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University of Duhok

College of engineering
Electrical and computer department

Experiment 7
7 Segment

Prepared By:
• Dara Mustafa Saleem
• Ayaz Bjar Ahmad

A 7-segment display is a fundamental electronic component used to visually
represent numeric and some alphabetic characters. This report delves into the
working principle, types, applications, advantages, and limitations of 7-segment
displays. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these displays in
various technological contexts.

Introduction: ......................................................................................................... 4
Structure and Functionality: .................................................................................. 4
Types of 7-Segment Displays: ................................................................................ 4
Applications:.......................................................................................................... 5
Advantages ............................................................................................................ 5
Limitations:............................................................................................................ 5
Future Developments: ........................................................................................... 5
Lab work (Procedure) ............................................................................................ 6
Discussion and Exercises: ....................................................................................... 7
Conclusion: .......................................................................................................... 12
References: .......................................................................................................... 12

A 7-segment display is a type of electronic display device that comprises seven
individual segments arranged in a rectangular pattern. These segments, when
illuminated in different combinations, can display numerals from 0 to 9 and a few
alphabetic characters. This report elucidates the structure, functioning, and diverse
applications of 7-segment displays.

Structure and Functionality:

The traditional 7-segment display consists of seven LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes)
arranged in the shape of a figure-eight or the digit '8'. Each LED segment represents
a specific part of the digit or character. These segments are named based on their
position and appearance—A, B, C, D, E, F, and G—forming a rudimentary mapping
for numbers and certain letters.

The segments are individually controlled to display numbers by selectively activating

the required segments. For instance, to display the numeral '8', all seven segments
are illuminated, while to display '1', only segments B and C need to be lit.

Types of 7-Segment Displays:

Common Anode 7-Segment Display: In this type, all the anodes of the LED segments
are tied together, while the cathodes are separately controlled to display

Common Cathode 7-Segment Display: Here, the cathodes of the LED segments are
connected, and the anodes are independently controlled for character

7-segment displays find wide-ranging applications across various industries due to
their simplicity and readability. Some common uses include:

• Digital clocks and watches

• Digital meters (voltmeters, ammeters, etc.)
• Instrument panels in automobiles
• Microwave ovens and household appliances
• Advertising signs and scoreboards
• Education and training kits for learning numeric displays

Simplified design and easy to interface with microcontrollers and digital systems.
Low power consumption compared to other display technologies.
Highly readable characters in both dim and bright lighting conditions.

Limited in displaying only numeric digits and a few alphabetic characters.
May require additional circuitry to display non-numeric characters or symbols.
Limited resolution and inability to display complex graphics or images.

Future Developments:
Advancements in technology continue to refine and expand the applications of 7-
segment displays. Emerging innovations aim to improve display resolution,
introduce color variations, and enhance compatibility with modern computing and
IoT (Internet of Things) systems.

Lab work (Procedure)

Discussion and Exercises:

1. Explain the difference between common anode and common cathode

7- segment displays. When might you use one over the other?

Common Anode 7-Segment Display:

In a common anode configuration, all the anodes of the LED segments are tied
together and connected to a positive voltage supply (usually Vcc), while the cathodes
of each segment are separately controlled to turn on or off.
To display a particular character or digit, the respective cathodes of the illuminated
segments are grounded or brought to a logic LOW state, allowing current to flow and
light up those segments.
Common Cathode 7-Segment Display:

In a common cathode configuration, the cathodes of all the LED segments are
connected together and grounded, while the anodes of each segment are individually
controlled to light up.
To display a specific character or digit, the respective anodes of the illuminated
segments are connected to a positive voltage source (Vcc), enabling current flow
through those segments to emit light.
When to Use Each Type:

Common Anode:


Easier interfacing with certain types of integrated circuits and microcontrollers that
provide active LOW outputs.
In some cases, common anode displays might require fewer external components for
interfacing due to compatibility with certain digital systems.

Usage Scenarios:

When the controlling system provides active LOW outputs.

Situations where the application requires a common positive supply and individual
control over the cathodes.
Common Cathode:


More compatible with logic circuits and microcontrollers that provide active HIGH
Easier to directly interface with certain digital systems without additional
components for level shifting.
Usage Scenarios:

When the controlling system provides active HIGH outputs.

Applications where a common ground (GND) connection is more readily available and

2. Describe the purpose of the TTL IC 7447 in this experiment and its
significance in digital systems

The TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) IC 7447 is a BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) to 7-
segment decoder/driver. Its purpose in the context of a digital system experiment
involving a 7-segment display is fundamental and significant for several reasons:

Purpose in the Experiment:

Conversion of BCD to 7-Segment Display: The IC 7447 takes in Binary Coded Decimal
(BCD) input and converts it into signals suitable for driving a 7-segment display. It
decodes the BCD input and generates the necessary signals to illuminate the
segments required to display the corresponding decimal digit.

Simplification of Circuitry: Without the 7447 IC, creating a circuit to drive a 7-
segment display from BCD inputs would require multiple logic gates, making the
circuit complex and cumbersome. The 7447 IC simplifies this process by providing a
convenient way to directly interface the BCD input to the display.

Ease of Use: It significantly reduces the number of connections required between

the BCD input and the 7-segment display. This simplification enhances the ease of
understanding and implementing the circuit for educational or experimental

Significance in Digital Systems:

Standardized Interface: The 7447 IC provides a standardized interface between the

digital system and the 7-segment display. It allows easy integration of the display
into various digital systems, such as counters, calculators, digital clocks, and more.

Logic and Decoding: This IC embodies the logic necessary to convert the input data
format (BCD) into the format required to display numeric or hexadecimal values on
the 7-segment display. It performs the decoding operation efficiently, translating
digital information into a human-readable format.

Compatibility and Interfacing: The TTL IC 7447 is compatible with a wide range of
digital systems due to its TTL logic levels, making it a versatile component in digital

In essence, the TTL IC 7447 serves as an intermediary between the BCD input and
the 7-segment display, simplifying the interface, reducing circuit complexity, and
enabling the display of numeric values in digital experiments and applications. Its
significance lies in its ability to streamline the process of converting digital data into
a readable format for human interpretation using a 7-segment display within digital

3. Calculate the resistor values needed for proper current limiting when
connecting a 7-segment display to the IC


4. Perform a truth table analysis for the 7447 IC to understand its
behavior for all possible BCD inputs.


The 7447 IC is a BCD to 7-segment decoder/driver that translates Binary Coded

Decimal (BCD) inputs into signals that can drive a 7-segment display to represent
decimal digits.

For the 7447 IC, the BCD inputs range from 0000 to 1001 (0 to 9 in decimal). Since
the BCD inputs only represent these decimal digits, the truth table for a 7447 IC
involves analyzing the behavior of its outputs (a-g) corresponding to these BCD

Here's a simplified truth table to demonstrate the behavior of a 7447 IC for all
possible BCD inputs:

In this table:

The BCD inputs (A, B, C, D) represent the binary inputs to the 7447 IC.
The outputs (a-g) represent the segments of a 7-segment display that will be
illuminated to display the corresponding decimal digit.
Each BCD input corresponds to a specific pattern of outputs (a-g) that will be
activated to display the respective decimal digit on a 7-segment display connected
to the 7447 IC.

The 7-segment display remains a fundamental and widely used component in
electronics for numeric character representation. Despite its limitations in
displaying only a restricted set of characters, its simplicity, readability, and ease of
integration continue to make it an essential choice across various industries and
technological applications.

• Datasheets and technical documentation from component manufacturers
• Electronics textbooks and academic papers
• Industry reports and case studies on display technologies


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