to
crack down on him not to go wild.”

“An hour ago, I got a direct call from the head of the Kobos assassination
guild. Vasily completely destroyed the entire target mansion. Then bonus to
complain that he can’t control him.”

“…you know what assassination means? Do I have to start over with child’s
official language study?”

Somehow, from the moment he said he noticed that the day repeated, it
seemed like it would be. Linda started to blame him without thinking about
the murder he had committed in the past.

“Huh, the assassination? It means killing people secretly. Don’t tell me you
don’t even know the meaning of the word ‘secretly’? It means killed every
witness! I never imagined I’d be caught off guard like this, punk!”

“Oh, as expected, right? I took care of that part and killed all the witnesses
who weren’t in the building! I’m glad you know that! Is it only Linda?”
You’re being sarcastic!

As expected, Linda rubbed the back of his stiff neck for a moment because
of Vasily, who he couldn’t communicate at all.

“What’s the point of knocking down a building, hu? I raised you as an

assassin. Did I raise you as a terrorist? I told you to just touch him. If you
touch him, he’ll die.”

“It’s not like he’s going to die. Because it’s a probability.”

Rather, the chances of dying are low. Although I’m always unhappy. Vasily
bowed his head and murmured somberly.

“You still haven’t got the hang of dealing with the spiritual realm?”

Then Vasily asked, bewildered, as if he had just realized.

“Oh, you’re not complimenting me, are you nagging me?”

“I’m getting angry!”

“Don’t be angry….”

The members gazed nervously at Linda, who retorted quickly, and Vasily,
who groaned, covering his ears. They couldn’t understand a bit from the
crazy sound of the day repeating.

Linda herself seems to think himself as a very rational guardian, but in fact,
he is like a dog that bites a pop and scolds a dog with chaff.

It was certainly a strange sight as the two monsters, who were not as good
as forbidden, were talking to each other. The monster was impersonating a
human being.

Chatter, chateter.

When Linda’s nagging had almost stopped, Vasily lifted his hands from his
“I’ve been trying to do that, but you know I can’t do anything other than
explode them, kill them, or knock them down.”

That is right. Vasily’s spell is destructive but he never had any careful
control. Also, it was monotonous.

Vasily is outstanding compared to other incompetent humans, but he is a

disappointed to Linda.

The disappointment was as great as expected. Linda once considered Vasily

a blessing to save the underworld, but now he’s just a pain in the ass.

He thought he would do something great because he had a talent for his

magic before he picked him up. Like the sorcerers of Rotullo. But all he can
do is explode and kill.

‘What’s the difference between using explosives.’

He couldn’t even move around without a restraint, and when he used a

restraint, his power of magic is weakened and even more disoriented.
Besides, he’s stupid. However, he is of no use except for assassination

“And obviously, the first few times I killed him as usual. I get angry
because the days repeated countless times…….”

While Linda was lost in thought, Vasily was still making on excuses.


Linda tore through his dark, indigo hair like the night sky. And said, leaning
deeply against the chair.

“Well, okay. I’ll forgive you for this one time as I have had the same

Vasily didn’t know when, where and how to suddenly turn and do anything
impulsive. He was usually obedient, but once he started acting
unexpectedly, there was no answer.
But he is basically very simple, usually obedient and easy to control.

“That’s enough to vent my anger. If you don’t do it properly from now on, I
will think you’re tired of living, so do it yourself.”

“Even in the future, the day repeats itself, so it’s the same as yesterday.”

“That’s why I’m keeping you alive even though you’ve done such a crazy

Of course, it wasn’t for him to try anything more crazy. But Linda is the
only one who knew about it here, so he was blatant.

“If you’re done with what you have to say, get out of here.”

Linda eventually tried to conclude that it would be helpful to do what Vasili

was doing silently. Even if it wasn’t for the belated words he said ‘Ah!’

“You know, I don’t know who keeps turning the day around, but I think I
know where it is.”

“……What? How do you know that? No, was it human who repeat a day
again and again?”

Linda asked back, embarrassed by the unexpected words. It was as

shocking as a speechless toddler introducing himself fluently, for Vasily to
say helpful things.

Then Vasily tilted his head and replied.

“I just know by feeling. I can feel a terrible energy near the capital.
Although I can’t find it because of my original mission.”

It means that if he searchs properly, he can catch it.

Vasily was very easy to suggest a solution to the problem that Linda had
agonized over, tearing his head and eventually even attempted suicide.
I would have dismissed it as nonsense if it had been usual day and he said
he knew it from his senses or felt that kind of energy. Now, I didn’t have a
choice enough to want to grab a rotten rope.

“Hey, stop your mission for a while.”

“Huh…? That’s different from what you said earlier?”

“This is an emergency, so it’s an exception. I have something to ask you to

do separately.”

“What is it?”

Linda spoke slowly after a murky performance, then spewed out.

“That person, find them.”

I don’t know what the hell they did, but a person who has the ability to turn
the day around anyway. Linda couldn’t have let that kind of person slip by.

Vasily blinked big eyes under the blindfold. He didn’t seem to understand
Linda at all.

“All I know is that it’s still near the capital. And will it take a long time?”

“You think I care about that? No matter how many days it takes, or how
many months it takes.”

“……well, but can I leave my area for that long? You didn’t let me go
outside except for the mission.”

“Okay, if you manage this well, I’ll let you stay out of the streets of the

Linda said gladly. However, it was embarrassing to say that birds born in
cages were suddenly given freedom.

Vasily shook his head, suddenly frightened.

“I hate it. Linda said I would be taken to the temple and tortured to death if
I walked outside.”

He get kicked out of the streets of the night He was born and raised all his
life? He live outside with ordinary people? Rather, this place was better
even if he were locked up in a room like a child, wearing a leash and
shackling his feet.

“Do you know the fragment of God?”

“God? Fragment?”

“To put it simply, the remains of a dead God.”

Is God dead? Vasily tilted his head.

Why did God die and leave a mark, and Linda became very bothered in
many ways because he had to explain the myth of the Lethe Empire first to
tell the story. I didn’t think he’d understand it by explaining it anyway.

“There’s been a saying since ancient times. It is said that if you eat piece of
the dead god, it will give you the power of God. You can get eternal life and
become omnipotent. Of course, it’s hard to find and save the stars in the
sky, but I found out. The location of the fragment of God.”

“Well, that’s great.”

Vasily responded with no sincerity. Linda looked at his reaction and grinned
and added.

“It would take away your misfortune…….”

At that point, Vasily was hardened like a statue, then turned to look at
Linda. And he stuttered like a fool with a hoarse voice.

“I-is that true?”

The magic that drew misfortune was the source of magic, the source of
power. Vasily knew that without his ability on the streets of the night, his
value of existence would disappear. But there’s a way to gain God’s power
and dispel misfortune? It was an incredible word.

“Maybe you can blend in among humans and live like normal people. When
you touch them, nothing happens, and no one is afraid or despised of you.”

Linda is well aware of how much he yearned for mediocrity like everyone
elese. He’s so emotional that Linda failed to raise a doll that doesn’t have

“Have you changed your mind now?”

“……where is it?”

Linda stared at Vasily, shivering, muttering in a desperate voice, and said

with a smirk.

“Let me be tempted to give you the location of that precious thing.”

VM C53

Chapter 53

I groaned inwardly and entered the auction house.

The interior of the auction house was decorated like a spectacular theater
surrounded by gold and red cloth. It would have been so plausible that it
would not be awkward to perform an opera here right away.

“Well then, have a good time.”

I nodded and grabbed the gatekeeper who was about to leave.

“Is there anything you need?”

In the first place, I was forced to come for purposes other than slave
auctions. No matter how fictional this is, I didn’t want to see people calling
people commodities, pricing them, and selling them like this.

I asked him.

“I’ve heard you can buy slaves for auction in advance.”

“Of course, it’s possible, but the slaves we handle are all top-class, so only
VIP customers can do it.”

Then I will be a VIP customer from today.

When I silently gestured to Killian, he also silently threw away heavy purse
at the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper, who skillfully received the purse, checked the contents and
opened his eyes wide. However, he quickly regained his composure as if he
had done this for a day or two, even though the amount was amazing.
“The best products for VIP customers is here.”

And the gatekeeper, in a much more polite manner than before, immediately
led me to where the slaves were waiting.

Isn’t it easy to be a VIP? This is the power of the rich unemployed that has
been sealed. It’s a thrill to be condescending with my father’s money.

In the novel, Charlotte is invited to this place by a young Countess today.

Of course, Charlotte herself has no idea what it’s like to be here and follows
the word ‘party’ innocently.

There’s a big party at the hotel! But the building just happened to be a
casino building, this is the flow of thought.

But I didn’t know it would look this ugly in the back. It’s magnificent and
splendid enough to be decorated with elaborate decorations, but how many
people are here, starting with the men who guard the entrance?

Now that I think about it, Charlotte is beyond her naivety, and she trusts
people so easily that I wonder if she is ill.

She’s like a child put out on the waterfront, so every man who appears says
they want to protect her. Even a three years old kids would have more
doubts than her.

Anyway, the Countess is actually jealous of Charlotte, who is loved by all

powerful men. So she pushes Charlotte through the auctioned slaves with
the intention of shaming her.

‘I really don’t think about the rest…….’

The characteristic of my novel villains is that I try and see the impulses I

The novel doesn’t mention the lady end in detail, is that okay? I’m sure
someday Werner will find out about it get rid of her. Perhaps the Duke of
Trandia has helped to deal with her. Just like Ayla suffered later.
Ayla is used as a tool to connect Charlotte with Werner, and the young
Countess would be used as a tool to recruit new fish into Charlotte’s fishing

‘I am sorry. It’s all the fault of my bad writting.’

However, it was true thats he tried to hurt Charlotte with a bad heart, so she
deserved it.

It’s hard to help because I have small nose. I prayed in advance for the well
being of young Countess.

The gatekeeper handed me over to the slave keeper here.

It was the same from the gatekeeper, but the manager also tattooed his back,
moved systematically, extorted money in the name of managing the area,
and committed violence. Well, considering who owns this place, I’m pretty

I’m a gangster who grovels to him…… no, I spoke to the manager.

“All I want is.”




“I want her to look like a lily flower that stimulates my protective instincts.
And I hope she is very lovely.”

The manager had a strange look on his face at my remarks, which seemed
to point at a particular person. Then he asked carefully if he felt something

“Do you know someone by any chance? If so, please tell me in advance.
Our hotel is based on trust with you, so we never sell problematic
I meant that if there were any slaves who were unintentionally brought in,
there must be some mistake.

I can’t believe you’ve been so careful about my little words. That’s why
there has never been a problem even if there is a widespread illegal act in
the center of the capital.

But how the hell did Charlotte get in when you managed it so thoroughly?
Is young Countess skill greater than I thought? Or is my novel probability
that much ruined?

I replied with a cold sweat inside because of the quick-witted manager.

“What are you talking about? It’s my cup of tea.”

“……Are you sure?”

He narrowed his eyes and asked openly in doubt.

And he was slowly wondering if I was a police officer who sneaked in to

attack the hotel, not a VIP customer.

Oh, no.

At this rate, the plan will go in vain. Driven by the degense, I raised my
head shamelessly, hiding a hint of embarrassment. And bluffing with a
haughty voice.

“Don’t you know me? Ayla Mertensia.”

I thumbed off the tip of the mask, showed a slight indistinct face, and
lowered it again. Then, surprised by Ayla’s beauty, the manager looked
slightly blank and came to his senses belatedly.

But I didn’t give him time to talk, I said back into acting.

“Originally, I prefer toys that are sturdy enough that they won’t break even
if I play hard with them. But today, I want to bother a slender and lovely
beauty who seems to cry even if I tap her. Well, sometimes the delicacy
isn’t bad, is it?”

“Ah, yes….”

There will be all sorts of perverts coming to this hotel, so this level is good
enough. It was a calculated remark, but strangely, the manager’s response
was bitter. Hey, can you control your facial expression?

“By the way, who are you to argue with me? Don’t tell me, you’re doubting
me right now? I’m Ayla Mertensia?”

I fanned my face with a fan that has become a necessity these days, saying,
‘Oh, I’m so sick of it!’

Only then did the manager say, contemplating and holding his waist at a
right angle.

“N-no, it’s not. How dare a lowly thing like me. The crackdown in the
capital has become severe recently, so I seem to have reacted a little
sensitively. I’m very sorry for being rude.”

“Be careful. If I get offended, I’ll buy you as my next slave.”

It was a spontaneous act, but somehow when it comes to acting, I am like a

rich girl who has ruined personality.

I said, folding the fan in one fell swoop and poking him in the chest.

“Well, now that I mention it, I like you quite a bit. You look strong, so I
think I can play with you for a long time. About a month or two?”

The manager, who was shaking the corners of his mouth to hide his poo-
chewing expression, raised his head at the words. And with the face of a
gangster who seemed to be several times more notorious than I was, he
clearly showed signs of frightened.

I meant to react like that, but if you do that, you’ll feel uncomfortable. Is
Ayla that notorious?

“So there is or isn’t there?”

I looked all the way around at the slaves, saying that. Charlotte was none of
these frozen pale in fear.

“At least I don’t feel like I’m looking for one of them.”

When I flicked my palm with a fan and deliberately looked up and down at
the manager, he exclaimed urgently.

“Yes, there is! There is a product that you just mentioned. If you wait a little
bit, I’ll get her dressed up.”

“You don’t have to. I’ll go myself.”

The manager seemed to be in trouble with my stubbornness. But when I

twisted my red mouth without saying a word, he quickly turned his back
and led the way.

As soon as the manager turned his back on me, I breathed a sigh of relief
inside and looked ashamed to death. And burying my face in both hands, I
grumbled softly in small voice.

“Ah, stop laughing.”

It was because Killian was dying with his mouth shut.

Do you know how hard it was for me to set the mood because he’s been like
that since a while ago? It’s so important to keep the bad girl’s temper and
get emotional. What if I made a mistake?

He couldn’t say a word but was making a whimpering breath. Long after
that, Killian whispered languidly to my ears in a grinning voice.

“You could have just asked me to help you.”


I put on a dumbfounded expression as his breath touched and tickled my

ears. It was only after hearing those words that I later realized that I should
have used his abilities.

Anyway, the hotel manager was a one-off person today, so using Killian’s
ability didn’t interfere at all. In short, I meant that I shoveled very hard

No, why didn’t I think of this earlier?

“I must be a fool….”

“Thanks to you, I had a good view.”

As I muttered lamentably, he grinned and patted my head.

What is it? Why did I feel like been teased for 10 years? Sure enough, he
teased me right away.

“I’ll be strong even if you play with me for hundreds of years. You should
consider this as well.”

You will be rice wine.

Even now, instead of playing with him, I’m being teased by him, but I’m
going to play with Killian. And why is he so fond of distant number of
hundreds or years? Do you want to live a long life?

I replied with a sour face.

“It sounds like I won’t even dare to play with you after hundreds of years.”

“Well, that’s not wrong either.”

“This kind of shi…”

Killian asked the harsh words that came out of my mouth without a filter.

“Seeds…… I already miss the spring days when seeds fly around…….”

Then, to my surprise, my anger subsided and I was able to look at a distant

place with dim eyes.


The reason why Charlotte was separated from other slaves was because she
was so rebellious.

No matter how obedient and docile she may be, if noble daughter is in a
position to be sold as a slave, of course she will be rebellious.

In fact, it was to bring Charlotte and the beast into contact.

It is also the fate of the female protagonist to gently care for and save the
wounded beast in the same situation after being dragged into the slave

VM C54

Chapter 54

But the beast man was out of her interest because he was not the main fish,
but the other fish that didn’t appear a few times.

Maybe he was a warrior from a tribe called barbarians in the Empire, or

maybe not. His name hasn’t hit the mark.

‘I don’t even know.’

The manager led me to a dark basement. It was like a dungeon, which has a
completely different atmosphere from the places I had been to before.

“It is this woman.”

The manager pointed to the brown-haired woman with her head down.
Then he put his thick forearm through the bars and forced grab her hair and
pull her tight.

Then Charlotte’s face was revealed, with tears in her eyes.

That’s right.

The Countess, who sold Charlotte to a slave auction house, cast a spell to
temporarily makes Charlotte’s hair color and her eye color appear brown.

Of course, she can’t let her make a fuss about herself, so She even feed her
a potion that made her unable to speak.

But that alone doesn’t make everyone recognize Charlotte.

Oh my god, does that make sense? She is Charlotte, who has been making a
name for herself in the social world and getting quite a bit of attention since
Prince Werner fell in lover with her.
Come to think of it, it’s strange.

Even though I’m wearing a mask noble still can recognized me, so why
can’t the nobles recognize Charlotte, who only changed her hair and eye
color? Where does the probability of my novel go?

In particular, the Duke of Trandia does not recognizes her and even gives a
huge sum to buy her at auction.

For your information, this was the case at the time.

As soon as Charlotte gets on stage, the nobles who fall in love with her put
up an auction price.

And it was a time when fierce competition for money was taking place.

The Duke of Trindia, who was watching the scene with a blank face, says
this as he rises from his seat and opens his bag of gold coins.

[“One hundred and twenty thousand. It’s all gold coins.”]

……let’s stop finding out.

Anyway, the Duke of Trandia didn’t actually come here to buy slaves.

Originally, under Werner’s command, he was sneaking in as a guest and

looking for a tail to wipe out the casino hotel.

However, the Duke of Trandia, who is suspected of having severe facial

recognition disorder, does not recognize Charlotte in disguise and falls in
love at a glance. And forgetting the Crown Prince’s orders, he buys her and
brings her to his mansion.

So he forcibly locks Charlotte in the mansion and shows her the end of
obsession and possessiveness every day, but Charlotte’s voice doesn’t come
out, and she can’t ask for paper and pens, so she must have been gone crazy.

The sacrifice of a servant who felt sorry for Charlotte, makes Warner to
know about the situation, and the Crown Prince, whose eyes are turned over
by her disappearance, rescue her from Duke of Trandia.

The Duke later learns that the slave he has bought is Charlotte, and he is
gripped by his deep guilt.

He comes to Charlotte, kneels down and begs, repenting of his own

wrongdoing, and Charlotte forgive him of his sins like an angel called the
reincarnation of a saintess.

This is the story of how the fish will successfully move into the Charlotte
fishing grounds.

The Duke of Trandia has been neutral for generations, even turning to the
Crown Prince for Charlotte, who later becomes Crown Princess. He is
typical of a regretful male character who started with obsession and ended
with pure love.

And at that time Charlotte had not yet accepted Werner’s confession. The
two had nothing to do with each other, and Charlotte is a unmarried young
lady of marriageable age. Werner, who loved Charlotte, was forced to bury
this work countless times for her honor.

And after this incident, Werner is even more looking for a chance to wipe
out the ‘Street of Night’. It could be said that it was an event that laid the
foundation for it.

Come to think of it, the streets of the night are not mentioned in detail in the
novel. The person named ‘Linda’, the owner of the street at night, was also
mentioned only a few times, but did not actually appear. Because it was
cumbersome for me to configure the settings up to that point.

It was a night street wrapped in secrecy after being treated like a thousand
times by the author, but it played a big role. Because most of Charlotte’s
crises they were involved.

And Werner’s sweep of the streets of night was also being treated as quite
important in the novel.
Therefore, providing an opportunity to hit the streets of the night right now
would be a great help to the quick completion of the novel.

Charlotte let out a groan as she shed her tears pitifully, wondering if her
scalp was pulling and hurting.

She then opened her eyes and then frowned, and she opened her eyes to see
that only then she had found me. Charlotte struggled and stroked her lips

“Hey, you’re still lively. That’s why we haven’t released her yet. I think she
need a separate education.”

The manager shrugged, putting Charlotte’s hair down as if to shake it off.

At that moment, I heard a beast-like voice growling from the prison next

I turned my head toward the sound. Then the naked, well-established

muscle man shouted something. It was not the official language of the
Empire, as it could not be understood by Ayla’s language buff.

Then I guess he’s the beast man. Even a fish passing by for a moment can’t
give up his appearance, so he looks handsome.

He was staring at me like he was going to kill me, maybe he thought I’d
hurt Charlotte.

Now that I’m here, I will have to release that man too. Then you’ll be on
your own.

I deliberately pretended to look up and down at his brown skin as if I liked

the beast man. Then I could feel the intense gaze from Killian’s side that my
face would be pierced.

Somehow I rubbed my stinging cheeks and glanced at Killian. And I met

him smiling like a picture. What is it, that expression that I can’t read a bit
of emotion…….
‘Um……… Did you look at me like a pervert?’

Maybe it was a little too much than I tought. I reflected on myself and said,
looking back at the manager.

“I like the lively one.”

“Then would you like this product?”

The manager pointed to Charlotte.

I made eye contact with her and smiled reassuringly, then pointed my finger
at the beast man and said.

“Yeah, and give me him too.

“Huh? But that would be completely impossible to deal with.”

“Can you tell me again what my taste is?”

“……No, no.”

The manager obediently pulled Charlotte and the beast man out of prison,
perhaps recalling my words of a sturdy toy. Then he began to shackle, leash
and handcuffs meticulously so they wouldn’t run away.

In the process, the beast man ran wild once, and as soon as he did, all the
staff rushed in and overpowered him. He said it was impossible to deal with
him by himelf, but it seemed to have been a rite of passage for beast men to
rebel like that.

He’s Tribal warrior. But how did you get caught here in the first place?

Charlotte was very confused as she look alternated between me, the beast
man and Killian. She didn’t seem to understand what the situation was.

‘She is going through a lot too.’

She was betrayed and almost sold into slavery when she followed the
Countess, whom she believed to be her friend.

It’s a relief that I stepped in the middle, and if I followed the story of the
novel, She would have been imprisoned by the Duke of Trandia in the
future. That’s a lot of ups and downs.

But Charlotte, if you follow my plan today, this will be the end of your
hardships and the life of the Crown Princess on the flower road will unfold.

“The price of the goods is 50 million gold each. It will be 100 million in
total, customer.”

The manager offered me a certificate of slavery and called such a huge sum
that I could not get ripped off.

But I shrugged and readily held out the money. All I had to do was order a
limited edition of the novel and do my hobby, and airlift and purchase cloth
to make a dress. It has been quite an amount of pocket money that has been
accumulated without being used.

The most important thing is that this amount of luxury won’t go to our
family’s treasury.

Of course, I should be prepared to said what I had to when it’s discovered

that I have purchased slaves later. But it was an inevitable choice to save
Charlotte, so it was clear that he would let it slide.

But then, Charlotte stared at me.

Her light blue eyes touched my hand as I readily held out a bag of money
containing 100 million won.

Growing up in a very harmonious but not very well-off family, was it

unfamiliar to her? But for that matter, the deep, sunken eyes are very…….

It was about time I felt something cold. Charlotte bowed her head and
shook her shoulders as if she were crying.

…..It was a bit odd for me.

No matter how much an angel’s heroine may have been, it may have been
hard to keep calm in front of the golden spoon.

She must have felt relative deprivation. I fully understand that I have lived
with a dirt spoon for 28 years.

However, Charlotte had nothing to worry about as she would soon make her
debut as a Crown Princess, following Cinderella’s success story. And even
now, doesn’t Werner do anything she wants?

“I’ll take this with me.”

While I was lost in thought, Killian said, tugging on the beast man leash.

The scent of demon was thickly flowing from Killian’s face, who was still
smiling like a mask. It doesn’t matter, but do you feel sorry for the new
beast man you haven’t seen? You have a very rough touch.

“Well then, lady. Take your time and take a look at your business. I’ll be
waiting outside, so please call me if you need me.”

Killian greeted politely, then dragged the rebellious beast man away.

Even though he struggled like that, he dragged him along without the
slightest bit of sway. Is it impossible for Killian to be a beast man?

When he say he’ll be outside, I think he’ll be outside at all, but how can I
call him if I need to? I couldn’t understand what he meant, no matter how
far away he is, he wouldn’t be able to come when I call him.

“Shall I bring the carriage?”

When I paid in a lump sum, the manager’s face was more radiant than ever.
I shook my head at him, who couldn’t control his expression at all.
“That’s fine, but I’d like to talk to one of the guests here for a moment, so
can you spare me a seat?”

Then he suddenly stiffened his face, as if he had stumbled, and smirked.

“No, our hotel is thoroughly concerned with your personal


I put a bag of gold coins on his hand without saying a word.

Then the caretaker says, ‘Hey~ Put it in. We’re not that easy to stay in.’ He
tried to push us away, so I added two more pockets.

Then the easy manager showed his shaky eyes for a moment.

VM C55

Chapter 55

I whispered a word to ease his hesitation.

“I don’t need personal information or anything like that. We will just meet
up, say a few words, and walk away cleanly.”

“……I can’t help it if you ask me so much. Then let me just tell him the

If there’s anything in the world that money can’t do, let’s see if you’re short
of money.

I was reminded of the truth of life again, and it wasn’t long before I was
able to face the Duke of Trandia.


“Lady Mertensia, were you and I so close that we met separately in a place
like this?”

As I entered the hotel room where the Duke of Trandia was waiting, he
showed signs of great displeasure as expected.

He came here to carry out the mission he received from Werner, but
suddenly, a young lady who is not even close to him called up for personal
reason. He must have thought he was disturbed.

But will you be able to maintain such a grim expression when you see this?

I pulled Charlotte out of hiding behind my back. Then the Duke of Trandia
showed signs of agitation when he saw Charlotte, who was obviously
Charlotte, and his eyes trembled.
It’s a ‘No, you!’ look.

