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Turner Fenton Athletics Permission Form

Please read all of the information on this form before signing.

Extra-curricular activities are an important part of a student’s education. All participants should be aware that participation in
extra-curricular activities is a privilege. Students are expected to maintain a quadruple "A" standing in school.
Every participant must have paid the student Activity fee as well as the Team Fee. Daily Attendance in all classes is expected.
Students are expected to demonstrate a positive Attitude toward staff and students and behave appropriately for the activity.
Participants will demonstrate a commitment to their Academics by achieving at a level that makes it reasonable to be involved in
extra-curricular activities. Failure to maintain a quadruple "A" standing may result in removal from the activity (See reverse
for definition of quadruple "A" standing). Team Fees help offset the cost of running school sports including transportation, referee
costs, entry fees, athletic trainers required by some sports, and even the cost of facility rentals in some cases.

Commitment Agreement

Once the commitment to a school team has been made, a player must follow through with this commitment. It is unfair to
teammates and coaches to leave in mid-season. It is also unfair to other aspiring players who have failed to earn a place on that
team. Therefore, any player who quits a school team during the season will be ineligible to play on any Turner Fenton
School team for the remainder of the school year pending a hearing with the principal, Phys-Ed Head and the Athletic
Director. An exception to this general rule can be made if the coach and the player reach a mutual agreement that the departure of
the player is in the best interest of all concerned. Any absences by the athlete from practice or games must be discussed with the
coach beforehand or as soon after the absence as possible. Excessive absences from school or practice could lead to removal
from a school team and that would be viewed as that student quitting the team.

By signing below I am giving my son/daughter permission to play for a Turner Fenton interschool team and have
reviewed the Commitment Agreement with my child. I am aware that he/she should be a member of a private insurance
plan. In case of injury the Peel Board will not be held responsible. I also declare that my son/daughter is medically fit
to participate in the sport identified below. In addition, I also give permission for my son/daughter to receive medical
treatment in the event of injury.

School Team: Mg. /Jr. / Sr. _______________ Team Fee: $35 (team fee) + ______= ______
(circle one)

Student Name ___________________________ Student Number _____________________

Date of Birth ________________________ Age as of Jan 1st 2024 _______________________

d / m / y

Date of entry into Grade 9 _____________________ Grade this year 9 10 11 12

mm / yy (circle one)

High school attended last year _________________________________________

Number of courses semester 1 __________ semester 2 ___________

Number of credits earned to date _____________ School Activity Fee paid: Y N

Emergency contact _______________________ Relationship ______________________

Emergency phone # _______________________ Health card # ____________________ Please see over.

Extra-curricular Code

Beliefs and Values

We believe that involvement in extra-curricular activities enhances a student’s education and has the potential
to support academic success when the student demonstrates commitment in both areas of endeavour.
We believe that all participants in extra-curricular activities must show respect for the Turner Fenton “Code of
Behaviour” as outlined in the student handbook. All participants must accept that participation in extra-curricular
activities is a privilege.
We believe that staff sponsors have the right and the duty to limit participation in extra-curricular activities
when expectations are not met.
We believe it is important for all teachers to be aware of the student’s extra-curricular activities so that they can
better appreciate the strengths, interests and accomplishments of their students outside the classroom. It also allows for
support, praise and correction where needed. Subject teachers and coaches working together can help students balance
their priorities.

Activity Fee
All participants must pay the student activity fee prior to involvement in any extra-curricular activity. Students
should have their photo taken on photo day so that they can be issued photo identification.

Participants must maintain good attendance in all classes with no skips or unexplained absences. Subject
teachers are asked to identify any participants who are attendance concerns to the coach. The coach is expected to deal
with the situation and inform the subject teacher of actions taken. Participants are expected to keep their subject teachers
informed of absences associated with their extra-curricular activities.

Participants are expected to demonstrate behaviour appropriate to the activity. This includes good
sportsmanship, respect for others, teamwork, correct attire or uniform, co-operation, leadership, good decision-making
and generally responsible behaviour. Participants who travel to other venues are expected to be ambassadors for the
school. Foul language, trash talk and gestures viewed as disrespectful aggressive or violent will not be tolerated.
Failure to demonstrate the appropriate behaviour or attitude will be dealt with by the coach (or the alpha V.P.)
and may include immediate removal from the activity.

Participants are expected to show a commitment to learning in all classes and be achieving at a level that makes
it reasonable to be involved in extra-curricular activities.

Parents Role
It is expected that parents will monitor and reinforce positive behaviours with respect to their son/daughter’s
academic success and encourage them to be fully involved in both curricular and extra-curricular activities. Furthermore,
parents should support probation, suspension or withdrawal of their son/daughter if they fail to maintain a quadruple A
rating. They are encouraged to contact the subject teacher and the coach if clarification is required.

I have read and understand the interschool athletics permission form. By signing below I agree with
the terms and conditions of having my son/daughter participate on a school team. The student athlete
also agrees to the terms and conditions as described.

Parent’s signature _______________________ Student’s signature ____________________

Coach’s signature __________________________

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