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The mineralogy and chemical

composition of the Woodlawn massive
sulphide orebody
a b
D. E. Ayres
CSIRO Division of Mineralogy , P.O. Box 136, North Ryde, N.S.W.,
Exxon Production Research Company , P.O. Box 2189, Houston,
Texas, 77001, U.S.A.
Published online: 01 Aug 2007.

To cite this article: D. E. Ayres (1979) The mineralogy and chemical composition of the Woodlawn
massive sulphide orebody, Journal of the Geological Society of Australia: An International
Geoscience Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 26:3-4, 155-168

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Journal of the Geological Society of Australia (1979), 26, 155-168.
© Geological Society of Australia, Inc., 1979

The mineralogy and chemical composition of the

Woodlawn massive sulphide orebody
D. E. Ayres*
CSIRO Division of Mineralogy, P.O. Box 136, North Ryde, N.S.W. 2113.

The main Woodlawn ore lens is a polymetallic, massive sulphide deposit' with
pyrite the major constituent, variable sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite, and minor
arsenopyrite, tetrahedrite-tennantite, pyrrhotite and electrum. The silicate gangue
minerals are chlorite, quartz, talc and sericitic mica. Other mineralization in the
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vicinity consists of footwall copper ore in chlorite schist and several smaller massive
sulphide lenses. The predominant country rocks are felsic volcanics and shales, with
abundant quartz, chlorite and mica, and talc in mineralized zones.
An important textural feature of the massive ore is the fine compositional
banding. Bands, which vary in thickness from a few tens of micrometres to several
millimetres, are produced by variations in the sulphide content. Post-depositional
metomorphism and minor fracturing have only slightly modified this banding.
Apart from the major element constituents—Pb, Zn, Fe, Cu and S—the ore is
characterized by significant (100-1000 ppm) values for Ag, As, Cd, Mn, Sb and Sn,
and lower (1-100 ppm) values of Au, Bi, Co, Ga, Hg, Mo, Ni, Tl. In and Ge.
Variations in the base-metal sulphide content, the gangue mineralogy, and trace
elements, are used to separate the orebody into hanging-wall and footwall zones.
The hanging-wall zone shows a more variable trace element content, with higher
Tl, Sn, Ni, Mn, Ge and Sb, but lower Ag, Cd, and Mo, than the footwall zone.
In general style of mineralization, mineralogy, and chemistry, the Woodlawn
deposit resembles other volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits in eastern Australia,
in New Brunswick in Canada, and the Kuroko deposits of Japan.

INTRODUCTION two main classes—complex ore and footwall ore,

The Woodlawn sulphide deposit is contained within subdivisions which accounted for most sulphide-
a sequence of felsic volcanics and sediments of silicate relationships (Malone er a/., 1975). The most
Middle to Late Silurian age which form part of the recent data, however, suggest that the deposit consists
Lower Palaeozoic succession in the Lachlan Fold broadly of one large and several smaller lenses of
gejt polymetallic massive sulphides, and a zone of pre-
In the lower part of the Silurian sequence at Wood- dominantly copper-rich ore, -containing in all about
ten million tonnes of ore
lawn, a sequence of felsic tuffs, rhyolites, ignimbrites, (Malone 1979). This
agglomerates and felsic volcaniclastics, known as the P r e s e n t s t u d y considers the mineralogy and geo-
Woodlawn Volcanics, is developed. This unconform- chemistry of the large massive sulphide ore lens in
ably overlies Ordovician sediments and is succeeded detail,
by the Currawang Basalt (Felton, 1974). The entire
sequence is deformed and has been regionally meta- THE MASSIVE SULPHIDE LENS
morphosed to the lower greenschist facies and in-
truded by Upper Silurian dolerite sills and Devonian Shape and extent
granite (Malone et ah, 1975, other papers this The initial geological mapping and diamond drill-
series), ing of the Woodlawn deposit showed that the main
The immediate host rock sequence to the deposit massive sulphide (M.S.) lens is a steeply west-dip-
consists of rhyolitic tuffs and flows, black shale, ping, lenticular body with unfolded dimensions of
chloritic schists and rare chert, which is intruded by approximately 420 m x 300 m and 5-45 m thick
sills of tholeitic dolerite. Details of the petrology and (Malone et al., 1975; Malone, 1979). Malone (1979)
geochemistry of these host rocks are given in another emphasizes that this mineralization is largely con-
paper (Petersen & Lambert, 1979). formable to the bedding, but that only the top surface
A number of distinct ore types (Table I) were of the lens can be identified with reasonable cer-
recognized as a result of the initial mapping and log- tainty throughout most of the area. Figure 1 shows
ging of diamond-drill core during exploration of the an unfolded plan view of this surface and the posi-
deposit. The ore types were originally separated into tion of samples from the North shaft and drill holes
* Present address: Exxon Production Research Company, P.O. Box 2189, Houston, Texas 77001, U.S.A.

MS received 5 July 1978; revised MS received 20 May 1979.

