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Anna Belden

GTC / EDT 627

March 2024
Curricular Integration Project

Grade and Subject: 10th grade, Chemistry

District and School: Forest Hills Public Schools - Northern High School
Unit Title: Exploring Solution Chemistry with Technology

Overview (Goals & Objectives):

These lessons will introduce students to the fundamentals of solution chemistry through
engaging activities that integrate technology and encourage higher-order thinking skills. Students
will explore various types of solutions, understand the factors affecting solubility, and investigate
how concentration affects solution properties.

Why Curricular Integration of Technology is Important:

Curricular integration of technology is essential in modern education as it equips students
with the digital literacy skills and competencies necessary to thrive in our technology-driven
world. By incorporating technology tools and resources into the curriculum, I can enhance
learning experiences, engage students in interactive and meaningful activities, and foster a
deeper understanding of academic content.
Technology integration also allows for personalized learning experiences for individual
student needs and learning styles. Additionally, by aligning technology use with curricular goals
and learning objectives, I can cultivate the critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and
communication skills necessary for success in the 21st century.

Curricular Standards:
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):
● HS-PS1-5: Apply scientific principles and evidence to provide an explanation about the
effects of changing the temperature or concentration of the reacting particles on the rate
at which a reaction occurs.

● HS-PS1-7: Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and
therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS):
● MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
● MP4: Model with mathematics.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Principles:
● Provide multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement to
support diverse learners.

Technology Standards:
ISTE Standards:
● Empowered Learner:
○ Students leverage technology to take ownership of their learning.
● Digital Citizen:
○ Students understand the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of digital
● Knowledge Constructor:
○ Students critically curate information from digital resources.
● Innovative Designer:
○ Students use technology to solve problems creatively.
● Computational Thinker:
○ Students use technology to analyze and solve complex problems.
● Creative Communicator:
○ Students communicate effectively using various digital tools.

Michigan Educational Technology Standards (METS):

● Creativity and Innovation:
○ The use of PhET simulations and encourages students to think
creatively as they explore solution chemistry concepts in engaging ways.
● Communication and Collaboration:

○ Through Figma, students have opportunities to communicate and collaborate
effectively, fostering digital communication skills essential for success in the 21st
● Research and Information Fluency:
○ Research tasks assigned in lessons promote information fluency as students gather
and analyze information from various sources to deepen their understanding of
solution concepts, concentration, and Molarity.
● Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making:
○ The emphasis on inquiry-based learning, hands-on experimentation, and
application of solution chemistry concepts cultivates critical thinking,
problem-solving, and decision-making skills among students.
● Digital Citizenship:
○ By engaging with online resources and virtual environments responsibly and
ethically, students develop digital citizenship skills, understanding their rights and
responsibilities in the digital world.
● Technology Operations and Concepts:
○ Students acquire essential technology skills as they navigate PhET simulations
and Figma, strengthening their proficiency in technology use.

Teaching and Learning Strategies Used Throughout this Unit & UDL Considerations:
Throughout this unit, a variety of teaching and learning strategies are employed to create
an engaging and interactive learning experience for students while leveraging technology to
support and enhance their understanding of solution chemistry concepts. One prominent strategy
is inquiry-based learning, where students are actively involved in exploring, experimenting, and
drawing conclusions through hands-on activities and guided investigations. This approach
encourages curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills as students navigate through
the complexities of solution chemistry.
Technology is integrated into the unit through the use of PhET simulations, multimedia
presentations, and collaborative activities. These technological tools serve as catalysts for
learning, providing students with virtual environments to conduct experiments, visualize abstract

concepts, and interact with scientific phenomena in ways that are not possible in a traditional
classroom setting.
Additionally, technology is used to accommodate diverse learning needs and promote
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. Multimedia presentations, such as Google
Slides or PowerPoint, incorporate visuals and text to provide multiple means of representation,
ensuring that information is accessible to all students regardless of their learning styles or
abilities. PhET simulations offer opportunities for students to engage with content at their own
pace and receive immediate feedback, allowing for differentiated instruction and personalized
learning experiences. Also, collaborative tools and virtual platforms, such as Figma and, facilitate communication and collaboration among students. This fosters a
supportive learning environment where peer-to-peer interactions and knowledge sharing are
greatly encouraged.
Overall, the integration of technology into teaching and learning strategies not only
enhances students' understanding of solution chemistry concepts but also promotes higher-order
thinking skills, facilitates inquiry-based learning, and accommodates diverse learning needs. By
using technology, I can create dynamic and inclusive learning environments where students feel
empowered to explore, discover, and succeed in their scientific journeys.