Unlike the novel, did you recognize her at once this time? I see, but it’s not
like you can’t recognize that her hair and eyes have changed, right?

Finally, his lips opened.

“……who is that slave?”

Are you serious?

“Sir, take a good look. This face.”

“She’s beautiful.”

“That’s not it. Of course, she’s beautiful, but don’t you think you’ve seen
her somewhere?”

“She look very much like Lady Angelo.”

“They don’t look alike, she is her.”

“But Lady Angelo has blond hair and blue eyes. The slaves are all brown.”

Oh man, this guy is really serious.

Well, later Charlotte escapes from his mansion and he realizes that the slave
is Charlotte only after all the facts are revealed.

I took the potion I bought here a while ago out of my arms and tried to feed

She shook her head at first and stubbornly refused, but when I explained
that it was a medicine that would bring back her voice, she paused the

Charlotte looked at me with a wary eye and glanced at the Duke of Trandia.
Then she sipped the potion little by little, perhaps because she had made a

No matter how rumored Ayla may be, I don’t think she, even in front of the
Duke of Trandia, one of the three great Dukes of the Empire, will do
anything stupid. After such a decision, she decided to drink potion.

What, I thought you were innocent without thinking, but in reality, you can
tell the difference. It was a new aspect of Charlotte that even the author
didn’t know.

Then why did you come with Countess without any doubt and be held as a
slave? I’m sure it’s strange.

“Ah, ahah.”

Charlotte cleared her voice a few times and looked up at me with a slightly
surprised look. It seems that she didn’t expect a voice to come out right

‘I don’t think you trust people that easily when you see them like that?’

After being deeply embarrassed by the collapse of the female protagonist’s

character, I rationalized myself, thinking, ‘Maybe once she was sold as a
slave, she became alarmed.’

But soon, I recalled that Charlotte was consistently dumbfounded even after
all the crises in the novel.

‘What the hell?’

It was then.

Charlotte’s clear voice awoke my confused thoughts. Her voice was watery
as if it were about to burst into tears.

“I’m Charlotte Angelo, sir. I was caught up in something unsavory and

almost taken to the slave auction house.”

The shocked Duke of Trandia jumped up from his seat, and the chair he was
sitting on tumbled backwards.

Truly astonished, the Duke of Trandia stood firm for a moment, looked
back at me and recited in a low voice.

“Did you do it?”

Am I a fool to sell Charlotte as a slave, buy her back, bring her back here,
and return her voice? Is that what you talking about, or what kind of new
suicide method is that?

It was time for a duke to mutter to himself, saying, “I wish she would think
and speak.” Charlotte cried hastily, blocking my front as if to protect me
when I was under ridiculous suspicion.

“Please don’t say that! Lady Mertensia helped me!”

Wow, as expected, the main character is an angel.

The main characters were all wary and suspicious of me, but she still cover
for me. Is this what it feels like to see a well-grown daughter alone?

By the way, Charlotte continued in tears before she was moved away.

“Even though I don’t know why Lady Mertensia bought me without

revealing that I am the daughter of Viscount Angelo…and I don’t know
why … she bought other sturdy male slaves …….”

She blurted the end of her words and eventually dropped tears like beads
around her eyes.

And she slightly turned her head, laid her eyes, and shook her eyelashes. I
felt as if she knew instinctively how to look thin and stimulate the
protective instinct.
“……but I’m sure you didn’t mean anything bad. You tried to save me
safely, didn’t you?”


“But that male slave is the one who comforted me a lot when I was
heartbroken. Although we didn’t communicate, he seemed like a good
man.…I hoped he would run away and regain his freedom.… in the end he
was sold.”


It turned out that Charlotte was in a situation that would have been
misunderstood and upset enough.

Of course, it is.

Um? Is that part of the situation that should have been mentioned to the
Duke of Trandia in tears like that? Can’t you just plainly ask me why I did

And looking back at Charlotte’s words slowly, I think she’s convinced that
my actions are full of malice, but why did she say, ‘I’m sure you didn’t
mean anything bad.’

Somehow, this time it felt very strange beyond the cold. I don’t think it can
be an illusion.

“Lady Mertensia, why did you buy Lady Angelo as a slave? Did you have
any other thoughts?”

And upon hearing that, the Duke of Trandia now had a look almost as if he
thought I am a criminal.

He is looking at me like that, but he was the one who bought Charlotte and
imprisoned her. It’s amazing that a dog with a poop on it is blaming a dog
cover in chaff.

‘Anyway, this guy and that guy.’

The main and supporting characters here, including Werner, seem to be in
poor condition because they are generally blinded by love, so it’s better not
to deal with them.

I sighed, thinking that that when this was over, I never wanted to run into
anyone else in this novel again.

Indeed, for whatever reason, it was a great flaw that unmarried aristocracy
lady almost sold to slavery. It didn’t matter at all if she was kidnapped or
taken into slavery by scheme. It was nice to say that the marriage path of
the young lady was cut off by that way.

That’s why Werner couldn’t shake off the casino hotel to its roots even
though Charlotte was suffered in the novel.

To protect her who is still single. In the hope that Charlotte’s future will be
smooth even if she falls in love with a man other than himself.

So, if I was really going to save Charlotte, I’d have to tell the staff here who
she is, get rid of the slave certificate, and sneak her out.

The necklace, which usually symbolizes slavery, is a black band, and is

enchanted, so if you try to cut it off with your bare hands, it explodes. The
only way to cut off a necklace is to destroy the slave certificate, which is
magically linked to it. Rip it or burn it.

But I had to buy Charlotte as a slave, put a necklace around her neck and
even a slave certificate.

Besides, I wanted to meet with the Duke of Trandia immediately, and I

brought Charlotte there. It was as if I had come to threaten him.

It is certainly misleading. It’s not that I don’t understand how he feel. Of

course, that didn’t mean I wasn’t annoyed by being openly criminalized.

If it were the original Ayla, would she have been running wild when she
encountered this situation, yelling at Charlotte, ‘Why did you make me a
bad girl and cry?’ Ayla was angry when she was misunderstood.
But that made me more calm.

“For now, stop crying and calm down.”

I said, just looking down at Charlotte’s face smudged with tears.

When I was unmoved, Charlotte shrugged in surprise. Then the Duke of

Trandia approached me as if he would attack me immediately.

“Are you sure you’re making Lady Angelo cry and bruising now?”

Gosh, I’m scared.

I stood between Charlotte and him, looking down at him, creating

needlessly intimidating feeling.

“What do you mean a threat? It seems you are the one who threatens me

“Ha, I don’t know what you’ve done so well that you’re so proud of.….”

“I want to be in a state of conversation. I understand that it’s my fault that I

didn’t explain beforehand and the situation is terrifying enough, but I want
you to give me some time to complain about my injustice.”

With that said, I searched my arms and pulled out a slave certificate.

The Duke of Trandia then openly blew me away, thinking that I would
threaten him with this slave certificate.

Believe me, this man hot temper doesn’t give me time to talk. I wish he
would resembled Killian’s ease and composure at least half of it.

Come to think of it, the Duke of Trandia seemed similar in appearance to

Killian. Of course, Killian is unrivaledly handsome, but it meant the same
decadent handsome family.

‘But Killian is Killian.’

I grumbled inwardly and steadfastly unfolded the slave certificate. And I
put out a side full of Charlotte’s portrait and personal information.

The portrait painted on the slave certificate is Charlotte. The personal

information is different because only the hair and eyes are changed to
magic, and the rest will be exactly the same.

It even said that she had a mole on her right big toe. I’ve got information I
don’t really want to know.

“As expected, I see. You thought I’d blink at you for threatening me with
that? Lady is still foolish and ridiculous, despite the rumors that you already
changed. Mertensia’s name will cry.”

VM C56

Chapter 56

He’s blinking right now.

I smirked as I made an unnourished joke inside.

Then his chin wriggled and tightened. It was as if he was ‘smiling?’ and
gritted his teeth.

“I’m trying to give Lady Angelo a choice. How are you going to use this

“……what do you mean?”

“It is literally. If you want to destroy this slave certificate, you can destroy it
right now, but that’s it. You’re going to lose your chance to destroy this
casino hotel forever.”


“I’ve always hated this place. Does it make sense that there is a place where
illegal criminal activity prevails in the heart of the capital?”

Of course, it’s a lie that I’ve thought so ever since, but it was true that I
didn’t like this place.

Of course, I have nothing to say if you ask me if it’s a place that appears in
my own novel anyway, but how can a novel and reality become same?

Just because a writer causes murders in every episode, can I calmly watch
the murders that occur every day if I actually possessed them?

‘Is this analogy too extreme?’

Anyway, Charlotte is the heroine and loved by so many, so whatever danger
she is in, she will be rescued.

But what about the powerless people who have been dragged here unfairly?
If we are going to wipe it out by the end of the day, wouldn’t the number of
victims be reduced by catching the tail of the street at night as soon as

The Duke Trandia had no answer, as if he didn’t expect me at all.

Perhaps he did not like this place, even though it was the Crown Prince’s
order. So even though he’s a neutral aristocrat, he’s still carrying out Crown
Prince secret mission.

“There’s a way to destroy this casino hotel, which has caused Lady Angelo
an indelible disgrace, and to protect Lady Angelo honor all at once.”

When I spoke with conviction, the Duke Trandia narrowed his eyes as if in
doubt, but his expression changed seriously. Whatever nonsense I said, he
seemed willing to listen to it for now.

“Before the warranty period of this slavery certificate expires, Lady Angelo
must accept the confession of His Majesty the Crown Prince.”

Charlotte, who was hiding behind the Duke’s back, asked back, ‘What?’ as
if embarrassed. The Duke and I didn’t say a single word throughout the
conversation, and he seemed quite surprised.

“Ac-accept the confession…….”

“If it the Crown Prince, he would do anything to protect lady honor. Then
he will be able to investigate the place that touched lady who would be the
Crown Princess, and the streets of the night will be investigated even by its
roots. Then the den of evil can be completely wiped out from the lands of

What do you think? The sound of my drug sales.

The female protagonist is destined to lead the male protagonist anyway. Do
you have to drag on for a long time only to cause more damage to the

Honestly, it’s none of my business whether Charlotte plays fishing

unconsciously or not, but I feel sorry for those who will never be rewarded.

So don’t you think you should stop torturing hope and help them forget
their unrequited love and find a new love?

“But I still don’t want to…….”

Charlotte, however, hid behind the Duke Trandia’s back and answered back.
The difference in size between the two was huge, so I didn’t even see her

It’s a strange sight, as if the Duke was speaking to me in Charlotte’s voice.

“Do you intend to refuse His Majesty confession? Then you can’t do it.”

“N-no! That’s not it, I haven’t made up my mind yet…….”

“I see, you need time to think about the answer. If so, Is it sufficient within
the warranty period of this slave certificate?”

I thought a month would be enough, so I asked, but Charlotte didn’t answer.

I couldn’t find a place to look and stared the Duke in the eye. He also
looked awkward because of the composition that happened to come
between me and Charlotte.

Tsk, why did you have to dig in between us? You’re trying to protect
Charlotte, but it feels like we’re talking with a telephone pole in between.

While I was choking my tongue inside, the Duke Trandia, who could not
overcome silence and embarrassment, opened his mouth to me first.

“……is that true?”

It seemed surprisingly softened compared to the beginning.

I asked him back, looking straight at him, in a voice that I was really
curious about.

“Is there any reason for me to lie here?”

Come on, look. My eyes claiming my innocence.

Then the Duke sneaked away from my eyes as if he felt burdened by my

unashamed, and gaze toward the sky.

“But I’ve heard that Lady has been in love with his Majesty for a long time,
how can you be so willing to give way?”

He asked me as if he didn’t really understand. That’s because I’m not Ayla

herself, but I can’t say that, so I made a plausible excuse.

“Your Majesty doesn’t have me in his heart at all, so how can I ask myself
to give it up.”

What did Ayla do chasing Werner in the novel.

If a woman approaches Werner even a little bit, she will kick them out,
chase them around like a stalker, monitor every move, and beg him to love
her. ……It’s really surprising how much Ayla has changed.

If you think about it, Werner is also a sad victim. If I were him, I’d probably
banish Ayla out of the Empire.

“It’s just that the people who want each other are different. Because I
realized that begging love from someone who doesn’t even see me as
reason could be violence to him. I’m sorry.”

At first, I said so frankly.

The Duke Trandia looked surprised at the confession that he could not feel
a grain of regret, and soon returned with a blank expression and said.
“……after hearing what Lady Mertensia said, you were right.”


When the Duke Trandia, who seemed to have a heart for Charlotte,
defended me, Charlotte asked back in disbelief.

He said, looking down at Charlotte, who was still hiding behind his back.

“Lady Angelo, I am not forcing you to accept Your Highness confession. I

want you to make up your mind within a month, even considering how long
I have to wait for an answer.”

Accept it or reject it.

The Duke Trandia said so.

Oh, I guess he still had reason than I thought.

If he fell in love with Charlotte very well, he would believe her even if she
told him that she would make soybean paste with red beans, but I didn’t
think he was that bad yet. It seemed to be thanks to my good timing when I
just entered the reinforcement period.

I nodded and helped the Duke with his words.

“That’s right, if you accept Your Majesty confession, you will be able to
save the innocent people who suffer, but how can we force your love?”

“Yeah, you don’t have to. You don’t have to feel pressured. It’s just a matter
of telling the Crown Prince of your heart.”

The Duke Trandia and I communicated better than I thought. From his point
of view, I think Charlotte has to reject Werner quickly in order to have a
chance for him to come, so maybe he’s arranging the conversation with me?

Charlotte still hasn’t responded as we’ve been chat with her. After a long
time, Charlotte murmured on the Duke’s back.
“However, I feel so sorry for the young ladies who had a heart for His

Come to think of it, was it that setting?

Well, that’s possible if she’s very nice and remote is as wide as the Pacific
Ocean. Charlotte was such an angel that she sympathized with Ayla, who
tried to kill her.

But come to think of it, it’s a little weird.

I tilted my head instead of nodding.

“Isn’t it pitiful for Your Highness to have to wait endlessly for an answer
without a promise? I’d be very hurt if he were me.”


There is no answer again.

‘Ah, it’s frustrating……. Show me your face and talk to me. I’ve always
been timid and indecisive since I was young, but I wasn’t that timid.’

I stared at the Duke Trandia’s face because there was no one else to look at.
Then he showed signs of embarrassment, pulled Charlotte out of his back
and put her in front of me.

Her cry was completely gone from Charlotte’s face, which had barely been
seen in a few minutes. Instead, she was so red that I wondered if something
shameful had happened.

Are ready for a conversation now? While waiting for an answer, Charlotte
sweetened her lips with a much calmer voice and eyes than before.

“……What about slaves?”

I had no choice but to crumple my forehead and ask back at the sound of a
bang bang while sleeping. I’ve been asking you to answer the Crown
Prince’s confession within a month, but suddenly what slave?

“The man who bought with me. Wasn’t he also bought to be used as a
slave? I don’t want to believe rumors about Lady Mertensia, but I’m
worried because he’s like a benefactor to me…….”

Charlotte again choked, blurring the end of her words and shaking her
shoulders with her eyes.

Was the beast man so precious that she kept stumbling and falling from
before? If you think about the overall weight of the novel, it would be just a
passing relationship.

And when you think of what I’ve said so far, you can see how much I don’t
like the casino and the streets of the night here. Wouldn’t that be a huge
double standard if I bought a beast man used as a slave?

‘That’s weird….’

Why does Charlotte keep looking desperate to turn me into a villainess?

I blinked wonderingly and searched my arms and pulled out the slave
certificate of the beast man. And then I headed over the desk in the side of
the rooms with the sound of heels.

“Today, I saved only one person who happened to be taken into slavery by

I said so and put the beast man’s slave certificate at the end of the candle on
the desk. Then the certificate was lit with flames and burned from the tip.

“Someday, I want to save everyone here. Sincerely.”

The certificate quickly caught fire and disappeared into ashes. This would
have eliminated the slave necklace that hung around the neck of a beast.
Come to think of it, Killian must be confused because the necklace he was
holding suddenly disappeared. That’s why I wanted to burn the certificate
after meeting Killian again.

When I turned my back after burning the beast man’s slave certificate,
Charlotte looked at me with a shocked face, and the Duke Trandia looked at
me with an emotionless gaze.

VM C57

Chapter 57

This time has come when I feel like I have to step back.

I wanted to ask Charlotte to quickly connect with Werner, but heck.

I tore Charlotte’s slave certificate straight in half in the opposite hand. Then
the black necklace on Charlotte’s neck fell off.

She groped her empty neck with round eyes. There was an expression of
disbelief that I had not abandoned the suspicion that I would threaten her
with her certificate.

“It’s divided into two, but there’s no problem reading it, so it should be
enough evidence. And if you put a tracking spell on it, you’ll find traces of
the spell.”

I said so and squeezed Charlotte’s small, fine hand with a torn certificate in

And I decided to step down without threat or conciliation. What if

Charlotte, who was squirming until the end, kicks Werner for no reason?

“Then, I look forward to the good news.”

I hope the novel ends with this.

Thinking so, I gave Killian a mask-like smile and turned my back and left
the room.

But there was no news of Charlotte accepting or rejecting Werner’s







“……Oh, did you call?”

Werner spoke back slowly, out of thought, only after Charlotte, his only
heart, raised her voice slightly.

She, who was chattering about her daily life as always, cutely puffed her
cheeks and looked upset.

“That’s too much! You think about something else.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve been busy lately.”

“Ah…… if that’s the case, there’s nothing I can do about it. I’m sorry for
making a fuss…….”

Charlotte apologized meekly, but somehow she felt a little strange. No

matter how busy you are, there hasn’t been a single person who has
neglected her words.

Her family, acquaintances around her, even her first encounter on the street.
Everyone listened to Charlotte when she opened her mouth. Even those
who approached to pick a fight or make a move waited until Charlotte is
finished when she brought it up.

It was a strange phenomenon somewhere, but for Charlotte, it is her daily

routine. On the contrary, it is not normal for her to be mesmerized in front
of her by her partner who vowed eternal love.
“Where the hell did it go wrong?’

Charlotte frowned cutely on the back of her nose and traced her memory.

As she thought about it, she remembered that her experience of something
she could never understand or accept at the end of the ball on the first day
of the harvest festival.

It was when Werner and I were alone in the garden dancing happily.

“Oh, Sir Septimus.”

Charlotte looked surprised to find the Archmage Septimus approaching her.

Werner, who was standing next to her, openly showed discomfort.


Septimus slowly drew closer, snorting his nose and spreading his arms wide
as if hugging Charlotte. Werner snarled his menacingly as he pulled her
closer into his arms.

“Septimus, I’m sure I told you not to call that name recklessly.”

“What do you say. It’s not like she’s going to wear them out by calling her

Septimus breathed a deep sigh while responding with a distinctive soft tone.
For some reason, he looked exhausted, unlike his energetic appearance.

Charlotte looked at him with a mysterious face and shut her mouth in
surprise. It was because his robe was torn everywhere. Even the red blood
was visible.

“Wha-what happened? Did you have a fight with anyone?”

Septimus is a man who cared a lot about appearances. At any time I

encountered him, I could see no small stain on his white robe, and there was
always a subtle fragrance. He is sometimes flirtatious, but he came to me
because of my charm.
As far as Charlotte knew, he had never been so disorganized. Where did he
roll and come from?

“Fight? No, I was beaten unilaterally.”

Charlotte reached out her hand for Septimus’ cheek.

I was so worried that I did it without realizing it. And because I had implicit
confidence that he would never shake off my hand.

Septimus then looked surprised, and soon smiled with his eyes and tilted his
head, weighing on her palm on his cheek.

“Oh, as expected from Charlotte. It’s heals.”

Charlotte blushed at his act cute-like movement and quickly removed her

“Where are you hurt?”

“No, no. I thought I was really going to die like this, but I’m okay, haha.”

Werner gritted his teeth and forced Charlotte’s hand off. Then he interrupted
the two and recited it low.

“Who dares to touch her?”

“Did I put it? Charlotte put it on.”

“Your cheek touched Charlotte’s hand.”

“Pardon? Oh my God, what kind of nonsense is that.”

Septimus took a step back in bewilderment.

It was because Werner’s atmosphere was very ferocious to hold still. Right
now, throwing gloves in his face and applying for a duel, Charlotte
panicked and stepped in between them.
“Do-don’t do that, Werner.”

When she gave him an anxious expression, Werner made a soft soothing
voice than before.

“Charlotte, I’m fine, so stay back.”

Werner, who made up a soft smile, whispered again in a threatening voice

as soon as he sent Charlotte behind his back.

“I can’t believe the fact that you, the great archmage, felt threatened with
your life because you were unilaterally attacked, so lies are at that level.
You’re making a fool of yourself to bring out sympathy from sweet

“Oh, such a frog in a well.”

Septimus said with a smile, as cute as Werner’s warning.

“There are fearful beings who refuse to even die. Your Majesty will tell you
directly when the time approaches to inherit the throne. The other side of
the truth hidden beneath the surface of the water is deeper and darker than
you think.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The king’s ears are the ears of a donkey.”


“Don’t you know? It’s an ancient myth.”

“Ha…… stop it. I was foolish to talk to you deeply.”

Werner quenched and bluntly answered, as if even dealing with Septimus

make him feel tired.

This is how the conversation with the Archmage is usually done. I

underestimate that Werner is still young and most of the questions are
answered with a question-and-answer pretending to be relaxed. Rather,
Charlotte, who was listening to it, became nervous.

Of course, since Septimus possesses the most powerful magical powers in

the Empire, it would be acceptable to be arrogant to some extent.

“You don’t have to worry.”

Then, when Charlotte’s eyes met, Septimus winked at her. As Charlotte hid
behind Werner’s back in surprise, Septimus burst into laughter as if she
were cute.

“……you look like I’m a folding screen.”

“How dare I do that.”

Septimus said as he waved his hands.

“Your Grace, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but you’ve
changed a lot. You lose your composure when it comes to Charlotte…….”

Septimus shrugged deftly, asking where he could go because he was scared,

and then folded his eyes. It was a mischievous smile, wondering when to
make fun of the Crown Prince.

“Just in case, you don’t think Charlotte’s a couple just because she’s a
partner, do you?


“If that’s the case, would I be everyone’s lover? Half of the souls gathered
here have been partners with me. Even though woman identify me as a
successful archmage, I’m not capable of dealing with that much of their

Septimus laughed frivolously at Werner, who had never been in a

relationship, as if he had thought such a rustic idea as a Crown Prince.
However, no matter how much Werner loses his reason only to Charlotte,
he could not have blinked at such provocations.

Werner snorted back.

“Isn’t it something you can be proud of to be such a horny man that you
lightly hit this woman and that woman?”

“Well, I’m not really bragging about it, but it’s an ability, right? It’s much
better than no experience.”

“Just because I haven’t given my heart to them doesn’t mean I haven’t had
any experience.”

“Isn’t that worse?”

The two men’s unnourished argument continued endlessly.

Charlotte sighed at the sight that she could be used to. Her brothers used to
argue like that when they wanted to play with her.

Charlotte thought.

‘Can’t we just get along well together, instead of trying to monopolize me?’

Charlotte, who was caught between the two men and burst out on the back
of a shrimp, grunted piteously and tried to stop them.

“Don’t fight for me.”

Charlotte had no doubt or hesitation in spitting it out. Of course she thought

they were fighting over herself. It was because the flow of conversation was
also so, and there was no way it wouldn’t be.

But Septimus, who heard Charlotte, opened his eyes round, and soon
laughed and shook his head from side to side.

“Oh, I made you misunderstand. I’m sorry. I actually came here to talk to
you, Charlotte.”
Misunderstand? What do you mean misunderstanding?

Charlotte, who had never understood the situation until then, tilted her head
cutely and blinked innocently.

“That day, when I first ran into you in front of the garden, I stared blankly
at you. Mana was dancing around you and gently hugging you. I’ve never
seen anything like it before.”

“This is what I thought it would be like if there were beings loved by the
world,” Septimus added, adding that he began to tell stories that only he
knew one by one.

Charlotte found it difficult to understand what he was saying, but she

listened carefully for now.

So did Werner. He seemed to have noticed what Septimus was trying to say.
Standing silently in a completely different manner from the childish quarrel.

“At the touch of your hand, the plants that were dying come back to life,
and the wild animals gather around you. It was really, really like ‘magic’.
No one can help but fall for you.”

Uh… wait a minute.

This, confession? Charlotte’s cheeks turned red as if on fire in an

unexpected and sudden situation.

‘What should I do? I have no feelings for him. But I’m sorry to say no, so
should I ask you to wait? Th-that’s right. Because it has been like that all
this time.’

VM C58

Chapter 58

I’m so grateful to him, but I have to answer that it’s so sudden and I can’t
think of anything. I decided in advance what answer to Septimus confession
should be given before he broached it.

However, Septimus words were very different from Charlotte’s


No, it was rather the exact opposite.

“I almost would have been really sincere with you.”

You did? But it’s past tense.

“But to stop here.”


“Because I think that the quite nightmare day is coming again, all those
easy thoughts are blown away. The helplessness of breathing before a
dragon, an imaginary animal, appeared in front of you and exhaled breath?
The emptiness of being left alone when the day of the end approaches?”

Septimus pretended to squeeze his heart in a dramatic tone, and when he

finished what he wanted to say, he raised his head and smiled and asked.