156 D. E. AYRES

tion of selected hand specimens. The variation in sul-

Approximati limit
Eroded edge
phide mineral content was determined by recalcula-
of M.S. l«ns
of M.S.or. tion of the assay values for Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe and S
to the corresponding sulphides, assuming that there
has been no Fe substitution in sphalerite (it is
actually less than 8% by weight). The variation in
these features is shown on Figure 2, which is the
section through the M.S. lens from footwall to hang-
Approximote limit of ing wall in the North shaft crosscut.
predominantly masiivt
complex o r t I N \ The M.S. lens is a polymetallic sulphide body with
SHAFT-., pyrite the major constituent and variable sphalerite,
galena and chalcopyrite. In this paper it is charac-
terized as Fe-rich if Fe is greater than 67.5%; Pb/Zn-
o C SHAFT / rich if Pb+Zn is greater than 55 and less than 75%;
and Cu-rich if Cu is greater than 4%. The silicate
gangue minerals are chlorite, quartz, talc, sericite and
feldspar. Major variations in the silicate minerals
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have then been used to further distinguish the ore

.«-/ into chlorite, talc, siliceous or feldspar-rich types.
The dominant textural feature of the M.S. ore
horizon is the fine compositional banding distin-
guished by variations in the abundance of particular
W226 sulphide and gangue minerals. The individual bands
vary in width from several millimetres (Fig. 3a)
down to a few tens of micrometres (Fig. 3b). Each
o d. d. hole band is characterized by particular sulphide mineral
• d. d hole sampled associations in the approximate abundance given
IOO below.
metre s
Fig. 1. Base-metal distribution of the massive sulphide abundance
horizon in relation to the unfolded ore surface. Mineral association—band type (%)
which were used in the course of the detailed minera- Pyrite-gangue 20
logical and chemical studies of the lens. Pyrite-sphalerite, Pyrite, Sphalerite-pyrite-
gangue 15
Textural features and mineralogy Sphalerite, Sphalerite-pyrite-galena 10
Stratigraphic mineral variation across the ore zone Pyrite-galena, Sphalerite-pyrite-chalcopyrite,
at the North shaft crosscut has been established by a Pyrite-chalcopyrite-gangue 2-5
combination of major element and XRD analysis of Sphalerite-pyrite-chalcopyrite-galena, Tetra-
assay samples, supplemented by microscopic examina- hedrite, Sphalerite-galena, Galena 1-2


Characteristic Sulphide Ore Types at Uoodlawn

Ore Type Dimensions Grade (%) Content Sulphides Sulphide Cangue
(m) Zn Pb Cu Present Textures Present
Massive Lenticular 2-30 1-20 0.3-4 75 py si gn cp Fine talc,ch.qtz
sulphide ore 420 x 300 x (ttet.asp.el) banded (
(5 - 45)
Tuff ore Thin lenses n.a. 75 py si gn cp Banded ser.qtz.fel
Chlorite Several 0.2-11 0.1-6 1 25 py si gn cp Augen ch.qtz
schist ore metres parallel
Chlorite Elongate 3 0.5 3-5 25 - 30 py cp si Augen ch.qtz
schist copper lenses to (gn.tet) parallel (ser.talc)
ore 100 x 50 x to
15 schistosity
Stockwork Veinlets 0.5 0.5 1-5 75 si gn cp Irregular
ore (10 cm)

py • pyrite; si • sphalerite; gn - galena; cp - chalcopyrite; tet • tctrahedrite; el - electrum; asp • arsenopyrite;

ch • chlorite; qtz - quartz; ser - sericite; bar • barite; fel • feldspar,
n.a, - not available


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Fig. 2. Mineralogy of Woodlawn massive sulphide ore.

In addition to this fine-scale banding, a coarser However, a post-depositional deformation has

banding on a scale of metres can be seen in the imparted a strong schistosity to the associated
overall distribution of both sulphide and gangue chlorite, muscovite and talc gangue. This is shown
minerals. The vertical distribution of this coarser in the ore itself by the development of beard tex-
banding and details of the mineral distribution tures around pyrite euhedra or pyrite aggregates, a
throughout the M.S. horizon exposed in the North linear brecciation of some pyrites, and the presence
Shaft crosscut are shown in Figure 2. of cross-cutting veins containing recrystallized, more
A primary depositional origin of the banding is finely grained sulphides.
indicated by the continuity of individual bands, the Pyrite. Pyrite occurs throughout the M.S. lens and
repetition of mineral associations, and the occurrence comprises some 50-75 wt.% of the ore. Both coarse
of monomineralic layers. and fine-grained pyrites occur (Fig. 3a). The coarse-
158 D. E. AYRES
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Fig. 3. Banding in the massive sulphide ore: (a) banded sphalerite-pyrite ore (lower half of figure) passing into
pyritic ore with chloritic gangue; (b) coarse and fine pyrite (white) in a sphalerite matrix (dark grey) in
banded pyrite sphalerite ore.

