Emotions On Ice

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Emotions on Ice

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/49237450.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
Characters: Park Jimin (BTS), Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin
Additional Tags: Model Park Jimin (BTS), Producer Min Yoongi | Suga, Actor Kim
Seokjin | Jin, Omega Park Jimin (BTS), Alpha Min Yoongi | Suga, Top
Min Yoongi | Suga, Bottom Park Jimin (BTS), Park Jimin is Bad at
Feelings (BTS), Park Jimin is a Mess (BTS), Park Jimin is Whipped
(BTS), Sad Park Jimin (BTS), Park Jimin is Trying His Best (BTS), Min
Yoongi | Suga is Bad at Feelings, Min Yoongi | Suga Is Whipped,
Grumpy Min Yoongi | Suga, Minor Character Death, Getting Together,
Getting to Know Each Other, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse,
Underage Substance Use, Substance Abuse, Underage Drinking, Implied
Childhood Sexual Abuse, Friends to Lovers, Eating Disorders, Binge
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of city of stars
Stats: Published: 2023-08-09 Words: 16,384 Chapters: 1/1
Emotions on Ice
by alijinkook


“You mean the world to me, okay?” Yoongi had whispered that night “but you deserve
something better”
Jimin will never forget that he didn’t say someone better but rather something.
And by now, Jimin has learned that he has the power to make his life better.
Yoongi shows Jimin that there is someone out there that cares.
prequel to "stay in your sky"
For a long time, Jimin's earliest memory had been walking his first runway during fashion
week in Milan at the age of fifteen.

Back then he was just out of growth spurt, newly presented, finally having lost the extra baby
fat of his body and tall enough to be booked by high end designers and fashion brands.

He remembers being excited but nervous as he got dolled up in the makeup chair, no one
around him in that chaotic environment spoke his language but Jimin knew enough English
to get around as did everyone else working there.

So when he asked the man that had somehow snuck into his dressing room to get out,
language shouldn't have been a problem, he could've stopped when Jimin asked him to stop
touching but he simply didn't want to.

Jimin remembers exactly what he was wearing that night, the music that was playing, the
smell of cigarettes and hairspray in the air but he can't remember the man's face.

He didn't cry, he couldn't risk ruining his make up, he simply waited until someone came
looking for him when it was his turn to make his escape.

With his heart still beating out of his chest he still managed to walk the runway, to look
poised and fierce as did what would soon become his signature catwalk.

He booked more shows after that one night.

Everyone wanted to work with the fresh faced omega from South Korea, his parents couldn't
have been happier.

Not happy enough for them to truly care about his son though.

His father was too drunk most of the time to even hold a conversation and his mother was too
busy managing his career to care about something so absurd as his feelings.

Jimin was busy too, he couldn't remember a time when he wasn’t.

He's been modeling for years now after someone at his ballet class had suggested his mother
take him to a modeling agency.

And sure, Jimin loved posing for the cameras, he loved to feel like the center of attention for
once but what started as an occasional thing turned into a full time job once his father saw
how lucrative this could be and his mother realized that she could live her frustrated dreams
through her son.

"I could've been a model too, you know?" she used to say to him "I won a few beauty
pageants in Busan but then I met your father and you came along-"

Jimin never knew how to answer that.

He never knew how to talk to his parents at all, it was easier to just do what they told him and
avoid arguing.

Jimin, because he was always missing school for work, didn't know how to talk to people his
age either.

His only friend is and always had been Seokjin, his neighbor from a few houses down that
was only a couple of years older than him.

Seokjin was everything the casting people always told him he needed to be a model.

He had a symmetrical and small face, tall with long legs, pale skin and most importantly
naturally thin.

Seokjin could eat a lot.

A lot of times they would sneak out of their neighborhood to go downtown to the street
vendors and get all the food they could before they were found with their allowance.

They would eat and eat and eat.

Sometimes they ate until they felt sick.

But unlike him, Seokjin never gained much weight.

All that would've made him the perfect model but the older omega was much more interested
in acting and he was amazing at it.

His friend had been acting since he was a young child, loved for his talented performances
from a very young age.

It was easy to envy Seokjin since he had found that he not only loved doing that he was also
good at.

And sure, Jimin initially felt that way about dancing but no matter how hard he tried he never
truly excelled at it, the only thing he was good at was staying quiet and looking pretty and
maybe to be a human clothes hanger.

Even before he presented he had been told how he had the perfect omega face with rounded
and soft features.

Being told by alphas old enough to be his father that he had every desirable trait in an omega
when he was barely a teenager was as uncomfortable as it was confusing.

He was told he was sexy but also innocent, that he looked angelic only to be called a
seductive mix in the next breath.

Jimin didn’t really understand what it all meant, he didn’t understand why photographers
made him pose in certain ways or why they chose the particular things for him to wear.
As a pup, he couldn’t possibly understand that bearing his neck for a photo spread was
suggestive, that the sheer clothing they put him on left nothing to the imagination.

He didn’t know how predatory it all was, that he had been taken advantage of more times
than that one night in Milan.

And because no one had ever tried to protect him, he figured that this is what he deserved.

He couldn’t understand what he had done to deserve it, all his life he had tried to obey his

He tried doing everything for them to like him but in that process he ended up hating himself.

One day, Jimin came home from a shoot to find his father passed out in the kitchen.

It wasn't unusual at all these days and now he knew better than to try to help him because
when he got like this, the man could barely recognize his own son.

So instead he slid down to the ground watching his father clutching a bottle in his hand while
he snored away on the marble floor.

His mother was nowhere to be found, probably either working or ‘networking’ as she liked to
call it, the fridge was empty except for his mother’s konjac jelly and champagne so Jimin
would once again go to bed without dinner.

He told himself it was for the best anyways if he wanted to fit into the upcoming summer
collection without problem.

He watched his unconscious father for an unknowing amount of time, he couldn’t remember
the last time had seen the man smile without a glass of liquor in his hand.

The man was like a ghost in this house, Jimin always felt his presence but he was never truly

“Why do you do this appa?” he asked, rogue tears sliding down his cheeks as the man
coughed and flipped onto his back “Why do you do this to yourself?”

His eyes flustered opened and for only a moment he made eye contact with his only son as
he said “because I fucking hate myself”

Later the man ordered him to help him get to his room and Jimin obeyed, out of breath once
he got his father upstairs, these days the simplest of tasks were exhausting.

Going back to the kitchen, he got one of the konjac jellies, figuring that 2 calories wouldn’t
hurt his diet much.

But when he got there and he saw the half empty bottle of amber liquid on the kitchen floor,
he completely forgot about the low calorie snack.
He looked over his shoulder before even daring to touch it, before today he hated even the
sight of these bottles but now that he knew why his father drank them, curiosity got the best
of him. Slowly and carefully, he opened the bottle, hesitating before he dared to bring it to his

Immediately it felt like being choked by flames of the fires of the deepest part of hell, it
burned on the way down, he had taken a large gulp of the liquid and instead of regretting it he
found it accelerating.

How something inside this bottle could give him such a thrill, make him feel so alive.

It was later, after he had poured down the rest of the bottle and thrown away the evidence that
he found the other benefits of this magical liquid.

It was like logging out of his own mind, shutting off those voices inside that constantly told
him he wasn’t good enough, dissociation from his own body, the body he had always been
praised for and criticized for.

In that numbness he found relief.

He’d never understood his father before but he thinks he does now.

Because he hates himself too.

He was able to keep it a secret easily, his father couldn’t really keep track of all the bottles he
had around the house so whenever Jimin took one to his room, the man probably convinced
himself that he had been the one to finish it and simply forgot about it.

Seokjin had lectured him a few times, he had told him that what he was doing was wrong and
that alcohol was bad but his friend had always been scared of things he didn’t know.

In Seokjin’s very traditional family there were things that alphas could do but omegas
weren’t allowed to do so.

Even after reaching adulthood, his friend had decided to stay away from drinking because his
parents had deemed it unbecoming for an omega to do so.

Jimin was never raised with guides of what an omega should or shouldn’t do since both his
parents were betas.

Jimin didn’t think anything of it and continued stealing liquor from his father until it became
a routine.

And his mother couldn't care less.

Because Jimin had reached the target weight she wanted and so he got booked for another
fashion week.

The next year, he had become even thinner and he was never more popular or sought after as
he was at 18.
All of a sudden he was getting invited to the biggest and most extravagant events, after
parties, galas and even premieres.

The neon lights and loud music gave him a buzz alcohol alone couldn’t achieve.

Drinking alone in his room wasn’t as fun as getting dressed up in the most revealing of outfits
and dancing the night away, being showered in attention with music blasting around him.

There were very few reasons to be sober, so he chose to stay buzzed.

With time he could barely keep up with school due to his constant state of hangover and quite
honestly his lack of interest in his studies overall.

It didn’t matter if he did well at school anyways because modeling had already been chosen
for him as his career.

But even modeling felt like a task now.

He rather be lost in the lights than facing the darkness inside himself.

At his parties, he met all sorts of interesting people, betas, other omegas and most
importantly alphas.

All of them would indiscriminately ogle at him, undress him with their eyes.

He had no problem with them staring at him but he didn’t like to be touched.

Unfortunately, that’s what the majority of them wanted.

Ignoring the velvet rope to grab a feel.

Hands on his body felt like pins and needles on his skin, like getting the most repulsive
substance smeared on his body, he felt like he wanted to bathe himself in bleach afterwards.

But he also knew that this was the only thing they wanted from him, it was the only way to
keep their attention on him.

His personality wasn’t interesting enough to keep their attention any other way, he wasn’t
talented, funny or smart like Seokjin, all he had was his body.

So he gave it in exchange for some much needed attention.

