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When you complete this module you will be able to...

Discuss the application and installation of float operated bubbler systems, diaphragm boxesand
level switches related to level measurement and control.

Learning Objectives

Here is what you will be able to do when you complete each objective.

1. Discuss the application of Archimedes' principle to level measurement using floats.

2. Sketch and describe float and cable and float and tape level measurement devices.
3. Describe a control valve and linkage arrangement used with float systems.
4. Sketch and describe a bubble pipe system for open and closed tanks.
5. Describe the characteristics of a bubble pipe or purge system and its application.
6. Sketch and describe a diaphragm box type of level measuring system.


A typical power or processing plant will contain numerous open or closed tanks or vessels. This
means that an accurate method of level measurement and indication is vital to safe and efficient
plant operation. Although level measurement may appear to be easy and simple, a closer look
will reveal that problems related to corrosion, vaporization, solidification, etc., must be overcome.
Gage glasses alone are not an adequate means of level indication.

Level measurement can actually be divided into two categories: continuous level measurement
and point level measurement.


Some common methods of continuous liquid level measurement are:

1. Tubular liquid gage.

2. Use of floats.
3. Measurement of head pressure.
4. Use of displacers or buoyancy principle.
5. Measurement of electrical capacitance.
6. Measurement of conductance.
7. Measurement of mass.
8. Application of radiation or nucleonic principles.
9. Ultrasonic measurement.
10. Application of thermal systems.

The continuous type, such as the bubble pipe, float and cableand diaphragm box, measures the
level within a predetermined or calibrated range. Its level sensor provides an analog output that is
directly related to the particular vessel or tank and can be used to operate a visual indicator or be
part of a process control loop.

Tubular Liquid Gage

The simplest method of liquid indication is a glass tube, shown in Figure 1, connected directly to a
liquid tank.

Figure 1
Liquid Gage with Quick Closing Valves

In this way, whatever level of liquid exists in the vessel will be shown by the level of liquid in the
gage glass. The glass contains shutoff valves at the top and bottom so the liquid may be isolated
in case the gage glass is broken. Each end of the glass is held in place by a nut and washer or
packing. A drain plug or valve is placed at the bottom of the gage mounting so the glass can be
drained periodically to prevent it from becoming plugged with sediment. A scale may be placed
behind or beside the gage.

Float Type Level Measurement

There are many kinds of float-operated mechanisms for continuous direct liquid measurement.
The primary device is a float that by reason of its buoyancy will follow the changing level of the
liquidand a mechanism that will transmit the motion of the float to a pointer. Figure 2 illustrates a
float type level controller that can be used in an open tank. As the level in the tank rises, the float
closes the inlet flow to the tank through a system of levers.

Figure 2
Float Type Mechanism
The operation of the float is based on Archimedes' principle. This principle states that a body that
is wholly or partly submerged in a liquid experiences an upward force. Furthermore, this force is
equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the downward force of the liquid displaced by the

In Figure 2, the downward force of the float is represented by F1. The upward force, F2 is equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction to the downward force of the volume of water displaced by
the sphere. F2 is called the buoyant force.

The spherical float should be designed so that it becomes half submerged in the liquid. This
provides the maximum sensitivity to any changes in the level, as well as the greatest force in both
directions of motion, that is, the downward force of the float and the upward buoyant force.

Example 1:

If a spherical float with a diameter of 0.2 m is used to measure the level of a liquid with a relative
density of 0.8, what is the required downward force of the float if it is to be half submerged in the

Example 2:

A cylindrical float with flat ends has a diameter of 10 cm, length of 30 cmand a mass of 2 kg. If
this float is mounted vertically in water, calculate the length of the cylinder below the water

If, for a given application, the downward force of the float is increased, it will become further
submerged in the liquid. The downward force of a hollow float can be increased by the addition of
lead shot or by leakage of the liquid into the float. The force of gravity acts downward on the float
while a buoyant force is exerted upward by the liquid. This buoyant force increases proportionally
when the float sinks, as the pressure in a fluid increases with depth. Figure 3 illustrates this
principle when a float is completely submerged in a liquid.
Figure 3
Buoyant Force

If the density of the fluid is pand the area of the top and bottom of the float is A, then the pressure
against the top surface of the cylinder is:

P1 = gh1

The downward force due to P1 is:

F1 = P1A
F1 = gh1A

Similarly the pressure acting on the bottom of the cylinder is:

P2 = gh2

The upward force on the bottom of the cylinder is:

F2 = P2A
F2 = gh2A

The net upward or buoyant force acting on the cylinder is:

FB = F2 - F1
FB = gA (h2 - h1)
FB = gAh, where h is the height of the cylinder and

FB = gV, where V is the volume of the cylinder and V

is the mass of the liquid displaced.