grained type has grains 0.1-0.5 mm in size, anhedral The grain shape is commonly anhedral and grain size
to euhedral in shape, which are commonly moulded ranges from less than 0.005 mm in diameter when
around or cemented by the other minerals. The fine- associated with galena in fine intergrcwths, to several
grained type has grains less than 0.1 mm in size with tenths of a millimetre. Etching shows coarser areas,
subhedral to euhedral individuals. Both types occur of millimetre size, to be multigranular.
either singly or in aggregates, with the coarse grains Sphalerite, where it predominates, contains inclu-
showing a tendency to fracture and the fine pyrites sions or intergrowths of galena, chalcopyrite, and
tending to be drawn out into trails in the silicate or tetrahedrite. In association with galena it usually
sphalerite matrix. In areas where silicate minerals are shows reverse caries or caries-type boundaries, with
abundant and a marked cleavage has developed, the grain size varying from coarse to very fine, and
pyrite 'augen' occur fringed by sphalerite or chalcopy- in places appearing almost dendritic (Figs. 4e,f).
rite. Chalcopyrite is common as minute bleb-like inclu-
Inclusions in pyrite are mostly less than 0.005 mm sions in sphalerite (Fig. 5a), but only rarely forms
in diameter and are of galena, sphalerite and chal- the same type of intergrowths with sphalerite as does
copyrite or, rarely, pyrrhotite. In some types of pyrite galena. Pyrite euhedra included in sphalerite-rich
these inclusions outline zone boundaries (Fig. 4a). bands occasionally show corroded boundaries against
Etching with 1:4 HNO 3 reveals concentric zonal pat- sphalerite.
terns in pyrite and shows the original euhedral grain In some sphalerite samples a distinct multiple twin-
boundaries of pyrite which has formed aggregates ning is apparent in thin sections, and in polished sec-
(Figs. 4b,c). Some aggregates have a distinct collo- tions many etched grains also show this feature. The
form texture with marked radial growth of the indi- colour in thin section ranges from colourless or pale
vidual pyrite grains (Fig. 4d). yellow to deep red; this can be related to the iron
An electron probe analysis of pyrite from the M.S. and manganese content of the sphalerites, the deepest
horizon is given in Table II and indicates that trace red sphalerites having higher iron content and lower
amounts of Cu, As and Co are present. manganese than the paler sphalerites. Compositional
Sphalerite. Sphalerite is the most abundant mineral limits within the M.S. lens, as determined by electron
of economic value; it varies in amount through the probe analyses, are: Zn 61.1-65.8 wt.%; S 30.5-35.1
M.S. lens from less than 1 to 40 wt.% of the ore. wt.%; Fe 0.7-8.6 wt.%; Mn 0.1-0.74 wt.%. In and

Cd (if present) are below the limit of detection of sphalerite-galena grain boundaries; coarse, irregularly
the electron probe. shaped grains or aggregates, occasionally in sufficient
Lateral variation in the iron content of sphalerite abundance to form distinct bands which parallel the
at approximately the same ( ± 5 m) stratigraphic other mineral banding, and associated with aggre-
position in the M.S. lens shows that the highest iron gates of pyrite or arsenopyrite euhedra (Fig. 5c);
contents (2.5-7.9 wt.%) are in sphalerite from the irregularly shaped intergrowths with galena and chal-
southern and western portions of the lens, and from copyrite in the association arsenopyrite-chalcopyrite-
near the base of the lens. Sphalerite on the eastern tetrahedrite-galena (Figs. 5e,f). This probably is a
side of the horizon has a lower iron content (<2.5 breakdown product of an earlier formed 'fahlore'
wt.%). mineral.
A parallel variation in iron content is also apparent Electron-probe analyses of 22 of the coarser grains
in disseminated mineralization in the host rocks. indicate a range in composition from arsenian tetra-
Chlorite schist directly below the ore horizon, and hedrite to antimonian tetrahedrite, both with a low
the footwall volcanics, both contain sphalerite with a silver content (less than 1.28% by wt.). The range
high iron content (3-7.3 wt.%). Sphalerite in the in composition is shown in Table II.
hanging-wall volcanics has a much lower iron content Stannite. Stannite is rare and occurs with coarse
(0.8-3.7 wt.%). Variation in the manganese content tetrahedrite-tennannite (see Table II for analysis). It
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of sphalerite is more difficult to establish because of seems likely that many of the minute blebs in spha-
the generally low values (<0.74 wt.%), but a trend lerite are stannite.
that is the reverse of iron is indicated.
Pyrrhotite. Pyrrhotite is uncommon, being observed
Galena. Galena, which varies from 0.01-25 wt.% in in only a few specimens from approximately five
the M.S. ore, is most abundant in areas where metres above the footwall chlorite schist zone. In
sphalerite predominates (Fig. 2). It is texturally simi- these specimens it occurs as minute blebs in pyrite
lar to sphalerite and is commonly found associated euhedra.
with it in intergrowths ranging from the very fine Gold. Native gold, or electrum, is extremely rare and
(grains averaging 0.025 mm across) to coarse has been observed as minute grains a few micro-
(grains approximately 0.2 mm across) (Figs. 4e,f, metres in diameter—in chalcopyrite which fills frac-
5b). Either sphalerite or galena can be the hosts in tures in pyrite, in sphalerite and in arsenopyrite
these intergrowths. Less commonly, galena occurs grains which are intergrown with chalcopyrite.
intergrown with chalcopyrite and, in rare instances,
intergrown with the association arsenopyrite-chal- Gangue mineralogy
copyrite-tetrahedrite (Fig. 5c). Galena is also com- Chlorite is the most abundant gangue mineral and
mon as fracture fillings in brecciated pyrite grains and possibly the most diagnostic silicate associated with
as rounded inclusions in pyrite. the mineralization. The other gangue minerals are
quartz, sericite, talc and feldspar, which together
Chalcopyrite. Chalcopyrite is the least abundant of form only a minor proportion of the M.S. lens, rarely
the economically important sulphide minerals, com- up to 40% by weight, and "generally 10-20%.
prising some 0.1-20 wt.% of the M.S. ore. Charac-
teristically it is most abundant in association with Variations in the relative proportions of the gangue
pyrite where it occurs interstitial to, or in fractures minerals were determined from XRD traces of whole
within, coarse pyrite aggregates (Fig. 5d). rock samples by measuring the intensities of specific
In other mineral associations chalcopyrite is only peaks for each of the minerals chlorite, quartz, talc,
a minor constituent. It occurs as fine blebs or inclu- muscovite and plagioclase. .The relative abundances
sions in sphalerite (Fig. 5c), less commonly as were then used to categorize the ore types and estab-
sphalerite-chalcopyrite bands which show the same lish a stratigraphy v/ithin the M.S. lens (Fig. 2). One
caries texture as the sphalerite-galena bands. It occurs hundred and two representative 1-metre assay pulps
rarely as a fine intimate intergrowth with arseno- from the North Shaft section through the M.S. hori-
pyrite and tetrahedrite (Fig. 5e). Some chalcopyrite zon were used. These provide an essentially complete
occurs in veinlets which traverse the general mineral traverse across the ore horizon from the basal chlorite
banding. schist to the hanging-wall dolerite (see Malone, ,1979,
Fig. 3).
Arsenopyrite. Arsenopyrite is probably the most The results indicate that the M.S. lens can be
abundant of the remaining minerals in the M.S. ore. separated into hanging-wall and footwall sections
Most commonly it occurs as scattered euhedral grains divided by a thin (1-metre) massive sulphide band
associated with pyrite, although vein-like areas of in which plagioclase feldspar and quartz are the only
arsenopyrite aligned parallel to the banding have been detectable gangue components. The sequences above
noted and skeletal arsenopyrite grains occur in inter- and below this horizon are essentially similar, i.e. a
growths with chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite (Fig. 5e). basal gangue, predominantly of chlorite, passing into
Less commonly, it forms rims around anhedral pyrite gangue which is predominantly talc/chlorite or talc,
grains. Rarely, fractures in arsenopyrite contain and then to a predominantly quartz gangue at the
minute grains of gold (Fig. 5f). top of the sequence.
Tetrahedrite-tennantite. Members of this group of Malone (1979) has documented the variations in
Cu-Sb sulphosalts occur sparsely distributed through- metal content of the M.S. horizon which have
out the M.S. ore. They exist in three typical associa- allowed a stratigrahic comparison of drillhole inter-
tions with other sulphides as: minute blebs or irregu- sections to be made over the entire ore deposit. Simi-
larly shaped inclusions in sphalerite grains and at larly a comparison with equivalent intersections
160 D. E. AYRES
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Fig. 4. Pyrite textures in the massive sulphide ore: (a) embayed pyrite euhedra (white) showing zonally arranged
inclusions of sphalerite (dark grey) and galena (light grey); (b) medium-grained pyrite cluster etched with
1:4 HNO 3 to show zonal growth of structures within the pyrite grains; (c) cluster of fine-grained pyrites
etched with 1:4 HNO3 to show zonal growth pattern within grains and an increase in grain size, from fine to
coarse outward from centre of cluster; (d) coarse colloform pyrite etched with 1:4 H N 0 3 to show radial
growth of individual pyrite grains; (e) rounded pyrite euhedra (white) in a sphalerite-galena matrix. Spha-
lerite (dark grey) and galena (light grey) show caries texture features; (f) a sphalerite-galena-pyrite band
showing rounded pyrite euhedra (white) set in a sphalerite-galena matrix.