That night he had once again captured the attention of an alpha from across the room at a
party inside some gangnam highrise penthouse.

He was cute.

Not too old like the majority of alphas that flocked to him, he was either only a couple of
years older than him or he had a major case of baby face.
Either way he didn’t mind, out of all the people here, he had been the only one to catch
Jimin’s eye.

The alpha was quiet, stoic, strands his long hair falling over his handsome face just enough to
give him a mysterious air but not enough to cover it.

He’d been sitting there drinking scotch with a cigarette burning between his index and middle
finger, Jimin didn’t know the alpha but he knew the other two people he was sitting with or at
least he knew about them, the tall alpha was an underground rapper his friend had been
boasting about having in at his party when Jimin arrived and the thin and smiley omega
sitting next to him was his his friends high school friend.

It was because of that omega that his friend got the elusive rapper to come to his party and
the alpha must be their friend since they had all arrived together.

Jimin had noticed the alpha immediately, his sandalwood smell had his mind spinning more
than any drink or party ever could.

He wanted the alpha.

He wanted the alpha to want him.

But that shouldn’t be a problem, after all, the real difficulty was actually keeping the alphas
away most of the time.

Jimin had discarded his jacked as soon as he spotted the alpha, hoping the exposed skin
would be enough to attract the man, it was usually all it took, a little flutter of lashes and pout
of his lips and they would all come chasing him.

Except, this alpha had barely glanced his way more than once.

Jimin was patient though, he danced and drank until the perfect moment came.

when stepped out to the balcony that cold January night and Jimin followed but not without
taking a bottle of the man’s preferred alpha’s preferred alcohol and two glasses.

The alpha had both elbows resting against the railing, looking down at the Seoul skyline but
when the balcony door opened he wiped his head around to glance back at Jimin.

“Hey” Jimin greeted with feigned indifference as he leaned back against the railing only a
couple of feet away from the alpha

“Hey” he greeted, voice low and rumbly.

Jimin shuddered but it wasn’t because of the cold air, the alpha’s scent from this close was
intoxicating, his presence a lot stronger and imposing.

“Aren't you going to take a puff?” he asks, pointing his chin towards the dwindling cigarette
on the alpha’s fingers
“No, I don't smoke” the alpha replies, stubbing it out against the railing “I just hold it so I can
blend in but it's a secret” and then it happens, the alpha faces him and he smiles as he tells
Jimin in a conspiratorial tone “Don't tell anyone, okay?”

He forgets how to form a coherent sentence then, nodding along like an idiot as they fall into

“Why are you telling me?” he asks after a few beats go by, only the sounds of traffic below
and muffled music coming from inside as a soundtrack.

“Cause you're the first one to notice” the alpha drawls out with a lazy shrug “Everyone here
is so self absorbed that they don't even notice what's going on-”

“Yeah” Jimin agrees a little faster than he would like to admit, it hurts more than he wants to
think about.

The thing about coming to these parties is that while he does get the attention that he craves,
at the end of the day he knows that they care about him even less than his parents do.

“I’m not like them” Jimin manages to shake himself out of the short dip of his mood “would
you like a glass?” he asks, already pouring the drink before the alpha can respond.

“No, thanks I think I’ve had enough” he outright refuses and Jimin can only scoff, he didn’t
even seem that drunk to be cut off just yet

“Oh come on, just one more”

“Sorry, kid” the alpha shakes his head “I don’t accept drinks from strangers and I have to
work in the morning”

Jimin finds the whole ‘not accepting drink from strangers’ absurd, how else is he supposed to
get any when he’s not yet old enough to buy it?

And the work excuse is just as lame.

He has school tomorrow and a shoot and he’s still here.

“No? Okay then more for me” he shrugs instead, trying to down the drink in one go, the
alpha’s eyes go wide as he reaches for Jimin’s wrist, stopping him before he can get halfway
through the glass.

“Hey- uh, I’m sorry” the alpha says, immediately removing his hand when Jimin looks down
at it, flustered by the innocent touch. It was a brief moment of contact but it left his skin
tingling and warm, he felt shy and embarrassed with his eyes on him “What’s your name?”

“Jimin, Park Jimin” the teen says with his best smile, lashes fluttering at the alpha

“Well, Jimin- I don’t think you should finish that, it’s strong stuff” the man tells him,
eyebrows furrowed as he examines Jimin’s face “should you be drinking at all? Are you of
legal age?”

“I can handle my liquor” is all the teen replies with before tipping the glass back to finish it,
he then sighs as licks his lips, getting even closer to the alpha “So, are we doing this or not?”


“Alpha, don’t tell me you didn’t notice me looking at you from across the room” Jimin
giggles because the alpha is too cute to be real, staring at him like a scared cat.


“We could go to a hotel and-”

“Let me stop you right there” the handsome stranger raises one of his large hands to stop him
“I think might be a little too old for you kid, sorry”

Jimin huffs, no one had ever rejected him before because no one cared about age before
“How old are you exactly?”

“Twenty one”

“Please” Jimin rolls his eyes as he gets even closer to the alpha “I've dated alphas way older
than that”

“Okay…should I be concerned? you're what- Nineteen?” the alpha scoffs as he takes a step
back for every step forward Jimin takes, the omega bites his lips because he’s never been that
good of a lair “Lower than that?” the man raises both brows “Then it’s definitely concerning”

“I saw the way you looked at me” Jimin deliberately changes the subject because he really
doesn’t want to stop and think about what’s so concerning about him being into older alphas.

“Yes, I was looking at how you downed that bottle all on your own- you’ve been drinking a
lot tonight” the man argues as Jimin back him into a corner “you should pace yourself if you
don't want to pass out” the elder gestures to the bottle in Jimin’s hand

“Am not gonna, I'm fine” the teenager argues before taking a swig out of the bottle “as I said,
I can handle my liquor”

“Sure, whatever you say kid” the alpha sighs, he’s starting to look more and more annoyed by
the second and somehow that makes him even hotter, maybe he should continue being a brat.

“Stop calling me kid” Jimin pouts, all but stomping his feet

“But you are” the elder rolls his eyes as gust of gelid wind blows, ruffling their hair, Jimin
shudders, curling into himself and cursing at the cold, the alpha lets out a dry chuckle as he
takes off his black leather jacket and wraps it around Jimin’s bare shoulders “Here- you’re a
cute little kid, you should dress warmly” the alpha then turns and begins to walk back to door
“In most countries I'm already considered an adult!” JImin calls out behind him, blushed and
embarrassed because of the rejection “I've been working since I was five, I'm most definitely
not a kid, you hear me?!”

The man pauses with his hand on the handle and turns back slowly to say “Being forced to
grow up fast, doesn’t make you an adult”

“Hey!” Jimin protests but he’s frozen in his spot feeling warm all over despite the freezing
temperatures “You didn’t tell me your name!” Jimin sighs when the alpha throws him a peace
sign before heading back inside and closing the door behind him.

Leaving Jimin alone on the balcony.

The omega lets out a haughty scoff, gripping the bottle tightly before he takes another swig.

Stupid alpha.

He’s not a kid, he doesn’t need to dress warmly if he has booze and he doesn’t need to be
taken care of by anyone, he never had.

He rejoins the party a little later, when he’s drunk enough to show his face after being
outright rejected by his dream alpha.

He trips into the dancefloor and dances with his friends, they pop champagne but he much
rather have some shots because he enjoys the burn.

He likes the numbness he feels when another random alpha walks up behind him while
dancing and starts grinding against him, now this is more familiar to him.

He accepts the drink the alpha hands him and continues dancing, paying him no mind.

Being unfazed by their lascivious touches, instead of getting hot and bothered over a brief
second of skinship.

What was that alpha’s problem anyways?

Who in his right mind would reject a young, beautiful model like him?

Jimin had made it easier for him and approached him first, something he never did.

Unable to shake the sandalwood scent off his mind, he soon gets bored with the alpha
dancing behind him and decides to ditch him.

Stumbling towards the bathroom only to find it locked.

He rolls his eyes, if you’re going to hook up with someone at a party at least have the
decency to find a closet or a bedroom, when there’s people that need to pee.

He leans against the wall, after knocking on the door, hoping the couple inside will at least be
He takes out his phone and sees a bunch of missing calls from Seokjin, he sighs before
returning it. “Hey hyung!” he slurs out, rubbing his face as he suddenly starts feeling drowsy

“Jimmie?” Seokjin’s alarmed voice comes through the receiver “What's going on? Why
aren’t you answering your phone?”

“Hyung” he whines as he slides down to the floor, feeling disoriented “this alpha- he said- he
said I was not- that I was”

“Jiminie, where are you right now? I’m picking you up”

“Hyung, am not-” as he tries his best to form a coherent sentence, a figures approaches him
dangerously, startled, Jimin drop his phone somewhere on the floor

“Hey omega- you left me dancing on my own” the alpha from before called out to him,
crouching before Jimin and grabbing his arm “you’re a little tease, you know? Grinding
against me like that, you even took the drink I offered you and left without showing any

“No-” Jimin protests as the alpha gets closer to him, failing to push him away “I don’t- am
not a tease”

“Prove it then, come with me and show me” the larger man tries to gather him in his arms but
Jimin is kicking and starts screaming, his mind is muddled and he knows it’s not just the
alcohol, the alpha had done something to his drink.

“No! No, please, I don’t-”

The bathroom door then opens and the last thing Jimin remembers before waking up the next
day is the smell of sandalwood.

He wakes up in Seokjin’s apartment but instead of waking up in the guest room as he usually
does, he wakes up on the elder’s own bed.

Seokjin’s sweet peach scent is calming and warm like a summer day but it’s tinged with
something sour.

