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Nn | pol hath by Nareel Langdon 99 Parke 44 ar’ JJ School Name: Ztoat #etoeo> Electricity End of Unit Test | * 7 HT Class: _2 if Date: 27 202 raps 60 minutes a ve Marks: 60 marks fa Comments: Page 1 of 23 A student investigated how the potential difference across a filament lamp affects the current in the lamp. Figure 1 shows the circuit the student used. Figure 1 I B (a) Figure 2 shows a circuit symbol. Figure 2 be’ a What component does the symbol represent? Tick (Vv) one box. Ammeter Battery V Lamp nae Variable resistor fm (6) Which component from Figure 1 did the student use to adjust the potential difference across the lamp? Vara Ze fer fer E )) Page 2 of 23 (c) When the voltmeter was not connected to the circuit it gave a reading of 0.4 volts. How can the student correct all the readings taken from the voltmeter? Tick (V) one box. ‘Add 0.4 volts to each reading Divide each reading by 0.4 volts Multiply each reading by 0.4 volts Subtract 0.4 volts from each reading | —F @) (4) The student recorded three values of current for each potential difference. The table below shows the results for 2.5 volts. Potential Current in amps difference in volts |; 2 A 25 0.54 | 0.58 | 0.53 Calculate the mean current in the lamp. Ne Sao 8 3 53> A+65 4-66 = 32 p55 Mean current=__0-5 5 A @ Page 3 of 23 (©) Calculate the power of the lamp when the potential difference across the lamp was 4.8 V The current in the lamp was 0.75 A we = poten ta, tite, Zee cuzerre 4-¢ x o- 25> Power=__7- 6 w 5 () Calculate the resistance of the lamp when the potential difference across the lamp was 48Vv The current in the lamp was 0.75 A as Jarec = Qotee hia’ 9iieceresc A ores at fav 2 9.25 = eee Resistance=__<¢-4 © -. @ (g) Complete the sentence. Choose answers from the box. Each answer may be used once, more than once or not at all. decrease increase ‘stay the same eo Increasing the current in a filament lamp makes the temperature ofthe lamp _/Acecase and the resistance of the lamp 27 cer @ re i cy Page 4 of 23 (h) Which graph shows the relationship between potential difference and current for a filament lamp? Tick (V) one box. Current: Current. Current: Potential Potential Potential difference difference difference (1) ) (Total 12 mat ~~ wy Page 5 of 23 (a) The diagram shows the traces produced on an oscilloscope when it is connected across different electricity supplies. iT oa Ee Lia eT ial fale coo | A B c Which of the traces could have been produced by the mains electricity supply? A. e Give a reason for your answer. aus gia se Cece diag cent oman eet | (2) (b) The picture shows two adaptors being used to plug five electrical appliances into the same socket. e Explain why it is dangerous to have all five appliances switched on and working at the same time. ee bee 34 et ne c= e ettehta ex Bane 2 222 en Ss @ (Total 4 marks) Page 6 of 23 a A student investigated how the resistance of a piece of wire varies with its length. (@) ©) ‘The diagram below shows the circuit used. Z}Hf eas ‘Wire being tested Explain why the student needed to adjust the variable resistor each time she changed the length of the wire. oe ey AeA rear lace aoe A Be sei = ceatew eons? —~ Zot 2 (3) The student recorded three measurements of the potential difference across a 0.10 m length of wire. The table below shows the results. Potential difference in V Length in m 1] 2 {| 3 | Mean 0.10 x |o18| 015] 0.17 Calculate X in table above. Gillies, ctl eet hl. ? Jot Oe ah ke etl eo -4S Fo-78 = ee ast ey 2 X=_0-48 2M 2 Page 7 of 23 (c) Figure 1 shows the results for five different lengths of the wire. Figure 1 09: 0.8}- 07 06 Resistance ofwire 0.5 in ohms 04 03 pty 0.00 =—«0.10 0.20 030 = (0.40 0.50 0.60 Length of wire in metres Describe the relationship between the length of the wire and the resistance of the wire. she pheno tr A i 1 Lg 2 a Aaze a e La bewigl— tp —pwae ape amr -aet @ Abr pig hac PR Sas A glucometer uses the resistance of a blood sample to calculate the glucose concentration in a person's blood, A blood sample is put into a small tube, which is put inside the glucometer. The blood then acts like a resistance wire. Figure 2 shows the relationship between the resistance of a blood sample and the glucose concentration. Page 8 of 23 ot + 08 07 12 13 \\ @)_ The glucometer applies a potential difference of 0.90 volts across a blood sample. ‘The glucose concentration of the blood sample is 0.98 gramsilitre. Determine the current in the blood sample. = eo A 2 Hei LEI Aer eo rie J90 