through the M.S. zone (Central shaft, DDH W2, and that a siliceous massive sulphide zone separates upper
DDH W9) shows that gross changes in gangue and lower talc/chlorite zones in all the above three
mineralogy can also be correlated, at least on the intersections. Consequently a postulated position of
eastern side of the M.S. lens, to DDH W2 (Fig. 6). the bottom of the M.S. horizon is as shown on Figure
In the Central shaft, Malone (1979) has shown that 6. Similarly, base-metal assay data (Malone, 1979)
a portion of the orebody is cut off by a fault zone, indicate that upper and lower copper-rich zones are
but it seems probable from the gangue mineralogy present and form convenient marker horizons.
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Fig. 5. Other sulphide mineral textures in the massive sulphide ore: (a) euhedral pyrite grains (white) in sphalerite
(dark grey) with minor galena and chalcopyrite inclusions (both light grey); (b) a sphalerite-galena-pyrite
band with coarser pyrites (white) set in a fine-grained intimate intergrov/th matrix of sphalerite and galena;
(c) large tetrahedrite grain (grey) bordered by galena (light grey) and euhedral arsenopyrite grains (white);
(d) galena and chalcopyrite (both light grey) along subparallel fractures in coarse pyrite (white); (e) inter-
growth relationship of arsenopyrite (white skeletal euhedra), galena (light grey) and tetrahedrite (grey) all
enclosed by sphalerite (dark grey) with scattered coarser pyrites (white); (f) arsenopyrite rhombs (light
grey) with matrix or chalcopyrite (grey) which has almost totally replaced some areas of arsenopyrite to
give a fine-grained replacement intergrowth. Some tetrahedrite (mid-grey) and sphalerite (dark-grey) grains
are also included. Native gold (bright white) is included in cracks in arsenopyrite.

