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Cómo maximizar los beneficios?

Two Steps to Maximizing Profit

All profit-maximizing firms, including monopolies, use a two-step analysis to determine
the output level that maximizes their profit (Chapter 7). First, the firm determines
the output, Q*, at which it makes the highest possible profit (or minimizes its
loss). Second, the firm decides whether to produce Q* or shut down.
Profit-Maximizing Output. In Chapter 7, we saw that profit is maximized
where marginal profit equals zero. Equivalently, because marginal profit equals marginal
revenue minus marginal cost (Chapter 7), marginal profit is zero where marginal revenue
equals marginal cost.
To illustrate how a monopoly chooses its output to maximize its profit, we use the
same linear demand and marginal revenue curves as above and add a linear marginal
cost curve in panel a of Figure 9.3. Panel b shows the corresponding profit curve.

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