A= MPL oF eoce Ze. yn) p-90 = f= O° 624 276 2 O-7 Current = 2-2 ¢4e 247 A 4 Page 9 of 23 (e) Anew tube is used each time a blood sample is tested Explain why valid results are only obtained if each tube is identical. face teens ph f a were herrea tae ~ a at ehiiLena2 ence ek hz, 5, @) (Total 43 marks) a4. ‘The diagram shows the National Grid system. High voltage overhead transmission cables fl . x ey \ E Consumer ‘cient Sa transformer Step-down transformer (@) The National Grid includes step-up transformers. Explain why. a a deters a eS ee ee A ere = ceting— | Bane G aan feet se “9%, 22 See ree @ (b) In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate. ‘Over the next 10 years, more than 300 kilometres of new high voltage transmission cables are to be added to the National Grid. Most of the new cables will be suspended from pylons and run overhead while the rest will be buried underground Outline the advantages and disadvantages of both overhead transmission cables and underground transmission cables. ee _2chsaty, < seen era jo a 2 “gece LecZte. a ae a ae Z Bye Page 10 of 23 2 = A epets Pranrr ee 2 a cae a = Se ee oats. Z » ee Qe ida. ee fone — cance et a eee oy al Z feet P bee oD Se 249 Aare ae ae See eae a ee Bie Me eee ee cee} ot ees below shows the inside of a plug. ¥ Cable—{ J (@) The plug is not wired correctly What should be done to connect the wires in the plug correctly? & Bes ein ee Se ee ree La Lon ME (ye worn ese, | Tee aaa wee on The coreéttly Wired ptgr2iid Cable connécfS a washing machiné to the mains electricity supply. (©) Give the potential difference and frequency of the mains electricity supply in the UK. The potential difference is_25° V 5 The frequency iss Hz Li (2) (c) The washing machine is switched on. ‘What is the potential difference between the neutral wire and the earth wire? Potential difference =_© Vv a Page 11 of 23 @) The plug has a fuse. Draw the circuit symbol for a fuse in the space below. ao = | (o) ‘The washing machine has a metal case. ‘A fault causes the live wire to make an electrical connection with the metal case of the e washing machine. (e) The earth wire is not connected to the metal case of the washing machine. Explain why it would not be safe for a person to touch the metal case. Becarre ee aL amie AZ ene aie Za = é foc ae ho = fe Qe = acl aes PONE ae oreo Jane —— Gl a el as pbc ek bel gern Sree Cnet () The earth wire is how connected to the metal case of the washing machine. ~~ 2<—~“—. Explain why it would now be safe for a person to touch the metal case, even if the live wire touches the metal case. Bec2wle we wee — a Ae on pede A ares ae as Zina avon “A Aevsec eae ae ( Aa pera (2) (Total 9 marks) Page 12 of 23 Q6. ‘The camera in a mobile phone uses an LED to provide light when taking a photograph. A student investigated how the potential difference across an LED varies with the current in it. Figure 1 shows the circuit used. Figure 1 ex @ - . et (@) The student closed the switch. The voltmeter gave a reading of 5.0 V The ammeter gave a reading of 0 mA ‘The LED did not emit any light. Explain how the student should have changed the circuit to make the LED emit light. z hy, as Bat ee, Ste Zs ee foe | eee AE ee = 2 Lovee fee wee - a ee a ae coer Le a OTA 2) wo ‘The student changed the circuit so that the LED emitted light. The current in the circuit was 290 mA The power of the LED was 0.98 W Calculate the potential difference across the LED. Give your answer to 2 significant figures. ac tt pene = ener an ees P= re 2 9h i= 2 s90mA4- LA mi o> 290 m4 = 290 x70"* = Page 13 of 23 Potential difference (2 significant figures) = _3—r#- A traditional camera uses a flash unit to provide light. Figure 2 shows a flash unit on a traditional camera Figure 2 Flash unit Camera (c) The flash unit emits light from xenon gas in a fluorescent tube. What happens when a xenon atom emits light? Tick (/) one box ~ Electrons in the atom fall to a lower energy level. Electrons in the atom move to a higher energy level Electrons leave the atom, causing ionisation. Electrons transfer to the atom from the electrical circuit, X (1) Page 14 of 23 @) ‘When the flash unit is used there is a mean potential difference of 200 V across the fluorescent tube. The flash of light lasts for 2.8 x 10s 1.4,J of energy is transferred, Calculate the mean current. Use the Physics Equations Sheet. epeeHo-* = onan ze 2£x 402 2¢ = 2 10 2, EBay 2 [o-oone a Mean current= 2» «2 End of questions Page 15 of 23, (Total 14 )

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