Farther west in DDH W9 the ore zone has a more Examination of drillhole intersections through the
uniform gangue mineralogy, with a talc-rich sequence minralized volcanics laterally adjacent to the M.S.
separating upper and lower chlorite/quartz sequences. horizon (DDH W12, DDH W226 and DDH W286)
Here also copper values are generally high and only shows that, while chlorite and quartz predominate
one copper-rich zone is present. in zones where Pb and Zn are greater than 1 wt.%,
162 D. E. AYRES


Electron Probe Analyses of Selected Sulphide Minerals

in the Woodlawn Massive Sulphide Ore*

LOCATION DDH2/74.5 DDH2/74.5 N.SHAFT/1.5 DDH219/68.9 DDH2/74.5 DDH208/44 N.SHAFT/4.8 N.SHAFT/12.9 N.SHAFT/10.1

Sphalerite Cha'lco- Arseno- Tetra-

Pyrite Tennantite Stannlte
Element Calena pyrlte pyrlte hedrlte
Low Iron High Iron
(« %)

S 55.7 14.4 32.1 33.1 35.5 20.6 29.1 26.4 28.4

Fe 46.2 1.09 7.3 30.4 33.6 4.2 3.1 10.5
Zn - - 68.8 60.8 _ _ 4.6 4.7 3.6
Pb - 85.3 - - - _ 0.1 0.11
Cu 0.01 - - - 33.7 0.57 41.6 38.6 28.8
As 0.11 - - - 0.21 50.7 15.0 4.6 0.03
Sb n.d. n.d. - - n.d. 0.05 3.5 21.6 0.04
Mn _ - 0.32 0.11 _ _ _ -
Cd - - n.d. n.d. - - - - _
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Ag - n.d. - - _ 0.05 0.27 0.05

Bl - 0.14 - - _ _ _ - -
Co 0.09 - - - 0.07 0.09 - - -
Ni n.d. - - - 0.01 n.d. - - -
Sn - - - - - -' n.d. n.d. 27.6

Total 102.11 99.84 102.39 101.31 99.89 105.61 98.05 99.37. 99.13

Average of 15 points in each sample. n.d. * not detected, - - not sought.

Analyses by J. Corcoran, CSIRO Division of Mineralogy



Fig. 6. Silicate mineral distribution and stratigraphic relationships around the massive sulphide ore zone.

Chemical Analyses of Selected Silicate Minerals from the Woodlawn Orebody



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
SiO2 43.2 58.4 36.0 28.5 28.2 28.1 28.7 30.3 27.4
A1 2 O 3 28.2 1.81 16.4 20.2 21.0 21.1 20.6 18.7 21.0
TiO2 0.08 0.01 0.42 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.04
FeO 6.56 1.12 5.79 9.75 11.0 13.1 17.2 7.31 17.3
Fe 2 O 3 - - 1.97 2.06 - - - -
UnO 0.03 0.10 0.34 0.54 0.60 0.04 0.62 0.54 0.42
MgO 3.18 30.2 24.0 24.4 24.5 22.6 22.1 26.6 20.2
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CaO 0.01 0.43 0.45 0.08 - - - - -

Na2O 0.16 - 0.03 0.01 - - - - -
K2O 9.25 0.04 0.52 0.01 - - - - -
H2O+ 4.18 4.22 9.44 11.43 - - - - -
H 2 O" 0.32 0.09 2.05 0.37 - - - - -
P205 0.02 0.02 0.21 0.02 - - - - -
C02 0.66 1.70 0.48 0.42 - - - - -
S 5.16 0.90 2.57 1.70 - - - - -

Total 100.99 100.01 100.67 99.52 85.35 85.58 87.64 83.46 86.28

STRUCTURAL FORMULA (on the basis of 28.0 for chlorites, 24 (0, OH, F) for others)

Si 6.66 7.98 7.91 6.23 6.19 6.31 6.27 6.58 5.62

Al 1.54 0.02 0.09 1.77 1.82 1.69 1.73 1.42 2.38

Al 2.97 0.26 2.74 1.70 1.82 2.04 1.81 1.77 2.68

Mg 0.73 6.00 7.87 7.94 8.03 7.57 7.20 8.62 6.15
Fe 2 + 0.10 0.09 0.53 1.43 2.02 2.46 2.83 1.33 2.95
F e 3+ - - 0.32 0.76 - - - - -
Mn - 0.01 0.06 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.07

K 1.82 0.01 0.15 _ _ _ _ _

Na 0.05 - 0.01 - - - - - -

OH 4.30 3.76 13.83 16.77 _ _ _ _ _

Atomic 7.
Fe Fe + Mn
- 10 22 20 24 28 13 32
Mg Fe+Mg+Mn
1. 209/65.6 - massive muscovite with minor pyrite, 5 m in footwall
2. 57/420.6 - massive talc in massive sulphide ore
3. 36907B - green chlorite from hanging-wall volcanics
4. 209/65.5 - black chlorite with minor pyrite, 5 m in footwall
5. 217/58.5 - dark green chlorite in massive sulphide lens, 15 m above base
6. 217/59.8 - dark green chlorite in massive sulphide lens, 9 m above base
7. 217/66.1 - dark green chlorite in massive sulphide lens, 6 m above base
8. 216/83.6 - green/black chlorite in massive sulphide lens, 4 m above base
9. 216/91.0.- black chlorite in footwall chlorite schist ore
Analyses 1 - 4 by conventional wet chemistry
- Si, Al, Na by atomic absorption spectroscopy (W. Godbeer)
- Ti, Mn, Mg, Ca, K, P, Total iron by X-ray fluorescence (S.C. Coadby)
- Ferrous and ferric iron, H 2 0, C0 2 , S by wet chemistry (K. Mizon, G. Waddell)
Analyses 5 - 9 by electron probe analysis (J. Corcoran)
- all iron reported as FeO
164 D. E. AYRES