He sits up and notices used tissues scattered on the nightstand next to the empty side of the
bed, Seokjin had clearly been crying and Jimin needs to find out why.

He stumbles out of the bed and follows the smell of food towards the kitchen, where he finds
Seokjin standing by the stove, mixing a pot of soup.

“Hi” he greets the elder with a raspy voice, Seokjin ignores him as he grabs a bowl and fills it
with the hot soup “Are you mad at me?” he asks and instead of answering the elder shoots
him a pointed look and Jimin knows exactly what he means, ‘No, just disappointed’ he can
almost hear his friend say.

He stands in the middle of the kitchen feeling like he’s just been kicked in the gut as Seokjin
grabs a spoon from the drawer and sets it on the table next to the bowl of soup, pulling out
the chair and curtly saying “Eat”

“I'm fine” Jimin mumbles, guilt knotting his stomach at causing his friend to be this upset,
Seokjin is usually quite cheerful in the mornings “do you have a cigarette?

“I said, eat” the older omega grits out and when Jimin doesn’t move to obey he sends another
furious glare his way “Park Jimin-”

“Okay, fine” the teen rushes to take a seat, he takes small and slow sips of the liquid, setting
aside the generous chunks of meat while Seokjin goes to wash the dishes.

“hyung?” Jimin dares after a while, when the tense posture of Seokjin’s shoulders has relaxed
a bit.“What happened last night? How did I get here?”

“You were roofied, the alpha who did it tried to assault you- I heard his voice through the
phone” the elder replies with a low and somber voice, Jimin wants to throw up whatever soup
he managed to ingest, he feels disgusting. “Some other guy came to the phone and told me
the address, when I arrived he was waiting with you outside and you were unconscious and I
was so scared- he said you would be fine to just let you sleep and that if I brought you to the
hospital we would all be in trouble and we- we can’t- you know that, right?” Seokjin takes a
shaky breath, Jimin nods slowly as he pushes the bowl of soup away to rest his elbows on the
table, covering his face with his hands.

He doesn’t know what to say.

What to think.

He tries to think of his last moment conscious last night and-

“Jiminie, did he- he didn't hurt you did he?” Seokjin asks, there’s tears staining his cheeks
and Jimin’s heart squeezes in his chest, the elder must’ve been worried sick last night.

Even when his parents didn’t give a damn about him, at least Seokjin, he always cared.

Maybe a little too much.

Jimin didn’t deserve his love and care.

He was an awful friend and Seokjin still stuck around for some reason.

Always saving him and trying to keep him out of trouble even when he was putting himself
at risk for it.

“Did he smell like sandalwood?” Jimin asks the elder


“Then no, he flat out rejected me earlier” he admits quietly

“You had his scent all over you, I think you were wearing his jacket-”
His jacket.

I still have his jacket.

“Where is it?”

“I took it off you before putting you in my bed, I don’t want some random alpha’s scent on
my sheets” the elder wrinkles his nose.

Without another word Jimin runs to the bedroom and finds the black leather on the floor, he
hugs it to his chest after taking a whiff of it and smiles giddily “he’s not some random alpha,
he could be the love of my life and now I have an excuse to see him again” Jimin announces
when he comes back to the kitchen

“Do you even know his name?” Seokjin rolls his eyes tiredly when Jimin’s eyes go wide,
both hands on his hips as he says “This isn’t cinderella, you can’t find a person using just an
article of clothing they left behind”

“You’ll see” Jimin huffs, throwing the jacket on and doing a spin, hopefully his honey scent
will stay on the jacket, combined with the sandalwood until the alpha receives it “he was
friends with this rapper guy my friend invited to the party- if they’re as good as friends as
they seem they probably follow each other on instagram so I just have to find his profile in
the rapper guy’s following list and then it’s simply a matter of sliding into his dms” Jimin
says, luckily dimpled rapper alpha doesn’t follow many people.

“If only you put the same amount of effort into school” Seokjin sighs, taking his pink apron
off and going to his room.

The younger omega follows behind, his eyes glued to his phone as he checks every profile
that he suspects might be his dream alpha.

Seokjin pays him no mind as he goes into his closet and chooses an outfit.

“Wear the lace hyung, it looks gorgeous on you” he says, as Seokjin seems to consider
between two tops

“It’s too revealing” the elder grimaces, putting Jimin’s choice back into the closet and going
with a simpler and more modest choice.

Seokjin never showed any skin, he always went for oversized and comfortable clothing when
he wasn’t styled for the red carpet, he never truly showed his body off unless it was required
for a film and even then it was rare for an actor who was considered South Korea’s

What’s the point in being so hot if you never show it off?

But Seokjin had his own wide eyed and innocent look that simply worked for him, not to
mention that he was charismatic and charming, he didn’t need to try as hard as Jimin to be
He goes back to his search as his friend goes to the bathroom to change, too shy to strip even
before his best friend.

“Hyung!” Jimin calls when, by accident stumbles across a promising profile


Jimin scrolls through the pictures and though they are mostly dark pictures of live shows,
studios and music equipment, when he scrolls all the way down to the feed he finds a picture
of a young, scrawny and pale boy with a bowl cut wearing the same leather jacket and
playing an electric guitar from a couple of years ago.

The jacket looked giant on the boy but Jimin could recognize those eyes anywhere, this was
the alpha he was looking for, music producer SUGA aka Min Yoongi.

“I found him!” he squeals in delight, as Seokjin walks out of the bathroom, elegant as ever in
his new outfit he spares Jimin an exhausted glance “Look, it’s him- isn’t he delicious,

Seokjin frowns as the younger one puts the screen in his face, scrunching his nose as he says
“I’m not answering that”

“Well, at least he is now” Jimin chuckles looking at the younger version of the alpha “he
looks like real alpha now-”

“He’s clearly older than you” Seokjin sighs as he does his makeup in his vanity “but at least
he’s not one of those ahjussis you usually go after”

“He sure acts like one though, don’t let him fool you with that bad boy vibe” Jimin huffs,
taking a brush and helping his friend to do his hair “He lectured me about drinking and he
doesn’t even smoke and he said I was a cute kid”

“Then that should tell you something” Seokjin says, applying blush to the apples of his
cheeks “he’s not interested”

“Hyung, he called me cute” Jimin rolls his eyes “he’s into me, duh!”

“Jimin-ah- no, you know what? I don’t have time for this today” Seokjin sighs, shaking his
hair and standing up from his vanity once he’s done with his simple and natural makeup “I
have an audition to go to, feel free to stay for as long as you want but do call your parents,

“Yeah, sure” he mumbles following Seokjin to the door like a puppy, the elder double checks
he has everything he needs before heading out the door “Bye hyung, thank you for taking
care of me!” he calls as Seokjin heads to the elevator.

“Whatever, you brat” the elder salutes him as he throws his shades on, stepping into the
elevator, looking every bit like the star he is.
Jimin giggles to himself before locking the door and going back to the room, he should take a
bath and maybe tidy up the apartment but first, he will send his no longer mysterious savor a
quick message.

Jimin Park:


My friend just told me what happened last night

And I wanted to thank you saving me


I think you got the wrong person

Jimin Park

Um no?

This is literally you

Jimin rolls his eyes and sends a screenshot of the picture of the alpha wearing the jacket and
quickly snaps a cute flirty selca showing off the jacket.

Jimin Park:

Anyways, we could meet up so I can return your jacket

and maybe get to know each other a little better?


Keep it

I don’t even like that jacket

Jimin Park:

I will accept it as courting gift alpha



Just throw it away

Jimin Park:

I can bring the jacket to your work after school tomorrow

Just send me the address and I’ll be there



I’m sorry for how I acted last night

Please, I just want to talk to you


I know you’re not interested, you made it very clear

Let me at least buy you a cup of coffee in appreciation


There’s a coffee shop called ’blue and gray’ in Itaewon

meet me there tomorrow at 5pm

Jimin Park:

I’ll be there


See you tomorrow! <3

Jimin had volt out of class as soon as the bell rang, he hailed a cab to get him all the way
across town to Itaewon. Ideally, he would’ve like to get himself a little dolled up before
meeting the alpha of his dreams again but he was short on time so he couldn’t go home to
change and he couldn’t stuff his school uniform into a backpack after changing into nicer
clothes or it will be all wrinkled and he might get detention for that, he’s also not allowed to
wear makeup at school so on the car ride there he does his best to make himself presentable
in the backseat of the cab.

He grabbed some of his allowance from his secret hiding spot this morning before going to
school and uses that to pay the driver, he also intends to use it to buy the alpha whatever
drink he chooses, he also has the alpha’s jacket in his backpack and though he doesn’t really
want to return it and be left without the delicious scent of sandalwood, the jacket was the
excuse to meet in the first place so he couldn’t forget to bring it.

The driver drops him off in front of a building, according to the sign the coffee shop is
located in the basement, Jimin smiles brightly as he looks at the time because he got here
with time to spare, it’s only 16:45 but he decides to wait inside the shop to shelter himself
from the cold.
The coffee shop is warm and cozy, it has a lot of comfortable sitting spots with people of all
ages working in their laptops, the delicious smell of freshly ground coffee beans welcomes
him as he walks in.

There’s a few people lining up at the counter to place their orders but it’s not remotely as
busy and hectic as the starbuck his mother usually buys coffee from, he decides to find a seat
first so that he and his savior have a nice and cozy place to sit together.

He takes off his backpack and sets it on the loveseat next to him and yes, he intentionally
picked the loveseat for them.

Jimin checks his phone to see if the alpha had messaged him but he only finds a text from
Seokjin saying ‘ would it be too much to ask for you to share your location and keep me
updated to make sure you haven’t been kidnaped?’

