ESP TASK - Optometry - VI - 2nd Term - IC - MB - SW

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TERM : 2nd

ESP TASK: Visual perception – How it works?

Content Aim : Ss will be able to identify key elements related to visual perception.
Language Aim: Ss will be able to use expressions of necessity and prohibition to provide solution about visual
perception problems.
Language Skills : Listening & Writing
Product (Task): A leaflet explaining visual perception activities

A. Let’s have a look at some optical illusions!!

Work individually. Look at the following pictures and answer the questions:

Which line is longer? Which line is longer?

R: same Which person is bigger?
R: same
R: the left girl

B. Watch the following video about how visual perception works

Read the following statements and write T/TRUE or F/FALSE on the blank space according to the video you watched.
a. Three types of cone cells for instance react to different wavelengths of light ___T___
b. The rods and cones don’t react to the energy of the incoming light ___F___
c. Nearly 130 million rods and cones are distributed between about 1 million nerve cells. __T___

*Este material ha sido adaptado desde distintas fuentes con fines estrictamente académicos para el desarrollo de la competencia lingüística de inglés como lengua extranjera
TERM : 2nd

d. In the visual cortex the information from one eye gets processed filtered interpreted compared with existing
patterns. ____T__
e. Through visual perception each human being paints a unique mental picture ___T__

D. Hands – on Moment

Task: You are an optometrist, and you have to propose activities in order to help your patients with the following

Problems with bilateral coordination, visual tracking skills and math.

Create a leaflet explaining what exercise or exercises are helpful, and what the patients need to do to improve.


1. Get in pairs
2. Choose the exercise(s) that will help your patients improve the visual perception problem proposed. Explain
what needs to be done by the patient to have successful results (Use expressions of necessity and prohibitions)

E. Evaluation / Assessment

Present the written version of your leaflet to your teacher.

Writing Rubric

*Este material ha sido adaptado desde distintas fuentes con fines estrictamente académicos para el desarrollo de la competencia lingüística de inglés como lengua extranjera

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