UOIIlJl Ollui) (2) chlorites from the ore zone show more intense
Footwall ^Iconics
u & & i Hanging-wall votconics 4.7A and 14A peaks,
Chlorite schist
Hinging -wnll ore zone
(3) chlorites in footwall chlorite schist ore and
— — Footwoll ore lone chloritic tuffs are not distinguishable using
Analysed ore chlorite (Table HI I
Analysed chlorite schist (Table m)
peak ratios from the ore zone chlorites, but
V ^ tncceasmg Fe/Fe -Mo ratio can be distinguished from the hanging-wall

Samples for analysis were sized to a nominal —200
mesh using a Sieb Technik mill with a chrome steel
barrel. The only contaminants introduced by this
method are Cr and Fe (Hesp & Rigby, 1973). Ana-
,J0H7ll lyses were made of the five major elements Fe, Zn,
Cu, Pb, and S, and of 17 minor or trace elements—
Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 18:54 05 October 2014

son uli O(IKA)

Fig. 7. I(14A) : I(7A) : I(4.7A) peak ratio plot for Ag, As, Ba, Bi, Cd, Co, Ga, Mn, Mo, Ni, Sb, Sn,
Tl, V, In, Ge, and W.
Woodlawn chlorites.
Using atomic absorption spectrometry, the major
talc is not a major gangue constituent. It occurs only elements Fe, Zn, Cu and Pb were determined, after
within the zone of extensive sulphide mineralization. complete acid digestion. Sulphur was analysed using
a gravimetric method in which the sulphur, regard-
Chemical composition of gangue minerals less of form, is oxidized to the sulphate ion and pre-
In their initial description of the Woodlawn deposit cipitated as BaSO4.
Malone et al. (1975) reported chemical analyses The 17 trace elements were determined by semi-
of the host rocks which included one analysis of a quantitative emission spectroscopy using two ana-
chlorite-rich schist from the footwall volcanics. This lytical techniques. Tennant's method (Tennant, 1967)
chlorite is a magnesium-rich type (talc chlorite). was used for the volatile elements As, Bi, Cd, Ga, In,
The present study has involved a more detailed Hg, Sb and Tl. The 'total burn' method (Morgan &
examination of the chlorites in the host rocks and Swaine, written comm.) was used to determine all 17
the massive sulphide ore. elements for each sample and overlap results from
The chemical compositions of selected gangue the two methods provided a useful check on the
minerals are shown in Table III. Analyses of both accuracy of the results. In most cases, where the
muscovite and talc (Anal. 1, 2), after allowing for range of standard allowed comparison, the results
sulphide impurities, are not unusual in comparison showed a favourable agreement.
with reported analyses (Deer et al., 1962). Chlorites, Base-metal element distribution
however, are more variable. A slate-green chlorite The average grade of the Woodlawn deposit as a
from just above the M.S. horizon is magnesium-rich whole is 1.76% Cu, 3.4% Pb, 9.0% Zn and 56 ppm
(Fe/Mg* = 0.1) whereas a black chlorite from Ag (Malone et al., 1975). The additional analyses
below the M.S. horizon (Anal. 4) is more iron-rich. reported above on samples from the North Shaft
Additional electron-probe analyses were carried out cross-cut give an average 27.8% Fe and 38.6% S.
to note any systematic variation in chlorite composi- Tabulation of these major element analyses cor-
tions around and within the M.S. lens (Anal. 5-9). responds to the elerrient distributions shown by
These analyses show that ore-zone chlorites are more Malone for drillhole intersections throughout the
iron-rich (Fe/Mg = 0.13 to 0.28) than those in the whole deposit. His contoured plots of the percentage
hanging-wall volcanics, but less iron-rich than chlorite grades of base-metal elements (Malone, 1979) show
from the footwall chlorite schist ore (Fe/Mg = the Pb and Zn distributions to be essentially similar
0.32). throughout the M.S. lens, although Zn is more uni-
An overall characterization of the chlorites in all formly distributed. The most striking feature, how-
samples of the M.S. lens and the adjacent volcanics ever, is the contrast in distributions of Cu concen-
was obtained by XRD analysis of ore and host rock trated in the southern portion of the lens and Pb and
assay pulps using the method of Oinuma et al. Zn farther to the north and east. This compares with
(1972). The intensities of the three main chlorite the vertical distribution of ore types (Fig. 2) with a
peaks were measured and the normalised I(14A) : Cu-rich zone at the base, a Zn-rich zone and finally
I(7A) : I(4.7A) peak ratios were determined and Pb-rich ore at the top, i.e. the initial deposition was
plotted using triangular coordinates. These chlorites more Cu-rich.
were also located in position relative to the M.S. lens.
The results (Fig. 7) show that chlorites from the ore Minor and trace elements
zone can generally be distinguished by XRD from The results of the minor and trace analyses, shown
host rock chlorites as follows: on the section through the ore horizon (Fig. 8),
indicate that the M.S. ore can be separated into hang-
(1) chlorites from the hanging-wall chloritic tuffs ing-wall and footwall zones at approximately the
show a more intense 7A peak, level where the gangue changes from essentially
quartz and feldspar-rich to chlorite-rich (Sample
* Fe/Mg = Fe + Mn / Fe + Mg + Mn. 179).
MAJOR ELEMENTS (%) T R A C E E L E M E N T S ( ppm )
Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 18:54 05 October 2014

