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Name: Kaye Claire L. Estoconing Course & Yr.


Evaluating the Philippine Green Gas Emissions Sectors

The Philippines has the most negligible share of global emissions; in 2010, it was only
0.31%, but in 2015 there was an increase of 0.39% because as the economy grows, the
country's emissions also rise. The report focuses on the four main drivers of
greenhouse gas emissions: the energy sector, industrial processes, agriculture sector,
and waste generation.
With the development of the Earth system, the global climate was constantly changing.
In recent decades, the issue of global climate change, particularly the relationship
between human activities and global warming, has attracted widespread attention.
Greenhouse gases or GHGs are compound gases that trap heat or long-wave radiation
in the atmosphere (ADEC ESG Solutions, nude). The build-up of greenhouse gases
since the industrial revolution has accelerated this greenhouse effect, and the
greenhouse gases trap heat and make the planet warmer. Nearly all of the increase in
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the last 150 years has been attributed to
human activity (EPA, 2007).

In the 21st century, climate change has appeared as one of the s most constraining
problems. The goal of keeping global warming below two °C has been a critical focus of
international climate debate for more than a decade (assumed et al., 2013). For the past
several decades, the dominance of fossil fuel-based power production (Coal, Oil, and
Gas) and an exponential rise in population have resulted in growing energy market
demand resulting in global challenges associated with a rapid increase in carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions (Asumadu-Sarkodie & Owusu, 2016). In the case of the
Philippines, according to USAID data, as of the end of 2012, the Philippines' total GHG
emissions were 157.6 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e),
accounting for 0.33 % of global GHG emissions (USAID, 2016). The reports highlight
the five emission sectors: Energy, Industry, Agriculture, Land-Use Change and Forestry,
and Waste; the experts configured it according to some industry convention. If efforts
are made to transform current energy systems and integrate decarbonization policies
and strategies into other contributing emission sectors, it may still be possible to avoid
the worst consequences.


The annual report of Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (1990)
shows the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. In the
case of the Philippines, according to a comprehensive study of the World Resources
Institute Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (WRI CAIT) database, the Philippines is
dominated by emission sectors such as the energy sector contributed 54% of GHG
emissions, followed by agriculture, industrial processes, waste, land-use change, and
forestry, which contributed 33%, 8%, 7%, and 1%. The 2020 Climate Transparency
Report accounts for 70% of the Philippines' energy mix (power, heat, and transportation
fuels) that has been using fossil fuels. The total supply of primary energy has increased
over the last decade, renewable energy has not caught up, and its proportion has
declined since 2009. Electricity and heat now account for more than half (51%) of
energy-related CO2 emissions, according to the 2020 Enerdata report. The
transportation sector (35 percent) is the second-largest source of energy-related CO2
emissions, followed by industry (13 %) and buildings (7 %).

Transport is a crucial sector in the Philippines' economy, and road transport dominates
the air and water transport subsectors (Dato et al., 2010). According to the Philippine
Statistics Authority's Transportation and Communication report for 2012, 7,463,393
motor vehicles, including tricycles, taxis, community taxis, jeepneys, and buses.
Transport emissions account for 26 % of direct CO2 emissions and less than 0.1 % of
electricity-related CO2 emissions (Enerdata, 2020). The use of fossil fuels overshadows
the transportation sector (Enerdata, 2020). Nevertheless, there is the opportunity to
electrify this sector while decarbonizing the electricity sector (Naimoli & Ladislaw, 2020).
By 2050, the proportion of low-carbon fuels in the transportation fuel mix must reach
around 60%. (Rogelj et al., 2018).
In 2018, the industry sector accounted for 13% of direct CO2 emissions and 17% of
electricity-related CO2 emissions (Enerdata, 2020). By 2050, industrial emissions must
be reduced by 65-90 percent compared to 2010 levels (Rogelj et al., 2018). To linger
within the 1.5°C limits, the Philippines must ensure that the land use and forest sector is
a net emissions sink, because these sectors absorb more emissions than they emit,
owing primarily to activities in the forest land subsector, which removed 1.64 MtCO2e in
2012 (USAID, 2016). For example, by stopping the degradation of peatlands and using
moor soils, transforming cropland to wetlands, and establishing new forests. By 2030,
global deforestation must be halted and replaced with net CO2 removals (Rogelj et al.,
According to the analysis of Bautista & Saito (2016), agriculture emissions in the
Philippines are primarily from rice cultivation, which accounts for 62 % of agriculture
emissions. Emissions are likely produced by animal digestion (12%), livestock manure
(13%), and the use of synthetic fertilizers (9%). That has made methane (CH4) more
potent as a heat-trapping gas. Methane emissions (primarily from enteric fermentation)
must be cut by 10% by 2030 and 35% by 2050. In comparison to 2010 levels, nitrogen
oxide emissions (specifically from fertilizers and manure) must be reduced by 10% by
2030 and 20% by 2050 (Rogelj et al., 2018).
One of the most talked-about solutions to global warming, renewable energy has been
continuously blooming in every country, from large power plant installations to small
scale systems in households. How does it plan to help the Philippines transition the
power industry to a cleaner and more sustainable future? The first step is to speed up
the exploration and development of renewable energy resources to achieve energy self-
sufficiency. Supporting the private sector will help enable the country to pursue a low
carbon development pathway to reduce the country's dependence on fossil fuels and
minimize the country's exposure to price fluctuations. The second is to prevent or
effectively reduce harmful emissions and thereby balance economic growth and
development goals with the protection of health and the environment. Lastly, to increase
the utilization of renewable energy by providing fiscal and non-fiscal incentives.
This matter can be resolved by extending the tools and employing real options (RO)
theory. Real options theory can be applied by elongating assessment procedures. To
assess flexibility obtained from the projects, their supervision, and even their
environment, which can increase the financial value of the renewable energy project in
the changing power sector. Furthermore, the extent of RO theory is extending to
address flexibility in project design. As a result, the theory can drive investments in
renewable energy projects and inspire more practical projects in existing power sector
environments and environments with a high penetration of renewable energy and
response to the consumers with demand (Cesena,2012).

