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Practice 1: Use some expressions below to ask and answer Part 1 questions

with your partner.

Showing Giving Buying time Giving opinions Explaining/

agreement/ examples clarifying

I wouldn’t say for example That’s a good in my view Given this fact
so. such as question. Personally The things is
to some extent Let me think. speaking I mean
it depends Obviously

Part 1 questions
1. What is the most important festival in your country?
2. Do you think this festival will still be as important in the future?
3. What are some forms of traditional dancing in your country?

Practice 2: With your partner, practice doing the Speaking test below. If you
make a mistake or are being unclear, use some of the expressions below to
correct or clarify yourself.

I mean … What I meant to say was …

Let me start again. Sorry, what I intended to say was …
I’ll rephrase that. Did I say …? I meant to say …
or rather … Let me put that another way.

Let me explain. Let me clarify that.

What I mean by this is … To put that another way, …
Let me elaborate on that.
Describe a TV programme you often watch.
You should say
● what type of programme it is
● why you enjoy it
● who you watch it with
and explain how you feel about this programme.

Practice 3: With your partner, use the expressions to ask and answer Part 3
questions below.

a. That’s a good question. / Let me see …

b. In addition/ For example / However,...
c. To put it another way/ What I mean by that is / In other words …
d. If you ask me/ Obviously/ It is absolutely vital that …
e. Definitely not! / Absolutely! / It’s hard to say.
f. What do you mean by …?/ Are you asking me if …

Part 3 questions
1. Do you think it’s important to know about other cultures?
2. How can we benefit from learning about other cultures?
3. Do you think that learning foreign languages can help us understand foreign cultures?
4. Do you think it’s easier to learn about other cultures today than it was before?

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