“You know what I’m saying, right?”

No, I have no idea at all.

“It’s all useless. I will stop playing with fire and leave to find my own
Fiancée before the world ends. My love who will depend on each other and
embrace each other warmly.”
Charlotte felt that her heart, which had been pounding, had cooled and her
expression stiffened awkwardly in case he was confessed to her.

‘Are you crazy…’

She was trying to be young with contempt in her eyes. It was so ridiculous
that it was hard to control my facial expression.

So Septimus spoke of eternal love and disappeared like the wind when it
appeared. It was the first time Charlotte had an urge to spit on a person’s

He confuses people like that.

He Is laughing, winking, suddenly hugging, accepting, touching, smiling

like he is cute and acting cute……. He flirts so openly and then all of a
sudden, talking about fiancée?

‘Is he saying I’m not his fiancée candidate?’


How could it not be?

Charlotte muttered in an ant-sized voice, now genuinely curious.

I wondered that he could back off so easily without a blink of eye against
me, and without the slightest sign of disappointment.

‘I’m this lovely.’

Charlotte didn’t mean to accept Septimus heart right away even if he

suddenly confessed, but she still had the idea that he would remain with her
until the end.

Because she was sure she had him.

Among the men who showed interest in her, he is second most handsome
man after Werner, he has a high-ranking and talented, so I wanted to be with
him because he is cool.

She just thought he would stay.

She thought he would never leave.

Because, because…….

‘Because I have to.’

Because I have to be happy surrounded by everyone’s attention and envy.

Because I am loved by the world, I have to enjoy the best things more than
anyone else.

‘Isn’t he is mine?’

He is mine.

It’s true that a man as handsome as him should be owned by me. If it’s not
me……who’s got it?

Charlotte repeatedly clasped and unfolded her palms, which seemed to be

empty, recalling the back of Septimus, who had already disappeared. She
was deeply lost.

Werner said with a low smirk, seemingly pleased that the annoying mate
had taken off on his own.

“He is more realistic than I thought.”

Realistic? Leaving me behind?

Only then did Charlotte, who was standing absentmindedly, understand the
situation, and began to slowly pain her face with same.

Charlotte’s breathing sounds became harsher and loud. Because Septimus,

as natural as it is to her, made a ‘misunderstanding’ of the moment.

And now again.

Charlotte eventually sighed, recalling that day’s memories.

Come to think of it, it was quite a long time ago that ‘a sense of
incongruity’ began.

The first was when Paulan suddenly took a leave of absence.

Charlotte had never gotten what she wanted. Even if I don’t have to ask
someone, I somehow got it.

The second was when an unrealistic handsome man suddenly appeared out
of nowhere and openly ignored me by calling me a flower.

Everyone told me they liked me because I am kind and pure. They put me
in the greenhouse and wrapped me up, saying that they would protect me.

Charlotte had never solved the problem herself, but was only complacent,
and had never thought she or her surroundings as wrong.

And the third time was when the attention that should have been fully paid
to me was directed at Lady Mertensia, who was despised by everyone.

Yes, come to think of it, almost all the causes were at Lady Mertensia.

The handsome man who brought shame and curiosity to Charlotte for the
first time in her life is the butler of the Mertensia family. And Werner has
been mesmerized like that since Ayla sprayed alcohol on his face at the last
feast of the harvest ball.

‘Come to think of it, it’s been weird since then.’

I had been unintentionally involved in a political fight a few times. Each

time, Young ladies glared at Charlotte as if they were a desperate supporter
and sharpened the blade of revenge.

You hit the tail, didn’t you? The logic was that.
You hit the tail, you never did. I was just being nice and sweet to everyone
the same way. And it’s a natural result for anyone to be more attracted to

Of course I didn’t say it out loud even though I knew it. Most of the time, I
wanted to avoid fighting. I wasn’t confident in fighting, but I had other
weapons instead.

Charlotte lowered her eyes and looked a little frightened and said, ‘I’m
sorry if I hurt you unintentionally. I didn’t mean to…’ If I cried, it will be
over. Before my opponent’s sharp blade could even me, the people around
me took care of it and cut it off.

However, recently, Ayla, who has been on her nerves in everything I do, has
turned her arrow to Werner, not me.

Ayla said it was Werner who she is angry and that I had done nothing

So Charlotte didn’t even have time to put her weapon on the table.
Charlotte, who became irrelevant because of the fight between Ayla and
Werner, could not intervene.

Since then, Werner has gritted his teeth whenever he has time, saying, ‘I’ll
break the nose of that woman who shook my health without knowing the
subject,’ and sometimes he was deeply lost in thought because of Ayla.

It was clear that his affection for me is very different nature from her, but
no, it seemed more like his hatred, but it still bothered me. Even when I am
in front of him, he was paying attention to her so much that he thought

So far, it’s been fine.

It was tolerable up to here.

But from that day on, when Charlotte was almost sold to a casino hotel
slave auction house after being tricked by a countess, everything went into

Duke Trandia changed, who sometimes threw a muddy mixture of jealousy

and possessiveness because he couldn’t continue to like Charlotte.

He has recently looked disappointed in Charlotte. Nearly a month after the

slave incident, it was because I had yet to give Werner an answer.

I Like an angel, and like a saintess.

Like the reincarnation of a goddess who will never be in this world, he did
not praise me with reverence. I just felt like he is disappointed day by day.

I just couldn’t figure out why. I just haven’t made any decisions yet.

It was all due to Lady Mertensia.

It was because she left the casino hotel as if it was my fault that the empire
failed to crack down on it.

Moreover, as the Duke Trandia reported everything that had happened that
day to Werner, he also seemed to have begun to see Ayla differently.

Werner began to neglect Charlotte inversely to his interest in Ayla. It

seemed like he getting more and more tired.

What’s wrong with the delay in answering the confession?

What’s wrong with keeping you waiting forever?

I just don’t want to miss the Crown Prince, I just don’t know how I feel yet.
There’s only one marriage in my life anyway, and I just want to get closer
to other men and increase my options. Why don’t I choose carefully and put
it off until later?

Why do you keep interrupting me?

Why do you keep trying to steal what mine?

I felt sick with anxiety.

Charlotte was deep in thought when a sudden burst of hands snatched her
wrist. Charlotte flinched her shoulders with astonishment.

“You’ve got a habit you never had.”


Werner was frowning furtively, looking down at Charlotte’s hand.

The thumbnail was periodically bitten and bumpy. Charlotte wriggled her
fingers behind her back in embarrassment.

Charlotte, who didn’t want to be seen, was embarrassed and at a loss. I felt
like I was caught with a dirty tooth.

“Did I make you nervous? I’m sorry I couldn’t concentrate on the

conversation. So what brought you here for?”

Charlotte flustered and raised her head at the words.

Werner was looking down anxiously. Charlotte felt a little bit her
disappointment disappearing when he was carefully observing and caring
for herself.

She didn’t know where she feel uncomfortable, but she just opened her
mouth without complaining.

“You said you’d give me a place to stay with my family for a while. I got a
reply to a letter I sent a few weeks ago yesterday, and I think everyone in
my family misses me a lot.”

“Ah, that’s understandable.”

If only I lived that far away…….

Werner knew how much Charlotte had been loved and raised by her family
through conversations he had.
Come to think of it, she must have had a lot of trouble coming out of the
country alone, who had been comfortable in her family’s arms all her life
without leaving the territory.

Werner nodded willingly after having already looked at the place, just
looking at the timing of bringing them back.

“I’ll send someone soon.”

Charlotte’s sullen face blossomed like a flower when she was told that she
would see her family soon.

“So, can I go down to Angelo’s estate for a few days and come up with my
family? I want to meet my hometown friends after a long time.”

Werner painted a friendly smile around his mouth as Charlotte’s lovely

figure, pure as a child.

“If it’s a short visit, there’s nothing that can’t be done…Wait, don’t we have
to go through the Balck Mountains to head for Angelo’s estate? Recently, I
received reports of the appearance of demons from all over the

Most of the land appeared near the forest. There was once a forest full of all
kinds of things that were called ‘forests of evil,’ and most of monsters lived

But after the huge forest of evil was ravaged by human hands, it was
scattered and unknown when and where they would appear. In short, it
meant that the habitat of the monsters by type were scattered and can’t be

“Monster? But weren’t monsters extinct?”

Charlotte, who had lived in the estate all her life until she came up to the
capital, asked with a curious face. She had never seen a monster in her life.

VM C59

Chapter 59

“No, they are almost gone, but they will never go extinct. Because they
have been consistent for a long time.”

“But now they are more than before?”

“That’s right. The number of monsters increase their population even more
when their power of mana becomes stronger. They will never go away.”

“That means…”

“In recent years, the Holy Power of the Empire as a whole has diminished
rapidly, or something has happened that will increase the power of mana
exponentially. The power of the temple has never been weakened, so it
must be the latter.”

Werner showed signs of displeasure by responding so. It was because she

couldn’t figure out why this phenomenon suddenly happened.

He felt somewhat ominous these days. Just like before the storm.

However, it was an eerie premonition that it was faint like smoke, so I

couldn’t hold on to the trace or even get a clue.

Come to think of it, it was strange that Septimus suddenly said the
destruction of the world. At the time, I thought it was just bullshit, but he is
good at hiding the subtle truth in the groundless nonsense.

‘Maybe that snake knows something.’

However, even when asked openly, the Archmage is always a procrastinator

and a man who escaped the situation. Perhaps the definitive truth will never
be told.
Who is the frog in the well? What’s the other side of the truth hidden under
the surface? I’ll know when it’s time to inherit the throne, so there was
enough to ignore it.

Werner suddenly became unhappy, and his expression hardened.


It was an expression that would disappear without a trace when Charlotte

called him with an anxious face.

Werner spoke nonchalantly again, as if he had ever done that.

“Whether the monsters are raging or not, the danger is no different, so send
a knighthood. Lenox will protect you as an escort.

However, unlike his habitual smile, his slightly sunken blue eyes could not
read the emotions at all.

He muttered quietly.

“……come think of it, you only look for me when You need me.”


Charlotte didn’t hear it because it was a flowing murmur.

She asked, blinking her rabbit-like eyes. If not just for that reason, he said
that Charlotte is strangely absent from important things.

“No, I’m talking to myself.”

Werner smiled and stood up after reassuring her that it was nothing.

“Ah, are you leaving already?”

Charlotte, embarrassed, asked reflexively, grabbing him by the hem of his

clothes. He couldn’t concentrate throughout today’s conversation, but this
time he is trying to disappear after hearing only what’s going to do.
“I’m sorry that you called me first for the first time. I’d like to spend more
than an hour with you, but I can’t help it because I’m really busy.”

For a while, he was distracted by love play as if he had been used for
something, but he is a person who had a lot to do because he is the Crown
Prince. Every day the work was endless and the documents to be dealt with
were piled up like a mountain in the office.

“Well, I see.”

What can I do about him being busy?

Charlotte hesitated to relax her grip on the hem of her dress, but her head
was filled with questions. It was because of the memory that he was willing
to welcome her when she visited his office even though he seemed busy.

Charlotte read books or chatted and fell asleep on the sofa when Werner
was tired while doing business. She walked in and out of the Crown
Prince’s office as comfortable as her own.

“……can I come with you?”

“Oh, it’s difficult.”

What? Charlotte raised her head in disbelief. Her clear, transparent blue
eyes that were shocked were trembling, as if the sky was shaking.

“The kingdom of Karhaman is sending a delegation soon. On the surface,

they are coming for diplomacy, but in fact, they are coming to push ahead
with my marriage to with Karhaman Princess through their recklessness.”


“Of course, I refuse. But I’m troubled by the petty appearance of the
exclusive right to the port of Lehema that goes all over the continent. In
order to avoid friction, it would be better to be as friendly as possible.”

“Oh, I see. That’s why…….”

Charlotte responded obediently, but she still had confusion in her head.

I can see that he has to consider various circumstances and is desperate. But
what does it have to do with not being able to be with myself? Shouldn’t
you be considerate of me first no matter what?

‘It’s always been like that.’

There’s nothing obvious in the world. But that’s what meant to ordinary
people. For Charlotte, everything was natural.

“Still, I want to be with you more…….”


Werner called her name softly. Only then did I notice his slightly exhausted

Sighed as if he was tired, he swept up his bangs. Then a straight forehead

was revealed for a moment, and the golden thread was scattered over it.

“I did. You haven’t made up your mind yet, so give you time to think.”

I did say that. It was because his confession was so sudden, and I didn’t
know my feelings well yet.

And I felt sorry for the young ladies who secretly adored him. Because they
had a love that could not be reciprocated for the rest of their lives.

Especially Ayla Mertensia.

She poured alcohol on Werner’s face with a fierce face, but the way she left
the banquet hall alone with her throaty voice was so pathetic…….


Really, was it pathetic?

If I feel sorry for my opponent, they will be like, ‘Oh, my God, how kind of
you to sympathize with that witch on this happy day. You’re an angel
without wings,’ many people praised her.

Charlotte blinked with a blank look.

Werner was still talking about something, and she smiled softly when she
was distracted and unanswered. The lips that draw a line resemble a mask.

“Charlotte, if you need time, I’ll wait forever. So let’s take a moment of our
own time. To confirm your mind, it would be one way to stay away for a

Werner took a lily flower from the vase and held it in Charlotte’s hand.
When he was unexpectedly handed a lily flower, he patted her head lightly
and turned his back without hesitation.

I feel like I am going to vomit.

My heart started beating and my stomach started to pound with unknown

nervousness. Charlotte clasped the hem of her dress over her heart.


Charlotte caught him again without realizing it.

It was already the third time.

I thought I wasn’t like myself today, but I couldn’t stop my mouth from
moving on its own.

“Can you send Sir Lenox alone with me…?”

It was only a few days ago that I thought, ‘Can’t we all get along, not try to
monopolize me?’ But he handed me over to another man.

Werner, who was staring intently at Charlotte’s desperate expression,

answered with a grin.
“Lenox, who values chivalry more than his life, cannot touch you. It would
be a lie if I said I wasn’t anxious, but with Lenox, you’d never be in

Having said that, Werner now headed somewhere without looking back to
see if there was really no time to lose.

He left. He disappeared.

Let’s be together.

‘……it bothers me.’

Charlotte recalled a feeling she had never embraced while receiving

everyone’s love and attention.

I was surprised at the thought of me belatedly, but I had no choice but to

admit that this was my true intention that had never been revealed.

The guilt faded in an instant.

She crushed the blooming white lily petals in her hand.


It’s been a month.

In the meantime, I have kidnapped Paulan, who has been waiting for me to
kidnap him, and sending letter to me tirelessly.

And with him, we set out to work on a dress for the Princess, and we were
able to create a dress that would look great on Cordelia.

I tried to be bold this time.

It is a dress that modern people would wear, and it is a gold-colored Empire

Near the upper chest is decorated with flower-shaped lace and pearls, subtly
lit with a glistening gold pearl. And the skirt is covered with a translucent,
fluffy fabric.

Honestly, I was worried that it was too unconventional after making it, but
Cordelia seemed to like it very much.

“It doesn’t have any decorations, but it feels fancy. That’s elegant, too.”

She praised the hem of the skirt like a river of gold flowing with placer. I
was happy that Princess unnie liked it as much as I worked hard to make it.
And I was proud to fit in as if she was born wearing that dress.

When Cordelia appeared in the dress at imperial ball, she was admired by
numerous nobles. Unlike the notorious Ayla, she is considered a fashion
leader to some extent.

Thanks to this, the attention shifted to me as it was, and orders poured in,
they wanted a design similar to the dress worn by the Princess Cordelia.

I’m refusing everything because I have to deal with the loop first, but I’ve
been seriously thinking about whether I should set up a real dressing room
these days.

And this time, while working on the dress, I realized that it is necessary to
make a zipper. It is because is impossible to create a shape without a zipper
on a dress with a line that is tailored to fit body.

If you don’t have a zipper, you have to sew it up and tear it off every time
you wear it, but it’s such a hassle.

So I couldn’t help but suggest Paulan make a zipper. In this world, it was
not invented yet, so I roughly painted it and explained it in words.

“Lady is a genius, no, it is not enough to say that you are genious! God, you
must be a child of God! Oh, my God, how could you think of this? This is a
revolution! You have to patent it right now!”

This was Paulan reaction after suggesting a zipper.

He was running wild with excitement even though he said he could not
make it with human hands, so he thought he needed another way, such as a
machine or magic.

“Shall we write a contract together before that? Please wait. I’ll leave the
imperial designer first.”

“……Calm down.”

I’m worried that one day, he’ll suddenly jump out of the palace and ask me
to do business with him. I put the excited Paulan back in his seat and asked
him to make a dress I had previously been commissioned by another young

First of all, before we start doing business or anything, we’ll have to stop
the loop and start with the ending of the novel.

It wasn’t that I didn’t like to open my own dressing room. It’s always been
fun to design and embody a dress.

And I have a grand dream that my design is trendy in society and that all
aristocrats dress up nicely.

However, whenever I tried to dream of such a pink future, it was the

completion of the loop and novel that always came back to haunt me.

Making such a steadily asked dress and continuing to take succession

lessons, I filled a sincere and rewarding month.

The warranty period of the slave certificate has already ended. But to my
surprise, nothing happened. This was because Charlotte did not give Werner
any answer due to her lack of choice.

That day, I returned to the mansion and reflected on myself, who assured
myself that the novel would be completed easily. Of course it is, it can’t be
that easy.

I didn’t expect Charlotte to feed me such a big piece of shit. At this point, I
think Charlotte deserves a swear.
No, I honestly didn’t expect anything that difficult, did I? The two of them
will be connected anyway, what if I just force them together? They’re made
for each other anyway. What’s the trend these days, it’s a contract marriage!

When things got so twisted, the ending was blown away, and the hope that
the loop would be disappear is blown away. Charlotte seemed to have to
play fishing grounds, whether intentionally or unconsciously. Or maybe
God or something new wants to follow the story.

Now there is only one way left.

All I can do is show myself well to the people around Charlotte and survive.

VM C60

Chapter 60

It’s none of my business whether they are Charlotte fishes or not, but it’s
going to be a bit much when they’re completely on Charlotte’s side.

This is because the fish in Charlotte’s fishing grounds hate Ayla as much as
the Crown Prince.

It was Werner who killed Ayla himself in the ending book of the novel. But
other fish were not entirely unrelated. Although I didn’t put much effort
into making the male protagonist stand out.

The fish in the fishing grounds, which were wary of each other, unite as
soon as Ayla, a public enemy that threatens Charlotte’s safety, appears. And
with one intention to protect Charlotte, they becomes Werner’s helper and
helps fight against Ayla.

So at least it was better to buy their favor, and the best way is to let the fish
go their own way.

Werner seems already fallen in love with Charlotte, it looks like I can’t help

‘A man with two hearts…….’

The late-century confession of shock and horror was completely engraved

in my memory even though I wanted to forget it. I groaned and shivered my

‘Anyway, I have no choice but to do it.’

There is a reason why I needed to resolve it. It’s the end of the century
when Werner, the male protagonist, says he’s a different fish, so I’ll be fine.
I was determined to do so.

But now it was a judge’s board.

Instead of running away at the end of the century, I had no choice but to
face it proudly and enjoy it.

Now, when Lenox’s reinforcement period begins, Charlotte suddenly

misses her hometown, and Werner, who feels sorry for her, inevitably sends
Charlotte to Angelo’s estate.

And it’s Lenox who will be in charge of her escort.

The reason why the prince’s guard abandoned the Crown Prince and
escorted her is……. Well, I have no idea, so I want to ask me 10 years ago.

Anyway, if it’s the charm of a knight in a romance fantasy novel, wouldn’t

it be the kind of thing that protects them by going through a crisis together
in an extreme situation?

It seems to be similar to the Crown Prince, but it is strangely different.

Werner comes by riding a white horse to save her, and the knight stays by
her side in any situation.

In such a novel, Charlotte crosses the Balck Mountains and suddenly is

attacked by horribly powerful mosnters, and she is ni danger of falling off a

Eventually, Lenox was forced to embrace Charlotte and jump into the cliff,
where, by how lucky, there was a lake at the bottom of the cliff.

In the aftermath of falling naked off a cliff, Lenox suffered internal injuries,
and Charlotte brought him to the cave where she accidentally came across
and takes great care of him!

‘Well, that’s how you flirt.’

So I calculate the date and time of the above incident, and long before
Charlotte and Lenox move, the first place I tried to step is Kazen’s estate!
It was …….

I think I’m a little stupid.

“Charlotte, so the God-loved woman will be distressed in the Balks

Mountains in the Kazen estate?”


“How do you know that?”

Yes, I’m speechless like this.

In response to Killian’s most natural question, I remembered the lie I had

told him when I had just met him.

I said I only saw what was supposed to happen on the day of the loop as if I
had been given a divine revelation.

But, I already have a record of saying that the next loop that will happen is
next spring. How do I know Charlotte will fall off a cliff with Lenox and be

‘In fact, the loop happens that day, too, because God showed me a late
revelation…Would it work if I said it…?’

I tried to smile and roll my eyes around and caught his eye. Every time I see
him, the silver gray eyes that come out of admiration are bent round. I don’t
think it’s gonna work.

“I can hear your brain rolling all the way up here.”


“You know I was suspicious enough the last time We headed to the casino
hotel, right? I pretended I didn’t know at that time.”

I knew his hobby is self-driving, but I didn’t expect him to be this good.
This is why it’s best not to lie from the beginning. Once you happen to start,
lies pile up on top of it to pick up the pieces.

But in my case, it was inevitable because my life is on the line. I didn’t have
a choice.

Come to think of it, Killian was already seeing through my lies at the time
we first met. But he let it slide by saying, ‘Well, I’ll fall for it now.’

……then, even now!

“Actually, I must have seen that dreams weren’t loops. Maybe it was
through revelation that I could see every Charlotte’s move.”


“So this is my idea, and since the loop doesn’t work, I think God did
something else. It’s all about trying to tie me up with Charlotte so that I can
be sacrifice for her.”

I just spit out anything, but now that I mention it, it makes sense.

Come to think of it, it was enough for a petty God who didn’t care about the
rest of the creature to make one Charlotte happy.

I looked up at Killian with my fists clenched, believing that it was quite


Then Killian, who saw my sparkling eyes, wriggled his forehead with a
smiling face. And slowly hardened his face and covered his eyes with his


I can’t believe it’s enough to sigh.

“What should I do with you…….”

That’s enough to lament.

It’s sad because I’m a person who isn’t precise in lying. You know I’ve had
to do that a lot. But never meant to confide in my secret, so I shut up and
wriggled my fingers.

“Yes, let’s leave it at that.”

Killian, who looked down at me for a long time and looked, finally said so.

His atmosphere is like devil, but generous Killian, is actually good person if
you know him. Killian!

“But as lies pile up, my patience reaches its limit.”

But his words didn’t end there.

I suddenly gulped with a tense face at Killian, who set the mood and
lowered his voice.

“You’re going to have to take care of yourself.”


“I’m looking forward to that time.”

Killian said, surrounding me with the black hood he was carrying. My

whole body began to tremble even though a thick cloth hood was covering
my body.

I didn’t even know how to handle it. I feel like there’s more pain waiting for
me than death, and why don’t you kill me comfortably!

“Please be quick…….”

“Look at what you do.”

In the end, his atmosphere is also a devil, and as it turns out, Killian is a

Kilian and I, for short, were held in the Balck Mountains before we even
reached the Kazen estate.

“We’re lucky we’ve never encountered a demon on our way here. I’m glad
you’re all right, Lady.”

“It’s very reckless of you to try to cross this rugged mountain range alone.
If we hadn’t passed by accident, we’d have been in big trouble.”

“Next time, I’ll make sure! Please hire a mercenary. No, you must hire at
least three mercenaries.”

The knights asked me again and again.

That’s kind of them. They seemed to be really worried about me, so when I
smiled silently, they blushed, turned their heads, and coughed in vain.


Whenever people around me responded like that, I used to be embarrassed

and didn’t know where to put myself together, but now I’m used to it. After
all, man is an adaptable animal.

Well, knights, I understand. I also sometimes blush when I look myself at

the mirror. Narcissism is an inevitable fantasy beauty…… it’s more than
enough to blow the Victoria’s Secret models back and forth.….


Then, suddenly, something black covered my face, and it blackened my


What the hell?

After floundering with surprise, I belatedly realized that it was the hoodie
hat I was wearing that covered my view.
I lifted the hooded hat that covered the tip of my chin and lifted my head.

“Keep it down, lady.”

Killian’s tone disguised as a butler was as polite as ever today. But why
does he look like the devil while wearing a hood and smiling quietly?

I put my hoodie on, which I had been lifting gently. No, why is he angry
that I am little proud because Ayla is the most beautiful woman in the

At that Killian attitude, the knights took turns looking at the two of us with
a strange look. Then he wrote a note and chatted, ‘Isn’t she running away
from the estate with the man she loved because she was forced to marry?’

“Are you running away from your estate? From the first time I’ve seen you,
you look like a beautiful girl who grew up only at estate……. It’s a bad
time to run away from home. The number of monsters in the world has
growing rapidly, so if possible, don’t go near the forest…….”

They gave a speech about how scary and rough the outside world is, and
when I just stared blankly, they sighed and scratched the back of their head.

“As a knight, I can’t leave lady in trouble. I’ll take you to the entrance of
the Balck Mountains.”

