Grammar Mini Lesson 1

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Grammar Mini

Bryan Light
Los Angeles Pacific University
ENGL 420
Pastor Smarr
Apr 15, 2024
What is a simpler definition of pragmatics?
In simple terms, pragmatics studies the way people use language. It
generally examines cases where a person's statement has one literal
meaning and another unspoken or deeper meaning.

One example of learning pragmatics would be learning about figurative

language: for instance, learning to interpret the statement "I would walk
five thousand miles, to see her again." as an exaggeration rather than a
literal claim.
Pragmatic Language

What is pragmatic language?

Pragmatic language is the use of appropriate communication in social situations (knowing
what to say, how to say it, and when to say it). Pragmatic language involves three major

1. Using language for different purposes

2. Changing language according to the listener or the situation
3. Following rules for conversation
Using language for different purposes

• Greeting (Hello. Goodbye. How are you?)

• Informing (I am going.)
• Demanding (Say “Hello.” Pick up the trash.)
• Stating (I am going to the store.)
• Requesting (Do you want to go with me?)
Changing language according to the listener or the situation

• Talking to a co-worker versus talking to a child

• Speaking at home versus talking in the library

• Talking about friends to another friend versus a stranger

Following rules for conversation

• Taking turns while talking

• Introducing new topics
• Staying on topic
• Continuing the same topic as the other speaker
• Re-wording when misunderstood
• Using and understanding nonverbal signals (facial expression, eye
contact, etc.)
• Respecting personal space
Enhancing nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication plays a crucial role in conveying meaning and understanding

others. Encourage individuals to focus on the following aspects:
1. Teaching students the value of keeping eye contact and developing appropriate
body language to communicate interest and engagement is extremely important.
2. Practicing proper gestures and facial expressions: Take part in activities which call
for you to perform an assortment of gestures and facial expressions that express a
range of emotions and intentions.

Pragmatics. Department of Education. (n.d.-a).

Home. Cincinnati Childrens. (n.d.).

Selby. (2023, August 18). The importance of pragmatic skills in daily life: Practical tips for
better communication. Everyday Speech.

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