The buoyant force for a partially submerged or completely submerged float is found using the
same formula. The same technique can be used to calculate the buoyant force when the cylinder
is submerged in a vessel containing two liquids of different densities and the height of each liquid
is known.

1. Float and Cable Indicator

In a float and cable indicator, the float rises and falls with changes in liquid level (Figure 4). This is
transmitted to a pulley that moves an indicator on a scale or recorder. The float is usually located
in the vessel, while a mass hangs on the outside adjacent to a scale. Turbulence on the liquid
surface may create problems in measurement. Float operated devices are also limited to
reasonably clean liquids and do not lend themselves to transmitter operation as well as other
level sensing devices.

Figure 4
Float and Cable Indicator

2. Float and Tape for Open Tanks

A cylindrical float type liquid level gage is usually used in open or vented vessels. This gage
consists of a float resting on the surface of the liquid, a tape, a pulleyand a counterweight
attached to the free end of the tape, as shown in Figure 5. Quite often, the gage has a vertical
indicating scale mounted on an external wall of the tank and the counterweight acts as a level
indicator. The counterweight keeps the tape under tension and takes up the slack when the float
rises or falls.
Figure 5
Float and Tape Level Indicator

These floats are normally only partly submerged in the liquid. The mass of the counterweight is
adjusted to maintain the float in a half submerged position so a maximum buoyant force is
obtained. This type of float is often called a constant displacement type.

3. Float and Tape for Sealed Tanks

Figure 6 illustrates a float actuated level indicator that can be used on pressurized tanks or
vessels. A gage head with a readout device is mounted on top of the tank. A flat spiral spring is
attached to the pulley instead of a counterweight to keep a constant tension on the tape.

A system of gears is placed between the pulley and the indicating device. The indicating scale is
enclosed in the gage head so that no pressure can escape from the tank. When servicing the
indicating mechanism, a Saunders type valve is used to isolate the gage head from the tank.
Figure 6
Float and Tape Installation on Pressurized Tank

High flow rates can cause turbulence on the liquid surface, affecting the float position. To
overcome this problem, the float is enclosed in a stilling well, located internally or externally to the
tank. With the float located in a stilling well, the effect of turbulence and lateral movement is
eliminated. The float tape should be centered to prevent the float from rubbing on the sides of the
stilling well.

Bubble Pipe (Continuous Purge) System for Open Tanks

In the bubble pipe level measurement system, the pressure of air or other gas that is required to
overcome the opposition of liquid head is proportional to the level.

Figure 7(a) shows a simple bubbler system. A needle valve or pressure regulator provides a
source of gas or air pressure to a bubble pipe immersed at a fixed depth in the liquid. The bottom
of the bubbler standpipe is located at the zero or datum line in the tank. Sufficient air pressure is
supplied by the needle valve or regulator to give a slow but steady stream of bubbles when the
tank level is at maximum. A rotameter may be used to determine the flow rate.

Changes in measured level cause the pressure in the bubble pipe to vary by allowing more air to
escape when the level drops and vice versa. A pressure sensing instrument will convert this
pressure into terms of liquid level on an indicator, level recorderor manometer.
Figure 7
Simple Bubbler System

Large variations in level will cause large fluctuations in air flow resulting in greater inaccuracy of
measurements. A differential pressure regulator can be installed, as shown in Figure 7(b), to
maintain a constant pressure drop across the rotameter and therefore a more uniform flow out of
the bubbler tube.