Jimin rolls his eyes, his alpha would never hurt him.

He saved Jimin from that scumbag so clearly he cares about him.

Still, he sends his location to Seokjin and opens his front camera making a finger heart to the
camera and pouting his lips until someone appears next to him on the shot.

He jumps startled, looking up to see the sandalwood alpha standing and giving him a
questioning look.

“Hey! Oh hi- I was just waiting for you and-”

“Did you bring the jacket?” the alpha asks with a gruff voice, he’s wearing a gray polo shirt
with the coffee shop logo and a name tag


“good” the elder extended his hand towards him and Jimin furrows his eyebrows when he
notices the alpha wearing an apron as well “well, where is it?”

“Oh” Jimin says dumbly, turning to his bag to find the jacket “here it is”

“Thanks” Yoongi says, turning on his heel to leave but Jimin stops him before he can

“Wait!” the teenager pouts “You promised we would talk”

“I made no such promise”


“Fine” the alpha lets out a long suffering sigh, sitting across from him rather than next to him
like Jimin wanted him to “You have five minutes”

“At least let me get you a coffee-”

“Pass” Yoongi crosses his arms


“First of all, I’m not letting someone younger- especially an omega buy something for me
and” the elder says “second of all- I’m fucking tired of everything here”

“Oh well… then I’m- I just wanted to-”

“You just wanted to thank me- well, you’re welcome kid” the alpha stands up, once again
getting ready to scape “Have a nice life and stay safe-”

“Wait- I have a question!” Jimin calls out in desperation

“What is it?”

Jimin shifts nervously on his seat, fidgeting with his hands as he asks “You said it was
concerning that I had dated alphas older than you- why?”

“You seriously don’t know why?” Yoongi raises an eyebrow at him “Jimin, you’re a kid-”
when the teen opens his mouth to argue the alpha stops him with a raise of his hand “I know
you don’t think you are an adult but you don’t even know who you are or what you want-
you’re a kid forced to wear grown up clothes” and it’s like he’s sinking into the couches
cushions, feeling smaller by the moment as the alpha lectures him, no one had ever talked to
him like this “you’re still underage and any older adult that tries to get involved with you is a
depraved perv and they’re totally taking advantage of you”

The young omega frowns in confusion because surely it can’t be true, all those people, they
can’t all be bad, can they? He’s the problem here, not them “They’re not, I’m the one that
goes after them, I get drunk and I provoke them-”

“Look at you, you’re wearing your school uniform- you’re a child” Yoongi sighs, gesturing to
him with both hands “You’re a victim and those people are disgusting for making them blame
yourself- have you ever heard about victim blaming?”

“No? But they- they like me- they say I’m pretty and-”

The alpha scoffs, shaking his head “I doubt they even care about you- if they did they would
never treat you like-” his eyes going wide when Jimin starts to cry “Shit- hey, don’t cry,
please” he says kneeling in front of Jimin and murmuring softly “I didn’t mean to upset you,
I’m sorry”

Jimin doesn’t even know why he started crying in the first place, it’s not like he ever felt
loved or understood by all these people he’s met, if he wasn’t a model, if he didn’t looked the
way he does, no one of they even bother talking to him and deep inside he always knew that
but it's shocking to be confronted with the truth.

The alpha hands him a tissue and frowns as he says “I’m sorry, okay? I just- I thought you
should know that you’re in danger in those situations as you saw last night”
“And why do you care?” Jimin sniffles as he snatches the tissue out of Yoongi’s hand.

He came here to flirt not to be psychoanalyzed.

This alpha is definitely unlike any alpha or person for that matter that he’s ever met before.

“Because clearly, no one else does- except maybe your omega friend” Yoongi replies, voice
much softer now as he watches Jimin dabbing the corner of his eyes with the tissue

“Yeah, he’s the only one that cares”

“What about your parents? I don’t know- tutors or grandparents maybe?” the alpha asks,
handing him another tissue “Why would they let their eighteen year old go to a party like

“They- um they don’t really care what I do as long as I keep working” Jimin admits barely
above a whisper

“Working? What exactly do you do?”

“Modeling, I’ve been doing it since I was a baby” he tells the alpha, blowing his nose, no
longer caring about how he looks in front of Yoongi, afterall the man had just destroyed his
entire sense of self.

“well, that explains a lot”” Yoongi stands up, both hands on his hips as he assesses the
younger “Look kid, the word is a dangerous place and sadly that’s especially true for young
omegas and women- I can’t tell you how to live your life but please know that there’s
someone that cares for your safety and wellbeing” Jimin blinked owlishly at the alpha,
amazed to hear such kind words from the previously cold guy “hang on a second, okay?”

The teen watches Yoongi go behind the counter and open the glass display with pastries, he
picks out a cookie and places it on a napkin, then he quickly prepares a hot drink before
returning to Jimin’s seat “Here, it’s on the house, eat it deliciously and you will get strength
from it”

It was a sugar cookie in the shape of a cat and hot chocolate, Jimin hesitates before accepting
it. His mother’s voice inside his head yells at him that this is nothing but sugar and fat, the
last thing he needs while dieting but he also sees it as a sort of comfort as a peace offering
from the alpha so he accepts it graciously “Thank you”

“I gotta get back to work now but take your time, okay?” Yoongi says, patting his shoulder
gently before going back to the counter to help his coworker.

Jimin takes a miniscule sip from the hot chocolate, letting it warm up his heart and soul and
nibbles on the cooking with a smile spreading across his face.

Who knew something so small could be so comforting?

Who knew someone so cold could show him so much warmth?

That a total stranger could care more about him than his own family.

He doesn’t want Yoongi to be a stranger anymore.

Instead of wanting nothing to with the alpha, his interest and curiosity are once again peaked
but not in the same way as before.

He wants to know more about the alpha, about the heart of gold that he hides inside his stoic

After he’s done eating and his last tear has been dried, he goes up to the counter with his bag
slung on his shoulder.

“Do you- uh… do you work here everyday?” he asks the alpha, feeling much shyer than
before, he’s never before been embarrassed to bare himself, he’s been put in the most risque
outfits without being being fazed but when standing in front of the alpha he feels completely
exposed, like Yoongi can see right through him and knows even the darkest recesses of his
soul, even the ones he doesn’t dare to explore on his own.

“Only half time” Yoongi hums as he wipes the counter clean “4pm to 10pm”

“Oh” Jimin nods, shifting his stance awkwardly “Is it okay if I come back after school
sometime? It looks like a good place to do homework and that cookie was delicious”

“Sure, new customers are always welcomed”

When he does come back Yoongi tells him that it was definitely not normal to not remember
his childhood, to have his mind wiped off.

That forgetting is often a sort of repression caused by trauma.

He also tells him that drinking from an early age can cause a lot of long term damage and he
teaches Jimin about consent and so many different things Jimin had never even heard of.

Yoongi is smart, incredibly so.

He’s also very hardworking and talented, because not only is he a skilled barista but he also
happens to play almost every instrument under the sun.

Jimin learns that back in high school he was in a band, that he sometimes performs in
underground rap battles like his friend but also produces and composes music.

Yoongi also tells him about his music and about his cat.

A scrawny black kitten he had found one night while walking home from his shift on a rainy

There’s nothing Jimin likes more than listening to the alpha’s voice as he speaks.
But Yoongi can only take 5 minute breaks at the time so while he waits for the alpha to get
another free moment he works on his homework.

At first he only gets green tea when he visits but Yoongi keeps giving him those damn sugar
cookies and they are the most delicious thing Jimin has ever tasted so it’s hard to say no.

With time, Yoongi convinces him to try the rest of their menu.

Sandwiches, croissants and even cakes.

Jimin hasn’t had cake without feeling like crap afterwards since he turned eight but eating the
slice that Yoongi bought for him fills him with joy.

He feels cared for.

And it’s not just the sugar rush that made him feel static.

It’s a lot better than being in his cold and lonely home, he can focus on studying instead of
constantly being distracted by his parents' arguments and besides here, he has so many drinks
that while they might not be numbing as his father’s liquor, they are sweet and delicious and
prepared by the alpha with the cat eyes.

Soon his grades start to go up, his teachers all congratulate him and cheer him on as he aces
test after test and finishes his homework on time.

Seokjin joins him a few times too, the omega is a lot more relaxed after meeting Yoongi.

The two of them are similar in age and have a lot in common so they hit it off quite well,
Jimin can’t help but to feel a little jealous because while the alpha talks to Seokjin as an
equal, he still treats him as a child.

But they have been getting along better and forming some sort of friendship, Jimin no longer
sees Yoongi just as the object of his desires but also as an interesting person that he’s quickly
growing to care about and a good influence in his life, someone he can look up to and that
looks after him in his own way.

It’s all going well until one day after a failed casting call his mother snaps at him.

She tells him that he has been neglecting himself for focusing too much on school, that he
clearly wasn’t putting in any effort into losing weight and that he hasn’t been posting on
social media as much.

He basically told him it was his fault he didn’t get the job and that she expects better from

She doesn’t care that Jimin’s teachers had sent letters to congratulate him for his recent
improvement or that his son hasn’t drink any alcohol in two months, that Jimin isn’t always
tired and cold anymore, that he once again has some color and roundness to his face that
makes him look his actual age.
And instead of feeling bad for disappointing his parents, he feels disappointed in them this
time around.

Because they’re terrible parents and are doing an awful job at taking care of their only son.

Jimin argues back and even though he gets a slap on the side of the face because his mother
would never hit his money maker, he refuses to listen to her anymore.

He tells her right then and there that he is done.

He doesn’t want to do it anymore.

He’s tired of having to sell his mind, body and soul in order for his parents to live a lavish

He’s tired of having to act like a grown up.