100 0 10000 1000 0 .'MO «OO0 500 SO 0 50

•I. » ppmi PP»> ppm 1 ppml pp» 1 pp»i
0-1 60 60 01 10 01 10 30

68 651 16 11 16 9 729 8 1

Fig. 8. Chemical variations throughout the massive sulphide lens in the North Shaft cross-cut.
166 D. E. AYRES

GROUP I ( P b - Z n rich) GROUP II ( Fe-rich ) GROUP I I I ( Cu-rich)

No. of SompUs (20) (14) (6)
0 0-5 HI 0 0-5 1-0 0 0^ V0
Elsments I T I | T 1
Ag As •(•>
Bi .<•>
Sb • '•) •<•>

As Mn ' (•>
Fe •(•)
Sb •<•> •(•)
Sn •(+>
Tl •<•)

Bi Pb • (-) • (-)
Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 18:54 05 October 2014

Ga — (•)
Zn — (-)
Tl •<+)

Cd Ga — <•) •(-)
In -(•)
Fe •(-)
Pb •(•)
Zn •(+)
Co Cu •(•) •(-)
Ni •(•) •(•)
Tl •(•>

Ga Pb
Mn •(•>
Ge -(•)
Zn •(•)

Mn Cu
Sb •(•)

In Zn •<•>
Pb •(-)

Mo T l •H
Ni T l •M
Sb Sn •(•>

Zn Pb •(•> -<•>
Ge •(-)

S Cu
Fe •(•)
Confidence level 95 9899 99-9 95 9899 99-9 95 989999-9
Fig. 9. Significant inter-element correlation coefficients for ore samples from Woodlawn North shaft

The hanging-wall zone shows an irregular trend in minerals limited the amount of sulphide which could
element content, with below-average values for Ag be separated for analysis, a statistical sample classifi-
and Mo and above-average for Tl, Sn, Ni, Mn, Ge, cation was used to determine element associations
and Sb. The footwall zone shows an even trend with and provide information on the possible host mineral
below-average values for Sb, Mn, Ni, Sn, Ti and Ge for specific trace elements. Both of these features are
(not detected) and higher-than-average Cd and Ag, useful in planning mineral beneficiation and in inter-
and possibly Mo. A possible reason for these varia- preting the surface geochemical expression of the
tions is that the M.S. lens is composed of two distinct deposit.
parts which represent two separate pulses of the
mineralizing fluids. The major elements Fe, Zn, Pb, Cu and S were
used as variables for a Q-mode cluster analysis car-
Statistical analysis of data ried out on the CSIRO Cyber 76 computer using pro-
The major and minor element variation within the gramme 'MULTCLAS' (Lance & Williams, 1967),
ore horizon is obviously a function of the mineralogy, in which the criterion for similarity was based on the
and since the fine-grained nature of the sulphide 'Euclidean distance', standardized as defined by Burr
TABLE IV be expected, because of its occurrence as a minor
Mean Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of Ore Groups (Q mode) constituent of tetrahedrite-tennantite.
Arsenic gives high positive correlations with anti-
Group I Group II Group III Total Ore mony in all ore types, which again was to be expected
because of the mutual substitution of these elements
No of Samples 20 14 6 40 in tetrahedrite-tennantite. There is also a strong posi-
tive correlation with tin and manganese in the
Major Elements galena/sphalerite ore, suggesting the possible occur-
S 37.1 42.0 35.7 38.6 rence of tennantite, and with iron in the pyritic ore
where arsenic is a constituent of arsenopyrite.
Pb 4.8 1.8 1.0 3.2 Antimony also shows significant positive correlation
Cu 0.9 0.7 2.3 1.0
with tin and manganese, which may reflect the physi-
cal association of tetrahedrite-tennantite and stannite.
Trace Elements (ppm) Cadmium shows very high positive correlations
Ag 162 162 173 164
As 1125 750 175C 1086
with zinc, indium, and gallium — which is to be
Bi 60 69 95 68 expected, since all these elements are known to occur
Cd 1000 316 268 651 together in sphalerite.
Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 18:54 05 October 2014

