Obra - Ingles 2

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– characters –

Scene 1:
- Tami:
o Captain dubios
o King Julien – Julien
- Naomi:
o Alex
- Bereniz:
o Melman
- Alberth:
o Skipper
o Mort
- Khaled:
o Martí
o Kowalski
- Gotia:
o Gloria
Scene 2:
- Tami:
o Alex
- Naomi:
o Gia
- Bereniz:
o Vitaly
o Melman
- Alberth:
o Gloria
o Policía
- Khaled:
o Marti
- Gotia:
o Stefano
ESCENA 1 – Madagascar 3 – Car chase
Alex: Oh no
Skipper: Lockdown, eh?
Melman: What do we do?
Gloria: All right, everybody, stand back(…) I got this one – choque - Never mind
Skipper: Well, you only get one chace at a first impression - Silbido –
Alex: What just happened?
Gloria: Where are we? What is this?
Skipper: We call it the luxury Assault Recreational vehicle.
- The car goes vroom vroom
Skipper: Step on it, boys! (…) – melman grita –
Police: Captain Dubois, I am so Happy to see you! You will not believe
Captain Dubois: Get back, you fool! Your cheap cologne is obscuring the animal musk!
Police: Oh, mi face! – dubois sniffing –
Captain Dubois: Poor, poor animals. You should never have left the forest. Now you
deal with me
Skipper: Kowalski, Signal the chimps to meet us at the rendezvous point with the
Superplane. Hotel ambassador. Let's move it (suena clakson)
Melman: Whoo-hoo! OW, huh?.
Captain Dubois: Voilá. Giraffe at twelve o´clock.
Melman: Guys, we've got a tail.
Julien: Paparazzi.
Skipeer: Pedal to the metal, private.
Julien: Don't take any photos, please. Hi, here I am. Don´t take… any… photos.
Mort: No more pictures!
Skipper: Medic! ETA (itiei) to rendezvous point?
Kowalski: 2 minutes, 37 seconds, sir.
Skipper: Man your battle stations.
Alex: Hey! wait! Nobody's at the wheel! Get back there! Negative on the driver! There's
no driver!
Gloria: Help! Nobody´s driving! Oh, no! We´re going to die!
Skipper: Don't just sit there, fancy pants. Grab the wheel!
Alex: Are you kidding? I don't drive. I'm a new yorker!
Martin: Move over, Miss Daisy
Alex: what are you doing? Zebras can't drive. Only penguins and people can drive.
Martin: What do al these buttons do? – “any way you want it” plays over stereo –
Melman: Help me!
Skipper: Nice one, Stripes!
Mort: Crazy woman gaining!
Skipper: Our omega-3 stck will take them down. Private, astivate! (escena pescados)
She´s Good! Kowalski, Intel.
Kowalski: Sir, we have a serious problem. Captain Chantal Dubois. Monaco Animal
Control. Perfect case record
Alex: You´re going the wrong way, Marty!
Marty: Just call me Marty-o Andretti
Alex: No. You´re Sucky-o Andretti!
Marty. Stop backseat driving!
Alex: I´m passenger-seat driving. Give me the wheel!
Marty: It´s not a weel, it´s my baby!
Alex: Your hoofs aren´t meant to be on a wheel!
Marty: eh, Hey! Too late for you to drive
Alex; Don´t look at me! Don´t look at me when we argue! Look at the road!
Marty: Be cool, be cool! (turns of stereo) Hi officer. Is there a problem?
Alex: Hi (gun cocks)(tires screech)
Melman: Oh! Watch out! – Dubois se cuelga del carro, mono grita –
Skipper: We need more power. Time to fire up kowalski´s nuculear reactor
Gloria: That´s a nuclear reactor?
Skipper: Nucular
Melman: She´s on the roof!
Kowalski: Bot, sir, it´s not ready. Te control rods´ll have to be calibrated and don´t even
ask me about the Uranium-238 blanket
Skipper: Okey
Alex: Okey, Marty, we lost her! Maybe you can slow down now.
Marty: I can´t! There no Brakes! Way to commit soldier
Skipper: No brakes?
ESCENA 2 – Madagascar 3 – It’s the Fuzz scene
Martin: Its the Fuzz, what are we gonna do? We can't hide forever.
Gloria: And we can't just blend. You notice in Africa.
Mermal: Oh, what's the point? Tell me one conceivable way that extra large animals
like us are gonna be able to move through Europe without attracting unwanted attention.
Alex: Hey…
(abre la Puerta con fuerza – grupo se asusta)