He just wants to be a normal teenager.

His mother throws him a big lavish party for his nineteenth birthday, clearly buttering him up
so she can convince him to start working again.

That night, Jimin leaves the house without telling anyone, tired of his parents' crap, tired of
pretending to be happy.

Hiding at Seokjin’s place won't work this time since it’s probably the first place his mother
will go looking for him and his friend is out of town anyway, stuck in Japan after bad weather
delayed shooting for his latest movie.

His other friends, most of them models are probably at the party anyways and he doesn’t
really consider any of them real friends anyways.

He needs to be around someone real, someone who tells it how it is.

Someone like Yoongi.

For the first time since the day after they met, Jimin messages the alpha.

They see each other every other day so there’s really no point in texting, Jimin knows that
Yoongi will be there at the cafe, he never changes his shift and he never misses a day.

But Yoongi doesn’t work on Saturdays and Jimin can't seek shelter at the blue and gray
coffee house because his real shelter is the alpha that works there.

So he dares to send a message to Yoongi, hoping that the alpha is not too busy to reply, just a
message from him might be enough for tonight.

To stop him from falling back into old habits.

Jimin Park:
Yoongi hyung

Are you busy?



What’s up?

The teen quickly explains the situation as best as he can, he tells him that his mother is
probably looking for him to bring him back to that god awful party and that he needs a place
to hide.

Yoongi doesn’t respond for a while and Jimin is convinced that he will be forced to go back
to the party or hide all night at a sketchy convenience store until the night passes.

But then the alpha sends him a location and tells him to take the subway there since it’s too
far to take a cab.

Jimin follows his instructions and after almost 45 minutes he reaches the station Yoongi had

He’s far away from home, in a part of town Jimin had never been to but his trust in the alpha
leads him to go on ahead, Yoongi is waiting outside the station.

He’s leaning against a pole, wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants, he waves at Jimin from
afar, Jimin weaves through the crowd to get to him and smiles once he’s standing in front of
the alpha.

The elder frowns examining his outfit, the tight black jeans, the jewelry and the flimsy silk
shirt. It's no longer as cold as it was when they met but the nights are far from warm and
quite honestly Jimin is freezing.

“Here” Yoongi says, reaching into his pocket and taking out a heating pack, he grabs both of
Jimin’s small hands and places the pack between them “we need to walk a little to get to my
place” the elder says, jerking his head to the right and walking ahead.

Jimin rushes to follow, walking up the steep streets is a challenge, especially in his heels but
he would follow Yoongi to the end of the world and at least he is able to work up some
warmth and an appetite.

Yoongi stops in front of a tiny shop selling chicken and asks “have you eaten?” At that
moment Jimin’s stomach growls, he’s been too upset to eat today “of course you haven’t” the
alpha rolls his eyes and guides him into the shop.

The people at the shop greet him by name and ask about his father, he replies politely and
orders a lot of chicken and Jimin offers to pay for half but Yoongi still refuses to take money
from a dongsaeng.
With their chicken in hand, they walk only a couple of blocks more, to an old but well
maintained building at the end of the block.

“Bet you’re wishing you stayed at your fancy party” Yoongi chuckles as they take the stairs,
his apartment is on the fourth floor and there’s no elevator but Jimin couldn’t be happier.

“Nah, I’m good here” he says as they reach the alpha’s floor, he smiles at the younger over
his shoulder for a moment, that gummy smile that makes the alpha look like an innocent
child but then he brings his hand up to scratch the back of his head. Hesitating before he
inserts his key into the lock. “What's wrong?”

“Hey- listen, you should know that I live with my omega father- he’ll probably will want to
talk to you so I hope that doesn’t make you uncomfortable”

“Of course not-”

“And well, the place is a little small so it might a little crowded but-”

“Hyung, it’s okay-” Jimin tells him, placing his hand on the alpha’s wrist “thank you for
having me, I really appreciate it”

“Well, this is it” the alpha sighs, opening the door at last

A small black cat comes to greet them by the door, Jimin smiles as he bends down to greet
the small creature “what’s his name?” he asks and the alpha shrugs

“He doesn’t have one yet” he says, closing the door behind them

“Sugar?” a low raspy voice calls out from further inside the apartment “come here so I can
meet your friend”

“Come on” the elder gestures for him to follow into the bedroom, the inside of the room
looks like a hospital room, with medical equipment and oxygen tanks and on the bed, is a
thin and frail looking omega with a bright smile.

“Hello sir, I’m Park Jimin” he bows to the elder before stepping inside the room“It’s nice to
meet you”

“Oh sweetie, it’s nice to meet you too” The omega takes a deep breath before continuing
“You can call me uncle- I’m happy you decided to visit us, not a lot of people can handle the
climb here”

“It’s totally worth it I would say” Jimin smiles as the man pats his hand “thank you for
welcoming me into your home”

“You’re a cutie and so polite too” the older omega’s laugh turns into a couch and Yoongi
rushes to his side, placing the oxygen mask on top of his mouth and nose “I’m okay” the
father wheezes, taking the mask off “what are we having for dinner? You kids must be
“We brought some chicken, appa” Yoongi sighs, pressing a button on the side of the bed so
his father is seated rather than laying down “I’ll go get you a plate”

“Nonsense, we have a guest” the older omega huffs out “Let's eat at the table tonight”


“Listen to appa, Yoongi-yah” he cuts off his son’s protests, gesturing with his hand “get my
chair, will ya?”

The alpha sighs but does as his father asked anyways, he grabs the wheelchair from the
corner of the room and picks up the man before gently setting him on it, he grabs the the
portable oxygen tank but Jimin takes it from him “let me help you” he smiles at the elder,
who avoids his gaze and nods curtly.

“Thank you, sweetie” Yoongi’s father smiles

“Sorry but your Satoori is so nice- where exactly are you from?” Jimin asks, walking behind
the chair as Yoongi pushes it to towards the kitchen

“We’re from Daegu originally, my sugar didn’t tell you?”

“I forgot to mention it” Yoongi mumbles as he locks the wheels in place, once his father is in
front of the table.

“Oh my family is from Busan, I was born there but we moved here when I was a baby for
work” Jimin shares as he takes a seat across from the omega

“You’ve been working for a long time, huh? I’ve seen you in magazines a few times”

“Ah yeah” he admits embarrassed, afraid that the elder will judge him for the type of photos
he takes but instead the omega beans, reaching across the table and patting his hand again.

“Kids these days are so hardworking, your parents must be real proud of you-”

“Um yeah…”

“Let's eat before the chicken gets cold” Yoongi interrupts, placing plates in front of them
before tearing into the box.

They eat in comfortable silence, with only meowing interrupting from time to time, Yoongi’s
father sneaks the kitten pieces of chicken from time to time and soon they are done with their

“I think I’ve had my fill- it was delicious, thank you for the meal” the omega announces after
barely finishing a couple of pieces.

“Thank you for the meal” Jimin repeats as he cleans his fingers with a napkin
“Well, I’ll leave you two kids to have fun- time for us old folks to get some rest” the omega
yawns as his son goes to wash his hands

“Goodnight uncle, sleep well” Jimin bows as Yoongi takes his father back to his room.

The alpha is gone for a while so in the meantime Jimin decides to clean up the trash and wash
the dishes, then he stands there awkwardly in the middle of the small apartment, looking
around until the alpha returns.

“You have a lot of instruments” Jimin says after the alpha has closed the bedroom door

“Well, I’m a musician and producer”

“Uh yeah” Jimin lets out a nervous laugh.

He’s never been truly alone with the alpha since they met, there were always other people
around them at the coffee shop.

“Do you wanna change into something more comfortable?” the alpha asks, opening a drawer
and offering Jimin a part of sweatpants and a hoodie

“Oh sure, thanks”

“The bathroom’s right there” the alpha jerks his head towards the door next to his father’s

When Jimin comes back, Yoongi is sitting on the futon with his back pressed against the wall,
fingers lazily strumming his shiny black guitar.

“I liked singing when I was a kid, I wanted to play guitar and sing but I was never any good”
Jimin comments as he places his own folded clothes on the floor.

The black kitten blinks slowly at him from the futon, beckoning him closer into the cozy nest

“You don’t have to be good, you just have to enjoy it” Yoongi hums playing a few familiar
chords, patting the spot next to him on the futon “you sing and I’ll play”

Jimin recognizes the song, he knows the lyrics so he figures, why not?

It’s only them here anyways.

‘I say oh oh

I hope you become happier

Whenever I tripped and fell,

The one who reached out their hand to me was you

I say oh oh
Now I’ll be the one to hold you

When you want to cry

So you won’t trip and fall’

Yoongi stops playing then and stares at Jimin for a moment “I was working on some songs
when you texted, you could help me record a demo-”


the alpha shrugs as he starts strumming a different melody, Jimin’s hearts starts beating fast,
he hesitates, too afraid to make a fool of himself, he’s not good at anything, really- “You have
a nice voice, I like it”

But if Yoongi likes his singing maybe there is something he is good at afterall.

“Okay, I’ll help you”

They have the demo ready after a few takes, with his tummy full of delicious food and after a
long day, Yoongi’s sandalwood scent soon luls Jimin to sleep, his eyelids are heavy as he
watches the alpha editing the tracks on his computer, the unnamed Kitten lays on Jimin’s lap
purring comfortingly as the rain starts pouring outside.

“Tired?” the alpha asks when a yawn scapes the teen’s mouth


“Subways are closed for the night but I could get you a cab” Yoongi says, grabbing his phone
and checking the time.

It’s almost 3 am, the party at his parents house must still be going and even if it wasn’t he
would much rather be here than there.