“……I don’t think so, shouldn’t you be taking her to home?”

“Hey, how hard it must have been for her to get here. There must be
something she can’t say, but it’s cruel to send her back to where she barely

“However, isn’t her family worried at home? If my daughter suddenly

disappears, my heart will collapse.….”

They seemed confused whether helping me escape is chivalry, or whether it

is chivalry that bring me back to my parent arms safely.
Killian quietly listened to whether the knight misunderstandings were
funny, and then licked his red lips a beat late. It was a tone with a strong
aristocratic accent.

“Thank you for your consideration. We’re lucky to meet the members of the
Knight when we’re on our way to Kazen estate. I will express this grace
directly to the Holy Lord when I arrive at the estate.”

No matter who hears it, He’s like a capital man! His precious body! In his
accent and gestures, the knights seemed to have reached the conclusion that
Killian is at least noble, and that I, as he seemed to serve, would be a higher

“Oh, my gosh, you’re not getting out of the Balks, you’re coming in……?”

The knights realized that I am not an immature young lady who escaped
from the Kazen estate, but a noble who had come from the outside, and
their faces drastically become pale. They seemed to remember that they had
given me some good advice.

“No, I’m just giving you a little advice, but what kind of grace…….”

At that time, a middle-aged man believed to be their representative came

forward and scratched his cheek and asked with hesitation.

VM C61

Chapter 61

“My name is Visuil Nassiriel, the commander of the Knights of Kazen. At

the command of the Lord, I am out in the Balk Mountains for a while to
subdue monsters.”

After introducing himself to the point, he said, ‘But…….’ continued.

“Did you two come all the way from the capital?”

This is a countryside, so there won’t be a teleport center. Without carriage,

no attendant, no escort, how the hell…Visuil murmured with a confused
look on his face as if he had encountered the unknown.

“The nearest teleport center is the distance you’ll have to ride a horse all
day long……. Did you ever meet a bandit on your way here? Or you’ve
already been attacked by the monsters before you run into us…….”

Visuil shut up in the middle of what he said, as if it was speculative.

The hood we’re wearing iss gloomy, but neat, and it’s hard to say that
we’ve met bandits or monsters because our attitude is clear, not to mention
being hurt or tired.

There will be only one conclusion if I’m not an immature lady who ran
away from the Kazen estate.

That we have a great power.

“Are you a wizard?”

Visuil asked with a slightly nervous expression and swallowed his saliva.
The Kazen estate is geographically surrounded by the Balk Mountains, so it
is surrounded by forest and mountains on all sides. In addition, as one side
consisted of a distant cliff – the cliff from which Lenox and Charlotte fell –
there was less interaction with the outside.

The wizard would never have come to Kazen, a poor city so far from the
capital that they call themselves a countryside. It would be difficult to
afford money to even hire a low-level wizard.

“I am not a wizard.”

At my end, the knights sighed with relief and exchanged ‘Who the hell are
you then?’ eyes.

I’m not a wizard, have a high status, have a talented man, they must be
thinking I’m under God’s protection. Well, it isn’t God, but I am protected
by a sorcerer.

I came in the arms of Killian, who walked gently in the sky. Why do we
need a carriage, attendant, or escort when we’re in the sky? The only threat
encountered in the sky was a flock of migratory birds heading south.

Even if Killian’s spell didn’t work for me, it was possible for him to hold
me indirectly and fly. I left like a princess in the arms of the Killian and
thanks to the comfortably moved.

……no, honestly, it wasn’t that comfortable. The ride was good, but having
to stay in the air gave me a fear of heights that I didn’t have.

I got motion sickness and stayed in various villages to rest for a while,
resting at inns. I also took a break in this forest before the flight and met

Originally, I was planning to head straight to the castle, but it was not bad to
join the knights and head to Baron Kazen together.

They had business on their estate anyway. Because it was them, the Kazen
Knights, who found Lenox, who was injured and Charlotte, who was tied to
the cave without moving.

And knights later end up with nearly half as many victims. It was for
Lenox’s dramatic performance.


Extras who have to be deleted for a supporting role, it’s nothing special.
Ayla is the same supporting role, but in the end, her fate is no different from
an extra.

I felt sympathy for the knights. They are such kind people, but they have to
die to make Lenox shine.

‘I want them to live to.’

I’m the writer, but can’t I reap the seeds I sow? I revealed my identity
thinking so.

“I also pay tribute to your hard work. I’m Ayla Mertensia, and this is my
personal butler Sebastian.”

“Oh, I see…….”

Visuil reflexively saluted at my words and bowed his head, then stiffened
his body belatedly. He raised his head and stared rudely at me.

“……Lady Mertensia?”

Oh, you know me? I didn’t expect my rumor to spread to this part of the
country. Hehe, I’m such a huge celebrity.

The knights opened and closed their lips with their eyes wide open to the
limit. It seemed unbelievable that the rumored Duke daughter, who had
thought they would never encounter in their life, is in front of them.

It’s such a familiar reaction to me that when I pulled up the corners of my

mouth without saying a word, the large scale knights were shocked and
shuddered in groups. It was funny for some reason, so I burst out laughing

I just laughed the same way. How can the reaction be this different from

“Isn’t my rumor a little loud?”

“Oh, no, it’s not. It’s not like that, but I’m surprised that someone as high as
Lady has stepped here…….”

Don’t lie. Because it’s written on your face right now ‘Uaah, witch!’. I
don’t think he’ll make such a desperate face even if there’s a sudden natural

Visuil is such a quick-witted knight that he thought of excuses for the short
time. He asked me questions in a cold sweat.

“By the way, what brings you so far……?”

He was asking politely, but given the signs of unease, he actually wanted to
ask, “What have you come here to do?”

I answered gladly.

“I love traveling so much. I’ve been to every town on my way from the
capital. I’m interested in local specialties, have you guys tried this?”

I threw something out of my arms, saying so. Visuil looked puzzled after
catching the flying fruit with agile hand movements.

“Delicious. It’s a gift.”

“Th-thank you?”

I ate it little by little, but I gave it to him especially. If he is a knight

commander, I will have a lot to bump into while I’m at the Kazen estate, so
it wouldn’t hurt to be close.
I thought this might make the frightened look a little better, but somehow
they seemed more wary of myself.

Why? I gave you something to eat.

It’s not even poisonous, is it? He was looking back at the fruit with that
look. I gave it to you with all my heart, but you’re being too explicit about
it. If you’re not going to eat it, give it back.

But even if it was unavoidable to become a fearful witch, he couldn’t

become a naive you boy who gave and took food.

I asked, trying to hide my sadness.

“Is the subjugation over?”

“Oh, yes. That’s right. Strangely, We didn’t see any of the monsters that
were running wild today. We were just about to go back to the castle.”

It seemed to be regrettable that it was in vain without any harvest.

“That’s great. I am looking forward to the specialties of the Kazen estate.”


Visuil seemed to ponder, ‘Is there anything like that in our estate.’

“Of course. Only in Kazen.”

Charlotte and her fish, in crisis, can only be found here at this time of year,
even if you search through all the lands. I grinned as I swallowed the

And while the knights were puzzled by Kazen’s unheard-of specialties, I

asked a well-defined question.

“May I join you?”

“Yes…… of course.”
At my words, he smirked. The gesture was groveling and the expression
was like ‘I don’t want to be with you if I can.’

They were worried about me before, but as soon as they knew I am Ayla,
their attitude suddenly changed.

Still, I thought it would be okay because it is a remote place, but somehow

the atmosphere is more wary of me than when I was in the capital.

Am I a witch with all sorts of scandals and my boundaries against outsiders

creating a synergy effect? Or was my rumour all the way here badly




Didn’t everyone suddenly become seriously and quiet?

I looked back at the knights surrounding me with embarrassment. Earlier,

he blushed at me, and now he turned his head away as soon as our eyes met.

The capital aristocrats liked noble things like ‘world-class designer-

recognized dresses’ and ‘noble words’ and were more easily liked than they
thought, but how do rural knights entice them?

“Kill…No, Sebastian. Is there any way I can get close to them?”

I stood close to Killian and whispered so that only him could hear it.

Then he smiled affectionately and replied, ‘You don’t have to,’ and he
pressed my hood deeper.


When he heard that I had found the estate, Baron Kazen, the lord, literally
jumped out of his way.

Because of the response of the knights, I almost thought they would

sprinkle salt if I said I came, but the warm hospitality made me feel very

‘Nice person……’

But not long after, I got cold again. It was because he rubbed his hands like
flies and openly abused his servants to serve me deeply, saying, ‘It’s an

It seemed to me that he is the typical kind of cowards and sycophants who

were associated with Aylan.

As I listened to Baron Kazen’s flattery, I remembered the details of the

novel <Lady Lily>.

He says this when Lenox, the head of the Imperial Order and the guard of
the Crown Prince, visits the estate.

[“No, you are Sir Lenox, the knight of Dawn, the youngest Grand Sword
Master I’ve ever heard of? Sir Lenox is looking for our estate. Oh, you
turned the mountain range upside down.”]

I guess, because of that fuss I wrote, he became a crooked character?

“Lady Mertensia……no, Countess Kintyre! Oh, you’ve taken a precious

step here.”

No, it’s the first time I’ve ever be called Countess. The intention is
unpleasantly explicit, so I had no choice but to make a face of discomfort.

“Call me Lady Mertensia. I haven’t inherited my title yet, and I’m still in
process of taking successor classes.”

“Ei, it’s only a matter of time, isn’t it the same as being the next Countess?”
According to his logic, Aslan is already the Duke of Mertensia. My father is
still alive with his eyes open, so what the hell are you talking about?

“I’ve heard a lot of rumors. Are you going to bring in the concubines?”

He whispered as if he were telling a secret story and tore his foxy eyes even

When did the rumor spread all the way here again? More than that, why do
you have to say that so subtly?

Now I’m focusing on other things, so I don’t have time to answer that I’m
going to postpone my marriage off later. Suddenly, Baron Kazen tried to
bring his third, fourth, and fifth sons in order to introduce them to me.

“This is my third son, Eden…….”

“N-no. Co-come on, don’t do this!”

What are you doing, you son of a bitch!

I’m a noble so I have to act like a noble, but I’ve forgotten everything,
stuttered and screamed.

VM C62

Chapter 62

Flatterers are always beyond imagination.

No matter what you imagine, it always show more. I am afraid of how far
they were planning to evolve.

Even that fifth son seems to be a minor with fluffy hair yet? Are you trying
to make me a pedophile and send you away with a silver bracelet?

The baron’s sons were trembling with fear, bowing their heads and unable
to make eye contact with me. No, maybe they, who have grown up to be
aristocrats all their lives, are shaking with shame because they are being

I was just as absurd and dumbfounded as they were. There’s a rumor that
the Baroness ran away, and I think I can understand why…….

“Ah, there’s a misunderstanding. I just wanted to introduce my proud sons

to the Countess.”


“Of course, if you inherit your lands, you will be busy in many ways,
hoping that my sons will be of service to Countess.”

The baron greeted me with embarrassment by waving his hands with a

movement that was not even a grain of elegance.

Of course, I wasn’t a fool to be fooled by ridiculous sugarcoating. If that’s

really the case, He has heard rumors that I will have concubines, and he
doesn’t call your sons after knowing that.
Besides, if you really wanted to treat me like the next Countess, shouldn’t
he introduce me to his first son who will inherit your family later?


I sighed and swept my head up. To what extent do I, as a writer, have a

great influence on Baron Kazen becoming such an irredeemable character?

‘Ha…I should have made Baron praise Lenox.’

It was my atrocity 10 years ago that I wanted to emphasize that Lenox is

this famous and cool. It is always painful that the main culprit of everything
is my oast. Yes, it’s all my fault…….

Although I am the heir of the Countess of Kintyre, there is a reason why the
Viscount bow so much to me, who is now only a daughter of the Duke.

The Kazen family is already struggling financially. This was because the
baron’s gambling addiction and the successive failures of the business left
nothing but debt.

I was told that the Baroness, who had been her only brake, fled because she
couldn’t stand her unanswered husband. On top of that, Baron Kazen was
on the verge of falling apart due to the recent rapid increase in the number
of objects.

Even to bring in supplies from outside, they had to pass through the Balks
Mountains, and wherever they went in the mountain range, they
encountered the monsters, so it looks like they are starving to death.

I’m sure it’s accurate because I researched it in advance. I didn’t expect

Baron to sell his sons to become my concubines. It was ridiculous.

“Let me finish with the introduction. This is my third son, Eden.”

“……Nice to meet you, Lady Mertensia. My name is Eden Kazen.”

Oh, no, please don’t do that. Don’t reluctantly say hello. I feel like I’ve
become the worst shameless person in the world.
“My third son is clean, quick-witted and intelligent. He looks blunt, he is a
very friendly kid with only a few words. And how good he is with his

In what way is that an introduction that I hope helps as a close associate?

And what are you doing as a father to that very sweet child, you scum!

I quickly changed the subject before Baron Kazen proceeded to talk.

“More than that, I’ve heard you’re suffering a lot from the monsters.”

Baron Kazen, who was bragging about his third son’s cooking skills,
replied, smacking his lips as if he were disappointed.

“That’s right. You can’t imagine how much damage I’ve suffered from
these monsters.”

It was at that time when Baron Kazen was about to talk about the damage
he had suffered from monsters.

Before his words were finished, the door of the parlor suddenly burst open
and the knights came in. They were the knights who took me here in


They came in, roaringly calling the baron.

Then the faces of baron sons, who were like livestock being dragged to the
slaughterhouse, bloomed. It was as if they had met a savior.

The knight commander, who was at the forefront of the knights, stood in
front of them as if to protect them, and after a while, he exclaimed bitterly.

“How, how can you sell your sons to that witch for money! I can’t believe

Yeah, that’s what I have to say. Somebody please stop that Baron. The word
witch was annoying, but it was when she was nodding her head cheering for

“Lady Mertensia!”

Visuil suddenly turned around in my direction. And muttered in a

suppressed voice like a bull in a red cloth, holding back what he wanted to
rush at me.

“Somehow, I thought something was off from the start. I’ve never heard of
specialties only in Kazen……as expected, Lady aiming for the young

He said as if he were vomiting blood, as he realized while beating the

drums alone.

“Please, that’s not it.”


“I’ve heard the rumors.”

So, what?

That line is what Baron Kazen said earlier. By the time I began to feel
uneasy about what the rumor was, Visuil looked back at the Baron’s sons
and said as if he had gritted his teeth.

“Lady enjoy tormenting people as if you were playing with toys, you torture
him and throw him away when tired of it. It’s just the concubines on the
surface, and that’s what it means after all.”

Hearing that, I was dumbfounded, and now I was slowly beginning to

admire. I can’t even guess where and how rumors go wrong and I become a
shameless real-life perv sadist.

However, as soon as I revealed that I am Ayla, I understood the reaction of

the knights. That’s why you shunned me like a criminal.
“Lady, I’ve been immersed in this knighthood for 30 years. They are like
my children who have been with me all their lives since the time the young
masters were born. So please, I’m begging you. It’s not just the masters.”

Saying so, Visuil knelt in front of me. Then the baron’s sons, who were
hidden behind his back, hung on, saying, ‘Visuil! Visuil!’

He smiled tearfully at the young masters like his sons and turned to me

“The reason why our knights continue to stay in this territory where we
can’t even get a salary is because of the young masters.”

Working for free, that’s love. He must think like they are his real sons.

Yeah, I think that’s a sad tearful situation. But isn’t that what you have to
say to the Baron sitting across from me, not me?

I looked back at Baron Kazen in the hope that he would somehow sort out
the mess that had been twisted. By the way, he was crying, covering his
mouth with tears in his eyes.

Are you serious?

“You guys really meant it! I thought you were going to hold out until you
got your payment, so I cursed at you for being strong.…!”

He must have felt a tsunami of emotion on the other side.

Visuil, who emphasized his loyalty by not being paid so much, took a deep
breath and looked at me at the dramatic timing and spoke solemnly.

“The young masters cannot be sent. Please be satisfied with my life.”


“No! You can’t do that, Visuil!”

“No, I’ve already had a satisfactory life thanks to young masters. Even if I
die now, I have no time to spare.”

“What do you mean, sir? Aren’t we here! We will fight for the young
masters until the end!”

“You guys…!”



“Young Masters…!”

What the hell do they want to do?

They hugged each other and cried for making me the worst villainess in the

Why do I become such a scary pervert who buys men from poor families
with money? Why do I have to go so far as to murder the knights in the

‘I’m more afraid of their delusions.’

And Baron Kazen, who brought this on himself, seemed excited about not
paying the knights. I’ll be sure to beat that guy with money later.

As I looked around, I met Killian, who was completely distracted. He

seemed to have cooled down, just like me.

To some extent, the illusion and misunderstanding make me angry, and at

this point, I just laugh despondently.

Killian said in an interesting voice.

“As expected, there are many fun things to do with young lady. I won’t be
bored when you are around.”
“I want to be bored please… ….”

He burst into a short laugh at my sincere murmur, bowed down and reached
over my shoulder.

Then he dropped a lump of sugar in my cup of coffee and stirred the milk to
my childish taste. I wondered why it was so quiet, and in the meantime, he
asked the maid to bring it to him.

“I’ll have to prepare the tea for you. It smells light.”

Killian put the glass down in front of me again, ignoring this fuss
thoroughly. It seems that the knights’ loyal determination not to hand over
the young masters to evil even if they would rather die seems to be

I lost all motivation to explain my injustice and sipped the coffee Killian
had given me to my taste.

“We-we’re prepared!”

At that time, the young knight, who looked the youngest among the knights,
exclaimed with excitement to me.

It seemed that it was hard to turn a blind eye to the opponent as he was
begging for such attention. Killian glanced over there and pretended to be

“I hear you grant the wishes of the dead, so wouldn’t it be nice to grant
them a wish of the living?”

Killian curls his lips enchantingly with words that I don’t know if he’s
joking or serious. No, that living person’s wish is to be a dead person.

“If you’d like, I can point it out right next to you.”

He is talking like they are annoying, so let’s just deal with them.
At that nonchalant remark, the knights felt as if they were going to pull out
a sword at any moment, so they groped their waist. And they also
murmured to be witch’s servant.

I wasn’t wrong because the knights weren’t necessary for my plan. Well,
it’s not a murder, though. It just gets worse here.

VM C63

Chapter 63

“Gasp! You can’t kill them!”

The Baron seemed to have been watching the fire across the river and felt
serious only after the atmosphere became harsh.

He sprang up from his seat in contemplation.

“My free slave……eh-eheum! No, please spare my precious knights who

have been with me for half of my life!”

Do you have any intention of concealing this man’s true intentions? Baron
Kazen is a crook, but his brain is quite bad. He is rather transparent. It’s as
transparent as a dirty desire can be grasped.

“You guys have come in all of a sudden, what kind of disturbance is this,
no, what a fuss! The Countess may be able to save our family, but what

“Ha, salvation? If it’s a salvation that you can get only be obtained by
selling your son for money, it is better for the family collapse and persih!”


The Baron grabbed the back of his head as if he was speechless by the
knights’ descent. However, there was no way that authority remained with
him, who had lost the ability to pay salaries.

“H-how dare you not know the grace you’ve been feeding……!”

“Lord, please be quiet! Because you don’t deserve to be a father!”

“Are you crazy as a group!”

“Yes, We’re crazy! What if we hadn’t gone crazy! If you’re going to do this
again, we will just run away with the masters!”

I’m sorry for the serious atmosphere, but I feel like I’m watching a drama
on the spot. No wonder I feel like I should chew popcorn.

I felt it from the first time I met them, but the Knights of Kazen had a
strong sense of justice. In the Empire, the chivalry has long been tarnished,
and no one is protecting it.

‘Well, I guess I’m gonna have to sort it out.’

No matter how much I deny here that the rumor isn’t true, they won’t
believe me because they’ve already branded me shameless. Then I have to
say something persuasive…….

I deliberately put down the cup of coffee I was holding. Then the Baron and
the Knights, who were growling as if they were grabbing each other by the
collar, turned to me at the same time.

As the surrounding calmed down, I took off my hooded hat that I’ve been
wearing all this time with me.

“Come to think of it, I came here without a notification, and it was rude.”

As soon as I arrived, the Baron drove me crazy to the point that I forgot that
I was wearing a hoodie.

This part again proves that Baron’s brain is bad. He doesn’t even check my
face properly and he know who it is and he believe it’s Lady Mertensia.
People keep getting scammed because they’re so sloppy.

‘If you’re going to be stupid, you might as well be kind.’

I twitched inwardly towards the pathetic Baron, kicking my tongue and

clasping my amrs. Then I could feel Killian arranging my hair that had been
tangled up and pressed by the hat with his skillful hands.

I spoke in a haughty voice to them, who were naturally fully focused on me.
“I’m afraid I’m not here for that purpose, Baron.”

Then the knights surrounded their young masters more closely. ‘Do you
think we’ll believe that?’ was being said in action.

Visuil was still kneeling on the floor, apparently missing the right time to
wake up.

He spoke coldly, sending a wary look.

“If that’s not the reason, then why would a wonderful lady come down to
this countryside where there is nothing left but monsters?”

Visuil seemed to have completely lost his nerve after determining to give up
his life.

Yeah, it’s better to be so cheeky and honest than to say something you don’t

I snorted, “Hum!”

“I’ve done a lot of hobbies with money, but I’ve never bought people.
Because there is no need for that.”

Of course, let’s not discuss what happened at the casino hotel. I mean,
Charlotte and the Beast Man wasn’t something I bought because I really
wanted to.

“Ha, that’s a lie……!”

“Why do I have to find something that bothers me to hang on to it even if I

stay still? I just can’t keep up with what you think.”


As I said this, I frowned as if I didn’t really understand, hoping to look as

bad as I could.
And to some extent, this is sincere. Ayla is so beautiful that even when she
is hated by the whole world as a villainess, she has followers who follow
her just by looking at her face.

If I had possessed her maid rather than Ayla, I might have died helping her
with all my heart. If she smiles with this face and say, ‘Can you help me?’
How can I say no?

I raised my head and twisted my mouth as if to say more. Then the knights
seemed distressed by the fact that they were persuaded by my words.

“But if it’s our masters……!”

They desperately shouted, wondering if they really wanted to turn me into a


“Tha-that’s right! How tall and handsome our masters are! They are the
only pride left on our estate!”

“The youngest is as lovely and cute as an angel! How could it not because
of the young masters?!

……So you’re hoping it’s because of the masters? You want me to take him
tas my concubines? I don’t know which rhythm you want me to play. Try to
be consistent in your attitude.

Certainly, Baron Kazen’s humanity aside, he had a tall face that seemed to
have blown away when he was young. The sons who inherited the gene
were also heartwarming. That’ll get a lot of attention from the young ladies
even in the capital.

However, no matter how much, my eyes were contaminated long ago. They
have become bodies that are only seen as seafood. Seriously, who am I
talking about beauty in front of right now?

I glanced at Killian and then pointed out his outfit.

“Sebastian, you’ve been wearing a hood all this time. Take it off and leave
it to the maid. We’re the uninvited guests who came all of a sudden, but we
should have the least examples.”

“……Of course, my lady”

Killian gave me a silent, discontented look when I took off my hood and
slowly responded. Then he untied the strap on the hood, taking off a dull
black hood that made him ten times more ferocious and suspicious.

He swept up his bangs that were disturbed by the hood.

Then I heard sighs everywhere. He buttoned a few loose shirts to the neck,
then wore white gloves in an understated movement. Then the maid
standing next to him gulped.

Killian tried to ignore the surrounding reaction and fold the hood straight
and hand it over to the maid. But the maid was mesmerized and glanced at
his face, fiddling in the air.

Killian was frustrated as he watched the maid flutter, so he placed his hand
under her and place a finely ripped hood over it.


The maid was devastated by the action, tearing her heart out and kneeling. I
shook my head in admiration of Killian’s destructive power.

That’s the absolute beauty that reigns over beauty. It’s my taste, it’s my
fault, it breaks everything and hits my heart.

That’s my butler!

Killian took off the gloves he had just worn, whether the maid collapsed or
not, and neatly placed them on the hood.

‘Huh? What? Are you saying that the maid hand and his hand are

Why do I get goosebumps when he touched everything with his bare hands?
I don’t know why he’s suddenly like that, but he’s handsome, so it doesn’t

However, no matter how handsome he is, seeing the same face over and
over again makes me feel numb. They say humans are animals of

Looking gloatingly at Killian, I casually stared at the knights. And I

doubted my eyes. How can a person look like that? Then I looked back at
Killian again. Oh, yeah, people should look like this.

The knights were probably confused, alternating between each other’s faces
and Killian’s.

“Sorry to cut you off on the way.”

I threw an apology at the knights who looked at each other, smiled

generously and asked.

“So, what were your young masters like? Keep talking, I will listen.”

When I said, they groaned with a sense of defeat and shut up.

All right, now I don’t think They are gonna say I crossed the mountain and
river to buy the Baron’s son.

I opened my mouth to Visuil, the Knight Commander, who was still


“Visil…… Visil……well, that’s a pretty hard name to pronounce, Sir


Then he opened his eyes and mouthed. I thought he wanted to say, ‘Who is
Visil!’ but I smiled brazenly.

I have already been wronged by your thought. Take my timid revenge and
become the tease of a lifetime.

“Sir Visil, have all the misunderstandings about me cleared up?”

“Ah, yes….”

