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Durée de l’épreuve : 1h30

(+ 30 minutes pour les aménagements 1/3 temps)

Matériels autorisés : Matériels interdits

WEB (toujours interdit)

Le candidat traitera l’intégralité du sujet


Répartition des points

Compréhension écrite 8 points

Expression écrite 8 points
Grammaire 4 points

Ce sujet comporte 3 pages numérotées de 1 sur 3 à 3 sur 3 .

Dès que ce sujet vous est remis, assurez-vous qu’il est complet.

Page 1 sur 3

1) Which segment of the Indian people is this article about?

2) In your own words, explain what the “brain drain” and the “reverse
brain drain” (line 3) are.
3) List the reasons that explain this phenomenon. Give at least 5 dif-
ferent reasons, taken from the text.
4) What are the reasons that the characters in the text have for going
back home?

Page 2 sur 3


You are a journalist interviewing a Bollywood actress or actor and as-

king him/her about his/her view of the Bollywood industry, in compari-
son with Hollywood. Imagine how the conversation would go. (200
words +/- 10%)

GRAMMAIRE (4 points)
Exercise 1
Choose the right modal verb to fill in the blanks:

1) This is a hospital. You ______ smoke here.

2) He has been working for more than 11 hours. He ______ be very ti-
red after such hard work.
3) I _______ speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in
Morocco. But after moving back to Canada I had very little exposure to
the Arabic language and forgot almost everything. Now I ______ just
say a few things.
4) If you want to learn to speak English fluently, you ______ live for a
while in an English-speaking country: full immersion is the best way to
learn a language!
5) Take an umbrella. It ______ rain later.

Exercise 2
Put the adjective in brackets in the correct form (comparative or su-

1) My brother has a (tidy) _______ than me.

2) I’m (good) ______ now than yesterday.
3) He thinks Chinese is (difficult) ________ language in the world.
4) Valencia played (bad) ______ than Real Madrid yesterday.
5) Show me (good) ______ restaurant in town.

Page 3 sur 3

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