“Can I- can I stay here? Only for the night”

“Won’t your parents be worried?” the alpha asks, turning to face him

Jimin scoffs as he pets the kitten and says “Please, we both know they won’t”

“okay, then you can have the futon, I’ll sleep on the floor” the alpha groans as he gets up,
stretching like a cat

“No- hyung, I can’t- you should have it” Jimin does his best to stand up without disturbing
the sleeping creature

“It’s okay Jimin-ah, I’m used to it” the alpha waves him off, taking a pillow and a two
blankets from a storage bin nearby “I sleep on the floor often, when appa is not feeling well
and I have to look after him- I’m used to it”
Jimin argues a bit more but Yoongi simply throws the blankets and pillows on the floor and
turns off the lights, only the lamp by the futon remains on, casting a warm light on them.

“Turn off that light, will ya?” Yoongi yawns, getting into fetal position and snuggling himself
with the blanket on the carpeted floor

“Sure” Jimin swallows, taking the blanket Yoongi had left by his side, using it to cover
himself and laying on his side after turning off the lamp, the kitten is once again sleeping,
curled up up by his head but Jimin has a last moment of clarity before he drifts into sleep
“Yoongi hyung?” he whispers amidst the darkness “I’m really glad I met you”

“Happy birthday, Jimin-ah”

The nineteenth year of Jimin’s life welcomed a lot of changes.

He’d stopped drinking and smoking all together, he didn’t work as much anymore and
decided to focus on school instead and with his grades going up now he had a real chance at
getting accepted in college.

He had his eyes set on a psychology degree.

Yoongi had once mentioned that he wasn't a musician he probably would’ve studied
psychology instead, the alpha had made the field sound fascinating and interesting and now
Jimin was determined to go to college to become a psychologist.

He still went to the Blue and Gray after school but he also visited Yoongi and his mother
from time to time, the alpha had been teaching him to play guitar and he in exchange helped
him record his demos.

Jimin was so close to being an adult but for the first time in his life he was living like a
normal kid.

He and Seokjin spent more quality time nowadays, mainly because Jimin was now able to
enjoy the same activities as his friend, they would have sleepovers and binge watch corny
dramas all night while snacking on candy and ice cream.

This wholesome and innocent fun was exactly what Jimin needed to reconnect with his
childhood friend.

He even made friends with some kids in his class and for the first time in his life Jimin had
friends of the same age that weren’t in the same business as him.

He got invited to birthday parties with no drugs or alcohol, just a bunch of awkward kids too
scared to mingle and it was fun.

His father had stopped him one day when he was on his way out to visit Yoongi.

The man was sober for once but only because he had just woken up, it was 5pm and he would
probably start drinking again soon.
“Where are you going?”

“To meet a friend” he replies, adjusting his backpack’s strap on his shoulder.

“Hm” the man looks him up and down, his glassy stare stays on Jimin’s face for a moment
before he says “You’re looking happier lately”

“I am”

Not thanks to you guys but yes.

Jimin has been much happier since he met Yoongi.

“I’ll see you later, appa” he says, waving to the man before leaving the house.

He goes to the coffee shop and drops his bag on his usual spot before walking up to the
counter where Yoongi stands frozen in place staring at his phone, the shop is empty except
for a couple of people on the other side of the room.


“Jimin-ah” the alpha raps out a smile spreading on his face as he lowers the phone “one of
the labels loved the demos I sent them”

“Oh my god! That’s awesome- which one is it?”

“It’s Dtown records, in california”


Yoongi had been sending demos for a while to companies in Soul but so far he’s never gotten
a promising response, rejection after rejection had led the alpha to look elsewhere.

“They want me to send more music and they want to meet me in person” Yoongi laughs as he
rubs his face after showing Jimin the email response.

And while Jimin couldn’t be happier for him, he still had his doubts.

America is far, far away after all.

“What about your appa?”

“A family friend will look after him while I’m gone” the alpha reassures him

“You're not moving there, are you?” he asks, it’s not that he wants to sour the mood but he
has truly grown to care about the omega and while he doesn’t know the details, he knows that
the man is quite sick and requires a lot of assistance.

That is why Yoongi had to work half time to earn extra income, his work as a producer
might’ve been enough for a bachelor alpha to live comfortably but for him it wasn’t nearly
enough to provide all the care his father needed.
From the omega Jimin had learned that Yoongi’s alpha was never really in the picture so he
had to struggle to provide for his pup on his own, working in the textile industry and cleaning
houses for years had only made the single parent lung’s condition worsen.

The poor man had nearly worked himself to death and now Yoongi felt like he had to return
the favor.

Yoongi had told him that his father, instead of cutting his wings and pushing him to find a
more stable job, had encouraged him to chase after his dream of being a producer.

Yoongi works for his father, he lives for his father.

And some people might say that’s not a healthy way to live but this is just the way the alpha

Yoongi needs to take care of those he cares about.

He might not be very expressive or vocal with his affection so this is how he shows all the
love he has to give.

That’s what Jimin admires about him the most.

Because while has grown surrounded by empty promises and false praise, Yoongi has shown
him the importance of showing and not just telling people you care.

“No, I still have to look after my father” he answers as expected “I'm still the alpha of the

Jimin sees him off at the airport a couple of weeks later, the alpha looks calm as usual but by
the way he keeps biting his nails when his hands aren’t busy, he can tell that he’s nervous.

Instead of calling him out, Jimin takes both of his large hands in his and smiles.

Yoongi had been busy preparing for his trip lately so they haven’t seen each other much,
Jimin considered it a taste of what’s to come.

He’s sure everything will go well with the label because he’s never met anyone as talented as
Min Yoongi but that certainty also squeezes his heart in an almost painful way because he
knows that once Yoongi is thriving and succeeding that will also mean he will have less and
less time to dedicate to the pesky kid that had decided to follow him around like a lost puppy
over a year ago.

Jimin is grateful for the time they’ve had together, he likes to think that he too might’ve
brought something to the alpha’s life but he knows it isn’t true.

That his feelings are still one sided and they probably always will be but now he’s made
peace with the idea because he would rather have Yoongi in his life as just a friend than not
have him at all.
“Future’s gonna be okay, hyung” he tells the alpha, staring into those captivating eyes
“you’re gonna do great things, I know it”

The last glance Yoongi sends his way before boarding is laced with something Jimin can’t
quite decipher, he tells himself he’s just imagining things, after all, to the alpha he is nothing
more than a dumb kid.

His senior year is not as hard as he imagined it would be, especially now that he’s made
friends with his classmates, going to the hagwon every day after class isn’t so bad.

He and his friends grab a snack from the convenience store and walk there from school,
sometimes they even get together to study over the weekend.

Jimin is determined to ace the college entrance exams.

It’s not all about studying either, a boy had confessed to him over the school year, which led
to a lot of teasing from his friend group, Jimin would get shy and flustered every time.

Flattered that his classmate would see him that way and amazed that he had been brave
enough to put himself out there and show up with a handwritten letter, candy and a single

It was incredibly sweet, all he had asked was a date.

And Jimin accepted.

They went on a date to the arcade and the boy won him a plushie, he held his sweaty hand
and even gave him a kiss on the cheek when the boy walked him back home that evening.

It was all too wholesome and innocent and while Jimin definitely didn’t have any feelings for
him, he was still glad he went on the date.

And while it was just a one time thing and nothing really came of it, Yoongi still teased him
about every time they talked over the phone.

“How’s your boyfriend, huh?”

“He’s not my boyfriend!” Jimin would argue, blushing from head to toe everytime the alpha
brought it up

“Maybe he can pick you up in his bike and you two can share a happy meal from mcdonalds
with his allowance-”

“At least I’ve been on a date in the past century!”

“touche, you got me there” the alpha sighs but then he huffs “I’ll become a famous and rich
producer and then I will have time to date”

“I’m sure you will, hyung-nim” Jimin tries his best to keep his voice light and cheerful but
the idea of Yoongi dating someone has his stomach tied up in knots as selfish as it may seem.
“Ah our Jiminie has become so respectful and mature” the elder sighs “now that you’re
grown, I won’t tease you anymore”

“Thanks” the teen mumbles, grateful that the alpha can see him shyly recoiling into himself

“You’re just cute when you get all flustered and annoyed”

Jimin’s cheeks burn as he almost hears the alpha’s found smile through the line, he tells
himself that he’s reading too much into it, that being called cute doesn’t make him special,
Yoongi calls his Kitten cute too.

The alpha lets out a loud yawn, the sound of typing stops as the alpha groans in exasperation.

It’s 4 am in america and he still called Jimin, he probably has been working all night”

“Are you tired, hyungie?”

“A little” the alpha admits

A few months ago Yoongi had quit his job at the coffee shop for good and has been flying
back and forth to America ever since.

He’s busier than ever but at least he’s earning more money so he can hire someone to look
after his father while he isn’t here but constant traveling has been taking a toll on the alpha.

The last time Jimin had seen him, he was thinner and paler than usual, he had dark circles
around his eyes but he did his best to hide his exhaustion from him until now.

The alpha hums “I wasn't doing so well in Seoul but people in America like my sound, I have
to work as much as I can now that I have an opportunity and continue getting better” he then
lets out a long sigh and murmurs “They want to sign me there as an inhouse producer but I
can’t leave my father so I’ll just keep flying back and forth”

“Isn’t it exhausting?”

“I’m a though alpha, I can handle it” Yoongi chuckles and before Jimin can argue he ads
“Look, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the people you love but it will all be worth
it at the end”

“I guess you’re right” the teen mumbles with a pout.

He’s worried about Yoongi but he’s an adult, he knows how to look after himself, he doesn’t
need Jimin to do so.

“I usually am, aren’t I?”

