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Jenna Onstot

Lori Cory

Teacher Academy

5 February 2024

SEL and Digital Citizenship Reflection

Digital Citizenship can mean phone usage, computer, tablet, anything technology and

how to use them in an appropriate way. A few things I found completely true about social media

or just technology, is sleep, anxiety and depression are linked to phone usage. I can understand

this because when I am on my phone before bed I don’t get much sleep. For the longest time I

had snapchat notifications on, but turned it off after realizing I was getting sad thinking about

how I don’t get snaps often. Even if phones have a good effect, like research, music, emergency

usage, and a few more; the side effects of phone usage are more. Listening ability, contact with

others and teachers teaching, all goes down; along with gaming, cheating, inappropriate usage

and bullying go up. There are plenty of ways to stop this bad usage, for example limiting your

time on technology, thinking about others before doing something and using it in an appropriate


Social Emotional Learning is your mental health and your social behavior. There are

many things which damage your mental health and social behavior, but learning on how to

prevent, or manage these things will help. From stress, suicided, loneliness, and ADHD, there are

ways to help. Stress can come from families, responsibilities, school and so much more; but

finding time for yourself and hanging out with friends can help the stress. Relating to this, I am

piled on school work and obligations. At points I can be very stressed out, I have slowly figured
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out how to take a step back and do something I want to do, not what I have to do. Loneliness

comes from many things like isolation, not telling others how you feel, social pain and

disconnection from others. This can be stopped, by talking with others, telling yourself this

feeling will pass, don’t use so much social media and connect with people in person; humans

naturally want to have those in person connections.

ADHD is overly prescribed, causing more problems than started, and is not prescribed

correctly. As a future teacher, knowing you cannot and should not say to parents, “your kid might

have ADHD” and keeping watch and knowling those students that actually do have ADHD.

Suicided preventions, having a number posted, being someone that can be talked to, knowing

how to help a person, watching out for signs or just being there. Suicide is second cause of

dealth, and most people have these thoughts. As a teacher, being able to support and have

conversations with a student can help, along with just being there, never no when someone just

needs a hug or a talk. As a student I try to be helpful, trustworthy, or just there when one of my

friends needs me, knowing that some of my friends have mental stuff.

Why should we teach Social Emotional Learning and DIgital Citizenship? As a growing

world of technology and increase of mental issues, teaching ways to be safe, responsible, or

prevent problems is something we need. Learning or controlling emotions can be hard, along

with socializing, but being able to teach, help, support these learnings can help with mental

issues. When someone is feeling stressed, lonely, anxious, depressed, learning about these

feelings and how to handle them will have a great side effect on their mental health, preventing

suicide thoughts, suicide, depression and so much more. We can gain a bad mental health and

bad habits from technology, but learning how to use technology to benefit your life will help.

With a positive mind, good usage of technology and understanding of mental health, people can
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thrive and work without anything in the back of their mind because they were taught to handle

and manage problems effectively.

An Art room is full of support, creativity, social engagement, individuality and so much

more. Wanting to be an art teacher, I have to continue these things in my classroom. To do so,

SEL and Digital Citizenship will be very important. From being a teacher to give support or help

to a teacher they can just talk and connect with, being there for them is going to help my

students. I am going to have my students use technology as little as they can because art should

be your own and to eliminate the distraction, but music will be allowed. I will also encourage my

students to use positive words, or actions on technology because you never know what's going

on with someone's life and encourage them to put themselves in their life seeing if it will hurt or

benefit the person. With all the art posters and creative stuff around the room, I will have mental

health posters and help around the room, along with my students knowing I am there for them. If

I could, I will learn more about how to help those students with mental issues, bad thoughts, or in

a bad situation so I won’t be the teacher that has no clue what to do, instead be the teacher they

trust and can come to.

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Suicide Prevention: How Can Schools Help? | Above the Noise | PBS LearningMedia

Why Is Each Generation Getting Lonelier? | Above the Noise | PBS LearningMedia

What Happens If You Take ADHD Drugs (But You Don’t Have ADHD?) | KQED

Survival Guide: How to Handle Family Stress | Above the Noise | PBS LearningMedia

Screen Time: How Much Is Too Much? (

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