Co 17 13 20 16
Ga 15 6 12 11 Cobalt and nickel correlate positively in the pyritic
Ge 1.7 1.3 1.8 1.6
In 11 6 13 9 ore and analyses of pyrite show trace amounts of
Mn 790 504 1050 729 these elements. A very high positive correlation with
Mo 8 8 7 8
Ni 10 10 12 10 thallium is indicated in the pyritic ore, suggesting
St) 234 221 253 232 that thallium is also included in pyrite.
Sn 262 173 217 227
Tl 28 47 32 35 Copper is significantly correlated positively with
sulphur and thus obviously with chalcopyrite in the
chalcopyrite/pyrite ore. It also correlates positively
Mineral (wt.% (calc.)1)
with cobalt which has been determined in chalcopy-
Pyrite 52.0 70.7 57.8
Sphalerite 22.6 9.5 6.9 - rite analyses.
Galena 7.2
2.7 1.5
- Gallium correlates positively with zinc in the
Chalcopyrite 2.0 -
Remainder 15.6 15.1 27.2 - galena/sphalerite ore, reflecting its known geo-
(lncl. gangue) chemical behaviour in sphalerite. The remaining, and
unexplained, significant positive correlations involving
gallium—with bismuth, manganese and germanium—
(1968). In calculating the 'distance' between two may reflect its occurrence in the associated gangue
samples the difference between standardized variables alumino-silicates.
was squared and summed, and the square root of the
sum was divided by the number of variables. From Although these inter-element correlations are geo-
the 'distance' matrix obtained for all samples, a hier- chemically reasonable, a more complete understand-
archical dendrogram was constructed using the ing, particularly of the behaviour of trace elements
'Group Average' technique (Lance & Williams, in the ore, will be possible only with analysis of indi-
1967). The sample groups established by this ana- vidual mineral separates.
lysis were then further statistically characterized by
calculating mean values and inter-element correla- CONCLUSIONS
tions (Fig. 9) using the programme 'MISTAT' deve- The Woodlawn M.S. lens is characterized by a
loped by D. Rigby, CSIRO. finely banded compositional layering, a laterally and
The ore horizon samples can be divided into three vertically repeated distribution of ore types, and con-
main groups based on the mean values of the major centric and colloform textures within the ore
element constituents (Table IV). These groups minerals. These features are consistent with those
correspond to the Pb/Zn-rich (galena/sphalerite), produced by deposition of sulphides from metal-rich
Fe-rich (pyrite) and Cu-rich (chalcopyrite/pyrite) fluids expelled onto the sea floor.
massive sulphide intervals of Figure 2. Within each The stratigraphic zoning within the lens, from chal-
group, inter-element correlations have been used to copyrite-rich pyritic ore at the base to sphalerite/
evaluate the distribution of elements. to that observed in other volcanogenic massive sul-
Major and trace element correlations. Positive cor- phide deposits in similar geological settings—Cap-
relations between major and trace elements are con- tains Flat (New South Wales), Rosebery (Tasmania),
sidered to be due partly to their substitutions in the Heath Steele Brunswick No. 12 (New Brunswick),
specific sulphide of gangue minerals and partly to the Buchans (Newfoundland), Kuroko (lapan)—as are
intimate association of the fine-grained sulphides, the ore textures and mineral assemblages. Differences
such as galena and sphalerite, in specific bands in the lie in the paucity of sulphate minerals in the Wood-
ore. Thus it is possible to interpret the inter-element lawn system and the lack of a recognizable iron for-
correlations with respect to the chemical composition mation above the ore horizon.
of the known sulphide minerals and the known geo- Preservation of the fine-scale stratification through-
chemical behaviour of the elements. out the M.S. lens, and the fine-grained nature of the
Silver shows a highly significant positive correlation minerals, indicate that the subsequent greenschist-
with antimony and arsenic in the pyritic ore, and facies metamorphism has not significantly affected
with antimony in the galena/sphalerite ore. This is to the original ore fabric. Within individual bands, how-
galena-rich (but still pyritic) at the top, is similar ever, microscopic textures indicate that many grain
168 D. E. AYRES

boundaries have adjusted in response to interfacial with distance from the source.
free-energy effects. Pyrite is less affected than other Compositionally, the ore belongs to the iron-
sulphides and coarse pyrite grains are noticeably sub- copper-lead-zinc type of Stanton (1972), although
hedral, or in some cases, euhedral in shape. Minor metal ratios throughout the M.S. horizon vary from
later deformation of the ore is revealed by the cross- Cu/Zn dominant to Zn/Pb dominant, and the aver-
cutting veinlets of chalcopyrite or galena. age composition is Zn/Pb dominant. Trace element
Mineralogically, the ore consists essentially of contents vary greatly throughout the M.S. horizon,
pyrite with lesser amounts of sphalerite, galena and but overall are similar to those determined for
chalcopyrite, and minor amounts of arsenopyrite, Kuroko-type ore (Takahashi, 1966), except for
tetrahedrite and electrum. Gangue constituents are higher average values for As, Bi and Sn and lower
predominantly chlorite, talc, quartz and muscovite. values for Ga, Ge, Mo and Tl. There is a suggestion
Compositional variations occur in sphalerite and from the stratigraphic variation in mineralogy and
chlorite, both within the ore zone and in the host trace elements that the M.S. horizon may have been
rock sequence. The iron content of sphalerite is high precipitated from at least two separate pulses of the
(up to 8 wt.% FeS) in stringer mineralization below ore-forming fluids.
the ore zone and in the underlying chlorite schist.
Within the M.S. horizon the iron content is high at ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Downloaded by [Uppsala universitetsbibliotek] at 18:54 05 October 2014

the base and towards the southern margin. However, The author is grateful to Jododex (Aust.) Pty Ltd
stringer mineralization above the M.S. zone contains for allowing access to samples from the Woodlawn
sphalerite with a lower iron content. Both the iron deposit and in particular to E. Malone for much use-
and magnesium contents of the chlorites vary, the ful discussion. He also thanks the staff at CSIRO for
ore-zone chlorites and chlorite in the footwall chlorite analysis of the many samples; D. Rigby for help in
schist being more iron-rich than the chlorite in the computer analysis of results; and J. Harris for tech-
hanging wall. These variations in both sphalerite and nical assistance and, not least, colleagues B. Gulson,
chlorite seem to suggest that the ore-forming fluids W. Ryall, A. Ramsden and J. Wilmshurst for per-
were changing in composition with time, as well as tinent discussion and for criticism of the manuscript.

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LANCE, G. N. & WILLIAMS, W. T., 1967: A general
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TAKAHASHI, K., 1966: Geochemistry of minor elements in
LANCE, G. N. & WILLIAMS, W. T., 1967: Mixed-data clas- the ores and ore deposit in the Kuroko type deposits.
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MALONE, E. J., 1979: Nature, distribution and relation- TENNANT, W. C., 1967: General spectroscopy technique
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