Visuil, who was running wild to sacrifice his life for the young masters,
replied with a poop-chewing expression. He seemed to be angry with
himself who was convinced for this reason.

‘I know that feeling very well.’

I looked back at Killian without saying a word.

Come to think of it, I’ve been captivated by that face since the first meeting
a, signed a contract, and I’ve been completely swayed until now. This novel
is tough for nerds to live in.

I watched Visuil rise up in the most awkward atmosphere in the world and

“I think we’re going to have a little conversation now. It just so happened

that you came. Because I had something to discuss with you.”

“Discuss…… what do you mean?”

He asked in a highly questionable tone if he still had doubts about me. At

this point, I seemed to be amazed at the persistence of wanting to make me
a villainess until the end.

“Well, isn’t it all because of the monsters after all?”

Of course, the biggest harmful substance is the Baron himself, who was
trying to sell his sons out of his mind even after losing his family. If you’re
not smart, you should be nice, but who created that terrible mix? ……that’s

‘Ah, moron. When will you wake up?’

At heart, I wanted to throw the Baron away as food for the animals, but I
decided to leave him alone because I can’t clean up the Baron, the lord,
right now.
As I stared at the Baron thinking so, he trembled as if he suddenly had a

VM C64

Chapter 64

Visuil replied one beat late, perhaps thinking of the meaning of my words to
speak of the monsters.

“The monsters is the most pressing issue. But isn’t there a way to get rid of


“If the number of monsters grows beyond our control, we have no choice
but to go out to subdue them from time to time. Even that is only a
temporary measure.”

It is said that when the monsters is subjugated, it only stops for a while, and
soon after, it becomes exponentially rejuvenated again.

He said so and explained with a bitter expression that he had already lost
many of his colleagues. Not a few people were killed by the monsters, and
most of them left for other lands.

Seriously, who would want to remain on a hopeless estate with nothing but
monsters left? I don’t know if the lord is even a little trustworthy, so I think
it’s better to trust Amoeba than to trust him. It’s weird that they don’t get
paid to protect the masters.

Only those who were so foolishly loyal were gathered, so they were still
guarding their chivalry.

I didn’t hate idiots like this or that. It just stupid to the point where I want to
hit one.

I turned to the Baron and asked.

“Didn’t you request assistance?”

“It’s a request, I’ve been doing it consistently, but……. They sent me troops
once or twice and that was it. In fact, it’s inevitable. No matter how many
times you kill, the monsters will spawn endlessly.”

Well, that’s true too. Besides, there’s no merit in helping the ruined Kazen
estate, so they are done their best by sending it once or twice.

‘I don’t know if he’s going to sell his title and his estate any time soon?’

The Baron also seemed unable to afford to pass on the title to his sons.
Kazen’s fate seemed to have been decided. Either they go bankrupt and the
territory is transferred to the state, or they are taken away by another lord.

I don’t think it was this much in the novel, but is the number of monsters
that are too many to handle?

I stared at Killian’s more stretched piercing in his ear and lowered my gaze
a little more and glanced at the snake-shaped tattoo crawling over the back
of his hand.

I heard that monsters are born and die by parasitizing the sorcerer magic,
just like that ‘magic-eating snake’. Aside from the fact that they arise at
will, regardless of the sorcerer’s own will, monsters are closer to magic than
to living things.

If so, isn’t this all due to the appearance of a sorcerer with enormous
magical powers? Of course, I can’t say it’s all Killian’s fault, but the only
difference from the novel is this guy who suddenly appeared.

‘Do you have a guilty conscience?’

I gave him a dim look without saying a word.

Then Killian gently folded his eyes and pulled up the corners of his mouth.
It was kind of a pitiful smile.
Oh, come to think of it, Killian came out of the world in the first place
because I caused a loop. ……so it’s because of me, too? I was struggling to
survive, but why is the result of me nothing but disaster?….


I sighed as I talked about life after a long time.

When those knights went to subdue monsters, they were going to find
Lenox and Charlotte with their hunchbacks, but if this happens, will they
have no choice but to intervene?

“Did you said that You were in vain because you couldn’t see the monsters

“Oh, that’s right. Seeing that their magical energy does not disappear, it’s
clear that they are alive, but there’s no sign of where they hid, and they
don’t appear.”

“Then you will have to go back to subjugating again sooner or later. To

bring in supplies from outside.”

“That’s true, but ….”

“Then let me join you in the next subjugation.”


Visuil asked back with a suspicious things he heard from his ears.

I was kind enough to assure him of his question.

“You heard right, Sir Visil.”

“Who is Visil!”

He lost his composure and shouted his voice, then immediately shut his
mouth to cover it. Then, looking into my eyes, he hesitated and asked
“No matter what, you can’t join us in subjugating monsters…… lady, you
know, I mean……aren’t you a woman?”

For the first time, he said daringly.

Woman? You made me into a perverted sexist like no other in this world,
and you looked down on me, so why did you suddenly turn me into an
object that deserves protection? Is there any useless obsession that once a
woman is a woman, he should protect her?

“Didn’t earlier you said I’m a witch?”

“……that was a lie.”

A witch of the Duke daughter.

Come to think of it, it was a remark that suddenly popped out of nowhere.

I looked up and down at him with squinted eyes and laughed significantly.

“You don’t even apologize.”

You didn’t say anything wrong? The chivalrous spirit of saying what you
have to say without yielding to evil? When I asked so, he glared at me,
clenching his fist tightly enough to wriggle blood on the back of his hand.

“Sir Visil.”

Only then did Killian, who was sitting on the sidelines of all this, call him

In the meantime, there was a blood spot on the forehead of Visuil, who was
renamed freely, but Killian tilted his head and asked softly without any

“How long do I have to endure sir insolence, who does not hesitate in front
of the young lady?”
He completely erased his smile, which had faded as a habit since becoming
a butler. It was just that, but I felt like I was breathing under pressure.

Killian didn’t get in my way because he had his own rules. He wanted me to
choose and act on my own, whether I failed or not.

In order to make me the main character and the villainess who is loved by
God, it is a superficial name…….

Looking back, I think it’s because he feel fun to raise me bcause I’m absorb
what he teach well, right? Maybe he wants to make me become Killian II?

Anyway, if he didn’t play that well, Visuil must have crossed the line quite
a bit.

Shaking. I lost my dignity and spread the distance between Killian, clinging
myself close to the back of the sofa. It’s not even meant for me, but why am
I so scared?


“Uh, huh?

The arrow headed for me?! Why!

“I think he become a bad habit because you’ve been generous, can I educate
him instead?”

His eyes were not smiling at all, but I couldn’t help but nod at the trembling
smile of my mouth. Then Killian’s patent Leather shoes parted the silence.

The butler personally goes out to teach Visuil. I feel like I should put
Schubert’s Demon King as the background sound.

“E-education! No matter how much you’re a butler of the Duke’s daughter,

you’ve come as a guest.…Argh!”

Visuil lost his strength in a single stroke!

Killian grabbed one shoulder and pressed it down, but Visuil fell to his


He didn’t know he would collapse like such a child. He looked up at

Killlian with astonished eyes, with dozens of question marks overhead.

‘But didn’t he say that if Killian touch someone, great misfortune will befall
to them?’

I put my eye on Visuil’s shoulder, which was touched by Killian.

It was because Killian could not suddenly make a rudimentary mistake and
seemed to be intentional. I thought, staring at the piercing that sparkled in
his ear.

‘It’s a misfortune to the point of not dying, but a near-death threat, so it’s

It’s okay, right?

When I was in doubt, Visuil wriggled, tightening his body. I think he want
to get up again, but unfortunately I can only feel that he’s in trouble and
Killian hasn’t even budged.

“Sir Visil.”

Visuil, who had been uselessly using his strength, huffed and gasped with a
flushed face. His forehead was brimming with cold sweat, no matter how
hard it was.

“I will tolerate the trouble of asking twice, only this time, Sir Visil.”


Visuil, who had completely lost his fighting spirit, no longer denied that he
was innocent and responded obediently.
“This is just the right level for your eyes to serve a lady. Next time, bend
over before I set your own eye level.”


You don’t have to go that far, do you? I think it would be a shame not only
for you but also for me if you kneel down every time you see me.

Visuil, who was forced to be educated at eye level, looked at Killian with a
gaze that wondered if there were any monsters like that.

“Do you understand?

Killian asked with a smile.

Visuil looked at the knights who disassembled as if they were about to rush
in at any moment, and the Baron’s sons who were concerned about him, and
then reluctantly licked his lips.

“……I understand.”

Having confirmed that I had no intention of touching the Baron’s sons, it

seemed that he had changed his mind in a way that would not offend my
heart if possible. Even though I don’t have any thoughts.

I took a chance at the thought that came out of nowhere.

“Come to think of it, I’ve heard that you would sacrifice your body for the
sake of your masters.”

“That’s, yeas…?”

“No way, you won’t go back on what you said, Sir Visil. Then this witch
might become ill at ease and suddenly become interested in your young


“So I hope you have no objection to my company, Sir Visil.”


At my words, he puffed his mouth with an expression full of betrayal, and

soon lowered his head and muttered in a crawling voice.

“I didn’t mean anything else by profanity. To be honest, it’s a shame, but

we’re in a hurry to protect ourselves.….”

Somehow he seemed more ashamed than kneeling at me.

I understand that the Knights, who have to protect their lands, feel
powerless that they can only look at their own safety. But isn’t it obvious
that this is the only number left after everyone has left?

Visuil was speaking on the premise that he had to protect me, and in short,
when I was together, it was a nuisance and a hindrance. I don’t know that’s
a bigger excuse than accusing me of being a witch.

“Who asked you to protect me?”


“Take care of my safety. If I wanted your protection, I wouldn’t have said

I’d accompany you in the first place.”

I don’t know anything else, but I was confident that I could protect my body
at least this time. But no matter how much I talked, he didn’t seem to
believe it until I showed it to myself, so I pointed my finger at Killian
without saying a word.

VM C65

Chapter 65

Then Visuil made a popping sound and seemed to agree in an instant. And
then he said, ‘How did you get here without any escort from the
capital……’ muttered.

“Why are you taking suck a risk? Lady, this is not a game. You could die.”

“I told you, I’m here to pick up specialties.”

I answered like a child because he treated me like a child. Then Visuil, who
was full of prejudice against me, looked my her face, saying, ‘Well then, it’s
a bot of bias full of prejudice against me.’

“I, that………. are you done with the conversation?”

At that time, the Baron, who was belatedly wary of us, asked timidly.
Whether it was because of the sudden disruption of the knights or Killian’s
eye level education, he was more terrified than when I first saw him.

In fact, there seemed to be no need for further conversation here, so I

expressed the affirmation with my eyes.

“Hurry up and show me to my room.”

Baron Kazen, who read my sign, asked for a maid. Now that I’ve revealed
that I don’t care about his sons at all, I’ll be nothing more and nothing less
than an unexpected guest.

I followed his maid and got up from my seat. And on the way out, My eyes
met with the Baron’s third son eyes, Eden, who was standing by the door.

‘Ah, eye contact.’

He turned his head away, startled as if he had been burned.

I hesitated for a moment and whispered softly to his ears as soon as our
eyes met.

“Sir Kazen, if you want to quit your relationship with the Baron, please let
me know. I could help you at least once.”

Perhaps he did not know that I would say such a thing, Eden opened his
rabbit eyes and looked down at me.

Visuil opened his eyes when he saw me talking behind closed doors with
Eden. I’m not interested in your master.

In fact, the memories of writing this novel have come back to my mind and
have been bothering them ever since.

If Eden doesn’t have the ability to get away with himself, and he really
cares about his younger siblings, he’ll come to me on his own. If he is
suspicious, or if he can’t let go of his father, he will only hurt himself. Like
Yoon Haneul in the past.

“The choice is yours.”

It may be a frivolous affair, but after said that, I followed maid without

Then Visuil said behind my back, ‘Wh-what did you hear? Witch, no, Lady,
what sweet talk did Lady whisper? Don’t be fooled, young master!’ he

And it was then.



“What, what!”
“Th-the eagle break the window……!”

“What kind of eagle is that all of a sudden?!”

“The eagle attacked the captain!”

“Sir Visuil!”


I can hear a mess going on behind me.

What the hell is going on? When I tried to turn my head to the sound of the
glass breaking and the sudden sound of the chirping bird, Killian grabbed
my shoulder and prevented me for looking back.

“You don’t have to worry.”

It was obvious that he did it.


“So far, it seems as if it’s been planned…….”

Of course, my room and Killian’s room would have been assigned


I was rolling around the bed for a while when suddenly I heard his voice.

I was startled again and again, but then I stretched myself out later. Every
time, he still appeared without warning like an assassin.


I asked, resting my chin in a languid position on the bed.

“But it looks like your plans have changed.”

“Oh, was it obvious?”


I don’t think I’ve said anything particularly noticeable, but it seemed to

have been read in Killian’s eyes.

I got up from the bed, scratched the back of my neck, and calmly sighed.

“Originally, as you know, I had no other choice but to visit the cave where
Charlotte and Lenox are located, and at the decisive moment, I appeared
like a prince voila- and brought them to the Kazen estate.”

I continued my speech while fiddling emerald ring that I am wearing on my

right middle finger.

“But I’d like to get rid of the monsters in the mountain range as well. The
lord and the knights are a bit of a drag, but the damage to the settlers is no
small matter. I feel sorry for his sons who have to be sold.”

And most of all, I wanted to show it to Visuil or Visil. I wanted to clearly

remind him of how far I can go in that narrow view.

Rather than forcing him to kneel under pressure with power and force, I
wish his knees were broken by admiring the ability of a person like me!

‘…..It’s embarrassing to say that.’

Actually, even when the nobles ridiculed me as a villainess, I just think they
are pitiful and pathetic, but I didn’t think of like that when Visuil said
‘Aren’t you a woman?’ I must have been quite pissed off when he attacked
me like that.

In fact, the only thing I believed in was that the power of monster did not
work for me at all.

As I said earlier, the monsters are more of a spell created by mana than a
creature, and Killian said no matter how much they reach me, they will do
no harm. It was natural thing because magic didn’t affect me.
But what’s the point? I am just beginning to learn swordsmanship. I’m
crook like who have to catch squirrels in the novice hunting ground.

No matter how I can win some of the monsters in front of me by luck, it is

ridiculous to think that I will take care of all the monsters in this mountain
range. Even the knights who have practiced swordsmanship all their lives
are struggling because of the monsters.

Even after I said it, I was so vain, I only got ahead of myself, and I didn’t
have any confidence at all.

I’m at a loss.

I sighed and looked back towards Killian. He seemed to know how I felt,
even though I omitted a lot of words. From my experience so far, he
remains so.

I asked him.

“The fact that they can’t see any monsters all of a sudden today, is that what
Killian did?”

“Well…… yes.”

Killian replied, squatting on the edge of the bed where I was sitting.

I watched the scene thoughtlessly and then slowly pushed my butt back. I’m
share a same seat with a male! I kept this by myself, citing the doctrine of
Confucianism, which I did not usually care about.

Then he looked at me as if he was watching my jokes and said.

“Monsters have a habit of moving according to the flow of mana. If you go

to places where mana is concentrated in the air, you’ll get stronger.”

“Well, that sounds like Killian can control the flow of mana.”

“Don’t any sorcerers do it?”

Killian stared at me with a look on his face ‘I’m a sorcerer, can’t we do that

I don’t know because I’ve never met another sorcerer, but.… for some
reason I don’t think anyone can do it.

“So, that means you can control the movements of monsters. So Killian is
able to destroy all the monsters in this mountain range at once?”

“You want get help?”

He creased his brow and flicked my forehead with his index finger. Oops,
it’s hurt!

“There’s no point in my helping. I’m only assisting you as a tool to shine.

But does it mean I’m the main character?”

……well, yes, though.

I just felt a little weak because it was too much to do it alone. I got sullen as
I rubbed my sore forehead.

“I can tell you how to do it.”

“Wha-what’s that?”

I sat down and prepared to listen to him. As I gulped with a hint of

nervousness, he stroked my head and said. Are you giving me medicine
after giving me a bottle?

“First, I leave the Lette Empire and return to where I belong.”

It turned out to be. Killian’s uncontrollably overflowing mana is the cause

of increased monsters population for the last fourth months.

Wait, that means…….

‘The utopian forest that he used to live in, is it outside the continent?’
He came across the continent to find me, the main culprit of the loop? Oh,
again today I’m determined not to mess with Killian.

“What about the second one?”

I had no choice but to dismiss the first option, though I was shaken by the
thought of parted away from him.

Then Killian smiled sweetly and stretched out his arms and hugged me.
Burying my face in his hard chest, I trembled, feeling my face burning.

Please, have mercy.

Because of this, I am afraid that I will not be able to live up to my name and
die suddenly from a heart attack……

But no matter how painful I was, Killian never let me go. If I struggled, he
would not kept his mouth shut, saying, ‘This is my payment.’

“The reason why the monsters are born only in the forest is because only
this forest is the medium of their life. So we can burn the forest.”

Well, that’s a hot way.

“……what about the third one?”

“Kill the monsters that becomes the core.”

Now there’s a way to try it.

II lifted my head up and then, as Killian hugged me and looked down from
a distance, I buried my face again. When will the perfect immune system be

“You can say that the core is the body that combines magic power and the
vitality of the forest. The rest are clones that can be stretched or diminished
by the amount of mana that the core possesses.”

“Oh, that’s pretty simple……!”

I raised my head again and shouted.

So, all I have to do is find the core and destroy it? When my face is turned
red, he smiled at me and said.

“If it were that simple, the knights wouldn’t have been suffering until now.”


“But it’s good to see you positive.”


“It won’t be resolved with just being positive.”


Y- you have a bad personality.

You told me to solve it on my own, but even if I know it won’t work, can’t
you cheer me up a bit?

When my self-esteem is low, he come and comfort me, when I think about
things too easy, he quickly says that.

“As expected from experienced tutor….’

VM C66

Chapter 66

I shivered my eyelashes and turned to avoid being swayed by him.

“But the knights didn’t seem to know that there is a monster which is the
core , didn’t they?”

I didn’t get a hint of that in my conversation with them.

The lord and the knights were just focusing on the rapidly increasing
number of monsters. And it is also new to me that I did my own research on
the monsters before I came here.

In my question, Killian explained why.

It is said that the monsters have been treated as almost endangered animals
for hundreds of years. For that reason, it seems that there was very little
damage except for the case of being attacked by monster after entering
place with high mana due to very bad luck.

As a result, few people knew because they didn’t have to find and destroy
the core of the monster.

To put it simply, these are the words of people who are engrossed in peace.
I can’t believe they didn’t come up with a countermeasure just because it
wasn’t a threat.

‘It’s a very rare piece of information that only I know here.’

With the help of Killian, an informant specializing in magic, I got a way to

deal with monsters easily. It seems unlikely, but it was worth a try.

It wasn’t just that.

“I won’t go out on my own, but I’ll show you how to destroy the monsters.”

Killian is kind enough to teach me how to attack each type of monster by

himself. Listening to him, I feel like listening to the strategy of catching real
game monsters.

When I couldn’t get the hang of it because it was so fantasy, he drew the
appearance of the monster on the parchment paper himself and explained it
to me.

‘Wow…… he’s really bad at drawing.’

I admired inside.

I was amazed at how he could draw like that. I don’t know what the hell he
drew more than he explained in words.

“What’s this?”



Stick on the circle? Is it a symbol?

There’s something Killian can’t do either. His knowledge of art is really

knowledgeable, but is he only strong in theory?

Didn’t you draw the trick well? It may be a very different concept because
it is more like a text and a shape than a picture.

I don’t know anything else, but I was a bit confident in writing and drawing
skills. For the first time, I was proud of the joy of finding something better
than he can, and I was very serious about drawing it.

…….How come I don’t even notice?

“Draw a person.”
I asked him to do it at a flash, pointing next to a picture closer to a lollipop
rather than a tree. Then Killian drew stick man without hesitation.

‘I knew it!’

How come it doesn’t deviate a bit from what I expected?

I had no choice but to laugh. It’s the first time he’s looked cute, so I’ve just
burst into laughter, and he raises his eyebrows.

“Why are you laughing?”


As I shook my head, he looked puzzled and continued to explain in a quiet

voice again.

Even if he is not good at drawing, he draws really neatly as if he is drawing

with a ruler. I think the circle was drawn with a compass.

I think there was a myth that ‘if you draw a circle well, you’re a pervert…’
While I was thinking such useless thoughts, I concentrated and listened to
his words later.

Until a new monster subjugation schedule was set, the days in the Baron
castle flowed very quickly.


“No, we are going to subjugate monsters, so why are you dressed like that?”

As soon as Visuil saw the tailcoat Killian is wearing, he quarreled. He was

about to grab the back of his neck.

By the way, how did he get a bald on his head? I tilted my head when I saw
the back of Visuil coin-size head empty. Where’d you get ripped off?
Well, I understand his position to some extent. The deeper you went into the
Balk Mountains, the more rugged it was to ride a horse. We have to go to a
place like that, but it’s ridiculous to wear a suit and shoes.

But where is the normal thing in Killian? There is no such thing as an attire
appropriate for the time and place for a sorcerer who even wins over an
archmage. I’d understand if Killian crossed rivers and seas like that.

“Sebastian’s tailcoat is, like, a uniform, so he will never take it off.”

After giving a little piece of advice to Visuil, who interfered with useless
things, I got on the horse.

Now, as long as I have a saddle, I can ride a horse by myself! I’m so

moved when I’ve grown this much that even the ‘winner’ of horseback
riding has never experienced before.

I grabbed the bridle and spoke vigorously.

“Stop it and let’s go.”

Then the knights stared at me with a strange look.

Well, why.

Following their gaze, I could see the dark grey trousers I wore. I bought it
in the village I stopped by before I arrived here.

As it turned out, men’s clothing around the world was relatively close to the
19th century, when women’s clothing remained largely in the 18th century
Rococo period. For women, pants became commonplace in Victorian times,
so they may have never seen a noble woman wearing pants.

Originally, clothing was bound to change freely only after undergoing a

major upheaval like a revolution, so it was a bit palatable that women only
wore pants, but it was such a reaction.

“Doesn’t it look weird seeing noble woman is wearing pants?”

Look at the way they look at me strangely when I’m wearing comfortable
pants, not uncomfortable skirts.

So when I threw a straightforward ball at them, their eyes fell.

“No, you’re dressed well.”

By the way, Visuil, who also knew how to say prejudiced bollocks,
answered me more seriously than I thought, even a little bit, because the
shock of Killian participating in the subjugation squad wearing a tailcoat.

“Today, I have been honored to be with Lady, and I will not go to areas
where dangerous monsters often appear. We’ll escort you from the front and
from both sides, so please follow us from behind.”

Oh, really? I guess you’re looking at me again, from a lame lady who just
has to take care of me one by one to a less annoying lady.

‘Where the hell did you get to say that you’re protecting my safety?’

I had a sullen look on my face, but I followed his words this time because I
thought it would be honestly overwhelming to deal with dangerous
monsters all of a sudden.

The squads went straight all the way up the mountain range. Judging from
the large road, it must have been a route that people used to come and go.
Surely there’s no dangerous beast in a place like this.

“There’s a Rotten Tree around here.”

Oh, Rotten Tree. Last time Killian drew a lollipop and insisted on it as a
tree. I couldn’t guess what it looked like from the painting, so I wondered
what it would look like in reality.

“Don’t let your guard down just because it looks like a rotten tree. It swings
the trunk like a whip. As soon as the stem is injured, it immediately
paralyzes, so the movement becomes slower and more blunt. It’s not fatally
toxic, but when severally paralyzed, you will completely stiff.”
He didn’t even call the speed carriage, but Visuil recited the description of
the Rotten Tree. I had already heard it from Killian, so I heard it in one ear,
shed it in other ear, and grabbed a sword closer to my waist.

There was something surprising about being Ayla’s body, but I was better at
using my body than I thought.

No, it was more of a talented side. In reality, I, who was close to my body,
learned dance very quickly as I moved from this world, learned horseback
riding not long ago, and I was able to drive alone, and I gained muscles
quickly because I gained strength. It makes me wonder why she hasn’t
made use of her talent this way until now.

I think I just set her up as an ordinary character who doesn’t have the
ability, but I didn’t know there would be such a talent.

From the writer’s point of view, I felt very sorry that the child is not able to
show her abilities and died sadly because she only played the role of a

In any case, Ayla is so powerful that she is able to wield a long-sword even
not long after I learned the sword.

Of course, it’s only ‘possible’, and my sword skills are still embarrassing to
call them swordsmanship. I remembered when Killian demonstrated
swordsmanship and then I tried to copy his movements.

‘It was almost like floundering…….’

But Killian told me that even with my feet-like control, I could deal with

He never said anything improbable nonsense. So he meant that the monsters

would do me no harm.

It was when I was riding a horse for so long. Suddenly, Visuil, who stopped
talking, beckoned us to stop.
As I slowly looked around, something moved in front of me. It is probably
Rotten Tree.

Rotten Tree, despite its name, had the shape of a man with two legs on its

If I have to use an analogy, it feels like a human being became a zombie and
then turned into tree. Blossoms everywhere, such as green essence and
mushroom spores, that flowed with bubbles from the body of the Rotten
Tree, quickly seen in my eyes.

‘Wow, that’s disgusting…….’

Imagining myself as just a moving rotten tree, I admired the look of the
more hideous Rotten Tree than I thought. And looked back at Killian
without saying a word.