“Yes, hyung-nim” Jimin giggles softly before he gasps, remembering what he wanted to ask
“Will you be back in time for my birthday?”

“Of course” the alpha promises “Appa andI will celebrate your special day with you”
Jimin is happy to graduate but he’s a lot happier that he got accepted into the college of his

He can go to school and become a psychologist now.

As they hand him his highschool diploma he feels like a completely different person than he
was some time ago.

He’s accomplished and grown so much in such a short time and it’s all thanks to a certain

Yoongi had landed yesterday and he promised to prepare a little celebration at his place,
Jimin was eager to see the alpha after almost a month apart.

He wanted to run to the alpha’s place as soon as the ceremony ended but his parents had
insisted on taking him out to dinner.

And it’s incredibly uncomfortable, having to act like a normal family in public but he still
smiles and hopes the torture ends soon enough.

“Now that you’re an adult, there might be more interesting modeling opportunities for you
Jimin-ah” his mother commented over the main course

And of course, the point wasn’t to celebrate her son but rather to get to her own agenda.

“Yeah, I’m sure” he shrugs, non committedly

“You just have to get back into shape and we can go back to our glory days” the woman
smiles, her hand stops him from bringing a bite of rice to his lips “you can start by cutting out
the carbs”

“I will if you cut the crap” Jimin shakes her hand off.

His father, who had been mindlessly sipping on his drink the entire time, laughs out loud in
the quiet restaurant.

“Park Jimin-” she grits out with a warning glare

“Stop pretending to care about me as your son when you clearly only see me as your cash
cow” he glares back, having had enough of her crap “guess what? It’s time to find another
one cause you’re fired-”

“You can’t do this to me”

“I’m an adult now and I can decide for myself” he scoffs as he gets up from the table “if I
continue in this business, I will do it my way”

“Jimin-ah!” she calls, trying to stop him

“I’ll move out my things in the morning” he slaps her hand away
Her touch with her long nails and cold hands always felt like a spider crawling up his body,
because he had learned that her affection never had good intentions.

He leaves the restaurant after that and instead of hailing a cab, he goes to the subway station.

He needs time to clear his head anyways.

He had planned it in advance.

Moving out of his parents house as soon as he could and firing his mother but he didn’t plan
to tell them like this, it’s just that his mother had once again managed to get under his skin,
still he knows he can go to Seokjin’s place and the elder won’t mind.

Tomorrow he will celebrate with Seokjin and he will move his things and start a new life.

But today he just wants to see Yoongi and his father.

The way to Yoongi’s house was all too familiar by now, it didn’t feel as far now and the stairs
weren’t as hard to climb, he also had his own key now because sometimes he would check on
mr. Min when Yoongi was busy with work.

Today he walked inside the apartment and found Yoongi sitting on the futon, the alpha only
hummed as a greeting and Jimin chuckled, rolling his eyes at the man, his red eyes glued to
the screen of his laptop, he must’ve been working for hours.

“Hey hyung” he greets the alpha with a smile “I’ll go say hi to uncle-”

“He’s gone” the alpha says, stopping him


“He’s gone” Yoongi repeats, shutting his laptop with a little more strength than necessary “I
found him unconscious this morning, he passed away in the middle of the night”

“Oh no-” Jimin gasps, using his hand to steady himself against the wall “hyung, I’m so sorry”
he cries, covering his mouth with his hand as the tears start to fall “hyung, are you-

“He was very sick” Yoongi says in a monotone voice, staring ahead into nothing “the
doctors- they said he didn’t have much time left and- so it’s not surprising”

“Yoongi hyung-” Jimin stumbles towards the futon, crawling towards the alpha and taking his
cold hand

“I should’ve seen it coming, I’m-” the alpha’s voice cracks right before a sob shakes his

“Hyung, it’s okay to cry” Jimin pulls him close and holds him there as he shakes
uncontrollably “I’m here for you, let me take care of you for once”
Eventually the two have cried themselves to sleep, waking up tangled together in a mess of
limbs on the small futon, the apartment is completely silent except for the sound of Yoongi’s
breathing as Jimin’s eyes flutter open.

“Hey” he whispers when he notices the alpha staring at him with glassy eyes “I’ll make us
some breakfast-”

“Let’s stay like this a little longer, please” the alpha murmurs by his ear, pulling him closer
by his waist.

“Sure, no problem” Jimin hums back, shuddering when the alpha nuzzles into his neck,
scenting him.

The spiked scent of sandalwood and honey dance in the air, the combination of the two
intoxicating and all consuming.

They’ve never been this close before, they’ve never held each other like this.

Yoongi has never scented him or whispered into his ear like this.

Jimin presses his thighs together trying to stave off the arousal simmering inside him, the
alpha’s scent his mind spinning out of control being in Yoongi’s arms feels so right but the
moment isn’t.

The alpha is vulnerable, sad and alone after his loss.

If he was in his right mind he wouldn’t allow Jimin to get this close, he knows so he keeps
their lower bodies apart but doesn’t pull away from the hug.

"I'm leaving Seoul after the funeral, I can't stay here after this” Yoongi says eventually

“I understand” Jimin hums, even as fresh tears start stinging his eyes

“You’ll be okay, right? You’ll take care of yourself?” the alpha asks and Jimin can only let
out a wet chuckle.

“Yeah” he rasps out, brushing the hair out of Yoongi’s face “Will you do the same?”

“I’ll try” the elder sighs, unable to keep eye contact for more than 3 seconds at the time, as
usual “I’ll miss you, kid”

“Me too and hyung?”

He wishes he could offer more comfort to the alpha but he knows nothing he says or does
will make him feel better right now.

But he says it anyway, because he doesn’t know how else to show it.

“I love you”
“You mean the world to me, okay?” the alpha whispers against his neck “but you deserve
something better”

Jimin will never forget that he didn’t say someone better but rather something.

And by now, Jimin has learned that he has the power to make his life better.

A couple of years later he’s in Los Angeles with Seokjin for a premiere. It was the Omega's
biggest film so far and there had been a lot of buzz around even abroad. Jimin was so proud
to see his friend get the roles he wanted and gather so much positive attention for it, Seokjin
deserved every bit of success that came his way.

After all he had been working tirelessly since he was a child and not out of obligation or
because he was forced to do so.

He did because he loved his job and he wanted to be the best he could and he was unafraid to
work hard.

Jimin related more than ever, he did his best to balance his studies with his career as a model.
Without his mother as his manager he was able to be more selective, he only chose to work
with brands that refused to promote unhealthy beauty standards and took good care of the
people they worked with.

He still lived with Seokjin since the omega was out of the country for half of the year
anyways so Jimin held down the fort for him and truly, they had become each other’s support
system, looking out for each other as two young single omegas in the entertainment industry.

Seokjin had insisted on flying him out for this premiere, Jimin had just aced his final exams
so he was ready to celebrate with his best friend.

He could drink now in a casual way.

After a lot of therapy and counseling he had healed from all the abuse from his youth and
even if his relationship with his parents was considered unsalvageable, he no longer feels
bound to them.

He’s sipping on themed cocktails at the after party, smiling as Seokjin takes pictures with
other celebrities there, the actor never liked parties or or meeting a lot of people so he looks
incredibly awkward but only to Jimin’s eyes, he might be an amazing actor but Jimin can
read his friend like no one else can.

“Hey kid” a low honeyed voice calls from behind “sure you can handle your liquor?”

“Yoongi hyung?!” he squeals in delight when he sees the alpha leaning against the bar,
smirking at him “what are you doing here?”

“Jin hyung invited me, said you would be here” the alpha shrugs as Jimin pulls him into a
bone crushing hug.
The alpha doesn’t protest, he only returns the hug, rubbing Jimin’s back, a low hum rumbling
in his chest, they haven’t seen each other in almost two years and while they still talked from
time to time, they had mostly gone their separate ways but Jimin’s feelings for the alpha
never went away.

“Didn’t know they allowed kids in this type of events” Yoongi says as they pull apart

“I’m an adult now, everywhere in the world” Jimin smiles, at twenty one he finally is allowed
to say it.

“Is that so?”

“Uh huh” he says as the two sit side by side on the bar stool, each of them ignoring the drink
in their hands in favor of their conversation “How’ve you been, hyung? You’re looking
healthy and happy for once- oh let me guess, you're finally dating someone, aren't you?”

“Nah, I barely have time to eat most days” the alpha scoffs before leaning in to leaning in to
whisper “Besides, I can't date when there's someone back home that I like”

“Who?” Jimin’s eyes go wide as a teasing smile tugs on Yoongi’s lips


“Hyung!” he pouts, looking at the alpha through his lashes

The elder just chuckles, pinching his cheek with his free hand “You’re still so cute Jimin-ah”

“I thought he was going to confess to me or at least ask me out” Jimin groaned into his pillow
later that night “this time- it felt like there was something between us that wasn’t there

Seokjin, who sits beside him sends him a sympathetic look “I’m sorry Jimin-ah” the omega
gently kicks him under the covers of the hotel’s bed “hey, you said he was working hard, he
might not be ready yet”

“But is he ever going to be ready?” Jimin sighs exasperated.

“I don’t know” the elder shrugs as he pulls the blanket to his chin, his bare skin is radiant, his
eyes sparkling as he smiles to him “But you should focus yourself in the meantime and then
you’ll be ready by the time he is”

Jimin graduates and writes a book to help people recovering from eating disorders, addiction
and abuse.

He opens up about his life and he’s sure parents hate him for exposing all the secrets but
Jimin is a successful author and this is what he needed to finally heal, to help others that have
gone or are going through the same experiences as him.