Based on the findings, the following recommendations are made to help improve the
sustainability of renewable energy while also slowing the rate of ozone layer depletion
caused by GHG emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) emission in the country:
I. Policies and discussions from all sectors must aimed at improving renewable
energy technologies and ensuring their long-term viability.

II. Let change the way we use energy as individuals, countries, and the world as a
whole; we must use it efficiently.

A. We must make resolutions to expand the share of renewable energy and

clean fossil fuel technologies in the global energy portfolio that will aid in
the mitigation of climate change and its consequences.

B. The country should integrate decarbonization policies and strategies into

industries, energy, agriculture, forests, health, transportation, water
resources, construction, and other sectors that contribute to greenhouse
gas emissions.
C. Create national energy efficiency programs that provide tax breaks to
businesses that offer energy-efficient houses, less energy-intensive
products, and services. That is, embracing the concepts of usability,
adaptability, and accessibility into the design of energy-dependent
products encourages energy-efficient behavior.

III. More research in these areas is needed to limit future posturing risks concerning
renewables energy

A. The Philippines must improve institutional training, strengthen institutions, and

expand research capacity on green gas emissions as one of the drivers of
climate change while raising awareness and promoting adaptation and
sustainable development.

IV. Lastly, raising public awareness through education in order to institutionalize

climate change mitigation, adaptation, and impact reduction.

If these recommendations are fulfilled, it will ensure that everyone has access to
affordable, reliable, sustainable, modern energy while also combating climate
change and its consequences.

USAID. (30 Nov 2016). Green Gas Emission in the Philippines. Retrieved from the

ADEC ESG Solutions. (nude). What is GHG? Retrieved from the website

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2019). Sources of Green Gas Emission.

Retrieved from

Asumadu-Sarkodie, S., & Owusu, P. A. (2016). Feasibility of biomass heating system in

Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus campus. Retrieved from the website

World Resources Institute Climate Analysis Indicators Tool (WRI CAIT 2.0, 2016).
Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) are from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) Second Assessment Report (SAR).

Climate Transparency. (2020). Philippines, Country Profile. Retrieved from

Enerdata. (2020). Global Energy and CO2 Data. Grenoble, France. Retrieved from

Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA). (2012). Transportation and Communication, Rail,

Water, Land and air Transportation Statistics (2003-2012). Retrieved from
Naimoli, S., & Ladislaw, S. (2020). Decarbonizing the Electric Power Sector. Retrieved
from the website

Rogelj, J., et al. (2018). Mitigation Pathways Compatible with 1.5°C in the Context of
Sustainable Development. Retrieved from

Dato, V., et al. (2010). Philippines Discussion Note No. 8: Transport for Growth and
Integration. Manila: The World Bank

Bautista, E., & Saito, M. (2016). Greenhouse gas emissions from rice production in the
Philippines based on life-cycle inventory analysis. Retrieved from

Cesena, E. A. (2012). Real Options Theory Applied to Renewable Energy Generation

Projects Planning. The University of Manchester. Retrieved from

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