……….How can he draw a lollipop by looking at that?

I looked at him with a betrayed look on my face, but he, a ghostly man,
didn’t seem to understand my gaze as much as I do now.

“Lady, stay here. I believe your butler will protect Lady.”

This guy till the end.

Visuil and his knights left us alone. Then he approached the Rotten Tree
carefully by killing the enemy, and skillfully handled them one by one.

To put it simply it was a massacre.

The knights struck the tree trunk of the Rotten Tree flying towards them
with their swords and approached the body in instant. And when he blew up
the head-like part of the Rotten Tree, it immediately became black powder
and dispersed into the air. It’s back to its original form of mana.

It was said to be the weakest monster in the Balk Mountains, and it was
eliminated in a very short time. Even if they are knights in a local territory, I
could not ignore their experience of dealing with monsters so far, they all
had great skills.

VM C68

Chapter 68

“Take care of my safety. If I had tried to get your protection, I wouldn’t

have said I’d accompany you in the first place.”

By that remark, Visuil was convinced.

She’s tall for a woman, but that’s all. She has a slim figure managed like an
aristocrat, and she has a slender forearm to the point where she has never
swung a sword, and she has never caught a rabbit, not to mention a

But you don’t need protection?

‘After persecuting, torturing, and killing a helpless human who doesn’t have
the strength to fight, doesn’t she think she’s something?’

It’s like you’re a predator when you press it with money and power, so it
looks like they’re at the bottom of your feet. Otherwise, how could she be
so reckless?

Human hunting and monster hunting could not have been the same. To the
monster, human is nothing more than food, even if he is an emperor. Did
she think something like ‘Dare you, you know who I am!’ would work for

Of course, the butler’s grip is tremendous, but strength and skill were not all
that needed in the subjugation. It could not be helped even if he is an
outstanding knight if he is surrounded by monsters who pushed by the side

If so, I was planning to thoroughly exclude them from the beginning

without including them in the subjugation squad. I had no choice but to
avoid being swayed by the witch’s intentions.

Every time you accompany her, protect her thoroughly and keep her from
moving in a safe place with no monsters. No matter how much a witch
thinks, she won’t go to the place where the monsters are and deliberately
kill herself. Unless it’s because she want to die.

Visuil, who knew very well how precious noble cherished and cared for
their safety even though nobles might trample on the lives of commoners
like bugs, was careless. I didn’t know the witch is that crazy.

Visuil was frantically cleaning up a swarm of Rotten Trees when he found

her fellow knight Braum stuttering from quite a distance. Maybe he was
caught off guard, but his movements were very slow.


One of the features of the Rotten Tree is that it is very slow to move. How
fast would a rotten tree be, no matter how fast it is?

But Rotten Tree evolved with the ability to numb opponents obtusely as its
counterpart. That is the scariest thing about Rotten Tree.

Once he started to get hit, he was helplessly swayed. If you start to get
paralyzed little by little, you get duller, and if you get duller, you get more
stems, and then you get duller.

Then, when the movement hardens completely like a stone, the Rotten Tree
approaches and nibbles away at the body. I had to feel the pain and fear of
being eaten alive, with the whole gnawing still intact and not screaming.

“Hey! Anyone go and support Sir Braum!”

He is too far.

Visuil shouted as hard as he could, but everyone was busy dealing with the
Rotten Tree in front of them. Even Braum had separated from the group by
I think he can just hang in there a little bit longer.

Rotten Tree’s poison isn’t that strong anyway, so if you stay put, you’ll
recover quickly. Unless your body is completely hardened or completely

The moment he thought so, Braun tripped over a stone under his feet. It was
only a matter of time before he would be preyed on by Rotten Trees.

Ah, damn it, damn it.

I have to go save him.

I couldn’t lose another colleague here.

Visuil swung the sword, blew out the neck of the Rotten Tree in front of
him and ran as fast as he could toward Braum. However, while running, I
felt hopeless.

Tha was when I was thinking.

Visuil doubted his eyes.

‘Lady Mertensia?!’

Ayla is slowly approaching behind Braum.

She was narrowing the distance with a relaxed walk as if she had taken a
walk, that she held the sword with her left hand and held it with her right

What the hell is this crazy party all about?

Oh, yeah, I had a very strong conviction. That witch is planning to wipe out
the Kazen estate itself under the pretext that her life was threatened.

The question of why the hell she’s doing that has already become a strong
conviction just because she’s ‘Ayla’.
Visuil felt dizzy at the moment and almost stumbled by the back of his
neck, but he clenched his teeth and ran again.

I shouldn’t give up here for the sake of the young masters. I can’t let this
place, where I’ve devoted my whole life, fall into the hands of a witch’s


However, it is too late.

A Rotten Tree, which found Ayla approaching, swung a stem at her.

‘It’s over, that’s…….’

Visuil closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the shock of blackening in
front of his eyes. Behind the eyelids, the Kazen estate, which had become a
sea of fire, unfolded.

It’s such a vain fate that I’ve endured all this time to be consumed by the
witch’s play.

Visuil expected Ayla to give a speech or tearful tears to the speechless

monsters as she ran wild that she was hit by a Rotten Tree.

But when he opened his eyes again, he witnessed such a strange sight.

The tree trunk of the Rotten Tree, which was swung like a whip, lost its
strength before it reached Ayla, became powdery and scattered, or was
hitting the floor completely avoiding her.


What’s that?

Visuil sprinting stopped suddenly.

He had no choice but to watch Ayla clasped the tree trunk, smeared with
paralyzing venom, with her hand and slashed it with her sword.
“Oh, as expected from a rotten tree, so it’s easy to cut down.”

Ayla gave an incredibly easygoing impression of being surrounded by

monsters. The slightly twinkling eyes seemed to be amazed by the
monsters. No, who’s the one who needs to be amazed? What the hell is
this? Monster?

She made her way through the Rotten Tree. She’s literally hurting monsters.
It’s not killing, it’s just that she is going through the monsters like she is
going to walk through a crowded place, so get out of her way.

Then, one Rotten Tree was seen truing to gnaw a passing Ayla with their
ugly mouth open.

“Lady, be careful……!”

However, Visuil’s meaningless shout was forced to stop in the middle.

As if Rotten Tree had suddenly become an idiot, it was opening and closing
its mouth in the air with food in front of it.

It’s not that It has no intention of attacking, but strangely It didn’t seem to
be doing her any harm.

What the hell did she do?

‘Is the rumor that she is a witch is true? I thought she is a witch meant to be
evil, but is she that witch I mean the real witch?’

But that didn’t seem to be the case either.

Aren’t witches supposed to treat monsters like limbs? But she wasn’t about
dealing with it, she is more about nullifying the attacks of the monsters.

Visuil was as hard as a statue, forgetting that Braum was in danger, and
Ayla stepped up to replace him.

After fixing the sword with both hands, she swung it at the monster that was
about to strike Braum. It was the first sword that was used naturally by a
person who had not learned the sword or had no practical experience, who
lowered it diagonally.

It’s a sword with a long path and a lot of gaps, but it’s a very destructive
sword, but the trajectory is obvious, so it avoids even that much…….


As soon as I thought so, the bottom of the Rotten Tree flew away.

It’s a fluke, but if you don’t hit its head in a heartbeat like that, Rotten Tree
won’t die, so it’ll be hit back with a stem…….

Crack! Crack!


Seeing Ayla wielding her sword hard until she blew Rotten Tree’s head off,
Visuil stopped thinking any more.

‘Am I dreaming now?’

Ayla now quite adroitly cut out Rotten Tree’s head at once or twice. Of
course, it was only possible for her because the monsters was powerless and

‘It would seem harder to catch a flying bug than that.’

The monster is rather astute. Instead of just rushing in, they only move
when they know the opponent’s power by instinct and judge that they can

But because Ayla looks weak and is actually weak, it was an infinite
repetition of running like fire moths and being beaten for no harm to her.

How in the world should we take this situation. To some extent, the shock
wore off, and Visuil stopped panicking and watched her with mixed
“Are you okay?”

Ayla took care of all the nearby Rotten Trees and reached out to the fallen
Braum. She swung a heavy sword all the time, but she didn’t look too tired
or exhausted. For a normal person, she is very physically fit.

Braun, who, like Visuil, was watching Ayla with astonishment, stared down
at her hand, sticking out. And this time, he stared at Ayla with a little

“Can’t you move?”

“N-no, it’s not. I can still move.”

Braun stuttered and casually grabbed her hand and was surprised and
almost turned away because it was smaller and softer than he thought. Not
immune to the woman at all, he blushed to the back of his ear and couldn’t

Ayla looked at such Braum for a moment, and when he didn’t think of
moving, she cheered him up.

Braun is large, muscular man like a bear. When she raised him up, Braum
was surprised, Visuil was surprised, and Ayla herself was surprised.

Ayla looked down at her palm with a curious expression, ‘Huh, is my

strength this much?’ and belatedly found Visuil. She smiled silently at
Visuil, who was speechless and lost in thought.

He could no longer swear at her, denouncing her as a witch, despite her

imposing smile. It was full of questions about how or what the hell she did,
but it was obvious that she saved my colleague’s life.

“I’m glad you’re all right.”

Ayla stood by and blurted at the flustered Braum.

“Ah, thank you so much for saving me! I thought I’d be in big trouble this
time, but thanks to Lady, you saved my life.”
“What’s your name?”

“My name is Braum!”

Braum replied bravely. Then Ayla said, ‘Yes, yes. Sir Braum,’ she called his
name, and said, keeping Visuil’s eye on her.

“It’s better not to let your guard down. If you look weak, someone might
completely remove you from the squad. It doesn’t really matter what.”

VM C69

Chapter 69

Ayla stared at Visuil with indifferent eyes as if she had laughed at him.

“The world is not black and white.”

She muttered like that and twisted her mouth laughing, then swished her
back and disappeared.

The two knights couldn’t answer anything, but could only see her back. The
greedy rosy hair tied high as one shook like a horse’s tail at every step.

She is such a small and delicate woman, and although she is clumsy to
wield her sword at the monster, she did not hesitate at all.

Even the knights, who have been dealing with the monsters every day for
decades, had to let go of their tension every time they tried to subjugated
monsters. It is because it was unusual to lose one’s life after being careless
because it is a weak monster. Just like Braum a while ago.

To be so confident in such a situation, it would have meant that you had the
right weapon, no matter what it was, rather than being reckless. Why didn’t
I know that?

‘It’s not that I didn’t know, I turned a blind eye to it.’

Visuil had no choice but to admit that he had been thoroughly

underestimating Lady Mertensia.

She is a woman, an evil witch.

I stigmatized her as nothing but a distraction and judged her as a narrow

vision. The most important thing is that I don’t even try to see her.
If I had asked her, ‘Do you have the ability to fight against the monster?’
when I first heard she would accompany me, it would have ended without
misunderstanding. Maybe I could really use her help.

‘I don’t think it’s been long since she learned swordsmanship…… she is
fearless. Those people do improve rapidly.’

If you are not afraid in any field and challenge endlessly, your skills will
improve significantly. Especially in swordsmanship.

The problem was when they became arrogant just because they had
improved their skills, and ran without knowing their competence. Most of
the people who trembled against the monster, often died of death.

‘But if it’s that power of Lady Mertensia…….’

It might be of great help/

If she was a little stronger, no, if she could stay here and train more and
handle the sword freely to some extent, it would be a great power. That
much, it was a great ability not to be harmed by a monster.

Basically, she seems to have good strength and stamina, so the ingredients
are good, and she can jump right into the real world against the monster
without having to save yourself.

‘I don’t think so.’

Why would she stay here to train and fight against the monsters?

Even if my status was a little low, I would try to try somehow, but my
opponent isthe Great Noble. She is also the youngest daughter of the Duke
of Mertensia, who is second only to the emperor.

‘There is no guarantee that she will nullify all attacks of the monster in the
first place. Maybe luckily it only works for Rotten Tree. Rotten trees are
less aggressive and weaker. Even if you’re paralyzed, your body gets stiff
and you’ll feel better in a few minutes.’
It was when Visuil tried to ignore Ayla, treating her as a tree he couldn’t

Suddenly, Braum, who was stunned, stabbed Visuil in the side with his
elbow. It was almost like a picture of a horse stabbing.

“Go ahead and apologize, sir!”


What’s wrong with you? When asked as if it was absurd, he said.

“She must have been very angry with leader! What would you do if she just
left after that?”

“A few days ago, when everyone was gossiping together that she is a witch
and she is up to something…….”

“That’s what I thought at first, but have you ever seen Lady make trouble
all the time on the estate?”

It turned out to be.

Alya was so calm that I thought she is the witch of the rumor. On the
contrary, her butler once acted like a bully, asking if they would put such
low-quality ingredients in the food he was going to give her.

“When I pass by and say hello, she accept me. The maid, who serves her
now, also said that the lady is not friendly, but she said she doesn’t seem to
be such a bad person as rumors say. She is just a mindless person who
doesn’t care about others.”

“That could be acting. Maybe it’s lady new game.”

“Is that a problem now? What if it’s acting, and what if, according to
rumors, she have eccentric taste like a witch?”

Are they in position to question their opponents now? Once the young
masters were safe, they had to catch straws, whether she is a witch, a
demon, or a monster.

Braum shouted, beating his chest, as if he was frustrated.

“Didn’t you just see it? She were literally swiping through the Rotten Tree
like cutting down some rotten tree?”

“She is a novice who can’t even handle a sword properly. How can she hold
out for a long time when she can’t handle her own power?”

“I got help from a newbie like that. And you said it just in time. She is
strong enough to lift me up two or three times heavier than lady, isn’t she?
The lady is a gemstone!”

Braum also seemed to have felt the admiration that Visuil felt inside.

Braum preached how Ayla’s possibilities of making the monsters as

helpless as a scarecrow are.

If Lady helps us a little bit, we may be able to take care of the strong
monsters we’ve been struggling with at once, or we can easily bring them in
when we procure supplies, or maybe we can really kick them out of here

“……she might be a savior.”

Braum whispered, staring into the direction where Ayla disappeared with a
hopeful look.

For some reason it made me feel uncomfortable. At the moment, I was

persuaded by the words and thought it might really be. However, it was
hard to admit in front of others that my judgement was wrong, no matter
how much one might think so.

Visuil said in a sour voice.

“What is the savior……are you in love?”

Braum, a 18-year-old knight who is at the height of his delicate years at the
word, spoke coldly with a cold look on his face.

“Oh, really…you couldn’t get married because you said something like that.
Stop acting like a child and go apologize.”

What does it matter here that I didn’t get married? Visuil burst out and
Braum shoved him blindly on the back. Among the knights, he is the
youngest, and there was no such thing.

When he was chasing after me like a chick, saying, ‘The leader is cool,
leader is the best,’ I always gets so cocky. I heard it’s no use raising

Visuil grumbled inside and went to dispose of the remaining Rotten trees. I
was embarrassed to go after her now, so I was going to apologize when we
went back to the castle later.

Rotten Tree is only outnumbered and weak, so the sunjugation was quick.

“……What about Lady?”

By the way, after getting rid of mosnters, she had already disappeared
somewhere. When I asked the knights, they said she were not going back to
the castle with the butler.


Braum shook his head and kicked his tongue at the sight of Visuil stunned.

Come to think of it, he remembered.

There were tens of thousands of reasons why his leader was always dumped
by women, but one of them is that he couldn’t catch the timing.


‘It’s weird.’
Lying in bed to wash up and sleep, I stared at my smooth palms without a

In fact, I hid it on purpose because I was embarrassed to tell Killian, but I

cut my palm while touching the end of the sword when I went to subjugated

No, I’m not. In front of Visuil, I pretended to be cool, killed monsters, and
saved a knight who almost died, but before that pride could go away, what
kind of idot thing I do. I’m glad no one saw me.

Thank God I didn’t put my sword in front of Visuil and Braum. I tried so
hard not to rattle or flinch, but I almost blew up everything I worked on
while setting the mood.

The wound was not deep, so I completely forgot until the maid heated up
the bath after finishing the schedule. By the way, I was taking a bath and
found my palms clean without a scar.

No matter how light the wound was, it was a sword cut. But how can it heal
so quickly that it disappears into thin air? I can’t have been mistaken that
I’m not hurt, and I’m sure I’ve seen blood flow.

‘What is it?’

Now that nothing works for me, even the sword won’t harm me? And now I
have the ability to heal myself?

‘I wasn’t until a month ago…….’

I happened to cut my finger on a piece of paper, and it remained a scar for

quite a long time. At that time, Killian advised me not to get hurt as much
as possible because neither potion nor healing magic would work to me.

So he was considerate not to get me hurt as much as possible during the

sword training, and I was careful myself, so I didn’t have to get hurt.

It’s been a while since I got hurt. I didn’t know the wound would suddenly
disappear. There was no pain, so I completely forgot.
‘Should I ask Killian?’

I was unconsciously fiddling with my palms, and I held my palms close to

my eyes, hm? There was a sense of incompatibility there, too.

The palms of my hands, which had recently become calluses by grabbing a

sword, were soft and supple. I think it was yesterday that I applied ointment
because my palms burst.….

‘Subjugation therapy?’

No, there can’t be such a thing.

I quit my wildest imagination and jumped out of my seat and opened the
door. I was going to go to the guest room where Killian was assigned and

But when I opened the door, I heard a faint murmur from the dinning room
in the castle.

As I tried to take a step toward Killian’s room, I was intrigued and took the
stairs down to the first floor. I was going to take a peek at what was going
on at night when everyone was asleep.

As I got closer to the dinning room, the commotion grew louder and soon
went berserk and hit me in the ear. I poked my head inside the dinning room

“So my body won’t budge as if I’ve been paralyzed by paralysis, I’m

tripped by a stone and I’m about to fall down like this…….”

Oops, it’s a mess. One, two, three, four…….

What, did you all finish the subjugation and release the scourge? Do you
have any money to drink because you are not even getting your salary? Last
time I saw it, it seemed like they were taking turns going out of the estate to
do chores, so it must have been the money you earned then.
I took the back step, recalling the dim memories of being forced to go to the
second and third rounds at the company dinner.

They’ll just pretend they didn’t see an outsider like me who doesn’t enjoy
drinking at all.

“……at that moment, Lady suddenly appeared like a savior……Oh, Lady!”

VM C70

Chapter 70

Then Braum, who had miraculous eyesight, spotted me and sprang to his
feet and pointed me.

I slowly hardened into the motion of my backward steps and forced a smile,
shaking the corners of my mouth.

The feeling of being a tiger when I speak is not very pleasant. I don’t know
why you’re talking about me like that, but I’m embarrassed, so stop.

I’m ashamed of myself a few hours ago when I looked in the mirror and
admired myself, saying, ‘I am terribly cool today, my coolness exploded.’

“Then, I felt it. Oh…… Lady has come to calm down the monsters.”

Ah well, stop it.

“The tree trunks that knocked me down flew in from here and there, and
Lady didn’t even look at them, but she escaped with a whimper.”

……when did I?

“What did Lady then, where are you looking at? That is my afterimage.”

“I don’t remember saying that!”

Shaking with shame, I screamed without realizing it, and the noise inside
suddenly stopped. Everyone stared at me with a drunken, indistinguishable

“Oh, I see. Come to think of it, it’s been my lifelong dream to say that.”
Braum murmured as he blinks his half-drowsy eyes from drunkness. I don’t
know why why he have such a monstrous dream, but it seemed like he’s
confusing reality with his dreams and delusions.

“Ah, inded.”

He hiccups a few times with a flushed face and broke the silence and spoke
in a serious voice.

“Then, the monsters not even attack, let alone approach, because Lady is an
existence that could not be attacked or touched?”


“No, it’s not a humble thing to say. Once the lady wields the sword, rain
clouds come in, thunder and lightning strike, and twice when the sword is
wielded, earthquakes occur and the ground cracks.….”

Somebody knock him out.

At this point, when I thought he might be teasing me, the crowds took a step
further, cheered and clapped their hands.

……A novel from 10 years ago, me 10 years ago, damn it. Because I acted
on behalf of Lenox, who has not yet appeared, it seemed that the knights
praised Lenox in the novel had passed it to me.

I never really thought of this. Is this a reward for my help? Bad Braum who
avenged my kindness. I wanted to cry for some reason, so I tried to turn my

Then, suddenly, Visuil leapt out of his seat and put down a wooden glass
with vigor and came toward me with a staggering step.

What, what, are you going to hit me?

Doesn’t it feel like he’s coming to slap my face with his approaching steps
and angry eyes? Don’t tell me he is going to come out this petty because I
said something earlier. Is it this?
If you use violence, I will respond immediately with violence. And I’ll
make full use of the Duke’s status to show you the bitterness of dirty power.

I clenched my fists thinking so.

Maybe it was because his eyes kept closing due to his drunkenness, but he
got closer with his eyes strangely wide open. Every time he approached
little by little, I could smell how much he drank.

“Lady Mertensia……!!”

Oh, my gosh. I’m hearing you.

I let my guard down. I didn’t know I was going to be attacked by eardrums,

so I rubbed my tingling ears late and frowned.

“……What’s going on?”

“I’m here to tell you something.”

Well, don’t you think you’re gonna hit me first?

‘But why are you so serious?’

I looked up at him with a doubtful look, still tense.

Visuil is so tall that he looked 2 meters tall that I had to raise my head as we
were facing each other like this.


So, what are you waiting for?

‘I’ve got a headache, so tell me quickly.’

Knowing from my experience so far that Visuil couldn’t say good things to
me, I grumbled inwardly with a sour look on my face.
However, he hesitated for a long time even when he was drunk, and
unexpectedly brought it up.

“I wanted to apologize because I was sorry that I misunderstood Lady by

believing in rumors.”


Did you say you wanted to apologize to me now? Visuil, who would have
died shouting ‘witch’ even if the world was destroyed?

I wouldn’t be drunk by the smell of alcohol floating in the air. I was so

embarrassed that I couldn’t control my expression at all. Of course, my
facial expression wouldn’t stand out to Visuil, who’s not even in good

“I don’t know how far the rumor is true and how far it’s false, but at least I
don’t think that’s who Lady I’ve watched. But I didn’t try to see what I saw,
I only believed what I wanted to see.”


“I’m sorry for judging you.”

Visuil began to speak very cheerfully at first, but her voice grew smaller
and closer to murmuring, and he became almost inaudible within the bell.
Where did the bravery that defeated monsters suddenly go?


I rolled my eyes around in an unfamiliar situation that I didn’t think of, and
then I looked up and down nervously at the his throat which moved up and
down as if nervous, and his clenched fists one after another.

‘I don’t think he’s saying anything that doesn’t make sense……are you
serious while you’re drunk?’

There have been countless people who have condemned me as a villainess

during my time as Ayla, but none of them have ever apologized to me so

The workers were sinning to die, asking for help, and the nobles, let alone
apologizing, confiscated their faces and approached them as if they had
cursed me.

I thought that if Visuil apologized to me, I would say ‘I’m sorry’

reluctantly, as if I were dragged by force after a long time.

I didn’t know he would apologize so soon, nor did he apologize so

sincerely. It would have been better if he apologized when he is sober, not
because he was drunk. That’s a great improvement.

I was going to laugh and say, ‘Look, you’re ugly,’ but if this happens, I’ll
have to forgive you at least once.

I stared up at Visuil in the face of applying for a duel and reluctantly opened
my mouth.

“I won’t forgive you next time.”

And my head, which I had to hold as if it was bent, was so stiff that I
squeezed the back of my neck while talking.

“My throat is killing me.”

‘I’ll forgive you just this once.’



I said the opposite of what I thought and what I said.

I opened my mouth to correct myself, putting my hands down awkwardly

from the back of my neck.

However, Visuil, who was waiting for my answer with a slight nervous
look, suddenly fell down and knelt down faster.

I looked at him with a startled look, which had gone down in an instant. At
the moment, I wondered if he drank too much and his legs were weak.

Sir, I heard a lot of noise in your knee. Are you okay? I heard something
snapping, didn’t it break? When I was worried that I should support him,
Visuil murmured in a mournful voice for his mistake.

“……I forgot to meet Lady’s eye level.”

I forgot about that, too. But I think you can forget it forever.

At that time, Braum, a nonsense patient, who was reciting my hero story
behind me, declared sternly with a tongue twister.

“Kneel down, this is the level of your eyes and mine.”

Then, the knights, who were drinking so much that they didn’t know if
people were drinking or drinking, burst into a meaningless exclamation
saying, ‘Oh!’

Then both of them started to get down on their knees. I heard the sound of
craklis noise everywhere.

Everyone was kneeling down and meeting their eyes at the entrance of the
dining room, except for me, who desperately shut my mouth not to scream.

I watched Braum painfully take off his red cape and lay it on the floor,
calling it a ‘carpet for young lady.’

Oh, I’m sick and tired of this, Loop, Charlotte and Lenox. I wanted to go up
to the capital and stay in the corner of my room.

It’s been a long time since Visuil sincere apology flew out of my head.
Visuil just gave me the shit. He wanted to feed me new piece of shit.

‘I was a fool to listen seriously.’

I turned my back on the knights who became dogs and returned to my room
without any regrets. And I lay in bed and fell asleep. Perhaps because of the
subjugation, I feel asleep instantly.

I completely forgot I was going to ask Killian something.


After that day, the relationship between me and the knights became as close
as a comrades who trusted and relied on each other.

………I’d like to say but for a while, I was more open minded than before.