One day as he’s getting ready for bed, he gets a message from Yoongi on his instagram.
They never talked there, they mostly called each other from time to time so when he opens
the chat he sees that their last conversation was from all those years ago and he laughs despite
himself, he was a little menace as a teen.



That offer to buy me a drink

Does it still stand?

Jimin Park:

For you, always hyungie

They agree to meet at the Blue and Gray for old times sake, Jimin is antsy as he gets ready.

He wishes he still lived with Seokjin so the omega could help him get ready but he had
moved out last year so he could experience living on his own.

But even if Seokjin can’t be here, he still helps him pick out an outfit and encourages him via

Jimin knows he shouldn’t build such big expectations for today, afterall, it might just be two
old friends hanging out after a long time, worst case scenario Yoongi called him to invite him
to his wedding and ask him to be his best man like in that old american romcom Seokjin

But he still tries to look nice and arrive on time.

He’ll be happy to see Yoongi regardless of what happens.

The cab stops outside of the coffee shop and adjusts his coat and his purse before walking in,
he’s so different from the scrawny kid in a school uniform that came here all those years ago.

He’s confident and comfortable in his skin now as he walks inside the familiar coffee shop.

He finds the alpha sitting on his usual spot, the loveseat with the coffee table across from the
counter and he smiles.

“Yoongi hyung” he calls out as he approaches the man

“Jimin-ah” the alpha stands up and takes a good look at him, lowering his gaze as he says
“You look beautiful”

“Oh- thanks” Jimin blinks a couple of times, unsure of what to do.

Usually he would give the alpha a big old hug but the air around them feels different this

“Come here- I was going to order you some hot chocolate but I didn’t want it to get call”
Yoongi mumbles, gesturing for him to sit next to him and handing him a small plate with cat
shaped sugar cookies “I- I can order it now-”

“I should be buying you a drink, shouldn’t I?” Jimin chuckles, taking a bit of the cookie.

Just as sweet as they were back then.

“Later” the alpha waves him off “how you’ve been? I got your book, it’s great”

“Thank you, I’m working on another one right now” he shrugs a little shyly, embarrassed to
talk about his work “you inspired me to write, you know?”

“Did I?”

“Yeah but enough about me, how are things in LA?” Jimin is quick to change the subject
before he gets too flustered to function.

“Pretty good, I just bought a house and renewed my contract with the label- you’re looking at
a senior in house producer now” the alpha tells him with a small smile, chest puffed up with

“That’s wonderful, hyung- I’m so proud of you” Jimin now decides that hugging is a must, so
he pulls the alpha in for one.

“You were right, you know?” the alpha rumbles against his ear “The future is okay”

“I guess it is, huh?” Jimin chuckles nervously as he pulls away, feeling hot and bothered just
by the alpha’s voice.

Yoongi clears his throat and apparently he hasn’t smelled the obvious spike in Jimin’s honey
scent or he was just too polite to mention it “Jimin-ah… I really wanted to talk to you, I- I’ve
been thinking and well-” the alpha stutters out nervously as he fidgets with his hands, still
terrible at eye contact “I hope I’m not too late, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask
you or rather tell you but-”

“What is it hyung?” Jimin asks, gently taking Yoongi’s hand in his

The alpha takes a deep breath before he continues “I asked you out on a date because-”

“Oh, is it a date?” the younger asks with a teasing smirk, chuckling when the alpha huffs out
in annoyance

“I mean- only if you want it to be”

“Of course but you never out right told me it was” Jimin shrugs and he doesn’t miss the way
Yoongi’s eyes sparkle at his answer
“Well, I’m telling you now- can you let me talk?” the alpha mumbles under his breath, biting
back a smile.

“Go ahead”

“You know can't stay here, it's too painful and I have much better work opportunities in LA”
the elder explains, his hand still in Jimin’s hold “But I- I don't want to be apart from you
anymore, I know you have a life here but I would love to-”

“Are you asking me to go to LA with you” Jimin blinks as he squeezes Yoongi’s hand a little
too tightly “cause I will, I will in a heartbeat if you just ask me, hyung”

“I- I don’t- I mean I guess” Yoongi sputters out, looking at their hands and back at Jimin’s
face before he rushes out to say “I would love to officially court you- is what I’m trying to

And though Jimin suspected something was up since the last time they met, he was still
shocked to hear the serious proposal from the alpha.

It seems too good to be true.

But Yoongi’s sandalwood scent is here, it is not a dream.

“So… what do you think?” the alpha asks nervously

“Of course” Jimin vibrates with excitement as he all but throws himself onto the alpha “I’ve
been waiting forever to hear you say this!”

“Aish!” Yoongi rolls his eyes but he still catches the omega in his arms “Don’t make it weird,
you were just a kid-”

“not anymore” Jimin scoffs before leaning in to whisper ““I’ll show you, wanna go back to
my place?”

He expects Yoongi to tease him, to have some smart ass comment ready or to outright refuse
but the alpha only swallows thickly and breathes out a confident “Sure”

Now Jimin is grateful to live alone because he can be as loud as he wants as Yoongi expertly
makes him cum on tongue “Yoongi- Yoongi hyung” he pants, pulling on the alpha’s hair
“Come on, I wanna feel you”

“My Jiminie, sweet Jiminie” the elder hums as he kisses his inner thighs, Jimin shudders
when he feels his fingers brushing against his entrance “I love you”

The omega gasps as the alpha inserts two fingers into him, working them slowly as hasn’t
been stretching him for who knows how long “I love you too, I’ve loved you for so long-”
Jimin whines “but please-”

Yoongi sits back on his knees and plants a kiss on Jimin’s navel before using Jimin’s slick to
lubricate his cock, he crawls up between the omega’s legs with a teasing smile and asks “You
need my cock, sweetheart?”
“Please” Jimin whimpers parting his legs further when he feels his hardness against his

“You waited patiently for so long baby” Yoongi all but coos at him, bracing his Jimin’s head
with his elbows as he slowly slides in “Hyung is going to give it to you now”

“Oh god- hyung- it feels so good inside me” the omega moans before Yoongi captures his
lips in another maddening kiss.

The alpha works his hips slowly at first, getting used to Jimin’s tightness and making sure
he’s not in pain at any moment.

Jimin is overwhelmed by the love and care from the alpha, crying and tearing up as he works
his hips up to meet the alpha’s thrusts, wanting more of it.

“Fuck, Jimin-ah, you’re a dream-” Yoongi grumbles into his neck as he picks up the pace at

“You’re my dream, hyung” Jimin sniffles as the alpha scrapes his teeth against the sensitive
skin of his neck “I love you so much”

Right there where he will soon leave his mark when he finally claims Jimin as his mate.

“I love you too” the alpha rasps out, squeezing his waist as he fucks him even deeper “Don’t
make me cry while I’m trying to fuck you right”

“It’s okay, you can fuck me while you cry” Jimin giggles despite himself

“Yeah?” the alpha lets out a breathless laugh as he pulls away to bring both of Jimin’s legs to
his shoulder “Does that turn you on?” he teases as Jimin all but screams at the new angle,
he’s hitting just the right spot but he’s doing so slowly, just to tease him “You’re a weird kid”

“Hyung!” Jimin protests, throwing his head back as he pants“Ah! right there, hyung”

“You like that, sweetheart?” the pants, throwing his back and closing his eyes

“Please, faster” Jimin moans out as he gets closer and closer “I’m gonna- Please, hyung- I
wanna cum!”

“I’ll give you everything you want, hyung will take care of you, Jimin-ah” Yoongi promises
as he fastens his pace until every muscle on Jimin’s body contracts, the omega screams as he
feels the alpha release his load inside of him, hot and thick as he marks him with that
delicious sandalwood scent from the inside out.

“You okay?” Yoongi asks after he manages to recover his breath, he had collapsed on top of
the omega but Jimin didn’t mind, he liked the comforting weight on top of him because he
felt like otherwise might float away with how light headed he feels.

“Hm yeah” he sighs content, stretching his arms and yawning as the alpha nuzzles into his
neck once again.
“Totally with the wait, huh?” Yoongi mumbles kissing him again with no intention of pulling
out just yet

Jimin does his best to sound casual as he shrugs “Was it?”

“You little shit-” Yoongi tickles him but hisses when Jimin clenches around his cock “Ah,
fuck- okay!”

“I’m just saying- you have to make it up to me for keeping me waiting this long” the omega
says with a pout

“I will, I’ll make it up to you for the rest of our lives” Yoongi says in all seriousness before
kissing the pout away.

And it’s this time that he realizes that the alpha’s touch instead of making him feel dirty and
scared, makes him feel loved and cherished, like a precious gem Yoongi considers himself
fortunate enough to hold.

And yes, it was worth the wait because now, feeling completely at peace with his alpha inside
of him, his mind clear and his heart bursting with love for him, he realizes that it was

“Hm, not bad for our first date” he says, planting a kiss on Yoongi’s sweaty forehead.

“Not bad at all”

A lot of people would say that they moved too fast, literally.

Because Jimin not only moved to california the next summer but he also moved in with the
alpha right away.

The two were soon married in a beautiful beachside ceremony, they mated that very night and
only a couple of months later they were expecting their first pup.

Min Yeonjun was an exuberant and outgoing pup, he was funny and witty and just a little bit
competitive, a very protective and loving hyung and it was never more obvious than when
their Second pup Min Taehyun was born.

Taehyun was a brilliant pup, much like his alpha father the boy was a walking encyclopedia,
very argumentative but also extremely loving and loyal.

Jimin hasn’t spoken to either of his parents in years, they became total strangers with time but
life is funny like that because total strangers can also turn into family given enough time and
that’s exactly what happened

Now he and his best friends were raising their pups together, surrounded by love and support
of the makeshift family they have created for themselves.
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