Required Technology:
To complete this unit effectively, several technological resources are required to support
teaching and learning activities. Firstly, access to computers or tablets with internet connectivity
is ideal for students to engage with the PhET simulations and collaboration platforms.
Additionally, access to a projector or interactive whiteboard is beneficial for displaying the conversation, multimedia presentations, and simulations during whole-class
instruction, facilitating group discussions, and enhancing visual learning experiences for
The primary technological tool utilized throughout the unit is the PhET simulations,
which are free but require compatible web browsers and Adobe Flash Player or HTML5 support.
These simulations provide virtual environments for students to conduct experiments, visualize
abstract concepts, and explore scientific phenomena. Therefore, ensuring reliable internet
connectivity and access to devices capable of running PhET simulations are crucial for students

to actively participate in this unit. Furthermore, access to the online collaborative platforms is
advantageous for facilitating group work and sharing resources, promoting collaboration and
communication among students both inside and outside the classroom.

Alternatives when Internet Access is Not Available:

If internet access is unavailable, this unit plan can be adapted to ensure that students
continue to engage effectively with solution chemistry concepts through alternative strategies
and resources. One approach involves utilizing offline simulations and software installed on
school computers. Pre-downloaded versions of PhET simulations can be accessed without an
internet connection, enabling students to interactively explore solution chemistry concepts
directly on classroom computers or laptops.
In addition to offline simulations, interactive multimedia presentations can be developed
using presentation software such as PowerPoint. These presentations can incorporate animations,
videos, and interactive elements to illustrate solution chemistry concepts effectively, providing
students with engaging visual aids to support their understanding without relying on internet
Hands-on experiments and demonstrations play a crucial role in delivering the unit
without internet access. By increasing the emphasis on practical experimentation within the
classroom, students can observe, manipulate, and analyze real-world phenomena related to
solution chemistry. Laboratory equipment and materials can be provided to conduct experiments,
or I can lead demonstrations and guided experiments to illustrate key concepts and reinforce
Printed materials such as worksheets, handouts, and lab guides can also supplement
instruction by providing students with physical resources to reference and engage with solution
chemistry concepts. These materials allow students to continue their learning independently or in
small groups. Additionally, collaborative activities and group work can be facilitated offline
through group discussions, peer teaching, and cooperative learning strategies, promoting
interaction and knowledge-sharing among students within the classroom environment.

How this Unit Supports Higher-Order Thinking Skills:

This unit plan was created to cultivate students' higher-order thinking skills throughout

their exploration of solution chemistry concepts. Through PhET simulations, class discussions,
and independent research tasks, students engage in synthesizing information and making
connections between mass of solute, volume of solvent, concentration, and Molarity,
demonstrating their ability to analyze and evaluate concepts.
As students progress to the exploration of concentration, online interactive PhET
activities challenge them to interpret complex information, manipulate variables, and draw
conclusions. By engaging in class discussions, online collaboration (Figma) and real-world
scenario analyses, students develop argumentation skills and apply property concepts creatively,
showcasing their ability to think critically and solve problems effectively.
The hands-on lab activities with PhET simulations provides students with opportunities
to analyze data and communicate findings, fostering experimentation, analysis, and
communication skills. Throughout the unit, assessments such as activities and culminating
questions require students to demonstrate their understanding through higher-order thinking
tasks, including synthesis, evaluation, and application of solution chemistry concepts.
Overall, this unit plan integrates technology, inquiry-based learning, and collaborative
activities to support students' development of higher-order thinking skills that are essential for
scientific inquiry and problem-solving. Through engaging activities and guided exploration,
students not only deepen their understanding of solution chemistry but also enhance their ability
to think critically, solve problems creatively, and communicate effectively in science and beyond.

How Beginning Technology Knowledge Will be Assessed:

Assessing beginning technology knowledge in students is crucial for understanding their
proficiency levels and tailoring instruction accordingly. One approach is to administer a
pre-assessment survey or quiz designed to gauge students' familiarity with various technology
tools, applications, and concepts relevant to the subject area. This survey would include
questions about basic computer skills, internet navigation, proficiency with common software
and awareness of digital safety and etiquette practices. Additionally, students can be asked to
self-assess their comfort level and confidence in using technology for learning and academic
tasks. By gathering this information at the beginning of the course or unit, I can identify areas
where students may require additional support and differentiate instruction to meet diverse
learning needs.

