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Name_____Vanessa de la garza ____

Masterpieces of World Literature Handout II:

The Epic of Gilgamesh

1. Where was the Epic of Gilgamesh written?

The Epic of Gilgamesh was written in ancient Mesopotamia, which is now
modern-day Iraq.

2. When was it written?

written three and a half millennia ago

3. When did this work of literature disappear from the world?

The Epic of Gilgamesh was forgotten for nearly two thousand years

4. Where were these clay tablet found?

Austin Henry Layard and Hormuzd Rassam excavated the ancient Assyrian capital
of Nineveh, the library of Ashurbanipal yielded the long-forgotten text, inscribed
on clay tablets.

5-10. How does bird watching, sea sickness, and just plain laziness (the desire of
not wanting to get a real job), lead to one of the greatest discoveries of
world literature?

11. How does Layard get funding for his excavation?

Sir Austen Henry Layard secured funding for his archaeological excavations in
Mesopotamia by obtaining a grant from the British Museum and financial support
from private individuals, including the British government.

12. How many tablets were found?

The exact number of tablets found during Layard's excavations is not specified in
your question. The archaeological findings in Mesopotamia yielded a significant
number of cuneiform tablets, contributing to the understanding of ancient
13. What was the problem with the discovery of these tablets?
The exact number of tablets found during Layard's excavations is not specified in
your question. The archaeological findings in Mesopotamia yielded a significant
number of cuneiform tablets, contributing to the understanding of ancient

14. What did Sir Henry Rawlinson have to do to understand cuneiform?

Sir Henry Rawlinson played a crucial role in deciphering cuneiform by studying the
Behistun Inscription, a trilingual inscription in Old Persian, Elamite, and Akkadian.
By comparing the known Persian text with the unknown Akkadian, Rawlinson
deciphered the cuneiform script.

15. How does George Smith, an uneducated cleaner, plan to get rich of these
George Smith hoped to gain recognition and financial rewards by contributing to
the decipherment of the cuneiform tablets, particularly those related to the Epic
of Gilgamesh.

16. How and why does George Smith die?

George Smith died at a young age, likely from a combination of overwork, stress,
and health issues. He succumbed to illness, possibly exacerbated by the
challenging conditions of his work.

17. What is Gilgamesh’s quest?

Gilgamesh's quest in the Epic of Gilgamesh is to seek immortality after witnessing
the death of his friend Enkidu. He embarks on a journey to find the secret of
eternal life.

18. How is the Epic of Gilgamesh related to the Bible?

The Epic of Gilgamesh shares similarities with biblical stories, such as the flood
narrative. Scholars suggest that these common elements may reflect shared
cultural influences or the transmission of stories across ancient civilizations.

19-20. What are two themes found early on in the Epic of Gilgamesh?
Two early themes in the Epic of Gilgamesh include the exploration of friendship
and the fear of death. Gilgamesh grapples with these themes as he copes with the
death of Enkidu.
21. Did the scribe Sin-leqi-unninni write an original text?
Sin-leqi-unninni is believed to be the scribe who compiled and wrote down the
Epic of Gilgamesh, but the epic itself draws on older Sumerian tales and myths,
making it a compilation rather than a completely original text.

22-4. What are 3 characteristics of an epic tale?

Three characteristics of an epic tale include a hero's journey or quest, the
involvement of supernatural elements, and the portrayal of cultural values and

25-28. The Epic of Gilgamesh is shorter than Homer’s Odyssey and may be of
simpler form. Why is this? What two literary forms were important to
Near Eastern civilizations?
The shorter length of the Epic of Gilgamesh may be attributed to the writing
medium and the conventions of cuneiform writing. Two important literary forms
in Near Eastern civilizations were epics and hymns, often recorded on clay tablets.

29. How is Enkidu like Tarzan?

Enkidu, like Tarzan, is depicted as a wild man living in harmony with nature. Both
characters undergo a process of civilization and integration into human society.

30. What does Gilgamesh give Enkidu to try to make him civilized?
Gilgamesh attempts to civilize Enkidu by introducing him to human customs and
practices, including food and drink.

31. How is Gilgamesh different than other Akkadian kings?

Gilgamesh is portrayed as a heroic and partly divine figure, distinct from other
Akkadian kings. His characteristics and adventures set him apart as a legendary

32. Did ancient people drink beer?

Yes, ancient people, including those in Mesopotamia, drank beer. Beer was a
common beverage in ancient cultures and often played a significant role in
religious and social practices.

33. How does literature allow for the control of power?

Literature can be a tool for shaping narratives, ideologies, and cultural values,
enabling those in power to influence and control public opinion. It can serve as a
means of propaganda or a platform for expressing dissent, ultimately impacting
the perception and exercise of power in a society.

34. What were the 2 things that the historic king, Gilgamesh, was known for?
Gilgamesh, the historic king of Uruk, was known for his exceptional strength and
his role in the construction of monumental city walls.

35. What is the Humbaba and where does it live?

Humbaba, also known as Huwawa, is a monstrous guardian of the Cedar Forest. It
resides in the Cedar Forest, which is a sacred and forbidden place in the Epic of

36. Why was cedar important to ancient civilizations?

Cedar was important to ancient civilizations for its valuable timber. It was used in
the construction of buildings, ships, and other structures. Cedar forests, like the
one guarded by Humbaba, were highly prized.

37-39. Why do the Gods bring about the Flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh? How
does this differ from the Bible?
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the gods bring about the Flood to eliminate humanity
due to overpopulation and noise. This differs from the Bible, where the Flood is
initiated by God as a response to human wickedness and corruption.

40. What does interpolated mean?

Interpolated refers to the insertion or addition of new material into a text, often
to provide clarification or expansion of existing content.

41. What is the earliest story of the Biblical Flood?

The earliest story of the Biblical Flood is found in the Epic of Atrahasis, a Sumerian
text that predates the Noah's Ark narrative in the Bible.

42. How is human belief changed after the Flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh?
After the Flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh, human belief is changed as people
express a deep mistrust of the gods. They view the gods' actions as capricious and

43-44. How does Gilgamesh rebel against the Goddess Ishtar? What is the
result of Gilgamesh’s actions?
Gilgamesh rejects the advances of the goddess Ishtar, citing the misfortunes that
befell her previous lovers. In retaliation, Ishtar sends the Bull of Heaven to punish
Gilgamesh and Enkidu. The heroes defeat the Bull, but it foreshadows tragic

45. Ishtar is the Goddess of what?

Ishtar is the goddess of love, fertility, and war.

46. What is the significance of Gilgamesh’s dream where an axe falls down on
In the dream where an axe falls on Gilgamesh, Enkidu interprets it as a
premonition of Humbaba's imminent defeat. It foreshadows the heroes' journey
to confront Humbaba.

47-8. Why were dreams important to Mesopotamians (2 reasons).

Dreams were important to Mesopotamians because they were believed to convey
messages from the gods or serve as omens. They were consulted for guidance on
personal and political matters.

49. TRUE or FALSE: The Epic of Gilgamesh is like a novel because we get
insight into the characters psychological motivations for
their actions.

50-55. How is the ending of the Epic of the Gilgamesh different from endings
from modern novels? How is it both, comic and tragic, at the same time.

The ending of the Epic of Gilgamesh is different from modern novels in that it
lacks a conventional resolution. Gilgamesh does not achieve immortality, but the
work concludes with a sense of acceptance and wisdom. It is both comic and
tragic as Gilgamesh finds contentment in the ordinary aspects of life, yet the
inevitability of mortality adds a tragic dimension. This combination reflects the
complexities of human existence.

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