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Instruction: Answer all the questions in section A and B

Section A (Term-Paper Defense) /Total (10 marks)

i. Clearly states the topic of your group term-paper (1/2marks)

ii. Mention four questions as it appears in your questionnaire (2marks)

iii. Discuss exclusively, the materials and methods adopted for carrying out your research (3marks)

iv. State (mention) the results obtained and discuss the implications of the results (3marks)

v. Based on your research, what are your recommendations (1.5 marks)

Section B/ Total (15 marks)

1a. What do you understand by the term “technical report writing”? (2 marks)

b. List four importance of technical report. (2 marks)

c. You have been appointed as a team leader in selecting a final year project research topic,

mention four factors you will consider in choosing a particular topic? (2 marks)

2a. Explain the features of an abstract. (3 marks)

b. states four basic rules of referencing in a technical report? (2 Marks)

3. From the knowledge you gained during the technical report class sections and the practical
experience you derived from your group project, write a concise and explanatory Acknowledgement (4

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