Another method for assessing beginning technology knowledge is through observation
and informal assessment during classroom activities and interactions. By observing students as
they navigate digital platforms, collaborate on projects, or complete assignments using
technology, I can gain insights into their proficiency levels, problem-solving strategies, and
comfort with different tools and applications.

How this Unit Impacts Existing Technology Use:

This unit could impact existing technology use among both students and teachers by
fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and digital fluency within the learning
environment. For students, engaging with various technology tools and resources throughout the
unit will enhance their confidence and proficiency in using digital platforms for learning and
academic tasks. By actively participating in hands-on activities, virtual simulations, and
collaborative projects, students will develop essential digital literacy skills and become more
successful at navigating technology tools to support their academic journeys.
This unit also provides an opportunity for students to explore the potential of technology
as a powerful learning tool, inspiring them to utilize technology resources beyond the classroom
to further their understanding of any class’ concepts and pursue their academic interests on their
Similarly, for teachers, the implementation of this unit will impact existing technology
use by expanding their repertoire of instructional strategies and enhancing their capacity to use
technology effectively to support student learning. Through the integration of PhET simulations,
multimedia presentations, and online collaborative platforms, teachers will gain insights into
innovative ways to engage students, differentiate instruction, and address diverse learning needs.
Additionally, collaborating with colleagues to design and implement technology-rich lessons will
foster a culture of professional learning and knowledge sharing, empowering teachers to
continually explore and integrate new technology tools and pedagogical approaches into their

Unit Extension Activities:
● Differentiated assignments and projects to accommodate diverse learning styles and
● Collaborative problem-solving tasks integrating solution chemistry with other disciplines
such as environmental science or engineering.

Methods of Evaluation/Assessment:
● Formative assessments throughout each lesson (activity questions, culminating questions,
and discussions).
● Rubrics aligned with learning objectives and UDL principles to assess diverse student
populations effectively.
● Assess student learning through having students submit their completed activity
assignment via the online classroom website (such as Canvas or Schoology - depends on
school district).

Lesson Plans
DAY 1 - Lesson 1: Concentration
Objective: Students will…
1. Understand the concept of concentration and how it is measured.
2. Explain the relationship between concentration and the color of a solution.
3. Demonstrate the effect of adding solvent and evaporating solvent on the concentration of
a solution.
4. Identify ways to increase the concentration of a solution.
5. Describe the concentration of a solution in terms of solute, solvent, and the number of
particles in solution.

Technology Integration: Utilize online interactive activities (PhET Simulation) to explore

1. Engage
a. Engage students in a discussion about solutions by asking the following
i. What is a solution?
ii. Can you give examples of solutions that you encounter in your daily life?
b. Have students login and access the Figma page linked HERE
i. Have students add sticky notes to answer the question: "What do you think
concentration means when we talk about solutions?"
ii. Give students a few minutes to think and add their sticky notes.

c. Explain to students that today they will be exploring the concept of concentration
in solutions using a PhET simulation.
2. Explore
a. Have students complete the Concentration PhET activity linked HERE (also on
pages 14-16 in this document) but STOP before the extension questions.
i. Students use the “Concentration” PhET simulation to explore the effects
of concentration on solution properties and vice versa.
ii. This simulation enables students to visualize the concept of concentration
by adding solute to a solvent and observing how it affects the solution's
iii. Students can experiment with different concentrations and observe
changes in properties such as color.

b. Have students STOP before moving onto the extension questions.

3. Explain
a. Lead a class discussion to analyze data collected from the activities and relate
them to the concept of concentration.
4. Elaborate
a. Have students complete the extension questions in the activity assignment.
5. Evaluate
a. Assess student learning through having students submit their completed activity
assignment via the online classroom website (such as Canvas or Schoology -
depends on school district).

DAY 2 - Lesson 2: Solution Molarity
Objective: Students will…
1. Understand the concept of Molarity and how it is measured.
2. Determine if a solution is saturated or unsaturated at a given concentration.
3. Understand the indicators of a saturated solution in the simulation and in the real world.
4. Explain the effect of changing solute amount and solution volume on the molarity of a
5. Demonstrate the process of making a saturated solution unsaturated.
6. Describe the relationship between solute amount, solution amount, concentration, and

Technology Integration: Utilize online interactive activities (PhET Simulation) to explore

solution Molarity.
1. Engage
a. Engage students in a discussion about molarity by asking the following questions:
i. What is Molarity?
ii. In this class in the past, what term/number have we used that could be
related to Molarity?
iii. Do you remember what scientist came up with this number?
b. Access and project it for the whole class to see.
i. Choose the character Amedeo Avogadro, the famous Italian scientist
known for his contributions to molecular theory. (Avogadro’s number =
6.022 * 1023 moles)
ii. Ask Avogadro the following questions and explain/reflect on each
response for/with the students:
1. What does Molarity mean?
2. How does Molarity relate to your number?
3. What are saturated solutions?
4. Tell me about saturated solutions in terms of Molarity.