The accuracy of level measurement is affected by changes in liquid density. With constant
density, the accuracy can be ±l to 2%. It is recommended that the distance between the bottom of
the tank and the bubble pipe be not less than 75 mm to avoid blockage of the pipe due to a
sediment buildup.

A V-notch should be cut in the bottom of the pipe so the air can come out in a steady stream of
small bubbles rather than in intermittent, large bubbles.

An installation similar to the one in Figure 8 is recommended when the liquid contains sludge or
high consistency pulp suspension or when there is turbulence in the liquid level. A small,
continuous flow of water is fed into the stilling well and this causes a continuous flow to purge the
connection between the tank and stilling well.

Figure 8
Bubble Pipe System with Stilling Well
Bubble Pipe System for Pressurized Tanks

More complex bubble pipe systems are used for measuring levels in sealed or pressurized tanks.
Liquid vaporization will increase the pressure above the liquid. If this pressure is sensed by the
measuring system, the total measured pressure would be equal to the vapor pressure plus the
pressure due to the liquid head. The system shown in Figure 9 is used to overcome this problem.

Figure 9
Bubble Pipe System for Seeded Tanks

This consists of a dual bubble pipe system. The H.P. (high pressure) side measures both the
liquid head and vapor pressure while the L.P. (low pressure) side measures the vapor pressure
only. Because measurement of differential pressure is involved, any differential pressure
instrument, including a transmitter, may be used. The output of this device would be proportional
to the liquid level in the tank.

As in Figure 7(b), a constant pressure drop is maintained across each rotameter by differential
pressure regulators, so a constant flow across each is maintained even at varying vapor pressure
and liquid head.

The different designs of bubbler pipe systems described require no moving parts in contact with
the liquid. This makes this system suitable for level measurement of high temperature and
corrosive liquids or slurries. As only the piping or tubing is exposed to corrosion, maintenance
involves items that are low in cost.

A disadvantage of this system is that the liquid must be able to mix with the gas or air used.
There must also be an access to the top or side of the tank so the piping can be installed

During design and installation, the bubbler pipes must be sized properly to prevent excessive
errors due to a pressure drop that results from gas flow. The piping must be adequately
supported as moisture may collect in dips, causing increased error in measurement. All joints
should be leak proof for greatest accuracy. Partial plugging of the measuring system will be
evident by a drop in the rotameter indication.
When measuring the level of an extremely corrosive liquid, the piping or tubing should have a
high resistance to corrosion. When using the bubble pipe or purge system, the following
precautions should be taken:

a. Turn on the purging air or gas before admitting liquid into the tank.
b. Drain the tank before shutting off the bubble pipe or purge system.
c. Be sure that the air or gas pressure is higher than the pressure exerted by the liquid

Diaphragm Box Level Detectors

A diaphragm may be used as a level sensing element for both open and closed tanks or vessels.
One method of measuring the level in an open tank with a diaphragm box is illustrated in Figure

It contains a diaphragm box consisting of two sections, with a flexible diaphragm between each
section. The liquid level that is measured comes in contact with one side of the diaphragm, while
the other side is contacted to a level instrument through a capillary tube. The diaphragm box is
installed at a fixed point, usually the minimum level, of an open or thoroughly vented tank.
Sometimes the diaphragm box may be supported from the top of the tank by piping or rigid tubing
while the diaphragm box is submerged in the liquid. The internal diameter of the capillary tubing,
which is furnished with the box. is no larger than 2 mm.

Figure 10
Diaphragm Box Level Sensor

The liquid in the diaphragm box and tubing should be at operating temperature when the
pressure connections are made to the level instrument. The diaphragm box should not be under
liquid pressure when this is done. Rubber diaphragms should not be subjected to temperatures
above 65ºC.

When the level in the tank increases, the diaphragm is distorted farther as a greater pressure is
exerted on the liquid side of the diaphragm. Greater deflection of the diaphragm causes the liquid
in the capillary tubing to be compressed until its pressure is the same as the liquid head in the
tank. This pressure is applied to a sensing element which transmits a proportional motion to a
pen, indicating pointer or a flapper-nozzle assembly in a transmitter. This type of level sensor has
a low initial cost and is relatively maintenance free. It is also satisfactory for liquids containing
suspended solids and for slurries with finely divided particles.

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