Vitaly: where are you coming from?
Alex: Please, you gotta hide us. Just until the heat dies down.
Vitaly: Absolute no outsiders. So wipe that Smirnoff your face and popov.
Alex: Oh, come on, man. You gotta do one cat a solid. Cat to cat. Do a solid here,
buddy. Come on. Stop-
Vitaly: Nyet!, this train is for circus animals only.
Stefano: They sound like they be in trouble
Vitaly: Stefano, we do not invite trouble into our circus. I don´t trust lion. Hair too big
and Glossy!
Stefano: Aw, come on, Vitaly, you´re being mean
Vitaly: He not lion. He lioness… with a beehive (risa macabra)
Alex: This is awkward. We can hear everything they´re saying(…) -Tren en marcha-
Vitaly: it's not our problem
Alex: no, no no no, wait, wait, wait!
Stefano: (abre Puerta – risa)Eh… Just give us a minute. He's on the phone and… can't
get him off. (Cierra Puerta – se golpea)Ow! We cannot leave them there.
Vitaly: Only circus animals on this Train!.
Alex: Wait. Listen! We are circus animals. You got to let us in!
Gia: You are really circus? (…)
Policia: Hereabouts, hereabouts
Alex: Yes. Full Circus. Totally circus. -
Gloria: Absolutely. -
Martin: My momma was circus. My daddy was circus. -
Vitaly: Gia! shut the door!(…)
Gloria: please.
Man: Over there! Over there!
Gia: They are circus. Circus stick together. (suben al tren)
Stefano: Wow. Circus americano. You must all be very famous!
Alex: Yeah, we…
Gloria: Absolutely.
Alex: We're relatively well known…
Martin: But Alex is really the star.
Alex: Well, I´m not… I wouldn't say “star”. More, more like, more like… Well, Star.
Stefano: What is your act, Alex?
Alex: Well… I uh, I basically. Uh, I jump up on my rock…
Gia: Rock?
Alex: Yeah. It's a very high… rock
Melman: A really high rock!
Stefano: And then?
Alex: And then, I well, I roar like… like really, like a serious “rawrrr!”
Stefano: And then?
Alex: And then I jump off the rock.
Stefano: And then?
Alex: And then… And then what?
Gia: That is all?
Gloria: Into a pool!
Martin: Full of water!
Melman: Full of cobras!
Alex: Actually, it appears like I´m jumping in to a pool…
Melman: With cobras.
Alex: Aquatic cobras. For effect. But I actually pull up at the last second.
Stefano: Pull up?
Alex: Yeah.
Stefano: How do you do that?
Melman: Wire harness!
Gloria: balloons!
Martin: Jet pack!
Alex: Well... - I flip off the wire harness, ignite my jetpack, and then toss balloons to
the children of the world. Kids love it. Kids always love that. (Vitaly scoffs)
Stefano: Is this like the trapeze?
Alex: Yes! Trapeze! Exactly!
Stefano: Wow! Trapeze Americano! (…) Hey, I have a great idea! Maybe you come
with us to Rome! (cuchillo – susto) Het, Vitaly is just playing around, He is good, no?
Alex: yeah, thanks. Thanks. but we´re gonna get off at the next stop so we can get back
to America.
Stefano: Oh, that is such a coincidence. Because we´re going (cuchillo) going to
(cuchillo) LET ME FINISH!! We´re going to America, as well! (cuchillo) -gruñido-
Alex: WHAT!? -
Martin: America? -
Gloria: Going to America? -
Melman: What´s? -
Stefano: Sí
Alex: Wow. When?
Stefano: After Roma, we go to London. And then a big time promoter will see us and
then send us to New York.
Alex: Uh, there´re Going to New York?
Gia: Well, only if he likes what he sees.
Alex: New York? Seriously? That's our home. That's where we live.
Stefano: Isn't that fun?
Martin: Could we go with you?
Stefano: Sure! You can bunk with Vitaly!(…) -escena de cuchillos- Or no
Vitaly: Nyet
Stefano: Oh, no. (…), I don´t think Vitaly likes that idea. What´s he gonna do?
Vitaly: Which one of you is leader?
- Martin señala a Alex
Vitaly: Tell your comrades there is one rule we do not break!
Alex: Thou shalt say it and not spray it?
Vitaly: Nyet! circus owner no allow stowaways. (risita)

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