c. Explain to students that today they will be exploring these concepts of solution
Molarity using a PhET simulation.
2. Explore
a. Have students complete the Molarity PhET activity linked HERE (also on pages
17-18 in this document) but STOP before the final question.
i. Students use the “Molarity” PhET simulation to explore the effects of
solute amount and volume on Molarity.
ii. This simulation enables students to visualize the concept of saturation and
Molarity by increasing or decreasing the solution volume or solute

iii. Students can experiment with different solutes and observe changes in
iv. Have students STOP before completing the final question (#8).
3. Explain
a. Lead a class discussion to analyze data collected from the activities and relate
them to the concept of Molarity.
4. Elaborate
a. Have students complete the final question on the activity assignment.
5. Evaluate
a. Assess student learning through having students submit their completed activity
assignment via the online classroom website (such as Canvas or Schoology -
depends on school district).

Concentration PhET Activity
Use the following link to go to the pHet simulation to complete this activity.
Please change the color of your font so your answers can be seen easily!

Open the simulation by pushing the play button. Begin by dragging the concentration tester
over to the liquid and add drink mix until the concentration reaches approximately 2.00 mol/L.
This means there are 2.00 moles of the drink mix in 1 Liter of the solution. It should look like the
picture below.

Simulation Questions:
1. Add more drink mix until you notice a color change. Have you increased or decreased
the concentration? (Higher number means a higher concentration).

2. Now pull the knob on the faucet at the top of the screen and add water until you have 1
Liter of solution in the beaker. Is the color of the solution lighter, darker or the same?
(Pay attention to not only the color but the concentration measurement also)

3. Describe how the color change relates to the concentration of the solution.

Adapted from Melanie Hammond

4. Evaporate the solution by shifting the evaporation meter towards “lots” at the bottom of
the screen. Evaporate the liquid until it is at the level of the last line on the beaker. Does
this increase or decrease the concentration?

5. In both instances above (where you added solvent and you evaporated solvent) did the
number of particles of solute change?

6. Now reset the simulation by pressing the reset button . Switch the solute to
Sodium Chloride (NaCl), and make sure to drag the concentration tester over to the
liquid again. Add NaCl to get a 1 mol/L concentration. You can’t see color now but tell
me two ways you could increase the concentration of the solution.

a. Now try it! Pay attention to the mol/L measurement since you can’t see the color.
Did it work?

Extension Questions:
7. Six molecules of sugar, represented as are dissolved in
water. The picture to the right → represents the solution at
the molecular level. Which of the following pictures best
represents what you might see? Water molecules have been
omitted for clarity.

Adapted from Melanie Hammond

8. Using the pictures below, tell me the order of the beakers from lowest to highest
concentration. Remember concentration represents the number of solute particles ( )
per volume of solution.

9. If this is our original beaker, which beaker in the picture above shows half the

Original =

10. How would you describe the concentration of particles in beaker C in comparison to
beaker B?

11. Summarize what concentration means using the terms solute, solvent and number of

Adapted from Melanie Hammond

Molarity PhET Activity
Use the following link to go to the pHet simulation to complete this activity.
Please change the color of your font so your answers can be seen easily!
Click on the play button to run the simulation; click on show solution values to display all
numeric values and explore the simulation.

1. Change the solute type using the dropdown box at the bottom. For each solute,
determine if the solution is saturated or unsaturated at a 1 Molar solution.
Solute Saturated or Unsaturated
Drink Mix

Cobalt(II) Nitrate

Cobalt Chloride

Potassium Dichromate
Gold (III) Chloride

Potassium Chromate
Nickel (II) Chloride
Copper Sulfide
Potassium Permanganate

2. In the simulation, what indicates if a solution is saturated? Which of these indicators

would also be present in the real world?

3. If you change the solute amount but keep the solution volume the same what happens
to the Molarity?

Adapted from Jennifer McGehee

4. If you change the solution volume but keep the solute amount the same what happens
to the Molarity?

5. What is the relationship between solute amount and Molarity?

6. What is the relationship between solution amount and Molarity?

7. Describe the process needed to make a saturated solution unsaturated.

8. Explain the relationships between solute amount, solution amount, concentration, and

Adapted from Jennifer McGehee


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