It was because knights who remembered the memories of education at

dizzying eye level ran away when they found me. In particular, Braum, who
seemed to have accumulated 10 years of dark history at once, I could not
find any traces of him except when he went out to subjugation.

Visuil didn’t avoid me as openly as Braum did, but every time I talked to
him, he flinched heavily and avoided my eyes. And I’m starting to like
those knights a little bit more than before.

Because in this novel, there are very few people who know shame. How
comforting it was that I didn’t have to wriggle all over myself. Come to
think of it, this novel seemed to be more likely to be a normal person as an
extra without weight.

Not one hundred percent, but relatively? On the other hand, if we’re talking
about Werner as a complete person…… I don’t think you need to know.

Anyway, they were knights who made gloomy faces as if they wanted to die
when they saw me, but their attitude toward me was definitely different
from before.

Of course, I don’t believe in Braum’s nonsense that when I wield a sword,

thunder and lightning strike and the ground crack, but when the knights
woke up from their liquor and were sane, they heard that I had a special
ability through Visuil and Braum.

They seemed to have heard of my fraudulent abilities and decided that I

would be a tremendous force, let alone a hindrance.

I was immediately invited to the operation meeting the following day, as

evidence of their recognition. It was a very contrary treatment to the first
time when I was stuck in a safe place, let alone a meeting of operations.

And once again, after they saw myself performing in the ensuing battle of
the monsters, those who doubted my skills completely disappeared.

“……I can’t believe that is true.”

VM C71

Chapter 71

“Did you see that when Lady around, the monsters break down? Even the
golem, which is cumbersome to deal with, was just walking in place in front
of Lady and attacking in the air. Does that make sense?

“When I first heard it from Sir Braum, I laughed so hard at him and asking
if he had a dream…….”

But that it actually happened, the knights trembled.

“The golem didn’t just hit the air. Lady hit it right.”

“And Lady said, ‘Hmm?’ She looked back at the golem with the
expression, ‘What kind of cotton bud did I hit?’ If I had the money, I would
have filmed it as a video.”

And then the knights all began to look at me with wonder. It must have
been because the monsters that they were struggling so much to handle
couldn’t affect me at all.

“Now that I know that the power of monsters do not work for the Lady, I
can rest assured that she can encounter any kind of monster.”

When he said that there would be no danger to me, I replied with a grin.

“Shouldn’t you be more careful than me? If you’re in danger, scream. I’ll
run as fast as I can.”

“Haha, I see.”

Now we can exchange jokes like this.

……but not long after, the joke became no longer a joke. When they felt
like they were going to die, the knights started screaming. Given that no
deaths have been reported in the meantime, I seemed to be extremely
helpful. I had a lot of experience practicing swordsmanship, so I was
willing to run and help.

After that, several more subjugation proceeded. The knights came to

completely trust me, and from there they became very dependent on me.
They took me to subjugation almost every two days.

Is it because I’ve been training every single day since I came to Kazen
estate? Despite such a tight schedule, it was worth it. In the past, I wouldn’t
have the strength to lift my fingers, so I would have died on the bed.

It seems that the practical experience is definitely something different. As I

learned from the collision, my sword skills, strength and stamina improved
day by day.

Visuil admired me for that.

“At first, all you could do was swing recklessly, and in just 15 days, you
were able to use short-movement swordsmanship? Have you learned how to
use the sword’s center of gravity accurately?”

I think it’s more of a surprise than an admiration.

I was practicing cutting down vertically with the handle of the sword at eye
level as Killian told me in the training ground.

“At first, I didn’t know what to do because it was right in front of my eyes,
but after practicing on my own, I got the hang of it.”

“……I don’t think monsters are used for practice.”

But it’s a great source of sword training for me. While Visuil looked at me
with a vague expression, Killian wiped the cold sweat off my forehead with
a handkerchief.

Then, I heard the whispers of the knights who were fighting from behind.
“Did she have neat posture in a few days? It’s plausible just by the looks of

“Is she a swordsman genius?”

“No, she is pretty much a monster…….”

As I turned my head toward the side where the sound was heard, the three
knights flinched and turned away from me.

At that time, Killian said, holding out to me a bottle of water that I didn’t
know when he had it ready.

“Lady is a quick learner. She knows ten when you teach her one thing.”

Then, I think you’re just saying things like that in front of others. It wasn’t
objectively wrong, but somehow embarrassed, I pretended not to hear it and
drank the water out of my bottle.

“Are you convincing myself that she is like that from the beginning? She
doesn’t look tired at all now, but she even pick up her breathing.”

“You’re saying something strange. Should there be any reason for her to be
exhausted within three or four hours of training?”


Come to think of it, Killian isn’t a normal human being either.

Not everyone is like that, but in general, genius did not understand the
criminal well. And I don’t have the talent to teach. It is because I didn’t
understand why I had to explain one by one what I learned by myself.

Fortunately, Killian had a lot of talent in teaching, but now his only student
is me, so he seemed to have set a different standard of mediocrity.

‘I would have cried if he had said that to Yoon Haneul, who had crossed the
world even if I went up the stairs on the third floor.’
Visuil seemed to be at a loss for words to say in his response, which was
somewhere out of focus.

“Is there anything else you want to say?”

“I have so much to say, but…….”

“Well, you must be exhausted. You look terrible. How are you resting over
there to relax your mind and body?”

“Not to that extent!”

“Exactly speaking, your appearance is harmful to my Lady mental health,

so please step back, Sir Visil.”


He pretended to be polite in his way of speaking, but there was no verbal

abuse. Visuil, who lost his power even though he did not fight, trudged
away without saying nothing. I was lost in thought watching his lonely

In fact, they were not wrong.

After watching for the past few days, Ayla doesn’t seem to have any talent
for use her body, but rather like a monster. My stamina, strength, and
swordmanship don’t usually improve this much.

I looked down at my palms without saying a word.

Even after handling the sword like that, there is still not a callus in the palm
of my hands. My hand is soft as if I had never been buried with water.

‘But the calluses don’t come back…… I don’t know what the hell is.’

I tilted my head and looked at where I had been cut by grass during the last
monster subjugation.
Like last time, there were no traces, let alone scars. The reason why sorcery
or magic doesn’t work could be because my soul doesn’t belong in this
world. But the body belongs to this world, could that be why?

“Why are you looking into your forearm?”

At that time, Killian suddenly approached me and asked me curiously.

Oh, that’s surprise me. Come on, please.

I trembled with astonishment and said casually, gently putting down the
hem of my clothes that I had been looking at.

“Because you don’t get fat easily?”

But without realizing it, I ended up saying something else. I had no idea, so
I couldn’t figure out why I brought it up.

I told you, huh? In the meantime, Killian answered without much doubt.

“Well, I don’t tend to get fat. That’s the case with me for now.”

I haven’t told Killian separately that the wound on my body heals itself yet.
It was because there was no opportunity on the first day of the subjugation,
after being passed over due to drunken knights.

And Killian hugged me like a teddy bear whenever he had time, but rarely
held my hand, so he didn’t know if I had calluses or not.

‘How did it turn out to be a secret.’

Shall I tell him now? I thought about it for a while, but this time I didn’t
think I’d do it.

Why, usually this kind of healing…….

‘Isn’t it related to the divine power?’

In general, treatment in places like fantasy novels was done by the priests.
Of course, I can’t say for sure because this world has healing magic, potion,
and there seems to be something related to healing in magic.

If this is due to divine power, it may be because the loop has been indirectly
influenced by God.

It’s not a big deal. Maybe he already knows, and there’s no reason why I
can’t say it. But……’

For Killian, everything related to Rezerb was just one of two things.

To despise, or to take advantage of.

‘……I’m the latter, needless to say.’

As the days went by, it became harder and harder to talk to Killian about

I thought he’d think I’d be a better bet to use if he knew this. Because in the
first place, for him I am only a tool to settle a grudge against God.

It’s a contradictory feeling that I don’t want to be involved with God while
trying to take away the place loved by God. This is why I didn’t want to get


At the sound of Killian calling me, I turned away from my thoughts and
turned to him. He is quick-witted and already staring at me with his
narrowed eyes.

“You have a problem.”

No doubt, he is already filled with certainty.

If I say you don’t have any worries, it won’t work. While I was mulling
over what to say, Killian said with a rare sigh.
“In the past, I could clearly see your thoughts just by looking at your face,
but now you are quite good at lying.”

I guess he knew it was a lie, but he didn’t know what it is.

I don’t think I’ve become proficient at a time when you’ve already found
out that I am lying. However, if the opponent is Killian, I can’t help but get

Killian peered into my eyes and added, muttering quietly so that the knights
could not hear him.

“At times like this, it’s frustrating because my abilities doesn’t work.”

Hey, in the past he said that if his abilities worked to me, he wouldn’t even
look at me.

No, of it like that, I wouldn’t have been able to come because I will be
killed by him in our first encounter. No matter how hard I managed to
survive, I would have died if I touched the skin of the sorcerer.

So you’ll stay with me. Rarely valuable, well-used location.

I licked my lips slowly.

“I’m practicing with the Rotten Tree, but it’s still hard. And since the
monters can’t fight back against me, I have to be relatively vulnerable to
defense. I need you to help me with that.”

Killian didn’t seem to believe one bit, either, in response to my concern.

However, whether there was anything else to refute, he silently helped me

with my training as if there was nothing he could do about it in the end.


Of course, I didn’t go hunting monsters without any purpose.

In order to know the exact timing of Charlotte and Lenox’s appearance, it is
better to go out to the Balk Mountains often, so I went to scout and subdue

So it was more than 15 days and five days after I started to stay at the
Kazen estate. As I was walking down the hall with Killian for morning
training, I saw knights running from afar waving at me.

They shouted at me.

“Lady, let’s go slaughter the monsters!”

They used to say it was a ‘slaughter’, not a ‘subjugation’ of monsters only

to me, because they feel like I’m slaughtering monsters who are infinitely
helpless in front of me.

Furthermore, there were times when they joked around about me as a

‘monster serial killer.’

But isn’t that a bit too much?

VM C72

Episode 72

“Where are you going?”

“We’re going to go far this time, and maybe we’ll have to camp for a day.”

“No, we can’t.”


Before I could think of an answer, I looked up at Killian, who had rejected

him like a knife.

He was grinning, showing off a sighing wonder smile. But I can now
distinguish between his really pleasant smile and his make-up mask smile
and his threatening beast-like smile.

And that, that was terrifying smile.

‘He looks really upset.….’

It was much scarier than when he pushed people into a corner like he was
playing with them and showed off the devil power.

I looked back at the knights and followed his words.

“No, we can’t.”

Then Killian patted my head as if I had done a great job.

He is a man who usually gave me directions but didn’t tell me what to do. It
seems like a bad sign for him to intervene, so it would be better to lie flat if
‘Come to think of it, every time I went to subjugate monster, the
atmosphere was a bit of a chill.’

Killian also silently cheered for the first few times, but as the subjugation
became too frequent, he somehow seemed unhappy. I think he’s dissatisfied
with something. He looks at the knights, he sends a look that says they are
very unreliable.

The knights responded that my answer was a little absurd. They seemed to
be thinking that a butler who intercepts the answer of the young lady he
serves, and stroking her hair carelessly like a child.

They asked in a questionable way.

“Aren’t you the Lady’s butler?”

“To be precise, a personal butler and tutor. All of her time is managed and
handled by me.”

“Well, I see.”

I don’t think there’s anything I can say.

However, the knights seemed to think that leaving me out of the

subjugation is impossible.

One of them, who had hesitated for a moment, spoke up again with

“But isn’t it impossible not to respect the will of Lady? No matter how
much you are butler, all decisions should be made by Lady.”

“Where did I look like I didn’t respect her will?”

“You intercepted the answer first.”

“In conclusion, I’m sure you’ve heard the answer directly from the lady.”

“Is that respect? It’s a threat.”


I stared at Braum, the knight who uttered the words in admiration, with a
fresh look,.

In front of Killian, I saw again that he could stand up when he looked the
most ill at ease. You’re more ambitious than I thought, aren’t you?

But you know what, Braum?

‘……I think you’re going to die now.’

I saw Killian gently pulling off the fingertips of the glove he was wearing
without saying a word.

It was supposed to be so deadly that it was so sour under the nose…It was
tantamount to declaring that Braum’s life would soon run out.

“Do you think I’d be scared if you threatened me like that? I just said what I
wanted to say. You have no right to force your personal opinion as the
butler to the lady will.”

Oh, Braum. What’s wrong with you? Are you excited to die? Looking at
him again, he wasn’t that he is full of energy, he just like a one-day puppy
who didn’t know anything.

I recognized Braum earlier that day when he became a troublemaker and

talked about my dance, but he looked up to me, idolizing me like a Savior.

From his point of view, Killian would have seemed to be trying to get his
way with me, so he didn’t have to be afraid to show it to me first.

Somehow, I felt like I could hear a puppy whining somewhere.

“And that’s where you’re going to be.….”

Killian glanced at Braum’s tan eyes and grinned.

“I can’t forgive you any more for trying to take advantage of my lady. I
don’t know who is blaming whom?”

“Ta-taking advantage!”

“Wrong? I left you alone for her training, and instead of helping her, you
crawl, groan, whine, and a hound would be more useful than you.

Wait, I hear that Killian was using knights for my training. But Braum
seemed to be shocked by Killian’s first words and unaware of the fact.

He spoke with a huff.

“Lady want to subdue the monsters, so she’s staying in the Kazen! It’s not
taking advantage, it’s a mutual aid!”

“But there’s no reason to be with you. It would be much more helpful for
me to be by her side. Don’t force yourself to waste time on something of no
educational value. Unlike you, her time is golden.”

Oh, no. I don’t think it’s that precious. It doesn’t matter because I’m trying
to improve my skills while waiting for Charlotte to come.

Braum wanted to refute, but he was speechless, and his face was red and

‘But why is he angry in the first place?’

I thought, staring at Killian.

Why did he make such a harsh remark when he is sane without using his
ability or magic? Usually, even if it was too much to deal with, he would
have pressed them with force or touched them to make them unhappy.

Of course, it’s true that the knights relied on me a lot, but I didn’t think I
was being used by them. They never asked me to do this or that, and they
didn’t have the guts to do that.
‘I’ve used it and it’s not worth the shit, so you’re throwing it away? Or was
it worth it, but now that you’re out of sweet water, you’re going to spit it

Well, Killian told me to look at the value of human use since he is in charge
of my education. It was nothing new.

But I didn’t think much at the time, but I didn’t feel very good because I felt
like he was looking at my future that was about to come.

I suddenly got depressed and bit my lip, and I stepped between the two and

“I’ll go, subjugation.”

The two men’s reactions to the words were mixed.

Braum’s face blossomed as if he had the whole world, and Kilian, on the
other hand, frowned and sighed as if he were very displeased.

Killian murmured barely to be heard by me standing right next to him.

“I should have disposed of the core first.”

Of course, I couldn’t understand what he meant. If we get rid of the core

already, the monsters will disappear without a trace in this forest, and
Charlotte will not be attacked and un distress.

I don’t know for sure, but it seems Killian doesn’t like it that much when I
go to subjugate monsters with the knights.


“Lady! I think you should come this way!”

Did what he said is like someone who sell something in the market?
After preparing for the camp and on the road to subjugation, I finally heard
the news I had been waiting for.

It was reported that they found those who appeared to be imperial knights.
They must be the knights escorting Charlotte with Lenox. It was clear that
they are wearing a golden armor with the Imperial Imperial emblem on it.

The knight who first found the Imperial Knights said with a serious

“But the conditions are ridiculous.”

Huh? Why?

Wondered by the remark, I followed him with Killian as the knight guided


However, when I arrived, as he said, the imperial knights were lying here
and there moaning like a vanquished soldier.

I looked back at the imperial knights, who had been in tatters with
astonishment, swallowing their breath. They were receiving simple first aid
from the Knights of Kazen, who, although badly injured, did not appear to
have died.

‘That’s weird. The novel clearly says that everyone is looking for Charlotte
and Lennox, who have been separated from the group without any injuries.’

Don’t tell me, is it because of the incomparable increase in the number of

monsters in the novel?

But even so, I can’t believe they’ve been beaten like this when they are a
knight of the imperial family.…. Then, like the imperial knights, Charlotte
and Lenox were likely to encounter different situations from the novel.

‘Don’t tell me they’re already dead, surrounded by monsters, or

If that had happened, this world, which revolved around Charlotte enough
to repeat the loop, could not stand still.

However, my relaxed mind began to rush. Hasty at the thought of an

unexpected situation, I quickly approached the knights.

And among them, I asked the knight who looked the most in good

“I didn’t expect to run into the Imperial Knights here. What the hell
happened to the gentlemen?”

The knight raised his head to my voice, looked ‘Who?’ for a moment, and
quickly found out who I am and opened his eyes wide. It was an unexpected
surprise when I met an unexpected person in an unexpected place.

“No way, Lady Mertensia……?”

I nodded.

“Everyone doesn’t seem to be able to afford a detailed explanation, so let

me ask you straightforwardly. Why did you come all the way to the Balks

“……Ah. First of all, I’m Jacob Angelus, member of the Second Order of
the Imperial Knights.”

Second Order?

Naturally, I thought the first Knights, the Imperial Order led by Lenox,
would come, but I couldn’t answer right away and blinked.

“And our Second Order was escorting Lady Angelo with Sir Lenox, the
First Order Commander. But as we were passing through this mountain
range, a lot of things suddenly hit the wagon in an instant.….”

Jacob was talking with a muddy face as if he were very disturbed, but in
fact I already knew everything, so I head half of it and threw it away. The
important thing is that they were ‘Second Order’.
‘That’s why you’ve been beaten so hard, unlike the novel. The First Order
is the finest Knights of the Empire.’

In fact, when I think rationally beyond the novel, it makes no sense that the
First Knights, who have to protect the Imperial Palace, are only moving to
escort Charlotte. What if there’s a sudden rebellion in the meantime?

But in the novel, Prince Werner does the crazy thing. It was because he
wanted to express that he is crazy about Charlotte.

But unlike the novel, Werner sent Lennox and the Second Order to eescort
Charlotte. Of course, this is also quite crazy, but it is better than the novel.

‘What the hell’s the change his heart?

I squinted, lost in thought, decided to put this off for now and asked Jacob.

“So, Lady Angelo and Sir Lenox? Why can’t I see two of them?”

To my question, he gave me a woeful look for a moment and answered,

bowing his head.

“I’m sure they’ll both be fine. The last time I saw them, Sir Lenox was
protecting Lady Charlotte.”

VM C73

Chapter 73

Lenox is the youngest Grand Sword Master and the greatest power of the
Empire. Jacob seemed to firmly believe that such Sir Lenox would never be
beaten by such monsters.

Yeah, well, Lenox wouldn’t have been beaten if he was out of shape.

However, after falling off the cliff, the bones of his body are smashed, and
I’m not sure if he will be able to handle it if he is suddenly attacked by
numerous monsters.

“Thank you for letting me know.”

After a moment of contemplation, I jumped out of my seat without delay.

And the Knights of Kazen clapped their hands to pay attention to me.

“Since it seems like an emergency at one o’clock, we’d better cancel

today’s subjection schedule. Any objections?”


As soon as I finished, the knights answered loudly at the same time. I’ve
never been disciplined, but they are always been like that since I started
fighting against monster.

“Then, let’s divide into two groups, group one take Second Order knights to
the estate, and the rest to find Lady Angelo and Sir Lenox who are

After ordering so, he went on to say.

“Sir Visuil! Let’s share the group.”

“Yes, I understand!”

Visuil replied reflexively, and then paused, wondering if something was

wrong. Then he opened his eyes with the expression, ‘You can call my
name properly!’

Then did he think I was calling him Sir Visil because I couldn’t pronounce
it well? Of course it’s on purpose. I saved your face because we’re in front
of another knight.

“I will lead the search party.”


When I simply ignored his intense and unjust look, Visuil went back to
pack up the tumultuous group again. And he vented his anger on the knights
for no reason why they couldn’t move quickly.

The Second Order Knights of the Imperial Court looked at me and the
Kazen Knights alternately, and looked at all the strange sights. It seems
strange for them that I, who is nothing short of an outsider, to lead the order
as if I am a captain of the commander of the Order.

No, They don’t even know why I’m here in the first place, so it must be
confusing for them. I took their gaze naturally, then looked back at Jacob
and asked.

“Can you elaborate on where you last saw Lady Angelo and Sir Lenox?”

In fact, it didn’t matter if I didn’t ask, but it would seem strange to others. I
nodded with a serious look, pretending to listen to Jacob’s heartfelt position.

The member of the Second Order seemed to wonder why that witch is so
eager to rescue Lady Angelo, who was clearly a thorn in my eye. All of
them looked at me and looked doubtful.

“Can I trust you?”

At that time, among the imperial knights who only thought about it but
swallowed each other’s senses, there is an knight asking me directly with a
gun. How direct the way of his speaking was, I looked back at him with a
slightly surprised look.

I didn’t think so, but you’re asking so openly.

“I’ve been tasked with bringing Lady Angelo to Angelo’s estate, no matter
what happens. Please trust me.”

The imperial knight who spoke to me was sitting against a tree, barely
supporting himself and breathing heavily. When I looked closely, there is a
wound so deep that I could see the leg bone, but the bleeding looked severe.

But it was funny to think about what he was saying.

Didn’t the mission fail at a time when they already lost Charlotte? Why are
you putting all the credit on me when you’ve already failed?

While I was dumbfounded, the Kazen knights, who heard it, were more
ready to rush in with more emotion. But I don’t think it’s a reaction to see
you guys who misunderstood more than the imperial knights. Look at the
change of pace.

I asked with a expressionless face.

“Will you believe me if I ask you to believe me?”


Then the imperial knight did not answer.

“Or do you have the energy to lead a search party instead of me?”


“I rescued you from drowning right away, but you told me to give you a bag
as well. There’s a lot of things you want from me.”
“……I’m sorry, Lady.”

Only then did he realize he was so shameless, he muttered, bowing his


After a short grin, I waved my hands roughly as if I had apologized to him.

“If you have only one straw to catch, pray nervously that it is not rotten.”

“Pardon? What do you mean……!”

I walked by the knight without deliberately saying whether I was going to

save Charlotte or come to harm her.

Then, from behind, he earnestly called out, ‘Lady Mertensia!’ but I neatly
ignored it. Then I pretended not to hear it, even though I heard a shout of

Such an improvised search party was formed/

There were ten knights in all, me and my butler, Killian. After listing it like
this, it was an unusual combination.

I went to the location Jacob told me right away. Then there were traces of a
fierce battle everywhere.

“Let’s split up here and take a look. Even small things are fine, so if you
have any clues, tell me.”


I was lost in thought as I skillfully zoned each other and watched the
knights scatter in unison.

How can I make the knights go down the cliff naturally? Once we find any
trace of Charlotte and Lenox, we’ll cheat them out of proportion.….

But then, I heard a sudden call from the back.

Looking back in surprise, Braum, who was always energetic and motivated,
was running fast toward me, waving his hand.

“I’ll assist you!”

Well, whatever. I could search under the cliff whoever I was with anyway,
so I didn’t really care about the knight’s search skills that would assist me.

I nodded thinking so, and I heard a low, short laugh next to me. Looking
back, it was Killian.

“Do you know that being helpful means being supportive?”

“Then would I have said it without knowing the meaning of the word? Of
course I’ll be of help to Lady!”

“You don’t recognize yourself as I know.”

“Who’s calling you? Butler is like……! What, what…….”

Stopped at what…….and he could not continue talking to the end.

Braum seemed to be desperately glancing at Killian, but there was no catch

for the all-around butler from head to toe.

Appearance, strength, ability, speech skills.


At Killian’s pitiful remark, Braum began to beat his chest again. He want to
refute something, but is it because he can’t deny that Killian really helps me
on a scale of one to ten.

‘More than that, why are they fighting again?’

It was a meaningless fight that was not even against in the first place, but it
was amazing that Killian dealt with Braum. Is he bored to stay still?
Killian sighed, flicked his finger across his lips and looked up and down at
Braum, as if in a compliment. Then Braum, who was running wild with
anger, suddenly felt a chill and hardened his whole body in a cold sweat.

Killian’s silver-gray gaze lightly grazed his freckled young face.


He brushed against a giant man as big as bear.

“Useful corner.”

He touched the sword he was holding by his side.

“I wish there was.”


“That’s too bad.”

He seemed to have concluded that he had eaten everywhere.

I grabbed my pants for no reason whenever Killian uttered every word with
that distinctive elegant pronunciation.

I knew he wasn’t talking to me. However, it was hard to listen calmly

because I thought those words that thoroughly trample on others would one
day be directed at me.

‘He is useless, useless.’

If he’s useless, will you throw him away?

As soon as I realized it was worth taking advantage of, his sudden change
of attitude kept ringing in front of me.

I’m glad I survived back then, he looks dangerous, but I’m glad he helped
me, I thought so. Now I kept thinking, ‘Ah, if I achieve my goal, my value
will end there.’
‘No, that’s where it ends.’

What the hell am I thinking?

Of course, I have to be abandoned and separated with him before I get

caught as a writer so that we can be in relationship healthy and clean

Yeah, let’s get it all over with and take away a place loved by God.

Then Killian would lose interest in me, and I didn’t have to worry about
being caught being a writer every day.

‘……it’s for the best.’

That way I won’t get hurt as much as possible.

It was when I was so determined. Killian was looking into Braum’s eyes. I
don’t think he is trying to use his powers, but I think he is trying to read


And at the same time Killian seemed to have found something he was
looking for.

