2.muscular Control of Movement

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The Structure and Function of Skeletal


• The muscle fiber

MOVEMENT • Fiber muscle action

fiber – contains P, minerals, glycogen, fats

Muscle fiber – the muscle cell
Muscle fiber – the muscle cell • Sarcoplasm contains high glucose and
myoglobin • Transverse tubules (t-tubules) are
• 10-80 µm – nearly invisible to the naked extensive network that runs laterally through the
eye • No of muscle fiber per muscle depends muscle fiber – main function to carry impulse,
on the muscle’s size and function also contains glucose, O2 and ions
• Muscle fiber is surrounded by plasma • Sarcoplasmic reticulum are extensive network
that runs longitudinally – main function to store
membrane called sarcolemma
ca++ ions essential for muscle contraction
• Sarcoplasm is the cytoplasm of the muscle

• Contractile protein
• Contain 2 protein filament
– Actin – thin filament
• Troponin, Tropomyosin
– Myosin – thick filament

Sliding Filament Theory binding with the myosin heads.

• Impulse received by the

sarcolemma. • Impulse runs down
the t- tubules.
• Impulse reaches SR, then triggers the
release of ca++ ions.
• Ca++ ions bind with troponin which lifts
up the tropomyosin.
• The active sites are then exposed for
Sliding Filament Theory..cont’d..
• During relaxation, the reverse occurs. • Myosin heads tilt producing the “power stroke”
• No more impulse, ca++ ions return into the SR that pull the actin filaments toward each other. •
through the “calcium-pumping system”. This results in the shortening of the sarcomeres. •
• It is also an active process. Needs ATP, ATPase Finally the whole muscle shorten, therefore
and glucose. contraction of muscle occur.
• No more binding between myosins and actins • Active mechanism that needs ATP, ATPase,
that results in the sarcomeres returning to their glucose etc.
original lengths.
Sliding Filament Theory..cont’d..

Motor unit
• A motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that it
innervates motor unit
Regulation of Excitation
Contraction Coupling
• Nerve impulse arriving at neuromuscular junction
• AP from motor neuron cause release of ACH into
synaptic cleft of neuromuscular junction
• ACH bind to receptors on motor end plate
• Producing an end-plate potential that leads to
depolarization (excitation) of the muscle cell
• Depolarization is conducted down the transverse
tubule, deep to muscle fiber.
• AP reach sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca+ release

• Ca+ bind to protein troponin.

• Causes a position change in tropomyosin
active site of actin uncovered
• Allow action myosin cross-bridge
• Attachment of ATP to myosin cross bridge
break the strong binding state
• Enzyme ATPase hydrolyzes ATP and provides
energy for another cross-bridge
• Contraction cycle repeats as long there are
Ca+ to bind troponin and ATP
Type I Type IIx Type IIa

Muscle functioning during exercise

: slower Vmax, lower max force production
ST or TYPE I or SO = 50% • Most frequently used = ST -more efficient
• Endurance and speed • FTa or TYPE II or FOG = and FTa -High glycolytic enzyme -Large anaerobic
capacity -Fastest skeletal muscle -High
-High mitochondrial
during exercise depend on 25% -Large number of oxidative enzyme
myosin ATPase activity
-highest Vmax
the muscle’s ability to • FTb or TYPE IIb or FG = -More capilaries -less efficient
-High myoglobin
produce Energy and Force. •almost 25% -Large capacity aerobic metabolism
-low resistance to fatigue
-Intermediate fibers -Endurance training
-high resistance to fatigue -Contractile power

Number of mitochondria, resistance to fatigue, predominant energy system,

ATPase activity, Vmax, Efficiency, Specific tension

Structural differences of ST
and FT fibers
• Sarcoplasmic reticulum
– Type II fibers has more developed SR
– Delivering calcium
– Faster Vmax
• Motor unit
a. No of fibers per motor neuron
Type I = <300 muscle fiber
Type II = >300 muscle fiber Muscle Fiber recruitment
b. motor size
Type I = motor neuron stimulate, fewer muscle fiber • A threshold must be reached
contract Type II = generate more force
before a response is produced.
• If the impulse carries strong stimulation
that reaches the required threshold, then
there is muscle action.
• If stimulation is below the threshold, there
is no action.
Fiber type and exercise Functional differences of ST
ST and FT fibers
• Recruited at low intensity and long • ATPase
duration exercise
• Nerve conduction speed
• Mostly used during high muscular • Aerobic capacity
endurance exercise
• Anaerobic capacity
• High aerobic endurance
• Fatigability
• More efficient in producing ATP from fats
and carbohydrates • Fuel
• wastes
Fiber type and exercise
• Anaerobic
• FTa > force than ST but fatigue easily
• Recruited mostly during high intensity exercise
that lasts for short period of time eg 1-mile run,
400m swim
• FTx not easily recruited. Only during very high
intensity and explosive eg sprints and 50 m

Classes of muscles
• Agonists (prime movers)
• Antagonists (opposers) also as a protective role • Synergists
(assistants) for fine tuning of the direction of movement
• Arm flexion – biceps brachii
triceps brachii Generation of force depends on
• No. of motor units activated
• Types of motor units activated
• Size of muscle
• Muscle’s initial length
• Angle of joint (angle of force application – AFA)
• Muscle’s speed of action

Types of muscle action

• Concentric 6
• Isometric or static
• eccentric

Lactate Threshold
• Definition
• Determination of lactate threshold by a graphic
• Significance or importance of lactate threshold
determination to athletes, coaches and scientists in
training and research
• Individual, 3-4 pages, 2 references, black tape, white A4 paper,
1.5 spacing, Arial 12

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