His lips slowly opened and his eyes become fierce. The finger that was
looking through his lips penetrated between his lips.

“Will you prove to me that you have the worth of blind eyes?”

Killian whispered low and dreary.

Blood began to seep out as the white teeth slowly burrowed into his skin.

And then, I slightly grabbed Killian’s robe and let it go. Then he slowly
looked back at me.

“I think that’s enough.”


I didn’t mean to interrupt, but I had no choice but to stop him because he
seemed to be trying to cast a spell. Even though there are none other than
the three of us here, in such open space, sorcery is a bit different.

‘What if he get caught?’

I gave Killian look, ‘Are you ever going to be dragged into a religious

But the moment I met him, I realized to myself that I didn’t stop him
because he was trying to cast a spell.

Killian’s ‘eyes that doesn’t know the subject’ made me lose my footing.
Having been too involved with Braum, I defended him without realizing it.

“And I don’t think Sir Braum is useless. Where in the world is there useless

And this was what Killian told me at the time when he taught me etiquette.
He said no matter how insignificant a human being, look carefully, as dog
poop is sometimes used for medicine.

VM C74

Chapter 74


Braum murmured softly at my words, giving me a look fluttering with


It may seem like I’m covering Braum on the surface, but I’m practically
trying to protect myself. Pricked by my conscience, I sneaked away from
Braum’s gaze.

“Useless……. Definitely.”

Then Killian returned to his usual relaxed appearance as if he had given off
a fierce energy, sweeping his chin and seriously answering.

“He would be useful as bait.”


“You’re still lady who remembered what I had taught you once before.
There must be some use for microorganisms, but I’ve been overlooking

“B-bait, bait…….”

During the search, Braum, who seemed to have dreamed of becoming my

closest aide, was shocked and kept muttering the words bait.

“That’s too much! I’m sure there’s something more plausible to use…….”


As he is the youngest in the Order, he has little experience in combat,
makes foolish mistakes the most, and owes his life the most. He seemed
unable to refute the word bait himself.

“Well, unfortunately, you seem don’t know your worth. You are stumbling
block and you have natural talent for attracting monsters.”

Killian said as if he was sorry to that he only realized it now.

I can’t believe attracting monster is a talent. What kind of sweet and deadly
poison is this? It was a poisonous tongue that was cutting the mind and

‘Po-poor thing.’

Braum was treated more badly for his clumsy defense.

Killian said to Braum, who had his head bowed with a black, dead look. It
was an unnecessarily soft and sweet tone.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to be help for Lady? Rejoice a little more now
that we need your assistance.”

“……what’s that?”

“Don’t go any further than 10 meters from the lady, just hang around. Be a
good bait.”


So Brown went away to be the bait. His distant back was drooping out of
proportion to his size. I feel like he is rubbing his eyes with his forearm, is
he crying?

Still, he supported me like an idol and followed me around saying I was

amazing, and although he was generally burdensome, I felt sorry for him
when he was treated like that.
No, you’re still young now, but if you train more and build up your skills,
you’ll have an outstanding skill someday. The fact that he joined the
Knighthood after receiving a knighthood means that he has a talent for

As pity continued to follow his back, something suddenly popped out in

front of me. My vision was blocked in an instant.


It was Killian’s hand.

“What is it?”

I stared down at his big hand with white gloves on it and looked up with a
puzzled look.

Then Killian had a strange face that was completely different from when he
was fooling around with Braum. It was his rare bare face, good at
concealing emotions and making facial expressions.


I asked twice because there was no answer.

He tilted his head, staring at me as if he were going to pierce me. The trap is
that even though he does cute moves that doesn’t suit him at all, he looks
awfully good with whatever he does because of his appearance.

‘Where did I see that expression?’

I could suddenly recall when I was closing my eyes and searching for

My younger brothers, Yoon Haneul’s younger brothers, used to make that

face when they were young and asked, ‘Why? Why?’

The ‘why’ roll.

Why is a fish a fish? Why is the sky blue? Why is the moon following me?
Why? Why? Countless why? Why does Kilian’s expressions overlap with
those of my younger siblings when they were three or four years old?


I even spit it out myself.

I had the face of a child whose curiosity was rising endlessly, and at the
same time looked as a confused adult.



“Give me your hand.”

Give me my hand all of a sudden. I couldn’t understand, but there was no

reason not to give. I readily tried to reach out to him without any doubt.


But suddenly it hit me.

My hands have lost their calluses because of the unknown healing power, so
Killian will notice it right away.

Of course, if I hide it now, I’ll get caught soon anyway, so it wouldn’t have
changed if I just stick out my hand like this way. But I ducked reflexively
and hid my fingers behind my back.

Why can’t my body always act rationally and coldly in front of Killian?
What do you do when you make the right decision, the body moves beyond
the control of the brain.


Killian, who escaped the ‘why?’ look, smiled affectionately and reached out
to me.
As if to hold his hand.

Like the day when I got carried away with the word calling my name.

For a moment, I was almost helplessly swayed again, but I slowly stepped
back, putting my fist-clasped hand on my chest. And tried to turn away
from his irresistible smile.

“Well, um… I think I’m the only one playing. I think I’ll take a look around
too. Well, I’ll be right back!”

When I said I’d be right back, I meant don’t follow me.

Kilian, who understood the hidden meaning, crumpled his face in a

heartbeat. He looked uncomfortable.

“……I don’t like it.”

When I turned my back, I let out a small voice like whisper in the wind.

I don’t like what’s going on these days, and it doesn’t work out as I want.
There are a lot of things that bother me.

Killian and I seem to have gotten a lot weird.


Before I knew it, the sun began to set. I watched the forest turn bloody
along the sky.

The tracking skills of the knights were better than I thought. They figured
out that Charlotte and Lenox fell down the cliff on their own, without
thinking about how to lead them to the cliff.

The problem was next.

“Hey, you said they fell from here……?”

They looked hopeless, looking down at the distant cliff.

No matter how low the lake is, it was highly likely that the bones were
shattered by hitting a pointed cliff stone around before they fell neatly there.

‘Wow, it’s far from real.’

If I hadn’t experienced walking in the sky thanks to Killian, I might be

feeling dizzy by now.

As I stuck my head out of the cliff, Killian hugged me at the waist and
pulled me inward.

I looked back at him with bewildered eyes. Killian let me go, perhaps
because I reflexively pulling because he looked dangerous.

“Lady… do you know that?”

Then, one of the knights of the Knights of Kazen suddenly called me in a

sentimental way, staring at the red sunset sky and slowly rhyming.

“This cliff is known as the tallest cliff on our continent. Maybe it’s the best
in the whole world.”


I didn’t know there were such details. If it’s a reason to make Lenox that
great, it makes sense.

“Given the traces of the footprints, they both fell down the cliff, and I don’t
think he will be able to survive while protecting Lady Charlotte. No matter
how superhuman Sir Lenox is. If Sir Lenox had desperately protected
Charlotte, we might able to save one person.”

The knight shook his head and said. Obviously, even if both died or
survived, only Lady Angelo would have survived. He affirms that there are
only two possibilities.
But breaking the odds of impossibility, both of them survive, our Lenox
does it.

“Ha…… Sir Lenox is my idol, and I haven’t seen him in person, let alone
his autograph, yet he’s gone in vain. Does this make sense…….”

“Who would have guessed that Sir Lenox would fall off a cliff and die in a

“Indeed, even that Sir Lenox could not have won the great Mother

No, your Sir Lenox overcomes the great Mother Nature. This cliff was
created to make him stand out in the first place.

I said as I looked back at the grief-stricken knights as if they had already

held Lenox’s funeral.

“For now, let’s go down the cliff. If there’s a chance that one of them will
live, we’ll move as soon as possible.”

Then the knight, who had misjudged Charlotte and Lenox’s fate, scratched
the back of their head and said as they were in trouble.

“As soon as possible……. We want to do that, too, but as you can see, the
cliffs are endless.”

I looked left and right of the cliff without saying a word.

As the knight said. To add a bit of exaggeration, I didn’t see the end of the
cliff as if it were a horizon. It’ll probably take a day to circle this path.

‘Oh, that’s why Charlotte and Lenox spent the night in the cave.’

I wrote it thoughtlessly thinking about the romance of some guy and girl
who takes care of each other and spends the night together in a cave! Of
course, surprisingly nothing happened.
Well, otherwise the knights wouldn’t have bothered to come looking for
them day after day. Then should we camp overnight and go all the way
down there? Isn’t that the only way to go with the knights?

I can’t help it.

As I thought so, Killian, looking down the cliff, whispered to my ears only.

“The monsters are gathering under the cliff.”


I was so startled that I almost made a loud noise out of my mouth that I
quickly shut my mouth. And after glancing at the knights who were behind
the scenes in their operations meetings, I whispered at his ear.

“……what kind of monsters is it?”

Rotten Tree will be fine. No matter how bad Lenox is, the Grand Sword
Master will cry because he can’t deal with the weakest monsters.

“Limby Toddstool.”

But Killian gave a rather desperate answer.

“H-how many?”

“I don’t know the exact number, but from the energy 20? No, it’s more than
that. There’s no end to it.”

Oh, I’m screwed.

VM C75

Chapter 75

Limby Toddstool is a monster with eight sticks in a circle, described by

Killian draw.

Since I don’t know this, he explain in more detail, the monster resembled a
spider, but its body is several times larger than human.

The main body of the Limby Toddstool is not a spider, but a mushroom that
is parasitic on its back with a spider as its host. As if it were a chrysalis,
mushrooms kill their hosts and gradually grow into spiders’ bodies and
manipulate themselves.

It is incredibly quick to move, hard to kill, and even contained

hallucinogenic venom. If they come in swams, you just have to accept death
reverently with your arms open towards them, unless it’s me or Killian.

“……I wouldn’t be able to deal with Limby Toddstool if I was away from

In this part of the novel, Lenox was quite troubled. It was because I wanted
to write the scene where Lenox was nursed by Charlotte at that time.

So it was difficult to be attacked by the monster now. If he dies now, my

efforts will be ruined.

“Then there’s a way for you to clean up the monsters. But isn’t it a shame?”


“If you go down right now, you might appear like a Savior.”

Th-that’s it!
‘Isn’t that the best scenario?’’

Of course, I could go all the way down the cliff and join the knights the
next day, but then I had to share the ball with them.

It wouldn’t even be so touching. It would be just a matter of finding them

hiding in the cave. Perhaps Lenox was more moved by Charlotte, who
cared for him, than I, who happened to find them.

I wanted to make Charlotte and Lenox owe me their lives and not treat me
recklessly in the future. No matter how much the Crown Prince tries to kill
me, if Charlotte and Lenox are the strong supporters……!

“What should we do then?”

I whispered secretly to Killian.

He is a tough opponent to deal with these days, but in this situation, I had
no choice but to seek advice.

Then Killian stared at me and pointed silently at the bottom of the cliff.

“Jump down.”


No, that was some hardcore one.

To me, who doesn’t have the guts to jump from a bungee jump, jump off a
cliff that might be the tallest in the world? Of course, there’s no other way
to get down here right now than that!

Walking in the sky in Killian’s arms and falling vertically from a cliff are
very different issues.

I was pale and shook my head violently.

……No, I don’t think this is right.

“I’ll cover the eyes of the knights while you’re down. I’ll make sure to
clean up, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Yes, even if I go with Killian, sharing the honor can reduce the excitement
in half, so I’d better go down by myself.

But that’s it.

“Isn’t that a problem?”

I stared faintly at the bottom of the cliff, which looked rather closer to
skydiving without a parachute than bungee jumping.

Don’t tell me, is it a cloud that’s floating under there? Is it because it’s not
fog but clouds around there?

Suddenly Lenox and Charlotte were trying to be respectful beyond measure.

There was no retreat, however surrounded by the monsters. But how the
hell could they even think about jumping out of here?

“Why, are you scared?”

“……do you call it that a word?”

I was so frightened that I lost my nerve that I just spit out every word that
popped out of my mouth.

Then Killian whispered, ‘Oh no,’ with a look of pity on me.

“I can get you down safely in just a moment.”



He reached out to me like he was escorting me. His eyes, which looked
almost red in the sunset, drew a round line.

Ha, is this how it ends up?

What was all my troubles and agony in the past? If I knew this irresistible
situation would come at once, I’d just stick it out from the start.

I hid my face with my palm for a moment, sighed to the ground, and
couldn’t help but raise my head. And when I put my hand on his, Killian
pulled my hand straight into his arms.

I looked back at the knights momentarily in amazement, They continued the

meeting of Charlotte’s rescue, not caring about anything, as if they had
forgotten our existence.

‘What, their eyes are loose?’

That meant they were caught in Killian’s ability.

That means he put his powers on the line before talking to me, then he
knew I’d make this choice from the beginning, so…….

That was when I thought about it.

Suddenly the ground blew out. No, Killian held me tight in his arms and
jumped off the cliff.



A groan of someone’s groan continued to be heard over the distant mind.

Who is it? Charlotte thought beyond her fading mind, which is constantly
blurring. Who’s in pain like this?

But it was a long time later that I realized that it was actually a sound
coming from between my lips. When I blink my swollen, throbbing eyelids,
the view flashes black and then the forest is visible.

Only then did Charlotte notice something strange and woke up her mind
trying to sink under the water and opened her eyes.

However, it was not easy to move because my body is heavy. Even my

whole body was wet like a drowned mouse.

I felt on the floor by moving my hands. Then blue grass, soil, and bugs
crawling on the floor were I put my hands.

Yuck! With a short shriek, I brushed off the worm climbing up my fingers.

What, what?

“Why am I on the dirt floor….?”

As soon as I leapt reflexively up and raised my upper body, Charlotte

groaned and curled up again.

As my mind slowly began to wake up, my body also began to regain its
senses little by little. My whole body screamed so hard that I couldn’t wake
up to the pain that was pouring in for a while.

At that moment, all the memories I had before I lost my mind went through
my head like afterimages. It happened on Charlotte’s way back to her
hometown of Angelo estate.

It was a long way across the Balks Mountains. Charlotte was very excited
during her tedious journey, as more than half of the mountain range had

In fact, Charlotte didn’t feel so hard on this journey until then. It was rather
enjoyable. It was as if I was on a trip, so it gave me a light change in my
mind when I was in a state of turmoil these days.

I stopped by every passing village to sightsee, eat food, and did everything I
couldn’t do during my stay at the palace.
“Lady, you’re so pretty. Would you like to join us instead of hanging out
with those guys?”

“Yes, that’s right. Because we know a very good place. We’ll be very nice
to you.”

“D-don’t do this.”

“Hahaha, your whining is cute.”

Of course, as usual, there was a quarrel with the bully, but the dull who did
not recognize that ‘those guys’ were imperial knights were quickly dealt
with. Because Lenox, the Empire’s greatest power, stood by my side.

For whatever reason, at least a bunch of bullies, or really dangerous-looking

criminals, always came up to Charlotte wherever she went.

But I really enjoyed it.

Of course, it wasn’t that I enjoyed being teased with black hearts by people
I didn’t even want to deal with. Every time I got caught in danger, Lenox
became more nervous and enjoyed being wary of my surroundings.

Not only Lenox but also other knights gave Charlotte everything in gold
and kept her from lifting a finger. I felt like I was being compensated for all
the anxiety I had felt.

Thanks to this, Charlotte’s confidence, which had fallen to the bottom due
to several incidents, gradually rose again.

Until it happened.

Suddenly, in an urgent voice, someone shouted, ‘Lady! Never come out of

the carriage!’ and things started to turn very quickly outside. The sound of
the metal swinging sharply and the knights’ shouting were suggesting that it
was an emergency situation.

Not long after that, the carriage overturned with a tremendous roar.
Charlotte, who was sitting defenselessly, hit various parts of the carriage,
bruising and tearing her forehead. With tears in her eyes, she wiped the
blood from her forehead with her sleeves.

By the time I managed to get out of the wagon, the situation outside was
already chaotic. A hideous monster spilling mud from the ground was
crawling out and attacking the knights.

What is that……

Charlotte, who saw a non-human being for the first time in her life, stopped
thinking completely. She has been embroiled in all kinds of incidents, but it
was a big shock that she encountered an enemy, not a person, but a monster.

It was then that I remembered that Werner had said recently that the number
of demons in the Balks Mountains was rapidly increasing. Frightened by it,
she slowly backed away and screaming, before she could think deeply and
ran away.


Charlotte caught sight of Lenox calling her from behind but just ran
frantically. The bizarre things I saw for the first time left me completely

It’s too late to realize that no matter how hard I run, I can’t outrun the
monster at my own pace, and that it’s safer to stick by the knights and be
protected. When Charlotte came to her senses, she had already been driven
to the cliff by the monsters.

The front is the monster, the back is the cliff.

At that time when even I, who was now able to accept all of my accidents
casually, was still hesitant, I saw Lenox running behind monsters with his
desperate face on.

Charlotte, who was drowning in despair, blossomed into the hope of ‘as
expected, so is it’ and soon turned into a conviction that ‘the world so
generous to me cannot be put me in real danger.’

So Charlotte felt no sense of crisis even when the hidden monsters suddenly
popped out of the ground and tried to hit her, even if she was on the verge
of falling off the cliff.

It was because Lenox hugged me without hesitation, protecting me from

head to toe.

VM C76

Chapter 76

After that it was dark, perhaps because of the impact of falling off the cliff.
Charlotte, who recalled it, hurriedly looked up and looked around.

“Sir Lenox!”

And I was astounded to find Lenox in a miserable state. He was in a mess

that was incomparable to me, who was in relatively good condition except
for fainting.

“Si-sir… wake up…….”

Don’t tell me he’s dead. That Lenox couldn’t have died.

Once he was breathing with a throbbing chest, Charlotte was frightened and
grabbed his body and shook him back and forth. But when he showed no
sign of coming to his senses, I shook harder.

“Wa-wake up. Sir Lenox, please wake up. Yes…?”

No matter how high we fell on the lake, considering the height of the cliff
we fell on, his bones couldn’t have been intact. And Lenox struggled not to
faint when he fell into the lake, only to lead the wreck and pull me out of
the lake before I came to my senses.

It was a fact that I could infer if I thought about it a little bit. But I was
blinded by fear that I had been left alone in a strange remote area where I
did not know when the monsters would appear. Nothing else could have
caught the eye.

“Heuk, Heeuk….”

I sobbed as I shook his shoulders.

Everything is a mess.

No matter how much he save my life, it doesn’t mean anything if I can’t

escape to a safe place soon.

Lenox fainted, and I was distressed in the middle of the forest. No matter
how long I hold out, the night will surely come, and we will both die.

Charlotte didn’t know how to do anything on her own unless she had
someone to look after her.

Not only I can’t defeat monsters, I don’t know how to get food in these
forests, how to make a fire, and I’ve been nursing my family a few times,
but I’ve never cared for such a serious patient.

In fact, it is natural that Lady, who grew up in an ordinary noble family,

could not do it.

But in the case of Charlotte, it is very serious. Born as a high-profile

daughter of a harmonious family, and given all kinds of affection from a
baby, she became unable to do anything on her own due to their

Charlotte has lived a life of running away rather than fighting back,
avoiding rather than challenging, and complacency rather than escaping. All
she could do now was shed tears of sorrow.


But it was then.

As Charlotte was crying in despair, Lenox groaned lightly and his eyelashes
fluttered. Charlotte saw it late and asked in a flustered hurry.

“Sniff, Sir Lenox! Are you coming to your senses?”

Half-open, Lenox called her in a cracked voice. Charlotte, who heard his
powerless voice, answered back with tears in her eyes.

“Yes, yes, sir, I’m here.”

“Are you okay…?”

No matter how cloudy the mind is, it’s impossible to not know who’s in a
much worse condition, who’s worried about who?

Charlotte sweetened her lips.

“Yes, thanks to you, I’m fine.”

“I’m glad you look fine. I’m fine, so don’t cry like that.”

Lenox said, reaching around her eyes and wiping away tears. Perhaps
Charlotte was mistaken that she crying because she was worried.

It is half right and half wrong.

It’s true that I cried because he was so hurt that he couldn’t get his mind
right, but all I was worried about was my own safety.


Charlotte, who realized it herself, was shocked and hardened. I raised my

hand slowly and covered my mouth with astonishment.

‘Oh, my God, I didn’t care if he died or not for Sir Lenox, who risked his
life to save mine? Cause I’m afraid I’m in danger?’

I wish it was an illusion, but it wasn’t. Suddenly, I was in an extreme

situation, and my true feelings, which had been hidden in people’s absolute
love, popped out.

‘……No, angels don’t think like this.’

Everyone called me an angel of the world. I was called the reincarnation of
a saintess. Then the angel should worry about Sir Lenox, my life saver. I
should be thrilled that he’s awake.

“Sir Lenox, I was so afraid that Sir would never wake up.….”

For once Charlotte hid her feelings, which were very blatant and ugly. And
she squeezed his hand, which touched his face with tears as much as she

Lenox asked her like that.

“Are you hurt? I tried to protect yourself, but you might have a minor

A bruise?

Charlotte was relieved that she was sacred without breaking anywhere, so
she couldn’t care less about the details.

However, after hearing what he said, my right leg suddenly started to ache
to the point where it was hard to manage my facial expression. I thought she
had to say I was okay first, but reflexively lifted the tip of the skirt slightly
to examine my legs.


The wound was quite deep than I thought.

The skin was peeled and slightly cut, so blood was flowing. Of course, it
was a drop in the bucket compared to Lenox, but I had never seen such a
deep wound before.

Then Lenox also muttered in a guilty voice, avoiding my gaze to see if he

had seen my wound.

“……sorry, maybe you’ll get a scar.”

In general, it was a virtue for aristocrats to be pure white without a any scar
on their bodies. Because the scar was considered a flaw, they quickly used
magic, potions, and holy water to get treatment.

Charlotte, who flinched inwardly at the prospect of a scar, said, trying to

manage her expression as if nothing had happened.

“Is the scar on my body the problem? Sir can’t even keep yourself in shape,
so who cares about whom?”

Charlotte chewed her lips to hide her innermost thoughts and wiped away
her tears, then spoke bravely as if nothing had happened.

“Will you be able to move? If you’re tired, stay here. I’ll go now and…….”

I sweetened my lips to say things like ‘I’ll go get someone!’ or ‘I’ll go find
a place to shelter!’

But I couldn’t bring it up.

I has been able to stand tall in front of bullies because we are at least on the
same wavelength. And I was confident that they could never harm myself.

‘But monsters are different. It’s natural to be scared in this situation. I don’t
know how to do anything, I don’t have any power. Rather, it could be more
dangerous if Sir Lenox is left alone.….’

It was when Charlotte was murmuring inside excuses that no one had said

Lenox clenched his teeth and slowly got up. He didn’t say anything, but I
was glad he was still able to move.


But not long after, Lenox curled up and groaned. Judging from the area
pointed by hand, it seemed that there was a problem with his ribs. If so, the
internal situation was also suspicious.
“Do-don’t overdo it. You don’t look so good, but if something really

But if he doesn’t move, something bigger will happen. Charlotte was in a

difficult position to stop Lenox. The desire to survive and the obsession to
remain an angel continued to be mixed.



“The internal bleeding has to be stopped with my energy. My bones seem to

have been slightly cracked.”

“It’s a little bit, but are you in so much pain?”

“……I’ve never been bothered.”

In fact, he should have passed out for a few more days. But he make sure
Charlotte is safe, and he seems to have woken up with only his will to
comfort her.

“You’d better stop worrying about me and explore the area.”

I don’t know what it means to stop bleeding with energy, but it won’t heal.
It’s just a stopgap, and his condition is same as before. It might get worse,
let alone better.

‘But you’re still doing it for me? Yeah, of course that’s the only way to live.
I don’t know how to do anything, so if he doesn’t force himself, we’ll all
die together. This is not a selfish thing. Of course.’

Charlotte, who had been speechless for a moment, turned slightly away
from him to hide her bright face.

She lifted her head after coughing a few times, as if she had choked up.
Lenox was looking down at her with a guilty look.
“This mountain range is within the territory of Kazen, so if we get out of
here, we will be able to entrust yourself to Lord Kazen.”

“Can we get out of here today?”

“That seems difficult.”

I forgot my nervousness that someone I could trust and depend on was

finally moving, it seemed that the same composure as before was blooming
in my mind.

Charlotte watched Lenox hold himself up with a sword and barely rose
before telling her.

“Then I’ll find a place to shelter before dark.”

“But there’s a scar on your leg and it’s dangerous…….”

Lenox seemed worried, but Charlotte had a smile that meant to reassure her

I thought at the same time. He jumped off a cliff to protect myself, but if the
monsters appears, Lenox will protect me even if he break his body. I believe
in you.

“I’ll just look around here.”

And not long after saying that, I found a cave nearby. In less than a minute’s
walk on the lake.

It was a shallow cave, but I didn’t think it would be bad to spend a night. I
headed into the cave with Lenox, relieved inside that my luck was still
alive. Fortunately, there was no sign of an animal living.

As things went smoothly like this, it felt like the distress in the forest was
not as big as I thought.

“Look at the wound.”

Somehow, he was silent, and he said with a slight hesitation that Lenox had
been seriously troubled by himself for a long time. No matter how badly he
was hurt, it was very shameful to look at a woman’s legs recklessly.

But Charlotte was willing to stretch out her own leg without hesitation. She
had left a scar near her calf that was scarce enough.


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